Reaching back several decades here, but if 1T2-logical memory serves, I believe that were you to take a look at Francis Yates' Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition, you would find a reproduction of a medieval etching, which C. G. Jung also, if random access memory serves, reproduced in his volume Aion, or perhaps it was Alchemical Studies, depicting -- with some small interpretation -- a knight riding upon a reared-up steed plunging a lightning-bolt lance into an interstice, the aperture of intersecting ley lines (those geomorphological acupuncture meridians: the von Neumann-Birkhoff logical lattices of the geobody of our home planet, Earth's own huarache sandal), whilst off in the distance a gyroscopic tornado whirls toward landfall for an interstitial touchdown (at a hole in the geomantic crystal lattice: Platonic regular polyhedral maze made of Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes), and high in the sky above the clouds and amongst the stars is seen the governing agency floating like a specter: Hamlet's Mill in duplicate, two millstones intersecting at 90-degrees, each spinning about its own axis, the composite -- incorporating both millstones twirling about their intersection acting as an axis of rotation, presumably two supersolid millstones, for how else could they so intersect, so spin, and so twirl -- generating spiraled logarithmic functions and, through the stellar quantum-dot-matrix hourglass of Pascal's triangle (i.e., Pythagoras' Holy Tetarchys), the Gaussian normal distribution: black hole computer par excellence, computer of m-valued magical, mystical, mysterious miracle-play twists into and out of imaginary-number dimensions. Cosmic pachinko with Kusama quantum dots and Regge poles in equilateral triangular quark symmetry array, Mt. Meru being the resultant pile of dots in distribution of Gauss. Try it with sand grains; it works! The lance-needle-punctured interstice is a physical region singularity geomantic acupuncture point upon which numbered Gödel numbers are stacked in nested µTm-logical conformation: this hypostatization correctly reifies the logical precedence reifying the ontological precedence reifying Platonic morpho-demergence and operator-timed topokinesis of 1T2-ponderable existence under the collapse accompanying quantum measurement at autogenic lightning-discharge by that portion of the brain contained by the brain. Here we also have Szentagothai's triangular-hexagonal cellular architectonics of a well-ordered neocortex: as above, so below -- and if it (atemporal form of process, i.e., the form of form in process) weren't so, there simply would be no being here, let alone being-there. This heretical hermetic alchemical etching is one reason why I do not take Marxist historical analysis seriously, indeed, any historical analysis: the intersecting millstone spinors represent three-fold complex-imaginary operator-time, no less than do the three Vedic one-wheeled cars. Penrose twistor: quantization of nonlinear complex-imaginary time as operator on the topology of space -- sacred, hyper/abstract, and ponderable (in that order). History has no objective existence because linear-time has no objective existence: both are cognitive constructs, gened memes transmitted from generation to generation by several means, molecular, submolecular, and non-molecular. One way to understand this is to regard each instant of passive passing linear-time as corresponding to one point in the ponderable space of one universe of the multiverse (which splits, per Hugh Everett's relative-state interpretation of quantum mechanics, at each instant of quantum measurement, i.e., each psychological identification under 1T2-logical cognition). Which instants can be instants of quantum measurement and which cannot? That is one very big question having to do with rates, rates of rates, and rates of rates of rates. Now, superpose to µTm-logical cognition all these cardinality C multiversal universes to the hyperverse constellating linear-time-complete, and you will have some sense of ponderable percept in one mind moment under Aleph-1-order Lukasiewicz's m-valued logics (the logics of orders of self-reference on the base state of Tzog-chen). Not Agatha's N or M, N and M: n-dimensional Hilbertian function-phase space under Lukasiewicz's m-valued logics in absolute limiting baud rate (light), absolute limiting acceleration of baud rate (light[er]), and absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration of baud rate (light[est]): concretion of time at order big C. Step function of m-orders of c, c', c'' to cardinality C: no matter how many m's you take away, C remains undiminished (which conveys some sense of the value of individuality independent of relative-state identity transparency). The recent discovery of a double-helical (DNA-like) nebula feeder-band to the black hole computer at the center of our spiral-banded Milky Way galaxy also nullifies the notion of history -- thus nullifies because the hypernumber arithmetic of first-order temporal curl disports itself in morphological Turangalila as a spacetime double-helix (which not too long ago in memetime -- late-1970s -- the leading authorities maintained could not exist because such a helix would dissipate into a probability fog -- no-magic without magic: existence of a double-helical nebula in association with a galactic-scale black hole computer goes some distance toward dissipating this limiting authoritative dysopinion, one not specific to Steven Hawking). Self-similarity across scale levels of the unitary m-logically-valued Cantor hyperverse (don't forget there is time rate of change of acceleration, not only acceleration). Engine to drive a galaxy? Engine to drive a comet? Engine to drive a cell? Engine to drive a civilization? Marx turned his back on this order of M-for-medieval (not M-for-Marx) understanding when he ceased being a Young Hegelian, stormed off to Paris and settled in London to embrace the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm as the basis for his studies of the waning medieval world, a world of understanding he had already turned his back upon. Marxian mind was set in stone about the memetime the Tristan chords were written and several decades after the memetime Abel and Lobachevsky did their mathematical damage to habituations of the European psyche with its ever-elaborating brain impairment ( µTm cognition more and more completely limited to 1T2 cognition). And Marx's progeny still demean as claptrap anything ahistorical, which means every aspect of multiversal consciousness not reducible to memed 1T2 logic -- virtually all of creation (a misnomer, as the word suggests to the contemporary mind an act transpiring in a passive passing linear-time). The human species is always blaming something else for its tribulations. Adam and Eve were not thrown out of the Garden of Eden; they threw the Garden out of themselves and then set about destroying it. That which is thrown out by projective identification is a state or faculty insufficiently elaborated to be consciously available: in this impaired condition, the state or faculty is automatically personified (garden, god, griffin, ghost, grimalkin, goblin, girl, gremlin: no G-spot). Something wrong in the head, thus constantly trying to get these folk out of it.
Clearly, Pope Benedict XVI, speaking while still Cardinal Ratzinger, remained on the surface and did not go far enough (Forgiveness: Joseph Ratzinger after the war, by Timothy W. Ryback, The New Yorker, February 6, 2006, p. 68) when offering remembrance to German war dead at the cemetery of La Cambe in 2004:
In recounting the origins of the Second World War, he [Ratzinger] blamed the Allies, particularly the French, for driving the Germans into the twelve-year nightmare of Nazi rule.
On what basis do I make this judgment? For one, because of the long-known fact mentioned in the article on Alan Turing contained in the same issue of The New Yorker (Code Breaker: The life and death of Alan Turing by Jim Holt, p. 87), to wit, that the Bombes constructed at Bletchley Park were named in honor of an earlier Polish code breaking device. Not only that, and this is not mentioned by Holt, but a number of the earlier Polish code breakers were actually on hand at Bletchley while Turing was in residence. There is no way Turing -- as well as Wittgenstein and Gödel, and therefore a host of others, including John von Neumann and Alonzo Church -- were unaware of at least the general outlines of developments in Polish logic in the period after 1907 (developments far more revolutionary than Planck's quantum and Einstein's relativity and consonant with general implications of Cantor's famous diagonal proof which Russell and Whitehead tacitly essayed against in Principia Mathematica: those denying this have uncritically bought into contemporary dissimulations of implications of m-valued logics). No way, particularly so, if foul play was involved in Turing's death, an unsubstantiated proposition mentioned in Holt's article. The fact that these Polish developments in logic were ignored, were not applied to interpretation of Schrödinger's wave equation and so many other areas, is below the surface of Ratzinger's recounting of origins -- even as he warned that (p. 72, Ryback) 'suppressed truths' would ultimately lead to a 'poisoning of the spirit'. Suppressing the truth of Schrödinger's linear-time-independent wave-equation not only poisoned the European spirit by sustaining the fiction that an objective linear-time exists, thus underwriting historicism of whatever variety, but was only one dose of the same poison administered on multiple occasions since the 1820s. See: Echo of the Mockingbird: Why Postwar Historiography is Anti-Historiographic. The issues are complex, but one can note that the whole of Marxist-inspired postmodernism, as exemplified in the career, for instance, of Ilya Prigogine, has carried this poisoned spirit to extremes unheard of in the pre-WWII period: according to direct implications of Prigogine's thermodynamic conceptions, anything µTm deterministic can be treated as a matter of 1T2 probabilities, and any matter of 1T2 probabilities can be reduced to a linear-time history. A patently ridiculous formulation. Historiography introduces the notion of chronotopological nonlinearities (which is not at all the same thing as nonlinear Newtonian dynamics over a linear-time reference, chaotic or not, handled by complexity theory or not). The present global situation -- out there and in here -- is far worse than during run up to World War Two: it is very hard to postulate a two-thirds survival rate, as with the Black Death.
Thirty years ago when I had a brief lettered encounter with Prigogine over the issue of operator-time and interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function, it was already too late to be doing what people presently place belief in. Nothing that could in substantial measure positively impact the situation is currently being done anywhere by any person or institution, for one or more of several reasons: [1] people still believe that what is inevitable can be prevented; [2] that the prevention will be accomplished by advances in Newtonian technologies and reforms and elaborations of the Cartesian-Newtonian institutionalization, these advances, reforms and elaborations generally being designated new paradigm when, actually, they are simply complexified replays in principle of the technologies and institutions responsible for the problems which the advances, reforms and elaborations are to rectify (not to mention matters like falsification of Schrödinger's intemporal wave equation by failure to evaluate it under m-valued Polish logics); [3] no sacrifices in the habituated lifestyle, whatever the involved lifestyle in a given case, are actually contemplated, however much talked. Longing for the past, in this longing's myriad forms, is the dominant theme -- be the clinging-behavior idealization 1800's New England, 1400's Kyushu, 700's Fertile Crescent, next year in Jerusalem, Sweden before formation of the Swedish Empire, the Most Ancient Church, pre-Brahmanic tribal Kaligium -- and it is oh-so-easy to convince oneself that the planetary crunch is all just so overwhelming, so staggering, so much bigger than anything one could hope to act upon: the resultant choice is screw it, get what ya can while ya can, a throwback to waning of the Middle Ages. True, it is yes that Derek in MOON compared one aspect of the prevailing situation to the transition out of the Middle Ages in Europe: Who at the time could imagine, he asked, that modern science would issue from the culture of heretical sects, hermetic traditions, return to Gnostic beliefs and fertility-cult worship, primitive Christianity, Jew ghettoing, witch burning, and Muslim pushback sweeping Europe in the late Medieval and early Renaissance periods? Only very, very few, Derek answered his own rhetorical question. Do we see adumbrations today of what will issue from the current global crisis and its prevailing psychosocial phenomenologies? I think we can see clear prefigurations -- but very, very few will find the presaging-premonitory obverse to their liking. Nor will premunition fence off and protect those who believe themselves inoculated with DNA vaccines. The nano-buckyballs and DU particles of this world always find a way -- even if phased-array radar electron-temperature enhancement manages to fashion a space shield. I have no access to VirFut Q-Pro and do not possess the resources to develop the praxeological data required to use this medium creatively were it available, so I am forced to rely upon random access traffic analysis and gut processing to sift multiple scenarios poorly elaborated to the extreme. On the basis of this wholly inadequate preprandial procedure -- therefore no one in their right mind would pay it any mind -- and under the assumption that nothing that could in substantial measure positively impact the situation will be done, I can offer the following observations.
Hernando de Soto advocates assimilating the informal extralegal sector to the Cartesian-Newtonian institutionalization by elaborating the necessary legal infrastructure prerequisite to entitling forced-draft mega-urban-region squatters (soon to number several billion worldwide). When, actually, it is the informal extralegal sector which is analogically modeling with its shenanigans the spontaneous collective and cooperative behaviors quantum physicists have identified as characteristic of material systems at critical states. So the informal sector should be assimilating the formal sector! THIS CIRCUMSTANCE IS A PREFIGURATION. Spontaneous appearance of multiple local monetary units in Argentina following collapse of the peso is another prefiguration. Such adumbrations are being, and will continue to be, defeated by persistent momentum of the prevailing Cartesian-Newtonian global system. P2P initiatives over the internet are another case, subverted largely by the 1T2-logical identity of peer, and, hence, the projective identification involved in notions like telepresence. A more elaborate example involves the primary means by which the Viet Cong were able to soundly defeat the U.S. Army at Tet-'68, yet were simultaneously purged by the Dang Lao Dong. Tag cellular fractionations of bureaucratic variables to the fractal formants of whole-integer dimensionality of 1T2-logical boundaries such that highly-ordered systemic behavior spontaneously emerges in response to a changing combat environment. This did not require computers, hardly even typewriters, let alone MoSoSo. It did not require explicit understanding of quantum physics, catastrophe theory, rubbish theory, fractals, complexity theory, chaos theory. It did, however, require residuals of thousands of years of immersion in identity-transparent animistic states of consciousness in part indicated by the principle of relative-state in quantum mechanics (that principle suppressed by the probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function). In lieu of computers, constantly changing boundaries highly correlated with constantly changing bureaucratic variables (which could, in very small part, be mapped on what in complexity theory is called an nk fitness landscape, k indicating the correlations) read by minds immersed in animistic identity transparency. Marxism-Leninism and the party of the new type are obstructions, and that is why there was a purge: the important factor here was the way in which animism had informed processes of rural voluntarism over several thousand years of memetime. Absent the requisite states of consciousness, computers would be required for simulation. All such spontaneous initiatives -- be they manifest as radically decentralized no-organization AQ&A, narco-syndicates, squatter coops, whatever -- regardless of how strongly they analogically model quantum collective and cooperative processes, will, in one way or another, be squashed, not least by NGO attempts to formalize in 1T2-logical terms what is inherently µTm in nature (both meanings meant).
But, though all such spontaneous initiatives will, in the short term, undergo rendition and fall by the wayside, momentum of the Cartesian-Newtonian institutionalization will, in due course, flag. As cusp events unfold, spontaneous emergence of cases of the obverse will amplify amongst the chaos. Unfortunately, under the assumption that nothing that could in substantial measure positively impact the situation will be done to prepare the way -- like, for instance, tagging cellular fractionations of bureaucratic variables to the fractal formants of whole-integer dimensionality of 1T2-logical boundaries, with µTm-logical monetary units, such that highly-ordered systemic behavior spontaneously emerges in response to a changing natural environment -- losses will be beyond comprehension, and full demergence of the old-new understanding will be suppressed such that, in memetime, new cycles of historicism will ensue. One scenario, perhaps that most likely.
Actually, lots of luck, I really don't care, just TRY to interest me in that, how many times have I heard such, only now you come to such awareness, and if you haven't yet gone-uhn-done beyond THAT, when the 1830's and '40's were the appropriate hay day, just please, please inform me when you propose to cognitively enter the 20th century: I want to be on guard.
Well, being a relative-state pantisocratical pantheist, and all -- one who equates what passes for God with pattern recognition mapped upon Nature's imputed behaviors, forces and laws, under participatory quantum measurement -- what can I possibly say about a paedomorphic person who uses He and Him to refer to a personified God, great beard looking down on His progeny, and all the and all the and all the rest ? Aurobindo counseled toleration of such devotional pronouncements. Me? I can't separate the psychopathogenesis of personification from brain impairment. Being into stress-orientated training, no-shit therapy, and well oh, really? And that's how you regard the megadeath staring at you in the mirror? Hmmmm. Which is to put it mildly. Catch ya next time somewhere in that reincarnational Cube. Reaching people? That somehow means more than diddley-squat?
Chiliastic communists looking backward to utopian socialists looking backward to the heretics looking backward to the primitive church which looked back upon the most ancient church Simmel, yes Simmel. But we have to look at the properties of the very idea of a commons. My problem is with the notion of identity imputed by the term peer, not with P2P. Money as a form of commons. Regard e-money spread out over internet as electronic commons from Silvio Gesell's postulation: free money. What kind of commons is that? Telepresence is projective identification of animistic identity transparency once actually resident in medieval commons but absent from the notion of identity imputed to the term peer. Free money is no money at all. Sterile money (i.e., order of logical-value 1T2) which has no identity transparency carries no residue of externalities and therefore necessitates charity -- and/or taxes. Tobin tax, carbon tax, carbon trading: one more medieval commutation of labor, a commutation which will not solve Nature's problem with mankind. But an electron -- as information conveyor, like price -- carries, in its non-simple identity, its S-matrix, dense phase-array of externalities superposed as total system state. By relative-state, the electron hologramically mirrors the corpus of superintegrated internalities/externalities constituting its identity transparency. An electron is a commutator of the hyperversal motor, the cosmic neuron. Primitive accumulation should have many dimensions, not only 1T2. Money as commutator: µTm money between corveé/barter and sterile price in 1T2 money. This can be done. The number of a Turing machine is to 1T2 logic what a Gödel number is to µTm logic. Feed a Turing machine its own number and you get a Gödel number: self-reference. Feed a Gödel number its own number and you get the numbered Gödel number of some order of logical-value nesting the 1T2 order. Number quantum phase-bits with numbered Gödel numbers and you have a µTm-order quantum computer (not a faster binary computer misnamed a quantum computer). Number the domain of a 1T2 LETS monetary unit (say, Ithaca dollars) with the number of a Turing machine. Similarly number a multiplicity of such LETS in the same regional geobody. Feed these numbers into themselves and read the composite superposed as the Gödel number of the region. Similarly number a multiplicity of such regions in the same inter-regional geobody. Feed these numbers into themselves and read the composite superposed as the numbered Gödel number of the geobody bloc incorporating the involved inter-regional geobody. And so on and so on. Monetary system as corpus of quantum computers superintegrating externalities tagged to the nested µTm monetary units employed to tag cellular fractionations of bureaucratic variables to the fractal formants of whole-integer dimensionality of 1T2-logical boundaries such that highly-ordered systemic behavior spontaneously emerges in response to a changing natural environment informing the form of commercial forms in process.
Okay. The best thing I have seen on this is the paper posted on the internet by Haim Gaifman entitled Naming and Diagonalization, from Cantor to Gödel to Kleene. Gaifman gives the perfect account of what I mean by animistic identity transparency being resident in self-reference (which I maintain is the key to internalizing externalities in econometrics so as to enhance self-organizational competency of the market, and how this internalization can be computed by monetary exchange processes). Quoting from page 4 where Gaifman speaks of the original form of Cantor's diagonalization procedure:
The members of the domain code (or represent or are indices of) syntactic items that define functions; these are the functions correlated with them. Later the syntactic items appear as programs, or tables of Turing machines The first to introduce this move was Richard in [1905]. He argued that since our language (French, in his case) is based on a finite alphabet, one can define a sequence whose members are all finite strings of letters (and spaces) from which one gets the subsequence of all those strings that define positive real numbers Richard's solution to his paradox, stated at the end of his paper, is that the definition of g is no definition, since it suffers from vicious circularity: it uses every definition in a sequence in which it already appears as one of the definitions. Richard's solution could have been stated in clearer form, but he, and Poincare who in [1906] endorsed his solution, made a valid point. If we follow the procedure given in the definition of g, and if g is defined by the mth string of letters, we find ourselves in a non-terminating loop: g(m) is defined in terms of g(m) and there is no other way to determine what g(m) is.
And that is just the point: g(m) is in possession of non-simple identity, which violates Aristotle's syllogistic 1T2-logic law of non-contradiction. The logical landscape from the perspective of modal logic is best explicated by Robert Goldblatt in his article Mathematical Modal Logic: A View of its Evolution. Moving into the domains of µTm logics, and staying in LOGIC, one drops more and more extra-mathematical parameters the more deeply one enters µTm. Extra-mathematical parameters like passive passing linear-time reference and separability in ponderable isotropic space, one and/or both of which are essential to the liar's paradox being designated a violation of the law of non-contradiction (which is definable only under the 1T2 order of logical-value). Not only is there no way to determine what g(m) is (under 1T2 logic) but g(m) is in possession of an infinite class of identity-types indeterminate (under 1T2 logic). Each member of the class of identity-types is an order of self-reference, the cardinality of cyclical tagging (shifting cells from the head to the tail, the snake eating its own tail, with Mobius twist and Kline bottle reentry, accomplished by nonlinear, complex-imaginary operator-time quantized as Penrose twistor) involved in internalization of externalities: in the mth case, every definition in the sequence is in quantum relative-state with every definition in the sequence: critical state snap-over to SuperState coherency as correlation length goes to infinity. A is absolutely not-A! Non-self-identical numbers. No information transfer through space over linear-time: change in order class of identity-type, that's all. Change of identity-type @ spacetime translation (as M Theory of superstring theory is converging upon). Stacks of fixed-point reflections stacked on stacks of multi-sheeted Riemann surfaces, each such point, stack, sheet, and surface numbered with numbered Gödel numbers. Now apply cyclical tagging to: monetary system as corpus of quantum computers superintegrating externalities tagged to the nested µTm monetary units employed to tag cellular fractionations of bureaucratic variables to the fractal formants of whole-integer dimensionality of 1T2-logical boundaries such that highly-ordered systemic behavior spontaneously emerges in response to a changing natural environment informing the form of commercial forms in process. Beats the heck out of a carbon tax!
Self-referentially speaking, it is necessary to realize that the Hobbesian ego responsible for Garret Hardin's tragedy of the commons (a back-reaction on the metric of Days of Rage) is itself an enclosure demanding closure of the commons regarded itself a tragedy. The very existence of this ego-sphere enclosure is a marker of chemically-induced organic brain disease: the result of enculturative glutamaturgic neuronal etching by quenching of electron-transport processes (actually, collapsing superposed µTm phase-digits to the 1T2 order of logical-value only: freeze-dried phase) and p-electron parcel oscillations in the Turing machine which is intranuclear neuronal DNA (in the process subjecting the genetic molecule to superconductant to semiconductant to insulator far-from-equilibrium subcritical transitions). Unfortunately, this is not yet well understood because those studying glutamaturgic neuronal etching have not read John C. Lilly's tank logs recording the results of taking the endogenous antidote to glutamate flood in a sensory isolation environment where quenching is reversed and access to µTm-logic modes of cognition are regained: cogitate, cogitate, cogitate, cogitate Demystification of mantra, as Lilly maintained and direct experiential access -- however short-lived -- is obtained to the nested order classes of available identity-types. Pounding your pud in the corner while rocking back and forth and slamming your head against the wall is an extreme case. The ego-sphere is thrown out there (and collectively transferred by mapping to 1T2 boundaries of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian nation-state) by processes of projective identification in enculturative glutamaturgically-induced normotic illness because of the suppression and consequent regression of the nested order classes of available identity-types. This is a tragedy! And there are several approaches available for overcoming it. You can fractalize the enclosure; you can pull everything into the enclosure; you can push everything outside the enclosure. On the scale of All That Is, the latter two are equivalent. The proposals made on these pages address how to fractalize the enclosure and pull everything-as-externalities into the commons-state of animistic identity transparency by cyclic tagging and trope-wise metareference of monetary units as quantized identity processors mapped on fractal boundaries. Empathic infusion, in lieu of war. This is not a utopian project, as there are cardinality C order types available and it is a matter of pragmatics to progressively incorporate order upon order so as to by-steps enhance the degree of self-organizational competency manifest in behaviors of the corpus. If, as F. von Hayek has argued, total capital stock has time-shapes (this econometric formulation being functionally equivalent to Hugh Everett's relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics), then so must commodities, so must products -- and the commodity price, the product price would need to reflect this fact if the market is to obtain optimum levels of competency at mediating self-organization of economic activity relative to that activity's total context (incorporating what are presently deemed externalities). Immediate value of a commodity depends upon the instantaneous articulation of all other commodities in the total economy; total value of the commodity depends upon the set of all possible such articulations which conceivably could dispose themselves over time. This set of articulations is a chronotopology, the superposed time-shapes of the commodity relative to the superposed time-shapes of total capital stock. We speak here, then, of a µTm-logical price (including price of a wage) as opposed to the traditional 1T2-logical price (including price of a wage). Time-shape -- chronotopology -- is relative-state, which is an order of identity-transparency. A given time-shape of a commodity is its relative-state in nk articulation-space of the whole economy: some combination of determined indices, µTm. Commodity value, and hence price, must accurately reflect the corpus of superposed relative-states of that commodity in time-differentiated nk articulation-space of the whole economy. Hence, velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of a price (treated as wave-effect). This cannot be done without employment of a µTm-logical price, which requires m-logically-valued monetary units -- user-friendly, practiced employment of which will beat against the Hobbesian ego-sphere's enclosure. User-friendliness will be achieved by gaming the commons with Musculpt, a modern form of perambulating the rice fields in a state of walking meditation (for me, Midori Gaoka, Kyushu, Japan, circa 1953-6: before McArthur's land reform quenched communal lands and communal rice ritual), one customary right that needs to be resurrected if human species is to overcome its prevailing state of severe brain impairment: monkey-brain sashimi run through a blender made in America. Commerce as collective meditation and empathic fusion. The higher the order of self-reference in an identity transparent hologramic system under Cantorian diagonalization the greater the other-awareness: allelotropic theory of value.
It's holes in the head -- lacuna on the brain -- not holes in the Turing machine! Feed the number of a Turing machine to another Turning machine or to a UTM (universal Turing machine, not µTm as in Post's notation of Lukasiewicz's m-valued logics) and there is no problem with truth-value; feed the number of a Turing machine into itself -- self-reference -- and holes appear in the truth table of the machine. Feed the number of a Turing machine to itself over and over in an endless loop -- self-reference in infinite regress, anavastha, like in physiologist Edmund Jacobson's concentration in autosensory observation -- and the machine itself becomes quantum measurement on a Koch curve: holes within holes within holes, the fractal boundary to a fractal-drum blackbody being beat by identity-transparent quanta. This is a precise description of radiation exchange by the quantum properties (p-electron gas core about which helix-coil transition twists as first-order operator-time: intracellular Zeitgeber inducing Husserlian internal time consciousness) of superconductant DNA (e.g., intranuclear neuronal DNA unmolested by glutamate flood) capable of transducing impinging quanta between electromagnetic and acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes. The brain's version of a tornado. Wave-effect black hole computers in their millions and millions and millions potentially in long-range phase correlation all across the neocortex in equilateral triangular and hexagonal array. Now, consider that only when UTM is not µTm do holes appear in a self-reentrant Turing machine: it is not that not-halting is a problem; it is that halting is a problem. Cognitive halting produces lacuna on the brain! Computable under what order of logical-value? If, by computable, you mean determining the unique value of a number, then the machine must halt; but the unique value of a number can only exist under the 1T2 order of logical value (which is the only order under which identity uniqueness -- purified identity: the Nazi notion of identity -- can be unambiguously defined). Holes in a self-reentrant Turing machine are holes only with respect to the truth-value notion of logical-value, which is a notion without holes only under the 1T2 order. To cross again is not to cross, one law of form: Thank you G. Spencer Brown. Reentering the river is to not enter the river. Each iteration of self-referential reentry takes you out of the order of logical-value entered: the real quantum action, the real Heisenberg indeterminacy. Logical-value at orders supraordinate to 1T2 is not truth-value: therefore, no 1T2-type holes -- holes otherwise, not only black and white. It is out of the holes -- white, black, otherwise-to-the-mth-case -- between Cantor-dust particles that demergence transpires: what you don't see is what you get. Not musical tones, but the intervals between the tones as elementals of acoustic superspace. Harmony over acoustic superspace is not a well-tempered 1T2-logic pregeometry. Time is not found in the river of remembrance; it comes out of the cross-again which is not a cross. In order to have time, Brown argued, something must be taken back into itself (Brentano: time is in remembering). But this is not quite correct. Linear-time demerges from that which is LOGICALLY taken back into itself (not taken back into itself in linear-time, which doesn't exist [logically]-before the taking-back-into-itself has [ontologically]-already occurred). Involutory decomposition, not recursive generation. Self-identical numbers, halted numbers, demerge out of non-self-identical numbers. The natural numbers come from Gödel numbers, not vice versa. Logic is logically prior to arithmetic, not vice versa. Proof has no more value than truth-value: 1T2 value out of µTm orders of logical-value. Dead is dead only when halting is made equivalent to identity: Schrödinger's cat belies this formulation as to the identity of identity (which is more fundamental than the meaning of meaning).
Gödel debunked Principia Mathematica's debunking of Cantor, but did not go on to elaborate the meanings Cantor meant; that task Lukasiewicz undertook.
Kleene's proposing in 1938 a 1T3-valued logic in order to handle partial recursive relations of (m + n)-ary functions (Haim Gaifman, p. 8) was a partial recognition that holes in a self-referential Turning machine's truth table open from (not to) µTm-valued Lukasiewiczian logics. Recursive functions function on a sheet of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) or a Riemann surface thereof; they cannot bridge such sheets or such surfaces -- because the meanings meaning means are incommensurate across sheets and surfaces, and this is in the topo-logic, not merely semantic gestalt and syntactic structure; form-language (Musculpt), not speakable-word-type language. Musculpt underlies all speakable-word-type utterances, however, so this is no epistemological means by which to sweep things (that don't fit into 1T2-logic envelopes) under a rug. Entering the sonic-visioning system of dolphins and whales is one way to get out from under the rug.
How do names get attached to functions (Haim Gaifman, p. 9, states that this question is a question not addressed)? The name of the function (however signified) is the number of its Turing machine or its Gödel number. In the beginning was the word and the word was God (not Göd-el). The Bride (the most-dense universal covering thereof being the base state of Tzog-chen) comes on the Large Glass of the layered transparent (i.e., the MVRS) as a Readymade, stripped of names by her bachelors, even, for there is no beginning to a linear-time demerged from non-linear operator-time by involutory decomposition.
Thank you. Richard Tarnas has certainly produced a very good book: Cosmos and Psyche, Intimations of a New World View (Viking, 2006). I do have a but however, as usual -- and this but relates to the Gödel issue addressed in the diagonalization paper by Haim Gaifman, earlier mentioned. Tarnas, though referring to Marie-Louise von Franz, does not mention her book Number and Time: Reflections Leading Toward a Unification of Depth Psychology and Physics (Northwestern U. Press, 1974). I read this at Cornell in 1975. Tarnas does say (p. 59):
Jung's student and close associate Marie-Louise von Franz stated in an interview late in her life that the work which has now to be done is to work out the concept of synchronicity. I don't know the people who will continue it. They must exist, but I don't know where they are.
Reproducing this quote is a great service provided by Tarnas, as Number and Time is the best thing I have seen on the subject, where M-L von Franz goes well beyond Jung and Pauli. She goes right up to the edge of positing active time but for some reason does not take the leap. This going up to the edge comes in her extraordinary discourse on the mechanism of action of the I-Ching, which she understands is not a matter of chance or probabilities or statistics but involves a thoroughly different notion as to the nature of time than that ever entertained in the West. This is discussed in MOON in relation to the mathematics of retrograde inversions, where a nonsense Raga for learning rhythmic patterns is used to explicate iconography on the tympanum of the bronze drum: Pascal's triangle, binomial distribution, and much more jump out, including binary notation of the trigrams and hexagrams of the I-Ching. The retrograde inversion is the snake eating its own tail: the form of the diagonalization procedure employed by Cantor and Gödel and Kleene. But, and moreover, it appears M-L von Franz never knew a fact which might have given her some insight into why Jung and Pauli got no further than they did (which, truthfully, was not very far). I found out about this in a communication I received from Ilya Prigogine during the early-'80s (as I remember) in a letter exchange over the issue of interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function. Prigogine, of course, was not discussing Jung or synchronicity, so I pieced this together from his comments on Pauli's early reflections. Before Pauli got involved with Jung and the notion of synchronicity, Pauli originated the idea of operator-time, which is to say Pauli was responsible for this idea in its initial form (it was only after reading this that I began using the term operator-time; prior to that I used the terms active time and temporal curl); but soon after originating the notion he rejected it as being incompatible with the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics -- obviously true -- which treats superposition in the Schrödinger wave-function as SETS of probability amplitudes (these are actually transfinite sets, and not of probability amplitudes, of temporal operators [actual topological operators on hyperspace and ponderable space, not mere quantum measurables], sets subject to the diagonalization procedure which demonstrates relative-state identity transparency between part and whole: the Cantorian hologramic mereology attacked by Husserl, Russell and Whitehead, and so many others). Prigogine later used Pauli's argument to support his own position of opposition to the notion of operator-time: this has to do with issues relating to the total energy operator in the Schrödinger wave equation, which in turn has a lot to do with zero-point energy. ((Will people never get off the desktop with cold fusion? See: Once is happenstance [The Economist, March 11, 2006, pp. 76-7]. Sound-wave generated fusion in a bubble occurs not on the desktop, but in a tornado: and the sound waves are the acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes filtered from the models as noise since WWII. A µTm-logic interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function, and insight into implications of m-valued universal constants, is required in order to understand how double-helical feeder bands make this possible, be such bands in nebula, comet, tornado, or DNA.)) So, in accepting the standard interpretation, Pauli had already ruled out an understanding of synchronicity before he undertook with Jung the study of synchronicity (this also, of course, reflects upon Jung's ability to wisely choose collaborators). The relative-state which is superposition is synchronicity (and also the factor responsible for the EPR paradox). Interpret this in relation to operator-time as logical and ontological and topological actor demerging the relative-states superposed and you have a very good model of the constellation of an archetype across brains by long-range phase-correlation of autogenic brain discharge at quantum measurement (synchronicity in Jung's conception is OBSERVATION of meaningful coincidence or numinous co-occurrence, like that in the EPR paradox).
One can observe here that what is called the anthropic principle (that the single-values of universal physical constants experimentally verified to the greatest accuracy in the history of measurement are the only ones that would have permitted a universe within which humanity could have evolved: the foremost example of self-reference embraced by John A. Wheeler) is deeply involved with what is called synchronicity. As universal constants are now beginning to be treated as fields, not single-values, in M Theory of superstring theory, and as those constants become fully recognized as m-valued and then as m-valued under m-valued logics, it will become apparent that facilitation of prescriptively enculturated habitual patterns of autogenic brain discharge at quantum measurement (e.g., by glutamaturgic neuronal etching) transmitted as frequency anomalies of intranuclear neuronal DNA inherited over generations and generations was responsible for the appearance that universal physical constants have single-values: brain impairment by collapse from the µTm to 1T2 order of logical-value in conscious access to brain processing (local and non-local) is responsible for what has been designated the anthropic principle. Instances of synchronicity are occasions where direct awareness of consequences of m-valuedness of universal constants breaks through to consciousness, thus establishing meaningful connection between that regarded not connected by 1T2-logical mind.
It is very strange that Tarnas has not read Number and Time, or chose not to mention it. Absence of something, just as presence of something, can be a component of synchronicity: perhaps this particular absence is an element of synchronicity in the presently constellated archetypal matrix governing the global event gradient. Unfortunately, neglect of the real M-L von Franz no one wishes to acknowledge is typical, even endemic, to Jungian analyst-writers, male and female. A female Jungian friend of M-L von Franz who entered Switzerland from Italy and studied with Jung beginning in the late-years of WWII or immediately thereafter, upon hearing I had read M-L von Franz's Number and Time, asked me if I had understood the book. When I said that I had and offered some critical remarks about not taking the leap, she scoffed in high dungeon, and that, essentially, was the last significant interaction we shared.
I should also note that Tarnas' conception of multiformity and multivalence as given on p. 497 -- i.e., as expression of a great complexio oppositorum -- is the perspective from point of view of 1T2-logical mind, not of the mind in animistic µTm-logical identity transparency -- which is part of the reason why the above-given perspective on synchronicity has been ignored (even suppressed, if we look at dissimulation of Schrödinger's wave-function). Diagonalization as retrograde inversion explicates multiformity and multivalence as it is actually experienced by the mind in µTm animistic identity transparency (complex number properties of logarithmic spirals is a good illustration, particularly if one sees how even this has been dissimulated in order to maintain integrity of 1T2 logic). All attempts to 1T2-ize these notions destroy their meaning: semantic content is not translatable across orders of logical-value; that is why in the process of demergence Platonic amnesis transpires, and why Platonic anamnesis is required for remergence. As Derek discussed in MOON with the old Japanese autogenic therapist who studied with Jung, it is the Regge calculus for translating between the fields of General Relativity and n-dimensional lattices (which are pregeometry logical lattices) that resolves the dynamic-static issue between the Jungian and Platonic notions of archetypes and ideal forms. Tarnas struggles with this issue -- which is central to much currently being investigated in superstring theory and loop quantum gravity.
It is not inappropriate in this context to point out that war crimes tribunals are one way the West has evolved to absolve itself of responsibility for war crimes. Forcing 1T2-cognition-only suppresses and regresses animistic µTm states of relative-state identity transparency. This violation of Nature is the agent most responsible for producing war crimes. I know this is not understandable to most people, but it is necessary to state the fact IF EVER the crime of war is to be overcome.
Feeling like a stick match set off by the cosmic thumbnail, I scour The Wall Street Journal, Tech Central Station, National Review, The Economist, and the like to keep up on environmental issues. I want to understand the details of how sustainability, incorporation of externalities, impact assessment, and managing one's own waste -- like enterprising pigs left to themselves always do, however stressed, however stormy the sty: just check out the scatological corner of the pen! -- constitute the Stalinist economics we all know does not work: flameout. Though this reporting often be Sturm-and-Drang style, I suffer reincarnation of that literary movement, one more human coprolite, as I want to know details, and I want to know these details because in the post-slavery, post-indentureship, free-wage economy of North America, command capitalism and crony democracy, for instance, induced robber barons by way of free-hold land grants to build railways, spin off timber concessions so as to shore up mega-mines, and so on and so on -- which, apparently, has all changed now. These details resolve to the observation that politicians, legislators, planners would formulate and legislate the regulations for incorporation of externalities, sustainability, et cetera -- and that this is functionally equivalent to laying down preference functions in Stalinist command economics. But how could that possibly be the case under µTm-logic monetary units computer gamed by Musculpt, tagged to indicators, and implemented under free-market principles with F. von Hayek's notion of the time-shapes of total capital stock -- indicators explicitly marking time-shapes?
Yes, the DNA frequency anomalies transmitted from generation to generation -- aided by glutamaturic neuronal etching -- are what in homeopathy are called miasms and in allopathic medicine are called diatheses. SLE is the best illustrative example, given that appearance of anti-DNA antibodies prefigures formation of the LE cell which is diagnostic. I leave that as a provocative notion, as this is not the place for further elaboration, this question being only very marginally related -- by resonance-band formants -- to basics of m-logically-valued monetary units, and then only as analogical model, except insofar as Musculpt becomes involved in the gaming of those monetary units and their formants.
No. I think Silvia Federici's Caliban and the Witch (Autonomedia, 2004) is a brilliant discussion of the transition from feudalism to capitalism, just as I think Herbert Mueller's Caliban Reborn is the best explication of the transition from classicism to 20th century art music composition. But I don't buy into the general gist of her Marxist interpretive filter, even though I heartily support many specific points of the interpretation she provides. Let me explain this in the following fashion. I have no interest in contracts I never signed, and I never signed the social contract which comes out of the barrel of a gun to enforce toeing the thin blue line. Contractarians, in towing the thin blue line, do not believe that law is criminal, that it is self-fulfilling by subverting through prescription the autopoietic properties inherent to any and every socius; indeed, whatsoever corpus. No social body. What's to choose between Roman law and common law? Common law: the law of a common woman or of the common man? Scold the shrew or shrive the scold: what is the difference? Psycho-racks, oh Psycho-raxen, yea Psycho-raxan! Middle and Old; Wyrd and Wiccad. Since Federici would likely agree with many of the implications of this perspective, I, in turn, agree with many of her points of interpretation. However, where we don't agree is on a much more fundamental level: from whence the autopoietic operators come, what they are, how they are named, what should be done with them, and so on. Federici, in retaining the Marxist notion of economic forcing, complies with Cartesian-Newtonian cause-effect accounting in 1T2-logic terms she regards responsible for the horrors she describes; whereas I see, looking at the same data, Zeitgeist-synchronicity under µTm-logic hologramic relative-states.
When she says (p. 135) that individual psychology borrows images from the body-politics , I not only not agree, but, however impolite, must say this is an oh-so-typical statement by Marxist feminists -- along with their notion that women have no, absolutely no, responsibility for the oppression of women -- derivative of their utter lack of introspectively obtained comprehension of the synchronous S-M/M-S dynamics of the man-woman (outer man, inner woman/inner man, outer woman -- and factorials thereof) level of the transference. There has to be prior projective identification before regressive introjection can transpire (prior and before understood logically and/or ontologically, but not temporally, that is, not in passive passing linear-time). This is not only the case for object relations intra-psychically, inter-psychologically, and on the sociopolitical level, but also regarding subject-(physical)object phenomenological relations. Dialectical materialism, in its solely-historical historicism, of course, ignores all this (why else did Marx leave Germany?), posits introjection without projection -- and without, most especially, the eight-fold way of the transference -- and as a result, after 200 years of memetime trying, has never come up with useful ideas as to how to deal with what it has attempted to analyze. Moreover, as experience over the last 100 years clearly indicates, if dictatorship of the proletariat, by the proletariat, for the proletariat does not work, by now we know that democracy of the proletariat, by the proletariat, for the proletariat does not work either: this democracy, over the past 400 years, has been responsible for making the human population of planet Earth perhaps four billion over sustainable ecologically-balanced carrying capacity under prevailing techno-regime. Of course, uses here of the words dictatorship and democracy are subject to interpretation according to the object of the interpreter, but nonetheless subject-object relations being what they are, postulation and promulgation of social contract was a psychologically projective attempt to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. The angels and devils warring all against all was dissociative individual psychosis logically and ontologically, and probably even temporally, before it was writ large as the collective (not collected) psychosis called war (intrapsychic contrasexual, intersexual, social, economic, political, and finally military). Long ago it was understood that all the King's men (body-politics) could not possibly put Humpty Dumpty back together again. What about all the King's women? With this question things get interesting.
First let me state my credentials for making the following observations. I am not an academic, and have never even aspired to sit in an endowed chair at university; in fact, I couldn't tolerate the student chair long enough to demonstrate the voluntary compliance with higher enculturation required to achieve membership. Never was so good at civil obedience. Quit the IBEW because they wouldn't give me traveling papers: witchy-washy. Instead, I worked on the manor for fifteen years with a pick and shovel ministering to trees -- often piece-work cottage industry in ma-n-pa nurseries, functioning as a Digger and Leveller and Ranter against the hyper-enclosures being imposed upon in-the-ground cultivation of trees by MacMethod of commodifying living beings and treating them as the equivalent of iterated soup cans. Prefigured by Pop, not Op. And my first six months as a Digger I worked for free, explicitly rejecting the social contract implicit in the wage (Federici, p. 200). After six months of ten-hour days six days a week, they asked me how I made a living. But having been on-the-ground in Viet Nam, I understood the uselessness of the classic everyday forms of resistance to the agroindusty mega-corp and, therefore, was no Piers Plowman -- nor is this a wrinkled tale told by Old Mother Hubbard. I used the generative-empathic animistic interlock between Digger and big tree-being root pruned as a meditative medium for putting my particular case of Humpty Dumpty back together again through long repetitive practice of reductive phenomenology in the act of physical digging as metaphor to psychic digging: meditation by trope. In this, I was merely following pre-monetary blood bonds, the trade of my maternal ancestors: Baumgardner being the family name (and I was inspired, in no small measure, to follow this path by the example of my mother's sister Josephine Rockwell, née Baumgardner -- Thank you Aunt Jo! -- who was disowned in her late teens during the pre-WWII period by her police chief father for abiding by the law of a common woman and exhibiting many characteristics of a witch -- including moving alone into the mountains, from which she never returned, becoming a bow hunter, and dressing in buckskins: as we should all know from the film Deer Hunter, the psychological concomitants of weekend deer hunting and full-time bow hunting are not equivalent: Woman, Native, Other).
All the King's women. I'm not talking about all the Queen's women, walking diabolisms (like, for instance, Picasso's Africanized women: projections of Picasso's Anima). And I am not qualified to discuss putting Ms. Humpty Dumpty back together again, except to note that regressed identity transparency often takes on M-S dimensions. As C. G. Jung explicated, and quantum physics illustrates, transference under the anthropic principle involves a self-referential eight-fold way (which is m-logically-valued and can be numbered with 8-tuples). All the King's women are the women of a male's Animus, not his Anima-in-projection. The intrapsychic contrasexual, to repeat, does have its eight-fold way. The King's women are much more deeply concealed than are the Queen's women: this goes without saying. Medieval alchemy being in many ways the alchemy of serfs, the alchemy, that is, of the tetchy soror mystica, is the alchemy of all the Queen's women -- stormy, agitated, peevishly sensitive, irritably troublous, irrational -- an alchemy which became all the more degraded when the troubadours began singing praises to these unrequited (ultimately unrequitable) Platonic women: Love in the Western World paradoxically the beginning of the end of the neo-Platonic Middle Ages (and, often, of those middle-aged). The temperamental qualities and other characteristics attributed to women by men are not those of women qua women, but of the male Anima under projective identification and regression in service to the ego (E. Kris).
The unrequited became truly unrequitable, and turn of the lyrical to ululations began, when mathematically designated space and passive passing linear-time replaced intemporal sacred space designated with Platonia's ideal forms. Retrieval of direct awareness of physical body as automatized learned behavior -- explicit awareness of this fact -- is the only way to fully reenter timeless sacred space (ma in Japanese), the sole space wherein the jigsaw puzzle of Humpty Dumpty's broken pieces can be fit together again. The King's women control entry to this space -- for the male -- and the most effective way to woo them is with reductive phenomenology practiced (not merely thought) on the King's body. If, as Federici maintains (p. 141), the body is the condition of the existence of labor-power [emphasis in original] and also its limit, as the main element of resistance to its expenditure, then this is mere predicate to the psychological fact that the beloved is condition and limit of self-experience: hence, the ambivalent relation of self to object and orgasm (premise for the romance game: exchange of existential denials and conformations). For the full-blown animist, however, the body is not-the-body; nobody bondable or bombable; it is inseparable from the surround -- and directly-given immediacy of proprioception is not that of the modern person with his-her body as a learned behavior, learned through learning spatial and temporal separability and discrete identity by imposition of 1T2 logic only (whatever the neurotransmitter processes involved).
Who are the King's women, all witches surely? And what is the body of the King his women guard? Jung did not know about the King's women because Pauli was the wrong collaborator: Jung should have chosen Marie Curie (mC: Aleph-1-order Lukasiewicz's m-valued logics, the logics of orders of self-reference on the base state of Tzog-chen). She was from that Polish part of the world in those times, wasn't she? But before going on to synchronicity, it should be noted that the King's body, in personification, is the Cabalistic Body of God represented as the Tree of Life. It is only in the state of generative-empathic animistic interlock with the Tree of Life that the Digger can come to know all the King's women, the relative-states of the Body of God functioning as autopoietic operators upon sacred space. Alienation of labor by alienation of body. Marx was no field worker; he did not labor ten hours a day piece work with a pick and shovel. Watch a field worker, particularly a black Caliban field worker accustomed to such work, and tell me, just tell me, he is alienated from his body, that he has no body-knowing. Such alienation I emulated, I studied, I imitated, I practiced for fifteen years side by side with black field workers. Battle against the body subjugation of the body alienation from the body dissociation from the body: these are not disidentification with the body through concentration in autosensory observation -- without which no one ever becomes expert at handling a shovel ten hours a day in hundred-degree heat and ninety-eight percent humidity. Marx never learned this distinction. Only by reifying the body via autosensory observation -- a form of self-observation -- does one enter the higher body. Reification is definable as a fallacy only under the 1T2 order of logical-value; whereas the higher body is order of logical-value µTm. My body. Not only is the my of my body not the body, in myself and the self of myself and the self of the self of myself and so on, it -- that original my -- is not-the-body m-times over: in the infinite regress of self-observation there is no Cartesian 1T2 dualism. The case is infinitely more complex. No abstraction of the body. Purely sensory. Purely in immediacy. Purely now. Purely proprioception. Purely in practice. Any practice in concentration upon concentration, regress upon regress, yields not-the-body, not-the-self: no-body, nobody; no-mind, no-self. Animistic relative-state identity transparency. Hypostatization, reification, self-reference, reentry upon infinite regress are all required for immersion within the µTm higher body, that body entry to which is regulated by all the King's women. Commodification of labor, like commodification of trees, is dissociative in the schizophrenogenic sense, only if such commodification transpires on the 1T2 order of logical-value by employing monetary units defined solely via the 1T2 order of logical-value. Why?
Because the King's women are burned at the stake by restriction to the 1T2 order of logical-value. World pole, pillar, mountain: maypole of the commons with its common women dancing about it, the King's women. Woman is native because, by her biological-orgasmic endowment -- which she may reify -- she has most-easy access to animistic states of µTm relative-state identity transparency: carrying a fetus, concrete and spiritual Paraclete. The only way to establish and maintain role stratification is to suppress her capacity to mediate animistic states of µTm relative-state identity transparency. Hologramic awareness has to be stripped away if a mere nesting of scale levels in Nature is to be dissimulated to a hierarchy of governance: Laws of Manu, caste system, and so on. There is no psychological possibility to socially, economically, or politically rise above without the oppression of women, the King's women who are the relative-states of the Body of God -- as personified. God as high mesomorph. Personally, I don't like personification. I'm a pure pantisocratic pantheist, which is indubitably not a commodity fetishist, and I got that way by years of practice at reification of the body.
Marie Curie would have instructed Jung in the synchronicity of relative-states; whereas, Pauli, obviously, could not. The issues of logic involved can become quite complex, but the so-called laws of war offer a simple example: theory of just war. James M. McPherson's review (Was it a Just War?, The NY Review of Books, 23 March 2006) of Harry S. Stout's book Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the American Civil War offers a good recent discussion. Anyone who comprehends the S-M/M-S dynamics of the man-woman (outer man, inner woman/inner man, outer woman -- and factorials thereof) level of the transference knows there is no such thing as clearly the aggressor. The transference figure has to accept the projection if it is to be an identification, and without projective identification there is no transference: it takes two to tangle. This is generally quite unconscious. Which is not even to mention the exchange of existential denials -- which is generally less unconscious. These principles are no less the case of collective behaviors than of so-called individual behaviors. So, as regards jus ad bellum -- arriving at engagement -- a purely defensive war is simply in principle impossible: every war, on some level, is initiated to preempt the next existential denial. With regard to rules of engagement, and contrary to the folk wisdom that all is fair in love and war, jus in bello -- bride price and all the rest -- McPherson notes that (p. 16):
They rest on two basic precepts of just war theory: proportionality and discrimination. Proportionality requires that the means be appropriate to the end Discrimination separates combatants from non-combatants
The review article describes Stout's book as arguing that Abraham Lincoln and his generals were responsible for (p. 18) movement down a slippery slope to the barbarism of an unjust war when they realized that only total war (including against non-combatants and their property) would lead to victory, preservation of the Union, complete destruction of the Old South, an end to slavery, and a real opportunity to build a New South. While one must wonder about the parallels with onset of the present Iraq war and its potential or actual civil war, focus of this article's discussion is on discrimination; very little is said about the issue of proportionality.
To me, there is only one precept from which the notion of jus in bello derives: the 1T2 order of predicate and propositional logic, which is the sole order of logical-value recognized by Aristotle's syllogistic. This single principle is why I believe that the only war that does not slide down the slippery slope is the one beginning at the bottom. Agreement as to appropriate proportionality between means and ends, m :: e, if it is to have universal application, application to all wars, that is, requires determination of the value of a constant of proportionality, A, such that mA :: e. Now Aristotle's A (this is pre-M Theory of superstring theory) must be single-valued if it is to be a constant; that is, it cannot have more than one value and remain a constant according to Aristotle's syllogistic. This principle of the principle of proportionality in just war theory is indicated by the value 1 in the 1T2 notational signifier. As regards the principle of discrimination in jus in bello, the value 1 is again of great importance: the proposition, according to the rules of 1T2 logic, to wit She is a non-combatant, must offer two possibilities -- the value 2 in the 1T2 notational signifier -- only one of which can be true at a given time, this one being represented by the value 1 in the 1T2 notational signifier. Either/or, not both/and. True or false, not true and false simultaneously. Of the two truth-values available in the given proposition, only one can be true at a given time: this is what the signifier 1T2 notates. She must have simple single-valued identity -- either combatant or non-combatant; she cannot be both at the same time -- otherwise, there is sure to be a violation of jus in bello, the commission of a logical fallacy.
Now back to the witch and the stake she is burned at. Say She, somehow -- by virtue of having most-easy access to states of µTm relative-state identity transparency, like the native who cannot be found, fixed and finished, i.e., who is inherently unbombable -- possesses non-simple identity, is simultaneously both combatant and non-combatant, the feared beloved with whom existential engagements are conducted, in what proportionality is She combatant :: non-combatant? Where is the constant of proportionality here? This cannot be a numerical constant, of course; it must be a logical operator modulating relative-state identity transparency. In the T-notation of logician Emil Post, T stands in the required position. Post, in all likelihood, took T to stand for truth, as he, in a war to the very end of 1T2 logic, clung to the notion of absolutely true and absolutely false (check out the disclaimer at the end of his famous paper on m-valued logics), that is, that logic is about nothing more fundamental than truth-value: logical-value, for Post, must equal truth-value and only truth-value. I, however, take T to stand for tree -- logic tree -- the Tree of Life Cabalistically standing in for the Body of God, the post (one must note the synchronicity of post and Post), the stake, the pole, the pillar, the mountain maintaining all creation -- in so far as personification is engaged in. Distinction subsumes truth-value and identity subsumes distinction (see G. Spencer Brown's proof of Sheffer's postulates for Boolean algebras in Laws of Form: Draw a distinction!). You must already have the notion of distinction to entertain the idea of distinguishing between truth and falsity; and you must already have the notion of identity to entertain the idea of drawing a distinction between identities. The Son of God would, of course, be represented in gematria, Cabalistically speaking, that is, by a little-T in the form of a Cross. I also take T to stand for time, time as operator, as logical operator: the operator-time conceived and rejected by Pauli before he investigated with Carl Jung the notion of synchronicity described by superposition in intemporal Schrödinger's wave equation. Nothing ever changes and Everything is nothing but changes are equivalent propositions on the base state of Tzog-chen, the most dense sheet of the universal covering of n-dimensional Hilbert space under mC, the Aleph-1-order of Lukasiewicz's µTm logics. Form is void; void, form. Gone, gone, gone, dog gone, wholly missing: that there, this here.
War, rape, witch burning, and all the rest are what happens, by projective identification, when µTm relative-state identity transparency is suppressed and thus regressed, remains unconscious. Federici contextualizes this with the following statement (p. 194):
The witch trials provide an instructive list of the forms of sexuality that were banned as non-productive: homosexuality, sex between young and old, sex between people of different classes, anal coitus, coitus from behind (reputedly leading to sterile relations), nudity, and dances. Also proscribed was the public, collective sexuality that had prevailed in the Middle Ages, as in the Spring festivals of pagan origins that, in the 16th century, were still celebrated all over Europe.
As a child living in rural Kyushu, Japan during the early-1950s, I witnessed three Spring planting festivals where public group sex was engaged in at the end of planting day. This was once widespread all over east and southeast Asia. Just as female upper body full-frontal nudity was the norm along dirt roads, in the paddy fields, and in open-air markets over much of Southeast Asia well into the early 20th century: check out the photo archives. So, uptightness about skin is hardly a traditional, say, Thai, custom. It was only in the early-1990s that the Vietnamese government outlawed the Spring festival, saying it is merely a fertility rite and no longer appropriate as it projects the wrong international image (I edited an article on this while working at the Saigon Times). The recently proposed anti-pornoaksi law in Indonesia (Indonesia's Skin Wars by Jason Tedjasukmana, Time, 10 April 2006) is only the latest attempt of the tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion to wipe out traditions of indigenous Asian peoples. The article does not mention that public group sex after wayang kulit was widespread in the villages of Java -- that's Java, not Bali -- well into the 1960s. As widespread as was various incest behaviors. The people who know the most about this are foreign anthropologists, and those anthropologists are not members of the tripartite Fertile Crescent Religion; they are Japanese. And the Japanese are especially interested in this for good reason. The commonplace sexual practices of the Japanese, proscribed by General Douglas McArthur, later reappeared in pornographic adult comic books, but in regressed form overflowing with S-M dynamics. If, as Federici claims (p. 191), female sexuality had to be exorcised -- hence the burning of witches at the stake (later, the burning of the stake itself with electro-convulsion of the CNS) -- then the most fundamental reason for this is deeper than sex qua sex or economics qua economics; it is to remove most-easy access to conscious awareness of hologramic relative-state identity transparency, the greatest threat to hierarchies of governance, whatever form they might take. What is it, then, that really threatens the state? Violence? Derek, in MOON, proclaims the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics -- which proscribes relative-state identity transparency -- as being the Witch Bull of the 20th century and the last straw, as far as the collective unconscious was concerned, making WWII inevitable. Witches, Muslims, natives, slave laborers, and Jews. What is the difference to a regressed collective unconscious, with all its projections and displacements? There is no cause-effect here, only synchronistic thematic orchestration. Start analyzing supposed causes and you lose the pattern of meaningful co-occurrence.
Now that a 14-year-long effort to interest one particular luminary -- a person with a personal history of passing interest in m-valued logics, and there aren’t many such luminaries -- in the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units has received a definitive NO!, an act of decision to over-indulge in attempts to manipulate historical trivia I consider a world historical incident, one is again forced to look at then-Cardinal Ratzinger's 'suppressed truths' would ultimately lead to a 'poisoning of the spirit'. Turing, with his apple -- after which the first personal computers, hopefully, were not named (but the collective unconscious does organize such synchronicities! and now we have the Beatles suing Job, uh, Jobs, over a missing bite of apple when Turing is clearly the plaintive standing in for ADAM in Abraham's court, such is the transference under Postmodernism) -- apparently reached a similar judgment. And the principle involved is the same as that with T. S. Elliot and his run in with the Asiatic half-object. Even if Turing, through carelessness, inadvertently poisoned his apple, as his mother apparently believed, this could still fall well within what John C. Lilly called a suicidal self-metaprogram -- which does not have to be fully conscious. Such self-metaprograms, of course, can also govern the behavior of a whole species, if psychic circumstances warrant those disallowed collective occasions of experience we all have been taught to deny existence of. Andrew Hodges, author back in the '80s of Alan Turing: The Enigma, made the following observation in his recent review of David Leavitt's The Man Who Knew Too Much: Alan Turing and the Invention of the Computer (A Tour of Turing, Scientific American, February 2006, p. 80):
Complexity theory and quantum computing build on his [Turing's] analysis of computation, and since the 1980s Roger Penrose has given new life to Turing's deepest questions.
And this is precisely why an inadvertent self-poisoning may have been accidentally on purpose (especially as self-poisoning is an expression of psychological regression of self-reference, if not analytically so -- and iterations of self-reference are the basis of the orders of Lukasiewicz's µTm logics). Turing knew too much not to, like Elliot, question his role, and not, as I have argued for quite sometime, to realize that he would never be allowed to find his way back to his prewar cognitive status quo ante. A universal Turing machine, UTM, is not universal any more than what is currently called quantum computing is actual quantum computing, and any more than complexity theory is little more than a complexification of early-20th-century dissimulation of Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation. Turing's UTM is universal only on the 1T2 order of Lukasiewicz's µTm logics -- ignored by Gödel, Turing, Church, von Neumann. And by Roger Penrose! Pouring over 1094 pages of The Road to Reality, I can find nowhere therein a comment by Penrose on existence of m-valued logics. This belies his whole defense of Church's Hypothesis: calculable iff recursive, that very same recursive embodied in UTM, but not in µTm (these little synchronicities are precisely how the collective unconscious thumbs its nose at species intent upon inadvertent, accidentally-on-purpose, self-canceling). In discussing many-valued functions (which are not the same as many-valued logics) and the Riemann surface, Penrose relates the following (p. 136, Road):
In order to be rigorous, many had felt the need to regard these functions in a way that I would personally consider distasteful. (Incidentally, this was still the way that I was taught to regard them myself while at university, despite this being nearly a century after Riemann's epoch-making paper on the subject.) In particular, the domain of the function would be 'cut' in some arbitrary way, by a line out from the origin to infinity. To my way of thinking, this was a brutal mutilation of a sublime mathematical structure. Riemann taught us to think of things differently.
Yet, that Penrose, over the next half century, clearly never really looked closely at this is revealed on page 163, where he discusses past and future limits at negative and positive infinity relative to frequency splitting in quantum mechanics. Going round and round and round the unit circle, a lower-dimensional version of any snake eating it own tail. He says (p. 163): In quantum mechanics, positive/negative-frequency splitting refers to functions of time t, not assumed periodic. A periodic function going round and round the unit circle arbitrarily regarded linear and unidirectional, which requires that (p. 136: think what a numerologist would do with this circular 36, 63 self-eating!) the domain of the function would be 'cut' in some arbitrary way, by a line out from the origin to infinity, and which line is displayed by a dashed line in the diagram provided on page 163 illustrating frequency splitting in quantum mechanics (validity of the notion of which is not questioned by Penrose). One thing Penrose does not tell the reader is that this brutal mutilation of a sublime mathematical structure was precisely how Dirac explicated frequency splitting in quantum mechanics in process of rectifying Schrödinger's time-independent wave equation (the sublime mathematical structure) and making it time-dependent. This was how evaluation of Schrödinger's wave-function under Lukasiewicz's µTm logics (on the scene at the time) was avoided, and how that wave-function was, in due course, evaluated, instead, as probability amplitudes, by Turing's 1T2 UTM. Nor did Pauli successfully get into this (thus prefiguring Penrose palavering). Even though Pauli originated the notion of operator-time, he did not comprehend that such an operator replaces the notion of frequency splitting introduced by Dirac so as to resurrect passive passing linear-time from the cognitive catastrophe so many experienced Schrödinger's time-independent equation to be: base state of Tzog-chen, the most dense sheet of the universal [Riemann surface] covering of n-dimensional Hilbert space under mC, the Aleph-1-order of Lukasiewicz's µTm logics. ((I came to understand this at the very instant I was thrown out of bed in midst of a Yunnanese earthquake; one of the bigger synchronistic Aha! experiences of my life: on the road to Lijiang, not far from Tibet. Another such synchronicity involved generation of some insight into acoustically-induced superconductance of enfusing bubbles in tornado genesis soon after being handed the collection of Joe Goode's Tornado Series etchings to hand carry back to Japan: a wild dissociative break in the Shangri-La Hotel penthouse, Santa Monica, wherein, in order to dissipate the invading specter, I undertook a chanted counting procedure, and just at the instant I came to end of the count and received the bubble insight, every smoke alarm in the hotel went off and the detector above me dropped out of the ceiling to hang on its wires like a tornado coming in for touch down. The next day I learned that there had been one of the largest tornado outbreaks of record over the American Midwest.)) Nor have the experts anytime since Pauli noted how this frequency splitting without frequency splitting (to employ a Wheelerism) is involved in body-temperature DNA superconductant core, tornadic cold fusion, and nowadays nebular DNAase feeder-band to galactic black hole computer. As Andrew Hodges clearly explains in his book on Turing, Turing, in arriving at UTM, explicitly rejected an infinite number of operations, which is an infinitely smaller number of operations than that contemplated by mC, the Aleph-1-order of Lukasiewicz's µTm logics. Transfinite sets (not sequences) of quantum phase digits in Schrödinger superposition do not simultaneously compute in the passive passing linear time arbitrarily introduced by the Dedekind cut Dirac required to brutally mutilate Schrödinger's intemporal equation. Such sets instantaneously compute under the non-linear, hypercomplex-imaginary, three-fold operator-time which Hawking emoted over in the late-'70s and regressively mutilated years later. And, we must note, such mathematical decapitations as accomplished, for instance, by Dirac are Ratzinger suppressions which can become poisonings of the spirit -- and even of the biosphere. If you do not believe this, I invite you to search out and read John von Neumann's writings on weather manipulation: lacerating, I tell you, lacerating. How do you think we -- us humans -- allowed accidentally on purpose our getting into this climate-shift mess, anyhow? Lah-dee-dah! to all yous-guys occupying endowed chairs: I reached these conclusions largely through efforts made in the wee hours after ten hours of pick-and-shovel work as meditation by trope.
You want to know how I got onto this way of thinking? What a question! Let me give you a real answer, the kind of answer you normally wouldn't get. I took a testicle wound in Viet Nam. In half a dozen different ways this was quite a stimulus -- and one source of my thinking about the limitations of 1T2 logic. This type of logic has always been a function of pathological identification with balls and what stands between them. I experienced an extremely sophisticated set of exposures in childhood. When I quit college specifically to go to Viet Nam, I did so in full conscious awareness of taking karma for sins of the father (not my particular father, but father in the generic sense: my particular father greatly helped me to understand the generic sense, given how much he had seen, but that's another story). So, having explicitly and purposefully taken on the filthy libido of this collective debt, it was only appropriate that I should have taken a testicle wound -- or so I thoroughly realized some years later. And I felt strongly that I had obligations, the responsibility to do what those who died would have done had I been the one who had died. Me/you :: You/me. Understand? Not just not finishing the run unless all finish the run: the Buddha's renunciation (so called). That's mere child's play (huuuuuuuaaah! unless you understand the framework conditions). Contemplation of all this, inevitably, gave me a non-standard approach to issues in metalogic. You have to sacrifice something -- ritual cleansing -- if you want to deserve uncommon insight. The bigger the sacrifice, the bigger the insight. Your suffering. How 'bout dat?
I don't think you understand. I don't see how you could understand. You want to understand, you go to the surviving Delta Force operator and talk with him as a person. And before you do that, just to clear Hollywood, Oliver Stone, and Mel Gibson out of your head, you read a book about the person The Moon of Hoa Binh is dedicated to (a person who was killed on a SOG mission inside Cambodia, a mission commanded by then-Major James G. Bo Gritz): Promises to Keep by Zoe Gyllenhaal Simons, the 2005 Fountain Publishing edition of the 1989 Swedenborg Centre publication. You have no idea of the reality of what you malapropos. What Hollywood did to Gritz for mere money! David Richard Simons took a tap, I am absolutely certain, not by knee-jerk, but by instantaneous response orchestrated by unquestioned, undoubted, in utter immediacy, directly experienced hologramic relative-state identity transparency: especially having been trained as an SF medic, there was no fraction of a second hesitation; sacrifice to save. It's a state of consciousness, an awareness of a particular mereology. There is no chance not to! All settled long ago, long before entry was made on the battlefield. Think of the two CMH's essayed in Blackhawk Down. No first thoughts; no second thoughts; no regrets: it's a state of consciousness more valuable than The practice, all in the practice, the satin-flow essence which I breathe. I took my wound trying to save two not-so-smart ruff-puffs I never saw before, never saw again. Another story. Quantum relative-state. The whole biosphere survives or dies on this. So I don't even want to hear this crap. What states of consciousness have you experienced? Do your homework!
Okay, I'll bite on that. Even if Your body is your subconscious mind, as Candace Pert, Ph.D., discoverer of the opiate receptor, maintains -- which body? -- while Elkhonon Goldberg's executive brain simply cannot tolerate µTm-polymorphous sexuality, the brain not contained by the brain -- the ensemble of wave-effect, quantum phase-digit processors which are nonlocal p-electron parcels of the gas core of intranuclear and mitochondrial neuronal and perineural DNA: spread out over the whole multiverse! -- deems unnatural 1T2-miasmatic, diathetical, mono-dyad sexuality and, among other things, releases glutamate flood in response to the induced alterations of normative electron-parcel temperature oscillations and natural-frequency frequency-response windows. Explorations of the only known antidote to this pathogenic process is what is essayed by John C. Lilly's Tank Logs and what would be the purpose of gravity-free tank Tantra (acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes being so critical to superconductivity of DNA). Not having a biofeedback-equipped tank and no flight simulator, I simulated so having in developing rhythm entrainment by moving along the path and passing by: gyodo and kinhin, two forms of walking meditation I ran my own versions of. Any literary critic who is against repetition can keep his aesthetic as well as the states of consciousness that go along with it. No use even thinking of getting into tank Tantra without the proper preparations having been completed. Linear-time bound Bolero-type orgasm, while possibly not particularly so for the individual, is glutamaturgic across generations, which is to say miasmatic by altered electromagnetic structure of sub-clinical autogenic brain discharges (affecting the fetus). µTm-type transorgasm, while possibly not particularly so for the individual, is ketaminurgic across generations, thus interdicting the species-wide brain impairment (conscious readout of processing collapsed from the µTm to the 1T2 order of logical-value) which has become normative. Since transorgasm and accompanying hologramic relative-state identity transparency has been politico-militarily suppressed for generation upon generation all the experimental and clinical data is being interpreted through 1T2 logic, which means that every selection between data and noise the neuroscientist makes will confirm his brain-impaired commitment to the notion that the brain engages only in 1T2 processing (and that's why information exchange by the executive brain and monetary exchange processes in market capitalism are so hard to distinguish). Not only would this be worth looking at by the sort who discover opiate receptors, but it is beyond doubt strongly related to the sorts of things described by, say, a Silvia Federici. Quoting for amplification MOON's recap of a conversation which transpired in Kyoto during September of 1977 (Vol. 1, pp. 746-50):
I really wanted to hear the Hungarian presentation, said Derek.
Dvsem. Of course, agreed Jan.
It was potentially the most interesting paper of the whole AT Symposium.
Vraiment? Really? Why do you say that? asked François.
The abstract is fascinating, though a bit difficult to decipher. If this paper is a reliable indicator, they certainly are doing some very interesting things with AT in Eastern Europe.
I believe that is correct, Jan offered. But please do learn to say Central Europe; the Russians live in Eastern Europe.
I must have missed that abstract, said François.
They are working with patients suffering from psychomotor and temporal lobe epilepsy, Derek elaborated. This is something I've been interested in for quite awhile. Guess I'll have to try and get into contact with them in Budapest.
They're trying to treat PM epilepsy with AT? asked François.
Must be, Derek replied, turning his attention back to the conversation. 'New Telemetric Data on the Antiepileptic Effects of AT in Psychotherapy of PM Epilepsy'. What other conclusion could you come to from such a paper title?
François nodded. A merveille. Fine.
They apparently have patients practicing AT exercises 'on different levels of the epileptic discharges', as the abstract says.
Vraiment? I wonder what that means, exactly?
Yeah, that's what I wondered, too, said Derek. But the thing that really got my attention was the final sentence of the abstract. He grabbed his brown vinyl conference folder and pulled out a copy of the 'Program Abstracts'. After finding what he wanted, he began to read. And I quote, 'We discuss our hypothesis according to which the differences in the antiepileptic effects of the AT practiced on various discharge levels relates to the circadian biological rhythm.'
That is interesting.
You bet your boots! exclaimed Derek, excited as a Guadalupe fur seal at first sight of spawning shrimpfish. It fits right in with ideas about the quantum level recording of chronic stress.
How does that go again? asked François, perplexed as a pigeon perched on a picket fence pecking at a toy rubber worm tossed up there by an angry child. I know we talked about it this morning.
It involves the idea of an 'intracellular Zeitgeber' associated with the quantum structure of the DNA molecule. This Zeitgeber is proposed to be the varying, radiation dependent, internal frequency of p-electron parcel oscillation. Alteration of the natural frequency of these parcels is the recording of chronic stress: particularly so in the case of neuron cells.
And this is a fundamental alteration in the circadian rhythm?
Well, in those mechanisms underlying all temporal ordering, clarified Derek.
Attends. Wait a second. Temporal ordering?
Yes. Uh the establishment of patterns of activity that involve phasing of time-related variables such that two or more processes mutually reinforce one another or one process serves as a trigger mechanism for another. An example from plant physiology is how rhythms of light impingement during the photocycle trigger production of growth factor hormones.
Hmmmm. Ah, je comprends. Oh, I see.
All biological clock activity involves temporal ordering. Any periodic phenomenon like a rotation or oscillation can function as a clock. The mathematical description of clocks often takes the form of a wave. Many of the laws of wave mechanics can be applied to analysis of this description. In particular, quantum mechanics is a formalism describing coherence among clocks, meaning that the periods involved are in-phase (in-step) with one another. Clocks within clocks. The theory of the intracellular Zeitgeber not only treats clocks as waves but also treats waves as clocks. Essentially, we're talking operator time, here; the wave function as operator time.
So, how do you think this is related to what the group in Budapest is doing? asked Jan.
They've noticed that the sector of the clock cycle affects the efficacy of the practice. The next step would be not only organizing the practice of the standard AT exercises in relation to the level of epileptic seizure (viewed on discharge histogram), but also of phasing the practice in relation to different sectors of the circadian cycle.
Aha. Oh, I see, muttered Jan, running fingers through hair curly as that of a Wensleydale ram. Mmm-hmm.
The primary function of the autogenic discharge, I believe, is to restore the proper frequency to the p-electron parcel oscillations. The achievement of this might be enhanced by phasing the practice (and hence the autogenic discharges) with a biological rhythm; this phasing might help establish the process of rhythm entrainment -- enhance it, I mean. It's like setting up a beat frequency that cascades down to the quantum level: beats its way down the various nested steps of the immunological staircase. One of the principles that keeps emerging from analysis of the clinical data of AT is that the more physiologically adapted the training formulas and other factors of the practice are, the more effective is the therapy.
Fajn. Fine, but how do you think this biological clock issue relates to the epileptic seizure?
I think the etiology of idiopathic epilepsy may have something to do with the repression of altered perceptions of time actually, even when there is a focal lesion (if it isn't congenital), it is still possible that temporal disorientation may have played a role in the pathogenesis. Chronic conditions such as this eventually give rise to somatic change, I believe. What the repression represents on the EEG, I think, is the suppression of paroxystic phenomena. When the suppression becomes
chronic-- Wait a second. Let us back up a bit, said Jan, frustrated as a fiddler with a frayed string. How did you get this idea about time perception and epilepsy?
Well He looked over at François. You know how in certain meditative states, just as the onset of modified time rate perception transpires, the meditator often finds himself engulfed by a strange odor -- often pleasant, but not always?
The psychologist nodded. Oui. It's often très agréable -- very pleasant, like blossoms of the wayfaring viburnum.
In epilepsy with a focus in the medial region of the temporal lobe, a convulsion is frequently preceded by an odor. We're going to see a spike on the EEG in the temporal region. I think the odor is a synaesthetic transposition of an alteration in the perception of some time-related variable. Different odors, different values of the variable -- perhaps. And the same may be true for spontaneous appearance of colors uh, in conjunction with other time-related variables, of course. Chromodynamics of the instant, I like to say.
What a strange thought, Jan commented. You have experienced this?
On occasion.
Hmmmm. Strange spaces he moves in.
Have you studied musicogenic epilepsy? asked François.
I've read a little.
There is a German autogenic therapist who is using music therapy in conjunction with AT, François informed.
Really! Now that's something that definitely interests me.
Ernst Flackus is his name. He is from Wurzburg. Dr. Luthe could give you his address, I'm sure I do a little music therapy myself, when it appears to me the patient might respond to a chord-bath in conjunction with biofeedback and/or meditation.
Back to epilepsy, urged Jan. I don't really see what you are saying.
Look, said Derek, the appearance of paroxystic phenomena on the EEG is associated with 'autogenic shift' -- the process by which the brain shifts from the ergotropic to the trophotropic state. This shift necessarily precedes autogenic discharge. If paroxystic phenomena are chronically suppressed, that means the brain's normative ability to electrochemically unload is also suppressed. I maintain that if this condition -- of excessively building up, through suppression, the potential for discharge -- reaches a critical state, epilepsy is one possible result. The spreading of discharge across the cortex, associated with an epileptic seizure, is a derailed attempt (through over-excitation) of the brain to establish a condition of neuronal coherence: the end result of fully-elaborated autogenic discharge. The epileptic seizure is an unsuccessful attempt of the organism to restore the correct frequency parameters to its quantum substrate -- which parameters have been altered through chronic stress and suppression of electrochemical unloading.
Sans blague? No joke, really? You think the locus of the lesion resulting from this condition has to do with the locus of the paroxystic phenomena chronically suppressed? asked François, disbelief awhirl like predatory caracara flapped up over carrion.
But how could that work? asked Jan, delving like a pornographer in search of the most revealing angle.
You mean biochemically?
Yes, molecular chemistry.
Well, said Derek, "the molecular level is secondary, I'm sure Look, neurons make big demands on the ATP factories. Mitochondrial DNA is the important element; it controls synthesis of ATP. Shut down the ATP factories and the neuron will go haywire. But I believe that that neuronal DNA which is normally superconductant is that DNA found in the mitochondrion. Disrupt electron donor-acceptor relations and the process of ATP synthesis is deranged. Now, abnormalities in autogenic discharge -- due to chronic resistances and/or other factors -- surely can disturb the electromagnetic structure of mitochondrial DNA, leading ultimately to mutations. But mutation is just the most severe case and would be associated, probably, with only certain patterns of epileptic discharge. Less extreme modifications of mitochondrial DNA -- involving electromagnetically mediated shifts in time rates of change of bonding -- would affect ATP synthesis less extremely and give rise to other patterns of epileptic discharge. The current classification of the epilepsies has been developed on the basis of clinical observation of symptoms. But this classificatory scheme is superficial and not related to the underlying quantum biochemical etiology.
And so this conversation went.
Your idea that 1T2 logic originally appeared as an escape valve or defense mechanism in human species response to planetary catastrophe is truly a fascinating idea. I would suggest that not only Velikovsky's Mankind in Amnesia, but also Olav Stapleton's 1920's Last and First Men (((incarnations of species-humanity have arisen and self-destructed to total extinction on planet Earth many times over millions and millions of years, a very Indic notion, each such extinction being thematically organized, i.e., orchestrated by a constellated archetype, of which physicist and cosmologist Stapleton, a contemporary of Einstein, Planck, Jung and Schrödinger, treats about a dozen or so cases and their species-suicide thematics: I can remember taking a month or more in 1972 or '73 to recover from the hyperventilation and neurogenic shock of reading this book, proffered by one of John C. Lilly's then-extraordinary bibliographies, which helped destroy my last vestiges of naive linear-time reference belief -- except for conformation to the omnipresent socioeconomic impositions, gun-to-the-head, of what is properly designated memetime -- and which, of course, I read before I went to Hamilton for the Velikovsky conference))) provide the proper hairy-scary contextualization for this idea. But I feel obliged to think on this notion on several levels one after another and then to try to think cross-referentially on those same levels simultaneously (being only an egg, as Heinlein has so well said). First of all, given that I don't believe in an objective, non-memetime, linear-time in any way-shape or form (even SciAm is now, 2006, finally! publishing physicists saying all-of-time is simultaneously present [implying embrace of transfinite sets as opposed to limit sequences in infinite regress] and that the notion of passing-time is thus wholly subjective), where does that leave any possible formulation for evolution of species (or of any a species or of the molecular biology of the gene, a gene, any gene) except as a subjectively entertained Rorschach test (pattern imposition set by prescriptive tacit assumptions carried to the selected data dated to memetime)? Out of all the data there is and was about, say, Greenland, how much is contained in ice cores and tree rings? This data is so selected how appropriate can the word selected be? Not the least selected by the kinds of technologies 1T2 logic is capable of generating. And the pattern imposed is derivative of some enculturated notion of order-versus-disorder which is itself an expression of the order of logical-value employed for processing. Moreover, each of the dating methods, including ice cores and tree rings, but especially the various C-14 methods, have a list of tacit assumptions, without which they are not valid, many of which resolve back to embrace of the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics, which is very doubtable. Nonetheless, if 1T2 logic arose as a defense mechanism, some handle thereupon exists as to memetime dating of the last planetary catastrophe, for we have historical selected data as to when 1T2 logic can be imputed as to have first arisen. Shigehisa Kuriyama's book (((apparently written in English, based on original sources in ancient Greek, Chinese and Japanese, The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine in sections entitled Styles of Touching, Styles of Seeing, and Styles of Being, explores the extraordinary differences in perception of the body, the world, and the selfhood in interplay with evolving medical models by consideration of medical palpation, presence or absence of symptom reference to muscles, and so on, with the period of reference being about 400 BC to 200 AD in both China and Greece, including the Mawangdui medical texts unearthed in 1993 in a Western Han tomb which are the earliest known and date to the period before emergence of acupuncture in Chinese medicine))) addresses this, as discussed in Roof Brain Chatter posted on the MOON website. This book, I would suggest, explores differences between rotational 1T2 logic (tai-chi spinor) and inferential 1T2 logic: two versions of the same defense mechanism existing in memetime prior to Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine. But it is clear from much evidence that, if 1T2 logic appeared as a planetary-catastrophe-related defense mechanism, that appearance was not a snap-to event, even if court-culture elites are taken as the snap-to corpus from which trickle-down to the masses transpired by fits and starts and in pockets over the ensuing centuries (or millennia). Despite Kuriyama, and before Kuriyama, I felt, feel, and have felt, but could not and can not substantiate, that the earliest loss of µTm-logic (not exactly synonymous with bi-cameral mind) brain-processing must have coincided with the last Ice Age or been the actual issue with psychosomatic shift between Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon. But not believing in an objective linear-time, I don't believe in objective dateability, let alone dates or schemes of dates, much less dating methods. Some parts of contemporary 21st century science are still 17th century mind, others 18th, 19th, or 20th century mind. Finding an early 21st century mind-in-science is presently impossible -- so far as I know. As we know from calendar studies, there may have been different memetimes (i.e., notions of memetime) employed by different peoples in memetimes past, and one may well ask if these were expressions of processing with different orders of logical-value. Guzman's demonstration that Aymara (the ancient pre-Inca language of the Andes) is based on 3-valued logic is extremely important and quite suggestive in this regard. William Sullivan's book arguing that the Inca's war against time is the actual explanation for why they so easily succumbed to the Spanish contains some interesting translated Aymara quotations strongly suggesting ancient Andean peoples had a notion of memetime as actor, not passive passing reference frame. Guzman's demonstration also raises the very interesting question as to whether activation of the defense mechanism in response to planetary catastrophe involved a jump from µTm logic all the way down to 1T2 logic, or whether there were intermediate steps, the 1T2 order being reached only after the last major catastrophe. I am inclined to think there must have been many intermediate steps, some of which have been identified but were misnamed: human loss of interspecies communication abilities, the last of which probably with the dolphin (residuals of which seen in Hottentot click language and Bushman sound; and we should not assume that other species did not develop their own defense mechanisms); no longer could everyone become a shaman or shamaness for a day by taking a trance read on the collective need, and therefore specialization and role stratification emerged; tribal units exceeded 300 persons, therefore subduing face-to-face as a technology of self-organization and necessitating emergence of hierarchical forms of governance; domestication of the horse; rise of patriarchy; rise of Brahmanism, Confucianism, Greek democracy based on slavery, and so on. Subtle gradations of the sorts of things Kuriyama discusses may have been involved in each of these events, and may represent outward expressions of reliance upon differing orders of logical-value for processing. This list is a few of the conventional transitions official science notes in one fashion or another without entertaining a logic-differential component, which would be associated with differing normative perceptual and proprioceptive givens: green is not green, red not red, tingle not tingle from one order of logical-value to the next. When taste polymorphism and 5-senses polymorphism is naively experienced (think of Yayoi Kusama) The issue you raise about discoveries-creations in 19th century higher mathematics and physics not confirming validity of the 1T2 order of the defense mechanism, let's say, and that formulation of quantum-relativity theory essentially wiped the cultural slate clean of those 19th century existential denials to the defense mechanism is also very provocative. This places Einstein, particularly, in a very bad historical light. For a long time I have not believed that Einstein had the original intuitive insight that gave birth to Special Relativity. I believe Einstein's first wife received that insight and that Einstein worked out its implications in a reductionistic fashion (in this period most especially, sculptors, mathematicians, physicists, psychologists were doing this to their women) in conformance to the Zeitgeist of the period which was heavy into suppressing appearance of m-valued logics (beginning with Frege, the inevitability of this appearance was sensed by many mathematics adepts, and recoil into the defense mechanism fanned out into every aspect of then-prevailing thought). The mark of this on Special Relativity, I believe, was the fact that Einstein did not Pass Go and proceed directly from absolute limiting velocity to absolute limiting acceleration. The reason he did not do this is because to have done so would have contextualized absolute limiting velocity such that it would have been revealed that the speed of light is not single-valued, that, indeed, light itself is not-itself, that every system, every possible system, has a function that serves as light for that system, that light is a function, not a structural thing (and that different lights are seen under processing with different orders of logical-value). But this opens up a topological Pandora's box and the first unmentionable to pop out is m-valued logics. Not only the speed of light, but all universal physical constants are m-valued under m-valued logics -- which means, at the very least, that there is no such thing as a classical limit. Some present-day physicists are tentatively dabbling with this: constants change in value over memetime; M Theory's notion that a physical constant is a field. By choosing not to Pass Go, Einstein inflicted atomic fission bombs and nuclear waste on the planet by not laying the foundation for discovery that clean cold controlled fusion is widely employed by nature at many scale levels.
Yes, I know it is a bizarre notion that light is a multiple like some artist would produce: Joe Goode's Tornado Series, for instance. But think of it like this: just as Planck's classical-logic quanta (1900) dissipated the ultraviolet catastrophe, so m-logically-valued quanta dissipate the infinite densification of mass-energy under a gravitational collapse treated as if it were without a finite-valued absolute limiting acceleration. Black hole computers -- radiating coherent gravity wavicles transposable under superconductivity to electromagnetic wavicles -- can exist solely because there is a set of nested finite-valued absolute limiting accelerations (the total set being variable-m-valued under m-valued logics), each such m-value-acceleration partially closing some LSTD (Sakharov-lamination Limited Space-Time Domain, supernumerary to quanta of the dense-in-itself base-state isomorphic-embeddable subspace coalgebra, not in this case Euclidian). Obviously, I'm just being cute here, but cute with an ulterior motive, which is not merely an idèe fixe. The cuteness itself actually has validity, in so far as validity actually has validity and is a useful notion in these non-Gödel-normal realms of logical properties of systems. Shine one or another m-light on one or another metal and you get a photoelectric effect with a wavelength threshold related to the m-value of the m-light chosen for The Shining -- animistically speaking, your red, no matter of what intensity, does not equal my blue, no matter of what intensity -- which, as Einstein almost demonstrated (1905), is explainable by discrete-energies particle-quanta existing solely because there is a set of nested finite-valued absolute limiting velocities (the total set being variable-m-valued under m-valued logics), each such m-value-velocity partially closing some LSTD (Sakharov-lamination Limited Space-Time Domain, supernumerary to quanta of the dense-in-itself base-state isomorphic-embeddable subspace coalgebra, not in this case Euclidian) which velocity-values are not the wave-quanta Planck used to dissipate the ultraviolet lack-of-threshold catastrophe. No-threshold, threshold; no-wolf, wolf. Jump! Just jump! Jump Aristotelian-Baconian logic. Realize that rules of inference are conditions of closure! And that closure, speaking in terms of universals, is absolutely relative, speaking in terms of existential conditionals. Light-for-the-system as polyadic functional requisite. Scalable functional requisite. A scalable functional requisite with Cantorian mereology of part-whole (and, hence, part-part) identity transparency (which Schrödinger, somewhat inappropriately designated entanglement; inappropriately, because the term chosen prioritizes discreteness over continuity, which is not actually the case). Existing solely because there is a set of nested finite-valued absolute limiting time rates of change of acceleration (the total set being variable-m-valued under m-valued logics), each such m-value time-rate-of-change of acceleration closing some LSTD (Sakharov-lamination Limited Space-Time Domain, supernumerary to quanta of the dense-in-itself base-state isomorphic-embeddable subspace coalgebra, not in this case Euclidian) that is simultaneously, but not merely pairwise, p-adically open and nonorientable. Graviton-electron-soliton logic transcended.
No thanks. What type of person tolerates organizations where the most stupid are at the top and those at the bottom have real responsibilities but no actual authority?
Quite frankly, I can't imagine how I might become more contemptuous than I already am. Any assistance in that regard would be deeply appreciated.
But, Father, what if they know what they do? said the blind man to the Priest.
It cannot be done without the necessary resources; those with access to such resources have not thought themselves far enough into the problem: that is the dilemma. Whether or not there will be a way out of this remains to be seen.
I don't write down what I said; I write down what I thought, but didn't say.
So, Nelson DeMille fans the crisis in belief and TimeWarner (great name!) makes megabucks. Who, then, are the patriots? Could it be that the exploiters of this crisis have no real understanding of the crisis they exploit? An element of my thesis has been that the crisis in belief received a major impulse in the 1820's with Abel's Impossibility Theorem. Were they to get their heads around that, and its implications, they might get very confused as to who are the exploiters and who the exploited. And Nature is not standing by; she, too, has joined the crisis in belief. Just try to imagine what will go down when actual cusp events begin to materialize! As with the Cambodian autogenocide, it will be in the hands of predisposition to collective hysteria. Given the crisis in belief, and its exploiters, there aren't many factors on the scene minimizing that predisposition.
Not surprising that their first operational synthetic biocomputers should be rat brains for drones: remember Wim Winder's The End of Violence in globalized absolute threat? As long as their pickup devices and control circuits involve binary logic gates, there are no implications concerning the quantum aspects of brain function and m-valued logics: just another form of renormalization. No, I do not think this is evil; evil is too small a word. Then there is targeting of superconductant-DNA fingerprints from a satellite. And John C. Lilly believed there can be no abuse of technology so long as there is public knowledge. Said right to my face! My, how naively those Sixties gurus believed in 17th and 18th century political systems. We have only to worry about moral failure of the leadership elite, y'know.
I keep stating the same thing over and over in different ways and it doesn't seem to be getting through; the conversation repeatedly lapses back into inconsequences. The long-term strategy UBL -- a logistics genius -- formulated is primarily economic; the tools are time and space, with associated exponential growth curve in required resource commitments by the global counterinsurgent. The more successfully the counterinsurgent counters each tactical thrust undertaken by the global insurgent, the more surely will the counterinsurgent lose in the end, declaring victory after victory all along the path. Strategic success by the global counterinsurgent is not to be had by accumulated succession of tactical successes: such successes only carry him along the exponential growth curve. Moreover, global insurgency, at a critical juncture, will morph into something much more elaborate -- particularly considering post-peak oil, climate shift, pandemic ecocide, four-billion population growth over the next four decades, et cetera. Given the global insurgent's strategy, the effective strategic offensive by the counterinsurgent must be economic in nature. The best global strategic offensive is implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units. Consider the following excerpt from an intelligence assessment made in the early-summer of 1968 at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-HQ (reproduced in The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, pp. 29-30):
It is clear from the following extended quotation from Michael C. Conley (The Communist Insurgent Infrastructure in South Vietnam: A Study of Organization and Strategy, DOA/American University CRESS, 1966; see also CICV Study ST 67-037, Strategy Since 1954, 29 June 1967) that the VC/NVNese strategy has changed little between 1965 and the present.
In the DLD (Dang Lao Dong) evaluation of America's role in South Vietnam, we, beginning in 1965, were simply exploiting our best available trump card in a last-ditch attempt to regain the initiative. The advantage was our expanding economy, a consequence of the fact that our economy was not damaged during World War II, as a party document in the spring of 1965 declared. But this economic and military predominance globally -- so they reason -- is only temporary. Externally, it has provoked an exaggerated competitive rivalry among capitalist countries and stimulated hostility and jealousy in the less developed, emerging nations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Internally, it encourages the growth of a basically unhealthy and unstable economy. Further, the multitude of economic and military commitments made around the world as a result of our dominant economic position progressively reduces the flexibility of our foreign policies. Consequently, argued the Dang Lao Dong, the United States is rich, but not strong. But even more importantly, we (i.e., the Vietnamese Communists) are not isolated, while Americans, in contrast, cannot concentrate forces against SVN people in dealing with us. To retain the initiative on a sustained basis, the party leadership reckoned that the United States would have to commit not several hundreds of thousands of troops but several millions. The same document quoted above continues: They need at least ten million troops and would be obliged to mobilize the entire imperialist army. Since other nations such as Formosa, the Philippines, and South Korea could not furnish troops, the United States is doomed to failure. (Following the injection of large numbers of troops) they (i.e., the United States) would seek then a political solution from a position of strength whereas we could take advantage of the talks to consolidate our position. We should, the PRP (the People's Revolutionary Party) document continued, continuously attack to hold the initiative. Make efforts to change the balance of forces.
Nor has the strategy changed since 1968. While losing the war in Viet Nam, the U.S. began to set up a sting operation on the Soviets in Afghanistan. Later, UBL, having taken the lesson, set up a sting operation on the U.S., communicating the economic nature of the strategy employed by destroying the WTC. The only way to effectively counter this over the long haul is by thorough re-creation of the global monetary system: the best way to do this is by implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units.
I certainly do not pretend to understand the intricacies, for that necessitates direct involvement, and I have never been in a position to know what percentage of classified military expenditures abroad are not financed by explicit liabilities like Treasury bonds -- expenditures which are, that is, simply made with created dollars pumped into the international system -- but one thing is clear: LBJ and his advisors did not have anticipatory comprehension of the economics of the Viet Nam war, or they would have ended the Bretton-Woods gold-exchange mechanism before the 1965 troop buildup. The gold-exchange mechanism started to show stress as early as the late-Eisenhower years, got worse during the Kennedy period, and cusped very soon after the 1968 Tet offensive. By the time Nixon closed the gold window it was too late to refinance the Viet Nam war, domestic inflation had set in with a vengeance, the dollar had to be devalued, and access to free printing of dollars unconstrained by a gold-exchange mechanism could not save the day. Under present realities of GWOT, the U.S. has considerable runtime because there is no gold-exchange-mechanism constraint; but there are constraints, nonetheless: the necessity to maintain dollar confidence with recurrent demonstrations that the U.S. continues to set the global agenda so as to sustain the dollar as the foremost international reserve currency -- the legacy of the Bretton-Woods system permitting free printing of the dollar; some critical breakpoint elevation to the global-inflation curve where holders of dollar liabilities begin to seriously back off; in a post-peak oil regime, the point at which the dollar-pumped and oil-stoked global-inflation curve undermines willingness to maintain dollar denomination of oil transactions; the point at which global-insurgent employment of the space and time variables shifts the balance vis-a-vis the new technologies of low-intensity warfare; the juncture when unattended climate shift, resource-depletion stress, environmental degradation, increasing poverty, population growth, mega-urbanization, species extinctions, epidemics and pandemics, et cetera, and factors like nuclear proliferation transform global insurgency into something it presently is not by critically wounding popular belief in the dominating worldview construct; the point at which implications of experimental demonstration of post-quantum and post-relativity physics can no longer be dissimulated to the public, thus carrying doubt as to the continued viability of the Cartesian-Newtonian institutionalization over its last threshold for demise. There are an extraordinary number of variables involved, each of which can be manipulated, but this seems to me the bare bones.
Homogenization to global monoculture demands Pasteurization of the planet. Can't have one without the other. Carbonized and greenhoused climate shift; globalized free-fire zone by rat-brained drones satellite-targeting superconductant-DNA fingerprints; nanowarfare; hot-money flows; hot-zone epidemics; tactical nukes; phased-array radar electron-temperature enhancements; hot auroras; cellular-networked planetarized microwave oven; microchipped bodies; surveillance societies; RFIDed products; EMP-induced autoimmune dyscrasias; nuclear-waste dumps; atomic-powered radiation releases; depleted-uranium projectiles; irradiated foods, genetically-engineered foods; hormone-enhanced foods; food additives as food; mad-cow food; e-traded e-coli shit in food; omnipresent boom-box noise pollution; inescapable traffic din; fire-stormed deforestation and desertification; fresh-water sources fertilized, pesticided, fugicided, rounded-up with dioxin, and saturated with mimetic estrogens and agricultural/aquacultural antibiotics; biofueled mangrove depletion and mega-monocropping; brains neuronally etched by exogenous glutamate flood; aquifer depletion by exurbanization; oil-slicked coasts; sonared oceans; dead-coral seas; fished-out fisheries; massed species extinctions; human zoos; theme-parked cultures Tell me capitalization by singly-logically-valued monetary units has the self-organizational competency to adequately handle externalities! BOT-financed privatization under what sort of market regime, you say? Trading carbon credits. Hydrogen-fueled economy. My god! Panacia, panasia, panacea in pipe-dreamed, PTSDed, transiting to ongoing chronic-stress-disordered, tunnel vision. Externalities will not be handled without mastery of von Hayek's transfinite set of time-shapes of total capital stock -- externalities being internalized to the market via m-logically-valued monetary units well-ordered by operator-time in modulation under phased changes of indicator-measureables fine-grain tagged to m-values stacked on scale-nested monetary units, yielding just the right amount of viscosity, fractal-entrapment band-pass. You want incorporation of natural-system externalities? Then do this in the form of natural systems! Insofar as a system is in the form of Heaven, it is in Heaven -- to paraphrase Swedenborg. This is Buddhist economics; Christian economics; Shinto economics; Islamic economics; Hindu economics; Judaic economics; Taoist economics; identity-transparent, quantum relative-state, phase mu-it, animistic, trance-mediumship, sacred-cloth economics
The current global conjuncture is not an ideal circumstance, and the present proposal regarding the logical properties of money is not one utopian. It is true that in the fully-implemented m-logically-valued case -- a case never to be attained in the real world -- the density of information gathering required to support m-logically-valued processing of m-indicator/measureables stacked upon multiple scale-nested monetary bases would be staggering. But that density of information gathering, monitoring, remote viewing, surveillance, collation, profiling is going to be implemented anyway (I made this argument for the first time during 1968 in Saigon contemplating deployment of people sniffers). Would you rather the technology be used in the fashion it already is -- control, control, control, threat, threat, threat, kill, kill, kill -- or would you rather it be used to internalize externalities to the market? When I learned at age eighteen that soft utopians and hard utopians share essentially the same theory of history -- the only real difference being in the shape of the worldline of history's logical march -- I lost all interest in utopian pseudo-solutions and took a close look at the properties of logical marches. Global federation is a soft-utopian scheme. A world totalitarian state -- under whatever name -- is a hard-utopian scheme. Personally, I don't wish centralized control, soft or hard utopian, of every thermostat on the planet upon any future generation -- this control, in significant measure, servicing the existential anxieties of the global power elite by permitting all the hot auroras their neuroses require. Is phased-array radar somehow a hot-flash conversion disorder of male menopause? If so, best we call upon Bly's men's liberation movement as a corrective to anthropogenic climate shift by shutting down superconductant conversions between phased-EMPs and acoustically-modified gravity waves. When the Sun sings magnetic infrasound, and clouds have plasma bottles extending for kilometers, and tornadic plasma bottles don't leak except by EMP burst There is coherency, y'know, and then there is coherency.
No. You cannot do this by creation of a pre-existing general consensus. That is simply impossible. You find people who are already doing some aspect of it, and you fund them. You find companies which are already doing some aspect of it, and you buy into them. Where there is a hole, you create an activity. Then, with this leverage, you articulate parts and nudge the overall pattern into a proper form -- pulling in more and more resources and participation-enticed consensus as you go -- using the envisioned form as a teleological strange attractor. And you do this in such a fashion that, in due course, your involvement is self-canceling -- for, if you remain involved, there can be no buildup of autopoietic competency, and, thus, you will have failed.
We are talking about re-creating the market with different properties, not describing the existing market -- re-creating it with properties capable of internalizing externalities. If you have difficulty thinking about the market relative to operator-time, consider Elliot Wave Theory (circa 1939, Ralph Nelson Elliot), an attempt to describe existing market cycles. Waves can be treated as clocks. Quantum mechanics, as David Bohm was fond of saying, is a theory of clocks within clocks within clocks. Elliot Wave Theory deals only with clocks, not also with two higher-order nestings of clocks. The second-order nesting maps intersystemic flows, and the third-order nesting maps self-referential properties, which George Soros understands as having to do with m-valued logics and has deemed market reflexivities. A rigorous treatment of the second-order nesting of waves as clocks involves Stephen Hawking's imaginary time, but this is more fully dealt with as topologically-active operator-time -- all such quantum action, in the second-order case, taking place at the limiting acceleration. A rigorous treatment of the third-order nesting of waves as clocks, where market reflexivities operate, would involve differentiation of Hawking imaginary time to the hypercomplex case (i.e., hypernumbers, not imaginary numbers) of topologically-active operator-time -- all such quantum action, in this third-order case, taking place at the limiting time rate of change of acceleration. With the third-order, self-referential, self-reflexive case, the mapping fully engages m-valued logics -- and in order for m-logically-valued information to be made available to market actors some means of tagging it must be created. The only way this can be achieved is by implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units. The resultant field of econometric chronotopology will be the means by which mastery of von Hayek's time-shapes of total capital stock can be adequately approached. With the gathering global resource-depletion crisis, I do not see how the human species can hope to sustain itself and its environmental context without bringing about such a re-creation of the market.
Of course it is mere propaganda that Nixon's closing of the gold window and devaluation of the dollar immediately before the oil crunch of the Seventies are never mentioned as major precipitating factors of the OPEC price rise. People will even tell you that the OPEC price rise caused collapse of the Bretton-Woods gold-exchange mechanism: they tell you this when the price rise came after closing of the gold window and the Nixon dollar devaluation. And today, extending upon the earlier falsifications, when the price of oil is pushing toward $100/barrel, it is argued that the situation is quite different from the artificial oil price rise of the Seventies because the present low value of the dollar pushes the price of oil up; oil being denominated in dollars, the price must go up to maintain price parity relative to the euro and the yen: the earlier Nixon devaluation goes unmentioned. And the current low-valued dollar is not called the result of devaluation -- just as the dollar devaluation of the Plaza Accords was deemed a yen revaluation -- even though it is encouraged as a counterweight to the U.S. trade imbalance. The subtext here is that if the oil-price problem and the potential faltering of the foreign-liability financing of the national-debt problem become greater that the trade-imbalance problem, the dollar will receive revaluation encouragement. But what all this spurious discussion actually conceals is the enormous U.S. overhang-default, which the closing of the gold window actualized, and which has prevented and will continue to prevent any real reform of the international monetary system. During the late-'70s, methods by which restitution of the U.S. default could be incorporated into monetary reform were discussed, but it was clear that the U.S. could never and would never accept these.
Let me reiterate the fact that I have never pitched implementation of the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units as a preventive measure. I have not believed prevention possible and have, thus, devoted no attention to it. This notion of money has always been directed to the period after cusp events. Where could what once was this civilization go after its cusp events? That is the question addressed by the answer provided: m-logically-valued monetary units. Criticism of the notion of such monetary units -- no finished concept, only a seed idea -- however, is always tacitly informed by prevention-oriented assumptions, which I have never had the slightest interest in adopting. I have believed, though, that any post-cusp-event implementation absolutely requires pre-cusp-event attempts at implementation: absent the prefiguration of unsuccessful attempts in the pre-cusp period, later serving as a nexus about which self-organizing processes can congeal, there will be no post-cusp implementation. Also, beginning decades ago, I have argued that the earlier the unsuccessful attempts are made, the more will they contribute to minimizing loses during the period of cusp events. People believe in prevention; or, if not, that the crisis will be a slow manageable process; or, if not, that then there is nothing to be done (except get all you can in the time remaining). I have never fallen into any of these three categories. My assessment, necessarily a matter of conjecture, has been that the crisis inevitably will come, that it will be precipitous and incendiary, and that, nonetheless, things still could be done. But from the very beginning of my engagement with these ideas, I have also said there likely will be no real opportunity to act upon the m-logically-valued monetary unit notion until a small critical window of opportunity appears just before onset of cusp events -- and that, even then, given the probable evolution of collective responses to events, the window may not actually appear. One, therefore, does what one can when one can and does not worry about what one cannot when one cannot: that way, at least, one has played it out cleanly, fulfilling as best one can the obligations one incurs by the act of entertaining ideas which beat against prevailing worldview constructs, cognizant of the existential anxiety and hyper-reactivity such beating against induces.
I use Hugh Everett's term relative state, but do not mean by it multi-worlds or multiple universes. In my use and meaning, the word animistic frequently precedes, and the term identity transparency frequently follows, the term relative state because all three refer to the same basic aspect of reality: superintegration, overdetermination, synchronicity, contagion, participation mystique, possession, self-referential, self-reentrant, self-reflexive, non-orientable, non-recursive, nonselfsame, non-isotropic, non-homogenous, autopoietic, generative empathic, and so on. Somehow, Hugh Everett, III, was able to retain the original sense of his breakthrough insight in the title to his 1957 paper: the relative-state formulation, not the multi-worlds formulation or the multiple-universes formulation. The implicate-internal relative state of a whole got turned into explicate-external, dissociated part-multiples under the critique of Wheeler-Bohr by means of the impress of von Neumann formalism upon mistaken Wheeler-Bohr assumptions about pregeometry, thermodynamics, time evolution, and object constancy. Fifty years after the advent of Lukasiewicz logics, Wheeler, for obvious reasons, committed himself to a pregeometry as a BINARY-LOGIC calculus of propositions. Wheeler, and before him Bohr, had carried this prejudice against m-valued logics ever since adolescence (approximate time of the last neural network wipeout by glutamatergic neuronal etching). This commitment to binary logic insured that the physical object would always be selfsame and constant regardless of Piaget's demonstrations during the 1950s concerning the stages of cognitive development (now known to be anchored to the brain by glutamatergic neuronal etching) and Luneburg's experimental demonstration at the Knapp Memorial Laboratory of Physiological Optics, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, during the late-1940s (The Metric of Binocular Visual Space, Rudolf K. Luneburg, Journal of the Optical Society of America, Vol. 40, No. 10, October 1950) that, contrary to popular opinion, there is no such thing as localization in binocular visual space (which includes the space of a measure and its dial, hence making Luneburg's finding highly relevant to the measurement problem in quantum theory). Quoting Luneburg: "there is no absolute localization even in binocular vision". These considerations make it easy to distinguish the initial-Everett-insight part of the 1957 paper from the Wheeler-Bohr-reaction-conditioned part of the paper: the former comes before the unfounded declaration is made that, quoting, physical objects always appear to us to have definite positions, and the latter, which is the remainder of the paper. This bifurcation aspect of Everett's 1957 paper (Relative State Formulation of Quantum Mechanics, Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 29, No. 3, July 1957) exquisitely and quintessentially illustrates projective-identification in the psychological transference: by arbitrarily and mistakenly declaring the macroscopic physical object constantly selfsame and localizable, the implicate-internal relative state of a whole object is inverted in projection and bifurcated to explicate-external, dissociated multiples of the universe. In their efforts to escape from existence of m-valued logics, chaos theoreticians later raised this aspect of the psychological transference to the status of a mathematical discipline -- and severely undermined dynamical meteorology in the process, thus postponing acknowledgement of climate shift by decades. Everything scary about superintegration is banished to other universes in a fashion similar to how everything scary about Wheelerian superspace is banished from everyday human experience by denial of access by m-valued logics to the middle scale levels under declaration of a classical limit (thus denying, for instance, access to quantum-relativistic physics in description of tornado genesis). The magic without magic here -- i.e., the libido driving this particular case of projective-identification at transference over BINARY-LOGIC, subject-object bifurcation -- is steam-engined by heuristic thermodynamic closure of a universal wave function upon a passive-passing, real-number, linear-time evolution that even Wheeler knows to be impossible in a universe of self-referential discourse -- self-referential propositions being the foundation of m-valued logics. The transference is always bizarre and it is bizarre that John A. Wheeler should have become the dean of self-reference in physics while at the same time rejecting fifty-year-old Lukasiewicz logics as pregeometry. And only recently, with extensions of superstring theory, has the self-referential anthropic principle come under serious challenge by formalizing doubt that each universal physical constant is single-valued: treating each such constant as a field. This will converge upon the universal physical constant as m-valued under m-valued logics. There are no multiple universes or natural-world virtual realities (except as security blankets); there is a nonselfsame one-and-only universe internally superintegrated by relative state and characterizable with transfinitely-indexed m-valued logics understood independent of the notion of truth-value and expressing as cosmological Musculpt.
I understood the connection between Everett and Luneburg more than two years before (2:36 AM, 17 January 1975) I first wrote to Wheeler, as recorded in Derek's Journals and reproduced in The Moon of Hoa Binh (Vol. 2, pp. 281-84). But Everett's universal wave function was solely linear, while ours involved two levels of nonlinearity understood to be hypercomplex-numbered ACTIVE time as authentic topological operator FUNCTIONING under m-valued Lukasiewicz logics (a very different way of looking at the Hamiltonian operator, and much more complex than Hawking's imaginary time). Because this formulation was arrived at by analysis and computer modeling of the FUNCTIONS of m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes in tornado genesis (and soon thereafter applied to superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA), it was easily dismissed by Wheeler, Hawking, and Penrose -- particularly so because acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes had, since 1948, been filtered from the diagnostic equation sets of consensus dynamical meteorology, a renormalization reinforced by chaos-theory approaches to severe storm genesis, and because Stephen Hawking then maintained that blackhole computers are impossible, and also because of Roger Penrose's commitment to Church's hypothesis on calculability. Nowadays, of course, with virtually the same mathematics and even in many of the same words, there are descriptions of acoustic analogues to blackhole computers, analogues known to exist at scale levels far removed from those assiduously studied by Wheeler, Hawking, and Penrose. See a couple of the less technical papers produced during the 1970s on cascade theory of tornado genesis, as well as those on autogenic brain discharges, posted under Ithaca Papers on the MOON website.
When psychological functions are not consciously available they are automatically projected, externalized. Undoubtedly, this principle of the transference is mirrored in the extrojection of externalities by market-oriented economic theorists. The perspective argued here is that externalities can only be introjected to the market by those functions previously not available to conscious awareness: the Karpenko functors of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics.
This is not for me to debate details. Thirty years too late; I no longer have adequate recall. It is left to those young minds currently studying acoustic analogues to blackhole computers. Truthfully, I have not had an original idea, FOR ME, since I was twenty-seven years old.
From m-logically-valued modes of cognition -- i.e., the varieties of animistic experience -- simple-identity, inferential necessity, temporal reference, spatial extension, local mind, and discrete body are learned behaviors: memes cognitively socialized and socially cognized by virtue of the glutamatergic neuronal etching which blocks conscious awareness of the m-logically-valued processing engaged in by the quantum brain not contained by the brain. Brentano-time, i.e., time that is in remembering, Husserl's given time, is memetime, time as a reference frame, which is not time as a topological operator, i.e., operator-time, which is no sort of reference frame, no meme. And similarly for simple identity, personal identity, and any multi-identity composed of simple-identities, simultaneous or sequential: memes, all memes. Spatial reference, local this, local that -- mind, body -- propagation: memes again, all memes.
Yes, I am saying that localization, decoherence, linear time, Euclidian space are due to glutamatergic neuronal etching, antihomeostatic modification of subclinical autogenic brain discharges, and chronic shift in the quantum-wave properties of the superconductant free-electron gas core of intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA: i.e., due to the organic brain disease suppressing conscious access to m-logically-valued processing. I have been saying this for over 25 years. See, for instance, the sections on Everett and relative-state activation of the brain in our 1980 paper entitled Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement posted to Ithaca Papers on the MOON website. One clear implication of this, and only one of many reasons why it should be the case, is that active time as authentic topological operator -- i.e., operator-time -- has absolutely nothing to do with Newtonian absolute time or Newtonian absolute space or an ether related to either: somaticized memes and a supposition there from. Operator-time is not any sort of reference frame. The very notion of singly-logically-valued propagation (in substitution for m-logically-valued identity transparency) is mere memed supposition. Fight on, Heraclitus and Parmenides! Nested and enfolded sets of zeros, infinitesimals, infinitudes, associated hypernumbers, Clifford algebras, and differentiated relative absolute-limits in no way slay the great smoky dragon of fundamental principles of quantum and relativity physics, or resurrect Cartesian-Newtonian perspectives; on the contrary, they magnify implications of those fundamental principles -- and the divergence from Cartesian-Newtonian thought -- far beyond anything imagined by Planck, Einstein, and Schrödinger. The perceived throw-back to Newton, in nonlinear guise, is a clinging behavior: clinging to the binary order of logical-value in non-standard and chaos-theory-related analysis of nested and enfolded sets of zeros, infinitesimals, infinitudes, associated hypernumbers, Clifford algebras, and differentiated relative absolute-limits. Confronted with Lukasiewicz, Gödel's reaction was a corpus of clinging behaviors, that corpus being a contributory factor to onset of WWII by a panzering of Poland, neglect of nascent acoustically-modified, gravity-wave-mode-concatenated climate shift (a component of which involves greenhouse warming), and a sweeping under the planetary rug of so very much more. Gödel's reaction has generalized and amplified in the post-WWII period as the organic brain disease, pandemic to the human species, fulminates and bifurcates into numerous derivative illnesses, autoimmune dyscrasias. I prescribe m-logically-valued monetary units as last-ditch crisis intervention to be undertaken in the panic-stricken, collective, global ER.
The notion of m-logically-valued monetary units is NOTHING BUT a seed idea. Of course, it has been a seed idea for well over thirty years without attracting the interest of a single person with technical expertise in any of the involved areas, so this in itself can easily be regarded an indicator of the virulence of the present conundrum. Another measure of that virulence is the fact that trillions and trillions of dollars in derivatives are wrapped into the present global economic crisis which George Soros, Davos 2008, has evaluated as the worst since the end of World War Two. Derivatives came on the scene AFTER the basic idea of m-logically-valued monetary units was already being discussed -- and the two have much in common, both being directed toward pulling externalities into the purview of market processing. But derivatives began as hedging devices and evolved to derivatives of derivatives of derivatives, a parody of m-valued cascade models; whereas the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units is tightly focused upon synoptic externalities as they actually function in natural systems, many of which are involved in climate-shift dynamics, post-peak oil, global resources depletion, and so on. That being the case, it is extremely difficult to dismiss the very existence and magnitude of derivatives as measures of the prevailing virulence of Flailed Mind, governor of human affairs, planet Earth. The derivatives parody is what we get when the collective unconscious frets over the m-valued logics which socialization of cognition suppresses: a regressed version, exteriorized by projective-identification at the subject-object level of collective transference. Thematic evasion as pathogenetic factor: in the borderless world invoked by globalization, all the frets are stripped away and replaced by derivatives of derivatives of derivatives -- whereas, in a mature, i.e., non-regressed, economic analogical model of natural processes, the frets would be band-pass fractal e-boundaries fine-grain tagged with m-logically-valued monetary units defining nested classes of legal tender. Money has always been defined on borders of one sort or another, so the primary reason why m-logically-valued monetary units must be prefigured before global meltdown transpires is that the capacity to manufacture the requisite technologies for fractal e-boundaries has somehow to be sustained through the period of cusp events. Prefiguration may inject the free energy necessary to catalyze the transition. Thirty-plus years on, however, the window is closing and the opportunity costs are growing exponentially.
Contrary to Gödel's take, simultaneity + consistency = not the empty set, but what is inferentially contradictory under 2-valued logic is understood as simultaneous and consistent under Lukasiewicz m-valued logics. Rules of inference cast aside and replaced by the logics of involutory decomposition. Not only nested classes of conservation laws, but also Cantorian sets of natural laws, contradictory under 2-valued logic, simultaneously given relative to nested classes of limited spacetime domains (LSTDs) and consistent under Lukasiewicz m-valued logics. What is currently understood as the various sub-disciplines of physics is actually but one physics variously codifiable under simultaneously given different orders of logical-value (and, hence, the utility of analogical modes of thought).
Anyone who believes the human species is going to survive the mess it has made of this planet without utter collapse of the existing world order has a capacity for fantasy generation far greater than mine. The magnitude and thoroughness of change required for human species -- ten billion by 2050 -- survival is so far beyond anything that species has experienced in historical memory, one has to look to Velikovsky's Mankind in Amnesia for inspiration in respect to the future of mankind. It has never occurred to me in any fashion whatsoever that The System Worked, that the system which made the mess will fix it -- or that people who believe in the system, who make the system everyday, will permit it to be fundamentally altered. Faced with a choice between death and fundamental alteration of the system, they will choose death -- in fact, they are right now choosing death, and this choosing is a full-flung mass behavior. That the mess-creating behaviors of the system are only amplifying is clearly seen in the fact that global warming is regarded a business opportunity and that trading of one sort or another will resolve the problem -- trading of a sort, it should be noted, that involves no fundamental alteration in the very idea of trading. And the genius of a generation -- Einstein the exemplar -- which created atomic bombs, fallout, and dirty atomic energy, then proceeded to block further insight (consider, for instance, Bohr's handling of Everett) by repression of fundamental alteration of their very dirty views, is now marshaled as providing the only real answer to the gathering post-peak-oil energy crunch: more and more atomic waste production, without the slightest inclination to fundamental alteration of their belief that Nature has not discovered anything relevant they are not aware of. Revamp 17th-, 18th-, and 19th-century technologies and plaster the planet with dirty atomic energy producers, but don't, for God's sake, entertain fundamental alteration of the system or the beliefs which created it, even if implementing a hydrogen economy: a choosing of death in full-flung mass behavior.
The issues discussed regarding i, pi, e, infinitesimals, tetration, et cetera are very much involved in the physics of tornado genesis as modeled by cascade theory. A few observations from the concrete case of tornado genesis, as I understand it, may be of interest. In the cascade of angular momentum leading to tornado genesis, there are many transitions between scales of wave motion. Each of these involve a 90-degree twist into the imaginary -- and back. This twisting between real and imaginary can be handled as a cascade of complex angular momentum or EQUIVALENTLY it can be handled as real momentum (in i-cap, j-cap, k-cap space) with an imaginary-time (l-cap) component. The latter is the way Doug Paine chose to model it. When limiting values of critical variables are reached, the imaginary-time twist transpires and a sub-routine is initialized in the computer simulation model. I am aware that there is a growing reaction against the notion of relativity-theory limits, and a gathering affirmation of Cantorian transfinite infinitesimals and infinitudes. From the perspective of tornado genesis, there appears to be no conflict between the presence of limits and unconstrained infinitesimals/infinitudes. During the 1970s, we used the term relative absolute-limits as each scale level can be treated as a limited spacetime domain (LSTD), that domain being defined by a set of absolute limiting values of critical variables specific to that LSTD and no other -- as well as a given value of the m-values of each universal physical constant. When those values are reached, a border crossing transpires by the imaginary-time twist. LSTDs are nested inside LSTDs to infinitesimals and infinitudes. The imaginary-time twist involves time dilation and spatial contraction/collapse within a given LSTD, a collapse leading to a change in connectivity of the collection of LSTDs the given LSTD is embedded in. The topological change of connectivity (mapping of intersystemic flows) over a collection of LSTDs transpires at the second-order (i.e., acceleration) absolute limiting values of critical variables defining the collection of LSTDs in question. The reaching of third-order relative absolute-limits maps as a change to non-orientability amongst a transfinite set of LSTDs. Orders of infinitude involve the nonorientability factor, and this is permitted by universal physical constants being m-valued under m-valued logics. There is no absolute Planck minimum time that is not memetime for a given LSTD, and this, not the least, because time is a topological operator, not a reference frame. Moreover, nonorientability insures this absence. There is no absolute Planck limiting distance that is not specific to a given LSTD because measurement works only by renormalization, by p-adic truncation, by filtering such that scale-specific focus is established. Ponderable space is not actually measureable because its coordinate dimensions configure Koch curves. Moreover, nonorientability insures this absence. And since, therefore, we can choose partitioning (scale level distribution, laminations, sheeves) of these LSTDs as small as we like, and thus aggregate them in whatever manner we choose, any scale transition involves an infinite collection of infinitesimals. One cannot escape the conclusion that relative (to the scale properties of the given LSTD) zero-point energy is available on every scale level -- in some way. Moreover, in the concrete case of tornado genesis, when the imaginary-time twist is made, the signature of that event is radiated as coherent waves (m-valued functions like those of Schrödinger's wave-function, likely requiring m-valued logics to fully describe). Second-order (m-cap) and third-order (n-cap) active-time twists require for their description hypercomplex numbers beyond imaginary numbers. We not only looked at this during the 1970s in terms of severe storms, solar-terrestrial interactions, and climate-shift dynamics, but also relative to quantum properties of DNA in nerve cells. Szent-Gyögyi's intermolecular electron transport was inspirational, while the notion of phase we entertained was similar to that earlier arrived at by Ling. An LSTD is a cell, and like Ling's conception, the cell wall is not a wall, but a plasmahaut, an e-boundary, and, more elaborately, an imaginary-time fractal boundary with band-pass, bias-control capabilities. Ling's conception of how this is electrochemically obtained involves unidirectional stirring. We believe that unidirectional stirring is accomplished by the coherent waves generated by superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA in response to ambient radiation impingement. This is simply the same process, on another scale level, by which the supercelled, tornadic, plasma bottle LSTD generates acoustically-modified (i.e., coherent) gravity-wave modes in response to radiation impingement conveyed by solar wind and captured by the plasma bottle as cascaded complex angular momentum. We never doubted -- and the storms involved exhibit very little in the way of uncertainty -- that these processes have considerable implications for the question of alternative energy sources.
You seem to be, not only a bit confused, but also attributing to us some pretty dopey stuff. The acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes we note relative to tornado genesis are not the gravity waves generated by antimatter reactors UFOers speak of. Acoustically-modified means coherent, which is what sound waves are, in this case infrasound. The involved gravity-wave modes are gravitational analogues, in the sense of acoustic analogues to black hole computers, a recently-coined term of designation. That the analogue is likely complete (self-similar across scale levels) is suggested by recent mathematical models of superconductors as transducers between actual gravity waves and electromagnetic fields. In the macroscopic atmospheric case, the superconduction is of hydrothermodynamic properties in a fashion self-similar to the elementary particle virtuality involved in BCS superconductivity, this virtuality having much to do with m-valued properties likely best understood by employment of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics and Karpenko functors (if p-adic truncation is involved here, it is relative to these functors, I feel sure). And I have never said that the quantum-wave properties of the DNA molecule propagate at faster-than-light speeds. The concepts involved here are subtle. Consider that just because many people drive their cars at 70-plus mph does not mean there can be no national speed limit of 55 mph. The simile or analogue I attempt to draw here is not selfsame, only self-similar. What I have said -- along with Einstein -- is that nothing, i.e., no-thing, can travel faster than the speed of light. And herein partially lies the virtuality associated with the superconductivity self-similar across scale levels and sub-disciplines of physics: hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, electrodynamics, et cetera. Actual propagation is not the case: the superconduction transduces propagation into identity transparency by accomplishing a change in the order of logical-value involved: the primary function of operator-time fulfilling the role of authentic topological operator. As the absolute limiting velocity for any given limited spacetime domain (LSTD) is approached, spatial extension in the direction of motion contracts and real-numbered, minus-signed memetime dilates relative to the given LSTD. At that LSTD's absolute limiting velocity, spatial extension, not only of the moving object but also of the given LSTD, ceases to exist in the direction of motion of the object, thus fractalizing a spatial dimension of the LSTD. The reason why this event affects not only the moving object, but also the involved LSTD, is the quantum principle of Everett relative-state: quantization of spacetime, its curvature and other topological properties, is not simply a mathematical treatment -- and the object, the motion, the curvature cannot be separated except by filtering accelerations and time rates of change of acceleration. As the spatial dimension fractalizes, memetime for the moving object and the LSTD stops. Not only has the moving object disappeared from the LSTD, so has the LSTD disappeared with it into fractals. The moving object became a no-thing and its propagation became virtual, i.e., was transduced (by logical-value shift mapped over the m-logically-valued Schrödinger wave function) into identity transparency. The given LSTD disappeared simultaneously with disappearance of the moving object because the LSTD's very identity was dependent upon the scale of motion (grid length and memetime step) defining it. The continued virtual existence of the moving object and its LSTD map as topological operations over imaginary-numbered and hypercomplex-numbered active time (considering not only absolute limiting velocities, but also absolute limiting accelerations, and absolute limiting time rates of change of acceleration). This is the view from inside a given LSTD, something like Einstein's cosmic elevator, the elevator of his famous thought experiment (or that of his first wife). But what about the view from perspective of any finite collection of such elevators? And the view from perspective of any transfinite collection of such elevators? These were questions addressed by the late-1970s General Process paper. Virtual propagation as identity transparency involves, to repeat, logical transduction (in the limit: solving systems of partial-differential equations) from single-valued to m-valued. This is, by defining properties, never permitted within any given LSTD, including that of the whole universe -- only within collections, finite and transfinite, of LSTDs. Single-valued universal physical constants, e.g., the Planck limiting distance and the Planck minimum time, apply only to ANY GIVEN LSTD, including that of the whole universe -- but not to collections, finite and transfinite, of LSTDs. Universal physical constants applicable to collections of LSTDs are each m-valued, and their proper handling within systems of equation sets would involve employment of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics. LSTDs, because of m-valued universal physical constants, can be chosen AS SMALL AS WE LIKE. Now, acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (deeply involved in tornado genesis) in the Earth's atmosphere are m-valued -- they carry the signatures of every scale of wave motion, and this makes them, among other things, blackbodies (essential to health of Earth's biosphere) for solar-terrestrial interactions, e.g., by solar-wind-driven frequency responses. Of course, relative gas content of the atmosphere is important in setting frequency-response windows. So, what is the filtering of diagnostic equation sets to rid them of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes? The filtering-renormalization is accomplished by scaling the equations so as to remove those scales of motion (a class of Einstein elevators) at which such modes propagate. This procedure mathematically conceals from view operation of relativity- and quantum-physics principles within the Earth's atmosphere -- and involvement of those principles by analogue in macroscopic aspects of solar-terrestrial interactions, climate-shift dynamics, severe-storm genesis. Having thus -- for many complicated psychological reasons -- blindsided ourselves, attempts to parlay weather modification (indeed, removal of tornado genesis by bomb or high-energy particle beam) into climate-shift modulation can only put the anthropogenic icing on the cake of global crisis.
It cannot be overstated how much this material pushes all the freak-out buttons: witches, vaginas, vortices, singularities, holes, blackholes, blackholes without hair, tornadoes, spirals, helices, twisters, catastrophes, imaginary numbers, hypertwists, divarications, divergencies, non-orientabilities, comets, wobbles, turbulence, diagonals, overlays, fractionations, chaos. Hubble-bubble in homoscedastic distributions such that sequences do not converge to a limit in Hilbert space: at the limit, not only out of the space, out of space. It is my understanding that before I came on the scene, and that was well before the term computer virus entered the lexicon, the cascade model was being run on USAF mainframes at Off-it exactly when whole blocks of NORAD data base were wiped out. Talk about freak out! Is that program a national-security threat? Or is there some fundamental incompatibility between NATURE and NORAD? No, the flight simulators I sat in at Wright-Patterson AFB as a high school kid were not located in Hangar 18. And the TID I was assigned to was Technical Intelligence Detachment, in Viet Nam, not Technical Intelligence Division, Wright-Patterson, AFB, where my father's duties were primarily with AFLC, not AFSC -- logistics trouble-shooter, not systems specialist. See! Push the freak-out buttons and, by projective-identification at collective transference, the theoretical material is displaced, converted, and appears to view in regressed form. Not only alien abductions, and the like, the technology itself, mainstream technology, can accurately be so regarded. Psychological functions, inherent, but not consciously available, e.g., by glutamatergic neuronal etching, exteriorized as physical objects and/or technological capabilities, e.g., in lieu of directly-experienced identity transparency, mere techno-telepresence (a highly regressed version of the original). Luddite perspective, or not. Also before I became involved, there was an NSF grant final report entitled Atmospheric Comets and the Nature of Light. Following the NORAD ketaminergic artificial neural network wipeout, this report -- which, for the first time, treated the speed of light as m-valued -- was another occasion for freak out. Acoustically-modified and acoustic analogue: what does analogue suggest in regards to self-organized gravity waves, geons? Metaphor, simile: self-similarity across phases. Put a value on each of the phases and you have m-values. If each phase has its own absolute limiting velocity, then light AS A FUNCTION is m-valued over a multiplicity of simultaneous phases -- were there a nesting supra-phase, meaning that simultaneity is relative to the supraordinate (just as the Axiom of Choice supposes). Non-orientable self-reentry, of course, precludes any ultimate supra. What is light for? For seeing? That's its FUNCTION? Rather too anthropic, wouldn't you say? The absolute limiting velocity for a phase is a limit for the phase, and also light for the phase, but it is not in the Hilbert space of the phase because attainment of that limit removes the phase (by topological hypertwist, even double-hypertwist). At certain ephemeral atmospheric phase boundaries, comet-like (simile, metaphor) frontogenesis transpires by double-helical feeder-bands (comets have been photographed, beginning in the 1950s, with such tails, which might not be passive wake vortices, but active extractors of energy-momentum from the solar wind). The NSF grant report described efforts to model these double-helical extractors vis-a-vis frontogenesis. Later, the efforts were directed to modeling double-helical extractor-feeders in tornado genesis; later still, to modeling quantum-wave properties of the double-helical DNA molecule. Recently, a double-helical nebula has been identified. Twist and shout! in all such cases, including spiral-banded galaxies. General process in self-similarity across scale levels? During the 1970s, these were freak-out ideas, so far off the beat they didn't even make it into the Off the Beat section of Science News. Even the author of Time Storm was put off by the role operator-time plays in tornado genesis, even when told that Wolfgang Pauli originated this notion of time during the 1920s. Even, even, even You've got to understand collective psychology, projective-identification, transference, displacement, conversion if you want to understand what happened thirty-some years ago to these ideas, then running on the USAF's and the NASA's biggest mainframes. Carl Sagan, I can assure you, did not understand such psychological subtleties, at least not experientially.
No, no. It was five years after Doug Paine and Mike Kaplan had incorporated time rate of change of acceleration into their nested-grid, numerical forecast, cascade model of tornado genesis that we learned of Arthur Young's earlier use of this third-order motion as the control factor in design of the rotor for the Bell helicopter. It was later yet that we began to understand that the third-order operator has to do with utilities of reentry, non-orientability, self-reflexivity, self-reference -- and, hence, beyond acceleration, gravity, the equivalence principle, spacetime curvature is pregeometry as m-valued Lukasiewicz logics (which, at the time, I misunderstood to be the logics of Emil Post). When this began crashing in on me, I was spending my days in the little Cornell mathematics library, reporting at Paine's Bradfield office each late afternoon. Only much later did I learn of a strange Bell prefiguration earlier than that of Young's rotor: the 1943 Bell XP-59 jet fighter -- preceding the Skunk Works' XP-80 -- was called the Aircomet. Shades of Atmospheric Comets and the Nature of Light, eh? Talkin' 'bout an engine to drive a comet
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