µTm Scenarios, T9(M)
What year was it? 1959? 1960? I am not sure. But whatever year it was that I first cut the leather Levi Strauss & Co. patch and red tab off the back of my jeans was the year the company started using pre-shrunk denim. As far as I was concerned, the new pre-shrunk jeans were no longer Levis. That's when Levi Strauss destroyed its product, not later. Until then, the shrinking and stretching meant that there was always a perfect fit; after that time, I never had a pair of jeans fit properly. Moreover, quality of the pre-shrunk denim was shoddy compared to real denim, stour that it was. But I went on wearing Levis, shorn of the patch and the tab, because there really wasn't any alternative, even as lousy as they had become. So, I have long sympathized with the sentiments expressed by Naomi Klein in NO LOGO (Flamingo, 2000), but, truthfully, I didn't find an interesting, let alone innovative, idea in the book. Even the thesis that the major branded planetarized megacorporations jettisoned vertical integration is a misnomer: what they did was foster keiretsu to handle the vertically-integrated structures, while upper-level management split-off to focus on overseeing name-recognition-facilitated marketing and financial manipulation in a free-floating international monetary system. Most of what Klein describes elaborated itself after the Bretton-Woods gold-exchange window was closed: nothing in NO LOGO can be radically separated from consequences of the Viet Nam war (as Chomsky, quite obviously, has long understood). Summarizing in her introductory chapter, Klein states that the anticorporate corporate activism chronicled in the last section of the book, Part IV, 'No Logo', [is] an activism that is sowing the seeds of a genuine alternative to corporate rule. But she tells us nothing of substance as to what that alternative might be. Much of what she has to say, the good summary statements coming early in the text, e.g., page xxi, unlike governments, they [i.e., transnational corporations] are accountable only to their shareholders, is laughable. Today, even numskulls do not believe governments, including so-called democratic governments, are accountable. After the Hanford radiation release? How could something like that ever be accounted for? After the the list is so long, one doesn't wish to get into it. On page xiv, she makes her first mention of Emma Goldman, the famed anarchist and labor organizer: no doubt Goldman saw herself an anarchist organizer. That Naomi Klein has yet to understand that this term is an oxymoron, goes a long way towards explaining why, in her Part IV, she provides no substantive ideas as to what a genuine alternative to corporate rule might be, ideas not available in the early-'60s, the ideas then having been a rehash of ideas elaborated in the period prior to WWI, which ideas initially appeared some memetime around and about the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War. NO LOGO is a ten-year-old book cognitively lagging by a century and a half. If the desire is to beat the corporations, there is only one way to do it: stop buying things. With consumers like me, there would be no transnational corporations. The last twenty years, I've moved twenty-five times and lived out of two suitcases, one small and one medium, plus a briefcase. I try to live where I don't speak the language, so as to minimize the impact of cultural-corporate noise. I've never in my life bought a TV, stereo, or radio. Every car I've owned was given to me in one way or another. I've always had two pair of jeans, four shirts, adequate underwear and socks, one pair of leather shoes, flip-flops, shaving gear, the basic necessities, to include, most of the time, a computer or access to one (my current workstation having been acquired used several years ago for under USD300). Nowadays, to get around, I ride a cheap one-geared utilitarian bicycle-with-a-basket. And I absolutely have purchased my last CD/DVD, as I am not about to carry all of them around with me and I can no longer store them on my hard-drive because MediaPlayer will no longer play them from the hard-drive (rectified in version 11, with an explicit rip tab) -- not that one loses much by no longer attending to contemporary music and film, so psychologically degraded have their creators/composers and performers and actors/tresses and producers become. Corporate power is not made of consumers such as am I.
How about time rate of change of acceleration, i.e., third-order operator-time? I certainly wouldn't want to criticize Jared Diamond and Niall Ferguson for their theories of the rise and fall of empires, except to suggest that they, perhaps, haven't left preschool with respect to such modeling efforts. They might, for instance, as regards certain aspects of collapse, benefit by checking out Lewis F. Richardson's work of the immediate post-WWI period -- not benefit by adopting Richardson's methods, but to see just how little has been done since then, Richardson, who developed the primitive equation set for atmospheric dynamics, having been a pioneer in the sociology of warfare's origins whose work was not much followed up upon (for a good recent account of Richardson's Arms and Insecurity and Statistics of Deadly Quarrels, both from Quadrangle Books, 1960, see Brian Hayes, Statistics of Deadly Quarrels, American Scientist, 90:1, Jan-Feb 2002). What if history is 'at times almost stationary but also capable of accelerating suddenly, like a sports car '? (Paul B. Farrell quoting Ferguson, Collapse of the American Empire: swift, silent, certain, MarketWatch, 9 March 2010). So, apparently, according to Ferguson, history -- which, somehow, to most contemporary historians, has little or nothing to do with the properties of time, howsoever time is construed, because to engage in historiography, the study not of this or that particular history but of what history per se is, is inherently a totalitarian undertaking -- can have a velocity, at times almost stationary, and an acceleration. One way Quaker Richardson's sociological work was expanded upon was not by directly extending the notions explored in his two books, but by looking at atmospheric dynamics of severe storm genesis through Richardson's primitive equation set as viewed with the lenses of relativity theory and quantum mechanics (an enormous amount has been learned over the last three-quarters of a century about critical-state far-from-equilibrium phase transitions, like collapses of empires, having little or nothing to do with chaos theory's binary-logic take on m-logically-valued processes). However trifling this enormous amount has been assimilated: at cuspover, all extremes prevail throughout the period of deautomatization -- while the critics decry and becry that almost anything is used to argue climate change. Just don't get it, do they. Heh-heh-heh! Brian Hayes provides one sort of approximate depiction of the n-body-problem character of the deautomatization state in his Web-of-Wars diagram of warfare magnitudes, treated like the magnitudes of severe storms. The notion random -- like the notion entropy -- is order-of-logical-value dependent. The Chinese, perhaps utilizing the structures of logical thought in ancient China, seem to have better gotten (what class -- imputed shortly -- of voice, passive-whatever, is this?) the primitive equation of deautomatization state at prevailing climate shift than have gotten those unfamiliar with rotational tai chi logics, those logics undeniably most intimate with severe storm genesis at climate-shift dynamics (see: Emma Graham-Harrison -- O, Emma! -- China unsure on warming cause, to stick with CO2 cuts, Reuters, 10 March 2010). Everett's universal wave-function repeatedly bifurcates (a notion in percolation theory) over memetime evolution into non-communicating schizophrenic multi-worlds only under 1T2-valued logic. Slope (velocity), change of slope (acceleration), slope twisted into imaginary-number spaces (time rate of change of acceleration): mapping intra-systemic, inter-systemic, and extra-systemic exchanges as regards any dynamical process whatsoever (see our paper of 1977 entitled Toward a General Theory of Process for details). According to the engineer, Arthur Young, who designed and patented the rotor for the Bell helicopter, it is by manipulation of third-order dynamics (time rate of change of acceleration in imaginary spaces/times) that the pilot maintains practical real-world control (i.e., he/she causes) over his/her helicopter (to state it in the ergative active voice, corresponding to the ergotropic brain state, of one modern passive-active/voice 1T2-logically-valued language; but then there is the middle voice -- in Sanskrit, especially of the indirect reflexive variety which George Soros regards a bane of markets: It just so happened that in the scheme of things he inadvertently hung himself, one kind of market reflexivity -- appertaining to, and being a cultural lag of, i.e., reformulated so as to fit the modern Western notion of identity, the m-logically-valued cosmic-aperspectival take on dynamical processes and exercise of control there over: use of the unreformulated Greek voice, which is more authentically a Sanskrit voice, if I understand Bill Whorton's exegesis at the Bangkok Sports Club correctly, historiographically speaking, is to engage in what R. G. Collingwood called substantialism, which is, according to post-WWII historians like Karl Popper, not only inherently totalitarian but also a logical fallacy, that of misplaced concreteness, a fallacy to my knowledge never proven a fallacy, for, I might add, minds identified with 1T2-valued logic alone). Four-percent inflation (see: Reuters Breakingviews, The Advantages of a softer line on inflation, International Herald Tribune, 8 March 2010) is an averaged slope imposed over a defined-as-legal-tender currency area, bounded by 1T2-logic-type in-or-out boundaries, deemed optimal for reducing transaction costs (a Nobel prize was given for this deeming). Transaction costs: intra-systemic, inter-systemic, and/or extra-systemic? This is not a question asked: there being so little in the way of systems thinking on part of economists not affiliated with AFLC/AFSC, Air Force Logistics Command and AF Systems Command, my father's alma mater. And why, forgodsake, would anyone wish to reduce transaction costs, thus removing the viscosity capable of dampening hot money flows without imposition of monetary controls? One small step for mankind toward fractal e-boundaries in nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS has recently been taken by Thailand: a non-Thai person has to have a visa of a certain class in order to log-on to internet banking. Hurray for the Thais! A subtle viscosity on hot money flows -- one, alas, affecting primarily the little guy, not the big players actually responsible for meltdowns and lesser downs, lesser sets and dows. Also alas because the big players in the 1997 collapse of the baht -- that collapse being a big motivator for restrictions on internet banking access -- were the Thai banks making lowly-collateralized big baht loans to Thai-citizen super-rich shorters of the baht (the loans were used to buy dollars for transfer to dollar accounts outside Thailand). Put this Thai initiative together with recent Japanese innovations in community business (see, for instance, JAPAN BIZ TRACK: Community businesses could revitalize society, Asahi Shimbun, 9 March 2010) and we have something more than the Aztec two-step -- though, of course, there is no associated insight to related deep issues of self-organizing systems. As to whys, quoting Nicholas Kulish (Greek crisis churns up centuries of bad feelings, International Herald Tribune, 8 March 2010):
The euro was not just devised to reduce transaction costs and reap the benefits of a major reserve currency. It was also meant to serve as a symbol of a European identity, an identity intended to move the Continent beyond centuries of warfare and toward unprecedented harmony.
So, wherefore all thou bellyaching? Creation of a monetary system informed by extra-economic considerations is found not to function well economically. That is an unexpected outcome? And what kind of identity did EU and euro impose? Was it a [purified, 1T2-logic classical] European identity in principle analogous to that sought by the Nazis in their particular metaphysical niche, or was it a [superposed, m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian] European identity intended to foster the spontaneous fusion mediated by the quantum potential carried by the Everett relative-state driving the associated autopoiesis? Hardly could it have been the latter case (all essential elements thereof on the scene by the late-'50s), the EU having been cognitively midwifed by minds tacitly simpatico with back-reactive, born pre-WWII, circa 1935, Nicolas Bourbaki (at Cornell's Maths Library during the mid-'70s, I attempted to assimilate content of quite a few volumes of this unended University of Nancago cartoon treatise, mostly now forgotten by me, thank the gods; see, for semi-sympathetic contextualization, Bourbaki: A Secret Society of Mathematicians, Maurice Mashaal, translated by Anna Pierrehumbert, American Mathematical Society, 2006: one class of engineers of the prospective space-based Planetary War I). I mean, what information space, Planet Earth? There is no information space, only spaced-out dysinformation. Quoting James Saft, a Reuters columnist, Global Edition of the New York Times, 5 March 2010, No easy exit for Britain or Greece:
Greece, with no currency or monetary policy to use, has to get out of its debt hole the hard way.
What is never mentioned, never acknowledged, never even recognized and understood, is that this circumstance is also a just so-story with regards to California, that scale-level relative to the U.S. nation-state currency, and to, say, Detroit, not to mention, for example, a small town like Cascade, Idaho. Is the actual value of the currency employed the same in all these American cases? Is the same interest rate appropriate to conditions in all these places? The same level of deficit spending, quantitative easing? Does absence of locally-specific currencies extract/veil/deny EEI, essential elements of information, from/to the MDHS, market data handling system, over-tending the pretended-to-be information space informing market action directives, impinging upon micro-actors like you and me, such that market self-organization of allocations simply can't work well for lack in availability of the requisite EEI? The very idea of nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS is predicated upon the thesis that this is precisely the case prevailing. The more epicycles they are able to produce in order to sustain integrity of the prevailing institutionalization of the dead paradigm, the greater the megakill at cuspover. But some eyes appear to be opening from their long squint. Quoting Heather Scott quoting IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn (IMF Chief Calls for Stronger Surveillance of Spillover Risks, iMarketNews.com, 26 February 2010):
Strauss-Kahn said another key area to focus on in the short term is to do a much better job of tracing how risk percolates through the system
This may not actually be a technical reference to percolation theory, but, if not, it should be. See my articles on percolation theory of risk concentration: Constructing a Chaotic Marketplace, circa September of 1995; and M-Valuation in a Generalized Currency Basket, circa 1998. For more technical work on application of percolation theory to credit-loss risk see: S. M. Focardi and F. J. Fabozzi, A percolation approach to modeling credit loss distribution under contagion, Journal of Risk, 7:1, 2004.
He starts off quoting Patrick Henry, circa 1775 -- thus revealing the century with which he is cognitively identified, as are so many others, indeed, most others, maybe. The perfect identification for someone on line -- 2000, eh -- of the new millennium writing a future history! Then, on page 2, just so as to insure the reader cannot possibly escape, he enunciates the central theme: sinister technologies of our 'information age' have obliterated the line between truth and fiction True -- heh-heh -- insofar as it goes, but what line is that? A line, mind you! Not exactly into Lukasiewicz logics, is he. Or into understanding that suppression of m-valued logics, once they were fully constellated, circa 1909-12 (same frame in which Kandinsky wrote On the Spiritual in Art and Schoenberg laid out the first dodecaphonic composition S-matrix, thus prefiguring by a decade at least a whole school of physicist-mechanics of the quantum-of-action), automatically -- repeat, and repeat again, automatically -- by collective-unconscious process-conventions, regressing contents of the information space by means of projective-identification in collective-transference /// conversion-disorder psychosis (one outcome of which was WWII). Three lines there. Hah! Let alone is he in possession of recognition that truth-value cannot be foundational in logic -- given that Karpenko functors map m-valued logics over the primes (with all that implies about the nature of number -- and the small number of the myriad number-types cosmically available yet discovered). The reader is then told the lesson that the central theme reveals: information is not knowledge. A proclamation which neglects to note that knowledge is not understanding and understanding is not wisdom. I read the book because the title hooked me: Killing Time (Caleb Carr; Little, Brown; 2000). But, even though slash-slash especially so dash-dash commissioned by Time Magazine, this book is expostulation of the obverse of my hooked expectation: certainly no treatise by one attempting to cast off glutamatergic clutches of memetime! The wuthering heights -- heh-heh-heh! -- of presiding American Literature attained. Moreover, what is it with the assumption that -- (Carr, pp. 43-4) the man who controls electromagnetism controls the known forces of our universe we have enough insight to be able to project fields that will cause far more complex forms of matter than bullets to change their behavior -- projection of EM fields, mirrors, electron-temperature enhancements, so on, within Earth's atmosphere somehow does not affect weather patterns and climate? As an indication of the complexity involved, and why it is foolish to do anything which changes frequency-response-window characteristics of Earth's atmosphere (e.g., EM incursions, alteration of the relative proportions of gases), I quote Theodor Landscheidt's paper, Solar Activity Controls El Nino and La Nina, which analyzes the fractal character of solar cycles:
recent research has shown that the solar wind, driven by solar eruptions (flares and coronal mass ejections) and plasma flux emanating from coronal holes, has a stronger impact on climate phenomena either directly or by modulating galactic cosmic rays. The activity of coronal holes is not well correlated with sunspot activity, while energetic eruptions shun sunspot maxima and occur even close to minima. So it makes sense to investigate whether there are other phases than maxima and minima within the sunspot cycle which are closely correlated with El Nino events.
Dr. Landscheidt goes on to argue that there are cycle fractals which correlate to El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO: how very, very Lucent! the unclosed Zen Enso circle signifying the broken symmetry of m-logically-valued, sudden-enlightenment, no-mind Satori), and that climate change is overwhelmingly driven by solar variability (i.e., no significant anthropogenic component). In making this argument, he takes on, while taking recourse to, 2-logically-valued chaos theory and 2nk complexity theory and non-Abelian [Aristotelian-Baconian] nonlinear [Newtonian] dynamics accounts of m-logically-valued processes transpiring in Earth's unclosed circle of an atmosphere: small changes in initial and/or boundary conditions, as small as a butterfly's wing-flap, can produce (memetime step after memetime step) wildly different outcomes than otherwise would be the case. Sensitive dependence on initial conditions (memetime assumed an objective linear-time, it goes without mention), the determinism of many chances all taken together, i.e., deterministic chaos, imposition of boundary conditions required to ascertain Sierpinski points of the Sierpinski triangle which is a Sierpinski gasket iff the three numbers u,v,w have a binary representation. Heh-heh-heh! Internal interactions preferred by chaos theorists. Whoopse! That is ever so close to the internal system state of quantum mechanics, with its interior dimensions -- fractal, fuzzed, frizzed, skew-parallels bundled into fibers (like mortgage-backed security, that sticky to dollar prices requisite of non-quantum simple-identity generalized to the bundling of corporate junk bond debt with CLO -- collateralized loan obligation -- derivatives in just the fashion mortgages were fiber-bundle arithmeticed). Oh, the demon of the night assaulting one's belly, non-simple identity, that bane! O, the dread Witch Bull, that Copenhagen Interpretation! But sensitive dependence does not preclude external forcing! Even anthropogenic forcing! Landscheidt, for someone into control, which is clearly indicated by his title, and as has become tradition in such circles, provides no dynamical model (i.e., has no idea as to how, not to mention why), of course, let alone a microphysical model, only correlations, indeed, high correlations, and assumes Earth's atmosphere is subject to a classical limit, such that principles of quantum mechanics and relativity physics (conventionally understood, or no: i.e., forget operator-time veiling itself as complex angular momentum, not to mention Penrose twistor as quantization of temporal curl!: acoustic-analogues-to-blackhole-computing notions excommunicated from atmospheric physics, circa early-1970s) do not apply at the scale levels of atmospheric hydrothermodynamics (for summary of more than a decade of research and numerical modeling and testing with historical data sets by a score or so on the USAF's and NASA's then most powerful mainframes, see our paper of 1978: The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere ). Landscheidt does not mention the complex angular momentum carried by the solar wind and the minute (as butterfly wing-flaps) effects this angular momentum can have on Earth's rotational moment (small changes, tiny jerks, really, in an initial condition specified within Lewis F. Richardson's primitive equation set for atmospheric dynamics: been there, done that, have you?), for instance, by interactions with energy-momentum balances of planetary-scale waves, setting in motion cascades of induced imbalance of the nesting foam of less-than-planetary waves constituting the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions (been there, done that, have you?) affecting global weather patterns and even initializing severe local storms which generate m-logically-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes as pulse-code answer-back to solar forcing while simultaneously punching holes in the tropopause boundary, thus allowing ozone drawdown from the stratosphere and changing frequency-response windows (and associated frequency beat-down cones) to solar wind impingements, and so on and so on. There are O-so-many ways anthropogenic action could intervene into these superintegrated, overdetermined, m-logically-valued, quantum-relativistic, Everettian relative-state processes with functional equivalents to minute butterfly wing-flaps, one of which is engagement in electron-temperature enhancements to Earth's ionosphere. A species which has long since opted for self-annihilation (from the 1820s, by collective unconscious back-reaction upon the metric established by Abel's Impossibility Theorem) rather than embrace transalgebraic, animistic, non-simple identity-transparency.
Throughout most my adult life, I did not read popular fiction; so, lately, I've been trying to catch up with the populus.
People who don't STUDY fluxions of porno thematics along with fashion-and-fads transients simply have no possibility whatsoever of foreseeing anthropogenic things to come. Just not a possible-world logic, it's not, is it.
Sorry. Projective-identification in collective-transference is a notion people simply can't get -- not being too astute, are they, about projection/identification in one-on-one transference. MoSoSo: Friendster, Flickr, FaceBook, YouTube, FriendFeed, Loopt, Google Buzz, Twitter, Foursquare, Gowalla. Animistic quantum relative-state identity-transparency suppressed and hence regressed since 1926 (Born's probability amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian wave-function: great dissembling did not require advent of the internet and Google algorithms/strings, search spiders) yet again in full-flung projective-identification via collective-transference, a mass conversion-disorder displacement presaging flock, swarm, school, pod, convergence = entanglement, and, if not panzer contagion, then Not the dog's foot, her foot. Ever been there, where you couldn't distinguish your foot from her foot?
The post-WWII French Existentialist characterization of the human condition -- absolute separatism; alienation; anomie; persistent unquenchable fear and loathing of the aloneness and the death to come, that utter nihility; the absolute absurdity of it all when existence precedes essence in a supposed objective linear-time -- is simply a summary recapitulation of the cognitive effects of neural network wipeouts by episodic prepubertal glutamate floods: subject constancy is learned no less than is object constancy. Cogitation by cogs. Piaget's stages of cognitive development are the sequence of excitotoxic neural network wipeouts erasing the neuropsychological capacity (requiring intranuclear neuronal and perineural DNA free-electron gas core superconductivity) to consciously register identity-transparent, Abelian, m-logically-valued, relative-state processing by the quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain. The post-Renaissance, Western, in-the-body, undivided self, individualistic notion of discrete identity is socialized cognition programmed by prescriptive enculturation imposed by force, implicitly and ultimately, if not always explicitly. War -- world war -- to sustain the prescription is not, therefore, an unexpected outcome; nor would one expect history thereof not to be falsified. Nor the victors not to unconsciously parody that which was victorious: post-WWII Existentialism being one such parody. Polish logicians/mathematicians thoroughly familiar with the existence of Lukasiewicz m-valued logics began attacking German ciphers soon after the end of WWI, just as rigorous codification of m-valued logics was being published by Lukasiewicz and Post. Who was allied to those Polish logicians attacking German ciphers? Not Gödel. Not Turing. Finitely iterative is the Turning machine, even when simulating the invalidating self-reference used in Gödel's proofs; while the Lukasiewicz logics of many orders of valid nested-unto-Cantor-dust self-reference are not only iterative or only finite. Only once Musculpted Bohmian holomovement ceases to be explicate output and becomes the enfolded CPU will we have an authentic Lukasiewicz machine like the unmolested human brain, contained and uncontained.
The prevailing interlock between China and the U.S., and likely endgame, is one of the most robust arguments I've encountered for implementation of m-logically-valued LETS. The best characterization of that interlock presently available seems to be that provided by Michael Pettis on China Financial Markets, "What the PBoC cannot do with its reserves", 22 February 2010 and How will an RMB revaluation affect China, the US, and the world?, 17 March 2010. We will see whether or not the USA today has the guan chi (guanxi) it had a quarter of a century ago when it was able to engineer the 1985 sting on Japan, Inc., called the Plaza Accord (actually many imposed accords), commentary upon which remains laughable not least for omission of the role played by the Viet Nam war in pumping up Japan, Inc., bringing down Bretton Woods, setting up the antidollar appreciations, sending off even more Japanese wild geese, so on and so on. The 1967 runs on gold and devaluation of the pound signaling cuspover of the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism was observed by Vietnamese communist strategists as a foremost indicator of shift between Stage of Equilibrium and Stage of General Counter-Offensive (this was mentioned over and over in document after document captured during the period: some of which are directly quoted in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh), thus largely determining timing of the Tet-'68 offensive. A reader comment to another Michael Pettis posting (Stuck in neutral -- what Japan's rebalancing can teach us, 2 March 2010) puts it succinctly (comment by DJC):
The Japanese economy has been stuck in a recession for the past 2 decades. The Plaza Accord forced down Japan’s throat by the US Treasury sharply revaluated the yen overpricing exports across the globe and crashing their economy. Viewed as a strategic threat by the US Elites, Japan’s then booming economy was de facto decapitated.
Also unmentioned in most current commentary is the great dollar default on the post-WWII value of global inflation, which default was the unilateral Nixon renunciation of the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism, and the subsequent devaluation of value which the sum total of dollar creation for overseas payments (military spending, private investments) over whole of the post-1971 period constitutes. The Triffin dilemma associated with a national vehicle currency simultaneously being the foremost international reserve currency is not resolvable by any type of use of SDRs as imitation of Keynes' bancor without Keynes' International Clearing Union (which was to confiscate and redistribute excess reserves) not least because SDRs necessarily are defined in terms of one or another national vehicle currency basket: the very notion of a reserve is not sufficiently abstract as to be able to fulfill the functions asked of it. The dilemma embedded in the Triffin dilemma is that no currency -- vehicle and/or reserve -- defined according to the rules of binary logic can escape the Triffin dilemma: that dilemma is in the very nature of 1T2-valued logic. Hence, the necessity of m-logically-valued monetary units. The type of money made dead by The Death of Money was that type definable in terms of 1T2-valued logic alone. This is the bottom line on why, quoting Pettis on RMB revaluation, We seem to be caught in a downward spiral, and the longer it goes on the harder it is for anyone not to participate.
Keynes was well aware of the principle involved in the Triffin dilemma: the systemic paradox posed by simple identity. The nation-state whose vehicle currency is simultaneously the foremost international reserve currency cannot simultaneously be the nation-state it is and the whole international system of which it is only a part. This is necessarily the case under the rules of classical Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean binary logic: part and whole are incommensurate. This incommensurability is, however, not necessarily the case in quantum systems exhibiting non-simple identity (for the Vedic take on relative-state identity-transparency, see: the Vedic Physics sample chapter of Vedic Cosmography and Astronomy by Richard L. Thompson of the University of Florida), the quintessential example of which is information storage on a hologramic plate, where, by contrast to a photographic negative, if the hologramic plate is broken and only a small part used to project the whole hologram, the whole hologram is still projected from the information stored on the chosen part of the broken plate. The incommensurability of part and whole, dictated by 1T2-valued logic, is violated by the quantum physics of holography. Granted, the whole hologramic image projected from the part of the plate chosen is a bit fuzzy to viewers processing that projected hologramic visual image with 1T2-valued-logic processing alone. Would it be any different under m-valued-logic processors of visual inputs? In order to see why this would certainly be the case, consider how linear perspective was developed by Renaissance painters. These painters actually carried around with them a screen grid (a wire mesh -- square grid -- mounted on a wooden frame) through which they viewed, and made measurements, of the objects, persons, landscapes they were drawing and painting. This practice of viewing through the grid was useful in working out the projective problems of foreshortening, for instance. The exemplar of wire-mesh mind -- responsible for linearizing perspectives on the metaphysical properties of identity, later identified, heh-heh-heh, as Kantian categories of understanding -- was Albrecht Durer. I learned about Durer's use of screen grids -- even made a few myself -- from the man under whom I studied drawing, painting, and comparative arts: a restorer of Great (Renaissance) Masters' paintings at the National Gallery of Art, D.C.-no-Washington, also, during the early-1970s, concurrently teaching at George Mason University. One could easily view Durer + Kant as the early Germans most culpable for the regressed Nazi back-reaction upon the (hologramic) metric exposed by Planck's quantum-of-action as it goes into Bose-Einstein condensation, convergence, entanglement, coherence (e.g., in regression: Nazi soldiers goose-stepping on a rope bridge so as to produce a soliton tsunami). So, there is the object, the screen grid, and the visual field of the painter. For the visual field of the painter, substitute a photographic negative. Hypothetically, for each pixel on the negative there is a corresponding point in the space occupied by the object: one-to-one correspondence. But this is only hypothetically so, as we can easily see by the printer's screening procedures employed at reproducing the image stored on the negative: a dot-matrix density must be chosen, and this is done by selecting the associated screen grid. Moreover, in transposing from the three-dimensional object in front of the screen grid to the two-dimensional picture plane of the painter's canvas, the projective space represented on the canvas has a vanishing point at which all apparently parallel lines meet -- thus belying the notion that there is a one-to-one correspondence of points in the object space with those in the painter's visualization or on canvas or on the photographic negative. Furthermore, hypothetically, the printer could choose dot-matrix screen grids as small as he liked, and if he were to exercise this permissiveness, in the resultant available nesting-foam of screen grids, there would be no actual point existing in the object space corresponding to a given point in the representation space, because the object space would have fractal dimensions over the nesting-foam and measurement of the location of any chosen point in the object space nesting-foam would be along a Koch curve where each magnification, each denser and denser dot-matrix screen grid, is more and more filled with holes until the point sought in the resultant Cantor dust is nothing but a hole, a singularity, a vanishing point, the attempted (quantum) Koch-curve measurement being an Enso Zen circling about an empty center. But this was not a problem for the Renaissance painter because he never employed, or envisioned using, more than a few grid-lengths for his screen-grid cell-sizings -- which was one sort of filtering or renormalization used to arrive at the conventions of Renaissance naturalism in painting. Now, consider the properties of the identity of the painter. One of the fascinations of the self-portrait is the strangeness of the painter in some sense being simultaneously on both sides of the chosen screen grid. The painter, normally outside the frame, outside his creation, in the case of self-portraiture, placing himself within the frame, remembering himself, engaging in self-reference. The painter himself in the object space he is observing from the outside. With an actual wood-and-wire screen grid, it is difficult to simultaneously be both in front of and behind the grid one is looking through. Moreover, it is hard to use more than one size grid at a time. One way to do this is to visualize the screen grids, rather than using those made of actual wood and wire. Such visualization can be made a form of walking meditation. Imagine oneself a painter. Visualize a screen grid through which one views the landscape, buildings, space through which one walks. Freeze-frame a given view and identify the vanishing point by tracing back the skew-parallel lines of the architectural projection of the buildings in the ambient surround. Then visualize multiple superimposed, differing-length-scale, screen grids and do the same. Now, remember that I am in the space I am walking through. Here I am at the open juncture of Cedar Lane and Wedderburn Circle, in Vienna, in Virginia, in the USA, in North America, on planet Earth, so on, indeed, my body is a nesting-foam quantum to molecule to organ: i.e., multiple superimposed screen grids remembered and visualized moment to moment while walking through the space I am in and yet simultaneously viewing through and being viewed through those multiple scale-length grids. Looking at myself in visualizing a self-portrait through a collection of superimposed grids. SNAP! Suddenly all the skew-parallel lines are converging on my me, not away from me. The my me over there and the me over here. Where is there/here? The I which I thought I was is the vanishing point created to make parallel lines meet so as to generate by renormalization the conventions of Renaissance naturalism? If so, the only way to comprehend that vanishing point is to fully encompass the nesting-foam of screen grids through which that I was constellated in self-reference. The logics of self-referential propositions are m-valued Lukasiewicz logics, i.e., the logics of non-simple identity. My point being that the Triffin dilemma associated with systemic simple identity does not exist over the nesting-foam of self-referential propositions used to define the electronic monetary units to be employed by m-logically-valued LETS. The nesting-foam collection of screen grids would itself be the hyperspace of currency-reserve function of the monetary system, and the units of that reserve would be numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers.
Seeking nothing but the truth, and a certain justice based on hard evidence of guilt, and having taken the oath of the first law at the hearing witnessed from the second chair, the 13th juror, rejecting the mercy rule, whilst simultaneously embracing the Vig (juice, take, transaction rent-seeking) through good-offices of the Son of Holmes, took Rasputin's revenge and subsequently suffered a serious sunburn. Like in the pre-WWII period, nowadays only the unintelligent think something intelligent could happen: dominance of the dumbest is again a done deal. Incompleteness, inconsistency, indeterminacy, uncertainty. What? What? Enso-circle Zen Satori is not, indubitably not, in the form of Gödel's proof. Where did that idea come from? Quite the contrary. No-mind is not absence of mind, a mental gap; it's presence of the multivalue! The cosmic gap of asymmetric unclosure at Enso circling, disclosing as it may be, cannot be construed in terms of Gödel self-referential contradiction. And Gödel incompleteness was a mere footnote fifteen to twenty-five years after Lukasiewicz -- depending upon when one concludes Lukasiewicz knew what. Dispense with not only the distributed middle to comprehend Lukasiewicz, also drop the law of non-contradiction (as did the Cabalists Gödel borrowed from incompletely). Lukasiewiczian logical-value order-types, long ago, in Cabala/gematria, Indic ragas, being metaphorically troped as magic number squares, tonal calendars, modal matrices (later, dodecaphonic S-matrix composition squares) over x-squared empty cells of screen-grid, to which various additive algorithms were applied as chronomantic devices. Each number had an associated Pythagorean circumpunctial Enso-circling point-set (of Riemannian zeros) derivative of yantric (Regge) lattice, hence, a symbolic, symantic, mantric, lettered, propositional import, additive manipulations of which simulated classes of non-binary logical transpose. Gödel took over much of this, but used it largely as a means to divert attention away from Lukasiewicz logics and their implications for interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function. Why would Gödel have done that? Very good question. Follow it out for insight into deep-structural origins/etiology of WWII. Gödel's great contribution, and one truly great: the very notion of the Gödel number, that notion and that notion alone. Vestal Virgins = prime numbers. Gödel: progenitor of Appropriation Art. Gödel was a psyops type, a diverter, a discreditation operator prefiguring the many post-WWII agents of [culture] influence in service to prescription, whatsoever prescription, just so it is prescriptive -- because, absent prescription, there is no control, most particularly no self-control, maybe even no-self consciousness-without-an-object, and that is just pure bulimia, if become protracted. Ack! If Gödel's proof is too important to be left to the mathematicians, then Schrödinger's wave-function is too important to be left to the physicists. Scrub that Great-Books-of-the-East stuff Max Muller translated. Look at the most probable history. When B. Russell lectured T. S. Eliot at Harvard on propositions and on denoting, and while Eliot ruminated upon Indic sacred literature of the half-object (something of a wasteland in and of itself to a logically atomistic mind), which was a long time before WWI, a time when Russell, along with Whitehead, was pulling together ideas for their Principia and coining the term logical atomism (as a contra poise to logical monism, which was not the same as the cultural monism sweeping Germany, though thoroughly conflated), Russell knew nothing of Lukasiewicz? Come on! If by no way other, Madame Curie -- a native Polish speaker -- whispered in his ear, as she did into Einstein's. How long did it take Carl Friedrich Gauss to hear of Nicolai Lobachevsky? Surely not as long as his-story records. However in a cloud of unknowing, Gauss could not have not known about Girolamo Saccheri's early-18th-century doubting of the parallel postulate (long prefiguring Einstein's by then quiddity about doubting axioms). Nor could any of these persons have missed the role of the unit circle in Henri Poincaré's treatment of Lobachevskian geometry, given that an objective linear-time can be mapped onto quantum mechanics (transforming Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation into one time-dependent) iff the unit circle is cut and pasted on a Riemann sphere. But is this cut the same as a Zen Enso circle gap? Not a chance. Trust me on this. Counter Lukasiewicz, that pagan animist! That was what this was all about. If it wasn't a conspiracy, it was ahistorical. Gödel, no Jew, but an unadmitted borrower from Cabala-gematria, was psychologically Beyond the Pale, into Lighter and Whiter Shades of Pale (Annie Lennox singing of the miracles of Vestal Virgins!), during last years of run-up to onset of WWII: on the subliminal level, he, like some few others, notably Eliot, saw rhyme and reason of the coming megakill, bulimia being a minor price to pay for subconscious insight and no little personal culpability -- on the level of deep etiology. So it is today many times over, the miasm then having only been driven more deeply into the marrow of the collective unconscious by The War. The sooner the better! If deferral continues unabated, a ten-percent human survival rate will have to be revised downward. For but one instance, a war between, say, China and the USA, howsoever related to Central Asia, would not be a land war in Asia; it would be a space-based planetary (which includes North America) nanorobo war uncontained and unconstrained. No on-the-surface-only forecast will pan-out, except in the short-term. Etiology is deep, so deep. Simply walk into Third World night without your earplugs to get a sense of the acoustically-modified gravity of it all. Forget the pundits sitting in their 5-star-World-Monoculture hovels knee-jerking on monies, mortgages, meltdowns, moratoria whilst all about them six-billion glutamate-etched brains slip into yet-one-more or one-last collective psychotic break, already lavishly displaying symptomology of onset march. Again, Eliot's Wasteland is in the offing, planetarized.
More indicative these days of nascent collective hysteria than are sugar consumption levels and magnitudes of ambient noise requirement, is omnipresence of the excitotoxic neurotransmitter, free glutamic acid, in foodstuffs. Along with alcohol and other drugs, coping mechanisms, these are, which work in the short-term and -- collectively speaking -- over the long-term, transform, by all the mechanisms available to percolation/contagion, small disasters into great cataclysms. If the self is sufficiently repugnant, the need to suppress self-awareness/remembering simply becomes overwhelming -- and consequences of that on a mass scale become enormous. Why the self should have become that repugnant is a good question to ask. Writing in July of 1972 the Introduction to Norodom Sihanouk's autobiographical My War With the C.I.A. (Penguin, 1973, as related to Wilfred Burchett, accomplished communist propagandist, the Left's earlier counterbalance to latter-day W.E.B. Griffin, the poet laureate of the American military), Andreas Papandreou said (p. 12): they [those not in opposition] will be paving the way not to Pax Americana but to a global American-generated holocaust . Note he did not say Pox Americano. Global, mind you, not just Cambodian, the immediate context of discourse -- functional equivalent to my much later holocaust of the WholeEarth. Here it is forty-two years after my 1968 forecast of a disaster if the spatial boundaries of the Viet Nam war were, for whatever reason, expanded, that I first encounter this statement made by Papandreou, who, that early, more accurately understood things than did I -- as I did not, in 1968, comprehend full dimensions of the disaster I at that time forecast. And what are full dimensions of the implications of the evolving global predisposing factors today? More and more over-optimistic (like in 1968) looks my ten-percent human survival rate forecast -- while others, most notably, Gaia-homeostasis hypothesis originator, James Lovelock, predict but a few breeding pairs localized to Earth's poles. Nonetheless, unlike Lovelock and Bill Gates, I don't think millions of tactical-nuclear-reactor mini-generators will save the day for six-billion glutamate-etched brains slipped into percolation/contagion hysteria. At the very minimum, just think of the counter-terror security problems millions of tactical-nuke reactors would present! And apparently Lovelock has recently abandoned even the atomic hope: Lovelock: 'We can't save the planet', BBC, 30 March 2010. Yes, planetary death in apotheosis of mankind, the hubristic dream so completely embodied in evangelical tribulation of the soul of America by the Hamiltonian take on Virgin Land and the national bank which would deliver her up. But, then again, the green-at-the-gills, backpacker, tree-hugger, yuppie, eco-tourist sitting in a Saigon hug-beer bar (you get a hug with your beer), having had several too many, mouthing off to his mates about all the litter seen trashed about, and the fact that, When perhaps 50-percent of air pollution in East and Southeast Asia is wholly unnecessary, serves absolutely no economic-development, let alone survival purpose, is just Fook-you! we glue-sniffing monks will burn paint cans, plastic, rubber tires, and other toxic waste in inner city temple courtyards celebrating the daily ritual act with syndromes of boom-box speakers belting out Buddha Rap at lethal decibels if we fcuking well want, that is part of the peoples' traditional agriculture, foreign arsehole! and we are too poor to clean our spark plugs between gulps of rice wine laced with mega-doses of crystal MSG which our most-enlightened chain-smoking meditation/koan instructors love to pull from the bag and lick off their wetted fingertips So -- I should care? -- what, really, would be trashed if mini-reactors breeding other mini-reactors became a nuke-'em-all seed bank? Indeed, even though during my working life I personally planted with my own hands many tens of thousands of trees, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of plants, such that, being a bicycle rider, my carbon footprint is pretty low, still, I believe Earth's plant show will become like Osaka's flower show: none live, all imitation. Nor is it likely we will escape scrolling around the dead seas, with bluefin skeletons leading the way (Charles Clover, Japan lands a death sentence for the bluefin, The Sunday Times, 21 March 2010). Japanese supporters of continued bluefin tuna catch, with only 15-percent of historical bluefin population in-ocean, are not saying their menu is more important than other menus, but that the continuing need for overindulgence by elderly Japanese who have overindulged for decades is more important than the long-term dietary needs of those just now entering the Japanese workforce and needs of the Japanese progeny that workforce will produce. Certainly no evocations of Fukuzawa Shichiro's obaasan taking herself off to Mount Narayama! Not a matter of Japan's right to eat all the fish, but of those toothless-in-Japan denying fish to those teething-in-Japan (Charles Clover, A toothless West watches as Japan guts fish stocks, The Sunday Times, 28 March 2010). For decades, a hundred-million people a year -- most of them not grandmothers -- have died prematurely on this planet due to no other fundamental cause than prevailing structure of the international system (to include, most especially, its economic and monetary aspects), while, throughout that whole period, the underlying value systems -- reinforcing shopping-mall mind, people tagging via product branding, over-consumption as conscious coma, coveting the house which is not a home, and every other other-directed dimension of self-definition: 3-to-5 evermore robotic ego-encapsulations in every garage (along with piercing and tattoos, signifying displaced, split-off, pagan-animistic identities put into projective-identification by transference operantly conditioned in ongoing moment-to-moment lifelong excitotoxic socialization/coercion -- have been defended relentlessly from virtually every wide-reaching propaganda bully-pulpit: to become rich is glorious! Many believe Hitomi Kanehara's Snakes and Earrings (in translation, Dutton, 2005; reviewed by the likes of Artforum International) is an attack upon youth subculture of Tokyo. Hah! Develop a little psychological insight, please -- or talk to young Japanese women seeking out animistic experiences in the Southern Region, euphemistically referred to, tropologically meta-referenced, that is, by Shanshan Taifuun (a category-4 Land of White Dragon Mounds, heh-heh-heh). Obsession with The Holocaust and other holocausts, in view of how many are killed each year by simple persistence of the existing institutional base, can be regarded as little more than merely diversionary -- and tells us a great deal about those obsessing, and nature of the systems their obsession supports. How then, as the dead paradigm's institutionalization continues into evermore deteriorated desiccation, expect that emergent threats to viability of shopping-mall mentality will not be defended against unto death? They already have been, for decades! Bop Bobba-loo Bobba-Loo Bop-Bop, m-logically-valued LETS are "could if 'e would" sorta things, Batta-Boom Batta-Bing Pop-Pop. But ain't no "woulds" be around -- nowhere, see. Doubt that? Take a day or two to study Forbes' biographical shorts of, say, the 600-most-wealthy billionaires. I doubt you will sustain your doubt reading those biographies! If they's be so in control of their compulsive need always ta be in control, they's doe'n be needin' no Plan B, and so how's it they's be doin' the multiple scenarios Boogga-Loo Booggie-Wooggie what m-valued LETS be needin'? Doe'n seem so ta me. Whether or not the EU discorporates, whether or not too-big-to-fail/nail Obamabailout, Obamawar, Obamacare, Obamamortgage deeefends, the only real question of interest remaining is as to details in regard to how larger and larger slices of the planetary population corpus, than a mere one-hundred-million per year, will be defended unto [their] death[s].
James Lovelock has recently been quoted in the following fashion (James Lovelock: 'Fudging data is a sin against science', Leo Hickman, The Guardian, 29 March 2010):
We need a more authoritative world, he says resolutely. We've become a sort of cheeky, egalitarian world where everyone can have their say. It's all very well, but there are certain circumstances -- a war is a typical example -- where you can't do that. You've got to have a few people with authority who you trust who are running it. They should be very accountable too, of course -- but it can't happen in a modern democracy. This is one of the problems.
What's the alternative to democracy? There isn't one. But even the best democracies agree that when a major war approaches, democracy must be put on hold for the time being. I have a feeling that climate change may be an issue as severe as a war. It may be necessary to put democracy on hold for a while.
What we need is a strong leader! Have we ever heard that before? Effing old men. The enduring antidote: When a revered old scientist says something is possible, best believe it; when a revered old scientist says something is impossible, best ignore it.
You do understand, of course, that it's too late to do anything, don't you? 1977. Spoken, as a young man, by perhaps-the-most-accomplished atmospheric physicist of the second half of the 20th century. Not Lovelock. Not a meteorologist who believes in the classical limit. Stated thirty years before Lovelock said, We can't save the planet. Though being on the receiving end so early as 1977 of such a statement was indubitably a life-altering experience, my unstated reaction was: only insofar as newer-than-New Physics is neglected. It never even occurred to me to call for fascism globalized. It never occurred to me to place trust in authorities who regard the macroscopic atmosphere as a classical domain (so complex as to be chaotic). It never occurred to me to ignore quantum-relativistic and post-quantum-relativistic approaches to the macroscopic atmosphere. Even though I largely agree with Lovelock's assessment of present-human cognitive capabilities, as stated in the same interview, i.e., quoting Lovelock, I don't think we're yet evolved to the point where we're clever enough to handle as complex a situation as climate change, still, prevention of upheaval aside as out of the question, now as then, prevention is not the only strategic issue. Rather, it seemed to me that ways (such as implementation of m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian monetary units) had to be found such that human systems could take on the autopoietic properties of Gaia, this being the only way humans could cease interdicting Gaia -- not the opposite: more fruitless attempts to impose extrasystemic coercive determinations by yet more reliance on authoritative personalities and the collective regressions set in motion thereby. As regards prevailing approaches to this problem -- circa 2010 -- what is it so compelling about paleface culture? The hand-gladding, snake-oiled, hudsucker, breaking-starch straight-up-waxed crew cut, slimy hucksterism -- or the inside-the-beltway slobbering backslapping and the blow-dried air-kissing? All these people speaking about what they never spent a decade, let alone a lifetime, studying. What does what they have to say have to do with anything significant? If there is a way out of this problem, it won't be found on the level of the concrete atmosphere, let alone in a classical limit-bound treatment thereof. Survival of humans -- as Lovelock implicitly notes -- is not even the real issue. Biospheric survival: yes or no, or some m-logically-valued Lukasiewiczian propositional answer? And how much does this question actually have to do with greenhouse warming as distinct from pragmatic consequences of atmospheric applications of The New Physics undertaken ever since well before advent of Reagonomics?
A mere ectomorph, I made my living with physical pick-and-shovel, sledgehammer, sore-back labor; if a job application was required, I wouldn't take the job. Period. Ten, twelve hours a day, often for year-long periods over seven days a week: transforming all that sweat into a form of movement meditation, one very obscure Vipassana DanceForm (attention to choreography of which brought to mind EscherFormDance). Still, because of my intellectualizing of everything, even the jackhammer I was the manager of in 95-degee D.C.-no-Washington auguust high-humidity heat, I was deemed out-of-touch with my body, and therefore Heh-heh-heh! Head-work, you be doing, somebody else -- not you -- owns your head. And if you're a head-worker entrepreneur/speculator/writer, then your head is owned by the metasystem-fundamentals governing the system within which your money is made -- however effing-"intellectualizing" that notion might be. The head-work which, in the course of my existence, I did, was pro bono, or, more often, at great personal sacrifice (of unnecessaries). Then there were others living-in amongst the utterly-damaged at visible cost, no mere ritual sacrifice, a, say, Yep! one of those Gurdjieffian voluntary psychological sufferings. What imperfect LifeForm symmetry: yet another collective stroke of neurosis, noosfear! Late-1970s, lost-out for a high-level Freer Gallery position because refused to authenticate fakes held in major venues; hence, blackballed for decades; then, thirty years on, as career, again, begins to reach professional exposure, if, not yet, prominence, stung-to-death in a discreditation operation gone wrong, impugned as an authenticator, for-tax-purposes, of fake-value. And, as regards Mount Narayama, I'll -- very personally -- be outta here ASAP, if ever I can find a way to fulfill the requirements -- which my I remembers quite well -- levied upon my me during that Briefing For a Descent Into Hell we all have gone through.
No. They may think so. Even the latter-day Chinese Confucians say so. Check out Deputy Governor of the PBoC, Zhu Min: The governments tried to put every burden from the financial sector onto their own children. Now they find nobody can save them (Alex Frangos and Katie Martin, China Banker Faults Greek Efforts, Wall Street Journal, 26 March 2010). But the truth of the matter is: nothing is actually being put onto the children's children's children, prefiguratively sung of by the Sixties Flower Child, while child he/she was, because the children are going to take retribution for the sins of their fathers, and this retribution, once it begins in earnest, will take the form of mass hysteria sweeping through billions of glutamate-etched brains lapsed into percolation/contagion participation-mystique set upon holocaust of the WholeEarth as a destroy the village in order to save it subliminal species-survival-strategy instinctive response to what has been done to us. In these Hard Times, decades now, judging by the ever-mounting, every-dimension, planetary M'Choakumchild harassment of kids, we see the subliminal registration of what the future holds as regards intergenerational fragging -- those 10-to-25 surely constituting the vast bulk of survivors at cuspover, however small that vast bulk may turn out to be. Nothing else will work, and even if conscious minds will not accept that fact, the collective unconscious could care less what conscious minds think, and will implement what it has all along, since the early-19th-century, known to be the only possible collective action-directive capable of saving the biosphere of planet Earth.
I never made a research project out of it, but, personally, from when I first read it in 1978, I accepted general historical veracity of The Five Fingers by Gayle Rivers and James Hudson (the second author is mostly uncommented upon, and one must ask, Is this James W. Hudson, the one-time OSS officer and author of numerous books about WWII?) first published in 1978 by Bantam as a piece of fiction. Why would I have not doubted that this book was thinly veiled nonfiction? Because the story fit too well with widely known historical facts of the Chinese intent, in aftermath of the late-March 1970 Lon Nol coup, to provide direct military aid and perhaps some personnel to Cambodia, supported by a large compliment of NVN advisors, and the opening to China as payback for China having decided not to follow through on this commitment to Cambodia. The Kissinger-Nixon overture to China was in motion during immediate aftermath of the Phnom Penh coup. That much I knew in 1978 as I read the Rivers-Hudson novel. The whole thing made sense to me, so I felt no need to do a research project. Now, looking at the internet, I find that Samurai George pretty much states what I had concluded in 1978, i.e., that the five-fingers operation was tied to the Kissinger-Nixon Overture -- and that the operational mission was aborted when the Chinese agreed not to intervene into the Cambodia situation. Now, all these years later, I have recently read Norodom Sihanouk's My War With the C.I.A. (Penguin, 1973). Quoting page 30:
I'll tell Giap to send you [Sihanouk] a couple of thousand of the best [training cadres] we have, replied Premier Pham Van Dong. We discussed at length the best ways of coordinating the struggle of the three peoples of Indo-China and it was during that discussion that the first germs of the idea of a Summit Conference of the Peoples of Indo-China was generated.
Now quoting footnote 2, page 30:
The Summit Conference of the Peoples of Indo-China was held, at my [Sihanouk] initiative, on 24-25 April 1970 in a border area between China and Indo-China. The main aim was to coordinate the resistance struggles of the three peoples of Indo-China.
Quoting again, the Chronological Table, page 271:
24-25 April [1970]: Summit Conference of Peoples of Indo-China held in 'the frontier region of Laos, Vietnam, and China' at Sihanouk's initiative to coordinate the struggle of the three peoples. Chou En Lai presides over the banquet to celebrate the Conference and its decisions.
Those with a fixed opinion on The Five Fingers undoubtedly will argue that Rivers-Hudson must have read Sihanouk's book and used this information to generate their fictional story. Maybe. But that is obviously not what I believe. Four days after The Five Fingers mission was aborted due to success of The China Overture of Kissinger-Nixon (i.e., Chinese assurance of no direct Chinese involvement in Cambodia), RVN forces invaded Cambodia; five days after The Five Fingers mission was aborted, U.S. forces invaded Cambodia. In early-1968, at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2 -- the Westmoreland/Abrams intelligence staff physically located at their Saigon headquarters facility -- I had forecast a disaster if, for whatever reason, geographic boundaries of the war were expanded. May Day, 1970, accuracy of that forecast was still only nascent, still non-viewable, and wouldn't fully materialize until after 1975.
Joachim Starbatty of Tubingen has suggested an interesting alternative to the Germano-Russian Bloc thesis which I have long forecast as a likely eventuality (see: Euro Trashed, NY Times, 28 March 2010). He projects that:
If Germany were to take that opportunity [i.e., violation of the monetary union's founding treaty by a bailing out of Greece] and pull out of the euro, it wouldn't be alone. The same calculus would probably lure Austria, Finland and the Netherlands -- and perhaps France -- to leave behind the high-debt states and join Germany in a new, stable bloc, perhaps even with a new common currency A strong-currency bloc could fulfill the euro's original purpose Moreover, should the United States fail to put in place a politically credible strategy to lower its own debt and move away from its zero interest rates, the new, more powerful euro could easily supersede the dollar as the global safe-haven currency.
Starbatty bases his quasi prognostication upon explicit economic forcing functions, whereas I, while not wholly discounting such considerations, have always held that they are secondary to much more fundamental vectorings provided by collective unconscious event gradients with archetypal components deeply rooted in cultural predispositions. Starbatty may be right, and in being right, he may have identified, not the resting state, but a transition state through which EU breakdown will move in constellating a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a Greater China. Why would I say that? Because the ground state with regard to all these current events has not changed for two centuries: people everywhere still do not accept the quenching implications of Abelian trans-al-jabr, a superseding of that overdetermining Islamic invention, in respect to the Westphalian-Cartesian-Newtonian/Congress-of-Vienna Weltanschauung -- and differing cultural sets, particularly as regards pagan-animism/Taoism-Sufism, and howsoever small echoes thereof, constellate differently, on the collective unconscious level, of course, in back-reaction to Abel's Impossibility Theorem, and its spawn: the Cantorian mathematics and Lukasiewiczian logics of Everettian relative-state identity-transparency, evermore, year-by-year, experimentally substantiated, however much hysteria-inducing such substantiation has proved to be.
Over the years, I have, indeed, read a fair amount of IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences) output -- friends subscribing to the journal, receiving preprints -- as well as accounts of research done at the PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research) Lab, but I remain unconvinced that conscious thought has simple mass, even m-prime or m-double-prime as Einstein's most famous equation would be modified under three-fold quantal operator-time. Conscious egoic intention (tapas: Brentano intentionality) is very likely far, far less involved in mind-over-matter than are correspondences between General Relativity and C. G. Jung's model of the collective unconscious. As we argued during the late-1970s: if components of psychetic data have any sort of mass, that mass is very likely associated with topological transforms (not curvature) induced by counter-temporal operations upon counterspace (which is not to speak of antimatter, antimatter being associated with mere memetime reversal). The notion, gravity, and hence, mass, is ascribed to one topological property: curvature. But there are many other topological properties and transforms thereof.
The first modern postmoderns were the 19th-century anarchist/Impressionist/pointillist deconstructionists: property is theft; the franchise is coercion; law is criminal. Subverting both distributed middle and non-contradiction simultaneously, thus prefiguring Lukasiewicz's rigorous and successful attack upon the implications of implication, the necessity of logical necessity, the validity of the very notion validity of precedence relations, be they logical, ontological, temporal. Let's go, my friend, said Debussy, they're starting to develop. Under such circumstances, the notions equality, equation, inequality are absurd. Operator-time is not actually to be incorporated into a Schrödinger wave-equation, rather a wave-statement (see: A Wave STATEMENT for an Autopoietic Process a section of our 1980 paper entitled Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement -- and, let it be noted, this is one of the unexplored transalgebraic implications -- heh-heh-heh -- of Abel's Impossibility Theorem. And by further implication -- heh-heh-heh: So, of the 'ten-thousand' storylines which can be Rorschached over that complex of events, any such complex, you have identified the one true storyline? Yee-hah! Futzing about with axioms and postulates of the one and only true logic, one can experimentally discover the one and only true account of the one and only world as it truly is! All this, when the world is not selfsame any more than is any one which/who is a part of it. How it happened is never monotonic, for myriad reasons -- heh-heh-heh. How much information is there in/of all-that-is? Not a finite amount. Not even infinite. Not merely infinite to the infinite power taken to transfinite orders of exponentiation -- which is still discretely denumerable, if not actually countable. And not simply a continuum-infinity superstring filling all the space of all-that-is: skew-paralleled, fiber-bundled, braided, sheaved, braned, knotted. No. Not that non-discrete single number which is non-selfsame because none of the basic arithmetic operations are capable of modifying it: subtract an infinity of infinities from it and it remains undiminished; add an infinity of infinities to it and it remains unenhanced. Similarly as regards multiplication and division: such that, part is whole; whole, part -- thus, the classic Cabalistic conceit, Every number is infinite!. This number, any collection of such numbers which violate the identity operator, not only to infinite degrees, but to orders of infinity in degrees of being not-self-identical: being nonbeing is not-being being! Each number is every other number -- under some logical-value order-type. What number are you?
No society that screwed does not screw its most brilliant, most reward its most screwed. Over the decades, I've up-close and personal witnessed half-a-dozen examples of such. In due course, the mass murdering of the progeny of its progeny: merely a moving of the normative up several notches, as was the case in onset of the world wars. The truth, heh-heh-heh, of the matter is: there is not a single person on this planet -- a person who has exploited the existing order sufficiently to garner (nice word) the discretionary resources required to act in significant measure relative to the gathering global crisis -- who has done his/her homework such that she/he has the foggiest notion of what the actual situation is, let alone even a single original idea as to what needs to be done about it. We allow you, whoever you might be, to guess what our attitude toward this fact has been these last forty years -- and how the implied inveterate surliness has informed our behavior, not to mention prefigured the eventual What people think they think is unimportant; what they think they don't think determines every outcome of world historical Tendering understanding of that fact, where are personal energies to be devoted, phase transitions anticipated, loyalties conferred? My galaxy, right or wrong? My solar system, right or wrong? My planet, right or wrong? My preferred order of logical-value -- whether or not right or wrong (and, hence, whether or not) is definable in that order-type? Heh! What cognitive space has occupied your you -- and how has that you chosen to house the occupying powers in fabric-of-the-being? This is no proclamation of an action directive, no prescriptive exhortation to follow any externally-visible injunction -- whatsoever. What, then, is it?
Bankruptcy of the USA on the horizon? Maybe so. But is it certain, as is believed to be the case by Porter Stansberry of GlobalResearch.ca (The Bankruptcy of the United States is Now Certain, 19 March 2010)? One must note that the Greenspan-Guidotti rule (short-term foreign debt should be 100-percent covered by international reserves) does not apply to the nation-state whose vehicle currency is simultaneously the foremost international reserve currency. Why? Because, unlike other currencies, confidence in that vehicle/reserve currency is not primarily an economic matter; it is very significantly dependent upon interplay of many non-economic factors. Moreover, the Greenspan-Guidotti rule has largely been justified by appeal to experiences of non-reserve currency economies: Colombia, Mexico, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand See, for instance: The ratio of international reserves to short-term external debt as an indicator of external vulnerability: some lessons from the experiences of Mexico and other emerging economies, Javier Guzman Calafell and Rodolfo Padilla del Bosque, 2002.
I generally agree with this statement made by Mish in course of his discussion of RMB revaluation ("Why Repegging the Yuan and Other Non-Free-Market Solutions to Trade Imbalance With China Will Fail", MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 5 April 2010):
Exactly what problem are we trying to solve?
It should not take much reflection to realize that is not such a simple question, and problems go well beyond trade.
Major Global Problems
- Trade Imbalances
- Massive consumer debt and leverage especially in the Western world
- Huge wage differentials between developing and developed countries
- Public unions contribute to wage imbalances and savings internally
- Unfunded liabilities such as Social Security
- Unsustainable pension promises in the US, Europe, and Canada
- High US unemployment
- Commercial Real Estate Bubble in the US
- Real estate bubbles in China, Canada, Australia, and the UK that have not popped but most assuredly will
- Demographic nightmare in Japan
- Interest rates artificially low in the US, UK, and EU
- Stock market bubbles reinflated
- Carry trade speculation
I am certainly in favor of letting the free market solve all of those. Indeed many of them are so intertwined, that only the free market has a chance in hell of solving them.
Except that I do not believe the free market has a sufficient level of self-organizational competency to accomplish this without a radically new monetary system -- e.g., m-logically-valued LETS -- being implemented.
Two great quotes from an excellent op/ed piece on the Greek crisis (The IMF should impose default on Greece to end the charade, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The London Telegraph, 2 April, 2010):
These magnificent defaults [of Philip II] did not stop Spain launching the Armada against Elizabethan England a little later, or attempting to roll back the Protestant Reformation in a last maniacal attempt to impose Habsburg-Papal absolutism on free thinkers
Nor, I would say, will those magnificent defaults yet to come in our day prevent onset of space-based nanorobo Planetary War One.
what matters most for debt is nominal GDP. The same debt load has to be financed from a nominal economy that has shrunk by almost a fifth [in the case of Greece]. That is why deflation can be so deadly, as it was from 1930-1933.
Yep, in a nutshell. A. E.-P. also speaks of internal devaluation by relative wage cuts fascistically imposed (by Mussolini, for example). Even though EMU membership, and consequent lack of a Greek national currency, prevents Greece from externally devaluing, devaluation, or its equivalent, will occur one way or another. Now, consider what the Greek policy options for internal devaluation would be were Greece to have a new national currency which is the quantum composite of all its subtending e-nesting-foam m-logically-valued LETS, and that Greek national currency were part of the quantum composite e-nesting-foam constituting a NewEuro. Which is not even to mention what m-logical-values fine-grain-tagged to Greek LETS would do for the Greek bond market and all the derivatives involved. Living stone, what! The m-logically-valued order in the apparent deterministic disorder of 1T2-logical chaos. Ah, Dr. Dee Mow Lay, I presume. Were the Greeks to act in the larger human interest, the biospheric interest, the planetary interest, which they won't, of course, they'd resolutely default, massively mark down, renounce the EMU, defer re-creation of a Greek national currency, and -- returning to archaicizing pre-Homeric animistic identity-transparency, Greek substantialism, as well as city-state democracy -- create m-logically-valued LETS from the local bottom up to an eventual quantum-composite national-culture (as distinct from nation-state) Everettian relative-state currency (the national currency being the reserve unit of all its constituent LETS currencies tied to locally-determined commodity-basket references).
They deserve all the degradation currently coming to them for how they aided and abetted what they daily decry (see: Scheherazade Daneshkhu, Europe laments craftsman's demise, The Financial Times, 3 April 2010). Karma kills! And so it ought. By assigning cheap-clothes making to Asia and actively preventing establishment of pret-a-porter houses there by spinoffs of their own couture houses, both the fabric manufactures and the garment makers signed the warrant for death of craft in yet another area of human endeavor. As but one small example, there was a tiny window of opportunity at onset of Doi Moi in Vietnam for a collection of pret-a-porter houses to be established at a location which could offer adequate amenities to attract the skilled European personnel required, a location such as Nha Trang. At the time, rogue attempts were unsuccessfully made to spinoff such houses from French couture establishments. The window of opportunity was tiny because the Vietnamese hand, after generations of exposure to French aesthetics, had a natural accommodation to the required skills, but once the skilled natural hand is ruined by being taught how to fabricate cheap garments, at least a generation is required to recover it. Maybe it is never recoverable.
U.S. grand strategy from even before Argonaut (Malta + Yalta) gave a major role in petro-producer manipulation to what became the state of Israel: no soft speaker, but an effective little stick. Until recently, this has been a constant of post-WWII U.S. foreign policy. Israel was given a U.S. role in the Middle East similar to the U.S.S.R. role given to an occupied Eastern Europe. When developments made it advantageous for the U.S.S.R. to jettison Eastern Europe, it lost control over the process -- and lost itself in the resultant runaway phase transition. The present crisis in U.S.-Israeli relations (see, for a good analysis: Caroline Glick, Israel Can Exploit the Crisis With U.S., Jerusalem Post, 3 April 2010) signals increasing failure of the petro-component of post-WWII American grand strategy. This may be an epochal transition, for there was nowhere this strategy dimension could have gone except into the necessity for greater and greater infusions of violence in order to keep it on-track, a necessity necessitating its own ultimate defeat. What will that strategy/policy ultimate defeat carry along with it?
The securities acts of the early-1930s, the revisions of bankruptcy law in the late-1930s, the acts regulating bank holding companies passed during the early-1940s -- by reversing these changes in public sector regulatory policy and laws affecting corporate structure, the government created the circumstances wherein excess profits by superbanks became inevitable. Who changed these laws, the banks or the U.S. Congress? Who, therefore, should be held legally culpable for the present crisis? Who should indict whom? If the U.S. Congress does not indict itself, it is simply granting itself the right to further moral hazard. And now supergovernment is transaction rent seeking with respect to those U.S.-government-created superbanking excess profits -- whether by Tobin tax, balance sheet levy, excess profit tax (see: Edmund Conway, IMF targets banks with 'excess profits tax', The London Telegraph, 5 April 2010). But haven't I been given to believe that imposition of transaction rent is a corrupt practice? Whereas the viscosities associated with m-logically-valued monetary units defined over e-nesting-foams would involve no rent-seeking, and the excess profits would -- before they were made -- be disbursed automatically at many levels according to the fine-grain tagging of the m-value stack on the base-state of the given currency (in a fashion similar to how growth-and-repair processes self-modulate locally by metasystemic aspects of metabolic-pathway behaviors operative in self-organizing organic systems). And three weeks later, the President of the European Central Bank calls for global governance (see: ECB President Favors Global Governance, Mia Saini, Forbes, 29 April 2010) -- regulation by rules issued from a financial cosmic command helicopter -- thus removing what little self-organizational competency the present economic-monetary system possesses. And what would be the outcome of a definite move toward global governance? Uh, other than Planetary War One, that is? It must not be forgotten that dominance over, and exclusivity of, the atomic/nuclear weapons club, throughout the whole post-WWII period, cannot be separated from the establishment and maintenance of the still prevailing global non-system monetary system.
GreenCentral or MicroGreening? that is the question. Not a matter of greenover too fast: see comments to, Alex Salkever, Too Green, Too Soon? Renewable Power May Destabilize Electrical Grid, Daily Finance, 6 April 2010. Commenter FarRB1 is right on target: The answer is off-grid designs Microgridding is the answer. And microgridding is the means to bring up the fractal e-nesting-foams over which m-logically-valued LETS are to be defined. One can observe that familiarity with the nested-grid computer simulations of tornadogenesis, produced decades ago by the cascade model of severe-storm induction and onset, provides considerable perspective upon the dynamics of microgridding -- whatever the concrete application may be (see our 1977 paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process). I can't help noting that the common-factors connection between superconductant DNA model and superconductance of hydrothermodynamic properties of a limited atmospheric domain model WITH Dan Winter's reliance on golden mean for DNA braiding algorithm
Tessellations at Braiding of DNA Wavesand Theodor Landscheidt's reliance on golden section for El Nino Southern Oscillation forcing (solar-wind-carried fractal-forcing)
Solar Activity Controls El Nino and La Ninaare, to our way of thinking, the chronotopological properties intra-/inter-systemically induced by quantal OPERATOR-TIME. Our idea about distribution of microgridding length-scales (braiding of the nesting foam) had to do with log/log and essentially gave over to Euler/Riemann zeta function and, in the complex-number case, the Riemann Hypothesis concerning distribution of primes and sets of (Enso) zeros (circumpuncts) strung along a band (or superstring brane). There is something here with regard to the Pythagorean modal-scales string-length aspects of the golden section in terms of overtone series and implications for wave properties of the temporal curl responsible for body/tornado-temperature superconductivity. In the multi-scale numerical model of tornadogenesis, microgridding of the 1-km gridlength was never tessellated -- and I now intuit that such tessellation not only would be required for pinpointing touch-down (where complex angular momentum carried by solar wind is finally injected to Earth's crustal-dynamics/MAGLEVed plate tectonics) but also for further understanding of how the hydrothermodynamics comes together with the electromagnetodynamics. Superintegrated, overdetermined connection between COMPLEX angular momentum cascade -- think: Penrose twistor spinor-spirals -- injection to Earth's crustal dynamics and volcanism, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, auroras, hot auroras, manmade electron-temperature enhancements, so on? Not exactly a well-funded area of research! Watch your mouth, or Bill Clinton will wash it out with soap: father knows best how to exemplify collective regression in mass psychological transference. But look at where the human focus lies relative to volcanic eruption under glacier Eyjafjallajokull: Volcano Costs Rise as Plume Spreads, Paul Sonne, Daniel Michaels and Kaveri Niththyananthan, The Wall Street Journal, 16 April 2010. Watts up, Doc? Think humans will make it through this planetary conundrum? Don't seem too likely, does it. Doing a little broken-field running with this group of ideas: what about turning the e-nesting-foam/LETS relation around? If one can MAGLEV a monorail train, why can't one microgrid house-temperature superconductivity with m-logically-valued LETS? Or, to put it another way: Tesla{tion} of microgridding (think of the function of the screen grid in one of those old-time-radio beam-power tubes) may involve formation of operator-timed chronotopologically-Musculpted tessellations of skew-polyhedra (H. S. M. Coxeter's complex polytopes and their symmetry groups: read him at Cornell during the mid-'70s soon after his book came out) over Hilbert space (i.e., not structure provided in Hilbert space, as with, say, structured water, but Hilbert space itself structured with prime Karpenko-functor harmonic complexes of Lukasiewicz logics numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers). LETS microgrid superstring theory's M Theory down-to-Earth with m-logically-valued Platonic solids in higher dimensions (i.e., regular PROPOSITIONAL Coxeter polytopes). The phased-array of phased-array radar is a psychologically regressed Clintonesque caricature of the Coxeter/Tesla-tion microgridding referred to here -- given the space-based-warfare applications to which phased-array has been put. A non-regressed version would be used to solve the problems humans have created here on Earth.
I would note that the chaos- and complexity-theory account of highly nonlinear (Newtonian) systems couches its notion of prediction on the assumption of an objectively-real, real-numbered, LINEAR-time, and the proposition that prediction requires a detailing of the spatial field such that tiny perturbations and small changes in initial and/or boundary conditions (i.e., properties defined over the spatial field) can lead to very different paths of LINEAR-time evolution. Whereas, Planck demonstrated that prediction does not require detailing of the spatial field, only description of an elemental oscillator -- which oscillator at its most elementary we maintain is three-fold, nonlinear, imaginary and hypercomplex-numbered operator-time. Moreover, chaos and complexity theory employs 1T2-valued logic alone, not also Lukasiewiczian order-types in logical-value, so the chaos-complexity notion of what transpired and what will transpire is restricted to the 2nk case. Whereas, in cascade theory of tornadogenesis, for instance, perturbations and changes to initial and boundary conditions are handled as temporal curl, and the resultant Mnk evolutionary paths are propagated by m-valued properties of the system, e.g., acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (filtered from consensus atmospheric models since the late-1940s), requiring m-valued logics for a correct reading. So, I personally don't know what to think about the greenhouse-gas thesis on anthropogenicity of climate-change dynamics -- anymore than I, way back when, Cornell Atmospheric Sciences, knew what to think about the CFC-thesis on ozone-hole formation (dependent upon renormalization of Richardson's primitive equation set such that there are no acknowledged acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes to punch holes in the tropopause boundary -- indubitably a change in boundary conditions -- thus allowing drawdown of ozone). Always, to me, both problems -- anthropogenic climate change, ozone holes -- have appeared the result of human manipulation of atmospheric variables (e.g., electron-temperature enhancements, artificial hot auroras, phased-array-generated magnetic mirrors, imposed alterations of atmospheric gas ratios and thus modification of atmospheric frequency-response characteristics, et cetera) involved in modulating nested Earth-systems reading-responses and answers-back (e.g., vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, or in other words, acoustic analogues to black hole computer pulse-code brief-back) to solar signals (e.g., solar-wind-conveyed complex angular momentum jerks -- that is, Penrose twistor cascades) regarding prevailing status of Everettian relative-state of our solar system spin/rotation properties in response to the galactic spin/rotation needs (relative-state relative to the relative-state: conditions of phase conjugation) cascaded from higher orders of chronotopological transform than I have been so-privileged as to be informed about, this persistent inconscient condition on my part having been due to a major personal failure as regards my normative state of consciousness.
The only thing I don't like concerning Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy about Super{hacker}Girl -- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo; The Girl Who Played with Fire; The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest -- is that, once again, the fault is presented as lying with a rogue group, not with the Cartesian-Newtonian system of governance itself, a system dead of any metaphysical justification whatsoever that day during the early-1820s when N. H. Abel formulated the basis of what became his Impossibility Theorem, thus setting in motion the sequence of investigations leading directly to transfinite set theory, m-valued logics, quantum mechanics, and so very much more, including the back-reactive falsification -- i.e., the notion of a classical limit -- used to sustain institutionalization of the dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung until that undue prolongation has become responsible for a whole series of global catastrophes: world wars, global ecocide, climate shift
All things considered, there is something on the order of magnitude of a quadrillion U.S. dollars worth of derivatives out there, and the recent blow up of interest-rate swaps taken on by EU municipalities is a harbinger of very large things to come (see: Saint-Etienne Swaps Explode as Financial Weapons Ambush Europe, Alan Katz, Bloomberg, 15 April 2010). Municipalities across the EU began taking on derivative contracts as part of their financial management strategies several years after efforts were made to begin the process of bringing up m-logically-valued LETS at Cesky Krumlov, South Bohemia, Czech Republic. At Cesky, the stage was reached where identification of local sustainable development indicators was the next project required. The Danish government had expressed interest in funding the study, but when the proposal was made it was decided that the amount of money requested was too small to bother with. Approaches to the Prague office of the Open Society Institute were no more successful. So, instead of developing a mature economic/monetary application of fiber-bundle arithmetics, i.e., m-logically-valued LETS, municipalities across Europe chose to employ psychologically regressed analogical applications of fiber-bundle arithmetics, i.e., derivatives -- and to do so on a massive scale. Why would the people involved have made such a choice? Because they did not understand derivatives? I don't believe so. This was a mass psychological behavior, so many making such a choice. And the reason for the mass behavior (i.e., contagion) was continued suppression of the notion of identity-transparency (i.e., Bose-Einstein condensation, et cetera) carried by the new quantum-based technologies subverting institutionalization of the long-dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung, of which the EU itself is a quintessential institutional example.
Here is an interesting calculation of the default Nixon made on behalf of the USA when he unilaterally closed the Bretton Woods gold-exchange window (The Coming European Debt Wars: EU Countries sinking into Depression, Prof. Michael Hudson, Global Research, 9 April 2010):
Foreign dollar holders have lost 29/30th of the gold value of their holdings since the United States stopped settling its balance-of-payments deficits in gold in 1971. They now receive less than a thirtieth of this, as the price has risen to $1,100 an ounce.
The magnitude of this default plus the magnitude of post-WWII global inflation -- inflation in large measure due to the international liquidity maintenance by dollar creation assigned at Bretton Woods to the U.S. dollar vehicle/reserve currency (tied to gold at $35/oz as a restraint on free-money) -- is one reason why it is highly unlikely (both of these magnitudes would have to be accounted for in any negotiated radical reform) there will be substantive transformation of the international monetary system orchestrated by nation-states or conglomerations thereof, independent of a repeat performance of the war that was a prerequisite to Bretton Woods. That is why, on this website, implementation of m-logically-valued LETS is not contemplated in terms of actions of governments.
In aftermath of the Argentine default, local monetary units spontaneously appeared on the scene: the Argentine collective unconscious knew exactly what should replace the doubly-pathological global monetary system (a Bretton Woods spawned by world war which delivered little that either Keynes or White wished, itself degraded by Nixon's unilateral default at closing of the gold window which was simultaneously an opening of the unfettered free-money window: and hardly a soul at the time protested! or even registered its deep relation to the Viet Nam war). The IMF came down hard on this local Argentine funny money, of course -- as if the Soros-beloved IMF Special Drawing Right were not itself even more-funny money! Soros, the tactical genius who is a strategic disaster for humanity. So, were the Greeks smart, and committed to the human interest, they would follow out to its logical conclusion the analysis of Ambrose Evans-Pritchard (The Greek people are being punished for Europe's errors, The London Telegraph, 11 April 2010), and one-up the Argentines by systematically moving toward m-logically-valued LETS. They should aggressively default, not wait around for it to happen through this and that IMF/EMU facility, raise their collective finger to the IMF and the EMU, and put their national resources into making a paradigm demonstration on m-logically-valued LETS. Such unruly behavior might just save Europe from yet one more self-annihilation. The EU debt crisis, bored down with derivative contracts into city, town, village echelons of the endlessly Boleroed prolongation of the institutionalization of the dead-by-1826 Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm/Weltanschauung is a pandemic compared to the local infection which was the Weimar German war reparations. Put those silk-electrode screen grids into glutamate-etched convolutions of your opened brain and let them be stimulated by agents of the magastate! Tens of millions of deaths is nothing compared to several billion.
Easy enough to understand why the U.S. might enact a FAT tax -- heh-heh-heh! -- but globally? This is truly hilarious. FSC and FAT (see: New global 'FAT' tax to rein in banks, Larry Elliot, Jull Treanor and Patrick Wintour, Guardian, 20 April 2001): hard to imagine anything more deleterious than this, unless it is carbon trading. No possibility of actual enforcement of either (FSC, Financial Stability Contribution; FAT, Financial Activities Tax) -- independent of bringing together a globally-monolithic Nazified megastate. They can't get universal absolute-space-and-time Cartesian-Newtonian-Boolean rules to work for united states or European union, so, by unconscious compensatory abreaction, they set themselves the task of codifying unworkable planetary financial rules as adjunct to USO Quadrillion (see: US prepares to push for global capital rules, Tom Braithwaite, Financial Times, 25 April 2010). Derivatives are a planetary problem, so how effective can any action taken by the U.S. Congress be? Therefore, create Droned Phoenix Global Central and EarthOver Monolithic Megastate! We can do better than did Hitler! I think we can I think we can I think we can Absence of enforceablity is admitted to by not stating universally applicable rates; leave each participant country to decide on its own rates. Great way to move money centers out of a given country into non-G20 locations. And the FSC, designed to, quoting Elliot, Treanor, and Wintour, be paid by all financial institutions, not just banks, and used to bail out weak and failing firms, is the biggest scheme yet conceived for globalizing and institutionalizing moral hazard such that the system itself will evermore demand greater and greater crises, greater and greater bailouts (which is to say I agree with James Grant of The Interest Rate Observer, writing in the Washington Post, "The best financial reform? Let the bankers fail", 23 April 2010). This FSC scheme also contradicts the stated (see: Government Borrowing is Rising Risk to World Financial System, James Rowe, IMF Survey Magazine, 20 April 2010) if not actual intent of IMF policies in dealing with troubled banks vis-à-vis healthier banks. Moreover, both of these tax levies are hugely regressive in that the additional costs of doing financial business will be passed on as fees to users of banks, the brunt being borne by the mass of small depositors -- just as foreign-currency-financed BOT (Build, Operate, Transfer) mega-projects are paid for by the rural poor in the form of inflation, the sky-train, subway, monorail, MAGLEV mass transport, raised toll-way, and so on users' fees only partially covering the 15- to 20-percent interest on the 30-year loans (provided by consortia of money-center banks raising money with emerging market stock funds) designed to be rolled over just about the time reconstruction must begin. A whole planetary economy based on the rural poorest of the poor paying over-market interest rates to the urban richest of the rich for projects servicing the urban upper-middle classes: sounds like a viable long-term economic foundation to me! Well, at least if the population of the poorest poor grows fast enough and the population of the richest rich contracts fast enough. The degree to which these elected and unelected decision makers haven't got a clue -- have no idea what is happening to them, do not see what the actual forcing functions are, continue to move in exactly the wrong direction, burrow evermore thoroughly into psychological identification with the failed paradigm, and hence insistently insist upon bringing down upon everyone of us even greater travail than the dire situation objectively warrants -- is utterly beyond overstatement. At the risk of yet again being repetitious once more, heh-heh-heh, this is a mass psychological behavior on part of these decision makers. And the reason for the mass behavior (i.e., contagion) is continued suppression of the notion of identity-transparency (i.e., Bose-Einstein condensation, et cetera) carried by the new quantum-based technologies subverting institutionalization of the long-dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung with which these decision makers are psychologically identified. Absolutely committed, are they, to wrapping quantum-based technologies in hand-me-down political, economic, and social constructs which those technologies, in and of themselves, will burst apart. To get some idea of just how thoroughly and irretrievably psychologically identified with 17th- and 18th-century modes of thought, read Dan Brown's bestsellers DA Da Vinci Code (misspelling is the only way to keep the advertisers out of my personal journal, given that the browser has the advertisers written right into source code such that they are there even offline) and The Lost Symbol. Increasingly, the ten-percent human survival rate forecast appears fancifully optimistic.
Yes, indeed, the multi-scale nested-grid numerical modeling, e-nesting-foams, enfolded screen-grids, fiber-bundle arithmetics, Regge lattices, logic lattices, even the electrode-printed silk screens they are experimenting with so as to implant embedded micro-electrode arrays over opened-brain cortices, which I discuss in context of m-logically-valued monetary units and quantum-composite reserve-currency domain are definitely related to mircotubules and their brain functions. The EnlightenNext interview of Stuart Hameroff, Mystery of the Microtubules, Spring/Summer 2010, provides an interesting introduction to the subject. I do not, of course, agree with Hameroff and Penrose in their assumptions of a classical limit and the fundamentality of classical binary logic and the notions derivative thereof. Quoting Hameroff: We assumed each tubulin could be in two alternative states Hameroff is more explicit than most: We assumed Most never state their assumptions; indeed, most never identify their assumptions. How many can even distinguish between a tacit assumption, an axiom, a postulate, a Kantian category, a Piagetian stage of cognitive development like achievement of object constancy, a learned behavior like IBE (in-the-body experience)? The Penrose-Hameroff model, founded on the classical, Aristotelian-Baconian-Newtonian syllogism/method/hermeneutic 1T2-valued logic-order-type alone, a far too restricted Novum Organum upon which to base interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function, let alone any New Atlantis, particularly since, in developing his calculus of indications so as to prove Sheffer's postulates for 1T2-valued Boolean algebras, G. Spencer Brown demonstrated the notion distinction more fundamental in logic than the notion truth value -- and, the notion identity being more fundamental than that of distinction (clearly indicated by Cabalistic statements like, in simple retrograde inversion, Wit Vfig Vml, and clearly demonstrated in nature by existence of the supersolid state of matter, Bose-Einstein condensation, the full array of super-states), such that there can be little doubt Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics, understood as regards the notion identity-transparency, are the proper means by which to interpret Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function. Everett relative-state generates multiple universes only under classical binary logic! Electrical charge (that coupled, i.e., binary, in being super-cooled and kooky): what was it Riemann imagined as being trapped in the topology of space? What demon the agent of entrapment? Riemann wrong: for having remained too Newtonian, i.e., hypertemperature, the spin moment of operator-time, that is, temporal curl (the image proffered from the collective unconscious in Salvador Dali's The Persistence of Memory is a good intuitive evocation, even if the title indicates complete lack of conscious understanding) was the demon Riemann denigrated with his surface-of-bridges. Only, the thing of it is, this demon is actually an angel (see our 1977 paper, Toward a General Theory of Process, for an early and markedly different version of Hawking imaginary time) -- and if Lukasiewicz is crossed into Riemann with Karpenko functors over the primes and Gödel numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers Not only is object constancy a STAGE of glutamatergic neuronal etching (taking helix-coiling tubulin states into dipole status alone: whatever the pretense concerning Planck-length phenomena and consciousness -- universal physical constants, like the Planck length, speed of light, et cetera, actually being m-valued -- for Hameroff-Penrose, normative brain function is still conceived only on the molecular-cellular level) -- stages initiated in the womb -- it is polarity learned via the prescriptive enculturation imposed upon m-logical values given in nesting-foam factorials (!) transfinite-upon-transfinite. There are no spaces! Brilliantly essaying against those Old Colonels retired from the Raj to positions of authority in the Theosophical Society, there's a good fellow. Newtonianization: the sole purpose of the Riemann surface: let the m-valued be treated as if single-valued. Back-reaction against N. H. Abel: long before Lukasiewicz and, later, Schrödinger. Hypothesis of Church: calculable iff recursive; recursive being definable iff logic be restricted to the 1T2-valued order-type. Such restriction: rhyme and reason of Principia Mathematica, logical atomism, Process and Reality. What did you do, Daddy, before the Greatest War? Well, Son, I was a debunker. I scrambled Abel, Cantor, Lukasiewicz, Schrödinger. That was an enormously complex task, but I made important contributions to its achievement. Objective Reduction: anything it takes to reduce quantum-relativity to the classically Newtonian -- even if integrity of the planet and survival of the species must be sacrificed to that aim. So legion are limitations of the mind indoctrinated to scientism, {[m]one} flees in fright: there is no extremity to which such a mind will not go in order to sustain apparent viability of the illusions carried by its limitations. Transformation, resurrection, apotheosis by means of violence (quoting Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol, Doubleday -- Heh-heh-heh! -- 2009, p. 324):
In order to create, I must destroy
Such is the nature of polarity.
The European Renaissance-Enlightenment: what an enormous wrong turn! The modern normal state of consciousness is a horrid aberration in the corpus of human experience, with -- very likely -- disastrous consequences for biosphere, atmosphere, possibly even magnetic core, of Earth. NATO Advanced quantum-gravity, what. X-37B, mate. Penrose OR: the more completely object-bound, the more totally lapsed into Maya, ignorance. The object-world, {structured[water]birthing} and rebirthing, demerges by Abel-Bell cyclotomic involutory decomposition (see Eric Temple Bell's Ph.D. dissertation on Abel, published 1912), i.e., by, that is, temporal curl, where psychetic-hyletic data functionally mapped over Lukasiewiczian-Hilbert space fall out (glutmatergic neuronal etching begun liquid-breathing in the womb) as the Devil's Staircase -- stepped along Pascal's triangle/pyramid -- is descended, autogenic brain discharge by autogenic brain discharge (see our 1980 paper: Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement, an early and markedly different version of Orch OR). Coming off Satori's endogenous-ketamine flood: recapitulation of Penrose OR. Gamma synchrony must equal consciousness, in large part because gamma synchrony is lost under general anesthesia? This from an anesthesiologist -- an anesthesiologist, surely, who has not read John C. Lilly's Tank Logs! So, what does {[m]one} experience when all this is put behind {[m]one}selves (Get behind thyself, as Big-J once said)? Musculpt! The sonic-imaging-semiotic once interspecies communicated between bottle-nosed dolphins and humans. The few humans who will resurrect some New Atlantis on back of the coming cuspover will have learned how to do so by assimilating the ability to cognize in Lukasiewicz logics, not about those logics, from being those humans learning dolphin, rather than being those humans trying to teach human to dolphins. For a more sophisticated presentation of "neutral monism", an issue raised by Hameroff, have a look at Table 1 of the Appendix to our 1980 Autogenic Brain Discharge paper, noted immediately above. And I now quote myself from an earlier entry concerning a proposed IMF excess profits tax:
Whereas the viscosities associated with m-logically-valued monetary units defined over e-nesting-foams would involve no rent-seeking, and the excess profits would -- before they were made -- be disbursed automatically at many levels according to the fine-grain tagging of the m-value stack on the base-state of the given currency (in a fashion similar to how growth-and-repair processes self-modulate locally by metasystemic aspects of metabolic-pathway behaviors operative in self-organizing organic systems).
Add to that: m-logically-valued processing by intraneuronal, hexagonally-tiled, helically-arrayed microtubules receiving coherent excitation from the acoustically-modified biogravity-wave modes generated by superconductant free-electron gas core (see our paper, A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. XV, 1979) of intranuclear neuronal DNA (note the nesting foam, given that cerebral cortex employs hexagonal cellular stacking columns: in due course fiber-bundle arithmetics, Regge lattices, and Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers will make sense of these packing relations).
The frontispiece to Robert Harris' "astringently funny" and "unputdownable thriller" qua "not just roman à clef but roman à thèse", The Ghost (Random House, 2007), is an appropriate location for the below-quoted statement concerning nonlocal "identity transparency" drawn from Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited (1945):
I am not I: thou art not he or she: they are not they.
No wonder George Orwell had Waugh holding untenable opinions! And yet, all these memetimes later-to-Waugh, still, the authorities remain committed to the notion that there are no non-selfsame numbers, even to include Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers apropos of the various order-types in Lukasiewiczian logical properties. Our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, pivots upon the clef, indeed the thèse, that no greater terror, no more destructive occurrence, no larger capability for instigating mass death during the 19th- and 20th-centuries can be found than manifest by those instances directly the result of the authorities denying animistic identity-transparency and associated violations of classical logic, classical number theory, classical algebra, and placing a classical limit on the quantum properties of everyday experience. Were Penrose-Hameroff Orch OR actually the case, pure consciousness could not be, consciousness-without-an-object could not be. Consciousness would be restricted to consciousness of the classical world which Buddhism deems an illusion, a Maya, and which Plato referred to as mere shadow-play upon walls of a cave. And, as has been the case ever since the specter of quantum-relativity physics appeared on the scene during the late-19th-century, animistic modes of perception and comprehension, e.g., full-blown Taoism -- in their participation mystique, their contagion with the physical surround, violating fundamental principles of the classical world -- would have to be conflated with the group of schizophrenias and explained by dysOrch OR. All this would have to be so, because reduction of the wave packet, by definition -- Objective Reduction or otherwise -- is the means by which quantum entanglement, i.e., non-simple identity qua I am not I, is collapsed to discrete entities absolutely-in-so-far-as-separable in spacetime. Much more straightforward the understanding which simply acknowledges necessity of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics -- interpreted in terms of identity-transparency, not truth-value -- for comprehension of entanglement and Bose-Einstein condensation. Indeed, the very use of these two words -- entanglement, condensation -- indicates presence of pre-existing 1T2-valued-logic prejudice in characterization of the phenomena involved, for each of these words connotes the assumption that atomistic discreteness is the reference state, when all indications are quite otherwise (not the least being the likelihood that particle-wave duality is epiphenomenal to cognitive processing of measurements with 1T2-valued logic only). Within Lukasiewiczian comprehension, the world of classical experience would be that of the 1T2-valued-logic order-type, i.e., the lowest order-type of the transfinite Cantorian collections thereof, an order-type manifest only by the glutamate-etched brain. And this is surely one reason why Roger Penrose's book, The Road To Reality, makes no mention of Lukasiewicz logics. Why did S. Hawking come up with his notion, passive imaginary time, inadequate as it is -- popularly portrayed in A Brief History Of Time? What provoked Penrose into formulation of the idea of Objective Reduction, inadequate as it is? What, then, is my argument? Essence of this clef, this thèse, has overwhelmingly dominated subliminal human collective-mass-mob behaviors for 200 years -- and, most fundamentally speaking, is responsible for virtually every aspect of the prevailing planetary crisis. Only direct address to this clef, this thèse, can possibly facilitate a human future on this planet, post-cuspover.
Three-trillion doesn't sound like much to me {see: Government has spent $3 trillion (and counting) on financial crisis, Jay Heflin, The Hill, 20 April 2010}. Given the fiat currency regime in place, the involved Devil's Staircase in percolation of risk over every cross-currency transaction (just think of how factorials work), and the fact that the financial authorities haven't the foggiest notion what to do about the ever-amplifying risk-hedge need as quantum-based IT accelerates transformation of system fundamentals (except to wallpaper over with ironed-out Cartesian-Newtonian clothes), not to mention no idea what to do about nearly a quadrillion in planetary derivative contracts (and counting), I suspect even $500 trillion in global quantitative easing would not flying-buttress the global economy for the long haul.
A run on superphosphate? I'm a phosphorus (homeopathic type) who has seen an F-15 lay out WP (white phosphorus), so talk of peak phosphorus (see: Experts warn of Impending Phosphorus Crisis, Hilmar Schmundt, Der Spiegel, 21 April 2010) not only scares me as a nurseryman, gardener, and vegetable eater, it puts me in mind of the homeopathic ozone effect!
We are in the Maastricht madhouse, a currency union without a treasury currency risk mutates into default risk in a monetary union Wonderfully accurate characterization by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard (Maastricht madhouse fuels EMU-wide contagion from Greece, The London Telegraph, 25 April 2010). And yet another example of a system based on the principle that the poor should pay disproportionately to support the rich: an idea about fundamentals in systems dynamics undoubtedly communicated by one of those ET aliens physicist Hawking warns us about. It was one thing for a United States to have federated during the 1770s, quite another for an EMU to have been established almost 200 years after metaphysical death of that paradigm. What were these people thinking? What were the post-Soviets thinking? What are the Chinese thinking? Jump onto the dead Weltanschauung just as its institutionalization is going into incendiary collapse? Billions of people are doing so. What does that tell us about state of the human mind?
The normotically brain impaired do not solve problems so complex as those presently plaguing this planet; such persons are only capable of making these problems worse. Ever since the late-1960s, I have been predicting holocaust of the WholeEarth -- not metaphorically, but in full-blown bloody fact. A corpus of collective occasions of experience (Whitehead, as Hameroff reminds us) utterly psychotic and truly pandemic. A real turning point. So far, in recorded human history, vast upheavals and mass wars have not killed enough people to make any real difference in the trajectory mankind has so stupidly chosen. The thesis as regards holocaust of the WholeEarth was that this human ineptitude was nearing its end. Back then, during the late-'60s, I didn't give this prediction a high likelihood, fifty-percent or less. By now, however, so many of the prerequisites have been fulfilled, fallen into place, confidence in this prediction is quite elaborate. Why? Not the least, because officials, wherever -- anywhere on the planet one wishes to look -- simply have no idea. The level of cognition publicly displayed is so abysmal, one cannot doubt the long-term outcome. Only an authentic moron could miss it! The following citations may seem incidental to such an outlandish thesis, but, quite frankly, to me, a person who has spent 47 years intensively studying "insurgency movements" in their various dimensions, to include those economic, I DON'T THINK SO. See: Australia tightens rules for foreign property buyers, AFP, 24 April 2010. See: More American Citizens Give Up Citizenship, Brian Knowlton, NY Times, 25 April 2010. Eyes open, y'know -- really! -- offers no protection against acts of the brain-impaired.
I agree with the first commenter, laudyms, that of course we were warned (see the very excellent article, The Imminent Crash Of The Oil Supply: What Is Going To Happen and Why Weren't We Forewarned?, by Nicholas C. Arguimbau, Information Clearing House, 23 April 2010). Anyone who subscribed to The Futurist and read World Watch Institute reports could have been well informed about this, certainly from the 1970s, even from the mid-'60s. The most interesting part of Arguimbau's article is not the graph, which summarizes information available for quite awhile, or the list of things to be done for which there is no longer any time left to do them, about which, again, information has long been available, but the observation that the reductions of CO2 emissions contained in global warming legislation are essentially identical to what would be the case without such legislation simply by decrease in availability of oil over the same time periods. In other words, high service costs for a carbon trading system and enforcement of the unenforceable to achieve exactly nothing -- except, perhaps, to establish ownable cap-and-trade patents (see: Fannie Mae owns patent on residential 'cap and trade' exchange, Barbara Hollingsworth, The Washington Examiner, 20 April 2010) and other business opportunities (see: More Global Warming Profiteering by Obama Energy Official, by Christopher Horner of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, PajamasMedia, 26 April 2010). The idea that militaries around the planet are preparing for small resource wars only, as some commenters note, is ludicrous. And the notion of peak everything by 2050 is also insupportable because the resource wars will not be only small, such that the population projections are unlikely to be accurate. The biggest pretension amongst economists discussing the global financial crisis, scientists opining on global warming, engineers fretting over global resources depletion, medical doctors speaking on the growing risk of pandemics, and so on, is the lack of utterance in the same breath concerning the obvious global warfare/holocaust consequences sure to be spun off by all of these -- and the utter inadequacy of prevailing notions of human governance in face of such realities. Moreover, Westphalian-Cartesian-Newtonian/Congress-of-Vienna global governance -- whatever the ECB President might think -- is likely the least capable such notion on the scene, for no comprehensive plan put into effect with imposed rules could conceivably meet the gathering circumstance in anything remotely like a competent manner. Anything that can be done to resurrect capability for systemic self-organization is what should be done, because this is the only factor that can maximize survival rates, human and biospheric.
Thanks especially for this referral: No Wonder the Eurozone is Imploding, Washingtion's Blog, 28 April 2010. An excellent account of what I have long been characterizing in the terms of percolation theory and its devil's staircase in risk, where risk is simply transferred up the staircase and is thus more and more concentrated to the macroscale of the global economy, auguring ever greater degrees in potential catastrophic systemic meltdown. The debt-money creation and the financial instruments employed to concentrate risk simultaneously pull local multiplier effects out of specific locales and transfer them to the global macroscale, and this is the pool of profit that concentrates more and more resources in fewer and fewer hands, thus undermining functional integration of the global system and its ability to adequately allocate relative to the corpus of everything which needs to be done on this planet. I agree with the author that the system must be changed, and, I would add, so as to step completely off of the devil's staircase -- which is not to say, off the last step. Bailing out Greece (see: EU Bets $146 Billion Greek Bailout to Avert Contagion, Emma Ross-Thomas and Jonathan Stearns, Bloomberg, 3 May 2010) carries the global economy one further step up the devil's staircase. An even bigger step will be when the IMF bails out the EU itself. And when the IMF, itself, has to be bailed out by free printing of a We-Are-the-World currency (SDRs or some other), maybe, just maybe, the devil will have run out of steps to climb.
One of the more wonderful things about Cambodians is that -- for the most part -- they are relatively free of the compulsion to demonstrate that they are the most whatever! And given what was done to Cambodia and to Cambodians The tank scene in Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol is, indubitably is, disgusting -- and yet is one more widely propagated hit against what biofeedback in the Lilly Tank could do for human assimilation of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics -- such a tank undoubtedly being one prerequisite to implementation of full-blown m-valued LETS (correct interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function being another prerequisite). Sober, drunk, or stoned I have always preferred the drunk or the stoned -- given how glutamatergically-etched are brains of the habitually sober. And how great a debilitation has been imposed upon the thus-cellularly-caponized! I found out about aspects of this for the first time during the mid-1960s at JFK Special Warfare Center while learning how to administer ketamine as a field expedient general anesthetic (that general anesthetic most used during the Viet Nam war) for employment of procedures described in The NATO Handbook of Emergency War Surgery (still on the shelf at the National Library of Medicine). Somewhat better than the field expediency of tequila! JFK-SWC: great place to learn about esoterica. 1967: I passed the swimming test for hardhat diving school with the Navy. If not for the Six Day War, I would have learned underwater welding. At the time, I heard all sorts of rumors about underwater breathing of liquids -- none of which I took too seriously. It was only later that I understood pumped liquid breathing as the probable best route of entry for medicinal ozone therapy in Rx for a wide range of degenerative diseases -- if only Big Pharma would allow such to be delivered in a well-equipped professional medical setting. But not too likely the homeopathic ozone effect will ever be granted official recognition. The human species, it seems to me, no longer has significant choices. Paradoxically, authentic self-organization will be imposed upon the species one way or another. Law of rules: rule of laws. I never had much interest in studying laws, the corpus of such having no socially redeeming value. When a whole civilization in its every dimension -- legal, political, financial -- runs primarily upon lies, there is little chance it could be reciprocally maintaining in relation to its natural surround. What can that mean when most people actively avoid understanding rather than seek it out? Understanding has moral-imperative consequences most people simply will not countenance. Formalization to actualized institutions always prevails in the short-term, inevitably fails in the long-term: too bad formalization will soon have altogether fallen by the wayside. Or has it already done? Rule-regulated human systems are no longer viable -- population pressures on the quantum relative-state, ecological superintegration, and synergetic overdetermination of natural processes, upon which survival depends, having taken away that luxury.
What I have said all along, i.e., since the mid-1970s: this Lukasiewiczian way is the way to go (!); but the way to go will not be the way chosen. What will be chosen, yet again, is mass death, only, this time, the mass death will be megadeath beyond all prognosticative capability to imagine in detail. By projective-identification in transference-imprinting, displacement-conversion of glutamatergic, non-quantal, simple-identity from the nuclear-father-figure-fixation to the socially-contracted, Westphalian/Congress-of-Vienna, 1T2-logic-bounded, collective-ego, Riemann-sphere, national border: Joy-Thru-Strength step-by-entropic-step jackbooting the whole bouncing Cartesian-Newtonian, brainy ball-of-wax down Pots{dame}r Strasse. I, likely, will not live to experience the outcome and thank my lucky stars for that! Traditional binary logic -- 1T2-valued logic: two values available; only one value permitted to a given proposition -- is the logic of purified identity, the logic of us or them, of you are either with us or against us, i.e., non-quantal simple-identity, the boundary line drawn in the sand, firm stands the watch. No gray-scale distributed middle permitted; no contradictions allowed. The enfolding logic of Imperial Japan's Kokutai no Hongi. The prescriptive logic of Nazi Germany's Nuremberg Laws. Racial and national purity: the Kierkegaardian Either/Or, with in-betweens, i.e., bastards, systematically stigmatized and omitted, not to say deleted. The Holocaust as eradication of the Fallacy of Undistributed Middle! And 1T2-valued logic is the logic of science, Cartesian-Newtonian science, that science essential to metaphysical justification of the social contract, market economics (a trillion dollars worth of quantitative easing to defend the EMU), constitutional democracy, the Westphalian/Congress-of-Vienna nation-state system and its supraordinate agglomerations as well as so very much more at the foundation of modern civilization. But, then, along came the spider, Lukasiewicz. And once again the human species will commit mass suicide over the involved issues: purity, essence, identity, character, so on and so on and so on.
My me can honestly say it's never much engaged with everyday life. Even digging trees flat-out, piece-work, 95-degrees and 98-percent humidity, ten hours per day, my I imagined itself a sword maker, a dancer of the snows, a fakir on his nail bed -- every motion scrutinized, witnessed, dissociated from. My me? That I? No way! Watch the motion manager, that premetaprogrammed automatic pilot. Circumpunct. A Borel set, even. A magic circle drawn around an empty center, a real original Angkor kinghood (before modern dysterpretation). Get clear! Dump claims! Choose an activity -- whatsoever an activity. Psychodynamically circumscribe it. Internally declare it a sacred domain. Call it Buddhological space. Initiate some practice -- any practice -- within that activity sphere, that ma, that gate to hold the moon (ideograph for ma). Your you will see/hear/touch/smell in a different way, an animistic way. That outcome cannot be avoided, however much your you may resist.
I see space-based Planetary War One written all over this trillion dollar bailout for the EMU (see, for instance, EU Crafts $962 Billion Show of Force to Halt Euro Crisis, James G. Neuger and Meera Louis, Bloomberg, 10 May 2010). And when this show of force ultimately fails, they will soon enough again resort to other sorts of shows of force. One more step up percolation theory's the Devil's Staircase. This is a staircase leading to nowhere. There is no walking back down the escalator. The only way to get off at the top is by means of all fall down. Quoting myself from late-February:
The more epicycles they are able to produce in order to sustain integrity of the prevailing institutionalization of the dead paradigm, the greater the megakill at cuspover. But some eyes appear to be opening from their long squint. Quoting Heather Scott quoting IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn (IMF Chief Calls for Stronger Surveillance of Spillover Risks, iMarketNews.com, 26 February 2010):
Strauss-Kahn said another key area to focus on in the short term is to do a much better job of tracing how risk percolates through the system
This may not actually be a technical reference to percolation theory, but, if not, it should be. See my articles on percolation theory of risk concentration: Constructing a Chaotic Marketplace, circa September of 1995; and M-Valuation in a Generalized Currency Basket, circa 1998. For more technical work on application of percolation theory to credit loss risk see: S. M. Focardi and F. J. Fabozzi, A percolation approach to modeling credit loss distribution under contagion, Journal of Risk, 7:1, 2004.
Obviously, we can now clearly see, Strauss-Kahn's reference to percolation was not based upon any technical familiarity with percolation theory of market meltdowns, forest fires, Rwanda-type mass hysterias, and so on.
Interesting comments by primefool and Racer on ZeroHedge. Primefool:
The Euro aint gold -- no matter how hard everyone tries to pretend. Therefore it is not constrained by Newtonian mechanics of a gold standard. We are in a quantum realm of vapor money. Money is created and extinguished in a nanosecond. It take no energy or material to create money -- it has no value whatsoever.
Don't hardly never see no fools talkin' quantum mechanics of money. As should be obvious, I prettmuch agree ta primefool's attitude toward Bernanke Bucks, but pale away over his too conventional understanding of the quantum realm. Racer comes immediately back with:
Extract below from The Crowd, Study of Popular Mind Gustav le Bon (written around 1860)
Wonderful. One of my favorite books (introduced to me in Kyoto, August of 1977, by W. David Kubiak), referred to at the beginning of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh. This is the first time I have seen The Crowd quoted. Great!
I note from the articles available to me that the EU member nations' legislative approval-prerequisite -- oft discussed of late -- to such measures as a trillion-dollar bailout, now goes unmentioned. This de facto state-of-emergency suspension of democratic processes is already a strong move onto an undeclared-war footing in Europe. Terms of discussion include: show of force, war chest, shock and awe, overwhelming force, epicenter Use of such terms for financial measures is prefigurative. Movement from undeclared war to declared war will be so very, very easy. Once it is realized that the Allied Powers were on the same side of the fundamental pathofunctional issues constellating WWII as were the Axis Powers -- i.e., both sides were equally opposed to employment of Lukasiewicz logics to interpret import of quantum-relativity physics, because of the sexual, social, political, and economic implications -- and that these same pathofunctional issues prevail today, then it is just a matter of which rabid dog in the panic bites the tail of another, as regards how sides are chosen up.
Caroline Baum says, Contagion, or contagion theory, is sweeping the euro zone I hate to pour cold water on that theory (see: Greek Contagion Myth Masks Real Europe Crisis, Bloomberg, 10 May 2010). And I hate to pour cold water on conventional understanding of the meaning of contagion. Quoting from an article entitled Multivalue, Nanoimmunity, and the Genesis of Metaculture, I wrote in 1996:
The French ethnologist, Giran, writing before World War One, offers us a provocative portrait:
everything becomes confused and blended into one. The state of everything is essentially precarious. Their aspect is elusive and affords no hold for us to seize. This curious vision of the universe explains some beliefs which otherwise would be hardly conceivable. Each individuality being very badly defined, its limits are wavering, extensible. They do not confine within the individual himself but overlap him and encroach on his surroundings. Under these conditions, it is as difficult to discern the individual from the group to which he belongs as to discern him from everything that touches him or reminds of himself. With such concepts, we may understand that the universe must appear as an inextricable entanglement of reciprocal influences where persons and things, in a perpetual state of instability, become fused together while borrowing mutually their qualities. This idea of contagion, which is anything but scientific, is very common among the Annamese. (Quoted in Nguyen Khac Kham, 1970.)
Here we have a characterization of animism, of contagion, of, if you will, identity transparency. But is this notion of non-singular, non-selfsame identity non-scientific? It is non-Newtonian, certainly, but with equal certainty is it consistent with quantum physics in general and the biophysics of the quantum wave properties of the DNA molecule in particular. Even the vocabulary of this ethnographic portrait produced in 1912 evokes the discourse of contemporary physics with its peculiar terminology: spontaneous fusion, relative-state, chaotic dynamics, collective and cooperative behaviors, entangled states, reciprocal maintenance, instabilities, non-simple identity, multiply-connected, and so on.
Giran's use of the word contagion comes from late-19th- and early-20th-century social anthropology where Lucien Lévy-Bruhl used participation inconsciente to characterize the prelogical mentalité primitive in elaborating his law of participation relative to Durkheim's collective representations understood to be expressions of contagion. C. G. Jung, soon after, employed the term participation mystique for the contagion Lévy-Bruhl understood as characterizing prelogical states of consciousness. This is so little understood, even Jungian psychologists would have us believe participation mystique is simply another way of saying psychological identification (see: Jung, by Anthony Storr, Fontana, 1973, now online as a GoogleBook. I would note as highly significant that the book in which Lévy-Bruhl explicated these notions, Les fonctions mentales dans les sociétés inférieures, was published in 1910, just as the Polish logician, Lukasiewicz, was bringing exclusivity of 1T2-valued logic under serious challenge, and, further, that the English translation, How Natives Think, was published in 1926, the year Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function was falsified as being a statement of probability amplitudes, rather than being understood with m-valued Lukasiewicz logics. Contagion is a derogatory term uttered from perspective of mental states identified with 1T2-valued logic alone, whereas ecologically-adapted (by propitiation behaviors) animistic states of consciousness access the broad spectrum of Lukasiewiczian logical-value order-types -- order-types not prelogical, but supraordinate to 1T2-valued logic alone. Lévy-Bruhl, to my understanding, believed animistic states of comprehension inferior to those modern, whereas the actual case is wholly beyond what Lévy-Bruhl imagined: beyond by Cantorian infinities in logical-valuation. Only with the Cantorian continuum infinity (C) in logical-values to a given proposition does animistic identity transparency fully manifest, and, with that, the equals sign loses all mathematical efficacy and must be replaced with Musculpt signifiers of Lukasiewiczian order-types of identity: no mere exchange of two parallel lines for three could possibly be adequate to notationally represent complexity of animistic/quantum non-simple identity. Fear of contagion is fear of the m-logically-valued monetary units which quantum-based technologies demand as they make over the global economy. Having fought one world war over falsified logic and a second world war over falsified physics, what chance is there to avoid fighting a space-based planetary war over consequences of financial instruments (derivatives) developed as (psychologically regressed) falsification of fiber-bundle arithmetics (a geometrical expression of m-valuedness)?
I have to agree with the assessment of commenter Epictetus relative to The Casey Report's piece entitled, The US Government Is About To Get Hit With 'The Perfect Storm' of Debt, (Chris Wood, Jake Weber, and Vedran Vuk, 12 May 2010):
Perhaps the authors are missing the biggest piece of the puzzle. The entire world has never in recorded history been in debt at these levels. Even if we could afford the interest rates, who is going to be left to lend us the money? This is the most overlooked aspect of the entire global meltdown. If every ship is sinking there is no one left to do the bailing. The reports about a point of no return in 2012 or 2013 are misguided and based on previous situations that existed largely within a vacuum. Contextually there is nothing like we are seeing today in all of history. The tipping point was in 2008, and it has been passed. We shot across the proverbial Rubicon in a supersonic jet never to return. There are really only a few potential outcomes. The most obvious is war. This has been the path governments have tended to follow. The more ominous scenario is perhaps the inevitable battle between the producers and the looters.
Need something? Take it. Pay your troops in kind (plunder). Space-based, and/or pursued by gangs and warlords, be assured it will have a nanocomponent, for They Walk. They Work. New DNA Robots Strut Their Tiny Stuff, by Robert Lee Holtz, The Wall Street Journal, 13 May 2010. Humanity has long since made its definitive choices. The global economy will simply be declared in a state of extended intermission and suspended animation for the duration, winner take all, winner sets the new rules. The whole economy/nonsystem-monetary-system will have become such an intractable mess, even a revaluation of monetary gold to $50,000 per ounce could not possibly straighten it out (I followed commenter Mike A's suggestion and Googled revalue gold). Just won't work (though they may try it). For one thing, any re-creation of a classical gold standard or a Bretton Woods type of gold-exchange mechanism by a revaluation of monetary gold would magnify by the same degree the U.S. default on the value of global inflation in the post-1945 period that was, and continues to be, perpetrated as a result of Nixon's unilateral renunciation (because of the way the U.S. financed the Viet Nam war) of the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism. What nation would agree to such a revaluation without a gun being held to its collective head? Bridge loans, maybe? Moreover, even Superstring Theory's M Theory is topologically inadequate to unravel a quadrillion dollars worth of super-multiply-connected derivatives on myriad classes of debt instruments wrapped over 1T2-logical nation-state boundaries netting the planet. Take the Königsberg Bridge Problem and multiply it by a trillion Complexity Theories! And take note of the fact that these bridges, so assiduously studied by Euler, were all destroyed during WWII. Why the inadequacy of present-day mathematics and physics to a mere financial problem? Because M Theory's expression of Superstring Theory's handling of the internal dimensions of bundling (i.e., fiber-bundle arithmetics) does not employ m-valued Lukasiewicz logics -- and this absence is a repeat of the 1926 falsification of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function as being expression of probability amplitudes, yielding a falsification on the back of a falsification which necessitated the collective unconscious compensatory abreaction which became, by projective-identification in transference, financial derivatives (corpus of which being a psychologically regressed parody of fiber-bundles).
No doubt about it, the greatest culpability in respect to deep-structure origins (pathogeneses) of the Franco-Prussian War, WWI, WWII, and the soon-to-be PWI (space-based Planetary War One) have been, and presently are, clinging behaviors, clinging to Cartesian-Newtonian conceits -- not Leibnizian conceits -- long after such clingers should have been no longer tolerated. So, where does that place bulk of the onus for what has been, and what will be? Here we have it: yet another strategic diversion of remaining global resources away from prospective attempts to actually and effectively meet the larger anthropogenically induced, quite likely terminal, crisis, human inhabitants, planet Earth.
Ilargi, on The Automatic Earth website (Debt and Dammerung: Welcome to the Wasteland, 14 May 2010), says:
Modus operandi: Extend and pretend, lie and deny, cheat, rinse and repeat. We're caught in a self-hand-made trap of never-ending attempts to bend what's real into what's non-offensive
This very apt characterization, I think, applies way back, back notably to the 1820s, to falsification of N. H. Abel's existence demonstration for transalgebras as being an Impossibility Theorem, to the way the Riemann surface allows m-valued variables to be handled as if single-valued, to how non-Cantorian sets and non-Abelian groups are preferred to their originals, to how the Axiom of Choice was besmudged by subjection to logical atomism, to how m-valued Lukasiewicz logics were fuzzed-out over the real interval o-1-o such that they were not employed to interpret Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function and thus could be ignored by Gödel and Penrose, to how Lukasiewiczian m-logically-valued monetary units were not employed once the Bretton Woods gold-exchange window was closed and how bundled derivatives were chosen instead as a psychologically regressed parody of m-valued fiber-bundle arithmetics. And why all this extend and pretend, lie and deny, cheat, rinse and repeat? Ilargi doesn't quite get it, as he immediately quotes Joe Bageant (author of Deer Hunting with Jesus: Dispatches from America's Class War) on the nature of holograms (see: Lost on the Fearless Plain, 11 May 2010):
The hologram is a hermetic snow globe, a self-referential circuitry of images, and a Möbius loop from which there is no logical escape. Logic has zilch to do with what is going on. The smallest part holographically recapitulates the whole, and vice versa. No thinking required, we just cycle and recycle through an aural dimension.
Not realizing that Lukasiewicz logics are self-referential order-types inside of self-referential order-times to Cantorian regress, Bageant reduces logic to the 1T2-valued variety alone, he fears and loathes nonorientability, he disparages the identity-transparency involved in Cantorian sets (demonstrated by the infamous diagonal proof) and physically embodied in the quantum information properties of holograms, which is to say he despises the fundamental quantum properties of self-organizing systems which would be inculcated by mapping m-logically-valued LETS over nesting foams of fractal e-boundaries such that a post-BrettonWoods, quantum-composite, non-vehicle, reserve currency could be created and employed.
Not only cancer. There is also, for instance, the question of cell phones and SLE. Of course the WHO study found no evidence (see: WHO study has no clear answer on phones and cancer, Kate Kelland, Reuters 16 May 2010). When a study is designed to find no evidence, it generally finds no evidence. If they wanted to find evidence, they would stop doing statistical correlation studies and look at the biophysics involved: frequency response windows of intraneuronal and perineural DNA vis-à-vis minute increments of the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum, plus waveforms, intensities, pulse-burst envelops, and so on. But if they did do that, not only would the militaries of the world be up in arms against the WHO, but so would local police departments who have deployed EMP (electromagnetic pulse) weapons to disable computer systems on automobiles. And what of the antipersonnel EMP weapons that soon will be droning the planet seeking out radiative signatures of DNA fingerprints.
Quite plausible, even likely -- noting full well that I obviously have no access to information by which I could have an informed opinion on the subject. Though, frankly, one can certainly observe that, if social reality has hologramic information distribution properties, i.e., relative-state identity-transparency, as I believe it does, then I have only to analyze what has been done to me, and what has not been done with me, to gain insight as to what inevitably will happen to the human species at coming cuspover. Pure haiku! All-everything encapsulated in each-anything. This me being a generalized generic me. In the case of my particular me, having had my first significant exposure to quantum physics during 1963 (high school honors PSSC physics class: with subsequent physics scholarship offered, but declined) and, the next year, to C. G. Jung's notion of a collective unconscious (Modern Man in Search of a Soul: required reading for 'Problems in World Politics' at AU-SIS), I quite well understood by 1965 the basic principle involved. Quoting my personal journal from that year (as reproduced in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 1, pp. 279-80):
When I try to make a decision about what to do or what value to place on this or that, those considerations normally deemed personal and those usually designated public, social, cultural, or historical are all thrown together without special distinction between the collective and the individual. I might be thinking about some historical theory or about John Cage's attitude toward the art object or any number of similar things in trying to make up my mind about whether or not I personally should, for instance, quit college. I always ask myself, What is required? I feel that What's happening in the world today is an allegory for internal psychological processes, and conversely, that what happens in personal psychology is an allegory for processes at work in the external world: they are metaphorical mirrors of one another. On that basis, I naturally feel that I am acting for all time and that when I make a major life decision, I must attempt to act in terms of what the times require. I want to know what my age needs and attempt to fulfill that need in my personal life. I am not looking for personal salvation, only to do what is required of me. The loneliness of the purely personal has vanished because one discovers that there is no such thing as the purely personal. The collective difficulty is writ small in me as my neurosis; my personal neurosis is writ large in the collectivity as the present cultural dilemma. How can I find my own integration without simultaneously finding a new cultural synthesis? The personal and the collective difficulty are one and the same There is no way I will be able to explain this to Liana when I call her up and tell her that I have decided to quit college.
This is one way to live in a quantum world, which is to say one way to garner repositories of reciprocal maintenance, i.e., merit. Beats the heck out of carbon trading! How could I have so rapidly assimilated and internalized to ontic awareness and major-life-decision algorithm a quantum principle which highly trained physicists never, throughout whole of their beamtimes and lifetimes, ever live daily life in cognition of? Largely because of my prepubertal exposure to Shinto animism, as so expertly spoon fed by wet-rice Obaasan, Midori Gaoka, Ashiya, Kyushu, circa 1953-6. Obviously, I was a targeted towhead. Incidentally, the Liana mentioned in the 1965 journal quotation, I met in Ashiya during 1953. No understanding, then no recognition, no acknowledgement, no assessment, and no responsible action: too glutamatergically etched a brain. So it has gone; so it will go. Eff you very well, thank you, eh what, says Mench to Munchkin, Iff (if and only if) And now there appears to be significant risk of Beirut-am-Chao-Praya and Hotel-Rwanda Soi-Nana/Tapae-Soi-Si, so on, if not soon. But, of course, the actual domestic variables at play appear not yet to be viewable, or is it yet viewed; nor is there, apparently, contemplation of how those variables relate to what is happening with the southern ins (e.g., Hugger-Mugger Gladiator-and-Commander AQ-in-Tland) which is not considered to be primarily targeting Mland, not the ZI of Tland. Or how that fact likely will continue to bring transnational stuff down upon the Tland's ZI. If only it were only localizable issues which the southern ins relates to, historically speaking, located across one of the half dozen non-locally most pregnant border zones on the planet. No possibility such a border could presently be unengaged by the global ins. But if nothing is known of the role of fractal boundaries in m-valued self-organizational behaviors
'E's a dimwit, is Hu-Hu-HuMan, 'e is, isn't 'e? Locus of tornado touchdown point-set topologies shifting to new geographies, a prefiguration of geological-timescale climatic phase-over? Little doubt that a Lukasiewiczian perspective upon superintegration and overdetermination of solar-system plus upper-and-lower-atmosphere interactions -- i.e., identity-transparencies, hologramic information non-selfsamenesses, so on and so on -- is lethal information overload for the 1T2-logic cognition, such that the actual real simulacra simply could not possibly register. Locus of tornado touchdown point-set topologies haven't substantially gone into autogenic shift since BCE. Is the current drift a feeder band or a wake vortex? And does the answer to that impinge upon the question of pre- or post-tribulation rapture at cuspover self-annihilation of Tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion co-religionists? A mighty and strange thing, projective-identification at collective transference. Systems of Correspondence, i.e., Eulerian functions of complex and hypercomplex m-valued variables (i.e., derivatives) under Lukasiewicz logics: not surprising that ancient Chinese books of medicine were more about the weather and geomantic acupuncture points (tornado touchdown point-set topologies?) than about in-the-body physikos.
I fully agree: Forget the wolf pack -- the ongoing euro crisis was caused by EMU, Ambrose Evans-Prichard, The London Telegraph, 16 May 2010. And the only way the euro conceivably could be fixed is in context of global implementation of m-logically-valued LETS defined over nesting-foams of band-pass fractal e-boundaries. The optimum currency area notion of EMU pater familias, Robert Mundell, whatever the justifying mos maiorum and whosoever chairs the agglomerated nation-states' consilium, was utter disinformation insofar as systems thinking and understanding of natural processes go, however much some may yet be yearning for resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. But I disagree with Victor Davis Hanson's projections of further reliance upon NATO as euro monies run out (see: The Other European Volcano, RealClearWorld, 17 May 2010); rather, when the EMU dissociates, look for formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc eventually aligned to a Greater China. Follow the resources!
A single-logically-valued price is the only information unit moving through markets (except insofar as derivatives, in psychologically regressed fashion, have implemented a financial parody of the m-valuation associated with fiber-bundle arithmetics). Suspend price discovery and other aspects of mark-to-market valuation and there can be no accurate information available to markets and hence no efficient allocation of resources. Just the corpus of inefficiencies central command inevitably inculcates. No recipe for dealing with global resource depletion, for instance. Not long ago I was saying, The global economy will simply be declared in a state of extended intermission and suspended animation for the duration, winner take all, winner sets the new rules. So, they are already making that declaration -- or early stages of it. Warfare implicit, insipient. Consider Angela Merkel's outlawing of naked shorting of European sovereign debt, as well as shares of ten banks and insurers (see: Swaps Soar on Germany's 'Act of Desperation': Credit Markets, Shannon D. Harrington and Pierre Paulden, Bloomberg, 19 May 2010):
German Chancellor Merkel said today the prohibition on short-selling ban was part of an attempt to gain control over destructive financial markets In some ways, it's a battle of the politicians against the markets and I'm determined to win, Merkel said May 6. The speculators are our adversaries.
No. A monetary union as a poorly conceived attempt to sustain the Westphalian-Cartesian-Newtonian/Congress-of-Vienna institutionalization of a paradigm two-hundred-years dead and under terminal assault by the technologies thrown off by the one-hundred-years-old new physics is their adversary. And they will not prevail against this adversary, though, almost certainly they will once again plunge the institutionalization they cling to into incendiary collapse, rather than orchestrate a survivable phase shift.
The ban on German 'Bronze Age' naked shorts over CDS's, sovereign debt bondings, shares of banks and insurers will be one coffin nail in the prevailing FORM of governance. That's how I see it. Another will be a financial transactions tax applied to the euro zone only. Fly, flee, flown. Just like Thailand before collapse of the baht. And the current (2010) Thai urban-rural travail is prefigurative once again, this time of the issues over which civil disorder will engulf mega-urban regions, globally. EMU core vs. the PIGS: one variant on the urban-rural split. Who came up with the idea that heat-tolerant Club Med cultures would ever, under any circumstances, embrace frigid N. European values? Different strokes for different folks! A German finance minister calling for continental (since can't have planetary) application of UNIFORM rules, regs, conventions, aspirations, and so on. What a stereotype he has chosen to conform to! See, German Finance Minister: Markets Out of Control, Quentin Peel, The Financial Times, 20 May 2010:
He [Wolfgang Schaeuble] admits it is very likely that there would be no agreement at the G20 summit in Canada in June and then the debate will take off again to see if it is possible to do it in Europe. If we get a Yes, that is good. If we get a No, then we will once again work intensively to see if we cannot have a transaction tax at a European level.
But markets should not be controlled; they should be in control -- that is, were they to have accurate and adequate informational depth of field (which requires m-logically-valued monetary units fine-grain tagged to indicators mapped on nesting foams over fractal e-boundaries). And when the squabbling Schaeuble would dominate fails to yield a way to sustain institutionalization of the long-dead paradigm, what then? I forecast a phase change in the FORM of governance, a shift not subject to the Newtonian-smoothing approach And now, barely a week later, the Finance Ministry calls for banning of naked short selling of all German stocks and many derivatives (see, Germany May Extend Naked Short-Selling Ban to All Stocks, Ministry Says, Karin Matussek and Rainer Buer, Bloomberg, 25 May 2010: price discovery, in the quantum-technology-imposed monetary regime dressed in Newtonian clothes, has become anathema. Won't be long until economics altogether is simply called off. And those who think this statement is over the top would do well to consider the following words from Seth Klarman (see, Legendary Investor Is More Worried Than Ever, by Jason Zweig, The Wall Street Journal, 22 May 2010):
I asked him what he had meant, in a recent letter to his clients, when he compared the financial markets to a Hostess Twinkie. There is no nutritional value, he said. There is nothing natural in the markets. Everything is being manipulated by the government. He added, I'm skeptical that the European bailout will work.
Some members of the audience gasped audibly when Mr. Klarman said, The government is now in the business of giving bad advice. Later, he got more specific: By holding interest rates at zero, the government is basically tricking the population into going long on just about every kind of security except cash, at the price of almost certainly not getting an adequate return for the risks they are running
Apparently, price discovery on the price of cash isn't even possible anymore. Rule out m-logically-valued prices, in a quantum monetary regime (which, by compensatory abreaction, subliminally induced creation of fiber-bundled derivatives, dark pools, flash trading, so on) dressed in Newtonian attire so as to confine valuation to 1T2-logical terms only, and the price paid is loss of price-discovery mechanisms.
Just as I view derivatives as psychologically regressed financial parody of the m-valuation associated with fiber-bundle arithmetics, I understand dark pools (for an excellent brief history and analysis of these pools, see the article by Venkatachalam Shunmugam, Chief Economist for the Multi Commodity Exchange of India, Mumbai, entitled Financial Markets Regulation: The Tipping Point, VOXEU, 18 May 2010) as collective unconscious compensatory abreaction to absence of m-logically-valued monetary units fine-grain tagged to indicators mapped on nesting foams over fractal e-boundaries. Projective-identification in collective transference: the way clingers cling. The quantum-based communications and IT introduced at accelerating pace since several decades before the First World War ever increasingly demand systems organization and management formats which conform to quantum principles: the technology, ultimately, will permit nothing else. But the clingers have not relented in their demand to retain pre-quantum organizational behaviors whilst evermore accessing quantum-based communications and IT. This creates the circumstances of double-bind conflicting injunctions, cognitive dissonance, identity dyscrasia predisposing to collective expressions of conversion-disorder neurosis/psychosis playing out, not only in the worlds of finance, but in many other dimensions of our self-debasing civilization. Attempts to regulate dark pools and flash trading will work about as well as the American Prohibition Era laws prohibiting alcoholic beverages: the technologies will simply be taken with encryption and other means into underground subeconomy speakeasies -- and when attacked there, into sub-subeconomies, into nesting foams thereof. Trying to ban the principles upon which an employed techno-base functions is a losing proposition undertaken only by the highly disoriented mind.
And I now read The London Telegraph's Jeff Randall saying (see, Whatever Germany does, the euro as we know it is dead, 20 May 2010):
This is why the euro, in its current form, is finished. The game is up for a monetary union that was meant to bolt together work-and-save citizens in northern Europe with the party animals of Club Med.
A bit like my observation, earlier stated:
Who came up with the idea that heat-tolerant Club Med cultures would ever, under any circumstances, embrace frigid N. European values? Different strokes for different folks!
But I can hardly agree with Randall's observation that, By any legitimate measure, Greece was unworthy of eurozone membership. Rather, what subset of the Club Med population base media roped and propagandized their countries into the eurozone, and to what purpose? The materialistic machine-age value system which set EMU rules and regs is that value system informing the good life destroying life on this planet. Those most responsible for anthropogenic shifts across full-spectrum of Earth's biosphere and atmosphere are those, mostly middle-class personages, totally identified with the value system which set EMU rules and regs. That value system is, of course, widely shared across the G20. This sort of criticism inevitably evokes the response that, Well, you can't deny that people from all over the world want to come here to live. And my riposte is: a certain kind of person from all over the world wants to come here to live. As regards trying to save the euro by borrowing from the future to cover the past, by invoking bans on price discovery mechanisms which are simultaneously management-regulatory fault discovery mechanisms, this is the stuff of hee-haws. What is needed to rectify the situation is a better idea -- but the capability spectrum of the institutionally affiliated, with excess D2 dopamine receptors in the thalamus and, thus, undue cognitive filtering, generally precludes that possibility.
For those following the current Korean crisis (22 May 2010), trying to comprehend North Korean behavior, here is an article with relevant background material, an article offering documentation for some information and perspectives essayed in various conversations recorded in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh: Why Did Truman Really Fire MacArthur?, Bruce Cumings, originally published in Le Monde Diplomatique, December 2004. The material provided relative to atomic/nuclear weapons was not substantively new to me. Having witnessed in Viet Nam how devastating use of napalm is, I was astounded by what is reported here concerning its use during the Korean War, particularly against the North -- about which, I had no suspicion. I also did not know about the bombings of the dams. The quotes attributed to MacArthur and LeMay, however, fit exactly with my memories of such people and their attitudes, circa 1953, Imperial Hotel, Tokyo. They also fit with what I witnessed at Targets Branch of the Combined Intelligence Center, Viet Nam, Saigon, circa 1968.
An interesting duo of London Telegraph articles, set a year apart, arguing a monetaristic position for quantitative easing and against creditism, while the Austrian School goes without comment and the logical properties of the identity of a given monetary unit are tacitly assumed to be not possibly other than of the 1T2-valued order-type: Policy must focus on a continuing positive rate of money growth, Tim Congdon, 15 August 2009, and US money supply plunges at 1930s pace as Obama eyes fresh stimulus, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, 26 May 2010. Ask this: what role does time rate of change in the velocity of money supply changes (not transaction times or minimum holding times) play in macroscopic organization of an economy? How is this role related to the logical-value order-types of the currencies employed? And how would modulation of the optimum currency area nesting foams over which legal e-tenders are defined at fractal phase boundaries affect this macroscopic role? I have long argued that answers to such questions are best sought by comparative studies with multiscale dynamical natural systems, biological, atmospheric, oceanographic, and so on.
Who can gainsay Stefan Auer's assessment of the European social model? (see: Greek Crisis May Sound Europe's Death Knell, RealClearWorld, 28 May 2010). Maybe me. Though there is nothing Auer says with which I disagree, his piece is one more pre-school essay: none of the actual issues are actually addressed. Shift the mantra momentarily to the manner in which the Thais of Thailand exemplify the prevailing planetary urban-rural split -- of which China, obviously, is the absolute quintessential case (see, for instance, Ted C. Fishman, China, Inc., Scribner, 2005), and the USA not so far behind. Massive worldview-construct issues in play! Paradigm conflict is too small a term. It's all treated, according to consensual governance precepts, in terms of politico-economic issues -- democracy; assigned/accrued cut of the prosperity pie -- whereas, in actuality, these are merely secondary and tertiary, and it's really most about rage and nothing but rage: generation upon generation of being denigrated, regarded dirt, humiliated. And for what, this treatment? Because elite agents of foreign influence have inexplicably -- heh-heh-heh! -- denuded states of consciousness as old as time, yet signifying subtle semantic import of hundred-year-old New Physics. For I-Risk's effing instance, the animistic-quantum relative-state identity-transparency of Is-Me -- subliminal to the author as it may have been (Maggie O'Farrell, The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox, Headline, 2006, p. 43):
Esme ran past the pond where the hammock swung empty, past the fleece of orange flowers round the banyan tree. She ran over the croquet lawn, dodging the hoops, down the path, through the bushes. She vaulted the fence and then she stopped. She shut her eyes, held her breath, and listened.
There it was. The weeping, the slow weeping, of rubber trees leaking their fluid. It sounded like the crackle of leaves a mile away, like the creeping of minute creatures. She had sworn to Kitty that she could hear it, but Kitty had raised her eyebrows. Esme tilted her head this way and that, still with her eyes shut tight, and listened to the sound of trees crying.
Preadolescent Is-Me, clearly, was in ketaminergic process of rejecting glutamatergic neuronal etching: what, thereby, in this global culture, were her personal prospects? According to Maggie, the author, over half a century in a mental institution. Is-Me was certainly -- according to the available Cartesian-Newtonian stylistics -- to be relegated, if not renditioned (Colm Toibin, The Master, Picador, 2004, p. 12):
a character, once established, must remain in the narrative, unless the character were minor, or died before the story closed [both such unless cases being purely Newtonian and violations/misunderstandings of fundamental quantum principles of the information space of holography].
So, what kind of vanishing act was Esme subjected to by Maggie, the author? We cannot guess until page 134:
We are all, Esme decides, just vessels through which identities pass: we are lent features, gestures, habits, then we hand them on. Nothing is our own. We begin in the world as anagrams of our antecedents.
The mere intersection of Prakriti and Purusha? Nope. Ancestor worship according to 18th-century rationalism? Maybe so. This is Watson's molecular-biology-of-the-gene treatment of simple-identity transmission, not the nesting-foam standing-wave genomics of Everettian relative-state/identity-transparency of the quantum-wave properties of superconductant free-electron gas core of intra-nuclear crying-rubber-tree cellular DNA.
Will they ever get out of the concrete particular and look at kakureta kata, the general case of what are taken to be rules of thumb? Not likely. Consider, again, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, drawing, again, attention to this meta-subject/issue/lacuna (see: Spain is trapped in a 'perverse spiral' as wage cuts deepen the crisis, The London Daily Telegraph, 30 May 2010):
El Pais spoke of a perverse spiral in its editorial. The Fitch note drives home the apparently unsolvable contradiction in which the Spanish economy finds itself
Unsolvable contradiction! Under what order of logical-value -- and associated multivalent monetary units, vehicle and reserve? Right there on the edge, they are, but not seeing the fundaments.
I wholeheartedly agree with the President of the Czech Republic in his assessment of the state of the EMU (see: 'The Euro Zone Has Failed', Vaclav Klaus, The Wall Street Journal, 1 June 2010). I further agree with Klaus when he says:
In the long run, it [i.e., the euro] can be saved only by a radical restructuring of the European economic and social system.
But he does not tell us what the nature of this radical restructuring should be, only that he is afraid that political union will be accomplished in a behind closed doors manner. This may well transpire. But such an imposed political union may be the prelude to war. And as regards the ultimate in "behind closed doors" deciders (of the fate of the EMU?) consider "Secretive Bilderberg Club ready for protests", Graham Keeley, The London Times, 3 June 2010. Quite contrary to Bilderberger notions, the ideas I've long been advocating for radical restructuring -- m-logically-valued LETS defined over nesting foams of fractal e-boundaries -- are drawn from quantum principles of self-organizing processes and Lukasiewicz m-valued logics, the very factors most deeply embedded in the technologies driving transformation of the global economy.
Re: General McChrystal. Since I was the son of a Light Colonel when I went through Basic in 1965, it was assumed by the Platoon Sgt. that I was an OCS pollywog -- and, hence, I received the most harsh treatment, by way of preparation for leadership. Only trouble was, I was reared by the Old School: in a bad war, take no leading position. What ever happened to moral integrity of the Officer Corps of yore during those bygone days when "resigning the commission" was the only correct response to imposition of a strategy one knows will be disastrous? Which is not to say I agree with McChystal's orientation to Afghanistan, a position I view as being as fanciful as is Obama's. Citing a quotation attributed to the General (Infrastructure's Key Importance Rises in the Kandahar Effort, Mathew Rosenberg, The Wall Street Journal, as reprinted in The Cambodia Daily, 23 June 2010):
You have to change governance conditions, and you have to bring development to the people, Gen McChrystal told reporters Monday. Then, associated with that, you have to change in the minds of the people their perceptions of the future then they can start to make decisions whether they want to support the government or want to support the insurgency.
A missing set of encyclopedia volumes with respect to insurgency/counterinsurgency warfare is implied by this statement. The same set that was absent from the intelligence library at MACV-J2, circa 1968. In present circumstances, it can be observed that, with U.S. troops deployed in some 70 countries against global insurgency contra to the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system qua system, Afghanistan is not a war, merely one long-drawn-out battle. Provision of security for LOCs only (even simply the integrity of supply and materiel transport) demands exponential growth in counterinsurgent resource commitment, let alone the doubly-exponential growth which would be required to change governance conditions. The Viet Nam war broke the back of the Bretton Woods global monetary system. What will be broken by the present-day, ever amplifying global insurgency? That required is not a new strategy, but a wholly new worldview construct. From what does one resign over that issue? Today, one does not resign; one hires specialists in issue management! And it appears to me that General Protectus -- Roman Centurion that he is -- is very far, indeed, from having anything new, let alone a de novo Weltanschauung, to offer us.
Quoting Eric Lustbader's thriller, Second Skin (HarperCollins, 1995, p. 303):
Teenagers [in Tokyo], too, were evident, in their black leather jackets, their spiked hair and pierced flesh, thundering high and hard on their motor cycles. Mick [Doppelganger of the protagonist] thought he understood their obsession with self-mutilation. Everywhere, things were melding. Youths in Brussels, St Petersburg, Saigon, and Pittsburgh were all the same. They wore the same clothes, played the same on-line games, watched MTV. Man required self-definition, and the more you peered into TV, ramped up your computer, played video games on your CD-ROM with a net-pal in Timbuktu or wherever, the more difficult self-definition became. And the more reason there was to find permanent methods of setting yourself apart.
Lustbader here speaks from perspective of egoic awareness, and this statement is, thus, the individual's conscious take on self-mutilation. From the m-logically-valued aperspectival take, however, self-mutilation is compensatory abreaction to endogenous glutamatergic suppression of endogenous ketaminergic relative-state identity-transparency, and, thus, this suppression is the collective-unconscious driver. These two are trick-mirror images: kata and kakureta kata. In our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh (circa 1994), we did not use terms like chikaku perception, tanjian eye, Kshira seizure, Akshara light, Tau-tau trance state, Kaisho energy (i.e., a specific case of ki), kokoro center in the midst of the conditions, Koryoku integration, Shuken transcendence -- as did Lustbader -- but, rather, the vocabulary of Autogenic Training, which less fantastically covers the same basic subject matter, but is relatively free of the distorting lens of cultural baggage, the intergenerational accretion of which becomes a collective obstacle no less potent than is out-of-range neurotransmitter titers, e.g., elevated endogenous MSG and its intercellular cascade of consequences (insofar as there is an actual distinction authentically to be drawn between cultural accretions and elevated endogenous glutamate titers). The current multidimensional planetary crisis is not a mere technical dilemma with technological solutions; it is due to faulted/faltering human factors, including over-population (see: Human race 'will be extinct within 100 years', claims leading scientist, Niall Firth, The Daily Mail, 19 June 2010), and human systems organizational failure, the resultant primarily of cognitive clinging behaviors in face of a worldview-construct shift universally refused. Though new-tech is not to be avoided, no amount of technological innovation will resolve this crisis. Jes forgeddaboutit. Way cool, bro', whattayasay, eh? Paraphrasing and expanding upon Lustbader: to become an Outsider is to be sanctified -- not made sanctimonious -- in a civilization so far off the wire as is our own, and its Umwelt. Exogenous MSG dosing plus digital convergence (calculator, camera, telegraph, phonograph, telephone, radio, TV, computer, et cetera, converging upon the same hardware components): slow-motion human species self-annihilation. The film Eagle Eye: by digital convergence, cyber control of all human factors. The film Ba'Al: when super-absorbent dust particles sent into Earth's upper atmosphere failed, the authorities detonated a thermonuclear weapon between the inner and outer Van Allen radiation belts so as to dissipate a climate-shift SuperStorm -- and it worked, with a little help from friendly archeologists. EagleEye plus Ba'Al: higher-order (kakureta kata) self-mutilations by mass projective-identification at collective transference/conversion-disorder. Not to mention the doomsday supercollider of the film, Annihilation Earth. The technologies of connexion/telepresence and things melding are inherent quantal-brain capabilities brought into projective concretion by collective transference/conversion, the associated projective-identification being driven by glutamatergic suppression, and hence regression, of the quantal-brain capabilities the technologies are an infantile parody of. Bigu Maku mind. Digital convergence as projective concretion at conversion-disorder collective psychosis. Technologies are manmade, and the techno-regime chosen is determined on the collective-unconscious level. Self-mutilation is a trick-mirroring compensatory abreaction to this mass psychopathology -- as is SM generally, the seeking of a melding of pain and pleasure being a most fundamental regressed expression of the failure of 1T2-valued logic, and a subverting simulation of authentic animistic identity-transparency (between sadist and masochist via inner/outer, symbiotic/reciprocal, dominance/submission play). Hardly a recipe for transcendence of the current multidimensional planetary crisis.
Regulating expansion of foreign supermarket chains and domestic operations of other multinationals by laborious legislation or monetary controls over repatriation of profits (both forms of regulation needing frequent revision in a rapidly changing economic environment), so as to prevent these massive corporations from overwhelming local businesses (for an account of one litigation process related to this thesis, see: Tesco Drops $2.4 Million Libel Claim Against Thai Columnist, Ben Doherty, The Guardian, as reprinted in The Cambodia Daily, 21 June 2010), would be unnecessary under m-logically-valued LETS, fine-grain tagged to local indicators, and mapped over nesting foams of fractal e-boundaries. Locales so wishing could tag given logical-values (stacked on the base state of the given LETS currency) to changing indicators tied to varying conditions of local markets, thus establishing a self-regulatory regime by means of e-currency fundamentals in a fashion similar to how refrigerators self-regulate by means of fuzzy-logic circuitry.
Now that the scramble has begun for the as-much-as $3-trillion worth of Afghanistan's precious mineral resources, not only are we reassured in our conviction that Middle East conflict and the Afghan wars have been, and are, in essential dimensions, resource wars on a resource-depleting planet (see: Year One of the Resource Wars?, Daniel McGroarty, RealClear World, 24 June 2010), but we are in for another object lesson on the principles of self-organization by resource exchange across phase boundaries (see in this respect a comparison as regards Afghanistan versus wars and genocide in conflict diamond and, more generally, just plain mineral-rich Central Africa: Minerals May Not Bring Stability: 5 Lessons for Afghanistan, David Sullivan, GlobalPost, as reprinted in The Cambodia Daily, 19-20 June 2010). Extending Sullivan's argument: The stability obtained by the cellularly-organized infrastructure for osmotic transport of mineral resources across national borders in Central Asia is likely to be that of insurgents, rebel groups, warlord clans, militias, terrorist franchises, drug cartels -- not nation-states. Verisimilitude of the involved biological analogy is astounding when one considers the role played by electrolytes, i.e., minerals, in self-organizing the metabolism of biological cells by means of intermolecular electron-transport chains across cellular phase boundaries. I should add the following observation: this analogical verisimilitude is a parody run on the egoic awareness by the archetypal Trickster of the collective unconscious.
Intelligent beings all around planet Earth intuitively know that privatization of warfare inevitably subverts the Westphalian-Cartesian-Newtonian/Congress-of-Vienna nation-state system qua system, be the private security subcontractors Afghani protectors of Host Nation Trucking (see: US Said To Pay Afghan Warlords to Guard Convoys, Dexter Filkins, The New York Times, as reprinted in The Cambodia Daily, 23 June 2010), wise guy knuckle-draggers for the Teamsters, or U.S. paramilitary corporations hired by city government to securitize the downsizing of Detroit. And this deconstruction of the nation-state is conducted without providing a path to a viable alternative framework, e.g., that explicitly derivative of full-blown implementation of m-logically-valued LETS. Moreover, simultaneously as U.S. taxpayers have been made to fund payments to protection-racketeers securing supply-and-materiel transport by Host Nation Trucking, thus undermining integrity of the nation-state, General McChrystal wants to hedge that strategy with nation-building change of governance conditions. While American policy makers may not consciously acknowledge existence of m-valued logics, they certainly employ such logics unconsciously!
Even if a de facto gold standard were to spontaneously generate itself (see: Gold reclaims its currency status as the global system unravels, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Daily Telegraph, 20 June 2010) in the present crisis conjuncture, that would be no argument for attempting to resurrect a classical 19th-century gold standard or a Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism as a reserve currency basis under normative-state, both of these gold forms having failed to function adequately in global economies far less complex than the one we have today, subjected as it is to mega-doses of quantum-based technologies. The Austrian School's ideal of returning to a classical gold standard is sheer fantasy.
I agree with critics -- such as Sir Tom Stoppard (see: Newsmakers, The Guardian, as reprinted in The Cambodia Daily, 23 June 2010) -- of the moving image supplanting the printed page in children's lives, but only insofar as the moving image is restricted to the present-day multimedia environment. Were Musculpt to become mathematical notation, so as to adequately represent maths under m-valued logics understood without reference to truth-value as the foundational notion, the last book (to include the e-book) would not be far behind. The endogenous ketaminergic impact of this upon human brain would be enormous, liberating many of the inherent quantal-brain functions presently glutamatergically suppressed, and, in due course, yielding Musculpt as a universal metalanguage to replace English as world language in a civilization sloughing its old single-valued, selfsame skin to reveal its m-logically-valued, aperspectival Second Skin as diverse concrete cultures exteriorize to global metaculture the self-similarity of their internalized abstract functional prerequisites. Religious/ethnic identity markers are bound to the 1T2-order of logical-value alone; as the technological, economic, political, and social embodiments of that order of logical-value increasingly fail, religious and ethnic clinging behaviors increase without bound. Cloud computing (everything normally on the PC delivered over the internet) of the present-day multimedia environment can only exacerbate the motivating factors of such clinging behaviors (see: Computing In the 'Cloud' Storms Asia, Jonathan Adams, GlobalPost, as reprinted in The Cambodia Daily, 23 June 2010). Under cloud computing, to quote Adams, Software, storage, even operating systems will run remotely from vast data centers, or server farms. One more scheme out of Silicon Valley qua DARPA qua DOD. Exogenous MSG-dosing/neuronal-etching plus digital convergence plus cloud computing equals total information/cognition control by the security agencies. Add to that brain implants and genetic surgery
In very-late-Hayekian terms (i.e., with respect to F. A. von Hayek's formulation: the time-shapes of total capital stock), we can regard intertemporal misallocation (see, for instance, Business Cycles: Austrian Approach, Roger W. Garrison, An Encyclopedia of Macro-economics, 2002; and The troubling side of Ben Bernanke, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Daily Telegraph, 25 August 2009) as the extra-market exercise of poor time preference selection such that functionally disintegrative, rather than synergistic, time-shapes of capital formation are actualized. More complexly, one can consider the misallocation effects organized by poor-time-preference-selected changes in velocities, accelerations, and time rates of change of accelerations of money as understood in a quantal operator-time formulation of Hayek's the time-shapes of total capital stock.
Ellen Brown has some interesting suggestions as regards Seeking Solutions (see: Deficit Terrorists Strike in the UK -- USA Next?, Information Clearing House, 18 July 2010). She lists four possibilities, the forth being the most interesting and based upon the Chinese model of publicly-owned 'development banks'. A fifth possibility is for such Chinese banks to be created by local governments (and their nesting-foam supraordinate equivalents) as issuers of m-logically-valued LETS e-currencies. But such possibility cannot presently be initiated by any government because vested interests own governance. There are, however, ways imaginable whereby non-profit + profit-taking private initiatives could put a 'house of cards' in place relative to m-logically-valued LETS in anticipation that the existing monetary framework will self-destruct in due course -- popular interest in m-logically-valued LETS coming only in the resultant void.
Finland's Foreign Trade and Development Minister, Paavo Vayrnen, knows whereof he speaks (see: Scrap dollar as sole reserve currency: U.N. report, Reuters, 29 June 2010). Quoting the article:
But Paavo Vayrynen, Finland's Foreign Trade and Development Minister, told reporters that he doubted it was possible to make any political or administrative decisions how to formulate the currency system in the world.
It is based on the markets, he said. I believe that the economic players in the market are going to have the decisive influence on that issue.
Absolutely. And whenever political and administrative decisions have so formulated, they have implemented highly inequitable non-system systems, e.g., the U.S. Federal Reserve non-system for the states and municipalities of the United States, the Bretton Woods agreement in aftermath of world war and made possible only by a great depression and one more world war, the EMU which is currently moving in the direction of discorporation. Moreover, one must ask if the U.N. Economic and Social Council actually understands whereof it speaks, because it speaks in contradictions without employing m-valued logics:
The report supports replacing the dollar with the International Monetary Fund's special drawing rights (SDRs), an international reserve asset that is used as a unit of payment on IMF loans and is made up of a basket of currencies
The report said a new reserve system must not be based on a single currency or even multiple national currencies but instead, should permit the emission of international liquidity -- such as SDRs -- to create a more stable global financial system.
As the Council itself surely must have noted, SDRs are defined in terms of a basket of currencies, so using SDRs as a new reserve does not escape use of a single currency or even multiple national currencies. In order to do that, the reserve must not be defined relative to any subset of the total collection of vehicle currencies; it needs to be a quantum composite, a Bose-Einstein condensation, an Everett relative-state of the total collection. This cannot be accomplished without use of Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics. And m-valued LETS will not be implemented by political or administrative decisions; only by private non-profit and profit-taking initiatives instituted from below by computer gaming multiple-scenarios strategic planning over simulacra of politico-economic e-nesting foams. The very thing the new quantum-based technologies are most capable of. Instead, we use the available VR for orchestrating theater warfare -- and, as a consequence, deserve everything which is going to happen to us.
Of course the Federal Reserve system is a non-system. Is it any great mystery why the FED, at global financial crisis due to big banks failing, would bail out failing big banks at the expense of We The People when the FED is privately owned by those very same failing big banks -- the big international banks? No conspiracy theorist is required to arrive at an answer to that question. The FED is simply a consortium of private international banks (which the U.S. Congress, by mere role attribution, endowed with a de facto aura of quasi-governmental status which can, by definition, never become de jure) issuing their own currency: Federal Reserve notes. The U.S. Government mints only coin. These facts clearly indicate that the American anarchocapitalist debate over private currencies has been nothing but diversionary black propaganda: the so-called national currency of the U.S. has been a privately issued vehicle currency since before WWI. And since the end of WWII, with advent of the Bretton Woods non-system monetary system, this privately issued vehicle currency has also been the foremost international reserve currency. And since Nixon unilaterally closed the Bretton Woods gold-exchange window, this privately issued vehicle/reserve currency has been aspiring to become the one and only "OneWorld/We-Are-the-World" currency. Since the big international banks own the issuer of this private currency, it will be quite a feat displacing that currency from foremost reserve status without creating an even more inequitable system, one even more favorable to the big international banks vis-à-vis We The People -- any particular case of We The People.
The fundamental issue is not public or private, but big and little (i.e., nesting foams thereof). I don't think the conspiracy theorists of the origins of the Federal Reserve have the capability to understand, let alone imagine, the actual origins of the Federal Reserve. Why just before WWI? Why not just after the American Civil War? And don't look to Friedman and Schwartz for an answer: hardly to be found in a monetarist history of American monetary history. What were the actual factors involved in why the Federal Reserve was founded? Why explicitly reiterate a need to reserve federation in run up to WWI's Wilsonian democracy and not during the period of the American Civil War? Was Lincolnian democracy and the Civil War more about overcoming slavery or more about denying state's rights? But all such considerations are just the on the surface stuff. The foundations of 17th- and 18th-century thought about the nature of Nature (to include the scary pagan animism of deepest, darkest Africa: projection of the collective unconscious needing somehow to be controlled, indeed, enslaved) and analogical generalization of that nature into economic, political, and social theory had been irretrievably sundered by discovery (mathematical, scientific, technological, artistic, musical). Most decisively by N. H. Abel's existence proof for mathematics transcendental to algebra, a proof so staggering in its implications (most frighteningly: psychological implications) it was designated the first Impossibility Theorem. Why a FED just before WWI? Because it took that long (almost a century) for the unfocused existential anxiety elicited by the working out of implications of Abel's Impossibility Theorem to produce the collective unconscious prerequisites of world war. Riemann's surface to hide from Abelian m-valuedness. Mathematician Kronecker's handling of his doctorial candidates Cantor and Husserl. Business-mogul Kronecker's reactions to the theory of multiplicities -- Mannigfaltigkeitslehre -- of Husserl. All running scared from adumbrations of the soon to be experimentally discovered animistic-quantum non-simple identity. Axiom of choice. Grassmann algebras (with their fiber-bundle arithmetics which bundled financial derivatives are a psychologically regressed collective-hysteria compensatory abreaction to). Russell's logical atomism as a failed attempt to keep Lukasiewicz's m-logical-values at bay. And no one can convince me that mathematician/business-mogul Kronecker did not see connections between higher maths and monetary system analogical fundamentals. And no one can convince me Russell knew nothing of m-valued logics during the period Lukasiewicz rigorously formalized them. Not with Polish being M. Curie's native tongue. The actual details, as to why the FED was instituted just before WWI, lie in the 19th-century history of higher mathematics and logic, as well as bleed-down of the involved maths to early 20th-century physics: all of which produced high anxiety, ultimately collective hysteria driving to global total war. Reserving federation in the monetary aspect -- of the analogical generalization to economics -- of the dead worldview construct was tantamount to the collectivity dropping a valium. Didn't prevent world war, though. Just as Prozac won't prevent space-based Planetary War One.
Holy Moses! I am surely not an Ambrose-skeptic after this statement (Time to shut down the US Federal Reserve?, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Daily Telegraph, London, 29 June 2010):
The root error of the modern academy is to pretend (and perhaps believe, which is even less forgiveable), that economics is a science and answers to Newtonian laws.
In any case, Newton was wrong.
Wow! Maybe even Ambrose doesn't fully understand how right he is. Or how extinction of the human species is an increasingly probable consequent of the lack in understanding of this antecedent.
Even with all the astute analysis of the EMU and much else, including Newton, Ambrosia remains committed to Friedmanitarian monetarism: see With the US trapped in depression, this really is starting to feel like 1932, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Daily Telegraph, 4 July 2010. Quoting Ambrose:
Perhaps naively, I still think central banks have the tools to head off disaster. The question is whether they will do so fast enough
There it is! Monetarism pure and simple. Once the unquestionable systemic givens, such as singly-logically-valued monetary units (currently in continuing prescriptive employment, even under present-day massively-accelerating utilization of -- essentially, m-logically-valued -- quantum-based technologies), plus the policy errors these unquestionables inevitably impose, thus placing diverse economies -- to include those of towns, cities, counties, provinces -- between rocks, hard places, sand dunes, snake pits, swamps, quick sands, oil spills and sink holes, then it is only human nature (something the Austrian School doesn't adequately factor in) to embrace Keynesianism and/or Friedmanian monetarism, so as to engage in a little intertemporal misallocation, thus deferring the pain inflicted by the "cosmic" (knee-jerking a bit of psychological projection, here, just as they always do) torturer. Blabbing on Babs! Squeezing local munis, not your local Moonie! Judgment placed upon mere Being-There (you know whom!); judgment upon old man, infant, dog's foot Archetypal drivers of the collective unconscious being what they are, still, and whatsoever the Moral Majority may wish, there is no excuse for not simultaneously questioning the unquestionables! Regardless of the well-ordered, and SUUUUpremely orchestrated, chemical incursions (MSG, myriad mimetic estrogens, formaldehyde, and endlessly, on and on, with all else one has heard of as being inflicted, so it seems surely, and surely seems) upon human brain, given Eeeenough drive-activation, commitment, other-awareness, unrelenting dedication to the mission -- heh-heh-heh! -- breakaways can be achieved. Yes they can! Pulease don't doubt it! There are many reasons why, at the end of his life, F. A. von Hayek came up with a notion virtually none of his chelas/sadhaks, were able to assimilate (very similar to the situation with Velikovsky and his chelas/sadhaks): the time-shapes of total capital stock. Even von Hayek himself did not suspect that coherency of his radically-departuring concept absolutely requires unconstrained embrace of Lukasiewicz logics (not to mention new insight into the Riemann Hypothesis, and the necessity of a post-Riemannian hypercomplex treatment of what Euler originally saw only in terms of the Reals).
Following is a very interesting statement from Stoneleigh on the issue of dollar reissue (Dollar-denominated debt deflation, The Automatic Earth, 3 July 2010):
The US is likely to benefit from capital flight from other places, on a knee-jerk flight to safety.
In addition, dollar-denominated debt deflation will increase demand for dollars, and hence increase their value. This should reduce pressure for any kind of radical currency reform for a while. If the US does eventually reissue its currency, I would imagine them doing so in order to deprive foreign holders of dollars of purchasing power. There are very large numbers of dollars held overseas, and these would not be able to be exchanged in a currency reissue. At some point this may serve the interests of the US, but not soon.
Yes, I also think that such measures -- doubly exponentiating the Nixonian default which was unilateral repudiation of the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism -- will be resorted to in due course, in lieu of radical currency reform. Especially, effective radical currency reform, like that which would be involved in implementation of m-logically-valued LETS.
I have long known, and argued, that Elliott Wave Theory initially ignored, and has continued to ignore, Bose-Einstein Condensation of wave-packets -- and, however fractally-based the theory may have been, may be, thus was and is, it was and is unable to fully encompass quantum properties of market self-organizational behaviors (not the least because it does not adequately factor-in extra-systemic factors: heh-heh-heh!). So, while I am obviously sympathetic, I have to take with a grain of salt Elliott-Wave guru Robert Prechter's short-term forecast (see: "A Market Forecast That Says 'Take cover'", Jeff Sommer, The New York Times, 2 July 2010). Quoting the article:
we have entered a market decline of staggering proportions -- perhaps the biggest of the last 300 years
Buy-and-hold stock investors will be devastated in a crash much worse than the declines of 2008 and early 2009 or the worst years of the Great Depression or the Panic of 1873
If this does happen in the time-frame predicted, the precipitative factors will not have been ONLY those identified in Elliott Wave Theory. Be assured of that.
Niall Ferguson, speaking at the Aspen Institute, has, without being aware of it, recently capsulated the essence of the global strategy which explicitly informed AQ&A's 9/11 sting (see: Sobering opening for Aspen Ideas Festival: Contrarian Harvard professor offers a troubling prediction, Scott Condon, The Aspen Times, 6 July 2010). Quoting the article:
If you really want to see when an empire is getting vulnerable, the big giveaway is when the costs of serving the debt exceed the cost of the defense budget, Ferguson said. That will happen in the United States within the next six years, he predicted.
Time-factor assessment, picking the right time, is, of course, critical to success of any strategy. If AQ&A is one sort of Chaos-Theory butterfly, then the 9/11 wing-flap was exquisitely timed to give the most impetus to the exponential growth curve in resource commitments required of the counterinsurgent.
In relation to Eric Lustbader's theme concerning self-mutilation and the need for self-definition, consider these advertizing hooks: Be Styled. Be defined. BUYDEFINITION.COM (see Get the Scoop at buydefinition).
Thorough familiarity with the Erdgeist -- Goethe's timeless weaver of the time-loom, i.e., quantal operator-time -- gives the Germans the insight they need to intuitively recognize that the identity transparency cultivated by Facebook is a regressed parody of authentic animistic-quantum relative-state identity-transparency (see: Germany takes legal steps against Facebook, Melissa Eddy, Associated Press, 7 July 2010).
A good dDx (differential diagnosis) but no real Rx (treatment): Wall Street's Answer to Unemployment, Les Leopold, author of The Looting of America, writing in The Huffington Post, 7 July 2010. Quoting the article:
The 10 leading hedge fund managers each earn an average of $900,000 an hour (not a typo)
Is there a way out? Maybe. But first we have to realize that minor policy fixes won't get us there. Let's stop fooling ourselves with this tinkering around the edges, passing watered down reforms and praying that the private sector will miraculously create millions of new jobs (and green ones!) -- all on its own.
We'll need something close to a mass upheaval
The mass upheaval he envisions will get the attention of the global leadership elite and entice its members into moral behavior. The system works! It's only the immoralists at the helm who are undermining the general welfare! Nothing wrong with basic premises of the system qua system. The persistence of this theme turns it into a meme -- and thus is the call to the barricades politically depotentiated. Such is the main function of the mainstream media, mainlining -- heh-heh-heh! -- the main messages of the day. Know a working journalist? Hmmmm. There is no formulating an actual way out without real understanding of the actual way in which was taken. But such understanding is not to be had solely within the social, political, and economic categories of analysis over precursor events.
For those who imagine a resurrection of the classical 19th-century gold standard or of the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism, the following from Safe, China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange, is not encouraging (see: China rules out 'nuclear option' on T-bills, Geoff Dyer and Peter Garnham, The Financial Times, London, 7 July 2010). Quoting the article:
Safe said the gold market was too thin and volatile and even a big purchase would not help to diversify its holdings a great deal. There are some limits to investing in gold and it cannot become a main channel for investing our foreign exchange reserves, it said.
A reserve referent that is too thin cannot serve as a monolithic anchor for the global economy at its present level of elaboration and complexity. That's one reason why, in advocating m-logically-valued LETS, I propose complete permissiveness in referencing the various involved currencies defined over e-nesting foams, and that the global referent of these (predominantly commodity) referents be their quantum composite, their Bose-Einstein condensate, their Everettian relative-state -- which is to say that THE international reserve would be the F. A. von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock. Markets employing nesting foams of m-logically-valued currencies would self-organize (at increasing levels of competency, as systemic memories and data bases "thickened") these "time-shapes" from the bottom up, i.e., the quantum way of doing things. How else is the human species authentically to get a handle upon global resource depletion, plentary ecocide, climate shift, and so on?
Here we have a nearly explicit recognition of my theme that derivatives are a collective unconscious regressed compensatory abreaction to the meaning of fiber-bundle arithmetics, and, more generally, the multivalued identity therein involved (see: Johann Hari: How Goldman gambled on starvation, The Independent, 2 July 2010). Quoting the article:
So Farmer Giles still agrees to sell his crop in advance to a trader for £10,000. But now, that contract can be sold on to speculators, who treat the contract itself as an object of potential wealth. Goldman Sachs can buy it and sell it on for £20,000 to Deutsche Bank, who sell it on for £30,000 to Merrill Lynch -- and on and on until it seems to bear almost no relationship to Farmer Giles's crop at all.
If this seems mystifying, it is. John Lanchester, in his superb guide to the world of finance, Whoops! Why Everybody Owes Everyone and No One Can Pay, explains: Finance, like other forms of human behaviour, underwent a change in the 20th century, a shift equivalent to the emergence of modernism in the arts -- a break with common sense, a turn towards self-referentiality and abstraction and notions that couldn't be explained in workaday English. Poetry found its break with realism when T S Eliot wrote The Wasteland. Finance found its Wasteland moment in the 1970s, when it began to be dominated by complex financial instruments that even the people selling them didn't fully understand.
Lanchester's superb guide is one expression of the reactionary recoil which yielded the regressed compensatory abreaction: why derivatives, for instance, came into being in the form that they did, rather than something along the lines of m-logically-valued LETS. Self-organization by quantum principles (which is actually all the self-organization there is in nature) is a direct consequence of multivalued non-simple identity (something not part of workaday English because glutamatergically neuronally-etched from conscious awareness). This m-valued identity is inherently self-referential by virtue of the sorts of logics involved: orders of Lukasiewicz m-valued logics are, essentially, orders of self-referentiality. A self can engage in orders of self-referentiality only if it is fundamentally a multiplicity, which is to say non-selfsame, not the same as itself many times over. The famous Schrödinger's cat paradox is an illustration of this, the paradoxical aspect being due to the fact that the cat's non-simple identity violates traditional logic and requires Lukasiewicz logics for actual explication/comprehension. Self-referentiality should not be mistaken for selfishness: the two are 180-degrees different. Selfishness is psychological identification with a singly-logically-valued selfhood apocryphal of prescriptive enculturation by glutamatergic neuronal etching, such that animistic/pagan/quantum non-simple identity-transparency is altogether removed from conscious awareness. Full-blown self-referentiality is infinite regress into order-types of non-selfsameness, each such order of non-simple identity being explicable only by recourse to the appropriate m-valued Lukasiewicz logic. Discovery and explication of this as the foundation of Polish logic -- and the massive gutteral back-reaction thereto -- played an enormous role in origins of the world wars and The Holocaust: not surprising it should be an emotionally inflammatory issue even today. The fact that financial derivatives are now being connected to these issues is heartening, even if actual insight still lags: conscious connection necessarily precedes insight.
This is an excellent article on the dollar reissue issue: Red Money - (Conspiracy Theory #11), Bruce Krasting, Zero Hedge, 7 July 2010. In Krasting's rather normative notion as to how it would be done, we have his observation that:
US money is in every corner of the world. When the word gets out that it can’t be used after a given period of time it too will be exchanged back through the banks. The moneychangers around the world would have a field day for a while.
If a USD currency reissue were conducted under rather stable circumstances of the global economy, I imagine Krasting's characterization to be accurate. But, if it were done in a period of considerable instability where the U.S. was under great challenge, then, I imagine, there is some significant possibility that it could be done as Stoneleigh envisions (see: Dollar-denominated debt deflation, The Automatic Earth, 3 July 2010):
If the US does eventually reissue its currency, I would imagine them doing so in order to deprive foreign holders of dollars of purchasing power. There are very large numbers of dollars held overseas, and these would not be able to be exchanged in a currency reissue.
Exactly what the mechanics of this would be, I am not sure. Those mechanics would probably depend upon the severity of the challenge the U.S. found itself subject to. Remember that overnight Nixon unilaterally repudiated the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism. This -- in conjunction with the huge Nixon-implemented devaluation of the USD -- involved a humongous default and was instrumental in precipitating the first oil shock.
I read the Hari piece on derivatives and starvation and wrote something about it, then received your note and reread the piece, making improvements. Thanks! This offering will probably be generally assessed a bizarre response. As regards the VenusProject -- which I am also very glad to learn about by your good offices -- I agree that it is depressing. The idea that no instrumentalities are required in order to achieve high levels of self-organizational competency, that money, being one such instrumentality, can altogether be abandoned, nothing replacing it as an information exchange unit, and so on, is a resurrection of the 1890s, qua 1920s, qua 1960s utopian anarchism committed to the notion that spontaneous social order has no systemic prerequisites. My orientation (bitterly argued back and forth with Oriana Fallaci) has been to the contrary notion that spontaneous social order is a very much more complex thing than is social order imposed by the various forms of coercion, i.e., that there are autopoietic {self-generating} operators fulfilling the corpus of prerequisites to spontaneous social order -- and that the exact nature of these must be discovered and implemented. Moreover, I have hypothesized that these prerequisites are none other than those operative in natural systems -- and, hence, analogical modeling upon such systems is the way to go. Only trouble is: all the compensatory abreactions preventing assimilation of the properties of the involved autopoietic operators. An example of this is to be found in the VenusProject's illustrative focus upon bee-hive/ant-colony mega-engineering superstructures touted as eco-sustaining. It does not take more than a bit of familiarity with Biosphere II to understand that this design/engineering orientation is informed solely by a surface-structure take upon animal societies with no real attention given to the underlying deep-structure principles involved.
During the early-'70s, the Japanese-gardener cohort I was a nominal member of (another member having a degree in urban planning from Kansai University and work experience in a provincial planning department), studied announcements of rezoning requests as published in local newspapers printed all over the D.C.-no-Washington greater mega-urban region, so as to identify properties where old trees and shrubs eventually would be ripped out and destroyed. Traditional Japanese techniques of root-pruning by stages over a period of as long as several years meant that these plants could be successfully moved, often without so much as loss of a single growing season. With proper (possibly bonsai-like) training, their resale value could be large. Since rezoning meant these plants almost surely were to be lost, purchasing an option on them in speculation as to their probable destruction (a kind of derivative) was cheap (and these options were sometimes traded within our cohort). This was good business for those who could do it. In a very real sense, we were trying to bail-out an aspect of the ecological foundation of the municipalities (of the Greater D.C. Area) which local munis (municipal bonds) supposedly were designed to support. Trouble was, munis actually were in the hands of the developers, the banks, and the investors cum speculators -- none of which cared a hoot about the venerable plants we had found a way to save at a profit. Experience of this circumstance was one factor encouraging my thought upon indicator taggings to m-logical-values stacked on the base-state of LETS currencies.
Relying on Matthew Watkins' wonderful website on the primes to illustrate my point about Lukasiewicz and QED/QCD: quoting Michel Planat quoting Poincare so as to develop a contemporary algebra of time perception. P says P says (On cyclotomic quantum algebra and time perception):
Thus the rough results of the experiments may be expressed by the following relations: A = B, B = C, A < C, which may be regarded as the formula of the physical continuum. But there is an intolerable disagreement with the law of contradiction and the necessity of banishing this disagreement has compelled us to invent the mathematical continuum.
Anyone who read F.S.C. Northrop's The Meeting of East and West (circa 1945) with regard to origins of mathematically-designated space and time would not at all be surprised at N's restatement of P as later quoted by P. Consider the implications of this as regards how q-bits, quartits, and octits are defined, i.e., not in respect to higher orders of Lukasiewicz logics whereupon no law of (non)contradiction can be defined. Pauli similarly banished his own notion of operator-time and subsequently snowed Jung with regards to the inadequate notion of synchronicity -- and thus was M. L. von Franz also misled. And since Karpenko functors are L (to the power of Cantor) over the primes And why would Poincare, no fan of Cantor, look the other way just as L was setting about rigorous elaboration of m-valued logics? Quote a lawyer (see Lisa See, Dragon Bones, Random House, 2003, p. 50): David [a lawyer] believed that civilization and culture rest on the conviction that logic will always win. David, here, clearly refers only to the 1T2-logic order-type alone. Lisa See is very good at illustrating historical consequences of this: she separates major sections of her novel using traditional Chinese nesting-foam diagrams of administrative/social-hierarchy domain-structures centered upon the Central Kingdom. Showing that since the vast bulk of the Shu Ching Book of History was burned a couple of centuries before the Common Era, the Chinese lost collective memory of the actual logic of ancient China. That is to say, they neglected to remember that the center in the midst of the conditions (The Secret of the Golden Flower) is everywhere (compare the nesting-foam employed in See's novel with the nesting-foam illustrated in this Taoist meditation manual). And how can one be certain of collective amnesia? Guanxi (i.e., corpus of one's connections, so-called) is a deteriorated cultural lag (just as is Japanese omiage with respect to ancient Shinto gift economy, the gifted object -- of no importance -- signifying non-simple identity of giver/receiver) of animistic-quantum relative-state identity-transparency (technically: Bose-Einstein condensation) -- which cannot be adequately accounted for absent Lukasiewicz m-valued logics.
James Cameron's film, Avatar, is yet one more indication that my ten-percent human-survival-rate forecast may be hugely over-optimistic. Thematically speaking, the film is not science fiction, but fantasized historical rewrite. High-ectomorph animists never, in the last 12,000 years at least, have triumphed over quantal-brain-dead high-mesomorphs. Lite-extensions of contemporary technologies painted over Injun Hating and Territorial Imperative. Currently, now a near-universal human theme -- with its compensatory abreaction: body mod. Lah-dee-dah! But that is the least that can be said of the film. Consider that -- in the film -- animistic/quantum, relative-state, non-simple identity-transparency, qua Bose-Einstein condensation, requires for materialization (1) cryonic suspended animation, and (2) a fiber-optic digital link-up: i.e., this Hollywood film theme is a clear marker of American mass psychological regression by projective-identification at collective transference conversion-disorder displacement, and is dependent upon, and reinforces, the probability-amplitude falsification of Schrödinger's wave-function. Identity-transparency requires a cable connection? Here we have one of many concerted efforts at building upon deep-structural gradients prefigurative of WWII in order to foment space-based Planetary War I. Another lemming behavior. I never go out of my way to view such psychosis-of-the-corpus trash. But seems I cannot escape it. Living in a poor Cambodian village for the past several years, a Cambodian friend kept insisting I see this movie. Not only did he pass me a copy, but he sat down and made me watch it. Not hard to understand why, given what he and his people have been subjected to. Pale reflection, actually; but thematically authentic, nonetheless.
Wouldn't it be nice if expert commentators would get their understandings right: the U.S. dollar which was convertible to gold This was not, as the author imputes (see: The End-Game and the Illusory Gold Bubble, Darryl Robert Schoon, Future Fast Forward, 14 July 2010), a property of the Bretton Woods system. It was a property of the 19th-century gold standard, which was very different from the Bretton-Woods gold-exchange mechanism. Study the technical details as to how the two variant systems worked -- and how that working varied at various times. Who could exchange for gold? You or me? Hauh! Not under Bretton Woods. Ask why the classical gold standard broke down, couldn't handle the complexities of the late-19th-century. Ask why neither Keynes nor White got what they wanted at the Bretton Woods Conference. Ask why the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechanism could not handle 20th-century complexities -- and, hence, failed, was renunciated.
This is precisely why I have kept a journal. Beginning during the late-1950s. Got'em yet, and I can still peruse entries back to then. One of the best possible aids to self-discovery: identify habitually-employed false assumptions; learn where you were right -- so as to replicate that behavior. Re: Afghanistan, for instance. Quoting myself from June of 2002 speaking in the first increment of Strategic Assessment:
I say it again. You have been hoodwinked! The U.S. has won nothing in Afghanistan. It is losing the war. I say the same thing now (June, 2002) I said soon after the U.S. attacks began. The Taliban and Al Qaeda have performed brilliantly in response to U.S. actions in Afghanistan; they have made no major mistakes. They have lost every battle exquisitely, and as a result, they are very likely to win the war.
As to why I might have then thought that (speaking now in July of 2010) -- and details upon details were then offered -- one would have to look into StratAss 1-thru-17 (approximately 1000 pages of commentary upon quantum principles of self-organization in insurgency warfare).
I met a 27 year-old Japanese grad student at University of Hawaii who grew up in Tokyo and did not learn to use chopsticks until laughed at and teased into it by fellow students in Hawaii. What did you eat? I asked. Pizza, Bigu Maku, fried chicken In a similar vein, this is a great article about Chinese losing the ability to write characters: (China worries about losing its character(s), Barbara Demick, Los Angeles Times, 12 July 2010). Inevitably, reading and writing, and not only of ideographs but also of alphabetic languages, will fall into folk art status -- like knitting an Afghan in front of the fireplace. Heh-heh-heh! I've long argued that the human species -- by embracing quantum-based technologies whilst simultaneously rejecting an authentic quantum Weltanschauung as informing analogue for economics, political organization, et cetera -- has chosen a very bad way to go with this inevitability. Musculpt as mathematical notation and foundation for a universal metalanguage of form-in-process being one good path to take. Humans probably can't do this, however, without a little help from the bottle-nosed dolphin, the only species on the planet which has retained full-blown capacity for Music-Sculpture with its bottle-nosed sonic-visioning system. Humans need to learn dolphin, not teach human to dolphins. Ancient Chinese pictographs were deteriorations of m-logically-valued Musculpt (communicated directly, i.e., non-verbally, by long-range phase-correlation between quantum brains, that is by identity transparency through Bose-Einstein condensation); modern ideographs, deteriorations of the pictographs; alphabets, even further deteriorations. The sequence of deteriorations depicts the march of loss of cortical phase-coherency as consequences of the glutamatergic neuronal etching induced by prescriptive enculturation played itself out over the generations and conscious registration of the m-logically-valued functions of the quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain was degressively lost (the rising of kundalini being largely a ketaminergic reversal of this cortical march).
If I were still living in Japan, I'd bet my $80,000 on m-logically-valued LETS as a deflation-fighting strategy (see: My $80,000 Says Deflation Will Only Get Worse: William Pesek, Bloomberg, 15 July 2010). I was not being facetious when, in September of 2009 (see T7M), I suggested that Softbank's Masayoshi Son and Square Enix's Yasuhiro Fukushima potentially have a vested interest to explore. Instituting local exchange units would be proflationary by virtue of increases in the velocity of money; eventually, acceleration and time rate of change of acceleration of money as m-logically-valued properties are added to the local units mapped over nesting foams of e-boundaries. But what could that have to do with Softbank and Square Enix? Certainly the BOJ could not possibly do it. How must m-logically-valued LETS be brought up from below? Softbank is big in cellular tech delivery and Yahoo, Japan; Square Enix, computer games. No generic Sim City is the answer. What is required to start are many, many site-specific town/small-city multiple-scenarios strategic-planning computer games (with all the current multimedia bells and whistles). People will not (re)learn to think in multipli{city} absent computer gaming, let alone learn to think in m-logical values. These site-specific games are to be put online under subscription. All plays go into memory banks and by ANNs/VRs (artificial neural network and virtual reality programming) affect all future plays (i.e., simulation/approximation of quantum relative-state on binary-logic computers, until actual Lukasiewiczian quantum computers become available). Plays made by residents of the given site are separated from those of non-residents (so that, eventually, the game can be licensed to the local government as initial step toward e-commons as 24/7 quasi-realtime referenda). Multiple possible-world logics of the future histories of the given site will be concretely discovered and minutely articulated by game playing. As, with use, the data banks become more and more complex, it will be possible to tag multiple logical-value arrays to the local indicators chosen and simulated by game playing. All of this is required before any attempt is made to actually institute an actual local electronic exchange unit. Japan's elderly population can sit around playing this new, updated, modern form of traditional local go, weiqi, baduk, co nguoi human chess -- and thus, by engaging in real-world folk lore, make a major contribution to the economy. This is the sort of private initiative which can actually bring about a decentralization of governance. It is also the best strategy for fighting deflation.
I can't identify anything suggested here (see: We're Not Winning. It's Not Worth It., Richard N. Haass, Newsweek, 18 July 2010) which I didn't hear of by 1968. I also disagree with Haass that the Bush post-9/ll invasion of Afghanistan was a war of necessity. Bush's chosen action in response to 9/11 was a far greater strategic blunder than was the later invasion of Iraq. 9/11 was a sting inviting US action to facilitate a global organizational phase transition which AQ could not possibly accomplish absent the facilitating action invited: AQ, by US assistance, became AQ&A (necessitating deployment of US forces to more than 60 countries). Full consequences of the Bush blunder will not be realized in Afpac, Iraq, Iran -- but spread over the whole globe as the planetary insurgency against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system morphs into something far more elaborate. That morphing is not being reported in the newspapers -- because it is unseen. And no amount of local war fighting can resolve nonlocal insurgency.
Those fascist-leader sorts of fears/expectations come out of the way things were done more than half a century ago: hypnotic Hitlerian oratory, evangelical mass conversion/snapping, Maoist sloganeering. Nowadays: behavioral-modification/collective-hypnosis at a distance simply by flicking a switch on the crowd-control infrasonic/electromagnetic burst-pulse cannon. That's the sort of thing increasingly to be seen as the global meltdown continues to unfold as the dead paradigm tends evermore to disiccation state. And what is the most pervasive infrasonic/electromagnetic burst-pulse sound-light device on the scene today? Why, the cell phone, of course. Multimedia portal for subliminal programming. Academics touting social-networked smart mobs manipulatable by pulse-code burst? What code? Why, the neural code, of course. Go to Dugway to learn intra-neuronal and intra-perineural DNA's superconductant free-electron-gas core's critical-state frequency response windows. Go to the Langley-Porter Institute to learn the neuropsychiatric implications. Date this knowledge to the last half of the 1970s. The cell phone -- like the neurotransmitter, MSG, in food -- is just one more human-systems-management behavior-modification tool. This -- or cellular nesting-foams of m-logically-valued e-money? Seems like we've long since already made the choice, don't it.
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