µTm Scenarios, T7(M)
A really fine article it is, Jan Hilgevoord's (Time in Quantum Mechanics, Institute for History and Foundations of Science, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, no date given); the best text I've seen in twenty-five years related to operator time. My only frustration with the article is due to Hilgevoord providing no reference for the quotation used from Wolfgang Pauli stating why Pauli rejected the notion of operator time (I prefer to give this term with a dash between, i.e., operator-time). This referential lacuna was the same with the preprint (Lyapounov Variable, Entropy and Measurement in Quantum Mechanics, Misra, B.; I. Prigogine; and M. Courbage) which Prigogine sent me sometime around 1980: explains Pauli's rejection of operator-time, but gives no referral to a Pauli publication. Over all the intervening years, I've never found the involved text by Pauli (from sometime during the 1920s). I find I have nothing to disagree over with Hilgevoord. Drawing a firm distinction between space-time/spacetime itself and the physical-object system in space-time/spacetime (coordinate reference point of space-time/spacetime as distinct from the point-particle occupying the reference point) removes, per Hilgevoord's arguments, both of Pauli's objections: the continuous-versus-discrete issue and the bounded-from-below issue (Prigogine's focus for rejection was the latter). My point to Prigogine was that importance of the bounded-from-below issue is dependent upon conjugation of operator-time to the Hamiltonian; this would not be an issue were operator-time quantized in the twistor format (The twistor is quantization of temporal curl!), for operator-time would altogether replace the Hamiltonian (and in the process, time would become a fully-qualified topological operator). Hilgevoord demonstrates that there is no incompatibility between operator-time and either classical mechanics or quantum mechanics plus special relativity. He finds, however, that, as regards quantum mechanics, operator-time, though compatible, is an unnecessary complication, and the quantum field seems to be the more fruitful concept . He reaches this conclusion, in part, by explicitly stating that he will not consider the complex and important issue of how the existence of this space and time is to be justified and in part by not considering issues of general relativity. Nor does Hilgevoord address the quantum measurement problem, except in showing that operator-time is compatible with the Heisenberg uncertainty inequality (my caveat: in the absence of measurement, position of a point-particle may be covariant). My point to Prigogine, above mentioned, concerning the Penrose twistor and operator-time, of course, brings in issues of general relativity. Time would not thus be a classical reference-frame coordinate, nor would it be a quantum parameter; it would be a fully-fledged active operator on the topology of the space of spacetime. We are not only talking here translations, rotations, symmetries, but also connectivity, orientability, genus, and other topological properties. Moreover, the issues are not only continuity and/or discreteness over the whole real axis (minus to plus infinity, as opposed to being bounded from below), but complexity and hypercomplexity beyond quaternions, as the wave-function under topologically-active operator-time would have two levels of nonlinearity. Why? Because, with general relativity (particularly Cantorian fractal spacetime) there is no simple-identity of a point of spacetime for a point-particle to occupy, if a simply-identifiable point-particle could be found to occupy it. The more closely you look at the point of spacetime, the more you find it is a hole; and the more closely you look at a hole, the more you find points. The Cantorian fractality of spacetime is itself a kind of generalized uncertainty. Koch curves inside of Koch curves inside of Koch curves in the same fashion that quantum clocks are inside of quantum clocks inside quantum clocks. The point-particle is a packet of mini-micro-wormhole nesting-foam at the ever-breaking/braking wave cusp of spacetime, and spacetime is by virtue of the relative-state of the point-particles comprising it. Chew's monadology bootstrapped to Cantorian-fractal Wheelerian superspace. This property of self-reference requires the wave-function of the ever-braking/breaking wave to have two levels of nonlinearity: one for changes of connectivity; one for changes between orientability and non-orientability. Otherwise, point-particles could not be -- because there could be no nesting-foams and no packets thereof. Depending on the time-step and spatial grid-length employed by the particularities of the measurement set-up -- including glutamate-flooded to ketamine-flooded brain -- this or that level of nesting-foam will appear wave-like, particle-like, wavicle, hole, gap, et cetera, TBD The myriad non-simple-identity properties involved require logics capable of handling them. Hence, John A. Wheeler's pregeometry as the calculus of propositions over a Borel set, a bucket of dust, must be Lukasiewiczian, not Boolean. And the orders of temporal-operators must be expressions of classes of order-types of Lukasiewicz logics (likely related to Karpenko functors and their generalizations over a hypercomplex version of the Riemann zeta function).
My personal path to the notion of topologically-active operator-time began, not in studies of physics, but in childhood experiences while living in Midori Gaoka and environs, Ashiya-cho, kita-Kyushu, Japan, 1953-6, as the son of an American Air Force officer. Indeed, my later interest in physics was not to become a physicist (which I never became), but as an aid to further understanding of my childhood experiences. This personal path has been minutely detailed in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, but I can list the main events here. Exposure to animistic-Shinto spirit lore of traditional rice ritual provided by an old grandmother of the small hamlet of Midori Gaoka, eliciting childhood active-imagination experiences incorporating time-dilation and spatial-contraction components, such that identity-transparent animistic modes of cognition were directly experienced without conceptual insight or the ability to describe them. Upon being abruptly lifted out of Japan and plopped down in Pittsburg, I began, with onset of puberty, having what I eventually called my Plexiglas-wall states: near fugues with visual and auditory auras becoming a tunnel effect with intense time-dilation and spatial contraction -- which I subsequently learned to manipulate with various forms of self-observation practice discovered while cultivating basketball. A long time later, I realized that this ability to manipulate time-dilation and spatial-contraction must have been at my origin of the notion of time as active (i.e., as a topological operator). This process of discovery was aided by remembering that before I had been taken to Japan there was a period when sleepwalking was frequent, whereupon, somehow, I obviously had been able to see without looking. During the early-high-school years, I read Whitman's Leaves of Grass wherein the term my other I am is employed. This term was a hugely catalytic revelation to me, providing some insight into how seeing without looking -- an aspect of the hot hand in basketball -- is possible. Also, at this time, I had two near-death experiences. The first was as a freshman when I fell through the ice of Gull Lake, Michigan near a stream entrance opening during early spring. In the period before finding a way out from under the ice, I experienced a state of extreme time-dilation. While in Alaska the next winter naively walking out upon the ice from Nome, I witnessed an extraordinary and transfixing display of aurora borealis, accompanied by what would most reasonably be designated an elaborate auditory hallucination (in due course, this incident became the seed experience for what I subsequently called inner music-sculpture). This outer and inner symorphonic display stopped me from walking farther out onto the ice. A short period later, I threw a piece of ice -- taken from one of the wind-blown ice piles -- beyond my current position and it went through the ice, leaving me in a complete state of shock with the recognition that I had nearly died; this sudden recognition was accompanied by disorientation, time-dilation, spatial-contraction and a couple of hours of aimlessness in the ice fog. Until and beyond this period, I still had had no exposure to the concepts of time-dilation and spatial-contraction, so I had no way to characterize to myself, let alone understand, what I was experiencing. While in Alaska, I took a special-study course in symbolic logic. Though I had no problem with it intellectually, I had strong and disruptive emotional resistances to it -- to the degree that the instructor laid on me a special-study course in foundations of mathematics the next semester. Much later, upon discovery at Cornell of the existence of m-valued logics, it occurred to me that my emotional problems with symbolic logic were related to my experiences of animistic identity-transparency as a child, to include the associated time-dilation and spatial-contraction. During my senior year in high school in Ohio, I was exposed to special relativity and quantum mechanics in an experimental PSSC physics class where I learned of time-dilation and spatial-contraction and quantum nonlocality, with immediate recognition of the obvious relevance of these objective concepts to my subjective experiences. In 1963, I ran across a copy of J. G. Bennett's four-volume book, The Dramatic Universe. In an appendix, he discusses his ideas of skew-parallelism and identity in diversity. I could not understand the complex mathematics, but I knew that these notions were somehow very important to my coming to understand the states I had experienced in Japan as a child, the details of which I had by then almost completely forgotten. Later, I received a lot of medical instruction at Special Forces Training Group, but for various reasons quit SF and went over to Viet Nam in intelligence. Stepping off the plane upon arrival in Viet Nam, the smells brought back a flood of lost childhood memories of Japan, and an altered state of consciousness that lasted for several weeks. I again encountered Asian animism up close in the Mekong delta, which further catalyzed memory retrieval -- and much thought about memory and the properties of time. Being wounded there under circumstances eliciting a suppressed state of extraordinary rage, my hospital stay in Viet Nam and Japan was accompanied by psychophysiologic phenomena that set me to thinking about fundamental issues in psychosomatic medicine. Returning to Viet Nam from Japan, I found my way into studying the Viet Cong Political Infrastructure at the strategic level, and came to believe that animistic modes of comprehension were instrumental in determining organizational dynamics of that infrastructure. These studies greatly facilitated my understanding of the states I had experienced as a child. It was at this time in Saigon when my first thoughts regarding DNA superconductivity came. Upon return to the U.S. from Viet Nam, I had a fairly elaborate case of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) which I self-medicated by elaborating the techniques I had evolved as a high school student to treat my Plexiglas-wall states by transposing those practices at self-observation into a form of walking meditation, the practice of Edmund Jacobson's progressive relaxation, and also in various applications during a several-year period of figure drawing from the model, à la Kimon Nicolaides. Researching relevant materials at the Georgetown University Medical Library, I ran across references to autogenic training -- which led into many allied studies and communications with people doing technical work in related areas. When I later met Cornell professor and specialist in tornadogenesis, Dr. Douglas A. Paine, and learned about his ideas concerning temporal curl, the ideas on active time and DNA superconductivity began to be elaborated, eventually intersecting those of Pauli on operator-time.
This stuff is all interrelated. Why do you think I reread Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul, 1933, several times during 1963 and 1964 and 1965? This was the period I was first fussing over Jungian implications of Gödel's theorem relative to The Predicament of Existentialism. I had already had enough upper-Foxhall and Q-Street exposure by mid-fall of 1965 to be sick to death of thesis and antithesis: what has become identified as the Lyndon LaRouche, et al., antithesis and the thesis purported to have been documented. Quit college and left Washington, D. C., I did. On the road to find out. Antithesis now widely regarded as confirmed by Wall Street meltdown, and I am sick of being sick to death of being asked if I have read the Lyndon LaRouche antithesis. And don't talk to me about synthesis, Hegelian, Marxist, or whatever. Sick to death in the early-'60s not by denial of the antithesis, but by: So what? Look at when George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography was first published: 1992, both too late and too early. So much for power of the pen. Had it not been THEM (name of a '50s film that gave me nightmares as a kid) doing what they did, it would have been others doing something else tantamount to the same. It's not what people think they think, but what they think they don't think, that matters. Why? Operator-time. WHAT???? See. I told you so. You think Modern Man in Search of a Soul was in no way informed by precursors to the explicit Pauli-Jung collaboration (~1931/2 analysis/dream analysis to 1952 or so, or so I remember) over the notion of synchronicity -- a notion Pauli helped Jung elaborate after Pauli had rejected his own concept named operator-time? I asked Immanuel Velikovsky about this at the McMaster University conference. Don't believe it? Ask Naomi Sharon. She knows. Electro-chemical (including quantum biochemical) structure/function of the brain (including free-electron gas core of intraneuronal DNA) does have a role in set-up of measurement device at quantum measurement, y'know. Think of it. What does it mean if and only if spontaneous localization (i.e., Maya) by autogenic brain discharge? What does it mean, say, concerning collective unconscious orchestration of concrete localized, say, political-action-type events?
Well, okay. My personal involvement with the Viet Nam war, if somewhat removed, began in 1954 during the period of Dien Bien Phu. I was at Ashiya AFB in Kyushu, Japan. The house I lived in -- which I returned to visit 35 years later -- was located on the back side of a group of hills separating the rice-field valley from the airstrip of the base. It took me about an hour and a half to climb through the hills and infiltrate the base, skirting the Japanese MP patrols and briefly hiding in the caves (which were off limits) the Japanese had used during the war and in which there were many finds: swords and other war jetsam. My repeated missions into these hills were my first experience of being an FO and practicing E&E. On one occasion, while I was up at the caves just below the flight line, wave after wave of C-119s took off, awing me to no end. This wave behavior continued off and on for some weeks, as I remember, maybe even longer. During this period, I was periodically gifted by one of the pilots of one of those planes: presents from the Tonks (military jargon for Tonkinese). The pilot was Harry Phelps, a young first lieutenant, later a test jockey, with whom I built from scratch a six-foot scale model of a B-36 (it crashed catastrophically on its first flight around the football field). The presents were bought in Hanoi. I learned at the time that these cargo planes were carrying supplies to a war in a country of Tonk rice farmers very like the Japanese rice farmers of the valley I lived in near Ashiya. I found this quite disconcerting, as the life in that Japanese valley was something I had come to greatly prize. I also knew at the time that in Hanoi the insignia on the aircraft were changed from American to French and then back to American for the return flight to Japan. As I remember, this state of being disconcerted added to the state induced in me by being taken by my father to the Hiroshima bombing site in a 1953 Buick Roadmaster my mother had brought to Japan on the USS Randalt during the summer of 1953. It didn't take me long to forget about the Tonks, but some years later, 1963, while doing comparative anthropological research (studying what there was of French treatises available in English, and having been influenced by my interactions concerning Greece at AU-SIS with a retired Loy Henderson, and, concerning revolutionary China, by Lord Lindsay, Baron of Birker, Michael Lindsay, who had accompanied Mao on The Long March, and during 1963-5, like Career Ambassador Henderson, was associated, in emeritus status, with AU-SIS and SORO, still received Christmas cards each year from Mao, and frequently had pasta with me at Gusti's on M Street Friday evenings) on the Strategic Hamlets Program (involving a cultural-impact study of the French Agrovilles) and the Briggs Plan implemented during The Emergency in Malaya -- research undertaken for anthropologist, George Harris, my Human Behavior seminar professor and the leader of the team which completed writing of the U.S. Army Handbook for Vietnam at Special Operations Research Office just at the beginning of my period at the School of International Service, American University, Washington, D.C. -- I became aware that these flights had to have been resupplying Dien Bien Phu. I asked my father about this and he refused to speak of it. This was many years later and the refusal mystified me. Let it be noted that my experience of Japan during the early-1950s was very different from my father's. Everything I remembered, he remembered differently. The same with my younger sisters: a considerable divergence of memories. Whereas my mother and I remembered things much more closely aligned. I periodically asked my father about the Dien Bien Phu flights right up until his death, and he always refused to discuss the matter, even when I was writing a novel that involved a description of these childhood events (though, at the end, there was something of a confirmation by lack of denial). I took this refusal as a measure of how difficult it is to obtain actual historical facts, and it greatly affected my sense of historiography. Something I pondered over intensely, perhaps even obsessively. Many years later, I read a newspaper article describing the award of medals by the French to Civil Air Transport pilots who flew the resupply effort to Dien Bien Phu. The article did not mention the origin of the supplies or the aircraft. Wham! What an idiot I had been. I had always assumed that French pilots had taken over the aircraft in Hanoi. What a fool. Of course the USAF would not turn its planes over to French pilots! It also occurred to me at that time why my father had refused to talk even forty years later. He had gone to Japan to oversee air/sea rescue operations from Ashiya AFB. Korea, y'know. The perfect man for the job. Years of experience after WWII flying air/sea rescue operations in the North Atlantic out of the Azores and BW1 in Greenland. His untold story. An Air Medal for saving his crew in a damaged aircraft wounded at storm which he ditched along the coast of Newfoundland after dropping the underslung life raft, stripping the plane, and skirting the waves for hundreds of miles. Refitted B-17. The same type of plane he had flown in myriad bombing missions over Germany. Shot down over occupied France. Broken ankle from parachute fall (he never understood why I liked jumping out of aircraft). Lost and presumed dead. My mother got the message (she also mistakenly got the same message while he was in Viet Nam during 1966). Moved across France by the marquis and returned to England without being captured by the Germans. Christmas cards from a French priest who saved his life in France, arriving each year for decades after the war. This E&E took quite awhile, and he lost a promotion because of it, never catching up rank with his peers throughout the rest of his long career. Flew the Berlin Airlift from start to finish. Had two collapsed lungs from too much flight in unpressurized cabins. Five years of depression after being taken off flight status. Made a supply and materiel troubleshooter. Went from solving one problem to the next, never staying long in a given assignment. Why I moved so much as a kid. Was in charge of USAF supply operations for the Phan Rang-Cam Ranh Bay construction project. Missed a flight he was scheduled for that crashed on take-off, killing all aboard. Very disillusioned by his experience in Viet Nam. Never really recovered from post-Vietnam syndrome. While at the Pentagon, chose to retire early, before his thirty years were up. Though young enough and the perfect candidate, given his second post-pilot USAF career, did not take a job with the military-industrial complex, which he hated with a passion for "corrupting the American officer corps". My eventual supposition came to be -- from things remembered as overheard at parties at our house in Ashiya -- that he organized acquisition of the supplies flown to Dien Bien Phu. US/Japan may have negotiated a secret agreement to AMPO 1960, regarding nuclear weapons -- but what about AMPO 1954, relative to staging areas? Prob'ly some Viet vet came up with the new name for Blackwater: Xe [lam] Services. And what about AMPO 2012? China Will Attack India by 2012: the Indian Defense Journal. [Japan] Weighing the Nuclear Option: Sentaku magazine. What First World nation-state is most at risk, strategically and tactically, planet Earth? Think they will start thinking creatively -- or just lapse back into the same old lapses?
The post-quantum-relativity, post-binary-logic perspectives argued here are altogether off the Cartesian-Newtonian politico-economic spectrum -- a spectrum limited to the cultural paradigm of Western civilization and which is actually twisted and pasted into a very one-sided Mobius strip, such that anarcho-syndicalism bonds with anarcho-capitalism, and, thus, ideas associated with Lyndon LaRouche are no more interesting than those associated with the John Birch Society or the American Nazi Party. Moreover, just as I have never heard an interesting idea attributed to either of the Georges Bush, so I've never heard one attributed to Clinton or Obama. Which is to say: zilch interest across the whole single-valued, one-sided, binary spectrum. The last 300 years of human history have more than adequately demonstrated the bankruptcy of all sectors of the politico-economic spectrum. Therefore, my advocacy is as follows. Relatively free markets are the best implementation devices for local multiple-scenarios strategic urban and regional and cultural-resources plans (there is no reference here to either economic planning or comprehensive planning). Local exchange trading systems are best developed in relation to local multiple-scenarios strategic urban and regional and cultural-resources planning, and the indicators developed thereby. When strategic planning is moved out of the planning department and computer gamed via a relatively direct participatory electronic commons, and m-logically-valued monetary units tagged to local indicators are employed, there is no conflict between strategic planning and relatively free markets. I say relatively free and relatively direct participatory because, as far as I know, the last memetime there were free markets on this planet was probably during the Stone Age, and direct democracy likely some memetime before that. Existence declarations for an economics of abundance, and hence of the benison of unbridled population growth, based upon the supposed unlimited creativity of the glutamate-etched human brain -- coupled to explicit or implicit rejection of F. A. von Hayek's time-shapes of total capital stock and principles explicated in Victor P. Starr's breakthrough 1959 paper The hydrodynamical analogy to E = mc2 (Tellus, 9, 135-138) -- are not only unfounded but amount to a foot-stomping adolescent insistence upon utopian resolution of all and everything, an insistence generating scenarios far from those one could consider most likely. Local in my usage does not mean only small scale, but whatsoever fractally e-bound scale level(s) the chosen nesting foams are defined over. Prevailing national boundaries may or may not be involved at any given future memetime. In the immediate future, national boundaries are very likely to be involved; later, increasingly less likely. I have not focused upon particular types of local exchange trading systems, nor have I conformed to the standard terminology, because I have no preferences and believe complete permissiveness as regards the types of LETS employed will contribute considerably to evolution in functionality of the corpus of LETS which emerge and eventually become marked to a Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian m-logically-valued referencing phase-space as frequency domain of a non-vehicle universal reserve e-currency. LETS are best thought of, not as monetary instruments or economic structures, but as processes, because, optimally, in due course, the superposed, mu-itic, fractal e-boundaries over which various LETS are defined will be in a continuous state of flux relative to multiple parameters of a changing environment marked by indicators fine-grain tagged to multiple logical-values of LETS e-currencies, and, thus, will become a way of marking to market what heretofore have been fluctuating externalities. Pegs to existing national fiat currencies are initially virtually inevitable; not only because of the existence of nation-states, but also because, otherwise, the rate of change of global monetary-system fundamentals would become excessive and the shift chaotic and foundered. The best currently available text concerning prevailing legal parameters governing likely early stages in LETS elaboration, so far as I know, is that of Lewis D. Solomon, Rethinking our Centralized Monetary System: The Case for a System of Local Currencies (Praeger, 1996) -- best read in relation to the literature on multi-level and mobius-web governance. It is my belief that the human species can choose to refashion the global politico-economic system via m-logically-valued LETS, and thus have LETS at a high-tech level; otherwise, in due course, the species will have LETS at a low-tech level -- and those few humans remaining may even have an economics of abundance at that low-tech level, the index of glutamatergic prescriptive enculturation having reverted to a pre-Stone-Age low-intensity.
I can only reiterate. What free markets? In the extreme case, not only the 200 Demands of the Structural Impediments Initiative, but the demand to control the product after it has been sold. That's what free market capitalism has come to mean, folks. Buy the product, please -- but use the product for my purposes, not yours! Buyer beware (of the seller's control over the product after it has been sold to you). Moreover, in such a free market, the biggest seller can legally sell anywhere, ship anywhere, and to whomever, whilst the smallest sellers can legally sell nowhere, ship nowhere, and to no buyer. That's the law! Don't believe it? Look at demands and claims laid upon one of the most lucrative markets on the planet: that of the international arms industry.
Socialities of response by arms with internal microbiomes deemandin' y'gotta be allways checkin' your 3-ta-9. Daily life of yuppies in the megaurbs. Global ideal? Nada, and so be it: quoting Oriana. Might well be a splittist: dead species walkin', TOD TBD. But would the human body, any body, survive for a microsecond if it had an open architecture, formed a borderless world, was open-sourced? Without frequency-response windows, how would DNA keep its mutation rate to a tolerable minimum, isolate itself sufficiently to function as any sort of time-giver? Would the biosphere survive a solar system without boundaries? Ozone be damned? The issue is: what kind of borders? Those conforming to 1T2 logic? Fractal e-boundaries? The boundaries-without-boundary of tensor analysis and topological operators? And what sort of boundaries should the currencies of monetary systems be defined upon? Legal tender in service to needs of the whole, or servicing compulsions of this or that subset? On an over-populating, resource-depleting planet, these are life and/or death choices for many more than one species -- and their memberships.
From the mid-to-late-1970s, when Cornell's Professor Douglas A. Paine shifted his focus of concentration -- at least as I understood it -- from tornadogenesis to solar cycles and quantum-relativity perspectives on climate forcing, described in an infuriating article published by Eos during the early-1980s -- having reached the personal conclusion that climate shift had become inevitable -- and began privately forecasting a global-warming-triggered mini-IceAge in Western Europe and eastern North America, I embraced the expectation of climate shift and mini-IceAge, and adjusted my major-life-decision process accordingly. Debates over this are heated and complex, relevant measurement processes convoluted, involved pre-set ideological vectors manifold, et cetera. Real Climate seems a particularly useful website for becoming appraised. As regards the theses of global warming inducing/masking onset of mini/macro-IceAge, the November 2005 article "Decrease in Atlantic Circulation?" is recommended. But, just as Roger Penrose's The Road to Reality neglected to mention Lukasiewicz logics, so Earth's climate may not be only real; it may also, à la S. Hawking and acoustic analogues to blackhole computers, be imaginary, and even hypercomplex imaginary. The discussions posted on the Real Climate website are predicated in the assumption of a classical limit, that Earth's atmosphere is a classical domain to which quantum-relativity and post-quantum-relativity physics do not apply -- and that oceanographic processes do not subscribe to, for instance, principles explicated in V. P. Starr's paper The hydrodynamical analogy to E = mc2 (Tellus, 1959, 9, 135-138). Don't forget during this cold winter in Europe and North America that "Antarctica is Warming Up". And why don't the Japanese, while monitoring thermometer-temperature at 15,000 sites, map changing global theta-e surface (equivalent potential temperature) topologies? Whatever the case, there can be little doubt that more-or-less abrupt climate change will be a major factor insuring that one or another form of LETS replaces in one fashion or another institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung.
It really is a staggering phenomenon the degree to which the decision makers are uninformed about natural processes and how, by their actions, they deny relevance of nature to economics. Quoting Bloomberg quoting Sheila Bair, FDIC Chairman: 'We think by leveraging TARP funds in this way, you could have a significant capacity to acquire troubled assets,' Bair said today. (Paulson, Bair Raise 'Aggregator Bank' for Toxic Debt, by Rebecca Christie, 16 January 2009). One of the better accounts of forest-fire dynamics, for instance, is that of percolation theory, which can also be applied to economic-risk behaviors. Indeed, leverage over financial derivatives hedging risks concentrated dispersed risk up percolation theory's Devils Staircase to the macroscale of the global economy, in significant measure (along with, for instance, the non-system monetary system) setting up conditions prerequisite to systemic collapse. FED and Treasury response over the past several months has taken the risk concentrated to the macroscale and further concentrated it to the central-banking meta-level (SDRs and the like appertain only to the non-vehicle domain of the global economy, thus making that domain meta in character) to the concrete economy. Creating an Aggregator Bank to further aggregate risk aggregated by derivatives, and leveraging TARP funds to do this, can only further concentrate what has already been further concentrated -- thus increasing the systemic risk of depression becoming great depression becoming greater depression. Double exponentiation creates a strange enough strange attractor, let alone triple exponentiation! Clinging behaviors -- clinging to the Cartesian-Newtonian institutionalization in a post-quantum-relativity cognitive regime -- have become so elaborate, there is no doubting this species' largely unconscious commitment to self-cancellation.
These debates transpire on differing levels of cognition. Concrete cases, individuals and groups of individuals as responsible agents: no theme of mine. Place as state, time as identity: in more than one time at the same place. M-valued universal physical constants: tornado as superfluid macroquantum vortex? Ozone holes? Magnetosphere breaches? Acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes as processors in acoustic analogues to blackhole computers? The mathematics of these analogues, even the words, even the word analogue, are virtually indistinguishable from 1960s-'70s cascade theory of tornado genesis (technical treatments of which were predominantly only available in preprints for severe storms conferences: why is that?). Independent rediscovery. Reiterating: if Earth's atmosphere is not a classical domain, the prevailing models are at least severely truncated. Who, then, is in a position to actually know the place Earth's atmosphere currently occupies? Are classical models of non-classical phase transitions likely to underestimate or overestimate severity of the case? Odds are on underestimation. If Earth's atmosphere is in far-from-equilibrium phase transition, then all extremes prevail at the place of deautomatization. Concrete cases, individuals and groups of individuals (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Harriman, Warburg, Dillon, Dulles, Bush, and so on; Anglo-American keiretsu): no theme of mine. By collective unconscious event gradient, if not these individuals, these groups, then other individuals, other groups. The unconscious will find a way. How does an individual become identified with an archetype? How does an individual identified with an archetype catalyze collective behaviors? What creates collective unconscious event gradients? Consider: it is now experimentally demonstrated beyond controversy that not only elementary particles, but atoms and small molecules can be in more than one place at the same time: processors for quantum computing are presently being developed on the basis of these experimental demonstrations. Well, faster binary processors, that is; not full-blown m-logically-valued authentic quantum processors: chock that up to the prevailing collective unconscious event gradient. Dreams wherein a dozen and more of the same faces have recurred over decades. Not recurrent dreams, just recurrent faces on actors within diverse dreams. Very clear freeze-frames on these faces over the decades: know them like my own face in the mirror. All of these faces were at that Briefing for a Descent into Hell. Then one day in an airport's international transit lounge, I see one of these faces in the crowd. Speak of stop-action sequences: freeze-frame, freeze-frame! Mighty shock, electrical surge from the crown to the sole. This is after decades of repetitively seeing that face! Discreetly checking her out. Know a great deal about her, these decades later. She looks right at me, beyond me, next to me. No recognition whatsoever. In more than one time at the same place. By Occam's Razor merely a projection; but then Nature does not well-tolerate Occam's Razor, i.e., glutamatergic neuronal etching. Prescriptively-enculturated glutamate-flooded human brains which have sustained half a dozen neural network wipeouts by memetime of parturition from adolescence simply cannot tolerate such ketaminergic propositions: in more than one time at the same place, i.e., one consequence of 3-fold operator-time, microscopic and macroscopic by m-valued universal physical constants under m-valued logics. Worse than organic supersolids and biological superconductant levitation! It's no mere happenstance that the polyphonic, contrapuntal fugue was designated by the same name -- fugue -- as the psychiatric state: formulaic translation of algorithmic languages of the brain renormalizes by various binary contrapunctions the corpus of polyphonic carriers (pi-electron parcel harmonic oscillators of free-electron gas core of superconductant intraneuronal DNA) of m-logically-valued neural codes. This cannot tolerate -- this thematic evasion -- is what creates regressed collective unconscious event gradients (by suppression of long-range phase correlations between relatively deautomatized, relatively ketamine-flooded brains: i.e., no conscious access to m-logically-valued identity-transparency). Whatsoever area of human cognition the thematic content of the given event gradient touches will be modified by regressed archetypal processes: if not these individuals, these groups, then other individuals, other groups. The unconscious will find a way. Clinging behaviors, e.g., clinging to the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung in a post-paradigmatic, post-quantum-relativity cognitive regime; clinging to a classical limit; clinging to single-valued universal physical constants; clinging to singly-logically-valued monetary exchange units; clinging to How many distinct classes of clinging behavior can you identify around the planet today? Outcome of the present global financial crisis is not critical, even important, to the themes I have been arguing. Whatever the short-, mid-, and long-term outcomes of the response-repertoire chosen, the blocking in regards to m-logically-valued states of identity-transparency will continue to set collective unconscious event gradients across the full spectrum of human cognition. Nor do I take this financial crisis personally. The stage of, and position in, life -- end-stage, low-end -- insures personal indifference. Impersonal concern is another matter altogether.
In two sentences. Momentary recognition -- immediately rejected and driven into the suppressed subliminal of the MALE progenitors -- that application of Polish, Lukasiewicz, m-valued logics to interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function would inevitably involve acknowledgement of the existence of m-valued universal physical constants, which, in turn, would mean that the principles of quantum mechanics apply equally to all scale levels, explains the MALE progenitors' agonizing over the slit experiment and the sociosexually-, politicoeconomically-motivated consensus for the probability-amplitude interpretation. Thus sprach the ghost of Polish physicist-chemist Marie Curie (née Maria Sklodowska).
It has most helpfully been brought to my attention that the paper Lyapounov variable: Entropy and measurement in quantum mechanics by B. Misra, I. Prigogine, and M. Courbage, [Proc Natl Acad Sci U.S.A., 76(10): 4768-4772] was published in October of 1979 and is now available on the internet. My memory was therefore mistaken. Since I was mailed an undated preprint, I must have received it prior to publication, and likely in response to my sending Prigogine a copy of our 1979 DNA paper with a brief comment about the active role given to time in our model. This is when I first became aware of Pauli's notion of operator-time, which I supposed to be related but distinct from our notion of time as an active topological operator (which is not simply a measurable or a time evolution operator, and is a generalization of the concept of temporal curl as employed in our DNA model and the Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of tornadogenesis where complex angular momentum is handled as temporal curl). We were aware at the time that a full elaboration of this concept would require some variety of octonions, possibly also twistor theory, and likely other higher mathematical notions, but were unable to find sufficient support to further pursue the idea either in the context of DNA or tornadogenesis. Over the preceding decade, as a graduate student and in an NSF report and various unpublished papers, Douglas A. Paine had made the following statement or facsimiles thereof: Blackbodies and black holes exist within the spacetime frame of atmospheric dynamics. This idea, directly involving the notion of temporal curl, was not well received by leading figures in black hole physics. When decades later the physics of acoustic analogues to black hole computers was explicated and Stephen Hawking acquiesced, it was obvious to me at least that this was not unrelated to the largely unpublished physics of the cascade theory of tornadogenesis, particularly as regards the role given therein to acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes. Whether or not Doug Paine or Michael L. Kaplan would agree with this sentiment, I do not know. I speak only for myself. And I iterate again that I have no professional credentials whatsoever and make no claim to authoritative insight. The ideas I express are the ideas I express, and are to be regarded as nothing more. I also note that the Pauli reference is given in the published version of the paper by Misra, Prigogine, and Courbage.
What kind of idiot do you suppose I am? Is that not a fair question? Explicitly suspecting from high school PSSC physics class because of my childhood experiences in Ashiya, Japan, virtually certain from studies of Gödel before quitting college in 1965, absolutely convinced upon studying Emil Post's 1921 paper on m-valued logics in the Cornell mathematics library that Schrödinger's wave-function was falsified in 1926 as probability amplitudes, and seeing the implications of this dissimulation in regards to various aspects of the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian Weltanschauung, what kind of job could I possibly have taken and maintained any sort of personal moral integrity? Exactly what I did take: pick and shovel work.
The most characteristic defining property of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian nation-state system, and supranational orderings derivative of the principle of federalism, is the summation of political, social, and economic forces analogically modeled upon Newton's laws of motion. For what is the heart but a spring: preface to Hobbes' Leviathan. For that which acts any community being only the consent of the individuals of it, and it being one body must move one way, it is necessary the body should move that way whither the greater force carries it, which is the consent of the majority; or else it is impossible it should act or continue one body, one community : John Locke metaphysically justifying the franchise in his The Second Treatise Concerning Civil Government by appeal to atomism (individuals and one body) and single-valued logic (Aristotelian-Baconian logical necessity: must; no superposition of phase angles: one way) and Newtonian vector sums (whither the greater force carries it). Institutionalized not only through majority rule and the vote, but also via structuralization of the principle of countervailing forces (executive, judiciary, legislature), and logical bi-valence of a bicameral legislature. Later, Adam Smith's explication of the invisible hand in The Wealth of Nations via supply and demand modulation of the natural price mechanism of an automatically self-correcting market greatly depended upon analogy to Newton's principle of the summation of forces. Equilibration of forces. The Clockmaker relies for His Central Mechanism upon the Spring or the Pendulum to establish and maintain a Balance of Power amongst all aspects of the System of the World understood as a Clock measuring Mankind-the-Pilgrim's Progress toward a Divinely Mandated soft Utopia through Control of Nature by exercise of Science. In such a system where all component processes embody a balance of power, international relations realists take as their point of departure a mandate for maintenance of the balance of power. Those who demur, idealists doubting ability of the system to adequately self-organize by balance-of-power mechanisms, insist upon an enhanced role for human agency via regulatory interventions, negotiations, exercise of conflict-resolution algorithms, cooperative agreements, and so on. But in neither case -- realist or idealist, to include Kapital's economic law of motion, Marxist central planning and command economics -- is there significant variance from systemic structuralization of Newton's principle of the summation of forces in exercise of the laws of motion governing behavior of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct entities. Defined-in non-disposable vectorial conflict of forces guarantees non-disposable conflict as a self-fulfilling prophesy. Institutionalization of Newton's System of the World has remained intact, even though, by the last 200 years of discovery in mathematics and science, no fundament of that System of the World has remained intact -- except by consensuation of the fiction of a classical limit. This overall statement seems utterly sophomoric and elementary set beside staggering complexities of current world affairs, but the fact remains that no serious effort has been made to refashion the international system according to the mathematical and scientific principles which have replaced Newton's System of the World. As understanding of nature more and more diverges from that informing and justifying institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian world-construct, collective cognitive dissonance magnifies at an accelerating pace. There is no substantial improvement possible in the current global situation so long as that circumstance prevails.
The interest, the sincerity, the confidence, the incremental offers are appreciated -- but such efforts would only be a waste of your time, energy and resources. Similar occasions have transpired numerous times over decades. Translations, graphics, sound files, introductions, agents, foundations, printers, publishers, book fairs Nothing remotely like what is proposed on this website will ever transpire. It's completely outside the prevailing cognitive field of fire. Getting rid of Special Economic Zones, for instance, is easy compared to the problems presented by company-town, State Owned Enterprises, their communes and social service agencies -- as Russia painfully learned by crash-capitalistic privatization to the oligarchs and the mafias, and the Chinese continue to learn because their slowdown-fast condition of ambivalence freeze dries them into rat-maze posture (of the small percentage of those who return from study abroad, too many have been recruited as agents of influence tasked with fomenting Tiananmen Square protests). Lukasiewiczian m-logically-valued non-simple ownability (e.g., regarding transformation of SOEs) is outside their cognitive range and cyclic rate of fire (there can be little doubt that glutamatergic neuronal etching affects the baud rate of consciousness), so they preoccupy with replicating the worst the West had to offer during the 19th and 20th centuries. But the fat lady has yet to sing; Deetroit goes down the tubes as Shanghai General Motors raises the PRC's flag; not a single American out-sourcer has yet to be executed for treason. Though there are good counter-reincarnational reasons to personally commit to the m-logically-valued currency proposal, practically speaking, given the condition of humans -- as distinguished from the human condition -- there is just no possibility whatsoever. Human factors limitations, not techno limits; if technology caused the current global conundrum, and, therefore, technology is the problem which cannot be its own solution, then humans caused the technology which cannot solve itself -- and, perhaps, hu-hu-hu-man is a problem which cannot self-solve. C. G. Jung, in the pre-WWII period, promoted his ideas knowing they would have absolutely no effect on unfolding events, an assessment he occasionally enunciated to interested parties. He engaged in this promotional activity out of the Kandinskyan internal necessity to maintain inner consistency irrespective of negative exterior expectations (rather Japanese; rather Zen: at least, once was). Why? One can only speculate, but one can reasonably suppose this behavior was because he knew from direct experience that the consensuated world is too small a factor of real reality to be given undue concern, what is unconscious being far larger a factor -- and that, in regards to the far larger, inner consistency plays very, very large, indeed. One can take this exemplary Jungian behavior -- which had no effect, for instance, upon the Nazification of Germany, against which it was specifically directed -- as inspirational. Relative to the presently accelerating factors of global conjuncture, the inevitability is even more elaborate. Institutionalization by the West of the Westphalian-Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm -- the long con -- is being matched in the East by the Brahmanian-Confucian fact that first sons and dogs are rarely disciplined in Asia. Add a billion of China's one-child-policy little emperors to that equation and extrapolate to the collective behavioral consequences vis-à-vis adaptational responses to whatsoever -- and one will see that a preference for noise over information is only to be expected. Not exactly that preference function most tied to biospheric macro-goals concerning Changing the past by attempting to dominate the future was something the Germans tried from the memetime the Tristan chords were written. Cultural offensive. The Chinese are likely to be no more successful with that program -- especially given the fact that the planetary conundrum is much more critical now than it was 150 years ago. Cyberia-youth-culture wars -- of Weimar, Hollywood, or internetworld via Zhongguancun, Shenzhen, Bangalore -- conducted to determine which neural nets are to be enculturated-incinerated by glutamate flood will fad to insignificance by comparison to cyberwar and the resource wars already sweeping into the transHimalayas from the Middle East. We are the world! -- in whatever language -- is a lie, a falsity largely responsible for ongoing climate shift.
I have never said that everybody should focus their attention on the class of scenarios which could be deemed the collection of worst cases, but I have for decades been advocating the idea that some few people should be acting as if this group of scenarios is the most likely. And over that period of time those scenarios have become less and less unlikely; it has only been prudent that some fallback preparation should have been made. It has been my position that one such fallback is m-logically-valued LETS. There certainly are others, and I leave them to others. My focus has been what it has been; this has not precluded anyone from doing anything. Given what has been happening these first weeks of 2009, the sense that such prudency is demanded has increased considerably.
There, indeed, is a way for the FED to demonstrate that, like operator-time conjugated to the Hamiltonian of Schrödinger's wave equation, interest rates are not bounded from below (in the words of Wolfgang Pauli, and Misra, Prigogine, Courbage, and Jan Hilgevoord: see initial posting, above): adapt (not adopt) Silvio Gesell's negative interest rate stamp script (see George Monbiot's brief account, If the state can't save us, we need a licence to print our own money, Automatic Earth, 21 January 2009 posting) to the needs of interbanking (not LETS). As explicated in Tranche13 of this website, I am not an advocate of Gesell's free money model for LETS because it precludes too many of the uses of money and would, in widespread employment, become hyperinflationary as the velocity of money it would induce would be too great in non-crisis economies (though perhaps it could be effectively employed in some small number of LETS for some periods of time). But e-stamp-script issued through the FED's interbanking window may decrease bank holding time sufficiently to re-start the economy under deflationary conditions, while at the same time providing the means to quickly remove base money from the economy when inflationary conditions return. Moreover, the heuristic model sketched in Tranche19 on this website (developed upon Yougui Wang's and Hanqing Qiu's treatment of holding time) may provide the beginnings of a way to forecast when rapid withdrawal of base money from the economy by modulation of the stamp-script function adapted by the FED should be initiated. This suggestion could be regarded as speaking to George Soros' recent observation (see: US stimulus not enough, TARP bailout misused - Soros, by Lisa Lambert, Reuters, 19 January 2009):
If they are successful the deflationary pressures will be replaced by the specter of inflation and the authorities will have to drain the excess money from the economy almost as quickly as they pumped it in. Of the two operations the second one is going to be, politically, even more difficult than the first, he said.
Unfortunately, Soros has exhibited no interest in LETS, so the Open Society Institute is in no position to develop adaptations at the national and international levels of LETS methodology to the current global financial crisis. ((Addendum to this, posted 4 July 2009. So, Sweden chooses Silvio Gesell's negative interest rate over movement toward m-logically-valued LETS: not at all surprising, despite the fact that a Swede was involved in brainstorming certain aspects of m-logically-valued LETS. See: Mish, 2 July 2009, Sweden Cuts Deposit Rate to NEGATIVE .25% and the original posting of the decision to the Riksbank's website. This is not the adaptation of Gesell's stamp script function I suggested above, but more like the reflationary free money scheme at the foundation of Gesell's program which was apparently tried in Switzerland, Austria, and Germany in the early period of run up to WWII -- applied in Sweden at the national level, not the principality level as in the prewar period.))
It seems to me that the main reason why private sector debt diverged upward so wildly from GDP growth and public sector indebtedness in the post-early-1970s period (see Mish's posting Brink of Debt Disaster) is that termination of the Bretton-Woods gold exchange mechanism created a cognitive atmosphere facilitating such divergence, and thus promoted development of the requisite mechanisms, instruments, and deregulations. If that is the case, then one of the therapeutic challenges of the current crisis is to find modes of treatment which lead directly to transformation of the global monetary system such that it becomes an actual system, a system capable of adequately handling the level of complexity the global economy has attained. Such a perspective would suggest that any aggregation an aggregator bank engages in (see George Soros's amplification of his thoughts on bailout methodology: The right and wrong way to bail out banks, Financial Times, 22 January 2009) should only be preliminary to disaggregating (unbundling) the risks derivatives concentrated up the Devil's Staircase to the macroscale of the global economy, and with TARP, quantitative easing, et cetera, are presently being compacted to the central-bank meta-level of the concrete economy. Derivatives innovations were arguably at least in part a response to the increased risks of doing business in the floating currency regime of a globalizing economy. Though far from equally distributed, there were benefits that should not lightly be cast aside. The inequality of distribution of benefits was itself in part due to the currency regime employed and the fact that, as a hangover from Bretton Woods, a vehicle currency continued to serve as the foremost international reserve currency (which is part of the reason why the present situation is particularly bad in non-reserve-currency economies). So, if derivatives are to be unbundled, so as to return the concentrated and compacted risks to the scales of their origins, that unbundling would optimally be done in a fashion which addresses the currency-regime aspects of the motivation for derivatives innovation and rectifies the disparities involved in using vehicle currencies as reserve currencies. The unbundling of derivatives which an aggregator bank further compacts at the central-bank level may not have to transpire over the concrete economy; rather, with the help of fiber bundle arithmetics and fibrations of Lukasiewicz logics, unbundling possibly could be accomplished over an m-logically-valued reference space as the frequency domain for a non-vehicle reserve e-currency.
The Independent recently editorialized on the collapsing pound. Quoting (Leading article: It is time for our leaders to be honest about this crisis, 24 January 2009):
The liabilities of our stricken banking sector are more than four times the size of our national output. That is why the value of the pound is slumping
Moreover, Great Britain has less foreign reserves than does Thailand, for instance, and nationalizing the banks brings those meager foreign reserves under direct threat. Four-plus trillion set against sixty-plus billion: not a pretty picture (see: "Seriously Alarmed", The Automatic Earth, There is no Time, 21 January 2009). Again quoting The Independent:
the conservatives are not being entirely straight either on our economic woes the true root of the crisis was not excessive Government spending; it was the stupid lending and irresponsible risk-taking of our hubristic banks We need a more honest approach from our political leaders
True enough, but a more more honest approach would credit the role played by termination of the Bretton-Woods gold-exchange mechanism and resultant floating currency regime in eliciting stupid lending, irresponsible risk-taking, and hubris. No fix for the post-BW non-system monetary system means no fix for the truer true root of the present crisis.
Global institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm appears to be decisively moving into free-fall. As I have speculated many times over the past few decades, the foremost entities of that institutionalization -- nation-states and their supranational agglomerations -- are likely to be only able to magnify severity of the many consequential dimensions of the ensuing collapse. Why? Because their behavioral repertoire is utterly constrained by their paradigmatically-determined defining properties. Recovery to a new condition of automatization, if there is to be such, likely will be largely dependent upon initiatives undertaken by entities not part of the institutional free-fall. Were that the case -- and we are speaking here only degrees of likelihood -- the greatest opportunity for orchestrating recovery comes immediately before appearance of actual cusp events signaling onset of free-fall into a condition of deautomatization. Why? At that point, there remain significant discretionary private resources and the surety of collapse is sufficiently apparent to possibly elicit initiatives independent of the failed paradigm. Before and after, graphs of the unlikelihoods rapidly rise. It appears that presently, as stated on The Automatic Earth website, There is no Time -- in multiple senses of that sentence.
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard blames the euro for depression conditions in Europe (Monetary Union has left half of Europe trapped in depression, The Telegraph, 18 January 2009); but the euro is only the second half of the story: the first half was termination of the Bretton-Woods gold-exchange mechanism and consequent establishment of a fiat vehicle currency as the foremost international reserve currency, with extremely soft restrictions on its printing for international circulation, all resolvable to dollar confidence and the coupled fact that this vehicle-reserve currency denominates the bulk of global oil transactions. If one closely reads the technical literature on optimal currency areas in places like the IMF Staff Papers, it cannot be missed that clear extension of the arguments made yields the notion that the most optimal currency area is Planet Earth, a single world currency for a global monoculture. This literature has, from the beginning, been in service to maintenance of a failed paradigm. No system in nature works remotely like extrapolations from the optimal-currency-areas literature would suggest. Re-scaling is a form of renormalization, an information veil, filter, truncator, suppressor. Removing local components of information (e.g., price of a given currency relative to others) from explicit handling by market processors prevents repair processes from transpiring at the scale level of the given problem; it is an obstruction to efficient growth and repair processes in general. Conversion costs -- one of the main arguments for currency unions to larger and larger, by extension, to the largest currency area -- are negligible compared to the costs over time to efficiency of growth and repair processes of removing locally-indexed information from markets. Moreover, these conversion costs are a market form of monetary viscosity -- slowing down hot-money flows, and the costs over time associated with those flows -- which reinforce scale-specific mechanisms of growth and repair, without imposition of non-market regulatory monetary controls. Monetary viscosity is real-time and self-regulating, whereas legislated regulatory action -- in this case monetary controls -- is never real-time, never case-by-case adjustment, always rule-of-thumb and one-size-fits-all that never actually fits any case: therefore, inefficient. Put the fact that no European currency was the foremost fiat-vehicle international reserve currency together with the costs of monetary union to the efficiencies of local specificities and you've got Europe trapped in one thing or another: Ambrose Evans-Prichard says depression. He now qualifies that to 1931 (Bad news: we're back to 1931. Good news: it's not 1933 yet., The Telegraph, 26 January 2009). Interesting flashback. But it misses the fact that the current economic crisis is only one symptom -- admittedly a big one -- amongst many symptoms, and that the degenerative disease gnawing at Western civilization since N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem of the 1820s (see: Echo of the Mockingbird) has now had 75 additional years of pathogenesis since 1933 and its ensuing last major warfare fulmination. The deadness of the dead Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm informing the prevailing global institutionalization has putrefied ever more deeply into the marrow with each new post-Newtonian experimental demonstration made over the past three-quarters of a century, auguring for likelihood of more extreme collective psychotic breaks than those of the 1930s and '40s.
Again and again and again and so we see had averred to him that (unintelligible) just that and nothing else but, one can see, I am not attacking constitutional democracy. I assert that transcendental numbers, equations of the 5th degree and higher, statistical mechanics, transfinite set theory, quantum mechanics, relativity theory, m-valued logics, post-quantum-relativity physics -- and especially the technologies these spawned -- have attacked the tatterdemalion metaphysical assumptions underlying constitutional democracy. And that the resultant back-reactions, debaissements, denials, discombobulations, rages, cognitive dissonance, mental dyscrasias, collective panics, mob (dumb and smart) breaks have precipitated several lesser wars, two world wars, a cold war, a GWOT, and likely are in process of generating a first planetary, space-based, total war -- particularly viewable now, when all sentient persons can easily see the Cartesian-Newtonian infrastructure for the global economy has lavishly demonstrated itself inadequate to the complexity the post-Newtonian technologies have inculcated. Father to his father, spawn to his own spawn, this autotoxic, autoimmune technospore (topological mirror to the agent of Mad Cow disease). What Reagan accomplished by assisting collapse of the USSR was not the end of memetime, but initiation of collapse of the whole institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm. Popular optimism or pessimism can have only very short-term effects, as 200 years of built-up momentum will, in due course, carry the loco-motif down backside of the cusp surface. Herbie xylophoning man's Breeze From the East, Caucasian Anima in projective-identification, Three Kings of Orient are, Their Imminence, eminent or not: plagues from the East, East being east of Dugway at Detrich? What A SOD! An advancing species, we are, yes, advancing from dead seas to dead oceans, polka dots having become the Hollywood in fashion: hot spots, dead spots. Slime mold, biological exemplar of quantum cascade/reverse-cascade, self-similarly replicated on other scale levels: e.g., in tornadogenesis, in solar-terrestrial interactions at climate-shift dynamic. And beginning soon after Nixon nixed the BW gold window, in the Reagan-Bush reverse cascade, black propagandized and dysnomered as supply-side and trickledown: supplied was debt junk gargantua; trickled was inevitability of financial system collapse. O, those financial gunslingers on the frontier of economic metaspace capping each other with financial instruments that are regressed referential analogues to dissimulated physics! One could observe that communist capitalists always are lumpen capitalists, although lumpen capitalists are not necessarily communist capitalists given the fact that all of capitalism has transited to lumpen capitalism. Who the heck do you think you are! Why, I'm a mergers-and-acquisitions bacteria. Really? Well, I'm a leveraged-buyout virus. There! One could, moreover, speak of a conspiracy-theory-oligarchy, The Judas Strain (by James Rollins, William Morrow, 2007), in so far as one held The Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion to be the main culprit, or one could elucidate, as did John C. Lilly in Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer and subsequent publications, the responsible suicide software, seppuku memes corresponding to hara-kiri genes, or illuminate Neanderthal's ketaminergic and Cro-Magnon's glutamatergic, uh, uh, predilection for programming prescriptive enculturation and metaprogramming higher enculturation all the while noting the sequence of Last and First Men, as did Lilly in deciding to intensively study melon brains, or recognize that a collective fixation on self-cancellation, howsoever engineered, is most fundamentally a matter of clinging behaviors in multiple causes, where what is clung to is the surface shape of style -- be it culture-style, cognitive-style, body-style, body-mod-style, prosthetics-style, GMO-style parking surface-shape-of-style themes in theme parks -- rather than semantic substance, the informing meaning which demerges multiple shapes of style in aspects of the grammar of and on and on and on and so we see had averred to him that (unintelligible)
Vladimir Putin's call at Davos for multiple, regional reserve currencies (Russia, China Blame Woes on Capitalism, Marc Champion, The Wall Street Journal, 29 January 2009) is a step in the right direction of thought about the global monetary system. Were one to follow that thought out further, eventually one would arrive at nesting e-foams of m-logically-valued LETS. Prime Minister Putin likely would greatly benefit from a stroll over to Moscow State University for a chat with Alexander Karpenko about the import of m-valued logics and their functors over the primes.
Nein, there is no briefback possible on this; comprehensive planning has relevance only with regard to small component processes. Moreover, attempt at achieving prior consensus could only yield a sniper-countersniper cognitive environment, scuttling the effort. It's inherently bottom-up: initiatives from the bottom at the business-NGO interface. That's the way I see it. It has to grow through use, like a natural language. Haven't we had enough of God's-eye-view systems? Nor is self-organization the result of doing nothing. There are thresholds in meeting the prerequisites. These need to be discovered non-prescriptively.
Those with significant discretionary resources are, for obvious reasons, wed to the existing system. I have nothing against people trying to save the system qua system as it is in fundamentals; I'm just against everyone trying to reestablish basics of the status quo ante. A precipitous collapse is in the interest of no one, nor would it serve the planet. But where can one find a knowledgeable commentator, analyst, technical specialist who understands that it will not be economic factors which determine the outcome of the present financial crisis? It is not just the signs which have emerged in aftermath of onset -- protests, strikes, falling governments, calls for governments to fall, forced population movements, and so on -- but the signs building for decades before onset involving many different fields of human behavior and natural processes. The assessments and proposed prospective solutions are too tightly focused. George Soros, for instance, has it down to an asymmetry in the risk/reward ratio between being long or short in the stock market plus how credit default swaps lead to shorting of bonds which, in turn, creates an asymmetry working in opposition to that in the stock market, both of these working together -- in an environment inherently lacking in perfect information, i.e., accurate prices -- to drive the overshooting associated with market reflexivities (see: The game changer, Financial Times, 28 January 2009). Soros believes price inaccuracies are inherent because market feedbacks are self-referential and self-referential propositions relate to inherent unknowables: the market, therefore is necessarily flawed and must be subject to regulation. But is this really the case? And if it were not the case, could there be some way to improve market self-organizational competence? These asymmetries, inaccuracies, and reflexivities relate to money in motion: market dynamics. Velocity of money is greatly studied in relation to changes in base money. Accelerations are less studied for they are taken as equivalent to inflation. Time rates of change in acceleration are studied virtually not at all. Why? Because the focus is too tightly bound. From areas far removed from finance it is known that time rates of change in acceleration relate to self-referential, self-reentrant properties of systems. It is not only human responses to inherent unknowables which are responsible for price inaccuracies and reflexive overshoots. Self-referential, self-reentrant properties of systems have to do with superintegration of functions, which is essentially what quantum mechanics is all about: clocks within clocks within clocks. Traditional quantum mechanics has handled this in terms of probability amplitudes. Another way to deal with it is with self-referential propositions -- Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics -- which Soros has deemed a domain of inherent unknowables. But much work has been accomplished in the field of Lukasiewicz logics over the past century, enough to be certain that the domain of self-referential propositions is not a domain of inherent unknowables. Over the last several decades, why has Soros not looked into this? He has recently offered an answer (see: The credit crunch according to Soros, Chrystia Freeland, Financial Times, 30 January 2009): I understand mathematical concepts but I'm afraid of mathematical symbols, because you can easily get lost in them. I don't cite this statement to belittle the intellect of Soros, but to observe that there is a good reason for his attitude. Written mathematical notation is not the means by which to fully explore self-referential reflexivities. Even though accomplished mathematicians do not sequentially read notational discourses, so much as register their form, still, the linear properties of such notation is an obstruction they must overcome in order to achieve comprehension. This necessity for overcoming limitations of the notation, in my judgment, precludes adequate exploration of self-referential reflexivities, which, though not constituting a domain of inherent unknowables, are linearly unknowable. Soros has taken recourse to intuition in his studies of market reflexivities -- which, obvious by his success, was a great judgment call and an indicator that he has penetrated the domain of inherent unknowables to a certain degree. I will here quote in support of this perspective a thriller novel from the era of Japan bashing, while noting that I have never been a Japan basher (Critical Mass by David Hagberg, Doherty, 1992, p. 128):
Otto Rencke thought in colors. He had been doing so for seven years, ever since he stumbled across a series of tensor calculus transformations concerning bubble memories that he could not visualize. He'd hit on the notion of thinking of his calculations in a real-world fashion, coming up at length with the question of how to explain color to a person who'd been born blind. With mathematics, of course. And he'd devised the system, which turned out to be his bubble memory transformations. If it worked in one direction, there was no reason to think it couldn't work in the other. Lavender, for example, was among the simplest of all. In his mind's eye he could visualize an entire multidimensional array of complex calculations that described a many-tiered and interlocking series of traps
This is an apt description of a part of what I have long referred to as Musculpt as mathematical notation -- which I believe to be a prerequisite to adequate exploration of self-referential reflexivities. It does not seem likely that significant further insight will be developed into the market case so long as technological applications in Musculpt as mathematical notation remain unexplored, nor could nesting e-foams of m-logically-valued LETS be taken beyond a primitive stage absent such applications. I do not believe a universal Chomsky-generative grammar is encoded into our genes; I believe a universal semiosis demerges by higher-temporal quantum-wave processes of superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA, and that, in the intraneuronal case, this holo-Musculpt is the m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian language of the brain which may be technologically exteriorized and Platonically remembered into conscious utility through use, like a natural language.
There is a certain edification value in discussing what could be done, but won't; becoming identified with the could and forgetting the won't, however, transforms the edification into a spoiler. That's one reason why nested m-logically-valued LETS are not treated here as a potential solution to the prevailing financial crisis: could and won't are kept in proper regard.
I believe in decision-free self-organizing systems. I therefore have absolutely no administrative ability, nor have I ever aspired to acquire such. Leadership is coercion! What great leaders have accomplished is the making of a world I have never wanted to live in.
Thank you. David Morrell's thriller, The Fifth Profession (Headline, 1990 edition of the 1980 original), is, indeed, yet another example of the inherent neuropsychological quantal capacity for animistic identity-transparency being projected as regressive technology in service to warfare. Mind out of time, not time out of mind. Mind taken out of temporal operations, not temporal operations arisen out of mind. Nonetheless, mind can be out of memetime because memetime is taken out of mind. Neuroscientists have demonstrated that future, past, and present have no existence for the brain: in philippic against objectivity of linear reference time, these three exist only in memetime. Backward working memory, Allison, uh, Alice, said the Queen, is in countertemporal operations. Counter/imaginary-time actions appertain to counterspace, the space of the psyche. Don't confuse, my dear, time-reversal/anti-matter with countertime/counterspace; otherwise, you will be referring to pure collective psyche by the name 'dark matter'. And don't confuse mind with psyche. Mind is a peripheral device linking space and counterspace, a kind of mini/strange-wormhole, if you will. How very, very strange a rabbit hole, indeed, thought Alice, if not a cosmic pigeon hole! And what of consciousness, then, my Queen? The Queen's eyes flashed sharply. Oh, dear! Yes, well, in active and passive aspects -- what some people long, long ago, before consciousness became confused with thoughts, named Omote and Ura -- the set of all topological operations and the hyperspace acted upon But, you must realize, this is all transliterated for benefit of those inclined to the binary. How very, very small that mind, thought Alice, and certainly one sort of cosmic pigeon hole! Mostly in omote mode, never articulating ura. And if there is no longer anything there worth empathizing with? No a(ma)e from my a(ma), said Alice. In surprise, the Queen was taken aback. Studying Alice closely, she said, Ma being a word designating an active, sacred space. So much has been lost in the realms of meaning since long, long ago -- by reference to memetime, of course. Root homonyms once carried cosmological metareferences across myriad natural languages, making translation unnecessary. Amae: indulgence, generative empathy, identity-transparency. Westerners construe this as group-mindedness, compulsive conformity. A(ma)e(ru). Ru: to (do), infinitive. Amaeru: to indulge by generative empathy in the identity-transparency made available by immersion in ma -- ma, regardless of its current array of written designators and their assorted meanings, being one of those universal root homonyms. Well then, I suppose it should be left to The Sixth Profession, thought Alice, those no-mind adepts.
No carrot-topped, southpaw Steppenwolf standing in full-moon shadow, the unwonted, who, in certainty of injustice, never much liked being in the body struggling with other bodies -- be those bodies objects or others. Highly inferior successful product, contrary to that! Dumbing-down is the ticket, carte blanche, the open-says-a-me. Nope. Not required. Nor does one have to be a Perle Mesta, with a lower-Foxhall estate across from the Rockefellers' unreal estate and all those pretty merry knolls, to figure such things out. One looks at what people are interested in and what they are not, which ideas have access and which do not. Pick-and-shovel work in the carriage trade, strangely enough, provides many opportunities. One strategically chooses ideas, bruits them around, watches what happens to them. Traffic analysis on this sort of thing over a sufficient watch period yields considerable insight, permits useful forecasts: this does not require quantitative analysis in order to be efficacious, only semi-casual empiricism. The ideas bruited about are not necessarily those one embraces; they are those one needs to observe reactions to in order to get a read on this or that factor. The ideas themselves are not important, only what they can help reveal about unconscious event gradients and how those gradients are using people identified with socially-conferred role attributions: a person becomes a mere expression of the gradients to the degree he or she is so identified. Ideation controlled by the cognitive Rorschach as a regressed function of projective-identification. Where, then, is the person, the so-prized individual? Want free of the gradients' control? That's a ketaminergic process. Want some endogenous ketamine? Remember to observe oneself: the splash of cold water in the face, the memetime slowdown, is a trickle of endogenous ketamine flood, and a momentary escape from interlock with the gradients. Without knowledge of parameters of the enveloping gradients, their prevailing specificities, there is no escaping interlock therewith, not for so-prized individuals, not for collectivities. Given the extraordinary degree of elaboration prevailing gradients have obtained over the last two centuries, a devotion to lost causes is perhaps the best route currently available to authentic inner development.
Whoa! What an interesting observation. But no, that passage from The Moon of Hoa Binh (Vol. 1, pp. 308-10) was not written with Masayoshi Son in mind. No subtle allusion-type reference made there. It was composed early in the writing of MOON, probably 1987 (based on thoughts developed during the '70s), and I don't think I heard of Son until probably a decade or more later -- from folks at a Daikanyama/Ebisu design studio software subcontractor to Pioneer Corporation I did a little thing for. But the coincidences are interesting -- about which you certainly couldn't be aware. I left Kyushu the year before Son was born. I played pachinko as a kid, and I am sure that game had a considerable influence on my thought as an adult. The UC-Berkeley Nha Trang knew was a different UC-Berkeley from that Son encountered. Just before the bubble burst, I helped a Japanese fine arts print publishing house acquire the Joe Goode Tornado Series prints -- and only later learned that the behind-the-behind source of the money for this acquisition came from pachinko, well-known to be Korean-Japanese controlled. The impact of Goode's prints upon me was enormous, highly disorienting, bizarre even, as while I was emotionally reacting one of the bigger tornado outbreaks in Oklahoma history transpired. Strange electrical effects in the hotel I was staying in, in Los Angeles, very bizarre. But, then, given my personal history with theory of tornadogenesis, and the emotional content Goode imbued his prints with I reproduce here the passage in question:
Yoshio had another cup of tea, then paid the bill and left. He felt like a walk before going to the train, so he turned off to his right and strolled back into Katsura. A few shops were open but most were closed on this Sunday afternoon. Children played about on the sidewalk. One group had a top. The string was wound tight around the wooden toy and then it was set to spinning.
This is an unusual sight in this day of electronic toys, thought Yoshio. Such tops had been in vogue when he was a boy. Ah, that's more like it. The boys had a digital stop watch and were timing how long the top spun before toppling over.
On the corner was a pachinko parlor. Japanese style pinball. The board is vertical rather than horizontal, as in the West. The steel balls are small like standard marbles. And there are many balls which the player moves rapidly through the machine.
Yoshio stepped over to the parlor and stood watching. An interior as rectangular, stacked, and veined with Cubist assemblage as a construction executed at the end of the day by Louise Nevelson. The pins on this particular board, he noticed, were arranged in an equilateral triangular net: pattern of Mt. Meru, of Pascal's triangle, of the 'holy tetractys' beloved by Pythagoras of Samos. Oya Ma! Why had he not thought of this before? The pachinko balls falling through the pins on the board will arrange themselves at the bottom to approximate the curve of a normal distribution. Normalized Gaussian distribution. Gauss's method of least squares. It appears in a thousand text books: 'The density function p(x) of a random variable X that can be described by a Gaussian distribution ' That curve which is ubiquitous in nature! That curve found to describe accurately many, many statistical processes. The game was a graphical representation of the involutionary aspects of the atmospheric cascade process: the way angular momentum is cascaded through the various scales of atmospheric wave motion in the process of generating a severe storm. The projection of packets (carried by steel balls or air parcels) of the Higher Energy (complex angular momentum) into the lower world through the lattice-logic (the pins or nodes of wave interaction acting as twisting axes of rotation) of the Tree of Life (the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions), yielding the specification of incarnate events (the detailing of a tornado outbreak). Down through each level of wave motion cascade the quanta of angular momentum, organizing and densifying elements of rotation, once operative on the global scale, into smaller and smaller domains until, finally, they collapse through the tight bottle wrapped about themselves called a tornado. Tornado touch down!
Again, he suspected, at a node, a node related to geomorphological processes. Tornado as geomantic acupuncture needle: current injection, twisting the needle. Tornado as an element of global self-regulation and self-repair. Makes you wonder how many other nonequilibrium exchange processes, that appear to be statistical, are actually underlain by a deterministic microphysics, doesn't it? Ha! How many surprises his model contained. No doubt the filling of heat reservoirs as a result of the long-predicted global 'greenhouse' warming trend will produce more intense severe local storms. What will not be predicted, however, is the increased seismic activity and volcanism -- at locations far removed from the storms, one can be sure -- which will result. Enhanced transfer of the angular momentum carried by the solar wind brought right into the earth's crustal dynamics. The degree to which ecological overdetermination exists has not even begun to be adequately imagined!
Acupuncture ah, yes. Hmmmm. If the molecular processes involved in muscular contraction are associated with underlying and corresponding quantum wave phenomena (and how can we doubt it?), then the variations in the resulting field must generate physical region singularities. These singularities would be quite stable because of the relatively invariant morphology of the neuromuscular system. The singularities could function as information transducers in the manner of a blackbody that receives information in the form of spin (generated by protein folding processes involved in the contraction of muscles) and re-radiates it at various frequencies. Suppose that the protein folding processes are associated with wave modes that are not coherent. Through spontaneous localization, physical region singularities form which, by the superposed composite of frequencies that arises, transduces the single-valued information (encoded in terms of spin variations). And wouldn't twistors and the Regge calculus be useful here! My, what beautiful diagrams would likely emerge from the modeling efforts. With spontaneous fusion these singularities-blackbodies re-radiate coherent waves containing multivalued information. In the transduction process, a frequency domain is established, the role of which is to mediate functional integration.
And what of the needle? Does its therapeutic effect arise solely from altering the internal discharge dynamic associated with the rhythmically fluctuating electrical structure of the organism? No, he did not think this was all there is to it. Surely the needle serves to trigger release of stored potential: stimulated electro-chemical unloading, you might say (a form of stimulated emission of radiation?). This is the 'upward' cascade: subsystem to system to supersystem. But what about the inverse process? Where does the free energy come from to drive the stimulated emission? Why, from the downward cascade! Supersystem, system, subsystem. Fluctuations of the ambient electromagnetic environment communicate themselves to the field associated with the internal dynamic of the organism. Needle-mediated two-way traffic: fusion and localization.
Why should he think such thoughts about acupuncture needles? Let us not forget the meteorological aspects of traditional Chinese medicine. The upward and downward cascades are of the essence of the functional aspects of tornado outbreaks -- at least according to his conception. Hmmmm. The sun's flares -- with their plumes and balloons of trapped magnetic field lines -- imprint changes in solar dynamics on earth's magnetosphere. This is what he called making an impression! Little ripples imposed by the sun's wake vortices. Was there any way he could imagine this does not relate to angular momentum transfer? He had not found such a way. Interactions with the earth's liquid core. Hmmmm. Bubble memory? Hmmmm. Particularly so, perhaps, if there is a core of, say, metallic hydrogen. Could the mantle form a cavity for the formation of standing waves? Let's just let the thought come as it wishes. Is the planet a celestial brain? Relatively persistent nodes from standing wave interaction patterns? Physical region singularities? Geomantic acupuncture points and meridians? A complicated grid dimming and brightening, so to speak, and changing its conformal characteristics slowly over geological time -- except when some catastrophic cusp is reached due to what? Intrusions. Angular momentum intrusions. Enhanced by heat reservoirs filled by greenhouse warming, perhaps? What kind of electromagnetic substance do tectonic plates float on, anyhow? Tornado transmitting quantum bursts of complex angular momentum into and out of this synergistic interactional dynamic? Seismic activity as earth discharge phenomena unloading the record of accumulated electro-mechanical stress. He would be astounded to discover that the earthquake epicenter was not a low-frequency electromagnetic source for a considerable period before manifestation of the structural aspects of de-stressing. Many types of birds, he knew, were sensitive to these fluctuations in ambient radiation and thereby anticipated tremors. And the luminescent plasma balls associated with earthquakes, of course. Even planets need periodic stress release, you know. Otherwise, they might get an autoimmune disease! What was the full range of functions fulfilled by the ancient geomancer? he'd like to know. Was there any real difference between the practices of epidemiologic medicine and gardening? Hmmmm. Was there any chance that modern industrial economy could cause the earth itself to get an autoimmune disease? What would the planet do in such a diseased state?
Since, as a boy, he had been an avid pachinko player, it may well have been that the game had had a profound conditioning influence on his thought. How amazing the human mind is! The unconscious works with the 'forms of uses' even if the conscious mindset is shy of that mode of thought. He stood there thinking about the parallels between his computer model of tornado genesis and the game of pachinko. Air parcel as electron? Buoyant plumes. Bubble memory in the atmosphere's handling of turbulent events?
The recent comments (Dance to the moment you live in, 6 February 2009) of Ilargi on The Automatic Earth website, from perspectives I've been arguing, are unusually astute. The only reservation I have is that he seems to imply that death of the prevailing civilization-wide, global institutionalization has come slowly over the past twenty years, when, more accurately, deathwatch on the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm, and implicitly its institutionalization, began during the 1820s with N. H. Abel's Impossibility Theorem. Quoting Ilargi:
The stimulus and bailout plans merely accelerate a process that has long since become inevitable: the final demise of our economic system, our economies, our way of life and indeed our societies. No more free markets, no more capitalism, no more global trade or globalization, and no more democracy. Of course most of these things have long ago ceased to be anything but religious deliriums, but don't ever underestimate the power of belief. It will, in this case, linger for a while longer, until it's too late for most of us to prepare in any sensible fashion. And the usefulness of preparations is itself highly debatable in nations and communities where 95% or more of people have not prepared themselves for any sort of substantial change in the conditions of their lives
Having hope and faith that our present political and economic systems will somehow rise up again, or turn around, in Obama's words, doesn't seem to me to be the best way to approach the future. Not all hope is necessarily good, nor is all faith. It all depends on what you believe in, and what you hope for. Clinging to notions that are already dead, though it may be the most common trait among people, prevents people from moving forward with their lives. Which in times of drastic changes, and that is where we are, is a handicap, not an asset.
I know, for instance, from some forty years of discussions and arguments, that it is far more than 95% of people, West and East, who gut-wrenchingly emotionally oppose the full range of actualities of any and every principle which could, in their daily lives, replace those Cartesian-Newtonian. This is the overwhelming fact current events beat against -- and why any attempt at implementation of, say, m-logically-valued LETS would require staged entry from below with a sophisticated evolving user-friendly interface facilitative of a deep-structure learning process, to include, for instance, Musculpt as mathematical notation.
The time for this was quite a while ago. And now with each passing day the potential effects of doing something with it become less and less. If, indeed, as seems most likely, things in due course shift toward a general warfare footing, it will become impossible to do anything at all with it -- if for no other reason than that physical movement around the planet will become impossible for most people. Nor will it be possible to do anything with it coming out of total war, as was, for instance, the case with Bretton Woods in 1944. That was a system imposed from above; bringing things up from below cannot transpire coming out of general war: all the prerequisites will be missing. And the problems created on this planet by seven-billion people cannot be solved from above, because human systems are interfaced with a multiscaled self-organizing process called nature which does not lend itself to management by top-down systems. If m-logically-valued LETS are to happen at all, they must be initiated before the shift to a general warfare footing so that in the aftermath there are nascent structures in place about which self-organizing processes can congeal. The closer general conditions approach the absolute cut-off point, the less inclination there is to focus on specifics, as all issues resolve more and more to questions of strategy, until even they become moot. People speak of burdening their children, possibly their children's children, even perhaps their children's children's children -- to remember the song of the Sixties -- but, actually, it is a matter of seeing to it that they are killed. Onset of general warfare is the end product of myriad decisions taken day in and day out by most people as they become more and more identified with collective unconscious event gradients. I look upon popular fiction (the more interesting the material, the less interest there is in it) in the same way as women's fashion and pornography: projective Rorschachs upon which to get some read on collective unconscious event gradients (significant factors in setting the quotient of vector virulence to immune competency, to include inherited quantum-frequency anomalies, i.e., miasms, and plasmidic insulators of the same; biology doesn't begin or end with molecules; turning off the death switch wouldn't be the way to keep evolution focused on the individual ghost in the machine, even if memetime were an objective passive linear-time). Quoting the Finnish poet Paavo Haavikko, translation provided by Lauri Love (nsh): War is time that has marched through the mind Do not say [this] was true in antiquity, as there the same sentence changed many times, petrified into mountains precisely where it was open, the land supporting, and water flowed along the map's thin, meandering line.
In a recent posting (US, UK, Eurozone Banks Face Meltdown, 16 Feb 2009), Mish has juxtaposed two articles that touch upon themes essayed here: transfer of risk off the last step of The Devil's Staircase (i.e., last economic helicopter off the financial roof) into the meta-level to the concrete economy and the possible eventual formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc. Ambrose Evans-Prichard in his article Failure to save East Europe will lead to worldwide meltdown, 15 February 2009, more or less forecasts demise of the euro as an integral aspect of worldwide meltdown. After describing the dire straits in which Eastern Europe currently finds itself (by my lights, due to their uncritical embrace of the crash capitalism sting, rather than finding a more intelligent staged mode of phase transition), Evans-Prichard observes that:
The sums needed [to save East Europe] are beyond the limits of the IMF, which has already bailed out Hungary, Ukraine, Latvia, Belarus, Iceland, and Pakistan -- and Turkey next -- and is fast exhausting its own $200bn (euro 155bn) reserve. We are nearing the point where the IMF may have to print money for the world, using arcane powers to issue Special Drawing Rights.
The printing of money by treasury departments and central banks, à la quantitative easing, is already to leap off The Devil's Staircase grabbing for skids of the helicopter, whereas to print IMF SDRs so as to ease quantitative easing is to crawl into the helicopter and fly away into economic metaspace with no reference frame as guidance. Though, like with any integrated system, a meta-level is required of a global monetary process, SDRs are no part of an MVRS, an m-logically-valued reference space for a quantum economy. SDRs were created in 1969 because the U.S. failed to maintain the fiscal and monetary discipline required of the issuer of the world's foremost reserve currency -- the discipline promised by the U.S. in 1944 -- in the Bretton Woods scheme. Most notably, LBJ's guns + butter: there simply were no longer enough gold + USDs to maintain global liquidity, the primary responsibility assumed by the U.S. at Bretton Woods. SDRs were prophylactic CPR in anticipation of cardiac arrest of a global monetary system which had received a lethal dose of Daxonol: nixing of the gold-exchange window was the not-so-silent cardiac arrest of Bretton Woods. SDR quota reviews occur approximately every five years, whereas a functional MVRS would be in a constant state of near-real-time flux. The bigger the economy, the bigger the SDR quota. The biggest economy, the biggest quota. The biggest economy being the issuer of the world's foremost reserve currency, and, in the post-BW era, the economy with the least constraints upon free printing of its vehicle-reserve currency, the economy with the least need for SDRs gets the most of them. Sounds like a level playing field to me! A system that works (even into June of 2009 this is still believed: see, for instance, Anthony Faiola, Fading of the Dollar's Dominance, Washington Post, 24 June 2009). But will it work for Eastern Europe? Will it save the euro? Why was cardiac arrest of the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism foreordained? Because a vehicle currency -- a currency of the concrete economy -- was used for the foremost reserve currency, a currency apropos of the meta-level: no issuer of a vehicle currency is likely to maintain fiscal and monetary discipline indefinitely, particularly if that issuer is a great power, as all great powers have great agendas for the rest of humanity. The same for any agglomeration of great powers. But it's all much more complex than this, of course. The bundling of bundles that led the way up The (debt)Devil's Staircase was subliminally undertaken as regressive analogue to The New Physics: fiber bundle arithmetics, daisy chains of superstrings, and so on, by mass projective-identification in collective transference. Why such psychoeconomics? Because the quantum-based technologies, making The New Economy possible, conjugated to free-floating fiat-currency markets mandated that finance follow physics into dissimulation: quantum non-simple identity (which the physics community exorcised with probability amplitudes) implies as a derivative notion non-simple ownability (which the bundling of bundles of risk-hedging debt exorcised with myriad varieties of derivatives no one can assess value and determine simple ownability of). And the powers that be are still trying to wrap quantum-based technologies in Newtonian clothes with copyright law! John Mauldin in his recent article Can the Euro Survive?, 2 February 2009, suggests the possibility of a Transatlantic currency growing out of the difficulties Euroland is presently experiencing. More regressed economic homeopathy: because the euro removed locally-specific information from markets, and thus cannot reconcile the four little PIGS with Germany, remove more locally-specific information by fusing the euro with a NAFTA-based currency-union currency. The ultimate goal being a We-Are-The-World one-world currency managed by a megaFED overseeing a WholeEarth economy as the only domestic economy: another psychological regression on the non-simple theme, for removal of all locally-specific information is tantamount to establishing a regressed analogue to quantum non-simple identity. It only took two decades from discovery of DNA double-helix to realize ethnically-specific biologicals exist. What degree of specificity has been realized in the past thirty years? Compensatory abreaction. Yep, that's what it is. The bureaucrat mindset regards the neurotransmitter glutamate as an antidote to the neurotransmitter ketamine -- not vice versa! Zazen is a felony. Ask Karolinska. For all I know, Cambodia and Rwanda were (the neurotransmitter) serotonin-depletion events. All the precursors have to be considered, not only their codon sequences and retroviral delivery systems. Wildly out of proportion incommensurate funding for genetic-engineering-related AIDS research? Proximal causes are the alienist's focus in forensic psychiatry of miasms -- be they medical or economic. Compensatory abreaction. Yep, that's what it is. Don't even mention the quantum-wave properties of intraneuronal DNA. There can be no doubt that the global leadership elite will run through every Cartesian-Newtonian scheme they can conceive of, rather than come actually to terms with non-simple ownability derivative of a system composed of non-simple identities like, say, automorphic software modules rewriting self-referential derivatives of risk by interactive programmed-trading quants. Not only can Newtonian systems not adequately control quantum-based technologies, the further simple fact is that a Newtonian system cannot be transformed into a quantum system; the two are incommensurate: the replacement must be brought up de novo from below. This deep-structure dimension to the prevailing financial crisis leads right back to the issues prefiguring onset of both world wars: the issues unresolved then are still with us, in more aggravated form. Which makes John Mauldin's Transatlantic currency reflex response to the gathering euro crisis all the more interesting: this possibility was raised after rejection of the notion that Germany could leave the euro. Quoting Mauldin:
So, if any country were to leave the euro, it would more likely be from a position of strength, and only one country possesses enough strength to pull that off in the current environment. That country is Germany. And, although the euro is not particularly popular in Germany, I believe it is extremely unlikely for Germany to make such a move unilaterally. There are several reasons for that -- Germany's history in Europe being the most important.
Whereas, I obviously believe that when the Europe which never found a post-Cartesian-Newtonian New Europe, just one more variety of same ol' same ol', comes unglued, the deep structure of the quantum issues unresolved by two world wars will be instrumental in setting Germany's path.
One among many things not understood is that non-simple ownability is the royal road to higher and higher levels of market self-organizational competency -- by virtue of the capability it provides to achieve internalization of externalities. Lack of such internalization is acutely involved in origins of business cycles and the ecological malfeasance associated with the second law of thermodynamics where market processes require unending growth simply to maintain organization, an invasive, metastasizing, vociferous form of cancer. The manner in which quantal non-simple ownability is to be handled is with Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics over nesting e-foams of LETS, these logics being interpreted relative to identity-transparency, not truth-value. But, just like with the Nazis, for instance -- and there are many other instances -- by unconscious mass psychological processes, the thing collectively rejected, suppressed, i.e., quantum non-simple identity, was created in regressed analogue through compensatory projective-identification at transference, in the present case, derivatives, bundled bundles, daisy chains of bundled bundles, preprogrammed quant handling of these daisy chains, and so on. Regressed, non-functional, pathological analogues to integrative properties of quantum systems were created, without insight into their quantum-analogue nature, as expressions of quantum-based technologies being conjugated to the institutionalization of the long-dead Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm. This pathogenesis transpired in economics and finance, as in so many other areas, because the physicists, and the mathematicians before them, rejected as impermissible what they had discovered to be the case, i.e., non-simple identity, and proceeded to assemble enormous edifices of dissimulation -- consequences of which, over a two-hundred-year period, have bled into every aspect of the civilization.
Ever since my 1963 high school honors economics class, I've been asserting-arguing, on the basis of inner Musculpt, that the multi-sheeted multiple-bank credit expansion manifold is topologically self-referential and nonorientable like Klein bottles wrapped inside of Klein bottles. The multiplier effect is merely a mechanism. Look at the concatenated (CTC) manifold effects of the topological operations of this mechanism! Hence, my cognitive transit to m-logically-valued (i.e., self-referential) monetary units. M0, M1, M2, M3 MZM? No! T1(M), T2(M), T3(M), T4(M) Tn(M) taken into µTm, where µ and m can take on any value whatsoever, including those aleph, those imaginary, those transcendental. There are uncountable collections of superposed self-referential reflexive nonorientabilities indicated here! Non-simple ownership by virtue of non-simple valuation in expression of non-simple identity (e.g., self-rewriting software modules incorporated into many pieces of software; microwave-networked processors doubly nonlocal by virtue of their elemental processor gates being wave-effect: the list is already long). Quoting Mish (Fiat World Mathematical Model, 19 February 2009) quoting Debtwatch's Steve Keen (The Roving Cavaliers of Credit, 31 January 2009):
There is no evidence that either the monetary base or M1 leads the cycle, although some economists still believe this monetary myth. Both the monetary base and M1 series are generally procyclical and, if anything, the monetary base lags the cycle slightly.
Thus rather than credit money being created with a lag after government money, the data shows that credit money is created first, up to a year before there are changes in base money. This contradicts the money multiplier model of how credit and debt are created: rather than fiat money being needed to seed the credit creation process, credit is created first and then after that, base money changes.
Not the least by virtue of F. A. von Hayek's notion of the simultaneously superposed time-shapes of total capital stock, I hold that a most thorough analysis, absent prior commitment to Newtonian assumptions, would yield the conclusion that the relationship between base-money creation and credit expansion is wholly nonorientable -- with the implication that there are many veiled m-logically-valued attributes operative in market economies, and that the unveiling of these, by explicit monetary-system tagging, is one important method for improving the self-organizational competency of markets. Time Storm. TimeQuake. If people who write such books actually comprehended what they wrote
Francis Hsu's Clan, Caste and Club (required reading, Human Behavior II, Prof. George Harris, AU-SIS, Spring 1964) plus DumbGang, SmartMob and CovertCohort: hard to see any substantive differences between these primitive forms of externally-prescriptive organization, which ain't at all likely to internalize externalities. One can, per example, hardly blame the notion of forensic accounting over Lukasiewiczian monetary units on a Presidential Task Force on Market Mechanisms -- though one can certainly blame a lot else on such ad hoc proprietary clubs supra to interagency groups and special interagency groups, so too ilk as a Presidential Task Force on Regulatory Relief: brilliant intellectual breakthroughs like market circuit breakers, single-manager undersight, line-idem deeREG, marginal consistency, leverage amplification, reserve dampening The cognitive power of these clubbing club people, staggering, yes staggering. Idempotent they are, yep! Calling The Selfsame Thing-in-Itself by the name of its opposite: Mother Council of the World instead of Father Subliminally Counseled to Genetically Engineer WORLD disORDER (by Andrew Goliszek, Doherty, 1998). O, Naomi, you orphan chick wit' da ultra delta so often under search! Fact figuring fiction? Fiction figuring fact? A Caurterizing with arcs of crisis: Afghan-Iran; Afghan-Iraq; Afghan-Iran With insider access, and possibly because of it, David Hagberg got it wrong with Joshua's Hammer (Doherty, 2000). Big message in details of that. Get some back from the Bear for Tet-'68! Central Asia, USSR's weak point at China's backdoor, chosen in 1970-'71 for locus of cusp catastrophe: victory after victory declared all along the path to incendiary collapse. Win every battle to lose the more than the war, one can be sure. Thematic orchestration by a regressed centrencephalic safety-discharge mechanism seeing to that. The real lowdown: dura thick as ox hide, pickled in redneck formaldehyde! Low down, high up. Glutamate-etched human agency beats the heck out of form-in-process, don't y'think? Guess I'll jus' have ta ENgage in a lil' ol' Newtonian nudging by voting for one a dem, I will, won't I.
When contemplating utter absence of strategy, it is well to remember the role of the headless horseman in American culture. There is very little reality orientation to be found these days, even in the blogs. Creeping sanity, perhaps: George Soros and Paul Volcker are now talking Greater Depression (Soros sees no bottom for world financial 'collapse', Reuters, 21 February 2009; note that Reuters questions collapse and what that implies as regards headless horsemen). All efforts, however, remain directed toward resurrecting the dead -- manifestly a religious activity. But exactly what is dead has yet to be identified. Doom doctor Nouriel Roubini thinks that laissez faire capitalism has failed (Laissez Faire Capitalism Has Failed: The financial crisis lays bare the Anglo-Saxon model, Forbes, 19 February 2009), when not too long ago it was communism which had failed -- while in reality it is the whole institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm which is going into incendiary collapse, and taking integrity of the magnetosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, magnetic core right along with it. Roubini's subtitle, however, in targeting the Anglo-Saxons, moves in the right direction, even as President Obama is in process of putting a Locke on Commerce. But Roubini does not address, in the body of his op-ed piece, the observation made in his subtitle, indicating that the subtitle was a Freudian slip, and not anything Roubini consciously believes.
Ah, a little dose of reality! What was that, so long ago? The European Coal and what? Saw this coming in the early-'60s while reading C. G. Jung and writing position papers at AU-SIS for Prof. Abdul Aziz Said on the impetus to European integration. Formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has his finger on the pulse (Will Germany deliver on the Faustian bargain that delivered monetary union? If Der Spiegel is correct, the German finance ministry is drafting rescue plans to prevent default on the edges of the eurozone leading to full-blown collapse of Europe's monetary system, London Telegraph, 23 February 2009):
The vast imbalances that have been allowed to build up under the seductive protection of EMU leave German taxpayers facing bail-out liabilities that exceed the cost of reparations after the First World War, in proportional terms. The political ground has not been prepared for this. EMU was foisted on the German people without a referendum, in the face of deep public scepticism and scathing criticisms by the professoriat. This failure to secure a mandate for such a revolutionary undertaking is coming back to haunt them.
Concrete details emerging over the Infamous Scenario so-and-so. What the current German system of government delivers on, or fails to deliver on, fails -- because there is no saving institutionalization of the long-dead Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm -- thus dooming that system of German government. And since so many Weimar socio-politico-econo-sexual themes were consonant with Mathematics in Its Modern Aspect and The New Physics, largely dissimulated by Anglo-French-American-endorsed perspectives (themselves fatally debunked by Eric Temple Bell's pre-WWI Ph.D. dissertation, and books he wrote during the 1930s), collective unconscious event gradients will seek a new system of German governance consonant therewith -- unless, yet again, regressed by suppressive back-reaction on the metric of these gradients. But the following by Evans-Pritchard is child's play:
The Social Democrats are heading for the most crushing defeat in a free election since July 1932 -- and for the same reasons -- because they are associated with a deflationary collapse of Germany's core industry. Their Left flank is peeling away to the neo-Marxist Linke party, just at it peeled away to the Communists in 1932.
There is much talk in the German and global media perpetuating the myth that it was German hyperinflation in 1923 that destroyed Weimar and led to Nazism. This is a fatal misreading of events. What led to Hitler was the Bruning deflation of the early 1930s.
Both Germany and Russia were beaten onto the Westphalian path against their will and under the sword of a Frenchman. Given how consonant Erdgeist pagan animism is with unabridged quantum non-simple identity, there can be little doubt where the gravitational weight of curvature lies, configuring the collective unconscious event gradients and their real-world projections. What led to Hitler was psychological snapping on N. H. Abel's existence proof for transalgebras, deemed an Impossibility Theorem, which, with several intervening steps, prefigured Max Born's probability-amplitude dissembling of Schrödinger's Lukasiewiczian-valued wave-function, the 1926 straw that broke the camel's back on deep-structure of the origins of WWII And, again, we have another one stepping up with a little dose of reality, Rupert Murdoch: We are in the midst of a phase of history in which nations will be redefined and their futures fundamentally altered. (Murdoch Warns: Nations will be redefined, futures altered, Drudge Report, 24 February 2009). And has the USA chosen a path of non-Nazification or de-Nazification? I've argued this point about Marriner Eccles many times before, but here let me do so in the words of another. Quoting a reader comment posted by Rick to BillShrink Guy's brief essay-graphic entitled The New Deal vs. Obama's Economic Recovery Act, posted 18 May 2009:
What [Marriner] Eccles [Utah banker and FDR Fed Chairman] proposed was, for all intents and purposes, Keynesian Economics. He simply proposed these ideas 3 years before Keynes wrote the book Oh, and by the way, for those who say that Keynesian Economics doesn’t work, it should be pointed out that Nazi Germany used it to stunning advantage in the early 1930’s [which tells us something important about the Fed]. By 1936, they had dragged themselves out of a worse depression than the US was in, and were ready to challenge the entire world. And after WWII, the US used Keynesian models to produce a 25 year economic boom [and, it should be added, a macro Cold War and many micro hot wars, thus deflecting the social structure of attention and postponing by several more generations adequate address to the global problems created by the institutionalization of the dead Westphalian-Cartesian-Newtonian & Congress-of-Vienna Weltanschauung].
Actually, I've never advocated more than paradigm demonstrations, data basing, computer-gaming simulations, house-of-cards building, and the like as regards m-logically-valued LETS in the pre-cuspover period, for I have always assumed that -- as the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian institutionalization reaches omnipotence just prior to its incendiary collapse into most likely space-based planetary total war, the next step up over themes from WWII -- quantum-based technologies will become uttermost instruments of state coercion, entrapment, suppression, repression, and so on, even if out-sourced to private censorship companies and corporatized military effector organs, the smartest of SmartMobs: part and parcel of wrapping these quantal techno-threats in Newtonian clothes with acts of information imprisonment, copyright law, censorship, patenting every minute thing, the vastness of nature, compulsively in an Aristotelian ritual of naming, so as to demonstrate non-simple identity nonesuch, and thus to preclude all forms of creativity. The horror, the horror of having discovered one has created-discovered a new incarnation of the very thing one thought one had vanquished, and which one most fears! Sound bites, USA Today news briefs, photo ops, masturbatory Googling, Twitter, Facebook, MoSoSo, and so on and so on, and most especially violent, mindless computer games service -- particularly during preadolescence when neuronal etching by floods of glutamate transpire massively -- the glutamate-etched conventions demanded by the state and rationalized as socialization of cognition and origination of egoic awareness. Therefore, computer game multiple-scenarios strategic planning to VirFut Q-Pro as a lead-in to m-logically-valued modes of cognition facilitated by exteriorized Musculpt. I'm not a Luddite on technology per se, only its contemporary usage. The easiest human access to states of consciousness redolent of m-logically-valued quantum relative-state identity-transparency is the sexual occasion free of glutamate-etched projective-identification in transference. Nowadays, just as in polymorphous perverse Weimar Berlin -- presently planetarized because of the further elaboration, over the last three-quarters of a century, of quantum-based technologies -- there are increasing assaults, by larger and larger numbers of people, being made upon the glutamate-etched sexual conventions precluding direct conscious access to m-logically-valued modes of identity-transparent consciousness. Rise of patriarchy, synonymous with prefiguration of the monolithic state, was due to the biological fact that woman, the child carrier, has easiest access to these quantal modes of consciousness, and is, thus, by definition, the most subversive of subversives. High-quality, transference-free sex is the ultimate threat, not violence. There is no political dissent more effective than smut leading to disengagement with glutamate-etched conventions. That being the case, it is not hard to predict what inevitably will happen yet again -- and one thus factors the inevitable into the strategic approach advocated.
Talking with purged VC cadre-PWs in 1968 about the Chinese Cultural Revolution (not exactly on COMUSMACV's dippity DIP agenda, Danny Boy!), on which they were well informed, dynamics of which were major issues of VC factionalism, I got a strong impression of where China was headed in wake of an inevitably failed Cultural Revolution: into myriad schizophrenogenic double-binds. That this strong impression has realized itself well beyond my ability to imagine in 1968 is viewable in structural properties of the current Chinese economy-polity responsible for the 3-handkerchief homu durama which sheltered so much of the overseas U.S. manufacturing momentarily responsible for resurrecting the Japanese from the lost decade dictated to them by the Plaza Accords: Jailed Billionaires Show New Face of China as Markets Unravel (William Mellor, Bloomberg, 23 February 2009) and Beijing's Olympic building boom becomes a bust (Barbara Demick, LA Times, 22 February 2009). With SOEs and private companies responding to different bandleaders, how efficient can China's response be to global financial crisis? Is this circumstance a facilitator of peace? So, please, though I couldn't imagine the details -- it, whatever it is, is always worse than one can imagine -- I did do pretty well with the big picture, thus never intimated an expectation, in the unlikely event of a space-based total war against a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a Greater China incorporating Japan, that the U.S. and its allies would lose, not the least because known technologies are always at least two-decades obsolete. Other factors, surely, would be involved in driving the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian institutionalization to the abysmal bottom of its deautomatization. Don't understand? Check out Amerikatana.
I certainly do not know enough about neurotransmitter pathways and metabolism and interactions with other macromolecules -- let alone their involvement with quantum-wave signatures of nucleic acids, amino acids, proteins. Therefore I cannot know what effects episodic glutamate floods, induced by prescriptive enculturation, have upon baseline titers of serotonin. I do, though, know something of extreme rage from direct experience of wounding at war. In the particular case at issue, a week-long state was produced which medical doctors initially mistook for post-surgical shock, septicemia, falciparum malaria, encephalitis. Each of these was eventually ruled out. Dx: FOUO. WBC count off the map. 105 fever. Delirium tremens. All going back to normal within a two-hour period with abrupt termination of the state of rage. I initially came to view this as some sort of psychosomatic healing crisis. Re-exposure to animistic modes of cognition after a decade of absence was -- particularly under the circumstances -- traumatic. Then there was the collective psychological symbolism of a testicle wound. Contemplation of all that during the hospital stay in Japan and the remainder of my tour in Viet Nam led me to an ah-ha! at MACV-HQ: superconductivity of intraneuronal DNA. What were the associations occasioning-facilitating this ah-ha? Hard to say, as an extraordinary level of reflexive awareness is prerequisite to identifying such. Surely: studying the self-organizing properties of the VCI, in part attributed to traditional Annamese animism; noticing parallels to metabolic pathway theory, DNA replication, cellular self-organization by resource exchange across phase boundaries, e.g., cell wall. Then there was awareness that the obverse of rage state at wounding is experience of animistic identity-transparency amongst a small highly-trained group at combat: not person-to-person, but person-nature-person. I was also, by the time I left Viet Nam, beginning to entertain the notion that sixth sense is no sense, but a different way of processing information: one of the reasons I eventually sought and found out about Lukasiewicz m-valued logics. And then there were the childhood Plexiglas wall experiences, onset of which had similarities to onset of delirium. What resources were exchanged or not exchanged across this transparent wall? A role for DNA in rate-limiting -- modulating -- osmotic transfer? Not an outrageous thought for an accomplished high school biology student. I knew from direct experience that the Plexiglas wall marked presence or absence of something relative to animistic identity-transparency. What? Consider the transparent wall. Consider the moving through. Some super state of matter? The notion of intraneuronal DNA superconductivity emerged into my awareness out of such considerations -- and surely others not reflexively identified. Details like free-electron gas core came later, much later, after the week-long post-wound rage state had been regarded an autogenic abreaction composed of syndromes of autogenic brain discharges -- and exposure to the physics of double-helical feeder bands to severe local storms in Earth's atmosphere. I don't know what normative glutamate, ketamine, serotonin titers would be absent prescriptive-enculturation-induced neuronal etching by glutamate flood. I am sure, however, that removal of the cognitive capacity for conscious registration of m-logically-valued processing involves much more than mere neuronal etching, shifts in glutamate and ketamine and serotonin metabolism. Why? Because m-logically-valued processing is, by definition, a quantum-wave type radiation-exchange activity in all likelihood an effect of operator-time. Not exactly Woo Stealing Time; Judging Time, perhaps. Ha! And what of the mass-behavior aspects: Cambodia, Rwanda, prospective holocaust of the WholeEarth?
Okay. Niall Ferguson is starting to get a little real. There will be blood (Globe and Mail, 23 February 2009). But nothing on the scale of 20th century conflict, not a next world war -- or so he believes. He can't envision it. I don't advocate it, but I can envision it, have envisioned it since the late-1960s. I don't like the existing institutionalization one bit; and, moreover, I certainly don't want an incendiary collapse of the existing institutionalization which I don't like, but such a collapse is one of the more likely scenarios. Ferguson is focused on economics, to the relative exclusion of a great deal else. I have written quite a bit about that else. This is the primary difference between our prognosticative perspectives. It won't be economics that determines the scale of the blood, it will be the else. Economic stress is only one of the prerequisites to systemic phase transition, and the amount of violence necessarily involved in the shift is a function largely of else-type factors -- e.g., how long and how deeply the inevitable phase transition has been suppressed by processes of dissimulation. I won't rehash the else I've written so much about, only point out the degree to which mistaken Marxist perspectives on the origins of mass warfare have come to be tacit assumptions of non-Marxist commentators. Moreover, the notion that rational considerations play the dominant role in origins of mass warfare is simply insupportable. Collective unconscious factors loom large. The Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian system broke down long ago, and Europe did not seek, and hence did not find, a post-paradigmatic Weltbild upon which to found a New Europe: quantum-relativistic Weltanschauung played no role. Instead of a New Europe built on Lukasiewiczian m-logically-valued LETS -- which would have been a real resolution of what was fought over during WWII -- Europe opted for further agglomeration by extension of the 200-year-dead Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian paradigm: add a new level of hierarchy without even working out the administrative niceties. Not at all surprising, given that some 60 million people were killed precisely so as to bury implications of Polish logics relative to quantum mechanics such that quantum theory could be kept out of the social sciences, and hence psychological, social, political, and economic applications. Moreover, French dictation of the terms by which German reunification could take place came out of a bygone era and was a major strategic blunder -- as was German acquiescence, even if understandable given past history (as Ambrose Evans-Pritchard understands). The EU was built from the top down, and it will not be scuttled from the bottom up (though when it happens, it is likely to be portrayed in that fashion, just as with collapse of the USSR: look at the condition of post-shock-capitalism Eastern Europe; look at the prevailing state of shock in Ukraine). The Great Depression and WWII were informing precedents of sufficient magnitude, and the issues then are the same issues today only vastly more ramified, that Greater Depression is likely to be largely skipped. Once the EU is scuttled, however, Ferguson's Chimerica thesis will undergo a transformation, because America's overwhelming superiority of massed force will no longer seem so overwhelming. The U.S. is already in unconscious surrogate, repeat surrogate, hot warfare with prospective Greater China and its probable allies, has long been, and that war is presently again ramping up: China's back door in Central Asia, her historical great vulnerability. And not only on the geopolitical level, also on the else level: m-valued Polish logics, back then in the days running up to WWII; m-logically-valued Tibetan Buddhism, nowadays -- and all the collective unconscious echoes of these two-which-are-one across the centuries, and into the cusp issues of contemporary paradigm conflict. Such a waste, particularly in face of the larger global crisis at interface with natural processes like climate shift, dying oceans, transforming EM structure of Earth, induced genome transforms, and so on!
Try Googling unitas and bancor along with White and Keynes and Bretton Woods. Google will make suggestions as to what you might have really meant -- in spite of the fact that all of these have been keyworded on our websites for years, and that there is quite a bit of printed literature regarding these two once-proposed non-vehicle reserve currencies. It's not only the fact that the more interesting the material the less interest in it, but that search engines -- whatsoever their judgmental criteria, whatever staff interventions are made to interdict search algorithms -- bury the information most needed, information that wouldn't be most needed if it were most popular, and therefore not buried. Search engines inherently are cognitive levelers created and maintained by -type people. IDHS: 1966-'67-'68 Intelligence Data Handling System, the first Google. Such an obstruction to creative thought, no intelligent intelligence analyst used it, only the hacks. And the whole of human information handling has been undergoing Vietnamization for decades! More Nixonia! That, alone, likely dooms whatever possibility there is for overcoming the gathering multidimensional global crisis. Nixon didn't like White, therefore didn't like unitas. We are not talking American football here, whatever Google might think! Part of all that Fifties' scat singing, which started in the late-'40s: White was charged by the HUAC, a Nixon point of reference, with personally collapsing the GearWheel's currency -- sort of like George Soros is charged by some with personally collapsing the Thai baht, even thought White was no currency speculator and not involved with SACO (for those in the know) and the precious metals and currency companies which evolved postwar out of the knowledge gained during the war by participation in its clandestine operations. This is not a Stoned Nixon burning holly wood in his airtight stove on X-mas morn. He stuck it to White long after White was scorned, long after White was dead: relentless perseverance. The closing of the Bretton Woods gold-exchange window was a sticking to it of White's unitas. Imagine the Sat-TIS-faction! After all those years. When did FDR die? April 12, 1945. When was the Bretton Woods Conference? July 1-22, 1944. In the same timeframe Archimedes Patti was personally instructed by FDR to do whatever he could to insure that Indochina became a UN Trust Territory in the postwar period, FDR's minions turned their backs on unitas and bancor -- how else inherit the mandate of the British Empire? -- thus forcing the compromise of a gold-exchange-thru-USD-only mechanism (not the same as the old gold standard). What was the inherited mandate of the British Empire, global resource rape alone? Not hardly. To sustain at whatever larger cost institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian paradigm. Thrice burned, and still one cannot find a sector of the global leadership elite contemplating anything but reconstituting the prosperity status quo ante to financial meltdown -- certainly among the worst-case scenarios for human survival, planet Earth. Who Bears the Burden for a $3 Trillion Mistake? asks Mish on 28 February 2009 in regards to the presently unfolding third burn. Summing up, he answers:
Tying it all together, what's really happening has nothing to do with the announced plan to boost banks' TCE, tangible common equity. Rather, the plan is to repudiate the bondholders, step by step, boiling each frog in order, hoping to minimize the fallout from foreign bondholders.
How much should second burn be valued, the default when the U.S. unilaterally repudiated the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism? The global value of inflation in the postwar era? First burn was and is inestimable. How calculate the global costs of blocking adaptation in July of 1944 of unitas or bancor? Citing a reader comment to The Great Repudiation Revisited by Michael Mandel (BusinessWeek, 18 February 2009), an article noted by Mish, we get the real skinny on third burn. Viking says:
This is the problem when government starts meddling in the workings of the financial system. If you allow the system to work under the rules that everyone understands, you would allow banks and companies to go thru the bankruptcy process. This will always wipe out stockholders first. Then bondholders will receive proceeds as the company is liquidated or negotiate a haircut as part of a chapter 11 process to keep the company operating. In other words, no one can argue with the market making these adjustments, but everyone will argue when the government starts picking winners and losers. This is why I have argued from the start that the only thing the government should have done is provide unlimited FDIC insurance on deposits in banks, but otherwise stay out of the way. This would have provided a sharper but shorter adjustment back to health, but more importantly, it would have protected the prudent saver and punished the people who took excessive risk.
Of course, many of the bondholders are foreign governments and their central banks which would, under Viking's plan, get third burn. Why did foreign governments and their central banks buy bonds of big U.S. banks? Because the USD, by cultural-lag legacy of the Bretton Woods system, remained the foremost international reserve currency even after the gold-exchange mechanism had been unilaterally repudiated and resultant second burn distributed. The tacit dimension of the cultural lag was tantamount to a U.S. government guarantee of the bank bonds. But the main thing I would dispute with Viking and many, many others is the notion that health was the prior state, and that an adjustment back would be to a survivable state, let alone to a desirable state.
Code is too small a word, and the notion indicated by the word encryption is too small a concept. Language doesn't even capture it, as it is not a matter of communication between autonomous entities (as primitive-Shinto possession cults well understood). David Bohm's idea of the unfolding of what has been enfolded is useful, but the unfolding is all ways and always de novo, in that it does not transpire relative to an objectively real, real-numbered, passive linear-time: memetime and ponderable space are themselves thus unfolded or demerged. In that sense, moreover, the idea of autonomous Godhead is a sacrilege, for the notion of single-valued, selfsame something from which demerges somewhats like memetime and ponderable space is far too limiting a self-limitation of the whole by not-virtue of being based on an attribute of that limitation: individuality. Personhood personifying the impersonal as bogus inflation, sham bootstrapping. And this inflation, this bootstrapping, is derivative of unwarranted generalization of the logic of individuality, the logic of, that is, the selfsame absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct: that logic being the 1T2-order of µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics understood independent of the notion of truth-value. Angelic individuality, hence individual angels -- and script, code, encryption employed for communication between individual angels -- is thus malefaction and infrafiction. This is how I personally (heh-heh-heh!) contextualize I. Swedenborg's characterizations of angelic speech (noted by Yoshio in our novel MOON) as well as Johannes Trithemius' (works on steganography and polygraphic cryptography: see Kahn's Codebreakers, mentioned by Derek in our novel MOON) and Heinrich C. Agrippa of Nettesheim's (works on female preeminence -- developed by Ilse in our novel MOON -- and spirit transmigration) spirit-circulating angelic script (to include how that script is handled by James Rollins in his thriller The Judas Strain). Stan Tenen's topological approach to the Cabala of Genesis is far more interesting in that Hebrew script-as-encoding-of-universal-grammar -- i.e., Cosmic Code -- is treated in three dimensions, not only two. Nesting arrays of The Tree of Life as The Anatomy of the Body of God, Ray of Creation, Involution-Evolution, Cascade/Reverse-Cascade, Jacob's Ladder, musical-scale treatments of cosmogenesis via The Laws of Seven and Three, Greater Maze based upon stick-and-ball figures of the regular Platonic polyhedra (realized in quantum mechanics as constructs of Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes, and not unrelated to polyhedrosis, one must speculate: see bibliographic note in MOON to Berggren, K. F., Quantum Phenomena in Small Semiconductor Structures and Devices, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 33:3, March 1988) are most fully presented in 3-D. Sand-drawn Pythagorean hole-and-line geometries, Greek gematria transliterations of The Sermon on the Mount, NeoPlatonic compass-and-straightedge squaring-of-the-circle symbolism, insofar as they are 2-D, are abysmally reductionistic. Signification does not equal reductionism, as content suffers too greatly in the hands of style and thus cannot adequately discover or represent Laws of Form-in-process. But, if tiling patterns are not good enough for in-FORM-ation, so too closest-packing networks. Forget letters, scripts, alphabets -- even tones and chord geometries. Forget them by considering a given hole-and-line letter of angelic script to be an n-dimensional polytope nesting-foam over Musculpt Manifold (a nesting of Riemann surfaces into a universal covering surface). But the interdimensional Regge bones (lines between the holes) taken altogether to characterize the particular spacetime curvature configuration of the given Musculpt symorphonie at issue are not single-valued; they are pencils of skew-parallels (i.e., superstrings) wielded by higher-order operator-time as skew-parallel, holographic, part-and-parcel-figurations/motifs of demergence through Cantorian fractals to continuous glutamatergic deluge as ponderable space and memetime (this demergence being mediated by the m-logically-valued quantum-wave dynamics of superconductant free-electron gas core of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA). But it was not only Hebrew script that emerged out of this glutamatergic demergence -- also Sanskrit and Arabic and precursors. Hieroglyphics and ideographs, being more concrete, more program-music-like, emerged as empathic modulations of the demergent abstract (see Nguyen Quynh's paintings reproduced in MOON). More topological rigor and precision will be brought to Stan Tenen's insights by numbering Musculpt Manifold with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers of the Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics. Transcending the quantum-measurement problem, state-function of the hyletic/psychetic (speaking in 1T2-logic terms) data-for-it(them)self(ves) is relative to CTC and higher transfinite orders of m-logical-valuation.
Not only what they think life should be on this planet, what they think it is. M-valued LETS certainly is not an overvalued instrument. Hardly a rush of interest. Nor am I advocating m-logically-valued LETS alone, but a group of interrelated initiatives, none of which are sansculottic. Why? Because I'm with Hegel in the belief that the human species has no business re-FORM-ing the world, and phenomenology of these last several centuries prior to The End of His-story -- Wirtschaftwunder, by human agency prefiguring total war, climate shift, and so on -- has strongly supported Hegel's contention. More sanguine am I on trans-FORM-ation of the human institutional base, which I realize would involve unmedical de-delivery to a severely brain-impaired species: ninety-seven percent of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA codons nothing but junk (what does that tell us about nature's valuation of single-level ciphers? what does that tell us about projective-identification in creation of junk bonds, such bonds being essential to junk nucleotide pairs? one did not have to read Michael Lewis' Liar's Poker [Norton, 1989] to figure that out) plus only a minute portion of the brain's binary digital switching capacity employed. Non compos mentis: know what that means? Prescriptively enculturated glutamatergic induction of ponderable space and memetime by neuronal etching comes at an enormous biological cost. Campaign of the Diziecrats! Operator-time blind mind. No normative conscious readout of m-logically-valued wave-effect processing by the quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain. Why? Glutamate excitotoxicity quenches functional readout of m-level encipherment by facilitating trophotropic-to-ergotropic phase transitions, such transitions being prerequisite to demergence of ponderable space and memetime. Don't believe it? Listen to Bolero some memetime: Maurice Ravel's 1928 orchestral concurrence with Max Born's 1926 dissimulation of Schrödinger's Tantric wave-function. Is this (meta)program(ming)-music analogue of march to orgasm memetime-bound or not? The march of what function, this neurological terraforming? Shifts in tonic and phasic activation (re: ponderable space and memetime, respectively) away from relative-state activation -- not toward. Electrochemical modification of autogenic brain discharges -- orgasm, in part, being one class of these. While religion may be an opiate of the people precluding much in the realm of institutionalizations, glutamatergically-etched memetime-bound sex is a neurogenetic truncator of the people -- truncation being one type of renormalization specialized in by The Physicist, spiritus rector of projective-identification.
Mr. Soros, the only way to really fix the euro (see: Time to fix the euro, IBTimesFx, 2 March 2009) is to replace it with nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS. Currency agglomeration was one thing during the 18th and 19th centuries, quite another in the period post-WWII. Currency unions pull locally-specific information out of markets insuring that they cannot be efficient -- which is not even to mention that a singly-logically-valued share price, i.e., price in such a currency, by definition, cannot incorporate most types of information (one major impetus to business cycles and associated market reflexivities).
To those Japanese nostalgic for the pre-Meiji world (see: David Pilling, Japan harks back to an age of innocence, Financial Times, 4 March 2009: in my judgment, innocence is a naive word choice, given nature of the collection of most probable global futures) and seeking to recover lost, raw, ketaminergic, deep-structure meanings and the referents of lost tropological meta-references, not merely old, cooked, glutamatergic surface-shapes-of-style -- the difference between, say, space articulation in the Kyoto International Conference Hall and an old temple preserved, fenced off from contemporary life, and made into a monument primarily used by tourists -- I recommend m-logically-valued LETS, the quantum attributes of which I think will be found consonant with many meaning-aspects of early Shinto cosmogony embedded in, say, for instance, traditional rice ritual. If there is any people on the planet better equipped for creative explosion in the realms of metaculture than the Japanese, I have not heard of them.
Uh, well, yes, there was a political dimension, or more accurately, a political resonance feature, involved in my studies of Japanese gardening -- a dimension and feature which became apparent only in due course, and was not at all suspected early on in the relationship with the man I studied under, a horticulturalist educated at Chiba who had studied gardening at the end of the Meiji era. He was thrown out of Japan -- banished -- during the Taisho era for engaging in anarchist actions, eventally making his way to California. By arranged marriage, he took as his wife the daughter of a French naval officer -- assigned as an attaché to the Embassy of France in Tokyo during the years immediately after 1900 -- who fell in love with an aristocratic Japanese woman whose wealthy family opposed the marriage. The officer left Japan, left the French Navy, and quickly returned to Tokyo in the employ of a foreign bank, where and soon after, despite the family opposition, the two were married and eventually had a daughter. The daughter grew up in the foreign quarter, ostracized both by foreigners and Japanese, so she was anxious to leave and jumped at the chance to marry in California. While politics was not explicitly a part of the instruction in the placement of stones, rocks, and boulders, and other aspects of gardening these two taught -- all non-verbal observe and try -- there was a backdrop of light-hearted comparisons between natural phenomena and the failure of human systems to measure up to nature's standards.
No! No! The analogy was near perfect. Subliminally -- by collective psychological processes of projective-identification -- the financial gurus of the 1980s and '90s -- the period when quantum weirdness received a new burst of experimental support and thus induced another tidal bore of collective anxiety -- created, in compensatory abreaction, financial instruments in regressed analogical model to quantum-relativity physics, and attempted to manage the effects of these instruments with Newtonian techniques. And in the junk bond they thought they had the equivalent to the God particle! If the physics establishment was one NSF grant away from the final secret of the physical universe, the FED was in process of finally and forever transforming the economic universe by altogether ridding it of the business cycle. Paul Volcker proclaimed this at the beginning of The New Economy by announcing the shift from monetarism to interest-rate modulation. Why not borrow more and more, why not leverage more and more, why not deregulate more and more, why not decrease fractional reserves more and more, why not high-tech it up, program it up, automatize it up more and more if the FED and the new quantum-based technologies have slain the dragon, the business cycle? Why not, indeed? Package the risk and send it off into economic metaspace where it can no longer be a threat: counterparties, in the manner of Newton's laws of motion, function as countervailing forces balancing each other. Poof! Where's the risk now? Magic Without Magic: just like with the new physicists. But The New Physics had been dissimulated from its beginnings, as had the higher mathematics upon which it was based, so the new financial instruments were doubly regressed and the FED's Newtonian techniques of managing thus triply doomed.
My God! we're entering a region awash in Gibbs oscillations. Will we ever find a way to escape false numerical dispersion? The magnitude of the diffusion operator is being affected by high frequency ripples. We're going to be systematically truncated! Can a positive-definite advection scheme -- in flux form -- coupled to split-explicit time integration possibly save us from the inevitable discontinuities associated with strong initialization shock? We've tried equation architecture relaxation with the incremental Newtonian nudging approach, but, alas, to no avail. Our only hope is to activate the self-configuring preprocessor software in an optimum interpolation objective analysis scheme and hope for the necessary data from the But Oh, Jeeeesus, Mary, and Joseph! the flux-corrected transport has failed us. We'll have to try the piecewise parabolic method or we'll never recover an adequate surface energy budget. And now, of all things! sub-grid heterogeneity parameterization is fragmenting, driving nonlinear variations in the grid-cell averaged evapotranspiration rate. God help us! we'll never get the forward-backward scheme for inertial gravity modes running in time to prevennnnnnnnnnn ahahahahahahahahahajakjahajak (Succubus: Musculpt by Inward Cant, The Moon of Hoa Binh, 1994, Vol. 2, p. 647).
But this is not only a recent problem; that's what I've been saying all along: verisimilitude to nature adjourned sine die. A dozen years after Max Born dissimulated Schrödinger's wave-function, an agency of the U.S. Government, a government sponsored enterprise, Fannie Mae, created the mortgaged-backed security (MBS) in analogue to Born's dissimulation: 1938, the year before Nazi Germany invaded Poland, home of Lukasiewicz logics, the basis of an uncooked understanding of the quantum wave-function, this invasion, according to my lights, being a Jungian synchronicity, a meaningful coincidence between things inner and things outer, and thus a marker of the presence of projective-identification on the level of collective psychology. Later, well after formation of Ginnie Mae (created following the Tet-'68 offensive in Viet Nam), did explosion of the bundling of bundles of MBSs with interest rate swaps, credit default swaps, and myriad other derivatives come on the scene (1977: first private issue, by BOA, of mortgage bonds -- beginning Sallow Man's version of Charlie Wilson's War just as, if memory serves, Science News began publishing more and more briefs on physics-related applications of fiber-bundle arithmetics) in regressed analogue to the outer reaches of relativity physics (1970: daisy-chaining string theory leaves birth canal of the collective unconscious; 1980: strings placed under supersymmetry to yield superstrings). If one's sinecure involves an STD, a security transmitted disease, then one knows one is an investment banker! Consider that there is no actual price of an MBS, even absent the bundling of bundles with, say, interest rate or credit default swaps, only a theoretical price. Methods of approximation are required to arrive at the theoretical price. Why? Because the MBS is an analogue not only of the quantum wave-function but also of the n-body problem. The measurement problem in MBS mechanics! End of fixed stock brokerage commissions: Mayday, 1975 (day after the last helicopter leaves the roof in Saigon). 1979: Paul Volcker's shift from inflation-targeting money-supply monetarism to interest-rate modulation/targeting (another consequence of how the Viet Nam war was funded: inflation-driven decision). 1981: tax and accounting breaks Congress delivers to Thrifts (high-interest-rate-driven decision related to LBJ's guns-and-butter inflation). Who said the VCI David did not slay Goliath with a single(-valued) stone? And, of course, the way they dealt with the Thrift crisis set up the mortgage-backed securities crisis (just as I said it would to a bankruptcy-lawyer friend -- my onetime boss at SRA/MACV-J2 in Saigon -- at a San Francisco conference on the Thrifts during the early-'80s). There is no closed-form solution to the price of an MBS even with only 3-variable dependency: e.g., interest rate and credit risk and early-redemption prepayment risk, the latter risk actually being to the trader de-risk earnings-potential prepayment payoff cash-out yield-incalculability (ain't invaluable; is invaluateable: don't cut the spread; do bid well below the theoretical payoff value). That damn demon, operator-time, always sneaks up on you when you least expect it! Planck's minimum time. Minimum time, uh, minimum holding time specifying spontaneous collapse to a single-value. Inverse of what, what is that, you say? The variables are linked and change in relation to one another. This mutual-dependency variability means no actual price, only theoretical numerical approximations to such a price -- SO LONG AS THE PRICE SOUGHT IS SINGLE-VALUED. In Newton's closed-form laws of motion (i.e., writable) the variables involved are single-valued (just as is the case within a marketplace mimicking in interplay of supply and demand Newton's laws of motion) and so are the solutions. In Schrödinger's open-form wave equation (i.e., only partially writable) the variables involved are multivalued, and so are the solutions -- only partially writable because the multivalued variables and solutions can be transfinitely m-valued (and these m-valued variables are actually processed in nature by m-valued logics). This gives rise to what has been deemed quantum weirdness. Max Born excommunicated the weirdness by interpreting the quantum variables and solutions as having only to do with probabilities and their amplitudes, not with actual values, i.e., Schrödinger's wave-function has no actual price, only a theoretical price, absent a collapse due to intervention by human agency (i.e., The Trader) -- this intervention being an exemplary case in analogue to the quantum-measurement occasion. As long as traders of MBSs insist on having a single-valued price, they can only have a theoretical price: this is inherent to the nature of MBSs and their regressed quantum mechanics. That's how MBSs were created (by unconscious projective-identification) in exorcism-analogue to quantum weirdness. The bundling of bundles of MBSs with interest rate swaps, credit default swaps, and myriad other derivatives, in exorcism-analogue to the fiber-bundle arithmetics of relativity theory's superstrings, was a further regressed elaboration whereby m-valuedness was analogically modeled in compensatory abreaction to the collective fear and loathing evoked by The New Physics: superstring theory's M Theory is in strange-attractor syzygy to Lukasiewicz logics (rigorously codified the same year as Kaluza-Klein internal-dimension theory: 1921, five years before Born's dissimulation of Schrödinger) in that it is converging upon m-valued universal physical constants processed in nature by m-valued logics (and it is only under Lukasiewicz logics that an authentic unification of quantum and relativity theory will be accomplished -- a possibility phobously avoided in part by regression in service to the ego played out over the financial markets). Insistence upon a single-valued egoic price means the mutually interactive variables must be synthesized to a single identity (analogue to insistence upon purified identity, something assiduously sought by the Nazis), that is, the concentrated, closed-form, final solution -- otherwise, there cannot be an actual price. Absent Lukasiewicz m-valued logics, however, there is no way to handle m-valued mutual variation without synthesized Nazification to theoretically purified identity. And then, in 1983, along came Freddie Mac's CMO -- collateralized mortgage obligation -- daisy-chain trust issuance to fractionalize/fractalize and focus the maturity probability amplitudes of MBSs, such that enormously more and more whole loans were tranche-bundled into bundles of bundles (mind your IOs and POs! their topological cutting and pasting): time pencils of whole loans for the Thrift, the institutional investor, the pension fund, the hedge fund, the big bank, the sovereign bank. One giant step for mankind, one superman's leap in Nazification to purified identity, i.e., an actual single-valued price. Thus -- in one manner -- were diverse local multiplier effects stolen from around the world and dumped into the American housing market to feed conspicuous consumption, while at the same memetime local risks of the American housing market were concentrated and transferred up The Devil's Staircase to the macroscale of the global economy, placing the whole system at mega-risk by subjecting it to one type of self-driven wheel (macroscale reenters itself at the microscale, a nonorientable self-reflexivity Klein-bottle without benefit of self-organization by m-logically-valued third-order temporal curl: price Nazification substituted for gravitating on the natural m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian-Hayekian price). Suppression of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics is the quickest way to insure that there will be no open society to institute. These problems will not be solved absent understanding of the metapsychology of their origins.
Ginnie's Fannie? You think. Twern't you offering, be I a bidder? Some of the most unconscious, most compliant, most identified, most projecting, hence most culpable people on this planet have Ph.D.s! Yeah. Right. Sure. I'll bite. I bet. Back when she still controlled the weaving variables! Sallie's Freddie, indeed. Then and only then was woman a striding trope, rather than a waddling sitcom. She was also topless from Minos to Martaban to Melanesia -- and that was in the days before commodity-fetish theater beneath the skirt and no-pansu bars! How much anecdotiana -- which ain't dotcomia -- can one person dispense? Like straw-graspers in a depressionary bear market!
Couldn't agree more with Kevin Depew's evaluation (Five Things: Now It's the Economists' Turn, Minyanville, 10 March 2009) as quoted in Mish's All Manias Leave Something Undervalued:
While this may seem refreshing and positive in the way I've oversimplified it, the difficulties we face going forward will lie in how capitalism seeks to commoditize things that are difficult to measure and quantify, and what mediums of exchange compete for primacy in the market for these intangibles.
That's precisely why I have been advocating for decades internalization of externalities by means of m-logically-valued LETS.
Projective-identification on the level of collective psychology works like a bunch of trick-mirror standing-waves articulated in relation to one another -- in, that is, quantum relative-state -- not like the rail pads of a billiard table: antecedents and consequents are absent from the picture because they don't exist. Ask yourself: What do Kaluza-Klein internal-dimensions have in common with Klein bottles? It is to internal dimensions at the microscale that the external dimensions at the macroscale are non-orientably linked in formation of fibrated handles. This non-orientable linkage is m-logically-valued and the howby through which market externalities can be internalized via m-logically-valued LETS.
That's right. That's just what I am saying: the prevailing financial crisis is just a metaphor, simile, analogy for the -- in the -- FORM of a dozen other omni-crises enveloping the planet. Not particularly important -- metaphors, similes, analogies. One-third increase in global population over the next two-score years? Two-thirds of them poor immigrants pitied into squatter settlements by forced-draft urbanization. That's what the UN currently projects, as the Japanese try to get used to the fact that fishout is already upon them. Anybody reading World Watch Institute publications forty years ago who didn't see this, and much more, was a moron. There were and are a lot of morons! I don't envision any possibility at all that the glutamate-etched human brain is capable of intelligently meeting these superposed mega-crises (not the least, in that glutamate etching removes the cognitive capacity for superposed modes of thought). I think a ten-percent human survival rate is a reasonably optimistic forecast, maybe overly optimistic -- and that the biggest kill ratios will fall within the space of a single decade, far-from-equilibrium phase transitions being what they are. What type of individual psychopathology has not yet infected collective behaviors in nascent constellation? Can't think of one. Iron-chip, chainmail fashion prefigures coming Holocaust-of-the-WholeEarth as five-billion people slip into psychogenically-induced serotonin deprivation: is this the proper role for designers of women's clothing? So, you think this is just tree-hugger doomsayer overstatement histrionics, even though it is conservative set beside a few breeding pairs concentrated at the poles as one of our most illustrious advocates of atomic energy has forecast. One response to that is: Consider, if you will, the psychologically compensatory complementarity of CMO (collateralized mortgage obligation) zoo and elementary particle zoo, each with their own varieties of virtual exchange studied in their own types of cloud chambers. O, Howie Dowy Doo, self/non-self duality: I-oh, Pee-oh: heterotic eight-fold way of Jung's theory of types mapped over the alchemy of financial transference. Remember: OBS, not obstetrics, but Off Balance Sheet, the very definition of virtuality (and a Thrifty means to Fat Heaven). A convoluted conundrum this convoluted, this deeply devoted to unconscious processes of projective-identification in transference, is secular collective correspondence to obsession with pre-, intra-, and post-tribulation rapture, with its individual-angel divine instruments-particles communicating with cosmic-genetic code exchanges, one of the dominant leitmotifs of the late-20th and early-21st centuries. Regressed physics elicits compensatory abreactions, not mature physics: a Turner thesis of psychofinance on the new frontier of high-tech innovation. How good is regressed science at global assessments, at atmospheric assessments? Underassessed or overassessed: what are the probability amplitudes? And not merely the psychopathology of everyday life, the mass psychosis everyday life has become. Speaking on the level of symbolic interactionism in thematic orchestration by the centrencephalic safety discharge mechanism, 9/11 prefiguratively signified semiotic collapse of the prevailing global financial system. Why do you think the powers that be responded in the oh-so-daedal ways they did to these occasions? Only a stab in the back myth like that riding the Germans in the post-WWI period? Only the default-overhang from unilateral renunciation of Bretton Woods and the Damocles' sword of a quadrillion single(logically)haired dollars worth of derivative contracts? What banquet years these have been! Actions committing a species to self-destruction generally have deeper determinants. Psychogenic flicking of death switches, activation of suicide genes. MoSoSo self-metaprogram teleologically bound to the Twittering strange attractor, collective suicide. Mirror in FaceBook. Saving the planet in order to destroy it is functionally equivalent to destroying it in order to save it. Getting the range of options (ha-ha-ha!) down to sets of such retrograde-inversion binaries is precisely what collective psychological transference is all about. Nazi-quality ego spheres are not self-cancelling; they are hetero-cancelling -- and dynamics of that phase are still beyond the horizon.
Very usefully drawn to my attention is the following (not the least in regards to defining currencies over different sorts of boundaries):
PROJECTIVE IDENTITY: (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_principle). The holographic principle states that the entropy of ordinary mass (not just black holes) is also proportional to surface area and not volume; that volume itself is illusory and the universe is really a hologram which is isomorphic to the information inscribed on the surface of its boundary (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isomorphism). To preserve status quo within a given design use an automorphism, as a reflexive self-interested structure. In this case the holograph, as projected identification meets the demand of the reflexivity sought by the program. IGNORING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR DEGREES OF FREEDOM. Entropy, if considered as information (see information entropy), is measured in bits. The total quantity of bits is related to the total degrees of freedom of matter/energy. In a given volume, there is an upper limit to the density of information about the whereabouts of all the particles which compose matter in that volume, suggesting that matter itself cannot be subdivided infinitely many times and there must be an ultimate level of fundamental particles. As the degrees of freedom of a particle are the product of all the degrees of freedom of its sub-particles, were a particle to have infinite subdivisions into lower-level particles, then the degrees of freedom of the original particle must be infinite, violating the maximal limit of entropy density. The holographic principle thus implies that the subdivisions must stop at some level, and that the fundamental particle is a bit (1 or 0) of information. The most rigorous realization of the holographic principle is the AdS/CFT correspondence by Juan Maldacena. However, J. D. Brown and Marc Henneaux rigorously proved already in 1986, that the asymptotic symmetry of 2+1 dimensional gravity gives rise to a Virasoro algebra, whose corresponding quantum theory is a 2 dimensional conformal field theory.
If information is conceived in terms of bits, and entropy is understood an objective notion, and universal physical constants are taken to be single-valued, and the logic relating these one to another is binary I fully agree that all the information of the volume is inscribed on the surface of its boundary, which was the fundamental principle by which -- like with the biological cell -- self-organization of the Viet Cong Political Infrastructure transpired, as was lavishly documented and disseminated by SRA/MACV-J2 during 1968, and which I have argued intensely ever since as regards several areas of application. The bureaucratic variables operative in a given AO were mapped upon the boundary of that AO, making synoptic organizational phase transitions easy, easy, easy -- particularly as they were related to resource exchange across phase boundaries. Being in Saigon at Strategic Research and Analysis during the time of documentation was highly catalytic to my thought about monetary systems, for instance. Nonetheless, when one looks at what was Newton's primary job, it actually can't be determined which came first, psychofinance or psychotophysics. Buy or sell. On or off. In or out. Commodity futures. Potatoes. Was it apples or potatoes which necessitated the limit in the calculus? Personally, I see no reason whatsoever to believe functional integration of any natural system is accomplished by thermodynamic articulation of discrete elements. Point, line, plane, cube, regular polytope. Which is the basic unit of information in nature? In atomistic Greek notions of matter/energy, in cybernetics, in digital computing it's the point-byte and its bits. But this decoherent mode -- Newton's potatoes (which predisposed his thought on apples) -- in my judgment, despite Boltzmann-Shannon/Wheeler-Hawking, is nothing but cognition's socialization by glutamatergic neuronal etching. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of regard for John A. Wheeler, for instance, and not only for the usual well-deserved reasons: when, in 1977, I first brought to his attention the notion of black holes in the Earth's atmosphere, he admitted, in suggesting that atmospheric scientists might not find such exotic physics relevant, that he was unfamiliar with the equations of atmospheric science (whereas nowadays people with several decades of experience in any science are somehow experts on climate change). Point, line, plane, cube, regular polytope: all of these simultaneously are the basic unit of information, i.e., the mu-it, not the qu-bit or the bit. If one does not ar-bit-rarily cut/paste the Riemann surface, as Roger Penrose by his own testament was taught during his higher enculturation, a mu-it is a Gödel-numbered Gödel number's worth of a Riemann surface worth of the covering of those Riemann surfaces numbered with numbered Gödel numbers, i.e., a Karpenko functor of Lukasiewicz logics, which is to say a non-selfsame, non-self-identical number, eidolon of holographic quantum nonlocality. In nature, holograms are inseparable; they are superposed in the manner of the sheets of a Riemann surface, in the manner of the sheets of kami dust which compose ma, sacred space, in primitive Shinto cosmogony. The bridges are time-like, not space-like. A supposed objective linear-time (and hence a supposed objective entropy), as distinguished from operator-time, can be obtained only by the arbitrary Penrose socialization-of-cognition cutting/pasting: entropy is memetime-bound. All the sheets of all Riemann surfaces being holographically superposed (squashed) to an m-logically-valued reference space, any non-selfsame, non-self-identical number simultaneously (just as in the principle behind Cantor's diagonal proof and Gödel's proof) numbers point, line, plane, cube, regular polytope. When operator-time topologically operates on the time-like bridges (i.e., the property of superpositioning-demergence), numerical complexity and hypercomplexity (i.e., temporal curl) must be considered (as well as internal connectivity, orientability, and so on). Universal physical constants, according to this notion, are such m-valued numbers, and this obviates limits like those apropos of Newton's potatoes, and Planck's limiting distance and limiting time. M-valued universal physical constants, processed under Lukasiewicz m-valued logics of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, is where M Theory is headed. Wonder where the M came from? Self-metaprogramming by the human collective unconscious. Hence, in nature, there is no obstacle to Cantorian divisibility -- which is to say there is no obstacle to Cantorian packing. No lower or upper bound on information density, just as Pauli's and Prigogine's bounded-from-below argument didn't pan out for Pauli's notion of operator-time. Paradoxes -- to include Hawking's black hole information paradox -- are paradoxical only in the order of logical-value within which they are stated: don't forget that Wheeler's information/topology approach presumed a pregeometry as a calculus of propositions. Trouble is: that pregeometry is Lukasiewiczian, not Boolean. Can't take energy-matter-information equivalence too seriously if one regards Einstein's E equals mc squared as on a par with its primary technological product: Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The c in this equation is figured only in relation to memetime, not also the several orders of operator-time: real, complex, hypercomplex. What happens to energy and matter and information under those several orders? You go figure; attempts were made so to figure during the 1970s. Hawking imaginary time didn't quite make it -- I think I can; I think I can; I think I can -- quite on purpose. That skirmish was fought during the 1970s. Hopefully, someday I'll run across a copy of Leonard Susskind's The Black Hole War -- My Battle With Stephen Hawking to Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanics (2008). As regards acoustically-modified gravity-wave-mode radiation from tornadoes (understood by Cornell specialist in tornadogenesis, Douglas A. Paine, et al., beginning in the late-1960s, to be, in the current parlance, acoustic analogues to black hole computers: quoting an NSF report of the period, Black holes and blackbodies exist within the spacetime frame of atmospheric dynamics; the math is even the same, though the computer model then, à la the good offices of NASA's Michael L. Kaplan, was far more sophisticated as regards the underlying physics), that battle was also lost during the 1970s, and, as a consequence, Earth's atmosphere continues mistakenly to be regarded a classical domain, which, in terms of assessment of climate-shift dynamics, in my very inexpert opinion, is likely eventually to be recognized to have been a world-shattering undersight. Treating the atmosphere as a classical domain, when it is actually post-quantum-relativistic, there is very little in the way of probability amplitudes to suggest that the authorities that be have overestimated severity of the ongoing climate shift -- quite the contrary: they are still hiding their light under a bundle (c under several orders of operator-time). Gradualism just ain't likely to be part of the process, even if greenhouse warming is one critical factor.
G20: Whatever it takes to restore growth Including global total war? G20: hedge fund oversight and the regulation necessary to prevent build-up of systemic risk I'm far, far, far from being well informed, let alone and expert, but it seems to me that no amount of oversight and regulation can possibly prevent systemic risk so long as there is motivation to create a virtually uncountable number of devices for concentrating and transferring risk up The Devil's Staircase (in exactly the same fashion percolation theory models build-up of forest-fire flashovers): e.g., naked index-call/index-put warrants/options/LEAPS, snails, turbos, hits, barriers, and so on and so on. The list is far longer than the list of billionaires, 2009. People know these are ways of buying and selling risk, speculating, exercising fear and greed, and so on, but do they understand the NECESSARY and INESCAPABLE systemic consequences of mass behavior in the buying and selling of memetime's future? If the G20 did, could the G20 say: " the regulation necessary to prevent build-up of systemic risk "? I don't think so. There is no oversight, no regulation capable of real-time modulation of consequences once the future is sold in single-valued currency, howsoever the vehicles are fashioned. Densification of the time! Is this the way to put autopoietic operators to work? The more the future is bought and sold, the more it is concentrated and transferred from microscale to macroscale, whatever the oversight, whatever the regulation! Oversight and regulation are irrelevant. Modifying the motivation means creating a new monetary system with new kinds of currencies; then one might be able to reform banking such that The worst case for human-species survival, biospheric survival, is if the authorities that be restore growth. Because of analogical modeling of supply-and-demand interplay upon Newton's laws of motion, market economics and its monetary systematics have been fashioned as memetime-bound. This is NECESSARILY tragic, just like with the lovers identified with Bolero: seeking something that inherently cannot be obtained within the framework within which it is being sought. Because of memetime-boundedness, there can be no economic self-organization (e.g., allocations) independent of growth, a time-bound, time-defined variable. Stop growth, allocations stop. And memetime, itself, cannot be defined independent of single-valuedness, which has mistakenly been imputed to the very nature of money. M-logically-valued money is not memetime-bound; hence self-organization is not dependent upon growth -- rather, upon the quantum potential integral to holographic relative-state identity-transparency and the involved non-orientable m-logically-valued tagging of internal to external dimensions (i.e., internalizing externalities) over boundary-value inscriptions (just like in black hole holography and the Viet Cong Political Infrastructure). How, for instance, could global poverty be overcome when massive amounts of local multiplier effects are pulled out of the global economy, from all over the planet, and dumped into the American housing market or pumped into buying and selling other sorts of risk? Impossible! And how peacefully -- absent Holocaust of the WholeEarth -- reduce global population growth without reducing global poverty? With more of Gates' band-aids? Restoring growth will not only fan climate shift, magnetospheric shift, core shift, genome hacking and resultant quantum-wave biological-clock and immunological-signature dyscrasias, but doom billions of the 9-billion projected human inhabitants of resource-depleting Earth projected by the UN for 2050.
Quite frankly, in my opinion, these ideas about m-logically-valued LETS are of absolutely no utility in face of the current financial crisis. Not one iota can they help resolve it. [1] It's too late and it's too early. Back during the mid-1970s when these ideas were gelling was the time for them. Well after cuspover may be another time when they could be of use -- if the way were prepared, which is very unlikely. [2] These ideas are far and away too far removed from where people's heads currently are at, and that is not going to change anytime in the foreseeable. This thing will run its course, very likely through full spectrum of worse cases. People want their heads to be where they are, and they are not about to make a change in that. One does not continue work on ideas such as these after their time has passed because one believes they will have an effect. One knows they will not. One does it anyway, continues, because it is the right thing to do. A kind of karma yoga -- over and above the state-of-consciousness benisons bestowed by cultivating visualization, concentration, and so on. At the very least, it helps stave off Alzheimer's. Growed up a military brat, y'see. Born Flag Day, 1945, to a bomber pilot. This was karma, the karma of an SRO, a Special Retribution Operator activated in the briefing before a descent into hell. Mission long since accomplished. Already a done deal -- if y'know somethin' 'bout collective unconscious event gradients and their forcing functions. Been knowin' by birth ya resign the commission wenya can't agree. When I resigned college in 19 and 65, regarded that as resignation for all the jobs I'd ever hav'ta resign, were I ta tak'em. Seein' no intelligence, turned down a direct commission in Intelligence Branch during 19 and 68 -- whilst regarding that turn-down as rejection of all the jobs I'd ever hav'ta reject, were I ta become a qualifier. Therefore, never qualified for nothin'. Nothin' and so be it don't mean nothin' -- and so be it. If 100-million is peanuts to billionaires, 2009, then 6-million don't mean nothin' to their military paladins, 2009. Ain't been no billionaires becoming Ralliers, y'see. Special Representative of the Japanese Woman, an eight-year-old visitor to Nagasaki, taken there by The Bomber Pilot, by 19 and 65, I had seen that, yes, that -- and have been a human-species resigner ever since. Never looked back. Have yet to turn into a pillar of salt -- though there have been several attempts to make that so. Lucky, I guess. First, the Pendulum, Anna, then the Pit. How many times did we talk about that, eh?
MLETS, not NLETS. Come on, bond jammer! M-logically-valued Local Electronic Trading System, not National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System. Don't have the former, then will have the latter. Google is jus' goo-gooin' you! Mr. Cuffs. Substitute hit. Man, O hit man. Hey man! Black psyche. Displacement c/o Ballroom of the Predators, P.O. Box o1o, Paper Mountain, Bev's Hill, Planet Earth. Bagged her mutt in bed, I did, yep. Like a chicken with the mange, though: no feathers. Not enough people here, have to leverage them artificially. And what psychological profile would specialize in that cross-index? Robogirl, since Realgirl no longer One fallen angel to another: Thrifty junk is not a simile of apposition, at least not in the applications of Rubbish Theory leading to systemic collapse of financials -- speaking in cosmic code, of course. Mother of daughter of niece of granddaughter of It's all Greek revival to me! that strung out universal genomic encipherment which individual-discrete angels telecommunicate. Sleepwalkin' being a low-grade means to stonewall glutamatergic neuronal etching, childhood onset idiopathic epilepsy being a high-grade means. She no longer puts when I call! Such naked warrant! Leaving me but one option, one LEAP. Raid her M&A Department! Ah, Material Robogirl, my Madonna, underwear as outerwear gracing chainmail burka bonds, requited Platonic idol to troubadours of transference.
Why do you think they are so dead set on solving the quadrillion-dollar derivatives cusp catastrophe with more sheets of derivatives stacked on the existing sheets? With, say, TALF derivatives? Protecting their buddies? Because the Bilderbergers okayed Obama and that's their program? In sovereignizing derivatives, taking them right off the macroscale of the concrete economy -- the last step, sheet, dan, December Step, of The Devil's Staircase, as it is called in the field of mathematics known as percolation theory -- into financial metaspace, they have stepped so far from the realms of rational behavior that none of the traditional virtues and vices can any longer be explanatory. Because they think it will work? Because they think it will work in the short term? If it does work in the short term, OMG! Insight gained into collective psychosis comes with sensitivity to analogy, simile, metaphor, symbol. What is the bottom line on the fear and loathing? What is the nature of the psychological displacement, the substitute object of obsession, the phobic focus? What generates the collective auditory and visual hallucinations, the mass echolalia?
What they have is fear itself, not a good five-cent cigar. The way they have chosen to meet the prevailing financial crisis will, in due course, greatly expand the recruitment base, expand it well beyond the Islamic barrier even now increasingly being penetrated. What they most fear, the fear itself constellates. Superconductant barrier penetration in the offing! Uh, right, offing. How offal! Bank presidents think Treasury policy asinine; Senators recommend CEO suicide. Seppuku American style! Bring it on! that headless horseman. This being insider assessment, what of the outsider's purview? Nah? asks the new recruit. Those unconscionable skeptics? Those irregular customers? Why 'e calls 'em dark-jowled doofy dune coons, 'e do. Never shake 'n bake -- this cotillion -- with fuzzballs considered reps of one of the worst things to happen to humanity in 6-million years and twenty last-and-first tries, planet Earth. When the weapons of the strong require the weapons of the weak into deployment, the recruit is taught, the system of oppression has already self-destructed: what remains undetermined is how thoroughly the environment of the combat will be devastated by play-out and endgame. And what sort of onside kick can one anticipate? Rebel with a cause. Forced-draft urbanization of a billion a decade to unserviced squatter slums, the draftees currently being dysemployed en masse, whilst, amongst some, gold bathroom fixtures became gold-plated swimming pools electrolysized by swiped local multiplier effects (mortgage bonds, call options, the suspect usuals). Such malefactions are registered, if only as modulations of collective-unconscious event-gradient forcing functions. What are malefactor survival-expectation factorials, self and progeny? Better than the Romanoffs? Recruitment base for what? Transnational terrorism had been going on for decades when GWOT was declared, this declaration marking a successful synoptic phase transition from transnational terrorism to global insurgency against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian nation-state system. Islam, for obvious reasons being the most provoked by global energy politics/warfare, was just the most provocative leading edge of back-reaction upon the metric (a technical term, the meaning of which in this context should not be opaque to anyone familiar with the parallels between General Relativity and Jung's notion of the structure of the collective unconscious). Back-reaction upon the metric is an ensemble behavior with its own geons: elements of gravitational self-organization.
Nature is an equity arbitrageur of the most subtle kind. Not small differences in single-valued and singly-logically-valued prices, but -- as regards self-organization by the quantum potential resident in relative-state identity-transparency, where the branches are m-logically-valued and fully interactive -- with very, very, very small differences in imaginary and hyperimaginary temporal-operations upon fractal boundaries in nesting foams, like, for instance, DNA-generated coherent bias control over Gilbert Ling's multi-sheeted intra-cellular water and plasmahaut. Since single-valued, singly-logically-valued monetary currencies are defined as legal tender upon orientable 1T2-logical national borders (inside absolutely distinguishable from outside), or agglomerations thereof, people have grave difficulty telling financial boundaries from state boundaries -- and this is one reason for entropic dissipation of resources upon prospective mass warfare and actual mass warfare. Quantity of such money -- as are makers thereof -- is in inverse proportion to social-redemption value. Chain of evidence: what a crock of memetime! One'a dem milk-breast fruit dipped in sugar and chili powder! A thousand tones of lavender velvet and yellow sunset here. Barrington's serving up blue-cheese-stuffed olives in your BombaySafire Martini. American style! Ugh! Something like an AmeriCorps BrownShirt choking hazard. Well, heh-heh, uh, actually, new Barrigan's, near Barrington, not too far from Will Shire's Milky bond abode, where Roxy and I used to meet for double-Sapphires without fuzz, a little-known detail of her myriad illustrious exploits: Louise, Agnes, and Anna Louise all wrapped into one. One person's rice cooker is another's bowl of pho! Being no tort king and knowing this, I am not attempting to exonerate, geld, or caponize investment bankers, corporate raiders, junk bond aficionados, unctuous Thrift captains, hedgy entrepreneurs, and all the rest of the oleaginous by pointing out that their medium and instruments have been regressed psycho-prattle analogues of dissimulated physics and higher mathematics -- any more than I have attempted to exonerate, geld, or caponize the Nazis by pointing out that oleaginous Nazification, or some functional equivalent, was the inevitable collective abreaction once clinging to the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm became the dominant collective reaction to Abel, Cantor, Lukasiewicz, Schrödinger. Whatever the conventions informing transnational courts, crime and punishment in nature are matters of collective behaviors often indistinguishable -- and mostly arbitrated in realms of the imaginary and hyperimaginary. How many memetimes can one be dead and still be concerned about it? Much worse things, if one can entertain. Death with regards to what?
The Kremlin's new reserve currency proposal (see: At G20, Kremlin to Pitch New Currency, Ira Iosebashvili, The Moscow Times, 17 March 2009) would be better formed if made specific and clearly stated to be no vehicle currency simultaneously a reserve currency. As usual, the cited critics are near unto complete idiots, while the notable Nobel laureate supporter, i.e., Robert Mundell of optimal currency area fame (check out his articles in the IMF Staff Papers), is an advocate because he perceives the proposal as yet another move toward currency agglomeration -- one of the major factors, in my feeble judgment, responsible for current and coming financial crises. But that last observation is to speak in the terms set by presspeak of govment agendas. A more informative formulation would be: the lack of currency disaggregation responsible for current and coming financial crises. Check out Mundell's reasons for advocating VEHICLE currency agglomerations and ask yourself why he was awarded a Nobel Prize.
Another excellent assessment from Mish provided in Bernanke's Grand Experiment Continues, 18 March 2009):
Bretton Woods II is on its last legs and cannot possibly survive. The only thing we do not know is the timeframe. The global monetary system could collapse next month, next year, or central bankers might manage to keep it together for another five years. Meanwhile the Grand Experiment Continues. And as central bankers worldwide continue their coordinated competitive currency debasement silliness, one beneficiary is likely to be gold.
Which is not, in my opinion, to say that a return to the gold standard or a gold-exchange mechanism is the best way to go. My initial reaction to the FED's + Treasury's preferred means of meeting the current crisis was to guess an 80-percent chance of significant response to the stimuli/Pac Man toxic gobble over the short-term, 20-percent over the mid-term, and if that 20-percent is met then a greater disaster over the long haul (immediate = 1-2 years; short-term = 3-5 years; mid-term = 5-10 years; the long haul = 10-20 years). I stand by that, as I stand with my earlier orientations. Just as for forty years I have been arguing -- Crazy, you're just bloody crazy! -- that the straw that broke the camel's back in regards to onset of WWII was acceptance of Born's probability amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function, if a single-valued and singly-logically-valued Ecu-type VEHICLE currency basket is embraced as the new dollar-replacing international reserve currency (see: U.N. panel says world should ditch dollar, Jeremy Gaunt, Reuters, 18 March 2009) someone (not me, for I won't be here) eventually will argue that that event was the straw that broke the camel's back in regards to onset of Space-Based Planetary War One. Stand and deliver Toxic Shock Syndrome! I couldn't more disagree with Avinash Persaud in his advocacy of global vehicle-currency agglomeration. The SDR was created as a sop to draw attention away from the enormous impending default implicit in prospective unilateral renunciation of the BW gold-exchange mechanism (already, by Tet-'68, being advocated in elite NYC circles by American multinational oil company CEOs and the like: implicitly coupled with dollar devaluation and transit from, essentially, barter to dollar-denomination of oil transactions), which placed restraints upon the U.S. ability to pursue its global agenda in unhindered fashion. Renunciation, when it came, removed the hinder. Another type of oil company venting and flaring! This time, not dissimulated with the CFC thesis on ozone depletion: that would come later. The SDR, being nothing but a sop, has never been a potential unitas or bancor. Make a basket of vehicle currencies the international reserve currency and then the basket's nation-states, federated or not, will have unhindered capability to pursue their global agendas at the expense others. Hardly the way to re-FORM the world in an epoch of resource wars, climate change, and so on and so on.
I just hee-haw all over the floor when I read of IMF officials using terms like fiscal space (see: IMF Predicts Slowing Growth for Vietnam, Reuters, 20 March 2009). Hee-haw! Hee-haw! Not only is this usage an offal pretentious pile, given thought processes of such officials, it is a diversionary, depotentiation stratagem subliminally employed to dissipate FEAR, all-caps FEAR, FEAR of the quantum weirdness which has long since already entered the IMF's domain structures through good offices of quantum-based technologies. Heh-heh-heh. This is why, to the IMF official, the Vietnamese dong 'appears somewhat overvalued compared with its estimated medium-term equilibrium level'. Freudian-slip double entendre aside, this so-called equilibrium level is not only a ghostly artifact of the long-dead paradigm, it is a term of incantation employed in the exorcism which is the IMF's foremost global function in service to the Weltanschauung ridding the planet of biospheric and atmospheric and magnetospheric integrity. Collective unconscious rationale of the equilibrium incantation has an exorcism role not unlike the continuing (psycho)cultural-lag of the U.S. economic embargo of Viet Nam for stopping the Cambodian holocaust. Not only did the U.S. embargo Viet Nam and then support the Khmer Rouge, it imposed sanctions upon Cambodia which persist decades later in a subliminal effort to exorcise U.S.-ensemble guilt for having caused the Cambodian holocaust with Kissinger's hysterical bombing of the inherently unbombable. Inherently unbombable because, due to its ensemble behaviors, COSVN did not have a Cartesian-Newtonian location. On the contrary, it exhibited the characteristic properties of quantum nonlocality -- not to mention highly nonlinear, far-from-equilibrium, self-organizing phase transitions. Fiscal space equilibrium level Hee-haw! Hee-haw! Collective psychopathology, y'see, don't exactly thermodynamically dissipate into cognitive vacuum once constellated; it back-reacts upon the metric of archetypal event gradients, thus bleeding into every aspect of institutional behaviors so as to form dissipative structures (i.e., regressed domain structures). How do I know? Because I understand a sukosh(i) of the Regge calculus in application to those domain structures brainstormed by C. G. Jung and Wolfgang Pauli.
Use of the term risk reversals as a synonym for options (see: Despite Fed's Move, Dollar Still in Play, Wanfeng Zhou and Gertrude Dreyfuss, Reuters, 20 March 2009) indicates how very, very little understanding there is out there concerning actual origins of the current global financial crisis. Vehicles-instruments which concentrate and transfer risk from micro to macro to meta hardly constitute risk reversals -- not even for the institutions and individuals attempting to hedge their risks in a floating-fiat-currency regime, as contemporary portfolio analysis clearly reveals. Moreover, vehicles-instruments which remove local multiplier effects from purview of their producers -- thus maintaining global poverty and, hence, population growth -- cannot be accurately characterized with the word reversal. Maintenance and growth are not reversal. Black propaganda is so much the common currency there is no real hope for substantive currency reform. Systemically speaking, which is virtually never spoken, all valuation being in single-valued egoic currencies -- if the m-logically-valued properties of general systems, which include economic systems, are considered -- risk cannot be created or destroyed, any more than can be the quantum potential resident in the relative-state identity-transparency making self-organization possible. If currencies do not explicitly mark m-logically-valued properties, those properties are marked in regressions; if markets do not explicitly handle m-logically-valued properties, those properties are handled in discontinuities viewed by the myopic as singular states. Failure to process externalities is mark(ed) to mark(et) failure, upon mark(et) failure, upon mark(et) failure, leading to biospheric and atmospheric and magnetospheric failure, species suicide, human species suicide. One-hundred-fifty years ago it was collectively decided that death is preferable to abandonment of the false claim to Cartesian-Newtonian simple-identity. In sympathy with this collective decision, my grandparents' generation rioted at The Rite of Spring and then proceeded directly to WWI. Given that the generation of my children's children exhibits the same sympathy, it's pretty clear what the outcome is to be. The last time the FED bought treasuries in a big way was in the years after the 1958 global-liquidity flip-over at the JFKed beginning of run up to unilateral renunciation of the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism -- which set dollar-creation virtually free of constraints. What do you imagine the current JFK-identified large-scale purchases are the beginning of run up to? Heh-heh-heh. What steps are taken to prepare an economy for ?
There is nothing simple that is not simple-minded. Cartesian-Newtonian-Smithian comparative advantage is an unrealized adumbration of quantum relative-state and Buddhological dependent origination. On a planet thermodynamically taxed over its carrying capacity, biospheric survival depends upon globalization of comparative advantage, such that the locale is holographically transparent with the nonlocale. This cannot be accomplished unless internalization (not nationalization or internationalization or transnationalization ) of externalities is the means by which local multiplier effects are returned from the synoptic scale to those locals who produce them: micro-macro/macro-micro non-orientability is the holostate sought. Your house which once was your house may once have been made of dawn. Scarlet sun setting on neon palm crown, mood of Mars frizzing out pink over horizon's hot expanse: cathexized Tension City, icon of post-modernist, post-structuralist, deconstructionist things-to-come. Unless subject to coercion, no one with integrity participates in organizational behaviors clearly dysfunctional, destructive of the larger interest. Integrity is the controlling word here. Nonetheless, the briefest appraisal reveals that the deaf lead the blind, and the dumb support the dumb. People cling to dead systems with tenacity in direct proportion to their lack of imagination. How much imagination has there been over the last 200 years as carrying capacity of the planet has been overshot? Failed understanding amongst the aged dooms youth -- as it always has and always will. Deadheading into tomorrow, we are -- when doubting tomorrow realizes today, and forgetting today precludes realization of any tomorrow as today. Hegel had some inkling that dialectics is outside memetime; Marx did not. French neo-Hegelian degree-zero semiosis (one type of sepsis) -- post-Leningrad School; post-Prague School -- engaging in autopoiesis-by-noise, inappropriately was other as regards Hegel, rather than same as regards Hegel, whatever Kojeve thought Kojeve thought he himself-and-only-himself thought. Bloomin' Fuku Mountain! skew-parallel Num Skul Cordillera, the end p(end)ing, y'see, is memetime's endtime and the species what constellated it in glutamatergic neuronal etching. Alice automatized! Ha-hee. Hee-ha. Isn't all life? The best cat herders on the Moon. Cat and Mouse Act, what. Shan't minds, shan't minds, what the bloody 'ell else would 'e 'ave done? This Holy Alliance, that Holy Alliance. My Mett's Kisser! even nature's omnium-gatherum -- if not its ommatidia -- don't rely upon prior unanimity for the quantum of action. How very mortifying the continuing history of this intellectual embarrassment. Mein Gott! what a putative ponk. Pure ponhaus. Sausage 'n kedgeree-kitchari; brain puddin' 'n white hominy. Praise you-know-who and pass the cider vinegar. Git the samp mill 'n ash hopper a goin'. Sampin' some posole! Orchestrated by Will B. Craven. Didn't we meet at TV Nuremburg, uh, FTV Marienbad? Thought we was to runaway together, I did. The BRUCE Company won't confirm it, I know. But we did instantly recognize each other; you can't deny it. Conflation of Umwelt with Weltbild: any better example of projective-identification in collective transference than a band-aided We are the World one-world order? Poetry put into this, this put into poetry -- modern poetry? Hmmmm. PageMaker poetry? Imposition of widespread planetary poverty has been, would do, will be a transnational mass madness brooking no counter-argument, no restitution -- being, as it is, one result of the entropies exchanged such that patches of non-equilibrium negentropy can be ordered up and sustained. The normative bureaucratic mind -- its valuations, judgments, SOPs -- is one of the most disturbed and most destructive minds on the planet. Think in scale-relativistic terms. Which categories of boundaries changed most frequently; which the least so? Why was that? Why would the Viet Cong (political) Infrastructure have been so intensely into local autonomy? Why the Confucian bo doi so opposed to that? Forget history for the moment; frame the answers in general systems terms. More Tommy tommyrot! I suspect, yes I would, wouldn't I. 'Elp me if I 'aven't. Ferkin' doolally, I'd 'ave done. Gawdday, sire!
An interesting idea that details of the Bush-Obama (BO) bailout (bo) are driven by psychoanalytic factors, symbolic displacements, and the like -- just as were(are) the characteristic structures, instruments and behaviors of the economic processes giving rise to the prevailing financial crisis. I hadn't thought of that, and thus have no insight to offer. It is prohibitively difficult to view the interest-rate step-down, the asset guarantees, the investment bank, commercial bank, insurance company, Fannie-Freddie bo's, the Detroit bo's, the debt assumptions, the fiscal stimuli and tax modulations, the mortgage rewrites, the treasuries purchases, the toxic-waste-dump underwriting as other than a regressed homeopathic therapy -- given that all of these taken together on a global basis probably amount to less than $10-trillion when the BIS reckons countable derivatives (though most counter-party off, still, one class of the primary pathogens transferring local multiplier effects from micro to macro to meta, i.e., dumping toxins into the global economic bloodstream) at three-quarters of a quadrillion dollars (all things considered, likely well beyond a quadrillion and rapidly growing even by good offices of the curative therapeutics being applied). The concentrations and transferences having been the foremost dysfunctions. Presently proposed efforts, therefore, amount to a miniscule homeopathic like-treating-like dose, indeed. Hardly likely to bring about a healing crisis! Particularly as the iatrogenic allopathic origins of the disease (not to mention pathological values and worldview constructs) go completely unaddressed: a singly-logically-valued monetary system cannot adequately deal with the myriad consequences of m-logically-valued (acknowledged to be so or not) quantum-based technologies. No. The closest analogy I can see to the BO-bo Program is toys 'n tokens: toying at high colonics accompanied by token packages of detox herbs -- with a complete unwillingness to take cilium shakes or to engage in the fasting therapy, let alone the requisite lifestyle changes, required to make the detoxification successful. No dumping of tarry mucoid plaques, surely -- given that most all such are being well-protected. Likely to yield a few minor bm's, perhaps, but greater miasmatic fulminations of the cardinal illness can be anticipated with certainty.
Ah! Some progress. Now China, too, wants the dollar replaced as foremost international reserve currency (China calls for new reserve currency, Jamil Anderlini, Financial Times, 23 March 2009) -- only this time the proposal is more specific than that made by Russia and that advocated by some at the UN. Quoting: Zhou Xiaochuan, the central bank's governor, said the goal would be to create a reserve currency 'that is disconnected from individual nations ' The governor even acknowledged a debt to John Maynard Keynes, who made a similar suggestion in the 1940s. It is correct that Keynes' proposed bancor -- similar to White's proposed unitas, both intensely lobbied at the Bretton Woods conference, and both intensely rejected by the British and U.S. governments -- was for a reserve unit disconnected from individual nations. The Chinese proposal goes on to suggest that the new reserve currency be based upon IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) and be a basket of currencies from all major economies. Neither bancor nor unitas, insofar as I understand, were to be baskets of VEHICLE currencies, nor was the IMF what Keynes had in mind by an International Clearing Union to handle clearance + interface between vehicle currencies and bancor. For the many reasons essayed on this website, I am not an advocate of expanded employment of SDRs; nonetheless, as an interested observer, I welcome this proposal because it introduces a modicum of reality orientation into the public discourse. As discussed in T5M on this website, at a minimum, the early-1960s French-proposed composite reserve unit needs to be reappraised and expanded into an authentic quantum composite.
No one has ever before compared my life to that of Anthony Burgess; there's nothing to compare. Really! Except living for periods in Southeast Asia. Mosquito bites much the same, I feel sure. Though my wife did teach at university in Malaysia for five years, and I obviously have always liked Liliana -- what the name connotes, anyway. Being no Hollywood Freudian (Freud before the structural theory, before ego psychology, before theories of adaptation -- all before WWII) nor a journalistic philosopher, I escaped interest in the subject matters of Burgess' many, many writings. Although I know quite a bit about the color orange, and even have written something of it, as well as of the work of operator-time, having fairly early-on had direct and immediate exposure to a significant sampling of those who have plumbed the depths of violence, I never took seriously the Hollywood take on this domain of experience. Art and Realism to a Stone, for instance, has to be a falsification -- otherwise, how could it have vérité? Simulacra is vérité, right? That's what Hollywood takes away from ketamine crossed into VR spread over Cyberia. Not much in the way of deep structure, eh, such vérité. And why is that? Sit for a minute and try to think without employment of binaries Now one knows something of the consequences of glutamatergic neuronal etching. Significant things have been said about me and William Burroughs, however -- though I disagree with all of them. Never attended The Naked Lunch, any naked lunch, at least not as Burroughs, et al., however beat, understood it, even in North African climes. The bare percept is nowise aleatoric, word or note, Dada happening or Zen Cage. Meaning and Myth, or is it, Uncle Claude, Meaning is Myth? Topology applied to words/notes by non-topologists, how very, very cute! Folded-towel diffeomorphisms without towels, without morphisms -- with diffidence. Cut-outs, -ups, -ends, -overs; twist-overs, -ups, -outs, -ins. The arbitrary array mistaken for the divine non-binary. All of this decades after -- indeed, two world wars after -- Lukasiewicz-Post had rigorously treated of the m-valued logics Max Born dissembled as probability-chance-statistics. Not one generation, but several, psychototropically mistaking nature's book of changes for a book of chances -- with collective consequences likely involving near-extinction. And even this late into human survival Chinese Confucians -- and their Western counterparts -- suppress the Taoists amongst them, never having looked at I-Ching operator-time and the m-logically-valued orders of Upper and Lower Heaven demerged thereby.
President Obama does not believe there is a need for a global currency (see: China 'Super Currency' Call May Signal Dollar Concern, Yi Yanping, Bloomberg, 25 March 2009). This is somehow surprising? It took the Second World War to get the bancor-unitas idea seriously on the table at an international conference, but even that war was not a sufficient inducement to yield an adequate monetary system. Bancor-unitas, far from optimum, was rejected at Bretton Woods in 1944. Assumption of the mantle of the British Empire took precedence. Does anyone think a third world total war coterminous with a climate shift coterminous with post-peak oil, coterminous with population growth to nine billion, coterminous with will be sufficient inducement? I don't -- and never have. That's why I advocate non-governmental initiatives directed to likely circumstances of the post-cuspover period -- under the optimistic assumption that there will be more human survivors than merely a few breeding pairs localized to the poles.
I seem always almost to thoroughly agree with Hernando de Soto. I certainly agree that it has primarily been fear of a quadrillion dollars worth of opaque derivatives which led to the current financial crisis, and will perpetuate it (see: Toxic Assets Were Hidden Assets, Wall Street Journal, 25 March 2009). But I have argued that more important than that fear was the fear that led to creation of those derivatives, and the tertiary fear leading to that secondary fear. There is actually quite a regress involved, and no final solution is possible so long as these nested fears prevail. Each class of fear has its own associated conversion disorder. Coming from the society he does, Hernando de Soto should have a special window of opportunity to understand this fear nest: the pre-Incan Aymara language was based upon a 3-valued logic, fear of which is a big part of the fear nest involved in creation and maintenance of opaque derivatives (as I have discussed many times in many ways). Derivatives are opaque because they are part of the Dark Continent which is the collective unconscious: they were meant to be opaque, and to stay in the dark where it is felt they belong. Derivatives are a regressed compensatory abreactive-projective response to fusion of quantum-based technologies with Cartesian-Newtonian-Smithian market dynamics. Fear of the presence of quantum weirdness in the world of everyday life -- this weirdness currently being dressed in Newtonian clothes whenever and however possible -- drove the conversion-disorder-regressed displacements of quantum-relativistic principles into financial instruments-vehicles analogues. Simply wrapping those instruments-vehicles in law, Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian nation-state law, the laws concerning the papering of single-valued, singly-logically-valued, wholly-ownable properties, cannot possibly dissolve the fear nest leading to creation and maintenance of opaque derivatives. Nor would the withdrawal of quantum-based technologies, were that possible: once constellated, the fear nest takes a life of its own and leaves behind its initiating stimuli.
There are two other points de Soto makes in this, above referenced, article on the negative impact of derivatives which need to be picked over. [1] Externalities -- regardless of the prevailing parlance -- are not, as he states, only extraneous side effects of opacities like derivatives, but anything whatsoever not directly processed by the market -- and these most often fall into the realm of causes and reflexivities. They have to do with the eco in eco{}nomics, eco in its most general notion, specifically with factors of intra- and inter-systemic integration. These being highly non-linear, frequently doubly-exponentiated, n-bodied, and involving both higher-valued logics and von Hayek's time-shapes of total capital stock, econ[o]mists have excommunicated them. [2] Both Smith and Marx are referenced in enunciating the notion that financial arrangements do not create value -- that only production does that. But, no less than risk, value cannot be created or destroyed -- only transformed, concentrated, transferred. Two trees in the forest are worth more than one table in the kitchen -- to the set of all nesting domains, and their systemic integration. Value added is a scale-relativistic notion! Flat values are derivative of purified identity -- and one marker of a Nazification process. Singly-logically-valued currencies, their financial instruments-vehicles, cannot adequately mark scale-relativistic factors for mark(et) processing -- and thereby insure that externalities remain externalities, that systemic dysintegration is the norm. Under an allelotropic theory of value (of each other, i.e., vis, empowering systemic integration by enhancing quantum relative-state identity-transparency), however, scale-relativistic sub-values are identity-incorporated to an authentic quantum composite processable in the m-logically-valued monetary units capable of marking von Hayek's time-shapes of total capital stock. Any financial arrangement -- such as a supranational, non-vehicle, reserve bancor-unitas under an m-logically-valued reference space -- accomplishing this would definitely have allelotropic value.
Thank you for drawing this to my attention. And, no, I don't think it is a good idea to direct the attention of any navy to leak-proof tornadic plasma bottles, re: low-energy nuclear reactions (see: Scientists in possible cold fusion breakthrough, AFP, 24 March 2009) -- something intensively brainstormed during the 1970s relative to the role of operator-time in Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation, vis matter-energy and the higher-temporal forms of Einstein's most famous equation -- for service-funded doesn't service needs of Earth's atmosphere, particularly in context of a singly-logically-valued global monetary system.
Man act, no actor: so said M's husband before she stopped acting in order to cross intellectual borders. Fractal drum beaten into band-pass filter. Though man is acted, he vacuously claims capacity to act. Autistic, proclamatory, one-sentence-paragraph prose: non-habituation to bullet-point stimuli is not the attention deficit hyperactivity teaches the transcendental mediator. Cogitate Cogitate Cogitate Mantra demystified. As you have noticed, I intentionally misspell words for various and sundry reasons. MS Word alerts me that there are too many spelling and grammar errors, and that, therefore, it will no longer spell or grammar check. Which suits me just fine. Preschool drumb (drumdumb) lessons at decibels satisfying to those with compromised bones of the inner ear due to MSG mega-consumption. Relocated from one noise to the next, one flock of flailed minds to another pride of drained brains.
This plan because of the authority provided not just by Congress but the Treasury and the Fed gives us broad ability to do what you need to do to get through a financial crisis like this. It just requires will; it's not about ability. -- Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner, as quoted by Mish (Japan Caught in Deflationary Spiral; Exports Plunge, Prices To Follow, 25 March 2009)
Torrential enough to put the boom boxes out of business, to draw forth declarant affiant oaths -- sayeth what thy willeth. Nothing about economic systems, let alone general systems, or, OMG, natural systems. What the American mind has become in its flight from What? Woman, as the philosopher says? Only woman? Recoil into authority, will, willfulness, curfew, threat -- the various forms of violence, psychological to physical. Fear of the fear itself. If the authorities dispense, then so will it be done. Thus sayeth the Authorities. And you WILL have fun! Actually, First Global Community College of Nong Khai, Thailand, received a substantial gifted library of phased-out books and journals from the UC-Berkeley library system. Probably phased-out for good reason. By synchronicity, it just so happened that these books and journals were focused into certain areas of my interest, and I had the five years free required to peruse them. One thing I learned is that Nazification is a very interesting psychophysiologic process. Creation of electroconvulsive therapy was an integral aspect of it -- during its Weimar incarnation. One wonders whether small CMEs (coronal mass ejections) enlivening the neuronal grid, burning out a few operational amplifiers in analog data channels and synaptic-ephaptic transformers, and the sunspot cycle, of course, could have anything to do with it, just as they have to do with epidemiology of SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus). Presto! A pitchman's prestissimo. Got milk? Oh-so-democratic, Western-liberal-democracy, universal-homogenous -- and pasteurized -- state of mind: the end of history, well, humane history, maybe even history of humans, by triumph in a single bound of the SuperAuthorities, of course. What's the beef? Mistaking Hegelian transcendental rationality (made rigorous by Abel, Cantor, Lukasiewicz, and Post) for mere Baconian-Boolean ratiocination; mistaking Hegel's center-which-is-everywhere for center of the Cartesian-Newtonian unit circle cut and pasted so as to target and acquire memetime; mistaking Hegelian universal consciousness, the pure land, for surface of the ego's Riemann sphere; mistaking transmemetime, thus ahistorical, Hegelian dialectic for schematic of antecedent-consequent relations, or, worse yet, Kantian schematism of the Rorschached categories. Where's the beef? In postmodernist decentering, no doubt. People even conflate semiology with Hegelianism! Why is that? It was the hatchet forces of Bonapartism which tomahawked the Germans and Russians -- against their wills -- into Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian nation-statehood. Nietzschean triumph-of-the-will will-to-power having been a dissipative far-from-equilibrium compensatory abreaction. Not surprising, then, that Napoleonic bureaucracy should be so hard to distinguish from the fascism and commissarism which is Euro-American Confucianism. Ever read Freemason Voltaire, friend of Freemason Ben Franklin, and non-Buddhist Enlightenment student of The Analects, on the tessellated black and white mosaic pavement, which hues, if I am not mistaken, are the Rorschach colors? The bulk of my adult income was made managing a pick, a shovel, a cutting spade, and a cotton hoe. Intellectual labor -- not conducted at the Sanssouci, either in Washington, D.C., or Potsdam -- I've mostly done on a pro bono basis, all the better to free the mind, y'know. Had I been money-motivated, I would likely have acquired the resources to accomplish something fundamental; but, then, I would not have had any idea of what actually needs to be done, and having, in that hypothetical reality, absorbed myself in the way that I would have, I would not have had any way to acquire any such idea. People who are not disgusted by their own presence are in their own presence, and hence have no awareness of it. Quality of the denim is nowhere near what it once was! They've even reduced the number of belt-loops on the 517s! That sort of numerology. The system employed draws to itself the sort of people it deserves. If a toilet bowl, what floats to the top? Nationalization of the banks or privatization of the Treasury: what is the difference? Long since done that with the FED by way of getting a statist currency defined on Boolean borders in anticipation of a first world war.
Well, obviously, I am no enthusiast of the Yale Law School, nor of the uses to which it puts the academic mode of production, but still, some memetime ago, I got into Amy Chua's World On Fire (Anchor, 2003). Great book, whatever the caveats. Quoting one of the better summary statements (pp. 6-7):
Markets concentrate wealth, often spectacular wealth, in the hands of the market-dominant minority, while democracy increases the political power of the impoverished majority. In these circumstances the pursuit of free market democracy becomes an engine of potentially catastrophic ethnonationalism, pitting a frustrated indigenous majority, easily aroused by opportunistic vote-seeking politicians, against a resented, wealthy ethnic minority [frequently having been relocated and militarily protected and imposed, not market imposed, generation after generation in service to divide and rule: my comment].
To a onetime instructor in the black arts of propaganda, the exquisite subtlety these arts have reached is apparent: institutionalization of the techniques has become so thorough that the producer -- à la principles of semiology -- need not even be aware of being a producer. Black propaganda writes itself, and generally as a form of intertextuality! One of the glaring lacuna in Chua's book is the too-little attention given to how, actually, it is market-dominant minorities become market dominant, and what implications that has regarding so-called free markets. Surface stuff suitable for Intro to Ethnic Cleansing 101. No analysis of ethnicity-dynamics vis-à-vis class-dynamics vis-à-vis power-dynamics (to include within the academic mode of production) interfaced with degrees of assimilation and degrees of force in degrees of assimilation and assimilation to what and where and so on and so on. North American confiscation, mass slaughter, and slavery were cautionary tales on the road to free markets and democracy auguring for voluntary assimilation compliance -- ethnic-American restaurants encouraged, thank you. On a less inflammatory note, did Thai Chinese get themselves predominately assimilated to the rural Thai poor, for instance? Did Thai-Chinese influence transform the Thai urban landscape, Lanna culture, and Thai-style? How did Greco-Roman Corinthian-Doric-capitellum, ceramic-tile, Chinese-shophouse, concrete-for-a-garden, potted-Ming-tree architecture come to be Thai-style? Value-disjunction discombobulation unbound! How dare you make it impossible for us to live our lives in the ways we have always preferred! Which is to merely mention the counter-assimilative efficacy of concentrations of acculturative money-in-motion, infiltration and value-subversion of the professions, et cetera -- and not to mention at all the glutamatergic neuronal etching by which prescriptive enculturation is anchored to the molecular-cellular brain. How long would Confucianism survive without MSG and/or its traditional organic mimetic-estrogen precursors? Why did use of MSG by food-processing corporate America explode only after neurotransmitter research revealed the neuro-excito-toxic role of endogenous glutamate? Not only are there degrees of violence, there are degrees of burning at the stake -- to include burning the new brain at its old brainstem. The other major MID (missing in discourse) is explication as to how democratic democracy qua democracy is to be regarded -- and what the findings concerning such would imply vis-à-vis the FEAR-and-loathing origins of social contracts in phobias over animistic-pagan-Taoist-Shinto and Old Europe Earth-mother war-of-all-against-all relative-state identity-transparency. Is democracy -- so-called -- coupled to free markets -- so-called -- responsible for catastrophic ethnonationalism, or is it the phobias motivating social contracts? Etiology, differential Dx, and recommended Rx regime all relate to one another. There is no contesting that the world is on fire -- this time; don't even have to wait for next time -- but is it yet in flashover, and what are actual origins of the arson?
I don't have anything against regulating credit default swaps (CDSs) in the manner Soros suggests. That's probably a good idea, but it is a small aspect of very large fundamental problems which are not only structural, procedural, and systemic; they are also conceptual. Soros' recent article (One way to stop bear raids, Wall Street Journal, 24 March 2009) is a recap of his earlier one (The game changer, 28 January 2009: see above) on basically the same subject. I stick by my comments made above on the earlier article. I also think that Soros' ideas about financial protectionism by capital flight and the need for IMF SDRs (Peripheral care should be the central concern, Financial Times, 22 March 2009) to help nations at the periphery are right on, if, again, no address to the fundamental problems. I am certainly no advocate of incendiary collapse. What Soros is suggesting about SDRs is quite different from what the Chinese are suggesting about SDRs and a supranational reserve currency, which Nouriel Roubini calls a pie-in-the-sky idea (Roubini Says Stocks Will Drop as Banks Go 'Belly Up', Bloomberg, 26 March 2009). Roubini hasn't seen pie-in-the-sky if he hasn't come across m-logically-valued LETS. But, then, no real solutions to the fundamental problems will be anything less than pie-in-the-sky, given the prevailing cognitive environment.
This is an old issue, the issue, that is, of quantum composites as applied to theories of reserve currencies. Spatially, pointillism's connection to anarchism; temporally, Debussy's attack upon memetime, showing off his conviction that mere memetime is no objective linear-reference-time. Giving up metronomes for harmonic functors as mosaics, gestalts, aural tiling patterns -- certainly not only Masonic tessellations: the timelessness portrayed in his final failed ballet. A spatialization of linear-reference-time, of course, but that was only a transitional modulatory device. Heh-heh-heh! Let us leave, Monsieur; they are beginning to develop. S-matrix methodology in dodecaphonic composition. Stravinsky's stacked superchords prefiguring harmonic superspace and Zuckerkandl's and Stockhausen's harmonics of the empty space between the notes. Can you hear it? The thematic superposition in Messiaen's Turangalila Symphony as expressionistic of a Quartet for the End of [meme]Time. Pulling One to Nine out of the visual white noise of Jasper Johns' famous painting, not Andrew Hodges' recent book. Takemitsu's hypertemporal November Steps and Asterism and Munari by Munari. A Green composer? Jackson Pollock: God's 'I' as Cosmic Dripper. Of these, only Debussy and Pollock did not try to collapse the wave-function, automatize the deautomatized, collar the white noise, find the hidden decoherent variables, pull selfsame Hodges' numbers out of John's numerical identity-transparency, unstack the individual Riemann surface branches upon which each melodic theme is dissonantly super-positioned, hear a single note in the midst of numberless sounds, find the cognitive incapacity prerequisite to resolution to the tonic binary-Boolean-Baconian-Aristotelian. If only we had more Ancient Voices of Children! What the human species needs to find is a Way to re-acquire the neuronal and perineural capability to consciously subtend quantum-brain processing, without glutamatergic reduction of its wave-packets. Given current fixations of the human molecular-cellular brain, the most straightforward way to do that is by application of Musculpt methodology-technology to monetary system dynamics. Nothing else is likely sufficiently to capture and hold collective attention cathexes. Of course, there's not much memetime left to accomplish such an enormous task, hopefully not an undertaking.
The degree to which it is today impossible to communicate anything not black or white cannot be overstated. I have never said that CFCs play no role in ozone depletion dynamics; they obviously are part of the chemistry of the process. But they are not the whole chemistry. And they are certainly not the hydrothermodynamics and acoustically-modified gravity-wave dynamics of ozone metabolism. I directly implied that the CFC role was used to conceal the 100+ year-long role of venting and flaring truly enormous quantities of myriad chemical stuff (some of which directly destroys ozone, and others of which does so indirectly) from oil wells/fields, most of which venting and flaring was shut down about the time the ozone holes hit the newspapers. I indirectly implied that fixation on the CFC role in ozone depletion was one more manner in which the myth has been maintained that Earth's atmosphere is Newtonian. This is only one of many, many examples of the disinformation which has flooded human awareness. I personally believe that the odds are heavily weighted that Al Gore hugely underestimates severity of the ongoing climate-shift dynamic due to the false assumption that Earth's atmosphere is a classical Newtonian domain and that the current climate-shift is equivalent to, and limited to, greenhouse warming -- not also due to, for instance, anthropogenically-induced changes in the electromagnetic structure of the planet and the planet's ability to properly respond to the complex-angular-momentum-type information content of solar-wind conveyed signals, and so on and so forth. And if there are ways to insure global climate change will be utterly catastrophic, the UN surely seems to be finding them, as should only be expected from a Cartesian-Newtonian mega-institution. Application of comprehensive planning -- which doesn't even work well on the scale of towns and small cities -- on a global scale (see: U.N. 'Climate Change' Plan Would Likely Shift Trillions to Form New World Economy, subquotes are a measure of the moronic 'Fox', Fox News, George Russell, 27 March 2009) is certainly a recipe for disaster. No attempt is being made to create human systems which work in ways similar to the processes they are attempting to regulate -- if not control. Over and beyond the fact that there should be no attempt whatsoever to regulate or control, because anthropogenic action is situated in nature in such a fashion that it can only disrupt, comprehensive planning has demonstrated itself a failure for at least half a century and is in significant measure responsible for the climate shift the UN wishes to apply the method to solving. Moreover, though IMF SDRs are one place to start discussion of a non-vehicle quantum composite reserve currency (similar to the natural processes it interfaces with), fixation by the UN on SDRs (see: UN panel touts new global currency reserve system, AFP, 26 March 2009) as the answer, without distinguishing between use of SDR allocative distributions as palliative measure helping to avoid incendiary meltdown in midst of the current financial crisis and a final solution to monetary system fundamentals, is typical of the comprehensive planning product issuing from a Cartesian-Newtonian mega-institution.
Having, during the 1970s, directly, in-the-face, witnessed the same hysteria amongst atmospheric physicists now viewable in the general population relative to a climate-shift dynamic currently misnomered global warming and thirty-five years ago discussed primarily in terms of the greenhouse effect, and having, during the Seventies, clearly registered that the involved hysteria among professionals had little to do with Earth's climate and a great deal to do with extra-atmospheric factors subliminally trigger-pointed by arguments over surrogate issues in atmospheric science, I, obviously, believe that the prevailing current hysteria amongst the general population has little to do with Earth's climate. One long paper submitted to a German atmospheric science journal during the mid-1970s, but peer reviewed by an American luminary, received a liberal dose of red-inked swear words, large exclamation points, and so on, particularly as regards the treatment of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes. The reviewer maintained correctly that No atmospheric waves travel at the speed of sound! and, thus, repeated the primary consensus justification for renormalizing (rescaling) the primitive equation set for atmospheric dynamics such that these modes are, basically, removed from the diagnostic equations of forecast models. But the paper submitted never claimed that these modes propagate in real space and real time through Earth's atmosphere. The bulk of the paper was devoted to explaining precisely how this was not so. But the reviewer apparently neglected that bulk of the paper. This was a typical experience in atmospheric science during the 1970s, the critical decade for the climate-shift hypothesis (the 1950s being the critical decade for climate shift itself). What is it about acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes -- so-called atmospheric infrasound -- which is capable of eliciting hysteria? These modes are multivalued -- and it is through this multivaluedness that all sorts of demons enter the world-picture. Catastrophe theory, chaos theory, complexity theory emerged out of and/or interfaced with atmospheric physics precisely so as to exorcise these demons. A huge portion of contemporary human intellectual effort is devoted to rolling back quantum and relativity theory into a unified theory or a nullifying theory which makes this new physics functionally equivalent to Newton's old physics and expurgates demons like time dilation, spatial contraction, non-ordinary logic, and so on. People who instinctively reject climate-shift hypotheses generally sympathize with roll-back efforts in physics (and inevitably greatly fear any challenge to ego autonomy). The degree to which simple observables and direct measurables are the focus of attention is the degree to which what is transpiring is not possibly being understood. Personally, I laugh at the characterization of climate shift as warming. The kind of temperature to be interested in, insofar as temperature should be a matter of interest, is not the sort that can be measured with a thermometer. It is not even one abstraction removed from a direct measurable, i.e., potential temperature. Two abstractions removed from measurability are required: the equivalent potential temperature arraying as theta-e surface topologies and changes of the same induced by quantal operator-time in cascade (complex angular momentum exchange) and reverse-cascade (vertically-propagating, multivalued, acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes) of information conveyed to Earth by, for instance, the solar wind. Quantum and relativity theory are required to mathematically handle transforming theta-e surface topologies and ascertain imports thereof. But one won't find a certified atmospheric scientist who will agree with that statement. Had they agreed, they wouldn't have been certified. The last person interested would be an atmospheric scientist. The level of suppression is far greater today than it was back during the Seventies, the issues more fraught, more inflammatory, more ego-challenging and career-threatening. Why do you think so few atmospheric scientists are writing popular books on climate change? Too busy studying the climate? Politicians, economists, science writers, biologists are writing on global warming. The level of public discussion is actually pretty comical. There are 40 pages of notes and another 40 pages of bibliography to Bjorn Lomborg's popular science book, Cool It (Knopf, 2007), on global warming. Close study of these notes and bibliographic entries reveals nothing offering the slightest suspicion that Earth's atmosphere is not a classical Newtonian domain. I could find no papers in theoretical meteorology cited: i.e., author not intellectually engaged with the discipline. It should be noted that climatologists and many associated specialists are frequently altogether unengaged with theoretical issues in dynamical meteorology -- just as many working economists are unengaged with fundamental questions in econometrics. Such lack of engagement augurs well for unexpected paradigm-transcending developments. No idea whatsoever that the hydrothermodynamics of the multiscale atmosphere involves the fundamental principles of relativity physics and quantum mechanics. Nothing mentioning that mathematical description of renormalized-out-of-the(largely statistical)-models acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes involves exactly the same mathematics as is currently used to describe acoustic analogues to black hole computers. Indeed, the red ink and swear words mentioned above had very much to do with the argument and the evidence that blackbodies and facsimiles of black holes exist in Earth's atmosphere and play important roles in severe storm genesis, climate cycles, ozone metabolism, et cetera and et cetera. This was argued in the Seventies and intensely suppressed in the Seventies -- as climate shift proceeded: changing the world-picture doesn't necessarily change the world. I think that several trillion of the trillions of dollars to be spent on public policy responses to global warming would best be spent on reform of atmospheric science, transforming statistical climate models into dynamical climate models, theoretically interfacing dynamical atmospheric models with m-logically-valued monetary system economic models, assessing the full range of effects upon Earth's atmosphere of artificially-created hot auroras and associated electron-temperature enhancements by phased-array radar, studying how altered atmospheric gas ratios alter Earth's frequency-response characteristics to the array of solar-generated signals, and so on and so on. Of course, none of that will ever happen. Any attempt and there would just be more fistfights in the back hallway at severe storms conferences and climate change symposia.
People who worked at POLOB/CICV (Political Order of Battle/Combined Intelligence Center, Vietnam) and/or SRA/MACV-J2 (Strategic Research and Analysis/Military Assistance Command, Vietnam -- the Intelligence Staff to Westmoreland and Abrams) would not, did not, and will not give you the time of day, had you asked, were you to ask -- given what happened, not the least of which being the Cambodian holocaust. Up yours, buddy! Suffer the consequences of your prior behaviors, assholes! Similarly, people who worked on the cascade theory of tornadogenesis, its larger implications for atmospheric dynamics in general, solar-terrestrial interactions and climate change in particular would not, did not, and will not give you the time of day, had you asked, were you to ask -- given what has transpired and what inevitably will transpire. Up yours, buddy! Suffer the consequences of your prior behaviors, assholes! Think this could not possibly be the case? What exceptions have you found?
I find, for the most part, that people who write a lot of one-sentence paragraphs, however wonderful their styles, don't have enough subject matter to maintain my interest. And people who think in written mathematical notation generally make me laugh. Live in those worlds? Humph!
Top-down imposition of universal-super-hyper-extraterritoriality -- hardly an application of the Miss May-I-Mount-You ethological principle -- is not going to resolve the climate-shift problem any more than it will solve the monetary-system-regime conundrum. Extraterritoriality -- a surreptitious acquisition of extra territory -- is when the dominating nation's citizens residing in a heathen nation do not need to abide by the heathen nation's laws. Hyper-extraterritoriality is when the heathen nation's citizens residing in the heathen nation must abide by the laws governing the dominating nation's citizens residing in the dominating nation. Super-hyper-extraterritoriality is when the dominating nation applies hyper-extraterritoriality to all other nations on the planet, and the dominating nation's supreme court rules its favor upon this police-military power juris][dictional man][date. Universal-super-hyper-extraterritoriality is when -- contrary to the information holography underlying nonlocality -- the set of all sets of nation-states, including itself, deems functional localization altogether superfluous, local specificity illegitimate, and institutes a psychological regression of nonlocality and non-simple identity by externally-prescriptive telepresence and omnipresent remote-viewing surveillance-invasion interdiction, and a supposed transcendental court rules its favor upon this police-military power juris][dictional man][date. Were Earth's atmosphere dateable by dictation of man's juridical powers, this might work. Were monetary processes free of reflexivities, they might lend themselves to top-down, externally-prescriptive, man][dating -- but, as we have recently learned, lending is fraught with all manner of risky reflexivities, even in some cases to the n-body extent of inherent unknowability of the maturity date of an option. Moreover, only by personification in transference -- a questionable procedure, at best -- is it possible to establish supposed altogether transcendental (not simultaneously immanent, à la, e.g., Tzimtzum Cabala, Dzogchen, pagan animism) preference functions over this Robert's or that Roberts' rules for man][dating a binary-logic distinction between the memetime-bound subjective Rorschach categories: negentropy vs. entropy -- codification in rules of order being at the very least a far-from-equilibrium matter of scale-relativity. Were I personally into personification, I'd have to be a Plotinus-neoPlatonist-Sufi poly-panentheist (i.e., m-logically interpenetrated and atemporally extended nonlocally: utter relative-state identity-transparency) rather than a simple 18th-century Enlightenment pantheist -- conservation laws having long since been established as nested rule-sets (i.e., kakureta kata), and universal physical constants shortly, in the era of quantum computing, to be consensuated m-valued under m-valued logics. Which is to say that beyond cellular networking and wet MoSoSoed meshware, serialized cell-phone novels -- however popular -- will be of little redeeming social utility until parallel processed or inputted with Musculpted kanji. That's kanji in the round, but hardly marmoreal. Not to mention the enormous dysutility which the predominant mindless internetworked telecommunications and computing constitutes when translated into the greenhouse warming and magnetospheric disruption it is responsible for. Imagine the problems the UN will have when it bans cellular novels and kiddy porn and violent computer games! It won't take long for Twitter Mind to evolve a SmartMob collective component very hard to dominate-from-above. Particularly given the degree to which Deep Love of enjo kosai -- one skew-parallel of the cellular novel -- reincarnates and replicates Weimar-Taisho youth movement projective-identification in collective transference over the nation-state denied-disallowed animistic direct-ontic experience of quantum relative-state identity-transparency -- and how this mass regression is being communicated noospherically amongst youth globally (i.e., no longer can be merely a national phenomenon). Such factors will strongly affect the Old Men's UN's ability to implement what it medium-is-the-message, global-village, top-down man][dates to planetarized youth: 2012, 2030, 2050, and so on. Even if today going off-planet remains prohibitive, there clearly are myriad means available to go off-shore by going off-balance-sheet, one form of counter-universal-super-hyper-extraterritoriality which a deeply deep-structured and well-paid police-army power will have to contradictate over a very diverse territorial expanse soon to be universally covered in a supercomplex mountain of paper and/or its electronic equivalent. New Prohibition. New Eliot Ness. New Al Capone. New Bonnie and Clyde. An exarch process transpiring periphery to center, no creation ex nihilo. One more declaration of new global war on whatever. Much better to bring up Twitter Mind from below in Musculpted m-logically-valued superintegrated form.
No, no. Cellular novels are 90-degrees imaginary to Murasaki-Genji, the first novel -- and this was determined by the nature of the quantum-based technology employed: hiragana-katakana in skew-perpendicularity (one essential square-root-of-minus-one feature of first-order quantal operator-time: a contravention of top-down imposition, ethological and otherwise). This is exemplary of reductionistic signification by regressive projective-identification over collective unconscious. It is also why I did not doggedly, beyond the pale, stick to my original ideas for the form of our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh. When I began, around 1978, imagining this novelistic form, I saw it was text pasted up in highly nonlinear fashion, analogically modeling the nonorientability of the cascade/reverse-cascade process, with text inversions, retrograde inversions, font-size nestings, and so on, with an elaborate color-coded index providing a dozen linear maps for movement through the text. But samples of the ideational content of the text itself so alienated those people exposed, there was universal disparagement of the formalistic notions for the novel as a whole. I had no choice but to set aside my ideas for formal structure because I simply could not acquire the funds required to fully realize them. The added consideration of "So what, anyway; this is just more reductionistic signification absent a medium such as Musculpt adequate to the ideational content: operator-time, skew-perpendicularity, so on and so forth" quenched the decades-long nose-down perseverance.
Hey, someone in the mainstream media has mentioned Keynes' bancor, and wouldn't you know it, that person was Ambrose Evans-Pritchard (Russia backs return to Gold Standard to solve financial crisis, Telegraph, 30 March 2009). Not exactly an accurate title, but good enough to help expand the public discourse: at least the Russians and the Chinese will be trying to discuss matters of substance at the G20 meet, even if no one else. They aren't likely to get very far, unfortunately. Including gold bullion in the basket weighting of a new world currency is so far from being such a radical proposal that the fact many people believe this to be so is a clear indication of how unlikely it is anything truly adequate will ever be implemented. I should again note that I am not for transformation of SDRs into an international reserve currency, nor am I an advocate of return to a gold standard or a gold-exchange mechanism as part of a fixed-currency regime. I am for commodity basket currencies in the fashion Keynes imagined bancor, but not as an international reserve currency, which I feel should be an authentic quantum composite of a purely abstract basket qua (fiber)bundle nature -- envision it as a basket woven of fiber bundles of twisted currency threads, these myriad threads and fiber bundles being commodity referenced according to the comparative advantages of the von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock associated with given LETS and their nesting foams. But such could not possibly be implemented top-down, nor would there ever be prior global consensus for such. A consensus would have to emerge bottom-up through use by local paradigm demonstrations, multiple scenarios computer gaming of local indicators, and so very much more (involving many business opportunities, I might add). This idea is not now being expressed because I currently live in a basket-weaving village; this is an idea I've worked with for some decades and my current choice of domicile is simply a synchronistic registering of thematic resonance, which I became aware of after the fact: it was not immediately obvious that the village was a basket-weaving village. One could also talk about world knots, Shinto ropes, sacred soul cloths, and so on.
We have to acknowledge, I think, that not since The Stone Age has there been an authentic attempt to create an equitable monetary system -- and particularly so not since advent of the nation-state system. That goes for both between nations and within given nations. Quite to the contrary, the effort has always been to create a sustainable inequitable system in service to Great Nations, which, by their very defining characteristic expression of The Territorial Imperative, inherently cannot be good doers. Rules of nation-state behavior -- by projective-identification in collective transference: Great Ego vis Great Nation -- are ethological regressions crossed into Newton's laws of motion. No concate(nation) of non-good doers sums -- even by Newton's fluxion calculus -- to good doer. Currently, the situation is unique for at least two reasons: [1] potential presence of a non-dissimulated relativistic-quantum theory of self-organization, and [2] anthropogenic components to a multidimensional planetary crisis which cannot be resolved independent of a global monetary system analogically modeled upon autopoietic (self-generating/self-organizing) properties of the natural processes to which it is thermodynamically interfaced. To the degree a monetary system is implemented analogically modeling natural autopoietic processes, to the same degree will that system be equitable.
Omote-giri/ura-ninjo became a binary disjunction only once the Japanese left The Age of the Gods. Prior to that, it was what was or became known as The Pure Land, the base state of Tzogchen, interfusion of Purusha-Prakriti, Tzimtzum, et cetera: all poly-panentheist expressions of the identity-transparency which is simultaneous transcendence-immanence. Schwebezustand (cf: Stephanie Maher): in thrall of time dilation and spatial contraction, suspended animation; paradoxically, a state characteristic of the onset of animistic identity-transparency. The current tragedy with this is that the Japanese know very well the degree to which Impressionism and Post-Impressionism had origins in The Breeze From the East, yet they have never picked up the ball where the West left it during the WWI period.
The real reason -- as I see it -- why the counter-revolutionary franchise did not overwhelm the single-valued property [which] is theft by the Western industrialized and post-industrialized states -- as well as their few invited guests -- is the one-way, irreversible, far-from-equilibrium character of the negentropy exchange imposed by the single-valued systematics employed: giant tonnages of entropy were extractively created off-shore such that a modicum of political order (composed of Prigoginean dissipative structures) could be maintained on-shore. I do believe, for instance, if the 100,000 or one-million most wealthy Americans were surveyed, evidence of market-dominant minorities (a value-driven phenomenon) would be found, yet supersystem to subsystem inordinately preferential negentropic transfers at expense of the supersystem mollified local-system consequences of the involved single-valued dynamics -- that is, until thermodynamics of the supersystem itself became inordinately degraded. The fact that this issue of single-valued vs. m-valued came to a head in post-WWI Europe, offers considerable insight (civilization-wide collective unconscious psychodynamics of conversion-displacement) into why Hitler was funded, had it not been by this group then it would have been by another, and, more importantly, into why Hitler's identity-purified executioners were so willing -- the latter question rarely being raised, except by C. G. Jung prior to the event. Not that the stigmatized have exhibited much skill over a considerable period at deflecting stigmatization -- which generally is the failure of a subset, or a few such, not the set of all relevant subsets. Moreover, so long as single-valued dynamics continue to be orchestrated by singly-logically-valued monies, no matter how much The Wretched of the Earth express The Anger of the Damned, no matter what Revolution Within the Revolution, there will be little in the way of substantive improvements -- even after The Fire Next Time (a thermodynamic event, one must countenance).
Obviously, everybody is now coming forth to advocate a currency referenced in their own self-interest (for the latest, see: Chavez to seek Arab backing for 'petro-currency', Brian Murphy, AP, 31 March 2009) -- which is exactly what I have been advocating all along. Each and all should have their own vehicular LETS, commodity referenced howsoever they wish. And the international non-vehicle reserve currency should be the abstract quantum composite of all these and more, such that the von Hayek time-shapes of total (global) capital stock are encompassed thereby.
Now I see that the 9-billion human population forecast is for 2040, not 2050; almost a quarter of a million increase per day! It is now so commonplace an assessment that human population is beyond Earth carrying capacity that Nina Fedoroff, one of the foremost U.S. Government science advisors, acknowledges this fact (see: Earth population 'exceeds limits', Steven Duke, BBC News, 31 March 2009) and uses it to justify GMOs (and the involved genetic engineering based on the mistaken assumption that quantum properties of the genome play no significant biological role) and applications of molecular biology to LAND MANAGEMENT. As the atmospheric crisis continues to unfold at a pace and magnitude unanticipated by models of the so-believed-to-be Newtonian, classical-domain atmosphere, all sorts of engineering approaches to that will also appear. By now, it is absolutely clear, beyond all reasonable dispute, that the approach chosen to continue avoiding sociopoliticoeconomic and biology-physics applications of m-valued logics is to attempt to create a Brave New World beyond anything fiction writers have imagined. And it must be admitted that one premise of the economic growth/development true believers -- positive correlation between poverty and population growth -- is not so pristine as is generally thought to be the case. The idea that high per capita income (i.e., poverty eradication) is inevitably associated with a low population growth rate is belied by the case of Saudi Arabia. With a per capita income in the early-1980s on a par with that of the U.S. at the time, the Saudis maintained one of the world's highest birth rates, leading to a drop of three-quarters (~28,000USD to ~7,000USD) in their per capita income by the beginning of the new century (Michael Klare quoting World Resources Institute inflation-adjusted figures and citing articles in Foreign Affairs, N.Y. Times, and the Wall Street Journal, in his book Blood and Oil, Penguin, 2004, pp. 86-7).
Economically-forced urban-to-rural flight in China's once-booming provinces, those provinces once the centers of forced-draft urbanization within economic free-fire zones. Now discussion of city abandonment in the U.S. (America's Abandoned Cities, Mish, 25 March 2009) on the back of bank abandonment of loan foreclosures (Banks Walk Away on Foreclosures, Mish, 30 March 2009). Not only is there still a population explosion, there has been an unprecedented and accelerating mobility-of-labor forced-draft urbanization process due to unbridled development-conceived-synonymous-with-urbanization. One of my arguments has long been that any holocaust of the WholeEarth, were such to occur, would necessarily involve a reversed mass migration corresponding to the Khmer Rouge compensatory-abreactive forced-draft de-urbanization. Hopefully, we are not already seeing the very beginnings of such a thing. By way of follow up: see U.S. cities may have to be bulldozed in order to survive, Tom Leonard, London Telegraph, 12 June 2009. By volume, alone, of information collected, databased, accessed, we live in a global police state many orders of magnitude more elaborate than the WWII-Nazis ever imagined trying to implement. Global Gestapoization is embedded in larger agendas. Certainly there are many, many differences then to now, things haven't coalesced to generalized warfare, yet. No dearth on Earth, yet. But ever since industrialization set in there has been a planetary process, a global policy, of forced-draft urbanization -- to use the term coined by Samuel Huntington to justify Vietnam-war-era free-fire zones -- an assembly-line, mobility-of-labor, rural-to-city coerced migration to terminate family-based small-scale farming, monetize, amalgamate, and industrialize plants and their cultivators, now even to genetically modify plants and their cultivators. Deterioration of the quality of food available anywhere at any price from the period of my youth until today has been unprecedented. The evolution of this centuries-long process/policy, whereby economic development has been arbitrarily defined as synonymous with making conurbations into mega-urban regions, just goes on and on. Or does it? One simply has to question absoluteness of planetarization of population concentrations where arithmetic growth of total human count transits to an exponential curve and Earth's resource base undergoes an inverse phase transition. To all but a Boxman or a Dune Messiah it may appear Outlandish to speak of holocaust of the WholeEarth, but there is a direct unmistakable analogy between the planetary process of forced-draft urbanization and the localized version to which the Khmer Rouge policy of forced-draft de-urbanization was in compensatory abreaction. There was no factor prefiguring the Cambodian holocaust which is not operative on a planetary scale today. When in 1968 at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-HQ, I penned a long intelligence assessment forecasting a large catastrophe if the geographic boundaries of the Viet Nam war were expanded (see our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh for a reproduction of this assessment) I was incapable of imagining anything quite like the Cambodian holocaust. Today, similarly, I am quite certain I cannot adequately imagine to what the term holocaust of the WholeEarth refers.
Bravo! So the Treasury and FED have now pledged almost $13-trillion (Financial Rescue Near GDP as Pledges Top $12.8 Trillion, Mark Pittman and Bob Ivry, Bloomberg, 1 April 2009) to rectification of the $1000+-trillion and growing in derivatives concentrating and transferring risk and local multiplier effects from micro to macro the meta. That oughta do it, don't y'think. Restore growth and unbridled development-conceived-synonymous-with-urbanization needed to sustain human population growth of nearly a quarter of a million per day. How many human billions are the ecologically-balanced carrying capacity of Earth? Two, three, four? One would think that finding a way to have economic organization in the absence of growth would be a high priority -- but it isn't. Here's the ticket: technological innovation without adaptation, without substantive organizational phase transition. As if Newtonian science did not carry an organizational agenda! What does that ticket tell us about event gradients resident in the human collective unconscious?
Think about 1936. The Popular Front era. For many, a time of believing the world's problems were going to be solved. Three years later, the rude awakening. We are about one-quarter of the way through 1936, only the rude awakening is going to be vastly more rude. The present economic mess is a small problem compared to the depth and breadth of problems the species currently faces. No need to itemize those problems yet again. The inane superficiality with which everything is being addressed today is a sure predictor of how rude the rude awakening is going to be.
Why do you think they chose the FDIC as a channel for bailout/anti-toxin funds, given the original and rightful function of the FDIC? The real question is, however, whether or not there are collective unconscious event/behavior gradients responsible for such decisions, and, if so, what created the configuration of those gradients.
Well, obviously, I agree with The Logical Song -- and then again, of course, I don't agree with it at all. Which logic? What order of logical-value? What notion of logical-value? Truth-value? As regards that era, Sweet Dreams are Made of This-what? The Lukasiewiczian is not exactly Toll-House-Cookie logic, Reagan-family-value logic, Royal-Family familial genealogical-tree-logic logic. There are many reasons why I no longer wish to discuss the military aspects, other than the fact that all of that was decades ago for me -- and that I would prefer it remain decades ago for me. When you consider the degree to which the royals were pre-nation-state and subsequently trans-nation-state, how surprising can it be that professional mercenary public-private police-military are the order of the day, and will increasingly be so as cuspover is approached? What is the greatest risk factor at cuspover? Is this somehow related to why the FDIC became a channel for privatization of the Treasury? Who -- what subset or collection of subsets -- is/are the most potent potential enemy(ies) at cuspover? The carryover and the cultural-lag -- which the necktie is, for instance -- are potent elements in forcing configurations of collective unconscious event-behavior gradient flux. Mountbatten of Burma was the son of Queen Victoria's favorite granddaughter, who was the sister of the Tsarina of All the Russias, both of these sisters being daughters of the Grand Duke of Hesse and The Rhine. And how very comely was Grand Duchess Marie of 1918! Origins of binary logic? Origins of the incest taboo? Origins of FEAR of the m-logically-valued as the fear of fear-itself and in-itself? Origins of thematics of current collective phobias-obsessions expressing as ? Gatha poems and formalization of logical syntax? If the so-and-so archetype is the collective unconscious psychological residue of the intergenerational experience of so-and-so, then think about it. Think about mass clinging behaviors in face of a universe one-or-more finds one-or-more does not like because it has been discovered that It's properties do not confirm one's prejudices (as one had thought, or at least had hoped). Such a cognitive circumstance is very, very disconcerting, to say the least. The Archeduke Franz Ferdinand, was he or was he not a digit in a royal-family-logic tree? What did the assassination of that digit archetypally signify? And when were Lukasiewiczian logics codified? And who are currently amongst its greatest practitioners? And why is it, do you think, Lukasiewiczian logics were banished from application to Schrödinger's wave-function? And what, do you think, were the collective consequences of this banishment? And, is it so, you feel, there are currently no continuing reverberations into collective consequences of that banishment? Comely Marie, and some others of her cohort, were sacrificed to what? To what? What is that, you say? And what are the comely Marie's of tomorrow to be sacrificed upon the altar of? But don't imagine antecedent-consequent relations here; synchronicities are the more accurate picture -- insofar as that picture goes.
The fact that global equities markets responded so positively to the G20 summit committing one more trillion dollars against the 1000+ and rapidly growing trillion dollars in derivatives removing local-information and local-multiplier-effects from the major human interface with planet Earth -- this trillion in stimulus, and all the other such trillions, being bearish bets against effectiveness of those derivatives, and hence, themselves, one class of meta-derivatives -- and the coincident relaxing of mark-to-market accounting rules by the Financial Accounting Standards Board, which falsifies all information involved in any and every transaction, local and nonlocal, and the granting of one-half trillion more dollars to the FDIC as a channel for tasks not part of the FDIC's actual mandate, thus further subverting the real function of the FDIC, and, thereby, coincidentally, putting the little guy small depositor under further intimidation, prognosticates poorly, very poorly, indeed, as regards all larger issues and outcomes. The suicidal degree of avarice this positive response marks, and the indication as to how collectively widespread it is, clearly forecasts but, then, actually, we already knew that, eh.
Now six interfaced classical-domain-atmosphere climate models plus observations (see: Study: Arctic sea ice melting faster than expected, Randolph E. Schmid, AP, 2 April 2009) tell us that all of Arctic ice is likely to be gone in 30 years (by non-leaping continuous extrapolation) and that 9+ degrees Fahrenheit surface autumnal temperatures higher than expected is the present case (these prevailing temperatures previously expected by non-leaping continuous extrapolation not until 2070), on the back of observational realization that Antarctic ice shelf is melting much faster than previously predicted by classical-domain-atmosphere climate models. These forecast-ineptitude consequences of insistence that quantum-relativistic properties of Earth's atmosphere play no substantive role in atmospheric processes are in many ways the atmospheric science functional equivalent to the Western great-states/super-economies' insistence that the greatest lack of transparency is resident in Asian states and the developing economies, when the recent financial meltdown has clearly demonstrated that the greatest lack of transparencies has long been in the foremost money centers. And now, with the Financial Accounting Standards Board ordering the legal concealment of mark-to-market transactional information content, that greatest lack of transparency has been formalized into the functional equivalent of the classical limit by which quantum-relativistic properties of Earth's atmosphere have been concealed and, thus, not incorporated into weather-climate forecast models.
Having nothing inherently against intelligent AI and/or smart robotics, still, how can one enthuse over British thinking machines which independently make scientific discoveries and thought-reading Japanese Hakata-geisha-idol robots when one knows the kind of science and the particular technological regime they will be used to enhance? Moreover, it is well to remember that TV [still] has not left the breast, nor has much else. It's just like canned kidney beans! If they are grown in Italy and packaged by a small Italian company, they are one thing; if they are grown elsewhere and processed by a vertically-integrated multinational conglomerate, they are something else altogether. Kidney beans, like all things of this world, have a set of appropriate scales: violate that set at a cost to the whole system! Like so many others, I used to think stupid people do stupid things for intelligent reasons: get more plunder, more power, more plumage prance. But I no longer believe that. Stupid people, being stupid, do stupid things because such doing is comfortable, feels right; whereas, it doesn't feel good when a stupid person, not being stupid, does something intelligent. But awareness of being stupid is another thing altogether. My, what people think they don't think! As regards the muzzle placed on that not-stupid Italian dog (quoting: Italy muzzled scientist who foresaw quake, Gavin Jones, Reuters, 6 April 2009):
Giuliani, who based his forecast on concentrations of radon gas around seismically active areas, was reported to police for spreading alarm and was forced to remove his findings from the Internet. Italy's Civil Protection agency held a meeting of the Major Risks Committee, grouping scientists charged with assessing such risks, in L'Aquila on March 31 to reassure the townspeople. The tremors being felt by the population are part of a typical sequence (which is) absolutely normal in a seismic area like the one around L'Aquila, the civil protection agency said in a statement on the eve of that meeting. It is useful to underline that it is not in any way possible to predict an earthquake, it said, adding that the agency saw no reason for alarm but was nonetheless effecting continuous monitoring and attention.
Fortunately or unfortunately, awareness of toxins is like awareness of tension: below a rather substantial threshold -- like with practice of Progressive Relaxation, only after a considerable learning curve does one know the tension level one has borne -- toxic load and toxic reactivity are not matters of cognizance until a considerable period of detoxification has been undergone. Self-similarly regarding the lithosphere/biosphere/atmosphere as superintegrated whole wholes (see, for instance: Typhoons trigger earthquakes on Taiwan: scientists, AFP, 10 June 2009), it seems very unlikely that the tension-toxin level-load borne over the last millennium will be cognized by human brain until-and-if a considerable period of relaxation-detoxification and appropriate scaling has transpired. Politicized authoritative normal science, and its scientists, are classes of the worst toxic loads we bear the weight of. Perhaps the mind that Honda's smart robot ought to read is that of the intelligent British AI machine. I certainly see no indication the Japanese plan to apply their robotics to Musculpt as mathematical notation, so as to facilitate creation of m-logically-valued LETS and a non-vehicle reserve currency replacement for the dollar -- whereas the myriad November Steps dan mosaics required to create any given m-logically-valued LETS would certainly benefit from employment of smart robotics.
Of course, I see huge parallels between West-more-land's strategy for dealing with the Ho Chi Minh Trail and the strategy the G20 has bought into for dealing with the global financial/economic crisis: change the definitions and change the terminology being the most forward-deployed tactics. Can't beat the enemy, change the definition of enemy strength. Can't prevail over a quadrillion in toxic load of derivatives, change the definitions of toxic and price. Toxic = legacy. Removal of necessity to mark to market = more flexibility in marking to market. Great strategy! Iraq was not the parallel to Vietnam. Afghanistan is not the parallel to Vietnam. It is the planetary insurgency/crisis/meltdown as a whole that is a valid parallel to Vietnam. Change the definitions whenever required so as to win every battle in course of losing the war. A very Postmodernist approach! Thirteen trillion here for U.S. bank and GSE stock and bond holders, a trillion to the World Bank, 250 billion to the IMF for Eastern Europe and the whole of the WholeEarth: that oughta put all those missing local multiplier effects back into effect, don't y'think. Though I agree with George Soros that the dollar will persist for awhile as the foremost international reserve currency (Soros: Dollar Will Remain Reserve Currency, CNBC, 3 April 2009) and that eventually it will cease being the world currency (US Recovery Is Far Off, Banks Are 'Basically Insolvent': Soros, CNBC, 6 April 2009), the concurrence with the notion that SDRs would be an adequate replacement implicit in his pointing to SDRs as a possible replacement is ill advised, I feel. The residue of Popperian commitments to the old order may be making Soros overly optimistic about the long-term efficacy of many unduly persisting fundamentals. The several-currency basket composing SDRs may be synthetic but it certainly is insufficiently generalized to be the quantum composite required by the prevailing global economy to adequately deal with the existing effects of existing quantum-based technologies, let alone those hard upon us: e.g., quantum computers, British thinking machines creating their own science, thought-reading Japanese robots.
Though in terms of counterparty reciprocity derivatives are a zero-sum game, relative to the global economy and its central and transnational banking domains, derivatives are a regressed concrete species of Everett algorithm for maximization, because, even while zero-summing over counterparties, by vectoring capital they concentrate and transfer both risk and multiplier effects from micro to macro to meta. Bundling bundles of bundles. Families of constant entropy surfaces. Surfaces on a surface. We are talking multipliers here. Generalized Lagrange multiplier. Optimization. Software that calculates probabilities and learns from its iterations. Or so it is believed. Digressing: to those at Strategic Research and Analysis in Saigon, SRA/MACV-J2, however, who knew of Everett algorithm applications in logistics and Everett game theory in providing escalation control options, it was pellucid that the VCI were vastly superior at domain decomposition, parallelization, and mesh partitioning -- even though, when given interrogatories, those communist cadres denigrated our line-and-block charts of their cellular meshware (chapter after chapter in verse, if you wished). Returning to the main argument: the significance of this financial walk up The Devil's Staircase has not been understood. Nothing like a quadrillion dollars worth of derivatives existed when markets crashed in 1929. Oping Great Depression Era lessons is, therefore, unlikely to yield the expected outcome -- because the same conditions do not prevail. Conditions today are incommensurably worse. Even if Keynesian policies did actually accomplish what believers believe they accomplished during the Great Depression! Which is debatable and has been extensively/intensively debated until the present day. Optimum solutions to complex logistical problems? Local information is stripped from market processing by derivatives and their bundling into bundles of bundles, thus greatly reducing market self-organizational competency (an optimization problem) -- reducing it to an even lower level than it is by arbitrarily removing externalities alone from market purview. Anthropogenic is a measure of market self-organizational incompetency, the incompetency of markets stripped of externalities and local information. How would adoption of SDRs as a global currency redress this market failure -- as Ambrose Evans-Pritchard seems to imply (see: The G20 moves the world a step closer to a global currency, London Daily Telegraph, 7 April 2009) by his embrace of this idea?
So, what was all their HALO training for, if it was too dangerous to jump into Afghanistan's Northern Alliance AO, a friendly AO? Maybe they didn't have suitcases built well enough (though I doubt that, because back during the Sixties they had cases adequate to drop in microscopes for dark-field analysis). Consider the following as regards Steingart's question, Who or what has got us into this mess? (quoting: The West's Fatal Overdose, Gabor Steingart, Der Spiegel, 3 April 2009):
There are -- even in the modern world -- two things that no private company can do on its own: wage war and print money. Both of those things, however, formed Bush's response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Many column inches have already been devoted to Bush's first mistake, the invasion of Baghdad. But his second error -- flooding the global economy with trillions of dollars of cheap money -- has barely been acknowledged.
Bush's first mistake -- likely, in due course, inflicting a mortal wound on the West -- was the invasion of Afghanistan, not Iraq. People do not at all understand this, however; nonetheless, I will not deign run through explanations yet again. And what did the CIA operatives who finally got into Afghanistan carry with them: suitcases full of dollars, reflecting strategy, a loser's strategy -- given that the VCI David hit the American Goliath in the temple of money, thus winning their war by collapsing the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism (thereby making an explosion of risk-hedging derivatives a virtual inevitability). Every dollar the U.S. printed was a victory in whose back pocket? AQ&A understood this from well before 9/11, publicly stated their understanding, repeatedly -- and were ridiculed for the statements. Ridiculed by the dumb and the cognitively maimed. Not as if the understanding hadn't been around since 1968! Talk to chaos theorists about the ineffectiveness of flapping butterfly wings! See how far you get with them. Don't know nothin' 'bout The Devil's Staircase; don't know nothin' 'bout butterflies. President Obama has given no indication of understanding this any better than did George W. Bush. Every dollar the U.S. prints is a victory in whose back pocket? Walkin' blindfolded and ear-plugged inta
No one on the planet believes that, really believes it, except, perhaps, a few cub reporters and divinity students. These problems will not actually be solved. The resistances are too great. One can be very naive: creating a better idea is ostensibly the best way to change things; but, then, if better ideas are anathema If I argued from the point of view I actually have, rather than to that point of view, then there would be no intersection to speak of with the prevailing framework. Just as quantum computing, as it will soon be realized, is not actual quantum computing, merely a faster way to do 1T2-logic computation, so the SDR as world money could not possibly be an actual synthetic or composite -- only a diversionary sham thereof. How many currencies are there in the world? Three or four or five? A lot more than that, if I am not mistaken. And the existing number is far too few for a high level of self-organizational competency. How many frequencies in a real-world frequency domain; how many superpositions; how many Fourier transforms; how many intensity variations and waveforms over frequency-response windows? A synthesis of three or four or five? And what are the factors determining basket ratios of these three or four or five? And who chooses and how chosen are those factors? And what the significance to self-organizational competency of markets are basket ratios? Just-in-time. Just-on-time. FIFO data manipulation. First in, first out costing valuation. Are market-determined allocations primarily spatial? No? Why, then, are currencies primarily defined over spatial relations? Optimal currency areas. What is the efficacy in that? And what do basket ratios have to do with the defining spatial properties of the currencies synthesized to a supposed store of value? What notion of value? Whose notion of value? And does this value maximize or minimize self-organizational competency? Self-organizational competency at what nesting-foam level? And what are the internality-externality initial conditions and boundary values of self-organization to be permitted (imposed) by the value-notion type employed and stored? A space currency? A time currency? A spacetime currency? F. A. von Hayek says: the time-shapes of total capital stock. This formulation transforms the many Everettian universes into the many Hawking-imaginary and hypercomplex chronotopologies of this one-and-only universe -- in the present case, the universe of financial discourse over resource employments. Operator-time being of the non-von-Neumann formalization. The corpus of these von-Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock for any given spatial currency area should be that currency's commodity-basket reference. Hardly fiat, these time-shapes! Superposed frequencies of the financial frequency domain. Not a mere matter of three or four or five. Fractal entrapment/band-pass bias control by Bose-Einstein condensation at self-organization by resource exchange over changing fractal e-boundaries. Domain decomposition. Mesh partitioning. Parallelization unto the m-logically-valued. Bundles of bundled derivatives synoptically fiber-bundle articulated into nonorientable (macroscale external dimension reenters itself at the microscale internal dimension) families of constant-entropy/equipotential surfaces (relative to a currency's collection of time-shapes, i.e., relative-state) optimally self-distributing over a hypersurface, the Riemannian hypersurface of the frequency-domain composite of all the world's many m-logically-valued LETS, each tagged uniquely to locally-ascertained externalities involved in entropy-negentropy exchanges. The holographic whole Cantorian whole being linear-time independent, growth permitted, but no longer a functional prerequisite to maintenance of self-organizational competency.
Here we go: the long-anticipated geoengineering of climate under the mistaken assumption that Earth's atmosphere is a classical Newtonian domain (Obama looks at climate engineering, Seth Borenstein, AP, 8 April 2009) wherein quantum and relativity theory do not apply. That ought to put the icing on the anthropogenic cake.
Sheath theory applied to tornadoes? What kind of idiot fantasy is that? The kind expressed at Cornell amongst those studying tornadogenesis during the 1970s. The kind that was suppressed by the authorities in the field. The kind that ruined careers and lives. Not only in Italy have forecasters been muzzled. A lot of people have died because of it. Just try to imagine how many more will die. Just try. Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes: what is their foremost commonality? Other than being studied by Earth scientists! All of them are superintegrated one with another and subscribe to the principles of quantum mechanics and relativity physics, and each of them have been subjected by the authorities to the classical limit, deemed separable phenomena, and proclaimed to be in the nature of Nature that they are inherently unpredictable -- at least in detail. Radon gas is a late indicator of earthquakes; EM signatures, late indicators of volcanism. Practicably unpredictable because quantum and relativity theory -- not to mention operator-timed post-quantum-relativity theory -- have been banished. Same as for climate shift, solar-terrestrial interactions, magnetospheric breaches-from-below (transduction effects of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes superconducting in reverse cascade), and so very much more, one can be certain. I think we should put up a space shield of pollution particles, don't you? Quoting LiveScience (Volcano Plumes Spin Like Tornadoes) reviewing a 26 March 2009 Nature article:
The structure and dynamics of volcanic mesocyclones, as well as the presence of lightning sheaths, might be verified with Doppler radar and lightning mapping array, two technologies that have been scarcely used in volcanology, said study team member Gustavo Gioia.
Quoting another LiveScience brief (Dramatic Image Shows Volcano's Lightning, Andrea Thompson, 9 April 2009):
The lightning activity was as strong or stronger than we have seen in large Midwestern thunderstorms, Krehbiel said. The radio frequency noise was so strong and continuous that people living in the area would not have been able to watch broadcast VHF television stations.
Sheath theory applied to volcanoes? What kind of idiot fantasy is that? The temporal-spin moments of Hawking-imaginary and hypercomplex operator-time? The potential vorticity in quantum potential? Cold electrons? Plasma sheath? Idealized sheath? Abnormal glow? Cathode sheath? RF sheath? M-valued plasma sheath? M-valued plasma sheath under the m-valued quantum logics of cold electrons undergoing electron-temperature enhancements? Cold what? What kind of idiot fantasy is that? Why, why, you probably think this has something to do with Immanuel Velikovsky and mass ejection from Jupiter. What a complete idiot! And then there are the electrical properties of space tornadoes to consider: Clara Moskowitz, Electricity Measured Inside Space Tornadoes, Space.com, 23 April 2009.
Well, clearly, the Paine-Kaplan multiscale numerical model of tornadogenesis I have referred to was an application in multigrid methods of numerical analysis involving a hierarchy of nested grid systems with changing boundary conditions through which global macroscale angular momentum cascades from supradomain to domain to subdomain after the fashion of domain decomposition methods of solving boundary value problems. The numerical forecast model refashioned the primitive equation set in the manner of multigrid and domain decomposition methodologies. At least that is one way in which I understand its early history. Later, relativistic and quantum perspectives were employed to modify certain aspects of how domain decomposition was initialized and carried through the cascade process. One of my initial points of contact with this involved seeing parallels with how hierarchically organized insurgent infrastructures carry out dynamical phase transitions between levels of self-organizational competency.
One way to get across the notion of quantal operator-time as full-blown topological operator is to observe, re: Ivars Fabriciuss, that changes of fluxion space (re: time dilation: positions in time and speed of time) induce changes of phase space (re: spatial contraction: points in space and their velocities re: positions in space). But these topological operations occur only at the absolute limiting velocity and the absolute limiting acceleration and the absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration of those (laminate, brane) domains characteristic of the given order of differentiation under consideration, such differentiations being in scale-relativistic nesting foams without lower or upper bound, universal physical constants being m-valued under m-valued logics and topologically resembling a Clifford algebra, to quote Neil Boyd. Every velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration is an absolute limit for some class of limited domains of nesting foams. Every order of differentiation has its own set of associated limits; invariants and conservations, and their violations, have to do with collections of differentiations, and collections of collections, and so on, requiring m-valued logics to handle; and the case of all cases being transfinite without lower or upper bound, we are embedded in an unbounded wholeness, and each limited domain of this unbounded wholeness, by virtue of its subtending infinitesimals, is itself an unbounded wholeness, howsoever bound it may appear when differentiable classes of its identity properties are renormalized out. The multi-scale, nested-grid, cascade, numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis developed on NASA's mainframes during the late-1960s and early-'70s by Douglas A. Paine of Cornell and Michael L. Kaplan of NASA-Langley programmed a notion of turbulence virtually identical to that described by Ivars. The mathematics of this forecast model (most of it never published beyond severe storms conferences proceedings) is also very close to current work being published in the field of acoustic analogues to black hole computers. Back during the '70s, the authorities in black hole physics rejected the notion that there could be facsimiles to black holes, as well as blackbodies, in Earth's atmosphere. And the atmospheric science community had precluded such a possibility back in the late-1940s by renormalizing (i.e., re-scaling, dropping out of view certain collections of differentiations) the primitive equation set for atmospheric dynamics such that acoustically-modified gravity wave modes no longer appeared as a discrete term in the diagnostic equations of forecast models. The cascade process, according to Paine-Kaplan theory, is essentially a 3-fold (real, imaginary, hypercomplex) wave guide, i.e., temporal operator, through the nesting foam of differentiations. I personally believe this may be of import relative to climate-shift dynamics, for instance.
One of the primary reasons I do this -- make a record of thoughts in journal-entry format -- is to periodically conduct various forms of traffic analysis upon them. Almost continuously since seventh-grade English class (Mr. Higgins, Ypsilanti, Michigan, 1958) have I been keeping a personal journal, and studying back over the entries on a rotating basis beginning in 1963 upon reading Maurice Nicoll's account (Commentaries, of course) of why such analysis should be done: certainly one of the most productive techniques of inner work my life has availed. To the tune of thousands and thousands of pages -- thrown away when I have finished with them. Same with the drawings and paintings produced over a half-dozen-year period with similar purposes in mind. Such inner work, moreover, can be deepened to a tap into the collective unconscious -- as Jung well knew, and is well illustrated by the visual and other phenomena associated with autogenic abreactions. For instance, one observation available to traffic analysis on the journal-type entries posted on this website and the website devoted to our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, is that every avenue by which ideas like those advocated here could be developed and implemented has been systematically blocked with dissimulation of one sort or another. Decades of scouring for an opening and none has been found. I do not attribute this efficiency to a conscious conspiracy. Each, all, and everything arising to binary-logic-organized awareness is anthropogenic -- because nothing else in nature, besides human cognition, is wed to 1T2 logic. Even cosmic hands reaching for the divine light! And nebular DNA helix-coil transitions. Ain't no spacetime double-helix, right? Dissipated into a probability fog, right? Mists over Platonia? No, not a conscious conspiracy; event gradients of the collective unconscious (what has been referred to as an unconscious conspiracy theory: archetypes, the forms of uses, Platonic ideals, kakureta kata). The traffic analysis aids in ascertainment of the curvature configuration of those gradients. Clearly, the efficiency with which every avenue has been blocked portrays a strange-attractor-type gradient: She-who-WILL-be-believed. But I am wildly optimistic in believing -- and I do so believe -- that it is reasonable to suppose a ten-percent human survival rate at cuspover (not merely a few human breeding pairs localized to the poles). This optimism is largely based upon observations made at war. The ability of human beings -- teens into their mid-20s -- to survive is virtually beyond comprehension. I think most of the survivors will fall into that age range, and that they will be dispersed about areas few wish to be in, desolate areas, areas difficult to survive in even during normal times. And amongst those survivors once again will emerge, by animistic identity-transparency, the m-logically-valued in low-tech format. The first of yet another Last and First Men.
Well, obviously. Think about it. Would a non-vehicle reserve currency be subject to market valuation, whatever the notion of value employed? Would it be indirectly so subject? Why would Keynes and White have advocated a non-vehicle reserve currency? They certainly did not advocate SDRs -- or anything closely resembling. SDRs came thirty years later and their origination was motivated by vastly different considerations. When bancor and unitas were left by the wayside during the 1944 conference -- and, incidentally, Bretton Woods was hardly FDR and Churchill sitting down over brandy and cigars -- only then did a return to the gold standard get rejected, primarily by U.S. refusal, and the quite different, dollar-prejudiced, gold-exchange mechanism become the accepted compromise. Back then, even with the U.S. having demanded gold in payment for virtually everything during the war and thus in possession of the bulk of the world's monetary gold, still, institution of a dollar-neutral gold standard could not have been obtained at anything like $35/oz. Nowadays, start thinking over $10,000/oz. (and note all the manifold disparities, injustices, and outright disregard of the time-shapes of total capital stock such institution of gold would entail). Not even to mention supply-side inelasticities, and all that would inflict. IMF and World Bank were further Bretton Woods compromises (with sustained mission creep) for U.S. refusal of Keynes' International Clearing Union notion. Reach your own judgments as to why the refusals and the compromises. I long ago reached mine. With an authentic quantum composite non-vehicle reserve unit, there would be only very indirect market valuation. With a myriad of m-logically-valued LETS benchmarked (initial conditions) to the time-shapes of total capital stock of the given (small) optimum currency area and tagged to indicators of internalities/externalities (one class of constantly changing boundary conditions), the LETS would be semi-directly market valued, and valuation of the quantum-composite superposition of all such LETS and their nesting foams, i.e., the non-vehicle reserve unit, would automatically change as to valuation of the Everettian relative-state of all such LETS and their nesting foams -- which, themselves, would be partially automatically semi-revalued according to fluctuations of measureables (quantum operators) indicating changing values of externalities, to include environmental variables (some of which might be related to climate-change drivers, for instance). The quantity of Batesonesque schizophrenogenic double-binds currently operative in the global economic cinema vérité cannot be underestimated. As a real-skinny-type for instance -- G2 = V2? -- the Chinese clearly want SDRs as a world currency so they can get out of their dollar-denominated holdings free of charge with a pat on the back for their export-led economy's monetary policy (a policy not unlike the U.S. employed at a similar state of development), but were they to so get out by somehow forcing U.S. acquiescence, then the U.S. could not continue indefinitely postponing the inevitable by printing dollars into Cantorian transfinites to stave off a bottomless deflationary blackhole Hawking-driven by a quadrillion and exponentially growing platform of fiber-bundled derivatives defraying the risks incumbent upon permitting unlimited dollar creation (reserve currency also a vehicle currency). Access to unlimited dollars requires bottomless deflation, otherwise what happens to the global Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian agenda? Why, sundering of the classical limit, of course! With something like three-quarters of global assets denominated in dollars, the issues involved in this double-bind are writ large even over the smallest participant. Live together or destroy the planet! is too small an injunction. Can one imagine a way (framework conditions) of living together actually compatible with reciprocal maintanence (relative-state) of the planet and larger and smaller spheres?
I jus' luve it! Estonia's internet Bank of Happiness, nurtured by Tiina Urm (see: Bartering Services to Combat Recession, Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 10 April 2009). One more unique local approach to LETS. The more the better. The more the local information (and explicit marking of information at all scales) the better the self-organization, the thinner Leviathan's Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian thin blue line required to insure spontaneous social order -- heh-heh-heh! -- and the closer the approach to fulfilling the functional prerequisites, to constellating the autopoietic operators, of no governance is the best self-government. Everettian m-valued non-probabilistic quantum relative-state -- which never collapses into mere single-valued governance, an outright reduction -- is spontaneous autopoiesis (self-production + self-organization). Describing an occasion of origin for the Bank of Happiness -- a critical and cooperative phenomenon, technical terms in quantum mechanics (Mish quoting Estonia's Bank of Happiness: Trading Good Deeds, Anjana Ahuja, Times of London, 8 April 2009; note this article was not published in the Finance Section, but under the rubrics of Style and Women; gives one an idea of how poorly informed, backward-looking, and denigrating is the Times editorial staff):
On that day, people were happy afterwards. It made me think -- this is how work was done 100 years ago, he says. It wasn't just boring old work, it was done collectively and gave us a feeling of connectedness.
That is, to repeat: a feeling of connectedness. Subclinical, low-grade, early-stage onset of Bose-Einstein condensation to non-simple identity (technical term in quantum mechanics), of animistic identity-transparency, the essence of the quantum potential responsible for autopoietic processes of self-production and self-organization. Done right, governance would slowly melt away into the status of cultural lag. Either we do it, or nature does it to us.
Singapore's online SME-internetworked Barterxchange is a form of LETS with some global reach. I am a strong supporter of all such efforts, because the more their number and the greater their variety, the better (as discussed in many locations on this webpage) the foundation for eventual commodity-referenced fractal-boundaried e-nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS and associated non-vehicle international reference (reserve) currency quantum processed over a Gödel-numbered Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space publicly posted as Musculpted symorphonie.
Fulsome disagreement is what I can offer. Re-form in the form of the natural processes interfaced with is not an empty notion. There is zero, repeat zero, chance of success with the present default strategy -- default because there is in actuality no strategy at all, only an incoherent collection of reactionary tactical responses and minor modulations of existing mechanisms. The behaviors involved in driving the prevailing global crisis spring from every hamlet and household, most aspects of moment-to-moment ADLs (activities of daily life). The Suuuupreme Signifier flying in His Cosmic Command Helicopter with U.N. insignia rulin' and regulatin' what each and every of 9-billion persons MUST wear attached to his/her Sam Browne belt, and verifying this in real-numbered real-time with twittered biofeedback of carbon footprints and myriad varieties of remote sensing has zero, repeat zero, chance of dealing with greenhouse warming, Global Hawks or no Global Hawks, let alone the other non-Newtonian aspects of climate shift, let alone the nearly uncountable additional planetary and solar-system factors involved in the present global crisis rapidly approaching cuspover. The Federalist Papers were about centralization, not decentralization. The denouement on greenhouse warming was outcome of the Hamilton-Jefferson debates on what came to be designated the national debt. Got that? January 14, 1790: Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton's Report on Public Credit. Conflate local debts to a national debt, beginning financial march up The Devil's Staircase. All the very same issues, all the very same attitudes as those of today. Same outcome, too, very likely. Personally, I think at least the French grants under the Marshall Plan (which allowed the French to divert a significant portion of their budget to the war in Indochina) were utterly appropriate -- given that the French monarchy bankrupted the French aristocracy in funding the American revolution, and thus ameliorated what became the U.S. national debt. Hamilton set himself against the polity, wanted to create a federal bank (in part owned by private investors); wanted to create an AU national currency (much later, model for the EU's euro: shows you which century Europe is currently stuck in); wanted to make new bonds derivative over old bonds. Industrially rape a virgin land or create an ecological society? Jefferson was just an all around loser, unsuccessfully tried to get a prohibition of slavery into the Declaration of Independence, whatever the logical inference employed, howsoever justified by a slave owner: might as well have recommended whale sashimi or lobster-in-baguette sandwiches to the ABFA (American Beef Fabricator's Association) or tried to outlaw the justice of frontier genocide later promulgated as The Turner Thesis -- wherever the frontier happened to be at any given memetime, out there in St. Louis, over in Iran, Guatemala, Viet Nam, Afpak It was no mere happenstance that enlightened 18th century rationalism rationalized genocide and slavery: ego autonomy transferred to, and encapsulated in, vestments of the Westphalian nation-state, a projected condition of mind protected from threat of the animistic contagion and participation mystique and identity transparency endemic to Injun Cuntry, that brutish All-Against-All State of Nature, and prevalent upon The Dark Continent of the collective unconscious (requiring a Night Sea Journey in this or that Ship of the Dead to get between there and here). To the plantarch mau-mauing plantation mambos in the lost world of Thomas Jefferson: the Natural Right and Gravitation guaranteed by the Great Clockmaker's Antiquity in His Chosen Land. Gravitation. Don't believe it? You'd better believe it. What happened is WHY what happened happened. Heh-heh-heh! Jefferson's various appeals to the other Founding Fathers would have done better had he harked back to the primordial institution of Frankpledge for a notion of American amerce -- the Tonari Gumi, the pao chia, of Anglo-Saxon lore, plus the coerced compulsory, plus the ensured surety, because the Japanese and Chinese cases at the village level and below (The Emperor's mandate stops at the village gate!) were based, in the period before Western incursion upon the East, largely in the spontaneous self-organized social criticality fostered by animistic relative-state identity-transparency -- the only English basis (stretching it, admittedly) for m-logically-valued LETs. O, Norman, you were such a spoiler! Hamilton prevailed because Jefferson pitted himself against the internal logic of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian world construct. The outcome was foregone because the Dark Continent of the collective unconscious inculcated fear and loathing of identity transparency with and through nature, this fear and loathing marked by the signifying term all against all regarded as the state of nature. A so-called social contract rationalized and morally justified Leviathan's Newtonian defense mechanisms against the all against all threats hallucinated as continuously mounted by the state of nature and transferred by collective conversion-disorder displacement to other parties with whom one could conduct warfare as a dissimulation and cover for the warfare one continuously mounted against the nature one hallucinated as constantly on the attack (Rome plows, Agent Orange, and so much more engaged in by West-more-land, as samples of the more graphic recent illustrations and synchronicities). Wrote a long essay on this theme for Elspeth Rostow in early-1964 (AU-SIS, Am Civ Seminar 2 of 4); she didn't think much of it, gave me a C+. The large amount of background reading for that essay, though, set my orientation to evaluation of the various prevailing evaluations of Schrödinger's wave-function, let me tell you! Jefferson didn't have a chance against all that, and, retroflexively, we can be certain that greenhouse warming and associated climate-shift drivers markedly accelerated in magnitude soon after the Hamilton-Jefferson debates ended. Concatenating all that which Jefferson didn't have a chance against to a U.N. and associated multilaterals and multinationals -- all processing with single-valued binary logic -- humanity has zero, repeat zero, chance of successfully surviving the currently evolving circumstances. Successful adoption of the form of the natural processes interfaced with is the only recipe for survival. And it is an issue of survival or not, not merely how well or badly things will go. Having identified ourselves with on/off logic, we have condemned ourselves to that either/or.
The biggest anthropogenic framework condition is prescriptively enculturated electrochemical induction of glutamatergic neuronal etching: yielding a severely impaired human brain without conscious registration of the m-logically-valued processing emanating from the temporal-curl attributes of the quantum properties of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA's free-electron gas core. Electrochemical classical limit placed upon the nonlocal quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain. This is the operator-time-excluding brain state of choice, the most endeared to ruling elites and their effector organs: institutions. Allan Schore's Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self. Set this semi-official endorsement of brain impairment by socialization of cognition beside Heinz Hartmann's Ich-Psychologie und Anpassungsproblem. A 1930s title, which, for the 2030s, should be retitled Ego Psychology and the Problem of Human Species Survival. This particular framework condition sets severe limits upon possible re-form-ation of other anthropogenically-imposed framework conditions: e.g., basic notion of what money can and cannot be. Under such conditions, popularize? Once ideas are consciously spread out, they have lost the potential difference resident in their quantum potential (a basic principle of Shinto ritual on display in The Moon of Hoa Binh). If origin of species is not in singly-logically-valued survival of the fittest simple-identity (as construed in binary-mind of linear-time-bound evolutionists), but in the quantum potential of non-simple Schrödingerian (1925) m-logically-valued (1921) Mereschkowskian (1926) and Margulisian symbiogenesis, is living then the object of life, and not success? Is economic success successful? Can human species and biosphere survive the "success" of economic success? If not, how is "success" to be suppressed? Rule-regulation-from-above? Rather than internationalization of internalities, internalization of externalities? Emulation of the self-organizing functions in natural systems performed by viscosity over nesting foams? Inculcation of self-modulating nesting-foam viscosity by fractal e-boundaries-without-boundary upon which legal tenders are defined? Quantal m-logically-valued symbiogenetic non-simple identity as origin of species is more instructive as a bioeconomic model of framework transitions than is an ecological economics fixated upon analogies primarily derived from thermodynamics and molecular biology. Once militarily sponsored and sustained, Amy Chua's market dominant ethnic minorities cannot be peacefully displaced-from-above by regulatory interdiction in large measure because of the effector organs of the biggest anthropogenic framework condition. Nor can the other anthropogenic framework conditions be substantively re-formed from below because of the biggest anthropogenic framework condition and its effector organs. This dilemma is not solvable by exogenously introduced antidote to the neurotransmitter glutamate, because of dose-habituation and side-effects -- a fact over-studied by John C. Lilly, M.D. Some people were well thought into the global crisis almost half a century ago! And how many of those addicted to Most Holy Ghetto Blaster and Anime are likely candidates for ketaminergic ZaZen? Moreover, exogenous interdiction while leaving the causative agent -- prescriptive enculturation -- unsubverted is surely a failed strategy. Even universal access to Summerhill free-school and 1Gb/sec SoftBank Musculpted-kanji MoSoSo-Twitter ATMing of The Bank of Happiness could not substantially improve human brain-situation short of several generations of Hartmann's deautomatization and associated autogenic brain discharges (though this could be speeded up with SmartDress, EscherFormDance, and the biofeedback-equipped Lilly Tank). Any potentially successful global crisis strategy hoping to substantively re-form anthropogenically imposed framework conditions must take consequences of the biggest anthropogenic framework condition into account.
The under has always been a self-subterfuge because the mapping over and into personification is, was, and will remain one-to-one onto. One has to look at psychotopology of the actual case! One Nation Under God. One Market Under God. One World Currency Under God. Subterfuge regarding the electrochemical origin of self. Nation as patriarchal projection of the egos' Riemann sphere from the unit circle of ethnicity, this circle itself projected from the center-point of duteous nuclear (newly clear) familiality written by fire on stone and carried DOWn the sacred slope of the event gradient to smite the tribal idols out of which sprang The Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion, its quark symmetries, God particle, and final theory. Even though the ego-in-projection must arbitrarily sever its sacred sphere (God playing hide-and-seek with Himself) in order to create a lineally-referential memetime by which to produce a smiting event gradient, still, the idols of the tribe characterized as being all-against-all raise their symbiogenetic head(s) in relative-state identity-transparency by the collective and cooperative phenomena (superconductivity, supersolidity, superfluidity ) of participation mystique which is The Genome as quantum(a) relativity(ies). Under m-valued logics, singular is plural; the plural, singular.
Provide me with a plausible scenario as to how molecular-cellular human brain -- anthropogenically severed from the m-logically-valued processing conducted by its quantum substrate -- could embrace authentic quantum perspectives on human systems, and, for the very first time, to quote Madonna, I will devote some attention to the notion of prevention. One has to understand, I feel, implications of the fact that even the pre-Inca 3-logically-valued Aymara language -- existence of which tells us a great deal about the superior quantum connectivity of the Aymara-Quechua-indio brain -- was a relatively late development in history of the Andean civilization, the critical phase transition of which likely took place more than a thousand years before the Aymara-Inca interface. Languages µTm-logically-valued certainly are/were much older -- in Last and First Men terms -- than is Aymara. But as the Andean Priesthood apparently is still aware, the higher-indicesed µTm-logically-valued languages were/are not speakable, but quantum-mechanically unspeakable as Musculpted telepathy (the tele being a mistaken Newtonian information-theory propagation attribution; the pathy being a binary-logic-imputed stigmatization) qua identity-transparency. The Chinese ideograph, for instance, is one thing which can happen to a µTm-logically-valued language when, for whatever reason, it precipitously phase shifts into 1T2-yin/yang-logical processing modality (all the modes of the previously available Musculpted language collapsing to the pentatonic scale alone). How, therefore, could the binary-fixated-mind tolerate folk-music echoes of the Musculpt which once was language unspeakable? How do I know about this? You are not very much here, are you? I have been asked several times in my life. How do you know? has been my reply. Because I can never explain what it is that you do, were the nearly-repeating retorts. I know about this because I root-pruned trees for years and years as a form of meditation practice. Generative empathic bonding. Given the fact that the unspeakable in quantum mechanics is being evermore experimentally what are the odds of a better than ten-percent ?
As I think I noted not long ago, I am unhappy discussing military issues at this point -- for many reasons, not the least being that I could only address the-most-general of generalities, as I have no detailed information whatsoever at my disposal, no desire to obtain such, nor any willingness to analyze it were it available to me. Been there. Done that. Nothing, and so be it. That said, I can, however, for the sake of dialogue, in response, suggest that professionalization and privatization of militaries are prefigurative and reflective trajectories (me thinks the lady doth protest too much-type revealing behaviors): as the planetary urban-rural divide continues to magnify in context of gathering global insurgency against the very idea of the nation-state, there is increasing risk (mobility of labor having decades ago become synonymous with forced-draft urbanization -- and many other similar inflammatory, even holocaust-inducing, factors) that military allegiances, as directed from above, will not hold under extreme stress of contexts-AOs-TAORs-missions inflicting conflicting injunctions. There are many historical precedents regarding this evolving state of affairs, and authorities have long been aware of these, as well as the drift of events. Over the long haul, however short or long that may be, the odds are not heavily weighted to the authorities' favor -- as the long-sundered metaphysical foundations are increasingly fragmenting down well into concrete particulars and occasions. Just look -- for those visually dominated, the spatial component prevails -- at the array of relevant variables, their couplings and ongoing functional marches. This circumstance in itself is an important variable, with its complement of reflexivities. Reflexive behaviors are not only endemic to markets. Whole continents of security-insurance factors long taken for granted are slipping into the sea of uncertainty. As each battle is won, the insurgent recruitment base grows and grows and grows. When one's worldview construct construes a conflict in such a fashion that its actual strategic dimension cannot exist, is denied into oblivion, some tactical matters are taken to be strategic, all resources are focused upon tactical interdiction thought to be strategic, and one is doomed to win every battle. This is precisely what happened in Viet Nam where the quantum-relativistic dimension, which was the actual strategic dimension (see our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh), simply did not exist in cognizance of the counterinsurgent; this is precisely what is happening in realms of counterterrorism and attempts to counter those in planetary insurgency against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian nation-state and its supernumerary agglomerations; this is precisely what is happening vis-à-vis collapse of the global financial system and its supposed homeopathic cures; and this is precisely what is happening relative to the gathering biospheric and atmospheric challenges: the actual determining factors simply cannot be allowed to exist. Were they to be acknowledged, one would already have lost -- for, in the terms of one's worldview construct, to win is to successfully deny their existence. But, if one does not so acknowledge, one will lose, because they are the actual determining factors. I personally learned something about the general properties of such dilemmas while locked in the Egyptian Embassy in Washington, D.C., and into various conversations there. I studied bonsai for several years under one of the leading experts. This, as it turned out, was unique entre to learning something of Islamic extremism. In the years just back from Viet Nam, I not only helped the resident gardener prune trees at the Japanese Embassy, but was very much in demand for any pruning task deemed too difficult to attack for those not specially trained. No place for amateurs! Apparently, on one of her trips to Washington, Mrs. Sadat had made some less than adulatory comments on state of the garden at the Embassy of Egypt. Somehow, possibly by referral provided by Julia Helms, whose Japanese garden I maintained, I was invited to the Embassy to see what I could do to improve the garden. I appeared there to perform pruning tasks on the morning of 6 October 1981 and very soon found myself locked up and unable to leave due to Anwar being assassinated on that day. This was a decade after the Munich Massacre, but on the same general-relativistic world-line, given Anwar Sadat's counter-Nasserism and consequences. Essential outsiders? Why is the outsider essential; indeed, what actually is the outsider? The transference figure, i.e., the transferee, is appropriate to the transferer -- by virtue of the involved properties of the process of projective-identification. The object of the projection has characteristics sufficiently similar to the subject in projection to have warranted having been subliminally chosen as the repository of projection, and to have acquiesced to it sufficiently as to have facilitated onset of identification. If this principle of appropriate vessel is confined to the clinical psychoanalytic occasion, then there is no threat to sacred cows of the larger society. Collective transference by mass projective-identification, however, is denied by mainstream psychology for many reasons -- so as to provide no endorsement of collective occasions of experience and nonlocal quantum-brain processing; non-denial would pull the social psychologist's participation inconsciente or participation mystique or psychic contagion into purview of clinical psychology, thus no longer relegating this phenomenon solely to primitives, tribes, peasants; support would undermine the notion of unambiguous individual personal guilt under law of the sovereign Westphalian state, thus fuzzy-logicing the basic institutionalized-religion and Congress of Vienna nation-stated concepts of crime and punishment by and of the absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct such that force divided against itself, or no, would be less sustainable -- but the most potent of the reasons is to protect the common definitions of scapegoating, stigmatization, profiling, branding, prejudice, and so on. Because of these and other demise-of-the-worldview-construct-related factors, today, the most likely scenarios, in my judgment, all fall within the class of worst cases. Even considering only mainstream notions of historical drivers and assumptions like validity of a classical limit, the odds against non-worst-cases, over term, are very high -- possibly even astronomical. Having for decades believed this to be the case, my primary impetus has been simply to look more deeply and to reject out of hand any notion of solution that does not appear to most people as pie in the sky. This thing -- to quote George H. W. Bush -- is half a century beyond -- terrorism hardly started, for instance, with Black September -- rectification, well into pie-in-the-sky solutions only, and most people still don't actually believe it is really happening, make no effort to discover what it could possibly be, and certainly have not altered their personal lives accordingly. Fine. I priced that behavioral repertoire into my assessment forty years ago. Absolutely evident watching how people reacted to worldview shattering in Viet Nam. And the absolutely worst case would be for the global leadership elite to successfully clean up the international banking system and derivatives markets, return the global economy to prosperity, consumption, development, and growth. Nine-billion people by 2040 will not survive with a global economy the foremost products of which are entropy of low-grade conflict and outright warfare, want creation, built-in obsolescence, conspicuous consumption, ever increasing numbers of disposables, ever decreasing percentage of repairables, where the factors of production are transported globally, products are transported globally, food is transported globally and consumed without regard to season, and on and on. Even if the fossil-fuel crisis were solved by 2040. Even if carbon cap-and-trade were put into place globally. If cap-and-trade started to be implemented, how would the contracts be enforced once the hardships seriously set in -- given that everything but everything is being more and more centralized? Command ecological economics! Work any better than the Soviet model? How much of the cap-and-trade carbon reduction would be off-set by the carbon release of the global enforcement effort? Given that all forms of local autonomy are increasingly being defined criminal, the memetime will come when the only authentic routes to human species survival will involve crime. Moreover, the violence Amy Chua, for instance, decries -- including Rwanda, the Balkans, plus even the Cambodian holocaust -- is so miniscule compared to the violence which came before and is sure to come after -- one has to be under-overawed.
I learned of Tzimtzum, but little about it, from a young woman I frequently encountered in the library at American University during the years 1963-5 while I was there studying at the School of International Service. She was deeply steeped in Kabbalah (or Cabala). There were many fascinating discussions, but little reading on my part. I have no doubt, however, that this exposure had a profound influence on my subsequent intellectual history. Already, I was vaguely viewing Tzimtzum (Self-contraction of the Divine) as one early treatment of collapse of Schrödinger's wave-function (which I had first learned about some memetime in high school). It was much later, at some point while studying tornadogenesis at Cornell, when it occurred to me that Tzimtzum is tantamount to the arbitrary cut made in consensus treatments of the Riemann sphere by which memetime is anthropogenically created (a heretical usurpation of Divine Right!). I had more or less figured that out for myself by the memetime I ran across Post's 1921 article on m-valued logics in the Cornell mathematics library. This sequence of connections is not at all strange because, formally speaking, there is a great deal in common between the cascade theory of tornadogenesis and the Tzimtzum theory of panentheistic creation of concrete space and referential time (prerequisites to separability, simple-identity, locality). It is no mere coincidence, but a synchronicity borne of projective-identification, that so many atmospheric scientists refer to tornadoes as pathological phenomena and that fistfights were not unheard of at severe storms conferences where papers on cascade theory were presented. To get the flavor of it, I suggest a covariant reading of the following quotation provided by Wikipedia with Roger Penrose's account (p. 136, The Road to Reality, Jonathan Cape, 2004) of how he was taught to cut the Riemann sphere -- a, in his words, distasteful and brutal mutilation. There is little beyond the disparate valuations to substantively distinguish between the two accounts. Quoting the Wiki treatment of Tzimtzum (Etz Chaim, Arizal):
Prior to Creation, there was only the infinite Or Ein Sof filling all existence. When it arose in G-d's Will to create worlds and emanate the emanated He contracted (in Hebrew tzimtzum) Himself in the point at the center, in the very center of His light. He restricted that light, distancing it to the sides surrounding the central point, so that there remained a void, a hollow empty space, away from the central point After this tzimtzum He drew down from the Or Ein Sof a single straight line [of light] from His light surrounding [the void] from above to below [into the void], and it chained down descending into that void In the space of that void He emanated, created, formed and made all the worlds.
As Roger Penrose later describes -- or rather how I understand what he describes -- in The Road to Reality, this Tzimtzum as an arbitrary cut in process of formation of the Riemann sphere is instrumentally involved in how quantum mechanics gets a linear reference time by which to contract or restrict or constrict Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation (and in my terms, how consensus quantum mechanics banished both operator-time and Lukasiewicz m-valued logics relative to Schrödinger's wave-function) to a time-dependent wave equation. The drawing of a single straight line chaining down the sides surrounding the central point is the operation performed on the unit circle required to yield linear reference time, and which simultaneously precludes, i.e., cuts off, the temporal curl at foundation of the cascade theory of tornadogenesis (additional manipulation is required to get a Prigoginean irreversible linear reference time). In a sense, one could argue that Riemann's childhood attempts to mathematically prove biblical Genesis were realized during his maturity as a mathematician. From back during the 1970s, I have been saying, The Penrose twistor is quantization of the temporal curl! But most twistor theorists have not been students of tornadogenesis or Tzimtzum. What is hardly ever understood is that the single straight line is actually twisted (the temporal curl accomplished by operator-time) into Hawking-imaginary-number and hypercomplex-number dimensions at each occasion of chaining down descent into the void, e.g., cascade of complex angular momentum (originating, scale-relativistically speaking, at our sun, a source of His Light, and conveyed by the solar wind) at tornadogenesis.
How many generations was it between Abel's Impossibility Theorem of the 1820s and the generation of Roger Penrose? Eric Temple Bell did his Ph.D. dissertation on Abel (cyclotomicity: a brilliant essay on cascade theory which none of the so-called mathematical geniuses of the period could understand -- heh-heh-heh! -- these geniuses, for their lack of understanding -- heh-heh-heh! -- carrying the most culpability for violence of the 20th century and condition of the planet, circa 2009), wrote half a dozen related books, President of the American Mathematical Society, editor of its journal. All this effort made not the slightest bit of difference: the dissimulations continued unabated. And Bell's insurgency was carried out within the belly of the beast on an extremely timely basis: began well before onset of WWI, the important books coming out during the early-to-mid-1930s, well before onset of WWII. So, if Bell could accomplish nothing back when brain-antagonizing forms of psychopathic resistance were far less elaborate than they are today
You don't really accept as all-inclusive the consensus accounts of collapse of the USSR and proximal onset of the Persian Gulf war, do you? You don't really accept as comprehensively-last-words the consensus accounts of capitalization of the post-Soviet gladiator-godfather oligarchs of the Moscow circus-casino crash-capitalism/shock-therapy fire-sale/privatization, do you? In both cases, outside and subside influences have hardly been touched upon. Organ-ically -- Haalahala-haalahala-haalahala! in C-minor fugue -- well beyond the lighter shades of Pale is that notion we all FEAR as fear-itself and in-itself: regression in projective-identification by the suppression constellating collective transference, no mere conscious conspiracy. Doing everything I've been able to discover to escape the psychodynamic processes of personification and concretization, I, obviously, do not subscribe to a His Light treatment of Tzimtzum where the His is indisputably a projective transference of simple-identity onto orders of the transfinite (and m-logically-valued) precluding such identity and requiring recourse to Tzimtzum to contract-constrict to it, i.e., the it being the His as simple-identity in superlative. Conflicts over this are internal to Judaism, between Cabalists and those opposed to Cabala; internal, that is, until suppressed and hence secularized by regression in projective-identification at collective transference: entry into science, law, medicine, politics, economics, finance, monetary theory These conversion-disorder displacements are collective-unconscious subsidence of the overt scene. But Tzimtzum is just the Hebrew treatment; whereas there are also Amaterasu's cave, Plato's cave, Vedic involution, Tantric descent, the Gnostic road to the real world through the sun, and many other varieties of panentheism offering details concerning the nature of temporal curl such as the omnipresent-in-Southeast-Asia (e.g., Relief, south wing of east gallery, Angkor Wat; Van Mieu, Hanoi) cosmic Kurma-tortoise of Hindu mythology with the Mt. Mandaran axis of spin plunged into the hexagonal/equilateral-triangular quark symmetries inscribed upon its shell (i.e., the shell being treated a symbol of the universal covering surface of the m-logically-valued reference space). My personal orientation is to the Tzog-chen AllBase treatment where personification is absent. The axis of spin penetrating symmetrical interstices is the yantric leitmotiv of the Cabalistic Tree of Life which transliterates within the decision sciences -- by secularization -- to the administrative line-and-block chart. My early personal history with systems theory aspects of Tzimtzum-type processes included studies of the Viet Cong (political) Infrastructure where the superposed role attributions peopling the administrative Tree of Life were mapped upon boundary conditions in a state of near-constant flux (vis: churning of the Sea of Milk). This mapping/churning, I believed, had more to do with the Tzimtzum signified by Saigon's now-extinct Turtle Monument (the Kurma-tortoise with the axis of spin riding upon its back in a pond in the center of a traffic circle: apt metaphysical/mathematical site-parameters) than with Marxism-Leninism. There is, of course, in Taoism an account of the center in the midst of the conditions provided in The Secret of the Golden Flower which has much in common with Cabalistic treatments of Tzimtzum. Given that there was much Taoism in Maoism, these considerations are not irrelevant to what the Cultural Revolution attempted to do to the party apparat: the power of regression at conversion-disorder displacement can hardly be over-estimated. One could even entertain the notion, hypothetical, of course, that the Kissinger/Chou En-lai related The Five Fingers operation, targeting Deng Xiaoping, among others, aborted in Yunnan when China agreed to reverse its decision to commit ground combat troops through Laos and Cambodia in return for the Nixon opening to China, was merely a derivative operation subordinate to Lin Biao's attempt upon the life of Mao (intrigue of the period being one Chinese box within another, just like the Eight-Fold Way of projective-identification in transference). Same as regards institutional collapse and economic privatization: displaced, regressed, secularized forms of Tzimtzum. There were possibilities for China and Russia and Viet Nam to use their existing administrative apparatuses as AllBase for framework transitions to market capitalism not oligarchic or oligopolistic or monopolistic -- were it not for the regressed outside and subside influences they were subject to. Attempts were even made to argue this -- to no avail, of course.
The very idea that what we have had has in any significant way resembled actually free markets and anything authentically deserving of the word democracy anywhere on the planet is so far beyond the Pale into inner dimensions of hypersurrealistic black self-propaganda, nothing but global instability could be expected, nor could significant improvement transpire in its absence, were stability of the lithosphere, biosphere, atmosphere to self-maintain with sufficient persistence in face of anthropogenic negentropy draw-downs. Even advocates of the Austrian School of free market business cycles, when critiquing megaKeynesian kleptocratic responses to Minsky megamoments, do not mention the entropy generation produced by deficit-funded make-work fiscal policies. Entropy generation is debt creation in precisely the Hyman Minsky sense -- the only difference being the scale relativity involved in the definitions of borrowing and debt. Introverted markets (actually-free, so-called-free, regulated by so-called democracy or the otherwise whatevers) are scalars; only markets with balanced introversion-extroversion functionality have the scale-relativistic capability to mark entropic-debt formation/accumulation and thus allow mapping of superMinsky moments and megamoments. Keynesian responses to Minsky moments accelerate entropic-debt to GDP ratio compounding, thus helping to force superMinsky moments (e.g., noted by the appearance of an ozone hole). Moreover, no type and no amount of regulation of introverted markets -- Keynesian manipulated or not -- will provide those markets with an extroverted component. Fixating on thermodynamic and molecular-biology analogues, though highlighting the need for a Jungian theory of market types, does not offer insight into how the functional imbalance can be authentically rectified. For that, m-logically-valued quantum perspectives are required (and likely a unification of depth psychology and econophysics).
I, for one, think there is a difference between hoarding and the commodity referencing of a non-vehicle reserve currency. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard apparently does not (see: A 'Copper Standard' for the world's currency system?, The Telegraph, 16 April 2009): if a metal-based currency ever emerges to end the reign of fiat paper, it is just as likely to be a 'Copper Standard' as a 'Gold Standard'. Floating the notion of SDRs as somehow equivalent to Keynes' commodity-basket bancor and then hoarding copper and other relatively scarce industrial metals, China hardly presents a coherent picture of its intentions, let alone its monetary philosophy. Commodity hoarding on a resource-depleting planet is not the way to create an international non-vehicle reserve currency. That's one reason why I advocate myriad backed-any-which-way LETS, so that whatever is chosen to be held in reserve is held locally and proximal to the forms-of-use, whereas nesting foams of LETS are, as nesting foams tend to be, progressively more removed from concrete reference, until, at the quantum-composite non-vehicle reserve-unit level, there is complete abstraction (hence no hoarding) over a superposed m-logically-valued reference space (Keynes' Clearing Union raised to transcendental, universal, Hilbertian-Lukasiewiczian status). Supermanning in a single bound to planetary reserve-currency reference is to make a scalar unit which encourages scale-independent hoarding and which simultaneously denies to the global economy the self-organizing functions imparted by mesh partitioning and domain decomposition -- without which fine-grained tagging is impossible, without which ANNs (artificial neural networks) processing, and, later, full-flown quantum processing, is impossible. Under foreseeably realizable technological regimes, 2-3-billion human beings is probably the ecologically-balanced carrying capacity of Earth. How are 9-billion by 2040 to survive on this planet without the sort of monetary system which quantum-based technologies make possible? Five months later, 7 September 2009, Pritchard and the Chinese are still harping on this theme (China, Bernanke, and the price of gold, The London Telegraph) -- neither having looked more deeply at the issues involved. Not surprising. During 2004, I had several opportunities to try to interest Chinese -- Singaporean, Bangkokian, mainland -- in the sort of reserve-unit concepts quantum economies give rise to by using dynamics of superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA as an analogical model. Though there was interest, there was inadequate focus, shall we say. I read Telegraph articles largely for the reader comments, which generally make for more interesting contemplations than do the articles. Pritchard here evoked a reader-cited quotation from H. L. Menchen:
On Capitalism from the Baltimore Evening Sun, January 14th, 1935. All the quacks and cony-catchers now crowding the public trough at Washington seem to be agreed upon one thing, and one thing only. It is the doctrine that the capitalistic system is on its last legs, and will presently give place to something nobler and more 'scientific.' There is, of course, no truth in this doctrine whatsoever. It collides at every point with the known facts. There is not the slightest reason for believing that capitalism is in collapse, or that anything proposed by the current wizards would be any better. The most that may be said is that the capitalistic system is undergoing changes, some of them painful. But those changes will probably strengthen it as often as they weaken it. H. L. Mencken [A Mencken Chrestomathy, originally {i.e., bookform} published in 1949.]Given Mencken's personal history of advocacy with regards to the issue here at issue, this fascinating statement is not only an example of late nihilism, but also of opacity relative to life and death of paradigms, their transformational dynamics, and the catastrophic consequences of their undue prolongation -- though his sense of the probable outcome of the impending world war and its ideational-identifications aftermath was characteristically astute.
According to this website's appreciation of the different levels of language, the Zeitgeist of an era is in the half-dozen Musculpt symorphomotivs informing all areas of cognition during the given period. These are not verbally speakable, generally are wholly subliminal -- yet formative of the broad sweeps of prevalent conceptualization. The schematic, sudden-breakthrough, ah-ha! photismic image-flash which the creative mathematician, for instance, speaks of, is, according to this notion, an eidolon of such a Musculpt symorphomotiv. How could it be that a whole era inevitably becomes fixated upon but a mere handful, more or less, of cogniformative primitivs? Because of the collective unconscious event gradient! The photismic eidolon is a partial of the Musculpt symorphomotiv which -- were it to become fully conscious -- would be a synaesthetic-holographic representation of the Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbering array of the superposed stack of Regge lattices of the constellated archetypes-in-themselves curving the m-logically-valued reference space into the particular pregeometry event gradient expressing as the Zeitgeist (à la Maria-Louise von Franz, a quantum-relativistic take on Jung's notion of the collective unconscious). Sub-gradients relative to given polities, socialities, ethnicities are forgone conclusions. Were neuronal firing patterns and perineural analog waveforms unmolested by invasive molecular-biological intrusions like glutamatergic neuronal etching at cognitive socialization by prescriptive enculturation, there would be direct consciousness of the Musculpt symorphonie which is processing by the quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain. Some measure of generalized such consciousness would, of course, give the human species a modicum of actual volition, rather than the mere self-attribution thereof, the siren-song of the collective unconscious event gradient being no longer so entrancing-entraining to the roof brain because no longer so regressed due to no longer being so subliminal. Ketaminergic zazen is one antidote to glutamatergic neuronal etching and the koan is one antidote to the prescriptive enculturation inducing glutamatergic neural-network wipeouts: during the past several decades, the neuroscience of this has been pretty well mapped, on the molecular-cellular level -- at least a good start has been made. Self-selected ghetto-blasted cannon fodder aside, with its unprecedented high level of ambient noise requirement (needed to suppress the inordinate roof-brain chatter and compensate the prol-food-induced destruction of the bones of the inner ear: keep on top the literature!), still, ignoring all such collateral damage, the strategic mega-damage done by lack of consciousness of the symorphonic event gradient cannot be overestimated. Not only the dominance of the dumbest, but consider, for example, that -- though the Peace and Treaties of Westphalia during the late-1640s codified the notion of state sovereignty -- only nine years after the 1815 Congress of Vienna -- which institutionalized the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian nation-state system -- Niels Henrik Abel registered from the collective unconscious his so-called Impossibility Theorem demonstrating existence of transalgebras, this more or less wrecking the whole metaphysical basis of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian world construct macro-institutionalized by good offices of Metternich, et al. Less than one decade of paradigmatic purity! The massive subliminal back-reaction upon the metric of Abelian implications (more incystant today than ever before) configured wave upon wave of Zeitgeist gradients plaguing the human species, the biosphere, and the atmosphere unto the present day. Exemplifying the thesis that cog and cognitive have the same root, how very many have yet to cog uh, cognitively depart the early-19th century! It did not require retroflexive retroflection upon doggerl's dingos, ear down upon Dog Mouth Soi, to identify the prime similarity between the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, and 9/11; the attuned had realization in real-time. At the very minimum, all three were anticipated in certain circles with considerable rubbing of palms for the degree to which they each would facilitate otherwise difficult to initiate, yet greatly desired, US-Anglo-EU foreign and domestic policies. As institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian world construct, to include its economics component, more and more self-destructs, not least by fundamental conflict with nature, greater and greater efforts are required to maintain paradigmatic self-deception: why and wherefore of the greatly desired -- and the otherwise inexplicable foreign, domestic, and economic policies. Iffin deemocracy ain't no good abroad, then it mus'ent be no good at home, nother. As if politics were necessarily a decision science! As if, were that so, an analogy to Newtonian vector sums, i.e., majority rule, were the best decision algorithm and the most equitable! Is democracy-in-one-country possible? Is absence of democracy-in-one-country possible? Is crony-capitalism-in-one-country or its absence possible? No, in each case: the detailed financial mechanisms/instruments essential to capitalism and democracy, and those essential to their absence, have never existed in one country; they have always been multiply connected to those employed by outsiders. What crony ever existed without elaborately facilitating outsider interests? Who is the best equipped to survive what is sure to go down on this planet: rural black Zimbabweans, urbanized and unionized black Harareans receiving gifted book shipments from Martha Quest, white agri-industrial farm owners? Who, today, the planet over, has only one solution to every problem -- i.e., more centralized control -- those rural or those urban? And how many survival-degree days does the average mega-urban region have at cuspover? Not many, and not the least because, for decades, the financial infrastructure supporting such regions has increasingly relied upon insupportable and self-defeating local-muliplier-effect confiscating and transferring financial schemes like transnationally-funded BOT mega-projects where the world's very poorest pay regressively very taxing very-high-interest-rate-paying user fees to the world's very wealthiest investors in situations like the following: sole income of an abandoned mother of two comes from manufacturing 1000 pairs of bamboo chopsticks/day for which she and her two-children assistants receive USD1.25 out of which they must pay the electric bill (most of which does not enter the local economy's multiplier effects, but goes directly to global money centers) for the single bulb to light their dirt-floor hovel so as to work into the night, the kilowatt-hour charges from the nearby BOT-financed hydroelectric power generating plant being among the highest in the world. This, in a post-holocaust society where onset of holocaust was in significant measure triggered by the bombing campaign instigated by a man imprinted upon the Metternich of Congress of Vienna fame! Is this financial arrangement a sustainable way to enhance discretionary incomes of mega-urban region investor-dwellers? Especially those of the world's great money centers now demonstrated to be the loci of the planet's worst crony lumpen-capitalists? And are the tens of billions foudroyantly filched by each of Asia's foremost comprador cronies more than mere peanuts beside a quadrillion of stolen local multiplier effects transferred by derivatives and BOT-type schemes? Simply to describe such far-flung circumstances is to insure being branded anti-this or anti-that or anti-other or anti-same, just as anti-democratic/pro-market-maker coups are hailed as victories for democracy -- and arguably accurately so, given what markets so-called actually are, given what democracy so-called actually is. Why, why, the solution to ethnonationalistic violence will come when market-dominant ethnic minorities see the light and implement the solution. Sounds like one of the most likely m-scenarios ta me! Pro'bly an m-logically-valued proposition, don't y'think? And in the parabolic language of the psychosociopath (i.e., anyone not believing in the binary, dualistic, I-think-therefore-I-am Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian Weltanschauung), even!
Obviously, the presence of central government is the single factor most highly correlated with presence of mass warfare (which never transpired before central governments) and the presence of the modern Westphalian nation-state is the single factor most highly correlated with presence of total war (which never transpired before modern nation-states). Nonetheless, most people still believe the origin of warfare is lack of stable central government. Draw your own conclusions about generalized non compos mentis. I have.
It has been known since the mid-1930s that consistency and completeness of even the simplest arithmetic cannot be proven, so how is it guilt or innocence can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt? Show me any aspect of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian institutionalization that works well and I will begin to entertain the notion that there exists some profession where a primary responsibility is not lying. Cynicism is not a compensatory abreaction to failed idealism; cynicism is realism having matured into a semblance of objectivity.
The structure of traditional Chinese logic left no place for zero-sum games, so any analysis of Sun Tzu based upon application of 1T2-valued Western logic cannot possibly be considered insightful. This was one of the two main reasons Stilwell was so ineffective with practitioners of Chinese Confucian fascism (to use Frederic Wakeman's characterization: however Confucian, however fascist, still a subliminal residue of Taoism): the American general, however language qualified and well traveled in China, had no comprehension of non-zero, one basis of Chinese thought. Zero-sum is a structural concomitant of Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean binary logic by virtue of the Laws of Excluded Middle and Non-Contradiction. The involved either/or is not at all the case with enantiodromic Chinese binary logic where the two values to any given proposition -- yang, yin -- can autologically become their own opposites, as is illustrated by the Tai Chi symbol whirligig (deasil + widdershins twisting spinor: one approach to the notion of quantal operator-time). Moreover, the cipher-reflector pa qua supersymmetry space (Upper and Lower Heavens of the I-Ching: enantiomorphism being only one case of pa qua reflection) over which Chinese propositional calculi unfold/enfold their logical-value enantiodromias (spontaneous localization and fusion) is a quantal reference space (Japanese: ma) opaque to the Western notion of passing referential time. Stilwell could not have functioned well (Charles Romanus, Stilwell's Command Problems, DoA, Washington, D. C., 1956) however still he had remained in face of the relative stillness of Chinese atemporality (see a memoir of the place and period: Graham Peck, Two Kinds of Time, Houghton Mifflin, 1950). Stilwell's inability to comprehend non-zero and Chinese atemporality (actually a variant of quantal operator-time) was repeated in Viet Nam by Westmoreland and his cohort. Chiang Kai-Shek's German-advised anti-Japanese strategy of trading space for time was quintessentially Newtonian, on a par with end runs and such, while Mao and Lin Biao's mastery of Sun Tzu far outshined that of Chiang. And given that Chinese experience of revolution and people's war was incorporated, including by good offices of Mao's in many ways moronic and theosophical non-military writings, into fundaments of low-intensity warfare globally, Stilwell's inability to comprehend has been repeated in Afghanistan, GWOT, Iraq, Pakistan -- with the magnitude of consequences yet to become fully manifest. A counterinsurgent win in low-intensity warfare means confining the conflict to the smallest possible space and the shortest possible time; otherwise, there is an exponential growth curve in required resource expenditures demanded of the counterinsurgent in order to maintain integrity of LOCs, insure public safety, and so on, over larger and larger geographical areas and longer and longer time spans. The Viet Nam war was lost as it broke the gold-exchange mechanism of the Bretton Woods global monetary system. A trillion dollars (see: Jo Comberford, $1 Trillion and Counting , The Nation, 22 May 2009) into Iraq, Afghanistan/Pakistan, and remnants of GWOT, what will these wars break? But the issues involved are far larger than even this suggests. Chinese Taoist logical-value enantiodromia (Confucianism and institutionalized Buddhism being disintegratively superimposed, whatever the pretense to syncretistic synthesis -- not to mention disintegrative superimposition of Chinese Confucian Methodists and Korean Confucian Southern Baptists) is an expression of quantal non-simple identity, or, in other words, animistic identity-transparency -- which is the engine of self-organizing processes, i.e., the Way of the quantum potential in Everettian relative-state making autopoiesis possible (in political and economic cellular nesting foams no less than those biological, atmospheric, oceanographic, gravitational, bubble memory of the breaking wave, so on). But Western academic analysis, by virtue of the constraints inherent to zero-sum logic, cannot permit this non-zero account of self-organization, and, therefore, resorts to probability and statistics, transforming nature's book of changes into one of chances, a subterfuge necessary to sustain the myth of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct individuality. This Western anti-pagan, anti-Cabalistic, anti-Gnostic, anti-neoPlatonic logical predisposition sets research methodologies in most areas, determining, after the fashion of distributed middle, how data is separated from noise -- be the separation as regards market self-organization, atmospheric and oceanographic cascade processes, dynamical transformations of political infrastructures, immune function, epidemiology, genetics, neurological processing, brain discharge phenomena. Chinese, of course, can engage in Western-style academic analysis -- particularly so if they received their higher enculturation in Western or Western-modeled academic institutions. Having recently spent a year intensively analyzing Vietnamese communist party nuts-and-bolts bureaucratic documents (personnel transfer orders, changes of letter-box-number code, instructions to create new agencies, et cetera) under the assumption of an informing animistic identity-transparency (an assumption I picked up as a kid in rural Kyushu, Japan, during the early-to-mid 1950s), it was not hard to laugh at Warren Kuo (Analytical History of the Chinese Communist Party, IIR, Taipei, 1969). How can a communist party be analyzed -- using either zero-sum or non-zero logics, not to mention m-valued logics -- without access to the nuts-and-bolts bureaucratic documents recording what actually transpired? I personally have never encountered an academic study of a communist party which relied substantially upon such documents, and, therefore, have never taken the academic studies seriously. If -- which almost certainly will transpire -- nascent prerequisites to a framework from below, e.g., an m-logically-valued monetary system, are not put into place on a timely basis, global snapover into conditions like those which prevailed in Republican China is very likely when the critical decade arrives. One cannot find an historical account of the warlord era -- anti-communist or pro-communist in orientation, or anywhere in between -- questioning the need for centralization of politico-military power cloaked in the vestments of usurped authority. Japanese aggression cannot be held responsible because guerrilla warfare practitioners were the Kwangtung Army's most effective adversaries. No attempt to conceptualize a viable framework for local autonomy was ever made (including by foreign advisors). Middle Way, excluded-middle free, Taoism beheaded by Chinese headless horsemen! What the Chinese did to themselves :: what others did to the Chinese. Hmmm. Organization of a whole society based upon projective-identification in transference. No surprise at a propensity to mass behaviors. And no Chinese original. An actual Chinese original, so far as I know, being the traditional organic forms of that caponizing mimetic estrogen and excito-neuro-toxin without which Confucianism could never have thrived: modified food starch, i.e., MSG. Just as the good die young, those with the finest of minds have inevitably been eradicated; the best ideas produced by the human species over millennia have always been lost, indeed, were never even historically registered. Leading defecations of an offal species have seen to that. Much could and should be said which can't safely be said because of the prevailing generalized collective psychosis informing onrushing events. Moreover, the continued utter absence of insight into transformational dynamics of double-stacked voluntary associations by those obsessed with the short-term -- so-called scholars, journalists, government spokespersons, intelligence professionals, military paladins, counterinsurgents in the vein of Wakeman's Tai Li (Pinyin: Dai Li) -- is a case of invincible ignorance in meaningful coincidence with the ongoing process of global Nazification. ((Use of Pinyin transliteration in texts treating the period before Pinyin was adopted -- a decade after the communist takeover -- makes another display of ignorance regarding insurgent transformational dynamics: Pinyin transliterated place names frequently do not refer to the same geographical areas as existed in the period prior to adoption of Pinyin. Use of Pinyin thus helps conceal the extraordinarily important role boundary changes play in the self-organizational dynamics of insurgent infrastructures. A matter of considerable importance in places like Afghanistan and Pakistan these days.)) Since this particular, present-day, 21st-century case of Nazification -- the financial sector being its forward-deployed missionary brigade -- is a planetary makeover in one's own (i.e., human species) Jungian shadow image, there is no finding lack of culpability, no discovery of the innocent. The fire next memetime will involve billions of deaths, not mere millions. That is becoming tantamount to a certainty. I see no indication the human species is at all inclined to deal appropriately with the involved fundamental issues. This disinclination is very likely to be fatal. The whole of contemporary science employs zero-sum logic to assess non-zero nature, a four-hundred-year long utter disaster -- and that is an understatement of the case, for nature is actually m-logically-valued, not enantiodromically bi-valent. Nine-billion people will not long survive on this planet using zero-sum technologies to control m-logically-valued non-zero nature. Kierkegaard's Either/Or is integral to the moral hubris subtending Vinegar Joe's mental obtuseness, an obtuseness which continues to set the global agenda and insures that outcomes will be confined to the class of worst cases. We don't need another leader -- of whatever stripe. If it remains follow the leader, it will end with all fall down: one kind of Childhood's End.
Supporting the notion of an m-logically-valued quantal reference space (i.e., a Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space) numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers over Karpenko functors is the work of Serguei Petoukhov, Department of Biomechanics, Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow and Jean-Yves Boulay, an autodidact residing on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean. Their work on prime numbers and the genetic code as well as music, the genetic code, the I-Ching, and Jungian archetypes based on the number of protons in the amino acids encoded by DNA nucleotide pairs may provide another bridge between the molecular biology of the genome and the quantum-wave properties of DNA's superconductant free-electron gas core, which our 1979 paper describes as radiating quadripolar waves correlated to the replicating nucleotide pair sequences at helix-coil transition. Given that the canonical equation in this 1979 model is descriptive of a harmonic oscillator, the notion of genomusic -- not the music of Geno or Gene -- is intrinsic, and it is clearly possible that genomotivs (a special case of Musculpt symorphomotivs) are the actual genetic sub-alphabets -- though surely the notions of notes and alphabets, as well as limitation to binary numbers and 1T2-valued logic, will fall away in due course.
The more precise and detailed a 1T2-logical account of a µTm-logical process, the more misleading it is; the more vague, diffuse, mystical, defocused, the more accurate -- because no amount of 1T2 logic (à la Gödel's proof) can characterize a µTm-logical gestalt. Layer upon layer of incommensurabilities. Prepubertal language learning (beginning in the womb): that language acquisition hard-wires the brain, i.e., at the very least glutamatergically etches the brain of m-logical values. Natural language as neuro-excito-toxin. Culture as slayer. Vow of silence? Koan? Mantra? Chant? Plainsong? Concentration in self-observation? Live in a society where you don't speak the language? Alienators of roof-brain chatter, these are? Facilitators of de-etchings -- and associated brain-discharge phenomena? No-mind is not absence of mind; it is presence of the multivalue. And the metalanguage of No-mind is Musculpt. What were the Musculpt symorphomotivs which kanji were the devolved enantiodromic 1T2-logical referential tropes of? Synaesthetic holohaiku of the bare µTm-percept? Tropological Musculpt as mathematical notation is a better way to characterize a µTm-logical process. Cosmic exiles are all culture bound -- bound to culture per se, not merely to a particular culture.
People without experience of animistic modes of perception -- specifically participation mystique, generative empathy, identity transparency -- generally resolve moral behavior to exercise of the will, rather than being a matter of quality of percepts and propriocepts. Not only is the discipline necessary to exercise the will associated with the sustained mental focus required to work through logical implications, but the very ability to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, is experienced as dependent upon the capacity to employ the logical notion, truth-value (a capability attained only in post-adolescence as a result, at least in large part, of glutamatergic neuronal etching). So alienated have people become from the aesthetic domain of percept and propricept that the idea that there are m-orders of logical-value which have nothing whatsoever to do with truth-value is not only largely incomprehensible, but tantamount to the very definition of evil itself -- or a way of self-justifying engagement therein. An excellent example of this is recounted by Richard Belfield in the Acknowledgements to his book The Assassination Business: A History of State-Sponsored Murder (Carroll & Graf, 2005, pp. X-XI):
I am particularly grateful to the senior National Security Agency officer who showed me that this world [that of the intelligence services, where assassinations have been orchestrated] is like three-dimensional chess, made more complex by the certain knowledge that there can be two things which are both true yet which are mutually exclusive and contradict each other. Over dinner in a restaurant in Georgetown, Washington, D.C., he explained how this insight had helped him reach a state of karmic bliss, allowing him to wander unharmed through the wilderness of mirrors without getting lost.
Notice that this truthful contradictory mutual exclusivity is interpreted in relation to the notion of truth-value; there is no suspicion enunciated regarding orders of logical-value altogether transcending the notion of truth. Logic is about truth and nothing else -- or it isn't logic.
Shows you what little these guys have in the way of creative thought: Nouriel Roubini, The Almighty Renmimbi?, NY Times, 13 May 2009, and, more in the way of straight reporting, Steve LeVine, China's Yuan: The Next Reserve Currency?, BusinessWeek, 26 May 2009. No questioning the failed notion that a vechicle currency, or a basket thereof, should be the international reserve currency. Moreover, historical precedent strongly suggests the winning of a major war as the primary prerequisite to the raising of a national vehicle currency to the status of foremost international reserve currency. I stick with my decades old prediction: if the dollar falls (to the renmimbi, which doesn't seem too likely anytime soon, or to any other vehicle currency) within the existing global nonsystem monetary system, it will mean total global war. Only a fracturing of the U.S. on the order of collapse of the Soviet Union would permit such an intrasystemic shift absent a great war: the magnitude of consequences for the U.S. and its self-concept would be incomprehensible to most Americans, well beyond their ability to tolerate -- leading in due course to concerted action. No change of view, no change of system fundamentals, but a radical shift in position within the existing system without a fight? Not at all likely. What I am saying is that just as by the end of WWII foreign-sourced oil for the U.S. became a military issue, a national security concern, a matter under purview of State, War, Navy qua Defense Department, so by the end of the Viet Nam war had the dollar's status as foremost international reserve currency and that currency denominating most oil transactions globally become a vital interest of the U.S. Anyone who thinks America's military might does not stand behind the dollar is gravely mistaken and thoroughly underestimates the degree to which The American Way of Life is non-negotiable to Americans. The level of incivility achieved as an interactional norm by U.S. banks is unrivaled globally -- except, perhaps, by the U.S. Consular Service. That lifestyle is notionally negotiable to some only so long as it is not seriously non-available. And consider the fact that since the gold-exchange mechanism of the Bretton Woods system was unilaterally shut down by the U.S. (i.e., Richard Nixon) there has not been a single innovative idea about monetary system fundamentals appear anywhere on the planet within authoritative circles. Zhou Xiaochuan's proposal to use IMF Special Drawing Rights as an international reserve currency is peculiar in the extreme, given that the origin of SDRs was basically to dispurse potential interdictive actions due to the U.S. default on global inflation in the post-WWII era which unilateral renunciation of the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism in fact was. If the U.S. is forgiven this enormous default, then there is extreme precedent for other defaults within the Bretton Woods framework to be forgiven. Even in the best of times that are not the worst of times, the U.S. was never in a position to cover such a default. So, what rules are to apply, and who is to determine those rules? That is always the case with a top-down-orchestrated transition between substantially differing monetary systems and why war has generally been a prerequisite to such transitions. Winner sets the new rules. Bottom-up is a different kind of transition, where the rules emerge through use -- like with a natural language. War not a prerequisite. But, then, nobody is interested in bottom-up -- for an enormous range of unjustifiable psychopathic reasons. Moreover, Zhou's desire to create a reserve currency that is disconnected from individual nations is not very well fulfilled by using an SDR basket of vehicle currencies: vehicle currencies of individual nations are still employed. Bancor and unitas -- the original Bretton Woods proposals of Keynes and White -- were not to be based on currency baskets, but commodity baskets. Something much more elaborate and innovative than either of these is actually required to create a reserve currency unit which is truly disconnected from the vehicle currencies of nation-states and genuinely adequate to complexities of the prevailing global economy employing, as it does, greater and greater quantities of quantum-based technologies. Moreover, trying to undermine the prevailing system which employs a single vehicle currency as foremost international reserve currency by forming bilateral agreements for trade transactions independent of general prevailing practice (see: Jonathan Wheatley, Brazil and China eye plan to axe dollar, Financial Times, 18 May 2009) is risky, given the history of warfare being a prerequisite to top-down-induced monetary system phase transitions. Which is not to neglect bi-lateral currency swap agreements undertaken with third countries by the U.S. and Japan in global currency war with China (see: Daniel McDowell, Liquidity Swaps Presage Battle For Currency Supremacy, World Politics Review, 22 May 2009); taking it into the area of trade, however, simply ramps up the conflict towards the time when currency war transits to simply war.
Look, if F. A. von Hayek's Everettian notion, the time-shapes of total capital stock, is correct -- and it almost certainly is from all but the most myopic of Newtonian perspectives -- then there also are the time-shapes of total supersystem-system-subsystem risk and exchange-value over total capital stock. Description of each and all of these would require a linear-time independent (and transcendental in the N. H. Abel sense) quantum wave equation -- and domain decomposition of the supersystem-system-subsystem composite would require topologically active quantal operator-time as fundamental enabler of the quantum potential in the relative-state of the time-shapes of total capital stock. Von Hayek time-shapes here replace the idea of multiple universes falsely attributed to Hugh Everett's paradigm-bursting notion, relative-state. This means there are different phases (e.g., in simile to solid, liquid, gas, supersolid, superconductor, et cetera) of capital, risk, and exchange-value, that these three -- like massenergy -- cannot actually be created or destroyed, only undergo phase changes or be transferred through supersystem-system-subsystem composite by topological operations of temporal curl. Derivatives (a subliminal projective-identification parody of fiber-bundle arithmetics and a regressed inversion of the domain decomposition methods in numerical analysis, i.e., calculus), for instance, not only concentrate and transfer risk from subsystem to system to supersystem, they do so by changing the phase of exchange-value from, say, solid to liquid (which change is presently viewed by economists working exclusively with passive, referential linear-time as creation of liquidity). But the volume and supersystemic concentration of derivative liquidity is not the only thing about derivatives bound to drown central bank initiatives at exchange-value phase change (e.g., printing of fiat money); there is also the base-state holding time factor and the velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of the liquidity created by phase-change operations (enabled by 3-fold temporal curl's topological transforms over von Hayek total capital stock on a Lukasiewiczian m-logically-valued referencing Hilbert space). Liquidity is presently looked at primarily in terms of types and volumes, the dynamical aspects being very much relatively neglected. Even in a 1T2-valued logical framework (as is our current nonsystem monetary system -- no authentic supersystem-system-subsystem composite) there are at least Cartesian vertical and horizontal boundary value problems, transfer rates, rates of such rates, and rates of rates of such rates relatively neglected, these nested rates determining various topological properties of the composite. Central banks are trying to overcome these topological properties without knowledge even of their very existence. The general impulse amongst economists has been simply to wipe out the multiple domains so as to remove complexities they are unable to encompass. Currency unifications toward one world currency, for instance. Whereas, any authentic post-Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian global monetary system must be well-rooted in F. A. von Hayek's Everettian notion, the time-shapes of total capital stock.
Actually, though much is incommensurably different, I see a number of positive correlations between characteristics of Republican China during The Nanking Decade and emerging realities of present-day America. Money creation as the predominant means to escape an economic crisis. Government control -- not to say nationalization -- of the banks. Some short-term gains from these two steps, but increased risk of currency collapse over the longer term. Increasing intensity of factionalism within the power elite. Ever increasing military expenditures. More and more elaboration of the surveillance-security-state dimension of national life. Hard to radically distinguish between Republican China's New Life movement Taliban and certain elements of America's Moral Majority. Amplifying domestic economic risk vis-à-vis international monetary changes, e.g., denomination of more and more oil transactions in other than U.S. dollars (paralleling the silver risk of Republican China during a period when the gold standard was in demise). And who did members of HUAC, notably Richard Nixon, blame for eventual collapse of Republican China's currency? Why, why, America's chief negotiator at the Bretton Woods Conference, wasn't it? The karma involved here is enormous -- what was once national socialism increasingly moving toward what is now the moderate mainsteam; global leaders of whatever stripe, whatever party, wherever on the political spectrum being in the same relation to the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian paradigm as Chiang Kai-Shek was to Confucianism.
Not OMG, omiyage! Lagniappe (the Cajun version). Personally, I hold uniformizing Weberian sociologies responsible for transforming the traditional empathic gift economy into one of transaction rent, bribery, graft by corrupting animistic states of identity-transparency and stigmatizing them as psychic contagion. Access denied! to such states, even amongst peoples who don't, and never will, embrace Weberian uniformization. What else could be expected? Even A Taxing Woman could not in the wildest be construed a Weberian.
Hah! Panasonic outsources too much to Dentsu, which outsources too much to garage studios too much peopled with those absent intrinsic interest in the areas of expertise claimed. If Panasonic joint-ventured with, say, SoftBank to Musculpt kanji for holographic display of serialized cell-phone novels, they might begin to generate the tech foundation for progressive implementation of m-logically-valued monetary e-nesting foams, the way e-money ought to be brought up if any of the prevailing global problems actually are to be resolved. Doing that, they might be able to develop continents of new commercial activities spread out over the WholeEarth, as implementation of eLETS is a planetary commercial undertaking.
In a recent Spiegel Online International article (THE DARK CONTINENT: Hitler's European Holocaust Helpers, 20 May 2009) the Speigel staff recount the fact that the Berlin historian Götz Aly several years ago asked the question, was the so-called Final Solution in fact a 'European project that cannot be explained solely by the special circumstances of German history?' I have been arguing this thesis for decades, submitted an article on the subject to a Goethe Institute essay contest, and have found that people just simply have no idea what I am talking about (and if you think I have unusual ideas as to the origins of WWII, check out those of syndicated columnist Patrick J. Buchanan: Did Hitler Want War?, 1 September 2009). This theme regarding back-reaction against Lukasiewicz logics and their Abelian precursors is the collective unconscious archetypal subtext to Edwin Black's theme regarding IBM (IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation, Crown, 2001; the intelligent among us can regard biometric, singly-logically-valued national ID numbers as preliminary to institution of IBM-like planetary-concentration-camp numbers in lieu of Lukasiewicz-Gödel numbering of quantum-composite reserve-currency transactions) and General Motors (Internal Combustion: How Corporations and Governments Addicted the World to Oil and Derailed the [quantum-based technological] Alternatives, St. Martin's, 2006). Tattoo-numbers issued by IBM reps on-site at each concentration camp: shockingly graphic display of archetypal collective unconscious compensatory abreaction to suppression of the Gödel-numbering of Gödel numbers in the suppressed Lukasiewiczian interpretation of Schödinger's wave-function. So far, anyway, the bundling of mortgages and derivatives in unconscious parody of fiber-bundles in quantum-relativity and superstring theory pales by comparison; but we are still in early stages of onset of Planetary War I. Then there was Henry Ford (see the recent, 2003, book by Max Wallace, The American Axis, St. Martin's, and the three-decades old, 1978, Dial Press offering, Who Financed Hitler, by the Pools, James and Suzanne), the Harriman brothers, et al., and all those trusts that could not be trusted (see how postmodernist language use had its origins in modernism! and don't tell me Lenin didn't learn anything from capitalism!). What does that corpus of more or less suppressed history of support for Hitler throughout the war tell us about why the U.S. waited until Pearl Harbor, tell us about the nature of Pearl Harbor? Why, actually, the reluctance of The Reluctant Belligerent? Did The Good War of The Greatest Generation have anything whatsoever to do with what they thought it had to do? And if not, how about other wars, war in general? World War Two did not resolve the archetypal counter-Abelian-Lukasiewiczian impetus to global conflict; it only drove this impetus more deeply into the dark maw of the collective unconscious, where it lie undigested and festering throughout the Cold War. Those who place their hopes for avoidance of nuclear war on the MAD Kissingerian rationality of binary-logic game theory overlook collective unconscious psychological dimensions informing mass behaviors of humans, and how subliminal mass impulses are introjected by individual great leaders identified with socially-conferred role attributions -- the introjections driving leadership behaviors being psychological inflations of Max Weber's Beamtenherrschaft, rule by functionaries. Even the Speigel staff, I bet, don't have the slightest idea why the project transcended the special circumstances of German history. Right! the alienist examining the fig eater -- diagnostic investigation of war, its suppressions, repressions, regressions, gruesome and sinister, a creepy death dance. Yes? you readers of Jane's Terrorism and Security Monitor. I am [the state], the instrument of her destiny. Obey me. This was not Hitler talkin'. Standing on a rooftop, I watched him follow JFK's caisson, tramp, tramp, tramp Had to write (circa 1964) a hypothetical speech by him for Prof. Abdul Aziz Said's Foreign Policies of the Great Powers. Reading in, thought I would puke. Charles de Gaulle, leader of one of the world's great democracies. I am France (by projective-identification, ego sphere become 1T2-logic-type state boundaries, which, upon ramp up of the transference, may become sealed by inference) her instrument (hmmm) of destiny (Christian linear view of his-story, with Chardin's soft-utopian Omega Point projected). Obey me (my colonels, my children). Did De Gaulle even exist as a discrete psychological entity after, say, summer of 1940? Given that I never liked the child side of the transference, I figured I wouldn't like the parent side neither. Oral-anal-genital-stage fixation conversion-disordered into politics as quintessence of leadership. Holymoly! Poundin' his psychological pud. Cognitive gavage and kept women in the kitchen. Brain pared-down petty, and proud of it! Fuguing the temporal -- the temporal lobe. Heh-heh-heh! Discharging the devil's discus by rapid cycling, just for spite: metempsychosis, dissociative disorder's hysterical amnesia. Not exactly surprising Madison Avenue execs should supplement their meager pre-meltdown incomes writing crime fiction bestsellers of serial murder, murder parallel processed, multiple personalities brain-drained by addiction to binary logic in echolalia, thus fanning the embers of collective fantasy-phobia, replaying over and over in their closed-loop minds, but put out there for all to see, the old standards informing dissimulation of Schrödinger's wave-function and why neuropsychiatry neglects the quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain. Who is innocent in a world of collective unconscious event gradients? Don't see no connection -- nope -- between loss-of-time, i.e., memetime, and cosmic presence of quantal operator-time, Dirac crossover time, why Schrödinger's memetime-independent wave equation was modified to memetime dependence such that an m-valued wave-function could be misinterpreted to probability amplitudes. That I wouldn't, now would it? Or would it be able to note that Tarantino and Pitt have been able to resist making their contribution to the next big one -- collective induction being what it is. In fixation upon the necessity of object-constancy (pivot point of Hugh Everett, III's, paper on quantum relative-state, the bifurcation separating Everett's original unacceptable thesis from the reworked acceptable version) we allow the whole issue of subject-constancy to go unaddressed. Subject in memetime independency projected to factors subtending the physical object: that's what Schrödinger wrote his wave-function about, winter of 1925, in a snow-bound cottage in the Austrian alps practicing Tantric identity-transparency with two friends. No identity-transparency in memetime, obviously. The Mass Psychology of Fascism. The cognitive biopathy. Fully-potent orgasm defined by the Austrian Wilhelm Reich during the mid-1920s in terms of blackout. Relative-state identity-transparency = blackout memetime = Schrödinger time-independence. Lost nanoseconds, seconds, minutes, hours. The Hours. The constant-subject under memetime blackout: one thing John C. Lilly, M.D., investigated with ketamine (antidote to glutamatergic neuronal etching) in the isolation-flotation tank. Where is the constant-subject at loss-of-memetime? In yet one more rapid cycling inconstant-subject? Don't believe it! Serial subjects inconstant :: constant reappearance of serial murderers (dressed in olive drab or not) mirroring action of neuro-excito-toxins like glutamate. Don't hate, won't weep over and finally laugh at, then can't understand human cognitive deficit -- whatsoever Spinoza thought. Object-constancy :: subject-constancy. Single-valued and/or multiple-valued relation? Etched neural Burn Marks in origins of the self: that is Husserliana's Muddy Waters to stew over. When scientific discovery probes these issues sufficiently, world war is one result; further probes could yield holocaust of the WholeEarth. Interpretation of m-valued logics and Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function is THE issue of this epoch; there is every reason to suspect human species extinction could be committed in order to continue the avoidance of looking fullness of that issue straight in the face. But what is really interesting is how THE issue of this epoch is so centrally related to deep-structural origins of mass warfare as a persistent human behavior, not just this or that instance thereof. Civilization and Its Discontents, Love's Body, Eros and Civilization: the sex-repression theory of the origins of warfare; the sublimation-of-sex theory of the origins of civilization. A related theory -- with a war correspondent, writer, voyeur emphasis -- has been lauded by J. G. Ballard in reviewing Jon Swain's River of Time (Vintage, 1995), an account of Swain's experience of the Indochina wars. Quoting Ballard from the back cover: an almost poetic meditation on the mysterious appeal of war and death. Quoting Swain (p. 27 and p. 37):
War is a kind of jailbreak which we welcomed for its freedoms and its lifting of every kind of taboo And it turned out that for most of us the enemy was not the deadly carnage in the Cambodian fields but the tedium of life itself; especially the perceived dreariness and conformity we had left behind in the West, to whose taboos and restrictions we dreaded having one day to return.
The existentialist boredom-, alienation-, anomie-take on the psychoanalytic theory of origins of warfare. None of these can be denied their parts, but they spring from a deeper denial, a denial to direct conscious awareness -- orchestrated by socialization of cognition (by, that is, half a dozen preadolescent neural-network wipeouts induced by neuro-excito-toxic glutamate: see, for instance, UCLA Medical School's Allan Schore writing on neurochemical origins of the self) -- of a fundamental attribute of nature: relative-state, available to ontic awareness only as animistic identity-transparency (quantal non-simple [multi]identity, the lowest order of which has been named by quantum physicists self-duality). The ketamine flood of the battlefield (not merely the adrenalin rush) being an antidote to glutamate and its neural-etching effects, which remove altogether early-childhood immersion in the m-logically-valued non-object/subject-constancy object-world, objective and subjective to a 1T2-logic cognizer, i.e., the real cosmic exile. In Existentialist parlance this denial is mistakenly deemed a fundamental of The Human Condition: separatism. Generally, it's not the writer, correspondent, journalist, voyeur, but only the soldier -- highly trained and stressed well beyond normal endurance, having seen second, third, forth, and fifth winds, who can't exit the ketamine flood at periodic intervals -- who sufficiently directly enters relative-state to become aware of its existence, deemed by some as high combat.
One of the subtle meanings of haiku is that, to the attuned awareness, all patterns -- on the level of kakureta kata -- are holograms, and that being so, if one gets any part of the pattern, one knows very much more than one knows one knows, for the part contains the whole no less than the whole the part: Platonic anamnesis is required for attunement. But there is a catch: a koan of elenchus is involved in hologramic haiku: anamnesis is a collective occasion of experience (i.e., dantai consciousness) across identity-transparency with nature.
The shift from coal to diesel, making oil a constant geopolitical factor in origins of mass-total-global war, took place about the same memetime quantum and relativity physics appeared on the scene. A century ago, this was an ignored meaningful coincidence; today, it appears a thoroughly mortifying embarrassment for the human species. Issues of the origins, appearance, and dissimulation of quantum (m-valued wave-function interpreted in terms of probabilities, not the m-valued logics of quantal operator-time) and relativity (absolute limiting acceleration and absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration not explored in relation to the changes in curvature topology induced by quantal operator-time) physics were the subtending collective unconscious factors establishing behavioral gradients playing out in geopolitical conflict. A hundred years after the shift from coal to diesel, still, there has been only one major crash effort at tapping energy of the quantum-relativity domain: the Manhattan Project. And that yielded -- beyond the bomb -- a dirty form of energy nature herself does not employ raw. A conscious choice reflecting unconscious gradients. Now that the U.S. alone has chosen to devote several trillion dollars to bailing out poor-judgment investors in derivative financial instruments regressively, by projective identification, parodying the higher mathematics (e.g., fiber bundle arithmetics) of quantum-relativity theory, rather than devoting that order of resources to de-dissimulating the physics required to authentically transcend human carbon-based-energy dependency, we can be sure that the subtending collective unconscious factors establishing behavioral gradients playing out in geopolitical conflict have been greatly reinforced (Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a Greater China incorporating Japan?). Just as Poland, where m-valued logics were rigorously codified in modern mathematical aspect, became an epileptic focus of the European seizure which was WWII in the West, one can expect Central Asia, Tibet in particular, to unconsciously and analogically be allotted a special role in The New Great Game prefiguring the coming planetary, space-based, robotic, nanowar -- given that Tibetan Tzog-chen is the foremost repository of human cognition in m-logically-valued modes of comprehension (even if not so formalized by Tibetan Buddhists). China's anxiety over the staggering proportions of U.S. deficit spending, fiat-dollar creation, and store-of-value issues relative to mid-term continued viability of the dollar as foremost international reserve currency has far less to do with economics, finance, and monetary system fundamentals than with the geopolitical posturing elicited by U.S. geopolitical posturing relative to the subclinical and nascent warfare between the two nation-states long playing out relative to Burma, North Korea, Central Asia, and elsewhere -- but those dimensions, surely, are only the surface levels of conflict. Presently, just like in run up to WWII when the major contending combatants -- with regard to deep structure of the etiology of conflict -- were on the SAME SIDE until fighting actually broke out between them: they all hated anarchism, Cantorism, non-Euclidian geometry, the deviation which is chromaticism, Impressionism, pointillism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Dadaism, Freudianism, Surrealism, synaesthesia, Cubism, Trotskyism, atonality, dodecaphonism, dissonance, feminism, Gödelism, diagonals, modern dance, modern poetry, stacked chords, The Rite of Spring, sex not servicing the state, the new physics and especially Relativity. Anything, absolutely anything, that in any way harked back to animistic modes of cognition, especially Mathematics in its Modern Aspect and the physics experimentally demonstrating bankruptcy of the metaphysics justifying existence of the nation-state. Nothing short of war could possibly have cleared out adherents of these absurd movements. The 18th-century-U.S. mind, identified as it is with the 1T2-logically-valued Enlightenment (Voltaire, you see, was a deep student of The Analects), is on the same side as the currently prevailing Confucian-Chinese mind when it comes to suppression of Taoist sects/cults/separatists (see, for instance, a recent account relative to Falun Gong: Jamil Anderlini, China seeks to exorcise 'evil cult' it invited in, Financial Times, 9 June 2009: no longer binding feet and never having been into the burka, what else besides this suppression and MSG do they have with which to control their women?). And this same U.S. mind is on the same side as the current Japanese-government mind in its opposition to The New Religions (resurrections of non-state animistic Shinto under new names). All the contending combatants, sharing essentials of the same idée fixe, will remain on the SAME SIDE until the furioso of fighting actually breaks out between them! Mass behaviors in collective psychosis don't conform to conventional notions of the proper geopolitical modulatory schemata.
Speaking at considerable remove, if not with objectivity (though this statement certainly is not a liar's paradox by self-referential reentry) those Founding Fathers, enunciating and effectuating 17th-century notions of political economy one-hundred-plus years later, were progeny of genocidists, territorial-imperative expansionists, natural right and gravitation aficionados, Hamitonian politicoeconomic agglomerators, black slave owners-traders-shippers, white indentured servant exploiters, land monarchs, cotton-carding patrician-plantocrat tobacconists, gentry agriculturist-dairymen -- no ancestors of mine, my forbears being all yeoman farmers and arborist Johnny-Appleseed tree gardeners-nurserymen-orchardists, evangelical ministers and conscript soldiers, tenants doomed to lose tenancy in this or that great recession-depression. Not surprising -- Newport, R.I., being the premier slaver landfall -- that acolyte children's children of these high muck-a-mucks were, by the 1820s, well-prepared not to register raw, let alone assimilate, great ideas of the epoch, e.g., N. H. Abel's demonstration of algebraic transcendentality, a lesson cooked as an impossibility theorem. The greatest ideas received by human agency are not historically recorded, go unrecognized, are dissimulated, dissembled, disregarded -- received by human agency, they are, only during epochs in which they could not possibly be adequately processed. Why? Such acts of reception involve Platonic anamnesis, over-the-horizon cognitive-backscatter compensatory abreaction to fulmination of humankind in amnesia. During the 8th-century Tibetan invasion of China, for instance, collective Musculpt memory of the m-logically-valued, qualitative, higher mathematics of Tzog-chen was lost to mere metaphysical moon shadows: this loss being psychic blowback. We can be sure that during the same period there were great occasions of reception by compensatory anamnesis -- occasions historically disregarded, dissembled, and so on. Sir John Woodroffe's mathematico/physical-theory transliterations of Indic and Tibetan thought proffer a considerable number of clues as to the nature of these lost great occasions. And, clearly, today, we again live in an epoch devoted to fulmination of humankind in amnesia, where great ideas cannot be actually recognized, accurately recorded, processed raw, e.g., Lukasiewicz logics, Schrödinger's wave-function, Gödel numbering, Everett's relative-state. Left with autopoiesis by noise, are we? Probability amplitudes :: planet of noise. For lowing cattle, not action so much as insight is compelled by impending calamity.
An unusual and excellent treatment (The Weimar Hyperinflation: Time to get out the wheelbarrows?, The Automatic Earth, 25 May 2009: The Dismal Abysmal) of the German hyperinflation, circa 1921-3, arguing that it was not due to government seigniorage (money creation) but to private bank seigniorage and interest-bearing loans to foreign speculators short selling the mark. Analogy of this to the present-day situation with derivatives is drawn: bankers getting beyond themselves, beyond banking, and into collusion with speculators and the servicing of Carlyle Groups whatever they may be named. According to this thesis, it was the government which brought the hyperinflation to an end. The article also notes the role played by Hitler's economists, before the military buildup, in originating the principles of fiscal and monetary policy which became known as Keynesianism. It should be observed that during the period the Weimar government was bringing hyperinflation under control there were various attempts in Austria, Switzerland, and Germany to create local exchange units issued by local governments. Were these anchored by commodity baskets, bonds of local-government-floated development funds, and so on, and were they successful, as they likely would have been, the likelihood of the rise of a Third Reich would have been greatly minimized. Nazism was called national socialism not without good reason: lefthand turns into Keynesianism are in tune with global Nazification, whereas those who have already been down that route, and have retained some intergenerational memory, are not shy of signaling before making a righthand turn. Wouldn't it be nice if they tried resurrecting the local exchange units of yore -- this time with adequate processing power and targeting the m-logically-valued which the Nazis so vehemently attacked.
For all the molecular-biology and genetic-engineering pandemic-paranoia, more subtle scenarios have been around since the mid-1970s. In quantum biology, the orders of Upper Heaven and Lower Heaven are critical -- critical state, that is. Collective and cooperative phenomena in material systems: that's Upper and Lower Heaven. Flu is a hexagram of genes. Two influenzas to a single cell are the whole I-Ching in factorials. The I-Ching is The Book of Changes not the book of chances. Quantal operator-time, not probability amplitudes -- over quantum relative-state. Relative-state mirrors inside of mirrors inside of mirrors. Clocks as waves inside of clocks inside of clocks. Quantum biology. So what, functional specificity? Transcriptase. Reverse transcriptase. DNA to RNA. RNA to DNA. Which an RNA virus, which a DNA virus? Your retro or my retro? Where the viral personal boundaries? Verboten! Quantal non-simple identity. Mirrors inside of mirrors inside of mirrors. Empathy. Generative empathy (welts rising on Mayer Baba's back as he observes the whipping of an oxen). One way to escape quantal non-simple identity is with mirror neurons (Ker Than, Scientists Say Everyone Can Read Minds, LiveScience, 27 April 2005), cellular expressions of quantal function. Identification. Projective-identification. One way to escape animistic relative-state identity transparency with battlefield robots (Jeremy Hsu, Real Soldiers Love Their Robot Brethren, LiveScience, 21 May 2009) is with mirror neurons, cellular expressions of quantal function mediated on the molecular level by superconductant properties of intraneuronal DNA. If one wishes to avoid quantal self-dual multibeing, one treats the single point simultaneously at both bi-quaterionic planes at infinity as mirrored via infinite-velocity propagation, rather than as a low-order example of animistic, m-logically-valued, relative-state, identity-transparency where no propagation whatsoever is involved. Soldiers near death or nearby to death attributing animistic properties (i.e., life, and the attributes thereof) to non-living objects, their robots, manufactured by humans -- a quintessential example of the subject/(physical)object-level of the psychological transference, and a conversion disorder displacement (under battlefield conditions) of so-called primitive participation mystique. The battlefield conditions being collective transference (of inner to outer) by mass projective-identification. Quantum properties inherent to nature, but denied by the Weltanschauung, i.e., repressed, re-emerging in regressed, infantile, violent form by projective-identification in transference. Warfare being the ultimate means by which the denial-repression is maintained over decades, centuries. An idea, the initial form of which came post-surgically, contemplated by delirium, in the evac hospital following multiple fragment wounds received from an IED discharged in the Mekong delta: superconductant free-electron gas core of intraneuronal DNA self-organized under 3-fold operator-time, okay. But what of the quantum-wave signature of the nucleotide-pair sequence? Assay that! Reverse transcriptase that quantum way, too? Clock to mirror, mirror to clock? Change a clock to turn on a mirror? And how many things can change a clock how many ways? Easy ways to new strains? A thirty-five year-old question which simply won't be dealt with -- as so many others will not be. The problems that won't be handled will not have origins in molecular biology, but in that biology of which molecular biologists and genetic engineers do not acknowledge existence. And will not. No viral personal boundaries? Then no human personal boundaries -- there is the risk of that. And if so, then the whole legal system is at risk, and not only over the failure of logic! The list of whys as to will not touches every fundamental aspect of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian institutionalization of the prevailing civilization -- and there is no possibility whatsoever of overcoming these whys at this late date, two-hundred years on into the stalled phase transition. Ain't gunna be no Hollywood ending. And me? Always been focused on matters of substance; never pursued no instant in the sun; constantly ready to just walk on by. No pity due those who know what they do.
What is the projection and what the original? In order to remove from projective-identification it is necessary to draw this distinction. Acute discriminative abilities are prerequisite to identity-transparency: the Practice (of art, even). Biofeedback in the Lilly Tank, the notion of EscherFormDance, predated advent of Delta Force with its biofeedback over droned digitalized battlefield management systems (DDBMSs). What is the projection and what the original? The collective-awareness-at-collective-occasion-of-experience capabilities simulated by DDBMSs are transference from inner to outer of what Col. Toussaint in The Moon of Hoa Binh called characteristics of the state of consciousness associated with high combat: properties of the quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain brought to the fore by a steady diet of endogenous ketamine as antidote to glutamatergic neuronal etching. But, as in the contrary case, once the inner object has been transferred by collective projective-identification to outer (physical)object, e.g., DDBMSs, the inner object has been made into a split-off autonomous complex of the collective unconscious concretized to techno-artifact and, hence, is not at the beck n' call of any individual or institution. Trust me. This split-off technology will not be contained; in due course, it will go for The Big Show; the archetypal event-gradients orchestrating interplay of autonomous complexes will see to that. Pathogenic in and of itself. What is the projection and what the original? Acoustic analogues to black hole computers or black holes? Analogue as original; black hole as projection: pathogenic in and of itself by suppression/reduction of endogenous ketamine titers. At the end of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, the protagonist is pictured struggling with a woozy spinor state, dizzy, the rotary world will not stop spinning, vertigo -- figured as spin-off of PTSD. The spin moment of operator-time as the contemplation. Intentional introjection (inner counterwork to projection) of the Kerr Solution to the Einstein-Rosen Bridge. Giving conscious carte blanche to spinor state. Cognizing in spinor, not about spinor. Stepping onto Einstein's elevator and allowing it to spin. Can't comprehend quantum-relativistic properties of tornadogenesis, otherwise; can't de-renormalize, un-truncate, dis-rescale acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (for one technical discussion see our 1978 paper The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere) in any other fashion. Penrose twistor as quantization of temporal curl! The Einstein-Rosen Bridge and its Kerr Solution were required into projection by absence of absolute limiting acceleration and absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration and the temporal operations (not the mere time-dilation of absolute limiting velocity) accomplished by operator-time there at. And how does the Cosmic Accountant book the involved chronotopological operations? Acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes as the original and the discrete black hole as unnecessary projection: the m-valued Lukasiewicz logics of imaginary and hypercomplex temporal curl booked by the Karpenko functors of the Gödel-numbering of Gödel numbers!
Wireless, gigabits-to-terabits/sec internetworked, Cyberiated robotics -- be it extension of the technology of warfare or a new threshold in Japanese SM-bondage thematics -- is one case of mass projective-identification by collective transference. Others are bionics, cloning, genetic engineering -- in descending order of concreteness/personification. The elaborateness of the involved psychopathology not only far transcends that of pre-WWII Nazification, but pushes use of the word pathology beyond its meaning envelope. It took zero-sum, binary-logic, Cartesian-Newtonian science and technology, and its modern nation-state system, four-hundred years to create the present global mess; controllers of these vehicles intend, or perhaps merely purport, to end the mess in a matter of decades, thus assuredly creating a greater mess in the process -- and many of the world's billionaires are intent on facilitating this, so impoverished are their imaginations. Believing in the necessity, indeed the historical and present-day benison, of the nation-state and its supraordinate agglomerations -- foundations as combat arm, corporations, multinationals, multilaterals -- if global population control by these vehicles is effectuated effectively, the human systems engineering involved will be far worse than anything those who funded the WW-II Nazis were capable of imagining. But I don't think so; I don't think they have the slightest chance of success -- not the least because of how falsified a view of nature zero-sum-logic institutionalized science has produced (produced being the correct word). Because of factors such as this -- not only intellectual history considerations, knee-jerk reaction to 9/11, recoil into the past as sole response to the financial crisis of 2008 -- one can safely regard as unlikely the collection of benign scenarios which forecast slowly-evolving, relatively-linear developments as primary characteristics of The Long Emergency. Die off, sure -- but following kill off. Incendiary collapse (compare this to a surprising recent forecast made by those at The Automatic Earth website, a perspective supported by the FED's "Flow of Funds Report for the First Quarter of 2009") of the whole Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian nation-state system in the space of a single decade -- ten-percent human survival rate a reasonable, if optimistic, expectation. Then comes elaboration of irreversible climate-shift consequences. And a severely brain-impaired species will not have anticipated such, will not acknowledge such is happening when happening -- nor will it have the slightest idea why what it won't acknowledge is transpiring. Following all that, the surviving 10-to-20-year-olds, having watched the robots' powerpaks run down in a prolonged solar minima and nuclear winter, will be both Last and First Men (Olaf Stapledon's very likely scenario, written as the 1929 stock-market crash transpired). Realistic possibilities for avoiding some facsimile of this scenario are so vanishing it makes perfect sense for some small number of people to act upon the assumption that the scenario will indeed transpire. I have been arguing thus since I was an intelligence analyst focused on the Middle East at JFK Special Warfare Center in run up to the 1967 Six Day war -- without effect, obviously. It was clear to me then that post-WWII U.S. oil policy would continue to require ever increasing military commitments and infusions of greater and greater levels of violence. Moreover, solving America's (pop.: 3-4 hundred million) increasing problems with petroleum and foreign-energy-source dependency is very, very far from solving the global (pop.: 7-9 billion) problem -- whereas Americans have a tendency to talk and write as if the two were synonymous. No amount of very expensive improvements in old technologies, technologies based on Cartesian-Newtonian science and epicycles thereof, will carry 9-billion people into a post-fossil-fuel, post-carbon future on a climate-shifting planet, no matter how thoroughly by printing fiat dollars America smart-grids at five-to-ten times current cost estimates of ~$75 billion; only fundamental breakthroughs in applications of post-quantum-relativity physics will do that. And there's the rub: psychological, sexual, social, political, and economic implications of that physics are anathema. The collective unconscious decision against that route was made long ago. Of course they hope to develop post-post-post-Newtonian technologies -- e.g., superlasered, leak-proof-plasma-bottled, controlled fusion, perhaps even cold fusion and zero-point-energy taps, spacetime gates -- without catalyzing soft analogues in the social, political, and economic spheres. But this without catalyzing involves dissimulation of fundamentals, thus undermining adequacy of R&D. It doesn't matter when global peak-oil production actually transpires, because post-peak-oil dynamics were first vaguely recognized under Roosevelt during WWII and actually began during the early-1970s when Nixon shut the Bretton Woods gold window and devalued the dollar denominating oil transactions, which was about the time U.S. domestic oil production actually peaked. Meanwhile, nowadays, America's foreign-energy-source dependency having become similar, if not so acute, to Japan's during the late-1920s, whether declaration of GWOT was disinformation/cover for global deployment vis-à-vis resource warfare, oil being most critical, or actually about terrorism -- either way, a combination of both -- there is an exponential growth curve in commitments involved auguring strongly for mid-term onset of Stapledon's Last and First Men scenario, independent of the more subtle predisposing factors which all but assure that scenario will be realized.
So, under yet more economic pressure, Japan makes its choice: transform its robotics industry to military applications, rather than develop the Musculpt required for global implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units (see: Leo Lewis, Japan's big guns prepare to rejoin global arms industry, London Times, 25 May 2009). What a surprise! Long been sayin' the world will skip the depression stage, pass Go, and proceed directly to global total war.
Not to neglect the component of geopolitical posturing on all sides, they are getting a little closer to the idea of monetary nesting foams in evolution of thought about something to replace the dollar as foremost international reserve currency (see: Oliver Biggadike and Chris Fournier, Dollar Declines as Nations Mull Reserve Currency Alternatives, Bloomberg, 2 June 2009). Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says, We need some kind of universal means of payment, which could create the basis of a future international financial system and Deputy Finance Minister Dmitry Pankin argues that Regional reserve currencies are an 'unavoidable' part of 'regionalizing' the global financial system. Regionalizing the global financial system is a very minor tilt toward monetary e-nesting foams, but a tilt nonetheless, and a welcome one. But they continue thinking only top-down, when what they really need can only be implemented bottom-up, not the least reason being bottom-up is the only way the required information can be brought into being.
Though the emphasis is placed on the lessons of laissez-faire, still, here (Michael Auslin, Samurai Economic Smarts: Lessons in growth from medieval Japan, Wall Street Journal, 1 June 2009) is another small tilt toward the idea of monetary e-nesting foams. And the scale level at which the discussion is focused is sub-nation-state, internal to Japan. That is indeed very, very welcome. Speaking of Japan's medieval period, it is observed that, a number of fairly stable territorial units figured out that the way to promote further internal stability and prosperity was to unleash the productive capabilities of their people. Those units could be a class of elements of the component processes constituting e-nesting foams which m-logically-valued monetary units would articulate.
Doubt the possibility of collective unconscious factors pushing geopolitical determinants decisively in the direction of formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc, do you? Well consider Anatole Kaletsky's recent piece, The great bailout -- Europe's best-kept secret, Times of London, 4 June 2009, a subject discussed back in February by Ambrose Evans-Prichard. Just as the Argentine economy knew it needed local exchange units and spontaneously generated them, so does Latvia, rather than euroization of the lat (see: Nouriel Roubini, Latvia's currency crisis is a rerun of Argentina's, Financial Times, 10 June 2009). One of the multiple scenarios issuing out of the collection of worst Latvian possible futures, and a collective EU bond-floated self-resurrection gone wrong, surely involves a Germano-Russian Bloc. Not to be forgotten is the fact that the program of crash capitalism spoon fed by numskulls, as opposed to a more judicious phase transition, set up the current circumstance in Central Europe. This is somehow different from the robotic gavage force-feeding of male ducks with corn mash to engorge their livers with fat: financial foie gras (the source of most such consumed these days in France being Central Europe)? Don't forget the out-of-season truffles from Australia and those FROM CHINA! Then, having once again followed the strategy of winning every battle (misnomered this war and that war) in order to lose The War (not even acknowledged to be a war -- or no longer so acknowledged), orchestrating a devaluation (à la Nixoniana: close the gold window, devalue the dollar denominating oil transactions) or a subtlely coerced Plaza-Accords-type revaluation vis-à-vis the yen and/or the euro, so as to slay the export-led-growth model challenging the current-account-deficit living-beyond-one's-means-by-dollar-creation model, insuring Down and out for the long term in Germany (Wolfgang Munchau, Financial Times, 7 June 2009)
Those identified with the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian Weltanschauung, and cognitively locked on the realism exhibited at the Congress of Vienna in 1815, can't understand what an enormous liability it is to be stuck with running a nation-state -- or, God forbid, more than one nation-state. But sometimes this onerous task cannot be avoided. Having been backed into such a position, however, is nothing to be proud of. Moreover, getting rid of this onerous task is all too frequently not so easy; indeed, it can be a catastrophic process when control over it is lost. Some players seem to understand this; most don't, though.
Don't worry, be happy. I'm okay, you're okay. How could anything go wrong? Following Norman Vincent Peale, entertain audacious empty hope -- and carry a big stick just in case. What happens when death-of-the-Weltanschauung is in-denial -- the trophotropic emotional regurgitation of the post-paradigmatic having become so convulsive? Blah-bada! Blah-bada! Blah-bada! Why, transformation of SWOT analysis (strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats) into the audacity of SOARS (strengths/opportunities/aspirations/results). Up, up and away! In the final analysis, us Americans are all snake-oil salesmen, right? Sorry, Charlie. I believe that wish-fulfilling-dream politics, and the rhetoric thereof, is a spoiling operation extremely lethal, in that it helps set up prerequisites to eventual mass-total-global war by diverting the social structure of attention cathexes away from the sorts of efforts required to find actual solutions. Moreover, some things -- maybe most things -- have no actual solutions within prevailing circumstances; only when those circumstances are transcended by fundamental phase shift of some nesting framework do actual solutions present themselves. Better, then, to actually address change of framework determining conditions, rather than engage in wish-fulfilling-dream politics of the prevailing circumstance.
To the relatively unconscious, the sole criterion of judgment as regards climate-change issues is human wellbeing versus human damage. Of course, there are those with even greater levels of unconsciousness for whom the sole criterion is evaluated in terms of some subset of humans. Then there are those capable of prorating nested judgmental criteria relative to subset, set, and supraset: my coreligionists, my country, my company, my town But only on far lesser degrees of unconsciousness are non-humanistic criteria judged over a superposed stack of identity factorials by logical conventions other than those of the 1T2-variety which mandate that the identity-factorial-superposition resolves to some selfsame, single-valued, simple identity: me or you or us or them or this or that Mathematics has gotten to a self-dual notion of identity where resolution to selfsameness is disallowed: quaterionic point on a plane at infinity self-dual to an octonionic (bi-quaterion) point on a plane at infinity. This non-simple-identity notion is mapped into physics applications as self/not-self duality (for a far more elaborate discussion of this see our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, where Nha Trang's folklore expertise is brought to bear upon animistic precursors of hypercomplex identity). Cognizing in (not just ruminating about) these self-dual modes of multibeing is a matter of a far, far lesser degree of unconsciousness. Self-duality, however, is the lowest order-type of m-logically-valued identity transparency which requires lesser and lesser and lesser degrees of unconsciousness to cognize in higher and higher and higher order-types. Superintegration and overdetermination by the relative-state of atmospheric processes, by, that is -- for concrete instance -- the m-valued (another way of designating Everett relative-state) non-simple-identity properties of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, cannot actually be comprehended about, let alone cognized in, absent these lessers and highers -- which is the real reason Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function was misinterpreted to probability amplitudes and why the primitive equation set for atmospheric dynamics was normalized to rescale-out m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes. Concurrence with these infrajudgments by the black-hole-physics establishment, circa 1950s-70s, significantly postponed consensuation of the existence of a climate-shift dynamic with anthropogenic components.
I, maker of solecism that I am, view James Lovelock's 2006 prediction that Earth will contract a morbid fever lasting a hundred millennia and causing a planetary wipeout of human and other species as being akin to press reporting that the 1968 Tet offensive had turned the tide of the Viet Nam war in favor of the Vietnamese communists. The lot off to Abattoir Six! says somber Sobersides, no sorgo sob sister, expressing import of his sobriquet. Intuitively, many reporters correctly understood this impact of the offensive, but they did not know enough to understand why. The required information about the VCI (Viet Cong [political] Infrastructure) was classified, what wasn't classified was systematically falsified and/or fabricated, and the information provided to the press corps by the PIOs was disinformation, not the least because the PIOs did not themselves have the required information: consequences of intelligence being prescribed from the top-down so as to fit pre-determined policy. Intuitively, Lovelock correctly understands import of the ongoing climate-shift dynamic -- but he does not know enough to understand why. Had he known enough, he would have made his 2006 prediction thirty years earlier when some dynamical meteorologists reached the conclusion that the shift was by then already irreversible. It's too late to do anything, y'know,: circa 1975. Lovelock regards Earth's atmosphere as a classical domain, a domain subject to the classical limit: how, then, could he understand enough to account for what he intuitively knows? He could not -- and so long as a classical limit is imposed (by top-down prescription in service to preexisting sacred cows), no one else will either. In several of his books, Roger Penrose states that he knows the classical limit is almost surely false, but he does not -- similarly to Lovelock -- go forward to look at consequences of that limit for fields focused upon domains deemed subject to it. Which is not even to mention the m-valued Lukasiewicz logics required to comprehend the m-valued properties of the acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (acoustic analogues to black hole computers) involved in atmospheric ozone metabolism, atmospheric gas mixing and altered frequency-response-window characteristics, formation of holes in the tropopause boundary, and so very much more.
As a young military brat I had already learned that one-with-integrity does not take a leadership position in a bad war; by 1965, I had generalized that lesson to the notion that one-with-integrity not only does not take a leadership position in an institutional base one cannot vest belief in, one remains therein grossly underemployed so as not to contribute to its destructive consequences. In certain inner realms there are great rewards for sustaining such behaviors. Nowadays, I personally believe that nothing which at this point can be done could possibly significantly reduce play out of the ongoing climate-shift dynamic; this was surely the case from the 1970s, and likely so from the 1950s. Of course, it takes half a century and more for the public to find out about it. Yep. What we have and all we will have is yet more general equilibrium models of a far-from-equilibrium phase transition! Even to the non-Newtonian mind, the only way anthropogenic action at this late date could dampen amplitude of climate-shift dynamics is if far-from-equilibrium phase transitions were renormalized by filtering, truncation, p-adic reduction, and so on, such that they are seen to conform to the behavioral conventions exhibited by general equilibrium models. The data selected for attention is that which the general equilibrium (and general circulation) models deem important. Moreover, how could econometric general equilibrium models possibly interface with and effectively control the climate models if this were not the case? Yep. General equilibrium models are what we have and all the public-policy domain will ever allow. Ah, the audacity of hope, how else sustain it? See, for instance, the work of Yale economist William Nordhaus on Economic Models of Global Warming and the implied Alternative Mechanisms to Control Global Warming published in journals like the American Economic Review. All estimates made on the basis of reasonable assumptions, of course -- the most reasonable assumption to a Cartesian-Newtonian binary mind concerning climate change being that Earth's atmosphere is a classical Newtonian domain to which the principles of quantum mechanics and relativity physics do not apply, particularly by virtue of scale-relativity. Earth's atmosphere, for instance, does not have a scaled absolute limiting velocity with associated scaled relativistic properties -- an absolute limiting velocity like, say, the phase velocity of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes. People still talk about sustainable development as if it were not a thermodynamic oxymoron: only under the post-quantum-relativity physics saturated with the Taoist/Tibetan animism which is anathema is this not the case (e.g., operator-time under the imaginary and hypercomplex components of bi-quaterions). People still talk about culturally-sensitive development which is a hellava hoot given the uniformizing impact of 1T2-logical technologies. The very thing people around the world hate the most is the only thing that could save them. And, clearly, they will not choose to save themselves. To my mind, the way the global leadership elite has chosen to deal with the prevailing financial crisis is the absolute worst case: do whatever is required to protect fundamentals of the existing non-system system, while restoring ASAP the growth environment status quo ante. Rather than preparing for the inevitable, the great leaders have chosen the path of resource warfare, regime-change subversion, and associated geopolitical posturing, while simultaneously haggling over monetary-system incidentals. All as continuing smokescreen behind which to keep at bay conscious awareness of the various and profound imports of the ever increasingly experimentally verified existence of m-logically-valued nature, a smokescreen put into place early in the 19th century and greatly increased in density from the early-20th century. The impact of this subterfuge has been greatest upon those sciences supposedly protected from quantum-relativity by the classical limit -- atmospheric science being perhaps the most important example. Quite a coincidence, climate shift sneaking up on a protected science, don't y'think? I do not believe this cognitive circumstance will substantively change. Clearly, full brunt will slam down in absence of any preparation whatsoever.
Bristling, brindling, ferviding rouge over the notion of imposed limits, the absolute limits of relativity theory. What is not understood is that there is no operator-timed chronotopology absent such limits -- and absent chronotopology, there is no autopoietic self-organization in nature. The relativity of absolute limits opens unlimited possibilities!
With very, very few exceptions, working economists -- particularly those authoritative and hence employed by large institutions, banks, multinationals, multilaterals -- could not, days in advance, predict a credit-mortgage-derivative meltdown. And somehow we are to believe that the prevailing authorities in other fields can give near-exact figures on climate-change-related variables one-hundred -- even three-hundred -- years in advance? This is a joke, right? They don't know. No one knows. What we can easily surmise from past experience, however, is that the chance the authorities know is nearly null. My argument is that the chance nature actually has a classical limit and that, therefore, Earth's atmosphere is a classical Newtonian domain is also nearly null. Were that the case, as it almost surely is, the odds would be very high that prevailing authoritative estimates of severity and probable phase-shift dynamics of ongoing climate change -- based, as they are, on the assumption that Earth's atmosphere is a classical Newtonian domain -- greatly under-appreciate properties of the case. Why is it very, very unlikely that prevailing authorities over-appreciate properties of ongoing climate-shift dynamics? Because quantum-relativistic principles -- currently excluded from consideration vis-à-vis atmospheric processes -- are the physics of collective and cooperative behaviors in material systems; they are concerned with superintegration, overdetermination, relative-state, critical-state phase shifts, self-organized criticality: the factors of integration more than the factors of specificity. Exclude these quantum-relativistic principles and it is impossible to see precisely -- dynamically speaking, that is -- how a butterfly wing-flap (or, more importantly in terms of anthropogenicity, a small change in complex angular momentum delivered by solar wind to Earth's atmosphere and gas-ratio-related frequency-response-window characteristics) can be omni-transforming. Moreover, by ruling out the use of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics to interpret Schrödinger's wave-function, one is left only with a 1T2-logic chaos theory of butterfly wing-flaps and resultant inability, for instance, to accurately predict tornadogenesis and touchdown. Inherently unpredictable! Yet, these believers in inherent unpredictability are producing forecasts decades, centuries in advance. Then there is the neglected fact that the human species has already fought two world wars over these principles which first appeared in higher mathematics, were analogically generalized into the arts, found their ways into physics, began remaking the techno-base, were falsified all along the way so as not to disturb the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian institutional base, and as a result of this falsification, consequent neglect, and factors such as the classical limit have anthropogenically fomented manifold disturbances of Earth's atmosphere, biosphere, and magnetosphere -- possibly also core dynamics. This history argues powerfully for under-appreciation of the properties of the case on part of prevailing authorities.
PDD: Pretty Damn Dumb. That's why, for the human species, climate shift is equivalent to greenhouse warming. Walking in and out of a greenhouse on a sunny day, the basic idea can't be missed, even by those PDD. But the simile, which is all it is, is a very loose one. Only if the glass of the greenhouse were designed with variable frequency-response-window characteristics would the simile significantly improve. And the frequency-response spectrum would have to include a lot more than mere UV, a lot more, even, than the electromagnetic spectrum. Packets of imparted angular momentum, for instance. And not only real angular momentum, also imaginary angular momentum. Angular momentum cascade not propagated in space and time -- spacetime -- numberable with real numbers. And any chemically-induced shifts (e.g., by changes in gas ratios) in frequency-response windows necessarily would involve demonic behaviors: Maxwell's demon (i.e., quantal operator-time, imaginary and hypercomplex) must continue, despite the shift, to insure, for instance, perfect efficiency of imaginary 90-degree twists between electric and magnetic fields -- even when intrusions into such complex twistor twistings yield electron temperature enhancement at anthropogenic induction of artificial hot auroras for laser painting via magnetic mirrors, and so on. Insight into these demonic behaviors comes with study of naturally-occurring atmospheric Musculpt: acoustically-modified gravity-wave mode signatures of topologically-transforming equivalent-potential-temperature-surface manifolds (for lack of funding, laboriously plotted by hand at Cornell back into the mid-1970s and sampled with a freeze-frame diagram reproduced in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, p. 323).
Here is John Perkins' (The Secret History of the American Empire, Penguin, 2007, p. 2) accurate capture of much of The Green Movement's policy-imagining-, policy-choosing-, and policy-advocacy-informing scientific naiveté, indeed, stupidity, in its own way on a par with the rapturous down-home wisdom of The Moral Majority:
I know that, although serious, our problems are man-made Because we created these problems, we can solve them.
Beyond the fact that we have no historical registration of human-factors limitations ever before having been overcome, I personally have not seen a plausible account of how a climate-shift dynamic could be dampened, let alone reversed, once it has climbed upon its cusp surface. What is the fulcrum, what the lever? I suspect audacity is the fulcrum, hope the lever. Saved by cloud-pooping boats, a nuclear-winter space shield made of volcano zit-spit! O, bomba dem! wen else all done failt. Dat'll MAY-kit simple agin, jus' like in da Naam an' Deetroit. And this sort of Pragmatism, when superintegrative relative-state over nonlinear orders of temporal curl very possibly means second- and third-order incidence and functional localization of volcanism relates to derivatives of solar cycles (celestial brainwaves) -- and anthropogenic (dis)simulation could convey the wrong message to Mars. Heh-heh-heh! Another anthropogenicism ain't no solution to a prior anthropogenicism. Everettian relative-state is mth-order reciprocal maintenance, an element of a theory of celestial influence strongly supported by The Aspect Experiments. Oh, Rodney, you were such a little hydrogen, you were, you. People seemingly just can't get the rather simple notion that in far-from-equilibrium phase transitions there is a process of deautomatization scaled to the involved space and time steps wherein values of the supposed controlling variables fluctuate in highly nonlinear fashion -- such that linear extrapolations from gathered concrete data are largely meaningless. At phase transit, at state of deautomatization, at cuspover: extremely cold, extremely hot; extremely dry, extremely wet; extremely placid, extremely stormy; extremely calm, extremely windy before completing shift to a new stable state. Extremely cold winters during global warming? So what? Don't mean nothin'! Metacycles (by one or more degrees not directly viewable or directly measurable) and suitably abstracted variables -- like, for instance, equivalent potential temperature and its changing theta-e-surface manifold topologies -- provide the only real reads (however imaginary their numberings may be). But then the (filtered from the models) acoustic-wave signatures of these manifold topological transforms are m-valued under m-valued logics, so perhaps it isn't surprising how people just can't get it -- given that two world wars have already been fought over this m-valued-identity issue and a space-based planetary war over the same is currently in the birth canal. Transit between Ptolemy and Copernicus was chump-change easy-easy compared to the transition global circumstances require today: neigh unto impossible imagining humanity finding its way on through, the neuropsychologic blocks being so elaborate and Nature herowndamnSELF more and more entering the fray. So we have an extraordinary number of people who sincerely believe they are saving the world, when they actually are taking it to wreck and ruin. A discrete, single-valued, constant and enduring self: false echo, angel, vaporware bounceback. The Persistence of Memory clogging the gap which gives direct conscious awareness of (to) operator-time and its chronotopologies. Stream-of-consciousness clear channel: corked Alice gap, and no time-slow-down access to WonderLand. Very scary this I/i m identity thing. Here, m-values tend to the no-self vein. I evaporator. Mybody as learned behavior: swarm of the swarms. Myself as autogenic. Susan Blackmore's selfplex a special case of memeplex over branes of the quantum brain. Mere memetic intersection of Prakriti and Purusha. The self I make up to myself all the memetime long. Yippitydooda. Whoa, SCAAARY! Huge numbers of people will once again be killing one another without having the slightest idea of why. If the languages of catastrophe theory and chaos theory and complexity theory are not the languages of normal science, institutional science, government scientific advisory councils, then that is only because normal-science scientists have been even less capable of cognizing in m-valued logics than catastrophe, chaos, and complexity theorists, the normal-science scientist's normotic commitment to uniformitarian perspectives and cultural monism being all-consuming. The solution to this problem is to set the speed of light to infinity and Planck's constant to zero; then one will be able to consensuate the uniformitarian-monistic universe one seeks and will find in space-based planetary war. Walk into the nearest fast-food venue, open your ears, and observe how the synthesizing of proline from glutamate inevitably leads to prolixity. How is the selfplex constituted? How does a one get into a body by stage of cognitive development? On the molecular level, by glutamate flood to so-called physiologic titers -- those titers required to sustain lack of direct awareness of m-logically-valued quantum processing. Don't believe it? Read John C. Lilly's Tank Logs where studies of ketamine-dose piggy-backing in the isolation-flotation tank are recorded: concentration in selfplex-observation here noted at an extremely high level of competency. With the general-anesthetic dose (sans valium, et cetera), instantly out of the glutamatergically-etched swarm of the swarms; piggy-backing superposes some swarm of the swarms of the swarm. But with every ketamine-flood case, the supreme adventure somehow involves getting a one back into a body -- by falloff of the ketamine titer. On the quantum level of synaptic-ephaptic neurotransmitters, selfplex demerges from the superpositioning of Bose-Einstein condensation as the minimum-time for free-electron-parcel spontaneous localization (set by nonlinear operator-time factors in neuronal DNA helix-coil-transition radiation exchange processes) increases such that the baud rate of consciousness slows down to memetime speed allowing the molecular-memory-shutter-frame internal-CRT sequence to be viewed a continuous lineally-organized stream: chronotopological quantum effect of neuro-excito-toxicity upon operator-time. The higher baud rates of consciousness available under ketamine flood allow direct awareness of the supersolidity (a misnomer, of course, calling the thing by the name of its opposite) inherent to m-logically-valued, animistic, relative-state identity-transparency over superstrung branes of The Brain in base-state of Tzog-chen. All this, it goes without need of saying, is authoritatively deemed hallucinatory, psychotomimetic, and so on -- even when ZaZened by endogenous ketamine flood. All-caps FEAR of the direct experience of Bose-Einstein condensation-transparency motivated the suppression of John C. Lilly's work, the driving of it out of the proper scientific research environment -- this suppression, this driving out, being but one instance of myriad by which the coming space-based planetary war has been manufactured. Such wars are not actually precipitated by concrete events, but by factors directly associated with all-caps FEAR resident in the collective unconscious. The quantum brain is not epiphenomenal of the atoms of the molecules composing the cellular brain. Quite the contrary! The quantum brain demerges its atomic-molecular-cellular brain by the relativistic processes finitizing operator-time differencing: atoms and molecules are temporal and spatial invariants along the demergence-pathway cascade. Hypernumbers beyond octonions are required for 1T2-logical characterization of this ontological cascade in hyletic data. Invariants (i.e., archetypes) of the collective unconscious (more accurately, universal pure consciousness) require counter-hypernumbers beyond counter-octonions if the cascade in psychetic data is to be adequately characterized in the terms of 1T2 logic. The larger the molecular-cellular brain, the more split-off from the quantum brain. Swarm: particle cloud of psychetic data. Pride, pod, pack: atoms of psychetic data. Selfplex: a molecule of complexes of psychetic data. In the terms of 1T2 logic, of course. How does all this appear from the perspectives of µTm-valued logics? Turn to Musculpt and Tibetan Buddhism and Bon. Leaderless slime mold, in architectonics of its proliferation, morphogenetically mimics demergence-pathway cascade -- as does AQ&A. Targeting the leaders of a movement which proliferates by leaderless cascade is not the best of strategies. Mass forces of suppression in one valley and stem-cell pyramids mold valleys all around. The valleys of importance being abstract-graphical in nature; the cells pyramided being rather more concrete. Win a war (a battle or an engagement on the nesting temporal and spatial scales) in one geopolitical niche and nascent wars are potentiated all around. Much of this was at least intuited at SRA/MACV-J2 by early-summer of 1968.
In answer to your question, I say: loss of memetime is hypertemporal dysphasia (not simply out of phase). Phase mu-it dysphased. Traumatically-induced (in the womb or postpartum) DID (dissociative identity disorder) or, in other words, multiple personality disorder, reduces the multiple superposed swarms constituting m-logically-valued phase mu-it identity-transparency (always already there on the m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian reference-space Platonia), such that rapid cycling involves loss of memetime to that swarm glutamatergically etched to 1T2-logical processing only. Voluntary dissociation, such as that conducted during, for instance, walking meditation, spontaneously fuses the multiple superposed swarms such that ketaminergically-catalyzed hypertemporal coherency between and across order-types spontaneously appears to awareness. This hypertemporal coherency is not precognitive, in the sense of providing access to memetime future, to which it has no intersection, and about which it cultivates no interest, for m-logically-valued processing does not employ memetime as a Kantian category, though it can understand memetime reference as a consensuated (i.e., glutamatergically etched) factor of what has been deemed Maya. Stated differently, phase mu-it identity is not memetime bound, though it can cognize memetime if required to do so by social necessity. Traumatic induction of DID clearly involves retention of a memetime focus, and I suspect this results from imposed neurotransmitter processes very much like the contemporary approach to quantum computing, where the qu-bit continues to be referenced to memetime in order to get a faster binary machine. Agonistic reduction of superposition is likely effectuated by some excitotoxic precursor disrupting second- and third-order temporal components of relative-state of the wave-functions of electrons involved in modulating neurotransmitter transport at ephaptic and synaptic junctions.
Boldly stated once again. Three sentences. I believe that, unfortunately, it is very likely there is no appreciation whatsoever of the real magnitude of what, across the board, is in process of transpiring. Nor is there an iota of an inkling as to the sort of strategic responses are required. Both of these highly likely cases are consequences of the dissimulation of Schrödinger's wave-function so as to keep quantum mechanics from being analogically generalized into the life, social, and earth sciences.
Go ponder. U figure. Woochumacalit? Haositcom2B? Not only are all the eggs in the technobasket because control is the obsession -- there being no neuro-facilitation of psychological tolerance for the notion of identity behind the quantum potential responsible for the spontaneous self-organization which is nature, and, hence, there being no interest in the public policy implications of authentic quantum computing -- but the little eggs are arrayed below the big eggs, making the technobasket extremely vulnerable to shaking. The Tripartite-Fertile-Crescent-Religion God-projection being the biggest of big eggs, the techiest of technos, any challenge to control-obsession is sacrilege. And, that technobasket, shaking it is, evermore so. Lose, lose -- that's the situation whadonbin created over the last several centuries. Extra-institutional agents of change have long been minor shakers. Nowadays, nature herself is a shaker, possibly to become THE shaker. Lead in drinking water, lead in a full-metal jacket, lead is dead, soeverhowhat. The, infamous, omnipresent, omnipotent they ain't faceless -- faceless in FaceBook, maybe. Poisons, neuro-excito-toxins, say, in food make money, much money, for this face, that face, any face owning stock in dozens and dozens and dozens of firms. Thorough decentralization of the technobasket is not an option for control freaks terrified of their own mind(s) -- mind(s) unaltered by neuro-excito-toxins, say. Control, control, control: the three alternative multiple scenarios, each and all lose, lose. Climate engineering? Back-engineering? A climate for global governance, i.e., Nazification from the Left or the Right (cf: The Nazi Hydra in America by Glen Yeadon and John Hawkins, Progressive Press, 1999-2008) the political spectrum actually being a non-orientable Mobius strip, regardless of the Yeadon-Hawkins argument -- and who cares from which direction? Not only is the cosmic egg cracked, so are the eggs in the technobasket. Catholicon: the apostate, Roger Rabbit, regularly rides Rockefeller rails once again. Yahoo! Such an Exhausting Concordance. Man, the indispensable, stalks The Ghost Train to The Edge of a Perilous New World. There are no technological solutions to the gathering global crises, as those crises, a posteriori, are not technical; they are crises by human affairs, angary among those affairs, crises created by human factors limitations, not technical limits a posteriori or a priori.
Geocities has just announced it is shutting down later this year. Shows the direction the I-net is going. This direction absolutely precludes anything remotely like a truly functional e-monetary-system nesting foam, the only financial framework that could possibly facilitate optimum responses to the collection of prevailing global crises. Bozeman, Montana, for instance, by demanding public access to user names and passwords has foresworn denial of the possibility of m-logically-valued LETs by setting an egregious precedent for invasiveness of the local governments essential to any e-monetary-system nesting foam. Little Brother emulating Big Brother! Probably a good time for me to stop with this. Into the mountains of Idaho where there is no internet? And the radioactive wasps just flew away into a better day. Notice, did'ya, how wireservice thumbnail histories of Hanford and its atomic wasps don't mention the Hanford intentional release, and certainly not that it was on a par with certain well-known meltdowns? Those wasps don't speak well of the atomic energy solution advocated by the Gaia Hypothesis guy who predicts a few human breeding pairs localized to the poles in aftermath of climate shift. Are the temperature-enhanced electrons of manmade hot auroras the radioactive wasps of phased-array radar and associated greenhouse warming? Magnetic mirrors for them superlasers? Sky paved with paws? Beam those weapons up? Wouldn't be fooled, yous guys, would you? Don't worry, be happy. It's okay, it's okay. Nothin' goin' ta go wrong. No core problems registered by the birds, and the bees, and the frogs, and the wasps. You can bet on it!
Par for this course. C. G. Jung called it archetypal behavior. John C. Lilly called it self-metaprogramming in the human biocomputer. The collective unconscious decision for human species self-annihilation was taken a long time ago, and all we are presently witnessing is endgame play-out. Decades previously memory proteins were injected into fishbrain; today, we image those memory proteins (see: Dan Smith, For the First Time, Scientists Photograph Memories Being Formed, Popular Science, 26 June 2009). Wow! Even if long-term memory storage is, nonetheless, holographic, what a victory for Cartesian cogito ergo sum and Newton's billiard balls: individual elements of 1T2-logical mental association localized by observation within the experimental setup to individual molecules at individual synapses of the individual executive cellular brain containing the individual molecular brain. And one can see it, take a picture of it! That individual protein memory molecule must be too big to be at more than one place at a given time, like in quantum processors, don't y'think? Or is this only an artifact of the experimental setup? But one can see it right there! My, how very, very many memory proteins there must be, eh? All the different individual memories there potentially are in the world. Not to mention déjà vu all over again. Ah, glutamatergic neuronal etching, one subset thereof surely being the lovemapping of one's Platonic erotic mold, however concrete the involved idealized blonde might be. Normotiphilia: functional prerequisite to mass-total war. Heh-heh-heh! And since glutamate is at those individual synapses, just imagine the potential for fine-tuning thought control with glutamatergic etching plus injection of specific memory proteins -- especially during early-childhood socialization of cognition. Write in; read out; re-write: the answer to the madrassas in Pakistan! This just has to be the end of Islamic terrorism. UCLA Medical School has done it! OMG, they've done it! Already massively delivering glutamate; now, for how to deliver those individual memory proteins in gaseous form -- like the Russians did with ketamine-fentanyl, et al., at that opera house, was it? Dispersion-particle pother controlled by the real-time version of the MASS (mesoscale atmospheric simulation system) subprogram of the droned digitalized battlefield management system (DDBMS). But would even such thorough counter-indoctrination reverse the collective unconscious processes involved in Khmer-Rouge-type mass compensatory abreactions to Samuel Huntington's forced-draft urbanization (see Huntington's Foreign Affairs article, The Bases of Accommodation, July 1968) by free-fire zones? Indoctrination seems a very small word, indeed (many conversations with Roxanna Brown; see, for context, say, Jon Swain's River of Time, Vintage, 1995). What we can't remember are the self-antigens to the long-term memory proteins glutamatergically etched at socialization of cognition in self-metaprogramming of autoextinction behaviors. Anti-autoextinction behaviors increasingly are being quenched at initialization (quenching of electron transport across phase boundaries -- phase boundaries like synapses or those used by cellular insurgent infrastructures to inculcate self-organization by resource exchange -- being the preferred means to rid a system of quantum properties): Control, halt, delete (see: Joseph Menn, Richard Waters and Kathrin Hille at Financial Times, 26 June 2009) you cybercommands mandating holocaust of the WholeEarth. Extirpate'em! by color-coded regime-change destabilization 2.0. Not to mention that BrainGate will come to allow a robotic computerized cursor to control thinking by moving that paralyzed mind (see, for the prelims: Thomas Moore, Monkey Moves Robot Using Mind Control, Sky News, 13 July 2009). Let this website evaporate into the mists of ephemeral cyberspace because, regardless, quenching is assured. On my journey to Ithaca, I stopped at Baumgartner's Bombay, looked in on The Dumb House, and that's the way I found her here on Earth in the luxury of exile.
I study the Cambodian holocaust not because it is the past, but because it is the future. Surrounded by all these books on the subject! Nothing I consciously sought out. There is a certain inevitability, it seems, in such things: having fulfilled the prerequisites to foresee general outlines as early as 1968, sensitivity to power of the collective unconscious inductive funnel does not simply dissipate. A thickness in the air, with morbid properties, to which there is olfactory and tactile reactivity. Petit mal aura of mass debaissement. No geographical localization. The intense intellectual effort lurking behind what is visible -- black eyes, skeletal appearance, and all the rest -- has been of such duration, beginning in rural Japan during the early-1950s, at Hiroshima, maybe even, I can hardly imagine what sort of outside influences could, at this juncture, divert the course of study. Moreover, it is hard to credit disinterested scholarship. The following from Prof. Robert Skidelsky, Emeritus, Warwick University, is, however, the best thing I've read on the deeper causes of the current global financial crisis (The World Finance Crisis & the American Mission, The New York Review of Books, 16 July 2009 issue, reviewing Martin Wolf's book Fixing Global Finance):
This points to the main weakness of Fixing Global Finance: the lack of a historical perspective. The history of the overprivileged dollar, after all, goes all the way back to the 1960s. Its roots lie in the failure of John Maynard Keynes's plan for a Clearing Union, which he worked out during World War II. The Keynes plan was specifically designed to prevent creditor countries from hoarding reserves by trading at undervalued currencies. If they did not spend their surpluses, the surpluses would be confiscated and redistributed among debtor countries. In this way a global balance between saving and investment would be secured through a balanced trade position, which would in turn allow fixed, but adjustable, exchange rates.
The Bretton Woods agreement of 1944 adopted the proposal for fixed but adjustable rates, but failed to provide a remedy against countries with trade surpluses accumulating, or hoarding, reserves. In practice, the problem was solved by the United States taking the place of nineteenth-century Britain as the chief supplier of foreign investment funds. The outflow of American savings helped reconstruct Europe after the war, and kept global demand buoyant throughout the Bretton Woods era. The dollar replaced gold as the world's chief reserve currency. This allowed the US to print dollars to cover its growing trade deficit. The arrangement suited both the Europeans and the United States, because it not only enabled the Europeans to export to America at undervalued exchange rates, but it also covered the cost of America defending Western Europe and non-Chinese East Asia against communism. In other words, the exorbitant privilege of the dollar allowed the US to pursue an imperial mission that, in the era of the cold war, was greatly to the satisfaction of its partners and allies.
The privileged position of the dollar survived the collapse of the Bretton Woods regime of fixed-exchange rates in 1971. In theory, the resulting system of floating exchange rates removes the need for any reserves at all, since adjustment of current account imbalances was supposed to be automatic. But the need for reserves unexpectedly survived, mainly to guard against speculative movements of short-term investment -- hot money -- that could drive exchange rates away from their equilibrium values. Starting in the 1990s, East Asian governments unilaterally erected a Bretton Woods II, linking their currencies to the dollar, and holding their reserves in dollars. This reproduced both the benefits and faults of Bretton Woods I: it avoided global deflation, but undermined the long-run credibility of the dollar as the global reserve currency.
The new arrangement allowed the United States to continue to enjoy the political benefits of seigniorage -- the right to acquire real resources through the printing of money. The free resources were not just unpaid-for imported consumer goods but the ability to deploy large military forces overseas without having to tax its own citizens to do so. Every historian knows that a hegemonic currency is part of an imperial system of political relations. Americans acquiesced in the unbalanced economic relations initiated by East Asian governments in their undervaluation of their currencies because they ensured the persistence of unbalanced political relations.
A willingness by the US government to end macroeconomic imbalances thus depends on its willingness to accept a much more plural world -- one in which other centers of power in Europe, China, Japan, Latin America, and the Middle East assume responsibility for their own security, and in which the rules of the game for a world order that can preserve the peace while effectively tackling the challenges posed by terrorism, climate change, and abuse of human rights are negotiated and not imposed. Whether, even under Obama, the US is willing to accept such a political rebalancing of the world is far from obvious. It will require a huge mental realignment in the United States. The financial crash has disclosed the need for an economic realignment. But it will not happen until the US renounces its imperial mission.
But I would argue that, still, this analysis does not go nearly deep enough -- not deep enough to develop the insight required to actually conceive and implement a global monetary system authentically capable of facilitating tackling the challenges posed by terrorism, climate change, and abuse of human rights among much else. Why Keynes-White were unable to get a non-vehicle reserve-currency bancor/unitas and a Clearing Union was not solely due to the fact the U.S. blocked these initiatives in 1944, blocked them because it recognized it was inheriting the British Imperial Mandate if and only if a monetary system in support of the imperial mission was put into place. The British Imperial monetary system had lost its imposability by onset of WWI, and not only because functionality of colonial mercantilism was fading due to evolution of technology and much else. The principles underlying structure and function of the monetary system supporting colonial mercantilism were analogical expressions of the worldview construct out of which colonial mercantilism emerged. That worldview construct was conceptually dead in the troubled waters of human cognition by onset of WWI. The shooters were non-Euclidian geometries, Abelian transalgebras, transfinite sets, axiom of choice, Planck's quantum, special relativity, Lukasiewicz logics, general relativity. And after that first world war, Schrödinger's wave-function, Gödel's proof The world wars, and several major wars before, were fought largely because that worldview construct had collapsed. It was not only embrace of the British Imperial Mandate that motivated the U.S. blocking of the Keynes-White initiative in 1944, but also a commitment to preserve a dead worldview construct whose fundamental assumptions were held sacred and non-negotiable, however wrong they had proved to be. Cartesian-Newtonian simple-identity, for instance -- violated by transfinite sets, properties of quantum systems, and non-binary logics -- had to remain the basis of simple-ownability of properties and the monetary units in which they were valued. Bancor-unitas was a small step away from this, and even such a small step -- after, remember, the human costs of two world wars -- was not to be permitted. Why? FEAR, in all caps. The psychological implications of non-simple identity were more than the extroverted with lateral mental cleavage could conceivably bear. Better, much better, world war yet again. The last thing acceptable were monetary units not conforming to the notion of identity underlying the dead worldview construct. And that all-caps FEAR is even greater today, and more widespread, than it was in 1944. Given that there are many properties of natural systems, including Earth's atmosphere, which do not conform to principles of the dead worldview construct, so long as this FEAR governs, there will be no adequate tackling of -- more accurately, adaptation to -- climate change and so very much more. How difficult was it to be aware of any aspect of this at any point over the last half century? Look at the enormous resources devoted, even now, to debunking post-18th century perspectives! Quite frankly, given what people choose to do with their lives, and what they will continue to choose to do with their lives -- eight, ten, twelve, fourteen hours a day -- there is no basis from which to generate sympathy over what is sure to transpire, maybe not to them, but to their children's children's children, as the song so presciently had it. Mass behaviors dwarfing even those in run up to the world wars. What conceivably now could be said or done? Dead is dead -- and so be it. Tired of listening to the dead speak. Thank you very much. Adieu.
I certainly could agree more with Satyajit Das (derivatives trader, author of texts on derivatives and the popular Traders, Guns and Money, Prentice Hall, 2006) when he says in OTC Derivative Regulation Proposals -- Neat, Plausible and Wrong!, WILMOTT (serving the quantitative finance community), 17 July 2009:
Until regulators and legislators understand the central issues and are prepared to address them, no meaningful reform in the control of derivative trading will be possible.
One would do well not to hold one's breath, living in a planetary kakistocracy: dominance of the dumbest creating what clearly will in due course become the greatest catastrophe in recorded human history. And, beyond question, never has a military entity accomplished so much with so little: AQ&A read the global economic situation far better than the world's leading economists, speculators, investors, derivative traders, central bankers and exquisitely timed the 9/11 sting to receive by back-reaction the required facilitation of their auto-associative phase transition to a planetary economic-stress-oriented strategy, a strategy which will morph as their associative engram morphs, whether AQ&A itself survives or not. A trillion dollars of induced U.S. war expenditures (and how very much more counting all the indirect costs) exquisitely timed in relation to the larger pattern of economic stress is far more than a mere chaos-theory butterfly-wing flap. The more to which I could agree with Das is that the central issues include the fact that derivatives as a corpus of instruments are a regressed parody, by mass projective-identification, of fiber-bundle arithmetics and one way of keeping quantal non-simple ownability at bay. The only real solution to the derivatives dilemma is to incorporate them into m-logically-valued LETS devolved from a Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert-space non-vehicle-currency reference manifold, structural properties of which would self-organize all of its derivative instruments (that is to say, LETS e-nesting foams employing commodity-backed vehicle currencies of n-autopoionomies co-devolving under the µTm-valued logics of their quantum-composite, non-vehicle, reference-currency, Riemann-surface manifold and the base-state of its universal covering). Stated in this fashion -- no user-friendly interface, Musculpt not yet being available -- abstract notions these, indeed, are, but there is no missing the emphasis on the local in LETS. I fully agree with Elena Panaritis when she points out that While we have national and international trading in asset-backed securities, the information on the assets themselves is localized (The real estate roots of the crisis in the US, Maverecon's blog at the Financial Times, 21 July 2009). Real property is local -- and to my lights is rightfully local, so I do not agree with Panaritis that part of the solution to the derivatives problem lies in global rule homogenization. Rather, it lies in monetary quantum composites, just the way all natural systems holographically superintegrate local with global, part with whole. Existing derivatives, in their parody role, simply remove from view all scales of information smaller than the scale upon which they trade (a type of renormalization, always an obsessive fixation for normotics); whereas, integrated into m-logically-valued LETS e-nesting foams, a derivatives bid could only be made with money marking information on the nest-scale of the ask, wherever intermediary traders, were there to remain such, are physically located and located in the scale-length spectrum (and such bid money could not be acquired by a bidder not directly engaged with the nest-scale of the asker: there would be no way other than direct engagement to acquire such money, that being one of the functions of the m-values stacked on the base-state of the given LETS e-currency, its nested and nesting e-currencies). The 23-trillion dollar commitment figure currently being kicked around is impressive but only notionally 23/1000ths of the derivative problem -- assuming derivatives themselves, not their contextualization, are the problem. Panaritis points to one such contextualization problem. Nor would there be any intelligence to getting rid of derivatives; this would simply reduce self-organizational competency to stall speed for a complex economic process. Any biologist should know that. Look at the components and component processes of metabolic pathways: the number of derivatives employed to facilitate self-organizational competency is truly staggering. You think that the deterministic disorder of random heat motion -- rather than the m-logically-valued quantum potential inherent to Everettian relative-state identity-transparency -- takes the interplay of simple homogenous rules of association into higher and higher orders of self-organized criticality? I don't. And I bet AQ&A doesn't either.
Please don't bother to quote me financial figures or display graphs, tables, charts generated by whatsoever government, multinational, transnational, multilateral, central bank public and private and privatepublic. I believe all such numbers are by now pure fabrication; computers are employed to artfully articulate these fabrications one with another, definitions being altered as required. Argument over fabrication-figures is a bootless gesture at best. This was the case in regards to the Viet Nam war from at least 1966 onwards, and probably from a lot earlier than that. I saw the fabrication happening with my own eyes at the district and province levels, and later at the national level right across the room from my desk. People received awards for being superlative fabrication-figure articulators (a given fabrication has to fit well to the others). With the global economy delivering more and more of less and less to a larger and larger population base (e.g., nutrients in higher and higher yielding hybrid and GMO field crops dropping off at a rate of perhaps 10-percent per decade, while MSG and other-additives consumption increases by approximately the same rate as the increased yields: soil structure, quality, organic content, along with every other quality, be it of resources or produced goods, being altogether neglected) there can be little doubt that status of the global economy has reached cybernetic parity with the Viet Nam war, circa 1966.
Kindly refrain from attributing to me things I have not actually said. I never said that dollar devaluation caused the Yom Kippur war (though, emotively speaking, how could it not have been one subliminal Arab motivation?). I said the Yom Kippur war was not the primary consideration instigating the Arab oil embargo -- as is the standard Western media black-propaganda account. Reach your own conclusions about motivators of Western oil policies, reasons for the fannings of Zionism and/or anti-Semitism, inducements to derogatory characterizations of Jewish and Lebanese business practices, whys and wherefores of the structures of global monetary systems, connections between devaluations and/or speculations and oil shocks, actual origins of the Yom Kippur war and other wars, whether or not UBL has always been a controlled agent and of what service, but, please, do not say I said what I did not say. I've never said that the Viet Nam war was all about the gold-exchange mechanism of the Bretton Woods monetary system. What I have argued ad nauseum in so many words since early-spring of 1968 is that economic factors were those of primacy -- much more so than failure to bomb into the Stone Age, expand all the way into the Shan States of Burma where the Vietnamese (as distinct from the local communists) had letter-box-number-code locations (Out-Country POLOB was of considerable importance to insights generated at SRA/MACV-J2), inadequate democratic nation building, lack of perseverance or presence of anti-war protests. And the decisive economic event clinching end of that war was progressive collapse of the BW gold-exchange mechanism largely due to the manner in which the U.S. financed its war in Viet Nam (not exactly a political defeat: cf, e.g., Zalin Grant's Facing the Phoenix: The CIA and the Political Defeat of the United States in Vietnam, Norton, 1991). This same manner of financing has been brought to bear upon GWOT. Oil barter to dollar denomination of oil transactions to oil crisis to petrodollar recycling to Third World debt crisis to the Plaza Accords bubbling of the yen to baht collapse: none of these can be radically separated from the way the Viet Nam war was ended by ending BW1. The sting which was 9/11 (which Peter Van Greenaway wrote a novel about in 1974, i.e., Take the War to Washington, and I wrote into my private journal during 1972), AQ&A mounted to elicit U.S. actions without which they could not have successfully carried out the planetary organizational phase transition required to implement a global economic strategy consonant with that of the Vietnamese communists: ram the exponential resource-commitments growth curve (by insurgent organizational expansion in space and time -- one prerequisite to such an insurgent expansion being the mounting of actions) down the counterinsurgent's gullet. And what a hoot it is to listen to people observe that under Obama America is no longer seriously engaged with GWOT. The present global economic crisis is just a stage of the sting eliciting GWOT! War against the very idea of the Westphalian and Cartesian and Newtonian and Congress of Vienna nation-state system, its impersonal Weberian sociological uniformities and the uniformitarian world construct it expresses. Communism a surrogate for pagan-animistic identity-transparency which is a surrogate for quantum relative-state. The constituency for anti-nation-state action grows and grows as Nature herself buys into the program! What better counterinsurgent strategy than implementation of m-logically-valued LETS? Heh-heh-heh! But the choice has been made. The processing power required for implementation of m-logically-valued LETS has been devoted to planetary surveillance and the monitoring of every phone call, e-mail, and bank transaction. And there is no chance that that choice could be reversed. Westphalian nation-states which experience MoSoSo (FaceBook, Twitter, Skype) as a national-security threat, if not yet an existential threat, could not conceivably implement m-logically-valued LETS as counterterrorist strategy or whatsoever else. To do so would be to acquiesce to nation-states becoming cultural lags, like are neckties. Why do you think what was done to Poland was done to Poland during WWII? All-caps FEAR have anything to do with it? Why do you think what was done to Poland is being done to Tibet and will be done to the transHimalayas, i.e., Afpaclaya {Af](Pa)[cLaya}, during space-based PWI (Planetary War One)? Does the µTm-logically-valued laya-center aspects of the Tzog-chen AllBase have anything to do with the involved collective unconscious forcing? Big Buddha statues are not brought down like the World Trade Center towers in acts of collective hysteria for nothing. When globalized low-intensity warfare fails, as it will, largely on the primacy of economic issues, every battle having been won, nukes and post-nukes and post-post-nukes will be employed in an attempt to win the war which was lost (the counterinsurgent reserves the right to destroy absolutely everything in The War of the Flea): all sides push for this, as each underestimates the others. Underestimates what about the others? Heh-heh-heh! Effect of autolatry -- on all sides? No cognitive presbyopia, that's for sure! Termination of the prevailing socioanabiosis -- the psychological prerequisites to collective suspended animation no longer being fulfilled? A breaking on the wheel, certainly; but no mere braking of the many-pronged rake, the collective roué. There may be a consensus somewhere in Copenhagen, but the only prospective emergent global consensus is for planetary total war. Once megaurban regions around the globe are thoroughly balkanized by economically-forced-draft deurbanization processes -- isomorphic to those of the Khmer Rouge -- and in the hands of contending PMCs (private military contractors) staffed by combat-vet mercenaries, emergence of this global consensus will have been greatly catalyzed (for an account of the present status of this process vis-à-vis U.S. conurbation see: Detroit: The Post-Apocalyptic Future of American Cities?, Al Martin Raw, 6 July 2009). Now is the memetime to prepare m-logically-valued LETS; the time to implement it is after the fall, fall of the Westphalian nation-state system which refused to become a cultural lag.
Scale relativity is a mode of thought as well as a principle -- a mode and a principle not well assimilated by the hard sciences, let alone the soft sciences. It does not merely involve self-similarity across scale levels, and certainly not selfsameness over multiple memetime steps and spatial nests. Not simple: complex. Marxist-Leninist adaptations of the Hegelian dialectic, by virtue of the spiral-cyclic view of history -- and the associated theory of historical forcing functions -- incorporated significant elements of scale relativity into its theory of national-liberation warfare (e.g., the heuristic model of three-stage war): not only multiple scales of activity within the nation-state to be liberated, but regional and global scale-level components as well. And each of these scales across sectors of activity: military, political, economic (not necessarily in that order). Moreover, the capability modulation across all such sectors and all such scales effected by time-dilation (protraction): Clausewitz's time as a factor of forces, an early formulation of the quantum-mechanics notion of operator-time. What transnational terrorism-insurgency has begun to effectuate regarding the pure conception of war (using Clausewitz's term) is a topological transform over the spacetime laminate (involving Bucky balls or not) which is the meta-environment of the conflict: action-directive principles heretofore employed preferentially to scales nested within the nation-state are now employed specifically for nesting-scale effects: an instance of thinking globally and acting locally. But strategists of the West do not fully understand that a war can be a battle or an engagement, depending upon the spacetime scale-perspective chosen and adopted. Why do these strategists not understand this? Because they reject m-logically-valued relative-state identity-transparencies as real quantum states (a failure of insight into the quantum measurement problem) -- particularly so by blocking generalization of quantum principles to all scale levels, this normotic blocking being sustained in order to maintain the fiction of a classical limit such that the Westphalian-Cartesian-Newtonian institutionalization and associated neurologisms-psychologisms can continue credible enforcement. As a for instance on how this sustainment is maintained, consider the following extended quotation from Zalin Grant's Facing the Phoenix (published in 1991, I emphasize, pp. 29-30):
The migration to urban areas, forced as it was, had changed the face of the war. In the rice fields there were fewer recruits for the communists. But even more important to this change was the fact that [Tran Ngoc] Chau's strategy of destroying the Viet Cong's political and administrative organization as a prerequisite to winning the war almost had been brought about -- though not in the manner envisioned by Chau, but, rather, largely as a result of a miscalculation -- by the Viet Cong themselves. This mistake came when the Viet Cong launched a massive attack against the cities during the Tet holidays, in 1968, believing that it would provoke a general uprising among South Vietnam's population, forcing the Americans to leave the country. In perhaps the fiercest irony of the war, the Viet Cong were decimated in the Tet offensive, which stirred no uprising among the populace, but they emerged from defeat, to their surprise, with a great psychological victory. To a war weary public in the United States, the spectacle of guerrillas attacking the American embassy in Saigon was taken as final proof that the war could not be won, and a withdrawal of American forces was begun the following year.
Nonetheless, the communists knew the price of their psychological victory, even if the American public did not. Some of the Viet Cong, who were made up of southern communists, suspected that their North Vietnamese comrades had encouraged them to launch the Tet offensive fully realizing that they would be decimated and thus removed forever as challengers to the primacy of the northern communists in directing the course of the war. Whatever the case, the Viet Cong's losses at Tet, combined with the first successes of the Phoenix program in tracking down and eliminating their shadow government, which had moved into high gear the year after the offensive, meant the communists were hurting as they never had before.
Just how badly they were hurting was apparent to the CIA station in Saigon, which was located on the top two floors of the six-story embassy. CIA analysts were poring over a freshly captured document, a major policy statement by the communist high command. Though couched in ambiguous terms, the document -- called COSVN Resolution Nine -- was an admission by the communists that they had been severely wounded by the Tet offensive and would be incapable of any sustained operations, in the CIA's opinion, for at least two years.
This statement displays many of the elements of self-delusion involved, not only in preserving cognitive opacity to scale relativity, but also in prefiguring U.S. response to the 9/11 sting announcing initiation of the topological transform over the spacetime laminate which is the meta-environment of global insurgency against the Westphalian-Cartesian-Newtonian institutionalization. During the late-1970s, after a long conversation with Peter Gillingham (a person with Lansdale in the P. I.) about his book Good Work, a discussion that drifted off into intense discussion of the Viet Cong political infrastructure (VCI), he offered to introduce me to Edward Lansdale, the major subject of Grant's book. I declined the opportunity because, being an Air Force brat, I was not much interested in meeting another general officer, and because I already knew how any engagement with Lansdale would likely go.
COSVN, military region, and province party committee policy documents were largely internal kiem thao: a documentary form of criticism/self-criticism at the party committee scale level corresponding to phe binh criticism/self-criticism at the cellular scale level. Predominantly self-propaganda. Moreover, given the extent to which the GVN-ARVN were penetrated, can anyone sincerely believe that the communists were not aware of the degree to which US-GVN strategic intelligence assessments were derived from the reading of captured policy documents? Anyone who daily spent time at CDEC (Combined Document Exploitation Center) could not miss the turnover in translators and how many part-time translators (including students) CDEC employed. Policy documents (especially COSVN resolutions) had to be evaluated side by side with detailed analysis of the huge corpus of nuts-and-bolts bureaucratic documents (e.g., the enormous collection of personnel transfer orders, boundary-change directives, letter-box-number-code change announcements, and so on) if the wheat was to be adequately separated from the chaff. The CIA did not do this to any significant degree (either on the upper floors of the embassy or in the Norodom Complex: I know this was the case, having argued with those people often enough to finally throw my hands in the air and storm off, never to return), relying unduly upon their agents and content of policy documents: that was one of Sam Adams' main criticisms, and highly accurate (as was most of what he had to say). Some aspects of COSVN Resolution Nine were part and parcel of the communists' post-Tet projection-of-weakness policy carried out to make it easier for the U.S. to decide to leave. When I first walked into the U.S. Army Center for Military History during the early-1990s (by then what I wanted would have been declassified) looking for copies of the SRA Newsletter (from SRA/MACV-J2, some of which I had written myself), the first thing handed to me was COSVN Resolution Nine, which was, at the Center, thought to be the premier document capture of the war.
The whatever the case caveat, employed by Grant in regards to the (accurate) VCI's sense of having been betrayed by the northern bo doi, is a typical technique of black self-propaganda, one way of depotentiating a fundamental critique of the argument without addressing the actual issues. The VC did not launch the Tet offensive; the orders circumscribing timing came directly from Hanoi approximately one year prior. Preparation for general counter-offensive stage of three-stage war was the policy response to the 1965 U.S. troop build up, and had been in effect for two-and-a-half years by Tet-'68. The country-wide synoptic organizational phase transition initiated after the fall of Diem was seriously set back by the U.S. troop build up. It took the communists two-and-a-half years to organizationally return to where they had been in 1965 -- and they brought this about with 500,000 U.S. troops in country. An absolutely stunning accomplishment. The follow-on synoptic organizational phase transition of 1967 was so successfully carried out during the year prior to Tet-'68 that the communists themselves began dismantling the NFLSVN (no longer, post-Tet-'68, a need for a front-type organizational format, such dismantling having first been unsuccessfully attempted on a widespread basis during 1964 in aftermath of the Diem assassination) and replacing it with a new pre-government form of organization. During the first six months after the offensive this had already been quietly done in more than a dozen provinces. The documentation of this is lavishly available in the nuts-and-bolts bureaucratic documents still stored, if I am not mistaken, at the William Joiner Center (a sampling is provided in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, in the paper reproduced there which was written during spring and early-summer of 1968 at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2 -- the unit which was once POLOB-CICV, until sequestered at MACV Headquarters following fallout from the enemy strength-estimates controversy involving Sam Adams and POLOB -- entitled Third Stage of Insurgency Warfare: A Dynamical Analysis of Vietnamese Communist Strategy, Tactics, and Intentions, Vol. 2, pp. 2-34) -- were there any interested scholars. Since no Ph.D.s in Organizational Change Dynamics were sending reports to POLOB/SRA from Langley, the RAND Corporation, or Human Sciences Research, Inc., and no such Ph.D.s existed at the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, POLOB/SRA, in absence of command direction, took that analytic task upon itself, focusing upon traffic analysis of bureaucratic minutia -- such analysis being resolutely disregarded elsewhere (with a few exceptions like, say, Sam Adams before he was deemed persona non grata in Viet Nam). Influence of the mainstream Communist Party of France upon evolution of the organizational dynamics of the VCI in the South was minimal, whereas influence of the Trotskyite wing of the French Party was substantial. This was grudgingly admitted by Tran Van Giau during an afternoon I spent with him in the library/sitting-room of his Saigon residence during the Tet holidays of 1993. Such influences are apparent not so much on the ideological and policy levels as in the bureaucratic minutia of transformational processes: e.g., anarchosyndicalist imprint upon how, and in what forms, autonomous administrative committees were brought into being, staffed, and articulated during 1964 as post-front/pre-government replacements for the NFLSVN functional elements. Outside of POLOB/SRA there was no American interest actually devoted to studying available documentation of the history of such minutia -- which could have been valuable relative to UNDERSTANDING Tet-'68, not to mention rectifying later misunderstanding of Left influences upon radical Islamism. But that's all speculative, of course. Heh-heh-heh! Lack of actualized American interest is easily verified by reading American accounts written whensoever: job titles, for instance, used for members of the VCI and NFLSVN -- often authoritatively quoting non-communist-party-member Vietnamese -- are invariably nonsensical as regards the organizational dynamics which actually transpired. There was no real American interest because the Westphalian-Cartesian-Newtonian institutionalization does not encourage organizational adaptation. When was the last time the geographical boundaries of the State of Pennsylvania were changed, for instance? Hard to count the arguments over such at lunches in Oakland with Doug Pike. Mistaken organizational assumptions decisively controlling, by projective-identification, human responses to climate-shift dynamics -- there being few counterinsurgency-counterterrorism specialists also atmospheric physicists. Taken in the context of the times is correctly written Taken in context of the collective hysteria of the times -- whenever the times might be. The critical factor was not the Tet-'68 offensive itself, but the organizational transformation carried out prior to the offensive. As regards the VCI's sense of having been betrayed, again, it was not the offensive itself, but the pattern of personnel transfers (which no given VCI cadre was in a position to comprehensively identify) ordered by Hanoi and completed before the offensive was launched. The Phoenix Elimination Program mostly got the wrong people, but when it didn't, it facilitated the communist-initiated dismantling of the southern VCI and NFLSVN, and hence their replacement with a pre-government organizational format. The policy-document-spread communist expectation of a popular uprising during the Tet offensive was internal kiem thao morale building and part of misleading the VCI being transferred into the military meat-grinder, a grinder which operated with great efficiency as many communist main force and PLA units stood in reserve and watched the Tet offensive unfold. Anyone who daily closely studied the OB map pin-boards at CICV during the offensive cannot be surprised by this claim.
As I did a bit of while working as a copy editor for the Saigon Times, study State Owned Enterprise (SOE) reorganizations -- hard to do as an outsider, even harder as an insider, but Michael Pettis' China Financial Markets website helps, though appears often blocked, so rely on Chinese Law Prof Blog -- conducted on large-scale preference-function grid lengths and time steps incremented at five years -- hardly vigorous -- and it does not take much exposure to realize Mao understood Maoism no more than Tran Bach Dang understood the pre-Tet-'68 synoptic reorganizational phase transition he helped plan and implement. Why so little comprehension of their own shticks? Because they never studied from inside-out/outside-in what it was they did. McNamara failed with the Edsel and was given the Pentagon; having failed with the Viet Nam war, he received the World Bank: this was an American Maoism the Chinese obviously celebrated. Texas mentality: Big is Glorious; whether a big success or a big failure is irrelevant. Both the Chinese and the Vietnamese had an Organization Section at every party-chapter level of the echelon hierarchy during their wars of national liberation, but this functional element did not study bureaucratic minutia (the scientific data of Marxism) so as to ascertain what actually happened in particular cases; rather, heuristic Marxist-Maoist rules of thumb, Little Red Book aphorisms, were sthenically applied in order to make an attempt to prescriptively determine what happened in the generic case (to which all particular cases were supposed to conform). Criticism/self-criticism or no, emperors big and small do not examine their own behaviors. What the Organization Section missed, for not studying the minutia, were informal communities of practice within party spheres which functioned across party lines, innovated, did things correctly regardless, and thus insured strategic success of national liberation efforts despite party strictures-structures. Growth and repair processes self-orchestrated on the scale levels at which they transpire; synergistic coordination by the quantum relative-state identity-transparency traditional animism has carried for thousands of years in peasant and tribal societies. In-fighting and factional purges removed these spontaneous, bottom-up, democratic-decentralism, anarchistic-animistic communities of practice from the scene -- genius of place and person finally subdued -- thereby determining that post-liberation self-organizational competency fell to a level far, far below that which prevailed during the war. And they never to this very day figured out why! But this does not make China and Viet Nam a unique duopolistic case: broad sweep in history of the elaboration of law is history of rise of the bigger and of the evermore top-down -- and how force, or threat thereof, is to be applied in facilitation of the same. Informal communities of practice arise when the coercive conventions of the bigger and the top-down fail -- which is much of the memetime. Bankruptcy law, for instance, protects the right of failure, a rightness essential to sustainability of the bigger and the top-down. The failure, like McNamara, is encouraged to go on to greater failures, thus solidifying role stratification and montonicity in authority (requiring single-valued logic and simple identity). Constant division and relentless growth being success which is failure, i.e., cancer of the econome (and its nesting domains in externality). Legalism maintains a distinction between actual bankruptcy and legal bankruptcy, between liability of singly-logically-valued corporate persons and liability of simply-identifiable persons creating corporate persons: without this conceptual escrow, the bigger and the top-down would take a major hit, rings having been put around white collars. Of course, denial by fiat of both actual bankruptcy and legal bankruptcy altogether removes rings from red collars, thus facilitating convergence upon the biggest and the most top-down. Nothing could be more anti-nature, more contrary to animism, more against the Tao, more anthropogenic: natural systems everywhere and at all memetimes shun the single-scaled and the monotonic in their autopoiesis by Taoist wu wei non-doing. While Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism were eclectically/syncretistically embraced, no concerted attempt was ever made to actually synthesize them, for they are, as regards their principles, fundamentally incompatible, lacking in synergy -- particularly so if the m-logically-valued character of the base state of Tzog-chen is lost sight of. The Tao which is the Tao is not the Tao: i.e., not selfsame, therefore m-valued under m-valued logics -- and not conceivably Confucian, much less in conformance with the rules of Tang-style poetry.
The statement that The Tao which is the Tao is not the Tao is my ontological restatement of Lao Tzu's The Tao that can be spoken of/ Is not the eternal Tao. I shift the emphasis from limitations of language/naming and issues of temporal reference to issues of non-simple identity and nonbeing -- which is a deepening of Lao Tzu's famous couplet. This deepening does not suggest that old Taoism had no notion of the non-selfsame, for Chuang Tzu's deployment of paradox implies an embrace of non-selfsameness, though the Taoist emphasis has always been upon the performative, howsoever paradoxical: the non-doing which leaves nothing undone; the seeing without looking; the coarse meshes of Heaven which let nothing through; the empty glass which is everything (to use signifiers employed by Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu). Paradox simultaneously juxtaposes binary-logic oppositions -- in Taoism by way of the rotational tai chi performative in traditional Chinese logic, an implicit predication of non-selfsameness to each of the yin-yang opposites. This predication connotes a tacit awareness of the m-logically-valued, an explicit manner of handling non-selfsameness as arrayed over Heaven's coarse meshes. These meshes can be understood as nesting foams of fractal boundaries. M-logically-valued monetary units defined on fractal e-nesting foams could be considered Taoist performatives. Such performatives evolve through use, through cultivating them as a collective practice -- and computer/Musculpt simulation would certainly be useful in that regard.
Tall man as thin man as wall man. Nope. Not Lansdale. Not Colby. Not their progeny. They've never engaged in grass-roots political organizing (except perhaps at the NLRB and Cornell's program there about): civic action, MEDCAPS, the like, touted as political affairs; plus, OSS-inspired mounting of irregular military operations misconstrued as bringing up a guerrilla infrastructure -- not in Viet Nam, not in Latin America, not in Afghanistan, not in Iraq. Which is one reason why each of the involved wars -- only a battle or an engagement, depending upon the time-step-scale perspective adopted -- has not, and will not, stay put, stay won, stay historiographically refined, defined, confined. Keep it simple; the saving faith; the simple truth; total control; absolute power: these American verities always yield The Winner. Hustler's shills and ropers, themselves being stung: Camoflex personalities all, the inane insane, sufferers of normosis. Heh-heh-heh! Inky dinky do. Hoo-hoo-hoo. Oops, staying in the bush so long America no longer made sense. So they said. Rather, staying in the bush just long enough -- at home in a hootch -- American sense seen as nonsensical. Back into the late-'50s, i-twere, and all that what that generation's rejects done done, eh what: They Were Expendable, Inn of the Sixth Happiness, Flight From Ashiya, The Seventh Dawn Lansdale's program -- his intrawar experience having been in OSS-R&A, while his postwar behavior was as if he had been OSS-MO -- might have worked in Viet Nam sometime before Andre Malraux threw his hands in the air and left Indochine in disgust and a funk: one Man's Fate.
Smarmy, yes smarmy: over black ice on a void moon, they were chasing the dime in lost light, seeking the narrows with their blood work, reaching for the overlook, hearing trunk music of angels' flight, knowing that the brass verdict of the last coyote was a darkness more than night. Killing leaders is not an effective way to prevent synoptic organizational phase transitions -- now or then. In the vaguest of general terms, Lansdale -- though not most of his cohort -- sort of wishy-washy-knew that, it seems. As regards organizational-change-dynamics details, invariants of phase transitions, functional prerequisites, autopoietic operators, and the like -- under whatever names -- Lansdale could not have had any significant insight, as, except at POLOB/SRA, that sort of thing was not being studied. And the people at POLOB/SRA did not have the backgrounds that would have been required to carry the studies -- had there been the necessary resources available, which there wasn't -- into sufficient elaboration as to identify factors critical to the involved phase transitions and develop an effective strategy of interdiction. This could have involved things like preventing changing slots of many-hat (i.e., m-valued) role designations/attributions from being mapped upon boundary values shifting in response to alterations in the environment of the combat. Once such a mapping has been successfully established, the phase transition is virtually automatic. Prevention of such, for a hypothetical example, might most effectively have been accomplished by instituting ongoing GVN boundary changes in conjunction with introduction of local currencies (given that both VC taxation variables and m-valued role slots were defined over changing local boundaries established by the VCI). When one compares the demonstrated intellectual capacities of the contending parties -- Truong Chinh vs. Henry Kissinger; UBL vs. Bush Emphasis upon the elimination of leaders is one way to stay clear of the frightening fundamental issues (some of which are subliminal) evoked by association to principles of far-from-equilibrium organizational phase transitions (as applied to human systems, not chemical systems).
Origins of the Phoenix Program and its semi-deniable out-sourcing of noxious tasks went back a lot further than Tran Ngoc Chau, Le Xuan Mai, and Nguyen Be; further than Ngo Dinh Nhu's Personalism and rural New Life and Can Lao and attempts to create a Vietnamese version of the Chinese-Japanese pao chia/tonari-gumi (a thoroughly decentralized organizational vehicle which had been employed against the Mongols and could have evolved internal boundary-value flexibility sufficient to support local monetary units on a par with those approximated in VC taxation systems, had there been adequate theoretical insight regarding what the VCI were doing) which us Americans implacably opposed, in extremis to assassination; and further even than the Catholic Church's midevil Inquisition and stake-burnings -- just as the communist party's smart-mob cellular criticism/self-criticism went back further than monastic, identity-transparency-simulating self-criticism in the Christian-mysticism origins of utopian socialism. But mythological historiographies are so much fun to create! Even unto the present and future transHimalayan theater of The Next Big One: actor Steven Seagal, y'see, is the reincarnation of an 8th-century Tibetan lama who in those old days found a text forecasting by centuries the 1950 Chinese invasion of Tibet (see: Gordon G. Chang, The Coming Collapse of China, Random House, 2002, pp. 25-6), there being no mention made in Hollywood of the 8th-century Tibetan invasion of China during which a substantial percentage of then-existing Chinese died. But such myth making is exactly how the collective unconscious works upon the historical process: there are indications that real theoretical insight regarding Musculpt of the base state of Tzog-chen was lost to Tibetan Buddhism during the 8th century, only to reincarnate as Lukasiewicz logics in pre-WWI Poland. Heh-heh-heh! The Third-Eye on the universe, Falun Gong's Li speaks of, being the 3-valued logic of µTm-orders of Lukasiewiczian logical-value. Hitler and Stalin, of course, could not abide this Polish joke and unsuccessfully attempted to stamp it out. Goldman Sachs, on the contrary, specialized in the Polish joke: How many Goldman Sachs' executive Poles does it take to change a light bulb? Three: one to hold the bulb and two to spin the ladder. Now, decades after Hitler and Stalin, another scene of the same screenplay is being stage managed on the transHimalayan set, Collective Studios, Unconscious Pictures: no small budget indie; a cast of billions. But then, some people confuse Gong Li with qi gong -- so what else possibly could be expected? A showing of Mahikari smart-dressed in a lasered Gong Li hologram? It is not by cause-effect, antecedent-consequent, binary-logic accommodating schemata that such synchronistic archetypal processes transpire; nor is there cosmic compassion for the participants.
Topological transforms in organizational formats are the hard part; replacement of lost leaders and other personnel, the easy task. Such transforms are best undertaken slowly, the quieter the better, though they do need precipitating occasions (goals, such as an offensive, justifying and driving organizational phase transitions). The goals themselves are disposable; it is the transform vis-à-vis the spacetime laminate of the meta-environment of the conflict that is paramount. One important lamination of that meta-environment was the international monetary system through which the U.S. funded its war in Viet Nam. Not having been a member of HUAC, LBJ did not have Nixon's history with, or attitude toward, the Bretton-Woods monetary system. Were I to guess -- and, in coauthoring MOON, I had to guess by extrapolation from the captured enemy document on secret negotiations in Laos I ran across at CDEC -- I would say, and did by implication say, that Ellsworth Bunker was not told of the secret secret negotiations covered by the false secret negotiations leaked to the press and by the brouhaha kicked up over the premature Tran Ngoc Hien overture, that Harriman, Sullivan, and a few relatively lowly Lone Rangers on the ground were those privy to LBJ's failed hidden initiative through Laos, motivated largely by the level of stress the gold-exchange mechanism of the Bretton-Woods system had reached by the end of 1966. Establishment of monetary controls in the U.S. was virtually LBJ's initial response to the Tet-'68 offensive in SVN. And properties of the involved meta-laminate still constitute one class of primary variables determining how fate of the human species will play out over the much prolonged death rattle of the institutionalization of the long-dead Westphalian-Cartesian-Newtonian worldview construct. If this is too abstract to be given credence by pragmatic, down-to-earth, utilitarian, muddle-through realists -- as clearly it is -- then that is just a feature of the present global conjuncture, about which one cannot become unduly fretful, it being largely unalterable.
Nixon shocked to -- eMe
A 4.5 snake in the tunnel -- Ieye
Expired on dollar devaluation -- uYou
Yielding oil shock -- ReyeT!eMe -- Eonia
IeYe -- truncated-mean Euribor
uYou -- LIBOR-LIBID spread
ReyeT -- rising (3-month) TED spread
Ouboohoo -- LIBOR-OIS spread = 365 or one year
Even this particular my other I am right here now has never entertained the notion that the Westphalian-Cartesian-Newtonian bureaucracy would not carry the day -- carry it directly into the domains of human species self-extinction. It's hard to rate the professions in regards to their contributions to origins of mass-total warfare. Psychiatry has to be very high on the list: anti-psychiatry (R. D. Laing, et al.) failed to prevent the continuing psychiatric suppression of m-logically-valued states of consciousness, and, hence, regression of those states and their projection into mass-total warfare; the sex therapy provided by the sexual revolution was turned to quantity rather than quality, monetized fetishism and voyeurism rather than subsistence Bronze Age naturalism, and, thus, blocked one relatively easy route to m-logically-valued identity-transparency. The deschooling of society never left the playground, and, therein confined, did not minimize the contribution forced (mandatory) prescriptive enculturation universally makes to glutamatergically etching the selfplex of socialized cognition -- glutamatergic anchoring of the self meme to the molecular-cellular brain altogether precluding m-logically-valued quantum-brain processing from conscious awareness (an excitotoxic condition which ketaminergic ZaZen and Koan deschools to no-(binary)mind Satori). The Law and Capital Movement failed to obtain its 1T2-logical conclusion that law is criminal because it prevents self-organizing processes from obtaining levels of autopoietic competency adequate to the processing of externalities of any sort, and, thus, this movement never found its way to local m-logically-valued monetary units and their fractal nesting foams (utilization of which is the only sort of ZaZen and Koan such a materialistic species could collectively practice as desocialization, deschooling, and all the other forms of Taoist non-doing required as exogenous antidotes to the excitotoxicity of neurotransmitter and mimetic estrogen, glutamate). The collective unconscious always finds a way to select the data -- be it that of hard or soft science -- it needs to vector events along its archetypal gradients. For the vast preponderance of current human residents, planet Earth, West and East, nothing is more terrifying, nothing more non-negotiable, including death it self, heh-heh-heh, than is the specter of acceptance of quantal non-simple identity, with the involved loss-of-self, loss of that self so necessary to the self-control control over others simulates. Existential confirmations/denials-gaming pretentions to ideals games, which are actually nothing but power games -- concrete and abstract, personal and impersonal, individual and collective -- played out over the myth of history as force are simply rationalizations of a generalized willingness to sacrifice the species, the biosphere, integrity of the planet to the Will to Simple-Self Existence, a state function all well-etched brains imprint upon as their neural nets are repeatedly lithographed of molecular origami, so as to keep at bay the quantum brain's m-logically-valued, nonlocal, relative-state identity-transparency.
I've never found inspiration reading American Enterprise Institute, Cato Institute, Asian Wall Street Journal -- or listening to, watching, CNN -- on Maoism, agent-of-influence precipitated Tiananmen Square which set back by decades political liberalization, so on. Don't mind assimilating their institutional takes on 17th- and 18th-century ideas, however. I knew before quitting college in 1965 that, given interpersonal realities of the American workplace, there was no job other than the most menial I'd ever tolerate, so I never sought such. Instead, I took whatsoever available most-menial and made it into a form of movement meditation: good work links to cosmic background noise, which is noise only to binary minds, minds like those informing Cato Institute, American Enterprise Institute, and et cetera. Taoist Mao never understood the Taoism in Maoism -- nor, for that matter, did Truong Chinh, Long March or no Long March. No connection to cosmic background noise, no attending to the symformphonie evoked by cicadas and frogs. Like Takemitsu said: Listen to the aspirations of the sounds themselves! White-noise-induced deautomatization allowing bleed-throughs of m-logically-valued quantum-brain processing. Who listens nightly to cicadas and frogs? Who, like biological-clock work, repeatedly takes away acoustic-blackhole-analogue residue of the involved superposed, relative-state, identity-transparency? Quantum clocks within clocks within clocks: social psychology's contagion. Who listens? The peasant sea or the revolutionary fish? The sea, of course. Nightly collective occasions of experience! Repeated immersion in quantum-brain collective and cooperative phenomena. Revolutionary fish have no internal sonic-visioning system, no melon brain; they are not dolphins. And not being dolphins, their sight yielded no insight -- even regarding their own collective behaviors. Having fallen from grace with the sea, they came out of their revolutions without ideas, without catching connections to metabolic pathway theory, quantum biology, far-from-equilibrium phase transitions, multi-valued processes, fractal boundaries, and on and on. And to illustrate how poorly informed anti-communist, yet still pro-centralized-state, pro-centralized-suprastate, pro-WTO, World Bank, International Court, IMF authoritative commentators -- especially those Western lawyerly -- have been about on-the-ground, local-tax-base, local-autonomy-type processes of communist revolutionary warfare, and residuals thereof, the following from Gordon G. Chang (The Coming Collapse of China, Random House, 2001, p. 220 and p. 248) is offered:
Go to the small villages and towns of China, and you will find thousands of local officials who act as if they were the embodiment of absolute power, levying their own taxes, dispensing justice as they see fit, and, as unbelievable as it may seem, issuing their own currency There's not much high Party officials can actually do until they take back control of the countryside from their own local cadres, who are the source of the instability.
Does corruption flow from the bottom up or from the top down? Seems unlikely to exhibit quantum nonlocality, corruption fulfilling none of the prerequisites of that undistributed middle. Not to mention this quotation as an illustration of ignorance of quantum and blackhole-information physics -- and the human-systems analogues of material processes studied by these sciences: ignorant of, say, the fact that F. A. von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock are the Hugh Everett, III, relative-states of the subsystem-system-supersystem composite, i.e., the scale-specific currencies (plural) in scale-relativity with the involved nesting foams. No m-logically-valued LETS guy, I guess. As if Wall Street, in its own way, were not as corrupt as Zhongnanhai. What the Dickens? Another coincidence? Heh-heh-heh!
Yeah, well, mention of Greenaway was more concrete a comment than I usually have made -- all the way back to the Sixties. Greenaway's 1974 novel was formulated on the tactical level, passenger plane into the Pentagon, destruction of tall buildings, what could drive American military units to the point where they could do such things (according to Greenaway, certain experiences undergone during the Cambodian Incursion); my journal entry addressed the strategic considerations of a dagger team without firearms taking on NYC. ((Contrary to my job description, and in an attempt to get me killed for witnessing something I should not have witnessed, during late-1967, I was placed as the token American on a dagger team engaged in night missions along the Mekong near the Cambodian border. Needless to say, I unexpectedly survived, which says something about the quality of SF Training Group, circa 1966.)) Some comment, circa 1970-2(?), someone made on a construction site (if memory serves, under-floor wiring of the computer room in the Forrestal Building) elicited the thoughts written into the journal (and reproduced in The Moon of Hoa Binh printed in 1994). The generation of SF responsible for creation of Delta had, during the Vietnam years, a conventional farewell: Keep your rucksack packed! An enormous number of bull-session arguments lie behind this summary statement encapsulating the notion that the war would continue well after it had ended. From the late-1960s, I have believed (and have greater conviction now than I had then) that when global cusp arrives, the involved corporate psychosis (Greenaway's term for collective hysteria) will yield events -- spread far and wide -- very much worse than Russia succumbed to during WWI: mutiny, the hunting down of anyone and their progeny conceivably culpable. Can't dance, was the SF rubric of the period, meaning: Sure, I'm a participant. The same generation that produced the retribution-filled A Little Sympathy for the Devil and the animistic identity-transparency immersed The Barking Deer. People inexperienced and unthreatened, sitting calm, cool, and protracted, in deliberation upon split-second decisions taken in life-or-death (if not Schrödingerian life-is-death) circumstances, are cosmic hoots even 9-lives cats would not share Dog Meat Chow with: these deliberations create the circumstances yielding inevitability of such split-second decisions. Who, therefore, is RESPONSIBLE? Playing on Greenaway, no F&L -- fear and loathing -- of Earth's terror firmer and the Abo's aboriginality! Over the years, I have avoided trying to imagine particulars, largely because of the experience at SRA/MACV-J2 of having intensely argued in spring and summer of 1968 that any expansion of the geographic boundaries of the war would inevitably cause a huge catastrophe -- and later being slapped in the face by events as to how incapable I had been of imagining anything like the Cambodian holocaust. I know I simply cannot envision particulars of what is very likely to transpire. When one looks at the way the ruling classes are behaving and at the consequences of this behavior evermore becoming concretely manifest Back during the 1970s, the New Physics -- no atomic twister -- was called Magic Without Magic. Today, the way to a command economy without a command economy is -- what? War! Gargantuan articulations of rectifications as the stereotypic response to the prevailing global financial crisis being a Great Leap Forward in Sinofication of the planetary economy: SOEing of the firm, the bank, the customer, substitution of grants for loans, in a retrograde inversion of privatization (underachievers in the ascendency!), as serialized total control is sought by economic composers/conductors all around the world during this pre-crescendo movement of the Westphalian-Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung Sympphony. Don't git no freedom-or-order baalief outta usins, dat's fo'sure! What would we do without da self-fulfillin', chicken or egg, thin - - - - line? An' if da chicken and da egg And will the real petrothugs please stand up? Engineers of transportation systems? Customers clustering the pumps? Armies of the Night keeping the world safe for gas guzzlers? Holders of godzillions in petrodollars? Designers of BW2? He who shot Liberty Val ue uh, uh, SHUT the BW1 gold-exchange window? Progenitor of the Kennedy Round? Liability financiers of the Vet Num war? Chinese banks lend because China has a command economy (repeatedly noted by Mish and others) and is intent upon recapping the Western 19th and 20th centuries, a psychopathic obsession two-hundred years late when there are so many better alternatives. By the memetime the quantitative easing chickens come home to roost, a command economy without a command economy will have become the new global magic without magic. There is no such thing as an absolute Taleb black swan, only relative black swans. Unpredicted by whom, by what subset, by what sector of nature, under what order of logical-value, within what level of historical tolerance? 9/11 was not a black swan to those who planned it -- and to the many who knew some such event was inevitable. Given unknown unknowns are unknowable only to certain classes of knowers. Moreover, all recorded historical facts are counterfactual insofar as facts qua facts per se -- historical facts being a subset thereof -- are constructs selected and consensuated under but one order of logical-value, that of the 1T2 variety. Chaos and complexity theory, for instance, treat m-logically-valued relative-states as if they were singly-logically-valued facts because these theorists employ only 1T2-logic; and since these higher-logically-valued k-relative-states (the correlation k from nk fitness landscapes) do not permit 1T2-logical prediction (high k-values spiral things off into chaos, disorder, pandemonium), it is assumed that they do not permit precise prediction of any sort (higher logically-valued order-types not being employed, and, hence, Lukasiewiczian prediction over Platonia disallowed: step out of memetime onto higher-order temporal operations and the very notion of prediction is less than interesting and hardly even definable). It should be noted that k-values representing correlations are only relatively relative-states. To represent actual identity-transparent Everettian relative-states, k-values on an nk fitness landscape would have to be numerated in Cantorian alephs because this fitness sort of landscape is actually 2nk (the 2 denoting employment of 1T2-logic only). The fact that high k-values on a fitness landscape spiral things off into chaos, disorder, pandemonium strongly supports the notion that functional integration (a matter involving correlations) in biological systems is largely resident on the m-logically-valued quantum level of such (Mnk) systems. Superintegrated subsystem-system-suprasystem composites minimally involve high M-values as well as high k-values.
Not the first time I missed meeting Lansdale, and not the last (e.g., via A. Patti). I've never before detailed it. Just a kid, y'know, and I came off as a kid -- though I'd seen a lot more than most my age. My father's time at the Pentagon was after his 1966 Viet Nam tour, so I didn't first miss Lansdale through my father, over, say, drinks at the Army-Navy Country Club, or anything like that. HHH. Hubert H. Humphrey, a lightning rod for many of the more interesting ideas of the period. I traveled around Washington (a very, very different place then, from what it is today) for more than two years with letters of introduction to anyone (within reason) I wished, printed on the Senator's stationary and signed by him -- himheself, usually. 1963-'65. During the same period, I was spending much time at long-lunch in a private restaurant with old Asia hands employed by Special Operations Research Office (SORO), an institution which had the best library on the Viet Nam war -- probably in the USA (including Bernard Fall's personal library at Howard, which I also used during that time). And I was living in the Georgetown household of LBJ's chief speech writer of the period -- a onetime classmate of JFK and an OSS graduate. The family was intimate friends of the Bundys. So it was hardly possible for me not to know about Lansdale's exploits in the P. I., the contribution these made to origins of peasant studies (copy of Human Relations Area Files on file at SORO), his follow-on period in Saigon, his approach to counterinsurgency, and the fact that he was occasionally in the office of HHH -- as was I. Having assimilated Lansdale's take at SORO, why seek him out personally? My connection to HHH was through his son, Skip, a fellow student at AU, and another student, Steve Lau, and the business-student-exchange organization, AIESEC. There were those peripherally involved, of course, who made various contributions of considerable value: these are named in the Acknowledgements to our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh. HHH was a strong supporter of AIESEC. It would not be an exaggeration to say that AIESEC, HHH, and Lansdale (indirectly) -- via good offices of Skip Humphrey (indirectly), Steve Lau, and Fred Hornbacker, a student at The Wharton School who was President of the AIESEC-US National Committee, and soon a consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton, an old management consulting firm, one area of specialization being organizational-change modeling -- played significant catalytic roles in development of the notion of m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian monetary units. Steve Lau, most specifically. I became involved with Lau, who was a close friend/ex-roommate of Skip Humphrey, via a young low-ranking, personal-affairs-assistant-type, military aide to JFK. This aide had been Alpha Tau Omega at university, and so was Lau, a graduate student at AU-SIS. I inadvertently got taken along by Lau to a quiet beer-drinking session with this aide to JFK during late-August of 1963, hit it off with the aide over military-brat stuff, and thus became Lau's ATO little-brother pledge and AIESEC inductee. Lau specialized in Latin America, was deeply involved with AIESEC, and was a true believer in small businesses. As a student, he was already dreaming up and implementing ideas about how to catalyze international joint ventures between small businesses. Small is the governing word: Small Is Beautiful long before it became popularized. Lau and I had many Washington-and-elsewhere adventures related to AIESEC and HHH; the economic attachés of numerous embassies; various corporate CEOs from Cleveland to NYC; Secretary of the Treasury, Douglas Dillon; directors of various obscure NGOs and foundations; the Latin American Coordinator for AIESEC-International out of Geneva; meetings at Wharton; and so on. In course of these experiences, and the idea exposure they provided, my high-school honors-economics notions on multiple-bank credit expansion crossed into PSSC physics morphed into a precursor of m-logically-valued monetary units. In 1965, however, I abruptly walked away from all that exposure, all those connections -- and enlisted in the Army, Airborne unassigned, intent upon Special Forces training and Viet Nam. Complicated story as to why. None of the usual reasons. Never, at any point in my life, back to 1954 in Ashiya, did I believe the U.S. should have been in Viet Nam -- regardless of what role I might have been playing at any given memetime. C. G. Jung. Gödel. Camus. J. G. Bennett. F. S. C. Northrop. Edmund Jacobson. An elbow in the ribs proffered by Elspeth Rostow (W.W.'s wife, and My Professor) at the First National Teach-in Against the Vietnam War. Read our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh. No belief that that cause was a justness -- for, beginning during childhood in Ashiya, I increasingly understood how the metapsychology of anti-communism was a standup black comedy routine standing in for west-more-land injun-cuntry anti-animism. Kit Carson Scouts following blood trails alongside BDA Teams, Dagger Teams, Roadrunners, Sat Cong CT Teams, the Hatchet Forces, Mike Force, STRATDET (Strategic Technical Detachment) Though, being with TID/525MIG (Technical Intelligence Detachment, 525th Military Intelligence Group), as I have noted, it was no part of my mission statement to be assigned as the token American on a Dagger Team -- nonetheless one does absorb a lot of the animistic mode of cognition on night missions in the Land of Lotta Rain. Chuck Robinson particularly, Chuck Kegley and Mike Meisenburg less so -- three SIS students with whom I for a couple of semesters shared a house in Potomac Palisades overlooking Chain Bridge -- tried to convince me that cultivating undue interest in such theoretical stuff -- Jung, Gödel, et cetera -- was a hard row to hoe; they were right, as I found out over the decades. No replication of Goethe's exploration in the scientific structure of Wanderjahre; just my own little personal version (Goethe's explorations of the 1820s transpiring simultaneously with N. H. Abel's transalgebraic Wanderjahre, setting the stage for Cantor's transfinites and Lukasiewicz's m-valued logics). Complex, radically-different, breakaway ideas, e.g., m-logically-valued monetary units, never, but never, have straight-path, institutionally-affiliated, 1T2-logically-accommodative histories of origin. The exposure extent at each stage of elaboration and the concerted degree of consistent off-hand rejection this monetary-system idea has received over nearly half a century is an inverse measure of the magnitude of its positive value. Par for the human course -- and itself an indicator of things to come.
That's a very good point and should be addressed, so we will do it, even knowing this website will disappear in October. ((A disappearance to be welcomed, given the degree to which this text, the text itself, is being altered by advertizing markers, and so on, and how much extra work that costs me: screw it! As an aside here, I note that MSWord frequently gives me the message that it will no longer spellcheck my document because there are too many misspellings [which I insist upon not changing]; whereas grammarcheck algorithms already had long since hung. Prob'bly tells us something 'bout the mentality of the Bill Gateses of the world! This is a recurrent experience for me, a persistent sufferer of lexiphania, going all the way back to 1968 in Saigon. The first Google-type algorithms were developed by CDC for the MACV IBM mainframes under CDEC [Combined Document Exploitation Center] administrative authority and physically located in the air-conditioned CICV [Combined Intelligence Center, Vietnam] building as a part of the CIS's [Combined Intelligence Staff's] IDHS [Intelligence Data Handling System]. My unorthodox approach to traffic analysis had me asking for Google-type searches which always crashed the IDHS. Didn't take long before I was banned from use of the IDHS. No great loss, really, as the CDC programmers had no insight concerning the actual analytic tasks they were ostensibly hired to facilitate. Given that fundaments of the IDHS subsequently became the information handling paradigm for the whole U.S. library system, no great surprise the U.S. reacted to 9/11 as it did. Google algorithms, of course, don't do well at all with my websites: can't tell which words go together and human-readable misspellings befuddle many sorts of machine-searches.)) Your point: would Keynes have been surprised that current account imbalances did not clear, that reserves were still required after collapse of the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism in 1971? And: why were economists in the post-1971 period surprised that automatic adjustment of global imbalances did not transpire? The very fact that Keynes advocated bancor as a non-vehicle reserve currency and a Clearing Union as well, in 1944, tells us he would not have been at all surprised by the absence of automatic adjustment of global imbalances in the post-'71 period -- no more surprised than a George Soros essaying on market reflexivity. As Skidelsky points out: under the Keynesian Clearing Union surpluses would have been confiscated and redistributed. Soros does not overtly advocate such a Clearing-Union scheme (and the Chinese, while referring to Keynes to gain credibility, certainly have not asked for a Keynesian Clearing Union!!!! in calling for a reserve unit based upon IMF SDRs: wonder why that is? Heh-heh-heh!) to deal with market reflexivities, but his emphasis on regulatory solutions tends strongly in the same direction. Not Keynes, not Skidelsky, not Soros (and certainly not the Chinese) have left the 17th century far behind. For what is the heart but a spring? You will find that statement in the Preface to Hobbes' Leviathan. And the concept of automatic Keynes, Skidelsky, and Soros see as not working is essentially the same concept as that of Hobbes. The ever-changing whirling commonweal of civil society -- in opposition to the so-believed-to-be all-against-all state of nature -- does have its bonds, as George Washington, et al., well knew: it was these bonds, and this opposition, which has been most responsible for the present-day state of nature, e.g., climate change, and which currently most prevents adequate anticipatory adaptation to what the state of nature on Earth is likely soon to become (even when climatologists contemplate that something may be missing from their models, that missing something is always tied directly to greenhousing!). On this website, I am saying that the total subsystem-system-suprasystem composite of m-logically-valued LETS would be its own Clearing Union, automatically, without externally-imposed confiscation and redistribution, and that the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) of that quantum-economy-superposition composite metareference (formalized trope) would automatically keep book by Gödel-numbering of Gödel numbers of Karpensky functors upon reflexive self-adjustments of global imbalances at a level of self-organizational competency present-day economic systems cannot even begin to approach. How? Why? Whence? Wherefore?
Let's approach an answer to these in my usual circumambulatory fashion. One way our Sun communicates with Earth is by inducing global imbalances (more precisely: energy-momentum imbalances at the macroscale of the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions: effect of, for instance, changing values of complex angular momentum carried by the solar wind arriving at Earth's upper atmosphere and feeding into hydrothermodynamic processes of Earth's lower atmosphere). This is not a spring which is a heart. Terrestrial responses to solar communication initiatives are generally quite complex and outright stormy: the synoptic angular-momentum changes carried by the induced global imbalances are processed by Earth with mechanisms like tornadoes and hurricanes (not something Hurricane Killer Gates is likely to be into; see: Mark Schleifstein, Bill Gates of Microsoft envisions fighting hurricanes by manipulating the sea, The Times Picayune, 15 July 2009; well, not exactly on a par with DARPA's current fixation on funding flesh-eating robots, cybugs, micro-UAV batmobiles, autonomous, self-reproducing, biomass-enervated, plant-consuming nanowarriors -- which could persist in aftermath of war in the millions like CBUs and eventually strip the planet of organic substances) and Earth answers Sun by generating coherent -- if one can hook to the I-net by acoustic, i.e., coherent, link, be it hypersound, whatever frequency of light, then coherent gravity waves -- light-sound interaction, laser-like, pulse-code bursts of vertically-propagating, m-valued, acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (Yes, noted here. And please inform Mars of that fact; otherwise, Mars, too, will undergo unwarranted climate change.). It's a humorous honk-honk-honk seeing The Drudge Report and WorldNetDaily pounce on every cold snap and so-called-expert debunking of greenhouse warming (even though greenhousing is not interchangeable with climate change). Honk-honk-honk! How is it professors of mining geology, say, thoroughly identified with Cartesian-Newtonian space and time (see, e.g., Global warming is the new religion of First World urban elites, Jonathan Manthorpe, Vancouver Sun, 28 July 2009), are so informed about atmospheric physics when the likes of renown physicist John A. Wheeler freely admitted to being unfamiliar with the involved equation sets? EM to gravitywave and gravitywave to EM transduction by superconductivity. Closely study our derivation of the atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations at tornadogenesis! Where does the gravitational acceleration appear? ((An article of the utmost importance to this has recently been brought to my attention: Gravity Control by means of Electromagnetic Field through Gas or Plasma at Ultra-Low Pressure, by Fran De Aquino, Dept. of Physics, Maranhao University, Brazil. The ripples observed along the walls of tornadoes, which are visual evidence of the presence of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, may be an indication of fractally-laminated plasma tubules spirally arrayed in tornadic vortices with a gravitational-acceleration and EM-frequency nesting cascade similar in principle to that described by Aquino in respect to stacked fluorescent tubes irradiated with EM radiation in a manner directly paralleling our model of radiation exchange by superconductant free-electron gas core (i.e., tubule) of DNA, wherein gravitational acceleration of free-electron parcels plays a mysterious role. It should be remembered that this superconductant DNA model was developed upon a model earlier formulated with regard to air parcel dynamics involved in double-helical flows at tornadogenesis.)) This is an automatic adjustment process carried out by cascade and reverse-cascade of complex angular momentum through the suprasystem-system-subsystem/subsystem-system-suprasystem composite constituting the solar-terrestrial/terrestrial-solar acoustic analogue to a black hole computer solar-system-exchange brane. Without global imbalances none of this could transpire. No spring which is a heart. No swarming distributed intelligence over a Theory of Moves in PolyWorld: the notion of the motility of micromotives embedded in collective strategies of multi-agent-based systems continues the suppression of quantum relative-state non-simple identity-transparency -- not to mention suppression of the non-linear orders of operator-time superseding evolution/emergence over linear memetime. Commandless, leaderless spontaneous directedness was the term I employed back in the Sixties -- a reference to one of the paramount features of what Col. Toussaint, in The Moon of Hoa Binh, called high combat. But only one of the features; others, such as perceptual markers of identity-transparency, belie properties essential to agent-based distributed intelligence. This means that metaprogramming, and even self-metaprogramming, is not the primary responsible factor, however massively parallel the processing. At high combat, more than generative empathy (psychiatrically deemed pathological). Time dilation, spatial contraction, cross-modal translations of sensory dimensions directly given to ontic awareness ACROSS actors/agents. No information overload, no pilot fixation syndrome at high combat. The infinite regress involved in recursive self-observation (an essential feature of high-intensity stress-oriented training) is a hang-up only for finite-iteration binary-logic machines queued to linear memetime and simple identity. AI and AL (artificial life) of nanotech warriors/predators/prey is quintessentially an encapsulated molecular-level existential game, one more move of 1T2-rational agents against their natural enemy: quantum mechanics. Theory of Dogs by Dogs, them concurrent reinforcement learners! There are collective psychological projections and then there is mass projective-identification in transference. Heh-heh-heh! Preparing the way for holocaust of the WholeEarth, like pre-WWI entelechy of the nation-state by analogy to animal societies prefigured the world wars? Polynomial time over a PolyWorld -- now, that's an improvement, if still tied to Nash equilibria, myopic or no. Negotiations, implicit or no, machine q-learning or no, zero-to-general sum (still only the 1T2 order-type of the CTC++ logically-valued order types available) or no, still, Markov or no, game theory is conflict theory which illegitimately assumes discrete actor/agents with non-Abelian simple-identity phase-digit designators. Conflict theory of predator-prey non-cooperative coevolution inherently cannot account for the holographic harmonic superintegrative overdetermination in the collective and cooperative quantum relative-state Hidden Order (i.e., Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space qua MVRS, the m-logically-valued reference space) by which complexity demerges nonlineally (at absolute limiting time rates of change of acceleration to absolute limiting accelerations to absolute limiting velocities: note the plural associated with the involved chronotopological invariants and the implied m-valued universal physical constants) by Abelian cyclotomic adaptational decompositions/involutes to the abysmally-reductive 2x2 games aspired to by molecular manufacturers and their hired self-improving and self-replicating modelers.
Yesterday, I watched two fellas trying to control a UAV, a made-in-China toy helicopter. This effort was played out near a riverside dike on a tidal delta. Beautiful tree-dropped tropical flowers floating by on their way to sea: tide going out. Ocean level not yet rising in a threatening manner. Glacial melt insufficient for noticeable effect. Two joy sticks on the control box, but still it was pretty much all or nothing: no slide in any of the adjustments. Up, up and away, then sudden lurch for the ground. Finally, after numerous tries, the last lurch was into the flower-laden, out-tiding stream of riverflow. Grabbing hold of the CO2 Kyoto joystick and trying to control climate change with this univalent variable imitates the efforts of these two fellas with their enantiodromic 2-valued-logic, yin-yang (middle slide excluded) made-in-China. And, moreover, places the monotonic CO2 joystick method of tackling climate change dead center of the mass projective-identification in transference responsible for roboticnano warfare, the present-day reincarnation of the same psychoanthropogenic projective-identification earlier responsible for origins of the world wars, the holocausts, the The made-in-China lacked the control sought because the idea of automatic incorporated into the device was more that of the Hobbesian spring which is a heart than the control factor discovered by Arthur Young, the engineer-designer of the rotor for the Bell helicopter: i.e., time rate of change of acceleration. It is extremely subtle modulations of this third-order dynamical variable which orchestrates cascade of complex angular momentum in, say, tornadogenesis (or the vectoring of topological transforms of DNA macro-configuration -- the molecule's total overall shape-shifting as it squirms in intracellular plasmic space, of no small relevance to the engineering of DNA origami -- during helix-coil transition) and which wave-guides tornadic motion in family outbreaks. Sixties up through the early-Eighties, was surreptitious monitoring of CRT electromagnetic emissions one obstacle to public admission of a significant biological role for the quantum properties of DNA, one among many others? Psychoactive drugs, for instance, drugs affecting the subjective CRT, some psychotomimetics occasionally being Musculptomimetic, have mechanisms of action involving effects upon electron transport chains at ephaptic and synaptic junctions, such transport very likely modulated by the Bose-Einstein condensation associated with emitted DNA-generated coherent waves. Normotics all suffer glutamatergic psychosis, symptomatically differentiable from lysergic psychosis -- though both can induce permanent altered states. Tessellated trapezoids trapezist on the Qt, learning Hebbian at mutation rate, nanodeciding to eat corpses for DARPA by neural net evolved over the royal genetic random, not by Youngian control of the fitness landscape. Yaeger PolyWorld ain't poly: there are simply-identifiable polyagents populating it: typical postmodernist language use determined by the requirements of the exorcism performed by mass projective-identification. Musculpt is a world actually polymorphic. The canonical equation descriptive of Musculpting radiation exchange by superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA incorporates the operator-time form of the Youngian function over the systemically-mutating genome. Young even called time rate of change of acceleration: control. This is the variable most critical for automatic adjustment of global imbalances in any dynamical system whatsoever.
Look up the econometric equation of exchange and ascertain what sort of exponents you see associated with this equation. You won't find any exponents. This is a linear equation. Velocity of money is a major focus: average frequency of exchange of a monetary unit across all transactions (the transactional space regarded homogenous, e.g., not as a subsystem-system-suprasystem composite). Don't have the instruments to directly measure velocity of money, so it is calculated in relation to the total money supply (which also cannot be directly measured, there being inadequate instrumentation for that, too). Since velocity of money is calculated in relation to money supply estimations, velocity of money is implicated as regards inflation. Google acceleration of money. You will receive no response to this Google; the links provided will be to acceleration of money growth which is not the same thing, but construed to be so because of the lack of instruments to measure velocity of money, and, hence, the way in which that velocity is arrived at in relation to total money supply. Now Google time rate of change of acceleration of money. You will find no links other than our own. Just as the fellas could not control their made-in-China, the FED cannot control anything about the economy -- and for the very same reasons! So, please do not forget that the measurement problem involves the fact that the glutamatergically-etched human brain is a part of the experimental setup: another deadly speculation regarded unwarranted. Calvinates the guts, does it, like graymass of cloud-encrusted skaters cyberian' their skymasters? Whatsahooit? Hoosiewasit? Saweisitooh? Even looking at acceleration of money would not help them FEDs much. They regard this acceleration as largely synonymous with inflation, but money growth (or contraction) is largely a volumetric issue, not a movement issue, certainly the two issues are not identical (though the two are somewhat related on basis of a gas-law analogy). For good thoughts on this see Mish, Money Multipliers, Velocity, and Excess Reserves, and subsequent good thoughts, Creative Destruction -- though M1 multipliers and M2 multipliers are not the same as multiple-bank-credit-expansion multipliers, multipliers rightfully disparaged by the Austrian School, given absence of m-logically-valued monetary units and their laminated e-nesting foams, T1(M), T2(M), T3(M) Tn(M). Economists don't look at time rate of change of acceleration at all, which is the actual control factor in any dynamical system. Moreover, regarding the transactional space as homogenous -- actually, believing that the planetary economy would work best if the global transactional space could be made homogenous -- in very formulation of an equation of exchange makes it utterly impossible that global imbalances could ever conceivably automatically self-adjust. Automatic self-adjustment, an 18th-century clockmaker's way of talking about autopoiesis, or self-organizational competency, transpires by means of quantum relative-state (which, properly understood, incorporates an operator-time equivalent to time rate of change of acceleration). Everettian relative-state is stripped out of any system that is homogenized. Find a way, such as by implementation of m-logically-valued LETS, to amplify the quality of synoptic-micro relative-state and the system itself will be its own Clearing Union, without Keynesian confiscation and redistribution: relative-state will see to that just as it does in natural systems like Earth's atmosphere. Got milk? If one doesn't like cream, homogenization is great for milk. But monoculturing a whole planet? Pasteurization may also be good for milk, but Pasteurization of the WholeEarth inside a global microwave oven and the superintegrated, n-body-problem, climate-change dynamic controlled by controllers effecting their control with a monotonic Kyoto joystick?
Since Prof. Aquino's Gravity Control article depends upon validity of a quantum correlation between gravitational and inertial mass, I went to Aquino's earlier paper where this correlation is derived: Mathematical Foundations of the Relativistic Theory of Quantum Gravity. Let me see if I can succinctly capture some of the essential differences between the perspectives developed in atmospheric cascade theory and those essayed in this paper by Aquino. In Aquino's approach to quantizing gravitational mass, he sets c in the relativistic Lagrangian equal to infinity and carries this valuation through several steps of the derivation. He also states -- and many others would agree -- that setting c (in the limit) to infinity reduces the relativistic Lagrangian to the classical expression. But is this actually so? If c equals infinity, then dt cannot have its classical meaning, in that t, indicating time lapse, is zero, and d is indicative of changes by propagation over the maximum length scale of the universe. Moreover, the translating particle exists simultaneously at a given instant (from a classical perspective and t-lapse equaling zero) at every n-point along the maximum length-scale worldline of particle translation. The particles simultaneously at every n-point are, hence, the same particle, and, therefore, their identities at every one of the spatially separated distinct n-points at the same instant of time are indistinguishable (this, obviously, evokes the notion of a string).
In atmospheric modeling, when diagnostic equation sets being run in computer forecast models produce infinite velocities, these are generally renormalized by filtering or rescaling. In Paine-Kaplan cascade theory of tornadogenesis, however, the appearance of an infinite value for a velocity (due to a confluence of many factors) was taken as indicative of a topological transform over the relative vorticity carried by the energy-momentum in cascade (regarding Aquino's paper, Gravity Control: think tubes under tubes under tubes, along with Bohm's clocks within clocks within clocks). This transform was understood as a 90-degree twist from real into imaginary components descriptive of the vorticity -- or, in other words, a physical conversion of real angular momentum into complex angular momentum. Since, with velocity of infinite magnitude, translation lapse-time equals zero, this physical conversion of momentum was taken as a Special-Relativity-induced topological operation (time-dilation snapover) executed (at a limiting value of a controlling variable) by the action of time, this temporal action being designated as temporal curl. But since the particle (or air parcel in the atmospheric case) traveling at infinite velocity exists simultaneously at all points, n, on its worldline, and its identity at any separable point, n, is the same identity at any other point, n, on this worldline, it is apparent that this circumstance of identity transparency is a violation of the binary-logic laws of excluded middle and non-contradiction. This logical transgression was seen to transpire in relation to energy-momentum cascade.
Since, in quantum mechanics, it is the Hamiltonian which expresses the energy as a function of momentum, we had to look for temporal curl (or, in other words, operator-time) and non-binary-logic identity-transparency in terms of the Hamiltonian. Most relevant to these concerns were the simultaneous multiple values of the wave-function of the time-independent Schrödinger wave equation, our case of particular interest being t-lapse over history of the case equals zero. We, therefore, were encouraged to look at the simultaneous particles' identities, at every n-point on worldline of translation, through the lens of m-valued logics, not probability amplitudes. This recourse to m-valued logics was further encouraged by the fact that experimental measurements of the atmosphere at severe-storm genesis clearly indicated that when the diagnostic equation sets in forecast models produced a velocity of infinite magnitude, the air parcels in question were traveling at the phase speed of the wave, that finite phase speed being tantamount to infinity for the system involving the wave: that is to say, the phase speed constituted the critical state whereupon the correlation length snapped to infinity. Since there are multiple scales of wave motion in the atmosphere, and energy-momentum cascade transpires between them, each such scale has its own limiting velocity, the attainment of which functions as arriving at an infinite value for the involved system (of a subsystem-system-supersystem composite). This means that each finite value of the simultaneous multiple values of a given wave-function of Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation is equivalent to infinity for some system -- and that characterization of the relative-state between these discrete finite values, each of which are simultaneously equivalent to infinity for some system, requires employment of m-valued logics.
Additionally, if the subsystem-system-supersystem composite is considered fractal in nature, we can gain some insight into how a finite velocity can be equivalent to an infinite velocity, for, in the fractal case, measurement of the length of the worldline of particle translation is on a Koch curve, and that length, therefore, is m-valued, not single-valued -- the same m-valued as is the identity of the particle translating the Koch-curve length. The phase speed of the wave is that of perfect efficiency, upon achievement of which the topological transform between real and complex angular momentum transpires, as effectuated -- in cascade theory perspective -- by temporal curl. It is in the involved critical state, according to this view, that blackbody, superconductant, and black-hole-information physics become relevant at every scale level, for just as there are multiple nested limiting velocities (making topological transformation possible everywhere in nature), universal physical constants in general are m-valued.
The reason people can't stomach my mode of thought and explication is they keep their world in Chinese boxes, and I don't. I've never sought details, precision, mathematical certainty: finance or physics, these are required if and only if one wishes to unduly profit at the expense of The Other, of Nature. Were there single-valued limits to magnitudes of dynamical variables (e.g., velocity) always the same in all inertial frames, such could only exist within a cosmic command elevator containing a universal observer Q with a God's-eye view: Kobo's able Boxman engaging in box renormalization to selfsame quantum numbers. Denormalization and renormalization: just like detox and retox in glutamatergic origins of the selfplex swarm. And if spacetime is quantized (along with the gravitational field), then it truly has m-valued branes, or, in other words, is laminated of limited spacetime domains instead of mere inertial frames (of passive reference): thus, one is encouraged to consider chronotopological operations in snapover at absolute limiting accelerations and absolute limiting time rates of change of acceleration. Since, further, we consider that what is -- in the post-Renaissance era -- generally regarded an objective referential linear-time, in actuality, is only a memetime neurologically etched by endogenous glutamate floods, the plus/minus t of Einstein's theories, and, more specifically, the plus/minus of Einstein's most famous equation, c equals plus/minus the square-root of E over m, indicates, not movement to memetime's future or movement to memetime's past, but denotes a bare minimum mathematical registration of the existence of classes of chronotopological transforms over the subsystem-system-supersystem composite which is THE universe of fractal experience, e.g., spontaneous localization and fusion transpiring with memetime-lapse periods equal to zero. Indeed, glutamatergic neuronal etching -- productive of memetime-bound, 1T2-logic, egoic cognition -- transpires by just such a chronotopological transform: quenching of intermolecular electron-transport processes by excitotoxic induction of spontaneous localization. Movement, propagation, transmission of information is just a 1T2-logic way of talking about µTm-logic relative-state identity-transparency, which always already is there da-sein-ing (being-there/here being the kind of consciousness of quantum nonlocality rarely possessed by humans due to their habitual ergotropic being-in-memetime) EscherFormDance swarms across the Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian reference-space floor of the cosmic cathedral, choreography articulating Masonic neoPlatonisms upon the entiled Regge-lattice sacred geometries. Personally, my primary interest in this sort of stuff is because it helps enormously to understand inner Musculpt phenomenology at walking meditation -- absence of which likely would be convulsive.
In the supersolid phase-state of matter, two and/or more solids simultaneously occupy, by way of identity-transparency, the same block of ponderable physical space -- a composite-locality no less contrary than is quantum nonlocality to isotrophy and homogeneity of space, the fundamentality of spatial and temporal separability, simple locality and simple identity. None of these are inalienable attributes of the bare hyletic/psychetic data -- speaking from the 1T2-logic take through which such attributes are neuronally etched as Kantian categories of understanding, categories to which µTm-logical processes do not abide. Think of the m-logical values stacked upon the base state of a local currency unit as indicative of the presence of a monetary supersolid, given that each m-value of the stack is fine-grain tagged to a local-indicator variable mapped upon superposed fractal e-boundaries of the nesting foam simultaneously co-existing in composite-locality over the block of ponderable physical geography upon which local legal tender is defined. Guan xi, an internetworking of social relationships -- I learned this term from a lecture given at the JFK Special Warfare Center early in 1967 -- is a relatively unsophisticated Confucian approximation to the Taoist notion of nesting foams, i.e., the conditions to which the center-which-is-everywhere is in the midst of, just one Secret of the Golden Flower, nonetheless, providing members of Chinese-derived cultures with an intuitive appreciation of the identity incorporation fractal stacking within variable internetworked e-boundaries entails (check out the illustrative drawings originally incorporated to the arcane Taoist meditation text, The Secret of the Golden Flower, for provocative evocations of m-valence and fractal stacking). There is no authentic quantum composite reserve monetary unit possible -- whatever the Chinese monetary authorities might propose regarding SDRs -- absent such fractal stacking, be that stacking handled by phase mu-it or massively parallel qu-bit processors. Not so incidentally, this reduction of cosmic nesting foams to social guan xi illustrates, not only the whyfore of one of the root conflicts at the subliminal of Chinese society, but also, in the general human case, how -- by collective introjection and subsequent mass projective-identification -- a fundamental attribute of nature, understood one memetime past, as, say, the base state of Tzog-chen, is debased to the notion of social castes/clans and enshrined as prescriptive law -- in the Hindu case, the Laws of Manu -- precluding the order-type of self-organizational competency prerequisite to the spontaneous order in material systems described by quantum mechanics. In the Chinese case, consider the following from Leonardo R. Silos, Management and the Tao, Asian Institute of Management, 1998, p. 113:
Among the more ancient concepts belonging to pre-Confucian times are those of shang-ti (Lord-on-High), t'ien (Heaven) and t'ien-ming (Mandate of Heaven). References to shang-ti can already be found on oracle bones which date back to the second half of the Shang period (ca. 1765-1123 B.C.). The term shang-ti expressed belief in a supreme deity or moral force which ruled the world. T'ien was used to refer to the abode of Shang-ti Very early in the tradition, t'ien began to be used as synonymous with shang-ti and as shang-ti came increasingly to refer to the emperor rather than the supreme deity, t'ien came more and more to mean an abstract power that ruled over the entire creation.
Shang-ti and Heaven were made part of the political order through the concept of the mandate of heaven which referred to the belief that rulers needed divine sanction.
Note that Very early in the tradition, t'ien began to be used as synonymous with shang-ti raising the question as to which actually came first in human cognition: the personification or the representation space personified, the animistic m-logically-valued or its cyclotomic decomposition to the binary order-type. The sequential binary-logic notion of implication presupposes a recursion from concrete particular cases to abstract general cases, whereas the actual historical development was almost certainly quite different, given that pre-LaoTzu-Taoist, pre-Confucian, pre-Mencius tribal art clearly indicates abstracted empathy preceded empathic abstraction (not to mention abstracted abstraction and overempathy) in human cognitive development (see, for instance, the superlative account offered by Pupul Jayakar, The Earthen Drum, Delhi: National Museum, 1980). Moreover, as Silos observes on page 114:
The cosmological elements were never entirely to disappear in the [Confucian] tradition and the attempts at synthesis of the cosmological and the social from the Han dynasty onwards were generally syncretistic. Even the best and most comprehensive of them by Neo-Confucian scholar, Chu Hsi (1130-1200), which was to provide the standard synthesis for generations that followed until modern times cannot be said to have been fully successful.
It was no mere coincidence that Voltaire studied the Confucian Analects. Transmogrifying, by projective identification in transference, the identity-transparent cosmological into the stratified social, for the ancient Chinese t'ien came more and more to mean an abstract power that ruled. Likewise, in Europe, Weltseele, world spirit-force, God's finger, hand, omnipotent grasp uniting the otherwise irreconcilable binary-logic opposites: harnessing this DivineForce became post-Renaissance man's (projected) assault on the limitations of his own enculturated logic. The inevitability of the impossible determines many features of the outcome. Ethnic conflict, for instance, inevitably compounded due to the overcrowding incumbent upon population overgrowth coupled to resource depletion, can only be adequately addressed by psychological, social, political, economic, indeed, monetary-system analogues to the quantum physics of supersolidity.
Look, I prefer the Japanese ma -- a Gate to Hold the MOON -- because this ancient animistic Shinto (as opposed to state Shinto, a Westernization-Westphalianization of stateless Age-of-the-Gods Shinto) notion at the foundation of Japanese aesthetic sensibility is functionally (the Eulerian notion of function: i.e., correspondence) equivalent to the Riemann surface -- only more complex a notion than that produced by Riemann because the bridges between branch points on sheets of the m-valued function (how Riemann dealt with import of Abel's Impossibility Theorem and the involved transcendental m-valued identity: i.e., dantai communal identity-transparency, what Takemitsu, after studying Debussy's harmonies, regarded a Musculpted dan mosaic -- the two dan's denoted by different Chinese characters, but their meanings being related as to ranking system, association, phase, group, degree, organization, grade, step, and so on) are recognized, in the traditional Japanese understanding, as time-like, n-1 dan, November Steps (if in no way involving Western passive-passing time). Ponderable space was understood a (transfinite) stack of 2-D spaces constellated of kami dust (Novikov dust in the Sakharovian multi-sheet model of the universe; warm golden dust of Supermind, according to Aurobindo and The Mother) to the archaic Shinto possession cultist (possession being a modern misnomer for m-logically-valued cognition of relative-state identity-transparency, a non-selfsame idempotency, an identity-which-is-diversity some have tried to capture with terms like fellow feeling or empathy or, not translating, amae [the modern Confucian sense of this misconstrued as: indulgence] -- the German Ergeist expression of Einfuhlung being the closest Western equivalent to an authentic amae-take upon Everettian quantum relative-state over the operator-time demergent laminations-sheets-branes) whereas ma, sacred space and root homonym of AllBase, what I call the MVRS (m-logically-valued [Lukasiewiczian-Hilbertian] reference space), and Tibetans call the base state of Tzog-chen, is that transfinite stack of laminates articulated by 3-fold quantal operator-time. The WOMAN who set me onto this Way of Understanding was Obaasan, the match-maker of Midori Gaoka, Ashiya, Kyushu, circa 1953, the Shinto person tasked with reconciling family spirit/reincarnational histories in ordaining potential alliances brought to her attention (i.e., properly, that is, functionally by Eulerian correspondence, aligning laminates in social correlates to ma). And what does this have to do with economics? Absolutely everything! Some feel wages and benefits need to come down. Others feel high-tier salaries and capital gains (more specifically, financially-engineered return on asset) need to come down. Looking at this issue from rural Southeast Asia, one might conclude that the prevailing global income differential between low and high is not needed in order to make markets optimally self-organize allocations and vigorously stimulate innovation, that, indeed, such differentials as presently exist greatly undermine optimization over the step-functional levels of autopoietic competency. Consideration of optimality criteria for market modulation of both internalities and externalities and requirements of market autopoietic operators might well argue for a ninty-percent reduction in that low-high differential. Consider that the Marxian notion of surplus value presupposes validity of the Cartesian-Newtonian conception of passing-referential linear-time (even as modified in Einstein's relativity theory): Money + change of Money = Profit (i.e., understood by Marxists as surplus value). The change in change of Money presupposes the Cartesian-Newtonian conception. Consider that absence of capital growth-potential (this growth-potential understood by Marxists as a concatenation of surpluses -- i.e., multipliers of the values added by workers over and above the wages paid) in a free-market system is equivalent to absence of allocation of resources and innovation, and that the growth in growth-potential assumes validity of the Cartesian-Newtonian conception of passive-referential linear-time. Neither Laissez-faire capitalism nor Marxism -- as well as the mixed-economy positions in between -- easily accommodates modifications in the standard post-Renaissance Western notion of passive-passing time. So long as this cognitive condition prevails, the human species is utterly doomed -- for nature, which knows Cartesian-Newtonian linear-time only as memetime, will not much longer abide collective anthropogenic behavioral consequences of this debilitated cognitive condition. Therefore, though I don't agree with Guy Sorman's Cartesian assessment of Japan's present economic condition and how it got that way (Japan's Harmonious Drift, Real Clear World, 18 September 2009), the condition denoted by Sorman's term harmonious stagnation -- if a way could be found to make it sustainable -- not only is the only long-term solution to global resource-depletion dynamics, anthropogenic climate shift, and the involved thermodynamic double-binds, but, necessarily being tied to economics expressions of higher-order temporal operators (e.g., F. A. von Hayek's time-shapes of total capital stock), represents a higher state of economics in some sense corresponding (Eulerian functional integration by correspondence, i.e., tropological metareferential relative-state, a specialty of Japanese culture) to a higher state of consciousness. Still falling for the standard interpretation of the Plaza Accords, however. Japanese corporate speculative debt exploded to virtually a quadrillion yen in the nearly-a-decade following the forced Plaza-Accords-forced revaluation of the yen: the price Japan continues to pay for the way the U.S. financed its Viet Nam war. Flash order in the currency markets? Nope, there was none. The dark matter of dark pools these days: internetworked anonymous order matching. Private and/or public intervention into the markets, all classified? Who knows who orchestrates the intervention? Another reason for fractal e-nesting foams under m-logically-valued LETS: since all securities are denominated in some given currency, fractal-entrapment/bandpass LETS viscosities would restrict the range of consequences dark-pool orchestration can effect. Talking their book, they do, those identified with Cartesian-Newtonian perspectives. Drastic! Solid! Beep me, bro! Drink that wheatgrass martini with two blue-cheese-filled olives. Travail of resource stress = price volatility, which can be hot-money leveraged into enormous profits. The commodities-boom supercycle manufactures surplus travail only the viscosities of commodity-basket-backed m-logically-valued LETS can dampen -- thus renormalizing travail-in-surplus. Fustigating the existing non-system monetary system, the fulgurous cognitive fugleman understands the future perfect sense of commodity-basket-backed m-logically-valued LETS over fractal e-nesting foams involves the fact that furcular frangibility is an essential ingredient of fusible fungibility: the spontaneous localization and fusion of self-organizing quantum processes via Everettian relative-state and Hayekian time-shapes of total capital stock.
Why he's just a tai tai, a fan tan button eeled to the tai pan's fly fly! Which of these multitasking, cellularated, corporate functionaries -- exemplars of the glutamate-etched executive brain -- has an attention span so long as the 30-second mindbite? Their tonic activation baseline has excitotoxically corrugated to a serialization of phasic jerks: 30 seconds of memetime is dreamtime for these cads! It's the average person emulating-envying the prerogatives of toxic excitability who GRANTS the executive his neuro-corrugations (5.619 ardeb of cognitive capacity). New brain subverting the old brain which co-opted the quantum brain which -- mistakenly! -- deigned to localize a molecular-cellular brain which allowed enculturation to etch 1T2-logic executive functions over an apocryphal egoic self MAYAmized to the apoplectic executive swarm with which the average person introjectively identifies -- with a little help from popular fiction, of course, that dime-nable black propaganda. Right here now in River City, the snake-oiler, Grange-camper, tent-troubadour, that quintessential American, the door-to-door vacuum seller, narrator of Elmer-Gantryite apologues, has left the carnie stalls cloned, reappearing as the reappeared ever reappearing, the investment-bank-scam scamper: climate shift being the latest siteeeation generative of the opportunistic long con (see, for instance: Matt Taibbi, The Great American Bubble Machine, RollingStone, 13 July 2009, and his earlier The Big Takeover, 19 March 2009, also, for more detail, The Dow Zero Insurgency, Joe Hagan, New York Magazine, 27 September 2009). What is not understood is the degree to which (i.e., deep structure) this was virtually inescapable from the 1820s, and that this lack of understanding insures No Exit from what is to come over the next several decades. How many cons can there be hidden within this con? Falsification of the import of Abel's impossibility theorem. Evisceration of Cantor. Dissing of the Axiom of Choice. The non compos mentising of Lukasiewicz, 1912-21. Dissimulation of Schrödinger. Rescaling to normalization of the primitive equation set for atmospheric dynamics (so as to exclude quantum and relativity physics). Climate shift Gored to a mere greenhouse warming solvable with a monotonic Kyoto joystick. Cap & Trade Goldman Sachsed. Each short con accommodated by the longer con within which it was nested. The way this very long con of cons is going (UN and multilaterals coercing Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian & Congress-of-Vienna nation-states coercing multinational corporations, these corporations coercing subsidiary companies into an investment-banking supersystem fraud -- no longer merely a reserve-currency systemic fraud -- and, eventually, coercing the individual by establishing internet control over home appliances and forcing him and his vehicle to wear GPSed carbon-footprint meters) it might very well lead to the killing of those involved: another major impetus to Planetary War One. When the dominating Weltanschauung goes into incendiary collapse A satyr play's chorus line hightailing, sauce-boxing, beelining, disintegrating to chunky gravy like saucepanned sauer braten. To no avail, I've long argued an alternative to the prospective megakill: snuff the investment banker's executive prerogatives in the viscosities of m-logically-valued currencies fractally mapped over nesting foams of e-boundaries brought up from below. If top-down government regulation hasn't worked for three centuries -- and it hasn't, or there would be no anthropogenic climate shift, let alone a Goldman Sachs -- how is top-down supersovereign regulatory undersight gunna work any better?
General relativity has, to me, long echoed the Marxian interpretation of Hegel's self-referential dialectic: Einstein made a structuralization (spacetime curvature) of a haptification of ponderable space and a spatialization of Alt-A variable-local-pace memetime equivalent to a force (gravity) which is itself made equivalent to a state of motion (acceleration) through that to which it is equivalent (spacetime). Dialectical materialism posits an end in pure communism to the self-referential thesis-antithesis-synthesis cycle, but has no theory of how cyclical history ends at an ahistorical omega point; this is comparable to the free-trader's notion of comparative advantage, which is an idealized heuristic concept dependent upon perfectly frictionless movement of absolutely everything (i.e., free, as is the case with the similar idealization, the perfect information allowing market clearing to equilibrium, which Soros criticizes in his account of market reflexivity), a frictionlessness without theoretical foundation in the Cartesian-Newtonian-physics analogue upon which it is based. Einsteinian relativity has no theory of how the infinite regress -- of acceleration (gravity), time rate of change of acceleration (what force is this? what structuralization is this?), time rate of change of the time rate of change of acceleration (what force is this? what structuralization is this?), and so on, ad infinitum -- ends in a hypermotion through that to which it is not equivalent (elements of one possible theory of this stoppage are essayed in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh relative to the Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics of self-reference which relativity theory explicitly neglects, even though John A. Wheeler made self-reference one of his hallmarks). More apocryphal, more fanciful, more spurious than Biblical Genesis of FlatEarth to which Sun and Stars recurrently present themselves: Big Bang/Crunch as origin and end of passing-passive referential linear-time strung out over ponderable space where linear-past can notionally be seen all the way back to its non-linear beginning in the original instant of Planck's single-valued minimum-time for an m-valued M-theoretic universe -- just one amongst many, that many precluding a single-valued minimum-time (and any other single-valued universal physical constant) for the collection which is that many. And if this M-theoretic universe right here now, one of that many, is m-logically-valued, not simply m-valued, then the collection which is that many, including this one right here now, indubitably is not a collection of individual, single-valued, separate, absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct universes, but the collection of identity-transparent, chronotopological relative-states of this one and only non-selfsame verse, uni- and non-uni- depending upon the chronotopological verseform engaged by the set up employed in the quantum measurement situation collectively constellated -- set up including order of logical-value neuropsycho(logically) specified by autogenic brain discharges. Similar difficulties are endemic to game theory. Arjita Gosh and Sandip Sen, University of Tulsa (Theory of Moves Learners: Towards Non-Myopic Equilibria: the controlling word here is Towards), essay Universal Observer Q, q-learning, incremental convergence upon perfect knowledge and non-myopic equilibria in a covert attack upon attempts (cf: Steven J. Brams, progenitor of Theory of Moves) to inexplicitly introduce a Platonic (i.e., Vedic idealist), Abelian, operator-time, cyclotomic-decompositional giveness of the quantum relative-state of Hugh Everett, III, into non-cooperative Nash game theory, thus, by implication, transforming Cartesian-Newtonian, Laisse-faire, non-cooperative autopoiesis into quantum-relativistic and Taoist wu wei cooperative (and hence collective and critical-state) autopoiesis. The point here being that even the old Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm requires New Physics notions like non-simple identity actually to account for their sacred cows, e.g., magic-hand Laisse-faire market self-organization. Magic Without Magic inescapably involves the magical super-states of matter integral to nature.
Just as modern transportation and communications -- and, more recently, information processing -- technologies ended subsistence and local self-sufficiency in monetized industrial economies by putting distant areas into direct competition, so further advances in these technologies have been ending national economies. In face of technological advancement, globalization has never been a matter of choice -- at least for those among us not Luddites. Or is that actually so? Consider that the word logocentric is disinformation, perhaps even dysinformation. Local-global; micro-macro; discrete-continuous; in-out; low-high; near-far; individual-collective; personal-impersonal; specific-general; irregular-uniform. Though it is correct that all existing human systems organizational frameworks are predicated on assumption of the validity of such dualistic oppositions, the word logocentric -- and associated literature -- mistakenly maintains this is due to the application of logic to human affairs, logic being understood as necessarily binary, dualistic, oppositional. But it has been known by the West in modern mathematical terms since the beginning of the 20th century, and was known by the East in inner Musculpt terms until perhaps the 7th century, that these logocentric exclusions of the middle appertain only as regards the 1T2-order of logical-value to a given proposition, i.e., only to Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean logic, and, to a lesser degree, traditional Chinese rotational, yin-yang logic. So, though it is undoubtedly correct that the neurological, psychological, social, economic, political problems plaguing modern societies, global civilization, the biosphere, atmosphere, and likely other spheres of planet Earth have their origins in anthropogenic logocentrism, the involved logocentrism is only one order-type among transfinite collections of transfinite collections thereof. Amongst more than an infinite number of logic order-types there is no opposition, no conflict, between local self-sufficiency and globalization, no lack of synergy across the spectrum subsistent-sistent-suprasistent. Therefore -- heh-heh-heh! -- deploy m-logically-valued LETS as a first move toward incorporating move learners into the far-from-equilibrium quantum processes by which the synergies of holographic autopoiesis transcend binary double-binds in human systems organizational frameworks and their extra-systemic impacts (insofar as extra-systemic remains definable under the orders of logical-value employed). Deep-seeded and deep-seated, however, are revulsions for the non-binary; little in the way of positive expectations can thus be entertained. It is not merely coincidental that Voltaire was a devoted student of the Confucian Analects: setting aside the East is East and West is West exclusionary opposition as a basis for binary historiography, it should be observed that Western Enlightenment was in many ways European Confucianism. Given that China today strives to assimilate 18th century rationalism and the USA continues to cling to it, the two main contenders of the early-21st century are both dead set against pre- and post-binary logical modes of comprehension.
What's by market pundits touted a self-organizing system has such low-level autopoietic competency as to fully deserve the hoots it's been receiving. Bop-boop-beep bada-bada. The range of market-related behaviors deemed felonious (white-collar crime) is inversely proportional to the systemic level of autopoietic competency. The incidence of white-collar felony is inversely proportional to the systemic level of autopoietic competency. Not only is the prevailing market framework/process hugely incompetent at handling externalities, it's so incompetent at handling internalities it requires giant regulatory and crime-fighting bureaucracies -- and, still, the range and incidence of white-collar crime is clearly outrageous. As is the number of regulations: each regulation, no less than each type of crime, marks a failure of framework determining conditions to spontaneously bring about high systemic levels of autopoietic competency. Not to mention the problem of greatest scale-invariant magnitude: legal crime, by statute and court appointment. The Panoptic Sort of The Electronic Eye overseeing The Secret Money Market? F. A. von Hayek delineated the role of rules early in his career, eventually identified his mistake, had an ah-ha!, and -- like Albert Szent-Györgyi -- finally turned to quantum models of self-organizing processes. How so very different from the orientation of the Financial Stability Board! The prevailing failed economic framework/process, plus its failed regulatory and crime-fighting machinery, has not the ghost of a chance to effectively interface with a self-organizing nature undergoing far-from-equilibrium phase transitions like global climate shift, myriad forms of ecocollapse, a large number of species extinctions, and so on. Think about it. The failure of what framework determining conditions, for instance, necessitates that economic behaviors classified as money laundering can exist and/or require to be deemed criminal? That they do exist, that they must be criminalized, is systemic framework-condition failure indicative of gross autopoietic incompetency not effectively rectifiable by regulatory and crime-fighting bureaucracies. This example illustrates an inability as regards but one class of internalities, and there are many classes of externalities vastly more difficult to handle than are internalities of whatsoever class -- given present framework determining conditions: singly-logically-valued currencies; no fine-grained tagging of indicators to currency values; no monetary e-nesting foams; no fractal properties over e-boundaries in legal tender; no RFIDs on units of cash and their denominated collections; no fiber-bundle-arithmetic EIDs on units of credit and their bundlings; no quantum-composite reserve-currency reference; no Gödel numbering of composite transactions and no real-time, open-source, superstrung, Musculpted public posting thereof; hence, no direct measures of velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of monies, credit-expansion throughput, and their composites as reflected over the constantly changing Everettian relative-state of the Hayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, an absolutely essential feature of any economic process effectively dealing with global resource depletion related to population overgrowth. By contrast, it can be noted that William the Conqueror's Domesday Book -- presaging doom -- did not take account of the time-shapes of the inventory catalogued. And one cannot get to anything remotely like such a time-shape perspective without going from generals to particulars, then more general generals to more particular particulars, and so on in loops over loops.
Realize how pathologic was the monetary system imposed at the end of WWII. The classical 19th-century gold standard, by virtue of being m-valent -- i.e., a systemic capacity to unite in multi-directional fashion, monetary gold being passable between the central banks of any two nation-states -- was even more up to date than 1944 Bretton Woods One, instituted a hundred years later (later than the 1844 Bank Charter Act creating gold-backed Bank of England notes). The war-victorious U.S. put its very big foot down, rejecting Keynes' International Clearing Union (no less than bancor/unitas as non-vehicle reserve currency), and, further, would have nothing to do with an m-valent classical gold standard: instead, it insisted upon a univalent gold-exchange mechanism, whereby only dollars could be exchanged for gold, and only at a U.S.-maintained gold window. Other currencies had to be exchanged for dollars before being exchanged for monetary gold at a fixed rate. When Viet-Nam-war-generated inflation vicariously changed the fixed rate, thus insuring an ending to BW1, null valence prevailed yielding a non-system monetary system as BW2. An apt characterization of this is provided by Jon Livesey in a reader comment made to We are entering a new age of protectionism by Edmund Conway, London Telegraph, 23 September 2009. Quoting Livesey:
But no country can run a permanent [trade] surplus, and if it does, it will simply accumulate monetary assets that will eventually collapse in value. We no longer ship gold from country to country to settle import-export imbalances.
This non-shipping of gold was precisely why Keynes wanted an International Clearing Union and a non-vehicle-currency reserve called bancor. But Keynes' notion is outdated more than half a century of technological innovation later. What is currently needed -- in the context of m-logically-valued LETS -- is a quantum-composite reserve unit (composite of all the commodity backings of all the LETS on all the various e-nesting foams) with the multidirectional transactions among holders of which being Gödel numbered (the number stating exactly the sort of transaction) over an MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) which would be a more abstract and automatic form of Keynes' Clearing Union.
Even in this CodeAge of polymorphic content, some memetimes perverse, billionaires, even in the Empire of Signs, are not in the business of helping other billionaires, I know; nonetheless, Softbank's Masayoshi Son should have a close look at the recent travail of Square Enix's Yasuhiro Fukushima: it may not be a Bubble Bobble to imagine that the two potentially share a vested interest. Geocities is going down on 26 October 2009 and thereby proves itself an inadequate venue for m-logically-valued LETS. Is Yahoo Japan similarly inadequate to the requisite simulacra? Sim City, being too much all about the brown end of buildable spaces, mere construction and management of conurbation, presupposes bird's-eye-view (a total travesty to anyone devoting 15 years to Zen gardening) comprehensive planning methodologies, and thereby, also, proves itself an inadequate venue for m-logically-valued LETS. But just look, look at the logical content of strategy games! Strat-o-Matic they may be; examples of the mental disease mentalis octiles; Stratego Warhammer: extension of the environmental-desktop, space-articulation, MacArthur end-run, visual-dominance approach to RTS/RTT (realtime strategy/tactics). Not in the same cognitive domain as the VirFut Q-Pro prefigurative of full-blown m-logically-valued LETS, howsoever much a Final Fantasy Dragon Quest for the base state of Tzog-chen -- whatsoever the fate of Soft-World International. Look at the goof Gates begat! Howsit been in the human interest, not to mention EarthInterest? Abalone beat with a sand-filled Coke bottle on the Manhattan Beach sidewalk, circa 1968: last year for such exotics in Southern California; first year for the notion of exteriorized Musculpt. Abalone steak ain't no pure abstraction like Abalone. Adequate macromanagement of micromanagement far transcends the Mega Lo Mania over technology trees cultivated in the Westwood hinterland of UCLA, whatever building of a dynasty involves. 2D maps in 3D engines (okay, if and only if establishing functional mappings of multi-sheeted ma): self-dual (but not authentically quantal-non-simple identity), tri-layer, surface-orbit, underground like AQ&A, Bucky Balls or no. Bootstrapping temporal-difference q-learning in MonteCarloWorld is predicated upon dynamic programming of finite differences and is in denial of the transfinite differences (the aleph spectrum) insuring quantal non-simple relative-state identity-transparency of temporal instants manipulated by the nonlinear orders of operator-time. No company of heroes, these ironclad games. Turnbasing, clickfesting, babysitting the button, stochastic swarming, Zergling the rush to multitasking (which has nothing necessarily to do with the m-valued or the m-logically-valued). Third-person shooters vs. first-person shooters (old issue with progenitors of Delta and survivor-victims of SAS): barely crisscrosses the issue of non-simple self-dual multibeing -- and doesn't in the least begin to analogically simulate the representation-memetime chronotopologies of m-logically-valued LETS, realistically virtual, or no. VirFut Q-Pro of m-logically-valued LETS in Luang Prabang, Lijiang, Mandalay, Martaban, Cesky Krumlov, and so on and so on: tried that almost 20 years ago over an m-group (for those in the know, and leaving contemporary politics aside). Better an RTS than is NGO support for exile publications -- back when it mattered. How could a Softbanked Square Enix progenitor (verb, not noun) m-logically-valued LETS? Why would they? Because they have already lost money on systemic-failure issues -- and surely will lose a whole lot more in due course, unless they
Not that I wasn't saying exactly this sort of thing forty years ago and receiving instant retribution feedback, and just to show I am no longer a loner and might so long ago have been articulating objective assessments, quoting Ilargi of The Automatic Earth website, 13 July 2009, Bull Call:
I’ve [Ilargi] started saying a long time ago that the entire system is beyond salvation of any kind, it's marked down as dead and gone. Still, all I see is people talking about saving the system. Get rid of Goldman, and the system can be redeemed. Get rid of W, and things will get better. Fire Paulson, prosecute Cheney, throw out Geithner. But it's not going to work, none of it.
It's not about chopping off the heads. There's too many of them anyway, and they change all the time. The true problems are much deeper. The whole organism is riddled with diseases, it’s rotten to the core with debt and greed and corruption. And as for you, whatever role you have in the economy, you are feeding the creature. Whoever you vote for in the elections, you are feeding the creature. Every house bought, every dollar paid in taxes, it all feeds it.
The system, the creature, will eventually die of its own accord. It will bring down many, if not most, of us in its fall. There is nothing we can do about it, it will have to run its course. The creature has simply become too sick and too bloated with debt to survive, and it's only kept alive to allow the parasites that live inside its intestines and gobble up what you feed it, to find a new host. Then they will move on and the creature will die. Or it will perish before they find a new host.
The only smart thing you can do is to put as much distance between it and you as you possibly can. The further away you are, the better the chances of not being crushed when the remains crash to the ground. Most of you, I know, will keep on hoping and believing that the system can be cured and saved. That is not all that bad. It gives the rest a better chance to get the hell out of the way. Not that it provides any guarantees; just a slightly better chance.
And, at such a juncture, it has been determined that U.S. efforts to build indigenous security forces can and should stimulate state-building as a whole (that's Westphalian-Cartesian-Newtonian Lockean-Anglo-Saxon state-building: see LTG James M. Dubik, Building Security Forces and Ministerial Capacity: Iraq as a Primer, Institute for the Study of War, 18 August 2009). Can the most pathologically insecure society (nanny state bureaucratic regulations placing armed city police on the skateboard park to which skateboarding has been banished, concertina on the high school fence designed to keep kids in, huge fines and felony charges threatened for ice cream cones on the bus, GPS child surveillance watches, reckless endangerment for riding bicycles on the sidewalk, armed guards roving the university library study carrels, illegal to place a For Sale sign on your car, multimillion-dollar fines promised for selling the wrong toy at your garage sale: a form of Confucianism worse than that of Singapore, cradle to grave assault on the human condition of hazard, regardless of whether or not the regulations are eventually revoked) be the most free? And when cognitive dissonance goes off the Richter scale? Obsession with war? (for the latest on this theme, see: Tom Engelhardt, Is America Hooked on War?, Mother Jones, 17 September 2009). The last helicopter off the roof of Earth seems a bit fanciful for most survivors, so, though there surely is no adequate prophylaxis, I've (wlpensinger) long advocated m-logically-valued LETS as one preparatory (noun, not adjective or adverb) to the post-cuspover state of mass anaphylactic shock (an expectation of shock slowly being incorporated into mainstream future histories: see, for instance, Jonathan Owen writing on the UN's 2009 State of the Future report, The planet's future: Climate change 'will cause civilization to collapse', The Independent, 12 July 2009). Consequence of small mind dysterpreting large mind, e.g., Max Born construing Erwin Schrödinger. Low-level algorithms demerge by decompositional involutes from Schrödinger's time-independent referent domain: Penrose twistor as quantization of temporal curl, linear-time demerging from non-linear time, velocity from acceleration, acceleration from time rate of change of acceleration -- or, rather, the chronotopological invariants (always already there on the MVRS, and hence, no contradiction that, for instance, velocity should ontologically come after acceleration) these measurables shadow-image in the rubric of memetime. Demergence and dysterpretation mirror-neuroning each other: Adorno, Baudrilliard, Deleuze, Foucault, Lyotard Directly experientiable by entry upon the infinite regress of concentration in self-observation (the regress actually a matter of sets, not sequences). Dynamics of the social structure of attention cathexes amongst the self's multiple I/i's in voluntary dissociation-deautomatization (forget not polynomial-time laminates). Consciously reconnecting with the quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain. Not only the notation, but the very notion, of the decay constant in theory of half-life exponential deeecay is all wrapped up with issues of eigenvalues/eigenfunctions and how they have been used to interpret Schrödinger's wave-function. Stop using the probability-amplitude interpretation (Schrödinger never accepted Born), employ, say, the notion of operator-time, and c14 dating can no longer be understood relative to a probability space. In that case, tree-ring dendrochronology would be calibrating (RCYBP, C14 ka BP, cal BP, cal year B.P., et cetera) memetime according to pattern recognition by glutamatergically-etched brains employing rules of the 1T2-logic order-type. Glutamatergically-etched neural networks for 1T2-pattern recognition and 1T2-distribution of memory: Hebb's rule and Allport's auto-associative engram do not account for the excitotoxicity by which glutamate kills neurons and ketamine antidotes the killer flood quenching conscious access to µTm-logically-valued quantum processing. The bare-fact, rather, being n-lifeform co-devolution under the µTm-valued logics of the chronotopological invariants articulating m-valued universal physical constants, there being no Real-'I' other than the universal covering surface of the base-state of Tzog-chen. My preliminary motion, a writ of demurrer to throw out cognitive prestidigitation, was filed to a personal journal in high school: thus did I predispose in regards to Max Born's legerdemain -- nor have I ceased discovery efforts, forged a deal with H. Rider Cuntz over his double-slit experiment interpreted by binary slight-of-hand. Fear in the fabric, in the warp as wolf, closeting minds in closure, nullifying nexus, deeming detriment the only outcome. Clearly, conflict over this will not be resolved by recourse to the experimental method or by means of 1T2-logical debate. Forget Habermaus hyperbole. Resolution will come on the back of a demonstration by nature: abrupt climate change. No new financial mercantilism! The last thing this planet needs is a comprehensively planned autarchic new monetary system that works when implemented. If it works when implemented, it is imposed from above, and, if so imposed, it cannot possibly work for adequate processing of externalities -- which is the major prevailing unfulfilled need in regards to the gathering global crisis. The information required can only be generated from below -- thus obviating effectiveness of bird's-eye-view comprehensive planning -- and optimum competency can only be achieved on the scale levels of the information acquired. A monetary process that autarkically evolves from below through use like a natural meta-language (e.g., holographic Musculpt) is the only process by which scale relativities can yield synoptic relative-states and their resultant quantum-composite reserve-currency units (econoquanta). A monetary process (not merely a system) enticing collective participatory practice -- in the Taoist, Zen, Yoga sense -- is what is required, a process which progressively inculcates the requisite brain states and a gathering conscious familiarity with the m-logically-valued modes of comprehension suitable to quantum-composite forms of use. DPJ's Yukio Hatoyama wants to boost ex-im/independent Japanese consumption? Then, in Susukino, at Sapporo Yuki-matsuri, announce the snow-Musculpted Bridgestoning of an increase in the virtual velocity of the yen by deployment via Karpenko functors (Moscow State University) of m-logically-valued LETS brought up from below over nesting foams of bandpass fractal e-boundaries internal to Japan. R&D and deployment, alone, would significantly increase cross/e-boundary cellular-osmotic trade within Japanese national boundaries. Organizational adaptation (an application in managerial engineering) by resource exchange across plasmahaut phase boundaries-without-boundary. And if Tsukuba decided sincerely -- as I suggested there twenty years ago in a public lecture given on superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA -- to tackle the frequency-dependent problem of biological effects of low levels of EM radiation, then whole new industries (not robotic- and nanowarfare related) likely would result. ((Even though I wrote this before encountering Hatoyama's controversial op/ed piece, one could regard the notions essayed here as providing some detail as regards Hatoyama's understanding of the meaning of the word fraternity: In Hatoyama's 'fraternity', people the end, not means, Japan Times, 9 September 2009. Anyone somehow personally interfaced with iconic Bogie-Bergman Casablanca gets my vote! However, as regards To Have and Have Not, there is a worthwhile distinction to be drawn between nation-state agglomeration cum currency conglomeration, cf: European Union and euro, and the scale relativity embodied in exchange units fractally stacked over e-nesting foams. Yes, I know, all this complexity just induces The Big Sleep.)) If Yoshimi Watanabe, creator of Minna no To (Everybody's Party or Your Party) really wants to give more authority to local government, here is how to do it. Computer gaming multiple scenarios strategic planning at the local level (e.g., as we tried to initiate: Luang Prabang, Lijiang, Mandalay, Martaban, Cesky Krumlov, and so on and so on) as preliminary to staged implementation of local indicator/measures and local-commodity-basket backed, m-logically-valued LETS e-nesting foams (not so incidentally making available the instrumentation required for direct measurement of the velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of money, and all that implies about the ability to dampen amplitude and frequency of economic cycles), realdata increasingly near realmemetime, put online as e-commons, commissioned to local governments, user and advertising fee fed, holographically Musculpting (nowadays with touchable Musculpt: Japan scientists create 3-D images you can touch, Chris Meyers, Reuters, 16 September 2009: an absolutely astounding development I never thought of relative to EscherFormDance, smart dancewear, holographic display system in biofeedback-equipped isolation-flotation tank, holographic biofeedback dress [just think of how the topless dress over millennia defined historical memory of that oh-so-extraordinary Minoan society], analogical [quantum] models [sound particles, clouds of sound particles, sheets of clouds of sound particles, universal covering surface of sheets of clouds of sound particles, i.e., kami dust] in architectural design, à la Xenakis' Formalized Music, and on and on and on) the games as collective StratPlan play builds consensus-through-use, this, one can envision as an in-the-FORM-of-nature profit-making (software and hardware sales, commissions, fees) counterfoil to democratic Nazification, planet Earth (India being the latest of a hundred nations to go for a national ID, this time biometric, see: Rhys Blakely, India to issue all 1.2 billion citizens with biometric ID cards, The Times of London, 15 July 2009). Early on and immediate post-cuspover, in some respects and in some economic and/or political settings, off-the-grid, mini-lasered-around-town, community inTRAnets would be far superior to internet-based, Wi-Fied VirFut Q-Proing of Musculpted Lukasiewiczian LETS. If the tornado can use coherent perfect secrecy to communicate with the Sun, then why not you with your neighbor? Not The Putin Model, Keynesian Obamanomica, unlimited Bernankean Friedmania, no Privatopia just one more of the many Bourgeois Nightmares we have all come to perish: debt-loan-bond downlite MoonShadow silent covenants creditors credit howsoever marked. But don't get it wrong. One has to think between general and particular, ALLOWING the general to set terms of particulars. M-logically-valued LETS is not an attempt to resurrect economic planning, this memetime in decentralized modality. Town planning, regional and urban planning, planning re: resource depletion, climate change, ecocollapse needs an adequate user-friendly interface with market processes. The recent financial crisis unambiguously teaches us that lumpen-crony-capitalist FEDerated and government-regulatory collusury-undersight kleptocracy is not that interface. By virtuality, return metareferential go to its original public policy formulation function. One could easily regard the go, the wei qi, board -- prime 19, prime 361 -- as a precursor of the compacted Gödel-numbering Gödel-numbered Lukasiewiczian Hilbert space, particularly as the go strategist arrays blackhole-information-physics eyes upon this reference-space board. Moreover, each stone placed at a Regge-lattice intersection, like the quantum-wave properties of superconductant DNA, is quadraphonic: remove four breaths and the stone is dead. But the facts that the strategic defensive is based upon binary disposition of eyes, and stones come only in black or white, signify that whatever insight to the m-logically-valued properties of the base-state of Tzog-chen informed origins of this strategy game were suppressed to the subliminal. So, creation of VirFut Q-Pro is needed to consciously resurrect m-valued go from depths of the kakureta kata self-metaprogramming succumbed to in memetimes past due. Ron Paul wouldn't go -- heh-heh-heh! -- for this quantum-economy ORIENTation because he is not Right enough! Anarchocapitalism, which is to the right of libertarianism, connects up, on the politicoeconomic Mobius strip, with anarchosyndicalism. Step altogether off this Mobius strip into one of its transcendent functions: that's where you will find m-logically-valued LETS. There are no homeopathic cures, no solutions, to the present crisis, planet Earth, on the level of 1T2-logical Agent-Based Modeling of Social and Spatial Processes, whatever swarm intelligence has to say on the subject. This website being no trouvère narrative of currency histories, I am not too concerned with the issue of fiat-versus-backed, or shifting off altogether from troublous fractional-reserve lending. Every coherent monetary notion is to be encouraged for some class of uses by some subset of users. What is much more important is how and by whom currencies, credit, and derivatives are issued. More currency and credit and derivative issuers better than less; government better than private; lower echelon better than higher; more different types of currency backings better than less and none; negative, zero, and positive interest rates regulated only by the issuer and the fractalized, bandpass, e-boundaried, osmotic-transfer markets involved: all of these, however, to play a part in some aspect of the more and more fully-elaborating subsystem-system-supersystem holographic-quantum composite. In terms of currency issuance/withdrawal, itself, the farther away from human decisions, human hands, the better; the more automatic on the basis of principles analogically drawn from natural systems, the better. There being trous-de-loup punji pits all along the path, the best implementation is overwhelmingly bottom-up, from many-better-than-less points of origin, by many-better-than-less incremental trial-and-error steps, facilitated and informed by Musculpted, internetworked, cellularized, computer-gamed, multiple-scenarios, m-logically-valued LETS, participatory, electronic commons brought from the town/community level incrementally to larger and larger scales: thereby limiting range and intensity of consequences of the inevitable mistakes at learning. Set this beside the recent inane UN proposal (Edmund Conway, UN wants new global currency to replace dollar, The Telegraph, 7 September 2009) and what is there to compare? Point me to a truly innovative monetary system idea other than Lukasiewiczian LETS. There are none! Where it is going, globally, is the big banks will incrementally all become government controlled -- i.e., Nazified -- as, one more prerequisite being met, onset of Planetary War I closes in. The way is being prepared (and the motivation is deep, not surface; cooked, not raw). Moreover, without m-logically-valued LETS deployed in the recipient nations, cap-and-trade climate-bank transfers (see Spiegel Online interview of physicist Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, 4 September 2009: perhaps worth noting in this context is the fact that during the 1970s German meteorology journals played a leading role in suppressing application of quantum-relativity physics to cascade theory of tornadogenesis) will fail on all the same corruption-megaproject issues foreign aid foundered upon -- not to mention the Goldman-Sachsing sure to be involved. And in the case of France and its carbon tax (see: Peggy Hollinger, Sarkozy calls for carbon tax on imports, Financial Times, 10 September 2009) there are no internal-to-France fractal e-boundaries to map the massive carbon footprint differences between Paris dwellers and the rural households, so, grudgingly, Sarkozy grants to the country hicks green cheques not fine-grain delineated across the spectrum of footprints. Morover, the EU boundary Sarkozy proposes to wall off to non-carbon-tax-compliant imports is an either/or, absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, in-or-out 1T2-logical Westphalian-Cartesian-Newtonian boundary, not a fractal boundary with subtlely adjustable bandpass/fractal-entrapment capabilities -- thus insuring that levels of self-organizational competency in carbon-footprint modulation will fall far, far short of those of the natural systems ostensibly to be regulated by this monotonic Kyoto joystick. The current crop of world leaders are the most alientated from nature one could ever hope to find! And since Obamanomica has not instituted fractal e-boundaries internal to the U.S. -- which could help modulate effects of the 5000 jobs the American tire industry lost over the past five years (as compared to the 20-million++ jobs the Chinese economy lost over the past two years in response to the largely Made in the USA global financial crisis) -- and the borders of the ZI are 1T2-logically construed, there are no bandpass/fractal-entrapment capabilities obviating the impulse to establish tariff restrictions: thus, U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China, Peter Whoriskey and Anne Kornblut, The Washingon Post, 12 September 2009. Absent m-logically-valued LETS and caught between climate shift and financial crisis, trade-barriers creativity is the way to go, right? And the list just keeps getting longer: Germany's finance minister, Peer Steinbruck, is asking for a planetary tax on financial transactions so as to pay off bail-out costs; he is not asking for fractal-entrapment viscosities so as to subtlely, variably dampen the hot money flows involved in creation of financial crises (see: Steinbruck seeks global tax, Bertrand Benoit, Financial Times, 11 September 2009). Moreover, to quote Threat of next world war may be in cyberspace: UN, AFP, 6 October 2009:
Estonian Minister for Economic Affairs and Communications Juhan Parts said in Geneva that adequate international cooperation was essential.
Because if something happens on cyberspace it's a border crossing issue. We have to have horizontal cooperation globally, he added.
Bandpass/fractal-entrapment e-boundaries for m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams also constitutes a border crossing issue -- and would if implemented, in and of itself, be a cybersecurity-enhancing monetary-system feature. The technology is going to be used; the only real question is: How? The Japanese are uniquely positioned to make a global impact on outcome of this question. Minna no To's Watanabe needs to entice the assistance of Softbank's Masayoshi Son and Square Enix's Yasuhiro Fukushima into formation of a Minna no SoftEnix m-logically-valued-LETS joint venture. Essence of the present planetary conjuncture: the longer the global leadership elite manages to keep the wolf back from the institutional door of the dead paradigm -- by now, almost 200 years -- the greater the megakill at cuspover. The suppression of economic thought by the FED (see the lengthy and well researched reader comment posted by AKA iambiguous to The Next Financial Crisis, Peter Boone and Simon Johnson, The New Republic, 5 September 2009) is hardly unique to the field of economics; it has also been the case in the field of atmospheric science, for instance, a field which has gone nowhere fast for the past thirty years. There will be many relative black-swan megasurprises proffered by Earth's atmosphere as memetime goes by. Bye, Bye Birdy! If one has ever been up close to F-105s laying down napalm on an enemy-occupied squatter settlement created by forced-draft urbanization, a Johnsonville one had spent some time in, knew some people there, then coming back through with WP just for spite well, knowing a bit about suffering, one does not lightly forecast dire straits and retributive consequences. Then again when the reality is such, when the occasion demands, the witnessing of such things having produced a certain hardness toward THOSE RESPONSIBLE, there inevitably is a part of the mind which cannot escape the notion that, cosmically speaking, things would just be altogether much better without THOSE RESPONSIBLE across the full spectrum of responsibilities (i.e., clearly careerist professionals in every profession). Moreover, the closer one has been, the more strongly is this notion held, and the less is it forgotten as the decades go by. Forty years into advocating these monetary notions, I've simply had to investigate causes and parameters of human-brain impairment: never in economic history has there been an intent to have an actually functional monetary system. Not to have conducted such a personal investigation would have been Dereliction of Duty. I thoroughly agree with Ilargi concerning The Worth of the Earth (The Automatic Earth, 30 September 2009) when he says:
As long as our world views emanate from an economic system based on perpetual growth, there is, after the short high we are now leaving, no way but down and worse If we are to save this planet, we will have to throw out our economic model. But that is an issue utterly absent from any green program.
-- if for slightly different reasons. Nature is not a corpus of things, it is a complexus of processes, and those processes -- like it or not -- are m-logically-valued. Hence, all attempts to value Nature in singly-logically-valued, nonlinear-time-shape-blind, currencies, all efforts to trade Nature in such currencies, will fail to preserve Nature, however successful might be consensus building for such trading. And it is the enculturative neuronal etching of human brains to singly-logically-valued processing alone which is the greatest obstacle in this regard. More concretely, all genuine creativity, and most actual innovation, is motivated by internal necessity, ninjo in the Japanese, a spontaneous moral imperative springing from feeling-toned, empathic, animistic identity-transparency with Nature, an impulse to create, to innovate, opposed by glutamate-etched and mimetic-estrogenated giri socialization of cognition -- so, patent law, or, rather, corporate protection/usurpation law, has been the greatest concrete obstacle to creativity, to innovation. Recognition that creativity, innovation, are individual empty-cup receptivities to collective unconscious imperatives obviates the proclaimed need for VAST income and capital-gains differentials in order to keep human progress on track. Increasingly visible from the 1950s, the situation has arisen such that Nature will no longer permit a non-functional monetary system; it will retract human survival en masse as the price paid; yet, still, the global leadership elite -- wherever it is found -- demands, for its vested interests, a non-functional system. The means Nature will employ to remove that leadership elite will not be fine-grain focused. Memetime's a'wastin'!
Thank you very much for the reference to the paper published by Progress in Physics written by Vic Christianto, Florentin Smarandache, and Frank Lichtenberg: A note of extended Proca equations and superconductivity, 1 January 2009). This may be the first citation in a published scientific paper of our 1979 paper on radiation exchange processes of superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA (which seems significant given the current surge in evidence of increased brain tumor risk due to cell phone use). Quoting Christianto, et al.:
One particular implication resulted from the introduction of biquaternion differential operator into the Proca equations, is that it may be related to the notion of active time introduced by Paine & Pensinger sometime ago [13]; the only difference here is that now the time-evolution becomes nonlinear because of the use of 8-dimensional differential operator.
This is a particularly insightful comment, because during the mid-'70s, as our DNA model was being developed in discussions at Cornell, Cayley's 8-tuples (or biquaterions) were frequently kicked around in relation to active time, the term we then employed, later adopting Pauli's term operator-time (while changing Pauli's meaning somewhat). Scribble notes of a couple of such discussions are included with our paper Toward a General theory of Process written during that period, and the appendix to that paper has more to say on the subject of hypernumbers relative to active time. I also note the mysterious role played by the gravitational acceleration in our model of superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA (which has its parallel in tornadogenesis vis-à-vis vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes as described in our paper The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere) in terms of the following comment by Christianto, et al.:
While from Proca equations one can expect to observe gravitational London moment [4,22] or other peculiar gravitational shielding effect unable to predict from the framework of General Relativity [5, 16, 22], one can expect to derive new gravitomagnetic effects from the proposed extended Proca equations using the biquaternion number as described above.
We were aware from the summer of 1975 that coherent gravity waves were at issue both as regards tornadogenesis and DNA radiation exchange, but approaches to the gravitational physics community were not rewarding. Recently, the work on acoustic analogues to black hole computers has been very suggestive as regards the studies made in these two areas at Cornell during the mid- to late-'70s.
Memetime already wasted, run down, if the following turns out to be accurate and acted upon (Robert Fisk, The Demise of the Dollar, Independent, 6 October 2009):
In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning -- along with China, Russia, Japan and France -- to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council, including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar.
Secret meetings have already been held by finance ministers and central bank governors in Russia, China, Japan and Brazil to work on the scheme, which will mean that oil will no longer be priced in dollars.
Not only oil dependence! What the American cityscape was made to be, what forced-draft-urbanization's built-environments all over the planet are. Ugh! The very least one could have hoped for, by turnabouts of fair play -- heh-heh-heh -- was GM's bankruptcy: menda-city lost to mob-ility/oil/investment bankerscamps. Let it be known that m-logically-valued LETS would have structurally prevented the cityscape-transmogrifying GM conspiracy, Sherman Act or no Sherman Act: more laws = less autopoietic competency. Big difference between LAWS-of-motion Newton and quantal Planck: no need in quantum mechanics to detail the spatial motion field in order to make a prediction; what is required is description of an elemental oscillator, econometrically, Hayekian time-shapes as Everettian relative-states. And now the BW2 global non-system monetary system is to become even more worstest, made over in service to post-peak oil compulsions, monotonic Kyoto joystick, and the MAD rush by strategically located normotic incompetents to reenter pre-1820s cognitive space -- 19th-, 20th-, and 21st-century ratiocinations being utterly anathema because, for them, unapproachable. Further currency agglomeration, further reserve referencing to vehicle currencies, nonsensical pyramided concatenation of vehicle-currencies and inhomogeneously-distributed commodity backer as sole-denominator of transactions in another inhomogeneously-distributed commodity, codified in secret meetings and oligopolistically-imposed from above, autarchically: no way this wouldn't, in retrospect, be regarded a first-order precipitator of space-based Planetary War 1. It is utterly impeachable bull that transition from oil barter to dollar-denomination of oil transactions played no role in maintaining the dollar as foremost international reserve currency in aftermath of unilateral renunciation of BW1's univalent gold-exchange mechanism, regardless of how fast the forex markets function to exchange the supposed international store of value for other fiat currencies. Besides denominating oil transactions, the other major factor keeping a repeatedly devalued dollar (such as before the 1973 oil-embargo crisis and the Plaza Accords mandating of the Japanese bubble that broke) the foremost international reserve currency (this status being the only thing allowing the FED and Treasury Department -- unlike in other nation-states -- virtually unlimited Friedmania-capability to freely create dollars and all that follows from that) was the fact that the U.S. continued to set the global agenda and periodically marked this ability to so set with dogged military demonstrations. How, prey to tell, is the U.S. and the rest of the world to emerge, not from the global financial crisis, but from the manner in which the global financial crisis has been deferred and, in due course, enormously amplified, i.e., by massive liquidity creation-pumping if unlimited repeat unlimited Friedmania creation-pumping at the source of the financial crisis caused by unlimited creation-pumping is cut off by changing the rules of the self-driven-wheel game at mid-crisis? Lots of luck on a peaceful answer to that one! But not to worry, China will see us through by taking the advice of IMF economists. Heh-heh-heh! From Kenneth Rogoff, It's up to China to avert a dollar debacle, The Toronto Globe and Mail, 9 October 2009:
During the 1950s and 1960s, Europeans amassed a huge stash of U.S. Treasury bills in an effort to maintain fixed exchange-rate pegs, much as China has done today. Unfortunately, the purchasing power of Europe's dollars shrivelled during the 1970s, when the cost of waging the Vietnam War and a surge in oil prices ultimately contributed to a calamitous rise in inflation.
What at hoot! And why would China listen to someone like this? Europeans bought Treasuries as a store of value because that is the way the U.S. Government CHOSE to finance its Viet Nam war, i.e., borrowing at high interest rates from foreigners, rather than by levying taxes, and it was this LBJ means for financing Guns 'n Butter, along with Nixon's devaluation of the dollar in conjunction with and aftermath of unilateral renunciation of the Bretton Woods Agreement leading to oil price hikes and embargo, which produced the calamitous rise in inflation. China is hardly likely to listen. Or are others (see: Dollar loses reserve status to yen and euro, Paul Thar, New York Post, 13 October 2009). You can thank the AQ&A butterfly wing-flap for that, just as you can thank the Tet-'68 offensive for the 1969 creation of IMF Special Drawing Rights, which Robert Mundell appears to have interested China in as a replacement for the dollar: an IMF-administered We-Are-the-World global vehicle-reserve currency-basket currency as first step to a singly-logically-valued world currency as the only currency in the world. Read Mundell's original IMF Staff Papers papers on optimum currency areas -- bigger is better, biggest is best -- to get some appreciation of the degree to which this single-scale idea is at variance with any known concrete natural system and all abstract general systems theories. ((Fortunately or unfortunately, I found myself sojourning for five years in, of all places, Nong Khai, Thailand, at First Global Community College, which, strangely, by good offices of UC-Berkeley, had a complete set of IMF Staff Papers back to the earliest days in its library and since I didn't have a lot else to do )) A montonic idea imposed from above that will work when implemented! What the world needs now Unfortunately, it appears that reflexivity-perceiving George Soros -- bizarrely a long-time advocate of SDRs epiphenomenal to the monetary consequences of a military offensive -- more or less supports this Mundellian muddle. Before onset of all-out PW1 hostilities, however, you watch: just as alliances snapped-to over oil and prospective Ottoman Empire partitioning-mandates at onset of WWI, there will emerge a Greater China incorporating Japan aligned to a Germano-Russian Bloc, France falling into maze-ambivalence (I first stated this scenario in 1967 as an intelligence analyst studying the Middle East at JFK Special Warfare Center, memetime before and during the Six Day War). What order of comprehension prevails? Following is an example of the level of intellectual-history knowledge, and collective-unconscious-theory insight, highly educated humans with access to extraordinary research resources and scores of assistants bring to analysis of the origins of war (Edwin Black, Internal Combustion, St. Martin's, 2006, p. 270):
The best explanation of why the nations of Europe went to war [WWI] and sacrificed so many men was this: They just wanted to.
Nothing to do with the history of higher mathematics during the 19th century; nothing to do with collective unconscious archetypal gradients vis-à-vis fear of the animistic identity-transparency hidden in Planck's quantum and Einstein's variable time-pace; nothing to do with Lukasiewicz's contemporaneous assault upon logical necessity and exclusivity of binary-logic and single-valued identity. Such esoteric matters, which virtually no one understands, have nothing to do with everyday life and collective behaviors like war. The League of Nations was an oligarchical arrangement brought into being to deny application of the principles it professed; moreover, it man(dated) old thermo(dyna)mic-physics heat engines over variable time-pace new quantum physics technologies, thus helping to suppress cognitive challenge to habituated 17th- and 18th-century neuronal knee-jerks and associated political-economy. Given that The Prize issued out of dyna(might), the Nobel Committee has always been supportive of the League's heat-driven theme and UN variations, these days reinforcing the mistaken notion that climate-shift is equivalent to greenhouse warming: giving rise to the explosive question as to whether or not future generations will bring charges -- heh-heh-heh -- against the Committee for committing -- heh-heh-heh -- a serial crime against humanity. But what are the odds there will be any understanding whatsoever as to the actual origins of PW1? And how are current failing efforts to prevent PW1 related to those unknown actual origins? Like earlier enunciated: I'm an inveterate optimist; I believe there could be a ten-percent human survival rate. Has to be something like this currency scam revealed by Fisk transpire, though, even if this exact thing is repudiated, as the human species just ain't got the smarts to comprehend the situation it has created. Abrupt currency change (I take inordinate extreme cold snaps as a clear indicator of the deautomatization in abrupt climate change by far-from-equilibrium phase transition) -- when it comes, and that may not be soon: see Martin Wolf, The rumours of the dollar's death are much exaggerated, Financial Times, 13 October 2009 -- will be due more to externalities than internalities. Though Wolf believes The case for moving to a different system is very strong, he also holds that In a floating exchange-rate regime reserve accumulations should also be unnecessary: this is the perfect information and absolute frictionlessness of everything equilibrium malassumption once again, undoubtedly prejudicing the notion of what the different system ought to be. See how those deep paradigm-conflict issues, having nothing to do with everyday life, have a way of intruding into everyday life? Note that I am a believer in perfect information and frictionlessness -- being a writer on superconductivity -- but only in the context of quantum economies and monetary econoquanta, and then only relatively speaking by heuristic approach, not 17th- and 18th-century notions of political economy. Internality of note, very astutely stated by Stoneleigh, being:
The bond market will prevent printing. Debt junkie economies are dependent on access to international debt financing, and that will not be available to nations that print.
The notion that liability financing (the old technical-journal euphemism for printing) is incompatible with debt financing totally transcends the Friedmania interpretation of the Great Depression and its malcontents. Good memetime for Geocities to be going down; not much more to be said -- or even much to further concern oneself with.
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