It's not so much that you have it all wrong; you have my me all wrong. I know the constituency for these ideas. But I also know about Kairos: the time of descent. That's what cascade theory is all about! That's what Penrose OR is all about! Operator-time. The whole adult life of my me has been spent studying one or another aspect of this. The people I have approached so far, these people, what these people love, what they view as sheer heaven, I see as the mid-levels -- not of Hongkong's residential district, but of Dante's inferno. They truly love what to me is abysmal. And that's most people these days and more than most people tomorrow. So why even bother? Let me explain why I don't believe in explaining things. The first thing the ego does when it recognizes that a creative idea has come in upon it is try to explain the idea to itself. There is this rush of whatever, electricity down the lower extremities, pressure in the solar plexus, difficulty breathing, color-field fractal photism, eidetic image, tone intoning, clamping sensation on the temples (autogenic discharges, all) it happens in dozens of ways. Something is happening! Pay attention or you're going to miss it! It'll pass on by! And the ego says I to the idea. Shaking tension of psychological identification mistaken for creative energy. Me, it's mine. I created it. It came from me. So, having made this claim, the ego tells itself what it is it just created. In explaining to itself what it has created, the ego quenches the creative inflow through arrogation. But it doesn't acknowledge this quenching, doesn't even recognize it has happened. The ego just goes on and on explaining to itself what it is that it has just discovered, most of which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with content of the creative inflow that lasted only an instant before being quenched. Thus did a precious idea from the anterior sky get immediately assimilated to the Zeitgeist of the era, the prevailing paradigm, the tacit assumption base, what is politically correct, the receiver's matrix of psychological complexes, and so on. Ugh! I, therefore, my me, tries not to explain things to myself, let alone to other people. If you argue with the gods, like Job almost did, internally shaking your fist, then you short-out explainings of the ego. The anterior sky is not in-here, it's out-there, and shaking your fist means your you knows that, lives in that knowing. I do my best to editorialize as little as possible while at the same time presenting well-processed experience. It's a koan, a double bind, for inflow receiver or writer. If it's easy for the reader, there is nothing but information there, information being how the ego explained it all to itself: not anything my me wants to transmit. And what part of a who is it a receiver would want to communicate with as a writer, the editorializing ego or that part of the who who is in contact with the anterior sky? And if there is no such contact, why would the writer want any communication?
The time is approaching, but it is not yet here. How do I know? Because Alejandro Toledo graduated from Stanford. Had he dropped out of Stanford, the time might be upon us. Look, I know a great deal about propaganda writing. I used to teach the subject at Psychological Operations Group. I know how to make a pitch. I also know who to pitch, when to pitch, why to pitch. Sometimes the pitch is made just to read the times, to gather bits and pieces of information, to see what the pitch would look like if it were to be pitched, to thumb the nose, shake the fist like Job. Mostly it's just a waste of time, unless it's the right time. Nothing wrong with wasting time, of course -- unless it's the right time. Nothing wrong with going to Stanford, either; a great deal wrong with graduating from Stanford. If he graduated, he didn't use his time there wisely. He learned what he was told to learn, not what he could have learned. He passed the compliance test. If you pass the compliance test at Stanford, do you have the capacity to tap into what Aymara has to offer the Andean people? Not by a long shot. Quechua may be an Incan derivative, but when you are searching for an answer, if you are searching for an answer, you search the precursor dimensions, because that is where you are going to find what you need. The Inca tried to resurrect by conquest -- and failed -- what had much earlier fallen into disfunctionality: the multi-tiered Andean alpine agricultural system sustained by a spontaneous social and economic order made coherent through cosmological metareference based on naked-eye astronomy. Was this metareferenced social and economic order, this rich mode of being, made possible by the non-binary logic informing the Aymara language or its m-logically-valued precursors? (See: and in particular the chapter entitled: The Trivalent Logic of Aymara which you get to by clicking on bibliography and then on Logical and Linguistic Problems .) That is a question capable of guiding the search for a modern embodiment of the essence of what was long ago lost. Toledo missed the boat, but he became President of Peru by posing as someone who had found something to offer his people. In the Stanford University Library there are papers on the shelf describing the Aymara language as being based on a 3-valued logic. This is enormously starling. This upends world history as it has been taught. This is an answer to a question, had a question been asked. There are also many papers in that library about the thesis that the logic of quantum physics is a 3-valued logic. There is a Nobel laureate economist at the Hoover Institution who has had considerable exposure to the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units, 3-logically-valued money units being the likely first application of such m-logically-valued currencies. There is even some literature in that library which strongly suggests that Aymaran notions of time were active, not passive like modern notions of time, active as is operator-time active, maybe even that time was understood in Aymara as a logical-operator. This is enormously starling. This upends world history as it has been taught. This is an answer to a question, had a question been asked. Toledo missed all this because he graduated, and because he missed it he did not bring home to his people all that he didn't learn because he was too busy complying to be exploring, too busy complying to be listening to the voice from the anterior sky that would have taken him right to the right spot on the library shelf. He made it all the way to Stanford only to do what he was told. So, clearly, the time is not yet here. The shamans may be saying that the time is coming, but their el cholo has not yet arrived. Felipe Quispe, the Aymaran El Mallku, and Conaie's Fernando Villavicencio are better harbingers. What does descent of the condor represent? That is the real question, were one asking a question.
Given all the doubt raised by the above-stated proposition that America simply prints dollars to cover its ballooning balance of payments deficits, let me quote a recent article by Frédéric F. Clairmont, United States: Unsecured Dollars (Le Monde Diplomatique, April 2003, p. 2):
The U.S. is uniquely privileged: it alone can issue dollars, and thus reduce its own debt, a step that it has taken several times. The U.S. government prints dollars, paying for imports with empty promises. No other nation has this advantage, though the benefit may prove fleeting in the current shrinking financial markets.
Since the world's leading reserve currency is unsecured and fiat, and uniquely printable, the need for demonstrations of U.S. prowess, military and otherwise, so as to maintain dollar confidence, is very great. Dollar confidence and frequency and/or elaborateness of such demonstrations are inversely related. Moreover, this circumstance precludes possibility of significant top-down global monetary system reform -- as the U.S. will never agree to any proposal challenging its unique privilege.
This is very valuable. Thanks for drawing it to my attention. Martin Sieff's review, Russia's Darkness is Rising (UPI, 26 May 2003), of David Satter's book, Darkness at Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State (Yale U. Press, 2003), provides the right opportunity to comment on one of the tragedies attendant upon failure to develop applications of m-logically-valued monetary units and this failure's implications for the darkness at noon sure to follow. Sieff observes in the review:
Something -- in fact, a lot of things -- went terribly wrong during the early 1990s transition of Russia from state communism to a supposed free market economy. Many others detailed the problems of transition as they were happening, but Satter maps the contours of the debris that was left.
It is Derek Dillon's opinion that Harvard whiz-kid advocates of crash capitalism are largely to blame for, not only the darkness at dawn, not only the darkness at noon sure to follow, but for the darkness at dusk which, inevitably, will engulf us all -- not only Russia.
Let me tell you a story, which I will not tell chronologically so as to sustain a sense of immediacy. Early in the transition from the USSR to post-Soviet Russia, Derek Dillon began writing to George Soros vigorously arguing against crash capitalism, with its rapid privatization, and for using the institutions of the communist party to coherently and progressively build market, monetary, and legal institutions from the bottom up. The arguments elaborated were not based on anti-globalization sentiments or leftist sympathies, but upon elaborate knowledge of transitional processes in communist party organizational regimes and how the properties of such transitions mirror quantum processes of self-organization. The argument was made that Russian's had to begin with what they best knew and find the quickest route from there to the self-organization manifest in the market mechanism. If the party was summarily destroyed and an attempt was made to leap to capitalism in a top-down fashion in one fell-swoop, it was argued, abject failure could be the only result. Explanations were given for why communist party organization could be a very effective vehicle for reasonably rapid evolutionary transition to self-organizing market mechanisms. These arguments were based upon intensive analysis of the omni-transforming organizational phase transition the Viet Cong political infrastructure made in Vietnam in the two years prior to, and in preparation for, the 1968 Tet offensive -- a phase transition that exhibited many of the self-organizing properties of far-from-equilibrium and quantum systems. This was explained to Soros and related to the reasons why Soviet intellectual life reached a point where top-down decision was taken to jettison Eastern Europe and transform Soviet political economy, reasons related to the evolution of Soviet physical theory, Sakharov's physics (not his human rights stance), the transformative effects of Vernadsky's naturalist intellectual legacy (in spite of recent hatchet jobs: Freeman Dyson, What a World, The New York Review of Books, May 15, 2003), Kozyrev's profound discoveries concerning active time, and so on.
Derek Dillon did not entertain high hopes that these attempts to communicate would yield much. This was because he already had almost thirty years of experience trying unsuccessfully to explain the involved material to numerous individuals at many stations in life, high and low, before going to Vietnam and after returning -- as his knowledge in this area began to develop in 1963 at Special Operations Research Office in Washington, D.C. In 1968, a long paper, worked on by several people at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, describing the country-wide pre-Tet organizational phase transition undertaken by the Viet Cong's party apparat was locked in a safe under orders that it not be disseminated laterally or vertically in intelligence channels. It was later burned, even though a bootleg copy had been briefed by an SI-type to Melvin Laird and clearly affected his attitude toward the proposed Cambodian incursion. A reconstructed version of this paper, appears in THE MOON OF HOA BINH. In 1969, a near miss occurred in getting a DOD grant to continue the research orientation of the 1968 paper under the guise of producing a Pentovsky Papers on the basis of additional interviews with VC rallier Lt. Col. Tran Van Dac. This was scuttled, it appears, because someone at DOD planted a false story in a major news magazine about Tran Van Dac. All attempts to pursue these matters at university were met with incredulity. In 1971, an attempt was made to bring together those SRA experts on these matters, now out of the military, into a consulting company whose mission would be to apply the insights gained so as to develop small business joint ventures in the context of the developing economies. For many reasons, this never got off the ground. Discussions of all these issues with Sam Adams were very productive, yet Sam had major blind spots because he lacked a physical sciences orientation to the raw data, an orientation which existed at SRA by virtue of the educational backgrounds and/or intellectual interests of several of the analysts. Later, while doing research at the Indochina Archive in Oakland, Derek and Douglas Pike commiserated with each other on how impossible it was to discuss the realities of transitional processes in the VC political infrastructure (VCI) with anyone who had not worked extensively with primary documentation: they simply could not get it, period. But Pike had ideological blinders himself, and was unable to entertain notions of self-organization, quantum or otherwise, relative to the VCI, in spite of having created the information exchange perspective on study of the Viet Cong's apparat. He had no physical sciences background and little interest therein. Observation of the extremely irrational and often very emotional blocks people exhibited when confronted with the facts of VCI behavior prompted Derek to look deeper into what the causes of this phenomenon might be. Findings from this investigation later became a central theme of THE MOON OF HOA BINH, which involved an account of the deep structure of causation of both world wars. Attempts to bring the primary data on the VCI, which exhibit its self-organizational properties, to the attention of Robert McNamara yielded no results. This data, given his positions of public office, was something McNamara could never have had access to. These are just a few highlights of numerous attempts over many years to air the salient, and rejected, facts Derek tried to bring to the attention of George Soros as the USSR transited to post-Soviet Russia.
Derek most assuredly does not exhibit proper respect to the masters of the universe, the academic authorities, the political paladins, the yessir military mastiffs, and so on. What should he have done upon coming back from Vietnam in late 1968? He had left college in early 1965 because close encounters with the Kennedy clan and their entourage (from Douglas Dillon to McGeorge Bundy to the Rostows and so on) had been sufficient to demonstrate an insufferable degree of mental and moral lapse in Washington, a degree he personally was unwilling to imagine his future on planet Earth being inextricably tied to. In late '68 was Derek to kowtow to the pandemic lies, return to college, produce an acceptable dissertation, and get on with the business of living out future consequences of the deep structure of causation of both world wars, intimations of which he had already received and quite elaborately entertained while in Saigon? Or was he to pursue implications of what had been learned wherever those implications might take him? Derek, to be sure, having grown up a military brat, knows that showing proper respect is a prerequisite to winning support and cooperation of the masters of the universe, the academic authorities, the political paladins, the military mastiffs. But what could possibly be done with their cooperation? One thing and one thing only: more of what they are already doing.
George Soros, of course, never replied to these letters proposing that the principles involved in the VC's omni-transforming party apparat pre-Tet organizational phase transition -- which exhibited many of the properties of self-organization and critical-state behavior seen in quantum systems -- were of enormous importance to facilitating a smooth transition of Soviet society to a self-organizing free-market system. Derek knew that pitching it in this fashion was somewhat ingenuous because, from his early days as a student involved with the Barry Goldwater campaign, from his period of reading Ayn Rand and other immigrant literature, from reading Up from Liberalism and The Conscience of a Conservative, and the like, from his knowledge of Karl Popper and Sir John Eccles' Three Worlds Hypothesis, from from experience taught that advocates of American capitalism, American state democracy, and American-modeled multilateralism under American guidance have no interest in principles of self-organization beyond their propaganda value. Nonetheless, when the opportunity arose, Soros' organization was again queried, this time about interest in m-logically-valued monetary units. No one had any idea whatsoever what this term might refer to. What? What? Worse yet, they had no interest in finding out. They probably thought it was the tip of the iceberg of some leftwing anti-globalization, anti-IMF, anti-banking, anti-multilateralist conspiracy, when the truth is that m-logically-valued monetary units are so far out there in the blue, to the right of anything conceivably leftwing, they are off the political Mobius strip's strange-twist hyperlink where anarcho-capitalism becomes indistinguishable from anarcho-syndicalism. So, again, Soros personally was addressed, this time without mention of the ongoing transition in Russia and Eastern Europe. Which was itself ingenuous, because any attempt to use the communist party as a transitional device would necessarily have involved employment of m-logically-valued local monetary units defined on fractal boundaries. Entry point into the critical-state, far from equilibrium, quantum self-organizational properties of VC apparat organizational phase transition was boundary behaviors. These behaviors were a legacy of the fact that geographical boundaries did not exist in Southeast Asia prior to Western incursion, until imposed by the West, and administrative practice was not tied to AOs, TOARs, and the like, no matter how much Weberian sociologists and Lockean political scientists have built a case for the idea that bureaucratic parallelism is the work of the devil. The intensive study of continuous VC boundary changes and associated transformation of the full spectrum of bureaucratic variables led analysts at SRA to the no-boundary conclusion in 1968. Similar conclusions are now being entertained by the academic authorities: Tongchai Winichakul, Siam Mapped: A History of the Geo-body of a Nation, Chiang Mai: Silkworm, 1994. Presentations were made to Soros relating international monetary structure to m-logically-valued monetary units. But as long as people obsess about line-drawn-in-the-sand type borders, and fail to understand how m-logical-values map on fractal boundaries and how the closer you look at such boundaries the more they simply aren't there (there is absolutely not-there), there will be no significant improvements in social, political, and economic organization on this planet -- because quantum and relativity physics cannot be generalized into the social sciences and we will all be consigned to experience the consequences of the variants of postmodernist rehash of 17th and 18th century ideas: the darkness at dusk.
Thank you very much for drawing my attention to the following:
A. S. Karpenko, Lukasiewicz's Logic and prime numbers, Logical Studies, 9, (2002).
[abstract:] For the first time in the world literature this monograph shows a direct relation between logic and prime numbers. Although many-valued Lukasiewicz's logics are the result of refutation of Aristotle's fatalistic argument their functional properties have a theoretically-numeric nature. Consideration of this fact allowed to give the definition of prime number in logical terms. So real possibility to clarify a structure of prime numbers appeared. Consequently, prime numbers can be presented in the form of rooted trees. A combination of different logical definitions of prime number leads to the construction of algorithm for creation of classes of prime numbers. Computer programs for the algorithm as well as for the trees are elaborated in this monograph. Also different tableaux of numbers are published for the first time.
I will discover what I can about A. S. Karpenko on the net and get a copy of the article ASAP. The timing of your message is very interesting as just two days ago I was communicating with a friend about this very subject -- and I would say that we and Karpenko are right on the same wave length. Let me quote from my recent message:
One thing I can state with some confidence is that Gödel numbers (which designate logical propositions, i.e., molecules of meaning, semantic memes) will be a central feature of a rigorous account of the decomposition of the m-logically-valued reference space (MVRS), which in its cosmological incarnation Julian Barbour (The End of Time: The Next Revolution in Physics, Oxford U. Press, 2000) calls Platonia. Gödel numbers are based on primes and the relationship of these numbers to Musculpt is what Derek focuses upon in the last scene of MOON with the issue of Number the numbering! This is all involved with the Riemann Hypothesis about distribution of prime numbers. The m-logically-valued reference space is n-dimensional Hilbert space under m-valued logics. It applies to the brain-bodymind and it applies to cosmology as Platonia. A Musculpt-type fusion of Candace Pert's (Molecules of Emotion) receptor-ligand perspective with that emerging from superconductant neuronal and perineural DNA is not fully doable so long as the quantum-gravity issues remain unresolved: the coherent waves produced by superconductant DNA are gravitational in nature, as our 1979 model indicated and Raymond Chao of Berkeley has recently described in his paper "Superconductors as quantum transducers and antennas for gravitational and electromagnetic radiation". These quantum-gravity issues (be they cosmological or biological) cannot be resolved without treating Hilbert space under m-valued logics with Gödel numbering of molecules of meaning. And, so long as this reference space (Platonia) and its decomposition and recomposition is not rigorously described, cosmologically and neuroscience-wise, the collective projection of unconscious contents relative to this space into military applications will continue to dominate human affairs and prevent analogical generalization of quantum and relativity theory into the social sciences, to include precluding deployment of m-logically-valued monetary units.
Karpenko's rooted trees is an apt phrase for how the logical value stack on a given point or set of points on the most dense sheet (mth sheet) of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) involutes or decomposes across the universal covering surface (set of multi-sheeted Riemann surfaces) of the MVRS. Karpenko's statement that A combination of different logical definitions of prime number leads to the construction of algorithm for creation of classes of prime numbers is to my way of thinking spot on! Remember how in Some Thoughts From the Pensingers we state that there are classes of non-self-identical Gödel numbers (which correspond to logical propositions in orders of logical-value 3 m, all of which violate the law of non-contradiction)? Such non-self-identical numbers are numbered {numbered primes}. Gödel numbers are numbered primes; numbered Gödel numbers correspond to different logical definitions of prime numbers or, in other words, to numbering Gödel numbers under 3 m orders of logical-value. Such numbering of numbered primes will generate classes of hyperprimes (more accurately termed) which correspond to propositions in orders of logical-value greater than 1T2 (i.e., 1T2 mTm ). These classes of primes and hyperprimes, I would bet, array on logical lattices (probably what Karpenko is calling tableaux of numbers) mapped on sheets and surfaces something like this (it will be interesting to see how Karpenko has done it): Each sheet of each Riemann surface of the universal covering surface will array in the following series: 1T2, 1T3, 1T4 1Tm. These are what Derek in MOON calls the decomposed single-valued sheets (scale levels of a ponderable spacetime continuum). Each Riemann surface of the universal covering surface will array in the following series: 1,2T2; 1,2,3T3; 1,2,3,4T4 mTm . Cross-sheet logical lattices will involve hyperprime factorials (factorials in hypernumbers beyond Hamilton's quaternions). Just as was said in Some Thoughts From the Pensingers, the Riemann distribution of primes into a band will have corresponding bands on each of these sheets and surfaces, Riemann's band itself corresponding to the primes arrayed on 1T2.
My earlier argument was that Candace Pert's (neurochemist who isolated the opiate receptor: Molecules of Emotion, Simon & Schuster, 1997) neuropeptide receptors map on holes, these holes being physical region singularities in the quantum field of the organism (plotted in m-logically-valued n-dimensional Hilbert space, i.e., the MVRS or Barbour's Platonia configuration space). All such holes will correspond to prime or hyperprime numbers. Logical lattices between such arrayed primes and hyperprimes, not only constitute propositions in m-logically-valued neural code, but correspond to wave-functions governing classes of functional integration (systems, organs, cell groups, et cetera) and the associated functionally-specific prerequisite stereochemical geometrical transformations. Cosmologically, these logical lattices correspond to Regge lattices of spacetime curvature configurations (solutions to Einstein's field equations). As string theory went to superstring theory went to p-branes (membranes of superstrings), GUTS almost entered the realms of the MVRS (almost because the set of all p-branes is equivalent to 1,2T2 in the above scheme of things -- given that m-valued logics were not considered in theoretical genesis of p-branes because quantum mechanics was misinterpreted in relation to probability amplitudes, not correctly interpreted relative to m-logical-values).
Rings and logical-values. The piece on Borremean rings (no bibliographic information provided, unfortunately), where no pair of hoops is linked but all three are linked, is a very apt graphic illustration to use in explaining why meaning in one order of logical-value is incommensurate with meaning in another such order: in particular, with regard to digital computers, no matter how massively parallel, no semantic content in orders of logical-value greater than 1T2 can be captured by any concatenation of 1T2-type propositions.
The piece by A. Angyal on the logic of systems, on the relations of parts and wholes, also illustrates this point, in that the whole cannot be characterized by any concatenation of the relations of its parts. But this discussion, written in 1941 (reprinted in Systems Thinking, selected readings, edited by F. E. Emery, Penguin Books, 1978), does not take into account the relations of parts and wholes in a hologram, where the part contains all the information of the whole (if a bit fuzzy by virtue of being viewed through the lens of a 1T2 logic). Holographic part-whole identity transparency likely has many articulations characterizable by orders of logical-value greater than 1T2. Angyal refers to J. Von Uexkull (1928) Theoretische Biologi and A. Meyer (1935) Ideen und Ideale der biologischen Erkenntnis. These works should have been included in Derek's list on page 615 (Vol. 2) of MOON, wherein the major works in the Unified Science Movement are mentioned. You may find the two volumes of the Encyclopedia of Unified Science to be of some value in pursuing your current explorations in Logo-Visual Technology and Reconstructability-Analysis.
The central idea behind my understanding of Musculpt is that, though meaning is incommensurate between orders of logical-value, a higher order meaning can be simulated to a lower order in a manner analogous to that achieved between 3 and 2 dimensions by linear perspective in painting. There is a multifaceted nonlinear perspective behind the semantics of mTm logics. When Kandinski wrote On the Spiritual in Art to justify the act of creating what he believed would be the first non-objective painting, he elaborated a way he felt this (communicating the spiritual to the incarnate) could be done by discovering correlations between color and form. He made statements like: A triangle must always be yellow. Mondrian was seeking the same thing in proclaiming that rectilinear relations and panes of pure color are all that painting requires. Color is a property of the frequency domain, the frequency domain for a holistic, composite attribute of what Angyal regards the gestalt whole seen in its arrangement of parts, i.e., its form. Kandinski, in particular, came of age as an artist in the intellectual milieu which gave birth to Gestalt Psychology. The Cabalistic Tree of Life, gematria, yantra correlated with mantra, and so on, I believe, are other examples of means used to convey a higher-order-logic meaning within a lower-order logical framework. I believe that operator-time is the logical operator that accomplishes these simulations in nature via topological transformations which take on many sensory dimensions when received by discrete cognizers.
Why wouldn't Newsweek applaud (Getting it Together, June 9, 2003) further destruction of the local community in Japan? That was a central theme of the 200 demands of the U.S. Structural Impediments Initiative. Communitas is an UnAmerican Activity -- particularly if self-organized on a committee basis. This Newsweek propaganda on Japanese local government is the perfect complement to pulp of The Economist on Japanese small businesses (Trickle-down pain: Will Japan's small firms sink the government's latest reform effort?, May 10, 2003) where the many small firms that have undermined reforms in the past are discussed -- reform to The Economist being equivalent to formation of ever more Cartesian-Newtonian oligopolies. No m-valued LETS for Japan. No local fractal boundaries. No keiretsu fractals (small firms) organized into quantum relative-state by m-logically-valued Local Exchange Trading Systems (nested local, municipal, and prefectural monetary units tagged in basket form to the yen). No holographic mapping of bureaucratic variables on Koch-curve-type boundaries. No normative gerrymandering of surface-as-measure-type boundaries on an ongoing basis relative to a changing administrative and financial equation. The Japanese went part way toward creating post-Newtonian quantum economies, but then allowed themselves to be snookered out of the creative innovation. Not only do the pickets in MacArthur's fence have to be in a straight line, they have to all be the same color! And this judgment proffered, no less, in the persistent black propaganda writing styles of Newsweek and The Economist! Calling the thing by the name of its opposite: getting together, indeed. OSS-MO at Newsweek. Getting together in the cities under a policy of forced-draft de-ruralization was the policy responsible for the back-reaction leading to the Cambodian holocaust. The situation created in Japan by the Plaza Accords sting operation (the snookering!) has not yet reached cusp. There will be snap-over. No matter how hard MacArthur tried, how hard Koizumi tries, the Love the American model! policy will fail in the end: then comes snap-over. Forced-draft de-ruralization has been the mainstay of Westernization ever since the Meiji Restoration. Populist back-reaction against the Taisho Democracy Movement set the stage for Japan's first experiment in self-immolation. As the current domestic situation evolves and Sino-American conflict through surrogates re-organizes East Asia for direct confrontation (following the Middle East model in American strategic policy), Japan's peril will magnify exponentially. Ed Rusha's Japan is America! will work evermore deeply on the collective Japanese psyche. The collective psyche never forgets, even if the individual psyche does: molecular memory is enfolded in the articulated cells of the body politic. Having suffered culture assassination more thoroughly than any other Asian people, how will the Japanese collective psyche respond to imminent threat of identity dissolution through forced-draft assimilation? Assimilate to A? Assimilate to B? Back-react against the whole program of forced-draft whatever? My bet is on snap-over. Watch closely the basis spot market for the earliest signs of back-reaction on the metric!
Well, I would say that implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units, as distinct from their theoretical development, should be from the periphery to the center and from the bottom up. Those at the periphery and on the bottom have nothing to lose and everything to gain; those in the center and at the top are bringing all their lethal and non-lethal resources to bear in order, yet again, to prevent generalization into the social sciences of the revolutionary discoveries which began to mount in the early 19th century: non-Euclidian geometries, multivalued transcendental Abelian functions, Riemann surface maps of Abelian functions, transfinite sets, Axiom of Choice, Cantor dust, quantum of action, Special Relativity, m-valued logics, Schrödinger’s wave-function, operator-time, Gödel numbers, General Relativity, holography, fiber bundle arithmetics, skew-parallel geometries, superspace, metric elasticity of space, chronotopology, surface-as-measure theory, infinite correlation length at critical states, singularities in equilibrium surfaces, hypernumber arithmetics, laminated spacetime, counterspace, fractal dimensions, fractal entrapment. Nevermore, nevermore: generalization into the social sciences.
Strategic reality of the prevailing circumstance -- excepting narco-trafficers, terrorists, and others opposed to the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system -- is that the non-Western peoples are still trying to enter the 18th century, while those at the center of the post-industrial world are trying to prevent any significant exit from the 18th century. Here the 20th century has already passed on by and the vast bulk of humanity has never even made its entry. Most have never even made it into the 19th century! Who do you know who lives intellectually, emotionally, and perceptually through 20th century worldview constructs? Implementation has to start at the periphery and at the bottom, so as not to be taken seriously until the effort is properly positioned to deal adequately with the actions of interdiction that inevitably will be brought to bear upon it.
Beginning at the periphery and at the bottom will require local educational efforts, such as the idea given below:
12 credits of intensive English training:
Course Title:
- English Intensive. Taught total immersion Berlitz-style six hours per day, five days a week when the student first arrives at the facility. The student receives oral and written examination at the end of 3 months. The student cannot enter the remainder of the LSDF curriculum until passing the English qualification examination. The student may take the English Intensive as many times as is required to pass the qualifying examination. No matter how many times the Intensive is taken, the student receives only 12 credits.
24 hours of general education courses.
Course Titles:
- Introduction to Psychology (3)
- Introduction to Sociology (3)
- Introduction to Political Science (3)
- Introduction to Economics (3)
- Introduction to Microcomputers (3)
- Electives (9)
36 hours of team-taught courses in the LSDF major (taught on an elementary introductory level with project-oriented problem-based course designs).
Course Titles:
- Strategic Planning (4)
- Development Economics (4)
- Social Psychology (3)
- Group Dynamics (3)
- Women in Development (3)
- Public Administration and Finance (4)
- Guided Field Studies, I & II & III & IV (12)
- Thesis (3)
36 hours of team-taught field-focused coursework.
Course Titles:
- Local Government in Theory and Practice (3)
- Introduction to NGOs (3)
- Basics of Money and Banking (3)
- Micro-Lending in Theory and Practice (3)
- Applied Research Methodologies (3)
- Applied Stakeholder Analysis (3)
- Introduction to Land Law, Titling, and Assessment (3)
- Indicators Applications and Assessment (3)
- Strategic Planning Applications (3)
- Internet Applications in Local Development (3)
- Local Development Facilitation, I & II (6)
Content of this body of field-focused coursework will be developed by the faculty during the first two years of the project in relation to the four semesters of Guided Field Studies required for the AS degree in Local Sustainable Development Facilitation (LSDF). This coursework will minimally involve: (a) research and data basing on current village organizations, cooperatives, and voluntary associations, as well as intervillage, district, and provincial offices with local administrative responsibilities; (b) identifying present and potential actors (stakeholders) in local development activities; (c) developing and implementing strategies and applications designed to increase local organizational capacity; (d) developing internet applications to facilitate communications and cooperation between villages and dialogue between village organizations and appropriate governmental and non-governmental institutions; (e) research potential NGO sponsors of present and projected projects; (f) conduct literature searches on economic, sustainable development, and administrative performance indicators, and develop appropriate local versions thereof.
Setting aside for the moment the issue of orders of logical-value and how they differ from degrees of freedom of a representation space (logical values operate on and/or in degrees of freedom), one major difference I see between how the third dimension is represented on the two-dimensional picture plane via linear and atmospheric perspective and how dimensional relations greater than three can be represented in lower dimensions is that linear and atmospheric perspective are illusionistic while at higher dimensions than three mathematical metaphor is the essential means relied upon to convey meaning in a lower dimensional context. The difference between these is essentially the difference between simile and metaphor, simile and metaphor not in natural language but in mathematics and form [language] in process. The meaning of the thing is the-thing to the illusionist in his simile-bound mind; metaphor incorporates simile and more, for the meaning of the thing is not-the-thing when metaphorically mathematicized. The illusionist crutch is imposed by the enculturation of post-Renaissance, pre-Medieval, post-Homeric (all too frequent New Realisms are like a saddle-block fever or cyclically reappearing cognitive deficit) single-valued binary logic. This is important because most everything one reads about the area involves that or this attempt to give an illusionist portrait of higher dimensional meaning. All popular accounts I’ve seen, for instance, of the content of Coxeter’s book Regular Polytopes (the regular polyhedra in dimensions higher than three) rely on attempted illusionist renderings. Coxeter and other mathematicians who work in this area, however, rely only on algebraic notation. What, exactly, this algebraic notation signifies is open to considerable question. I am sure it reveals something about higher dimensional structures and their equivalents (technical definitions of what equivalent means relative to polytopes are given; what the meaning is of what these technical definitions mean is open to considerable question: contemporary mathematicians, to the great detriment of mathematics, don’t generally concern themselves with the meaning of the meanings they establish or discover) in lower dimensions, but I am equally sure that far more is not revealed than is revealed. Coxeter provides a single-logically-valued binary account of regular polytopes as the regular polytopes (the meaning of the thing is the-thing), which when comprehended with m-valued logics most assuredly are more fully understood as skew-parallel figures existing at correspondent apokritical intervals defining the degree of identity in diversity they mean with their structural properties, to employ J. G. Bennett’s terminology. The term employed in MOON for this meaning is identity transparency. In modern mathematics, unfortunately, structure is meaning, even when functions are portrayed: the structure of the function is the meaning of the function. Of course, the meanings of the meaning are many, and everyone has their own perspective on those meanings of meaning, but that’s what the m-logically-valued is the compass of -- even if contemporary logicians focus on logical structures (this focus being derivative of truth-table-type taxonomic modes of thought).
The premier example of the use of mathematical metaphor to express higher dimensional meaning in two-dimensions is sacred cloths, soul cloths used to convey identity in the act of ritual gift exchange: exchange of value as identity exchange -- the cloth of the sacred being surface-as-measure, the measure of the meaning of identity transparency. In lieu of war, a gift of identity: Marcel Mauss’ theme. The nested triangular nets, for instance, seen on tribal cloths all over Asia, but most elaborate in Bhutanese textiles, metareference through mathematical metaphor cosmological concepts that are higher dimensional in nature. Indra’s net, basically. Tantric Buddhism had it origins in tribal India amongst female weaving guilds, where the back-strap loom metaphorically represented the cosmos through the mathematical (numerological in current misassessment through single-valued binary logic) properties of the weaving variables (all the details of ikat weaving, for instance: how many threads of given types in what sequences for given patterns, and so on). We have no reason to be incredulous at the notion that so-called primitive tribal peoples employed higher-valued logics, as logics do not have to be formalized to be employed. What is required is utilization of m-gated perineural (glia) switches which are standard issue with human brain, filling approximately 90 percent of the volume thereof. As we well know, single-valued binary neuronal logic was employed for a long time before being formalized. The warp and woof of surface-as-measure fabric captured meanings in Indra’s higher dimensional net via mathematical metaphor, and by metareferential signification set the terms of social, economic, and political relations. The history of the post-archaic world is largely a history of how all this enormous responsibility was taken out of the hands of women -- and how female-generated m-logically-valued perineural significations were transformed into pretexts for warfare by enculturation of single-valued binary neuronal logic.
The pattern on the cloth was not illusionistic. Just as the object exchanged in ritual gift exchange was not the object exchanged (identity was exchanged) and therefore the exchange was not mere barter, so the pattern on the cloth was not a representation of the thing represented. The meaning of the thing not being the-thing, the pattern on the cloth represented the thing that was not representable, and this was accomplished not by illusionism but by mathematical metaphor. To experience a Zen Japanese garden as a miniaturization of nature is to not experience that garden at all. To believe that n-dimensional quantum fields represent themselves illusionistically as structured matter within a spacetime continuum is to not experience nature’s garden at all. When the illusionist can no longer see meaning as matter-structure, he sees meaning as virtual, as simulacra, for he is simile-bound. Sacred cloths were not hung on the walls of museums or houses, they were topo(logically) wrapped about bodies in motion: sacred dance reenacting the world viewed in its ontogenesis. The image on the cloth may have been deployed in two dimensions, as the contemporary textile scholar sees motif, but for the weaver and the wearer the cloth was frozen music given shape by motion in three dimensions: meaning in the form of use, which is music-sculpture, Musculpt. Meaning is in uses: Swedenborg (and Wittgenstein after him). Lower dimensional motion captures higher dimensional meaning by decomposing over linear-time as the topological warp and woof enfolded as static higher dimensional form -- non-linear operator-time being the m-valued logical operator orchestrating decomposition and re-composition.
Candace Pert (Molecules of Emotion), being a peptide chemist, is of necessity an illusionist. She must believe that ligands moving to receptors organize biological activities. What organizes movement of ligands to receptors, or immune cells to ligands, is chemotaxis. Chemotaxis is organized by this is not exactly clear. Contemporary stereochemistry would have us believe that the address of the destination (receptor, for instance) organizes the motion leading to that destination. And the addressing system employed by chemotaxing molecules or cells is very much like that employed in American cities and very little like that employed in Japanese cities. The person who received the Nobel prize for delineating this addressing system, needless to say, did not live in a Japanese city. In this notion, whatever chemotaxes must understand the whole addressing system, be able to read a topographic map, and even then has to be able to speak the language of the neighborhood so as to occasionally ask directions. And if the chemotaxor has to make appointments made with other chemotaxors -- as they all do, if functional integration is to transpire -- then the problem of how chemotaxis is organized is vastly more complex. Moreover, how all this organized chemotaxing takes place in face of the heat-driven random motion demanded by the Second Law of Thermodynamics (at the cellular, molecular, atomic, and subatomic scale levels) is also not exactly clear, in spite of the disorder lent and the order borrowed between scales of motion so as to permit the emergence of complexity.
Once thinking in mathematical similes transits to thinking in mathematical metaphors, however, yet one more different picture is no longer required. The meaning of the static higher-dimensional form (defined by wave-function in n-dimensional m-logically-valued Hilbert space of the quantum field) decomposes as the required motion patterns of chemotaxis for the given form of use: passing-time event gradient unfolded out of the enfolded static form of the involved process. This is looking down the ray of creation, ontological-decomposition-wise. Looking up the ray, the cognizer’s prevailing baud rate of consciousness (largely imposed by enculturation) establishes the illusionistic perspective. The baud rate passing-time lapses the strope light of consciousness pulsing the visual field (even as seen through an electron microscope). An elementary particle is a time-lapsed cognitive image of nonlocal quantum field. If the baud rate of consciousness speeds up, the cognitive image of the particle becomes more and more nonlocal, non-particulate. Atoms and molecules are what one sees when the setting on the strobe light’s flashing cycle is changed to have a greater and greater time-step. Tonic and phasic activation of the brain have a lot to do with this. Spatial scale is epiphenomenal of time-step which is epiphenomenal of the baud rate of consciousness: these temporal operations being the logical processes by which the meaning of the higher dimensional static form presents itself as motion in a lower dimensional context. Musculpt is the art-science (Kunstwissenshaft) of the Old Ones by which these matters were explored, performed, sung, signified, gifted, and so on.
Yes, I fully agree with journalist Eric Schlosser that America is a society caught in the grip of a deep psychosis (The Economist, May 10, 2003, p. 72). One sees examples everyday in the press illustrating why m-logically-valued modes of thought are anathema, why quantum mechanics was falsified, why the world wars transpired, why m-logically-valued monetary units have not been allowed to transform the dysfunctional global monetary system, why such a large percentage of the human species will not make it through the coming cusp, why, though cusp development starts at the periphery, in the end megadeath will be concentrated at the center. Time (June 2, 2003) offers a great illustration in its recent article What Makes You Who You Are by Matt Ridley. In concluding his account of current thought on the Nature versus nurture issue, Ridley opines:
It may be in our nature, however, to seek simple, linear, cause-and-effect stories and not think in terms of circular causation, in which effects become their own causes. Perhaps the idea of nature via nurture, like the ideas of quantum mechanics and relativity, is just too counterintuitive for human minds. The urge to see ourselves in terms of nature versus nurture, like our instinctual ability to fear snakes, may be encoded in our genes.
It is wonderful that such an in denial, such a refusal to acknowledge what slaps you in the face type statement should come in a popularization/propaganda article on the question of identity: What Makes You Who You Are. The core difference between Newtonian physics and quantum physics is the notions of identity involved. The core difference between traditional Aristotelian-Baconian logic and m-valued logic is that truth-value is the foundation of the former and identity-transparency the foundation of the latter. It has only been in the West since the Renaissance that a substantial number of human minds have thought in simple, linear, cause-and-effect stories and conceived what they are in single-valued terms. Animism is all about m-valued identity transparency, all about the psychological contagion of spiritualism, all about the acausal individual-collective circularity of relative-state in a socius. So, there is absolutely no possibility that this in denial state has been encoded in our genes for longer than about 500 years in the West and about 50 years in most of the rest of the world -- particularly given that every one of those genes is made of elementary constituents that obey the rules of quantum physics, no matter how much molecular biology is in denial concerning this fact.
The political dimension of this in denial state, this refusal to entertain circular causation is perfectly illustrated by The Economist in its recent article The global menace of local strife (May 24, 2003), local strife, civil wars, that is, which, according to the opinion of The Economist (p. 26) are common in immature societies, whose people have not yet figured out how to live together. This opinion, when virtually every one of these wars, from Sri Lanka to the Congo, was/is, if we are to believe The Economist, the cause of the colonialism which would prevent it. Circular causation (pp. 25 and 27):
Civil wars are much more common than they were 40 years ago. This is mainly because, back then, most of the countries currently fighting were colonies, so powerful outside forces imposed stability Once war gathers pace, the vicious circle is hard to break. Intervention by proper armies with orders to shoot to kill can work
Arguing in circles with apparent lack of recognition of the actual case: the 17th century English notion that animism is equivalent to each against all (when, in truth, it is each fused in all, all fused in each, i.e., quantum relative-state) justified rise of the Newtonian nation-state, the colonialism of which created local strife of each against all. Don't believe it? Consider Harper's (March 2003, p.76) reviewing H. G. Sebald's On the Natural History of Destruction: civilian fatalities in wartime have risen from 5 percent of the total death count in 1900 to 90 percent in the 1990s. The very period in which animism has been systematically removed from the non-Western world by imposition of mature societies, whose people have figured out how to live together, an imposition carried out with intervention by proper armies with orders to shoot to kill.
Talking favorably of the Tobin Tax and Stanley Hoffman in the same breath. My God! Best save your breath, not waste it on me. What Hoffman has to say (America Goes Backward, The New York Review of Books, June 12, 2003) about the contemporary global scene is no more edifying than what he had to say about the Vietnam War while debating Walt Rostow in a small back seminar room at the Sheraton Park Hotel, circa Fall of 1965. And what meager insight his writings have provided us concerning the nature of warfare! Nothing being said in The New York Review, Harper's, Le Monde Diplomatique has anything to do with reality. The critics featured in these publications, no less than commentators of the more politically correct press, are simply producing black propaganda on behalf of the prevailing power structure. The current American administration develops for public consumption accounts and leaks of their supposed internal debates and the motivations for their behaviors and the critics accept the terms of these accounts and leaks at something near face value by focusing their essays on the points officially raised for public consumption. Bah, bah, bah. No black sheep among them. America invaded Iraq for the same reason the Tobin Tax will never be implemented: something Hoffman will not understand. There, that's a proper way to get Hoffman and the Tobin Tax into one sentence.
The Tobin Tax (a 1978 proposal to tax all purchases and sales of foreign exchange globally -- and to use the hundreds of billions of dollars in yearly proceeds to finance development initiatives in the developing world) will never be implemented because America, so long as it is sufficiently militarily capable, will not permit a fundamental alteration in the prevailing international monetary regime. It will go to war to prevent it. As discussed in detail above, the U.S. has the unique privilege to freely print (liability finance) fiat currency to cover its international liabilities (much of which are associated with single-minded pursuit of its global agenda) by virtue of the role bequeathed to the dollar at death of the Bretton Woods monetary system. When Nixon closed the gold window, there was no longer a systemic constraint on printing dollars for international consumption: domestic American and/or global inflation could no longer drive the sovereign holder of reserve currency dollars to demand gold in exchange. The gold window was closed. The President had repudiated the Bretton Woods gold exchange mechanism, thus defaulting on the dollar value of global inflation since 1945 relative to all those countries holding dollar reserves. That default continues unto the present day, and represents an enormous, exponentially growing, amount of money. Any fundamental change in the prevailing global monetary system would involve formalizing that default or creating an IMF instrument to recover the default. This would constitute a threat to American economic preeminence equivalent to embargoing the U.S. to all oil imports. Were a Tobin Tax to be implemented, the multiplier effects of the resultant cessation of short-term hot money flows would so impact dollar confidence -- confidence in a freely printed unbacked fiat currency as the preferred international reserve currency, that is -- the dreaded fundamental change in the prevailing global monetary system would be the final result. Dollar confidence, the dollar being fiat, is confidence that America sets the global agenda and will continue to set the global agenda. Nothing else stands behind the preferred international reserve currency. There will be no Tobin Tax as long as America has the capacity to go to war to demonstrate its control over the global agenda.
A Tobin Tax cannot be implemented from the bottom up. Every country has to be made to agree to it -- or the tax cannot be put into effect. It is a top-down, 18th century rationalist, way of doing things. It requires another level of hierarchical control above that of the nation-state. Such taxation would invoke the mandate of a hyper-state beyond the super-states of the United States and the European Union, and all those nation-states who aspire to regional federation. And even if there were no dollar confidence issue, quenching hot money flows as the Tobin Tax would do, is not in the human interest -- be those humans poor or rich. What is needed is a real-time, self-regulating, variable rheostatic control on monetary viscosity in the global system. No tax, and no legislative changes of a tax, can possibly provide that. Actually, more than such a monetary rheostat is required: real-time, self-organized modulation of velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of monetary flows is required in a world economy forced into globalization by quantum-based technologies. Into the smallest village, the planet is being flooded with computers, cell phones, and internetworking. How could the economics of this flooding process be adequately managed by 18th century notions of control? This is impossible. It is already too late to deny computers to the developing world so as to cognitively and organizationally remain in the 18th century. What, then, needs to be done? M-logically-valued monetary units, it so happens, can only be implemented from the bottom up. No global consensus, no acquiescence by America, needs be established before implementation can begin. When fully deployed, m-logically-valued monetary units would provide real-time, self-organized modulation of velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of monetary flows, globally -- without currency controls. The viscosity such monetary units would induce would not be quenching in its effect, yet the locale would maintain integrity in midst of globalization. All would be in a constant dance of mutual adjustment, virtually in real-time. Hot money problematics vary inversely as to the number of currencies in the system: the smaller the number, the greater the problematics. When there are few currencies, a currency in crisis is a global crisis; when there are myriad currencies, a currency in crisis is a local affair. A full-blown system of nested m-logically-valued monetary units would be composed of myriad currencies. A global monetary crisis is not possible in such a system.
America went into Iraq to remake the Middle East for several reasons: (1) to maintain dollar confidence by demonstrating that America controls the global agenda; (2) to head off a petro-euro which would collapse dollar confidence; (3) to continue positioning itself relative to the conflict it sees itself as having with China in the not distant future; (4) to take direct control over the primary strategic resource needed in the event of a global war; (5) to diminish German and Russian influence in the region. American military positioning relative to the New European States of Central Europe is to establish a buffer between Germany and Russia so as to head off formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc, which is seen as likely to align itself with a Greater China. U.S. positioning in Central Asia is only secondarily about oil; it is to threaten China at her rear, for it will be from the rear that any large-scale ground action against China would be mounted. Burma, of course, has strategic importance in this regard. These realities are not subjects of discussion in the pages of the above-mentioned publications.
I read the Lapham Notebook (Harper's, May 2003) you mentioned. Totally agree with you about the likely consequences of these evangelical obsessions. I would also observe that Lapham's commitment to 18th century political economy is no less obsessive and no less inappropriate than is that of the evangelicals -- given that quantum and relativity theory is now over 100 years old in a world more and more infused with quantum-based technologies. Moreover, I would argue that Lapham's obsession has the same origins as that of the evangelicals. I see both as part and parcel of each other. The winds building the wall of the cyclone have to have something to blow against, some kind of gradient, a front.
Also enjoyed Arrow and Wound: The art of almost dying (Mark Slouka, Harper's, May 2003). Interesting reflections on near-death experience. Great quote from Kafka: the arrows fit exactly in the wounds.
Maybe Arrow and Wound applies to both sides of Lapham's Notebook for May of 2003.
Thanks for The Nation (Bangkok) clipping of the article (The U.S. 'empire' has just two decades left by Pravit Rojanaphruk, June 20, 2003) on Prof. Johan Galtung's lecture at Thammasat University. MOON favorably cites one of Galtung's then unpublished articles (Is There a Therapy for Pathological Cosmologies?) wherein he applied Jungian perspectives to analyzing the drift of global developments and suggested processes by which solutions might emerge. Not many academics thinking in this vein (but, apparently, none of this in his Thammasat lecture). He is quite brilliant, but fixated on propagandizing his take on the only solution, which, unfortunately, is Eurocentric and Cartesian-Newtonian -- the UN being the big hope. Ph.D. in theoretical mathematics, but hasn't applied this specialized knowledge to thoughts on political history. Shifted to Peace Studies mid-career, I understand. A grand old man who is publicly aggressively abrasive (at academic conferences and in public lectures) but pleasant in private. He is the one who first predicted formation of a Mahayana Buddhist trading bloc (which I increment into a Greater China: China [including Taiwan], the Koreas, Japan, Vietnam). He believes this will be benign. I believe it will not only be trade-related. Even though Eurocentric, he is (or was) very bullish on the Japanese; even though Eurocentric, he predicted in 1991 that the EU wouldn't amount to much (because of a multiplicity of cultural incompatibilities). I discussed with him on a fairly technical level my theories about Abelian functions, m-valued logics, higher mathematics generally, and deep structure of the origins of WWII. He said he thought these ideas were fascinating and asked me to write them up. I told him I was presently writing them into a novel and that his reaction gave me greater confidence in their validity. His interest, I judged, was only in passing, as the implications as to solutions are jarringly different from his own. I agree with his "abrasive" statement featured in The Nation article that the U.S. 'empire' has just two decades left, only I would say that the U.S. has just two decades left -- and that one hell of a lot more than he suggests is going to happen in those two decades (and I base this primarily on my Jungian perspective on the drift of global events).
Well, everyday one can see examples of why the human species will not survive the rapidly approaching cusp if it is unable to implement m-logically-valued monetary units. This why has very little to do with economics and very much to do with origins of the world wars. The human species has to learn to cognize on a moment-to-moment basis through m-valued logics: this is the immediate issue of survival in a species mutating to lemmings. The best and quickest way to learn these modes of cognition is through handling money -- money with all the significances that m-logical-values would metareferentially embody within it. Today's example comes from pages 46 and 47 of The New York Review of Books (June 12, 2003). On these pages Mark Lilla reviews Susan Neiman's book Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy. Dr. Neiman describes how evil has been viewed over time in Western civilization, with prominence given to the Christian view. The question of ultimate responsibility for modern horrors such as Auschwitz is discussed. Reading Lilla's account, however, I could not keep my eyes off the ad in the corner of page 47 placed by MIT Press: an image of the dust cover of Peter Pesic's book Abel's Proof is provided there. Juxtaposition of this review and this ad is what C. G. Jung would call a synchronisity, a meaningful coincidence revealing contents of the collective unconscious. Abel's discovery set in motion the sequence of events in higher mathematics and physics which led directly to both world wars and surely will produce a third one (for a detailed discussion of this see Echo of the Mockingbird on the MOON website).
By Lilla's account, Neiman reviews the questions raised about divine justice in face of the sacking of Rome, the destruction of Lisbon by earthquake, fire, and tidal wave -- and so on right up through Auschwitz. How can God be a just god and permit such hugely unjust occurrences? Rousseau is made the fall guy. According to Lilla and Neiman, it was he who denaturalized evil, removed evil from nature by placing the blame squarely on the shoulders of mankind. Did God tell man to build a Lisbon of high buildings and flammable materials where he built it? No. According to Rousseau, mankind -- his social structures -- is responsible for evil, not God. What Lilla and Neiman decry is that in denaturalizing evil Rousseau decriminalized it. You can't blame the City Planner in Saint Augustine's City of God, or His human aspirant, if the whole Cosmos or civilization is to blame. The rule of law founders when evil is demystified. But how blame Rousseau? It is as if Lilla and Neiman have not read Genesis, have not heard of The Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, the apple, original sin, the fall. Certainly Rousseau was not the first or the most important historical figure to blame mankind for the evils of this world. Blaming Rousseau for secularizing evil, as this review implies the Christian mainstream does, is a way of distancing from the foundational assumptions of democratic thought -- a form of distancing that has been going on for quite a long time.
Let's hear from Derek's interior monologue as provided in MOON (Vol. II, pp. 498-99):
One of the cornerstones of the democratic philosophy is John Locke's idea that man is inherently good, that man is born a tabula rasa, a blank slate. It is in relation to Nature that man becomes corrupted, the 18th century rationalist believed. This was not what you learned in civics class? Well, then, how was the origin of suffering, evil, bad things in social experience accounted for, when man is born a tabula rasa? Certainly these things were not attributed to an unjust God by believers in Deism. The Clockmaker went into indefinite retirement after completing His work. Periodic repairs were not even required, as the clock was conceived to run on solar power. For X billion years God has been in abeyance; the laws of physics control everything. Brilliant British physicists are still trying to convince us of this. What then? Was it the notion of private property, as sentimentalists like Rousseau maintained? But we can hardly believe that ideas embraced by the uneducated and uncouth author of New Héloïse, pandering to the tastes of women! and Emile had control of minds like that of Adam Smith and John Locke! It was only the Social Contract -- contrary to his whole thrust of thought, one of Rousseau's mental lapses into justification of the state -- that became part of the governing impulse of the period, not Second Discourse, not Confessions, not Dialogues; these were early indictors of back-reaction against the oppression of the democratic dogma of the state.
So man is good, but he is corrupted in relation to Nature, in relation to his environment. By applying Newtonian physics to control the environment, man can liberate his inherent goodness. Then progress can take place, progress toward the omega point: soft utopianism, Christian linear view of history.
But Freud rediscovered the unconsciousness. And the science of genetics emerged. And also the theory of evolution: African Genesis, as a club-wielding savage! No more tabula rasa! Is it any wonder the philosopher of democracy -- and the functionalist sociologist and anthropologist acting as his apologist by insisting on the absolute necessity of role stratification -- feared the tribe, seen as each against all, and most especially the black tribe from Africa, projected personification of all his doubts about the validity of his philosophy? Have we any further to look for the reason why the capitalist-missionary-colonialist felt called by God to make slaves out of the collectively organized, participation mystique-ized tribal residents of the dark continent? Then came the world wars: trench warfare, poison gas, the BIG ATOM, and most of all the Nazi holocaust. After all that, who could any longer believe in inherent goodness?
But what about Abel's proof; what about the causes of the world wars, not just their impact on our understanding of the origins of evil?
Quoting MOON again (Vol. II, p. 498):
Elspeth Rostow, the wife of the presidential advisor and State Department official, had been Derek's professor. For two years he studied American intellectual history under her brilliant tutelage. He came away from her seminars with a profound disquietude at the recognition of the degree to which the theoretical foundations of constitutional democracy are dependent upon Newtonian assumptions about the nature of reality. Dr. Rostow, herself, he suspected, did not see it in quite those terms, though she often pointed out the importance of Newtonian science to 18th century rationalism. Of course, in order to see that Newton was more than simply important, one had to study in detail how Locke, Smith, Clausewitz, and others borrowed, almost verbatim, from Newton's famous treatise. This was not discussed in the seminars; Derek discovered it for himself in the library. The classic example, one among many that could be pointed out, was Locke's justification of majority rule in his Second Treatise. And this was one quotation Derek never had any trouble remembering, nor that it came from Chapter VIII: For that which acts any community being only the consent of the individuals of it, and it being one body must move one way, it is necessary the body should move that way whither the greater force carries it, which is the consent of the majority; or else it is impossible it should act or continue one body, one community Here we have a simple, straightforward borrowing of Newton's laws of motion! An application of vector analysis, if you will: the summation of forces. Checks and balances, countervailing forces: the sublime logic (two-valued) of Newton's billiard table applied to political theory. People as hard clay balls -- simply-located, simply-identified, simply-connected, single-valued: absolutely distinct INDIVIDUALS -- moving according to the laws of motion. No collective properties, no critical behavior, no long-range correlations: useful fiction, presently a dead fantasy. So dead by the end of World War II that continued affirmation could be maintained only by one of the most extraordinary black propaganda efforts in the history of the human species. An effort undertaken out of fear, out of psychological incapacity, out of sick compulsion to protect privileged interest no matter what the larger human costs.
And it was Abel's proof that led directly to the quantum paradigm, with its account of collective properties, critical behavior, long-range phase correlation, and so on -- the sum total of which completely destroyed the philosophical foundations of 17th and 18th century democratic thought from the tabula rasa to the notion of majority rule justified by recourse to Nature, i.e., by analogy to Newton's laws of motion. Rousseau was a transitional figure, as he was already turning his back on the Newtonian nation-state, turning his back in order to look for ways to resolve the unnatural evil at the root of mankind's ways in the world, in the Garden of Eden. If Abel's proof which gave rise to the m-valued transcendental functions later employed in quantum mechanics was the initial swipe of the sword that slew the Newtonian paradigm, then that very same proof is the fundamental clue needed to achieve Rousseau's purpose in turning his back on the state. M-logically-valued monetary units are the essential counterpoise to the social disease Rousseau so vigorously castigated.
Yes, Thongchai Winichakul's Siam Mapped: A History of the Geo-Body of a Nation (Chiang Mai: Silkworm, 1998 reprint of the 1994 University of Hawaii edition) would be a valuable contribution to contemporary thought even if it only drew attention to the fact that the Western notion of borders did not exist in Southeast Asia prior to Western incursion. What primarily interests me regarding this subject, however, is not the pre-modern period Thongchai focuses upon, but the pre-pre-modern period -- or more accurately, perhaps, the pre-pre-modern normative state of consciousness and its implied condition of identity, that state of consciousness/identity which gave rise to the borderless border and its associated administrative algorithms. The borderless border is of great contemporary interest because of the discovery of fractal drums (bronze drums were posted at the frontiers in pre-pre-modern Southeast Asia) with fractal boundaries (borderless borders, that is, borders that are Cantor dust, holes within holes within holes the more closely the border is examined) and how the involved boundary conditions are related to properties of m-logically-valued self-organizing relativistic-quantum systems. Being interested in the pre-pre-modern period, I am awaiting a post-post-modern interpretation.
Thongchai says (pp. 20-21): Space in the Traiphum [the thirteenth century Buddhist cosmographic classic] was the qualitative manifestation of imagined existence. With this statement, he adopts Ben Anderson's reductionistic interpretation and reaches the conclusion stated on page 32:
In comparing several kinds of indigenous map, one distinction between a depiction of imaginary space and a map of material space emerges: the measurement of distance between places. Although there are many numerical values in the Traiphum and Buddhological maps, they are symbolic figures of various worlds, ideal places, descriptions of beings, or symbolic quantities of sacred objects. Many of them can be calculated by arithmetic formulas
I would first point out that it is precisely Buddha's message that material space is imaginary -- i.e., Maya, illusion -- not that imagined existence, to use Anderson's terminology, is imaginary. What is being depicted with many numerical values is not mere symbolism, not mere idealizations, but properties of the very real many-valued hyperspace from which illusory material space is decomposed by arithmetic (actually algebraic) operations. If we have learned anything from relativity and quantum physics and Luneburg's non-Euclidian portrait of binocular visual space, it is that the Euclidian material space we all think we see is an imaginary consensual construction, a learned behavior passed from generation to generation, Maya in the Buddhist lexicon.
Thongchai says (p. 20): In the Traiphum cosmography, beings are classified by their merit and designated to live in particular places according to their store of merit. But the Traiphum is not describing imaginary worlds populated by cartoon characters or Star Wars heros; it is depicting the structure of the reality of which the everyday consensual world is a reduced version. It is describing a decomposable hyperspace of three worlds and thirty-two levels. Being equals monad, equals kami dusti (to use the Shinto term), spiritual particle, mathematical point, singularity -- the King being the supreme physical region singularity, i.e., the ekkarat exemplifying ekkalat. I will discuss the meaning of these two terms below. Merit equals order of logical-value. Store of merit denotes the logical-value stack on the being, the mathematical point, the singularity, which is a function of the domain it inhabits, which is to say that there is a correspondence (i.e., a functional relation) between classification category, a mathematical place, and order of value of the designated identity, the being. Thongchai defines (p. 203) ekkalak as identity, common characteristic and ekkarat as independence; trad., the supreme king, second to none. A condition of identity is not identity per se. This distinction is not well understood by the modern mind, but was a basis of the normative traditional animistic state of consciousness: identity transparency, which is depreciated by the modern mind as mere psychological contagion. An identity is not identity per se. Common characteristic is not a defining property of identity per se or of an identity, though it is a property of a mathematical identity of two or more somewhats that might have been misconstrued as distinct, as analyzed, for instance, in theory of arithmetic operators and in set theory. The notion that promulgators of Buddhist metaphysics could not have thought on such levels of abstraction is simply ludicrous. That the present form of discourse is the wrong form of exposition is no less ludicrous: I see no reason to believe in conventions of the academic mode of production, therefore do not abide by them, and understand this creative behavior as a declarative semiosis not dissimilar to the mode of discourse of the subject under consideration: Traiphum Phra Ruang. Use of the word world to translate phum may be correct for its modern usage, but surely is mistaken relative to its pre-pre-modern connotation. Domain would be more correct, as it can include time understood as an operator: time domain, spacetime domain, limited spacetime domain, domain structure. Phum Thongchai defines (p. 204) as Land, soil, world, space, domain. Land, soil, world, space are modern attributions. Traiphum basically refers to three-fold operator-time that decomposes the base state of Tzog-Chen into khetdaen, which when active (i.e., engaged in Maya) are anakhet -- engagement in Maya (attachment) being definable by properties of the involved mathematical functions (i.e., correspondences): some forms of identity transparency are mere psychological identification. Khedaen Thongchai defines (p. 204) as Boundary, limit, limited domain. Khedaen will have many meanings in the Traiphum depending on which of the thirty-two levels of the three worlds is being referred to: numerical domain, domain of a function, time domain, spacetime domain, and so on -- the thirty-two levels being stages of decomposition of the hyperspace (base state of Tzog-chen) under three-fold operator-time, degrees of identity transparency, orders of logical-value, levels of Samadhi, and so on. Anakhet Thongchai defines (p. 203) as Territory, areas under control of a power, boundary; lit., the limited domain of power. The power spectrum of a mathematical function defines a limited numerical domain, a domain of many values, such as those displayed on Buddhological maps and which can be calculated by arithmetic formulas
These Thai terms have their Sanskrit equivalents in the Agama Shastra. The thirty-two (p. 23) myo (townships) refer to classes of khetdaen (limited spacetime domains) mapped on the thirty-two levels (laminations of the hyperspace). The (p. 23) thirty-seven nat, the indigenous pre-Buddhist spirits such as local guardians, mountain spirits, or ancestor spirits designate classes of kami dusti, singularities, mathematical points (depending upon set intersections, order of logical-value, topology of the involved laminate, and so on): bindu, tanmantra, et cetera, as given in the Agama Shastra. Thongchai, like the other authorities on Southeast Asian history, uses the term pre-Indic. I regard this term as a misnomer, just as I obviously regard pre-Buddhist spirits as a misnomer. Pre-Brahmanic would be more accurate, as the origin of this cosmography was in pre-Brahmanic tribal Indus Valley. It is not that Buddhism assimilated the animistic tribal spirits anymore than Confucianism assimilated Taoist alchemy: those spirits were the foundation of Buddhological cosmography. Buddhism could not have come into being without its animistic foundation. The individual human being, Buddha, did not create Buddhism, no less than the individual human being, Jesus, created Christianity; Buddhism was the result of a long process of cultural evolution. Buddha was designated the creator of Buddhism as a means of propagating Buddhism as a religious institutionalization. No religion is created by an individual. Certainly by the thirteenth century the original vision informing the social and political embodiment of the cosmography was profoundly deteriorated. This parallels deterioration of the Andean world construct based on the Aymara language, a language rooted in a 3-valued logic, the type of logic that does not permit a notion of identity based on common characteristic, as Thongchai succinctly states the modern mind's understanding of the meaning of this term, meaning epiphenomenal of the 2-valued logic basis of modern languages. One must therefore doubt that O. W. Wolters' understanding of this cosmography as (p. 82) a scheme of power relations (called by the leading scholars a mandala: a gross abuse of Sanskrit terminology, as anyone who has meditated upon a mandala well knows) had anything whatsoever to do with the originating conception. If power relations had any historical expression at all in the pre-Western-incursion period, relative to this cosmography, it was only as a deterioration of the scheme. A (p. 81) frontier town regarded as common to more than one kingdom was viewed as kami dusti, as a singular point with more than one logical-value defining its ekkalak (identity-transparent state or quantum relative-state): a point simultaneously in more than one logical domain, more than one khetdaen (limited spacetime domain). The (p. 79) essence of sovereignty [the center], the King, was not a power center, but an exemplary center, a chaotic attractor, a physical region singularity about which event gradients self-organize. There was no (p. 79) allegiance to the center which was mapped only by power relationships as opposed to territorial integrity: this is a modernist and post-modernist interpretation developed from lack of insight into the cosmography. The center was an empty center, a singularity; and the periphery, the frontier, did not exist any more than a fractal border exists with greater materiality than an infinitude of holes. "Asian despotism" and "Asian barbarity" are projections of the unconscious contents of the Western mind, that mind which denies existence of its own collective properties, thereby generating the projection. Just as we now know that the Egyptian pyramids were not built by slave labor, as Hollywood has depicted it, that the Egyptian social order was far more complex than the Cartesian-Newtonian mind would have it, those of us with experience of animistic identity transparency know that "allegiance to the center" is a mischaracterization of the cognitive contents of a holographic state of consciousness, wherein the whole is not merely more than the sum of its parts, but any and every part contains all the information constituting the whole: quantum relative-state, "dependent origination" in the Buddhist lexicon.
Thongchai says (p. 81): In premodern polities the relationship between political powers was hierarchical the unit of status in this hierarchy was indiscriminately called muang In the pre-pre-modern sense, muang did not refer to a geographical area, the governed area was a khetdaen, a circumscribed domain of being, an identity-transparent property of the whole. The unit of status was a unit of merit: this unit was an increment of logical-value. The King was fully m-logically-valued in that he exemplified holographic identity-transparency to the greatest measure. In old Suwannaphum, old Southeast Asia, there was holographic identity-transparency, not hierarchy. Holographic identity-transparency is animistic participation mystique or quantum relative-state, which, to repeat, the modern mind disparages as mere psychological contagion. Thongchai says (p. 82) the interstate relations in this region operated by common recognition of the hierarchical world order in which the supreme overlord -- because of his highest store of merit could be expressed if necessary in terms of force -- cast his influence over the inferior kingships. Most certainly this is a late interpretation, to put it mildly. Where in Buddhism does merit have its source or expression in power or exercise of force? Expressing the highest store of merit via terms of force is not only an oxymoron, but such act would destroy all merit. Indeed, any decision, let alone exercise of force, was an absolute nullification of the identity-transparency merit signified. If force was used, it was not an expression of merit, but of the lack thereof. The exemplary center never decided, never acted. So long as that center existed in its pristine m-logically-valued state, it functioned as a strange attractor, as a gravitational singularity about which event gradients spontaneously organized themselves. Any decision, any act, tarnished the pristine quality of the m-logically-valued state required to mediate the animistic part-whole identity-transparency responsible for genesis of spontaneous order. This Buddhological cosmography was a decision-free system; it had nothing to do with hierarchy, power, exercise of force. To decide is to be active, to be engaged with Maya, to be in a state of attachment: no behavior of a supreme overlord with the highest store of merit. The Machiavellian interpretation is without a Buddhist referent.
Thanks for directing me to Lewis Lockwood's review, Beethoven Beyond Classicism, (The New York Review of Books, July 17, 2003) of Maynard Solomon's Late Beethoven: Music, Thought, Imagination (U. of California Press, 2003), as it illustrates one of the main themes essayed in MOON. The current incarnation of multi-valued logics has now run to over eighty years; why has it so little affected human affairs? Because, in every realm of activity, applications have been anticipated and roadblocks thrown up to prevent them. There is an initial instant of awareness, a dawn of insight, which is immediately suppressed -- suppressed out of fear, out of dread, out of psychological incapacity -- the subsequent blocking behaviors being handled on a subliminal basis. Take art music, for instance. The march of chromaticism, which began in earnest in the 1850s, signifying breakdown of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm as musically embodied in the well-tempered diatonic system, key signatures, the sonata cycle, and so on, proceeded to polytonality, atonality, and on to the dodecaphonic composition matrix in just the period m-valued logics broke upon the scene. This whole development was the expressway between that which replaced medieval polyphony and the m-logically-valued system that was to replace this diatonic replacement: not a flat composition matrix, not an aleatory musical S-matrix, but the transparent multi-sheeted Riemann-surface-stack overlay truly capable of transcendentally integrating chordal harmony with a multiplicity of polyphonic songlines (be the simultaneously-given monophonic melodies mapped as borderless borders on geo-body or on chaos and complexity theory's cognitive affinity landscapes). But the transition was never completed; it was stopped dead in its tracks immediately after World War One. What was the particular roadblock used to promulgate this instance of obstructionism? One can obviously not look to the supremely stimulating intellectual environment of UCLA or products of the University of California Press for an answer, as that campus, that mega-divergency, could not even hang onto the Schoenberg Library. With so little interest by Americans in the central throughway of art music over the last two centuries, it is only fitting that Schoenberg's musical legacy should have returned to its place of origin, the place where it belongs: Beethoven's and Schrödinger's Vienna.
In Michael Hamburger's collection, Beethoven: Letters, Journals and Conversations, we find Beethoven saying that:
A rhythm of the spirit is needed in order to grasp the spirit of music, for music grants us presentiments, inspiration of celestial sciences, and that part of it which the mind grasps through the senses is the embodiment of mental cognition Yet, few ever attain this stage; for just as thousands marry for love and love is never manifested in these thousands, although they all practice the craft of love, so thousands have intercourse with music and never see it manifested.
Yet, Maynard Solomon, as quoted by Lewis Lockwood, who himself is sympathetic to the notion that Beethoven's thought had something to do with his music, still must qualify the notion (p. 27): the connections -- at least, the analogies -- between Beethoven's thought and his later works. This qualification, this diminishment, is the roadblock I refer to, the obstruction preventing the expressway, which came under earnest construction in the 1850s, from reaching its intended conclusion -- a resolution intended by the collective unconscious. It may well be that the basic defining properties of the whole expressway crystallized in Beethoven's mind forty years before its construction seriously began as the rise of chromaticism, this creative crystallization in one mind constellating the development in the collective unconscious. I remember thirty-two years ago sitting in an undergraduate music composition course trying to give an account to the instructor of the stunned look on my face after having heard a recording of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. I said I had suddenly understood, for the first time truly understood, that this symphony was the end of the diatonic music system, the end of constitutional democracy, 18th century rationalism, the Cartesian-Newtonian world picture, that the Fifth was the supreme statement of the emotional content of these values and views, the involved sense of power over Nature, the unbridled vision of progress, of the unfettered capability of man, the anticipation of total triumph, the certainty of becoming God incarnate. Such a statement as the Fifth was the final statement, had to be the final statement. To perfection had the message been delivered -- sublimely, no flaws. Nothing more could be said. The diatonic system was dead, finished, over, done, caput. Of course, the instructor thought I was crazy.
Lockwood thus summarizes Solomon's central theme (p. 27):
That a well-defined late style emerged in Beethoven's major works from about 1815 to his death in 1827 is indeed incontestable: that it arose in conjunction with a change in Beethoven's system of beliefs is a new view of Beethoven's development that will be much discussed.
Actually, this is not a new view, it is the resurrection of an old view. This same theme was argued in an extraordinary book published in 1927, a book greatly disparaged by the musicological community, and then largely forgotten: J. W. N. Sullivan's Beethoven, His Spiritual Development (N.Y.: Knopf, 1927), a copy of which I found through an out-of-print book search service thirty years ago. This book focuses upon the relations between Beethoven's thought, his evolving states of consciousness, and his music compositions culminating in the Ninth Symphony. The book was disparaged because the very idea that extra-musical ideas set the terms of musical composition has been anathema since the end of World War One. One way to disparage what is anathema is to draw into question sanity of the practitioner. Lockwood states that Solomon's theme is radical (p. 27):
in construing Beethoven's aphorisms and diary entries not simply as the private ruminations of an aging and sick composer but as evidence for Beethoven as a thinker engaged in building a wide-ranging new approach -- intellectual, moral, and aesthetic -- that might sustain the musical transformations of his late works.
The reason why extra-musical influence on music composition came to be viewed anathema was (and is) because the emerging world picture to receive embodiment in a new systemic musical synthesis was anathema. Extra-musical influence as neurotic displacement by the class of all music critics, as psychological conversion of the feared object: new world picture. So musicologists, biographers of composers, and musical historians elaborated disparagements back to the beginnings of the transition in order to justify their contemporary disparaging treatments of any musical development that sought to embody the world picture they feared and hated. John Cage during the late-50s focused in upon a critical issue: he drew a distinction between music that models the world and music that transforms the self. He maintained that it is too much to ask the composer to do both simultaneously, and personally chose music to transform the self. As clearly displayed in his musical and spiritual development, over the full breadth of his career, Beethoven, however, regarded these two aspects of music composition as one and the same, inseparable. I maintain that this unity of world and self Beethoven so richly manifested in his life and musical career is the hallmark of a holographic animistic identity transparent state of consciousness, which can only be experienced by cognitively entering upon the domain of m-valued logics -- be those logics formalized or merely intuitively assimilated. Of course, disparagement and obstructionism were played out not only in the realms of musical systematics and composition, but in many other areas of human activity, especially physics. The biographies and extra-physics ideas of physicists were regarded as irrelevant to the physics they produced, discovered, created. Most notably, perhaps, Schrödinger's wave-function was dissimulated in 1926, one year before Sullivan's book on Beethoven was published, by interpretation relative to probability amplitudes, rather than correctly interpreted via m-valued logics -- and thus was the expressway carried into a byway that has yet to make its way back to the main road.
I am sorry for always being so contrary. This is not a mere matter of temperament. There are reasons behind it. WHY I DON'T BELIEVE IN THE FORCE, THE FIELD, ENERGY, PROPAGATION, SUPERLUMINAL VELOCITIES, SPATIAL OR TEMPORAL SEPARATION AS FUNDAMENTALS IN PHYSICS OR BIOPHYSICS. Take a look at the three-page English-language introduction to A. S. Karpenko's Russian-language book Lukasiewicz's Logic and Prime Numbers. The more I study this brief statement, the more I am able to convince myself that Karpenko has given a technically detailed account that is similar but not identical to what I have been saying in general terms all along -- ever since getting up from the desk in 1975 upon first reading Emil Post's 1921 paper Introduction to a General Theory of Elementary Propositions (Am J Math, 43). Let me explain how I found my way to Post's paper in reverse historical direction from developments which led to it, before I quote the relevant portion of Karpenko's introduction.
I was studying tornado genesis at Cornell with D. A. Paine. He had applied special relativity theory to the angular momentum cascade through the spectrum of atmospheric wave motions leading to formation of tornadoes (we later learned that relativity theory had been applied to the supposedly Newtonian domain of atmospheric science years earlier in the USSR). The more we studied the multi-scale computer simulations, the more we realized that the details of the microscale dynamics at time t + 1 were embedded in the macroscopic motion field at time t, but not in terms of the single-valued variables involved in Newton's laws of motion, in terms of multi-valued variables. This realization made us take a very close look at Schrödinger's wave-function. If one removed the probability amplitude interpretation and accepted at face value the m-valued function which is the wave-function before being interpreted, it seemed to capture exactly what is happening in tornado genesis -- if Schrödinger's wave equation was re-written as a 3-fold equation set containing two orders of nonlinearity. Hence, we began viewing tornado genesis as a quantum-relativistic process.
But how to more thoroughly model the decomposition of the m-valued functions into their single-valued evolutes within a quantum-relativistic spacetime domain? I started researching the origin of m-valued variables and functions and traced them back through the Riemann surface to Abelian functions and thence to Abel's having for the first time provided solution to an equation of the fifth-degree. The multi-sheeted Riemann surface is a map of the march of an m-valued function, bridged at the branch points of the function. Using this representation, one can treat the m-valued function as if it were single-valued. But in doing so, one loses sight of its import for complex multiscale dynamical systems. When many such functions are simultaneously interacting in quantum-relativistic spacetime, how could one possibly comprehend, let alone model, the outcomes? I began looking for a way to comprehend the nested patterns of meaning, meaning partitioned limited spacetime domain to limited spacetime domain, sheet to sheet, scale level to scale level as the interactive multivalued functions decompose over the period time t to t + 1 into their single-valued involutes. We speculated that limited spacetime domain was nested inside limited spacetime domain in natural log distribution, i.e., in prime number distribution. (About this same time, we learned of Sakharov's multi-sheet model of the universe based on his notion of the metric elasticity of space and analysis of dynamics of Novikov dust, i.e., fields of mathematical points, a multi-sheeted number field). This is how we attempted to get inside the 1-km computer-modeling grid, which remained fuzzy in the tornado forecast product. And that's how I got to Post's paper on m-valued logics. M-valued logics offered a way to comprehend the whole decomposition process, decompositions of interactive m-valued functions (a certain approach to the n-body problem).
From there it was a natural extension to envision expansion of Gödel numbers to m-logically-valued propositions and to begin speculating as to what this would imply concerning the Riemann hypothesis on distribution of prime numbers. In applying special relativity to the limited spacetime domains of atmospheric physics, Paine had generalized the notion of curl from spatial curl to temporal curl (we later learned of Kozyrev's similar notion of time contributing a spin moment to a system). Temporal curl we understood as the decomposition operator initiating complex angular momentum cascade (hence, we viewed Penrose's twistor as quantization of temporal curl). We knew that a rigorous account of temporal curl would involve applications of hypercomplex numbers, numbers beyond Hamilton's quaterions which are required to account for spatial curl. It was therefore clear that just as Riemann generalized Euler's zeta function from real numbers greater than one to complex numbers, Riemann's zeta function would have to be generalized to hypercomplex numbers, if Gödel numbering of m-logically-valued propositions relevant to tornado genesis were to be arrived at.
Here is the relevant paragraph from Karpenko (p. 2):
It was exactly this approach [representing logic as a functional system] that allowed to discover that functional properties of Ln+1 [finite-valued Lukasiewicz's logics] are highly unusual. V. K. Finn was first to note this in his brief note On classes of functions that correspond to Lukasiewicz's M-valued logics (1970). One corollary of his observations is that the set of functions of logic Ln+1 is functionally precomplete if and only if n is a prime number (Ch. 5). This result (later it was rediscovered) constitutes the foundation of this book and the main motivation for writing it. The above result issued in writing a straightforward algorithm, which maps an arbitrary natural number to a prime one on the basis of the Euler function j (n). This induces a partition of the set of natural numbers into classes of equivalence. Each of these classes can be represented by a rooted tree whose root is some prime number n. That, in turn, resulted in an algorithm which maps an arbitrary prime number p to a class of equivalence whose members are natural numbers each prime number has a structure, namely, an algebraic structure in form of p-Abelian groups.
Each rooted tree, in Karpenko's terminology, is the branch of an m-valued function (represented on a sheet of the Riemann surface), bridged at branch points (a distinct class of Gödel numbers, one must speculate) and embedded in a collection of Abelian functions (represented on the universal covering surface of the set of p-Abelian groups). Karpenko, of course, does not appear to represent his p-structures on Riemann surfaces. Just as there is a group-theoretical treatment of quaterions, there will be a group-theoretical treatment of the hypercomplex numbers associated with temporal curl, as Charles Muses must have anticipated in his thoughts on chronotopology.
When Riemann's zeta function has a zero value, goes to singularity, that is, this indicates the presence of branch points linking the hypercomplex and complex numerical domains. One could say that the multiple values of the variable yielding a zero valuation of the Riemann zeta function are the image of temporal curl in partitioning the numerical gas of prime numbers (or p-electrons in the p-electron gas environment of the p-stacks of the DNA molecule, as described in our 1979 superconductant DNA paper). This is why we concluded that temporal curl, more generally, operator-time, is a logical operator decomposing and recomposing orders of logical-value and their numerical correspondents. Karpenko apparently demonstrates that "each prime number has structure, an algebraic structure" related to order of logical-value. Imagine Gödel numbering schemes relative to this algebraic structure and that propositional arguments are represented by the ordinal sets of Gödel numbers corresponding to collections of the multiple values of the variable yielding a zero valuation of the Riemann zeta function (which are branch points on the appropriate Riemann surface). All non-zero solutions to the Riemann zeta function lie within a strip of the complex plane, possibly on the midline through this strip, states Riemann in his hypothesis. This result was obtained when an infinite series of real numbers (Euler's zeta function) was expanded to an infinite series of complex numbers (Riemann's zeta function). An expansion to an infinite series of hypercomplex numbers would incorporate the set of Riemann zeros into the set of points corresponding to prime numbers, but these points would not be represented on the complex plane, they would be represented within an m-logically-valued hypercomplex number space -- with numerical images that project to the complex plane, replicating Riemann's strip and line in an iteration all across the complex plane. (Here is the major difference between Karpenko's scheme and my own: the numerical values of the factors of Riemann's zeta function summing to zero are non-prime under 1T2 logic, as Riemann demonstrated. I maintain that under orders of logical-value greater than 1T2 non-self-identical numbers are involved, numbers with images in other orders of logical-value, while Karpenko treats this as a mere mapping between primes and non-primes. A non-self-identical number may be non-prime under one order of logical-value and prime under another. The Pensinger hypothesis is that the very special Gödel numbers at branch points between the complex and hypercomplex numerical domains are prime in all orders of logical-value proscribed by the degree of hypercomplexity of the hypercomplex zeta function. Karpenko appears to retain the fallacy of non-contradiction, thus retaining the notion of truth-value as fundamental to all orders of logical-value. This is why I regret not being able to read Tatyana Vinogradova's Russian-language dissertation entitled The problem of interpretation of truth values in non-classical logics. I believe that the notion of identity is more fundamental in logic than that of truth-value, and that classes of identity-transparency are characteristic of orders of logical-value greater than 1T2. Interpretations of this are the non-simple identity at the root of quantum non-locality and infinite correlation length in critical-state phenomena like high-temperature superconductivity. This non-simple identity must have its basis in number-theoretic properties. AND THIS IS WHY I DON'T BELIEVE IN THE FORCE, THE FIELD, ENERGY, PROPAGATION, SUPERLUMINAL VELOCITIES, SPATIAL OR TEMPORAL SEPARATION AS FUNDAMENTALS IN PHYSICS OR BIOPHYSICS. The phenomena associated with all of these are brain transliterations: spontaneous localization as subclinical autogenic brain discharge.) The degree of such an iteration is a question as to what order of hypercomplexity the generalization of the Riemann zeta function must take. Karpenko's formulations seem to indicate a path to follow in striving to find an answer to this question: functional co-properties of prime numbers and m-valued logics will determine the required order of hypercomplexity.
If, as we must suppose, human brain is capable of using m-valued logics, which are quantum logics (hence a major issue in the quantum measurement problem), then the neural and/or perineural tissues must have a capacity for m-logically-valued processing. We have come to believe that this capacity primarily involves three aspects of cellular function: the radiation exchange processes of superconductant DNA molecules (in mitochondria and/or nucleus); properties of the intra-cellular structured water through which the DNA-generated coherent waves propagate to the cell membrane phase boundary; and the m-gated processor microtubules in cytoskeleton. With some changes and additions, this is Roger Penrose's model (though he surely has mental blocks at critical points, or has long been involved in classified stuff relative to this area, which would be an unconscionable behavior in significant measure responsible for the present global crisis: there is nothing apolitical about any of this). The most important work done in this area, which in my judgment will be found to be intimately related to the above-discussed issues of prime numbers and m-valued logics, is the multi-sheeted modeling details of Gilbert Ling's association-induction hypothesis concerning properties of structured intra-cellular water, about which I have written to you before. Freeman Cope, who wrote brilliantly on biological superconductivity in the 70s, experimentally demonstrated Ling's hypothesis, and Raymond Damadian later developed the first Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine on basis of Cope's demonstration.
A full-blown quantum-relativistic model of multi-sheeted intra-cellular water and how it interacts with ambient radiation, coherent or not, cannot be achieved, in my judgment, until the quantum electrodynamic (QED) properties of the cell are characterized using n-dimensional Hilbert space under m-valued logics (which I have been calling the m-logically-valued reference space [MVRS]). The physical region singularities of this space will correspond to prime numbers of various algebraic structures in the Karpenko sense, some being branch points of the involved functions, some not -- the involved functions, in this case, corresponding to geometrical transformations associated with nucleic acid helix-coil transitions, protein folding processes, and other such molecular-level dynamics. On a larger scale level than the quantum, by regularly dropping points (primes) out of view (this is a topological tiling-pattern and nesting problem related to m-logically-valued propositions and Szentagothai's multi-sheet cellular architectonics of the cerebral cortex), the physical region singularities, numbered by primes, will correspond to receptor sites for neuropeptides, such sites for ligand-receptor docking in all likelihood corresponding to branch points of the involved m-valued functions, the collection of such branch points in a given class forming a Gödel-numbered m-logically-valued argument relative to, for instance, frequency-mediated immunological recognition. Candace Pert at Georgetown University Medical School is currently trying to map such receptor-site architectonics by way of expanding her insight into mechanisms of action of HIV/AIDS. Since, based on the early form of these ideas, I gave an account at the medical congress in Kyoto in 1977 -- before identification of AIDS -- of how integrity of the immune system could be compromised in absence of a discrete disease vector by virtue of processes associated with superconductant DNA, thus undermining antiviral immunity such that the discrete vector can gain a foothold in genetically predisposed population groups, in light of subsequent events it is very difficult to regard suppressive actions relative to this general drift of ideas as mere matters of academic animus. The most thoroughgoing contempt is the only reasonable response. These are life and death issues for enormous numbers of people, more enormous than we even yet imagine as AIDS is only one among many likely emergent syndromes that fall into this category of immunological behavior.
It's not that I don't believe in zero-point energy; of course I believe in it. It's just that it is not the fundamental it is said to be, and it cannot account for much of what it is said to account for. Actually, Derek Dillon is not greatly into pretense, as he's found that this behavior collapses the quality of his inner state and quenches all contact with m-valued modes of cognition, i.e., the ability to function simultaneously in multiple states/spaces. Anger, well motivated anger, hardly quenches at all compared to pretense. He has also had it up to the gullet with gutless wonders, to employ a term frequently used by a particular class of comrades in his youth. So, recommending in this context Fritz-Albert Popp and Hal Puthoff is a put-off -- to say the least. Not exactly the courage of Delta operators. At a certain point, the gills get filled with enough phlegm that total cut-off is the only reasonable course of action.
The list of people is long who have chosen not to risk their lives, and in making this choice have condemned a hundred million to die: those who have already died and those who are projected certainly to die of AIDS, to speak of only one of the many vectors presently in the mass mortality business on this planet. Choosing not to risk one life set against a hundred million is an amazing call, but it is astounding how often that choice is made. Anyone who makes this choice certainly could not understand what lies beneath the field of zero-point energy (m-logically-valued reference space and its involved notions of identity transparency). Horst Günther has had the courage of his convictions; so did Wolfgang Luthe and Freeman Cope. Consider the central storyline in MOON: how death from natural causes and/or suicide in these waning days of the human lemming civilization so easily is not what it appears to be. Even standing there watching, one cannot rule out surreptitious psychotomemetic drug administration via, say, demulcent, over the preceding months -- as Trang Minh would testify. Who did the autopsy? What leverage was brought to bear upon the examiner? And so on. One can never be certain, not when professionals are involved: no place for amateurs. Except that today there is certainty that paranoia is objectively realistic. Student spies, inter-classroom intrigue: yes, been there, seen that, different location but same timeframe, exactly the same issues -- maybe even the same people behind it, ultimately speaking. Dr. Jason, you said? He was well informed from 1976, you should know. No hunting good will here. What has Popp done with the 23 years since his academic censure began? 1980, thereabouts, was a critical year, the year when biological superconductivity dropped out of the literature, when a German company was refining the means of making hardened steel with depleted uranium, when homeopathy research moved into the mainstream, when German research institutes began studying , when Luthe began giving keynote addresses on superconductant DNA generation of coherent waves in relation to autogenic brain discharges, when Cope was verifying Ling's association-induction hypothesis concerning structured intracellular water, when a German atmospheric science journal turned down the summary paper on quantum-relativistic atmospheric cascade theory (making copies, of course) and, on the other side of the pond, numerical modeling of the cascade process was hijacked for biological weapons systems delivery. Too threatening, too complex, and too difficult to debunk in "Off the Beat". Or at least that's how Derek told the story in 1994 -- in 1700 pages, no less.
I have been able to find nothing from Popp, a real survivor, which looks to me like an actual microphysical model of how non-superconductant DNA produces the varying degrees of coherent electromagnetic radiation his machine apparently records as biophotons. Nor does he, as is only to be expected, respond to intelligent correspondence. Is this molecule a chemical laser analogue? Nah! Is it an analogue of the photo-acoustic spectrometer? Couldn't be. Interesting parallels, though. Hmmm. Not only is there no believable microphysical model, there is no plausible account of the de-renormalization which is required to tap into Heisenberg uncertainty of the zero-point energy supposedly behind production of biophotons. Had that been done 25 years ago we'd all be our own Buck Rogers by now. Capturing a little piece of Heisenberg uncertainty (as zero-point energy) is far more than mere photonic, far more than mere virtuality. Right on the very surface, it’s a critical-state process -- which means you don't just add some real or complex number to your non-zero-point energy. This capture of Heisenberg uncertainty can take place only at infinity or in singularity. Infinite correlation length, zero spacetime separation. After all, that's the real reason it's zero-point. Matter is very very warped empty spacetime. Take all the matter away to the zero-point, what you got in the way of spacetime? What you got in the way of waves, scalar or otherwise; what you got in the way of interference? If it is timeless and spaceless, there are no distinctions to interfere with each other. The notion of interference is inadequate and ontologically after distinction is. That is precisely what G. Spencer Brown demonstrated in proving Sheffer's postulates for Boolean algebras. Distinction is prior to truth-value. Draw a distinction! But Boolean algebras express only one order of logical-value. Before distinction is is identity transparency: the root notion of m-orders of logical-value. The divine solipsism of self-reference in sets of zeros, orders of infinity: where some value of zero equals some value of infinity. Uncertainty ain't just not bein' able ta choose between two complex numbers. What's neither here nor there is somewhere in sets of zeros and orders of infinity. The equations were renormalized because nobody knows how to solve them with the sets of zeros and orders of infinity apparent in their raw state. And those raw equations will never be solved, at all, ever, under classical logic. There are all kinds of pretense. One might pretend to solutions. Renormalization was inevitable once the probability amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function was adopted, rather than correctly interpreting that m-valued function with the m-valued logics which had by then been available for five years. Sets of zeros and orders of infinity can truly be handled only under m-valued logics. But then you see how Heisenberg uncertainty is just the tip of the iceberg of my God, you don't even want to think about it. Which is exactly what the physicists did in 1926-7 (thus causing a second world war over the very same issue the first was fought over, just in a more concrete form -- and over which the third and final world war inevitably will be fought).
This absence of a viable microphysical model is not necessarily a matter of personal courage, but if Popp's machine actually does what he says it does, then where is all the frequency-response window mapping data that should have been produced AND PUBLICIZED in the 27 years the machine has been in existence? I've been all over the internet and the journals and cannot find it, that endless list of nested structures. This data, if it exists, is precious. Why is that machine not mass produced and in every household by now? Wouldn't you like to have a machine that can unerringly tell you the state of the person standing next to you on the late-night subway platform or measures the quality of the food you are about to purchase at the grocery store? Or can perfectly and uniquely identify a person from a satellite who is driving a car across the desert -- like in that movie by that German director. The End of Violence, wasn't it? What was his name? Wimp something? The patent on this machine must be worth trillions. It was when Popp started mapping such frequency-response windows that his academic difficulties began. Of course, it is this specific class of data that is a double-edged sword, with various categories of interested parties, only one such category being those concerned with how HIV jumped the species barrier by getting in under human anti-viral immunity. What about the manufacturers of toasters -- toasters of various sorts?
Threats are usually subtle, when given by professionals. I mean, even academic censure can be such a threat. Some people deal with these threats well; others, not. Some have nervous breakdowns. You know, there are places where how to give such threats is part of the curriculum. A close friend of Derek received such a threat in mid-'68 by way of forced recruitment for unsavory S&S Stuff. This happens far more often than people credit. Before it was all over the recruiter got the raw end of the deal. Sometimes these things take time. It's nice to travel in the right circles, have the right kind of friends. And then there is luck; luck is something necessary and often something one makes for oneself. But it can run out; it truly can run out. Living under intermittent surveillance for a couple of decades can be interesting. It is not necessarily the end of a personal world when friend or boss come up to you and say that while you were off in India there were these dark-suited guys asking all these questions and saying "Nah, it's just a routine investigation." Yes, 1980 was a critical year. For those with a little tradecraft knowledge, identifying close encounters can be fun. She might kill you, you know, that little Hmong. I thought of that too, but the odds are low, given the way it started. Just checking, is my bet, a little close-in surveillance. And inviting her in and opening the books, so to speak, really discombobulated her, didn't it? Ha! That was a great move, eh? Personal engagement is definitely not what they crave. Guessing the actual risks involved is fun, too -- as opposed to the risks of, say, working in a high-rise office building, stepping on a morning flight to Washington, standing on a street corner in Germany like Günther did. They might take my passport away!
Magic without magic, sex without sex, Newton without Newton: Puthoff via Boyer, just one more postmodernist epicycle. The sort of thing that fits in well with the DARPA agenda for producing a never-ending sequence of WsMD. Get rid of quantum weirdness by recourse to zero-point energy. Only trouble with Newton without Newton is that virtual exchanges cannot occur independent of Heisenberg uncertainty. And Heisenberg uncertainty is just the tip of the iceberg of skew-perpendicularity, how charge is created on the mere presence of non-simple m-logically-valued identity transparency: numbers that do not equal themselves. No propagation. No communication. No information. Not other and same, other is same. That damned red-skinned, animistic mth logical-value will sneak up on you every time! Newton can only be reNewtoned by the war which is, the war which will be, because post-quantum reality is far more weird to the Newtonian mind than quantum reality was ever imagined to be. But if you keep trying hard enough, I am sure you'll demonstrate single-valued superluminal velocities -- and you will probably even be able to keep Planck's constant single-valued and finally get it set to zero, which is where it always should have been.
Here it is, short and sweet. Increased coherency and decreased intensity of photon emissions occur as non-superconductant DNA transits to the superconductant state. Nothing unexpected in that, eh? As photon density decreases, coherent gravitational wave output increases. The Curie pivot is not an on-off cusp, electromagnetic components fall off as gravitational components build, until one is wholly replaced by the other, inducing truly long-range phase correlation: direct identity transparency between DNA molecules driving the self-organizing gravitational component (geons). Except that, due to enculturation, human brain rarely has to worry about this these days: neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance. It is not so much a tap into the zero-point energy field, not so much zitterbewegung to the rescue, as a matter of perfectly-phased charge creation then and there zeroing out entropy production -- were there a then, were then a there, there and then. Homeostasis transits to heterostasis. One wonders whether the potentized homeopathic substance is an emitter and/or an absorber -- never know about these blackbodies -- and relative to what. Three things: two are happenings, one never is a happening, for all things are not in becoming, as latter-day Buddhist saints would have it. (1) QED, non-superconductant DNA transiting to the superconductant state, biophotons, electron-transport chains, alpha and beta states, high-potassium association-induction intracellular water around and in cytoskeleton, electro-energy-vibrational medicine, ozone, detox, embedding free radicals in charge transfer complexes where redox, by all that ought to be normative, should be. (2) Spacetime geometrodynamics, spacetime double-helix feeder bands (not probability amplitudes, m-logical-values), superconductant DNA, coherent gravity waves, accelerating baud-rates of consciousness, the equivalent principle of equivalence, healer by hand and at a distance. (3) M-logically-valued reference space wrapped in its persona of zero-point energy, m-valued p-branes mapped on Riemann surfaces, pregeometry as m-valued calculus of propositions, Regge calculus in m-logically-valued n-dimensional Hilbert space, Gödel numbered logical lattices, multiplexed m-gated microtubules, prime-rooted algebraic functions as geometric transformations (transformation is the geometry word for the algebra word function) like m-valued repeat m-valued immunological recognition, twistor as quantized operator-time as logical operator, sets of long-range phase-correlated superconductant neural and perineural DNA molecules inducing coherency in hexagonal lattices nested in hexagonal lattices in prime number distribution (quarks to tubulin, all the way to Szentagothai's multi-sheeted hexagonal cellular neocortex, and beyond into tornado genesis and so on) via cytoskeletal superradiance and self-induced-IDENTITY-transparency, gestaltbildung by morphogenetic quantum-gravity hologram (i.e., acoustically-modified, meaning Musculpt, music-sculpture), systemic mutation, autogenic neutralization, homeopathy, self-similarity of simillimums, radionics. But all three of these three are identity transparent! Nor could one exist without the others. And everything is nothing but changes is identical to nothing ever changes. What, me worry? And what is it you are threatening my me with? Which m-me?
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