Look, I tried to interact with Charles Musés about this during the late-'70s. Musés' work in hypernumber arithmetics was relevant to the counterspace and counter-temporal operations required to adequately approach the measurement problem. Leaving aside dimensions of observer-state, I knew that hypernumbers beyond Hamilton's quaternions were required, likely 8-tuples, and likely also Grassmann algebras. This much was written into MOON. But I didn't have the technical knowledge to bring it together; still don't. Moreover, the process of going from what's in my head -- i.e., inner Musculpt -- to written mathematical notation is not only something I don't really believe in, I think it is altogether the wrong way to go, if m-valued logics are involved, as I believe them to be. The mathematical notation should be holographically-projected and musically-synthesized exterior Musculpt. The involved non-commutative algebra I envisioned to be octonionic, but not the quaternion double given by Cayley; at least not as far as I could determine. The number 1 would not be a dimension of the octonion. And this would have to be generalized through n-dimensional Clifford-algebra rotations and on through Grassmann algebras. The unary multiplicative identity element, 1, would be no dimension of the 8-tuple because temporal curl is an aspect of the rotational complement: the higher-dimensional axis of rotation would always involve an imaginary temporal component (rotation about time, not only about space); therefore, no rotation could ever be an identity operation. So, absent the commutative law of multiplication and the multiplicative identity element, no return to original state; no selfsame simple-identity except under solipsistic self-canceling nilpotency: there is only one real-I. Would there be rotation back to original state under operator-time? If so, under what order of temporal operation? In quantum mechanics, functions of time, t, exhibit positive and negative frequency splitting which plots as a periodic function -- arbitrarily, to my mind, regarded as linear and unidirectional. The frequency split in question here I do not regard as time-forward and time-backward; I regard it as positive and negative temporal curl, rotation about the temporal component of the higher dimensional axis. This, in the lth-case, I believe, the Rg Veda referred to as the Asvin pair of the one-wheeled car and in the lth, mth, nth-case as the three-wheeled car supported by three pillars (as translated by Antonio T. de Nicolas and explicated by Ernest G. McClain in The Myth of Invariance, Nicolas Hays, 1976). If time, t, is imaginary and includes nonlinearity, then our octonion is: {[k, j, i] zero || infinity [n, m, l]}. Zero and infinity are operators initializing spatial curl and temporal curl, respectively. The octonion is read from the central bridge to the periphery, the periphery to the center. Algebraic ring without simple-identity, n, m, l being time-like Clifford operators (3-fold operator-time). Instead of a 2n dimensional algebra over the reals, there would be a 2mn dimensional algebra, m indicating value-order of logical operation on the algebra producing the arithmetic operation representing the rotation. The spin-space of the Dirac spinor would then be 2mn/2 dimensional, even n; and 2(mn-1)/2 dimensional, odd n. With the added feature that the values of m are likely involved with the Riemann zeta function, per Alexander Karpenko's demonstration of functionals across m-valued logics and prime numbers. Explorations of this would lead to numbered Gödel numbers, Regge lattices of such numbered numbers stacked on points, and so on. Actual origin of physical fields. The algebraic ring would be more and more stripped down at higher and higher orders. In the limit, stripped to the asymmetry of non-self-identical numbers. On the Large Glass, the Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even. Sophia, on the ground uncreated. Of course, probability amplitude would then no longer be a part of the Dirac world-picture, as this amplitude would be replaced by order of logical-value. I do not have the capacity to follow this out in any detail, but I suspect that incorporation of m-orders of logical-value into dimensionality of the algebra may involve a self-canceling nilpotent pairing factor in structuralization of the representation space (n-dimensional phase space under m-valued logics) such that certain classes of divergence vanish at some critical small value of m. I also suspect that this critical value of m marks the level of decomposition whereupon logical operators take on linear-time-like properties and the space operated upon assumes ponderability: body as learned behavior. Universe as a READYMADE: anthropic principle as reincarnation of the ADAMic principle (explicated, for instance, in Swedenborg's First Principles of Natural Things). I further suspect not so small critical values of m are associated with less ponderable phase transitions and vanishing of other classes of divergence: soul-ar apogee as unlearning learned behavior. Exponentiation unto nirvanic self-cancellation. Body and soul in al-jabr. Nilpotency was a central feature of J. G. Bennett's notion of diversely identical skew-cubes, more generally what might be called the diversely identical and what I have used the term animistic identity transparency to indicate: entangled non-simple identity, the Most Ancient Church. Personification, however, is best left aside: the unspeakable Word as Musculpt; always seeing the universal in each particular, the infinite in every last finite. The Eulerian definition of mathematical function is the "Doctrine of Correspondences" is the foundation of Chinese/Tibetan medicine. In spaces without metric, the Grassmann basis elements would indicate the skew-parallels which underlie Heisenberg's uncertainty relation, orders of collections of skew-parallels being what Bennett called pencils of skew-parallels, while wedge products of pencils would constitute bundles. The graded algebra is double-stacked because each pencil type corresponds to an order of m-valued logics: hence Heisenberg uncertainty from perspective of only 1T2 logic. But in this case, there are temporal skew-basis elements, not only spatial skew-basis elements among the skew-parallels gathered to the pencil like a Shinto rope. From certain logic perspectives, pregeometry at high values of m, this pencil can itself be a higher dimensional axis of rotation, just as can a bundle of pencils. I believe, particularly on foundation of the reductive phenomenology occasioning my own personal experience at walking meditation, that observation of superposed Husserlian horizons of a macroscopic object in the visual field and the experimental findings of optical physicist Rudolf K. Luneburg provide considerable empirical support for these notions. At walking meditation, one simply walks into n-dimensional projective space, where the various parametric properties of the space, and relations in the space, are handled across the full array of perceptual, proprioceptive, emotive, and feeling-toned cognitive dimensions -- not just visually. Prolonged practice of autosensory, autocognitive, and autoemotional observation is usually required for sustained voluntary ingress upon projective space: generalized deautomatization, mirror-mode transit, and occultation precede entrance. Also, differential relaxation of the extraocular muscles to very near zero action-potential where the minute residual oscillations of the eyeballs cease: this only transpires with practiced, voluntary, controlled apnea. Residual tension patterns in the extraocular muscles are the primary facilitators of roof-brain chatter. Each Ali Baba must utter the right password. A bird lifts off a branch and flies away from the Temple of Remembrance, and, to one psychologically IN projective geometry of the event, it FEELS like the whole structure -- not only local structure -- of projective space is utterly transformed. Parallel distance alleys that are skew; horopter curves employed for parallel vector transport: both involved in the phenomenology of so-called derealization and dissociation. Tunnel vision; Plexiglas wall; echo in auditory hallucination by cross-modal translation of sensory dimensions. Even loss of [linear] time while placing awareness in relatively identity-transparent parallel transport and temporal nonlinearity: invoking the internal horologist. Pilot fixation syndrome in walking meditation: cognitive overload, time dilation, and spatial collapse as critical values of m are closely approached. When something like We can produce by removing by adding by is stated in a mathematical discourse, this statement indicates a logical operation initiating a topological transformation. The logical operation and its graded order (not only its sequential syllogistic logical march) have to appear in description of the transformation, otherwise the description is incomplete and misleading. The seed idea behind the notion of operator-time, to my way of thinking, is that logical operations at critical values of m take on the corresponding nonlinear and linear time-like properties embedded in the type of syllogistic defined by the given order of logical-value. It is in decomposition under m-orders of logical-value that symmetries demerge from the totally asymmetrical identity-transparent transfinite m-logically-valued n-dimensional reference space. Trouble is, the Western tradition of atomism builds up rather than builds down. It is necessary to teleologically build down from the infinitude of preceding cause and then to ENTER the fact that builds-up/builds-down is nilpotently self-canceling: ALL and EVERYTHING is conserved (at appropriate orders of logical-value). Mathematical notation as exterior Musculpt is impossible without these recognitions. In the early-'70s studying music composition, I was urged to commit myself to a career, focusing upon the twelve-tone method. But I saw meta-music as analogical embodiment of Weltbilt had no future independent of exterior Musculpt; like quantum-relativity physics, dodecaphonic music was the end of something old, not the beginning of something new. Majoring in electronic music composition and holography as mathematical notation in the early-'70s. Who would have permitted that? Where is the major offered today, thirty-five years later? This course of study could not be offered to the public without a tank farm: biofeedback-equipped isolation/flotation tanks within which to practice exteriorization of interior Musculpt.
Truly, it's all very much been about protecting a certain way of doing business, not so different from overcoming cultural barriers to trade with a structural impediments initiative. There is no separating attempts to create a functional post-Bretton-Woods monetary system based on quantum principles of self-organization from the task of arriving at an authentic account of quantum-gravity: in many respects, if not all, the two are indistinguishable. No theory of quantum-gravity should be developed independent from its monetary theory analogical model. Newton was Master of the Mint; Leibniz developed ideas for a new economic order in Europe and promoted the notion of a new European currency. And, by immediate extension, neither of these two bodies of theory should be developed independent of their art music and plastic art analogues in Musculpt as mathematical notation. The clothes we wear, the buildings we enter should be frozen instances of the shape-changes explicated in these theories as portrayed in their media. There should be no distinction between the notation and the theory! Meaning is not in reduction to use (singular); in so far as the plastic metaphor is reductive, it is irrelevant, denaturing, dehumanizing, indicative of oncoming mass suicide. Doctrine of Uses (plural) is graded: discrete/smooth, as zero to infinity and return. The clothes we wear, the buildings we enter as tools of conviviality: density of resultant cosmological metareference catalyzes quantal self-organization by providing constant reminders of identity transparency and thus minimizes the need for coercion in maintenance of consensual processes. Kronecker, who was what we today would call Cantor's Ph.D. preceptor, was not only an academic mathematician but also a very successful businessman with a master-of-the-universe mindset. The preceptor-candidate transference dynamics played out between K and C were straight off the psychiatric couch. Cantor barely survived consequences thereof sufficiently to continue his work. The massive autogenic abreactions he had took the form of seizures similar to those earlier undergone by Swedenborg; the main difference was that Cantor did not engage in processes of personification to anything like the same degree Swedenborg did. Academic institutional form is sublimated mass violence, stylization of existential assassination: simply agreeing to walk down halls of academy is to embrace a role attribution in SM styled as near-lethal language game. How could anything healthy possibly issue from it? So, no, I don't think I have attributed too much significance to George Soros' interpretation of self-referential propositions. Let me try to unpack it for you. William Blake's famous depiction of a squatting Newton-God holding a compass over the cosmos to me summarizes it brilliantly. Kathleen Raine's studies are important here (Blake and Tradition, Princeton U. Press, 1968). All pressing contemporary dilemmas are explicitly at issue in Newton's fluxions. Sums and their derivatives. Accepting the notion of a limit in the calculus absolutely KILLS the natural world, transforms it into an object of exploitation. Truncating divergence, by calling it a limit, scales and filters natural Nature. Recognition of divergence as indication of order-of-logical-value transition preserves natural Nature. Nature unmolested. Nature not reduced to human use, but Nature as transfinite composite of higher uses. Leibniz introduced the dx notation for the truncated infinitesimal quantity. Not a surprising manner of thought for the man who would later supervise the mines of the Upper Harz Mountains. It, quite literally, took a gran mal seizure for Swedenborg to extricate himself from this manner of thought. And Cantor, too, underwent seizures in order to extricate himself from the prevailing mode of thought imposed upon him. That mode is exemplified in the Kronecker delta which emerged out of a generalization of dx under Elie Cartan's exterior calculus of differential forms and is related to the p-q arm-and-leg valence of tensors. I say Soros did the same thing Kronecker did for the exact same reasons: hide from and conceal the case. Soros, by interpreting self-reference as indication of what cannot be known, hid from and concealed import of m-valued logics (with their implications for monetary theory); Kronecker greatly facilitated the process of hiding and concealing initiated with fluxion and dx -- concealing, that is, limitations of Aristotelian-Baconian logic revealed by divergence. As is appropriate to black propaganda, the limitations concealed were concealed by what was designated a limit. Remove the Gaussian metric, enter the hypernumber spheres of Grassmann, conduct calculus on n-dimensional manifolds with Tullio Levi-Civita and Killing vectors and the time explicit in dx becomes convertible with the space explicit in n-dimensional manifold. Density of p-forms is not spatial; it is a (non-linear) temporal density! And this density is explicit in the very definition of mass, that mass which is a topological warping and involved in mass-energy conversion, which is a lower-order form of space-time conversion. Human brain cannot process this notion without undergoing gran mal seizure at autogenic abreaction. Why? Because neuronal capacity to process m-logically-valued propositions has been etched by enculturation and is presently being exponentially etched by interface with digital computers. Arms and legs of tensor, built as they are on the dx truncation, conceal the fact that tensor valence is correlated to order of logical value. Moreover, as order of logical value increases, time-like fibers of the bundle of skew-parallel valences increasingly outnumber space-like fibers such that, in the transfinite case, the n-dimensional axis of rotation -- a general p-form -- becomes altogether time-like. Why would that be? Because this is looking at it in the wrong ontological direction. Compaction is confusing because it is a means for hiding actual import of m-logically-valued identity. The real numbers may be completely symmetric, but, if so, only under a 1T2 logic. As the order of logical-value increases, selfsameness of real numbers fades, and along with it the symmetries. Dumping self-evident axioms is not the only way to remove symmetry. Vectors were created/discovered before (in linear-time reference) covectors; yet, in formalized treatment, the vector is defined from the covector. This means that, formally speaking, the n-dimensional manifold is built down, not up. To be in the form of Nature is to be in Nature; just as, with Swedenborg, to be in the form of Heaven is to be in Heaven. The before implicit in built down is logical and ontological, not linear-temporal. Same with regard to the real numbers. Linear-time and real whole-integer dimensional space demerges as real numbers ontologically achieve selfsameness under logical operators responsible for the involutory decomposition. Each number is infinite until decomposed to its last selfsame finite. Only a linear-time-bound mind employing only a 1T2 logic would imagine otherwise, otherwise being an inversion of Nature's case. The m-logically-valued logical operators of pregeometry become non-linear orders of operator-time as the order of m decreases to critical values; these temporal operators convert n-dimensional space to linear-time and ponderable space at a lower-order critical value of m. The Kronecker delta and associated matrix algebras conceal all this, which is one reason why the Heisenberg-Copenhagen orientation to Nature didn't sit well with Tantric Schrödinger. Internal dimensions on a point are one way to cloak m-orders of logical value in the basket of a Calabi-Yau public persona; stacking numbered Gödel numbers on the same point is one way to let its light shine, shine, shine. Catch you at the Sunwise Turn if I miss you at Samuel Weiser's.
I know something about a lot of things, a lot about nothing, and not much about any one thing. Early on, this was the path chosen. In the modern world such a repertoire is no recipe for becoming a good provider. It also means that one can have a wide range of sophisticated opinions and little ability to do: doing in such circumstances always involves dependence upon specialists who do not know what one is talking about because they are specialized in their specialties and one is specialized in connections between specialties -- such connections being non-existent within any specialty. So, I have to disagree. Nothing gets done with this stuff, not because it is over the head of most people, but because it's a hole in the head, passes through lacuna-on-the-brain. Civilization-wide systemic breakdown and biospheric consequences thereof are not primarily because of failures in any particular discipline, but due to the abysmal connectivity state of the knowledge base resulting from magnitude of the generalized failure in quality of perception and proprioception.
As has here been said over and over, the real root of so many contemporary problems is psychological attachment, most critically by mathematicians and physicists, to Aristotle's 1T2 syllogistic. Among much else, this attachment dictates no possible actual solution to the continuous-versus-discrete incompatibility fundamental to distinctions between general relativity and quantum mechanics. The history of mathematics and physics has been a history of flipping from pole to pole in attempts to get rid of one or the other property. Now discrete, now continuous dominates this Zeitgeist and then that Zeitgeist. The best book on this subject is mathematician Eric Temple Bell's The Search for Truth (N.Y.: Reynal and Hitchcock, 1934: not now to be found in many libraries; long out of print but available through book search services into the mid-'70s). Why this attachment with its pole to pole flip-flop has remained the case from Greek times until the present in main currents of Western thought is because the only cosmology sought has been that which confirms ordinary psychological experience of the mainstream of the population corpus. To those who experience ordinary cognition only, anything non-ordinary is utterly terrifying. That which is terrifying has been banned by the corporate censor dictating rules of the game of cosmology. Any discovery the collectivity has been unable to sufficiently suppress for an adequate duration, and has thus become undeniable, brings forth rule changes that restore the properties of ordinary cognition to dominant position: thus has the anthropic principle operated on cosmogony in history of the West. Unlike Derek Dillon in MOON, who, as a freshman, challenged the notion precedes in the opposing foundational assumptions of introverted ectomorphic Platonism and extroverted mesomorphic Existentialism -- that is, respectively, essence precedes existence and existence precedes essence -- no main current has contested the notion that there is a distinction to be drawn between the continuous and the discrete. Utility of precedes and that of the distinction between continuous and discrete both rely upon validity of the idea designated as logical contradiction. Challenge the law of non-contradiction in Aristotle's 1T2 syllogistic and the notions precedes and distinction are likewise challenged. Unmolested m-valued logics challenge validity, not only of the law of distributed middle, but also of the very idea of the possibility of logical contradiction by elaborating presence of multiple orders of the very idea of what identity qua identity can be (i.e., what I have called identity transparency). Moon's Derek Dillon was a 7-7-5 temperamental and physical type (ectomorphic-mesomorphic-endomorphic components), which placed his identity versification dead center of the hokku-haikai cosmological metaphor, indicating why he could not possibly have become a specialist and why he would inevitably have challenged what is common to Platonism and Existentialism, while simultaneously demonstrating that each and every identity has its own unique ratio of the full spectrum of type complements: no identity can ever be purified, to the dismay of those totalitarians and saviors from genetic disease among us. Temperamental and psychological types may be involved in establishing preferences relative to GUTs.
Examples of the ways in which challenges to the notion of identity qua identity entertained in Aristotle's 1T2 syllogistic have been dealt with are rife. Speaking of complex powers (complex numbers squared, cubed, et cetera), Roger Penrose says (The Road to Reality, Jonathan Cape, 2004, pp. 96-7):
We can achieve such a thing [defining powers of complex number expressions] by writing
wz = ez log w
But we note that, because of the ambiguity [ambiguity being the term employed to designate challenge to validity or universality of 1T2 identity] in log w, we can add any integer multiple of 2pi to log w to obtain another allowable answer. This means that we can multiply or divide any particular choice of wz by ez 2pi any number of times and we still get an allowable wz [i.e., wz is an m-valued variable]. It is amusing to see the configuration of points in the complex plane that this gives in the general case The points lie at the intersections of two equiangular spirals [i.e., logarithmic spirals]
This ambiguity leads us into all sorts of problems if we are not careful. The best way of avoiding these problems appears to be to adopt the rule that the notation wz is used only when a particular choice [emphasis in original] of log w has been specified [emphasis in original]. (In the special case of ez, the tacit convention is always to take the particular choice of log e = 1. Then the standard notation ez is consistent with our more general wz.) Once this choice of log w is specified, then wz is unambiguously defined for all values of z [i.e., the m-valuedness of the m-valued variable wz has been removed from view].
What I have to say about this can only be attributed to myself; no one else is culpable for the absurdity of my expressed opinion (though others may have been thinking similar thoughts without my being aware of it). This particular choice explicated by Penrose, this specification which transforms an m-valued variable into a single-valued variable has its analogue in dynamical meteorology. The amusing configuration of points at the intersections of two logarithmic spirals is a plane view of the configuration of points in tornado genesis where onset of divergence transpires and temporal curl effects a twist onto an imaginary dimension. In modeling efforts when scaling is used to remove from view the m-valuedness of critical variables, this conceals the cascade dynamic responsible for severe storm onset no less than it conceals the vertical propagation of coherent high-energy burst incumbent upon temporal curl. The existence of operator-time is hidden in the act of choice that removes multiple valuedness. It is not the case that winding around the origin affects nothing; it affects everything! Immediately following the above quoted discussion, Penrose points out the strange fact that all values of ii are real numbers. In energy-momentum cascade leading to tornado genesis there is repetitive twisting into and out of imaginary dimensions at temporal curl, a kind of oscillation between coherence and decoherence. Far enough into the imaginary dimension, signified by ii, and the process is returned to real dimensions? These issues seem to me very important to many unresolved contemporary problems.
Penrose further points out (pp. 112-3) that the Eulerian notion of a function as correspondence is in the factorial form of ez employed above, that is, the exponential function: f (z) = ez.
ez = 1 + z/1! + z2/2! + z3/3! +
According to the Eulerian notion, orders of differentiability of a function are in the factorial form of this power series expansion involving the nth roots of unity, i.e., the m-valuedness displayed in the unit circle on the complex plane.
a0 = f (0), a1 = f '(0)/1!, a2 = f ''(0)/2!, a3 = f '''(0)/3!,
What this illustrates is that the correspondence which is essential to the very notion of a function is resident in the exponentiation of the power series generating the nth roots of unity, i.e., the m-valuedness of the identity qua identity described by the function. To choose to make a particular choice to specify absence of the m-valuedness is to reject the very notion of function. The point I have been arguing is that the very idea of identity qua identity resident in the very notion of functional correspondence cannot be adequately appreciated without employment of m-valued logics to evaluate import of the m-valuedness resident in the nth roots of unity. Aristotle's 1T2 syllogistic is not enough. As Penrose observes (p. 98), for a given n, the nth roots of unity constitute what is called a finite multiplicative group Considering all such n, I might add, there are n finite multiplicative groups.
One approach to GUTs is to make the point particle a string, thus introducing a quotient of the continuous. Another approach is to make smooth, continuous spacetime lumpy in the very small, thus introducing a quotient of the discrete. This latter approach, according to Penrose's account (p. 958), may in some way involve finite fields (the word field being used here in the sense of algebra, not in the sense of vector field or electromagnetic field). Finite algebraic fields have properties in common with finite multiplicative groups like that associated with the nth roots of unity. This approach to GUTs has been undertaken because the continuity of spacetime, as traditionally conceived, is related to the continuous transfinite nature of the real number system. If the role of the real numbers in delineating spacetime could be replaced by some combinatorial procedure involving finite fields, this would ease the difficulties of unifying relativity theory and quantum mechanics, as finite fields already play a small role in elementary particle physics. The number of integers is reduced from that of the reals into p-equivalency classes under the finite field, where p indicates some extremely large prime number. As Penrose points out (p. 358), though there is a finite number of equivalency classes, these classes are themselves composed of infinite sets of integers. As he concludes on the same page: Thus, we have appealed to the infinite in order to define the quantities that constitute our finite number system! The exclamation point is there, in my judgment, to emphasize just how Cabalistic a conclusion this is, just the kind of Cabalism needed to overcome the distinction between the continuous and the discrete. Other classes of finite fields employ some power of a prime, pm.
Now, the m exponentiating this p is of the utmost importance to Gödel's incompleteness theorem, which was demonstrated under, I repeat, under Aristotle's 1T2 syllogistic; important because the proof of that theorem was dependent upon use of Gödel numbers, which are products of successive primes raised to appropriate powers, the appropriate m, that is. Derek's notion, explicated in MOON, of numbering Gödel numbers to tag interstices of an m-logically-valued reference space (Hilbert space under m-valued logics) is simply to exponentiate this m to the mth case -- remembering, of course, that any pm raised to the mth power (double exponentiation) constitutes not only a number but also a proposition of logical-value order m, order, that is, of orders over and above the order of Aristotle's 1T2 syllogistic. Incompleteness, therefore, given the realm of logical consideration Gödel restricted himself to, is a forgone conclusion. Now, it is notable that the finite multiplicative group associated with the nth roots of unity is mapped on an n-gon upon the complex plane where edge interface angles at vertices constitute measures of rotational phase angle, this phase angle in our interpretation representing degrees of first order temporal curl, i.e., first order imaginary time. Were this generalized to polytopes of the m-logically-valued reference space, powers of the functions along the bones (edges as the strings of string theory) of the incumbent n-dimensional Regge calculus (not merely 4-D as treated by Tulio Regge) would be involved in representing degrees of temporal curl in several orders, while the numbered Gödel numbers stacked on the vertices would represent m-logically-valued propositions. Unpacking such numbered numbers stacked on such points by involutory decomposition under 3-fold complex imaginary operator-time would yield elementary particle interactions of various identity classes as curvature transformations of ponderable spacetime at critical small values of m.
It's hard to imagine a worse fashion in which events could have transpired. The drift factor has long been ominous. Decades caught in a driftnet: greatest occasion, therefore, inescapable at endgame. Slow accumulation of myriad small negative developments is just what convinces people that muddling through will do the trick and no real changes will be required. People will remain disinclined to look at fundamental issues well past the point of no return. Historical-scale big events have yet to transpire. Those dirty doomsayers, Luddites, Traditionalist toadies, unbelievers in Science, believers in conspiracies! Truly, what is said or not said in a cognitive environment such as has prevailed over the last several decades is not at issue. Sad to say, dismaying assuredly, but Derek Dillon's predictions in MOON have been every bit all too accurate: still, even now, thirty years later, recent events included, the index of daily duress is inadequate to catalyze action-oriented interest in ideas such as these. Catalytic threshold is very high, given insistency of the overwhelming inertias. If these were ideas an individual could finish then, obviously, they would not require outside interest! Derek maintained that such interest would come only after it is too late to do anything. Not, that is, too late to prevent anything. The thing that will go down is not preventable. Several hundred years of historical momentum and several thousand years of predisposing factors preclude prevention. Can do, sir! Determination of what to do not required; insight not required; strategic assessment not required. Collective projection of the ego sphere right or wrong, smart or dumb, sir! Hmmmm. Only when too late, Derek predicted, to do anything about influencing the post-thing pattern of re-automatization will there arise in a very, very small number of individuals interest in undertaking real action. Most will choose to die rather than change significant elements of their belief systems demonstrated by experience to be utterly mistaken: such has been the human pattern repeated over and over. Derek remained pretty optimistic, though: he believed neither nature nor consequences of nurture as played out in the thing will take the whole of humanity or the bulk of the biosphere off the planet, that there will be an aftermath, the path of which could be influenced by timely action. He also believed that if the window of opportunity is taken advantage of, which he maintained was highly unlikely, that will transpire only as the window snaps shut. Nothing visible on the scene to contravene that prediction! Derek's idealism always was coldly realistic, a legacy of his military childhood. The Great Philanthropists, for instance, given their political commitments and vested interests, are still funding what governments could very well fund -- the culpable institutions; mainstream research; remedial measures; symptomatic care; programs of the multilaterals; structuralizations of their very own inadequate, uninnovative, and therefore at the present juncture, highly damaging old-hat notions in political-economy; attempts to influence what will be historical trivia -- not what governments could not possibly fund: post-trauma life support, recovery, and rehabilitation relative to the thing sure to come. One would think that the rightful role of massively accumulated personal discretionary funds would be to support -- for the tax write-offs so desperately needed, of course -- what no other funds could possibly support. Apparently this is not the case. And the Small Philanthropists are still funding the myriad inconsequences. But there is no reason to burn the super-rich for contemporary global conundrums. The greatest culture gap is not between nationalities, ethnicities, and religious communities, but between the middle class of all nationalities, ethnicities, religious communities and everybody else. Wherein resides preponderance of the drain on global resource base? China a global threat? No. Nascent Chinese middle class a global threat? By all means, and in regards to all resources. Cartesian-Newtonian market capitalism works so long as it works only for a few. Middle class is not a matter of socioeconomic status, but of mindset, values, aspirations, pattern of habituation: share these, regardless of status, and one is middle class. All the while, reading about China's island-chain strategy and deep-water navy; Indo-American defense pact; build up of AmerAsian bases (Pacific and Central Asia); right-wing Russian discussions of a hoped for Berlin-Moscow-Tokyo axis; contemporary conflict over the new Naphtha Trusts; oil projected to US$100/barrel and beyond; Chinese eye on the resources of Siberia and South China Sea; increased indications of foundering of the pre-war free-floating currency regime; gathering difficulties with the non-post-Newtonian structuralization of Europe after the 1989 collapse of the last Newtonian balance of power arrangement; resurgence of the fiat dollar, almighty by virtue of absence of all constraints on its printing presses, and resultant transnational inflation, with ballooning eventual default in store of value; coalitions between radical Islamism and the extralegal sector in Latin America, particularly as regards cross-border operations; Al Qaeda losing every battle in just the fashion required to sustain capacity to bring forth the next battle, and so on and so on, one feels quite comfortably retrogressed to 1933, if not to 1928. No mere déjà vu. Not to mention melting of the Himalayan glaciers, and the like. Judging by psychohistory, the next mega-lethal flu pandemic won't arrive until well into the coming big war. Instead of The Book of the It, the book of the thing.
Actually, in all likelihood, one real (pun intended) root of one prevailing problem is surely not merely the basing of U.S. troops on Islamic soil (largely in realms of the epiphenomenal) but historical grievance over the fact that godless Judeo-Christian modernism -- not only godless communism -- took the soul out of the body and soul of al-jabr. One just must realize that algebra was created as a spiritual discipline. This is not an incidental fact. Something we have forgotten to remember. For some exemplars, algebra once was part of the daily ritual of THE PRACTICE (whatever THE PRACTICE, without which there can be no genuine insight into THE CASE). For overwhelming preponderance of membership corpus, one must admit, post-Gnostic Christianity and post-Moses Judaism has no THE PRACTICE. Except for weekly visits to the place of worship, there is no sustained daily practice. Over-consumption is THE PRACTICE of the middle class everywhere. And since we have forgotten to remember so much, we are killing each other over what surely are the substitute memories of heterohypnotically induced false collective memory. There is no real possibility that reputable history of mathematics is more accurate than Western academic histories of the East. Particularly since all such histories are based upon a historiography with the unquestioned false assumption of an objective real-number linear-time. If academics have a problem with that assessment, FINE. Academics are hugely culpable for the present global enormities. Sufi sects, some of which once cultivated al-jabr, were politicized as anti-colonial organizational vehicles, not because they were inherently political -- they weren't -- but because they were the only potential organizational vehicle remaining in the late colonial era: Algerian national independence struggle being an exemplar of sect-based insurgency. Widespread applications being a probability scathingly dismissed at JFK Special Warfare Center in 1967 when MOON's Derek Dillon explicitly, even vociferously, raised it. Suppression-driven ecclesiogenic syndrome in collective action. Is more suppression the solution to suppression-driven? Is compounding more suppression of the suppression-driven likely to be a winning strategy? Something similar happened in immediate post-WWI Japan relative to THE PRACTICE of animistic Shinto, transforming it into the state Shinto (Shinto Westernized) which practiced mass warfare instead: shinkishitsu in collective action. This transform took place on n-dimensional global cultural manifold exactly in the same timeframe European physicists were suppressing appearance of elements of animistic Shinto in quantum and relativity physics. What was the ma -- sacred space -- of animistic Shinto? Fiber bundle! Not just by analogy, in all actuality. A stack of plane elements connected by time: the basic notion of Japanese aesthetics, more Shinto than Zen. Buddhism set itself against animistic Shinto. Participation mystique is regarded the supreme case of attachment. Fibers of the bundle (as represented in the rope hung over entrance to the Shinto shrine) projected as a continuous image to the base space (the stone God carried at festival time by those standing in for fibers of the bundle), the projection operator, in the Shinto conception, being what Derek came to call operator-time. Ah, so much the Japanese have consciously forgotten, but yet is retained at levels of the subliminal (revealed in clinical histories of autogenic abreactions). By the late-'70s, Derek in MOON knew ma is a fiber bundle, and his reflections on fiber bundle arithmetics, smooth noodle maps, and so on, while staring through the plate-glass window at the noodle maker's bifurcation behaviors illustrated this knowing quite overtly. Moreover, the Japanese once clearly understood ma as a fiber bundle enveloped in a Borel set of dimensionless kami dust: John A. Wheeler's bucket of dust. Derek essays this over and over. If one doubts veracity of this claim, one does not have to look to the art of Yayoi Kusama; one will have great difficulty sustaining doubt upon study of but one exhibition catalog: Ma, Space-Time in Japan (N.Y.: Cooper-Hewitt Museum, 1979). For Derek, reading this was full-fledged flashback to his youthful ninth year, 1954, in Midori Gaoka and testament of old grandmother as the two sat on the polished hinogi terrace watching the sun set over the sacred pine rooted in the blood grass mound centered in rice fields of the valley on the bank of the river emptying into the nearby sea beyond. Ritual of THE PRACTICE embraces structuralization of sacred space (decomposition into subsets: in Shinto ritual, delineated with strings; strings, mind you, just as Derek accomplished in the final scene of MOON). As Derek observed in MOON (Vol. 1, pp. 49-50):
His hands are moving so fast, Swish-swish-swish! they can't be visually resolved, thought the lanky American standing before the window staring fixedly at the transformations of the dough. Fat cylinders stretched into skinny ones as they were pulled in an arc and then flipped back upon themselves and pulled again. Sticky, white, chalky tubes increased in number: one, two, four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two bifurcation behavior. Each repetition of the stretching and folding motions doubled the number of filaments and halved their diameter. The horseshoe! Branching of the udon universe's wave function forming its fractal map, of course. Thermodynamically dictated dissociation. The branches can't see one another. Deterministic disorder? Sensitive dependence on initial conditions? The Lyapunov exponent? Ha!
Derek! Derek!
He turned but could identify no one who might possibility have called his name.
That voice from nowhere again! he finally decided.
I am me and only me. I am me and only me. Iammeandonlyme. Heh, heh, heh!
No difficulty, Derek Dillon mumbled to himself, understanding how the Japanese got so quickly into optical fibers: any culture that produces noodles so artfully as this, without question, deserves to control the industry. Beyond technological questions, he imagined, there is probably metaphorical and even cosmological significance to this style in the art of making noodles
Close points, after topological transformation, greatly removed in phase space, eh? Too bad Hilbert didn't know that a number is not only itself. Unfortunate he never SAW guna [Sanskrit term] entity transforming its unit of space. What does your exclusion exclude? Time in the raw. Utsuroi [Shinto term], the exact moment of descent. Himorogi [Shinto term] is the place of descent, that which draws the evolute out of its cave. Number the numbering! Make a gate to hold the moon [a gate holding the moon is the Chinese ideograph for ma, sacred space].
As he mused on the spectacle, over and over at an accelerating rate, long-experienced hands pulled and flipped and pulled and flipped again. When the bundle of doughy fibers reached the proper density, it was sliced at each end with a knife, releasing dozens of long, thin, perfectly round tubes in a cascade of worm-like motion.
In the West, thought Derek, we use a perforated disk as a sieve through which the dough is mechanically pushed; the pattern in the disk determines the form of the noodle. No elegant, loose, sexually suggestive process of pulling and stretching for us, he reflected. The disk-sieve is a cultural lag carried over from the medieval origins of European noodle making. Just as the cathedral had its sacred images embedded in the leaded-glass window, through which the Divine light poured to illumine the profane world below, so, the feudal noodle maker had his disk-sieve, upon which were etched perforated patterns of Platonic ideal-types -- through which was pushed the Divine dough to leaven the incarnate world with concrete forms well, maybe that's stretching it a bit, he chuckled, as he was pushed closer to the window. A crowd had begun to gather as a second noodle maker joined the first and their sustained working speed transformed one log of dough after another into a rapidly growing pile of udon noodles. Ah, integration-over-the-fiber technique!
Ride once again into the passion of Aquinas on the saddleback of William James' present. The world-time of any cosmological neighborhood is projected as an operational composite of the interior times of the entities constellating that neighborhood. Learn that! Learn that! But this is child's play: lessons for an egg. What is the relation between the world-space and the multiplicity of interior-spaces? Interior-times to interior-spaces? Visual space? Auditory space? To the neighborhood? YOU ARE AN EGG! yet to undergo eclosion: no larva, no pupa, no adult. MIRROR FOR A DRIFTING WRECKAGE WHICH IS YOUR OWN FRAGMENTED AWARENESS. Finnegan's Wake, indeed! Is that wake a driftnet or a feeder band? Ha!
Shaping the dough, giving form to the formless, continued his thought. Surely the manner of the shaping process is a cosmological model: so organic here in Asia, so mechanical in the West. He allowed the image of moving dough to freely generate associations: smooth noodle maps; fiber bundles growing in exponential series Xe ; a cylinder turning into a torus inside a torus; twistors generating multiple-connections and breaking the orientation; pencils of skew-parallels converging at a cusp; topological dough contracting, turning, squeezing, stretching
Roger Penrose almost gets the Shinto notion of sacred space in The Road to Reality (p. 387) under the name Galilean spacetime. Penrose, however, retains the consensus Western notion of passive time as a measuring rod in making the time dimension the base space for the bundle (rather than understanding time as active projection operator). The bundle's base space for the animistic Shinto practitioner is symbolized by the stone-God phallus (as Yayoi Kusama's environments and phallic furniture lavishly illustrate). Confusion over active phalli and passive measuring rods is a rather modernist, postmodernist nation-state-like conundrum, wouldn't you say? If not a subliminal lever on the contemporary cosmological imagination. Certainly not primordial. Certainly not archaic. The pedagogical measuring rod as bottom beater and knuckle gnasher: rationalist model of self-organization; rule-abiding behavior. The laws of nature: surely psychological projections. Dimensionality of this or that aspect of the bundle, or bundle of bundles -- as regards general cases, the focus of spiritually-oriented cosmological models -- really isn't of great importance, and in animistic Shinto this is not a matter of much concern. It is a modernist Western notion that archaic time was cyclical; measuring rod bent into epicycles or a spiral corkscrew (imputation of hermaphroditic properties?). In olden times, time was the pencil of skew-parallels that drew the cycle; time was not the cycle drawn. In animistic Shinto, time is not a unit circle, real or complex, but the ACTIVE CIRCULATOR of shinki (shinki without shitsu -- surely not Wheeler's magic without magic -- spiritual energy of the possession cult, energy and possession being the modern, Western characterization; possession in animistic Shinto being identity transparency and energy being temporal density of fibers of the bundle which are identity transparent in the base space by virtue of the continuous nature of the projected algebraic image). The Shinto shrine in Midori Gaoka was located up the wild camellia strewn hill less than 50 meters directly above Derek's house, a house with courtyard garden, fifteen-foot-high piled-stone lantern, and one-hundred-year-old trained red pine. No day passed when he did not walk by the shrine's portentous entrance. Into the early 1950s, maidenheads were still ritually sacrificed to the stone God for agricultural magic (fertility) under orchestration of a Shinto priestess. That base-space God was in constant view, prominently placed in proper algebraic-geometric relation on the altar below the overhanging fiber-bundle rope. Are we to believe that the technical details were not in some manner understood of ancient days?
Of course those details were understood, understood through psychologically entering the space via empathically activated time. Activated time is coloristic deified time. Because it comes in different colors! Dynamic polymorph colors of autogenic neutralization. Photism sparks flying in cognitive winds at brain discharge. Fire Festival for contemporary Japanese urban dwellers is a tourist visit to a theme park located on city fringes still dressed in traditional clothes. Though cedar shakes continue to be tossed on bonfires to set kami sparks to flying, though strings tied with votive papers still demarcate the LSTDs (Limited Space-Time Domains) used by the local Gods to construct laminated ma, the superposed sacred space, meaning is limited, no longer being tied to livelihood as it once was for those who worked the rice fields. How is it Kenichi Ohmae continues to ballyhoo a borderless world clearly in violation of nature -- rather than a world of fractal boundaries tied with votive papers? Must be his higher enculturation at MIT and his connections at Wharton (The Next Global Stage: Challenges and Opportunities in our Borderless World, Wharton School Publishing, 2005). And just think, I was on higher enculturation track vectored upon Johns Hopkins SAIS and The Wharton School of Finance. Whew! What a narrow escape. Rice self-sufficiency is a CULTURAL OBSTRUCTION TO TRADE, you know. Subverts globalization of comparative advantage. Non-contractual relationships of trust are criminal. Relationship, by definition, is conflict of interest to those who claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct. Case-by-case Cabalistic keiretsu subvert universal application of Weberian-rabbinate rigid rule regulation. Prayer five times a day prevents commercial efficiency, not to mention being a slap in the face to THE PRACTICE of daily middle class consumerism. Women monopolize corporate toilets. How is it they demand equal pay for equal work? What equal work? War, I tell you; there will be war! The more the media keeps people unconscious of real causes, the greater the collective impetus to mass warfare (something that did not exist before mass media). This Impressionistic pattern of pointillistic kami dust (functional invariant of a local cosmological neighborhood); that Impressionistic pattern of pointillistic kami dust. Oh, how many Borel sets there are of this world! Abstracting-out gets you one set of details; empathizing-in gets you another. Understanding comes from empathizing-abstraction/abstracting-empathy. Wilhelm Worringer's dissertation. Wisdom well, that's another altogether. In the Indic sense, notation was mantra-yantra Musculpt under m-orders of Samadhi, phenomenology of each type of Samadhi expressing itself through its appropriated order-type of m-valued logic. The Shinto possession cults circulated this notation as shinki. There are many order-types of Japanese garden: Shinto empathy Buddhologically abstracted. Another room of the House of Gods: flat space articulated to flat space by active time. Fiber bundles mapped on sheets of a Riemann surface bridged by operator-time. Only in the view-only (physical entry disbarred) Zen garden (e.g., Ryoanji) is the empathy abstracted completely out of the garden. Monk-with-rake only is permitted physical entry. Contemplative may psychologically float over the garden, OBE, but empathic entry is excommunicated by exorcism of the rock-gestalt, a 3-space formalistic chant designed to dissipate participation mystique, Buddhologically the mother of all attachment. De-attachment being the Buddological leverage on articulation space of the garden. In other Japanese garden order-types closer and closer to animistic Shinto there is no space exterior to the garden: all of space, each type of space, is appropriated to the logics in-formed. No bird's-eye view. No OBE, for no in-the-body to get out of: identity is always transparent in participation mystique. No possibility of a non-sexual occasion: such just simply doesn't exist anywhere anywhen. House of Gods may have many rooms, but the shoji screens are of the see-through variety and there is absolute transparency between inside and outside: topological non-orientability. Hermaphroditic Klein bottle. Integral ornament and non-gratuitous grace note. Watazumi end-blowing his oh-so-long belled bamboo flute deep in the woods of Kyushu. Design space of the garden is deep: m-orders deep. In far enough is out; out far enough is in. Viewing-point triangles stacked skew, n in number, on each such point in design space, an authentic configuration space psychologically lived in and physically ambulated as random walk upon the stepping stones of unknowing. November Steps. Photo-acoustically, there is the dan mosaic of Noh: another space entered from the green room. Green for Orchestra. THE WHOLE CULTURE WAS THE NOTATION! Fiber bundle was not drawn on a blackboard, written into an academic paper, posted on a web. It was psychologically, logically, physically, and spiritually entered, lived in, copulated with. By comparison, what have we today? Don't ask that, forgodsake. How embarrassing! Toys for boys in a world of toy boys.
Unlike Mircea Eliade, I was not irritated. What irritated the academic in Eliade about the work of René Guénon was his brutal rejection of the whole of Western culture, as if it were enough to teach at the Sorbonne to lose all possibility of understanding anything (as quoted by Mark Sedgwick, Against the Modern World, p. 113). When the West destroyed whole-culture-as-notation under the barrel of a dreadnought's cannon (or was it canon?), and, moreover, substituted a lower-dimensional reference space, it is not surprising that people did not easily take to the imposed collapse in quality of experience. Canons issued from cannons! People like Guénon just ignored the facts, you see, the facts as discovered by academicians, historians and otherwise. But facts are nothing to rely on; they are always changing. Facts follow theory, are discovered in the wake of theory: I'll see it when I believe it! In so far as fact follows theory, so, therefore, must technology. Scientific method is the black propaganda in philosophy of science: no significant discovery has ever been made by following the scientific method uh, uh -- except in consensus science. Anthropology in taxonomy; not taxonomy in anthropology. Don't believe it? Have a good look at Jack Goody's The Domestication of the Savage Mind (Cambridge U. Press, 1977). Banish the morally unschematized case, the case of m-logically-valued identity transparency. For the sake of politeness, call it conscience collective; reduce it to solidarity bond. But always be aware that, in reality, that primordial, that archaic, that cyclic instead of linear -- there will be no rising to powers in my presence! -- is the neo-pagan amoralism of the Nazi Cabalists. Measuring rods must be rigid, you know! How else rigidity in rule regulation? Weber would have a heart attack; probably did have a heart attack. Parallelism the sociologists call it. Ugh! Retch! No way! Not my inverted mirror image. The big events sure to come will have little to do with radical Islamism: bit players in this epochal hiatus, 150 years running on the same themes -- thematic avoidance type of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance -- spanning the Franco-Prussian War to the space-based planetary war yet to come: phased-array radar, electron temperature enhancements, hot auroras, magnetic mirrors, nano-warriors, targeting DNA fingerprints from a satellite. Nowadays, billions of rats on the same treadmill! Fertile Crescent religions and their interminable conflicts: what a dead albatross to hang around neck of the biosphere! Just as one does not have to be a member of the middle class to be middle class, so one does not have to be of Judeo-Christian origins to be a member of the anti-Cabalistic secular rabbinate of rule regulation: spiritual submission substituted for insight. One can be of any ethnicity, of any religion, even Islam, specialized in any specialty: what is at issue is a psychological state, a mode of thought, a framework of values, an attitude toward man, nature, cosmos. ATTITUDE. God, how the very use of the word involution makes my skin crawl: decadence, utter decadence! No schematizing moral injunctions read from the writing, in logic, uh, in our logic, in the technology of communicative acts, in, uh, the function of writing, the, the functions of the written, uh, writing as a system that can be read, read in experience, reading as experience, uh, as a way of overcoming the pre-logical, pre-logic as mythopoeic thinking, that irrational, that not only not our logic, that, that non-pragmatic, that savage, ugh! that, that anti-historical Dark Continent. Oh, God, don't, please don't let me slip into it. Where, oh, where is my schematizing moral injunction just when I most need it?
It was doing The Banquet Years in Europe and the period of the Taisho Democracy Movement in Japan that animistic Shinto had to be exorcised from quantum mechanics. The exorcism having been completed in Europe, the democracy movement collapsed in Japan. But there being no such thing as non-locality of the EPR paradox, not of the mind, mind you, these two spatially-removed phenomena -- halfway round the planet from each other -- could have in no way been related. Weird quantum effects couldn't be involved in consciousness, could they? What about the unconscious? Don't ask Roger Penrose! The mind, even the savage mind, even, to be nice, the conscience collective, that horrid solidarity bond, uh, pair bond, ugh! such entanglements, far flung, superconductant, critical state -- damn those miserable Aspect experiments! -- just has to be a macroscopic object, doesn't it? Otherwise, it wouldn't be emergent, would it? Never having had the occasion to become a professional physicist, but realizing that physics is too important to be left to the physicists, I've never deconstructed in detail, as surely the professional physicist must have done, just exactly how Dirac's demiurge debunked Tantric Schrödinger's diapason, and in so doing purged animistic Shinto. Us writers gotta make a living, y'know. But I couldn't even get a job as a janitor. On principle, I refused the lie detector test, the blood test/DNA sample, the background investigation, the RFID, the GIS transmitter, the retinal ID procedure required to open the broom closet. How many times a day do I want my eyeball scanned with a laser? But I do know a few schoolboy things about the subject at hand. The degree to which worldview-construct-supporting pillars undergo transformation, and the people do not know about it because this alteration of Umwelt is dissimulated and thus confined to the Dark Continent of the unconscious, is a measure of the impetus to war: how certain the certainty there will be war. March upon the Franco-Prussian War was all about attempts to escape import of m-valued Abelian functions, transcendental equations, and Cantor's nascent discoveries concerning the transfinite. Run up through La Belle Epoque to WWI was all about attempts to escape impress of the transfinite upon Aristotelian-Baconian binary logic: the set of all sets not including itself; axiom of choice; order-types; logical atomism as a bulwark against what came in midst of the war: the 3-valued Polish logic of 1917. Descent into WWII was all about attempts to escape what Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation implied concerning Planck's constant: that constant is m-valued and must be evaluated under Post's m-valued logics of 1921. Born's probability amplitudes kept the monster at bay until French logic could be brought to bear upon the momentous threat. The save-the-day French logic of Dirac fixed the scaling of momentum in dividing Planck's constant by 2p, thus removing the m-valued aspect overtly from view. Bar-h, Dirac's form of Planck's constant, instead of h, Planck's constant. This was accomplished in rewriting Schrödinger's equation into a time-dependent version, a version which scales (read: filters) space, i.e., momentum, and scales (read: filters) time, i.e., energy (because the total energy operator is time-dependent in this equation). Removing, in this manner, the m-valuedness (under m-valued logics) of Planck's constant firmly fixes a classical limit and thus has done more than any other single factor to protect THE PRACTICE of the middle class. Fixing the scaling of momentum rules out awareness of the ANIMISTIC SHINTO fiber bundle skew-parallelism mapped on sheets of the Riemann surface bridged by operator time as underlying, and explaining, Heisenberg uncertainty. Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities relative to position and momentum and relative to energy and time are stated in terms of 1/2 bar-h, Dirac's form of Planck's constant, instead of h, Planck's constant. In the world of General Relativity, this scaling engaged in by Dirac places position and momentum, energy and time, each on separate skew-parallels, separate fibers of the bundle in question (hence: uncertainty), when actually, under h, not bar-h, position, momentum, energy, and time are all on each and every skew-parallel fiber always (hence: no uncertainty when evaluated under m-valued logics). If that were not the case, there would be no such thing as charge creation! What changes is order of logical-value of observer state, which imposes decompositional operations as temporal curl, involuting to a linear-time frame. The fall into WWIII was all about attempts to escape immunological-genetic, embryogenic, psychosexual, social, political, and economic implications of the m-valued logics technologically embodied in quantum phase-digit computing
I may not give much credence to facts, but being a positivist, of sorts (Debussy's kind, Takemitsu's kind), I pay a great deal of attention to the psychologems of the facts: the attributional background necessary to establish a particular case of ontic predication. The degree of confidence I consign insight into prevailing drift over historical event gradient is based on long practiced observation of fact psychologems -- and repeated probes made thereupon. Sample size? Tens of thousands with regard to but a single category amongst many: psychologems employed by landscape customer to displace complex gestalt of neurosis to backyard garden. Because scientists of the cognitive mistakenly attribute consciousness to themselves, they suppose they know what it is. Their notion of consciousness requires objectivity of an objective world which science increasingly has failed to verify: just look at the observer-state/object-system interaction -- if you can. If you can't, no way to define hallucination. Science is an intense effort to verify validity of the notion of hallucination. Auditory hallucination, musical hallucination, petit mal musicogenic epilepsy: binary bleed-throughs of m-logically-valued Musculpt to 1T2 awarenesss. The few moments of consciousness I have directly experienced in the last sixty years have been enough to insure that I don't attribute consciousness to most humans I encounter: much to the contrary. I witness automatisms galore, abundant collective forcing, some degree of percept and propriocept registration, and enormity of unfounded self-attributional claims, but little evidence of what I regard consciousness. I witness my own functions as transpiring in this fashion and endeavor to treat them accordingly. Consciousness is an operator, not a state: it is graded discrete/smooth, not on-or-off. Ontological operator, logical operator, temporal operator: in that ordinal nesting. Consciousness doesn't sleep; automatized functions sleep as structures. A structure is a function asleep. Sleeping and not-sleeping is not on/off. Strangely, though consciousness is an operator, operational intelligence does not require consciousness. Gurdjieff tried to get this across with the too-reductive metaphor of horses, a carriage, and driver which gives some indication of how he regarded those with whom he was dealing. Consciousness is conscious only to the degree it is self-conscious, which is not consciousness of a self, as consciousness has no self. To the degree there is consciousness of a self, there is no consciousness of consciousness-in-itself, the operator. Absence of consciousness of consciousness-in-itself is absence of consciousness. How many cognitive scientists are conscious in course of the day? I not only posit, but I know indubitably, that there can be no human consciousness so long as humans use money in its present form. The notion of identity embedded in the prevailing concept of money, with its projective inducements upon constellated objects and subjects, its imposed given senses of personal space, property, minimum permissible distance (generalized to the Planck distance and the classical limit), simply precludes the possibility of consciousness. In a world where participation is relegated to license plates and T-shirts, mine says: Science Kills! As consciousness is very rapidly becoming a prerequisite to collective survival in a fashion that has never before been the case (so far as I know, and maybe even we [coercive we] know), it follows that either the prevailing concept of money must go or collective survival must be abandoned or some between must be found by brains that recognize only on-or-off. And, it appears, the choice has already been made: THE PRACTICE of the middle class, and of those they emulate, is a daily vote. Be aware that strings of or's don't exist in executable 1T2 logic, except as the notion of linear-time is introduced, which should tell you something about the relation between logic and linear-time (and derivatively: between single-valued monetary units and linear-time, as exhibited in dynamics of the market logic gates recording the daily vote). The thing that is interesting about Gurdjieff's self-remembering is that it is an inversion. G was a trickster whose each trick was a psychogenic hook. The hook here was the rasa, the inner taste, of percept/propriocept gestalt induced by the act of reversion of the attention cathexis. Turning back upon and thence into. Synaesthetic all around sound seen in the spaces between tones mapped onto and into binocular visual space (as Stockhausen well knows). Besetzung, kathexis: to have and to hold. Psychoenergetically, libidinal syzygy between catoptrically constellated entities, be those entities designated persons, objects, ideas. The Divided Self as The Bird of Paradise. Mirror modes. Projection operators. Reflective symmetries. Self-remembering not only splits the self-attribution, the self attributed -- and therefore is an annihilation of the self supposedly remembered -- but in and of itself is a stop exercise: stop the person, stop the object, stop the idea, stop the world, stop the notion of identity embedded in the prevailing concept of money. Discrete smoothed, a smoothing operation over the unfounded self-attribution. This is something people, taking themselves as being in personhood, simply can't tolerate; even its outer edges are terrifying and instinctively yield a desire to kill as compensatory abreaction to the perceived threat to claimed separate self-existence. The fact of current prevalence of the existence of this near-universal reaction indicates presence of an engaged psychologem which curves the bundle predisposing the historical event gradient. Observation of instances of this psychologem is a positivistic practice, of a sort; hence, the degree of confidence entertained.
Projective geometry, theory of symmetry groups, and so on, are collectively induced psychological projections: that which cannot be processed in immediacy as aspects of consciousness-in-itself, because it is too, too terrifying, is depotentiated by manipulation as removed ideational object. Sensitivities of a fetish. Out-there by abstracting-out, it can have no in-here by empathizing-in oh-so scary, scary consequences. Safety first and foremost requires drawing an out-there/in-here distinction -- otherwise there can be no depotentiation of the threat. People everywhere know this; it's not just a problem of Japanese moral economy, transposed into aesthetics of the socius, dimensions of amae matured into giri-ninjo conflict. My roof-brain chatters, therefore I am. And that's the way I like it: safe. Keep those extraocular muscles above the residual tension pattern threshold, where manipulation of the breathing is a matter of little consequence. People sometimes ask me what I do in walking meditation. I correct them: what that I am is as walking meditation. Recoil has already begun as my I tries to walk their them into its outer reaches as walking meditation. As walking, visualize the libidinal energy captured by the object field as pulled back to the subject field. Why assume your you is not in participation inconsciente? Just because it attributes no animism to what it considers inanimate? Phenomenological epoché requires that assumption be verified in immediacy. By active counter-imagination, revert the energy involved in attention cathexis to object. Reduce object-capture, capture of your you by the object. It is easiest to learn to visualize it spatially first; later try temporally by counter-attention to rhythm entrainment. There is no-time your you is not entrained: biological clocks inside of biological clocks inside of clocks inside of clocks. Clocks as waves, waves as clocks. Start with one object in the visual field after another object in the visual field. This is all in counter-percept, not in the ideation of percept projection. Locate the points at infinity DELINEATING this immediate right here now LSTD (Limited SpaceTime Domain) put out there by percept projection partitioning. How many vanishing points can be identified? Where is THE point most vanishing; the main coordination point? Oops! Start with one attribute of one object after another. Oops! Start with one category of one attribute of one object after another. Walking meditate to see how many greens there is to see, and ONLY greens. Foreground the greeeeeeeeeeens; everything else, Ganzfeld to background haze! Take control over your idioretinal rheostat! See what your you decides to see, not what they decide you see. Oops! Who is my I am to tell your you what to choose? Identity and conversion. Religious conversion is but a poor parody, a weak analogy, a metaphor manipulated for maintenance of role stratification. Experiment. Already walking over reductive phenomenology! Already erasing the drawing of an out-there/in-here distinction. But this does not need to be explained. The recoil in people becomes a wrenching away, so wrenching at impinging threat that only compensatory outwardly-directed threat can dissipate the nascent terror: What you are doing is very dangerous, you know; immoral, maybe even illegal, says the incipient trainee to the reluctant AIT cadre. If you don't stop, I will kill you: that is not actually said by the trainee, of course, but the nascent impulse is there. The claimed self won't go away without taking its pound of flesh. But this sort of thing cannot be heard. No auditory hallucination here. Dismissed immediately. Ridiculous! Whose Afraid of Virginia Wolfe? I ALWAYS blackout at orgasm. Whose afraid of a little dissociation, a little loss of control, a little interior distance, a little time slow-down, a little loss of identity a little of someone else staring at you in the mirror? Mirror modes! Born again and again and again, right here now. The human species is not going to deal with this. I can tell you that. Breakthroughs in modern medicine are dealing with this, and will deal with it in most radical fashion: projective identification as physical clones. If the brain is not equipped for multi-tasking, how could it be equipped for m-logically-valued identity transparency, huh? Immolation of the selfless self that cannot be remembered, but which is there nonetheless nagging. Instead of nature's coherent radiation of superconductant DNA fingerprints, molecular DNA aerosols disseminated under control of a 3-D MASS (Mesoscale Atmospheric Simulation System) for use in various mobile battlefield environments. Can't predict cloudbursts? Then weather simulations capable of predicting the transport of natural and combat-generated aerosols. Kind of strange, don't you think, this selectivity of predictability? Beats the hell out of recent feeble Russian attempts to selectively disseminate anesthetic cocktail aerosols!
The ego-function really isn't a sphere, you know. Freud had it all wrong; whereas, Shinto animists were all over it. The ego is one fiber of a fiber-valued function, which is to say of an m-valued function over a bundle of skew-parallels most insightfully evaluated under m-valued logics. The sphere involved is a Riemann sphere, which greatly transcends the ego-function (except under arrogation). Over and under. Off on a tangent, the ego does not, just simply cannot, under-stand (stand under) that which is over it. Tangent bundle: conundrum the ego is caught up in. A bigger conundrum: at orgasm, cotangent bundle. Egoless trance seizure at orgasm of the traditional female Shinto animist practitioner, however -- contrary to appearances, no mere catatonia: trying to cross the Phlegethon unassisted is foolish -- enters self/anti-self duality in valence of tensor bundle (p-vectors on top; q-covectors beneath) and, with the requisite connection and the proper strain in the bundle, catapults into a general bundle with curvature, providing basic insight into the origin of all exact symmetries and their transcendence: the fundamental koan of Japanese aesthetics. A koan is not exactly an axiom, postulate, theorem, lemma, and it certainly is not a self-evident truth (unless one hand clapping). Though logical-value is surely involved, truth-value may not be. In the general bundle, one should be aware, skew-parallelism is only one of the myriad m-logically-valued properties at issue. Much of this is a question of origins, which is a matter of identities, of course: presence or absence of origins being critical. I never heard of the theorems of Pappos and Desargues, or the Fano plane which provides the magic-circle multiplication table for the basis elements of standard octonion division algebra, until I read Roger Penrose (The Road to Reality, Jonathan Cape, 2004, pp. 342 and 360-62), but as soon as I ran across his account of them I recognized the seven-point case as being a variation upon the articulation space I was taught to use for design of a Japanese garden. The person who taught me this at the very end of his long life learned it in the late-Meiji era (before being banished to Okinawa during early-Taisho for his demonstrative anarchist sentiments; only later, following immigration to the U.S., to find himself placed during WWII in a special concentration camp for troublemakers located in the American Southwest: not the least bit surprising, considering what he carried). This method of design is discussed, with a suitable diagram, on pages 531-34, Volume 2, of MOON. Sacred space, ma, of animistic Shinto, may have been configured under some octonion algebra other than the standard quaternion-double of Cayley. Lots of doubles to consider here. A-ma-terasu's MIRROR is enough to tell us that (see pages 552-3, Volume 2, of MOON). And misreadings in projecting from the base space, uh, base state, uh Tzog-chen base state-space: view an octahedron from the proper angle, for instance, and you see a hexagon. Simple illustration of the principle involved: projections from tiling patterns can be mighty confusing. This is the kind of thing those Christian Cabalists like to exploit so as to arrive at their Greater Maze from gematric interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount via the Vesica Pisces, using straightedge and ruler alone. Don't believe it? Look into the works of Frater Achad written shortly after the Great War from Collegium ad Spiritum Sanctum located in Chicago: Q.B.L. or The Bride's Reception (rhyme and reason of Marcel Duchamp's The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even) and The Anatomy of the Body of God, wherein the Ever-Coming Son (double entendre) Arises (or is it actually de-rises, for everything in main-stream Christianity is an inversion, as the Traditionalists were wont to say) from No-Thing as Be-Coming of Universe. Or the oh-so numerological works of 18th and 19th century British neoPlatonist philhellene Thomas Taylor. Or The Mathematics of the Cosmic Mind by the Los Angeles Theosophist L. Gordon Plummer. As a geomantic, one WALKS the elysian space of the garden-to-be FOR empathic feeling-into (remember Philokalia, if not The Heart of Buddhist Meditation) as one designs by building down the space (decomposition of ma). For this purpose, viewing-point triangles (worldviews, which are not necessarily fields of fire as some cultures suppose) are superposed horizontally and vertically into various configurations -- theorems of Pappos and Desargues being stepped upon and stepped down one can be sure. The act of design is a form of walking meditation: peripatetic Japanese elenchus: Michiyuki.
Intelligent design is always on the empathic ground (i.e., Tzog-chen base state-space), as there is no ultimate-outside to abstract to (heretical as that might be to an orientable awareness, e.g., an awareness identified with anything less topologically sophisticated than third-order operator-time). Once the state-space ground is configured to configuration space, all else demerges automorphically (not morphogenetically by recursion: there is no atomistic morphic elemental, wave, particle, or wavicle, point, line, or plane in transfinite cases of m-valued logics). Demerges to Derek's automorphs and integrets viewed upon circumambulation of a particularly good example of the Japan Style (Moon, Vol. 1, pp. 334-37). What there is is the viewing point dislocations de-summing from (not summing to: don't forget the omnipresent inversion the Traditionalists spoke of) the aperspectival. These coordination points, subordinate and main, are identified by empathic feeling-into, which, when you think about it, is not such a strange way to locate attractors. No bird's-eye to view from, but many other-eyes, like a bittern in flight riding acoustically-modified gravity wave modes, atmospheric infrasound songlines: Michiyuki (flight of the sacred crane with its booming cry). For Amaterasu craning her neck into a heron's boom so as to get a better view, no fate of Philomela, with her weak, fleeing night sounds. The flight here being the (schizophrenogenic) viewing point dislocations, parallel vector transport, finding of the sequence of derivatives and anti-derivatives in calculus on manifolds, and so on and so on, in decomposition of ma (ma being the root homonym for onomatopoeic generation of the spoken language of natural names: frequency response windows, waveforms, intensities, et cetera: string lengths, diameters, tensile properties, et cetera). The projective manifold in question is not only n-dimensional and complex, it is also hypercomplex and counter-hypercomplex, but it takes walking meditation to actually see that.
Dürer's method in walking meditation: everything seen through a screen grid, this grid visualized rather than placed there by actual superstrings attached to an actualized spacetime frame -- passive linear-time being in the rhythm of the walk carrying the space-frame. Coordinate patches, their components, moduli, and transition functions, holomorphic or no, dual-to or not, really are never the focus, as primary concern is with the hole in the domain of the function, whatever the function of the meditation being walked on any particular walk, be the walk on the domain of Mt. Athos, Mt. Bathos, Mt. Pathos, Mt. Analog or Mt. Fuji, in Flatland, Sphereland or Polytopeville. It is impossible to walking-meditate without setting up the space and time frames of the walk: pre-meta-programming by the human biocomputer -- range to domain and return, onto and into, over and under. The eye which is not a god's eye is always at the origin. Try, try, try and never is that eye found elsewhere. Linear perspective was the beginning of the absolute end of Euclid's self-evident truths. On the scanned horizon -- or via Joe Goode's looking through whatever presenting obstructions -- are found the vanishing points at infinity where parallel lines meet: skew parallels. Axiom of the acute angle. Oh how many skew-parallels there are! Who can count them? They must somehow be there by axiom of choice! No-thing between transfinite discrete denumerable and non-denumerable continuum (under 1T2 logic, which is all the logic Cantor and Gödel employed). And maybe those vanishing points were put there by the eye at the origin constructing the projective space of the linear-time walk. Visual vectors -- double-vee's, that is -- exiting the eye and triangulating the space, configuring it according to viewpoints and their dislocations at Michiyuki. Onto domain of the painterly canvas: plane of double-vee's as scan line spanning each raster of the rectilinear picture-plane canvas. Seeing as understood in medieval alchemy, issuing from the eye, not received by the eye. Real origin, real eye. Real zero. Plane upon plane, superposed -- e.g., medieval Japanese residential architecture based upon the ken unit length, the superstring establishing the symmetries broken as gei, as shibui, as wabi, as sabi, as -- into higher-dimensional flat projective subspaces, Pn. Mind your p's and q's! Don't forget your u's and v's! Origins at the origin. Zeros at zero. SoftBomb: yielding basis elements for multiple Husserlian horizons of an object in reductive phenomenology. Blowing up the origin, as Penrose describes, a Riemann sphere's worth of zeros (The Road to Reality, pp. 338-9). In the case of P2: double-eye resolved to hyper-origin as eidolon of third-eye, a Riemann sphere's worth of zeros. Introducing time to the spaceframe involves transition to the complex case where the Riemann sphere resides: CPn. Twisting the visual vector bundle into the imaginary making possible meetings of skew-parallels at infinity. Still, as concerns the traditional Japanese house, we can only wander between rooms (LSTD's, limited spacetime domains) constructible and deconstructible by placing and removing sliding boundary panels: shoji or fusuma, translucent or opaque. Walking upon the terrace is to go from complex to hypercomplex, HCPn. Stepping into the garden is to go from eye-to-I. Eye-to-I is hypercomplex to counter-hypercomplex. CHCP2 is the domain of double-you, which definitely plays a role in establishing complex powers. CHCPn is the domain of Trinh Minh-ha's I/i: origins of adjoined points at infinity; in the general case, intersections of Prakriti and Purusha. Full-blown identity transparency. Once the origin is blown up, n-dimensional step function I/i is no-thing but cross-patched intersections, nothing to cling to. No-self is affine space, without origins. Luneburg's psychometric distance functions for binocular visual space! Ha, t-scaling affine parameters for light rays. Measure zero! Remember to remember your u's and v's! Ha, t to t and t to t to t: three-fold operator-time as temporal curl over parallel transport of pencils of skew-parallels. I/i under m-logical-values. Rigorous definition of Luneburg's PSYCHOmetric distance functions requires CHCPn. And without Luneburg, consideration of the measurement problem has not yet left the breast.
Synaesthesia is not in art or music as Musculpt. Synaesthesia is not in the medium; it's in the brain until enculturated glutamaturgic neuronal etching removes quantum biochemical capacity for all logical processing except that of the 1T2 order (this etching redounding upon in vivo nuclear neuronal DNA such that superconductivity of its p-electron gas core is quenched; endogenous ketamine is an antidote to endogenous glutamate by virtue of its effect on electron transport processes). Any Musculpt medium that might be created can only hope to facilitate resurrection (by convulsive autogenic brain discharges, such as those experienced by Cantor and Swedenborg) of lost capacities for m-logically-valued processing in those individuals not totally cognitively stripped by lacuna-on-the-brain (which severs what 1T2-cognitive science calls cross-modal correlations between sensory dimensions). Michael Kimmelman, in reviewing the recent exhibition at the Hirshhorn Museum, Synaesthesia in Art and Music Since 1900, not only repeats the error contained in the title, but in doing so may have written one epitaph for human species in this increasingly dark age. Quoting from the end of the review (What art might look like if it were music, International Herald Tribune, July 6, 2005):
No perfect way to make art into music has been devised. Squiggly lines and pulsing colors approximate music but they can't ever become it. Aristotle was right. The senses do have their own domains. Like Wagner's Gesamtkunstwerk, the dream of making one art that's like another is just a utopian fantasy, born of a peculiarly modern impatience with art's limitations and a misplaced notion that, like science, art needs constantly to advance or else becomes irrelevant. But art is not science. Its limitations are its virtues.
Appropriate that the contemporary art critic in America should bow to judgment of the attributed progenitor of 1T2 logic, uh, Aristotelian logic, a type of logic employed by only an infinitesimal portion of the human beings who have lived upon this planet. The fact that art and art music became increasingly irrelevant -- in not realizing Kunstwissenshaft (art-science) and the Gesamtkunstwerk (Wagnerian or otherwise), as translation of The Great Books of the East into European languages was completed during the 1850s -- realized itself through the Franco-Prussian war, two world wars, and appears to be generating what likely will become the main event. As the neuronal etching associated with prescriptive enculturation begins in the womb
Parallax of the Seventeenth 'Not Merely' Not merely a calculus of singular sentences Not merely a calculus of qualified sentences Not merely a sentential calculus Not merely a calculus of propositions linguistically natural or symbolic Not merely a calculus of complete objects Not merely a calculus of inductive objects no necessary partial entailment no inherent measure of inferential strength Not merely a calculus of incomplete objects Not merely a calculus of past-pushed future objects possibilities, probabilities, propensities Not merely a calculus of teleologically-pulled future objects constellated by chaotic strange attractor Not merely a calculus of general objects linear-time referenced Not merely a calculus of general objects linear-time independent Not merely a calculus of subjective objects constellated figures of the complexes father figure, et cetera Not merely a calculus of subjective states orders of Samadhi Not merely a calculus of general subjects archetypal collective occasions of experience Not merely a calculus of monads Cubistic per-propriocepts of an eidetic abstracting generative empathy where no object-subject distinction inheres Not merely a calculus no determinacy claim no conclusive inference no inconclusive inference Not merely a predicate algebra no predicate necessary nolle prosequi, no neologistic nominal to negate noli me tangere, no noisome nomenclatorial function Nolo contendere: truth-value is absolutely without value
Pursuit of long shots may appear to be irrational; on historical cusp surfaces, though, it may be the only realistic thing to do: collective redemption in such circumstances is always dependent primarily upon highly unlikely processes, functions, structures, behaviors, outcomes. Pursuit of the probable is the stalking of failure and perdition, however successful one might become. What I have relentlessly and very consciously pursued since quitting college, indeed, what was specifically chosen in the decision to leave the academy -- which, for pellucid reasons, I will not explicitly state -- has had about two chances out of a hundred of being accomplished. I have always believed in the values of vagueness and the strengths of belief for potentiating the laws of likelihood. To speak merely of an implicate/explicate split, as does David Bohm, is to conflate under the implicate an enormous range of stuff. Probabilities are explicate. Probability logic crosses over the implicate/explicate split. Keynes-Carnap partial entailments lie to the implicate side; Ramsey's subjective utilities, to the explicate (given that these utilities are apropos of particular subjectivities, not subjective generals). My notion of multi-utilities altogether abandons the split. Multi-utilities cannot be notated absent exteriorized Musculpt. Huff and puff, excoriate, demean all you like, and nothing of this will have thus been altered. Much bad history, wars, holocausts are resident in this cannot be notated. On base-state of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space numbered with numbered Gödel numbers) ontological precedence precedes non-linear imaginary temporal precedence, which precedes deductive predicate-logic precedence, which precedes real linear-temporal precedence, which precedes inductive-logic precedence, which precedes existential becoming. Time-factor qualification, of some order, non-linear or linear -- e.g., statements of the principles of non-contradiction and excluded middle require the phrase at the same time -- is prerequisite to both deductive and inductive logics. While the reals between 1 and 0 may be adequate to inductive logic, they are insufficient for predicate logic and incommensurately deficient to the MVRS. Be aware of the implication: meaning precedes syntax: though data can be recursively generated, and operational behavior, possibly even knowledge, meaning and understanding cannot; semantics is imputed, in prior plausibility, not in posterior plausibility value (logical structures of sentences have prior plausibilities which are not matters of syntax and have no inductive explication whatsoever). Existential becoming is explicate; all else, more and more implicate. The base-state precedes all classes of precedence relations, in that every such relation is explicit in the base state (which is wholly implicate). Precedence demerges the base state; recursion rolls out the demergent to the emergent as the explicate. As universal consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators on the base state of the MVRS (universal consciousness in its passive aspect), subjective utilities are not to be discounted; it's just that (reversing to de-precedence) the corpora of discrete subjectivities (wholly absent consciousness of universal consciousness, active or passive) intersect to the collective and the corpora of continuous collectivities intersect to the universal, which, in its base state, by mutual cancellation, is empty of content, pure, unsullied, the unmarked state. Rollout of emergence requires demergence of precedence: in this sense alone, one can justify by recourse to nature the notion that the logical is dependent on syntactical structure alone. Predicate logic lies far to the implicate side; probability theory, to the explicate; inductive logic lies across the split, with Carnapian logicist approaches to the implicate, and Bayesian decision theory to the explicate. Marking multi-utilities on m-logically-valued monetary units by incorporation to the market of externalities tagged by sustainable development indicators weighted on the currency units will require explication of all this in exteriorized Musculpt. I do not think Keynes, for one, would have had a big problem with this, given his 1921 Treatise on Probability (same year Emil Post published his essay on m-valued logics as viewed from a determinacy-claimed 1T2-valued perspective). Nor do I think F. von Hayek, for another, would have had difficulties with these notions, given his understanding of the time-shapes of total capital stock (which presupposes m-valued logics viewed from a determinacy-claim-independent m-logically-valued perspective).
Self-organization by meaning, not by noise! The meaning of meaning? No noise -- white, black, or gray. Same, same, same. So-so, so-so, so-so, as the Japanese are wont to say: it is so, so very so -- if you think so. The engine of meaning is identity transparency, not distinction. Not inner truth: predicate logic; not outer truth: inductive logic. Hexagrams of the I-Ching were misinterpreted by a German academic: no chronomantic. In Laws of Form, proving Sheffer's postulates for Boolean algebras, Spencer Brown demonstrated that the notion distinction is logically prior to the notion truth-value: a difference engine relies, not on truths, but on distinctions. Draw a distinction. Make a mark. Nest crosses. Autopoiesis and self-organization through meaning, however, relies, not on distinction, not on truth, not on a difference engine, but on an equivalence engine. Recognize meaning! Meaning is not demonstrable. Recognition is in semblance. The notion same is logically prior to the notion distinct. In vagueness, in the fuzz, is ingress upon recognition: the psychology of invention in the mathematical field. Topologically speaking, there is no logic in meaning; meaning is ontologically prior to logic, prior to all possible and impossible notions of syntax. One could make similar observations (not arguments) about beauty, but we'll leave that to Musculpt. In response to your e-mailed raised eyebrow, I would have to observe, speaking metalogically, that predicate(ness) sits between premise and conclusion. How is it that the structure of relation (syntax) guarantees validity of that relation? Moreover, why was structure made inviolate? How is in the laws of syllogism: law of non-contradiction; law of excluded middle. Why is in fear and prerequisites of dominance: manufactured in the academic mode of production. These laws concerning the structure of relations arbitrarily define one sort of identity(ness) -- identity as a metaphysical category -- as the only possible sort of identity(ness): absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct. This is a claim, which is to say a premise. The laws relating the unverifiable premise to the conclusion, themselves, taken together, constitute an unverified premise. What makes exponentiated premise into a guarantee of the conclusion? Arguments on this, I believe, would rapidly become inductive, and resolve to issues of beauty. So, in order to guarantee that predicate(ness) is the sole structure of relation guaranteeing deductive validity, simultaneous recourse to post-deduction (existential induction) and pre-deduction (ontology of beauty) is required. Moreover, the notion predicate(ness) depends on the notion time (at the same time is essential to statement of the laws of syllogism), and in doing so selects not only structure as the guarantor but a particular notion of structural articulation: the linear, the isotropic, the simply-connected. Every structural self-reference (as in Gödel's proof) must be resolvable to a series of non-self-referential sentences: resolution to the tonic. So says the guarantor! Isn't it paradoxical that self-reference nullifies selfsameness? Conversely, isn't it paradoxical that detachment cultivates empathic fusion with All That Is? Theory and practice of detachment according to Zen. The paradox is in the premise which incorporates the laws of syllogism as the very notion predication. Inductive logic escapes none of this because reasoning about logical probability (possibility, plausibility, propensity) and interpretations of probability calculus is deductive. The highest state of consciousness, sole sound foundation for an integrative metaculture, is not to be found in Sankaracarya's high indifference; it resides in continuous entertainment under all orders µTm. In difference, indifference, indifferent. Mere lack of difference, however high -- Eight No's or seventeen not-merely's -- is not identity transparency: the meaning of meaning is not in not.
I've been after an answer to that for a very long time, and -- since the beginning of my engagement with m-valued logics -- suggesting the domain within which the answer will be found: non-self-identical, non-selfsame number. What limit? What cut? What truncation? What compaction? What filter? What renormalization? Asking fundamental questions is disruptive? Well, then, I'd throw me out of your class, too. Not only does the determinacy claim of traditional logic (every sentence has exactly one truth-value) define-in numerical selfsameness, numerical self-identity, so do the rules of predicative entailment in syllogistic march: conjunction, disjunction and all the other logicized arithmetic operations are written in just such a manner as never to violate the determinacy claim constituting deductive entailment and the principle of bivalence (every sentence is either true or false). Even though, since about 1910 (just as Kandinsky, having failed to create a viable academy of synaesthesia, was writing On the Spiritual in Art to justify producing the first purely non-objective painting and Schoenberg was abandoning atonality for the dodecaphonic method) the determinacy claim and bivalence have been challenged, and the rules of predicative entailment have been modified, still, this has been done in such ways as to maintain the spirit of traditional logic. Partial entailment as conditional probability as prior plausibilities as possibilities, possible worlds, propensities, as this or that type of uncertainty as degrees of belief as the reals between 1 and 0 as shades of gray fuzzy between black and white, on and off, yin and yang, up and down, girl and boy maintain the spirit of traditional logic, that spirit which insists upon selfsame self-identity and only selfsame self-identity, the very essence of the notion truth-value. If and only if if is selfsame! Though one sort of automorph is embraced, all polymorphs are banned as perverse. Yet, there is an industrial compulsion to generate an endless stream of GMOs. Why is that? What is common to all these modifications of traditional logic other than maintenance of selfsameness? Maintenance of the integrity of linear-time and the isotropy of the representation spaces employed.
I must admit, as you point out, that my memory failed me: Russell's lectures On Logical Atomism came more than a decade later than I indicated; I thus gave Russell more credit than he is due. I said early in the century which was actually about the time he was doing On Denoting, while Atomism arrived, appropriately, at the end of WWI: 1918. The Rite of Spring having been performed, everybody went into their neoclassical periods. Russell's attack on m-valued logics came after, not before, Lukasiewicz began challenging logical determinism and the two-value principle at the very moment Russell and Whitehead wrote Principia Mathematica to put the final touches to logical determinism and the two-value principle. This was well before Heisenberg uncertainty exploded upon the scene. I don't, however, think this error of memory significantly modifies the historical portrait I have been trying to draw. In a sense, it highlights that portrait. For consider that prodigy Norbert Wiener, aged 18, received his Ph.D. in logic at Harvard -- after briefly attending Cornell, one of Emil Post's academic postings -- in 1912 (year of publication of Kandinsky's On the Spiritual in Art, which was greatly influenced by Wilhelm Worringer's Ph.D. dissertation, Abstraction and Empathy, insights from which C. G. Jung had incorporated into his understanding of the psychology of the transference which involves projective identification, and which does have something to do with issues of identity, such as selfsameness or no selfsameness, normotic illness or no normotic illness, man-woman problems or no man-woman problems), moved to Cambridge in 1913 (still aged 18) to study with Russell, and in the same year to Göttingen to study with David Hilbert, and still, in 1920, aged 25, a professor at MIT, possessor still of a young mind, there is every indication, scanning titles in his collected papers, Wiener had no real appreciation as to what was, at the time, happening to his field of specialty. This, in spite of the fact that Wiener's father was a professor of Slavic languages at Harvard. Lukasiewicz in 1920 formalized 3-valued logic and in 1922-3 introduced the interpretation of m-valued logics based on the reals between 1 and 0. Yet, in 2005, a renowned physicist, Freeman Dyson, in reviewing a biography of Wiener can make the statement (The Tragic Tale of a Genius, The New York Review of Books, 14 July 2005, p. 13): Digital communication is the language of logic. Figure that! Moreover, so naive is treatment of the transference relationship between Norbert and wife Margaret -- secular rabbi academic and Mein Kampf hugging German Lorelei -- one can only turn to face away from the involved mortification: all the issues of projective identification fought over from Cantor to Frege to Russell and Hilbert to the assault on Polish logic, and ultimately Poland itself, writ small as a normotic illness of man-woman problems wherein selfsameness, no-selfsameness figures large.
Uncritical universal generalization? Well, to me, any generalization that is not uncritically universal is no significant generalization at all: critical dissection is obviously the antithesis of generalizing to universals. Warren McCullough tried to get sufficiently uncritical, but the neurosciences wouldn't let him. Scan titles to his collected papers! Nor would Norbert's nattering so permit. That's why time in an isolation-flotation tank is critical -- or time tantamount to such time. Cyclical time has nothing to do with the shape of linear-time; linear-time, curved or not, remains linear. Cyclical time is a name mistakenly given to second-order operator-time. Exact recurrence is second-order operator-time viewed through a linear-time bound mode of comprehension, and it exists only for that mode. Learn to distinguish in experience (critical dissection is useful, not for generalization, but for dissection) macroscopic time from microscopic time. Look at this from an economic standpoint. Which is appropriate, given that breakaway notions in logical probability came first from an economist -- 1921, John Maynard Keynes, Treatise on Probability -- not a logician, Lukasiewicz, 1922-3. Frankly, I still haven't found a logical account of what transpired in logic between 1910 and 1923. Also appropriate, exponentially so, because another economist, Friedrich von Hayek, was the first to introduce the notion of non-self-identical numbers relative to non-linear time: the time-shapes of total capital stock. Under the econometric presupposition that total capital stock can be numerically represented, that it is quantifiable, the quantity so representing cannot be selfsame because the time-shapes quantified are interfused (reductively: stacked), not arrayed in linear-time sequence: the transfinite set of such shapes exist at each instant of linear-time, otherwise, they (singular and plural here is/are indistinguishable) could not indicate total capital stock, which is n-degrees, not of freedom, but of virtuality. The number of this quantity cannot be equal to itself; its has to be a diversely-identical skew quantity: skew to itself without arithmetic or algebraic or geometric transformation in time over space. This is not a syntactically specified degree-of-support-type notion. This is not a probability conception! No sort of inductive support. It does not abide by selfsameness, the determinacy claim, bivalence, or any of the ways of preserving linear-time reference and representation space isotropy in logical entailment: probability, possibility, propensity, and so on and so on. Each of these push multi-entailment out of a present into a future, by deeming the multiple as fractional, as partial, as unfinished, as a work in progress. But this multiple-as-fractal is not a partial, no formant, in a linear-time future; it is a macroscopic taken into a microscopic at each and every linear-time present: that's precisely what operator-time does, fractalize. Not a wandering chronotopological monophonic melody, but full-blown chronotopological polyphony wholly heard in a frozen instant! Heard in Mozart's manner: play a few bars for me, and I will write down the whole mass without having heard it. Authentic multi-entailment requires a Cantorian-fractal representation space if the logical march is to be mapped -- this march, of course, not transpiring in a spacetime ponderable to a 1T2 mode of comprehension. The arithmetics utilized are conducted on diversely-identical skew geometries drawn with pencils of skew-parallels: numerical selfsameness is not involved in this non-sequential, non-syllogistic logical entailment. Movement, eidolon of temporal operation, in its myriad cross-modal correlations and synaesthetic fusion, symbolically represents static higher whole integral and/or fractal dimensional relation-structures and their identity-transparencies: a symbolic interactionism where the material world -- i.e., the corpora of shadows on the walls of Plato's cave and on the wayang kulit screen -- is reification of non-self-identical number (numbered Gödel number as archetype-in-itself). The world of the reals symbolically represents the unreal world, not vice versa. This world right here is a numinosity! The very idea of The Holy has always been in inversion, receiving heresiographic treatment. Only Musculpt can note it. Only exteriorized Musculpt can notate it. And only exteriorized Musculpt can post market dynamics of full-blown m-logically-valued monetary units.
The real thing never takes on popular trappings of the real thing. Why? Because that would mean ceasing to be the real thing. Incognito. Can't be recognized. There is no Alan Watts' hiding here; no such thing: that's part of trappings-populaire. Since the first age, the socially redeeming is the socially demeaning. The Big D: dupes and more dupes. People have problems, you know. Soft-this, Soft-that: that's all the people can take, you know: the real thing. The hard version? The real thing? Well humph! Take Hegel's centered-structure, for instance. This is a real real thing, not merely a real thing. Popular Marxian postmodernist trappings pejoratively characterize it hierarchical in nature. Power emanates from the center to the periphery: just like in state-communism, which was not Marxist, we are to believe. The real real thing, however, Hegel's structure-centered as thing-real, is not isomorphic to itself, not selfsame, not self-identical, not the same as itself, not viewable under 1T2 logic, no subscriber to bivalence, necessary entailment, probability, possibility, propensity, not here or there -- in short and in long (were long and/or short both/and nonlinear), not linear-time bound. Whomp! Whaomb! Head twisting -- jerk, jerk -- trying to pull the old logic right out of itself, the head that is. Temporomandibular pain. Eye twitches and twitches. Cervical splint, splinting. Banded, by God, banded. Right there! Across the forehead. Physical. Excruciating. A world lost for lack of a seizure. Whoaaaaaaam, Whoaaaaaam, Whoaaaaaam of the lawnmower man's vitamin whatever. Hegel's centered-structure is part-whole-equivalency holographic, The center is everywhere! diagonalized, diversely-identical, skew-cubic surface, Riemann-stacked, and all the rest. God awful! Compacted. Oh, Father is God! Truncated, cut, renormalized. Don't, just PLEASE, don't. Don't believe it? Don't read Hegel on Hegel; read Plotinus on Hegel; read Proclus on Hegel. Plotinus writing Hegel :: Hegel reading Plotinus writing Hegel. Ditto ProclusHegel. PostHegelian: what a linear-time-bound scam! William James' Varieties of Submission to a Higher. Julius of Evola even qualifies Involution as Decadence. Figure that! Submission to a Higher, some Higher, a Higher somewhat, whatsoever Higher, oh God, please, just give me a Higher: the essence of submission-obedience spirituality (lemma: Our -- coercive our -- Father): spirituality as the essence of obedience-submission. Not realizing: then is now; here, there. And thus being-in not-realizing, so being spiritually-in submission and obedience. Mon, shit, who yo' think you talkin' to? I done been raised wit' dis. Dere's always some damn Brahmins as da FIRST damn Brahmin. Suitable members, X-pillars. My God, my country; my company; Mein Kampf, my self, my orgasm: me. Plotinus didn't make this mistake. Proclus didn't make this mistake. Hegel didn't make this mistake (even if you think you think so). The Big D -- to me, Demergence; Decadence to Evola -- Don't Devolve in linear-time under 1T2 logic. Servicing the ego or the collective superego -- for the sake of role stratification, so as to facilitate dominance relations (essence of spiritual obedience-submission) -- the Emergent Priesthood proclaimed the Laws (of Manu -- of the burning Bush, of whomsoever, whatsoever, whichever so) by treating identity-transparent involutory demergence as if it were a linear-time bound cascade of one simple-identity following another simple-identity into homo hierarchicus. Born thus in dissimulation were dem damn Brahmin! The very essence of spirituality is submission to a Higher power: this separatism dominating that separatism (as the Royal Road to cosmic fusion, to unity with the divine, to attainment of the Big O: Koan Number One). Personification as the method of choice for conversion, conversion of the nonlinear to the linear, the m-valued to the single-valued, the empty-Temenos to the full-of-itself temenos. Oh, how the Countess always rains forth theatrical display of her sacred center. Opus dei as personification after personification, religion after religion, war after war.
Turing eating the cyanide-poisoned apple prefigured what the human species is doing right now, today, 2005. And only in one sense, I bet, did Turing in his symbolic act achieve a halting. Turing's personal Entscheidungsproblem was not actually a Socratic conjuncture. And what is the poisoned apple presently being eaten by the human species, if not the Turing machine itself? It is not that the whole thing was just simply impossible, that indecision was the inherent nature of the case. Turing -- spitting on Newton and rubbing him on the pants leg -- demonstrated with bite of the apple that, after all, there is universal decidability, at least in a certain sense, a sense inverse to that which Newton would have understood. The actual problem was two-fold: (1) no real history of the occult origins of the Nazi cipher machine would ever be published in the English language, and certainly not in German; (2) Turing would not be permitted to go back and rewrite his paper of 1936, On countable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem, in light of what he had learned from deciphering the occult origins of the Enigma code. For readers of MOON, it can be noted here that Trang Minh died of cyanide poisoning, the possible suicide being related to an algorithm of multi-identity: the very issue Turing foundered upon. Decision problem after decision problem.
Look at it! is the real imperative. Cryptanalysts regarded lack of selfsameness a weakness providing a route into decipherment; the Enigma machine never allowed a given letter to encode itself. Non-simple identity, that enigmatic quantum property. No letter was self-identical, the same as itself. This was the mark of the occult origins of the machine -- which the cryptanalyst kept at far greater distance than arm's length. Bloody animism, again! Such a mistake, such an error in design, such a flaw in design criteria would never have been allowed by the Heimat sensibility were it not in the occult nature of the case, the nature, that is, of the cosmic cipher machine of which the Nazi machine was but a mere imitation (a version regressed under archetypal gradients of projective identification to mere ponderable-spacetime cipher, going to the 4-rotor type for underwater night sea journeys, aspiring to the spiritual realms of operator-time, as a 6-rotor type, although all that was needed were the three rotors, their initial settings, and Russellian order-types of superencipherment: when S. Hawking received a discussion of this applied to what is presently called black hole computers -- e.g., tornado, hurricane, comets with double-helical feeder bands, spiral-banded galaxies, et cetera -- and three-fold complex and hypercomplex operator-time in the mid-1970s, he literally became abusive, and oh so authentically the British authority: in such fashion is history unmade). And present-day quantum computing is locked, truly locked, onto REGRESSIVE replication of the same CLASS of flaws in design criteria, and thus, by the principle of synchronicity, is presently prefiguring hot WWIII (not merely the hot aurora Star Wars weapons system mirror to be employed in that conflict). Trang Minh realized the nature of this flaw long before Turing did; otherwise, he could not have written his algorithm of multi-identity in the early-'30s, nor in the late-'30s have evolved his cipher code based on Mauss' Essai sur le don, general theory of the animistic gift of identity transparency, hau (Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function interpreted under m-valued logics and three-fold complex and hypercomplex operator-time). Consider Derek's thoughts about the implications for Lester Hill, about, that is, n-grams under m-logical-values. Hill began writing on polygraphic polyalphabeticity several months before the N.Y. stock market synchronistically crashed in 1929. Precisely what one would expect (absent m-logically-valued monetary units)! Lukasiewicz was moving inexorably toward m-logical-values to a given proposition from 1910-13, in synchronicity with onset of WWI. Church (An unsolvable problem in elementary number theory and A note on the Entscheidungsproblem), Birkhoff and von Neumann (The logic of quantum mechanics), as well as Turing, each in 1936 resonating with Gödel's misinterpretation of Gödel, synchronistically prefigured onset of WWII. Could anything less have been associated with such magnitude in dissimulation of nature? The Nazi machine, being in regression in service to the collective SUPERego, never actually made it to full-fledged operator-time, especially given how primitive were the efforts at superencipherment. Moreover, as early as the late-'20s, Pauli had disposed of operator-time by arguing its incompatibility with the standard interpretation: perhaps its best recommendation. The diagonal board! The structure of the reflector! Amaterasu's mirror! The rotational logics! On countable numbers involved Cantor's diagonal proof of part-whole equivalence as the defining property of the countably infinite, a proof coming in synchronicity with the Franco-Prussian war. Denumerable infinity being the order-type of nonselfsameness herein{every(where[time])} involved. Non-simple quantum (phase digit) identity: pure pagan animism. What Turing would have had to have rewritten in his 1936 paper was part-whole to part-hole. Absence of selfsameness is not merely an enigma; it is a hole; it's holistic. The part is not selfsame; it is not-the-part; it's the whole, which is a hole (in Peano's axioms): empty-Temenos, Hegelian centered-structure, Amaterasu's state as place, her cave, her atemporal (i.e., not of linear-time) self-inverse involutes usurped by a male figure, the Emperor-who-thinks-he-can-do (linear-time as recursive extension made defining property of the notion of algorithm, indeed, made the very essence of effective calculability: effective for what, what pragmatism, eh what?). Pendant donors instead of rotating metallointercalation operators (spinors). The Erdgeist Entscheidungs enciphering and the pragmatic pendants producing the decryption with their bays of bombes. This was not only a gender-preference Entscheidungsproblem for Turing; it was an Umsturzsituation. Cryptographic kisses? The stripping of cryptograms? Deep-structure, Love? To bloody hell with the nature of Nature! Surface-structure is excellent! Splendid! Super! well, as super as this is ever going to get. I can tell you that. And His Majesty's Government's hormone therapy was a demand that selfsameness not be violated by any axiomatic holes. S-s-s-s-spec-spec-s-s-spec-specified specific! Subject axioms. Constants (object, function, and predicate). First-order theory. Truth-value, then, and only then, quite likely algorithmically decidable, what? According to the laws of likelihood, anyway. And in accordance with the pragmatics of the practical. Who caused all these bloody wars, what? That's a statement, of course, not a question.
Over and over, I keep saying that the case being discussed here cannot be placed into written notation, indeed, any sequential parsing whatsoever; this, however, it appears, is an assertion that simply cannot be heard. Tone deaf to Musculpt. Why? Because people still believe plaintext is possible -- when its impossibility is the nature of the case. Plaintext is a lie, a dissimulation of nature: the retrograde inversions accomplished by projective identification are required in order to produce it. The Grundgestalt and its transforms! Dodecaphonic technique of 1912-13 prefigured collective psychopathology of the century. Why? Because it was stopped dead in its musicogenic tracks by convulsive collective hysteria. Suppression, projection, introjection, identification, regression: all more or less simultaneous. Anyone who lived through 1936 and still believed that truth-value has any value whatsoever, had to have sustained some specific specified form of dementia. Lack of selfsameness in the early-'40s was, what? One-hundred-fifty-million strong. Uh, without any order-types of superencipherment. Enough to get the basic idea. But that was the regressed imitation, not the cosmic cipher system itself, wherein the number of rotors is countably infinite, the number of letters in the alphabet on each rotor is countably infinite, the number of diagonals on the board is countably infinite, the number of holes (not any kind of zero; not any kind of infinity) in the reflector (Amaterasu's mirroring m-logically-valued reference space) is countably infinite, the number of order-types of superencipherment is countably infinite -- and effects of those Russellian order-types of superencipherment are called virtual, nonlocal, critical, super-this and super-that, the involved Curie temperature depending upon the operative order-type. Each value of every number (not just each number, each number not being equal to itself), being at least infinitely denumerably nonselfsame, how effectively calculable is it? How notationally notable? Unless, of course, the cosmic computer has all the same properties of superposition as does the cosmic encipherment. Not so strange, perhaps, that this sort of stuff should have been discussed in idle moments at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-HQ, while trying to decode the world-line of self-organizational phase transitions traversed by an underground bureaucratic network created by peasant animists still significantly conscious in states of identity transparency (who won their war by destroying the gold-exchange mechanism of the Bretton-Woods monetary system, a system not based on m-logically-valued monetary units).
I don't know what discovery algorithms you discovered, but clearly they were not those I came upon. Protecting the morons from themselves is not the way to save the planet from the morons, the only real issue these last several decades. As Derek Dillon said ages ago, simply doing nothing, sitting back to watch, is the most capable interdiction that can be undertaken, so clueless are they. There are active things that could be done, some of which would likely be very effective world care, but none fall into the realms of prevention. There is a big difference between pursuit of long shots and intense focus upon accomplishment of the impossible.
Far be it from me to politicize science or mathematics -- and for God's sake, no institutionalized religion. So, please, once again, wash my mouth out with soap! People simply cannot distinguish between that which will kill them and what has the capacity to save them. And this is why nothing of positive consequence has been accomplished in decades. But the fact is that the root dissimulation we are discussing in its modern aspect as having evolved directly by back-reaction against Niels Henrik Abel's work of 1824-26, and what it spawned, is at least as old as St. Valentine's Day. What was the title of St. Augustine's famous book? The City of God? No. It was: Concerning the City of God Against the Pagans. Against the pagans. Now that we have an epidemic of radical Islamist martyrdom operations, some attention is being directed to the Christian origins of martyrdom operations in an insurgency program employed to bring down the Roman Empire. In all the many references I have seen over decades to the book written by St. Augustine, only recently have I seen the actual complete title given. There is significance in this coincidence, even in face of those who maintain that coincidence has no significance in being proximal, proximal not being a cause, however much that might violate law of the land -- and however much the insistence is made that the human collective unconscious plays no role in historical processes. Amongst many others, a lady by the name of Valentine martyred herself in opposition to the pagan Romans and subsequently was canonized a saint. As an act of witness, Be my Valentine? And it came to pass that so many people wanted to be Valentines in acts of witness -- before and after Valentine -- that St. Augustine had to essay against this pandemic desire for transcendence of the claim to discrete selfhood in the ethical space of the City of God set against the profane space of the city of man so that suicide could be declared a sin. For readers of MOON, this is something Derek, at the time engaged in counter-terror activities, directly ruminates upon while taking a bus ride across the suburbs of the city of Saigon into the space of its exurbs. But the City of God was against Rome, against the trade center of the ancient world, against the pagans! Against, that is, a certain notion of identity, the sense in immediacy of animistic identity transparency ritualistically serviced by pagan practices conducted at critical points in pagan sacred space identified by empathic feeling-into. Identity incorporation was the MO -- in New Latin, modus operandi -- of the Roman legions.
The Abel-Ruffino impossibility theorem demonstrated the existence of a notion of identity not before entertained in mainstream Western mathematics: the multivalued identity of the multivalued variable. This notion was transcendental no less than non-algebraic. Abel, breaking through the ego sphere's firewall and Ali Baba's password, Open says-a-me!, blew up al-Khuwarizmi's fundamental algorithm of al-jabr: a finite number of repetitions of the basic arithmetic operations: addition, multiplication, their inverses; the taking of roots, and its inverse. And this m-valued abelian notion of identity in the very idea of mathematical function -- a mathematical designation of animistic-pagan identity transparency -- was never actually accepted by the mathematicians and physicists forced by their own assumptions about the nature of logic to deal with it and its implications. What needs to be understood is that an impossibility demonstration in mathematics is not a restriction upon mathematics; it is an expansion thereof: the conditions previously assumed are now known to be too restrictive; new (usually more general, often unwanted, frequently threatening) conditions are directly or implicitly invoked by the demonstration. Mathematical impossibility means the actual is actually more. Abel solved the koan of the quintic -- general equation of the 5th degree, an equation in a single variable to the fifth power, x5 -- in proving the impossibility of its solution by radicals under the previously assumed restrictions on the fundamental nature of identity. Not only did virtually the whole of modern mathematics emerge from Abel's solution to the quintic, but virtually the whole of modern mathematics and much of post-Newtonian physics are very much attempts to put back in the box what Abel unpacked. And it is a significant coincidence that Abel was embraced in Germany and ignored in France during his brief lifetime on this planet. Time and identity have a great deal to do with one another. Making time an external dimension, a degree of freedom with sign opposite to ponderable spatial degrees of freedom, was a way of compensating the ego for the losses it sustained in face of the principle of relativity. Psychodynamically, sign opposite to the ponderable means not ponderable. Like the my self which cannot be experientially identified with the my body, whether in normal life or in martyrdom operations. Relativity was not an assault on the divine Old One who, spiritually speaking, entertains and incorporates infinitudes of identities in being all that is, omnipresent, infinitudes of perspectives in being all that is, omniscient, the Self of selves in the words of William James; it was an assault on the ego function's specious (spacious only if that means air-headed) claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct. Spatializing time -- which came after Special Relativity -- experientially attributes to the self-attribution of discrete selfhood the ponderability of space, even though time is not ponderable in immediacy. Fundamentalist religious opposition to relativity theory was no defense of God; it was apostasy; it was a defense of egoic self-centeredness, a defense of the introspective incompetence required to sustain the sham self-attribution of discrete selfhood. This psychoanalytic assertion concerning the metapsychology of physics and its physicists (and of religious fundamentalism and its fundamentalists) in no way argues against the utilities of experiment; it condemns the pandemic scientific practice (and imposition of institutionalized religions) of cultivating introspective incompetence as if it were a virtue. Einstein may not have thrown away Theodor Kaluza's paper of 1919, but the fact that he did not cultivate it may have been almost as important a deep-structure cause of WWII as was acceptance of Born's dissimulative 1926 interpretation of Schrödinger. And Klein's 1926 proposal that Kaluza's extra spatial dimension may be internal rather than external can be viewed as -- on a subliminal level, if not fully unconscious -- an attempt to mitigate the negative impact of Born's falsification. Kaluza-Klein theory, with its hidden dimensions of Calabi-Yau spaces, psychodynamically invokes the Taoistic center-in-the-midst-of-conditions which can only take on ontic immediacy through employment of Einfuhlung, generative empathy: this is a renewed assault on the ego function's specious claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct. The way to establish assurance of this is by attempting to localize in proprioceptive immediacy the inner voice through making an internal assault on incessant roof-brain chatter -- the inner voice being far more psychodynamically identified with my self than with my body. That which is observed is changed in the act of observation. This holds for the inner voice and macroscopic objects (as reductive phenomenology and analytical Cubism clearly demonstrate), no less than quantum-level microscopic objects. Observe the inner voice correctly, systematically enough, long enough and nothing you can do will keep it localized in the head-throat-heart arc; nor will you be able to sustain its presence; it simply will leave the head and recede into total evaporation, and then you will have no alternative but to experience Nirvana. Testimony of introspective adepts throughout the ages certifies this assertion as being the case. Time is centered in the midst of conditions, inwardly, as hidden dimensions; more accurately, as fractal transformations of internal dimensions: active operator-time. Placing time as a passive external minus-signed dimension sustains the egoic claim to absolute separateness, and is an apostasy, a defiance, an insolence, a compete falsification of the case. The possibility of Calabi-Yau spaces grew inevitably out of the Abel-Ruffino impossibility theorem. So, is it mere coincidence or significant coincidence that The Economist, August 27th 2005, pages 71 and 72, should give a completely oversimplified, indeed falsified, treatment of Abel in a review of a book about Abel (and Evariste Galois), with a falsifying title, The Equation That Couldn't Be Solved: How Mathematical Genius Discovered the Language of Symmetry on the back side of the page where two books are reviewed under the rubric Causes of catastrophe: 1453: The Holy War for Constantinople and the Clash of Islam and the West and The Mechanism of Catastrophe: The Turkish Pogrom of September 6-7, 1955, and the Destruction of the Greek Community of Istanbul? Well, to me, as a onetime instructor at JFK Special Warfare Center on the art of black propaganda
Well, there are at least two kinds of m-valued we are talking here, and they need to be kept polysemous: the multiplicity of meaning, the polysemy, must be maintained by one cognitive means or another. Multivalued identity is not the identity of a multivalued variable. Multivalued variables were on the scene long before Abel, most simply from recognition of plus-and-minus values of independent variables and more complexly from explication of trigonometric functions. Multivalued identity was what Abel discovered by implication in the quintic threshold of polynomial equations, and this was the largely unacknowledged discovery that generated the back-reactions (unconscious, subliminal, or conscious). The transcendental nature of the case led to Cantor's discoveries. Another line of development was toward geometric fibers of abelian schemes via abelian varieties and abelian functions on complex tori (in logics of order-type higher than 1T2, these would be Klein bottles with non-orientable handles). In such context the impetus to m-valued logics was provided. Multivalued variables can be evaluated under 1T2 logic; multivalued identity requires µTm logics for its evaluation. A 3-valued variable like the single independent variable of the general quintic equation has the property of selfsameness: it is itself and only itself, even though that self has three values defining itself. A 3T3 logically-valued identity, however, has no selfsameness; indeed, self-referentially speaking, the itself which is not-itself is a not-itself which is not-itself which is itself an itself not-itself. A 2T3 logically-valued identity also has no selfsameness; indeed, self-referentially speaking, the itself which is not-itself is a not-itself which is not-itself, and only these not-self it-selves, even though there is another itself which is not-itself available to itself for self-identification, with which there is no identification made (self-remembering in this case is asymmetric). A class of failure to decompose -- like in the case of a (cyclic) simple Galois group, say A5 of the quintic equation -- identifies collapse in utility of order of logical-value imputed to the involved variables, coefficients, functions, operators. Change of imputed order of logical-value will reestablish some type decomposability by embracing a different state of identity transparency. I would not be surprised if at some point it were discovered that nonselfsame numbered Gödel numbers correspond to logical lattices of polytope maps of multivariate polynomial primes (some of which have orders of infinitude in degree, including the infinite degree of formal power series) characteristic of temporal-operators, these primes containing information about the temporal-operators' m-logical-value arrays upon internal dimensions and fractals of those dimensions. Generalize through theta functions to Grassmann algebras to D-branes; subject Hilbert space to Riemann surfaces and Teichmüller spaces under m-valued logics; then vertex color the involved chromatic polynomials holographically in superposed Schenker-Zuckerkandl-Stockhausen auditory space (a space of interval strings, not tonal-space points); and then you will see-hear exteriorized Musculpt as Kandinsky's synaesthetic Kunstwissenshaft of pure feeling! Such is the manner in which a contemporary well-tempering could transpire.
Indeed, yes, there is a way to rephrase in relation to contemporary events the thesis I am arguing -- though I suspect you will not much like its articulation. The distinction between self (claim to which is tantamount to existential murder) and other (designation of which is tantamount to existential suicide) resides in the consciousness-state-dependent assertion that A is absolutely not not-A; any deviation from the involved state of consciousness is regarded dementia by those identified with that state. Suppression of deviations from such consciousness-state regresses the deviation-state contents, which are propelled into projection as physical acts of murder (annihilation of the other) and suicide (self annihilation). The involved retrograde inversion being characteristic of the doubled self/anti-self duality characteristic of the transference with its intrapsychic contrasexual attributes. By conservation of (psychic) energy, that which is suppressed, automatically, by compensatory abreaction, is placed in projection in regressed form by the unconscious (personal and/or collective). Personal and/or collective obsession (be it via actual performance and/or through filmographic and/or televisual virtuality) with the regressed physical acts in projection is, precisely, projective identification. This is, essentially, what I argue has transpired in cyclic extension by episodic fulmination in back-reaction to Niels Henrik Abel's activities of 1824-26. Abel, by direct implication, challenged fundamental tacit assumptions of Abrahamic religions (no less than of the reigning Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm) in a fashion more threatening than ever before. He placed a SoftBomb in fraternal social space. The archetypal story of Cain and Abel immediately comes to mind. Obviously, there being a Cain to kill an Abel, Adam and Eve had long since left the Garden. (N. H. Abel was left to die of TB at age 26; whereas, three years later, his stand-in at maths, Galois, was the one actually murdered at age 20: no concrete event gradient conforms exactly to the heuristic archetypal pattern, as thematic mimesis is the essential trope-morph involved. Cain, in this case, was the Cartesian nation-state.) Precisely what constitutes the Garden and why there is such a great and widespread yearning for a return to it at the End of Time is the crux of the matter. Speaking in terms of chiliastic Islam, if the End of Time is the last instant of a linear sequence, then that fact would provide a certain perspective on the nature of the Hidden Imam; if, however, the End of Time is available in every instant, then the Hidden Imam might be hidden internal dimensions. Certainly, as all the great inner-work traditions clearly imply, internal dimensions can only be apprehended with ontic immediacy by deviation from the assertion that A is absolutely not not-A. Suppression of this deviation, by whatever means -- externally or internally imposed -- sets in motion the above-described psychodynamics.
Crime fiction, neurosis fiction, psychosis fiction In the theory of history, ontogenic and phylogenic, my I embraces, the collective unconscious plays large; my other I am, therefore, makes an effort to write in a manner somewhat similar -- suggestive, shall it be said -- to how the unconscious is accessed: jerky, wild associations, nesting within nesting; no emphasis on finished, smooth, grace, languid, easy to follow, unfailingly figurative, turningly taut, purrs prose-poiesis, compulsively red-eyed in the morning, and so on. People are not much interested, of course; but, then, what would be accomplished by acquisition of such interest? Great reader as mind-most-identified. Hah! Cognitive Volkswagen jamming the city of man with tort kings, wind shadows, red names
Propagation, you say? Transluminal? Here to there; there to here? Tension and release? Development? Evolution? Progress? Evidence? Measure? Frame? Denouement? Conclusion? What Abel, Cantor, Schrödinger, and Gödel proved, each in their own way, is that The World, The Case, All That Is, Is-ness, Suchness, All Base is other than itself, not more than itself, is non-selfsame, and being infinitely so by nonorientable multiple connection, has no need to communicate that state in any fashion whatsoever -- and that this animistic condition of identity transparency is ableness to be: hyparxis. How can contemporary fiction which does not somehow record this codification of reality be regarded present-day art fiction?
If I have tended to make lite of, ridicule, lampoon, caricature figurative usage in prose and poesy -- as was done in The Moon of Hoa Binh -- then this is because the mental algorithms used in generating verbal figurations are related to those of projective-identification at transference -- particularly on the subject-(physical)object level. Employment of these algorithms is always dissociative-animistic, and that is why practiced employment to the point of generative empathy is so rare (and even why the involved state of identity transparency is deemed a pathy: em-pathy, i.e., inducing a pathy; animist-pagan identity transparency having been replaced with truth-value as the foundational notion of logic when m-logical-values collapsed to 2-logical-values). Pleasure of recognition, insight, epiphany at verbal figuration is transference-induced projective-identification: so sweet (mini-glutamate-flood), that socialization of cognition! Just as one can go into a session of walking meditation having self-metaprogrammed to see only myriad greens or to view visual space as if framed by an imagined Alberti-Durer linear-perspectival screen-grid, so one can go into a session self-metaprogrammed to see comparison, proportion, correspondence, simile, metaphor. A practiced staying-on-the-surface of this generates verbal figurations -- surface practice being reinforced by fear of dissociative-animistic-pagan states. Psychological surface-as-measure theory! Mallarme, Rilke, others, obviously, cast aside that fear, but this is very unusual. Jettisoning dread (d-read) of dissociation -- thus making it consciously elaborated and hence voluntary -- opens cross-modal translations of sensory dimensions such that synaesthetic verbal figurations are generated. Even this can be algorithmated -- just like Confucian scholars capping couplets. Oops, a simile. An algorithmation session a day keeps the psychiatrist away! Deautomatizing the algorithm while deepening the practice, however, opens synaesthesia onto Musculpt -- which cannot be captured in verbal figurations.
What have I been saying decade after decade? Reruns. Culture set. Precipitants of the world wars -- Europe, Asia. Germano-Russian bloc. Greater China. Guaranteed. Fossil-fuel limitations support it. North Korea, a surrogate. What choice will Japan have? National suicide, again? Shake 'n bake, you'll see what I mean by morph into something more elaborate.
Golf ball for a brain, pounding sod, hoping to lift divots of greenbackism high enough to keep the goldbugs at bay. What a goliwogg! Cognitive functions so compromised, and the capacity to sustain moral strain so limited, how expect evidence of human-species adaptation, learning from past experience? Where, for instance, in the developing world, even in the world of tiger economies, or in China, India, are the mistakes that were made in the developed economies being avoided? Where, indeed! Wasn't it at least a hundred years ago we learned to make a functional bottle cap? Not only are all the same mistakes being made, but they are being repeated in a manner worse than the precedent, and with a smug sense of self-satisfaction. Insuring human-species survival. Hah! Revolution of rising expectations become a convolution. Billion-dollar casinos; thousand-room hotels; gated greenbelt; privatized beachfront ripped from public space; satellite cities built on inner-city parkland; hinterland so raped it might was well have been strip-mined for coal, and thus cannot recover in centuries; modern private housing blocks doing a bad job of imitating 1950s NYC and Chicago public housing wasteland; millions and millions of concrete shophouses, the most undesigned structures in the history of built environments (architecture would be the wrong word). This list does not end; it goes on and on and on. Live in a shophouse! Live in an unserviced squatter settlement in an Asian mega-conurbation in time of war! The human species has not learned that the outcomes cannot differ so long as the forcing functions remain unchanged, and that the forcing functions cannot actually be changed (revolution or no revolution) so long as the very idea of what a forcing function can be cannot be changed. Forcing flunktions! And you ask me how I know global-insurgency/GWOT will morph into something more elaborate?
Still running up the slope, having not yet reached buckle of the cusp surface; therefore, no real constituency constellated so far. But that does not mean cusp catastrophe will not be realized, that every constituency will not eventually be constellated. To whatever degree unconscious, to whatever degree conscious, the materiel-marshaling behaviors and self-organizational dynamics of insurgencies mimic metabolic processes of biological systems far better than do the counterinsurgent efforts of nation-states. This disparity prevails because the organizational formats of nation-states have always been set against nature: e.g., Preface to Hobbes' Leviathan, for what is the Heart but a Spring? Existence of this disparity means that insurgent methodologies can successfully be applied to any and every aspect of a culture, society, civilization -- and that, the closer to cusp catastrophe, the larger the collection of such aspects within which success can be expected and will be attempted. Looking for indicators, are you? Know what I mean? Catch that? Autopoiesis by resource exchange across phase boundaries (a materiel specialist's wet dream): if you have not studied cascading self-organizational dynamics of insurgent cellular infrastructures-networks side by side with catalytic cascade models of automorphic cellular metabolism side by side with cascade-theoretic, numerical-forecast computer models of supercelled tornado genesis, then, please, don't tell me I don't know what I am talking about. Forty-five years ago, Special Operations Research Office, I began such studies. Driven out of your club cammies by powdered zinc and sulfur, spend some nites in the villes as the token American, witness a few events up close enough to be splattered. Drop a green bomb. Take some Special Forces popcorn. Then, maybe, you will gain some real insight into the insurgent's targeting, recruitment, infiltration, subversion problem -- expanding to larger and larger collections, classes, sets, aspects. You believe eco-terrorism is no prefiguration? Thousand-room hotels, billion-dollar casinos, 72-hole golf courses with executive airfields-heliports, five-thousand dollar a nite rooms: no inducers? When at six-billion humans the cooked carrying capacity of Earth is exceeded, and raw ecologically-balanced carrying capacity was probably exceeded at two billion? Family values somehow a good? To be a family or not to be a family, that the question. My family or your family, that another question. You have no children? What wrong with you? How strange. Ten billion by 2050, and you can't see only bullet holes in walls all crumbled, who they gonna hunt down? Military proselytizing, and you want a world without borders, you a golfer? Maximum who? Judge Liberty and Mrs. Justice? For obvious reasons, I have not, and will not, detail what can be projected. But thinking the process through is not so tough if you understand dynamics of phase transitions, their forcing functions, thresholds. Every aspect of a culture, society, civilization, every aspect -- and stereotypic counterinsurgent back-reactions. I remember laughing uproariously while reading Autopsy on People's War. Bet you felt reassured.
You making a joke, right? Listen to what the man says, his assessments of the world situation, what needs to be done, look what he is doing. Stop, look, and listen. How could George Soros have read anything I have written? Don't get me wrong. I'm not just a wiseacring rouseabout wijssegger soothsaying Cassandra's chronomantic void. Download a list of the one-hundred wealthiest, planet Earth; research their backgrounds, interests, inclinations. Any plausible among them has long since received missives on m-logically-valued monetary units. Waste of effort, really; but internal necessity requires the bases be covered. Problem is -- and it was not hard to see this, of course -- the wealth was made through exploitation of the existing system; therefore, not much inclination to change it. Then again, these are the people with the means to change it. Not necessarily nice, now. Quite a dilemma, and any would-be magus/wisenheimer who steps within it is likely to die of winterkill.
Yep. Problem solving. The American way. Problem-solved our way into this paper bag, gonna problem-solve our way out of it.
If they can't get the simple idea that greenhouse warming can cause a new ice age, how they to understand about the deautomatization stage of a phase shift where all extremes are normal, even the extremely normal? Fergit it! What they need to know, anyway? Just going to happen to them. Don't say that! Won't hear it. How disgusting! Defer to them because they so dumb, don't know no better, can't ask more of their like. They might take insult, be feeling hurt. You smart: tolerate them, put up with it. Coca-Cola culture become coke culture in boom-boxes globalized. The dominance of the dumbest, see where it got this planet, popular culture, music people can understand. Look what they do to make their day go good Lift a finger? Walk away, Renee, just going to happen to them -- and so be it.
Must admit I’ve always had a certain casual interest in history, mostly in the varieties of historical falsification. No interest, really, in the historical baggage of this people or that, their complex matrix, the dirty underwear of collective neurosis people pull over their heads. So what! You’re telling me you have a personal problem because your ancestors had a collective problem? Right. Keep on wallowing, squinting through that thing covering your face. Just because the collective unconscious can accurately be regarded a historical driver does not mean one necessarily is automatically a slave. History and the properties of time -- no relation? Me who knows what they think of as time is mere memetime? Not hardly! People today can’t (not: don’t) read Freud’s The Psychopathology of Everyday Life for good reason.
These ideas are not ahead of their time; they are a hundred years old and a hundred-fifty years too late. The great men directing world affairs who have never heard of Lukasiewicz logics, who believe money is what it is, the market the market, that what they haven’t conceived is inconceivable, lead humanity into collective suicide and already are responsible for extinction of hundreds of thousands of species. These monetary notions have been pointedly contextualized so as to explicate the range of reasons why one-hundred-year-old ideas are one-hundred-fifty years too late, and still people have not heard of them. When a few do hear, they could care less. Fine. This-I does not post material out of my-other-I-am’s interest in their welfare. Transit into awareness of existence of m-logically-valued identity states profoundly complexifies motivational frameworks – which is a good place to leave off. As cusp events eventually transpire, pile up
There are systemic reasons why Keynes and White did not want any vehicle currency to be an international reserve currency, why they wanted a bancor or a unitas and an international clearing union. Bretton Woods ended by mandating, instead, a vehicle currency -- the dollar -- as the reserve currency, a currency constrained by a gold-exchange mechanism, and, in lieu of a clearing union, an IMF. When the U.S. under JFK chose to have a Viet Nam war, and not to pay for it by taxation, it began to violate the implied trust built into the status of reserve currency and the granting of relatively unfettered printing of that currency so as to maintain sufficient international liquidity for clearing of markets to transpire. Not only did the gold-exchange mechanism constrain free printing of the dollar -- thus limiting certain kinds of abuse, like having the Japanese auto industry produce all the ARVN's vehicles and picking up the tab with classified freely printed dollars -- but the international considerations that impinge upon market behaviors related to a vehicle currency serving as the international reserve currency constrain domestic monetary and fiscal policy options for dampening the business cycle, keeping high employment, low inflation, et cetera. The Viet-Nam-war-created double-digit inflation had its origins in the period before U.S. repudiation of the gold-exchange mechanism. This repudiation plus major devaluation of the dollar triggered the OPEC oil price rise, exacerbating U.S. inflation, and leading to petrodollar recycling, Third World debt crisis, and so on. What is a store of value? The idea that multiple vehicle currencies serving as competing international reserve currencies, which money markets would set relative prices of, would straighten out this mess, would somehow be better, is a fantasy only a Milton Friedman could adequately black propagandize. Arbitrage, hedging, and particularly the derivatives market would literally explosively expand, dwarfing anything imagined today -- as competing vehicle-reserve currencies constitute no reserve currency at all. Moreover, George Soros is right in asserting that markets never clear, whatever the liquidity, because of market reflexivities -- look at the Phillips' curve, and the modified Phillips' curve, and modifications of the modified Phillips' curve -- and I would add that reflexivity is a feedback-way of designating non-orientability, which is a topology-way of signifying self-reference, which is a binary-logic-way of dissimulating presence of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics. Markets do not clear, will not clear, cannot clear so long as there are no m-logically-valued e-monetary units (vehicle currencies) referenced to an MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space as reserve e-currency, unitas, bancor) providing the computing engine for an international clearing union. No Turing machine, a Lukasiewicz machine but that goes off into phase-digit computing, Abelian versus non-Abelian, and so on. Moreover, on the last moreover: beginning markedly with Remember the Maine! and O-ver there, O-ver there, decisively with repudiation of the gold-exchange mechanism, relieving the dollar of most constraints on abuse, the American way of life was no longer supportable by domestic resources alone; its sustainability required preferential access to every resource base on the planet. End dollar dominance, American foreign policy soon will be financially bound to the ZI, and quickly the U.S. will no longer have preferential access to global resources, the cars won't make the exurbs, then the suburbs, heating/cooling buildings becomes prohibitive, irrigation systems fail, food shortages develop, lights go off and elevators freeze up in NYC A comparison with the bloodless break-up of the USSR is not valid for numerous reasons, not the least of which is that the Soviet currency and economy had no similar international-system role to that given the U.S. at Bretton Woods. Under multiple competing vehicle-reserve currencies, there is nothing but consensus as decision algorithm for multilateral institutions: the whole global federalism agenda is dead in international waters. Which vehicle-reserve currency is going to mount a world army? All-out global war -- just like the last time, and the time before that. Too pessimistic, you say? We'll see, because no nation-state will lead the charge for m-logically-valued monetary units, which would, essentially, obviate the nation-state system, leave it a mere cultural lag.
It's no mere matter of understanding the structure of insurgent-terrorist cellular infrastructures -- claim to which is made by every expert -- but of knowing about the invariant properties of such infrastructures' dynamical transformations. This is a subject very little studied. One would think that the war-gaming companies, if not the security and government solutions firms -- but clearly not.
The fate of the dollar is not only in hands of the FED, the mortgage banks, and the Chinese, but also of OPEC and Al Qaeda & Associates. A present-day verson of the Vietnam-war-created stagflation may well be a concommitant to GWOT, with OPEC and AQ&A functioning as two of the pinchers: calls for denominating oil in euros. Having falsified to themselves the many dimensions of what actually happened during the Vietnam war, Americans are not well-equipped to rationally respond to reruns.
It was decades ago when I knew about such matters -- early-'67, JFK Special Warfare Center Library and the Psychological Operations Group, same Center; I've had no contact since. Check out the history of PSB, PsychStrat B, the Psychological Strategy Board during the late-'40s and early-'50s. Special warfare truncated unconventional warfare which cognitively decapitated psychological warfare. With passing of the PSB and rise of the Kennedys, psyops and special ops were tacticalized and administratively differentiated -- reflecting onset of a profound collective personality disorder emanating from highest level (CIS, Central Integrative System) functional disintegration, not to say social seizures. Given the history of this, I am more than a little incredulous at the notion a mere embedding of social scientists could reverse the dissociative process -- or that further campus military-service funding and recruiting would more compromise the social sciences than they already are. As is relentlessly pointed out, the U.S. has maintained its position of supremacy throughout the period of such failures, drawing into question the questioning of policies and organizational formats. The actual concerns at issue, however, are the costs this maintenance of supremacy by the power elite has levied upon the planet, the biosphere, other species, the human species This is not to say that the U.S. should have, or should now, voluntarily discorporate or agglomerate to a supraordinate Cartesian-Newtonian nesting; rather, that aggressive blocking across the board of intelligent approaches to larger issues than supremacy of the self in virtually every field was not, and continues not to be, indicated, therapeutic. Even as late as it currently is into the history of the late, great planet Earth, still the cutting edge of computer science, and so many other fields, is overwhelmingly determined by the needs of war fighting. Capacity for this determination is ultimately resident in dollar supremacy and the unique printing right granted when Bretton-Woods made a vehicle currency the foremost international reserve currency, rather than creating a unitas or bancor or something more sophisticated. Shifting to another foremost vehicle-reserve currency will only confer the unique printing right to it; no resurrection of science, or transit to post-science or art-science or whatever will be possible -- and, consequently, no substantive change in human-systems interface with the planet will transpire.
Here is an interesting analysis of the prevailing global monetary situation offered on 23 January 2006 by Krassimir Petrov, professor of Macroeconomics, International Finance, and Econometrics at the American University in Bulgaria.
Clearly, binary lies have become single-valued truth; the lower-order superficial, the most-high profound; the limited and self-serving, height of sociality richly rewarded. Having been electrochemically anchored to the brain and institutionalized, so shall it remain. Designating something, e.g., projective-identification, the acknowledgement of which is threatening, dreaded, as a cliché is a bogus means of depotentiation. If secrecy is secondary, falsification more fundamental, then the collective unconscious constellates via projective identification in overdrive: secrecy produces similes; falsification, metaphors. As Mumford argued in Art and Technics and as was demonstrated in Rubbish Theory: passing technologies lose their value, drop to zero; then are collected, become fetish objects of obsession; soon, their value begins to rise as the new technologies move into complete replacement. Obsession with abortion as genetic engineering, cloning, test-tube babies and incubated infancy come online. Frequently, falsification follows secrecy; but the more fundamental the case, the more likely is secrecy to follow falsification. Fundamentality is measured in generality: discovery of a new type of number is more fundamental than discovery of a new physics principle. Efficaciousness of metallic -- more generally, commodity -- reference for currencies, I believe, was lost during the 1820s and 1830s, never to be resurrected. Onset of The Age of Complexity. Not only because of global population density achieved; rapidity of transportation and communications; scale of urbanization; magnitude of project capitalization required to tool, feed, house, and clothe; variety of financial instruments created; and so on as regards complexity thresholds. Speculate in terms of Art and Technics and Rubbish Theory as to relative timing of sky-high silver mines, gold rushes, free-silver fevers, mint obsessions, full-metal-value coinage fetishes; et cetera. More fundamentally, the 1820s and 1830s was the critical period: both algebra and geometry underwent epochal revolutionary transformation -- largely falsified, and productive of unconscious constellation of collectively designated metaphor. Abel demonstrated the existence of worlds of mathematics transcendental to algebra; Lobachewsky demonstrated the existence of worlds of mathematics hidden inside geometry, geometry as it had been understood to be since Euclid. Abel's cascaded cyclotomic worlds upon worlds upon worlds, viewable from the quintic, the power of five, was subsumed to, falsified as, The Impossibility Theorem. Lobachewsky's pangeometric decimation of Euclid's parallel postulate -- Euclid's single-valued hypothesis of the right angle (both meanings of right) being replaced by Lobachewsky's m-valued hypothesis of acute, phase-digit, angles: any parallel has hidden skew-multiples -- was reductively dissimulated to discovery of non-Euclidian geometry. Once falsified, what both of these discoveries discovered was kept secret: transcendental and interior dimensions of identity mandate transparency, non-selfsameness, multivaluedness as essential properties, the essence of, identity, the very notion of identity as a metaphysical category. Simple-identity is dead. Weight, by Newtonian gravity as force field, is in principle dead. Weight in gold or silver as identifier of value is as dead in principle as the involved concept of a measure. Collective unconscious constellation of regressed metaphor did not wait upon appearance of interior Kaluza-Klein dimensions, but manifest immediately during the 1820s and 1830s as civilization upon civilization hidden in the hollow Earth: the center-of-the-Earth and maelstrom expostulations of J. Verne and E. A. Poe were roughly deferred until after appearance of Kaluza-Klein interiority. Secrecy-generated simile came later: theosophy, with its time-, space-, and ether-cyclotomic cascades; wars of the worlds; flying saucers; space invaders, star wars. As the whole paradigm went into hypercrisis, simile invaded metaphor; secrecy, falsification: aliens arriving from other worlds took over the anthills, termite hovels, beehives, catcombs, hidden civilizations of interior Earth -- travel to which required traverse of the enfolded, implicate dimensions of time-reversal asymmetries. Collective expression of personal psychoses. Identity was in memory, if only that could be remembered; immunity, in non-Platonic anamnesis of noncommunicating relative-state signatures. Without total recall and a full-metal jacket, bankruptcy was inevitable. Recommending the purchase of gold is not the same as advocating return to a gold standard, which failed utterly -- could not even prevent the causes of WWI -- about the memetime simile invaded metaphor.
Economists don’t study quantum physics, don't need to study quantum physics! And certainly don't critically study quantum physics, question quantum physicists' interpretations of quantum physics. Political scientists don't study quantum physics, don't need to study quantum physics! Molecular biologists, even, don't study quantum physics. And social scientists embedded in U.S. Army units engaged in GWOT haven't studied quantum physics either, don't need to study quantum physics! Just look at everything quantum physicists don't study! The equations of atmospheric science, for instance. Economists analyzing probable price behavior of post-peak oil in a recessionary global economy, addend, All bets are off, of course, if there is a petrowar. Not their job to consider war -- risky business, too risky, one might have to contemplate origins of war, of a given war. In making the case for inevitable great depression in China, followed by China's certain rise to become the dominant economy in the world, just like earlier happened with the U.S.A., the role played by world war is not mentioned, because that would mean analysis of the role to be played by world war would be necessary. With the exception of philospher-historians of science, historians don't study quantum physics, don't need to study quantum physics! Quantum physics had nothing to do with, for instance, origins of the world wars -- or determination of the structure of the global monetary system issuing from Bretton-Woods. Specialists in monetary and credit theory don't study quantum physics, don't need to study quantum physics! To intelligence analysts, Strategic Research and Analysis, J2, MACV-HQ, 1968, however, study of the dynamical transformations of the underground Viet Cong political Infrastructure (VCI), and the informal monetary properties of the involved finance and economy system, unmistakably evoked comparison with principles of quantum physics. Specialists in terrorist networks don't study quantum physics, don't need to study quantum physics! Why, they don't even study molecular biology, catalytic cascades in metabolic processes driving self-organization by resource exchange across phase boundaries -- let alone the quantum physics of bias control by Bose-Einstein condensation over the intermolecular electron-transport involved in the cell membrane's active-transport system. This has nothing to do with the financing and provisioning of terrorist cellular networks! How do I know? There is not even the barest suggestion of interest in developing real solutions to any, repeat any, of the syndrome of interrelated problems -- problems in Everett relative-state, that is -- currently plaguing the planet. But, hey, I'm no survivalist, don't want to survive into what the neuronally-etched binary mind is preparing. Already outlived the bulk of my significant-other cohort, anyway.
Alienation, anomie, absurdity, inauthenticity, displacement, separatism, hollowness -- collectively place these in projective-identification during 1947 and what do you get? Not only French Existentialism! Roswell and all the rest. Asterism! Deployment of astral-sounded atmospheric holograms, not as m-logically-valued, Gödel-numbered, musico-mathematical notation and Musculpt interface for e-bancor, but to terrify the democratic masses into submission to the postwar world order mandated by Bretton-Woods. Damned spot of a transference, eh what! How then -- given the corpus of collective projections -- de-dissimulate Lukasiewicz logics, Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation, Pauli operator-time, Gödel numbers, Piaget's object constancy, Luneburg visual space, Everett relative-state, et cetera and et cetera? In that order. Multi-worlds, parallel universes, transdimensional manifestations? When Doris Lessing could no longer handle Martha's quest because four-gated cities inevitably led into (m-logically-valued, relative-states of voluntary) dissociation, she went into projective-identification as a science fiction writer. Otherwise, too, too threatening! Claim to the ego sphere is insistence upon a classical limit. Beam me up, Scotty! Extroject multi-worlds, parallel universes, transdimensional manifestations -- as their simultaneous presence here and now, m-logical-valuedly speaking, in, say, atmospheric cascade leading to tornado genesis, is too, too threatening a dark-continent witchery, an animistic-pagan spiritistic superposition uh, superstition. N. H. Abel's impossible transcendence of algebra caused Prof. Bourbaki's Fifties manifestation at the University of Nancago. What a cartoon! No less than Sixties' street theater was a resurrection of Dada and Demian, postmodernist deconstructionism reincarnated Roswell for Generation X. Serial semiologie in lieu of m-logically-valued Musculpt. Self-organization by noise signaling inadmissibility of autopoiesis by quantum relative-state. Reverse engineering of ET technology prefiguring deconstructionism as a by-product of the academic mode of The Prague School of Linguistics. If conspiracy-theory syllogistics casts aside the logic Law of Non-Contradiction, so does the discourse of postmodernist literary theoreticians. But this was anticipated -- post-1820s -- by utopian socialists, Marxists, theosophists, Leninists, Dadaists, Surrealists, nihilists, dodecaphonic composers into serialized total control, Taoists, Maoists, and Taoist Maoists. In all such cases, those engaged in the nth-degree of Freudian projection believe that 2-valued logic, linear or rotational, is all the logic there is -- and that thinking necessarily involves the use of logic or illogic. Disciplined thinking in focused tones of pure feeling -- Kandinsky or no Kandinsky -- simply is not possible to those who don't know what a pure feeling is. To them -- code warriors or no code warriors -- employment of logic must, just simply must, delineate some sort of syllogistic, even if not the preferred dialectic. There being only two logical values -- Law of Non-Contradiction or no such law -- deployment of logic cannot be a matter of mathematical involutes, of decomposition, for this means a non-Turing-machine simultaneity of stacked cognitive presence which surely must be a retroflexion, if decentering the animistic-pagan menace and maintenance of serial linear-time inviolate are to be sustained. How long in serial memetime was the 1820s after 1789 or 1776? Not a long run for validity of principles underlying the institutionalization of a worldview construct. How about a post-paradigmatic Weltbilt? But don't underestimate perseverance in the dominance of the dumbest. Just look at the house Bill Gates built! Just look at the house Mukesh Ambani built!
Consider Lawrence, D. H., for instance. He completed during WWI what were probably his two best novels: one was suppressed; the other couldn't find publication. What did he expect? People were doing important things: killing each other. After the war, he took off on a savage pilgrimage hoping to find something better than the civilization which had produced the carnage, some pure land where emotion balanced intellect rather than followed it into massed warfare at behest of the mortal coil looping sexual conflict into its yield of military violence. Kandy, Taos, Chapala: seeking animistic ground in the subconscious of mountain peoples, rainy and dry. Apparently, he didn't find it, the ground state; returned to Europe half a decade later. During 1928, Lady Chatterley's Lover is published and banned; the following year his paintings are exhibited and confiscated by the police. And he dies the next year, still in his early-forties, just as The Great Depression begins to settle in and prepare the way to WWII. Doesn't say much for power of the pen as an instrument of social salvation; personal redemption, perhaps. With symbolism, metaphor, figurative usage in general, an irrational formlessness (aping the subconscious) of the literary forms he worked with, Lawrence depicted phenomenology (descriptive, not reductive) of the sexual conflict (love versus passion) he believed productive of massed violence -- and this effort had no significant effect on human behavior, as subsequent history has so lavishly demonstrated. Having read Lawrence while at school, I never considered writing a descriptive novel of the man-woman transference; years later, Oriana Fallaci's response to this attitude was: Humph! from the author of A Man, one more piece of descriptive phenomenology. Of what social value, the descriptive accounts? People only identify with the characters, the story; no transformative insight develops. On the day in 1929 Lawrence's paintings are impounded in London by the moral Bobbies, he collapses in Italy. Several months later, the New York Stock Market crashes. Having never recovered, the following February Lawrence dies in presence of the man who writes that Time Must Have a Stop: Aldous Huxley.
I believe there is an acausal connection, not only between Lawrence's collapse and crash of the stock exchange, but between the ground he sought with his savage pilgrimage and the type of time A. Huxley knew must have a stop. This is not to say I charge London's police with having caused WWII, but then again I wouldn't altogether exonerate them either. Lawrence was taken immediately to Bavaria upon his collapse -- so, perhaps, the Bobbies had something to do with the rise of Hitler, a onetime artist himself. People always laugh at unconscious theories of history -- the time sequences don't work out, mostly; and the causal imputations (deemed acausal, or not) are absurd, really. My inner response to this laughter is contempt, perhaps the dominant emotion of my life, and the emotion which has served my inner work most effectively over the decades. I read Lady Chatterley's Lover soon after sneaking in to see the film God's Little Acre -- 1958, was it? -- an acre which I understood to be symbolic, like the little rice field of my childhood savage pilgrimage in Midori Gaoka, 1953-6 -- a place and time where-when the feminine virtue was much on display. When I later came to understand that the shape of God's Little Acre is that of Pascal's triangle (symbolically speaking, of course) things really came together (figuratively speaking, of course). If honey flows from the rock, then it percolates through the nails forming Pascal's triangle, thus constituting an involute of fertile felicity yielding the Gaussian normal distribution (apt depiction of topologically-active operator-time). Had Lawrence not doubted adequacy of his sexual-conflict theory of the origins of massed warfare, he would never have sailed away on a savage pilgrimage seeking further insight.
If suppression of the female sexual response repertoire is only a surface expression of the suppression of animistic-pagan identity transparency (most easily approached through the sexual occasion), and suppression of identity transparency only a surface expression of the suppression of quantum relative-state, and the suppression of relative-state only a surface expression of the suppression of m-valued logics, then where does the suppression-expression regress stop in an actual cause of massed warfare? And what is the ground Lawrence sought and the stop Huxley knew must be the case? The contemporary of Lawrence who most thoroughly explored answers to these questions was Sir John Woodroffe in the essays he wrote on Tantrism during the same period Lawrence produced his novels: collected most notably in Shakti and Shakta and The World as Power. The Tibetans call the ground ALLBASE, the base state of Tzog-chen, and the stop is a hypertwist productive of (more accurately, produced by) complexification of what the physicist S. Hawking has designated with the term imaginary time.
Those who ridicule unconscious notions of metahistory reveal by their ridicule a lack of experience of altered states involving types of time other than memetime, the type of time Huxley knew must have a stop. Stop memetime and that is not the end of time, as S. Hawking has expostulated. Decades on this planet and have never taken the time to stop memetime? Deserving of what, if not contempt? Metahistory involving collective unconscious thematic orchestration does not predicate event-gestalts coherently arrayed in well-ordered memetime sequences. Antecedent-consequent relations are essential to historical causality, not, say, the psychological history of a Thucydides, Hellenistic substantialism, Homeric homiletics in additive style at discretion of the gods of fate, functional prerequisites: son of, son of, son of; derivatives of derivatives of derivatives. Bundling bundled debt bundles. Involutes in regression. Microscale risk transferred up the devil's staircase to the macroscale in a case of displacement, only, in the critical state, to cascade in chaotic percolation back to the microscale. Sub-prime, leveraged, non-performing. Absent a ground, an ALLBASE, an m-logically-valued reference space, relative-state could never be established. Given these absences, these lacuna in service to the requirements of massed warfare, as Lawrence almost knew, the stairway to heaven mapped over value as nested m-logically-valued currencies is transformed, by conversion disorder, into the devil's staircase arrayed over risk and incurred debt. When Lawrence's efforts to find and describe the many facets of this ground were suppressed, banned, confiscated, leading to collapse and death, this may not have approximated to a spatial or temporal proximal cause of the stock market crash, but it certainly fell into thematic conformation, which is the necessary and sufficient criterion under metahistory by collective unconscious orchestration. Limiting events considered to those associated with human institutions -- e.g., monetary systems, stock markets, wars -- no great reach is taken to countenance this sort of metahistory.
No discrete cause of 1970s' stagflation was the Vietnam-War-era liability financing (Don't tax, create dollars!) of guns and butter: merely one fulmination of the long-running process of dissipating a large percentage of America's disposable GNP in pursuit of collective-ego aggrandizement. Nor in the 2010s will we be talking only domestic stagflation or discrete cause: Global Stagflation -- Fulmination or Culmination? When any vehicle currency is made an international reserve currency, and gets into trouble (by, say, decades of over-indulgence in liability financing across the board), as it inevitably will, then the whole international system is in trouble. This is why White wanted a return to the gold standard. Stupid idea, as such a standard had already lavishly proved itself a failure. Keynes demanded no standard, but did want a non-vehicle currency as reserve currency. Neither White or Keynes nor White and Keynes prevailed at Bretton Woods. To the contrary: White was severely stigmatized and Keynes collapsed and died of the stress. Such are the rewards bestowed by humanity upon those who try. So, is the present liability financing of GWOT the straw that will break the back of the long-running process, or is it simply productive of one more fulmination? I -- having watched events of 1968 and aftermath, the involved people psychologies, from perspective of Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-HQ, and generalized this across scale levels to a GWOT context -- incline toward believing one more fulmination, rather than the culmination, for, if a given fulmination crosses the critical threshold, in money and war (not: money or war) the counterinsurgent, if brought under actual collective existential threat (which didn't happen in Vietnam), reserves the right to win by printing currency for a general mobilization to destroy absolutely everything. If the counterinsurgent prevails in the induced condition of general destruction, then, in the aftermath, re-creation will be on favorable terms to the onetime counterinsurgent. The awareness of this option at actual collective existential threat is always held in the background of awareness. No fulmination of the long-running process has yet crossed the critical threshold where the full range of currently available weapons has been brought to bear. Confidence that this will not happen is based upon a far more optimistic assessment of the degree to which collective unconscious factors do NOT influence human behavior than I personally can give conviction.
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