I certainly did not know that Yayoi Kusama was diagnosed schizophrenic as early as 1952: I have not had the opportunity to peruse many of the references mentioned. But this makes a great deal of sense to me; if she was diagnosed thus at that time, it is much more easy to see how she accepted the idea that she had a medical problem than it otherwise would be. Such a diagnosis, coming in 1952, also makes a great deal of sense historically: clearly, it was a political judgment, a judgment apropos of the times in Japan. If I am not mistaken, this was during the period in her early 20s when she was a student at the Kyoto Arts and Crafts School or very soon thereafter. This was right at the end of the U.S. occupation when major assaults were being made by the authorities upon any and every collective aspect of Japanese life, most of which had their origins in the fabric of rural social patterns. It was a period when Maoist doctrines were ascendant in the Japan Communist Party and just before the JCP's Molotov Cocktail Era. Kyoto was a center of much of this activity, and the Kyoto branch of the teacher's union was the most hardcore of any in the country in its advocacy of JCP perspectives. Japanese psychiatry was one of the leading combat arms in the authorities' assault upon collective manifestations. Yayoi's hallucinations, so redolent of animistic Shinto reference, could only have been regarded by mainstream Japanese psychiatry as evocative of those collective manifestations. When student radicalism reached its final flash point in the late 60s and early 70s, again Kyoto and its teacher's union branch played a leading role. Sekigun (the Japanese Red Army Faction) had its origins in a Kyoto high school located in a section of the city, Asahigaoka, where many academics and teachers had their homes. And, again, Japanese psychiatry played a major suppressive role. A famous book from the period reflects this: Takeo Doi's The Anatomy of Dependence (Kodansha, 1973). This discusses the Japanese take on what in some older medical dictionaries is called generative empathy, the direct eidetic experience of another person's experience (what, in part, I use the term identity transparency to designate). The Japanese version of this goes under the rubric amae. The Germans, of course, refer to it with the term Einfuhlung. Contemporary standard treatments of Einfuhlung, I would say, are rather tame and reductionistic. Doi's book was a subtle political essay against student radicalism and on behalf of patriarchy, student radicalism being characterized by him as a pathological expression of amae, the experience of which is deeply rooted in animistic Shinto and profoundly informs Japanese childrearing practices even unto this day.
The early 1950s was also the very beginning of Japanese exposure to Autogenic Training, which at first the Japanese confused with autohypnosis. Only in the late 1960s, after Wolfgang Luthe made his first trip to Japan, did the Japanese begin to get any real understanding of AT. During the 1950s, there were only a few Japanese psychologists aware of AT, so no real possibility existed for Yayoi to come across this body of knowledge, which, in the unlikely event, would certainly have vectored her quite differently than what turned out to be the tragic case.
There are many reasons why I cannot accept the idea that Yayoi's artistic production derives from migraine hallucinations, the foremost being that I personally have experienced every phenomenology I have seen attributed to her and I have never had a migraine, only rarely having had normal headaches in the course of my life. Indeed, my experience of these phenomenologies has been more elaborate than the published descriptions I have read of Yayoi's experiences. Moreover, to anyone who has systematically practiced reductive phenomenology, these experiences are commonplace. Even if Yayoi has had a long history of migraines, this would not be sufficient to convince me that this is the primary etiology in her case, though certainly it would be a component and the origins of the migraines would have to be explained, very likely in relation to what in AT is called neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance (NAFR). My own experiences are described in detail and/or referred to in the novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, written by my wife and I. My wife being a Vietnamese scholar of Vietnamese folklore certainly helped me personally, at a certain stage, come to my present understanding. These descriptions are scattered throughout the book. I cannot recommend this 1700-page novel to a busy person, not the least because the bulk of the book is devoted to matters not directly related to this subject.
Another reason why I must reject the thesis is because there are many dimensions of the generative experiences that could not possibly relate to migraine hallucination. These other dimensions, I realize, anyone trained in neurology, with its prevailing notions of causality, would consider derivative. But studies in the psychology of artistic creativity suggest that, perhaps, there is a certain element of doubt one must entertain about these notions that would propel one into an expansion of the horizon. One direction in which a rigorous expansion of the horizon can most effectively transpire, and which would shed considerable light on the nature of Yayoi's generative experiences, is into quantum-relativistic models of brain function, which contemporary neuroscience has not yet seriously entered upon. In my writing, I have suggested that quantum-relativistic aspects of brain function are primarily related to the quantum-relativistic aspects of intraneuronal DNA and how these interface with psychoneuroimmunology, biological clocks, and the quantum-level recording of chronic stress, the effects of which become clinically manifest, after autogenic shift, as autogenic discharge phenomena. Neuroscience today -- even those areas of the field focused upon studies of neuro-transmitters, neural etching by glutamate flood, the effects of ketamine intoxication, functional neuro-imaging, distributed functional localization, and so on -- has remained steeped in Cartesian-Newtonian perspectives, exemplified, for instance, by notions of an executive brain, which preclude, in my judgment, genuine insight into the sorts of things we are discussing.
Newtonian notions of absolute space and time utterly dominate the assumptive framework of contemporary neurology and neuropsychology via their notions of subject-object relations, particularly those aspects of neurology related to sensory perception and proprioception. Any subjective phenomenology, according to the prevailing concept of subject-object relations, which violates these Newtonian assumptions is classified as pathological in one way or another -- and some structural or functional anomaly related to the prevailing model of the brain must be found in explanation, otherwise the extra-neurological physics-related assumptions come under challenge. Take the example of visual perseveration given by Yayoi: seeing a pattern on a tablecloth, looking up from the table and seeing it spread across the wall. One may easily attribute this to migraine hallucination. Perseveration in its various forms is also associated with brain lesions and schizophrenia. I do not view this visual perseveration as a hallucination. I view it as a stage of Husserlian phenomenological reduction by which entry into direct non-hallucinatory perception of non-Newtonian spatiotemporal relations may be attained -- in Yayoi's case naively entered upon without insight, likely due to the manipulation of attention she cultivated to a high degree of elaboration as a very accomplished artist deeply attuned to Shintoist notions of space and time. Rather than discussing the Shintoist notions, allow me to present a quantum-relativistic neurological explanation of the visual perseveration, which would simply be a slice of what in AT would be referred to as a full-blown autogenic abreaction (in its visual aspect).
Consider the brain a quantum-relativistic wave-effect processor, a quantum computer, employing m-valued logics. All information processing transpires non-locally via m-logically-valued quantum wave interactions governed by a Schrödinger wave-function interpreted relative to m-valued logics, not probability amplitudes. Perceptual and proprioceptive aspects of brain activity are input/output modalities, inputting to and outputting from the wave-effect processor coupled to conscious awareness via quantum processes of spontaneous localization and fusion with their biochemical substrates -- localization being from m-logically valued to single-valued, fusion being from single-valued to m-logically valued. Once object constancy and a unified self-identical (not merely self-similar) identity construct are obtained as a result of enculturation-induced neural etching via glutamate flood and accompanying quantum biochemical quenching of intermolecular electron-transport chains -- particularly elaborate in those cultures subject to the effects of post-Renaissance notions of space and time -- conscious awareness of this wave-effect processing is lost, except under certain circumstances. Those circumstances all relate to shifts in phasic and tonic activation of the brain whereby habituated reliance upon ergotropic mechanisms passes a threshold of diminishment allowing deep transit into shorter or longer periods of amplified reliance upon trophotropic mechanisms. It is during this transit that visual perseveration effects will become conscious as direct readout of the ongoing localization-fusion process by which sensory information is inputted-outputted from the m-logically-valued wave-effect processor and thereby undergoes a fundamental transformation in its spatiotemporal properties. There is an extraordinary range of afterimage, after-sound, after-taste, and after-tactile sensory phenomena that can enter awareness under such circumstances, the more elaborate the awareness the more cross-modally synesthetic the aftereffect perseverations become. Such a transit -- of longer or shorter duration -- can be chemically induced, electromagnetically induced, sonically induced, brought about by sustained and practiced manipulation of attention to psychophysiologic structures, temporal or spatial properties of sensory awareness.
Were a pregnant woman or a child, for whatever reason, periodically subject to such a transit, and while in that transit to engage in neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance, which are taught during the enculturation process -- particularly elaborately so in cultures subject to post-Renaissance notions of space and time -- functional and structural changes would be induced in due course, mediated by the quantum biochemical changes associated with NAFR (which are well documented, by direct implication, in the experimental and clinical literature of AT).
On the basis of this perspective, what contemporary neuroscience regards derivative, I regard as intrinsic and essential to the phenomenologies being considered.
Sorry to disappoint you, but quite frankly, I have never personally experienced what it would be like to live in a non-totalitarian state. Indeed, the whole idea of it seems to me an oxymoron. Nor do I see how the United Nations might facilitate emergence of such an oxymoronic life-world. Take the recent article in The New York Review of Books by Tim Parks (Tyrol: Retreat to Reality, May 27, 2004) as an example. At the end of his introduction to the history of South Tyrol from before WWII up through the early 1970s, he makes a judgment summed up by the following phrase:
the terrible stumbling block that the supposed right of the self-determination of peoples proved to be
and then draws the reader's attention to what the United Nations Charter does not have to say about this issue. But how could the United Nations possibly establish a right to self-determination when its very existence reinforces the certainty that self-determination cannot possibly exist? Parks' whole discourse on this subject assumes (but does not enunciate) that the state (e.g., Virginia) is de jure by virtue of the way John Locke generalized Newton's summation of forces into the institutional algorithm of majority rule in context of the notion of a social contract, that the superstate (e.g., the U.S.A.) has veritable divine status (given that it historically defined its identity by recourse to the doctrines of natural right and growth, political gravitation, manifest destiny, beneficent utilization, and geographical predestination), and that formation of the hyperstate (i.e., the world-state the United Nations hopes to transit to) will constitute the omega point of history lineally unfolded. A hundred-plus years into the quantum-relativity paradigm, and seventy-five-plus years since the Schrödinger wave-function superceded Newton's summation of forces as a fundamental in physics, this perspective not only seems passé but downright destructive, even self-destructive. And in the whole period since the 17th century no one has managed to give a credible explanation of how generalizations of Newton's summation of forces can make self-determination possible! This self-destructiveness is particularly the case when implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units would go a long way toward relieving the sorts of problems that claims to the right of self-determination entail within the prevailing infrastructure of states and their supraordinate agglomerations.
Beyond the beginning out there is in-here! Derek not only wrote this into his journals during the mid-1970s (later incorporated into the novel entitled The Moon of Hoa Binh), but repeatedly stated versions of it to the various sorts of scientists he encountered over the following 30 years. Their reactions to these utterances were, of course, to say the least, not very insightful. And one must suppose that the author of The Myth of the Beginning of Time, referred to on the cover as The Time Before Time (Gabriele Veneziano, Scientific American, May 2004), would also not have a very incisive response. Why? Because, regardless of all the enormous complexity mapped on in string theory, the underlying idea is kindergarten level. There he goes again! with his offensive chip-on-the-shoulder personal style. But is this style an expression of schizoid inappropriate affect, as the psychiatric establishment would maintain, or is it appropriate? You decide. Derek believes that in the long term it may even be instrumental affect or an appropriate application of the cognitive value of emotions. Anyone who has closely read Jacques Hadamard's book An Essay on the Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field knows that all fundamental breakthrough ideas in science and maths come from the unconscious in the form of mathematical metaphors, which in elaborate cases Derek designates motives of Musculpt synformphonie, inner sounded holographic forms, the most elaborate case being a sound of no-sound signifying what Kandinsky referred to as pure feeling, the aesthetic basis of all informed mathematical judgments. Referring to her husband Herbert Fröhlich in the biographical note printed in Cooperative Phenomena (a collection of papers honoring Fröhlich's contributions to thought on superconductivity), Fanchon says:
His deeper intention might be expressed as the wish to make matter conscious. This is based on the metaphysical belief that once matter has been understood, penetrated by mind, the matter is itself transformed. Such a conviction exhibits parallels with Jung's ideas on Alchemy. He considers that the hard-edged external irony of logical positivism confuses the method of discovery in science with the subsequent method of exposition One should distinguish between the beauty of the process -- a mathematically guided Einfuhlung, and the cool elegance of the subsequent mathematical formulation. It was this complete immersion in the trip of discovery, Einfuhlung, that constitutes his special unending happiness.
Derek, however, has little interest, even a negative interest, in the subsequent mathematical formulation which is in all respects a falsification of the generative synformphonie motive, a falsification responsible for the nature-destroying character of the prevailing technological regime and imposed by the scientific ego sphere on the insight provided by the collective unconscious -- so as to shock-and-awe the scientific cohort and its worshipping public.
Derek most often made his statements about before the beginning in context of observing that planet Earth survives only by sheer luck, given that the creators of the atomic bomb, and their progeny, never gained much insight into the meaning of the plus and minus signs in the equation: c equals plus or minus the square root of E over m. Derek also made his statements in the context of arguing that DNA recombination should not be undertaken without prior knowledge of the hypertemporal forms of the electromagnetic wave equations, without which functioning of ATP factories cannot actually be understood (among a wide range of other things).
Ideas can and should be compared on the level of generative synformphonie motives -- the very thing that is never discussed in scientific papers -- before the hard-edged external irony is mathematically elaborated and presented to the public as the god's truth, when it is only the ego's truth and the basis of yet one more nature-destroying technology. I realize that for sometime now use of Freudian terms like ego has been in high disrepute. For those who continue this attitude, I recommend another article in the same issue of Scientific American (Freud Returns by Mark Solms) which maintains that Modern biological descriptions of the brain may fit together best when integrated with Freud's controversial psychological theories. Those who can make it through this article would do well to avail themselves of the Freudian content of our 1980 paper entitled Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement.
The kindergarten idea informing Veneziano's notion of The Time Before Time is undoubtedly the ego's take on the presenting topological representation of the generative synformphonie motive which originally inspired mathematical formulation of the Einstein-Rosen bridge, an early codification of the notion of a black hole. Before the beginning out there is another (pre-bang) spatial universe. Got that image? Two cones point to point. Pretty sophisticated thinking upon which to map on all that mathematical complexity associated with string theory, eh? Or is it simply a Freudian slip? Or is it a statement of political conviction? Nah. I don't think so. It's much more reprehensible than that! You see, what the long-prevailing commitment of the scientific ego sphere and its cohort has been is to unify quantum and relativity theory whilst making sure this unification has no effect on the Cartesian-Newtonian institutionalization which is the old world order in its new incarnation as the new world order. Protestations to the contrary, and Roger Penrose to irrelevancy, this requires maintaining validity of the notion of a classical limit. So, what have Veneziano and cohort done in order to reach this sublime goal? They have considered that the fundamental physical constants, particularly Planck's limiting distance, occur as dynamically changing fields, not as single definite fixed numerical values. Thus is their sublime goal to be achieved, the reaching of such goal being the means by which species suicide is most likely to occur. Only trouble is, the fundamental constants are not fields. How did this generalization of the notion of a field -- as surely this is not the concept of a field entertained by Faraday and Maxwell -- come about? If you don't have an ether for a field, then you have a spacetime continuum for a field. The space of the ponderable 4-D spacetime continuum of General Relativity gets spatially generalized to higher dimensions, while time, of course, does not get authentically generalized; it remains a measly little old dimension-tacked-on, regardless of sign attached. A little slight of hand here. Before this generalization the fundamental constants were ontologically before spacetime is, now they are ontologically after spacetime is -- without an explanation being given as to how these constants underwent a transformation of their divine status. But the truth is that the notion of a field is not general enough or generalizable enough to encompass the insight being attempted. However, if you make the constants fields you can keep the classical limit intact; that's the raison d'être. Of course, then you have to unify the fields of constants, not only material fields. Don't want The End of Science to be achieved too soon. Not before my retirement! Back in the 1970s, in context of a mathematical and computer model of tornado genesis -- an apropos topological configuration, wouldn't you say? -- we explicitly stated the idea that the fundamental constants are m-logically-valued. This notion, however, does not allow the classical limit to remain intact, and allows Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle universal application, because Planck's limiting distance and minimum time, not to mention the speed of light and Planck's constant, for instance, would each have an infinite collection of multiple values -- scaled to laminated limited spacetime domains or sheets of Sakharov's multi-sheet model of the universe -- which would be tantamount to taking measure of constants on a Koch curve. String theory would be everywhere at everytime, not just way out there, way back there, or way in there. And the fields of the fundamental constants would actually be a single unified m-logically-valued reference space ontologically before any ponderable spacetime is, this abstract non-ponderable reference space being arrived at by interpreting Schrödinger's wave-function with m-valued logics, not as indicative of probability amplitudes -- the distribution of these fundamental-constant m-values being in prime number array and stacked on points in the reference space that are Gödel numbered, thus making strings of the strings of string theory equivalent to m-logically-valued Wheelerian-pregeometry-type cosmic propositions. This would, of course, involve recourse to hypernumber and counterhypernumber arithmetics well beyond Hamilton's quaterions. But this was oh-too-Hegelian centered for the de-centered post-modernist mindset to process -- a de-centered mindset being quintessentially pathological, according to Freud. And Before the beginning out there is in-here! would be the case, because we wouldn't be dealing with two cones point-to-point, as time itself would be generalized through The twistor is the quantization of the temporal curl! to operator-time, such that the two cones would be a single non-orientable Klein bottle composed of nested Klein bottles composed of nested Klein bottles into Cantorian-fractal infinite-regress dust. Or is it Novikov dust on the metric-elasticity Sakharov model? The Klein bottle is the actual topological signature of the generative symformphonie motive in question.
And what do you think Stephen Hawking's reaction to these ideas about cosmological and other consequences of hypercomplex operator-time were upon receiving communications regarding them in the mid-1970s? You can bet your boots that the reaction of what Vanity Fair (June 2004) calls one of the world's most powerful minds was not very insightful. Indeed, scathing repartee was conducted in the name of a grad student. Hawking's dangerous universe is a universe where black holes gobble, gobble, gobble negentropy -- and, even with particle creation near black holes, are not operational amplifiers, not cosmological acupuncture points. This is surely a dangerous conception; it may even be etiological -- which notion should be revealing, to anyone who has read The Book of the It, as to why Hawking has come to signify the current state of humanity. Violating integrity of a symformphonie motive can become a transgression of cosmological proportions.
And speaking of synformphonie motives, consider this. The cellular biologist Gilbert Ling, in his Polarized Multilayer Theory of Cell Water, has created/discovered a quantum electrodynamic concept of the plasmahaut, the cell membrane as mere phase boundary between structured and non-structured water, which has many technical properties in common with the conception arrived at in the 1970s and again offered above. Synchronistically, Ling's major publications on his theory fall roughly into the same period. The actual archetypal synformphonie motive for Ling's idea is a Great Pillar of Heaven plunging into the back of a Cosmic Tortoise floating in a Sea of Milk, the back of the turtle displaying a hexagonal network. The pillar relates to what Ling calls unidirectional stirring and is actually a signifier of coherent radiation generated by superconductant DNA. Derek first encountered this motive during 1968 in The Turtle Monument of Saigon's Dai Chien Si Circle. This motive is of ancient Chinese origins, is presently on conspicuous display at the Temple of Literature in Hanoi and on murals at Angor Wat, and plays a prominent role in the sacred literature of India. When Ling resorts to metaphor, however, he draws attention to The Great Wall of China. This does not seem an apt metaphor, given that his theory largely discorporates the great cell wall. So, what do you think Ling's reaction was when certain elements of Sakharov's multi-sheet metric-elasticity model was mapped onto his multilayer elasticity-of-structured-water (liquid crystal) model and adequacy of the Great Wall metaphor was called into question? Termination of the correspondence. Who says Freudian theories have nothing to do with science?
What about the intrusions of my ego upon the integrity of generative synformphonie motives? If I were not acutely aware of such intrusions, I would not be so strong an advocate of the evolution-through-use of holographically-projected Musculpt as a replacement for written mathematical notation.
But look at the fundamental factors of the contemporary global equation: international terrorism transiting to global insurgency; climate shift; fossil fuel peak passing, without a viable alternative fuels strategy in place; global positioning of nation-states and non-state actors relative to the remaining fossil fuel stocks; nuclear weapons proliferation in the developing world as new generations of space-based weapons make Einsteinian weapons systems obsolete for the post-industrial powers; unprecedented massiveness of forced-draft deruralization and resultant mega-urban regionalization; a Newtonian non-system international monetary system gravitating on fewer and fewer currencies, thus removing more and more locally-specific information from articulation with market mechanisms of self-organization; ever increasing employment of quantum-based technologies by a Cartesian-Newtonian institutional framework, i.e., the simplistic attempting to manage the exceedingly complex; ever deeper retrenching into old paradigm modes of thought as post-quantum and post-relativity perspectives receive more and more experimental support, giving rise to greater and greater levels of cognitive dissonance and schizoid double-binds; hyper-propagandization of every information space on the planet; increasing global water problems in large measure tied to industrial approaches to agriculture; unrestrained planetary ecological disequilibrium; recoil to fundamentalism within every one of the world's major religions; increasing epidemiological problems and expanded incidence and severity of autoimmune and immune competency disorders, substance abuse, depression, and so on; recurrences of mass-hysteria-driven genocidal megakill; transit to depletion of cultural, linguistic, and species seed banks under the effects of a uniformizing and ecologically ill-adapted techno-base; continued global human population growth; spiraling numbers of people in abject poverty in face of more and more concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer hands; recurrent large-scale occurrences of famine; microwave ovenization of the planet modulating biological systems across the whole food-chain spectrum. I mean the list goes on and on. And the only consistent global response to this syndrome of superintegrated factors is increasing recourse to pyramided control structures, corporate and governmental, employing more and more implied threat and overt coercion, technologically mediated or otherwise. And in the midst of this we have people telling us (The Chinese Century by Ted Fishman, NY Times, July 4, 2004) how wonderful it will ultimately be that Mao served capitalism so well by creating a disciplinarian, shame-driven Chinese workforce that could be forced off the land in the hundreds of millions so that the efficiencies of industrial agriculture can take over the Chinese hinterland and the new urban ant-swarm automaton worker-consumers can drive the global economy to unprecedented levels of growth in the next century. What a wonderful world it will be! And how much we have to thank our Great Leaders!
Over and over again, I have been asked how it was possible for MOON to have predicted with such accuracy the general character, and even some details, of contemporary global events (like the use of knives to perpetrate a terrorist act capable of shutting down New York City, as forecast in Journal entries [Vol. 2, p. 349 and p. 619]) -- and to have done so as early as is portrayed: Studies for Liana and Derek's Journals were all actually written between 1964 and 1977 (edited to remove too personal material, typed up in 1978, then transposed verbatim into text of the novel during 1986) and the substance of many of the conversations recounted in the novel was first broached in conversations which actually transpired in Saigon during 1968. This is a hard question to answer and I am not sure that a complete explanation is even possible. The only justification for attempting to address the question at all is that it has implications for a theory of history, which in turn has implications for our understanding of the nature of the fundamental physical constants which appear in the equations used by physicists. This issue is specifically broached in MOON (Vol. 2, p. 512) in context of a discussion of the collective psychological contents of high combat as experienced by the elite special service corps unit. It is argued that these collective contents constellated in the brains of participants have to do with the inside of history:
Derek took a big slug of his beer and lit a cigarette. He puffed pensively. You know, Fichte and Hegel believed that the actions composing history have an 'inside' and an 'outside': both a priori and empirical aspects. The 'necessary' attributes of the historical process, they believed, have to do with the inside of an act; it is the inside of history that is the 'why' of it. I believe this is true not only of 'acts' in history, but also of 'events' in nature. The inside of an event is the complex, multi-termed aspect projecting itself as an involute into a fabric of simple antecedent-consequent relations. Time, itself, has structure; this 'chronotopology', if you will, is the 'why' of nature: it determines the values of constants in the laws regulating natural processes, I believe. Any accurate philosophy of history must, therefore, at the same time be a general theory of process.
It is possible, it seems, to identity a number of factors that clearly were involved in generating the prognostications. Political and economic analysis played only a small or secondary part in producing the projections. Most important was analysis of the psychological content of mass behaviors. This analysis was not done systematically, though neither was it purely intuitive or simply impressionistic. Being an introverted child early exposed to cross-cultural influences and moving from place to place as often as I did, I became self-experimental and developed a repertoire of techniques (e.g., intentionally putting myself into awkward circumstances so as to observe my reactions or test my capabilities or limits) through which to push my learning curve. This attitude of constantly pushing my inner envelop undoubtedly was an introjection of training values and practices I grew up around as a military brat, though I certainly would not have given credence to that idea at the time, largely transposed as those values and practices were from the physical to the psychological. Later, these techniques for self-experimentation were adapted for probing the social surround so as to get a better read on it. From an early age, I continuously sought trigger points in those around me and tried to find ways to hit on those points so as to watch the ensuing dynamics. This developed into a kind of interpersonal street theater. Later yet, in the mid-60s, I began reaching out farther with test impulses, often in the form of letters to authorities, famous people, the editor, and so on. I have written many thousands of such letters over the past 40 years to literally hundreds and hundreds of such people. These letters were not written so much to express my point of view as to test an idea that had arisen about the existence of a trigger point or as an attempt to glean a bit of information not otherwise obtainable. Non-responses were often as informative as responses, if the letters were written in a well-thought-out fashion -- even if a given letter reached only the staff of the intended recipient. Of course, some disinformation was generated, as such letters sometimes are never opened at all. I was aware of that and tried to factor it into my read on the bulk of feedback. A provocative letter that hits full on a trigger point, however, seems to have its own karmic kinetic energy and appears almost always to be read. The contents of such letters inevitably were cannibalized and incorporated into the text of MOON. One example of this sort of thing explicitly given in MOON is the portrayal provided of Derek responding to an information request from the Paris Peace Talks negotiators with a map containing a glaring error any even minimally knowledgeable person would immediately have seen. The map went through a number of command echelons before being received in Paris and was later published, mistake and all, in a major news magazine with international circulation. The mistake was so glaring and so relevant that its not being picked up revealed a great deal about the U. S. command, the Paris negotiators, and the international press corps. Not only about their abysmally poor knowledge base, but also about their psychological blocks. Another example was a letter sent to Playboy concerning an interview with Germaine Greer conducted in 1969, if memory serves. Much thought was put into the content and tone of the letter conceived as a test impulse. Presently, I do not remember the specific issues I was interested in, but I do remember that the letter was published in edited form. The way the letter was edited, I found very informative regarding whatever it was I was interested in testing. I never engaged in systematic traffic analysis on this sort of material, but the bulk of the information thus generated washed across me and I had full awareness that it could have been so analyzed. So, certainly, a part of my awareness surely engaged in at least impressionistic traffic analysis. After gaining experience in propaganda production and intelligence analysis at JFK Special Warfare Center and MACV Headquarters, I had quite acute sensitivities for this sort of thing. The psychological information, impressions, and impetus to theories thus gained was constantly being interfaced with the actual flow of political and economic events such that a picture of what one could likely expect emerged and progressively clarified. Though this type of long-term exercise does not provide the sort of information that would be required to accurately predict specifics or timing, it does give insight into prefigurative patterns which are of considerable prognosticative value.
The record (several hundred pages selected from several thousand) of systematic, concentrated self-observation sustained over years provided in Studies for Liana and Derek's Journals is important because of the principle of identity transparency, or relative-state in quantum parlance. The state of any member (i.e., the part) of the corpus is relative to the (superposed) states of every other (i.e., the whole). Derek understood this in his own way as early as 1964, and applied it to his central dogma, his meta-historical methodology. From Derek's Journals (MOON, Vol. 1, p. 279):
When I am trying to decide what I personally should do in a given set of circumstances or when I am attempting to place a value on this or that idea, mode of behavior, institutional structure, et cetera, I proceed in the following manner. In my awareness there is constantly carried an intuition which I call What's happening in the world today which is a phrase signifying a wide range of diffuse sentiments, convictions, feelings, speculations. When I think of What's happening in the world today I do not make a clear separation between the world-out-there and the world-inside-myself. Actually, I have never been able to sharply distinguish between the two. Now, I could very easily be projecting my personal psychological contents onto the external world and then having this wonderful intuition about What's happening in the world today which miraculously turns out to be the same thing that is happening inside myself. But the matter isn't straightforward because the events themselves are not at issue; it is a question of the meaning of the events. Is the meaning of external events in the world today the same as the meaning of my personal internal events? When I try to make a decision about what to do or what value to place on this or that, those considerations normally deemed personal and those usually designated public, social, cultural, or historical are all thrown together without special distinction between collective and individual I feel that What's happening in the world today is an allegory for internal psychological processes, and conversely, that what happens in personal psychology is an allegory for processes at work in the external world: they are metaphorical mirrors of each other.
This is a way of going from subjective to subjective via the objective, a way reading synformphonie motives or gestalts presented by the collective unconscious and as seen in event-act patterns transpiring in the external life-world -- a given life-world being itself a read on the base-state of what the Greeks called Hylê and the Tibetans call Tzog-Chen, the bare-object world ontologically before enculturation (and before the accompanying neural etching by glutamate flood which removes direct awareness of m-logically-valued processing). It is also a way of going from pregeometry as a 'bucket of dust' to spacetime physics, to quote physicist John A. Wheeler.
The Bohmian enfolded, implicate inside multi-termed aspect Derek referred to in the above-given quotation concerning Fichte and Hegel is the m-logically-valued constitution of any (centered by virtue of quantum relative-state) element of Hylê or Tzog-Chen (m-logically-valued reference space) which projects itself as a mathematical involute into the antecedent-consequent relations the sum total of which are apprehended by the prepared mind as the ponderable spacetime continuum. This is where, not so much the ideas of Freud himself, but those of his progeny, are so very important to the development of contemporary neuroscience. Starting in the mid-30s and running through the early-50s, clinical and theoretical developments in ego psychology gave rise to sophisticated models of object relations (internal and external) which presupposed, or tacitly assumed, validity of Piaget's displacement groups (particularly their invariants) in forming the perception of space and time from the sensory-motor level to the most abstract conceptions (see Derek's Journals, MOON, Vol. 2, p. 523, and for a full account: Organization and Pathology of Thought edited by David Rapaport, Columbia U. Press, 1951). Piaget's Euclidian displacement groups (group theory in the technical mathematical sense of the term) were shown to be derivative by Luneburg's discovery around 1950 that binocular visual space is a non-Euclidian metrical space with a limiting velocity conforming to all the rules of Einstein's relativity theory. (See: The Metric of Binocular Visual Space, Rudolf K. Luneburg, Journal of the Optical Society of America, Vol. 40, No. 10, October 1950 and Derek's Journals, MOON, Vol. 2, pp. 281-84 for a discussion of the implications of Luneburg for Hugh Everett's Relative State Formulation of Quantum Mechanics. See also regarding this: For the Mirror is not the Glass.) The achievement by the child of object constancy as a stage of cognitive development is an artifact of enculturation wherein the non-Euclidian multi-termed aspect is decomposed to a Euclidian group of antecedent-consequent relations (displacement groups) mapped initially on the sensory-motor level of neurological function, this mapping involving neural etching by glutamate flood -- wherein, once accomplished, awareness of the multi-termed aspect is substantially lost. The measurement problem in quantum theory cannot be resolved without fuller comprehension of the various aspects of this -- and without such resolution quantum theory cannot be properly employed in string theory.
That this carries considerable distance support for Derek's meta-historical method of going from the subjective to the subjective via the objective is apparent, and many of the implications were well understood by John A. Wheeler by the late-1960s: his notion of self-reference, later generalized into the anthropic principle whereby the values of the fundamental physical constants are teleologically established by sensory-motor invariants governing participation by quantum observers (i.e., those invariants setting the mathematical properties of observer state-function). Only trouble was, John Wheeler didn't really like the implications of what he had come to understand, and that is why he stuck to a pregeometry as a single-valued calculus of propositions, and did not go to an m-logically-valued calculus, even when this was drawn to his attention by Derek in the late-70s. Going to an m-logically-valued calculus clearly implies that the fundamental physical constants are m-logically-valued, not single-valued. Present day speculation in string theory that these constants occur as fields is a further, more ramified as dissimulation becomes more and more difficult, attempt to veil the multi-termed aspect Derek made an integral part of his central dogma and later understood as emerging from the topological operations of operator-time in generating involutory decomposition of the m-logically-valued reference space.
I don’t' want to get into the specific historical ideas involved, as they are the subject matter of MOON. The historiography implied by the discourse in MOON is much to the dislike of most everyone, so it is hardly likely others will place any value on the subjective methodologies explicated there and here.
How timely! Hawking is coming around to our point of view as addressed to him back in 1976. Life-long journey. First, imaginary time; now, repudiation of the notion that black holes cannot be information transducers because they scrunch the laws of quantum physics. He is apparently arguing that an event horizon does not fully form and that absorbed information is transformed and reradiated, just like in the atmospheric cascade model of tornado genesis. See Hawking Cracks Black Hole Paradox, New Scientist, 14 July 2004.
Far be it from me to strive for lack of clarity, though I will admit sometimes much rewriting is required to achieve that effect. In the present case, however, what I am saying is quite clear: now that more information is available, the paper having been presented, transformation of Stephen Hawking's view of black hole as information gobbler to black hole as information mangler -- far from a redemptive modification -- is synchronistic with the claim that we have killed two-thirds of the leadership of Al Qaeda. Clear enough? What you challenge is the connecting principle employed to generate the association, and its implied theory of history. Clarity of explication is not actually the issue. You also cast a moral aspersion and in doing so align yourself with the medical model embraced by the American Medical Association. I must be morally decrepit to imply that onset of Hawking's physical condition somehow had a psychosomatic etiological component. As regards the moral dimension at issue, I would hasten to point out that Hawking is a public figure who has become some sort of an exemplar to a large number of people, an exemplar who has greatly influenced our view of reality. Having taken it upon himself to so become, he is public property and therefore subject to public scrutiny, not only in regards to his ideas, but also his life -- ideas being an expression of life and inseparable there from. Consider the following quotation from the recent book by Craig Wright, The Maze and the Warrior: Symbols in Architecture, Theology, and Music (as given in The New York Review of Books piece by Joseph Kerman, That Old Labyrinth Song, June 24, 2004, p. 42):
The myth of the maze expresses the eternal hope of salvation -- that eternal life will be won for all by the actions of one savior. This warrior will defeat the forces of evil lurking in the center of the maze. The central malevolent power may be a bull, the Minotaur, Khumbaba, Typhon, Satan, or, by metaphorical extension, the wicked pharaoh of Egypt, the Goliath, or the menacing Turk.
Kerman informs us that (p. 42) The Redeemer is both 'victorious warrior and sacrificial lamb', indeed, he may even be a 'bellicose' lamb.
Given that we now know black holes sing (see Dennis Overbye's Songs of the Galaxies, and What They Mean, New York Times, August 3, 2004), that they produce infrasound in musical tones, it does not seem farfetched to suggest that Hawking's recent transition has been from a multicursal post-Renaissance labyrinthine conception of the black hole, where there is no easy non-torturous, non-maddening entry-exit path, to a crusading unicursal pre-Renaissance maze conception, where there is a straightforward entry and exit path, however much the sacrificial lamb of heroic information may be mangled in process of transit. Medieval mangling, of course, being the monophonic melody of entry sung in retrograde upon exit -- sung through the stacked superstring lattice logic of polyphonic plainsong organum. Though, one must admit, we do not yet know enough of black hole song to identify the astrophysical correspondent of the medieval tritone, signifying the Devil at the center of the vortex. And given the degree to which vortex theories have been squabbled over in the history of physics, none of this should be the least bit surprising. Nor that psychosomatic components may be involved by virtue of observer-state/object-system interactions under quantum measurement -- all the more so, in view of the fact that DNA, too, sings, undergoes retrogrades, transpositions, indeed, retrograde inversions when the requisite circumstances are met.
As an example of the vortex squabbles, I offer the following quotation from our 1977 paper Toward a General Theory of Process:
Even more fascinating, it appears that what began as an exploration into the analogue between sound and electromagnetic waves is now being re-investigated in context of the coherent radiation of energy known to accompany tornadic storms. For it was Faraday who conceived of electromagnetic induction after having spent the spring and summer of 1831 experimenting with dust patterns created on plates by the propagation of acoustic waves across his laboratory. Every student of physics is familiar with Faraday’s electric ring experiment which came on August 29, 1831, i.e., the (solenoidal) windings of a current-carrying wire around an iron bar which indicated that the principle of induction was as valid between electric and magnetic fields as Faraday had observed in the acoustic generation of patterns on plates separated by an atmospheric medium. Of this, Faraday came to express in his subsequent correspondences to Maxwell that a field represents space carrying a strain, an idea which Maxwell put to a mathematical test in his paper entitled On Faraday’s Lines of Force. In this paper, Maxwell conceived a hydrodynamic model to explain electric and magnetic field interaction. It was Maxwell’s intuitive use of a hydrodynamic vortex model leading to the development of a field concept which first suggested to the present authors that one would be able to use the electromagnetic field concept to develop a more general explanation of the dynamics of atmospheric vortex formation.
The number of twists about an axis of spin being a measure of solenoid intensity. Iraundegui focused in upon this in demonstrating (again in our words):
that the fundamental relationships between such diverse areas as electromagnetic theory, acoustic and atmospheric dynamics, and the physics of viscous fluids could all be interrelated through the abstract vehicle of solenoid physics tied to a potential vorticity theorem. This latter theorem of Ertel was, in turn, drawn from Bjerknes’ classic work on solenoid intensity as it related to the atmosphere’s time rate of change of circulation: in short, the solution to a specialized problem concerning atmospheric cyclogenesis was adapted from Kelvin’s more general circulation theorem.
1831. If one were so unrepentant a numerologist as composer Schoenberg, one might draw some significance from this date. For as Joseph Kerman says in his That Old Labyrinth Song (p. 43):
a gun smoked for Richard Taruskin when he noted segments of several L'Homme armé masses laid out in thirty-one-bar units, thirty-one being the canonical number of knights of the Fleece at that time and also the number of turns in the canonical labyrinth.
Not so surprising, perhaps.
What is surprising, and what needs explanation, is why in the West, arising out of Fertile Crescent religious tradition, the center should have been regarded the place of the Devil, whilst in the East the center has traditionally been regarded an empty center (see, for instance, Kawai Hayao, The Hidden Gods in Japanese Mythology, Eranos Yearbook 1985, Vol. 54, 1986), a naked singularity about which order spontaneously self-organizes. Chaos, in the Eastern conception, arises only if the center abandons quiescence, becomes filled with itself, sets about creating an action-based sociology, and thus loses the Mandate of Heaven. Here is an utterly profound differentiation between West and East. Maybe this distinction has to do with how requisite circumstances were regarded, Job shaking his fist at the heavens while Buddha composed himself under a tree. Perhaps in the Western view some cosmological abuse -- which Hawking reputedly became familiar with prior to making his latest conceptual transition -- was involved, leading to onset of a civilization-wide post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) persisting through millennia, about which mankind is in amnesia. Though Immanuel Velikovsky's book Worlds in Collision has almost been forgotten, it must be admitted that before his foremost critic, Carl Sagan, died, uniformitarian views were utterly debunked. Though the oil may not have come to the Arabs in exactly the way Velikovsky described, catastrophism has found a place in contemporary thought, particularly that of neo-Darwinian evolutionists, an area of thought that does have something to do with DNA -- if only remotely in the prevailing perspective.
Post-traumatic stress disorder involves registration of stress on the quantum level of brain function; this has been my thesis since well before writing my first paper on autogenic brain discharges in 1977. CNS/immune-system interactions, in my view, are a special case of observer-state/object-system interactions under quantum measurement, such measurement in its psychosomatic context manifesting as sub-clinical autogenic brain discharge. Is there a multicursal as opposed to unicursal entry-exit correlate of this process on the level of brain function? You bet there is! The correlation of near-death experience (NDE) -- which all slayers of Minotaur must undergo -- and ketamine as antidote for glutamate flood. I recently received a reference to a webpage related to psychiatrist and neuropharmacologist Karl Jansen's paper entitled Neuroscience, Ketamine, and the Near-Death Experience: The Role of Glutamate and the NMDA Receptor (see: The Near-Death Experience, A Reader, edited by Lee Bailey and Jenny Yates, Routledge, 1996). Below, I reproduce my quick response:
Thanks very much for this. I read the original paper soon after it was published while I was surveying the Lilly archive in Malibu and working myself through Lilly's tank logs where ketamine figured large: Lilly's greatest contribution to our understanding of cosmology. Ketamine while floating in sensory isolation. But this internet site contains amplification not provided in the original paper. For instance, Jansen mentions on the site that he has had several NDEs and has received ketamine. I must therefore appropriately revise my earlier judgment. This makes his work all the more interesting. I have found nothing that he has to say that I would disagree with. If I remember right, he did not provide in the original paper much discussion of the tunnel effect. I've had elaborate tunnel-effect experience under fire, for instance, once in a nearly full-blow NDE where I felt certain I was to be killed; and once as a teenager who fell through the ice and never found the hole, eventually being carried underwater by the current to an exit stream, which I would characterize as a fully full-blown NDE; once on the ice off Nome, Alaska; once falling in the hole as an ironworker high up on open steel with a bunch of Native Americans; once jumping out of a C141; once when almost pinned to a loading dock by a truck; twice during very bad falls; also as an integral part of the multitude of plexiglas wall experiences and later, post-Vietnam, in PTSD-related stuff, these last two as described in MOON. Also the Sri Aurobindo's light reading-meditation experience leading to the gran mal seizure described in MOON (which is very interesting in relation to what Jansen says about ketamine being an antedote for glutamate and the presence of endogenous ketamine-like substances). I would say, based on exposure to Lilly's tank logs, that the tunnel effect under ketamine can be more complexly elaborated than in the NDE, in the sense that the tunnel -- and you will hear this from many people who have had ketamine administered to them -- can take on very complex nested geometric properties, with abrupt phase transitions, and a Bushman sound effect at transition like the transitions depicted in the film Lawnmower Man (clearly ketamine derived by those California types into virtual reality technology). Moreover, the tunnel on ketamine, as the logs clearly suggest, is usually a part of return to the body, and is often part of a koan-type dilemma that must be solved (i.e., how to return to separate self-identity), whereas in NDE the tunnel is usually part of exiting the body. Ketamine being a general anesthetic, one is immediately out-of-body; there is no staged transition in that direction. But there are many variables involved. For ketamine, dose, route of entry, formation of a ketamine bond with the guide. As well as set and context (to a far lesser degree than LSD, it would appear). Other factors. The ketamine bond can become extraordinary, wherein, as re-entry takes place by stages, a stage comes when one often cannot distinguish parts of ones body from those of the guide as in-the-body experience slowly re-emerges. One doesn't have the same attitude to the body after such an experience. This can persist for long periods. The guide situation is psychologically set up before administration of the anesthetic. The only reservation I have with what Jansen says is that if the brain has a suppressed (by enculturation-induced glutamate flood etching and accompanying disruptive effects on integrity of electron-transport chains) capacity for non-local m-logically-valued quantum-scale-level wave-effect q-bit-type processing, then there is no scientific reason why neuron-scale-level functions are required for perception or proprioception. Why should a material girl end at the cellular and/or molecular scale levels? Thanks again.
I would argue that ketamine administration in the requisite dose yields a multicursal labyrinthine transit to and from m-logically-valued identity transparency, while the NDE involves a unicursal maze transit. In view of the above-given observations, however, we must consider that what in the West is regarded a near-death experience, in the traditional East would have been regarded a near-life experience, the empty center being the essence of life in a Higher Form, not a locus for confrontation with the Devil. But there are all sorts of retrograde inversions involved here, as, with early Doris Lessing, who made a stab at exploring Eastern notions, the exit may be treated as following upon a Briefing for a Descent into Hell, that descent being a re-entry into separate self-existence, life being a form of death, as Rilke surely knew, a death to the Higher Form. As Joseph Kerman describes in his That Old labyrinth Song, Ariadne not only provided Theseus a clew (clue), she danced the maze in so providing. We in the West may have gone gravely astray in forgetting that fact. This is clearly the central message the daughter of James Joyce tried to convey to him regarding Ulysses' wondering: As any little ol' honey bee would know, without Ariadne's dance, her string theory is worthless. Having gotten that message, I have long advocated EscherFormDance.
It's not that I have seen the future and don't like it; rather, what's anathema about contemporary technologies are the states of consciousness determining the applications trajectory.
History of formation of the Euro-dollar markets and emergence of the mechanics of sovereign loan recycling of petro dollars, it seems to me, is, at least, a somewhat separate issue from the existential status of the Federal Reserve System vis-à-vis that of the U.S. Government per se. What you say about fractional reserve sovereign lending by the Federal Reserve System and OPEC is interesting, but I am in no position to actually evaluate it. I have, for instance, never seen a graph delineating global history of the percentages of denomination of oil sales by currency from the 1860s until the present. I do know that the populist and free silver movements in the post-Civil-war era, leading to creation of the Federal Reserve System, grew in virtual lock-step with expansion of the demand for oil. Which is to say that as oil consumption increased the impetus to restrict and finally outlaw deployment of local and private currencies also increased. I do not know that oil consumption and sub-national currency use in America were actually inversely proportional because I have never seen a numerical graph of the history of sub-national currency use in America which could be compared to a domestic or a global consumption curve for oil. Were such a graph to be compiled, it would cover the period of American history most at issue in the thesis put forward by Hernando de Soto concerning emergence of a coherent system of property law. So, perhaps, it is not surprising that as the age of oil comes to an end (1) there are gathering efforts amongst consensus economists to justify transit to a single global vehicle currency, and (2) there should arise (a) an enormous growth in squatter settlements worldwide and commensurate growth in the extra-legal sector, and (b) a populist movement calling for legitimization of Local Exchange Trading Systems -- (1) being an expression of focus upon and apropos of the pre-end, and (2) being an expression of focus upon and apropos of the post-end. There is no doubt that liability financing by the U.S. Government involves creation of credit instruments, not only simple direct printing of fiat paper currency for international circulation. The fractional increment in question, involving both fiat currency and credit instruments -- whatever factor might have been chosen: 10, 60, a 100 -- is not really the major point of interest (pun intended), as the principles involved would have been the same regardless. Though I would certainly be interested to learn about details of the involved mechanisms, were the requisite opportunity to arise, this does not seem sufficiently important for me to undertake the considerable effort that would be required to arrive at such an opportunity. Recirculation of petro dollars clearly was intimately tied to termination of the gold-exchange mechanism of the Bretton-Woods system, considering that the former immediately followed upon the latter and that the dollar separated from the gold-exchange mechanism denominated, certainly, most of the then globally transpiring oil transactions by virtue of its continued status as the foremost international reserve currency, and that separation of the dollar from gold involved its devaluation and a consequent increase in the price of oil. Formation of OPEC or no formation of OPEC, it seems to me, there would have been an increase in the price of oil. An intimate and behind-the-scenes knowledge of the details of this coupled transition would be required to arrive at an opinion as to exactly what effect on the transition formation of OPEC actually had. Given the lack of distress with which the Nixon administration ended the gold-exchange mechanism and the effortlessness with which petro dollar recycling was implemented, it is impossible to entertain the notion that mechanisms of the whole transition were not worked out ahead of time. Nor can one reasonably doubt that those who created the involved mechanisms were fully aware of where the bulk of accrued benefits would land. Nor is it surprising that, in due course, those not receiving the bulk of accrued benefits should begin to act against symbols of those who so receive. The point being, and this is the essential thing you draw attention to, I believe, is that the magnitude of liability financing the U.S. government was able to engage in -- both by credit instrument and printing of fiat currency -- was not only greatly increased by separation of the dollar from gold, but also by virtue of the coupled mechanisms of fractional reserve lending relative to petro dollar recycling. Therefore, U.S. Government interest in oil is presently not merely a matter of fulfilling fossil fuel energy requirements.
One can safely assume that all entering this world arrive here knowing little about multiple bank credit expansion, and one can reasonably surmise that no one leaving this world has completely mastered the subject, as, clearly, much concerning it remains unknown, even to the most knowledgeable. Given that Fred Block says, in short, there is no ‘objective’ technique for analyzing a country’s international payments position [The Origins of International Economic Disorder, Berkeley: UC Press, 1977, p. 140] and that Fritz Machlup says: the strength of the reserve position cannot be unambiguously measured: reserves may bear different relations to different relevant magnitudes (such as national income, value of imports, domestic money supply, liquid foreign liabilities) [Remaking the International Monetary System, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1968, p. 20], as discussed in Tranche 2 of the m_valuedlets website, it is assuredly not a mere wild guess that full measure of the effects of multiple bank credit expansion does not currently exist. It is my thesis that measurement of such quantities is directly analogous to measurement on a Koch curve, such measurement being inherently impossible with a measuring stick of fixed length, the Koch curve being constituted of a transfinite collection of nested fractal dimensions. This curve constitution implies that the more accurately you try to measure with a fixed-length measuring stick, the longer the curve becomes. Clearly, principles of Special Relativity apply here, as well as those of quantum mechanics, and this is why Friedrich August von Hayek's invocation of the time-shape of total capital stocks was such a brilliant intuitive flight into the anterior sky. If this is the case, any currency -- which abstracts and signifies the factors of production, factors which theoretically may be combined in an infinite number of ways, in an infinite number of time-shapes, that is, to use von Hayek's formulation -- may validly be regarded a fractal drum, with the full range of fractal entrapment capabilities, whether or not those capabilities are explicitly tagged and articulated to market mechanisms by currency valences -- choice of explicit tagging and means of articulation selecting the array of fractal entrapment capabilities activated in the market. A measuring stick of fixed length is not only singly-valued; it is singly-logically-valued. We are in the midst here, concerning the effects of multiple bank credit expansion upon the supply of money, of a quintessentially quantum measurement problem with relativistic properties. Order of accuracy in measurement is dependent upon order of logical-value of the measuring stick employed. Currencies, howsoever tagged and howsoever articulated, are m-logically valued in their implicate order. Not only is this the case relative to the factors of production, but also because there is infinite gradation of levels in such quantum economies across the expanse between the individual micro-actor and the whole global macro-economy, even if, understandably, only a very small portion of those levels are tagged and articulated. In the age of barter, in the age of coin, in the age of commodity-based currencies, in the age of fiat currencies -- credit interest-bearing, or no -- available technology set the limit as to possible range of explicit tagging and articulation to the market. This range determined not only the information carrying capacity of the involved classes of currency, but the identity properties -- single-valued to m-valued -- of the information carried as price.
Both horizontal and vertical issues are involved here, as well as implicate and explicate factors. To the degree one were able to employ m-logically-valued measuring sticks -- economic, alternative-economic, and sustainable-development indicators, that is -- would this provide more accurate information about quantum economies: better data would be obtained. What is currently implicate would, commensurate with the degree of employment, become explicate. Information moving in quantum economies as monetary units and their derivatives in motion would not thus be affected, except by the reflexivities George Soros has focused upon, the disruptive effects of which would be reduced in so far as uncertainties, and hence risks, are thereby reduced. This reduction of disruption could be considerable, given that m-logically-valued measuring sticks would of necessity be cast in the logical form of reflexivities, the stick and the reflexivity both being self-referential in nature (which is what m-valued logics codify). Speaking horizontally now, to the degree one were able to explicitly tag the factors of production to the abstracting properties of a currency base and its derivatives as valences of m-logical-value, to a commensurate degree would the implicate information moving in quantum economies be made explicate, and thus, to the same degree would it become more expressly articulated to auto-regulation by market mechanisms. Speaking vertically now, to the degree one were able to choose and modulate choice of the very small portion of the infinite number of implicate levels between the individual micro-actor and the whole global macro-economy for explicate marking with currencies, to a commensurate degree could one select the array of fractal entrapment possibilities available to the global economy -- which is to say the more able one would be to harness the benefits of macroeconomic relatively-global linearities while minimizing losses to microeconomic relatively-national (and sub-national) non-linearities. And to the degree that one could reflexively articulate such a horizontal with such a vertical to a commensurate degree would the global economy, and all of its sub-partitions, move to a higher order of self-organizational competency.
Our thesis has been that the parameters determining emergence of explicate time-shape are keys to thus articulating such a horizontal with such a vertical. These parameters are relativistic factors of motion: velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration, full impact of such factors becoming apparent only at limiting values of the involved variables (relative to the partitions chosen in acts of quantum measurement, those measurement acts being determined by characteristics of the technologies employed). In quantum economies, the elements in motion are m-logically-valued currency units and their derivatives. Herein does the notion of operator-time -- with its implied imaginary hypernumber arithmetics -- enter the field of economics.
The easiest and quickest way to get a feeling for the degree of intractability of issues involved with identity transparency, m-valued logics, interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function, and the quantum measurement problem is to view the films listed in the abstract to VR, vitamin K, ETs, and the pathogenesis of end-stage AMD syndrome provided on the MOON website. I am still contemplating this subject and have not yet attempted to complete the piece; I continue to work it in my mind. As the films clearly indicate, the quotient of fear collectively projected onto the involved issues is enormous, even staggering -- and given that the films in this long list are all recent, the intensity of the involved projective identification is clearly growing at an accelerating rate. Because of this fact, it is extremely difficult to imagine any near-term resolution. Familiarity with the involved principles in non-hysterical contexts -- for instance, utilization of m-logically-valued monetary units and the involved multiple-scenarios strategic planning methodologies that would be incorporated into VirFut Q-Pro -- is the only way to overcome the fear driving the projection process. Virtually every aspect of contemporary life is in one way or and another involved with this, illustrating the degree to which projective identification governs human affairs at this time. If you doubt the intellectual issues I discuss could have been involved in provoking world wars, watch these films and evaluate the level of fear they represent. And, yes, I do not believe in ETs or UFOs. Were there such, their technologies would not be extrapolations of our technologies. The only way such extrapolations could be the case is if science, indeed, has just about worked itself out of a job. No one aware of the implications of m-valued logics could possibly reach that conclusion. I embrace Jung's interpretation of UFO sightings, i.e., that they are expressions of processes transpiring in the collective unconscious.
My portrait of this sort of thing has been pejoratively characterized as the notion of unconscious conspiracy. Indeed, the very idea of a collective unconscious can be so characterized. My thesis is that when there is a stalled transition between worldview constructs collective hysteria emerges -- because a coherent worldview construct is required for self-definition. Intensity of the hysteria fluctuates as the flow of events enflames and damps public sensitivity to factors critical to the stalled paradigm shift. The transitional whipstall is due to these factors not being dealt with head on, to their being dissimulated for a range of political, economic, social, and psychological reasons. The critical factors are highly abstract and conceptual in nature. If those persons with the requisite background and training to process these factors on appropriate levels are, for whatever political, economic, social, and psychological reasons, unable to do so and thus engage in obfuscation, then those persons not in possession of the background and training, the great mass of humanity, experience ebb and flow of existential anxiety and process the involved factors in more or less concretized and/or personified form. If the paradigm-shift stall persists over a long period of time, all sorts of political, economic, social and psychological event gradients are set in motion which cross one another in highly incoherent fashion creating a repository of events, attributes, factors, suspicions, conflicted behaviors inexplicable relative to what is considered normal which, in turn, feed a spiral of cognitive dissonance. Those persons charged with maintaining public order are compelled to provide, for the security needs of the population, explanations, which, because of the root dissimulations generating the transitional whipstall, necessarily take the form of black propaganda. This, of course, only feeds the existential anxiety and cognitive dissonance. The more the anxiety and dissonance grow, the more reliance is placed upon processes of concretization and personification (which are unconscious, and expressions of the underlying mass engagement with the collective defense mechanism called projective identification). UFO sightings, for instance, are born in such a collective psychological matrix -- and all the other factors occasioning the anxiety and dissonance are assimilated to the factors concretized and personified so as to create a coherent storyline that can make sense out of the incoherent event gradients experienced by all and fully understood by none. Authoritarian personalities like, say, a Hitler, are similarly born. There are massive reflexivities involved in such a process, each aspect feeding on and pushing the others. The cardinal events of WWII, for instance -- holocaust and atomic bomb -- greatly undermined public ability to maintain confidence in the principles underlying institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm, and no replacement beliefs about principles underlying public institutions were forthcoming. Existential anxiety and cognitive dissonance greatly increased in the immediate postwar period in America where belief in the involved principles was most elaborate. It was in the late-'40s and early-'50s, with onset of the McCarthy era, that incidence of UFO sightings literally exploded. A similar phenomenon took place in Russia in the timeframe during which the U.S.S.R. disintegrated. It could validly be said that conspiracy-theory hysteria is a concretization, a personified version, of what I describe here, which has been characterized as the notion of unconscious conspiracy. Which is not to say that conscious conspiracies do not happen, or that they are not catalyzed by such an unconscious collective psychological process. Whatever it is to be called, to whichever degree concretized, root etiology of this social disease is the stalled paradigm shift. This can be viewed in shorter or longer timeframes. As there are West-East factors involved, it can be viewed in the context of thousands of years, with the present exacerbation going back to the discovery of m-valued variables and functions in the 1820s. Emphasize this set of factors as opposed to that and the appropriate timeframe of consideration changes in tandem. It is an ongoing process of acculturation-driven worldview propoundment with aperiodic phases of fulmination. Clearly, at the moment, we are in an extremely intense fulmination phase, made all the worse be virtue of the fact that magnitude of disjunction between informing paradigm and institutional analogue prevents proper management of the evolving techno-base and has allowed unbridled population growth, fuel and resource consumption, environmental degradation. Indeed, the prevailing whipstall has persisted so long it is beginning to threaten the very foundations of life on this planet. There are no real solutions independent from cessation of the paradigm-shift whipstall. Such cessation requires a change in the normative state of consciousness. Such a change can only be facilitated by new forms of uses, uses of the artifacts of daily life -- such artifacts being imbued with references to the worldview construct factors at issue. And such references need to be integrated into new cultural processes. Hence, the notion of the formation of a metaculture requiring integrity of a multiplicity of concrete cultures for its very genesis (dissipating by a compensatory mirroring process the mechanisms of projective identification etiologically constellated in the present crisis). One means to accomplish this is implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units brought up from below in a highly decentralized fashion, brought up from the local toward the global.
One keeps expecting that some corner will be turned, that in one field of human activity or another some necessary step will be taken. I've been watching for this to happen over a thirty-year period and have seen no indication of it as yet. Though all manners of deception are present, at root, this is not a matter of deception of one party by another, even of self-deception, but of deception as regards nature of self and of selfhood of nature -- and that is why it is so intractable. Whenever a movement toward taking some necessary step is made, it turns out to be a faint, for it is inevitably swept under the rug, frequently by the person or persons initiating the movement. The mother of all mothers, the corner of all corners, here, is identity of the nature of self and the selfhood of nature. This identity, this idempotent unary, this transparency in identity of the apparent two, subsumes import of m-valued logics, which subtend predication of meanings in all fields of human activity. Some necessary step can be taken in looking at self and in looking at nature, but only if, in the event, the looker decisively affirms this identity, this transparency. Reading R. D. Laing's The Divided Self set against Hugh Everett's paper on the relative-state (i.e., multi-worlds) interpretation of quantum mechanics is instructive, as both opt out at critical junctures. The more formalized the logic has become -- West and East -- the less possibility there has been of taking some necessary step. This formalization has been most elaborate in the West, but it has also transpired in the East, as existence of the I-Ching and conventions of Tang-style poetry clearly indicate. Such formalizations, over the past several thousand years, have always begun with the binary order of logical-value, and have generally become stalled there: A and not-A; yin and yang. Until recently, the only movements toward modification of this formalization have been crude attempts to interpose a third term: rotational transposition of yin into yang, yang into yin; the circular Hegelian thesis, antithesis, synthesis and the hard-utopian Marxist spiral form of this Hegelian dialectic. Early in the 20th century, 3-valued logic and m-valued logics were successfully formalized, but these efforts were largely swept under the rug on issues of interpretation of the sense of truth-value -- m-valued logics being reduced, by challenging the Law of Distributed Middle, to probabilities, fuzzy gradations, and possible-worlds. Attempts were also made to modify the arithmetic rules by which logical-values (generally of order-2) can be manipulated: omitting commutativity or distributivity, for instance. Game theory and strategic contingency theory have barely entered this domain, except via Sun Tzu and Mao. Nash made a stab, but was convulsed for the effort. Each of these has missed the mark and did not actually involve taking some necessary step. The closest approach we have had to actually turning some corner has come in non-objective art (most notably Kandinsky, Rice Pereira, and Yayoi Kusama) and in the outer reaches of avant-garde harmonic theory and art music composition (H. Schenker, V. Zuckerkandl, K. Stockhausen, and T. Takemitsu), these being important variances because they were largely based upon elaborations of what Kandinsky called pure feeling, which is a primary manifestation of concentration in diffuse modes of awareness. But this, too, has been largely swept under the rug. Turning some corner, taking some necessary step, is avoided like AIDS.
Thank you for raising the issue of indicators. Truth be told, I would not advocate tagging any of the existing indicators (economic, alternative economic, or sustainable development) to the valences of any m-logically-valued monetary unit that might be implemented on any economic scale level, local to global. Were such monetary units to be employed, indicators would have to be created de novo, fashioned uniquely to the circumstances of their employment. The reasons for this attitude are many. Take, for instance, the Human Development Index (HDI) brought forth by the UNDP in 1990. There are three components to this indicator: level of educational attainment, life expectancy, per capita income. Adult literacy and enrollments in primary, secondary, and higher educational institutions are the measures used to assess educational attainment. In many respects, it seems to me, human development is inversely related to the attainments thus measured. This judgment comes from a straight-A student who basically stopped all but minimal participation in conventional education during the seventh grade. A couple of years later, I decided never to get a grade higher than a C. I stuck resolutely to this decision for two years, and in the last years I sat in a college classroom I simply did not appear to take tests, producing an original research paper after the semester was over. The professor either accepted this in lieu of the final and replaced the incomplete with an A or did not and gave me an F. I was totally indifferent as to the outcome, as my sole interest was in what I was studying, not in receiving a degree. I had no aspiration to any job a degree might win me. My aspiration was to work with my hands in such a fashion as to facilitate inner psychological work; I dug trees and made gardens, Japanese gardens whenever the opportunity arrived. Summerhill seemed to me the only existing model of an educational process fostering human development. The first Summerhill having been part of the Weimar cultural milieu rejected by the Nazis, its model cannot avoid being regarded as facilitating human development. Any school can be made into a Summerhill if the student simply stops believing in the conventions imposed and circumvents them intelligently. Of course, this entails rejecting the prevailing notion of human development and the aspiration to more than minimally participate in the life-world created by applying that notion. Relying deeply on inner Musculpt, and associated visual and abductive logic, literacy seemed to me more an obstruction to human development than its facilitator. Evolution of the techno-base has supported that orientation over the subsequent decades and people have come to read less and less as the whole of Western civilization prepares to put reliance upon alphabetic learning behind it and to embrace modes of thought which once were more characteristic of the East. When one looks at what childhood enculturation and the best of higher enculturation produces in America, Bill Clinton, George Bush, and John Kerry, for instance, not to mention an ever increasingly dysfunctional science, it is hard to escape the conclusion that educational attainment and human development are inversely related.
The human life expectancy goal set by the UNDP is 85 years. Given that human population of planet Earth has increased from hundreds of millions to nearly six billion in the past 300 years, and that this has been associated with many non-human species extinctions, it is reasonable to question the implied notion that the biosphere of the planet could survive reaching the UNDP's goal. Increase in per capita income is said to be positively correlated with a decreased population growth rate. The UNDP's life-expectancy goal coupled to this correlation suggests that the UNDP has arbitrarily -- without advice and consent of the population or the planet -- made the choice for fewer longer-lived people over more shorter-lived people, and has made this choice without benefit of assessment of the carrying capacity of the biosphere, its sub-ecosystems, or the load placed on the planetary natural resource base. Granted, one does not wish to tell everyone they must die by a certain age, but at the same time one does not wish to structure global economic policies and priorities relative to an unsustainable life-expectancy goal. It is also eminently arguable that decreased population growth rates are actually correlated less to per capita income growth than to urbanization and the industrialization of agriculture -- rural-to-urban migration being virtually synonymous with destruction of the extended family system and urbanized post-industrial development being virtually synonymous with destruction of the nuclear family system and decreases in fertility and sperm counts.
Pick up almost any text on development economics and you will see that no more than mere passing mention of ecological considerations is made, that there is no intent to evaluate economic models relative to current knowledge of how natural systems function. Economists have enough to do in concerning themselves solely with the means to obtain material advantage by means of comparative advantage and the like, let alone study quantum theories of self-organizing processes, for instance. The economic models, therefore, by default, are tacitly based upon 17th and 18th century understanding of how natural systems function, with a little dusting of 19th century statistical mechanics and 20th century game theory. The widely held notion that universals in economics derive from per capita GNP growth is an expression of Enlightenment ideas about the nature of nature. Reduction becomes the highest virtue, reduction in the number of variables. A small set of variables is the Holy Grail. And why is this the case? The assumption that this will produce the best model is imposed by the mathematical tools employed: single-valued variables, mono-tonic functions, single-valued logics, statistics. All indicators I am aware of have been arrived at within this econometric context, even those related to sustainable development and natural resources management because of the choice of mathematical tools employed.
I am not interested in improving the existing economic framework, which is in large part responsible for the current state of affairs; I am interested in changing it fundamentally. In order to do this efficaciously, the indicators tagged to m-logically-valued monetary units should not be chosen by economists, appointed policy makers, out-sourced and subcontracted consultants, or representatives elected on basis of Newton's summation of forces (majority rule); they should be chosen by computer games structured on multiple-scenarios strategic planning algorithms played in the domains of application by any and all interested participant parties. The electronic commons should not be created to implement 17th and 18th century political economy. The collection of indicator candidates to be chosen from in course of extensive gaming should be locally formulated by use of analogical models in computer-aided design and by mathematical metaphor to principles of self-organization operative in non-dissimulated quantum-relativistic models of the collective and cooperative behaviors found in natural systems. This is the way to escape continued indentureship to the Enlightenment mindset, its force-divided-against-itself institutional formats and coercive systemic constraints.
I am not a trained econometrician, and therefore do not have professional knowledge of the econometric behavior equations. I have never claimed this. Nonetheless, it does not take professional knowledge to realize that the involved equation sets are highly filtered and thereby greatly removed from the real world. Evidence of this can be found in any standard text on development economics. The assumption is made that the economy is closed, that, in the words of, for instance, Debraj Ray (Development Economics, Princeton U. Press, 1998, p. 54) there are no net flows of resources from or to the outside world, with the caveat that the required extensions are easy enough to incorporate (p. 54). I doubt this easy enough and I further doubt that anyone has actually accomplished this easy enough. Ray begins his discussion of the Harrod-Domar model of economic growth with the statement (p. 51) that economic growth is the result of abstention from current consumption. This foundational formulation is the result of considering the economy closed, and it neglects the thermodynamic fact that economic growth results from consuming environmental negentropy, that factor presently killing the possibility of continued economic development. The economic effects of consumption of negentropy are currently most easily seen relative to the oil production peak, but this is only one such factor amongst many. What needs to be found is a way to understand how economic development can transpire in absence of the predication of unending growth -- unending growth being a cancerous imposition on the negentropy budget of the environment and its environment and so on to Cantorian dust. In the present market dynamic, as soon as the suspicion of faltering growth is entertained, the level of economic organization diminishes: growth and organization are covariant. My idea is that m-logically-valued monetary units would alter market dynamics in such a way as to accomplish this overcoming of unending growth most efficaciously.
As I say, I do not possess technical knowledge of the econometric behavior equations, but I bring to those equations a certain perspective on general process derived from studies of multi-scale systems that may be useful in discovering the best way to mathematically do what is required. The starting point for such things is always to be found early in the elaboration of prevailing theory. In this particular case, I believe the critical point of entry is to be found in the derivation of the Harrod-Domar equations of growth. We are not looking here only for a descriptive account of market behaviors, but also for a means to modify the way markets function such that their self-organizational competency is sufficiently enhanced as to overcome the need for predication of unending growth simply in order to maintain a given level of organizational efficiency. The critical point in the derivation, as provided by Ray (p. 90), is:
Now if savings is a constant fraction s of income, then S(t) = sY(t) for all dates t, whereas if the capital-output ratio is q, then K(t) = qY(t) for all dates t.
Here S denotes savings, Y denotes total output, and K denotes national capital stock. Following von Hayek, I would like to challenge, for the purpose stated above, the predicate then K(t) = qY(t) for all dates t. This predicate neglects von Hayek's notion of the time shapes of total capital stock -- which requires a wave-function to describe: total capital stocks can be combined in an infinite number of ways yielding different outputs. At any time t, there are an infinite number of superposed time shapes of total capital stock: Schrödinger's cat with a vengeance, even without addressing the notion of a closed economy. Utility of a given time-shape is dependent on many factors, including details of the prevailing technological regime. The superposition of an infinite number of time-shapes of total capital stocks at any time t can be analyzed by utilizing Saul Kripke's possible world logics, which is one interpretation of m-valued logics. Such analysis would be prerequisite to any full implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units: this would be an integral aspect of the computer gaming required for attaching valences to the bases of nested m-logically-valued monetary units, those valences being used to interface externalities to market mechanisms for self-organizational processing. Interfacing externalities to the market in this manner would be the means by which the filtering assumption of a closed economy would be overcome.
I am an extremely strong believer in learning, but an equally committed unbeliever in teaching. Teaching is inevitably associated with one or another sort of performance pressure being placed upon the student; this imposes an inner-event gradient predisposing to risk aversion on part of the student such that creativity is strongly negatively reinforced. The creative process is a time series of intuition-generated errors and subsequent cross-sectional error corrections that simply cannot transpire in an environment devoted to content assimilation and performance evaluation. Long subjection to and compliance with the dictates of such environments decisively dampen the creative impulse. Teaching, moreover, being an exercise in the mentality of control, perpetuates the naively causal view of reality. The basic reason why the notion of causality is so much an internal object constellating obsessive-compulsive behaviors is that it preserves the illusion of ego autonomy, the illusion of control. Loss of definition of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct separate selfhood, of control over the predicated and claimed singly-logically-valued self, is a terrifying event when not voluntarily undertaken: involuntary schizophrenogenic dissociation is a world away from insightful ingress upon the involved concretion of time (to use Jean Gebser's term) constellating non-simple identity, objective or subjective. Without causality, there is no way for an element embedded in the system to take control over that system (be it subjective or objective); all elements are in holistic system-flow and can never get out of system-flow (Tao: satin-flow essence which I breathe). This is overdetermined (which has nothing to do with the notion of causality) to the degree system conception embraces identity-transparent holographic properties: the part contains all the information constituting the whole (which is to say: all the information contained by the other parts, plus the and more of the whole which is greater then the sum of its parts). Any claim to absolute distinction (which is the ego-enhancing existential purpose for predicating absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct separate selfhood), therefore, brakes system-flow, destroys its superintegration, and undermines self-organizational competency. Traditionally, in cultures not embracing the notion of causality, the King or the Emperor signified this superintegration, and any attempt on his part to decide, to act, to be in control, to teach violated the processes of superintegration and insured onset of chaos, of disorder and conflict, of the loss of the Mandate of Heaven. Teaching, in my judgment, is the foremost means by which such loss can be insured. Today, given order of magnitude of the population corpus and the technological means available, such loss is tantamount to species suicide.
Things are not posted here indiscriminately, no mere blogging. The material offered on the schizophrenia diagnoses of John Nash and Yayoi Kusama is of the utmost importance to issues involved in theory of m-logically-valued monetary units. Rather than first address this in terms of game theory, let's begin in historical march. Abel's discovery of m-valued variables -- beyond those merely of the two-valued case involving the positive and negative numbers associated with squares and square roots -- the fundamental mathematical notion underlying non-simple identity, took place in the mid-1820s. A decade later, the pestilential breath of blanket-delivered smallpox and other biological warfare agents was in midst of attaining final solution to the problem of animistic identity transparency, a particularly grievous form of non-simple identity, on the North American continent. By the 1850s, the Great Books of the East were being translated into European languages, the contents of which clearly indicating that the problem with animistic identity transparency (later called contagion, a substitution so filled with abusio the metonymy approaches catachresis in signifying, by displacement, the thing indicated by the means used to eradicate it) was far deeper and far more extensive than merely that encountered in North America, Thomas Hart Benton's land bridge to the Asiatic trade, means by which natural right and growth was to be fulfilled. Mirroring by psychological projection this realization was that particular deterioration of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm which came to be known as statistical mechanics, wherein the techniques of statistical analysis later employed in econometrics were initially worked out. Almost exactly 100 years following Abel's discovery, 1921, the year Hermann Rorschach introduced his projective psycho-diagnostic ink-blot test cards, m-valued logics belatedly appeared on the scene (those logics, I would note, Roger Penrose does not even deign to mention in The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe [Jonathan Cape, 2004]; indeed, he does not even have Logic as a heading in his index).
Pick up any basic text on statistics and it is seen that regression analysis and the involved normalization is the foundational technique of the discipline (be it considered an art or a science). What is regression analysis most basically? Regression, the means by which postulated correlations between variables are studied and characterized, is simply a way to remove from view m-valued variables and the m-logically-valued rules of relation prevailing between them. This is precisely what the ordinary least squares (OLS) method accomplishes. The act of squaring is one means by which normalization is brought about (thus removing even the two-valued case of m-valuation). Regression and normalization, of course, always follow upon the act of arriving at a primitive, and hopefully diagnostic, equation or equation set. Choice of the terms regression and normalization seem most especially psychologically apropos (whether psychiatry be considered an art or a science). I personally was first exposed to this at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV Headquarters, during the Viet Nam war. Statistical analysis, particularly the OLS technique, was extensively employed in developing enemy strength estimates (or substantiating the command position on such estimates) and in the HES, the Hamlet Evaluation System, one means by which progress in that part of the war most easily regarded injun cuntry was measured (or demonstrated at briefings). The uses to which statistics were put during that war motivated me to look more closely at the involved techniques.
Regression is a kind of guessing game conducted over independent and dependent variables whereby relative validity of theories can be evaluated or forecasts generated. Any case of regression upon joint observations of (x, y) values assumes single-valued variables, be the data sets cross-sectional, time series, or mixed across units into a panel (normalization often being used to straighten out the mixing of units): for every value of x there is a unique single value for y, and vice versa. Change the value of x and the value of y changes. Regression estimates, not multilateral relationships, but bilateral relations by controlling for other variables. Joint observations are graphically plotted in a scattered profusion or dusting of points between coordinates of the variables; an estimate of the type of co-variation exhibited is then made, the simplest case being linear, and described by the equation y = A + bxi + ei. The third term on the right-hand side of the equals sign represents the error or divergence between the value observed and the value as it would be indicated by the equation, this error indicating random disturbances influencing y, the dependent variable. The value of the constant, A, locates the line (representing the function connecting the variables) relative to the coordinates and the value of the constant, b, determines the slope of the line, which is a measure of the strength of the relationship between the variables, x and y. Regression is the summed series of squared guesses, i.e., errors, made in arriving at a progressively better fit in characterization of the co-variation of the involved variables. Fitting is largely accomplished by adjusting guesses as to the values of the constants, A and b, which is the means by which random disturbances are factored into the characterization of co-variation.
That the primary purpose of regression analysis is to remove from view multiple valuedness (of variables and logics) is most easily seen in the case of multivariate regression, wherein the addition of additional independent variables, (x1, , xk), helps separate out categories of what had more simply been treated as random disturbances factored into the characterization of co-variance by adjustment of the values of the constants. Without writing an essay on the OLS method, I will observe that in the linear case of multivariate regression the several independent variables, (x1, , xk), in the expanded equation, along with their coupled slopes, (b1, , bk), each are single-valued, as is the dependent variable, y. Multivariate regression, the texts on statistics labor to emphasize, is not an all-against-all n-body exercise, for, quoting an example, the coefficient b1 tells us the effect on y of a change in x1 when all other values of (x2, , xk) are held constant b1 is a measure of the 'pure' direct effect of x1, freed of the 'contaminating' influences of the other independent variables. Multiple regression exercises describe the relation between the dependent variable, y, and the entire set of independent variables in their pure, uncontaminated influences. What of the contaminating -- noise, not data, i.e., pathological random disturbances -- mutual effects of the multiple independent variables upon each other in affecting the dependent variable highlighted in the primitive diagnostic equation? The mutual dependency of independent variables is fudge-factor represented in the finally-arrived-at (by regression) values of the coefficients (the constants) -- or so it is maintained.
In going to the nonlinear case, where the involved function is a curve, not a line, the treatment is developed in such a fashion that the curve can be regarded a summed sequence of line segments -- which is a repetition of the above-illustrated principle of how purity (purified identity as opposed to mutually-affecting identity transparency) can be obtained free of contaminating influences (the whole scheme being a psychological projection of the notion of race prevailing at the time statistical mechanics emerged). But what if the errors summed are not errors to be summed, and the summing of independents against the dependent is really dependent-superposed-over-dependent all-in-(not-against)-all? This would, of course, involve a wave-function -- which is how linear statistical mechanics became linear quantum mechanics (errors interpreted relative to probabilities, so as to keep removed from view m-valued logics in cases where existence of m-valued variables can no longer be plausibly denied). Multi-valued logics were already on the scene when the Schrödinger wave-function was codified and consensually misinterpreted relative to probability amplitudes (this intentional misinterpretation, a little over a decade later, being most directly responsible for the obsession with purified identity playing itself out, via displacement, as holocaust of the Jews). The mutual dependency of independent variables (not fudge-factored merely as the regressively-arrived-at value of a coefficient) requires into existence multiple valuedness in variables -- each of the m-values stacked on a given independent variable representing the relative-state (mutual interactivity) between a given independent variable and another such independent variable.
Relativity physics emerged out of non-linear multivariate regression analysis no less surely than did quantum mechanics emerge out of linear regression analysis. In taking a curve as a summed sequence of line segments, what is depicted is change of slope over (b1, , bk). The set of these coefficients represents change of the pure, uncontaminated one-at-a-time coupling strength between each of the independent variables and the dependent variable as more and more independent variables are added -- as well as the contamination of mutual interactivity (group coupling) between independent variables which is responsible for generating time rates of change, the orders of involved nonlinearity representing time rates of time rates, and so on. It is because of the limit property -- convergence to a limiting value -- in the calculus of sums that Special Relativity (with its absolute limiting velocity or time rate of change) emerged from the non-linear multivariate regression analysis employed in statistical mechanics. The speed of light, under Special Relativity, is a coefficient, a constant, of course, the value of which fudge-factors the mutual interactivity, the relative-state, the pathological contamination, the random influences, the impurity, between multiple independent variables coupled to the dependent variable. Additional dimensions, degrees of freedom, alter none of the principles involved, only the complexity of calculations. Not so strange that in an age of resurgent racism there should be gathering controversy over the issue of superluminal velocities.
Actual quantization of the relativistic field would involve regarding the guesses, the errors, the probable states as actual relative-state multiple-values stacked on the mutual dependency of the multiple independent variables, as well as on the coefficients and universal constants. The multiple values thus stacked on the universal constants (which, of course, would no longer have constant value) would correspond to the discrete collection of m-logically-valued operators no longer removed from view. Pretext to purified identity, under this scheme, could no longer be maintained; the psychological projection and impetus to incumbent displacements (holocausts) would evaporate -- but this would require embracing m-logically-valued identity transparency and withdrawing diagnoses like those placed upon John Nash and Yayoi Kusama. Withdrawing the involved holocausting collective-transference projections would also necessitate replacing the prevailing nerded, Wired, USCed, Hollywoodized, cartooned, militarized, animed, cyberiated VRed, P2Ped, telepresenced, genetically-engineered, cyborgized and short-circuiting cognitively economized technological transhumanism with a Musculpted humanistic transtechnologism: innate human faculties like capacity for animistic (not anime) identity transparency, suppressed and hence regressed, are projected as properties of the technological regime envisioned and physically realized; the laws of nature discovered are those required by the collective projection (anthropic principle). If you think this is mere pleonasm, then what more can be said?
John Nash made his contribution to game theory under pressure of the teaching he submitted to as a result of accepting a scholarship. Like Alan Turing, he was forced to set aside serious matters so as not to neglect class material. This was accomplished by telling him he must discover something useful, i.e., politically correct to the academic-military-industrial complex (complex being a psychologically apt term). Having admirably fulfilled this demand, he eventually received a Nobel prize in reward. Whereas Turing committed suicide because he couldn't find a route back to his cognitive status quo ante, Nash was chemically convulsed because of his mind's insistence upon not letting go of consideration of politically incorrect issues such as those discussed above: voluntary dissociation being one critical state. Many such issues are involved in game theory, of course, but, in suppressing his creativity and the involved critical states so as to become politically correct, Nash, at considerable personal cost, fulfilled the demand placed upon him. Restrict the game to 1T2-logic and economic actors, agents, players (as opposed to participators) are DEFINED as absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct; which automatically rules out the quantum processes of spontaneous order associated with animistic identity transparency (i.e., relative-state) and thus necessitates into being prisoners' dilemmas, coordination problems, and credible trap-type Nash equilibria. It is not possible that Nash, no less than Turning or von Neumann, had not heard of m-valued logics and the existential dilemmas of Schrödinger's cat by the late-1940s. Order of logical-value chosen determines properties of identity invoked. Definitions of the properties of identity determine what is and what is not an externality. The prisoners' dilemma arises because the players fail to empathically internalize relative-states of the other players (which would involve voluntary dissociation). Failure to be internalized is the very definition of externality! The prisoner is in a dilemma simply by virtue of regarding herself an individual, and thus failing to internalize externalities (this failure being something the anima is less inclined to than is the animus). This is how the problem of the commons arises, with all its hairy-scary free-riders and so on. Failure to internalize is a failure to act in accordance with EPR entanglement by virtue of animistic identity transparency, failure to abide by the Bell inequalities verified by the Aspect experiments (one entangled particle always knows how the other will act: which might well be designated keiretsu behavior or Al Qaeda behavior). It must be remembered that all the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist experiments came after animistic identity transparency had been depotentiated/de-tribalized by the effects of massacre, slavery, colonialism, and Westernization.
The conditional rules Nash tacitly chose to work with were those of traditional 1T2-logic: no A is not-A; the case is either A or not-A: boundary-value stuff. The class of strategy profiles thus invoked imposes the property that no individual can do better by choosing an alternative strategy: the Nash equilibria predicate is contained in the tacitly-given (boundary conditions) postulate. No fuzzy agents, no graded responses. Fuzzy actors (participators) acting fuzzily cannot be entabled in the Matrix (to do so, one must use avant-garde synesthetic color-field, polytope-enformed, Kusama-quantum-dot, Rice Pereira layered-transparent transcendental-logic, holographically-Musculpted wave-functions as mathematical notation: Pereira was doing her work about the same time Nash was doing his). This is why game-theoretical market econometrics (cognitive or otherwise) cannot incorporate environmental issues, which are all cross-border related (the border between externalities and internalization): e.g., cross-border pollution, deforestation and water-rights problems. Identity incorporation (internalization of externality) is a matter of the expectation each holds about other: other-directedness from point of view of disjointed players; inner-directed self-referential reflexivity (the domain of m-valued logics) from point of view of whole-system function of identity-transparent participators. In game-theoretical econometrics (just like in contemporary consensus quantum-relativistic cosmology), a set of discrete players and a strategy profile are seen as recursively generating the game, rather than the game seen as decomposing a strategy profile under m-logically-valued-to-1T2-logical rules such that discrete players emerge as conditionals. Game theory posits, along with Church and Penrose, calculable recursive generation to subgame-perfect Nash equilibria (econometric equivalent to march of spontaneous symmetry breaking cosmological phase transitions); multiple-scenarios strategic planning, on the other hand, moves in the direction of positing involutive decomposition from incalculable Platonia. The driving forces of history, from which multiple-scenario logics are derived, are, of course, mere Newtonianisms, except insofar as simultaneous multiple states are thus invoked, each simultaneous subgame emanating from the key-decision-factor nodes forming the strategy-tree constituting the life-world of a quantum economy and its socius. Each order of logical-value on Platonia -- simultaneously given -- invokes a different subgame. These are all decomposed-superposed relative to the total multiple-scenario complement implicit in the primordial m-logically-valued scenario logic-set (collection of logical-operators parameterized in the multiple values stacked on any given universal constant): spontaneous quantal localization and fusion. The given subgame (operator-time invoked under a given order of logical-value) is a von Hayek time-shape (of, for example, total capital stocks, so important to the notion of economic growth) because the properties of identity thus imposed apply to discrete instants, no less than to discrete players and wholly-ownable (hence privitizable by virtue of being discretely distinguishable) properties, intellectual and otherwise. The way this total stack (of nonzero spontaneously localized/fused econometric Higgs field vacuum expectation values, the total stack self-referentially reflexive) is activated in an ensemble of quantum economies is by incorporation of externalities internalized through stacking a basket of externality-tagged m-logically-valued valences upon the involved presently-single-valued monetary bases traded in financial markets, used to pay wages and make purchases. In this case, identity transparency is not treated as expectations, as probability amplitudes. The players know! because the market is informed by the m-logically-valued monetary units moving through it. Being into the physics of immortality, one would have thought Frank Tipler could have gotten into this, but alas.
Okay, you don't get what I am driving at. Let me try another tack to the wind. What Nash did with his newspaper clippings and strings (or whatever it was the non-film-made Nash actually did) is exactly what Kusama does with her dots, her soft cut-out topologies, her phallic furniture -- only Nash did not put a frame around it and call it Mechanism of Meaning, like Arakawa and Gins. So, what then of the lost time and the hallucinated Persona overseeing the infant Anima who can't be real because she never changes, never grows up, is never integrated, never interred? Evermore interrupted. Think about the lost time, the fact that the ego complex has no memory of the periods when it is identified with the Anima, for instance: that interrupting girl. Anyone who has repeatedly, throughout life, subordinated the creative process to dictates of the concrete woman, she-who-must-be-believed, knows how dysrupting this can be. The wall is opaque, not transparent. Nash may not have had major episodes of lost time, as far as the psychiatric community is concerned, but consider those episodes nonetheless, however small they may have been regarded in Nash's case. Nash was a madman who thought he was Nash.
Fullness of time is in densification of immediate experience. That's what Gebser's concretion of time is: the present-centered moment more and evermore dense with meaningfulnesses, ontic significances, even if that experience must be Cubist-Tribal in nature by virtue of its multiple surround time views on the spatial object of perception. This obviously has to do with several factors: [1] cognitive load; [2] duration of the present moment; [3] baud rate of consciousness (related to a brain quantum-chemistry property -- minimum time for spontaneous localization -- that may not be localizable in the brain); and [4] term of short-term memory. The more dense with experience the present-centered moment is, the less possibility there is of awareness of time as passing, and the less possibility, therefore, there is of lost time. Passing-time is a leakage in temporal density; an extrusion; a loss in consciousness, not a loss of consciousness; an extrorse anther, a horn of the dilemma: the devil, perhaps. Passing time is lost time in the exact clinical psychiatric sense of that term -- dissociation of the personality -- but the psychiatric establishment does not understand this, assumes Newtonian absolute time, has no insight into how properties of quantum-relativistic variables, constants, and coefficients impinge upon the four factors mentioned above, and especially has no comprehension of how this impingement is responsible for the concretion of time as temporal operations on space, as temporal curl, autogenic brain discharge being act of quantum measurement.
Keep the River on Your Right, the river of time evermore on your right as you stroll into the densifying tribal jungle of the ever-present moment, counting meditative stress scansion in base feet, those feet which must be cleansed, washed, purified, O my Annabelle Ly; intoning amphibrach, antispast, bacchic, choriamb, cretic, and epitrite in durations nevermore, dear Knight. Hah! Drama, those Greek modes stolen from the even more ancient pentatonic attunement. So it was told of the old ways in rhythm entrainment. What idiot Alexandrine hexagram! With animistic medial caesura and feminine ending. Brain quantum-chemistry harmonic oscillators, indeed. M-Theory! And what, dear heart, you toroid twisting there into non-orientable climes, is the divine proportion of your elemental generators, the rhyme and reason of all the poetry in your infinite regress? Phi, phi, phi intoned the butter-tailed bird at the Temple of Remembrance for my Annabelle Ly: M-i-c-k-e-y M-o-u-s-e, subliminal programming all over again. This or that Spoken Word can be articulated according to any ordained scansion: wrenched accent. I am that I am me. Chromodynamics of the instant: Mau Thoi Gian (The Color of Time). No mere dead metaphor, this prosopopeia! A Rape of the [genetic] Lock?
As you get progressively more into this, you will more and evermore see that it, as consensually treated, is nothing greater than the Toward a General Theory of Process paper complexified -- absent tornadoes (or other immediacy-type physical processes -- thus outside the realms of proximate human experience), absent m-valued logics, absent operator-time (and thus not exactly a complete guide: people who offer complete guides to something inherently not completely guidable are engaged in one or another sort of other-directed cover up or self-deceit). Though the membranes (M-theory) of superstrings of strings (no mere rose lines, symmetry issues in hand) are built up of Riemann surfaces (just like in our conception of the m-logically-valued reference space) and these membranes curl into the very topologies we so long ago contemplated, this does not involve any more than one-dimensional PASSIVE passing linear-time (hence by no means temporal curl and three-fold imaginary operator-time, operating on three-dimensional ponderable space, let alone m-valued logics: absent these, in order to maintain integrity of the Cartesian-Newtonian politico-economic institutionalization of Judeo-Christiandom, it must be 10-dimensional, even 11-dimensional). So they currently entertain! for all the obvious despicable reasons. Once one grabs ahold of Ariadne's thread, none of this string stuff is hard to penetrate. Undergraduate mathematics, first semester theory of functions! String history (of a given string) as Riemann surface is simply a physical interpretation of the march of an m-valued function through the branch points (elementary particle X-mas tree effect) bridging the multiple-sheets of the Riemann surface (1850s, synchronistically signified by the hysteria of the Tristan Chords) -- these histories forming an interconnecting weave, i.e., the universal covering surface (of multiple Riemann surfaces: the membrane). The bridged Riemann-surface stack allowing m-valued identity to be treated as if it were tantamount to single-valued identity: thus, in quantum-gravity, carrying forward the probability-amplitude falsification of Schrödinger's m-logically-valued wave-function, that falsification most immediately and proximally responsible for tens of millions of premature deaths during the 20th century. Their great discoveries in physical theory are little beyond post-modernist creation of new terminology for old ideas! It is only for ego complex that these people, years later, take the risk of writing popular accounts which hazard exposing what is really going on with them (not with the physical world as they purport). This is why post-modernist deconstructionist discourse on physical theory is so uncanny: the theory and its deconstruction are psychologically compensatory shadow images! No room for literalistic, reductionistic, fundamentalism here. The sacred goddess, the eternal feminine, the Magdalene of M-Theory (androgynous Alexandrined pentacle, encircled 5-fold string theory plus supergravity: no mere muscle-bound Renaissance Vitruvian man) is no concrete woman, and has nevermore so been: the Sun Goddess -- Amaterasu, that interrupted Alexandrine, reflecting animistic Earth Mother in her rose-diadem mirror -- is pure abstraction, as Pupul Jayakar saw so clearly pictured floating in her Earthen Drum: the general properties of the birthing process exhibited in the naked nature of all natures, as well as their interment. No mere concrete woman, however revered. The carpenter's nails are driven into quark-symmetry-patterned Pythagorean cosmic sand: unsullied gematria of a Jesus never historical, a new testament to metanoia, change of mind in a sermon on mount analogue. Resurrection of ancient animism, of holographic identity transparency, of m-logically-valued quantum relative-state (i.e., her family, bloodline of the corpus constituting I-am-that-I-am, Prieuré de Sion): end time is literally the end of time, time as passing-time, as dissociative lost time: the next revolution in physics, to altogether under represent it in belittling fashion. Resurrection being a return to the pagan animism that once was, the return a self-eating circle, a short-term memory wheel: 0111010001.
Factors of the same equation: [1] cognitive load; [2] duration of the present moment; [3] baud rate of consciousness; [4] term of short-term memory. IF all the variables are single-valued and [1] is the dependent variable and [2], [3], and [4] are the independent variables, THEN, there being a simple if/then, there is no m-valued logics between them. Also THEN, there being any constants and coefficients between them, these constants and coefficients are single-valued, they have a unique, unchanging self-identical numerical value. Say Planck's minimum time, a universal constant, is a coefficient on values of the variables [2], [3], and [4] -- this constant being such a coefficient by virtue of, say, the fact that [3] is a monotonic function of the minimum time for spontaneous localization of free electrons in the electron gas enveloping nuclear neuronal DNA, spontaneous localization and fusion of such electrons playing major roles in radiation exchange processes of the genetic molecule in its neuronal placement. Planck's minimum time, being a constant and thus having a single definite value, [3], therefore, and hence [2], [4], and [1] must also have single definite values. But what if, as M-Theory's field theory of universal constants suggests, but, for obvious reasons, does not explore, the constant, Planck's minimum time, by virtue of the topological operations explicit in the relativistic factors impinging upon quantum mechanics, e.g., time slow down and contraction of space as the limiting velocity is approached, is not single-valued, but m-valued, and, in consequence, the if/then in the canonical equation suggested above is not simple, but m-logically-valued, which is to say self-referentially memory-wheel-like, toroidal number-wheel membranes spiraling inside of number-wheels according to some sort of divine proportion and numbered according to the Riemann prime-number distribution hypothesis by virtue of imaginary operator-time? What then? There would be m-baud-rates of consciousness, m-durations of the present moment, and m-terms for short-term memory, all setting cognitive load, the boundaries of which determine thresholds for dissociative loss of time. Densification of the time in the present-centered moment by Cubist-Tribal surround time animistic awareness would require voluntary dissociation, that is to say, conscious acknowledgement of the always-there nature of that dissociative identity-transparent quantum relative-state by attaining to simultaneous m-logically-valued awareness as a result of no longer succumbing to Mickey Mouse subliminal programming. As the Nash who thought he was Nash almost did.
Of course the sacred goddess gush is serious stuff of science! Personally, I see little evidence of a material world and can entertain nothing but laughter at the notion that Nature's most important phase transition took place at the end of the first 10-11th of a second at 1015 degrees of temperature. How can one imagine such ideas as anything but derivative of the processes of collective self-hypnosis? These numbers suggest magnitude of mass identification with linear-time and the lengths to which people are willing to go to sustain the identification: group sexual rites in the Temple of Science simply being the contemporary forms of very old ways: Magic Without Magic, sex without sex. This is addressed quite specifically in The Moon of Hoa Binh (Vol. 1, p. 870):
Well, the rejection of turn-of-the-century introspectionism destroyed the very thing that could have made possible a conceptual and psychological integration of the multivalue discovered in the quantum. Anglo-American utilitarianism, pragmatism, experimentalism and behaviorism destroyed whatever possibilities there were that individuals outside the physics community might creatively intervene to prevent what was happening from happening. Had Titchener's lead been systematically followed, particularly his thoughts on Einfuhlung-- He smiled conspiratorially at Ilse.
She returned the smile, spilling twinkles from eyes blue as glory-of-the-snow. Empathy, feeling-into, she translated. Reflections upon, best developed perhaps by Lotze in the 1850s: in his book MIKROKOSMOS.
Oops! Dere's dat word agin.
Like a foo-foo, she laughed in gulps, squibbing a ruction of pooh-poop-pops clacky as high-heels tictacing a foofaraw along cold empty corridors.
The 'Great Books of the East', recording the findings of introspective positivism, saw many translations from the 1850s. That (in conjunction with Lobatchewsky's shenanigans) was the real origin of the current crisis in Western civilization. It's all the fault of those Brit queers! (and Max Müller, of course) who went native, y'know. Brought those black books back from the colonies: Injaa, Chyn-her. Translated the smut! I tell you. This filth infected the minds of good people all across Europe. Those greasy, slicked-back ideas from India were the worst. Got people thinkin' wrong-headed; they started discoverin' all sorts of things no decent person would discover: Brownian motion, photoelectric effect, radioactive dEEcay. And the experiments they started doin'. My God! Any proper CITIZEN could see they were poroooonographic. Just think of the explicit indecency of the slit experiment. Is it any wonder the implications threaten to undermine the capitalist ethic? It's a mortal sin the way all those physicists allowed their voyeuristic tendencies to become fixated by this disgusting experiment. They examined it with magnifying glasses, I tell you!; just like in one of those Japanese striptease joints. From every conceivable angle! And don't try to tell me this Eastern trash isn't responsible; Schrödinger was a close student of Indian mysticism and look at the family crest Niels Bohr fashioned for himself: the central feature is that filthy female genital image, the Chinese tai chi symbol!
Ninnies flaring nostrils hirsute as fool's huckleberry, Ilse and Tadao snorted an Exmoor pony's snickers on being informed that the lop-eared Landrace pig is purebred.
The 'yellow peril' frenzy beginning in the 1880s was, of course, an exteriorization, a displacement of intrapsychic contents. By that time, subliminally, 'Asian modes of thought', which would later produce the quantum theory, had already begun to profoundly affect mathematics and the arts.
And more specifically about the role this goddess hysteria played in these scientific developments (Vol. 1, pp. 405-6):
Oh, so much table talk, Derek sighed. Enough on nymphs, sylphs, pygmies, and salamanders!
No, no! she almost screamed. This is very important. A kind of Kamizukeshiki, you might say: marriage to a god. What is sex with air sprites and invisible beings, if not a surge of animism, an explosion of cosmic empathy, a release of essential participation mystique, an exploration of identity transparency? It is a rising up in the psyche of something fundamental in nature that has been denied; it's a counterpoise to mass murder in war.
Are you telling me you have seduced 'The Watchers'? asked an incredulous Derek.
In total comprehension, I am I and not-I infinitely. Call that a seduction, if you will!
Derek, clearly in agony, moaned: O you contemporary Angele de la Barthe, disporting with I-fragments and kami-dust (dusii) like described in the Book of Splendor! O Ishtar, Lili, Lilith, put reins upon your insatiable lamia, contain your orgy-crave erotomania, collapse your wave-function to stop its branching! Spare us the many-worlds, that dread schizophrenic nihil. Withdraw your counterparts back into their domain of counterspace, O you satanic male-devouring Catharist anti-physicist! For the sake of men, for the persistence of Science, for the supremacy of binary logic, put your panties on! Keep Pandora's box covered, unopened, and the everyday world free from the clutter of quantal disorder! O the deformed transformed! My orison: Oh, oh make of me, dear lawful Themis, a hammer of witches, for I must do everything in my power to sustain the classical limit and the Copenhagen Interpretation, that Witch Bull of the 20th century!
She brought one hand up to her mouth in an attempt to suppress a flurry of brilliant giggles, glistery as scales beat out on a glockenspiel. He broke into uncontrolled laughter, his lips trembling like rubber bands, his nostrils as flared and pulsate as those of a gargoyle trying to breathe through a gas mask. Hairy-nosed as a wombat; long-nosed as a bandicoot; busy-tailed as a numbat.
There is no possibility of getting away from the blood trail left behind as M-Theory.
I am saying that the physicists are describing something as having happened in the past of linear-time that actually happens continuously before linear-time logically and ontologically is; they are attributing something that is a matter of logical and ontological precedence to the realm of linear temporal precedence, as if these were the same: conflation of logical, ontological, and temporal precedence. They do this because they cognitively start from atomism, from fragmented mindset and dissociated awareness, and proceed toward what they imagine will be unity. They do not admit what they truly know, and which was the central issue upon which Leibniz contended with Newton: the recursive step-by-step march of calculability the physicists trod is an infinite regress scripted into a linear-time march which cannot lead them to a limit state of unity. In rejecting the Axiom of Choice, they have consigned themselves to a self-created purgatory. This does not mean that the unity they seek is unattainable; it just is not attainable by recursion. What they are calling linear-time-past cosmological phase transitions (transpiring within 10-35th or 10-11th of a second after the big bang) are actually contemporaneous sheets, logically and ontologically stacked. Your question as to why I question the assumption that a big bang took place in time or as a start of time is a good one. The answer provided in Table 1 of the Appendix to the 1980 paper, Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement, still seems to be substantially correct. The relevant point argued in 1980, and earlier in the 1977 paper, Toward a General Theory of Process, is that time operates on space to generate form. This is not a simple notion, though here simply stated, and it is very different from prevailing views of contemporary consensus physicists. Rather then cognize by recursion, here, with time operates on space to generate form, we cognize by involutory decomposition: generation not by recursion, but by mathematical involutes. Cognizing by involutes is predicated upon the notion that nothing can be generated that does not always exist: no creation, no destruction. We can so cognize because of the holographic cosmological principle: the part contains all the information of the whole.
Time operates on space to generate form more elaborately stated: consciousness, in its pure, unsullied non-local universal active aspect, is the set of all topological operators on the m-logically-valued reference space, this space being pure, unsullied non-local universal consciousness in its passive aspect. Self-referential involutory decomposition of the transfinitely-indexed m-logically-valued reference space by topological operators is foremost a logical process and secondarily an ontological process. The topological operators are logical operators that generate ontological precedence relations, which, when further decomposed, generate temporal operators, the operations of which generate material form (changes of which give rise to the sense of linear-time). Elementary particles are nascent states of the material forms temporal operations generate. There are classes of temporal operations, non-linear and linear, which relate to the gauge characteristics and other symmetry properties of elementary particles, both those of force and matter. What the currently enculturated human mind experiences as passing linear-time and ponderable three-dimensional space does not exist logically or ontologically prior to all of the above, which have no existence in linear-time or ponderable space. Elementary particle interactions are part of the process by which spacetime is; they do not transpire in spacetime (though their interactions make impress thereupon).
Not only does time operate on space to generate form, but, under transfinitely m-orders of logical value, everything is nothing but changes is logically equivalent to nothing ever changes. This is, of course, synoptically speaking, speaking, that is, from point of view of the holographic whole in its logical and ontological fullness. Though elementary particles can be viewed as being created and destroyed over linear-time as if everything is nothing but changes, because of perfect composite CPT invariance (charge conjugation, parity, and time-reversal symmetry), synoptically speaking, nothing ever changes. All changes cancel out all changes: highest-order integration, highest-order conservation. Discrete forms are matters of logical circumscription and ontological forgetting. Phase transitions are matters of cosmological amnesia. Once Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function is interpreted in relation to propositional calculi with m-orders of logical-value -- logical-value understood, not as expression of truth-value, but of identity transparency -- as opposed to probability amplitudes, these sorts of perspectives become apparent. More deeply, beyond the beginning out there is in-here: but that body-mind Klein bottle has already been discussed as involved in the above-linked Table 1. What the physicists are actually doing is trying to work themselves back in linear-time to identity transparency, which would be that state a grand unification theory describes, temporally before symmetry-destroying cosmological phase transitions, wherein all types of particles, being but one identity, transparently trade, without disturbance, attributes held all in each. This transfigurative animistic state of identity transparency which the physicists hope to be able to offer, however, would be so hot and so short, who cares?
I knew from reading Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul over and over during 1963 that historical events are not orchestrated on the conscious level. So, if you despise the SOBs, their belief systems, aspirations, states of consciousness, social prescriptions, economic processes, political structures, enculturations, gross behavioral patterns, the best strategy is to act on the determinants of collective unconscious gradients. One of the best ways to do that is by not acting at all: simply identifying and passively observing those determinants is enough to alter them. Automatized functions -- collective or no -- cannot remain automatized if attention is reinvested to them. No communication is required, no effect on public opinion, no outward behavioral manifestation whatsoever is required.
When you have to report your case to the Worst Kind of Eve, look at the exemplifying subset of the class of all cases. What people CAN believe, what they CAN entertain is totally irrelevant as regards actual historical drivers. Economies of truth to complement economies of scale. Yep, on extended cognitive leave of absence, they were. Ah, the past's continuum, no bip-bop pinball bouncing off the pegs of Pascal's pachinko triangle, you can bet you bootstrapping on that! Ever since the East India Company's involvement with opium began, all drug cartels have been proprietaries: guvment by bad-cop/good-cop stinging of third-party deniables/stool pigeons/fall guys. One part of the guvment creates the circumstances without which the nefarious activities -- whatever they are: drugs, guns, sexploitation, environmental rape, black currency ops, labor rape -- could not transpire, while another part of the guvment hunts down, prosecutes, kills the third parties the guvment, itself, by one means or another, scammed into the nefarious activities by pandering to this and that cultivated weakness. Keystone Cops taken beyond the third degree into the n-dimensional: no CQC dagger team in days before E.E.'s blade; no techy boxcutter operators. This is the exemplifying subset which characterizes the essence in principle of every form of governance the human species has produced for thousands of years: countervailing FORCES under one name or another. For those interested, there is a virtually uncountable number of books documenting details -- books having no effect whatsoever, as the case just becomes worse and worse. But I can only smile when I am stigmatized as advocating anarchism. In order to dissipate the perceived threat, it must be named, put in a known category. But the stigmatizer does not know enough to have a known category for m-logically-valued monetary units: the closest he can get is anarchism. Not very close -- though it is correct to assume I do not believe in regulators. I advocate autopoiesis of a nested scale-relative subsystem-system-supersystem HIERARCHY, with holographic supraordination by virtue of the non-simple relative-state identity-transparency of the self-referential m-logically-valued properties of the self-reflexive elements composing the hierarchy of component processes. A rather strange form of anarchism, I say; even if you wouldn't say.
It is never so simple as that: information on basis of the need to know; there is also the need not to know. Exclusion by no need to know is concentrated to the lower echelons of the institutional hierarchy, while exclusion by the need not to know predominates at the upper echelons. Playout of this in relation to intelligence collection, counter-intelligence, oversight, police and military operations is easy to imagine. As regards its playout in terms of the import of historical factors upon policy making, there is very little insight. My attention became focused upon this as a result of early experiences: Ashiya, Japan at the end of the Korean War; a SAC base in Alaska immediately after the Gary Powers incident; American University's School of International Service and the Special Operations Research Office, Washington, D.C., 1963-5; six months of reading into the history of special operations at the JFK Center for Special Warfare Library, 1967, while assigned to Psychological Operations Group as an analyst keeping current intelligence and developing estimates of the Arab-Israeli conflict in run up to the Six Day War; Strategic Research and Analysis, J2/MACV-HQ, 1968. Consequences of the need not to know for micro-policy formulation and management are fairly well understood -- even for origins of macro-policies, like, for instance, the Containment Policy. Where my interest lay -- given my Jungian orientation to the collective unconscious in historiography -- was in the role played by the need not to know as regards tacit dimensions of meta-policy formulation. What tacitly informed Marx's rejection of Hegelian transcendentalism? for example. And how did this rejection tacitly inform communist policy formulation? as regards, say, collectivization of agriculture. Was this a parallel to some non-communist cognitive current -- or in compensatory abreaction? And how did this parallel/opposite tacitly affect policy formulation in the non/anti-communist world? On the meta-level to the concrete policy was collectivization of agriculture a form of anti-animism? If so, was this a tacit parallel to the meta-policy of monetizing subsistence agriculture so that small holdings could later be easily alienated in the economic development process viewed as functionally equivalent to forced-draft urbanization? Hard- and soft-utopian versions of the same tacitly informed meta-policy? The hard version is the more regressed version? The "more regressed" emerged out of explicit and vehement rejection of transcendental properties of existence? Was the vehemence tacitly (by conversion-disorder displacement) a Rabbinical reaction to Cabalistic modes of thought? I entertained many such questions as these in coming to my present understanding of the strategic role played by reactions to Abel's Impossibility Theorem demonstrating existence of mathematics transcendental to algebra in setting up horrors of the 20th century and those yet to come.
I am, indeed, aware that an academic career could be devoted to the evaluation of this idea. But it is just one idea! That’s why I am no academic. No single-idea or group-idea myopia is worth a lifetime. I returned to this idea momentarily at many junctures as it interfaced with other ideas, but I had no interest in demonstrating, proving, convincing, teaching, popularizing. So what? Why care? The purpose here is to dig deeper. All the rest Hundred-year, thousand-year, ten-thousand-year behavioral gradients, of which they have no conscious awareness, will carry their day; no determined forty-year academic, bureaucratic, professional, business, military career will affect these gradients one iota. No possibility of overcoming Existentialist absurdity there, in the career. As regards digging in relation to this idea, I knew, for instance, that anti-animism as regressed conversion-disorder displacement of the rejection/suppression of the import of the existence of trans-algebra plays itself out concretely, for instance, on the battlefield. I knew this from direct experience and from observing, listening to, talking with people who had far more experience than I. And I brought to this battlefield experience of mine -- such as it was -- a lot of study in Existentialism, and one of my two major writing efforts until then: a long paper entitled The Predicament of Existentialism. As therein essayed, by age nineteen I had reached the personal conclusion that the Big A's -- Alienation, Anomie, Absurdity -- are derivative of Existentialist separatism, which, as I understood, was no new idea to any Existentialist, practicing or otherwise. What I considered a new insight was the notion explored in the paper that "separatism" is a direct consequence of the foremost Existentialist premise, and, therefore, cannot be overcome -- cannot be transcended -- by any Existentialist. That premise is: Existence precedes essence. This is the exact opposite/retrograde of the basic premise of Platonism: Essence precedes existence. Yet, I knew from childhood experience in rural Japan that existence of animistic modes of consciousness/comprehension deny absolute validity to the Existentialist notion of separatism, and that, therefore, according to my thesis, the Existentialist premise cannot be correct. But I did not believe that jumping over to an unqualified embrace of the Platonic premise would be fully warranted, as I saw all sorts of problems with that, too. So, I chose to challenge the notion precedes. This led me into an awareness of the relevance of Gödel undecideability and Heisenberg uncertainty. From that, I knew I eventually would be looking more into the foundations of logic, the history of mathematics and physics. A decade later, I became aware of Lukasiewicz logics and Eric Temple Bell's insights into Abel's theorem on the quintic -- and their relevance to this idea. I had quit college at age twenty, in part, to gain direct immediate experience of what I had conceptualized by age nineteen (concepts are not to be evaluated merely by logical analysis, but by the total being, most deeply gut-wise, by predicating life upon them until they incorporate or are regurgitated) -- and I found that many, maybe even most, of my generation to enter Special Forces did so, to one degree of conscious awareness or another, in considerable measure explicitly to attempt to overcome, i.e., transcend, the most virulent pandemic of the modern age, the Big A's of alienation, anomie, and absurdity, as well as the sensual deadening and separatism associated therewith (all of these being normotic symptoms taken to be normative traits). The warlover's addiction to the adrenalin highs of combat is largely because these are the only occasions wherein he directly experiences a modicum of transcendence of the Big A's and their associated properties. Why is it that these are the only occasions? is an obvious question. In posing this query to the right people, I learned of a very select small group, members of which, during the Sixties, used the term high combat to distinguish a class of experiences more elaborate than those of adrenalin-high combat. Those who spoke from direct immediate experience of high combat were the surpassing talents, those whom others generally regarded as being in possession of sixth sense. When a number of these surpassing talents functioned together over a sufficient period as a small unit, say a half team, then high combat could emerge. Apparently, the Big A's and associated properties were most fully transcended on such occasions -- and adrenalin high was no part of it. Further insight came only with long reflection upon multiple-fragment wounds involving destruction of a testicle: prolonged high fever, episodic delirium, runaway WBC count, many of the symptoms of septicemia, finally diagnosed as FOUO, Fever OF Undetermined Origin for official use only. I knew all these documented physiologic changes to be solely the result of a supraordinate rage at circumstances of the wounding (gross incompetence of a field-grade officer). Contemplation of the phenomenologies associated with this wound eventually led to my contribution to the mathematical model of superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA and its indications regarding biological clocks (electron-temperature oscillation rates), immune signifiers (frequency response windows), mechanisms of psychoneuroimmunology, quantum properties of autogenic brain discharges, quantum-level processing of chronic stress, and so on. Which brought me back to the question about why combat and high combat are the only occasions for so many people in which the Big A's and Existentialist separatism are experientially overcome. Circumambulating this idea, around and around, conceptually, emotionally, experientially, deep in the gut. I knew by extension from childhood experience in rural Japan that Existentialist separatism is an artifact of cognitive programming: e.g., tacit belief in the premise that Existence precedes essence. How does adrenalin high dissipate, for a time, the ontic effects of this cognitive programming? What are the biochemical/neurohumoral aspects of the cognitive programming dissipated by adrenalin high? And what are the biochemical factors associated with high combat? I eventually came to understand that the glutamatergic neuronal etching accompanying prescriptive enculturation anchors the cognitive programming to the brain -- which the adrenalin high temporarily partially dissipates in combat and ketamine flood temporarily more fully dissipates during high combat. But chemical intervention, either by endogenous or exogenous means, because of the many aspects of habituation (deeply studied by John C. Lilly, M.D.), is no actual method for overcoming more than temporarily, more than partially, the Big A's and separatism. Nor does conceptual understanding of these processes and their relations to conversion, displacement, transference, projective-identification, introjection, and so on: conceptual understanding alone is of virtually no value at all. My continued circumambulation of this idea -- even as regards Marx's rejection of Hegelian centrism and, say, tacit origins of forced collectivization -- has to do with the fact that full-blown non-separatism, i.e., authentic animistic relative-state identity-transparency, is by definition not an individual occasion of experience -- likely not even an individual species occasion of experience -- and thus is denied as even possible by those with psychophysiologic capacity only for individual occasions of experience. I am also looking for further insight to emerge from discoveries as to autogenic-brain-discharge regulation of glutamate-ketamine metabolism vis-à-vis reception and processing -- by superconductant free-electron gas core of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA -- of environmental radiation, this reception and processing, and resultant neurological Bose-Einstein condensates, likely being deeply involved in the transcending of habituation to ketamine flood, and thus in sustaining animistic states of consciousness/comprehension dependent upon uninterrupted conscious registration of m-logically-valued relative-state identity-transparency.
By the time I had the opportunity to discuss this with John C. Lilly, M.D., he was already beyond his period of active creativity. But he did ask the right question, to which there has never been, and probably never will be, a correct answer: Who will fund it?. John Lilly went down the funding path he did for lack of a correct answer. Southern Air Transport. Navy SEALs. No American virgin, that island. Instead of high combat, humans learning dolphin-speak sonic-visioning Musculpt (rather than Gregory Bateson's program for a lady to teach dolphins English as a second language). The surpassing talents for this half team being drawn from the corpus of practitioners of this or that form of sacred dance (as inner work). Half team as human pod employing various types of biofeedback-enhanced and VRed stress-oriented dance training in preparation for sudden engagement with dolphin-speak sonic-visioning Musculpt. The hypothesis to be experimentally tested is that habituation to endogenous ketamine flood can be transcended only in an interspecies-communication collective-occasion-of-experience amplified stimulation of radiation received and processed by superconductant free-electron gas core of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA. I know this sort of ideation puts off consensus scientists! But if you look at conditions of the planet consensus science has produced, then maybe, just maybe, putting off its normotic adepts is not such a bad thing. They control the purse strings, but to what end? In lieu of war, in lieu of ever increasing entropy generation by need for unending economic growth simply to organize (uh, organize built-in obsolescence, disposable thisthat and theother), not only Moss' gift exchange, but Trobriand exchange of hau -- signifiers of relative-state identity-transparency -- by stirring of neurological Bose-Einstein condensates over cultivated interspecies syzygies. SEAL training for EscherFormDance, not for underwater demolitions (skinny as I am nowadays, I once haply passed all the tests for this training, but a Special Warfare Center levy bumped me haplessly off the list). Interspecies engagement not for planting of mines in harbors and on ship hulls, but for learning of sonic-visioning Musculpt so as to be able to consciously register m-level, q-bitic, phase-superposed, m-logically-valued, Lukasiewicz-quantum processing of Everett relative-states. Bushman's sound. Hottentot's click language. Ceylonese chant (and dance). Remnants of the lost capacity for interspecies communication by Musculpt universal grammar, this bee-dance loss being the actual origin of patriarchy, human warfare, and ever increasing anthropogenic entropy production. No Nipponaliac, don't talk to me about Tok/Kyo Zen gardens as wind-blown islands set in a vast sea of normotically-ponderable space. Hah! I was taught about rock-gestalt incantations set in coherent waves over multi-sheeted Buddhological space. Moon and Moss set against Sun and Steel: something a dead species walking might well consider.
It was plasma physicist Frank Oliphant (working for the Navy on a leak-proof plasma bottle for controlled nuclear fusion, and husband to Beverly Oliphant, M.D., personal physician to the Secretary of State and coauthor of one of my autogenic brain discharge papers) who, in 1979, first suggested to me that, if what our DNA papers says about production of coherent waves by superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA is correct, then the way in which these coherent waves rate-limit the cell membrane's active transport system very likely involves the DNA-generated coherent pulse-code burst stimulating quantum vortex formation in an intracellular Bose-Einstein condensate. In making this observation, Dr. Oliphant, the physicist, was well aware of the fact that our model of DNA as a superconductor was adapted from a mathematical description of double-helical feeder bands in tornado genesis -- as the two of us had discussed cascade theory of tornado genesis in detail and at length (a rather unique occurrence, actually). It was only later that I learned that Gilbert Ling's multilayered/multi-sheeted model of intracellular water, plasmahaut phase-boundary model of what is commonly regarded the cell membrane, and the role he attributes to unidirectional stirring in structuring intracellular water (which I immediately recognized as relevant to Dr. Oliphant's suggestion). Of course, since I believe the DNA-generated coherent waves are biological analogues to atmospheric acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, I find (even if Ling did not when the issue was raised to him) the formal self-similarity between Ling's multi-sheet model of intracellular water and Andrei Sakharov's multi-sheet model of the universe extremely suggestive concerning the likely various dimensions of the principle of scale-relativity (as it is called nowadays). I have also long entertained the notion that workable controlled nuclear fusion (hot or cold, in a tornado bottle or otherwise) will not actually be achieved absent incorporation of those likely various dimensions of full-blown scale-relativity and, I must add, quantum vortex formation by acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes. Indeed, this idea about nuclear fusion -- in relation to vaginal tornadic plasma bottles, lined with Bose-Einstein condensates, the walls of which are rippled by acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (something directly observed and reported in the mainstream literature for the first time a decade or so later) -- was discussed many times at Cornell's Bradfield Hall beginning in 1975. How, for Sun Goddess' sake! could nuclear fusion transpire absent relative-state identity-transparency, the essence of Lukasiewiczian animism? Not over Amaterasu's body! Discussed in private, of course; otherwise one would have risked being taken to science court by Carl Sagan under the charge of propagating pseudoscience. He had student spies everywhere, y'know. Watching pompous peecocks make great monkeyshines out of puissant molehills, whilst about them matters of moment transpire undetected and unsuspected Not surprising a Christian nation of anti-animists so quickly achieved dirty controlled atomic fission and in the subsequent half century has not accomplished clean controlled nuclear fusion. Thematically consistent, you might say. Now poised to construct globally thousands and thousands of dirty fission machines as yet one more anti-animistic gesture. Peehew! What lanced-cyst psychopathology.
Friends and neighbors, firm and company, groups Pompidou and Trevi, signatories to the Treaty of Rome, would I throw more Red Mercury at you? Look at the early history of Meta -- meta-this, meta-that -- as portrayed in the newspapers. During the 1960s, Meta was primarily engaged with the West's international fronts: International Student Conference, Fund for International Student Cooperation. Ask yourself, in all honesty, where AIESEC fit into that. Was I wrong in 1963 to think that Douglas Dillon's personal engagement with our AIESEC-Whorton proposal, and my too-easy success at getting it funded by a foundation, was clear indication this proposal was not actually our proposal? By the time I sat in Secretary of the Treasury Dillon's office in early fall of 1963 (before the assassination of JFK) I was already working over precursor ideas to the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units. It was in this general time frame that the French unsuccessfully floated the idea of a composite reserve unit in lieu of Special Drawing Rights, and though I was not aware of it, had I been so, I would, even then, have immediately known that use of the word composite was as a misnomer, such reserve units being neither structurally nor functionally system-composites of a process self-organizing according to quantum principles. So, my backing away from AIESEC during 1964 because of the strong suspicion of intelligence suborning -- if it turns out that there is, indeed, something to the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units, and their utility vis-à-vis, say, climate-shift dynamics -- could be considered a matter of some note. There are myriad ways in which a society loses access to what it most needs.
Operative, operator whatever. Never been there; never done that. Tradecraft techno-child play, no interest to a spiritualistic Luddite. Trans-epinephrine. Ever had epinephrine-benedryl IV, intracardially? I've both. Schussbooming the aorta, far worse than IV ozone's heart-math passage, I surmise. Intracardially, full into anaphylactic shock from hundreds of yellow jacket stings. IV, later, for one yellow jacket sting inside of the throat: no can breathe. The bee inside a Coke can on a hot day of shovel work. Epinephrine = adrenalin. The sledgehammer rush, IV; the lift out of this world, intracardially: experiential references relative to fear infusions of endogenous adrenalin. Not exactly emotional lidocaine or a psychological saddle block -- though there are some similarities. No schizophrene indulging schadenfreude. Interior distance. Time changes. Body alienation. A touch of non-simple identity. Intermolecular-electron-transport-induced transport, it might be said. Beyond the oxygen pump, heart-pace race, bellows breath, stove stomach, glucose glut, omega 6's and 3's, spring-loaded jitters of fright-fight-flight abrupt action. Extreme whatever. No second wind: second biochemical; maybe even second biochemical in second sound. SCHUsssssssboomer! Bushman's sound echoing brain's resonance cavities, the superheterodyne tank at terminus of its neurons' feeder-band frequency funnel. Second sound at the tip of this funnel is what lies beyond habituation to epinephrine = adrenalin high: superconductant free-electron gas core of intraneuronal DNA calling forth Shakespeare's Dark Lady, Anima For All Seasons, ketamine flood and accompanying Musculpt, allegretto scherzando. Leap for joy! Turangalila Hottentot's Frog Symphony. Operator-time in walking meditation far more effective than the Delta operator's tradecraft technomastery. They over-select for high mesomorphs, you know. Big strategic error, that -- about which, very early on, they were warned Well, whatever But this puts Canon in sufficient perspective to be assured the human species has systematically rid itself of the requisite cognitive capacity even to comprehend its present circumstance: m-logical values collapsed down to two.
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