µTm Scenarios, T6(M)
A good place to start a discussion of non-selfsame qualitative numbers is with the notion of a definite manifold as employed in Husserliana. Let me quote an excellent short article by Ian Angus entitled Jacob Klein's Revision of Husserl's Crisis: A Contribution to the Transcendental History of Reification, an article posted on the internet:
Husserl’s critique of modernity in The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology centres on the mathematization of nature whereby nature is interpreted as in reality mathematical and thus amenable to a form of knowledge that is fundamentally mathematical. On this basis, modern knowledge accomplishes a mathematical substruction of the world in which the world as a totality is understood as being fundamentally mathematical and all qualitative features are understood to be secondary effects rooted in human subjectivity. In order to understand the constitution of modernity it is necessary to understand the original formation and perdurance of the structures that pre-form subsequent experiences. Here phenomenology encounters the question of history, not simply as empirical history, but as transcendental history. It is in the context of clarifying the sense in which Galileo established the new science that Husserl introduced the term Urstiftung -- which can be translated as ‘primal establishment,’ but better as ‘institution.’ It is mainly a temporal structure in the sense in which it is different to be born after the introduction of compulsory public schooling than before it, but it contains a spatial dimension in the sense that such an introduction begins in some places before others whose ‘uneven development’ then exerts an interactive ‘push and pull’ between them.
Immediately prior to his analysis of the mathematization of nature in Crisis, Husserl observed that the reshaping of philosophy at the beginning of the modern age was based upon the immense change of meaning whereby universal tasks were set, primarily for mathematics (as geometry and as formal-abstract theory of numbers and magnitudes). Thus, it is not only the interpretation of nature in mathematical terms, nor this combined with the ontologization toward a mathematical world -- which arguably was already present in Plato -- but that this combination is based upon a different mathematics unavailable to the Greek or Medieval worlds. Husserl associates this difference with the idea of a universal, systematically coherent a priori, an infinite, and yet self-enclosed, coherent systematic theory which, proceeding from axiomatic concepts and propositions, permits the deductively univocal construction of any conceivable shape which can be drawn in space. This axiomatic and deductive theory-form has normally been called, since Riemann, a ‘definite manifold.’ Modern knowledge thus consists in the a priori availability of such manifolds whose applicability to a given content-area is undertaken by the relevant science in each case.
In this context Husserl refers to sedimented judgment-systems, or definite manifolds, as techniques -- which he defines in this way: it becomes a mere art of achieving, through calculating technique according to technical rules, results the genuine sense of whose truth can be attained only by concretely intuitive thinking actually directed at the subject matter itself. The definition of technique as an art of manipulation of sign-systems without regard to content thus corresponds to the critical, healing role of phenomenology as accomplishment of genuine application through the restoration of the intuitive foundation of sign-systems. Here Husserl refers to the superficialization of meaning which unavoidably accompanies the technical development and practice of method, indicating that the specifically modern universal form of knowledge, the crisis of the sciences, and the critical and healing function of phenomenology are intrinsically bound up together and go back to the algebraic terms and ways of thinking that have become widespread in the modern period since Vieta.
The first thing to keep in mind when evaluating this is that all of Husserliana is about that sort of mathematics and science which has not assimilated implications of Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics, that sort which includes the work of Gödel on undecidability and incompleteness, for, clearly, Gödel did not assimilate Lukasiewicz. As long as m-valued logics are in one way or another interpreted relative to the notion of truth-value (including: sans Law of Distributed Middle, retention of Law of Non-Contradiction, and precise mapping upon the countable infinity of values over the 0,1 segment of the real number line or, given extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz logics, crisp or fuzzy mapping upon the continuum infinity of values over a one-dimensional definite manifold) or a notion of identity constrained to the selfsame (such as is done in polycontextual logic and fiberings thereof, even sans Law of Non-Contradiction) implications of Lukasiewicz have not been assimilated sufficient to actual employment of m-valued logics, as opposed to thinking about m-valued logics by use of 2-valued logic or employment of m-valued logics as if they were concatenations of 2-valued-logic recursions. How can we know this about Husserliana as revealed in the above-given three paragraphs? In the first paragraph, we have: and all qualitative features are understood to be secondary effects rooted in human subjectivity . This feature of modern science which Husserl hoped to homeopathically cure with judicious doses of reductive phenomenology is a feature possible only under the 1T2-order of Lukasiewicz logics, the only order under which distinctions can be drawn absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinctly, distinctions like that between quantity and quality, subject and object. Then, in the second paragraph quoted above, we have: the ontologization toward a mathematical world -- which arguably was already present in Plato . This arguably conceals a great deal, for Existentialism -- of which Husserl's brand of phenomenology is one school -- is preeminently anti-Plato by posit of its fundamental premise: Existence precedes Essence. Plato, or course, embraced the opposite premise: Essence precedes Existence. Now, this conflict between Platonism and Existentialism can transpire only among those employing the 1T2-order of Lukasiewiczian logical-value, and only that order, because such distinctions cannot be drawn absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinctly under any other such order. The whole body of discoveries Lukasiewicz made in logic was a proceeding from his successful challenge of the necessity of a proceeding, any proceeding, in logic. He successfully challenged the very idea of logical precedence, the precedence relations indicated by the word precedes in the fundamental premises of both Platonism and Existentialism (I am here back to the theme of my 1963 freshman paper entitled The Predicament of Existentialism which challenged logical, ontological and temporal precedence relative to Gödel, Heisenberg, and Husserl). One can further note, concatenating these excerpts from the first and second quoted paragraphs, that Husserliana's intent to cure science of its Platonism necessarily involves curing Platonism of its animistic-pagan-tribal Vedic idealism (as Sri Aurobindo said while studying ancient Greek at Oxford and in his book Plato and Vedic Idealism). The inability to draw absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct distinctions under orders of logical-value supraordinate to the 1T2-order is the foundational cognate of identity-transparency, that cursed participation inconsiente of the primitive -- primitives like, for instance, unrepentant Cabalists. Husserliana is a way of doing anti-Cabala without saying so; Rabbinical studies under a new guise. The Gnostics and the Sufis are other such unrepentants, and that's why the kill, kill, kill so intimately associated with spawn of the tripartite Fertile Crescent religion: Kierkegaardian either/or, either you are with us or you are against us, and if you are against us, this will not stand (be the case Iraq, Iran, Georgia, or any other possible member of NATO). In the third paragraph, there is the statement: the genuine sense of whose truth can be attained only by concretely intuitive thinking actually directed at the subject matter itself Hmmmm. Concretely intuitive thinking. Thinking, now. I personally do not believe that Edmund Husserl ever practiced what he preached; he thought about what it must be like to actually practice reductive phenomenology, this concretely intuitive thinking being an academic substitute for actually practicing eidetic reduction, say. Otherwise, he could never, for instance, have bought into Brentano's notion that time is in remembering, when memetime (which is what Brentano meant by time) is actually in Platonic forgetting, i.e., amnesis; while Platonic remembering, i.e., anamnesis, is atemporal. Historia is witless of active time proper, a nightmare in truth-value, the death of anamnesis, no wife of life.
It is curious, to say the least, that Husserl's idea of genetic logic like Russell's (Boolean) logical atomism and Piaget's (Euclidian) genetic epistemology has little actually to do with either of the two words in the term adopted -- and that Husserl arrived at this notion at about the same instant of memetime Lukasiewicz and Emile Post first published rigorous accounts of 3-valued and m-valued logics. Husserl's whose truth can be attained only by concretely intuitive thinking clearly indicates that Husserlian genetic logic is wed to truth-value, and that the concrete immediacy demanded of this logic is of the Existentialist variety, i.e., non-Abelian and anti-Platonic, contrary to the black-propaganda use of the word transcendental in the term transcendental phenomenology, and that the sense of intuitive required is that of the scientific usage, not the psychologism usage Leopold Kronecker, and the like, cured him of. Russell argued that the meaningfulness (not quantity of meaning or length, breath, or volume of meaning) carried by a given proposition diminishes as its order of logical-value increases beyond the Boolean, i.e., two. Piaget regarded cognitive development in early childhood as most fundamentally organized about Euclidian invariants discovered during psychomotor learning (despite the fact that at about the same time Piaget was arguing this, Luneburg demonstrated that binocular visual space is non-Euclidian). What Husserl was deconstructing -- with concretely intuitive thinking posing as phenomenological reduction, in lieu of the actual practice thereof, and by deployment of the syllogistic consequences of the Existentialist premise which makes reification, by fiat definition, a fallacy: Existence precedes Essence -- was the increasingly Cabalistic-Platonic orientation of science in wake of Abel's cyclotomic Impossibility Theorem and the cascade of trans-algebras, trans-finites, trans-logics it gave rise to. And Husserl was doing this, once he himself had been cured of psychologism, not only, or primarily, to cure science of its Platonic reification, i.e., ontologization to maths and perdurance thereof, but in the attempt, like Kronecker and the whole cohort fingering throats to expectorate by projectile vomiting an Abelian-Cantorian universe they could not stomach and dyspeptically introjected as a plaguing cholera of Yellow Peril, to save as much as could be saved of old science and old maths and old psychology and old identity: unbuilding as building-restoration project, begun with Felix Klein's program in geometry and Hilbert's program in foundations and continued, by good offices of the Prague School of Linguistics, with Bourbaki's program over the whole of maths. The reason why concretely intuitive thinking substituted for actual practice is that the Existentialist premise, like Brentano-memetime itself, was taken as given (stated in just so many words at the very beginning of Husserl's book on internal time consciousness), and therefore was not subject to any practice that could be associated with the Vedic positivism underlying Platonic Pythagoreanism.
In-der-Welt-Sein (being-in-the-world): a cognitive set which transforms Wonderland into wanderland. Sigma of all sigmas, including itself ? Off with their heads! says the red Queen of HeartMath freeze-frame. Bracket it in suspension: inner-stop to all realities. Living Lebenszusammenhang (life-nexus) ain't being-there in Being-in-itself. O, the intractable pain, the refractory existential pain of end-stage alienation, anomie, angst, autism -- requiring continuous palliative care for a dead species walking its fading, fading, fading green line. Enormous Changes at the Last Minute: great white hope ever since 1968. Analgesic doses preferred. Oh, dear God, no dissociative anesthesia, please. Inner counterwork be damned! Social-structure those collective attention cathexes with mass autohypnosis as antinociception. Cocktail the endogenous Ketalar with endogenous valium, fentanyl, O any inner-bracketing agent, suspendor, stoppage, interior-inhibitor of intermolecular electron-transport into unreduced transcendental domains. Laughing gas, indeed. Opera Mathematica, anyone? Hah-ha-har! Want, just so very much want those antinociceptive effects, without a thorough block being placed on any subtype of glutamate receptor, much less NMDA. Adjuvant alone, OK. No radical endogenous interaction with those opioid mu receptors and sigma receptors. Okay? Cocktail collective cathexes, CTC over µTm (i.e., muTm), what is that? Well I don' wannano.
Sexual suppression is one major manufacturer of mass warfare, holocaust, genocide by denying normative conscious access to even the most unelaborated states of identity transparency (which is why people have to ask what that term means). You think puritanic pogromming of witchcraft and sorcery, disparagement of papish exorcism, did not induce a greater regression yielding forth its spawn: genocide and holocaust of The New World; war's very own massification as well? Who is responsible for creating the perpetrators? Look in the mirror! M-logically-valued, identity-transparent relative-state: the more thoroughly repressed, the greater the impetus to nature rape and mass destruction. How does this relate to the issue of so-called reification? The discrete-concrete -- by genetic-logic and its concretely-intuitive thinking, said to possess being-in-itself, or, speaking concretely, to be a being-in-itself, and, hence, indubitably no reification by involutory decomposition of a mere abstraction, mathesis universalis, arithmetica infinitorum -- is totally reliant for existence upon absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct distinctions being drawn, and such distinctions are possible only under 1T2-valued logic and the predicated notion of truth, both this drawing and this predication being, under prescriptive enculturation, artifacts of glutamatergic neuronal etching to 1T2-valued-logic conscious registration alone. Doubt that? Then actually practice eidetic reduction rather than merely thinking, by employment of 1T2-valued logic alone, about what eidetic reduction must be like. If you actually do this practice sufficiently intensively over an adequate period of memetime, your brain will become subject to endogenous ketaminergic antidote to excitotoxic glutamatergic neuronal etching, and you increasingly will directly know (knowledge through identity) in all ontic immediacy bleed-throughs of m-logically-valued, identity-transparent relative-state. In diverse converse with inverses in all forms! Querents each and every, we are, aren't we? Or is the case one of simpletons in supplication? No corpus of prodigies, let it be admitted. Numinous or not? And when these bleed-throughs become sufficiently elaborate, in their perceptive and proprioceptive ontic immediacy, you will realize with great shock that what is consensually taken to be utterly concrete is the absolute peak of abstraction, mere consensuated constructivism (whereas Constructivism was a school of actual deconstructivists), and what is consensually taken to be height of the withering abstract is actually quite close to the concrete bare object stripped of enculturated attributions (The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even: the bride located on the layered transparent could be any found object, a urinal, even), if the notion of a subject-object distinction were at all meaningful, which it is not under such bleed-throughs. Being-in-itself does not contemplate being any discrete-concrete. Mere mystical simulacrum, deposit of the Moon's silver in some virtual reality? No. The Gospel of a postmodernist dispensational antinomianism? No. Inviolability of precedence relations: logical, ontological, temporal, social. History as force; strength in force-structure; force of argument; inevitability of the syllogistic march; necessity in structure of the logical progression; power of structure: Lukasiewicz successfully challenged all of these. Unfortunately, the Age of Reason has still to terminate; no matter how superlunary the inquiry and the discourse, we yet remain an appendage to 1T2-valued logic alone. Call that declamation reification if you will. But to believe you act logic rather than logic acts you, be you John Locke or some other, when heavens upon heavens of logic demonstrably exist beyond that valued 1T2, the sole logic you will, seems much more than trivial arrogation and self-attribution, even to an ego in an action-based sociology of contrition, if such has ever disported this incarnate world. Experience, alas, does not convey clarity, quite the contrary -- snicker, snicker -- unless, of course, clarity be construed in 1T2-valued-logic terms alone (experiencer vs. that experienced), so much does speakable language impose its conventions as limitations upon knowing. The attribution of, the claim to, being-in-itself by any discrete-concrete is ridden with ontological guilt (hence the inordinate need for noise, even to the extent of a probabilistic theoretical treatment of autopoiesis-by-noise) because this attribution, this claim denies existence of relative-state identity-transparency, that property of nature actually most fundamentally responsible for spontaneous self-organization and synergistic superintegration. Rule-regulated democracy amongst reciprocally-claiming and mutually-claim-reinforcing discrete-concretes in self-attribution of being-in-itself is the gutter of aggregation which all identity-transparent relative-states altogether shun: lipstick on a pig, still a pig.
False-prophetic pessimism, nihilism, fatalism, doom: criticism this Cassandra laughs at, because for forty years, she has been describing, hoydenishly, it must be admitted, not only what she thinks will happen, but why, and how it could be avoided -- and how and why the collective choice not to avoid has been and will continue to be made. My 'I' -- the contrasexual 'I' to the anima, correspondent to the physicist's self-duality slash anti-self-duality trapped in the larger context of the 8-fold Way of the intra- and extra-psychic components of the personal and collective transference on its various levels of abstraction -- got into this because, from middle-elementary-school age -- for my 'me': Ashiya, kita-Kyushu, Japan -- the adult male cohort this 'I' was subjected to -- that generation! -- cognitively knee-jerked whenever any criticism was voiced, Keep your mouth shut, if you have no viable alternative to offer. This 'I' learned early that the word viable controlled here, and that it meant any suggested alternative must not violate any overt or tacit assumption underlying whatever was being criticized (particularly assumptions about the nature of proper thought employed to establish validity-utility-morality of the case criticized). Go to Tokyo while remaining in Fukuoka! This was this {my ['I'/i]}'s earliest introduction to quantum mechanics. And the lesson was occasionally even delivered by backhand. So, later, much later, as an undergraduate deciding to drop out before irreparable cognitive damage was done, when my 'I' came across F. S. C. Northrop's indeterminate aesthetic continuum (definitely not a definite manifold), this 'I' immediately knew Northrop was not only talking about The Meeting of East and West, but also about going to Tokyo while remaining in Fukuoka, and that, somehow, this kind of going had to do with overt and tacit assumptions underlying -- substructioning, that is, or is it subfunctioning? -- quantum mechanics (as well as much else). One (and/or all) has/have to understand that Husserl's transcendental was not, and is not, Abel's transcendental: Husserl essayed against Plato, whereas Abel's possibility theorem, deemed the Impossibility Theorem, essayed for Plato. Calling Abel's theorem on the quintic, which demonstrated existence of maths transcendental to algebra, an Impossibility Theorem prefigured Husserl's designation of the constellation, institution, Urstiftung of a Lebenswelt by its corpus of Umwelts an event in transcendental history -- a type of history which is a back-channel way to dissimulate Platonic anamnesis. Why did Husserl need to dissemble Plato's All learning is remembering? Because that learning, that remembering, is atemporal -- and Brentano, to whom Husserl subscribed, held that time-in-itself, the given-time of Husserl's internal time consciousness, that is, no mere time-rate perception, is in remembering, a remembering assuredly not atemporal.
The whole of scientific method is based on the notion that motion is fundamental and repeatable, and, moreover, the irreducibility of this fundamental repeatable motion was analogically generalized to the principle of logical progression used to make motion as a notion unassailable: the idea that evidence of the senses cannot be taken with naive literalism, due to coerced consensuation at early-childhood enculturation and socialization, is false relies strongly on logical demonstrations like Zeno's paradox regarding the tortoise and the hare. This was largely the Greek contribution to the rise of science. Al jabr was the Arab contribution. During the Renaissance, mathematically-designated space was formalized over the discovery and codification of linear perspective whereby three dimensions can rigorously be represented in two. In due course of collective haptification of space by consciousness of the socius in linear perspective, the notion of the temporal was spatialized, and during the latter part of the 19th century increasingly regarded as a fourth dimension. But the generalized notion of motion and motion as a sensory given are dependent upon and derivative of what Husserl-following-Brentano regarded as existing time -- or the relation between given motion and existing time is inverse to this, or circular as a matter of mutual definition. With full-blown relativistic spacetime, the factor most associated with the notion of motion differs from dimension of space only by opposite sign. Later, Stephen Hawking suggested a number system difference: imaginary rather than real. In this spatialized notion of the temporal, the factor most unassailably associated with motion is handled as a higher condition of stasis, with one or two distinguishing features, both numerical in character: sign, and type of number system, themselves number-theoretically handled by spatial representation. On the face of it, this does not seem to be at all likely. Is the simplicity -- not to say simplemindedness -- of this notion of the temporal due to the absence of a functional equivalent to linear perspective with regards to mathematically-designated time? Rather than doubting time as given, bracketing it, Husserl, in taking an existing time as a given for concretely intuitive thinking about internal time consciousness, did not positivistically in actuality directly explore in lived ontic immediacy instances of the fingerpost which those sorts of time which are not memetime actually are -- operators effecting axial behaviors, as poets of the Vedas certainly understood, if we are to credit The Myth of Invariance -- and thus made his contribution to prevention of development of a functional equivalent to linear perspective for mathematically-designated time. Indeed, this may not have been an oversight on his part, perhaps even an objective -- given Kronecker's attitude toward the Cantorian universe and given how factors involved therein impinge upon the notion of motion and motion as a sensory given, as well as time as an existing time either by Kantian category of understanding or sensory deiknynai-dictus (the to show, judge, pronounce at root of the concept of natural law and its supposed razor, supposed by aesthetic sensitivities as they congealed during the European Enlightenment).
Gobsmacked. More's the pity, but subverting the Individuality of Characters by denying them due diligence at Development is a cardinal Sin to the reigning Literary Critics. And why is that? Diapedesis is the Crime: oozing through. Bleeding the gossamer mists of Platonia by superconductant quantum tunneling (re: intranuclear neuronal DNA): identity transparency demerging as kundabuffer dissipates by interneuronal, transcortical march of long-range phase correlation. Non-simple identity. Diaphaneity: the state of identity transparency factoring time dilation and spatial contraction, ultimately nonlocality in 2-logically-valued cognition over memetime and ponderable space (but not in m-logically-valued cognition over Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space, where determination, certainty, decidability, locality, selfsameness, entropy, isotrophy are relatively indefinable in logical-value order-types supraordinate to that binary). What actually is concretion of time, anyway, if we bracket it -- that facility stacking Husserlian facets unto the analytical Cubist imago (archetypal image of a mathematical relation-structure carried by the collective unconscious -- conscious registration of m-logically-valued processing having been glutamatergically etched away) and which the Cubist painter pulled out in painterly fashion for all to see? Did Einstein's -- more likely his first wife's -- concretely-intuitive-thought epiphany, yielding forth the seed for a generative grammar of Special Relativity, codify concretion of memetime in Zeitgeist airs of the times? Nah! No functional equivalent to linear perspective for mathematically-designated memetime there. No Musculpt! The issue of simultaneity is certainly involved in any superposed stacking upon the layered transparent of The Large Glass -- or is it unstacking? Coherency and decoherency: which of these biadic transposes yields the bride strippable by her bachelors, even? And whose Damien is the stacker, or the stripper of the stripped? Operator-time? And what if, on a higher-level order-type, the stripped is a self-stripist? What kind of time is concretioned? Memetime? Nah! What bleeds through in temporal diapedesis? Consider memetime-mediated motion-as-sensory-given an artifact of conflation of higher dimensions by the glutamatergically-etched molecular-cellular brain not containing the quantum brain. N-dimensions conflated to a 4th dimension? Entertain non-synaesthetic color perception and sensoria of non-skew-parallel figures (as did Kandinsky and Mondrian, among others early trying to exteriorize synaesthetic inner Musculpt) as an attempt of the etched molecular-cellular brain to make sense of, or to de-conflate, higher dimensions: Chromodynamics of the Instant of the Fingerpost. In successfully challenging the necessity of logical progression -- thus superseding the Baconian logic of Novum Organum Scientarum whilst, strangely, illuminating the Fingerpost Francis Bacon held true and inviolable (Iain Pears, An Instance of the Fingerpost, Berkley, 1999, p. 557), Lukasiewicz and Emile Post shattered the supposed relationship between motion and time. How? Can no longer -- longer in memetime, heh-heh-heh! -- absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinctly define an increment, a point, an interval, hence can no longer define memetime as an objectively real (and real numbered) linear time. Because of diapedesis in m-logically-valued mists of Platonia! Why? That's what Eric Temple Bell spent a lifetime (before beamtimes) addressing: issue of discrete vs. continuous in cyclotomic cascades from Abel's Impossibility Theorem Platonizing-Cantorizing higher mathematics and post-Newtonian physics. Deconflating higher dimensions handled by molecular-cellular brain as colored motion in glutamatergic ponderable space and memetime (the actual, if subliminal, objective of M Theory) in due course -- if there is to be a due course for human species, planet Earth -- will yield suprascience founded upon superstates of matter cyclotomically decomposable by Lukasiewiczian operator-time. The temple at the center of time is not a structure, numerical or otherwise (e.g., David Flynn's The Temple at the Center of Time: Newton's Bible Codex Deciphered and the Year 2012); it is an operator whereunder the center is everywhere. Endtime has not to do with the time of the end, but with the end of memetime as a cognitive-function artifact of glutamatergic neuronal etching. 'Get behind thyself!' and memetime will be transcended is one biblical codex. Quetzalcoatl's hole in the sky is an acoustic analogue to the blackhole computer through which the imaginary-numbered, Penrose-twistorized, cascade-process, scale-relativistic rope ladder mediates solar-terrestrial interactions cascading DNAnebula-mediated solar-system/Milkyway-galaxy interactions which humanity would be well-advised not to alter with climate-shifting interventions.
Why do you think it takes the spontaneous fusion of a countably infinite number (or is it a continuum infinity) of eidetic horizons to get a discrete constant object found under Husserliana, while it takes spontaneous localization by collapse of the superposed wave-function to a single value to get a discrete constant object found under quantum mechanics? The coherent versus the decoherent. What is the meaning of this retrograde inversion, so reminiscent of dodecaphonics? Not modulation in tonal space, modulation of tonal space? Heinrich Shenker, Victor Zukerkandl. Jean Gebser tells us that analytical Cubism explored the fusion of eidetic horizons, not by Husserlian eidetic reduction, but by painterly concretion of time. A painterly walkabout around the object in no-memetime recorded on the canvass as the breakout into awareness of the superposed spatial discreteness of object-facets subliminal to normotic awareness, i.e., spontaneously fused as far as the glutamatergically-etched conscious mind of socialized cognition is concerned. No self without its object; no object without its self. Erdgeist re-constellated by a Da Sein-ing of the object. Why even bother to paint it again, once done once? Unless one is an object fetishist, a dealer. The meaning of the retrograde inversion is contained in the probability-amplitude interpretation of superposition in the Schrödinger wave-function of the modified original time-dependent modification of the original time-independent Schrödinger wave equation. Apply Everett's relative-state interpretation, not to a universal wave-function, but to the wave-function for the constant object and the superposition is not that of probability amplitudes, but that of eidetic horizons or object-facets: the bare-object, as opposed to its glutamatergically-etched normotic eidolon, is the pure, unsullied, unreduced, quantum-wave state, not its collapse by glutamatergic etching. Moreover, this etching undoubtedly transpires in the molecular-cellular brain by a collapse of the wave-function imposed by socialization of cognition at prescriptive enculturation. What are the horizon-facets of an object, superposed in concretion of time, not by probability amplitudes? F. A. von Hayek's time-shapes of total capital stock -- in this case, the chronotopologies of the set of all sets of constant objects, including itself, eh what? Order-types with a vengeance! Fiberings of Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics (understood in relation to identity-transparency: identity :: discrete; transparency :: continuous) strung as Regge-lattice nets (the bare-nexus substructioning the life-nexus or Lebenszusammenhang or super-suprasets of Roger Boscovich's point-centers-of-[quantal]action or Sri Aurobindo's warm-golden dust of [superconductant]Supermind) and numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers over the space of percepts and propriocepts enveloping the hyletic-psychetic data of bare-objects. Is this space, this manifold, a definite manifold? Or is it an indeterminate aesthetic continuum? Or is it both? Or is it both and more? By what order-type(s), each such question asked? Answer to each obtained in which order-type(s)? It does not seem likely such questions can be usefully addressed absent what Lancelot Law Whyte (in 1949, was it?) called The Next Development in Man: evolution of a living human metalanguage of natural form in process, Musculpt as mathematical notation.
Again, as above, quoting Ian Angus quoting Husserl and continuing with his own observation:
[Modern mathematics as distinct from that Greek or Medieval is associated with a] self-enclosed, coherent systematic theory which, proceeding from axiomatic concepts and propositions, permits the deductively univocal construction of any conceivable shape which can be drawn in space. This axiomatic and deductive theory-form has normally been called, since Riemann, a 'definite manifold.'
This, of course, applies to modern mathematics only as the modern was before Lukasiewicz, in that Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics (rigorously codified and published by 1921, four years before the appearance of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function), by extensions of aleph-null-valued propositions, infinitely-infinitely- transcends deductively univocal construction and, hence, with profound implications for Musculpt, very greatly expands the notion of conceivable shape and the notions of numbers employable to mark conceptions of what shape is as physical, spatial, temporal, semantic, symbolic, musical, metaphysical, ontological, epistemological category(ies). Even the notion of definite as in, say, definite manifold cannot, under Lukasiewiczian logics, remain univocal, as from one Lukasiewiczian order-type to the next meaning of terms like determinant, definite, certain, local vary fundamentally. For instance, what looks utterly nonlocal to a 1T2-valued ratiocination, may appear quite local indeed, thank you, to a 23T37-valued ratiocination: the range of what is resolvable to 23T37-valued ratiocination greatly exceeds what is resolvable to 1T2-valued ratiocination (either by the restricted Webster's meaning -- reasoned train of thought -- or by extension to Matthew Pearl's The Poe Shadow meaning with incorporation of intuition/feeling and perhaps that which is paranormal to 1T2-valued mind). But actually, as Poe's shadow suggests, this post-1921 condition of modern mathematics, goes back, by clear implication, even for a 1T2-valued ratiocination, to long before Husserl -- suggesting that Husserl-following-Kronecker was characterizing not the modern-in-itself but the modern-for-Husserl-Kronecker. Successful challenge to the parallel postulate by non-Euclidian geometries, Abel's Impossibility Theorem establishing the possible existence of transalgebras, codification of Clifford parallels and Kaluza-Klein internal dimensions, to mention a few instances, each in its own way, brought univocality into question. Lukasiewicz followed this out in logic, while J. G. Bennett did so with regard to geometry. Quoting from my article Lukasiewicz-Gödel Encoding by Schrödinger-Samaropa (superposition) over Kun Gzhi (quantal allbase) at Homeopathic Potentization:
Bennett, in helping to develop a theory of skew-parallels and diversely-identical skew cubes as an extension and application of Clifford parallels, made no link to the m-valued logics of Lukasiewicz and Post, a link essential to rigorous understanding of the diversely-identical in animistic identity-transparency and to set our ontology free from the limitation of single-valued existence, to quote Bennett's appendix on the subject. (Bennett, J. G. [1956]. Appendix III, The Geometrical Representation of Identity and Diversity, in The Dramatic Universe, Vol. 1, pp. 506-9. London: Hodder & Stoughton.)
Bennett's diversely-identical skew cubes, I submit, whilst being indeterminant manifolds to a 1T2-valued ratiocination, are determinant manifolds to the appropriate Lukasiewiczian order-type of ratiocination. Jean Piaget, after the fashion of Bourbaki, confused these issues rather thoroughly. Piaget says:
The decisive argument against the position [that of Jacob Klein in revisioning Husserl, I would point out] that logical mathematical structures are derived uniquely from linguistic [more generally, symbolic] forms is that, in the course of intellectual development in any given individual, logical mathematical structures exist before the appearance of language. (Genetic Epistemology, p. 41)
These logical mathematical structures that exist before sound very neoPlatonic to me! But Piaget's notion of mathematical structures was too Husserlian, in that it neglected implications of successful challenge to the parallel postulate during the early-19th century. Quoting The Moon of Hoa Binh (Vol. 2, p. 523):
The implications of Luneburg's [The Metric of Binocular Visual Space, Rudolf K. Luneburg, Journal of the Optical Society of America, Vol. 40, No. 10, October 1950; and The Luneburg Theory of Binocular Visual Space, Albert A. Blank, Ibid., Vol. 43, No. 9, September 1953] discovery (that visual space is not Euclidean, as we had always thought, but a non-Euclidian metrical space), for Piaget's theory of the evolution of the idea of space in the mind of the child, is profound. Piaget's intention [which was intensional in the Husserlian-Websterian sense of ratiocination] was to determine the invariants underlying the space concept throughout its ontogenetic evolution [vis Husserlian introduction of the term Urstiftung ]. He arrived at the notion of displacement groups based on the algebraic group of displacements in Euclidean space [E8, a tea tray in the sky]. Each were considered a priori of physical reality. The displacement groups forming the idea of space were seen to follow one after another successively from the sensory-motor level to the most abstract conceptions. In other words, the psychological representation of 'displacement groups' is made up of 'operations' of sensory-motor intelligence which predicate the invariants by which the infant organism maintains the identity and continuity of objects even when their form of appearance varies these 'displacement groups' (particularly their invariants) are the fundament of the space concept, and they carry over into all developmental levels of intelligence subsequent to sensory-motor intelligence. (note to: Principle Factors Determining Intellectual Evolution from Childhood to Adult Life, Jean Piaget, in Organization and Pathology of Thought, David Rapaport (ed.) N.Y.: Columbia, 1951). Luneburg's non-Euclidean metric proves that Piaget's Euclidean invariants are simply the constant factors underlying learned behavior, i.e., artifacts of socialization. In fact, as Piaget's genetic epistemology is based not only on observations of childhood behavior, but also upon an historico-critical analysis of scientific thought, we can only conclude from his findings that the history of science well into the 19th century was the working out of the [1T2-logic] implications of the socialization of cognition. I'll see it when I believe it!
And we now know that the socialization of cognition is anchored to the brain by glutamatergic neuronal etching, which I maintain reduces readout to conscious awareness from m-logically-valued to 2-logically-valued.
The fewer the Abschattungen (profiles), the closer the Found-Object-as-perceived is to being a Readymade-by-glutamatergic-neuronal-etching at prescriptive enculturation. As regards its bare hyletic-psychetic data, the Selbstgebung (selfhood) of the object exists by relative-state identity-transparency at all scale levels, thus its being in Being-in-itself -- independent of as-perceived and glutamatergic neuronal etching -- is a transfinite collection of sheets of Novikov dust, warm-golden dust, Kami dust, dustii, corpuscular pointillistic idioretinal photisms, so on, each such sheet constituting a Borel set of Boscovichian point-centers of [quantal] action. Marcel Duchamp understood this quite well by 1917. I always remembered that the urinal came first, but apparently the first Readymade of 1913 was the first kinetic sculpture, a mounted Bicycle Wheel, whereas the urinal was found and placed in 1917. But, actually, the Bicycle Wheel as first Readymade of 1913 makes a great deal of sense, for the piece Duchamp placed in the 1913 Armory Show was the painting entitled Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2, which was at the memetime described as an explosion in a shingle factory. Futurism on Cubism, its own breakaway white-on-white! The shingles being stroboscopic superposition of flash-facet Abschattungen. Static higher dimensions of the object represented to neuronally-etched perception as lower-dimensional motion of color: chromodynamics of the instant, the temporal timbre of operator-time, chronotopology. This was a step further in drawing portraits of object-selfsameness and object-constancy gestalts, reaching for a notion of classes of objects as Husserliana's horizons, those gestalts of superposition in profiles. Further than what? Ah, what one can learn from a district ill-reputed in Barcelona, eh what! Analytic Cubism: Pablo Picasso's Les Demoiselles d' Avignon of 1907. Portraits in a forward-projecting facet-space, not a space of receding linear-depth. Collapse of feeling space at onset of identity-transparency transferred to ponderable space: the object coming in on my me! Why the Husserlian designation horizons? In linear perspective there is only one horizon -- and it is not of the object, but contextualizes the object's selfsameness and constancy. Husserlian horizons of the object contextualize to classes the object's non-selfsameness, its skew-perpendicularity, its diversely-identical skew-Cubism. Nowadays, we can recognize these horizons as visuals of Karpenko functors (over the primes) of Lukasiewczian m-valued logics Gödel numbered with Gödel numbered Gödel numbers. With actual advent of Musculpt as mathematical notation, found aural objects will enter this picture such that the objet trouvé handled will be synaesthetic. No matter how much Duchamp subverted retinal art, still the path of recognition remained that predominantly inspired by those collective cathexes determined largely by visual dominance. Synthetic Cubism provided the most graphic visualization of Abschattungen: the m-facet logics of Georges Braque's the Accordionist and 'Ma Jolie': Woman With a Zither or Guitar, both of 1911. To get a heuristic Pointillism-Impressionism impression of the m-logically-valued reference space (MVRS), handle the m-facets as equilateral-triangular meshware, cyclotomically decomposing and recomposing scale-relativistic scale levels by the photic Christmas-tree effect: points dropping out of and into view. Today, I am at rest. Fifteen years ago, I felt a strong sense of urgency; ten years ago, I was in a panic; now, the window of opportunity is most certainly closed. The course will be run, but this prerequisite, herein contemplated, to bottom-up implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units can be properly pulled together -- likely not by me -- somewhere in the quiet space at the center of the cyclone.
Robert Poli (while discussing Husserlian Abschattungen, fibration of the substrate space of algebraic topology as distinct from m-valued Lukasiewicz logics and/or the chronotopologies of Abelian transalgebras, collective binding or the kollektive Verbindung of the Shinto rope, figural moments as differentiable from Kozyrevian temporal-spin moments, spatial round-going as opposed to temporal round-going in a very informative paper entitled Perspective Shifters) by implication subtlely raises the issue of relative-state identity-transparency in the question as to whether an operation must have an operator. He provides reasons why the answer should be thought no: no-self operations, largely by the common assumption that there is no collective occasion of experience, a highly anti-animistic pre-miss. There exists non-I/i thinking; therefore, no-self is the case. Anti-Descartes. My other-I-am's perspective on this matter is that the answer depends upon your cognitive perspective as to the meaning of the notion identity qua identity, i.e., what order of logical-value is brought to that notion. Schizophrenogenic or no, only under the 1T2 order-type is an absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct distinction drawable between operation and operator. Speakable and unspeakable in regards to the quantum mechanics of autopoietic operators, temporal operators, topological operators as distinguishable from operator-time and/or chronotopological operations, then, is Lukasiewiczian in nature, sort-outable and fully expressible only in synaesthetic Musculpt as mathematical notation. However, Robert Poli, by asking how the objects to be perspective-shifted are cognitively constituted as objects qua objects, immediately posits operator-time, but then treats it spatially, i.e., in figure-ground terms. Quoting page 5:
If we consider this aspect as well [cognitive constitution of objects], we must conclude that the initial cognitive situation cannot have any objectual valence. Precognitively, that is to say, there are no objects to connect. At most, what is given is a set of (temporal) indices and connections (rhythms) among them.
Found temporal object! Best represented as found aural object on Musculpt manifold, no mere spatial construct. What is being represented? Temporal operations on the m-logically-valued reference space by which object-constitution over hyletic-psychetic data demerges cylotomically, points dropping out of CTC-order-type view, until (Platonically speaking: amnesis) discrete-concrete objet trouvé appears glutamatergically Readymade to 1T2-order-type cognition. These higher-order, non-linear temporal operations being atemporal insofar as passive linear referential memetime is considered alone. By going on to an exclusively spatial treatment of the found temporal object, Poli concludes that the complete, graspable, round-gone object is necessarily virtual. But this so-called virtuality is order-of-logical-value dependent, and that is why concretely intuitive thinking with 1T2-valued logic is no adequate substitute for actual practice in immediacy. Moreover, the complete object is infinitely infinitely non-selfsame, for each Husserlian Abschattungen (profile) Readymade to 1T2-order-type cognition is, to CTC-order-type cognition, a removable veil of relative-state identity-transparency. Ironic, to say the least, the roles Polish persons played in creating the finite-iteration 1T2-TuringMachine: stealing the Nazi cipher machine, helping with the cryptanalytic task which quenched Turing's original drift of thought not at all inconsonant with that of Lukasiewicz. Picasso reversed perspective depth to object imploding upon the viewer-surrogate-for-painter in Analytical Cubism not by analysis, but by feeling-into: the analytical part was the judgment of an art critic. Feeling-into ponderable space reverses haptification such that the tactile sensory dimension becomes synaesthetically fused to other such dimensions: early-onset by cross-modal correlations, such as colored touch, colored hearing, the timbre of a direction, and so on. A Stockhausen Ylem. Under antidote to prescriptive enculturation by glutamatergic neuronal etching, i.e., by endogenous or exogenous anesthetic-dissociative ketamine flood, tactile apprehension of body boundaries can altogether recede such that the imploding object (a person, say) can be directly sensed in immediacy inside the skin, so to speak: ketamine bond of the third kind, at least, and in no way conforming to the requirements of 1T2-valued logic. And if this were done in an isolation/flotation tank well, the Tank Logs of John C. Lilly, M.D., are highly recommended. People don't understand and/or acknowledge superintegration, how interconnected things are. The suppression of Lilly's research over decades helped prevent formulation of new monetary system ideas -- and that prevention is deeply involved in origins of the current global economic crisis. One could even reasonably conclude that the way in which that crisis is being met was subliminally chosen specifically so as to continue suppressing research/idea-creation such as that engaged in by Lilly. However successful suppression in the short-term, addiction to a failed system eventually exacts a cataclysmic price. Just as Polish people conspired in the suppression of Lukasiewicz logics out of the necessity imposed by the war significantly caused by the suppression of application of Lukasiewicz logics to interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function (straw that broke the camel's back with regard to origins of WWII), so the travesty that was the Bretton Woods Agreement issued out of the same impulse to suppression. All the same issues were and are directly involved. George Soros' reductionistic interpretation of self-referential propositions, for instance, certainly falls into that pattern of suppression, as does his resolute commitment to existing-system fundamentals. Nazification from the left or the right, what does it matter? Nazification is as Nazification does. The FEDization of central banks by planetarized dollar-creation swapola windows, central banks becoming branches of the FED, those central banks nationalizing private banks the world over: one more giant step on the road to a Green Shirt we are the world one vehicle/reserve currency monopoliticaleconomy with but a single scale level and all local information stripped from exchange processes. Whatever Judy Shelton thinks! True student of Milton. Exposed to m-logically-valued monetary units in 1998 and still has not found her specialist-in-monetary-meltdown way to F. A. von Hayek's time-shapes of total capital stock: algorithm of issuing resident in Poli's found temporal object, cognitive constitution of money with m-logically-valued objectual valence. Shelton, in condoning yet one more global conclave on planetary monetary systematics, elegantly reiterates insistence upon the latest in 18th century thought on self-organization by markets. Weimar moment for the WholeEarth! Once the global economy is restructured to Hitleromics, The Next World War Will be Economic, as the Washington Post says, will be over and what do you think will follow? One sort of figurale Momente. Each time the-suppressors-that-be find another way to save BW in a new incarnation, they consign another billion or two to the death rolls of the price ultimately to be paid. This price is inescapable. But who is in a position to second guess the collective-unconscious orchestrator of human mass behaviors? Maybe there is a kollektive Verbindung of human-species sentiment, knowing, apperception, an epistemological fibration of collectively projected event gradients predicated on the awareness that this collective Selbstmord is the only salvation of Earth's biosphere. Were it so, this would speak highly of human moral cognizance. I certainly cannot gainsay that thesis.
The notion that a complete object is always absent, is only virtual, is itself notional, because only a single given Abschattungen figural profile can be presented to awareness at a given instant of round-going, ponderable space being what it is, what we absolutely know it to be, is, of course, based on the assumption that memetime is a spatializable, objective-linear, real-numbered, passive-reference frame (the unquestioned existing time of Husserl's internal time consciousness) and on the mistaken pre-miss that quantum superpositioning, with its m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian properties, is inherently inaccessible to conscious awareness -- quantum biochemistry having no significant role to play in cognitive neuroscience. Not to mention the ultimate absurdity: consciousness as the set of all chronotopological operators on the quantum reference space. Time travel may not be to either the past or the future of memetime. Time travel by complex-imaginary and hypercomplex operator-time's temporal curl may not be conceivable in terms of glutamaterically-etched linear memetime. Complete object by the round-going of temporal curl as the baud rate of consciousness approaches scale-relativistic limits! There are more things in the world, Horatio, than The quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain has no occasion of experience, and most assuredly no collective occasion of experience -- however so much collective and cooperative phenomena are found to dominate critical behaviors of material systems. The glutamatergically-etched molecular-cellular brain simply cannot otherwise conceive it. By concretely intuitive thought, not by actual practice of reductive phenomenology, this was Husserl's Kronecker-program! Which is not even to mention that the subject-object distinction, itself, is absolutely-in-so-far-as-drawable only under the 1T2-order-type in logic. Moreover, the hallowed notion of psycho-physical parallelism, in ordinary space, as John von Neumann so strongly insisted in promulgating his formalism, which was used to dissimulate Everett's relative-state formulation, would be diagonalized to psycho-physical skew-parallelism, if not mapped over the indeterminate manifold of the aesthetic continuum which is the Abelian counterspace of counterhypernumber arithmetics Gödel numbered by counter-Gödel numbering of counter-Gödel numbers. Such reification by nature! And, therefore, we will not consider that money could be anything other than what we have always known it to be. Not to mention everything else we will not consider. Look through that telescope? Hah! An instrument of the Devil! And if we have to destroy the whole biosphere to avoid such Goode looking through, we will do so smugly, certain we are right not to consider what should never be considered.
In this case -- the case of the round-gone complete object -- not a universal wave-function (like that of Hugh Everett, III, in his relative-state interpretation of quantum mechanics), but a complete wave-function of the graspable object. Take a scale-level shift in a scale-relativistic framework: from that of the universe as a whole to that of the object as a whole. Abschattungen figural profiles are not the object-state propensities of Karl Popper's interpretation of quantum mechanics, which could be understood as the context within which George Soros arrived at his interpretation of the meaning of self-referential propositions, the logic backdrop for his notion of market reflexivities and the involved predilections to over-reach any hypothetical equilibrium. If space articulations are functions of temporal operations, then Abschattungen figural profiles are superposed object-state chronotopological flash-facets productive of the constant object at round-going. Such space articulations constellating the complete object would correspond in Einstein's General Relativity to changes of spacetime curvature, where the paradox that mass, which is spacetime curvature, curves spacetime such that mass is produced, is partially resolved by agency of operator-time, if only it were to be understood that changes of spacetime curvature occur only at Special Relativity relative absolute limiting values of dynamical variables. But this is not understood because universal physical constants are not understood to be m-valued because such constants cannot be understood without employment of m-valued logics, which are not employed. One way to get some impression that this is likely so, is to look at the sequence of Regge lattice equivalents to a given change of spacetime curvature: each such flash-facet lattice in the discrete collection of lattices corresponds to a given value of the involved m-valued universal physical constant step-function (likely related to a hypernumber generalization of the Riemann Hypothesis). A way to get another such impression is to consider the Regge lattices of neural-network neuronal firing patterns which correspond to the spacetime curvature configurations of the neural holograms involved in short- and long-term memory storage at round-going of the complete object during Piaget's stages of cognitive development at prescriptive enculturation. Glutamatergic neuronal etching removes m-valued universal physical constants -- or, well, at least the m-logically-valued cognitive wherewithal required to understand m-valued physical constants. Ketaminergic antidote to glutamate flood, of course, temporarily restores m-valuation of universal physical constants (which is what the Umph! Umph! Umph! of The Lawnmower Man is all about). Moreover, the round-gone complete object, however constant, is not actually selfsame; it conforms to the non-simple identity of quantum mechanics, because each Abschattungen figural profile flash-facet at round-going -- by virtue of being relative to the perspective of another object, i.e., the viewer -- is a representation of a relative-state in the full Hugh Everett sense of the term. The corpus of such representations -- of some Cantorian cardinality and equivalent Lukasiewicz order-type -- being equivalent to F. A. von Hayek's time-shapes of total capital stock of the complete object. My proposition is: such a complete object could be econometrically treated as a unit of exchange.
Assuming a consistent system, it must be incomplete; assuming a complete system, it must be inconsistent. Why? Gödel numbers tell me so! And why is that? Because that is the way Gödel designed them to dissemble Lukasiewicz. He took propositional symbols and put them up against natural numbers; then, for a given proposition, referenced each term to a prime number raised to the power of the natural number assigned to the involved symbol. Then he multiplied these together to get a very large number called a Gödel number. Then, to quantify the syllogistic march held by propositional logic to be necessary according to agreed rules, he multiplied Gödel numbers together, in series formation, such that the Gödel numbers of theorem(s) can prove one another. Analogical models in design, here regards the number theoretics of the logic of arithmetic over homeopathy. Lukasiewicz was to be cured! And if Lukasiewicz were de-dissembled, would consistency be consonant with completeness? Nope. Why not? Look at topos theory of the space of the object! Rised up right outta WWII, it done. Sheaves stacked or round-going? Is a round-gone set of sheaves a stacked set? Subobj category-theory classifier, eh what. Not subject-object, object subordinated. Consider special objects of the category object: call them Abschattungen figural-profile flash-facets at round-going. The characteristic function of the object field, consisting of the subobjs of the object, determine {belonging, not-belonging} as regards special objects of the category object. Do monic arrows help? Ah, the true arrow! Now that's the one I go for. Monadic, wouldn't you say? Not apropos? But how can you say that? Certainly not p-adic! Polyadic or prime-adic do you mean? Uh, uh. Out, out damned well, first-order, uh, propositional, hmmm, types in predication, or is it predication of types? Ah! There always is recourse to second-order logic. Don't forget your predicates! Properties and relations: systems of kinship and marriage. Doesn't Gödel coding take you into a Gödel mapping which translates being into becoming? Yes, that pregnancy. From term to predicate! Variables in term positions lost to those positions predicated. Aspectuality! The nature of aspects -- Chompskyan, or no. Levels in predicates: achievements, accomplishments, states, individuals, collectives, kinds, actions, orders, stages, types. Hah! They must be bound, one way or another. Otherwise Ohmygawd! Absence of binding quantifiers! No simple placeholder, role-filler, ack! become some godawful literal string or wildcard character -- simple identities like that. Their ilk! Yeah, I know, dummy variable, right? Can't determine {belonging, not-belonging} as regards the characteristic function, which, apparently, has no such characteristic. What about a non-characteristic characteristic, then? Well Not gossip. More like self-propaganda. An assertion asserting on its assertion. That's not a second-order logic! Sorry. It just looks like it is. When they excluded the excluded middle rule, the notion of logical-value got redefined to a question, as opposed to a statement: to what extent true? Not true or not-true, but to what extent over any statement that can be determined to be true or false, i.e., the old formal definition of a proposition. Since, by cardinal numbers of sets and subsets, there is no highest order of Cantorian infinities, there exists calculabilities incalculable under terms of Church's Hypothesis, calculable iff recursive -- lambda calculus, or no; churchpower or unchurchpower, or no -- such that the set of all sets, including itself, of special objects of the category "object", herein called Abschattungen figural-profile flash-facets at round-going, cannot be resolved to a function determining {belonging, not-belonging}: the animistic-quantal non-simple identity of the object, objective or subjective. No truth-value object spoken here! So, please, alternative Gödel numbering schemes may not all involve only the natural numbers or powers to only the natural numbers, for, clearly, the Law of Non-Contradiction, not merely the Law of Distributed Middle, has long since been left behind -- to the rapture of some and the tribulation of others -- as logical-value separated itself from truth-value. Alternative Gödel numbers numbering the same Gödel number may be the same non-selfsame number! An object not equal to itself. Gödel numbering of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers, in order to quantify de-dissembled Lukasiewicz logics, has nothing substantive to do with second-order or higher-order logics of predication to properties and relations, for such speak of selfsameness, not animistic-quantal relative-state identity-transparency.
I don't know why T. S. Eliot called the complete and graspable object a half object, whilst the plastic essence of the physical object Rilke mastered as Ding-Gedicht immediately after Einstein produced his Special Theory was, by contrast, an experiential codification of object constitution over a set of (temporal) indices and connections (rhythms) among them, to use the words of Robert Poli. Perhaps this divergence between the two poets was because Eliot had even less direct ontic engagement with non-linear time than did Husserl (see: TimeWaste of Half-Objects) with his concretely intuitive thought commitment to an existing time -- whereas, for Rilke, the poem was a time machine twisting Husserl's real-numbered existing time onto the complex and the hypercomplex number fields (nowadays referred to as Hawking imaginary time). Imaginary time is experientially just no time at all -- at worst, absolute nihility; at best, eternity, atemporality, the ever-present moment -- for those glutamatergically identified with the binary mind. Or maybe it was that, like Husserl and Poli, Eliot regarded the complete object a virtual object, and, therefore, a half object. Rilke did not make this mistake, anymore than did Proust in saying in Remembrance of Things Past (indubitably a Platonic form of remembering, not Brentano-remembering) that perhaps the immobility of things that surround us is forced upon them by our conviction that they are themselves, and not something else (see: For the Mirror is not the Glass). The complete object is virtual only under 1T2-valued logic. Under extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz logics (understood independent of the notion of truth-value) the object is completely complete. By 1907, when Rilke was bringing together his experience of the plastic essence of the physical object as Ding-Gedicht, Lukasiewicz was simultaneously taking the initial steps in his break with 1T2-valued logic, with its ruled-lawed and syllogistic necessities. Two years after the advent of absolute limiting velocity and seven years after the quantum of action (with their involved universal physical constants, then thought to be single-valued and numbered with selfsame self-identical numbers). And seven years before WWI, deep-structure of the origins of which involved back-reaction on the cognitive metric of the Axiom of Choice over Cantorian cardinalities. Non-virtuality of the complete object -- or the virtual particle, or the virtual exchange -- is resident in its non-selfsameness, its relative-state identity-transparency, which can only be fully cognitively realized under, at the very least, the CTC-order of m-valued logics. Pencils of Clifford parallels, i.e., fiber-bundled superstrings, can only be fully cognitively realized as non-virtual under, at the very least, the CTC-order of m-valued logics. Why? Everett relative-state -- Claude-Levi-Strauss raw, not cooked in Bohr's Copenhagen kitchen -- denotes, like the haiku poem, that All-every-thing is holographically contained in Any-one-thing (see: TimeWaste of Half-Objects). Haiku stops the world -- freeze-frame, freeze-frame -- stops passing-passive linear existing time, that bloody memetime: it is a mere literary conceit that the prime sequence 575-77-575-77 is p-adically truncated, renormalized to a discrete poem. The complete object is non-virtual by virtue of its relative-state to the world being in Being-in-itself. There is no counting, no recursive calculability of, the aperspectival, in that there is no last Cantorian cardinality of Abschattungen figural-profile flash-facets and their collections into Husserlian horizons (according to characteristic functions which have no characteristic characteristic). Knowledge through identity-transparency, by virtue of cognition in extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz logics -- likely lost with the prescriptively-enculturated glutamatergic rise of the binary post-bicameral mind (the word bicameral being an obvious misnomer for whatever that pre-binary-logic mind actually was, with its myriad synaesthetic-animistic, cross-modal, long-range phase-correlations between the hemispheres). Many human beings ago. Nowadays: wonky wheel for a brain, tainted as a tipsy tumbrel. Ten-billion people, wonky or witherward of Lukasiewicz, cannot survive on planet Earth without availing themselves of comparative advantage, and planetary comparative advantage cannot be realized without globalization. Not to mention survival of other species and the biosphere as we have known it. What kind of globalization? A globalization of but one Earth-object Abschattungen figural-profile flash-facet, or but one horizon of some collection thereof? Could this possibly be a WholeEarth, a complete and graspable Earth, as viewed from the Moon, from Mars, from ? Consider that comparative advantage is a factorial decomposition product of relative-state identity-transparency. Only with nested m-logically-valued LETS, Gödel encoded, Gödel referenced to a mapping over fractal e-boundaries to which asset-basket-backed currencies are defined and marked to market with nested indicator-tags, could the superposed relative-states of comparative advantage be made explicit as the F. A. von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock and processed by authentic quantum computers employing m-level phase-qu-bits.
Gotthard Gunther's polycontextual-logic (PCL) interpretation of Lukasiewicz, no less than Karl Popper's propensities-interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function, is a politically- and economically- and psychoneurotically-motivated Husserlian-Kroneckerian avoidance of the quantal non-simple identity of the object dictated by the Abelian-transalgebraic, Cantorian-fractal, Axiom-of-Choice-abiding fibration of Abschattungen figural-profile flash-facets superposed in relative-state to the corpus of horizons or preimages constituting the object-physical of projective-identification at collective occasions of experience (which all occasions of experience are by prescriptive enculturation over the collective unconscious aspectualities of subliminal apperception: just attend, for instance, to the identification compulsions attendant upon peripheral vision). Moreover, Gunther's orientation, no less than Popper's, was substantially motivated by the corpus of Sorosian self-reflexive overcompensations to the corpus of Hitlerian self-reflexive overreactions leading directly to WWII -- the deep-structure origins of which had much to do with Husserlian-Kroneckerian thematic evasion, one of several dozen varieties of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance (to endogenous ketaminergic neutralization of glutamatergic neuronal etching at prescriptive enculturation; whereas the Weimar-innovated electroconvulsive and subsequent chemoconvulsive therapies fix the prevailing state of neuronal etching) -- according to clear implications of the clinical evidence accumulated by Autogenic Training practitioners during the Weimar Period in run up to onset of WWII (see: Echo of the Mockingbird). Each of these interpretations assumes an existing time so as to sustain the presupposition of simple identity. Popper's propensities obviously relate, not to Schrödinger's original time-independent wave equation, but to the equation as renormalized -- or glutamatergically etched -- to existing time dependency. Same with probability amplitudes. Both propensities and probabilities have passing-time built in -- and in so doing, simply by interpretive fiat, quench the time independence of Schrödinger's original insight, and thus preclude authentic superposition, relative-state, non-simple identity. Basically, by arbitrary redefinition, make quantum mechanics tantamount to a Newtonianism. There are myriad forms of this Newtonianism, and I personally regard them not only intimately involved in origins of both world wars, but also of the present global megacrisis and its prevailing financial subcrisis. A monetary system adequate to complexity of 21st century human civilization and its impingement upon the environmental surround, for instance, is precluded by such arbitrary preclusions. Quoting Jochen Pfalzgraf concerning Gunther's polycontextual logic (as regards the object-physical, each Abschattungen figural-profile flash-facet being a context, or the perspective upon the object of a context) from his very interesting paper entitled On Logical Fiberings and Automated Deduction in Many-Valued Logics Using Gröbner Bases:
It was the objective to extend classical cybernetics especially in the direction of modeling complex communication systems -- in particular living systems -- and cooperating autonomous agents. The basic idea behind polycontextual logic was to provide each agent with a local individual logic which was assumed to be a classical 2-valued first order logic. All the subsystems are composed in a specific way by describing how they form as a whole a many-valued system (via a so-called mediation scheme which imposes constraints on the collection of all the classical truth values of local 2-valued systems which are labeled by the index of the corresponding system.
The prescriptively enculturated presuppositions imposed here are so legion one can hardly keep a straight face upon one's facial horizons long enough to permit a whole-face transplant! Trope: being killed for declaring oneself single in FaceBook. If there was ever a more thorough essay against Albert Szent-Györgyi's quantum biochemistry or Herbert Fröhlich's orientation to quantum mechanical concepts in biology than this, I certainly have not run across it. Superconductant free-electron gas core of intranuclear neuronal DNA is certainly ruled out by the basic idea, the assumptions, and the constraints. Pfalzgraf continues:
This typical way to introduce a system of distributed logics forming a PCL, motivated us to interpret such a system mathematically as a specific type of fiber bundle The set of preimages over a point b in the base space is called a fiber over b. Thus, the total space is decomposed by all fibers over the base space. In a vector bundle the typical fiber is a vector space of a given dimension. Influenced by this powerful notion we came to the idea to replace the typical fiber in a vector bundle by a logical space and this lead us to the introduction of the concept of logical fibering. In accordance with PCL systems, in our first definition of logical fibering the typical fiber is a classical two valued logical structure.
Now, if I am not mistaken, fiber bundles are composed of Clifford parallels which are skew. You can either interpret this skewness to a geometry that reconciles it to the rules of classical 2-valued logic and come up with a General Relativity that is incompatible with the non-simple identity inherent to quantum mechanics, and treated by the various Newtonianizations of the quantal as nonlocality -- and if you do, thus generate two world wars, a great depression, and likely a greater depression and a third world war -- or, like J. G. Bennett, understand this skewness in terms of the diversely-identical in animistic identity-transparency and to set our ontology free from the limitation of single-valued existence with Everett relative-state understood by Lukasiewicz logics interpreted independent of the notion of truth-value, and, if so, have the opportunity to create a monetary system facilitating avoidance of a greater depression and a third world war.
Absolutely not. This thing will run its course in due course. And what a course! It makes no more sense now than it did thirty years ago for me to work myself more deeply into these areas -- any of them. I've rightly backed away from that at every stage of my life. Concentrated on certain intrapsychic facilities -- while more or less merely keeping my ear to the ground. No use to polish your boots for a long march to nowhere. Military brats learn early to be judicious at volunteering. The experts have had, and continue to have, every conceivable aspect of it covered. They spend their thirty or forty or fifty well-funded hours a week upon it, while I, at my peak, worked intensively in my free time after sixty hours with a pick and shovel. And whatever component one might find, the experts have taken, and are continuing to take, 180-degrees in opposition to the direction I would like to see it go. Michael Jackson forward-backwalk in goose-stepping rows of single-file. My calculus instructor told me not to ask fundamental questions or I would lose interest in class material. I've found that is not all I would lose interest in. Contemporary human civilization! Meet this media marm, that celeb? This genius, that mover-groover? This funder, that upriser? Meet new people? For what? Now, if they were to carry their investigations into the right directions, then maybe I would not drop their courses. But no fundamental change is to be expected. In half a century there have not been, and there still are not, any indications of such to be found. That having been the case, that being the case, I have concentrated in the fashion I have, and will continue to do so. The persisting planetary circumstance expresses itself in one of its dimensions by the reactionaries and the back-reactionaries, binary minds falling to the neocons and the neolibs in mirror image, two sides to the wall of the collective-hysteria induction funnel, neither of which can exist without the other: whatever either of them do carries the system in the same direction because both are utterly identified with 17th- and 18th-century cognitive sociologies -- even Marx was a throwback to the 18th century; that's why he moved to London -- whatever new technics they might turn their attention to. You thought he -- you know who I mean -- was a disaster, just you wait! Greater China incorporating Japan? Nah! Nebba ha-pan! The under-35 crowd in Japan is resurrecting, not the radical groups of the late-Fifties to early-Seventies, but the pre-'56 old-style Japan Communist Party. Why? Not out of disillusionment with designer labels hanging out for all to see, but because the market system has failed to allow them to buy as many designer labels as they would like to have! Can you imagine the leaders of the G8 sitting down for a day or two or three and deciding on a new global monetary system? OMG! Not a conference of birds, a conference of dodo birds! If one singly-logically-valued, fiat, vehicle/reserve currency got us this far, just think what three could do!
Yes, but When you read American- and British-written monetary-system histories, including that of Milt and Anna, they mention who had the gold, and when, but the emphasis is placed just so, you know. Helps if you grew up, not only the son of a bomber pilot, but also the son of a materiel-troubleshooting superstar! No monetary historian slaps you in the face, for instance, with the fact that Bretton Woods was pretty well settled long before Bretton Woods, settled by the U.S. holding back until after The Battle of the Kursk Salient, settled by Allied procurement procedures and even to some extent by Lend-Lease. You think that in demanding gold in return for weapons and other materiel, the policymakers had no thought in their heads about postwar inheritance of imperial mandates, banking intermediation, and all the rewards that should accrue to those reliquefying the illiquid? Who had the real Goldfingers, anyway? Hogan's Heros? By the end of the war, the U.S. held the vast bulk of the planet's monetary gold reserves, and then, with the Marshall Plan, printed dollars on that gold and gave them to some of those from whom the gold had come. And issued writs to some and none to others: by permission, given Marshall Plan monies, the French were permitted to divert a significant portion of their own budget to financing activities in Indochina and Algeria -- whereas not the Dutch to East Indies, not the Brits to the Raj. Not that the French, for instance, who had performed so very very well during WWII, and then in Indochina, were filled with gratitude: they led the charge which depleted the gold reserves backing the gold-exchange mechanism of BW1 -- and now, today, 2008, they again are in the lead, attacking the non-system system their earlier charge had so strongly helped precipitate. While I was working at CICV-Targets in Saigon at the end of 1967, the USAF was flying so much gold to London it didn't have enough aircraft left over to bomb French Indochina! Friends like that. I think Obama should jump up onto the French postmodernist bandwagon, don't you? Holding so much gold, was there any chance the foremost WWII victor would countenance any system -- such as those advocated by White and Keynes -- not anchored to gold, so long as the vast bulk of gold was concentrated in her hands? In order to create a level-playing-field monetary system by currency-reference to gold, all gold mines found anywhere on the planet would have had to have been put under status of supraUN Trust Territories (the UN at that time being a combat arm of the U.S.), and existing gold reserves distributed equally amongst all nation-states on a per capita basis at the postwar start-economics-over point. A distribution far more equitable than that of SDRs, IMF Special Drawing Rights -- and nowhere near the prime distribution of a Riemann Hypothesis, not to mention that of a hypercomplex Riemann zeta function. The same would be true today in resurrecting a British-Empire-type gold standard or a BW1-style gold-exchange mechanism at a fixed price for gold -- if there were to be a level playing field. If not, well, then the alternative-system choices are legion -- and outcomes depend on articulations of force in all its various forms. And BW2 was also pretty well settled long before BW1 was ever created, settled by British oil policy followed on by American oil policy, which policies insured a smooth transition from, largely, what was tantamount to barter, to dollar-denomination of oil transactions -- on pain of coup, invasion, execution, other forms of force-structure management, were this dollar-denomination principle violated. The U.S. is currently stressed as regards enforcing this principle only insofar as it is unwilling to call a general total mobilization to such enforcement: at any point, merely a decision away accompanied by the domestic knocking of a few heads. So, when, for a range of reasons -- largely by the guns-and-butter way the U.S. financed its activities in Indochina on back of the French activities there financed by U.S. writ over Marshall Plan monies printed on gold received in Allied procurement -- gold reserves became dispersed around the planet, were no longer concentrated in the hands of the foremost victor of WWII, monetary-system gold reference was abandoned and, by BW1 overhangs plus Anglo-American oil-policy realpolitik, the monetary system became commodity referenced: the petrodollar system of BW2 -- after a little OPEC oil shock, of course. Well, not actually a commodity-reference currency system; no system at all, really. Just a system of hangovered overhangs from the defaults of the prior systems: sins of the fathers going back for hundreds of years, at least. Seeing the writing on the wall by 1967 -- Dak To and the specter of so-many Hamburger Hills -- SDRs anticipated compensating (the French-proposed composite reserve unit had been rejected, and well so as this composite was no real system-composite) the truly staggering default to every nation-state on the planet which was the August of 1971 unilateral Nixing of the gold-exchange mechanism of BW1 (Nixon's way to put it to White in a fashion he failed to do back during the Forceful Forties and Fitful Fifties when White was charged with personally collapsing the GearWheel's currency! That whistling White boy who tried to get a level playing field out of the Bretton Woods conference. The most explicit immediate monetary impact of the Tet-'68 offensive was a chaos-theory bifurcation of the gold market into two tiers, LBJ's prefiguration of the 1971 closing of the gold window. O, for another Dull, Duller, Dullest Dulles! I think I heard that sigh several times planting trees at the Harriman estate, as this or that globalony was disparaged. Nuts! to that.). Doubt that SDR's grew out of the default implicit in the various Hamburger Hills? Consider this recent assessment (so similar to that produced by Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, during the spring of 1968) by monetary theorist/historian Barry Eichengreen (Global Imbalances and the Lessons of Bretton Woods, Working Paper 10497, National Bureau of Economic Research, May 2004, p. 9):
Given the inelasticity of global gold supplies, dollars provided essentially the entire increase over time in international reserves, other currencies playing a negligible role. Agreement to create Special Drawing Rights in 1968, which took several additional years to operationalize, came too late to change this fundamental fact.
And this overhang continues to grow by enormous leaps and bounds -- helped along by the stab-in-the-back-myth facilitated knee-jerk U.S. reflex response to The Sting of 9/11 mounted by AQ&A, of course, and no better understood by Obama than by Bush -- as BW2 continues to unfurl and deleverage all the leveraged derivatives-of-risk concentrating the local and relatively-local risks of risk to the macroscale of the non-system system. SDRs haven't kept up with the overhang, so -- considering all the individual and class-action litigation around the world on issues related to WWII, slavery, sunken ships, pre-revolutionary ownership, comfort women, old pictures and sculpture, alienation of tribal lands during the North American holocaust, and so on and so on -- no voluntary compliance, whatever gun be held to the head, will be forthcoming from the U.S. as regards a fundamentally new monetary system, because this staggering overhang will have to be accounted for in any new system adopted -- or there will be litigation from day one unto eternity, indenturing generation upon generation. Unless, of course, legal systems are outlawed under the new system. A real possibility, the way things are going. But who can guarantee that any written-in halting algorithm will not at some point be violated such that litigation is reinstated?
What is the measure of money, its standard? If that standard is to be a store of value, then value must be consensually defined to the mutual satisfaction of all users. Is there any such definition of economic value? If not, then how is it one expects a truly workable, let alone an equitable, monetary system? The only standard-based system there can be is that where the explicit or tacit definition of value is forced by the most forceful. With fiat currencies, there is no actual store of value -- hence, no problem with consensual definition of value -- only the expectation of a store of a modicum of purchasing power in a system free of purchasing-power parities and rife with purchasing-power-affecting cycles of myriad type with their over-shooting self-reflexivities. And if systems without standard are not good enough, what potential commodity reference is distributed in nature in standard fashion? Gold, silver, diamonds, other precious stones, those semi-precious, oil, uranium, other minerals, hard woods, wheat, rice, sugar, cockle shells, nuts, hay, corn, beans, domestic animals, endangered species, ice, fresh water, GMOs ? Are any of these, or any basket of these, in uniform natural distribution over planet Earth such that an equitable, level-playing-field monetary system could be created on the basis of a commodity-basket currency reference setting a standard of value -- if value somehow could be consensually defined to the mutual satisfaction of all users? Normal Gaussian distribution? Prime number distribution? What distribution would be the distribution yielding an equitable system? Certainly no discrete/concrete will be found in such a distribution in nature -- at least until the Big Bang burns itself out in the Big Freeze. But what about not in nature -- or rather not in nature as perceived by the prescriptively enculturated, glutamatergically-etched awareness? Does a standard of value have to be readymade as a found object, an objet trouve? Maybe the standard needs to be stripped bare. Or if it is to be clothed in a commodity reference, the theater beneath the skirting, must be that of bare objects. Soul cloths, covered with cosmological metareferences. What is a standard of value but a trope? Tropological metareference. What, in ritual gift exchange, did the soul cloth cover? What sort of universal covering surfaces were sacred cloths? The object of exchange was not the object of the exchange in ritual gift exchange. The standard of value exchanged was not in the object exchanged; that object only covered the standard of value, which was no discrete/concrete but existed on a much more abstract level. In the case of the people Marcel Mauss studied in arriving at his general theory of the gift, hau was exchanged. What was hau? It was a trope indicative of the animistic identity-transparency between giver and receiver exchanged at ritual gift exchange and signified by exchange of a physical object. And why was this identity-transparency so important? It was the engine driving the sacred sociopoliticospiritoeconomy. In modern terminology, hau, the standard of value, was the relative-state quantum-potential of the self-organizing system. Not on the objet trouve level of nature is the standard to be found, but on a much deeper, more bare, abstract level of nature. Call this level the MVRS, the M-Logically-Valued Reference Space. Since uncoerced consensual definition of value meeting mutual satisfaction of all users is, in the nature of things, not possible, localize vehicle currencies to LETS, and nests of LETS local to global, and allow asset-backing schemes of whatsoever LETS-specific choice to clothe the MVRS in a universal covering surface, which would have a non-vehicle Unitas reserve currency indexed as a real superposed composite to the cyclically-fluctuating relative-state of the vehicle currencies composing it.
Where can you read about this? Nobody else interprets 19th century higher mathematics in such fashion. Or multi-valued logics. Or quantum mechanics. Or origins of the world wars. Or monetary exchange units. Or information exchange by insurgent infrastructures, superconductant DNA, Earth's atmosphere. Place a Western eight-year-old for three years in a very traditional Japanese hamlet during the early-1950s. Expose to primitive (as opposed to state) Shinto animism. Abruptly lift out of that generative empathic mode of cognition and immediately plunge into the cognitive environs of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Stir, with yearly relocations. During early high school, provide self-study courses in symbolic logic, topology, foundations of mathematics supervised by a retired university professor. Expose, during the senior year of high school, to Schrödinger's multi-valued wave equation in an honors PSSC physics class simultaneous with exposure to the theory of multi-bank credit expansion in an experimental honors economics class. If this recipe is meticulously followed, by 1962 you may already have inculcated the epiphany for a notion of m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian monetary exchange units as transformational topos operators upon fractional-reserve multi-banking and the layered credit manifold such m-banking recursively generates. But what could be done, in 1962, with such an epiphany? Atlas not only shrugged; he slapped. Indeed, what could be done with it in 2008? Not exactly the year to move up from liberalism to quantum economies!
The problem with that is one can't do small things well unless big things have been done first. Could Beethoven have written his Fifth Symphony -- not to mention his Ninth -- had the diatonic system not been codified first? If the Zeitgeist of one's era is a Weltanschauung in deautomatization, how meaningful is it to devote a life to small things? Meaning is context dependent, so the only way to get meaning out of a life in small things under such cognitive circumstances is to constrict awareness of context way, way down. If enough people do that -- designer labels; the make of car that makes one's self-image; absorption in the latest gadget, the earliest antique: very small things, indeed -- deautomatization of the cosmogony can persist perseveringly, insuring that the required big things never get done. And even though discrete/concrete self-constricted awarenesses never directly register it in the fullness of ontic immediacy, the collective unconscious is deeply moved by the resultant cognitive dissonance and increasing incidence of double-binds. Maintain vigorous economic growth and the oxymoron of sustainable development raises its ugly head in a universe which has submitted to the Second Law of Thermodynamics: sustain industrial development for a mere three- or four-hundred years and you entropically induce a planetary climate-shift dynamic -- maybe even on more than one planet, if component processes of larger spheres are superintegrated according to reverse-cascade principles disallowed by the Weltanschauung deautomatized. How then expect to do a small thing well, like, for instance, effectively meeting a climate shift -- only one of many prevailing natural crises provoked by sustained application of the failed paradigm -- whilst the foremost prerequisite big thing, the re-automatization of a newly codified Weltanschauung, continues to be neglected by self-constricted awarenesses focused upon extraction of meaning from lives devoted to very small things? Cannot so expect? Then might as well seek meaning in very small things, what! Psychiatric Ruhmkorff coil, that induction! Speaking here of the most intelligent, of course. A set-mind ruminative, not a 4-chambered ruminant. No moos about it! For those who suffer lateral mental cleavage, by glutamatergic neuronal etching, the very idea that the unconscious intersects the conscious is sufficient cause for justifiable homicide.
Well, in my judgment, the present-day globalization of the nationalization of financial markets (in this case, foundation for supranationalization of NationalSocialism/NationalCommunism or a Vichy-ization of De Gaulle-ism) is just the latest stage in the long-unfolding pandemic preparation for the next Big One, decision (on the activation-arousal continuum all along the spectrum from barely subliminal to fully unconscious) for which was made long ago as the most effective means to avoid codifying and institutionalizing the still-struggling post-quantum/relativity paradigm. Once a collective unconscious decision has been made, real world events -- by coincidence, of course! -- find a path to its implementation: if not this path, then that one. Happenings roll around rocks in the stream of event-gradients; make their own tributaries. Collective projective-identification just works that way.
I strongly disagree. I am not conflating incommensurables. All human-constructed systems are analogically modeled (consciously or unconsciously) on general principles of natural systems. Maintaining that this is not so is to completely overrate human volition and/or underrate complexity of natural systems. The current deleveraging of global financial markets is a great example of the non-conflation I claim. Imbalances at the macroscale always cascade to the microscale. In the atmospheric case, the macroscale imbalance is an energy-momentum imbalance created by complex angular momentum inputs by reverse-cascade, by solar wind, by cosmic source, by anthropogenic action, and so on. In the economic case the imbalance is between production and consumption, real savings and price of lending, and so on, whether created by FED monetary policies, liability financing, deficit spending, a floating fiat currency regime, over-consumption of want-creating trivia passing for products of production, derivatives transferring distributed local risk up the devil's staircase to macroscale concentrations, or whatever. On the general systems degree of abstraction: imbalances at the macroscale always cascade to the microscale, howsoever discrete/concretes may be involved. (Man)ipulate either the cascade or the reverse-cascade so as to engineer the weather -- atmospheric or financial -- and just stand in awe of the ensuing climate-shift dynamics, atmospheric or financial. The question is: how are information exchange units (quanta for the given system) constituted -- or to be constituted -- so as to maximize the self-organizational competency manifest at cascade and reverse-cascade? Which is more ecologically adapted: invasive Keynesian surgical intervention or Hayekian autogenics vis-à-vis a system locked on the strange attractor which is quantal self-organization in nature?
And now shall we have a great example of complete failure to comprehend scale relativity in complex systems? Either by the man who made the statement or by those who summarized that statement. Here we go: quoting a summary of a statement made by former Treasury Secretary John Snow (Greenspan Concedes to 'Flaw' in His Market Ideology, by Scott Lanman and Steve Matthews, Bloomberg, 23 October 2008):
Snow said that the global financial system should be reorganized by focusing on increasing transparency of 'excessive' leverage to prevent institutions from creating too much risk.
Is it creating or transferring from the microscale/mesoscale up the devil's staircase to the macroscale? Is it creating or concentrating? Is it too much risk, or the type of risk? Or the distribution of risk? Risk to the system, systemic risk: where was it created, where concentrated, how was it transferred from the one to the other? What were the structures of the transfer vehicles? Are unit sizes, component-process magnitudes, capital concentrations appropriate to the function fulfilled on the scale level(s) action is undertaken -- and, if not, what framework conditions permit inappropriate sizes, magnitudes, concentrations? A 5X leverage, a 12X leverage is universally appropriate degree of risk across all scale levels of the global economy, regardless of the function fulfilled by the action? A 30X leverage is universally inappropriate degree of risk across all scale levels of the global economy, regardless of the function fulfilled by the action? Are such static universal rules themselves appropriate and efficacious -- always, ever? Before architectonics of a real solution could be arrived at, before any regulatory initiatives should be taken, local or central, if such are to be taken, actual answers to these and many other questions would need to be forthcoming, and such answers are extremely unlikely absent comprehension of scale relativity in complex systems. Personally, I don't believe in the systemic notions excessive leverage and too much risk -- though I believe in those notions as regards my personal person. It is the systemic distribution and concentration of these that is the problem -- and both of these, and many more, have to do with grid-length and time-step structuralized by architectonic definitions imposed, e.g., basic definition of what a vehicle monetary exchange unit is to be, whether or not that definition differs from that of a reserve monetary unit, what sort of boundaries legal tender is defined upon, what logic properties are employed as currency-conversion algorithms, and on and on. An adaptive system with the requisite level of self-organizational competency will itself insure self-sustaining distributions, concentrations, unit sizes, component-process magnitudes such that whatever leverage undertaken, whatever risk run will remain sufficiently local as not to threaten systemic self-organizational competency. To arbitrarily and prescriptively define or regulate as to what is to be considered excessive or too much is to severely undermine potential systemic adaptivity and systemic attainment to higher and higher levels of self-organizational competency, thus requiring evermore prescription, evermore regulation on the basis of arbitrary definitions. And in face of everything that is happening on this planet today, the last thing the biosphere and atmosphere needs is a global economic system with less adaptive competency than it has heretofore had. Quite the contrary, that economy needs to internalize to the market quite a number of externalities so as to expand its adaptive competency! Command economies haven't even been able adequately to command economics, how then are they to adequately command larger spheres? The market needs to tap into the self-organizational competency of nature by internalizing externalities.
Given, at the very least, supply-side inelasticities of gold, I'm not a gold bug, though gold is obviously a good thing to have these days. The way I see it, one wants the backing of the e-currency to change in order to reflect the changing relative-state of comparative advantage of the involved optimum currency area, the fractal boundaries of which also would change -- wherever it is arrayed on the LETS nest, from local to global. An absolute store of value is dead weight to a dying organism; the right amount of viscosity at the right time -- making hot money warm -- is the desired system state: a product of partitionings and minimum times. The changing backing-basket would be distinct from the fluctuating set of indicators (some referenced to what heretofore have always been regarded externalities) fine-grain tagged to the m-logical values weighted upon the base state of the currency in question. For a change, use all this quantum-based technology for something truly useful!
Forget national suicide, or EU suicide, through Schadenfreude (see: "Avoiding National Suicide out of Schadenfreude", by James V. DeLong, TCS Daily, 22 October 2008), a so-called symptom of so-called schizophrenia; consider human species-suicide through absence of appropriate Schadenfreude, that absence an expression of being in denial of quantum relative-state. Ayn Rand was out of date before Atlas shrugged (see for relevant comment: Another Bubble Bursts: subprime mortgages were just the beginning, WSJ, 24 October 2008). The assumption that the market is the market and money is money was, and remains, the wrong assumption throughout all those, and these, years after Planck's constant dictated a limiting distance and a minimum time, thus transforming understanding of self-organization in nature (and by clear implication, markets). Not to mention recognition that Planck's constant is m-valued. Not to mention recognition that that m-valued constant is systemically processed under m-valued Lukasiewicz logics, and what that implies about scale-relativity in complex systems! To assume that the existing market and the prevailing notion of money supports a level of self-organizational competency (or, indeed, that there is only self-organization which is self-organization, not levels of competency thereof) adequate to a civilization increasingly accessing quantum-based technologies was, after 1900, and remains, exceedingly uninformed -- to put it pleasantly. To my m-fractaled multimind (Whitmanian other I am), these people, all of them, have it bum backwards or bum upwards. Absence of adequate architecture (meaning no new notion of market, no new notion of money), too much regulation, (man)ipulation, and the dominance of the dumbest 300-year-old ideas, long since dead and putrefying: those are the responsible agents of what is in the process of happening (which far exceeds a mere economic crisis). Knowledgeable people essay on Bretton Woods 1944 seemingly without awareness that neither White nor Keynes believed the Bretton Woods Agreement was a good outcome (see for instance: Gold Standard Is Wrong Salve for Global Ills, by Michael R. Sesit, Bloomberg, 24 October 2008). Each fought intensely for something else -- and both lost their battles. Bretton Woods -- forced down throats by assistance of two world wars and a great depression, and even then yielding a not-good agreement -- was a non-functional system to begin with; once the gold-exchange mechanism was renounced, it was a dysfunctional non-functional system based on ideas 250 years outmoded. So Sesit's idea about the Bottom line: If you want to keep banks on the straight and narrow, beef up the supervisor. You don't have to redesign the global monetary system is more mistaken than virtually anyone presently imagines. To maintain that BW1 failed merely because the U.S. exhibited indiscipline during the Viet Nam War era contrasts sharply with the present-day Chinese assessment that the dollar system of BW1 and BW2 has plundered the resource base of the planet. Moreover, the global monetary system not only won't be properly redesigned bird's-eye-view top-down by super-governments or national-governments and their reps, it inherently can't be. It is a bottom-up thing in the cybernetic nature of the case. But, in point of fact, I've argued for more than thirty years, and offered a wealth of reasons why, that there would be no entertaining doing what is actually required until long after the possibility of doing it has passed on by. That being the case, I've long predicated my personal major life decisions on the assumption that what is required will go undone.
Well, what I mean by the assumption that the market is the market is the notion that the market, as it is currently constituted, is a perfect sorting demon, an absolutely flawless magic hand, that there is no such thing as levels of market competency at whatever it is markets do, those levels varying with differing properties of markets, the currencies they deal in, their capabilities to internalize what had at a lower level of self-organizational competency been regarded classes of externalities. Have you ever noticed how many people who believe in magic hands have nothing but scathing words for sorting demons? I'm the sort of person who, for unconstrained laughter, got thrown out of public lectures put on by SFI. Not only do I not believe that the bell curve is God's last word on distributions, quant funds or no, not only do I not believe in the royal random, or any other random for that matter, I don't believe that 2nk fitness landscapes adequately hide implications of the actual case: Mnk articulation topos manifolds and their various classes of covering surfaces -- the 2 being indicative of 1T2-valued logic and the M being indicative of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics understood without regard to truth-value, rather with regard to the Everettian relative-state identity-transparencies resident in reflexive self-referential reentries over complex systems. The whole probabilistic treatment of the market magic hand is basically derivative of the falsification of quantum mechanics by interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function to probability amplitudes by way of banishing Lukasiewicz logics, underwriting a classical limit by maintenance of the mistaken idea that universal physical constants are single valued, reduction of time to thermodynamics, and thus keeping quantum-relativity theory out of significant engagement with the biological and social sciences so as to preserve in formaldehyde the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm as governor of human affairs. Any articulation of the idea that the next U.S. president is going to take care of this problem is either a statement of election-related propaganda or utterly naive true belief in self-correcting efficacy of the prevailing institutionalization. I've long said that those interested in some future implementation of m-logically-valued LETS should simply ignore what governments, supragovernments, and their central banks do, because nothing they do or not do about the evolving planetary circumstance could solve the problems m-logically-valued LETS can address. Occupants of socially-conferred attributions-roles-slots are parts of the existing institutionalization; change thereof is no agent of substantive institutional change. No less than Elliot-waves of stock markets, cycles of corruption-reform, deregulation-regulation, detoxification-retoxification are component processes of the existing institutionalization; how, therefore, could they be agents of substantive institutional change? The global economic crisis is only one small subcrisis cachexia of the prevailing planetary megacrisis cachexy produced by a century and a half of over-persistence in the various formats of the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm. Any authentic fundamental intentional change to the global monetary system should address not only the economic subcrisis, but should be of a nature as to facilitate address to the multiple dimensions of the planetary megacrisis.
Hallucination delusion illusion mirage. It was not merely by mereological happenstance that Rice Pereira chose the (qua)le of mirage qua mirage as the analogical model for her notion of the transcendental formal logic of the infinite -- which she connoted by the term layered transparent. Qualis: what of Distant objects seem inverted on refraction of light by layer of heated air of varying densities: parts and wholes mirrored in a sheaf mereology of identity transparency. Is 1T2-logic cognition inverted by the transcendental formal logic of the infinite? Superfast shutter, superfast film, stop-action sequence, freeze-frame freeze-frame, eh what. What? Who? Qua. Qui. Mere(1): sheet of Mere(2): mark of Mere(3): exclusive of What is the cardinality of a whole in parts? Holistic valence? A sheaf of fibers, a fibration of sheaves. Context-dependent, context-explicit thought does not yield, or yield to, animistic knowledge-through-identity by virtue of superposed relative-state identity transparency. Aristotlian-Thomist (qua)drivium: arithmetic, music, geometry, astronomy. Shape qua shape; Form qua Form. Aesthetik Formwissenschaft: the Form of shapes, not the shapes of Form. Qua qua qua. Gestalts of superposition can't be phenomenologically reduced to mere topology qua mereology, mere mereology qua topology. Autopoiesis autopoi au topoi topoi EscherForm bee ballet on dance floor of the nested choreographic length-scale hierarchy may involve counting higher than quadruplets: 4 in the time of 3, given that Musculpt polymodal frequencies stand in distribution at powers of M3nk/4 over the layered transparent of the transcendental formal logic of the infinite. Form is nowhere, notime by universal observer Q, a no one polyadically incomplete, there being no last infinite, no first finite because the nature of hypertwisted self-referential reentry of the substrate allbase space upon the suprastrate domal (duomo, domus) space dictates that every number is infinite and non-selfsame, (esp)ecially Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers factorable to powers of hypercomplex-counterpart primes signifying Karpenko functors of 3-fold operator-time operations by quadrupletic wavicle.
The answer to that seems obvious. He of stunted awareness, in Buddhist parlance -- as contrasted to, say, the equivalent parlance evil enemy -- is a sufferer of the glutamatergic neuronal etching which anchors prescriptive enculturation to the molecular-cellular brain not containing the quantum brain. Prerequisites of culture are not the same as prerequisites of prescriptive enculturation, all such pre- predicating precedence (logical, ontological, temporal), precedence being inherently prescriptive. Action is, not action on -- quantized or no. Pattern is meaning, not meaning in pattern. Fate happens, especially to the fatalistic. Then there is metaculture, which is relatively unconstrained. The macroscopic description: mudra are stylizations of characteristic (i.e., eigen or OHG eigan + wert or value) trance-seizure autogenic brain discharges at close approach to Schrödingerian time-independent status orgasmus (at its most elaborate a Tantric triskelion in temporal curl) -- whilst Japanese log woman behavior in the sexual occasion is a cultural lag of this state once pedestrian and now no longer directly experienced. Was there a memetime before outbreak of egoic consciousness at breakout of the binary mind? Both meanings meant. Even if so, there would have been necessity for discharge phenomena of some order of elaboration at approach to status orgasmus. Why? Because there is no last infinity, no first finite -- hence, no highest state of consciousness -- and the continuous and discrete are thus non-orientable. Now, now, lightning bolt -- Tibetan: dorje; Sanskrit: vajre -- itself, we now k(now), is plasma-cascade in sheaf-mereology fibrations. The microscopic description involves: onset of endogenous ketamine flood to degree of general anesthesia at long-range phase-correlation amongst neurons in marches (Japanese: Michiyuki; Tibetan: kora) across/around/circumambulating the neocortex (holy site) and between brains upon entry to transorgasm and sexually-catalyzed ketamine bond, with that bond's associated identity transparencies of many eidetic dimensions as m-logically-valued quantum processing is directly accessed. Michiyuki (Zen) landscape universally covering Musculpt manifold: Mnk (k for kora-correlation classes; n for the number of component processes thus Bose-Einstein condensated). No bird's-eye-view possible, rather the random-walk method in analogical design whilst embedded in polyadic length-scale (Japanese: ken) nested-triangular meshwork. And, uh, well if Tibet is the Poland of the next Big One -- by virtue of the base-state of Tzog-chen being Lukasiewiczian m-logically-valued -- then there is no difficulty in identifying some subliminal dimensions of Chinese antipathy: the Chinese Century won't be particularly Chinese (at least not Confucian). The term dissociative anesthetic as a descriptor of ketamine hides the fact that under a general anesthetic dose (sans suppressive cocktailing with Valium or some other hypnotic) consciousness is not lost, only egoic consciousness of the 1T2-logically-constituted object world (both outer and inner, as construed under 1T2 logic). At onset of general anesthesia, there is an abrupt shift from awareness in 1T2-logical processing to awareness in extensions of CTC-logical processing. As the general-anesthetic state subsides, there is decomposition of the CTC-order down to the demergent 1T2-order, with its associated sense of being in a discrete/concrete body. Ask what object-perception is like under the 57T77-order of logical-value, for instance, or the 5T7-order. And what about object-perception by the awareness capable of keeping processing by m-orders of logical-value simultaneously in consciousness? Even without the direct experience, it is easy to surmise from this that the repertoire of states experienced by contemporary humans -- and the knowledge thus available -- is, to say the very least, extremely limited. Think counterpart percepts. Think hypercomplex counterparts of the primes. Think powers of Gödel numberings of Gödel-numbered counterparts -- and their exponentiated eigenvalues. Order of value of the logic employed not only organizes relations between percepts, but also constitution of a given percept over the existing bare percept constellated upon hyletic-psychetic data, i.e., warm golden dust. Gestalten are order-of-logical-value dependent. Existing gestalt and experimental perceptual psychology have been exercises in constraining percepts to the rules of 1T2 logic: just look at analysis of illusions, those EscherForm eidolons/imagos of higher orders of logical-value! The Everettian term relative state is inadequate because it presumes discrete/concretes as first terms, as atomistic prime movers, hence assumes precedence relations as existing, as given, as Kantian category -- when the set of all sets, including itself, of orders of logical-value is self-reentrant such that the continuous and the discrete are non-orientable, in violation of the 1T2-valued-logic Law of Non-Contradiction, as Gödel essayed in regards to self-reference. But, then, there exist infinities upon infinities upon infinities of orders of logical-value to which this law does not apply. If the flesh is words, Musculpt is the bones. Meru mountain bone: quark-symmetry triangles pulled out of triangles pulled out of triangles. Oh, Pascal! O, sing the songlines of plant chromosomes, they do, those tintinnabulating frogs, crickets, and birds. Live a life, do you, having witnessed not one bare thing? Of late, even in the best lived lives, only three, four occasions arise -- having been backed into the requisite cul de sacs -- whereupon there appear opportunities to see-hear over-under the subject/(physical)object-level of the transference. Stone touching water. Quadruplectic gavotte: a sick people, a sick planet; a sick planet, a sick people.
At what point is abstraction no longer nature? At what point is empathetic concretion no longer mathematics? Abstraction and Empathy: Form in Gothic. The point of m-logically-valued Musculpt as mathematical notation is that there are no such points in abstraction or concretion. And that when Musculpt as mathematical notation is carried into VirFut Q-Pro, more and more people will make conscious elements of collective unconscious event gradients -- thus changing those gradients.
I wouldn't spoof it. If you want to systematically study atemporal roundgoing of the Husserlian profiles of an object -- without the possibility of perdurance, which only actual meditative practice of eidetic reduction, under whatever name, can deliver -- then I recommend the areas of research intensively cultivated by Roland Fischer (quoting myself from T5M):
He [Roland Fischer] wrote on such subjects as cartographies of states of consciousness; taste sensitivity and taste polymorphism; self-to-I ratios and the continuum between self and I and the involved sliding subject-object relativities (how much the subject is in the object; how much the object, in the subject); the activation-arousal continuum in relation to the electrophysiology of the autogenic state; porosities of consciousness-state boundaries; psychotropic time dilation and spatial elasticity with the involved displacements in visual angles and I-placements and consciousness-state baud-rates and arousals over the perception-hallucination continuum; state boundedness, such as LSD flashbacks and ketamine bonds; state-dependent learning; measurement of hallucinations; frequencies of micronystagmoid eye movement at various states of hyper-arousal and hypo-arousal As far as I know, Roland Fischer never related these areas of research to Lukasiewicz logics.
The area to be particularly attentive to is psychotropic time dilation and spatial elasticity with the involved displacements in visual angles and 'I'-placements. Only under near-terminal memetime-slowdown, voluntary dissociation absent lost memetime, and multiple 'I'-placements in singular spaces with myriad vanishing points can conscious awareness of superpositioning of Abschattungen figural profile-facets yield a ponderable whole-and-graspable object which is non-virtual. Some degree of perdurance is won when, in walking meditation by Goode looking through an imagined linear-perspective screen-grid, the visual tunnel-effect, parallel-distance alley bifurcates, bifurcates again and again, such that vanishing points multiply runic hand over fractal foot, each with its convergent lines of perspective going into psychotropic reversion: Ack! selves to 'I's say, Those divergencies converge on my me's! Purusha-Prakriti interface. Practice is required before it becomes possible to sort this out with a stacked collection of nested screen grids. Constitutional taken in logaoedic Alberti ambulation. Awareness of Lukasiewicz logics helps with this effort. Then there are the Regge calculus equivalents to spacetime curvature configurations -- providing, when Cabalistically Greater Mazed, a visual analogue of profile superposition, which is normally subliminal to the glutamatergically-etched awareness. Not to mention Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers. Practice of simultaneous awareness of nested 'I'-placements -- loggias in logogram -- verbally handled in Greek additive style is also recommended: this digger I-am here in McLean of Fairfax of Virginia of the USA of North America of planet Earth of Solar System T6M of Galaxy Milkyway. Now carry that instantaneous-simultaneous 'I'-placement spatial awareness like a mantra, so as to memetime it. Now dilate that memetime mantra. So on and so on.
Glass of kir tapped against glass of absinthe at the Ubu Roi, what. Those days, again. There is no such thing as an economy, only degrees of political economy. So much commentary, I am loath to contribute to it. Another oscillation, perhaps even a modulation, by and within the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm. Oscillation toward political, away from economy. Mushrooms rather than corn: worldsaver. The glutamatergically-etched cannot possibly transcend that paradigm in political economy. I stand by my judgment as to immediates, short-, mid-, and long-term, offered before the bailout was codified. Immediate being 1-2 years; short-term, 3-5 years; mid-term, 5-10 years; long-term, 10-20 years.
Oh, with Madonna, you believe we live in a material world, but not in a political economy. Well, having lived in Japan and Hawaii at the end of the baburu keiki, the bubble economy, let me offer an example of the political in the economy, often then discussed over Ebisu, and if the conversation got really interesting, over much Suntory and mineral water. Quoting Wikipedia on the Plaza Accords (which, by G5 intervention, revalued the yen against the dollar) of September 1985:
The recessionary effects of the strengthened yen in Japan's export-dependent economy created an incentive for the expansionary monetary policies that led to the Japanese asset price bubble of the late 1980s.
This is a very political statement! Maybe a few educated Japanese believe it, but certainly only a few. Remember the Japan-bashing era? I do, having been mistaken in LA as a bodyguard while escorting Japanese corporate execs on art-buying sprees. Guess some parts of one's past skill set always linger as mirages, even once long lost. Why was Japan being bashed? Japan, you see, had taken advantage of the perks granted with the role it was assigned in the post-WWII era, had taken undue economic advantage of the Korean and Vietnam wars so as to provide Japanese keiretsu with the means to out-compete U.S. companies. Japan's job was to be a bulwark against collectivization of the continental hoards by transferring the means for industrial and post-industrial development to Southeast Asia. That was the deal: we allow you to re-industrialize, keep your Imperial Household, retain a residual of the zaibatsu, and, in return, you take responsibility, economically speaking, for collective security in Southeast Asia. But having taken advantage, we shall smote you! The Plaza Accords were rammed down Japanese throats to the tune of a 50-percent devaluation of the dollar against the yen -- ostensibly to pull the U.S. out of the Democrat guns-and-butter Vietnam-war-induced stagflation-to-recession, and to redress the involved trade imbalance and U.S. current account deficit, but actually to sting the Japanese for their impertinence: the political in the economy. A 50-percent yen revaluation may have been domestically recessionary, thus predisposing to monetary-policy stimulus and more such stimulus, but for Japan's Flying Geese and company-holiday tourists it was astounding. Money to burn. Thus did the U.S. transfer economic costs of the Vietnam war to the Japanese in the form of a bubble economy sure to break-back over Nikkei no Fujiyama, which the Japanese attempted to export to Korea and Southeast Asia -- one bubble bursting and then the next. And now the next. None of this significantly reduced the trade imbalance and U.S. current account deficit, let alone resolved that problem. The Louvre Accords of February 1987 were to stanch smiting of the Japanese, and to play at exchange-rate coordination (as opposed to regulation). Then came the Structural Impediments Initiative, as it was concluded that, really, this trade imbalance is structural, not monetary. Structural impediments on part of the Japanese, not the Americans. There are no structural impediments to Americans producing what they import from Japan, so whatever structural impediments there are must belong to the Japanese. But then America is preoccupied with setting the global agenda, not with producing what it can more easily just print for: perk granted by assumption of the responsibilities incumbent upon acceptance of the post-WWII imperial mandate. Heh-heh-heh! And if you think that the U.S. housing-bubble economy had nothing to do with maintenance of a trade imbalance and current account deficit, then, clearly, you do not foresee war over currencies, as distinct from mere currency war. You'd probably go for a G3 dual key exchange rate system, or even target zone currencies (see: Avoiding a Currency War by Adam Posen, The International Economy, Summer 2004). For me, well I don't cognitively participate in that paradigm.
Again, thanks [to Lauri Love (nsh)] for the fascinating referral. This time to the SCIENCE@NASA article Magnetic Portals Connect Sun and Earth by Tony Phillips, 30 October 2008, and the linked article by R. C. Fear, et al., entitled Flux transfer events: Bursty reconnection at the Earth’s magnetopause. And I appreciate the comment: Interesting with respect to your thesis of complex angular momentum cascade as cosmic acupuncture. I've already received other comments, including the following:
Interesting. Very interesting. Another blow to the slow diffusion of signifying properties among regimes of varying spacetime configuration. Not only is the atmosphere a block of Swiss cheese (the cheese representing the classical continuum; the holes, bursts of quantum connectivity necessary to maintain functionality), the solar system's atmosphere the galactic atmosphere et cetera, have their own web of wormholes.
First of all, I've never before heard of these portals, certainly not as ropes or cylinders as portrayed by Robert Fear at the 2008 Huntsville Plasma Workshop. Maybe as bubbles, also portrayed by Fear. From one of the citations, it is clear that these portals have been known at least since the early-1980s. The artist's depiction of a portal is as a small cylinder (small by comparison to diameter of the Earth) penetrating the Earth's atmosphere on its way to terra firma. In the bodies of the two brief articles, however, it is stated that a portal is at the Earth's magnetopause and that a portal takes the form of a magnetic cylinder about as wide as Earth. So, the account is a bit confusing, and maybe they haven't got too much detail yet from their satellite studies. Particles pass through these cylinders, discharging the interplanetary magnetic field to Earth's magnetic field. Presumably, the particles are thus injected to Earth's magnetic core through discrete locations on terra firma cyclically varying at least by season of the year, at, according to the articles, intervals of eight minutes. The first thing that popped into my mind as I made my initial skim through the article was an experience I had at Tarbot Vale, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia during 1971 or '72. Restless night. Finally got up at three a.m. and looked out the window -- and was stunned by what I saw. Woke up my friend, called her to the window, asked her to describe what she saw. She, too, was stunned. Saw the same thing I did. When she asked me what it was, I said I thought it must be a folie à deux. The whole sky was crisscrossed by an acute-angled network of lines of light, that somehow didn't light up the sky. This experience is recounted in The Moon of Hoa Binh. Later, at Cornell, during 1975, I read William Irwin Thompson's Passages About Earth (HarperCollins, 1975) wherein there is an account of a similar observation made by Thompson. How do I explain this? What connection, if any, is there to magnetic-portal cylinders? My first awareness of the notion of skew-parallel stick figures came in 1963 upon reading one of the appendices to J. G. Bennett's four-volume book The Dramatic Universe. By 1971, there had been eight years of connecting this notion to animistic modes of comprehension (subliminally informed by a multi-sheet model of spacetime, a model explicitly informing the traditional Japanese theory of the arts) experienced as a child in Ashiya, Japan. Let me say that I have long believed that the greatest amount of cheese and the least number of holes is apparent under the 1T2-order of Lukasiewicz logics. Indeed, the notion of bursts of quantum connectivity, being an information-transfer and, hence, a time-bound, notion, must be deemed a decoherent quantum perspective (not identical to a Newtonian perspective) depicted by the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, whereas the CTC-valued, coherent, time-independent Lukasiewiczian-Schrödinger equation is needed to account for the folie à deux of superposition I and my friend experienced at Tarbot Vale. The scientific community also now knows that the magnetic particle-flux moving through portal-cylinders of the cosmic organ sings. So, the Tarbot Vale hallucination was a dyadic projection inducing a shared state of identification (i.e., stunned) with a time-independent movement of some cosmic Musculpt symformphonie logogram, Yannis Xenakis' 1958 Phillips Pavilion in the large. I am a thoroughgoing Tzog-chenian, Cabalistic, Platonist and regard the Tarbot Vale folie à deux eidolon/imago of the wormhole mesh as a yantric evocation of the interplanetary scale-level Regge-lattice of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space), also known as, for instance, the base state of Tzog-chen. In another application area, I might call this a hologrammic Musculpt projection of value-flux calculations conducted by a UCU (universal clearing union), as distinguished from a UTM (universal Turing machine) -- the UCU being a Lukasiewiczian version of Keynes' imagined international clearing union. The folie à deux was clearly a reification in the sense of Husserliana, i.e., pure mathematics demerging to concrete-discrete (by collective transference, CTC to 1T2) -- whatsoever any given particularity, I, me, and mine, might feel about that. If portal cylinders have nothing to do with superstring theory and cellular microtubules, then I will start to lose faith in the notion of scale relativity. I will also be very surprised if it is found that the Earth does not channel, by back-channel portals, information to the Sun, e.g., by coherent graviton burst from tornadoes. EM coming in, transduction by superconductor, gravitational radiation going out. If all this is found to have nothing to do with climate-shift dynamics, that will be a source considerable amazement to me, at least.
Simply couldn't speculate on the basis of this limited information, though that is a great question: What role, if any, do these magnetic portals play in creation of the macro-scale energy-momentum imbalances responsible for onset of cascade processes leading to genesis of severe local storms? Bubbles at the magnetopause? Cylinders or ropes penetrating the atmosphere to terra firma? Scale of Earth's diameter or much smaller? Answer would be different in each case -- or combination thereof. Had the Paine-Kaplan multi-scale cascade computer forecast model been running with real-time data these last forty years, the model's history of initializing cascade events on the basis of data arrays indicating likely triggering of cascade onset by imbalances could be analyzed in relation to the growing satellite-gathered data base on magnetic-portal behaviors. But, alas, that has not been the case. Such analysis could only be conducted now by running the cascade model with historical data sets. So, so very very sorry, Mr. Moto! I have believed since the 1970s that EM properties are involved in severe storm genesis, not merely as side-effects. I do not, however, believe these properties in any way supplant the hydrothermodynamic aspects. EM properties may be important, for instance, in determining exact locations of tornado touchdowns -- which I do not believe to be random. Tornado touchdown points may be migrating attractors in a fashion similar to how acupuncture points migrate. Migrate according to what? Plate techtonics? Vulcanism? Core behaviors? Magnetic-portal behaviors? Eight-minute time-step? On what grid-length? Time-step in centuries? To what grid is the planetary length-scale referenced? Some p-adic length scale particularly endowed with Gödel-number harmonics? I also believe there are dynamical EM components to climate regimes and their far-from-equilibrium shifts, such that there are EM aspects to the current climate-shift dynamic, which, therefore, would not be merely a matter of greenhouse warming. Anthropogenic modulation of Earth's EM field is also involved. Changes in incidence, intensity, spatial array of severe local storms, too, would modulate Earth's EM field and core behaviors, however so slightly, thus modifying Earth's signature within the interplanetary field and possibly eliciting alterations in solar magnetic discharges across Earth's magnetopause.
I intercalate this a month or two later, for its obvious relevancy. As regards the possibility that anthropogenic modulation of magnetopause (e.g., with phased-array radar, HAARP, microwave transmissions, alteration of frequency responses by changes of gas ratios, et cetera) could be involved in climate-shift dynamics (not to mention, considering the radiation-exchange properties of superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA, bee and bird and reptile and bacteria behaviors, including mass deaths), it seems at least plausible that the present increased incidence and intensity of magnetic-field breaches may not be mere happenstance. See: Scientists Find Hole in Earth's Magnetic Field, Associated Press, 17 December 2008. I could find no information yet posted on the Themis or Geophysical Union sites about this press release. Given the role of Themis in Greek mythology, I feel the name choice for this mission is revealing relative to Freud's The Psychopathology of Everyday Life: Freudian slip. At least no one reputable has yet challenged the thesis that the current financial crisis is anthropogenic. Except maybe Madoff!
That's the very point, isn't it? No matter what the econometric behavior equation chosen, there are hidden factors, externalities, unrepresented by variables of the equation which influence the behavior in question. And not only are these hidden variables unrepresented, i.e., tacitly or overtly filtered, in the behavior equation, they, not being econometrically tagged, cannot be efficiently self-organized by market mechanisms: the degree to which there are hidden variables to which market actors, micro and otherwise, cannot by framework conditions rationally respond, there being no relevant information tagging and hence no overt or implicit keyed action directives, therefore, is a measure of the level of free-market self-organizational incompetency, a measure of the imperfection of the heuristically totally unfettered (unto the present day: Cartesian-Newtonian) marketplace. What becomes an econometric variable and what does not is determined by many things: tacit assumptions, ease of quantification, corpus of mathematical tools assimilated by economists, explicit valuational aversions (such as an aversion to m-valued logics), rigid insistences (such as insistence upon the traditional Western Aristotelian-Baconian notion of identity qua identity as the only possible notion of identity), and so on. Present-day markets are -- by comparison to virtually any natural self-organizing process -- inherently, independent of imposed regulatory constraints, monetary and fiscal policy interventions, fractional reserve banking credit expansions, and so on, massively incompetent, surpassingly imperfect. One reason this is so is that out of the infinity of infinities of differing logical-value properties of information, formalized economies have thus far used information (e.g., price, wage, et cetera) only of the 1T2-logically-valued variety. But there are many more-pedestrian, more-mundane, more-concrete cases of this inherent (just like is a Husserlian unbracketed ]existing time[ so to speak) massive incompetence one could mention. For instance, quoting Barry Eichengreen (Global Imbalances and the Lessons of Bretton Woods, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No. 10497, May 2004, footnote 3, page 3):
Indeed, one way of calculating European and Japanese real exchange rates in this period [second half of the 1960s] is by converting European and Japanese wages into dollars at the prevailing nominal rate and comparing them with U.S. wages. This reminds us that wage restraint and undervalued exchange rates are two sides of the same coin.
I would have to correct that formulation to two sides of the same 1T2-logic coin. Anyone who has worked for a Japanese corporation knows this sort of comparison is utter bunk. There have been so many externality-type, hidden-variable benisons-perks, not monetizable in 1T2-logic coin, delivered to the Japanese wage-earner -- once delivered that is, decreasingly so as the Japanese economy has been forcibly Americanized (Structural Impediments Initiative as forced acculturation being only one of the latest chapters following upon Admirable Perry's dreadnaught incursion upon Edo Bay) -- never delivered to the American wage-earner, that no number system codified on the basis of Aristotelian-Baconian logic alone could quantify it. What economists won't signify by failure, for whatever reason, to assimilate the requisite mathematical tools -- quantitative and non-quantitative, there being quite a bit of non-quantitative mathematics about these days -- is generally deemed a cultural obstruction (not merely to trade, but primarily to economists and their mindset). Amaeru to you, too! Generative empathy, Einfuhlung. As the American amerce has stripped more and more amae out of Japanese life -- one good life until recently never reduced to a two-sided coin, and no mere matter of service delivery -- thus substantially lowering the quality of life (a multi-factorial dimensionality not explicitly tagged to 1T2-logic coin, though taggable to µTm-logic coin) the difference (Japan is America! says artist Ed Ruscha) admittedly has diminished, but so has the global diversity of memes prerequisite to enhanced global efficiency and increased utilization of comparative advantage to minimize entropy generation at the economy-nature interface, a prerequisite to human species survival as population increase continues to increase. Gene banks will mean nothing, absent meme banks. A green global agenda can only be successfully undertaken by maximization of comparative advantage. Maintenance and/or reestablishment of diversity in memes, as well as myriad other diversities -- the uttermost prerequisite to sustained usage of comparative advantage -- cannot be successfully Obamaed. Framework conditions see to that. The process by which hidden variables could become unhidden and explicitly tagged to µTm-logic coin is inherently bottom-up, no amount of top-down Obamation could possibly accomplish it. Elliot waves inside Elliot waves inside Elliot waves. Clocks inside clocks inside clocks :: quantum mechanics :: exchange units nested inside exchange units nested inside exchange units. Quantum as wavicle and wavicle as e-currency unit. The information base is local, each nesting shading-off by energy level quantum leap superposition (mu-it, not qu-bit) to the non-local/global. Absent local information in the information base (MVRS: m-logically-valued reference space), there is no actual information elsewhere in the nesting of nests. Sham info, perhaps. It's a bottom-up deal anyway you look at it: no Obamanation by regulation is indicated.
I do too! Well to a certain minimal extent, anyway. Otherwise, I wouldn't be participating in the prevailing discourse at all. I do, you know, occasionally use terms like free market -- usually qualified by saying heuristically-free instead of simply free. There hasn't been a free market on this planet since probably never, but least of all during the neocon era. Markets were in some senses freer under FDR's Keynesianism because of the sedimented substructioning of the global marketplace emergent in the post-1971 period. Even shaving cream has been cartelized for decades! Travel the planet on the ground, on the road to find out, outside the world of 5-star global monoculture. Shaving cream cartels appear to accomplish for long periods what they were designed to accomplish; cartels, however, don't work so well for JFKed Gold Pool-ing: coordinated surgical interventions into the London gold market. There is just too much collateral damage! What JFK brilliance? The brilliance Obama has modeled himself upon? Not only did JFK generalize the Containment Policy to the Third World (the far abroad of the then Bretton Woods system, which has now become BW2's near abroad) and kick-off the counterinsurgency era by thus ramping up the conflict (look at the Best and the Brightest brought into his administration, by comparison to the Best and the Brightest Obama brings into his administration: I mean, Harvard and the like, including Georgetown, of course, have the Best and the Brightest, right? broken-field lateral, Yale to Harvard!), it was under JFK that the transition was made dooming Bretton Woods (more precisely, BW1's gold-exchange mechanism). Sub-prime, right? Generalize the superficialization of the sedimented judgment-systems involved. All over the ancient and medieval worlds -- Greece to Japan -- the importance of natural proportions in unit lengths was understood. Unfortunately, Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright failed to impress this upon the modern mind -- there being no holographic Musculpt posting of m-logically-valued monetary system dynamics. Cartelization is one way to impose upon the MVRS a non-normal distribution of spatial partitions, unnatural length-scale fractionations violating p-adicity (see Matti Pitkanen's discussions of length scales in his many papers, particularly in that entitled Bio-systems as Conscious Holograms), so as to insure absence of purchasing power parities, among myriad other such abominations. Parody, right? Ambiguities, my gosh, ambiguities. Given that there has probably never been a free market, the Sorosian reflexivity critique of market fundamentalism is a feint within a ludicrous ideological dispute about a fantasy world that never has and never will exist. One form of professional wrestling. Not even a possible-world logic, that world! And the degree to which policymakers take fantasy-world disputation as substantive -- and a lot of them appear to do just that -- is an indicator of how poor the performance of their regulatory organizational schemes and discrete surgical interventions will be relative to well, everything, but especially climate-change dynamics, ecological dyscrasias, shifts away from carbon-based energy economies, and et cetera and et cetera. Anything breaching the economy-nature interface. How dey gunna organize all that, eh? Blasted blood sports of the boardroom table aside, what possibility Not the least interested am I, of course. Top-down, human oversight, regulatory intervention, for sure. Certainly not like logistics genius UBL created the framework conditions for a global self-organizing process! No chance of calling that dude in as a G8 advisor! And the G20's first New Bretton Woods meeting opts for not tackling fundamentals, which is to choose Gwar. But I must admit that the single most powerful factor auguring against the BW2 near-abroad periphery abruptly dropping their dollar-denominated assets is a well-advised fear of the space-based nuclear Gwar sure to follow upon demise of dollar hegemony -- there being, so far as they know, no viable alternative notion of monetary and financial systematics on the scene notionally adequate to regulate the entropy generation of 10-billion human beings, planet Earth. Question is: Will the dissimulators-that-be skip GreaterDepression, pass Go, and proceed directly to Gwar? Like I say, I'm very optimistic: a ten-percent human survival rate forecast seems realistic to me (many more survivors than a few human breeding pairs scattered about the poles or words to that effect). Mainstream financial professionals -- CEOs and the like -- are already starting to use the words depression and world war in their forecasts; it won't be too long before they start seeing the larger reality of the prevailing state of affairs on this planet. Preponderance of the Great such mantic pronouncements, you think? A reaction that was much more understandable in 1963 or 1968. There is no dimension of this I and others did not predict in detail thirty, forty years ago. And don't talk to me about timing. Timing, in this case, is of foremost interest only to those wishing to exploit the catastrophe for their own personal gain. Just watch the behaviors of people into timing. No indication of prospective significant change has appeared. I expect none -- and continue about my way, so long as there is a way, simply for the edification value.
Sorry, but I have long made, and continue to make, that sort of forecast on the basis of an altogether different notion of historiography. I believe there will be many sorts of apparently unfathomable, inexplicable, anomalous human behaviors in reaction to the presently evolving planetary circumstances -- along the lines of : Why onset of WWI? -- due to collective unconscious factors tantamount to hidden variables, one such being the corpus of reasons (subliminal forcing functions) why pre-WWI m-valued Lukasiewicz logics were never employed to interpret the pre-WWII m-valued Schrödinger wave-function. The post-WWII single-valued Collingwood-Popper notion of historiography -- according to my lights -- mistakes effects for causes, insofar as there are actual effects and actual causes in a bare-reality demergent under operator-time to an object-world glutamatergically etched at socialization of cognition. None of this prevailing and gathering crisis is in the nature of things, even in human nature; it's all in human behaviors. Making conscious the subliminal forcing functions would be the way to avoid apparently unfathomable, inexplicable, anomalous human behaviors, but, obviously, I am not optimistic about that, given the properties of endogenous glutamate flood at prescriptive enculturation: even Noah was only marginally successful with his endogenous ketaminergic ark. Last and First Men is a chronicle for these memetimes today. A ten-percent survival rate over a population base of 10 billion is a lot of survivors! Maybe I am too optimistic.
I wholeheartedly agree with Ambrose Evans-Pritchard when he says:
Rigged, dysfunctional, exchange regimes of various kinds have played a key part in almost all the financial smash-ups of the last century, and are the source of our current ills.
Get that? the source of our current ills. One primary source, more accurately. But I am shocked, stunned, amazed when he says in the same article (Bretton Woods is a Dangerous Trap, the London Telegraph, 18 November 2008):
What I had not fully realized was that the attempt to manipulate the dollar exchange rate in the mid to late 1980s -- specifically the period of the Louvre Accord in early 1987 -- was a direct cause of Japan's Nikkei bubble, and the Lost Decade that ensued, and still ensues.
How could this commentator not know that it was the Plaza Accords that was responsible for the Nikkei bubble, not the Louvre Accords? Plaza Accords: 22 September 1985: sell dollars; buy yen and marks. A 50-percent devaluation of the dollar against the yen in the following two years. Louvre Accords: 22 February 1987: buy dollars. Nikkei all-time high: 29 December 1989. Bubble economy: 1986-90. Plaza caused, Louvre unsuccessfully tried to uncause. ((Cause in quotes because validity of the notion cause/effect depends on the level of verisimilitude the discourse at hand is being conducted upon.)) I've been arguing this so-obvious, elementary, most-basic fact in Japan and in America ever since the late-1980s -- without the slightest effect on the listener in either place, except to convince them that I am just one more whacked-out causality of this or that war cultivating negative attitudes as sucre (hah-hah-hah! Antonio Jose) to old wounds, viewable and non-viewable. This so-obvious Plaza-Louvre fact is no actual basis, however, for a good argument in support of free-floating as opposed to managed, fixed, semi-fixed, whatever! single-logically-valued national fiat currencies. No single-logically-valued currency regime -- whatsoever the degree of control or absence thereof, fiat or otherwise -- is adequate to the degree of complexity the prevailing planetary economy has attained with quantum-based technologies and nearly 7-billion participants. But I must admit that this appreciation of the case by A. E. Pritchard far surpasses that of Paul B. Farrell of the Wall Street Journal's MarketWatch, when he says (30 Reasons for Great Depression 2 by 2011, 17 November 2008):
We see the Great Depression 2. Why? Wall Street's self-interested greed. They are their own worst enemy and America's too.
Does it get any more simple-minded than that? Jealousy, pride, fear, envy, vanity, resentment, spite, lust, greed -- all of these emotional components of infantile office intrigue, skulduggery, business espionage, up-the-organization low-intensity warfare, back-scratching insider shenanigans, accounting ledgerdemain pass for corporate virtues, even for the ultimate economic good: competition. I certainly do not deny this. Moreover, arguing about or with those who have maximized the negative emotions and political, economic, and socio-sexual applications thereof is not my idea of productive activity. However Not even to mention the down to details, e.g., the various manipulative means of bottling-up small-depositor financial transactions (which, en masse, affect exchange rates) so as to force them into fee-heavy international ATM use. And a great nation is being moved into wholesale policy shift along several wrong directions by this sophomoric level of mistaken assessment having become commonplace. Amazing! Unless you believe that there will be many sorts of apparently unfathomable, inexplicable, anomalous human behaviors in reaction to the presently evolving planetary circumstances. The larger real issues, not only go unaddressed, they go altogether unimagined.
There are viable alternatives to the political, economic, social, psychological, and sexual institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung, but they involve R&D and utilization of quantum-relativity-based technologies in non-Newtonian fashion. This is a task the human species has been unwilling to undertake for well over a century (the pure-mathematics precursors of quantum-relativity theory having begun to appear three-quarters of a century before the physics). I see no indication that that unwillingness has begun to change, or that it will soon begin. Quite the contrary, quantum-based information and communications and multimedia technologies are increasingly dressed in Cartesian-Newtonian clothes (those higher forms of killing) by interpretation to Aristotelian-Baconian logic, even in the non-Abelian approach taken to so-called quantum computing; by subjection to patent and copyright law; by extrasystemic imposition of regulatory fiat; by prescriptive rules impossible of timely appropriate legislative modulation; by simply-connected feedback loops; by broadening the thin blue line and deepening the olive-drab wall; by an increasing reliance upon surgical interventions by surgeons who leave their tools behind; by attempted shift from 1T2-logical boundaries to a borderless world, rather than to p-adic fractal band-pass e-boundaries; by back-reaction to this globalization process through an identification with ecology as equivalent to small is beautiful small scale only, when natural processes obviously exist across all scales, micro to macro, indeed, are m-scaled, i.e., multiscaled. And this misidentification of the small with green has become so elaborate that the ecological approach to dirty atomic energy -- itself a war-born Newtonian-clothed application of quantum-relativity theory -- is miniaturized, disposable power plants, first small-town sized, then sized to fit the single-family detached home, so as to pepper the planet with ionizing radiation sources virtually uncountable. Whereas nature, by contrast, uses atomic, nuclear, and sub-nuclear energy sources in multiscale cascade processes that are self-regulating, self-cleaning, and self-canceling by virtue of their m-logically-valued self-referential properties. But it is this very aspect of nature -- the self-referentially m-logically-valued -- which has been, and continues to be, most thoroughly and most resoundingly rejected by glutamatergically-etched modern mankind. Ugh! Animistic-pagan relative-state identity-transparency. The horror! The very horror of it. Much better to have apocalypse now.
One of my theses has long been that a way to insulate an economy from unwanted consequences of globalization is employment of nested LETS along with the national currency: facsimile of p-adic fractal band-pass e-boundaries. No need for nationalization, controls on repatriation, tariffs, and so on. Paradoxically to the 1T2-logic Cartesian-Newtonian mindset, use of LETS fractal-entrapment (money going out), band-pass (money coming in) and conversion-viscosity will simultaneously enhance the apparent velocity of money and, thereby, the apparent volume of money and consequent multiple-bank credit expansion (which virtual exchange could have been of value to, say, Japan during the lost decade: the Japanese, of course, were not interested in these ideas when offered to them during the 1970s and '80s): lesson from the realms of collective and cooperative quantum behaviors in material systems, e.g., BCS superconductivity based on the virtual exchanges permitted by Heisenberg uncertainty. The virtual exchange units (elementary particles) exchanged in virtual exchanges permitted by Heisenberg uncertainty are m-valued in a fashion nested LETS would analogically simulate. Full-blown m-logically-valued LETS would involve no simulation. It's single-logically-valued national money (fiat or no) that's the real funny money: just look at policies of the FED and other central banks! Funny because central banks are protecting the failed Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm (when was the FED created relative to Planck and Einstein's publications?) in this epoch of quantum-based technologies. I've never been against gold as a guarantor of store of value for some LETS, just as I have never been against any commodity as a store of value for some LETS. This is a way to explicitly tag, and hence promote utilization of, the global corpus of comparative advantages signified by F. A. von Hayek's time-shapes of total capital stock -- the critical issue on a planet with a species already engaged with uses in excess of planetary carrying capacity, even caring capacity. But what about the paradox of fractal entrapment, band-pass, and conversion-viscosity (analogue to solar alchemy) giving rise to an apparent enhancement in the velocity of money (sort of like the recent discovery that light travels faster than the speed of light: speed of light m-valued)? This is because changes in velocity communicate intrasystemic information, while changes in acceleration communicate intersystemic information. Consider the following observation made by Mish Shedlock (Strange Case of Falling International Reserves Explored, 13 November 2008):
The rate of change of the growth rate of the US trade deficit has begun to suddenly contract, due to a collapse in consumer spending, exemplified by the plunge in the Baltic Dry Index.
The rate of change of a rate is an acceleration/deceleration thereof: this second-order change communicates intersystemic information involved in phase shifts, non-equilibrium and far-from-equilibrium. What is a phase shift? It is a transition state between two stable states. What conditions prevail during the state of transition, or, in other words, the state of deautomatization? From a time-dependent Schrödinger perspective, highly nonlinear oscillations of all the governing variables, whereupon virtually every extreme may be explored before the subsystem-system-supersystem composite settles into a new regime (e.g., during a climate-shift dynamic, expect every extreme, even the extremely normal). From a time-independent Schrödinger perspective, there will be multiple singularities (empty centers like the Emperors of yore) about which intersecting mandalas (e.g., holographic standing-wave patterns indicative of the prevailing state of quantum relative-state) will have formed (how so very much ancient socio-politico-economy was an analogical dissembling of this: archaic, okay; the traditional, ugh!). The final (stable) state is generally found to be at a higher or lower level of functional integration than the initial (stable) state. What determines whether the final state is at a higher or lower level of functional integration? Ah! This is what Arthur Young called control in regards to the engineering aspects of the rotor for the Bell helicopter. In the general systems case, however, control is not an appropriate term. Call it what you will. Along with J. G. Bennett and certain neoPlatonists, I prefer hyparxis (ableness to be). What did Allan Greenspan do to market hyparxis, or what did he neglect to do, being completely unaware of it? Genuinely creative ideas are generally arrived at on the side of the mind, laterally, in analogical modality, received at rest after intense study of something else: what something-else system are economists studying as aid to their creative thought? Here we have it, hyparxis: time rate of change of acceleration/deceleration of a growth rate or velocity communicating the quantum potential which is a self-referential condition of relative-state, self-reentrant and Soros self-reflexive: only m-logically-valued monetary units, by properties inherent thereto, could communicate the sort of information conveyed by this third-order change (see: Toward a General Theory of Process). The principle of scale relativity involves the fact that intra-, inter-, and extra- are relative terms (both by grid-length and memetime-step), such that there is no absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct distinction drawable between velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration, only relative-absolute distinctions which require m-valued logics to sort out over the manifolds of m-valued universal physical constants: the shifting relativity of absolute limits, their relative-state, this is the engine of physiologic-temperature superconductivity, for instance. Under the time-dependent Schrödinger wave equation, a palimpsest of quantum-number registration and erasure: work of the Christmas-tree effect or cosmic pointillism or Pascal-triangle sand-grain percolation or warm-golden dust or kami dust or virtual particles or Gödel-numbered memetime-step hierarchy: illimited, unlimitless. Mish talks about a deceleration of intersystemic flows by way of explicating another fashion in which to insulate an economy from unwanted aspects of globalization: preclusion of direct convertibility of the national currency (e.g., the RMB or yuan). And this preclusion confers a (zero-point) degree of the right to print far greater than that given to convertible currencies -- though far less than that granted the international reserve currency by hangover from BW1. But there are downsides for China in the use of this method of self-protection, which Mish discusses -- by contrast to, say, nested LETS.
You may think there should be some interest in this, but not me, not after decades of watching where people choose to place there heads: low self-to-I ratio, I-placement in 1T2-identity. Narcissus totally identified with his pig in a poke: some call it compulsion; others, love. I have long been aware that I may be on a wild goose chase; only recently, in the last year while living in close proximity to a squabbling flock of geese, have I entertained the idea that I may be on a domesticated goose chase. That long neck reaching up over the wall, keeping an eye out for the open gate, short-steppin' through to the other side, only to find that the wing-flaps don't actually yield flight: collective induction. When life is assumed to be a great deal more than a wish-fulfilling dream, VR by the robotnic Vireorgiy Similanovich Realenkov. Some may think of post-Soviet Russia as quintessential reincarnation of the Weimar Republic, but I tend to think that the analogy applies better to the whole global system, post-BW1 (by scale relativity, longer grid-length and memetime-step).
But it is not just treasuries at issue when you have a vehicle currency -- the U.S. dollar -- as the foremost international reserve currency. And in the case of a G3 of vehicle-reserve currencies -- dollar, euro, yen -- it would not be merely reserve-currency-denominated assets at issue. Instead of one pebble-plop in the global economic pond emanating concentric waves of problems, there would be three such sources and the problem-waves would interact and self-interact -- just like with any proper wave-function. A G3 of vehicle-reserve currencies is pretty much what the French had in mind with their proposed composite reserve unit back before BW1 failed. But the composite they had in mind -- Nicolas Bourbaki's anti-Lukasiewiczian-logic mindset being what it is, and the University of Nancago being what it is! -- was indubitably not, repeat not, the superposed system-composite of quantum mechanics (and especially not a reflection of the relative-state of F. A. von Hayek's time-shapes of total capital stock), and therein lies insurance the French proposal would then and now fail to meet expectations. Even in 2004, experts were still delicately dealing with the chief issue in contention (which veils the real issues), rather than stating it forthrightly: the relatively free ability to create vehicle-reserve currency (simply print money) even with a gold-exchange mechanism modulating the amount of such freedom transiting to the unhindered ability to indefinitely freely create fiat vehicle-reserve currency once the gold-exchange mechanism was fully abrogated (done in stages from 1958, when current account restrictions were rescinded, by Ike, JFK, LBJ, and Nixon) in August of 1971 (some restitution of the involved default having been put in place by the IMF with a first distribution of Special Drawing Rights between 1970 and 1972). Quoting Barry Eichengreen (Global Imbalances and the Lessons of Bretton Woods, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No. 10497, May 2004, page 9):
While countries other than the United States could only acquire additional reserves if the U.S. ran balance of payments deficits, those deficits created discomfort for a number of reasons. Its status as reserve-currency country evidently allowed the United States to live beyond its means: the U.S. could import foreign merchandise, acquire foreign companies, and engage in foreign military adventures all at the same time. Charles De Gaulle and many of his countrymen found these last two privileges particularly objectionable.
Prof. Abdul Aziz Said, at American University's School of International Service, not only periodically required his students to write position papers, he had them produce hypothetical speeches by world leaders. During 1964, I was assigned to write such a speech by De Gaulle which gave expression to his difficulties with America. This was not a difficult assignment at the time, particularly as I was a live-in babysitter member of the Georgetown household of LBJ's then-foremost speech writer, from whom I was able to get pointers. I could even put myself a little into De Gaulle, having watched him walk down the avenue in wake of JFK's caisson. The economics of military adventures was the crux of the difficulties. But really, the actuality was and is much more convoluted than that! Multiple-bank credit expansion is textbook treated as a repetitive positive feedback loop diminishing with each loop until it bottoms out, depending upon what the reserve requirement is. The case of a given loan through a series of banks is generally illustrated to get across the basic principle involved. When the instantaneous synoptic state of credit-expansion cascade of the total corpus of loans in the global banking system, and its time-dependent world-line, is considered, however, the world-line is not a line but a set of topological transformations over a highly-convoluted (foam of the breaking cascade-wave, i.e., a particular monetary case of nesting foams) multiply multi-sheeted hypersurface, a complex- and hypercomplex-number manifold to which principles of relativity theory apply, and there may even be involved chronotopological transforms akin to von Hayek's quantal time-shapes (none of which, there being no m-logically-valued monetary units, is explicitly tagged to econometric variables so as to be readable by market actors or regulators like FED chairman). And in the case of foreign military adventures -- an odious euphemism to anyone who has seen up close what wars do -- like, say, the Viet Nam war or the post-9/11 war, much of the dollar creation and injection into the global economy is classified, thus adding an additional level of obfuscation. Those on the receiving end of the U.S. trade deficit (classified military dollar injections not being figured into this figure, e.g., all the ROK's and ARVN's military vehicles purchased in Japan) are not required to use every bit of their dollars to purchase treasuries and other U.S.-dollar-denominated assets; they might be used to purchase local-currency-denominated assets in Africa, or to underpin a carry trade, or to back banks offering dollar-denominated real estate loans, or a large number of other activities which become factors in topological transformations of the multiply multi-sheeted global multiple-bank credit expansion manifold. An explicit universal covering surface over this manifold, tagged to nested m-logically-valued monetary units internalizing externalities, i.e., an MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) as superposed system-composite reserve pool, would be required if a process of global integration were to be facilitated such that entropy generation at the economy-nature interface were to be kept under planetary carrying capacity. I have further suggested that the only truly user friendly public posting of this MVRS manifold would involve development of Musculpt as mathematical notation.
All I can say to Bloomberg's $7.4 trillion figure (Fed Pledges Top $7.4 Trillion to Ease Frozen Credit, Bloomberg, 24 November 2008) on the bailout is: You ain't seen nothing yet, when there is $100+ trillion in derivatives out there transferring risk up the devil's staircase (paper circa 1995) from the micro-/meso-scale to the macro-scale of the global economy, concentrating dispersed risk (paper circa 1998) so as to make possible catastrophic systemic failure. The way they are responding to this -- taking the risk concentrated to the macroscale and concentrating it further to the central banks and finance ministries and treasury departments -- is, in all likelihood, creating the biggest disaster in history of the human species. And so what happens to the index of human hysteria when the widespread belief that Obama really is going to straighten this all out doesn't turn out to work out too good?
But there is no alternative. We see no alternative to propping up the Bretton Woods system: so said they when that system started to unravel in the late-1950s, so they said through the 1960s as the Viet Nam war proceeded, so they announce ad nauseam and ad infinitum now as dollar shortages appear at sites of deleveraging all around the planet. No alternative. Woe is me! No alternative for half a century -- and no member of the population corpus, now totaling almost 7 billion, has in that period even made a serious attempt. Hoo! Hua! You yapping yanqui yapok, adnation on the back of humanity. When for decades you economists have needed a whole new notion of international monetary systematics, and instead of creating it you have done everything possible to prevent its creation, and the existing order you are protecting begins decisively to fall apart, what do you do? You further flood the world with more of the foremost reserve currency which is, unfortunately, at the same time a vehicle currency (see: Recession's Grip Forces U.S. to Flood World with More Dollars, Bloomberg, 24 November 2008). The details in the analogy between this currency flood and glutamate flood of the brain are so elaborate I won't elaborate upon them: a perfect example of collective and cooperative phenomena at projective-identification in the psychological transference yielding many sorts of apparently unfathomable, inexplicable, anomalous human behaviors in reaction to the presently evolving planetary circumstances. I mean, if you economists have not taken the time to familiarize yourselves with the last 30 years of discovery in the study of neuropeptides, who am I to presume to inform you? Indeed, socialization of cognition by flood of an excitotoxin, the biological role of which is to kill neurons and wipe out neural networks, may not be as pathological as socialization of the global economy via flood by the excitotoxin formed when a vehicle currency is bonded as the reserve currency. And the numbers involved in the neurocide and network wipeouts -- in the billions -- may not exceed those killed by the various sorts of wipeouts presently being organized by currency flood.
Admittedly, I believe prevailing socially-conferred role attributions have no redeeming social value because those attributions, being 1T2-logically-valued, structuralize functions precluding self-organizing processes, and glutamatergically anchor the resultant automatized functions to the brain at prescriptive enculturation in cognitive development of the child up through post-adolescence. This is not a surprising belief on the part of a one-time military brat, many of whom do not hold authority figures in high regard, and who have come to believe that the root of mass warfare is the morality, conventions, ethics, rules structuralized to automatized functions in the fashion described here, a fashion which largely prevents normative direct experience of identity transparency, the MO and raison d'être of autopoiesis.
Of course. I am saying that, not only did French, British, and American early-20th century orientations to 19th-century higher mathematics strongly predispose the civilization to two world wars, the continuing French orientation predisposed the French to their Cartesian-identity idea of composite in their proposed notion of a composite reserve unit. This proposal was very much in the proclamatio fashion of a postmodern nomenclator, in that it sounded thoroughly NewPhysics by adopting a signifying term from that physics, while being decisively anti-NewPhysics by semantically employing the term relative to monetary systematics with OldPhysics meanings (and not explicitly spelling out this shape-shifting in meaning: pronominal usage). The term system composite as used in quantum theory inescapably refers to Schrödinger superpositioning, which is conventionally interpreted in terms of probability amplitudes. There, obviously, can be no store of value -- the raison d'être of a reserve currency unit -- by a monetary unit defined in terms of probabilities. Since Prof. Bourbaki, a collective nom de plume for the 20th-century French orientation to higher maths, is resolutely anti-Lukasiewiczian and no mention of m-valued logics was associated with the proposed composite reserve unit, one cannot escape the conclusion that a quantum understanding of the term composite was not involved in the French proposal -- except as expurgation of a collective introjection found nauseating. These observations are not contradicted by the use of martingales (a species of betting systems based on the placing of multiple bets, e.g., once used in hedging cockfight bets in Viet Nam during the French colonial era -- which I learned of from an old Hoa Hao elder in Vi Thanh, Chuong Thien Province, RVN, during 1967) in economic modeling or by Belel E. Baaquie's account of Quantum Mechanics and Option Pricing (Dept. of Physics, University of Singapore, July 2005). Derivatives in general, to include options, exist in significant measure because of the absence of adequate monetary stores of value, whereas origination of the notion of a composite reserve unit was motivated by the desire to restore a modicum of value store to the non-system monetary system clearly in process of evolving as BW1 accumulated more and more problems. Actually, Baaquie illustrates my point exceptionally well (quoting pp. 1-2):
Interestingly enough, the first formalization of random walk was in a thesis of a French graduate student, who was assigned the problem of understanding the evolution of a security The famous mathematician Henri Poincare assigned one of his students to study this problem.
But this problem in modeling of the existing financial system is not the problem of arriving at how to alter the existing system so as to enhance its level of self-organizational competency. I have interest in the former problem only insofar as it helps trigger insight into solutions of the latter problem. One could regard the strategy adopted by the FED, other central banks, finance ministries, treasury departments to defeat the present financial crisis as a variety of martingale: only trouble with the martingale, however, is that infinite wealth is required to carry through the exponential growth of bailout bets in such a fashion as to insure success. This is a direct parallel (projective-identification at psychological transference, again!) to the series of counter-terror/counter-insurgency bets placed by the Bush Administration in the post-9/11 period when, after having declared an indefinite-duration GWOT -- thus ceding control of the time and space variables to the terrorist/insurgent -- an exponential growth curve in resource commitments is required to maintain civil order, integrity of LOCs, et cetera, also requiring The Wealth of Nations to be transfinite in order to insure success (an obvious violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which means that success would require recourse to real NewPhysics, not sham NewPhysics).
One problem with free money, social credit, interest-free Islamic banking, zero-interest-rate central banking facilities, et cetera, is that the relationship between creditor and debtor is no longer authentically economic; it has become overwhelmingly political and/or religious, i.e., a question of power, submission, BigMan-littleman management, reverence, spiritual discipline, moral economies as contrasted to monetary economies, those attributions without redeeming social value glutamatergically etching non-binary logical-value handling capacity from brains at prescriptive enculturation. Snapping is generally involved in autogenic shift from the former eco-nomic cognitive regime to the latter coercive cognitive regime: trophotropic (providing nourishment and repose) to ergotropic (actively into agonistic social restraint). No black or white. Degrees and degrees, of course! Another problem is that nature charges interest (friction, entropy) upon all exchange processes, with the sole exception of the super-states of matter wherein subsystem-system-supersystem exchanges are in time-independent Schrödinger perfect (chemical)-phase relationship (Bose-Einstein condensation slash animistic identity-transparency: superfluid liquid time) and superposed system-composite such that counterparty frictions perfectly cancel and nature, the Tzog-chen AllBase-state banking intermediation facility (MVRS: m-logically-valued reference space) with infinite vacuum-state zero-point energy, has mastered exponential growth with Heisenberg uncertainty as Maya veil covering the m-logically-valued skew-perpendicularity of lines of force and equipotential surfaces responsible for Riemann's lines of force trapped in the topology of space being the origin of electric-charge and magnetic-moment creation. It is not by removing friction and entropy (to wit, Prigogine's non-equilibrium and far-from-equilibrium phase transitions) that nature has accomplished life, rather by Lukasiewiczian m-logically-valued phase-mu-it computing in superposed subsystem-system-supersystem composites of nesting foams possessing animistic Everettian relative-state identity-transparency such that the Hayekian time-shapes of total capital stock of subsystem-system-supersystem composites always and in all ways automatically, without extra-systemic interventions, fulfill the internal necessities of reciprocal maintenance. If 10-billion human beings are to live on this planet without taxing its carrying capacity, economics must emulate nature, not violate it.
But it is all so very, very 18th century, Mr. Moto! Tobin tax, carbon tax, and now they want to use taxes to dampen market volatility and stanch hot money flows. No taxation without what? That 18th-century rallying cry. How could A Taxing Woman get into systems thinking? Kyoto Protocol, indeed. Given the sales volume of male bras in Japan these days, she-he may be trying to get into the identity of an other, but that is still far and away from capacity for I-placement in mind of the system. Don't even mention the ghost in the machine! Logically-1T2 identity is extremely opaque -- and made even more so by a high daily intake of the excitoneurotoxin Ajinomoto and the mimetic estrogen in fermented soy beans packaged in plastic which bleeds other mimetic estrogens. Eat your natto, boys! Nothing like a little regularity uh, regulatory security. Must not lose control, now. Nattokinase thins the blood, you know. Subtilis natto. That's the ticket. Subtly, subtly. No baby shit about it, systems thinking comes hard to the binary mind. While Fujitsu followed MIT's Rad Lab qua microstructures facility, Heh-heh-heh, into wave-effect processing so as to make faster binary switches -- a kind of cybernetic transvestitism -- those in Sin-gapore (vacationing in Poo-ket, Bang-kok, and Ball-he) followed on with the quantum mechanics of random walks so as to arrive at the spontaneously-localized 1T2-logic price of derivatives which spontaneously fuse dispersed risk into binary-switching daisy-chained bundles group-groping global hot-money flows that are mostly in the red. Eat your natto, boys! Dilly-dally with your 18th-century sallies -- thus repressing, and hence regressing, all authentic 21st-century initiatives. Meanwhile -- amidst the unfolding of such sallies -- as Blackberried SmartMob terror-attack siege, twitterfed and Shantaramed to multimedia-hungry MoSoSoed P2Ped violence voyeurs, Primavironing their Mumbaifed holohits, proceeds, traffic lulls in The Cobra Swamp Nong Ngu Hao in which The Heavenly Realm Suvannaphum airport built its magnetic-portal gateway-hub to Southeast Asia, as another wireless-webbed SmartMob attacks po-lice checkpoints and holds the guv-ment at bay: global terrorism, having by assisted self-organizational phase transition become planetary insurgency, by recourse to the e-Noosphere, shape-shifts, morphs, transforms into autoimmune dyscrasia of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian world construct.
You see, I take Gödel seriously. I believe that Gödel's incompleteness theorem belies all completeness equations -- state, function, function state, momentum, Hilbert, you name it -- such that no identity operation (I ) is permitted to whatsoever space: no functional equivalent to multiplication by 1; hence, standard octonions, Grassmann algebras, and so very much more, especially stochastic calculi, are unnecessary or insufficient. Absent the identity operator (i ), insofar as an operation must have an operator (I/i ), there is no selfsameness-as-such, and therefore no condition of the absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct. Theory and practice of detachment according to ketaminergic Zen (much more the possession of John Lilly than John Cage). Hubert Benoit need not be mentioned, of course. The limit to any infinite sequence is no finite value, but a logical-value order-type transformation (think of the strange attractor under Special Relativity and m-valued universal physical constants processed by Lukasiewicz logics). Moreover, completeness equations pre-miss virtually every argument, including applications of quantum mechanics where the completeness equation (time-differentiation over the sum of states arrayed between plus-infinity and minus-infinity: what about higher and lower orders of infinity?) requires non-locality to be a matter of memetime-lapsed information propagation, when it is actually a matter of motionless relative-state by non-simple identity-transparency (which underlies, and is more fundamental than, both Boolean truth-value matrices and Brownian calculi of distinctions, indications, crosses). Musculpt -- no random white noise generator -- as mathematical notation is the Abelian medium cyclotomically decomposing-recomposing motionless vis-à-vis motion by logical, ontological, temporal operations: time logically operates on space to generate form. Turangalila as EcherFormDance. Relative-state means precisely absence of closure, zip completeness, no identity operator. The corpus of identity values stacked on each dimensionless Borel pixel point (Gödel-numbered round-going phase-mu-it computing; just like, by projective-identification in transference -- I'm serious! -- any calculating pixilated well-ordered combat-assault column: SCAG team wrestling, Strategic Combat Applications Group SOP) in the authentically Cantorian-Lukasiewiczian Gödel-numbered Hilbert space is the set of all sets, including itself, of all such values constituting-substructioning the space: holographic relative-state identity transparency as spatial and temporal non-locality. There is only one Real-I; there is no Real-I but Real-I. All I's that are are Real-I. Singular is plural; plural is singular. Completeness, selfsameness, identity operation, memetime and spatial separation, and so very much more are Kantian categories of the glutamatergically-etched cognition, which are altogether absent at cognition under endogenous ketamine flood. Spontaneous localization and fusion by autogenic brain discharge. Theory and practice of detachment according to ketaminergic Zen. The ergotropic is a get go cognitive regime. Detachment is generative empathy (compassion); compassion (empathy, generative) is detachment: palindrome analogically signifying logical-value order-type transformation in the trophotropic let go limit. The relativistic limit has no single value with which to simply identify it.
Yes! Right. Good. If the identity operator is removed, thus denying selfsameness, definition of a prime as self-identical number factorable into itself and 1 -- and any natural number, since all natural numbers can be factored into primes -- cannot be identified as the same as itself. Alternative Gödel numbering with non-selfsame numbered Gödel numbers numbering Lukasiewiczian syntactical structures in woofs that do not abide by aspects of generative grammars iff recursive: Abelian/E.T.Bell-ian cyclotomic decompositional cascades/reverse-cascades. Analyze that! The Borel pixel point, earlier referred to, with phase-angle Conga Line identity-values stacked upon it, cannot be numbered with a self-identical number, without falsifying its pagan/animistic relative-state by identity-transparency. Places, spacers, gaps, and holes, too, must be nonselfidentically numbered -- being in and of the column-stack as they are. The center in the midst of the conditions, to quote The Secret of the Golden Flower. We're talking complex counterparts of primes, and hypercomplex counterparts. Think of all the Penrose twistin' going on! We're talking Sun Tzu's and Brahmagupta's Chinese remainder, pairwise coprimality (e.g., nucleotide pairs, being but spontaneous localizations, encode only the singly-logically-valued primal information, other logical-value order-types of genetic primes, informing morphogenesis and relative-state functional integration, remaining undecomposed higher temporal-order quantum-wave attributes of the enveloping free-electron gas), ideals, rings, residues, coverings, sieves, sheaves, hand tuning, lengths of sequences stretching to limits which are order of logical-value transforms. We're talking m-logically-valued monetary units.
Don't ask me. No advocate of primate-city, megaurban-region values am I/i: their crisis-inducing triumph has been no biosatmosmagnetospheric benison. Hayseeds have hands (handle) {their} on the requisite topological. Autopoietic operators, what. Instead of dictatorship of the prols, for the prols, and by the prols, dictatorship of, for, and by the lumpen-capitalist designer-labeled yuppies. Yippie! One (doesn't/~) write what one (can't/~) like. Ah, yes, mirror that walks, rather than mirror that smokes: novels like that. With few exceptions, Booker-Prize cognitive style appeals to me about as much as that of the Atlantic or Harpers or the New Yorker. If I am to know my percepts, keep them, I feel I must describe them to myself in words: the name of the thing as the thing-in-itself is what I feel. To bare percept or to no-bare percept, that is the question no words can name the feeling of -- or so I feel. Otherwise, if I don't word the object, therefore I don't feel I think I am? Specialties within specialties within specialties within specialties: what better way to annihilate the holoself? Or is that, rather, mereological self-annihilation? Array it on the page for its haptification-of-space value: so much for poesy as concretion of time. Poem as temporal machine? Poem as ontological operator? Insert here subobj/objsub quantifier rap. Subvert with poem as topological operator on logical-value configuration space haptified: cognitive touch put upon classifier by categorical decontextualization at analogy, simile, metaphor, trope. My, what a monic arrow you have! Masterful. Word and Object: no Musculpt about it! Besides, what is accomplished by reaching the public conscious mind? Nothing much. If much were thus accomplished, the prevailing global crisis would not be prevailing, science would not be so utterly falsified, there would be some means available to acquire a real read on state of the planet (Planck and Einstein were quickly embraced because they were the end of something old, not the beginning of something new; time-independent Schrödinger was something new, Lukasiewicz was something new, and both were dissembled). Write into what public mind can't read. If single-valued property is theft and 1T2-logic law is criminal, then electoral college is corruption of the franchise; representation, of direct democracy: don't even speak of autopoiesis and autopoionomy by VirFut Q-Pro as computer-gamed fractal-e-commons, a superintegration of commonweal and commonwealth. As if there were the generic open society and the generic nonorientable society did not supersede it. Superabound, I/i say. Hah! Much more influence is to be had over substance of the large patterns by cultivating instances of the ah-ha! fingerpost: making momentarily conscious, by psychoideographic inner Musculpt, elements of the collective unconscious. Even fleeting such awarenesses substantively alter collective unconscious event gradients. Not much interested am I/i in probings of the nature of identity, for far too much of that Patient since SmallThings God of Longago: A Narrative of 1757; rather, says my I/i, hundred-year-old investigations of identity-transparency in nature, not yet assimilated. Choose your focus As You Like It. This is one reason why I prefer to live where I don't speak the local language. Real influence is preverbal, nonviewable, unheard of, ahistorical, always lost. If you know about it, it didn't happen. Cognitive sacrifices involved in cultivation of such awarenesses are real merit makings; enough such makings and maybe one has seen the last of this hell (humans have made) on Earth (as humans conceive Earth, write it, speak it into being what it is to them). Withdrawals, we have long understood, are not generally appreciated -- so, we are here until we get burned.
Being an unrepentant true believer in the universal animistic benison of reification, I hold that all systems, however appearingly primitive, have, by virtue of intrinsic relative-states, their own levels of intelligence. Whenever they go into crisis, on some tacitity they know what they need -- and make indications thereof. Such indications are generally regarded anomalous. For instance, the spontaneous appearance of local currencies in Argentina, when her national currency went into meltdown, was one such intelligence-of-the-system tacitity presenting as anomalous indication. These anomalies should be appraised with an open mind. For the most part, however, they are not so appraised. People who work the system, from within the system, don't generally think as the system (which self are they remembering?), for this would compromise their workability -- and, therefore, they disregard such anomalies, the worker instinct being to protect the system as viewed from their worker-of-the-system perspective. Thus, the knee-jerk response to system crisis is to protect the system as it is seen from their workability perspective. The prevailing knee-jerk, by consequence, continues to be to protect the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian system as viewed by workers of that system qua system (when protecting the failed system has been, and will continue to be, the single biggest chaos generator, nature raper, mass killer of humans, extinctor of species, polluter, and so on). Yack 'Iggins, dancin' the iggy! 'E's good at that, is Yack. That's it, then. Rather than finding ways to facilitate phase transitions to higher and higher levels of self-organizational competency, the tendency is, and will increasingly be, to foster collective management with the monitoring technologies of multilateral surveillance, so as to minimize -- according to dictates of the tacitly given Cartesian-Newtonian notions of permissible identity -- the free-rider problem. Yet, no matter what management, what monitoring, what surveillance, the free-rider problem, as epiphenomenal of the governing notion of identity, will still loom large -- and the more currency integration there is, short of a one-currency monetary universe of discourse (which would remove all local information, a complete disaster, from what should be a subsystem-system-supersystem composite), the larger this problem will present in any differential diagnosis of the prevailing global financial conundrum: so-called misvalued currencies being regarded free-riders. Misvaluation is a perspective-on-the-system judgment -- there being no econometric Universal Observer Q, particularly for workers of the system. Signifying something with a manipulable symbol doesn't mean much unless the thing-as-significand is actually subject to the manipulabilities codified as arithmetic and algebraic rules the employed symbol-system-in-itself operationally signifies. How much is that the case in bird's-eye-view econometrics? And is this view truly a universal vantage, or is it simply one more workability perspective? The more fractalized the system, however, the less can any small number of free-riders affect its synoptic state. So what, this or that micro-free-rider! Easily managed with the usual stigmata: free-rider no Easy Rider under peer pressure and all the other shaming strategies indigenous to The Small Community, its small things in short sentences, particularly when the indices being ridden are explicitly tagged by m-logically-valued monetary units of nested LETS. The greater the density of overt tropological metareference (i.e., the multi-utility: God of small things, SHE who must be believed, obeyed, propitiated, fractal Earthen Drum) vectoring microbehaviors, the thinner the thin-blue-line, the less collective action as management, supervision, regulation, governance, implied threat, direct coercion, currency war, war over currencies. It's a question of levels of self-organizational competency.
One of the main reasons exchange-rate stability is sought is because of the question of store of value. Wolf, no wolf: no stability, no store. So the FED and other such invasive entities oppose private portfolio adjustments (to include the shorting varieties, anything that facilitates mark-to-market discovery) so as to constrain exchange rates within prescriptively-mandated (Riemann-Hypothesis-type) bands, or whatever other defined-on monetary regime happens to be operative in the period, the moment, the instant. Always messin' with me effections! FED interventions oppose private adjustments; private adjustments oppose FED interventions: nonlinear NEWTONIAN countervailing-forces dynamics. Vector sums of the third kind, just like the Lockean notion of the franchise (outlined in his Second Treatise) is a matter of vector sums of the second kind. And, like the constant gardener I have been, I ask, why must there be a FED to oppose private adjustment-adaptation? Because the monetary system, being abysmally Cartesian-Newtonian, has no functional equivalent to the quantum vacuum fluctuation, zero-point energy pool, m-logically-valued reference space (MVRS) reserve unit. No unitas of White, no bancor of Keynes; no reserve currency which is not at the same time a vehicle currency. The FED must oppose private adjustments -- hence, must be a constant exacerbator, disruptor, spoiler of systemic adaptation, properties some feel only God could love, and I might {have [done (so)]}, if -- because there is no store of value independent of the necessary instabilities of the vehicle, such instabilities being required if adaptation by resource exchange across phase boundaries is to transpire. Wolf, no wolf: no instabilities, no adaptation. It is , it is , it is : transmogrified with commas, not semicolons, that -- that hip-swinging USA-Today-in-literature style populaire. Echolalia agitated, industrial-strength, centrifuged, weapons-grade Cogitate, cogitate, cogitate those cogitations: mantra demystified, according to J. C. Lilly, Superstar. Into use-value, then, are we? They've come a long, long way, have the FEDs of this world, since early-'60s gold-pool days in the City of London, what. A pity you've to let it go unnoticed. What one wants is ongoing adaptation by subclinical autogenic discharges; whereas, by necessary opposition to private adjustment-adaptation, what one has is blocking, buildup of the need to discharge, then, massive seizure-unloading. An authentic MVRS reserve unit, however, would be a subsystem-system-supersystem quantal composite whereby resource-exchange adaptations are referenced to von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock. Vehicle currencies would present in time-dependent Schrödinger wave-function, while the reserve currency regime would present in time-independent Schrödinger wave-function. Present/represent :: represent/present: pre-sent and re-pre-sent. Time-independence is the essence of what store of value implies. The superposed composite of Schrödinger time-dependencies is the time-shapes of total capital stock: that's what (Charles)Musés-chronotopology is all about. So, how effectively the store of value stores value is a measure of the superintegration of the global economy, which is to say that the value stored is allelotropic (a round-going of each other), just as it should be in being an expression of quantum relative-state. The collective pressure -- built-in to framework determining conditions (cf: J. G. Bennett) of monetary system fundamentals -- to effect a store of value that stores value well, a concomitant of an authentic MVRS reserve unit, would be a peer pressure of a more abstract character auguring for phase transitions to higher and higher levels of self-organizational competency.
Quoting Marc Fawzi concerning his fascinating idea of a programmable currency-value tag (P2P Social Currency Model, December 2008):
What I’m suggesting is for the new money to have more than just a numerical value for a value system, i.e., other values that are programmed/re-programmed into it by every user of that money, thereby allowing the automation and streamlining of trading decisions the value system that is 'explicit' in the definition of money is 1-dimensional, i.e., the price, or numerical value, and there is no excuse for having this 1-dimensional value system when we have computers, the Internet and the ability to implement an explicitly multidimensional value system as the basis for a new currency for the future P2P economy.
This is a notion that could be developed into a wide spectrum of applications.
What we should most be worried about is not avarice at markets, usury among lenders, consumption addiction amongst borrowers, kickbacks from subcontractors, transaction rent to moneychangers, hedgers, insurers, compradors, officials, lawyers, border guards, bureaucrats, backwardated politicians, CEOs, CFOs, academics, expert witnesses, one-man PACs, purveyors of socially-conferred role attributions, panderers of the franchise, creators of derivatives, but the myriad means by which multiplier effects are raped, pillaged, and plundered. Small isn't beautiful, any more than is large: unless you take things personally and are identified with humanism. The petty moral failures, legion as they are, are one class of small things personified to many gods in short-sentence sound-bite mantras, whereas the myriad violations of the principle of scale relativity, which anamorphically displace multiplier effects from place-as-state(condition) of origin to inappropriate scales, ultimately to a single scale, the macroscale, and even, with currently prevailing behaviors of FEDs, central banks, treasuries, finance ministries (see, for instance, the very informative characterization: The Manipulation of Gold Prices by James Conrad, SeekingAlpha, 4 December 2008), to a meta-level altogether without scale, are the actual slayers of systemic functional integration -- be the given multiplier effect one of derivatives of risk or the fruits of labor, investment, production, consumption, interest, rents, whatever. The failure of functional integration fosters the many gods as cohort of moral failures -- not vice versa. There is no way to regulate and/or command and control moral failure into systemic functionality: the history of utopian socialism, Marxism, national communism, and all classes of mixed/political-economies has more than abundantly demonstrated that. In every contemporary society on the planet there is corruption according to this or that definition, and thus of one sort or another, at all levels -- no exceptions, so far as I know. Quoting John Le Carré, The Mission Song (Hodder, 2007, p. 161): So many anti-corruption laws that you can't help asking yourself who has been bribed to draft them all. Hard-utopianism tries to cure this in one fell swoop with a set of imposed framework conditions; soft-utopianism spreads out the imposition over time to make it more palatable, but still envisions a complete cure; m-logically-valued monetary units are based on the premise that there is no ultimate cure for living systems like economies interfaced with nature, only levels spanning sickness unto health and on into the superhealthy conditions of nonequilibrium heterostasis (cf: A. Harry Klopf, Brain Function and Adaptive Systems -- A Heterostatic Theory, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories 72-0164, Special Reports, No. 133, March 1972). Quoting Klopf (pp. 5 and 8):
Nervous systems are so structured that homeostasis is a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for the maintenance of heterostasis An organism will be said to be in a condition of heterostasis with respect to a specific internal variable when that variable has been maximized. Heterostasis, as the term itself suggests, is not associated with a steady-state condition. In general, the internal variable to be maximized will have an upper limit that changes as environmental constraints change. Therefore, even if heterostasis is continuously maintained by an organism, a steady-state condition with respect to the internal variable will not result. Furthermore, maintenance of the condition of heterostasis is not necessary for survival, in contrast to maintenance of homeostasis which is an essential condition for life. With respect to heterostasis, it will in fact be seen that living systems infrequently or never achieve the condition. For this reason, it is appropriate to define a heterostatic system as one that seeks (moves toward) a maximal condition while not necessarily ever achieving it.
Further elaborating from my observations relative to Klopf (quoting from Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement, circa September of 1980):
There is another form of complementarity build into the macroquantum description of a biological process, as already suggested by the superconductant DNA model: that between reversibility and irreversibility. Because the state function in its composite modality contains information solely in multivalued form, this modality is the linear-time independent mode of the system. Linear-time dependence requires a single-valued sequence of self-identical instants. Thus, the decomposed single-valued modality is the linear-time dependent mode of the system. Transitions between the linear-time independent and dependent modes are reversible, while variations of the linear-time dependent mode are irreversible. The continual transitions between linear-time independent and dependent modes drive variation of the linear-time dependent mode, because the reversible transitions govern free-energy flow through the system hierarchy. In other words, variations of the linear-time dependent mode are a function of oscillatory parameters governing the repeating transitions between composite and decomposed modalities. As efficiency of this linear-time independent oscillatory process increases, the linear-time dependent variation tends toward a state of maximal free-energy. This maximal state has been termed heterostasis.
Human systems are not more intelligent than natural systems, quite the contrary. That, too, has been abundantly demonstrated over the past 300 years. The notion that human systems are different because based on conscious choice and intelligence of individuals is a mono-cultural lag of the unbridled arrogance of the so-called Age of Enlightenment, the underlying science of which has not received experimental support for almost 150 years (if statistical physics be regarded deteriorated Newtonian physics, not an improvement thereupon, as it rightly should be, however successful stochastics has been at yielding the inappropriate technologies of ecocide). Planck and Einstein swung between the poles of discrete versus continuous, just like all those who became voyeuristically transfixed by the double-slit experiment: that's why they were the end of something old (Greek atomism) and not the beginning of something new (which will be forthcoming upon applications of m-valued logics not interpreted to variants of Greek truth-value). One such prospective application is m-logically-valued monetary units of nested LETS defined on The Earthen Drum (Schrödinger's wave-function, time-independent/dependent) of fractal-entrapment/band-pass e-boundaries, such that -- without regulation, without controls, without command -- multipliers locally-generated do not fly off viscosity-free and hot to inappropriate scales of organization, their money centers, and the many moral-failure gods reigning in those places-as-states, those (cognitive)states-as-places.
As Antal Fekete and Jake Towne admit (see: The End of the Dollar and all Fiat Currencies, Jake Towne, SeekingAlpha, 8 December 2008), gold may not yet have gone into permanent backwardation. Nonetheless, scientific, artistic, metaphysical, and other cognitive economies have been fixed into that regression for decades. This psychophysiologic state (collectively projected as prevailing condition of the nation-state system), of course, prevents any authentic substantive monetary system innovation, even were the the exponentially-growing Godzillian USDs in planetarized serial defaults over BW1 and BW2 not there to insure, with their myriad and growing swaps, that failure at human creativity. The value of gold, like cockle shells, being mostly in the head, i.e., a condition of the cogitation, the commodity-currency, gold, too, is mostly fiat. Uh, mostly fetish, that is, commodity fetish. Hmmm. Scissors, stone, paper Scissors, stone, paper Scissors, stone, paper Gold, silver, paper Hah-hah-hah! Gottya, and there ya go again, off into the wild blue yonder. That gold has been more stable against oil than dollars is hardly surprising: a commodity-currency not denominating transactions in another commodity, being one or more steps removed, will assuredly be more stable against the world-line of the involved trades than the currency denominating the trades -- otherwise, it would be pathofunctional, not merely an oscillator contangoed and backwardated over the given world-line pulled out of the spot into memetime futures (themselves largely a matter of cogitate, cogitate, cogitate in singly-logically-valued propositions). These days, given the corpus of post-Cartesian-Newtonian experimental outcomes, it's an abysmally reductionistic stance to regard any material substance as other than fiat (particularly given the Sun Goddess's mutability capabilities). Those who do thus regard appear themselves to be into permanent backwardation. Given the supply-side inelasticities of each and every commodity, including clean air and potable water, how could any commodity ADEQUATELY serve as a universal reserve currency reference for all vehicle currencies? Granted, some mining districts would do well to include gold in the asset-commodity basket backing their m-logically-valued LETS, thus anchoring by tropological metareference the vehicle currency they issue. And the superposed relative-state of all the metareferenced nested LETS, planet Earth, would constitute the MVRS Gödel numbering the von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock available to the global economy (considering the Sun Goddess's mutability capabilities). The non-vehicle, universal reserve currency units, metareferenced to this MVRS superposition, would still not be perfect stores of value relative to any time-dependent world-line. But why would any relatively competent self-organizing process voluntarily damn itself to death with a perfect store of value? This store of value is (quoting Klopf, see above) an internal variable to be maximized [which] will have an upper limit that changes as environmental constraints change. A heterostatic store of value is one which drives the system to higher and higher levels of self-organizational competency; whereas, pretensions to utopian perfection remove impetus to heterostatic adaptation.
But quantum-based technologies are not being used to facilitate the quantum processes of self-organization driven by relative-state non-simple identity (to use the terminology of quantum mechanics); they are being used for God's Eye view, surveillance-threat, incarceration, skelping, coercion-kill, death from above deterministic Cartesian-Newtonian purposes -- the assumption being that there is only one kind of determinism, that bouncy-bouncy, follow the bouncing ball, now, knock-on billiard-ball, vector-resultant, 1T2-logical, antecedent-consequent, ballistic connecting-principle, monic-arrow-type determinism. And why only one type? Because of Atom, not Adam; because we live in an atomistic universe which is a universe of logical atomism, if we are not to discount anti-atomic/anti-nuclear Bertrand Russell (author of On Logical Atomism) as a black propagandist. Moreover, who wants relative states. I don't. States should be absolute, not relative. You want America to be relative? And nowadays, in the Age of Nonlinear (Newtonian) Dynamics, we even have disordered determinism, deterministic chaos. If there is to be disorder, well, by God and by My say so, it shall be deterministic. And you will have fun! That is an order. Uh, a command of the regulatory authorities, what are, duh, regulatin' dis planet inta what it shoulda oughta mighta be/been. And if it is not this kind of deterministic, then it has to be a matter of the Royal Random -- because there is no other possible-world logic to the logical atomism of an atomistic universe. And biology does too conform! Theory of autopoiesis was developed over the cellular scale level, the molecular level somewhat, the level of quantum biochemistry not at all. And why was that? The quantum level does not have any substantive role to play in biological self-organization -- and even if it did, it would all be in probability amplitudes, the thermodynamic probabilities that determine functional integration of complexity. Determination by chance, duh, Dude! Don't ya know, Bud, that anything deterministic can be treated as random. Well, you'd better learn. And just shut up! Self-organized criticality has nothing to do with logical-value order-type transposes: it's all determined by chance. The Book of Chances, not The Book of Changes. And that's why we want a borderless world, because chaos ain't sensitive, regardless of what is documented in Sensitive Chaos about what, decades later, came to be deemed fractality. Your fractal drum ain't my fractal drum, Bub. Better get rid of all that fuzzy thinking of yours. Because we are not using RFIDs to make programmable currency-value tags to place on the base-state of a currency unit (e.g., greenback dollars) so as to facilitate subtlety of the magic hand; we are using them to insure continuation of the absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct atomistic absolutism, not relativism, of states, including nation-states, by insuring that the only kind of determinism there is remains the only kind of determinism there is. There just simply will not be anything remotely allowed like m-logically-valued relations between antecedent and consequent -- let alone questions as to existence of antecedents and consequents. What are you, a nut? Damn your skaldic skepsis. And stop mixing up me with you. I absolutely won't stand for that!
Some memetime a skein of verisimilitude rising in deserts of mind stormed by lofting sand, perception's doors closed to the light abiding on high. The quality of one's lived life (which is not the same as a quality of life indicator), and, hence, its reincarnational import (re- is pre- over third-order nonorientable temporality, its operations and operators, of relative-state dependent origination at {one [mind} moment] of identity-transparent propinquity) I understand to be largely a matter of access attained to percept-gestalt order-types and consequent ability to sustain moral strain. Those percept-gestalt order-types associated with identity-transparency imparting, as they do, enhanced ability to sustain moral strain, thus are important to life aesthetics, the art properties of a given lived life qua life. Imputation that no such as percept-gestalt order-types exist leads to ideas like schizophrenia, and diagnoses of schizophrenia, e.g., that of a Yayoi Kusama or a John Nash. Digressing to a special case, one could say that a certain character -- not necessarily quality -- of imagination is required for conscious access to inner Musculpt, as distinct from the electronically-optically projected, hologrammic, standing-VR variety (engineered to overcome the need for eidetic imagination). Michael Ondaatje certainly captures a portion of that character: I know this to be so, for I have received some training both from ordnance fusers/defusers and sappers -- and I was the assistant, for a year or more each, to a master Italian stone mason (Biagio) who worked on D.C.'s National Cathedral for long periods, to a brilliant steel sculptor (Wojcik), to an ancient Japanese gardener (Ishiyama) trained at the end of the Meiji era, and to a virtuoso Japanese flower arranger (Miyakawa) inspired at Kyoto in the most traditional of schools, moreover a close friend of mine has been a very independent self-employed gem-cutter (Workman) for nearly four decades and another close friend a (trans)national-treasure stoneware scholar/appraiser (Roxanne Brown) once adopted and ferried about by U.S. Special Forces in Viet Nam for her fearlessness in face of fire. Don't believe it? For an eye-witness account consult Capt. War, who knew her in Viet Nam and wrote of her in Soldier of Fortune magazine. Quoting Ondaatje (The English Patient, Vantage, 1993, pp. 110-11):
The sappers kept to themselves for the most part. They were an odd group as far as character went, somewhat like people who worked with jewels or stone, they had a hardness and clarity within them, their decisions frightening even to others in the same trade. [He] had recognized that quality among gem-cutters He was most comfortable [unlike, for instance, by his own testament, J. M. Coetzee: see Portrait of the Monster as a Young Artist, The New York Review of Books, 15 February 2007, p. 10] with men who had the abstract madness of autodidacts
Autodidact as Hitler. And, paradoxically, the prevailing paradigm shift to global Nazification a matter of back-reaction upon the metric of autodidactics. That good old C&C I grew up with as a military brat: command cognition, not uncontrolled thinkers! One could further observe that brains glutamatergically-etched to 1T2-logic-alone always disparage as being madness the relatively unenculturated capacity for m-logically-valued animistic abstraction. Binary mind -- particularly the male chauvinist variety -- by quenching spontaneous localization/fusion and associated relative-state activation of the brain (see: Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement) constructs a monic-arrow memetime-line from a supposed (not to be mistaken for superposed) primitive animistic concretion to a supposed divine abstraction, and attributes to itself-alone numinous capacity for the abstract, simultaneously constraining abstraction to the single monotonic type thereof native to binary mind. This is a huge anamorphic (responsible for lateral mental cleavage) inflation of the ego-sphere function, and, no doubt, but a single reason why we do not have a functional global monetary system, for, when Milton Friedman, in one example, was introduced to the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units, he reacted as if confronted by a display of pagan or Cabalistic madness. Mad off the madness of Madoff, what! One must suppose, were one sympathetic to Friedman and the like, that the whole of nature is mad, if quantum relative-state is one of its fundamental principles. Moreover, to the Friedman-like, human systems, being more intelligent than those of nature, don't tolerate unenculturated autodidactics, and, hence, shun autogenic, automorphic, autopoietic characteristics -- regardless of imputed magic hands, sorting demons, and other such pseudo-science slights of hand, much less the chronotopology of von Hayek time-shapes. Lah-dee-dah!
Here we quote London Banker (Deflation has become inevitable, 12 December 2008):
The determination to avoid accountability for failed banks, failed business models, failed regulatory systems and failed academic rationales
Why this determination, do you think? A simple shielding of those responsible; a looking out for personal interests; a continuation of the various moral failures; a deferral of the consequences from now until then so as to be distanced relative to one's own conscience, persona, sense of self-consistency; an inevitable consequence of the short-sightedness of democratic political systems? I don't think so. Why amidst the present financial crisis have 650 scientists determinedly stepped forward to contend with the UN's position on greenhouse warming? For self-similar reasons to those given for the above-noted determination? Or simply because addressing the problem during a period of financial crisis would be prohibitive? I don't think so -- though I do believe that the two determinations are the same determination. Never does one find media discussion of the paradigm crisis which transpired during the 1960s and '70s in atmospheric science -- is Earth's atmosphere a classical domain, or not? if not, are chaos theory approaches appropriate? quantum-relativity approaches? -- when discussions of climate shift became topical, and what the impact of that suppressed paradigm crisis has been for estimation of etiology (quantum-relativistic factors involved, or not?) and severity (more or less than projected under the assumption that Earth's atmosphere is a classical domain?) of ongoing climate change. There is virtually no chance that the current economic projections relative to the ongoing financial crisis, whatever they might be, will be forthcoming -- because they are overwhelmingly based on consideration of economic factors, to the relative exclusion of psychological, intellectual, political, military, social, environmental, epidemiologic components of the crisis sure to change and affect economic outcomes over the mid- to long-term (five to twenty years, say). The two classes of determinations mentioned here, and others like them, are not for the reasons habitually stated; they are clinging-behavior reflections of runaway collective hysteria in face of the fact that the whole institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian organizational paradigm is in massive demonstration of utter failure, a failure which has gathered a loco-motive's steam for hundreds of years, and is heading for a tunnel never completed through the mountain.
If those in charge -- Great Men of Nescience, all -- are using a REGRESSED homeopathic analogue as treatment model (top-down, center-to-periphery rather than bottom-up, periphery-to-center as employed by the unregressed homeopath) for the current episode of financial fulmination, thus trying to induce a healing crisis by treating like with like, in repeated administration of small doses (single-digit dribbles in trillions set against 1000+ trillion in derivatives fiber-bundle-transmitting distributed risk up the Devil's Staircase to concentration at the macroscale), then, that means causation and treatment are the same whatnot: i.e., another case of two determinations which are the same determination. The collective addiction to the SmallThings gods of moral failure giving rise to behaviors inducing financial fulmination, a push determination, is the same addiction giving rise to the pull-determination clinging-behavior designed to, quoting London Banker, avoid accountability for failed banks, failed business models, failed regulatory systems and failed academic rationales The many determinations which are the same determination, I believe to be collective hysteria (a psychological condition involving substantial unconscious components, e.g., [un]wisdoms of DumbMobs misusing quantum-based technologies to globally FlatLand complexities uncomprehended) in saddleback fulminative march, etiology of the fevered world-line of pathogenesis being progressive collapse of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian world construct induced in very large measure by implications of N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem of the 1820s. Thematics of fulminations and instances of mass warfare over the subsequent two centuries have been a collection of determinations which are the same determination. So, though I generally agree with Mike Shedlock/Mish's truly sageful analyses, I must be a demurer pleading insufficiency as regards to the following statement (from: China To Print Money To Combat Deep Slowdown:
Beggar Thy Neighbor tactics are a hallmark of deflationary times. When and how this madness ends no one knows. In the meantime, the ongoing competitive currency devaluations make a good fundamental case for owning gold.
No one knows? I think everyone knows -- even if they don't like to admit it to themselves. They know by (non)computable judgment (a term I thank Marc Fawzi for). The collective unconscious decision was made a long time ago, but by now awareness of that decision has bled over into the personal unconscious, onto the subliminal, and crossed the quantum-brain/molecular-cellular-brain barrier into 1T2-logical conscious awareness of most human presences, planet Earth: currency war will become war over currencies (by whatever name; by whatever causative attribution). We may not know when. We may not know the exact concrete events involved. We may not be able to calculate it, but we know. And the why of this collective unconscious decision? Because of the two-century-long collective refusal to assimilate implications of Abel's Impossibility Theorem.
Implications of the current Greek riots -- and the prevailing crisis in Thailand, related as it is to blowback from the July-1997 collapse of the baht -- are great arguments for nested m-logically-valued LETS, when extended below the nation-state scale level, as should be the case. David Frum has interesting relevant observations: Violence in Greece could leave Euro among victims, National Post, 13 December 2008. What information specific to the Greek economy does the euro carry into transactions? Pull local information out of the subsystem-system-supersystem composite at any level by whatsoever form of renormalization, filtering, truncation, rescaling -- rescaling being what creation of the euro did; the exact way in which acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes generated by severe local storms were removed from atmospheric forecast models during the late-1940s so as to maintain the myth that Earth's atmosphere is a classical domain: for further explication of this parallel see thoughts on the velocity of money -- so on, and the level of functional integration inevitably declines. Such decline is generally abrupt: non-equilibrium and far-from-equilibrium phase transitions. This is why I do not believe the global crisis will be a Long Emergency. From the unstable state we are just now beginning to enter, there will be a rather abrupt shift to a new stable state at a much lower level of functional integration. Opportunities for influencing direction of the shift toward a higher state of functional integration evaporated sometime ago (likely peaked during the 1970s, as regards global insurgency, atmospheric science, radiation exchange mediated by DNA superconductivity, new global monetary systematics ). Coun't LOcate NObody da le'st INterested! What is left is the possibility to counter-influence (collective analogue to Benoit inner counterwork) how low the lower state of functional integration will stabilize at.
The point continues to be missed. Look at the drift over the last four decades! People in general still have not even begun to assimilate the fact that for many, many reasons the whole prevailing organizational paradigm is moving relentlessly and evermore decisively toward incendiary collapse -- that this global situation is not merely a financial crisis and possibly an energy crisis and possibly a climate change crisis. Once large numbers of people begin to so assimilate, then a new level of collective hysteria will be obtained. Calm, cool, and collected is not the way sub-groups of the human species have responded in the past to similar situations on much smaller scales. Collective hysteria, up close and LynchMobMinded. What I have been advocating for 40 years is that at least some small number should attempt to prepare ahead of time means to influence collective behaviors in the unstable, deautomatized transition-state (where all extremes prevail: extremely cold, extremely hot; extremely wet, extremely dry; and so on) between the two involved automatized stable-states so as to minimize likelihood of onset of events like those which occurred in Cambodia and Rwanda, only on a very much larger scale: WholeEarth Incan war against time. When, during the 1970s, I began seriously arguing utility of m-logically-valued monetary units, this influence was the utility I had in mind. How could I have been thinking like that as early as the 1970s? Because at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, the intelligence staff of the U.S. Commander in Viet Nam, I wrote a paper in 1968 arguing that there would be a great disaster if the physical boundaries of the war were expanded (recounted in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh). I was then incapable of concretely imagining the Cambodian holocaust, but I knew something horrible would happen. When it happened, that set me to thinking
Now, all those who invested with Madoff, because they suspected he must be trading on insider information, exhibit the Ponzi Lipstick pout as they petition the judge for return of their losses under The Securities Investor Protection Act (see: Madoff Investors May Be Protected By Government, WCBSTV, 15 December 2008). The Madoff sting obviously worked because insider trading was so pedestrian, and so widely an accepted SOP, he was able to hide his ponzi under cover of being the ultimate insider. Trompe l'oeil. Cheating what? Not only the eye, one can be certain. And helping author another symphonic novel, no doubt: Suite Amerika, a musique concrète verbal montage inspired by CopeLand orchestration, developed over the full range of discordant, double-tongued, Manhattan Sprechstimme, eternally returning from the tony to the tonic by quantitative easing and other fugue-like, derivative, double-bind devices executed in highly staccato figurations, articulated affecttuoso with persistent falsetto. This has a direct parallel in the 9/11 sting whereby UBL was able to hide his need for a facilitator of synoptic, far-from-equilibrium, self-organizational phase transition under the basket of the American post-Tet-'68 Dolchstosslegende, stab in the back myth, and how cognitive consequences of cultivation of that myth had been predetermining U.S. responses to every challenge. By virtue of his exposure to the mindset of U.S. special service operatives in Afghanistan, UBL knew U.S. decision makers, whoever they might be, would not recognize the sting as a sting, just as Madoff knew his marks wouldn't recognize the ponzi as a ponzi. And now the U.S. is developing a little Auftragstaktic (development of emotional and cognitive unity) -- given that Selbstentfaltung (self-development) has failed -- in ludicrous forms like The Securities Investor Protection Act. The persistence of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) over decades is a result of how deeply the Umwelt (own world) is involved with the Weltanschauung (worldview construct): when the Weltanschauung is shattered by experience (such as during a Viet Nam war), the Umwelt becomes a Humpty-Dumpty no hurly-burly hugger-muggery can ever put back together again: killer T-cell titers are just too low to resurrect 1T2-logical selfsameness. But this has been the dominant pattern in the whole civilization ever since Abel's existence demonstration for maths transcendental to algebra was deemed the Impossibility Theorem (eventually yielding contested Cantorian transfinites, constrained Lukasiewiczian logics, dissimulated Schrödinger wave-function, and so very much more): won every battle since the 1820s; what does that tell us about outcome of the War of the World's Construct (Weltanschauung)? A variety of misoneism become a species of misology posing as quite the contrary (i.e., addiction to newest of the new in technotoys). One cognitive sting after another over centuries, mounting to a crescendo. When institutionalization of a long-dead Weltanschauung goes into incendiary collapse, under conditions of pandemic dissembling, the Umwelt irretrievably fragments, collective clinging behaviors soar, and mass hysteria breaks out all over, rashing in deadly flush hither and yon. Basement window being breached? What's that I hear just around the corner? No thought of forethought, surely. Not necessarily fato; not necessarily fado; but likely to be fable of our fate. Unsurpassed octave-dives of Morgana King: mirage kaleidoscope. Ah, but when the dead are too dead to bother burying the dead.
All these years later, having persistently been deemed an apocalyptic Phrygian Montanist advocate of juvenocracy, I find it truly hilarious that (for those very few in the know, cascade theory of severe local storm genesis had origins hidden in a WWI pile of coal: big whorls breed lesser whorls, and so on to infinity: analyze that pre-Einstein-Rosen-bridge idea in light of relativity theory and quantum mechanics) so few recognize the prevailing self-similarity between state of the global atmosphere and state of the global economy. Global imbalances are global imbalances, eh what! Anyone who has even briefly glanced at PICTURES of Prigogine's account of far-from-equilibrium phase transitions (and I would hope George Soros has done that, given the proclamations made in his various books) knows that, in the transition state between two stable states, every conceivable extreme prevails. Yet, Goofy, the quintessential PressPerson, keeps hitting us with cold snaps as evidence that a climate-shift dynamic (which Goofy understands to be greenhouse warming alone) could not be prevailing: when, in fact, the evidence Goofy cites actually indicates the opposite of his thesis. Pick up a book of ancient Chinese medicine. You will find it is muchly about weather and climate -- and very much less about the human body than one would expect. Were those old Chinese guys just a bunch of goofballs? Pick up the right book about the global economy and you will find it is muchly about weather and climate -- and very much less about Cartesian-Newtonian econometrics than one would expect. Are those young Cascade guys just a bunch of goofballs? How many Batesonesque double-binds can you find in the prevailing state of the global economy? Engage in a little deleveraging and the dollar goes up (reverse cascade); engage in a little quantitative easing and the dollar does down (cascade). Down is up; up is down: what is that, eh what? What the world's largest currency trading firms don't look at is the kth component of relative vorticity over dollar-spirals and dollar/counter-spirals -- not to mention the involved imaginary-components of complex angular-momentum (the Passover Soros keeps explicating to be not a Plot as regards market reflexivities) involved, most simply treated as +/- components of temporal curl (i.e., von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock). Heh-heh-heh!
What we've got right now with the FED's ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) and quantitative easing (free money to the banks), as analyzed by Mike Shedlock (see: Quantitative Easing American Style: Free Money, 17 December 2008) is probably about as close to Silvio Gesell's free money as we are likely to get. Since the Homestead Act evaporated in Alaska just after I lived there as a kid, we haven't seen Gesell's free land, and any current attempts to resurrect The New Frontier are likely to fail, but one must credit that recent history of the mortgage industry illustrates there was a strong surge toward something like a free-land policy. Live and learn the consequences! Maybe the econometrics of it is like this: Lf = Zirp + Mf . Har-har-har! Now, as regards SoCred, Clifford Hugh Douglas' social credits, we may yet see its flowering -- given Google credits, P2P credits, and the like, as they come to inform alternative economies. The question as regards all these notions is: What is the proper reference? Quantum-based technologies relentlessly globalizing (there was and is no choice involved in globalization, not really, not without resetting the Luddite clock back to before the Deist Clockmaker became an emergent property of at least this universe) a Cartesian-Newtonian macroeconomy? Zero-point non-vehicle universal-reserve-currency unit as subsystem-system-supersystem quantal composite mapping over an MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) for a planetary nesting-foam economy? It is important to make choices where choices are available, not where there are none.
Keynesian, neoKeynesian, and post-Keynesian monetary and fiscal policies, in my opinion, provide no insurance whatsoever against a greater train wreck farther down the line; if anything, their use insures a greater wreck. Why? [1} Because the economic universe within which Keynes developed his thought no longer exists -- and the principles he elaborated simply are largely irrelevant. One could make the argument that the difference between then and now is only a matter of degree. I reject that notion, however, and won't address the familiar matter-of-degree arguments we have all heard so often. Keynes was dealing with a predominantly Cartesian-Newtonian macroeconomy, and it is far from clear that Keynesian policies turned the Great Depression around; moreover, what is currently deemed pre-WWI globalization had very little in common with what has been globalization over the past several decades. Quantum-based technologies are, in principle, fundamentally different from those Newtonian and those deteriorated-Newtonian, which were characteristic of the period within Keynes' purview. Even though the overt mechanisms of the current global economy have not effectively incorporated quantum principles -- quite the contrary -- still, on a covert, untagged, tacit level, to which market actors and government regulators have no direct access, these principles have been substantively put into play over the last several decades by increasing use of quantum-based technologies. [2} The explosion of derivatives and the resultant concentration of dispersed risk to the macroscale -- and, with post-Keynesian policies of central banks, to a meta-level no actual part of the concrete economy and not adequately parameterized -- has been an autocatalyzed back-reaction against this in-play tacit quantum dimension to the metapreprogrammed, Turing-machined, microwaved, fiberopticized, macrosystem state, a state reflected in the prevailing non-system monetary system which has no actual parallel in the circumstances which led up to and into the Great Depression. [3} All across the board, in order to maintain integrity of the classical limit, the quantum principles informing the quantum-based technologies massively globalizing the macroeconomy have been subject to attempts to put them back into Pandora's Box, with, basically, applications of The Law and Capital Movement, e.g., use of patent law to suppress quantal non-simple identity. This suppression regresses the quantum principles put tacitly into play by utilization of quantum-based technologies. Put back in the box, suppress and regress: this is the hallmark of the Weimar moment of the Taisho moment (a moment Thailand is currently experiencing, for instance) where cuspover into Nazification and StateShinto transpired. Since this self-antagonizing, autoimmune process has been going on globally for several decades, the economic world addressed by Keynes has been significantly breached: the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm as a planetary whole has reached its Weimar moment (the USSR, being the weakest link in that institutionalization, its collapse was a clear indicator that the moment had arrived) and is rapidly approaching transnational cuspover. And if what Ambrose Evans-Pritchard argues (Germany is already collapsing, The Telegraph, 19 December 2008) is actually the case, then formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a Greater China incorporating Japan is moving decisively towards some dimension of concrete constellation. Many extra-economic factors (some having to do with culture-set relative to the quantum principles in question) will come to bear on developments (just as they did in the pre-WWI and pre-WWII periods) relevant to such an outlandish thesis (which I have been arguing since the late-1960s).
I can precisely describe how such a bizarre, utterly impossible idea arose: a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a Greater China incorporating Japan. This arising was portrayed throughout our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh. Here I can offer only a brief recap. But first let me say that whether or not the concrete occasion of a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a Greater China incorporating Japan actually materializes is of little importance to the actual theme being argued: the projection of this hypothetical concrete occasion is merely one way to crystallize the theme for easy reference and recognition. Another way, because of the correspondence between Lukasiewicz logics and the base-state of Tzog-chen, is to hypothetically project that Tibet will be the 'Poland' of the next global total-war: again, whether or not that circumstance actually materializes is of little importance to the actual theme. Actually, actually, actually! So, what is the actual theme, then? Humph! The actual theme having been described, the response inevitably is: I don't know about that; I don't know about this; I don't know about the other thing, either. I am a -------; not a ------- or a ------- or a -------. And my reply always is: Well, it's not the guy who knows a lot about nothing and little about a lot we should most fear in positions of authority, but the guy who knows a lot about one thing and little about a lot. The tipping point for me concerning the actual theme at issue came at CICV-Targets (Targets Branch of the Combined Intelligence Center, Vietnam) during the first days of 1968 witnessing the emotional states informing the bombing behaviors engaged in, and recognition that those states were in hysterical back-reactive relation to the quantum principles informing the quantum-based technologies increasingly utilized in the post-WWII period, and, hence, could not be specific to the circumstances of the Viet Nam War. This tipping point came on the back of having read and reread and reread C. G. Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul during the early-fall of 1963 (assigned reading by Prof. Abdul Aziz Said) at American University's SIS, of having written a long paper for Dean Griffith on The Predicament of Existentialism relative to Heisenberg and Gödel, and of discussions of the involved issues with Ernest Nagel (coauthor of Gödel's Proof, 1958) and his Jungian-analyst wife. Digressing, it wasn't until much later that I came to understand the degree to which Nagel's notion of bridge laws reflect Everett's notion of relative-state (1957) rightly interpreted only with the Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics (1906-'21) Gödel hid under a bushel (mid-1930s) with his 1T2-logical self-referential reflexivities, which George Soros later (~1960s) saw as characteristic of market over-reach. Washington, D.C., in the days before the Kennedy assassination, and even before the First National Teach-in Against the Viet Nam War at the Sheraton Park Hotel (which Nagel played a significant role in), was an open city to a degree incomprehensible today. SIS students went everywhere, talked with everyone, about anything (while GWU students were much more compliant, and thus better candidates for FSOs and/or presidents). Of course, the origin of my thought about this actual theme was exposure to animistic-Shinto spiritualism in Midori Gaoka, Ashiya-cho, kita-Kyushu, Japan at the end of the American Occupation and in immediate aftermath of the Korean War, where I remember the race relations between Americans and Japanese as being very different from how they are historically portrayed. Later, 1960-'61, at the Alaska SAC base, Eielson AFB, the same issues of the actual theme again appeared to awareness in my emotional reactions to special tutorials in symbolic logic, topology, and foundations of mathematics offered by a retired university professor whom we students called Mr. Moore. And in 1962, at Wright-Patterson AFB, jumping in and out of flight simulators used in development of the autopilot systems (which my father had a role in at AFLC/AFSC) which were precursors of VR technology, talking with the involved scientists over Sunday dinner at our house, I once more encountered the same issues of the actual theme while imagining-pondering topologies of multiple bank credit expansion cascades in relation to quantum theory. I was at the time taking PSSC physics (experiment at teaching quantum mechanics at the high school level) and an honors economics course. Animistic modes of cognition, which by then I knew to be somehow related to the bizarre aspects of quantum mechanics, were again encountered in the Mekong delta during 1967, preparing me for the tipping-point recognition at CICV-Targets. I was also prepared for this tipping point by the wound I received in the Delta, the ensuing state of rage and associated physiological responses, and contemplations thereof, which eventually led to ideas about superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA. After my return from Viet Nam, engagement with theoretical aspects of autogenic brain discharges and the cascade theory of tornado genesis, and direct exposure to the emotional back-reactions to quantum-models of both -- emotional states I recognized as parallel to those I had seen at CICV-Targets -- added grist to the mill.
Most assuredly, this is just an uninformed personal opinion, more accurately a bunch of ideas personally juggled. I have never had anything remotely like the exposure that would be required to become informed. No such claim has ever been made. Content of this website should be regarded as nothing more than ruminations on a seed idea and its subsidiaries, which may or may not lend themselves to technical development. That said, I don't see the prevailing fundamental problem as one of debt; the debt problem is secondary to properties of the non-system monetary system, how the risks inherent thereto have been handled, and interfaces of that non-system system with many externalities such as properties of the quantum-based technologies more and more employed since the end of WWII. Having made that judgment -- an uninformed judgment, I hasten to remind -- I do not see how policies addressing the debt problem as if it were the bottom line of causation are likely to produce the outcomes hoped for. My understanding is that leverage ratios have markedly increased as the crisis has unfolded and the packaged-risk hedges have come back upon the parties involved. So, the central banks are trying to pull such packages out of the concrete economy: that's what I mean by the term post-Keynesian. When a central bank, say the FED, starts acting like a fund of funds, and jacks its own leverage up and up, what this is tantamount to is creation of a virtual extension to the Devil's Staircase, another kind of bundling of bundles, but with a twist into imaginary monetary space. I'm saying that this imaginary monetary space should have been there all along, and that it should be the basis for a reserve currency that is not simultaneously a vehicle currency. I add to this the notion that m-valued logics can provide a means to internalize externalities to the market, and that this capability would have to be registered by the reserve currency, thus making the imaginary monetary space an m-logically-valued reference space. One could regard the current monetary interventions as Friedmanesque and the current and soon-to-come deficit spending as Keynesian, but this way of seeing it really is reductionistic, reducing what is new in the current crisis to something familiar which isn't actually there. Moreover, both the monetary and fiscal policy initiatives thus far undertaken have strongly forecast a move to unprivatizing (not to say nationalizing) by the government taking shares and/or oversight in businesses and pulling more and more privately held monies into government bonds. This is tantamount to beginning to put the economy on a war footing. No general mobilization has yet been called, but if and when the monetary and fiscal policy initiatives do not yield the hoped for results, one can easily envision a wide range of pretexts for justifying the next step: large increases in war materiel production. This is not happening in one or two countries; it is happening all over the planet. My statement that the collective unconscious decision for this was made long ago relates to answers as to why the imaginary monetary space the FED has recently marked with its current interventions was not overtly and systematically created decades ago.
If you try to forecast system behavior by detailing the spatial field, then linear (Newtonian) dynamics is like the tortoise and nonlinear (Newtonian) dynamics the hare in regards to model runtimes. But if you get into the 3-body problem and n-body problems -- each against all; all against all; all against each -- the detailing of the spatial field, because of the Wall of Infinite-Regress, necessarily becomes a matter of statistical dynamics, of stochastic process modeling, where only collective ensemble-behaviors can be forecast as a Spindle-of-Necessity syndesis. Hobbes' Leviathan -- the nation-state -- was a hedge against this all-against-all, tribal, mass-behavior, chaos, pagan, animism of the state-of-Nature, mitigated only by demons, most notably Maxwell's demon wielding a silver hammer. And what was that silver hammer? Planck's quantum, which indicated that forecasting system behavior does not require detailing of the spatial field, only the description of a fundamental-elemental oscillator. But this silver hammer of an oscillator, it turned out, is not a normal Newtonian hammer beating upon the drum of a normal spatial field; it has all sorts of bizarre fractal behaviors, non-simple identities, non-localities, perversions, sexual perversions, even, has Maxwell's silver hammer, wielded by a demon! And there is only one way to get rid of these pathological, medieval, incestuous, group-sex, daisy-chaining, highly-risky, bizarre, pornographic quantum perversions: bundle up the elemental oscillators with their risks into packets of the quantum field as probability amplitudes, themselves oscillators derivative of the elemental oscillators loaned to the system by virtual exchanges with the zero-point-energy central bank of nature through its frequency-response windows. All along there were people pulling their hair out, of course, saying there had to be limits placed upon such behaviors, a classical limit, otherwise things inevitably would get out of hand, especially if the newly-created oscillators were not adequately constrained by a well-schooled preprogramming. Moreover, these people felt, if things did get out of hand, the only way to return the nation-state to its rightful control over the state-of-Nature would be war. And each and every, all, protestations to the effect that Maxwell's demon is actually an angel called imaginary operator-time, wielding temporal curl as m-logically-valued operations, were ignored.
Things can be done. One, for instance, can cultivate an interior distance from the current complement of the human species. What other intelligent response is there? What other intelligent response has been possible? The species has to all appearances electro-chemically foundered irretrievably upon the subject/(physical)object-level of projective-identification at transference: it is very unlikely to accomplish the phase transition it has resolutely rejected for two centuries. Moreover, the best one could do to facilitate the phase transition which is unlikely to be made is to cultivate such interior distance: non-participant observation/self-observation in eidetic phenomenological reduction as walking meditation, sole means to engage/modify collective unconscious event gradients. C. G. Jung tried unsuccessfully to map the involved collective unconscious event gradients with his association experiments, but independent of autogenic training, Jacobson's autosensory observation, Gurdieff's self-observation, and long practice in fair-witnessology, associational ineptitude is the only possible result. A biofeedback-equipped smart isolation/flotation Lilly tank with holographic Musculpt readout display and memory-storage-scanning capability as training environment would, however, greatly enhance such an effort. The degree of unlikelihood as regards the constellated, but refused, electro-chemical phase transition is manifestly readable in responses to statements like the present one, responses I have been observing for nearly 40 years. There has been no noticeable variation over that period. E-motivity of the e-chemical buffers is e-laborate, yielding other/same ideational/associational dyscrasia, transposition, dislocation, displacement. Solipsistic selfsameness, for instance, is difference; it is in the infinite regress of non-selfsameness that identity-transparency is. The worst conceivable solopsistic, derealizing, normotic thing that could happen to a world self-organizing on the heterostatic basis of the quantum-potential in relative-state identity-transparency would be subjection to a difference engine: Selbsorganization simply would altogether stop absent the strange attractor which is superintegrated Uberdeterminierung. And what is the most differencing of difference engines? The finite-iteration 2-valued-logic Universal Turing Machine spun off in acts of war by a war largely set in motion by hysterical back-reaction to the specter of identity-transparent non-selfsameness raised by codification of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics. Generalized, collective unconscious compensatory abreaction to Lukasiewicz: the culminating focal seizure being the Nazi demand for purified identity informing total war, holocaust, genocide. The binary-logic digital computer is quite possibly the worst thing ever likely to happen to this planet: purified selfsameness realized by the 1T2-UTM set against µTm-logical Lukasiewicz non-selfsameness. How could anything but yet-more-war result when such technology is extensively interfaced with financial and other infrastructures?
Okay. Let me say this about associational ineptitude -- and when I use an unorthodox term like that, as casual as its usage may appear, generally the use is well-considered. C. G. Jung (d. 1961), unfortunately was not around to brood upon The Unconscious as Infinite Sets (Ignacio Matte-Blanco, Duckworth, 1975) and he clearly never assimilated Lukasiewicz logics, so the assumptions brought to his association experiments were extremely naive. His use of the term acausal connecting principle reflects this naiveté, as does his notion of synchronicity -- which Pauli let him down on, by not making him suitably aware of the Pauli notion of operator-time. But leaving aside discussion of imaginary time, topologically-active temporal operations, and so on, the unconscious -- particularly the collective unconscious -- does not limit itself to 1T2-logical associations and/or conversions thereof, which Jung's conception of the nature of archetypes is dependent upon. Moreover, if the unconscious associates by principles apropos of infinite sets, as Matte-Blanco maintains, then archetypes are not residues of collective experience accumulated throughout the ages -- as Jung imagined: glutamatergically-etched 1T2-logical consciousness has played no role whatsoever in their formation. So, no experiments with conscious associations between percept-gestalts that are not bare-percepts can reveal the nature of archetypes or how they are involved in orchestration of collective unconscious event gradients. Lukasiewicz's focus of attention during the first decade of the 20th century was intimately involved with these issues by virtue of his successful challenge to the notion that implication is necessary to logic or that logical necessity is inherent to logic. When infinite sets of logical-values to a given proposition are involved -- as Matte-Blanco maintains is the case with unconscious processes -- there is no question of implication, because precedence cannot be defined within the logics employed.
True, one could regard the notion of synchronicity as an attempt to escape renormalization of the archetype to requirements of precedence relations (logical, ontological, temporal) under 1T2-valued logic and its truth-value matrices. Jung and Pauli knew that, in terms of, say, the I-Ching and quantum mechanics, only if one selects premises and data judiciously does simple cause-effect, antecedent-consequent, and/or statistics-and-probability causality appear adequate. Synchronicity -- meaningful coincidence/co-occurrence -- in event-gradient pattern transcends (Jungian transcendent function) renormalization of the archetype by violating the requirements of precedence relations (under 1T2-valued logic). And how is this violation of precedence engineered? By observation (consciousness) establishing a meaningful relation between observer-state and object-system (observer-object dualism marking the fact that the notion of synchronicity remains under 1T2-logic, even as it transcends the precedence relations mandated by such logic). And what is consciousness that it is capable of engineering such a violation (which judicious selection of premises and data removes the possibility of)? One could easily view Pauli as having thrown out the baby with the bath water in having rejected his own notion of operator-time before he had engaged with Jung concerning the notion of synchronicity. Is an observer an operator? Under the Copenhagen Interpretation (CI) of quantum mechanics, an operator is an observable, not an observer; an observer can be an operator only insofar as he/she is an observable -- a principle that removes Universal Observer Q into infinite regress, which, under 1T2-logic, is treated as a fallacy. Moreover, under CI, the act of observation, in collapsing the time-dependent Schrödinger wave-function, establishes the precedence relations of 1T2-valued logic; it does not violate them. Had Pauli brought his notion of operator-time to Jung's notion of synchronicity, then the resultant conception would have been quite different; it would have embraced Lukasiewicz m-valued logics as a framework for interpretation of Schrodinger's time-independent wave-function. Universal consciousness -- consciousness-without-an-object, consciousness without contents, pure consciousness -- would be the set of all topological operations on the MVRS, the m-logically-valued reference space, whereover such operations are without operators (see, above, Robert Poli, Perspective Shifters for discussion of the absence of objectual valence and operations without operators). Moreover, the time-dependent wave-function, objectual valence, and operations with operators would be cyclotomically demergent (cf: Eric Temple Bell's Ph.D. dissertation) under the Abelian transalgebras of the MVRS, fibrations of which (superstrings of M Theory) are numbered with Gödel numbered Gödel numbers. Since these Vedic-Platonic ideas are, in essence, truly ancient history to the human species, what does that tell us about the prevailing global conjuncture?
Yes, but. So one might expect; so one might even attempt to encourage. But, realistically speaking, what are the chances? Think of all the dimensions involved. And is there even a speck of evidence? Some small number of persons with significant discretionary resources should be acting in truly forward-looking manner -- but this simply is not happening. Why? Because of all the various dimensions involved: those from the uttermost abstract to those abysmally concrete-mundane. Discretionary resources rarely extend their underwrite into actions beyond small quarters of the horizon-to-horizon expanse of these various dimensions. Practical men/women these are, men/women in possession of significant discretionary resources -- and practical people believe in solutions. There are solutions to the present crisis! There must be because there is no such thing as a problem without a solution. We can handle this, finesse it, muddle through, dampen the volatility, resolve the crisis with acceptable loses. Use what you've got because you've got it! But when logistics sets strategy The solution-oriented don't easily acknowledge that far-from-equilibrium phase transitions, once having cusped, absolutely will run their course. The solution-oriented frequently choose to die rather than so acknowledge. Thus, the forward-look of the solution-oriented is not very forward-looking. Can't see all the way up the cusp surface, let alone beyond the fissure. Seeking solutions to what cannot be solved is a spoiling operation as regards dealing adequately with prospective conditions of the post-fissure stable-state. And don't speak of leadership at self-organization. Hardly possible. Mutually annihilating. My father's second, post-pilot, USAF career being that of a supply-and-materiel troubleshooter, I grew up with such issues. Career military are fond of saying that strategy is the domain of amateurs, whereas professionals are concerned with logistics. This is true and false, because a simultaneously operative stack of multiple scenarios is not equivalent to the map of contingency-tree (bi-, tri-, quadri- )furcations the military so favor (Everett algorithms, escalation control options, et cetera) and because there is no logic to logistics independent of a specification as to the order of logical-value to which the adopted strategic opplan conforms, and which the logistics must serve -- even with self-organization by resource exchange across fractal phase-boundaries. In regards to the prevailing global crisis, no specifiable strategic plan will provide solutions to its many superintegrated dimensions, for superintegration precludes such dedicated specificity and thus no 1T2-logic of logistics could conceivably serve this inherently unspecifiable strategic opplan. Not to mention collective-unconscious orchestration of human error in thrall to the phase-transition's attractors. That's why VirFut Q-Pro; that's why Musculpt as mathematical notation, the LargeGlass HUD (head-up display) for VirFut Q-Pro; that's why computer-gamed m-logically-valued LETS; that's why autogenic training in the biofeedback-equipped Lilly tank; that's why EscherFormDance; that's why I am not particularly interested in any particular aspect of it.
George Soros' take on market reflexivities is a parallel to Noam Chomsky's take on elements of a universal grammar. I had a short chat with Chomsky at Cornell after a public lecture he gave there during the mid-1970s. I asked him what he thought the relation was between what he calls elements of a universal grammar and what Jung calls archetypes of the collective unconscious. He said he thought there was likely a great deal of connection, but he was the wrong person to investigate it because he cannot read Jung. Soros' account of the origin of his notion of market reflexivities is similar: while studying with Popper, he was exposed to self-referential propositions like the liar's paradox (e.g., this statement is false), which he concluded illustrate that there is an unknowable aspect to reality, unknowable because we are participants in reality, i.e., reality has self-referential properties of importance to market behaviors, which he deemed market reflexivities and saw as responsible for market over-reach in bubble formation and collapse. And just as Chomsky did not seriously look into Jung's notion of archetypes, so Soros did not look seriously into Lukasiewicz's notion of logics, which are based on orders of self-referential propositions. During the brief chat at Cornell, Chomsky asked me what I thought the relation was between elements of a universal grammar and Jung's archetypes. I said I thought the Chomskyan idea is correct in supposing that elements of a universal grammar are encoded into the genome, but that I did not think this encoding is accomplished on the molecular level, that it is in the higher-temporal derivatives of the quantum-wave properties of the free-electron gas core which mediates the DNA molecule's radiation-exchange processes with its environment. He turned away from the conversation to engage another questioner, so we never got into Paulí's notion of operator-time and how that could be involved with Jung's notion of archetypes. Why did Chomsky turn away? Because the idea expressed was outside the realm of conventional biochemistry? I don't think so. Because the idea expressed is quintessentially Platonic and Chomsky's generative approach to grammar based on recursion is subliminally a debunking of Cabala, gematria, and language-universal notions historically associated with Hebrew and Sanskrit, as well as yantric and topological approaches to a universal form-language (if spoken-language universals are involved with radiation exchange with the environment, then spoken-language universals are involved with nature universals -- and there may be yet-to-be-discovered rules governing adaptive DNA recombinants). There was instant subliminal recognition and an abrupt turning away. Similarly, Soros decided that self-reference must be a mark of unknowability because it violates the principles of logic informing the Cartesian-Newtonian metaphysics underpinning the Popperian notion of an open society Soros had become committed to. So the possibility that details of Lukasiewicz logics could shed considerable light upon what a market is and could be was never investigated.
I am that I am. Consider that Cabala is all about properties of a self-referential universe (and here I must credit counseling from a young lady of Westchester County, steeped in Cabala, who spent as much time in AU's library during the early-1960s as I did). Knowledge through identity. Cabalistic self-reflexivity is holographically knowable: animistic whole-part identity transparency, the very essence of Everettian relative-state which is the quantum potential responsible for autopoietic self-organization (not probability as cause). Cabala was an ancient study of the properties of self-organizing systems, just as Rabbinical studies focused upon the role of law in externally-prescriptive regulation. Which side of this age-old paradigm conflict do bailouts of the large and the wealthy conjoined to the power of bailiffs over the small and the poor (cf: Bailiffs get power to use force on debtors, Sunday Times, 21 December 2008) come down upon? Tantrism versus Brahmanism. Taoism versus Confucianism. Which side of this age-old conflict do ? Nearly universal, it is, this conflict. Whether or not bailiffs actually get such power in boldface fashion, this announced intent is, not only a retroflexion, but a prefiguration. As regards pathogenesis of mass hysterical hebephrenic breaks large in magnitude, the big events are trivial, if, perhaps, triggering; it is the accumulation of minuscule drops of maleic acid and their slow fumaric induction of contagion which is instrumental. The index of no practicable recourse at being screwed-over by corporate entities -- governmental and otherwise -- has risen by leaps and bounds over the decades such that no person on the planet does not see half a dozen instances daily. Few react with violence, even in those areas of the globe where it is at its worst. But the suppressed rage is regressed into the collective unconscious, there to fester. Holocaust of the WholeEarth is more and more risked with each passing day. I come down on the side of Cabala, Taoism, and Tantrism -- which is to say, I believe in the therapeutic efficacy of universal self-reference and its self-reentrant empty centers, an omnipresent traditional cosmogonic motif throughout Asia and much of the rest of the world. Unfortunately, this motif has too often been personified (thus transforming it into a vehicle of Rabbinical, Brahmanic, Confucian laws, be they of a Moses, a Manu, or whomsoever). Adumbrations of such personification occurred very early, of course, surely well before the Old Testament, the Brahmanas, the Analects. Consider, for instance, the following (Among Insurgents: Walking Through Burma, Shelby Tucker, Flamingo, 2001, pp. 68-9, comments in square brackets and double square brackets are my inserts):
Few if any people [the Kachin or Wunpawng, specifically the Jinghpaw] on earth attach so much importance to lineage. They trace their ancestry to an hermaphroditic [the point of self-reentry being a singularity, an empty-center about which self-organizing processes congeal] creator god referred to [tropological metareference] as Shadip [personification] or Ga Nat (Earth Spirit) [[Personified analogue of: pure consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators (order-types in temporal curl) of the m-logically-valued reference space; pure consciousness in it passive aspect is the reference space (aka: Tzog-chen Allbase) acted upon.]] One of Shadip's sons, known as Ka-ang Duwa, or Lord of the Middle Earth took upon himself human form [autopoietic decomposition of Allbase to Middle Earth as single-valued generation-sheets, by mathematical involutes, transcendental unto incarnate] and mated with an alligator [also symbol of self-reentry, by eating its own tail] who begat the progenitors of the [begat, begat, begat in that Greek additive style, where the lineage and its gatha-poem naming algorithms personify, i.e., as generations, the generative cascade process and its various principles and products constituting the incarnate object-world].
But personification is not the only device by which cosmogonic tropological metareference can transpire. In Marcel Mauss' theory of the gift and Marshall Sahlins' Stone Age Economics, the conventions of the ritual-gift-exchange economy signified (with a sacred ship-of-the-dead cloth, for instance, a kind of reserve currency not at the same time a vehicle currency) mutual incorporation of animistic identity-transparency, or, in other words, the non-simple identity of quantum relative-state (which modern social anthropology has mistaken for a "participation inconsiente" or a pathological contagion). Nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS are/is a non-personified incarnation of Shadip and his progeny.
One could observe that upon his death Samuel Huntington is noted for The Clash of Civilizations thesis, rather than for the Viet-Nam-war-era phrase forced-draft urbanization which the Khmer Rouge acted out in compensatory abreaction as forced-draft de-urbanization. One could also observe that, today, we are seeing in Dongguan, Guangdong a dry run of a forced-draft de-urbanization and industrial deconstructionism which could become, in due course, a globalized phenomenon. Hopefully no functional equivalent to a Pearl River Dark Wing scenario ever develops over this sort of thing -- but then, à la Huntington, the greatest risks of that are in the far west-southwest.
I am a believer in the Prigoginean notion of open, not that Popperian -- open to negentropic inputs (even though I do not subscribe to Prigogine's statistical treatment). But self-reentrant systems or societies -- by virtue of the non-orientabilities involved, permitting holographic whole-part identity transparency -- are of a higher order than those merely open, and thus I would advocate societies with multiple handles on their decision trees, handles which holographically dissipate chains of authority and topologically transform freedom vs. order into freedom and order. This transform can realize itself only under the identity-transparencies manifest as quantum relative-state. Societies wishing to become self-reentrant must find the means to accomplish the prerequisites: that is why I essay upon nested Lukasiewiczian m-logically-valued e-LETS as a means to internalize to the market externalities (Prigoginean open system) and to formalize F. A. von Hayek's notion of the multiple time-shapes of total capital stock (Everettian relative-state) into the quantal Allbase for a universal reserve e-currency which is not at the same time a vehicle currency.
Quite frankly, I find myself not overly interested in truth degrees, or their instants or instances, mum, infra-mum, or supre-mum, x-,y-,z- or t-normotic, particularly those monoidal, pre-positional, pro-positional, or existentially predicated. But this expression of a personal preference function does not mean that no role for some varieties of fuzzy logics would not-likely be found were attempts ever made to implement nested m-logically-valued LETS. I imagine they would be -- particularly in the early stages as indicators began to map local multiple-scenarios planning algorithms into superposed currency-value stacks so as to internalize externalities. But eventually this would have to be foregone. Defuzzification to a single-valued quantifier is not only BADD renormalization and COG truncation and SLIDE rescaling; the cutting, pasting, overlaying, centroiding to selfsame defuzzified value is of a ranging itself normalized to mini-max terminals unplaceable in transfinite set-theoretic terms: [0 , 1] is a chimera of {0 ^ 1} where ^ indicates alephs into infinite regress. Until the logic blocks of nonlinear voltage ramps analog-out over irregular polytopes of superposition as the basic elements of holog standing-wave-effect processors, there is no real Musculpt as mathematical notation for handling transactions involving full-blown m-logically-valued monetary units -- only some type of defuzzification of the fuzzification thereof. The reason why the hologram projected through a piece of the plate is fuzzy is not because of some limit function nature has placed upon photonic identity-transparency, but because the perceiving brain has been glutamatergically etched under prescriptive enculturation (i.e., has become subject to Maya) and can, therefore, only cognize an m-logically-valued identity as some fuzzy set. Not this, not that is Thou art That, This art Thou.
I obviously haven't had the occasion to get into concrete details or existential predicates, given that each local and nested case would evolve uniquely, but right off the top of my head I can think of early and later examples of fuzzy-logic applications in process of implementation of Lukasiewiczian monetary units. Early: some environmental-quality and quality-of-life indicators likely would most easily be tagged to m-valued local exchange units by applications in fuzzy logic and various forms of defuzzification to defuzzified-value arrays of a given value-slot stacked on the base-state of the currency (in evolution, these LETS would be initialized as single-valued, then as indicators are tagged they would become m-valued functions, and as multiple-scenarios computer gaming became more and more sophisticated and Musculptly user friendly they would become m-logically-valued and processed by mu-itic quantum processors). Acquisition of the skills required to use such an evolving monetary system -- given that posted readout of transactions would evolve toward full-blown Musculpt -- would necessitate a staged process of public education deeply involved with the sensibilities native to art music, the plastic arts, dance, and cognition of their metareferential tropes. The more the multi-utilities of these tropes were dispersed in society, the lower the index of implied threat, the thinner the thin blue line, required to make order compatible with freedom: this itself would be a fuzzification of self-fulfilling-prophesy-type arbitrary terminal values, e.g., instead of [0 , 1] there is the set of terminals [o , f ]. Fuzzification of overt markers of 1T2-logic prescriptive enculturation would be a non-utopian, evolutionary process in acquisition of the nesting foams of a Lukasiewiczian global monetary system. A systemic snap-over is clearly not possible, and given that the human species has resolutely avoided since the 1820s what has been necessary, it is hard to imagine how a substantial price would not be paid for long engagement in that thematic evasion. Later: as the requisite nesting foams are acquired by defining the legal tender of currencies on fractal e-boundaries, local cases may evolve whereupon the band-pass/fractal-entrapment properties of the involved fractal e-boundaries become dispensable but a condition of without-borders is not indicated. Under such circumstances, which appear to have prevailed traditionally over much of Asia, a defuzzification of the Koch curves of fractal e-boundaries with respect to this or that value-slot stacked on the base-states of directly interfaced Lukasiewiczian currencies may facilitate some aspect of the adopted superposed scenarios locally computer gamed in Vir-Fut Q-Pro.
I could agree more, and I would do so by suggesting that Lukasiewiczian monetary nesting foams could be regarded a quantization, by Everettian relative-state, of mobius-web governance (see, for instance, The Governance of Fragmegration: Neither a World Republic Nor a Global Interstate System by James N. Rosenau) and that internalization (to the market) of externalities by fine-grained m-logically-valued monetary-unit tagging could be regarded a fractalization of multi-level governance: it is by such quantization and fractalization that societies become topologically self-reentrant (here I must state that various comments made in discussions occasioned by Abdul Aziz Said's theories course on structure of the international system, taught during the early-1960s at American University's School of International Service, prompted me to begin thinking in this fashion). A long, long memetime ago, I would suggest, scripting of emperorhood and kinghood in tropological metareferences was a case of defuzzification to defuzzified single-values signifying functions of an empty-center singularity in self-organizing processes (see for background: Hayao Kawai, The Hidden Gods in Japanese Mythology, Eranos Yearbook 1985, Volume 54, 1986; and the 1991 University of Hawaii Ph.D. dissertation on scripting the Emperor of Japan by Pat Masters; and Siam Mapped, A History of the Geo-Body of a Nation by Thongchai Winichakul, University of Hawaii, 1994, Silkworm edition; and the discussion provided in T4[M] posted on this website). With defuzzification, m-logically-valued meanings are lost, the ultimate defuzzification being, of course, invocation of the 1T2-logic Law of Distributed Middle.
The human species, other species, the planet as a whole, possibly even other planets in our Sun's solar system are paying a huge price for maintenance of the fiction of a classical limit in the physical and biological sciences, so the social sciences can remain free of the quantal disorder it is feared would occasion the breaching of that limit. Opposing this has been to make camp in Piazza Campo dei Fiori, like Giordano Bruno did at behest of the Inquisition. Yet, by now, clear evidence of the price being paid has appeared virtually everywhere and is being attributed to various unrelated causes such that verification of the existence of a classical limit can be sustained: increased pathogenicity of bacteria and viruses, decreased immune competency across many species, explosive incidence of degenerative diseases, decreased sperm counts, ozone holes, magnetic field breaches, climate shift attributed exclusively to greenhouse warming, epidemics of bizarre collective behaviors of many species including the human, and the breakdown of psychological, social, sexual, political, and economic structures amongst humans on a scale that looks likely to become unprecedented. Many causes, surely. But are they uncorrelated to, say, the density of microwave radiation in a place like, say, Tokyo? So, when I advocate the widespread use of e-currencies in nested m-logically-valued LETS, I do not do so lightly, nor do I do so without suggesting -- via a model of superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA -- that existing communication and computing technologies could be re-engineered so as not to encroach upon biologically-active frequency-response windows. Such re-engineering may not even involve getting altogether out of the valley of minimum sky noise; it could be something as straightforward as some facsimile of real fast frequency hopping -- or, more likely, an acceleration or time rate of change of acceleration of real fast frequency hopping. Nature has probably already figured this out and worked it into the design criteria/specifications of its convivial tools.
The fragmentation problem, in my assessment, cannot be directly addressed -- not successfully, at least. Much of the violent conflict on the planet still involves colonial-legacy warfare. Especially in the British case, ethnic minorities and/or imported populations were used to displace and control indigenous majority elites. Witness Sri Lanka and Myanmar, for two contemporary instances. Colonial-legacy warfare, speaking in general systems terms, exemplifies decompositional fractionation. Forced assimilation -- as an approach to solutions -- never actually simulates spontaneous fusion; it only creates the framework conditions for yet more legacy warfare. But that does not mean there is no possible adequate address, no possible solution. This is one reason for advocating implementation of monetary nesting-foams as m-logically-valued LETS: create the framework conditions which will facilitate spontaneous fusion, a quantal fusion existing as a complement to spontaneous quantal localization. Spontaneous localization and fusion exemplify quantum complementarity. But framework conditions are not the same as framework determining conditions: this is why the meta-level cannot be neglected; the framework conditions one wants will not actually be obtained unless the prerequisite framework determining conditions are inculcated at the meta-level. Don't even try to implement nesting-foam LETS without simultaneously invoking a metareferential transcendent function as strange attractor: the notion of planetary meta-culture prerequisite to spontaneous fusion. This invocation would involve widespread propagation of signifying tropological metareferences to, not the prerequisites of this or that concrete culture, but the prerequisites of cultural codification, per se, culture in the general case, culture as organizational principle, not a specific instance of its application. Transcendent functions exist always on a higher level of abstraction where they act as attractors constellated by signifying tropes. This is where the Japanese -- via their Empire of Signs according to Roland Bathes, a useful if inadequate treatment often disparaged by those identified with the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltangshauung -- potentially have a unique contribution to make in circumstances of the prevailing global crisis, for their intuitive grasp of the principles involved in the uses of signifying tropological metareference appears to have been most elaborate. Moreover, not only do the Japanese have access to the required convivial tools -- leading-edge quantum-based technologies -- but their traditional aesthetic system of signs appears to have tropologically metareferenced some principles recognizable as quantal in nature. Not exactly Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance or The Tao of Physics, but then
That's on a much lower level of consideration, but still very important, nonetheless. Some societies are more at risk in the prevailing global dynamic than are others. Japan, today, is especially at risk. The population density, limited natural resources, inability to feed themselves due to many factors including structural impediments initiatives, resultant import- and export-dependencies including oil, progressive exportation of their heavy-manufacturing base to China, aging population, and so on and so forth. This is one reason why they may be uniquely qualified for a creative quantum leap: a confluence of factors auguring for preemptive action, not on a nation-state-policy level, but NGO and corporate action relative to the meta-level of factors of the concrete circumstance. The best way to get rid of something old is to create something new.
Once fiscal policies put the global economy on a war footing, there will be global war. I believe this was decided for decades ago as the only way to further sustain institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm. Whether the meta-level is consciously attended to or not, it remains an orchestrator of the large patterns. Consciously attending to the meta-level imparts some degree of influence over the character of the governing attractors.
I'm not talking about acculturation, borrowings and adaptations between cultures, but about abstracting out of culture, per se, as a means to reduce -- not end, this is no utopian notion -- intercultural conflict. With ideas like cultural obstructions to trade, there is no mistaking the fact that economic process conventions are potent elements of intercultural conflict: this is one point of departure for a notion like nested m-logically-valued LETS. Local Exchange Trading Systems nested within an m-logically-valued reference space (MVRS) as the universal reserve e-currency domain (mappable to a frequency domain), not only allow, but encourage, signification of diverse, culturally-informed, economic process conventions to whatsoever degree of spontaneous localization myriad concrete-cultural determinants might ordain, without sacrificing the global unification demanded by planetary population and resource pressures, and so on. That is the magic without magic imparted by spontaneous localization and fusion under quantum relative-state understood through the lens of Lukasiewicz logics, where the 1T2-logic laws of distributed middle and non-contradiction do not prevail. Whatsoever codification this or that ethnicity, religion, cultural bias might embody in a given LETS, by internalizing (to the market) externalities via fine-grained e-currency frequency-tagging, is compatible with the functional requirements of a monetary MVRS. How could that be so? Not only because of the absence of logic laws defining polarities as given, and not only because of the presence of howsoever many values to a given proposition as may be required. Consider what abstracting out of culture, per se might be. Every existing concrete culture codifies itself on an ongoing basis, borrows and adapts, sustains itself, to a greater or lesser degree of effectiveness -- and to one degree or another represents the corpus of these activities in culturally-specific tropes, tropes specific to the given concrete culture. Using Japanese terminology, call the rules by which a given concrete culture accomplishes this: kata. Call the meta-rules by which the collection of all such given concrete cultures accomplish this: kakureta kata (~ Platonic archetypal forms-in-process). Metathetically map kakureta kata onto the MVRS as holographic Musculpt recurrent motives, and number them with Gödel numbered Gödel numbers. Such rules of rules are m-logically-valued propositions and all such propositions can be Gödel numbered over some collection of order-types. Any fine-grained frequency tag to the e-currency reference domain would be a Gödel-numbered Gödel number -- and, hence, processable by mu-itic quantum processors. What is tropologically metareferenced here in Musculpt symorphonie are not elements of concrete cultures, but rules of rules common to all concrete cultures, that is, rules of rules abstracted out of all concrete cultures, what those cultures already are always doing. This notion of meta-culture is an in-forming attractor, not something to be quickly effectuated. Nonetheless, in the role of an attractor, it has the potential to lend coherency to the attempts this civilization makes to adapt to the current global crisis -- and thus successfully move through it.
I'm not against space travel; I'm against travel into space from dead planet.
Choose superposed frequencies -- mu-its of operator-time -- as small and as large as you like; map them over representation spaces as small and as large as you like: truant of our conceit? I don't think so. How else is the systemic need for insurgents of ethnicity to be incorporated? That is if a solipsistic, purified-identity, one world, one voice, one blood, one command, We are the world!, coercive we-me, meme-monocropping, deracinating, global-monoculture monism, redacting dac-dac-dac, proselytizing by permutation of descriptors, brave new world order is to cease being the governing attractor.
Hey, somebody finally slipped it into a piece published by the mainstream media: that's quite an event (Bowring: A close-up on Japan's 'lost decade', Philip Bowring, International Herald Tribune, 30 December 2008). Quoting:
A significant part of the deflationary pressure can also be attributed not to post-bubble financial policies but to the near doubling of the yen's value forced on Japan by the Plaza Accord in 1985. Appreciation culminated in a peak of 85 to the dollar in 1995 compared with 240 a decade earlier.
Got that? forced on I remember 360 yen to the dollar. What do you think the primary cause of the Japan baburu keiki (bubble economy) was? What do you think the primary cause of the 1997 Southeast and East Asian meltdown was? The Plaza Accords. More than one accord was accorded. Before the bubble burst, one got nowhere critiquing the Plaza Accords in Japan, of course; most everybody thought they were great. Fly over to Honolulu for weekend sushi. Stroll the length of Waikiki without stepping off the sandbox-to-sandbox Tokyo secretaries' rear-ends. The first all-night (literally) discussion I had of my interpretation of Lukasiewicz logics with a Japanese expert in fuzzy logic took place in January of 1990 (just after the Nikkei peaked) at University of Tsukuba following a public lecture I gave there on DNA superconductivity. Polite indifference to the lecture; not much headway on Lukasiewicz. But a few years later, one drunk night at the end of a bottle of Suntory, I was asked: What do you think we should do? I pondered on it and replied: Say yes, yes, yes and do whatever you damn well please. But the real question was, What do we please? My suggestion was, coming off Lukasiewicz, a Japanese initiative for m-logically-valued LETS as a replacement for the whole Bretton Woods conception. But it was too late into the wee hours for that, it was.
The price of anything, including a currency, is held captive to the theory of value being tacitly and overtly employed at pricing. Market capitalism's predominantly subjective theory of value (itself held captive, captive to its analogical modeling upon I think, therefore I am Cartesian-Newtonian physical theory) is necessitated by how the market supply-demand dynamic is understood through the lens of atomistic vector summation, and this theory of value is maintained largely by keeping externalities external to market processes (an expression of the atomistic simple-identity at core of Cartesian-Newtonian thought and the 1T2-Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean logic it employs). What, with advent of quantum mechanics, replaced the single-valued functions of Newton's laws of motion as applied in vectorial analysis? The superposed m-valued wave-function employed in Schrödinger's wave equation (most straightforwardly -- involving the least sophistry -- interpreted with m-valued Lukasiewicz logics understood without reference to the notion of truth-value). So, how would the shift from Newtonian to quantum physical theory be analogically modeled into market economics? Price setting by supply-demand dynamic would have to cease employing single-valued functions and begin employing m-valued functions. How could this best be done? By altering the nature of the unit of exchange, the information conveyor, the currency. What is the biggest difference between a Newtonian billiard ball and a quantum electron? The former is single-valued; the latter, m-valued. Information carried by the billiard ball is not holistic/holographic, does not summarize the needs of the whole corpus of billiard balls. Information carried by a quantum electron, however -- by virtue of its non-simple identity, its non-locality, its multivalent, superposed, m-logically-valued, Everettian relative-state -- is holistic/holographic, does summarize the superposed/quantum-composite needs of the whole corpus of electrons (indeed, of each, every, and all wavicles of the universe). That is, of course, as understood through the lens of the time-dependent Schrödinger wave equation, which is that Schrödinger equation initially applied to analogically model the quantum mechanics of self-organizing processes into market economic theory. So, when the unit of exchange in which price is stated ceases being single-valued and becomes m-valued, that change necessarily involves internalization (to the market) of externalites because the shift from simple-identity to non-simple-identity cannot transpire without such introjection (of what had heretofore been extrojected so as to accomplish the fiction of simple-identity) -- the engine of self-organization being the quantum potential given the system by the index of non-simple-identity manifest therein (zero-point energy being a function thereof). Don't you think, therefore, it rather coincidental that, just at the moment market capitalism once again has its once-in-a-hundred-years mega-crisis, the forty-year-old climate-shift hypothesis should be proven (2008 was the year man-made global warming was disproved, Christopher Booker, Telegraph, 31 December 2008) erroneous? For what this hypothesis was necessitating was an introjection to economics of externalities with a huge single-valued price tag. And, given that -- by psychological identification with the classical limit -- atmospheric scientists and their numerical forecast models have been suppressing those features of atmospheric processes belying a classical limit (thus, in significant measure, reducing multivalued climate-shift to mere single-valued greenhouse warming), don't you think the coincidence sufficiently doubly-coincidental as to be exemplary of the principles of projective-identification at collective transference -- and, thus, prefigurative of the mass hysteria yet to come? Reinforcing this assessment is the fact that a Thatcherian economist-banker (therefore, by definition, uninterested in internalizing externalities), President of the Czech Republic, titular manager of the EU Presidency, has concluded that climate change is a myth (EU's new figurehead believes climate change is a myth, David Charter, The Times, 2 January 2009). Where is that iota of a chance the human species is going to make it through this wormhole?
Summarizing in one sentence: I'd say that changes of thermometer-temperature are not the important temperature changes to monitor, even with respect to only greenhouse warming; accelerations/decelerations and the time rates of change in accelerations/decelerations of equivalent-potential-temperature (two steps in abstraction removed from thermometer-temperature) changes are the important indicators.
What a silly argument Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson makes about global imbalances (Paulson says crisis sown by imbalance, Krishna Guha, Financial Times, 1 January 2009). Name a complex system which does not need global imbalances in order to function well. So far as I know, in the history of the universe there has never been such a system. In Earth's atmosphere, for instance, it is imbalances between energy and momentum informing cascade processes from global to local scales which, not only make weather possible, without which there would be no life on Earth, but help (along a portion of the journey) communicate information from the center of our Sun to Earth's core. Nature has hired no manager to manage these imbalances; she has appointed no boards of regulators, no cooperative conflict-resolution mediators. Nature's diversity could not exist without imbalances large and small, and without that diversity there could be no life, and without life there would be no economics. Nature's global imbalances are autopoietic and self-canceling because of the level of self-organizational competency attained. One cannot say the same for our global monetary system, properties of which foster, while simultaneously preventing self-cancellation of, the global imbalances Paulson decries. As long as those monetary-system properties remain, no amount of regulation, management, inter-nation-state cooperation will be able to put global imbalances to the work for which they are suited. Should we seek to impose a borderless world with uniform planetary savings and investment rates? There is only one complex system which has rid itself of global imbalances, and that is the homogenized monism which has suffered heat-death. It is no mere coincidence that the Cartesian-Newtonian global economy has gone into meltdown at the same time as have global ice-shelf stores.
But the whole Derivatives Era is post-Keynesian! Not only have the FED's and the Treasury's pre-GreaterDepression post-Keynesian monetary initiatives simply created another tier of derivatives derivation, the ensuing tears -- tearful for having moved dispersed local risk concentrated up the Devil's Staircase to the global scale (no mere opus culum) from the global-scale tier to the meta-level tier of the concrete economy -- will contribute greatly to the global ice-melt quotient soon to be exacerbated by massive GreaterDepression Keynesian global fiscal initiatives. There is more than one kind of impervious surface on this planet, a few being psychosomatic in nature. How many scores of trillions in Keynesian fiscal expenditures floated by bankrupt economies are required to reverse the self-reflexive over-reach in gravity-free free-fall created by 1000+ trillions in derivatives-of-concentration exponentiated into transcendental numbers by post-Keynesian (and post-Friedmanian, I might add) monetary initiatives, such that the meta-risk of globally-concentrated risk is, by concretion of time, returned to the local scale and again suitably dispersed? Not only were risk-derivatives -- formulated on a regressed unconscious level -- analogically modeled upon fiber bundles, hidden internal dimensions, and super(daisy)string theory, but risk management methodology was self-similarly derived from falsified quantum theory: the probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function (which is not, incidentally, the basis of Elliot Wave Theory). And since quantification by falsified statistical regression -- unconsciously oping the Pandoran box of falsified 19th-century higher mathematics: Praise be unto Leopold Kronecker, Husserl's business-mogul ForeBear! Praise be unto Leopold Kronecker, Husserl's business-mogul ForeBear! -- became the self-evaluated Basel basis for establishing capital requirements (see: Risk Management, Joe Nocera, N.Y. Times, 2 January 2009), the rubber band of multiple-bank credit expansion leverage stretched to break point (one mini-cusp-catastrophe amongst more to come -- check out percolation theory of forest fires, if you think we are post-fried[man] collectively projected as Burning Man -- as the concrete global economy steps off the last step of the Devil's Staircase into post-Keynesian/post-Friedman economic hyperspace). It is very unlikely that the FED will become the world's biggest car dealer, because auto manufacturing will be topologically transformed into military-vehicle manufacturing as planetary-scale waves pass Go and land on global total war. But, as Mikhail Gorbachev has recently said, nobody anticipated this or its scale -- which tells us a lot about the circles Gorby travels in -- and so, one must suppose, no one will have anticipated onset of the next global total war, either. Heh-heh-heh! This heh-heh-heh being a clear example of that renowned hebephrenic Schadenfreude. Heh-heh-heh!
If Nassim Nicholas Taleb's fat tails, black swans, and dragons being-there (it is fairytale cartoons such as this which distinguish higher-order genius in Our World) are TBD, to be determined, how be they there and how are they to be determined? And what means, semantically speaking, heh-heh-heh, the designator determined? Better look to von Hayek time shapes, Lukasiewicz logics, Everettian relative-state, m-valuation in exchange units, time rates of change in acceleration/deceleration of changes in values of econometric variables, and so very much more. Joe Nocera (see article immediately above-linked) quotes Gregg Berman of RiskMetrics defending value at risk and other risk management tools by saying, I think blaming models for this [financial crisis] would be very unfortunate because you are placing blame on a mathematical equation. You can't blame math. Is that so? Maths under what order of logical-value to a given proposition? Nocera also quotes Greenspan's mea culpa, the Chairman proclaiming that, The whole intellectual edifice, however, collapsed in the summer of last year But that intellectual edifice was not simply the collection of data points over the Gaussian normal distribution, whatever memetime-frame chosen (question of Gaussian or non-Gaussian being one of the primary obfuscations by which quantum-relativity theory has been kept out of the biological and atmospheric sciences, both collections of disciplines facing their own intellectual-edifice crisis and collapse: see, for instance, Lukasiewicz-Godel Encoding by Schrödinger-Samaropa (superposition) over Kun Gzhi (quantal allbase) at Homeopathic Potentization and The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere. Being an advocate of financially treating like with like, as he is, and likely a climate-change skeptic, I bet Greenspan has no notion whatsoever as to how all encompassing the intellectual edifice is which has, yet again, collapsed. Collapse of the USSR prefigured collapse of the whole institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung; collapse of that institutionalization prefigures the biological and atmospheric collapses yet to come.
Quoting myself from the near above:
So, how would the shift from Newtonian to quantum physical theory be analogically modeled into market economics? Price setting by supply-demand dynamic would have to cease employing single-valued functions and begin employing m-valued functions. How could this best be done?
It was not done with Lukasiewiczian monetary units. It was done with options. The superposed m-valued functions of Schrödinger's wave-function were treated as options (see Belel E. Baaquie's account of Quantum Mechanics and Option Pricing). Why was this option taken by financial innovators instead of the Lukasiewiczian option? Because Schrödinger's wave-function has been dissimulated ever since 1926, even though Lukasiewicz logics had been rigorously expounded by 1921. And why was Schrödinger's wave-function dissembled? The [because, because, because, because ] list goes back to N. H. Abel's impossibility theorem of 1826, and the [because, because, because, because ] list as to why an existence proof was deemed a statement of impossibility goes back to Aristotle, and beyond that to the first back-reactors against the female fertility cults of Old Europe. On this planet, no case of mass warfare, let alone no case of total war, has been uninformed by these [because, because, because, because ] lists, as each European because has its Asian complement. The prevailing financial crisis, 2007 to 2008 and beyond, is only one of the many experimental demonstrations of the inadequacy in the probability-and-statistics interpretation of the Schrödinger wave-function. These issues were deeply involved in pathogenesis of WWII, of WWI, of the Franco-Prussian War -- very clearly all the way back to 1826, as the catalytic issues played themselves out in higher mathematics before they entered theoretical physics and later the fundaments of the techno-base which played such a big role in the prevailing meltdown (financial and environmental). An Obama-nation into Keynesian fiscal conditioning ain't gunna resolve none of this -- let alone the superintegration of these issues with every identifiable aspect of the contemporary global crisis from the atmosphere to the genome to the Middle East to nuclear-weapons proliferation to population pressure to resource depletion to
Identification and obsession are foremost reasons for liquidity traps. Those wearing blinders which prevent awareness of externalities peripheral to the tunnel of economic vision wish to rid the world of business cycles. Being blindered, they deny that extra-systemic factors are deeply involved in origins of business cycles. This denial cultivates the mistaken belief that manipulation of internalities alone can dampen business cycles. This is the economists' economic analogue to the molecular biologists' recombinant/genetic-engineering approach: there is no ambient radiation exchange by DNA, no quantum-level to genomic processes substantively involved in biology. But ridding the world of business cycles would end life on Earth -- even without termination of business cycles, life on Earth may be terminated by the thermodynamics of business, as we currently have numerous prefigurative indications. For the unblindered, however, the problem is not manipulation of business cycles, but to internalize to the market factors-of-origin of those cycles, such that market micro-actors can explicitly respond to those factors and, thus, collectively, maximize the potentialities of business whilst simultaneously minimizing the thermodynamic consequences of such maximization. Thus would market self-reflexivities service the needs of reciprocal maintenance, the primary prerequisite of sustainability.
With the exception of those few who have embraced a hard-case version of climate change, the process we have entered upon is viewed primarily in terms of economics, politics, population pressure, epidemiology, and resource stress -- and these are generally felt to be manageable with the requisite technology innovation. Not also looking at the intellectual history components, the case is not assessed to be potentially as extreme or precipitous as it may well become. There is little sense that access to the requisite communications, computing, and transportation technologies may eventually be lost due to the evolving intensity of conflict. My focus has been upon the intellectual history and collective psychology aspects, which suggest to me the possibility of that level of conflict. Indeed, during the period StratPlan One (The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, pp. 632-641) was first written down -- 1993 -- this possibility was much discussed relative to timing issues. We were then attempting to mount a small study symposium on quantum economies (when in the kill zone of an ambush site, movement directly toward the ambushers moves one out of the zone of most intense fire; in this case, the ambushers are the fundaments of the evolved circumstance) at an amenity migration site -- Mae Hong Son, Thailand -- and had gotten commitments to the proposal for $80,000 of the $100,000 required, but never found the remainder (a weekend hotel bill to some of the potential donors). This failure was considered symptomatic and prefigurative. Nowadays, with experts noting that Internet 2.0 is dead, the Pentagon raising the specter of Cyberageddon, and proliferation of censorship under the guises of counterterrorism, countering cultural subversion, anti-porn, criminalization of self-study and imprisonment of blogging autodidacts by emerging nations following upon stigmatization of autodidactics by a Nobel laureate, the possibility of loss of technology access takes on concrete dimensions. Anticipation of this has been one reason for the focus upon amenity migration sites and the low-tech Stone-Age-economics precursors to m-logically-valued LETS. Viewed from the intellectual history standpoint, whatever the outcome of the prevailing global crisis -- assuming some corpus of surviving humans -- this or that form of m-logically-valued LETS will be one resultant. This is ascertainable alone from the epochal nature of the rigorous codification of m-valued logics, their centrality to all aspects of the global crisis, and their relation to archaic animism. A focus upon amenity migration sites as one possible algorithm for spatially locating the array of implementation points was partially justified by analogical modeling upon dynamics of critical-state far-from-equilibrium phase transitions (the role played by empty-center singularities in catalyzing autopoiesis) and partially by the fact that amenity migration sites are especially rich in traditional cultural resources. By superpositioning of multiple scenarios in VirFut Q-Pro, one seeks a strategic plan to implement by tactical improvisation which intersects each member of the superposed stack of scenarios. As each high-tech version of nested m-logically-valued LETS falls by the wayside due to the evolved intensity of conflict, tactical improvisation by disjointed incrementalism can coherently drop back the effort to the next lower-tech version. This can best be accomplished over the set of amenity migration sites. Of course, timely implementation would minimize the degree to which such dropping back would be necessitated by evolving circumstances. The hope being that at some point there will be an opportunity to step back up to the higher-tech versions.
Another case of spontaneous generation (fostered by extra-institutional agents of change) -- initially, in wake of the 1997 baht collapse (see: When It Comes to Cash A Thai Village Says, 'Baht, Humbug', James Hookway, Wall Street Journal, 7 January 2009). The system knows what it needs! Just as local currencies appeared autpoietically in Argentina until stamped out under criticism of authorities, including the IMF. Given that there are likely some few thousands of local trading systems around the world, what is unique about this, besides being in Thailand, is that the Wall Street Journal has favorably reported it (while adding the caveat that such currencies appear in times of economic crisis). Few understand such currencies as the necessary foundation for a thorough restructuring of the whole global financial system. One can observe, amidst the prevailing political crisis in Thailand, that existence of this village currency in Santi Suk belies the notion that villagers are too dumb to know what their own best interests are. Personally, I have yet to meet a villager who doesn't have an acute sense of what his best interests are.
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