Let me state right here that what follows is just my very inexpert humble opinion: no academic credentials and no institution stands behind it. So there is no reason for government or corporation to get on the high horse about these statements, as no intelligent person would for a second consider giving credibility to what I have to say on the subject. This is a complete personal disclaimer. No, I do not like the idea of Wi-Fi (radio frequency wireless fidelity) hot spots as the networking mode for Musculpt postings of real-time fluctuations of m-logical values stacked on a currency base. Why? Because of the class action product liability lawsuits that eventually will ensue relative to Wi-Fi and most other contemporary communications, computing, and electronic technologies (including electronic medical treatment and diagnostic modalities that impose externally generated electromagnetic and sonic fields on the body). These suits will make the cigarette suit jury awards look like child's play -- as not only cancer is involved, but every known and yet to emerge degenerative, autoimmune, and immune competency disease. This is surely one of the myriad reasons why so little frequency response window data is available in the public domain, and one reason why most of it just as surely is classified. I have had no opportunity to become involved in experimental work in this area, but, ever since co-authoring a paper on DNA superconductivity in the 70s, I have intensely and continuously looked for information on this subject. There is precious little to be found in the public domain. DNA output may be in photons and coherent gravity waves, but the response windows of the various histological types of DNA fall in the valley of minimum sky noise, just as do all our communications and electronic technologies. Nature figured this out before our engineers. Antigens, antibodies, proteins, cellular phase boundaries certainly have frequency response windows (as well as critical radiation densities and encoding waveforms) different from those of DNA. All these windows are hairline thin. The great tragedy is that our technologies could be designed to stay out of these biologically active windows. They are not being so designed because of the needs of national and corporate security. Mention these facts to important people in the involved areas and see if your life isn't threatened. Not only are they not interested, they are EXTREMELY put out. People keep telling me how surprised they are I am still alive, as I mention these facts every chance I get. The magnitude of the consequences that will most certainly ensue when the cusp is reached are so staggering that a mere life, or two or three incarnations, for that matter, is nothing, nothing by comparison. Things must be kept in proper proportion. As I believe that m-logically-valued monetary units are an expression of what Nature would do by way of a global monetary system, were human beings of a mind to give Her a choice, I certainly cannot advocate a networking strategy for Musculpt postings that intervenes into Her sacrosanct internal processes.
James Grotstein's very expert summary of Allan Schore (Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self: The Neurobiology of Emotional Development, Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994), given in the Forward, can be captured largely in three passages from pages xxi and xxiv:
Maturation is fundamentally determined by a vast array of carefully timed neurodevelopmental processes occupying vaster and more complex, as well as more intricately timed and sequenced scenarios than we could have ever imagined. These developmental sequences are determined by a fantastic, almost surrealistically complex choreography that integrates postnatal neural anatomic and neurochemical development so that they unfold in an intricately coordinated series of contacts with the maternal-social environment -- all in an orchestration of specifically timed phases of availability to a holding environment of appropriate, mediating caregiver functions
Nobody then [during the period of psychoanalytic history when the structural theory, object relations theory, and theory of ego psychology developed] anticipated how dependent the infant's brain was on the mother's caregiving and social interaction as a releaser moiety of her infant's inherent and evolving brain structures, structures that emerge slowly, discontinuously, in momentary niches that must be optimized or forfeited in a timely way -- while, at the same time, an overabundance (because of an overproduction) of neurons is being selectively and skillfully decimated so that an evolving neurobehavioral-affective-social self can emerge. [Grotstein's italics]
Developmental psychopathology can certainly be understood by the concept of the failed appointment, that is, failure for the key neuronal connections to have been evoked at the proper time by the mother-as-appropriate-selfobject at the appropriate time.
We witness in the first quotation not only the justification for recourse to the (p. xxiii) metaphor of a (p. xxii) transcendent dialectic hologram as the ultimate ground plan for neural organization, but clearly see the sense of awe Grotstein and Schore feel in face of the achievement of separate self-identity. In the second quotation, we see the critical role of the mother as caregiver and transformational object (Bollas) essayed in relation to the several neural network wipeouts associated with neurological development. In the last quotation, we see maternal failure keynoted in a prominent role concerning etiology of psychopathology rooted in neurodevelopmental anomaly. This maternal failure becomes the justification for Grotstein's idea that (p. xxvi) Developmentally informed clinical intervention [by] trained professionals could help in diagnosis and intervention prophylaxis so as to prevent formation of neurodevelopmental anomalies in at-risk infants.
I believe that there is a tacit, and perhaps not so tacit, socio-political agenda behind this interpretation of the neurological, neuropsychological, and neuropsychiatric facts Schore marshals in his book. The easiest way for me to essay on that agenda is to argue the opposing position which regards the emergence of separate self-identity as a devolutionary event, the formation of a neurological deficit and neuropsychiatric disability.
Grotstein presents what can easily be regarded a very strange interpretation of a hologram, which he then applies to neural organization. He characterizes the hologram as transcendent and dialectic. In his discourse, he explains that dialectic processes are processes that transpire in closed systems. He does not explain the use of the word transcendent. What he likely means by transcendent is that the quantum interference patterns of the hologram are not a representation of the relation-structures existing in the spacetime domain of the holographic object projected, in this case the structural properties of neural organization. The hologram represents, according to this transcendent view, the synergy, the integration, the timing, the sequencing of the relation-structures, all their non-viewable aspects. The likely reason why the hologram is regarded dialectic is because the hologramic plate storing the quantum interference pattern is regarded a discrete object (like the brain is regarded a discrete object). And because the information storage in the plate can be treated as dialectical: there is part and whole, properties of each, and so on. This is clearly meant to be a model for the emergence of separate self-identity epiphenomenal to and emergent from neural organization, as an expression of (p. xxii) brain and mind in a Möebius strip connection -- the Möebius strip, of course, being regarded as indicative of a closed system, it being a closed loop. (Personally, I regard the Möebius strip and its 3-d analogue, the Klein bottle, with their topological twists, as indicative of non-orientable self-referencing and self-reentrant systems, which are more complex than open systems, which, in turn, are more complex than closed systems. Self-referential statements are the basis of m-valued logics. Orders of self-reference are orders of logical-value.)
The quantum interference pattern on the hologramic plate, as distinct from the projected holographic object, is regarded as localized in a very flat circumscribed 3-d space, if not on a bounded 2-d plane, hence the attribution of closed-system attributes, even though none of the constituents of the quantum interference pattern stored on the plate exhibit locality or simple identity. The notion that there are part and whole aspects to the hologram comes from the fact that the plate can be broken into pieces: parts and whole and relations between parts and whole, hence dialectics. But the transcendent nature of the hologram is not resident in attributes of the plate; it's resident in attributes of quantum interference recorded on the plate, those attributes being inherently non-local. Transcendent is incompatible with dialectic. Moreover, any given piece of the broken plate contains all the information of the whole, because the whole image can be projected from it, not only part of the image like is the case with a photographic plate or negative: where is the dialectic amongst parts and whole which do not possess separate self identity? This question is almost absolutely accurate concerning parts in relation to parts, but somewhat misleading regarding parts and whole, as the image projected from the part is fuzzy, blurred, by comparison to that projected from the whole. What is the source of this fuzziness from the part?
This has to do, in my opinion, with quantum complementarity. Even though we are speaking of a storage device, a recording of an occasion of quantum wave interference, there are particle-like properties to the geometry of storage. The wave properties of the quantum interference pattern of the reference beam and the reflected beam are completely non-local, which means that they contain information about the relative-state, the condition of identity transparency, of the whole universe, not only the discrete properties of the object being recorded for holographic projection. It is the complementary discrete particle-like properties of reference beam and reflected beam which contain explicit localized information about the object to be projected. Now, according to this idea, these particle-like properties do not carry information with binary, classical-logic attributes; they carry m-logically-valued information. The plenum of the numerical hyperspace through which these m-logical-values are organized is multi-sheeted, by virtue of m-values being stacked on each point, and such points being spread throughout the universe like an infinitely fine dust cloud (with zero-point energy). The hologramic plate records only a discrete chunk of this space, thereby severing from its context connectivity of the object being recorded, that connectivity being embodied most explicitly in the non-local quantum properties of the interfering waves. Once projected, the virtual image is viewed via a brain enculturated to binary-only, classical-logic-only processing. Such brains have a neurological deficit; they do not have the neurological overabundance required to process under m-valued logics. When the hologramic plate is intact and the image is projected with it, the object is seen not to be blurred, meaning that it is well-severed from its context by the holographic recording process, has separate self-identity by virtue of being perceived by a brain that has developed a self, and that the non-local information components are processed only very minimally by such a brain. When the plate is broken and the image projected from only a piece, the wave interference pattern sustains virtual presence of the whole image, while loss of a further portion of the particle-like logical-value stack on the plenum of the numerical hyperspace reduces clarity of the image, reduces the separateness of the self-identity being viewed. The smaller the piece used for projection, the greater the loss of separateness of the object being viewed, and the greater the blurriness, the fuzziness. The full complement of m-logical values stacked on points in the whole plenum of the numerical hyperspace (not just that recorded on the plate) corresponds to the full information content of the non-local waves. Brains with neurological deficits, and devices created by such brains to fragment the plenum, create the appearance of absolutely separate selves, be they of subjects, objects, or selfobjects by, in the first instance, failing to process the full logical-value of information received, and, in the second, reducing the logical-value content of the information present. Breaking the plate, I think, reduces the collection of recorded points available as well as modifies the logical-value stack on the points that remain available.
Grotstein and Schore blame this on the mother, when, in fact, the whole culture (these days, the whole global civilization) is responsible -- responsible for creating separate self-identity by neurological deficit. The culture as a whole suffers a true-self/false-self dichotomy (Winnicott), alienation, withdrawal, anxiety, panic attacks, trait-state disorders, manic behaviors, a persecution complex: neurobiologically induced disorders of regulation. The human species is severely brain-impaired. Shifting the blame to the woman, particularly to the mother, has always been the priesthood's program, now primarily the secular priesthood. When m-logically-valued modes of cognition were normative, there was largely communal child-rearing. The biological mother was one big failed appointment but no appointment was ever missed, and there was no imprinting on a single transference figure. The child moved through dozens of sets of arms daily, probably from the age of several weeks. Imprinting to multiple transference figures sustained a neural bias for m-logically-valued modes of cognition. This being the bias, the neural network wipeouts presently observed likely, in those days, never occurred, and intervention prophylaxis by trained professionals was not required to sustain a failed worldview construct. I have seen no evidence to indicate whether or not overabundance of neurons or perineural tissue is required to mediate m-logically-valued processing. As to whether or not overabundance is the necessary and sufficient cause of neural network wipeouts, as opposed to, say, what in Autogenic Therapy is called neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance I do not know, for I have seen no evidence reflecting on this question.
I just ran across some interesting stuff related to our current topic of discourse which I thought I would alert you to.
The following webpage
is the most interesting thing I have seen on quantum geometry. It has articles on application of fiber bundles to quantum theory and discusses what it calls multi-braided creatures which I see as similar in import to Bennett's skew-parallel figures. Its sense of the non-Boolean properties of quantum hyperspace is very similar to what I have been arguing.
The following abstract is similar (being cubical not icosahedral) to meaning grids (hexagonal pa qua, for instance, basis of Earlier Heaven configuration in I-Ching array of hexagrams) only in 3-d and for m-valued logical relations.
27th International Symposium on Multi-Valued Logics
May 28-30th, 1997
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada
Cube diagram bundles: a new representation of strongly unspecified multiple-valued functions and relations
S. Grygiel, M. Perkowski, M. Marek-Sadowska, T. Luba, L. Jozwiak , Dept. of Electr. Eng., Portland State Univ., OR, USA
Efficient function representation is very important for speed and memory requirements of multiple-valued decomposers. This paper presents a new representation of multiple-valued relations (functions in particular), called multiple-valued cube diagram bundles (MVCDB). MVCDBs improve on rough partition representation by labeling their blocks with variable values and by representing blocks efficiently. The MVCDB representation is especially efficient for very strongly unspecified multiple-valued input, multiple-valued output functions and relations, typical for machine learning applications.
Index Terms- learning (artificial intelligence); cube diagram bundles; strongly unspecified multiple-valued functions; function representation; multiple-valued decomposers; multiple-valued relations; rough partition representation; machine learning.
This kind of thing would be needed in developing the computer software for Musculpt, though I do believe that, rather than the cube, the 3-d case of the hexagonal net will be the icosahedron which blossoms into a full-blown Platonic maze. The root net is equilateral triangular. This is the net of critical interest relative to natural multiscale dynamical systems -- and potential applications like m-logically-valued monetary units. This paper seems to represent a step beyond neural network programming. I started thinking effectively in this net-maze manner after studying L. Gordon Plummer's theosophical masterpiece The Mathematics of the Cosmic Mind (Theosophical Publishing House, 1970) in the mid-1970s while living in Ithaca.
As you know, from the mid-70s, I have been arguing (then primarily to Wolfgang Luthe) that signification in immune system function is not simply self/not-self, but m-logically-valued, and that this was involved in the pathogenesis of AIDS (how HIV got in under human anti-viral immunity). Indeed, I described this process at the Congress in Kyoto in 1977, before AIDS was identified as a syndrome, thus predicting increased incidence of immune competency and autoimmune disorders on basis of our superconductant DNA ideas. Below, is the first thing other than our own writings I have seen concerning this idea:
27th International Symposium on Multi-Valued Logics
May 28-30th, 1997
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada
Multiple-valued immune network model and its simulations
Z. Tang, T. Yamaguchi, K. Tashima, O. Ishizuka, K. Tanno , Fac. of Eng., Miyazaki Univ., Japan
This paper describes a new model of multiple-valued immune network based on biological immune response network. The model of multiple-valued immune network is formulated based on the analogy with the interaction between B cells and T cells in immune system. The model has a property that resembles immune response quite well. The immunity of the network is simulated and makes several experimentally testable predictions. Simulation results are given to a letter recognition application of the network and compared with binary ones. The simulations show that, beside the advantages of less categories, improved memory pattern and good memory capacity, the multiple-valued immune network produces a stronger noise immunity than binary one.
Index Terms- multivalued logic circuits; multiple-valued immune network model; simulations; biological immune response network; B cells; T cells; experimentally testable predictions; letter recognition application; memory pattern; memory capacity; noise immunity.
The following article is also relevant:
27th International Symposium on Multi-Valued Logics
May 28-30th, 1997
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada
Multiple-Valued Logic Minimization by Genetic Algorithms
Yutaka Hata, Kiyoshi Hayase, Takahiro Hozumi, Naotake Kamiura, Kazuharu Yamato , Himeji Institute of Technology
This paper describes an approach to minimize multiple-valued logic expressions by genetic algorithms. We encode a multiple-valued logic expression as a chromosome whose length allows to change and corresponds to the number of implicants of the expression. Our fitness function evaluates the following three items: 1. How may outputs does the logic expression represent correctly? 2. How many implicants the logic expression requires? 3. How many connections does the logic expression requires? Our method employ the fitness function and minimize sum-of-products expressions, where sum refers TSUM or MAX and product refers to MIN of set literals or window literals. The simulation results show that our method derive good results for some arithmetic functions and intend to avoid the local minimal solution, compared to neural-computing-based method.
Keywords, multiple-valued logic, genetic algorithms, minimization.
Plummer's book is definitely very theosophical. If I remember correctly, he was born into a theosophy family and grew up with the exposure and the way of thinking. But early on, it appears, he began transiting from the verbal philosophizing level exemplified by H. P. Blavatsky to the mathematical metaphor level, specifically by illustrating theosophical principles with straight-edge-and-compass line-and-arc drawings, and then going from two-dimensional illustrations to 3-d, which involved use of the regular Platonic solids. So, there are 2-d tiling patterns and nesting grids which are used to illustrate the ideas behind given theosophical principles and there are 3-d maze structures involving the Platonic solids nested one inside the other, and projective relations between them, used to illustrate theosophical principles at a deeper level of conception. The involved Sanskrit words are given meaning in relation to the geometrical constructs described. Reading Sir John Woodroffe's (Arthur Avelon is the pseudonym) translation and commentaries on the Agama Shastra (The World as Power, essays written around 1920, pulled together as a single volume in the 1970s, published in India: Madras, Ganesh, 1974), one has a very strong sense that what Plummer has done is rediscover some small part of the actual hidden meaning (even the actual generative language) embodied in the verbal discourse of the Agama Shastra and similar Tantric Buddhist discourses. Unfortunately, the current Harvard crop of female Tantric scholars has not got into this aspect of the framework of thought being studied, and when it is drawn to their attention they have no interest -- which fits in well with the anti-quantum regression which is post-modernist thought. Plummer starts with description and analysis of the Platonic solids, then shows how all of them can be nested one inside another with vertices, faces, and edges in logical relation AND arrayed relative to a 2-d display of the Holy Tetraktys, the equilateral triangular grid, of which Pascal's triangle is the generative unit (all sorts of well-known implications for binomial theorem, spiral involutes, e, p, and i, et cetera). He then discusses the fundamental ideas of theosophy in relation to all this (which is the bulk of the book) and further describes evolution of what he calls the Greater Maze which involves tesselations and interlacings of clustered regular polyhedra. He relates this to distribution of planetary distances in the solar system and things like that. But this Greater Maze may actually have to do with much more interesting distributions and lattices, such as, perhaps, those related to m-logically-valued Gödel-numbered propositions. I don't necessarily buy into most of what Plummer has to say, but the exercise of following his argument was very helpful, and I read his book not long after my initial reading of Woodroffe, 1975, I guess, which was fortuitous, as when I next re-read Woodroffe, I saw much that I had missed at first pass. Looking at shared vertices in nested regular polyhedra, for instance, makes one think about mappings, homeomorphisms, automorphisms. The core of Pascal's triangle is Thor's Hammer, which is a hexagonal figure where each of the outer connecting lines are incomplete in the counterclockwise direction. The figure then can be visualized as a 3-d swastika, the Buddhist symbol. This transforms the whole maze into a multiscale dynamical process heuristic model. One begins thinking of diffeomorphisms -- which is apropos, as the maze structure is related to the Indic great age cycles and other temporal notions, which in Woodroffe's treatment almost becomes operator-time. The Agama Shastra is all about identity transparency and how from certain perspectives it can look like separate self-identity. There is shifting the maze and viewing it from various perspectives. The metaphysical issues are handled in mathematical metaphor. The question arises as to whether the notion of mapping really captures the essence of what is the case here. I think not, and that is why I entertain the notion of non-self-identical numbers.
Actually, our ideas on DNA superconductivity started to get real concrete upon reading Szent-Gyorgyi's Introduction to a Submolecular Biology, which first focused our attention on structured water. In our initial article on the subject (1977, Deautomatization and the Autogenic Discharge Journal of Altered States of Consciousness), we say: Just as structured water may play an important role in suppressing Brownian motion at physiological temperatures and hence enhancing charge transfer interactions, so similar variables may be involved in promoting a self-organized state of superconductance at physiological temperatures. This paper speculated on what it would mean for our conception of how the brain works were there superconductant DNA molecules in neurons and the perineural tissue.
Essentially, our model treats the DNA molecule as a sound wave. By considering the effect of ambient electromagnetic radiation on the transition temperature at which replication begins, we derived a microphysical canonical equation which is equivalent to that of a harmonic oscillator, and from that developed a set of macroscopic acoustic wave equations descriptive of the coherent waves radiated by the molecule during process of replication. The waves involved are quadripolar waves and we believe (as first stated in the 1977 paper) that each type of nucleotide pair is uniquely coupled to one of the four polar directions of these waves, such that, during replication, all the information contained in the nucleotide pairs is radiated to cellular phase boundaries and beyond. Indeed, I believe a DNA fingerprint can be read from a satellite.
In the 1977 article, we started the DNA discussion off by asking how Richard Goldschmidt's notion of systemic mutations (i.e., orchestrated, systematic mutations) might occur, and our subsequent discussion was an attempt to shine some light on that question. The rhyme and reason of the paper as a whole was to argue that consciousness (in the guise of autogenic brain discharges interacting with electron transport processes) could be involved in such orchestration. Conscious evolution, essentially. We say: Previous research has centered upon the spatial configuration of nucleotide sequences. It seems reasonable to suppose that these stereochemical relations are primarily associated with functional specificity. That being the case, we envision that the time rate of change of nucleotide sequencing is associated with functional integration.
The canonical equation (given in the technical 1979 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry paper) describes the relationship between radiation-induced changes in the transition temperature and the velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of helix-coil transition (i.e., transcription). Variations in these orders of time differentiation (and hence motion of the double-helix) likely determine the topological configuration the molecule takes within the cell during replication and are functions of changes in the ambient radiation received by the molecule. What the mathematics in the 1979 paper describes is the microphysics of what transpires in the p-electron gas enveloping the molecule when the molecule is receiving radiation from the environment and transcription is occurring: p-electron parcels form, which function as black bodies and oscillate in temperature as harmonic oscillators, thus generating waves that are acoustically-modified in character.
What we said, actually, is that small increments of rate changes are codons, they carry quanta of information, information that is temporally referenced, not spatially referenced. A temporal property, a rate, is temporally modified, becoming a rate of a rate. These rate changes are induced by variations in the electromagnetic environment of the molecule (the environment within the body and the environment without the body). Velocity of helix-coil motion (when p-electron parcels in the gas of free electrons transit to an imposed limiting velocity of temperature variation) is a temporal ordering factor mediating exchange of quanta within the spacetime domain of the molecule (conduction bands in the p-electron gas and such, which are likely involved in orchestrating systematic mutations). Acceleration of helix-coil motion (when p-electron parcels transit between limiting accelerations and decelerations of temperature variation) mediates exchange of quanta between DNA and its environment. Time rate of change of acceleration (which we decided not to write into the submitted paper) of helix-coil motion has to do with self-referential and self-reentrant properties of the genome, and possibly with zero-point energy type processes.
We do not believe that the genetic language is a single-level cipher code. We believe that, like any interesting cipher code, it is multi-leveled, and that the higher levels of the language deeply involve the quantum properties of the acoustically-modified waves the molecule produces in response to changes in its electromagnetic environment. We do not believe that these properties (the functions involved are m-valued) are in any way probabilistic. We think they temporally encode in terms of m-valued logics. We think that biological clocks and immune signifiers are deeply involved with these temporal codons, and that there may be a whole level of the m-leveled cipher-code system that deals exclusively with systemic properties of environmentally-adapted natural recombinants (permitted and impermissible recombinants encoded as a result of genomic-environmental interaction). Much of junk DNA likely has to do with these temporal codons.
Contemplating the discussion in your last message, and trying to visualize its application to our superconductant DNA model, I wonder if a given reference temperature, then, would be a point on a potential temperature surface, and a given critical temperature a point on an equivalent potential temperature surface -- both surfaces being constant entropy surfaces, one of a higher order of abstraction (exponentiation) than the other. So, the molecule's entropy state would be undergoing non-equilibrium transits between these two, releasing quanta only while tracking along the equivalent potential temperature surface (this tracking taking place on a surface in a referencing hyperspace)? Degree of exponentiation is the only factor distinguishing between the two types of entropy surface? If so, that would mean the one surface is actually geometrically inside the other, as part of its power spectrum, its Fourier transform. Are the topological shapes of these constant entropy surfaces changing as the molecule in its reference and critical states tracks along them? Or is there a fixed topological shape of each of these surfaces for a given molecular type?
Sometime ago, we discussed that each given topological shape of the equivalent potential temperature surface has a unique acoustic wave signature. And we speculated that this unique correlation could be the basis of Musculpt. There is now a French company named DigiBio (for digital biology) which sends recorded acoustic signatures of drugs over the internet as sound files. It maintains it has demonstrated that the acoustic signature creates the same effect on the body as does the chemical substance itself, and apparently without drug side-effects. This is what they say is the promise of digital pharmacology. I wonder if what is actually being recorded is the drug's equivalent potential temperature surface acoustic wave signature, and whether this surface is unique to each drug or whether there is some class of surface topologies unique to each drug. If it is a class, this may explain some of the experimental anomalies that have appeared.
I also have not missed the fact that the topological configuration of the DNA molecule in the cell as it replicates is an expression of the dynamics associated with tracking on the equivalent potential temperature surface. Indeed, it appears the one is a function of the other and, if so, one could be mapped to the other by projective geometry. The topological shapes Stan Tenan works with in trying to decode the Hebrew version of Genesis are all there in these DNA configurations. Within a minute and a half of looking at his topological models, I was acutely aware of this. Chomsky's universal grammar may be encoded in the DNA contortions it is brought into as its p-electron parcels' temperature dynamic tracks along the constant entropy surface.
The available constant entropy surface topologies could be sheets in n-dimensional Hilbert space under m-valued logics. A given track on one of these sheets could be a Gödel-numbered proposition. The corpus of a given language could be a class of such propositions. This is how music-sculpture as art-science will be grown as a natural language grows.
I certainly am not posting this material because I believe these ideas soon will be implemented; I am making the postings because I know nothing will be done along these lines any time in the foreseeable future. It took the dregs of WWII before a dysfunctional international monetary system became possible; a truly functional system will require something far, far worse than that war. I make these postings in certainty that that eventuality will be realized. One can be certain as to the general character of coming events because of the abysmal condition of the human mind and it’s near universal incapacity to accurately assess that condition. It thinks very highly of itself and consequently is nearly blind.
Ever since receiving your last e-mail, I've been haunted by one of your observations about my quotations from Grotstein's Introduction to Schore's Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self, which is extremely profound. I quote it below:
The first paragraph of Grotstein’s you sent seems quite sound. The second reveals the fall of man quite clearly. I can’t argue with his statement about the niches that must be optimized or forfeited in a timely way while the species goes on the rocks with his next two lines concerning an overabundance of neurons that must be selectively and skillfully decimated etc. That was grizzly. In spite of all the research and 2300 citations Schore lists, he sees them through the organizing prism of the collective cultural imperative, as Grotstein does because he must.
The only mild reservation I have with this is that I would like to argue with Grotstein's statement about 'the niches that must be optimized or forfeited in a timely way '. When I think about this, Joseph Chilton Pearce's Crack in the Cosmic Egg comes to mind, which I read in my late twenties when I was in a high state of personal crisis, and which helped immensely in turning a certain corner. The easiest way I can explain this, and then get back to the argument I would like to make, is by referring to two films which I hope you have seen: Good Will Hunting and A Beautiful Mind. Seeing both of these films made me almost physically ill. The exterior storylines of both films are nice enough, but the interpretations of the mental processes experienced by the protagonists are so distorted that they literally took me to the edge of becoming sick to my stomach.
At a certain point, a long time ago, I began to adopt an attitude toward interactions with mainstream scientists engaged in work involving any aspect of this, an attitude which most people find unacceptable. I began to attempt to psychoanalyze the given person on the basis of their scientific work, find their trigger point and push it, then watch how they react. The reason why I do this is because I am always on the lookout for an opening where some progress can be made, but I do not want to be dragged into a mental space that will be counterproductive. I have found that the best policy is to test the waters before entering, so to speak. I want to know whether a person who appears to be capable of catalyzing some important step is actually so capable, before becoming embroiled with the effort. Because any such authentic effort puts me at great personal psychological risk. Very few react well when their button is pushed, so I have avoided a lot of difficulties by employing this method. It would be accurate to say, I think, that I began to develop this strategy soon after assimilating Crack.
The exterior storyline of the film about John Nash, A Beautiful Mind, made a few good points. One being how he was in many ways told that if he wanted to use his access to higher states of consciousness to pay his meal ticket, he would have to find a way to use what he found in those higher states to the advantage of the prevailing cultural agenda: meet the needs of the capitalist business world, the military-industrial complex, academic socialization games, and so on. This was portrayed as the stress factor that led to his mental derangement, his schizophrenia. This was undoubtedly a factor in catalyzing what happened to him. But the characterization of the higher states of consciousness he entered and the INTERPRETATION of the schizophrenic state he experienced was enormously falsified. He was entering the higher spaces of complex (complex number) multivalued functions, and he had the capacity to enter them relatively freely. But the pressures of higher enculturation (find something practical there, something of use to the military-industrial-academic complex and bring it back to us in the required form) prevented him from moving in those spaces according to their own dictates. He was forced to impose an agenda on his movement in those spaces in order to produce the required product (for which he later won a Nobel prize). The prize he received was the cause of his schizophrenia.
The imposed agenda is one form of what in Autogenic Therapy (AT) is called neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance. The agenda was a resistance to the intrinsic dictates of the spaces he had entered. Anyone who actually enters such spaces and engages in such forms of resistance produces antihomeostatic (not prohomeostatic, and certainly not heterostatic) bio-electrochemical changes in the brain. Indeed, just entering those spaces involves one or another kind of bio-electrochemical change in the brain. Most scientists and mathematicians never actually enter such spaces, only put the tip of their finger in, just enough to bring back something practical. They develop all sorts of toying algorithms that are akin to escape strategies relative to orgasm: people avoid what Reich called fully potent orgasm as if it were the plague.
The symptomology of Nash's illness, as portrayed in the film, was a metaphorical expression of the attempt to achieve by displacement the equivalent to free healthy movement in the higher spaces he had entered. Relative to these m-valued function spaces, written mathematical notation is one form of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance. This type of representation, written notation, is an interface between those higher spaces and the agenda imposed by higher enculturation. I don't know whether in real life, not the film, Nash actually did the thing with newspaper and magazine clippings, but if so, I know exactly what that was all about. I did something very similar during one week of my life, only I used furniture in a house on Mt. Desert Island, Maine, not newspaper and magazine clippings. I could never have metaphorically embodied the involved processes in clippings because at age 18 I had had a job clipping FBISs at Special Operations Research Office. For me, clippings would not have been a metaphor but a simile. And similes don't work in these higher spaces, only mathematical metaphors. There is an incredible book on this subject which helped me enormously: Robert S. Brumbaugh, Plato's Mathematical Imagination (Indiana U. Press, 1954). I write a little about my furniture moving in the last scene of MOON. Before that week of furniture-moving schizophrenic break, however, I had already had a gran mal seizure, and I had already read Crack, and I had already read Jung's Collected Works, and I had already assimilated the medical model of Autogenic Therapy. So I came out of that week understanding that I was never again to try to notate anything I experienced in those higher spaces. The only form of notation I was ever to engage with is what, in MOON, I call Musculpt, music-sculpture. Musculpt is physiologically adapted, to use the AT term.
Physiologically adapted is a reductive term that grew out of the Penfield era of understanding brain function which Wolfgang Luthe used to interpret the phenomenology of autogenic abreaction -- an extended and elaborated series of spontaneous autogenic brain discharges. The notion behind the term has some small utility. Actual entry upon m-valued complex function spaces is synonymous with entry into a bright light state, to use AT terminology. What is experienced in that state is dependent upon what is brought to it by the viewer. If there is no mathematical background on part of the viewer, the phenomenology will be personified in one manner or another. OBEs are an example of this. Some kind of metaphor for the mathematical relations active in the space will be developed by the brain and psyche as read-out to enculturated ego awareness. Whatever the read-out to the ego, the metaphor is a reflection of bio-electrochemical changes transpiring in the brain which are synonymous with entry into those spaces. Hence, the degree to which neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance are absent is a measure of how physiologically adapted transit through those spaces is. Had Nash been left alone with his clippings, and had the metaphorical embodiment process been allowed to run its course, it is very likely absolutely extraordinary discoveries would have been made. He likely would have abandoned altogether the written notation which was the most aggravating type of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance imposed on his entry into the higher m-valued function spaces, and which was being metaphorically struggled with as the clippings.
I had hallucinations like Nash had, but mine started in early childhood (actually, my first childhood memory involved one such, as given in an early entry to Derek's Journals in MOON) and became elaborated soon after I left Japan at age 11. Hallucinations, Plexiglas-wall experiences, near blackouts. I believe that Nash must also have had at least precursor hallucinations at an early age, long before arriving at Princeton. I would be very surprised if he had no precursors. I do not understand how that would be possible. No one who is able to actually enter m-valued function spaces as an adult could have escaped some tentative entries as a child. And this is where Schore and neural network etching comes in. I don't know anything about Nash's childhood. But mine was probably quite different from his, given that I, very fortunately, was a military brat. Being a military brat, I went to 23 schools before getting out of high school. This circumstance of constant moving gave me tremendous inner freedom: I could try on a different persona each time I moved to a new place, a new social context, sometimes even a new cultural setting. I was able to escape the fixedness of role attributions and social niche imposed by peer pressure and in-group dynamics. Plus, there were also always a number of my peers, subject to similar circumstance, who, in their own ways, were similarly psychologically flexible, given that they were going through some of the same things. When I was having my most intense Plexiglas wall experiences (schizoid derealizations, sometimes accompanied by vague hallucinations) between the ages of 12 and 14, for instance, a few of my peers had some sympathetic understanding of what was going on and took actions to protect me, prevented this fact from becoming publicly known. They came to my defense in various ways. Military brats are like that. I, too, on occasion, came to their defense. There is something of a portrait of this mutual support provided in the backdrop to MOON, where a few of the lesser characters are modeled on these childhood friends -- modifications of their actual names are even used, though only they would recognize the modifications. My way of thanking them.
I was also very lucky in becoming associated at the critical time with Professor Paine at Cornell, as when I came to study with him I was brought on board at his own personal expense to follow the ideas at issue without constraint. I spent five years in the library with no demands whatsoever to produce anything "practical". He was the one caught on the razor's edge, not I. Somehow we both survived.
Now, Johnny, you know this Robert is only an imaginary friend. This is overt teaching of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance. It is out of such teaching that the probability amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function emerges. But more than mere interpretation: neural etching that forms the niches that must be optimized or forfeited in a timely way . Any Johnny who really buys into this advice about Robert cannot actually enter m-valued complex function spaces as an adult, because niches have been made in his brain that prevent such entry.
When Nash was prematurely forced to bring something practical back from the m-valued higher spaces, his brain and psyche, subjected to neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance, generated an antihomeostatic mathematical metaphor and accompanying personifications (the hallucinations) as embodiment of the imposed distortion of processes transpiring in those higher spaces. And before the metaphor and personifications became completely elaborated, out of these distortions he produced in written notational format something practical, for which he later received the Nobel prize. This is why our science is so destructive; it is metaphorical modeling of mathematical models of etched neural-network niches. Such metaphorical modeling of neurogenic mathematical models takes place within the collective psyche no less than within what we regard as the individual psyche. The world we live in is just such a metaphor, with just such accompanying hallucinations of discrete objects, produced by processes of collective projective identification. The body, all bodies, are learned behaviors. In order to sustain the metaphor and the hallucinations in face of profound existential challenges like Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, we generate probability amplitude interpretations, rather than looking the monster straight in the face with m-valued logics.
But there is a circularity involved here, a circularity because the function of enculturative intrauterine, infant, childhood, and adolescent neural-network etching is to rid the brain of the capacity to process m-logically-valued cognition. We produce the interpretation the brain has been etched to produce. Even once m-valued logics were formally discovered, they were largely elaborated in relation to probable states, so as to escape the fundamental challenge those logics make to the notion of truth-value as the bedrock of logic. Probability amplitude and truth-value are foremost dissimulations designed to protect us from the misfortune of actually entering the higher spaces Nash entered, spaces where what we regard as hallucinations are the norm, only there, moving freely in those spaces, there is no personification involved absent the neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance imposed by lower and higher enculturation. The real-world object hallucinations are the shadows on the wall of Plato's cave. We are in amnesia of the real function of mathematical metaphor Plato once knew. We no longer experience anamnesis. This notion of engagement with higher spaces without personification is speculation, of course, as likely none of us today can actually enter these spaces except under neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance, given the prevailing state of human brain. If, to the child, different kinds of wood talk in different ways and types of rock sing their own tunes, enculturated etching is already vectoring the read-out to the nascent fledgling ego function, already producing the personifications that later will fully veil the higher reality.
I think that any argument on an anatomical basis suggesting that the niches that must be optimized or forfeited in a timely way are prohomeostatic is based on two unfounded assumptions: (1) a brain is a binary information processor; (2) a brain is an information processor. The brain converts m-logically-valued information into binary form for read-out to the ego function. There is only one processor, a universal processor: those higher spaces Nash was able to actually enter. One can enter ones own processor unit: this morphology is the origin of self-reference and reflexivity. These higher spaces are the one and only Real-I. And it goes without saying that those who only put the tips of their fingers in those higher spaces regard this way of thinking as an example of the fallacy of reification. To engage in this fallacy is the very definition of heresy as defined by the medieval mind, for which people were burned at the stake. These days, and in Nash's time, we no longer burn people for this particular crime; we burn the stake, the CNS penetrating their bodies by which connection to the higher spaces is maintained. As near as I can tell, this is the main distinction between institutionalized religion and institutionalized science. Not only is the fallacy of reification an artifact of the binary order of logical-value, but the actual reified object, the actual artifact of the binary order of logical value, is what Madonna calls the material world.
Yes, whatever separation of church and state there was was a sham, simply a tactic to isolate the Cathars, the whole corpus of Gnostic sects. Experimental demonstration, proof, constructability are types of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance, they are a soft form of electro-convulsive therapy -- as the Nash case clearly suggests. They prevent the patient from talking directly to God, i.e., fully entering the higher spaces, and make him go through the intermediaries of the priesthood, ecclesiastical or secular. One sort of priesthood morphed into another: this was the essence of the Renaissance. Just as, long before, they found they could substitute wine and bread for the memory transfer accomplished from actual eating of the body of Christ, so they found they could most effectively suppress the Gnostics by subtle forms of psychic surgery. As soon as one entertains m-logical-values, full-blown identity transparency, that is, proof, demonstration, constructability are, on one level of consideration, laughable, no more than mere security blankets, on another, engines of lacuna-on-the-brain.
What do I learn from a proof? Nothing. It is a means of coercing compliance -- compliance from my purblind ego function, compliance from the ego functions of others. It is a way to move forward a social agenda that cannot otherwise be moved forward. But I personally am sick unto death of social agendas requiring coerced compliance acting as informing paradigms. Moreover, in m-logical-values, intrinsically, there can be no proof, because there can be no completion. I not only do not believe that Fock space is complete, I know it is incompletable. But say we wanted, for the sake of argument alone, to prove that Schrödinger's wave-function has nothing to do with probability amplitudes and everything to do with m-logical-values. How could we thus bind the purblind ego function in the required forced indoctrination? This would be an exemplary case expressing the essence of the academic mode of production.
I do not believe that the Hilbert space for a single non-interactive particle is, in the final analysis, a vector space, because, ultimately, m-logical-valuedly, I do not believe movement is possible, so I would not build n-Hilbert spaces into Fock space on the basis of vectorial algebras. It is only by removing m-1 logical-values that a Hilbert space can be made to generate a single particle from a vector. The binary mind, the ego function, goes from the particle to the Fock space; Nature goes from the Fock space to the binary mind imagining the vector with a particle attached. Fock space cannot be understood without including the binary mind decomposed from it. Hilbert space becomes a vector space only after the binary mind is decomposed from it and the particle emerges from the vector space thus decomposed. Vectorial-Hilbert-space is a reduced form of Hilbert-space-the-pure-function-space. Function is correspondence: that's how Euler understood it; that's how I understand it. Correspondence under m-logical-values is all m-degrees of identity transparency a single non-interactive particle is the most reduced version of: correspondence at its more elaborate levels (more than binary) is self-referential (by degrees). So the particle imagined by the ego mind decomposed from the m-logical-valuedly incompletable Fock space is after the ego mind ontologically is. The ego mind will never know what Fock space actually is, except as the broken piece knows the whole holographic plate. If the ego mind is left behind, however, then there can be a knowing of Fock space which contains the ego mind as a decomposition product.
In terms of forced indoctrination (proof), therefore, one would begin with a purely functional Hilbert space of n-degrees of freedom, built only on the notion of correspondence. The direct sum of n-such n-free Hilbert spaces would be simple Fock space of 1T2 order of logical-value (for this is the order of logical operator tacitly employed in constructing the involved spaces). Simple 1T2 Fock space can be decomposed to the vectorial Hilbert space of the physicists by correctly parameterizing the involved purely functional n-degrees of freedom. But, I submit, no matter how one chooses to parameterize this simple 1T2 Fock space, one cannot find the binary mind, with its full complement of consensually experiential properties, as any configuration of decomposition product thereof. So one begins again with a purely functional Hilbert space of n-degrees of freedom, built only on the notion of correspondence. One next defines a 1T3 logical operator on the n-degrees of purely functional freedom of this space. The direct sum of n-such n-free Hilbert spaces would be first-order non-simple Fock space of 1T3 order of logical-value. First-order non-simple 1T3 Fock space can be decomposed to the vectorial Hilbert space of the physicists by correctly parameterizing the involved purely functional n-degrees of freedom under the 1T3 logical operator. But, I submit, no matter how one chooses to parameterize this first-order non-simple 1T3 Fock space, one cannot find the binary mind, with the full complement of its consensually experiential properties, as any configuration of decomposition product thereof. So one begins again with a purely functional Hilbert space of n-degrees of freedom, built only on the notion of correspondence. One next defines a 1T4 logical operator on the n-degrees of purely functional freedom of this space. The direct sum of n-such n-free Hilbert spaces would be second-order non-simple Fock space of 1T4 order of logical-value. Second-order non-simple 1T4 Fock space can be decomposed to the vectorial Hilbert space of the physicists by correctly parameterizing the involved purely functional n-degrees of freedom under the 1T4 logical operator. But, I submit, no matter how one chooses to parameterize this second-order non-simple 1T4 Fock space, one cannot find the binary mind, with the full complement of its consensually experiential properties, as any configuration of decomposition product thereof. So one begins again with a purely functional Hilbert space of n-degrees of freedom, built only on the notion of correspondence. One repeats this process recursively to the 1Tmth case. But, I submit, no matter how one chooses to parameterize any of these orders of non-simple 1Tm Fock spaces, one cannot find the binary mind, with the full complement of its consensually experiential properties, as any configuration of decomposition product thereof.
So one begins again with a purely functional Hilbert space of n-degrees of freedom, built only on the notion of correspondence. One next defines a 2T2 logical operator on the n-degrees of purely functional freedom of this space. The direct sum of n-such n-free Hilbert spaces would be first-order, non-commuted, non-simple Fock space of 2T2 order of logical-value. First-order, non-commuted, non-simple 2T2 Fock space can be decomposed to the vectorial Hilbert space of the physicists by correctly parameterizing the involved purely functional n-degrees of freedom under the 2T2 logical operator. But, I submit, no matter how one chooses to parameterize this first-order, non-commuted, non-simple 2T2 Fock space, one cannot find the binary mind, with the full complement of its consensually experiential properties, as any configuration of decomposition product thereof. So one begins again with a purely functional Hilbert space of n-degrees of freedom, built only on the notion of correspondence. One next defines a 2T3 logical operator on the n-degrees of purely functional freedom of this space. The direct sum of n-such n-free Hilbert spaces would be second-order, non-commuted, non-simple Fock space of 2T3 order of logical-value. Second-order, non-commuted, non-simple 2T3 Fock space can be decomposed to the vectorial Hilbert space of the physicists by correctly parameterizing the involved purely functional n-degrees of freedom under the 2T3 logical operator. But, I submit, no matter how one chooses to parameterize this second-order, non-commuted, non-simple 2T3 Fock space, one cannot find the binary mind, with the full complement of its consensually experiential properties, as any configuration of decomposition product thereof. So one begins again with a purely functional Hilbert space of n-degrees of freedom, built only on the notion of correspondence. One repeats this process recursively to the 2Tmth case. But, I submit, no matter how one chooses to parameterize any of these orders of non-simple 2Tm Fock spaces, one cannot find the binary mind, with the full complement of its consensually experiential properties, as any configuration of decomposition product thereof.
So one begins again with a purely functional Hilbert space of n-degrees of freedom, built only on the notion of correspondence. One next defines a 3T4 logical operator on the n-degrees of purely functional freedom of this space. The direct sum of n-such n-free Hilbert spaces would be a non-commuted, non-simple Fock space of 3T4 order of logical-value. This non-commuted, non-simple 3T4 Fock space can be decomposed to the vectorial Hilbert space of the physicists by correctly parameterizing the involved purely functional n-degrees of freedom under the 3T4 logical operator. But, I submit, no matter how one chooses to parameterize this non-commuted, non-simple 3T4 Fock space, one cannot find the binary mind, with the full complement of its consensually experiential properties, as any configuration of decomposition product thereof. So one begins again with a purely functional Hilbert space of n-degrees of freedom, built only on the notion of correspondence. One next defines a 4T4 logical operator on the n-degrees of purely functional freedom of this space. The direct sum of n-such n-free Hilbert spaces would be a non-commuted, non-simple Fock space of 4T4 order of logical-value. This non-commuted, non-simple 4T4 Fock space can be decomposed to the vectorial Hilbert space of the physicists by correctly parameterizing the involved purely functional n-degrees of freedom under the 4T4 logical operator. But, I submit, no matter how one chooses to parameterize this non-commuted, non-simple 4T4 Fock space, one cannot find the binary mind, with the full complement of its consensually experiential properties, as any configuration of decomposition product thereof. So one begins again with a purely functional Hilbert space of n-degrees of freedom, built only on the notion of correspondence. One repeats this process recursively to the mTmth case. But, I submit, no matter how one chooses to parameterize any of these orders of non-simple mTm Fock spaces, one cannot find the binary mind, with the full complement of its consensually experiential properties, as any configuration of decomposition product thereof.
Why will it be found that the binary mind, the ego function, is not a decomposition product of any of these hypercomplex purely functional function spaces, no matter how they are parameterized? Because under all these orders of logical-value, even though all those orders of logical-value more complex than 1T2 are to one or another degree self-referential, no self-referential decomposition operator has been explicitly defined. Call consciousness in its active aspect the set of all topological operators on the space invoked; call consciousness in its passive aspect the invoked space acted upon. With the implied self-referential automorphic operator given here decompose the above-given correctly parameterized Fock spaces. I submit, that as ever greater orders of Fock spaces are considered, greater and greater complements of the consensually experiential properties of the binary mind will appear as decomposition products of these spaces. Now, call the set of all topological operators on the space invoked, operator-time. Operator-time is the notion that replaces the notion of probability amplitude. But what is the order of infinity of m and m? Is there a limit infinitude on m and m? I conjecture that there is no such limit, therefore universal Fock space can never be complete, and consequently the binary mind can never emerge as a completely ordered decomposition product of any Fock space. All that is, never is.
Now, if this proof is carried out notionally rather than notationally, it will not be a matter of forced indoctrination; it will be an automorphic matter of knowledge through identity transparency, and to the degree that it is notional rather than notational, it will be commensurately free of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance and the sorts of antihomeostatic alterations of human brain Nash sustained. Musculpt as mathematical notation is an attempt to find a public forum for the notion of the notional.
This update on the last scene of MOON was catalyzed by the first paragraph of page 267 of Atomized (David Wynne's translation of Michael Houellenbecq's novel, Vintage paperback edition, 2000).
In disparaging as mystical the idea that higher mathematical spaces have a reality-value superior to that of the consensus ponderable object, you reveal that you have not read closely enough what I have written. I am a radical empiricist. My concepts are more Machian, more directly connected to perception, than were those of Einstein, for instance. In developing his ideas about simultaneity in Special Relativity, Einstein violated his own Machian ethos by assuming, relative to the coordination of clocks, that the baud rate of consciousness is invariant, and, therefore, can be ignored. In making this assumption relative to coordination of clocks, he did not take into account the time it takes for a sensation to register in the brain and be outputted to ego awareness. Had he been sufficiently Machian, sufficiently empirical, he would have attended to his time-rate perception sufficiently to directly experience proprioceptive awareness of change in baud rate of consciousness. (Over the last 30 years, much empirical data has been developed on this subject from studies of pilot fixation syndrome.) But he was functioning relative to this issue on an ideological basis, not a Machian basis. So, having violated his supposed principles right at the start, he found it all the more easy to do so again when confronted with Heisenberg uncertainty, nonlocality, and so on.
We did not embrace Einstein's false assumption about invariant baud rate of consciousness in developing the mathematical model of superconductant DNA. There is a minimum time for spontaneous localization given in the equations. This minimum time is a variable quantity, and if superconductant DNA molecules exist in neuron cells and the perineural tissue, this minimum time will set the baud rate of consciousness, the time it takes for a sensation to register in the brain and be outputted to ego awareness. This is the central idea of our 1980 Autogenic Discharge as Spontaneous Localization paper. The recent apparent experimental verifications of variations in the speed of light likely are due to a lack of fine coordination of clocks and Luneburg psychometric distance functions of binocular visual space resulting from Einstein's false assumption of invariant baud rate of consciousness.
The superconductant DNA paper is most specifically about the coordination of clocks within clocks within clocks. One thing Einstein's Special Relativity is about is how an electric field in one reference frame can be a magnetic field in another reference frame. One thing our DNA paper is about is how an electromagnetic field in one reference frame can be a gravitational field in another reference frame, if there is perfect coordination of clocks within clocks within clocks -- this perfect coordination being the very essence of superconductivity, be the superconductance that of electrons or that of hydrothermodynamic properties, or both.
I have said over and over that I do not believe the seed idea for Special Relativity came to Einstein. In all likelihood it came to his first wife, and Einstein worked out some of its implications. I believe this for two reasons: (1) he persisted in violating the Machian principle, adherence to which was prerequisite for arriving at the seed idea for Special Relativity, and (2) he did not proceed immediately to consideration of the import of absolute limiting acceleration and absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration. Indeed, he did not even explore the full implications of absolute limiting velocity. As the absolute limiting velocity is approached, time slows down; at the absolute limiting velocity, time stops. This has direct ponderable implications for the baud rate of consciousness. Higher states of consciousness would be impossible absent an absolute limiting velocity. Moreover, as the absolute limiting velocity is approached, ponderable space progressively loses a dimension in the direction of movement. That space is undergoing topological transformation. At the absolute limiting velocity, the involved dimension fragments into a fractal. This has direct ponderable implications for Luneburg's psychometric distance functions for binocular visual space. Were one thoroughly Machian, one would resort to direct perception (as does the pilot in pilot fixation syndrome) and direct proprioception in consideration of these implications.
John Nash started his mathematical career in a thoroughly Machian manner, employing both direct perception and direct proprioception, and while he struggled to remain thoroughly Machian developed an economic theory based on m-valued complex functions that anticipated m-valued monetary units, but the institutional environment he was caught in at Princeton refused to allow this unsullied Machian approach. The same thing happened to the physicist Hugh Everett, who did not pass Go and who went directly to the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group, the Pentagon, upon leaving Princeton after having his Machian seed idea metaphysically molested by the man in Copenhagen. The extraordinary Machian creativities of both Nash and Everett were quenched by the anti-Machian commitments of their social contexts.
When I first wrote John Wheeler, Everett's Ph.D. preceptor at Princeton, in the mid-70s about our superconductant model in its hydrothermodynamic incarnation, he dismissed it with his usual extreme politeness by citing Mach's principle. But the Mach principle he cited was bogus, in that it countenanced perception only, not also proprioception. When Everett later was similarly approached a few years before his death, he was ill-equipped to consider the full implications of Mach's principle and could not consider spontaneous localization as autogenic brain discharge. This inability to so consider -- resulting from the lacuna-on-the-brain consequences of higher enculturation -- was a slap in the face to Nash's more elaborate effort to sustain a thoroughgoing Machian methodology at Princeton and MIT. Spontaneous localization, as I presented it to Everett, and Wheeler earlier, was not a collapse of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function at autogenic brain discharge, but decomposition of the m-logically-valued reference space (Fock-space-under-m-valued-logics) at autogenic brain discharge. This was the space Nash was trying to freely move within, whether he realized that fact or not.
What the canonical equation of the superconductant DNA model describes is how Fock-space-under-m-valued-logics is decomposed when perfect coordination of clocks within clocks within clocks is achieved. This decomposition transpires initially when the absolute limiting velocity of temperature change is achieved due to coordination of clocks within the molecule (establishing coherency between the reference frames of the p-electrons within the p-electron gas associated with the molecule), and then when the absolute limiting acceleration of temperature change is achieved due to coordination of clocks between the molecule and its environment (establishing coherency between the reference frame of the molecule and the reference frames of its environment). It is at this absolute limiting acceleration that the reference frame of the electromagnetic field becomes the reference frame of the gravitational field. The minimum time for spontaneous localization (decomposition of Fock-space-under-m-valued-logics), which sets the baud rate of consciousness, is dependent upon variations in the frequency of the ambient radiation impinging upon the DNA molecule and its resonant response. Not described in the superconductant DNA paper (but described elsewhere, most thoroughly regarding the hydrothermodynamic version sent to John Wheeler in the mid-70s) is the third-order decomposition process initiated as the absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration in temperature change is achieved due to coordination of clocks within clocks within clocks across the full spectrum of reference frames, environment/p-electron/zero-point energy field -- this third-order decomposition being self-referential in nature.
Decomposition of Fock-space-under-m-valued-logics (i.e., autogenic brain discharge as spontaneous localization), thus, transpires at the absolute limiting velocity, the absolute limiting acceleration, and the absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration, these absolute limits being achieved due to ever more expansive coordination of clocks within clocks within clocks. Since the involved Fock space is decomposed at, and only at, these absolute limits, we identify these limits with topological decomposition operators. And since these limits are dependent upon coordination of clocks, we regard these operators as temporal in nature -- the whole decomposition process being a form of temporal ordering. We, therefore, call the group of involved operators operator-time. What is it that is being decomposed, decomposed as Fock-space-under-m-valued-logics, by these temporal operators? Clearly, what is being decomposed is the orders of logical-value under which the involved Fock space is spontaneously fused into the purely-functional function space that it is. An operator that decomposes orders of logical-value is a logical operator. We, therefore, maintain that temporal operators are logical operators.
The involved decomposition takes place in the realm John Wheeler refers to as the pregeometry as calculus of propositions -- only here the calculus of propositions is mTm, not 1T2, as he supposed. That being the case, Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function is properly interpreted, not in relation to probability amplitudes, but in relation to mTm logics. When all of this is worked out rigorously and mapped back upon superconductant DNA molecules in neural and perineural tissue, calculations regarding variable baud rates of consciousness, as well as resulting times for registration of sensations and their output to ego awareness, will become possible. These calculations will shed light on the variable factors determining Luneburg's psychometric distance functions for binocular visual space. Once these Luneburg factors are identified, it will become possible to rigorously approach the measurement problem in quantum theory. Only then will there be a real Machian foundation upon which to approach understanding of the apparent variations in experimental determinations of the speed of light. And only thus will Einstein's failure to be thoroughly Machian be collectively overcome. Then it will be apparent to all that everything sought, and felt must be there, in superluminal velocities is not due to superluminal velocities, but due to the absolute limiting acceleration and the absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration Einstein did not immediately consider due to his inadequate commitment to Mach's principle.
What I have said above, I believe to be correct in so far as it goes. How nested thresholds in baud rates of consciousness relate to orders of logical-value and how absolute limits are fractalized involves another set of issues, issues directly related to the m-logically-valued functional processes personified by Nash as hallucinations. The rhyme and reason lying tacitly behind the motivation for the probability amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, and more generally the Copenhagen interpretation, was to banish so-called hallucinations. Everett started out on the right foot, but was prevailed upon to banish hallucinations by finding a way to demonstrate that the branches of his universal m-valued wave-function could not interact. So long as the branches could not interact, there could be no hallucinations. The intellectual environment of Princeton in the late-40s and 50s, clearly, was a bucket of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance. These resistances are one origin of degenerative disease. Nash never gave up his hallucinations and thereby, as best he could manage given the circumstances to which he was subjected, maintained his Machian orientation. In order to freely explore the purely-functional functions of Fock-space-under-m-valued-logics -- independent of personification as hallucination -- a physiologically-adapted method of mathematical notation must be found that is not a type of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance. This type of notation is Musculpt. (Look at your Windows Media Player color-field display with a piece of music playing. Though there is no actual correlation, the eye and the ear spontaneously try to correlate, try to generate meaning gestalts. This gives some small impression of what three-dimensional holographic Musculpt with actual high correlation would be like as mathematical notation. Such elaborate highly-correlated sounded color fields abundantly and spontaneously appear in non-personified transits of the higher m-logically-valued hyperspaces, and in abreactions generated by extended series of autogenic brain discharges. I call this proprioceptive audiovisual display inner Musculpt.) It must be understood, however, that even the use of Musculpt as mathematical notation will not prevent bio-electrochemical changes from occurring in the brains of those who actually enter the involved spaces. But this medium for mathematics notation is not likely to become available as a social forum any time soon, given that the thrust of everything presently transpiring on this planet is an expression of the collective will to banish the hallucinatory implications of the evolving techno-base rooted in quantum processes.
The main reason I cannot sufficiently interest people in ideas like m-logically-valued monetary units, sufficient to act upon their implications, is because people do not really believe what is going to happen is actually going to happen. They think some little things are going to happen: a couple of more Rwandas, perhaps, maybe another 9/11 or two. They do not actually believe that the whole Newtonian nation-state system is going to collapse in one massive event. People will not act adequately, strategically, that is, so long as they believe the worst can be avoided. And they will cultivate this belief as long as possible. By the time they decide to act strategically relative to the evolving circumstance, the possibility of strategic action will have been superceded by the evolution of events.
But, at the present time, there remains some small chance that a very tiny number of people may embrace the reality of the situation and start to act strategically while strategic action can still have some effect on evolution of the massive event and its outcome. Admittedly, this is a very small chance, but so long as there is any chance at all it must be cultivated, no matter how nihilistic, pessimistic, apocalyptic, lacking in compassion, hard-assed, insensitive such cultivation may make the cultivator appear to be.
The United Nations predicts that in the next decade a billion people will be forced off the land into Third World urban squatter settlements, a billion people who are not already in such squatter settlements. The planet has never before witnessed formation of such a recruitment base for political action. And many of these rural-to-urban immigrants will be cross-border immigrants. Many will move more than once. Most will move because the market is moving them. Mobility of labor. As South Korea underwent its economic transformation into Tiger status something like 85% of the population of the country moved in one decade, and something like 60% of those who moved moved to Seoul. But the situation has changed not only because this process has become globalized, externalities have thrust themselves into the migration equation. International terrorism transiting to global insurgency is one of those externalities, an externality that will organizationally ride on the back of a market-driven process of enormous proportions.
The economic system as it presently exists has defined development as urbanization. Rural-to-urban migration cannot be stopped without disrupting the global market economy. There will be every manner of attempt to regulate this migration, but those making the transit to global insurgency have the market mechanism on their side. Every action the counterinsurgent undertakes will be, in one way or another, in opposition to the dictates of the market. Yet, the counterinsurgent aligns himself with the unfettered market. This is not a recipe for success in counterinsurgency. Regulation is not the answer. Regulation, in the end, will fail. Not only will international terrorism transit to global insurgency against the Newtonian nation-state and its supranational and hypercorporate agglomerations, but it will jump the Islamic ethno-religious barrier while riding on the back of a market-driven process.
Never before in the history in warfare has an insurgent had placed in his hands such enormous resources, initially of manpower, later of human intelligence and abducted materiel. Never before has the counterinsurgent been so burdened with the liabilities of extension in space and protraction in time. Today, the counterinsurgent has in his possession to balance out these liabilities massed force and unprecedented capabilities for pattern analysis. Massed force appears to be effective early on, but loses the appearance of effectiveness as the critical variables governing the combat become more and more leveraged under the action of protraction. Employment of massed force, if it is not immediately effective, brings into being factors that progressively undermine its utility. The great unknown in the presently evolving conflict is just how unprecedented current capabilities for pattern analysis actually are. Are they so unprecedented that they can overcome the unprecedented liabilities imposed by global extension in space and indefinite protraction in time? No one knows the answer to this question. A positive answer appears unlikely, however, because the technologies of pattern analysis are to some extent available to the insurgent for use in pattern dissimulation.
What especially is not understood is how thoroughly insurgency warfare is a multiscale dynamical process, a process wherein free energy flows not only laterally across boundaries, but also vertically between different scales of organization. Manpower, funds, materiel, morale are forms of free energy subject to critical-state far-from-equilibrium phase transitions. Linear analysis of balance of forces represented as if those forces all existed on one scale level is highly misleading. The military planner, in employing such methods, may not overlook many of the variables, but he inevitably does not factor in the actual processes to which those variables will be subjected in course of organizational phase transitions. For instance, as discussed in nauseating detail in MOON, the 1968 Tet offensive in Vietnam was a critical-state far-from-equilibrium organizational phase transition so supremely successful -- regardless of the manpower and materiel loses accrued -- that it over road all balance-of-forces variables to such an extent that virtually no increases of massed force could have balanced it out. The fact that information concerning this would be indefinitely concealed from the public was abundantly apparent walking the halls of MACV Headquarters in the Spring and Summer of 1968. This was realized with the Westmoreland vs. CBS trial Sam Adams precipitated. More important for its predictive value was the impression one easily obtained at MACV Headquarters in 1968 that this concealment would be the source of a stab in the back myth similar to the myth the Germans came out of WWI with. Their stab in the back myth gave rise to the blitzkrieg strategy employed at the beginning of WWII. Our stab in the back myth gave rise to the Powell Doctrine employed at the beginning of the present global conflict. It took no great prescience in 1968 to make predictions regarding this, were one privy to the required information.
Thanks for sharing with me your dialogue, which I very much enjoyed. One could argue that the act of turning over the moneychanger's tables in a burst of anger was an act of compassion -- compassion not for the moneychangers, but for the larger corpus of which the moneychangers were but a small part. Back in the early 70s I read the academic translation of the Nag Hammadi Gnostic Gospels, manuscripts found buried in a jar in Egypt in 1945. I don't have a reference to that work, but I have been able to turn up a quotation from a later translation by Marvin Meyer (The Secret Teachings of Jesus: Four Gnostic Gospels, Random House, 1984). Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Pick up a stone, and you will find me there. I believe there is a fundamental difference between identity transparency (the psychological state underlying compassion) and identification as a condition of the psyche. The above given quotation could be taken as indicative of either of these, depending on how it is regarded. If taken literally, it evokes identification, which is a capture of consciousness by the object, in this case the wood, the stone. If taken metaphorically, it indicates identity transparency with the whole of nature, not just this or that discrete object -- wood, stone. I believe that all authentic identity transparency is mediated by the whole, and that any apparent identity transparency part-to-part is, in reality, identification. Romantic love, unleavened by participation mystique with the natural surround, I therefore regard as identification, not actual love in the sense I see implied by this quotation from the Gnostic Gospels, which I take to have had a metaphorical intent. Now, gift exchange, I believe had its impetus from authentic identity transparency, not identification. The gift exchanged signified a state of identity transparency, not part-to-part but part-whole-part. The whole in this part-whole-part equation was tacitly understood by all because the involved population corpus was infused with animistic identity transparency with the natural surround. Ritual gift exchange emerged within, and was practiced most elaborately in, animistic societies.
What lies behind ritural gift exchange is something more profound which has left its mark indelibly on Christian ritual practice. Following is an excerpt from something I am writing on detox therapies:
Eating Memories and Emotions
We have all heard the dictum, You are what you eat. More accurately, perhaps, what we eat plays a major role in determining what and who we are. No less accurate is the notion that what we think and feel about what we eat, and while we eat, plays a role in determining what and who we are.Memories have a molecular basis. Emotions have a molecular basis. When we eat food, we are eating molecules. In a very real sense, therefore, as strange as it may sound, when we eat, we are eating memories and emotions -- as well as what will become memories and emotions.
This, of course, has implications for how food should be grown; how it should be raised, transported, handled, prepared, and consumed; what should be eaten, what should not; what is good food, what is bad. Food is not a mere economic product; it is the very substance of life as we know it, life of the mind and spirit as well as of the body. Economics comes after life, not before.
Memory Transfers
The notion that we are what we eat is an archaic idea; it was probably an aspect of tribal cannibalism, which Scientific American, in a recent issue, has acknowledged is deeply rooted in our history. This was revealed by chemical analysis of the human fossil record. As fascinating, as disgusting, as shocking as this may be, it nonetheless is part of our human inheritance.Cannibalism is metaphorically behind the Christian Eucharist, the ritual of symbolically eating the blood and body of Christ during the Communion ceremony performed in Christian churches worldwide. By eating the blood and body of Christ we can become once again as little children, recover our youthfulness, and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. That is the symbolism; that is the metaphor. Rejuvenation is promised.
But this is not only an archaic idea; it is also a modern scientific idea. Beginning in the 1960s, investigations into learning and the way memories are stored in the body led to experiments which have clearly shown that memories can be transferred from one body to another in food. This has been demonstrated in worms, rats, fish, and other organisms.
The classic 1962 paper describing such experiments is that of James McConnell, entitled "Memory Transfer Through Cannibalism in Planaria". Planaria are worms. Worms eating other worms; fish eating fish, rats eating rats. Birds eating worms, even.
Learned behaviors -- those behaviors, that is, involving performance of tasks acquired through training -- are transferred to the untrained organism by the act of eating the trained organism. The untrained worm eats the trained worm and acquires the training it never received. Before the eating, it could not perform the task; after the eating, it could. The same for rats and fish, birds and bees. Scientific confidence in the molecular basis of memory is rooted in such experiments.
Symbolic eating of the blood and body was a sublimation of what underlied what underlied practices of primitive Christianity, practices like ritual gift exchange. The Eucharist could be regarded a cultural lag. But this lag was a very adept form of cultural preservation. The inner core of meaning, the form, is retained while the exterior practice, the shape of style, undergoes transformation to adapt to changing circumstances. Ritual gift exchange emerges out of cannibalism. Barter emerges out of gift exchange. Eating the blood and body metaphorically captures, and thus retains, all the meanings involved in its precursors -- psychological, economic, spiritual -- and carries them to a new level of conception and practice. This type of cultural preservation is exactly what is needed today. The notion of m-logically-valued monetary units is an attempt to move in the required direction relative to the presently prevailing circumstances on this planet -- as inept as that attempt may be.
If I were asked to guess, I'd observe that major creative breakthroughs almost never come in step-by-step syllogistic march. As indicated by his letters, Einstein was continually airing his physical reflections to Mileva in the period running up to summer of 1905. One day, I'd guess, out of the blue, it must have appeared, in an off-hand fashion before turning away from the conversation, she observed that time dilation was the perfect complement to Lorentz's spatial contraction. This was the logical leap. Einstein scoffed at the notion, but it stuck in his craw. He worked the implications back to coordination of clocks -- and probably forgot what the generative notion actually was. Regarding the superconductant DNA model, one easy way to state it is: if the clocks are temperature changes, time dilation and spatial contraction at the absolute limiting velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration in coordination of clocks explains high temperature superconductivity. Ultimately, the signal velocity in question is the baud rate of consciousness, which is the master clock. Continuing to speculate, I imagine Mileva arrived at the notion of time dilation on the basis of proprioception. Had she not been elbowed out, she may have questioned the notion of invariant baud rate of consciousness in coordination of clocks. Had she questioned this invariance, the idea of isolated inertial frames would have been drawn into question, and hallucinations would have been allowed into the picture. The idea that the running-time difference between clocks on inertial frames cannot be detected was later replayed in quantum theory when the branches of Everett's universal wave-function were disallowed, on thermodynamic considerations, from interacting. High temperature superconductivity violates both these types of isolation by virtue of there being not only time dilation and spatial contraction at an absolute limiting velocity, but also other types of transformations at an absolute limiting acceleration and an absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration in temperature change. The history of evolution of quantum mechanics likely would have been very different had the woman not been elbowed out.
Actually, according to Peter Galison's treatment (Einstein's Clocks, Poincaré's Maps, Norton, 2003, p. 279), it was not until August of 1909, speaking before the French Association for the Advancement of Science, that Poincaré first enunciated the notion of time dilation, and even then he retained the shadow of an ether. This retention of a faded ether implies retention of some variation in signal velocity in coordination of clocks, in spite of the presence of time dilation. Variation in signal velocity is variation in the speed of light under the faded influence of an ether wind. Time offset is not time dilation, and until Einstein's 1905 paper there was only time offset. The truly innovative notion for Einstein's understanding of relativity, as distinct from that of Poincaré, was time dilation as an explanation of Lorentz's length contraction in the direction of movement. I think this innovation came as a result of proprioceptive awareness of differences in time-rate perception coupled to the sudden realization that what was being noted proprioceptively was not simply changes in perception but changes in time rate itself. I see little evidence that Einstein was an adept at introspective awareness, and this is another reason why I believe Mileva brought forth the seed idea of Special Relativity: time dilation. Invariant velocity of light was on the scene and modified only by the fading ether. Of course, since Mileva was elbowed out, no one generalized Special Relativity into proprioceptive psychology, so the assumption of invariant baud rate of consciousness remained unchallenged. I interpret Galison more literally than Galison himself would when he says on page 327 (to truncate a statement for effect): a sense that each clock signified the individual, so that clock coordination came to stand in for a logic Baud rate of consciousness is one of the variables involved in setting Luneburg's psychometric distance functions for binocular visual space, as the phenomenology of pilot fixation syndrome clearly indicates. We each have our individual cognitive inertial reference frame, yet superposition of the collection of these frames establishes a consensus reality. What is the relation between the individual and collective components in the propoundment of such a consensus reality? Investigations of the relation between baud rates of consciousness and psychometric distance functions will contribute considerably to our understanding of the meanings predicated by m-valued logics. Operator-time as logical operator decomposes Fock-space-under-m-valued-logics, and in so doing generates perspectival time. If we are to enter the realms of m-logically-valued meanings, we must map this decomposition process with Gödel numbers on Reimann surfaces.
When I was studying drawing and painting, the instructor urged me to commit myself to becoming a painter. When I was studying music composition, the instructor urged me to commit myself to becoming a composer. In both cases, I declined because it was clear to me that what presently needed to be explored could not authentically be explored in a painterly or musical fashion. Both painting and music composition ceased being fine arts around the time of WWI because the message left the mediums behind: signification no longer was semantic reduction; it had become -- due to the failure of media to keep up -- abject reduction. Later, when I came to study mathematics and physics, I came to see that a similar thing had transpired there: the means of representation were not adequate to the subject matter being considered. Musculpt was my attempt to imagine an adequate medium for all three areas of investigation and metaphorical embodiment.
The truth is, just as Derek argued in MOON that finite numbers come out of transfinite numbers, so one must argue that conductivity comes out of superconductivity; there can be no conductivity in the absence of superconductivity. Conductivity is superconductivity decomposed. The third-order operator is actually the first order. This is one major reason why any possible form of written mathematical notation is in large measure an obstruction. Draw a distinction. The argument is built up one mark at a time, atomistically. But this is exactly untrue, the inverse of the truth: a distinction is the last possible mark. Spencer Brown, in transcending truth-value in his calculus of distinctions, never really comprehended form. Form can not be built up; it can only be decomposed and recomposed. Any perception to the contrary is accomplished by judicious data selection: i.e., selective attention. One of the problems with the General Process paper is that we chose to conform to the conventional pattern of explication by beginning with the lower-order process and proceeding to the higher-order process, as if the latter came from the former. Of course, we repeatedly remind the reader that this is not actually the case, but such reminders are of no real value so long as the march of the argument proceeds exactly in the wrong fashion. All distinctions arise by forgetting; each act of remembering is the removal of a distinction once drawn by amnesis. What is hardest to comprehend about this is that passing time comes into existence through forgetting and ceases to exist through remembering. There is no passing time absent the act of forgetting. The more forgetful, the slower the baud rate of consciousness; the slower the baud rate of consciousness, the faster linear-time is. The material world can only exist at very slow baud rates of consciousness. At slow baud rates of consciousness, everything nesting gross material matter and everything nested inside of gross material matter is not apprehendable because it is outside the response window determined by the baud rate, as if there were a Plexiglas wall forming a separation between what is and what is not. The only actual separation is the juxtaposition of non-resonant time rates. When you map back via recomposition through the hierarchies of infinity in baud rates of consciousness to the Form-of-All-That-Is (which never can Become), you discover that the master clock is stopped, and that this is the necessary and sufficient condition for coordinating all running clocks. The center is an empty center. Coordination of the affairs of the universe is not a decision science. Clocks are not coordinated, as Einstein supposed, by signal transmission between clocks. They are coordinated by identity transparency, by nonlocal quantum processes. Nodal clocks (those at the branch points of the involved m-logically-valued functions) are not in parallel or serial formation, they are nested. The master clock is holographically related to its nested nodal clocks as in quantum superposition. The master clock is the superposed state of its decomposed (spontaneously localized) clocks. In the superposed state, because inertial frames LOGICALLY interact -- operator-time being a logical operator and each inertial frame being a decomposition product of the m-logically-valued referencing Fock space -- all clocks representing decomposed states of the master clock cancel each other out, such that the master clock is stopped. This does not mean that there is no master clock, as Einstein supposed, it only means that it is stopped, that the center is an empty center, that the center is a center of non-doing and not a center of action.
Post's T is Brown's token
This statement is a lie. That this statement is a lie is a lie. That this statement is a statement that is a lie is a lie. And so on to orders of infinite sets of iterations in such statements. These statements denote orders of self-reference, which are the orders of m-valued logics. What is the self being referenced in these infinite sets of orders of self-reference? The self being so referenced is not the first-order statement; the referenced self is the Form-of-All-That-Is in this universe of discourse. No recursive iteration in finite time can explicate the Form-of-All-That-Is, which never is, in this universe of discourse. No single-logically-valued Achilles can catch up to where any m-logically-valued tortoise is: they do not exist in the same frame.
That which the term self-reference denotes cannot be built up on the basis of logical atomism. There is no building-up procedure which can accomplish it. Moreover, the written notational device used by Post to symbolize this infinitely infinite set of self-referential statements does not capture its essential properties and leads to gross misconceptions. mTm imputes a binary property that is not actually in the case: statement nTlie n. The T represents the ontological factor Is: statement nISlie n. But this binary formulation is not the case. Post treats T as a constant, a constant token of invariant bifurcation. If T is taken as a constant token of invariant bifurcation, m-valued logics can be treated in terms of the tokens of G. Spencer Brown's calculus of distinctions through which Sheffer's postulates for Boolean algebras were proven. Post finished his 1921 paper describing m-valued logics with the assertion that the 1T2 order of logical-value is the most fundamental order of logical-value. But this is not correct; there are an ever increasing number of multiple Is's in the above-given statements. The case is not mTm with T of invariant value; it is: statement nIS nlie n. T is an infinite-valued variable no less than are m and m. Draw a distinction (between m and m) cannot generate an iteration which is the case.
Contrary to Bertrand Russell's contention, no logical atomism can demonstrate all of logic. G. Spenser Brown's Laws of Form set out to prove Sheffer's postulates by way of demonstrating Russell's contention, but Russell's contention was wrong in spite of the fact that Sheffer's postulates were proven. Were Russell not wrong, one would have to be able to draw draw infinitely in the initial distinction. Post's T denotes the draw of the drawing of distinctions, which is what Brown's token denotes. To draw draw infinitely is the mth case, no less than the first case. T, too, is self-referential. That which is self-referential is non-orientable. There is no starting place, no ending place, no direction in going and coming. The Tao which is the Tao is not the Tao. The token which is the token is not the token. Moreover, as Cocteau had it, Hugo was a mad man who believed he was Hugo.
Hugo, being more not-Hugo than Hugo, can never capture Hugo's case with any concatenation of distinctions drawn. I am that I am that I am. Here we need Benoit's argument. Consider the statement, my body. What is the my of my body? My self. What is the my of my self? My my-self. What is the my of the my of my-self? And so on into the infinitely infinite regress in the selfhood revealed by (self-referential) self-observation. Infinite regress is in the nature of the case -- any case.
The set of all sets including itself is no set in the set of all sets. Russell had that right. Written notation cannot denote the set of all sets including itself, but the Form-of-All-That-Is, which never is, can so denote. How does my Hugo-who-is-not-Hugo know this is so? Because, given the non-orientability of self-reference, the Form-of-All-that-Is is the form-of-anything-that-is: the central message of haiku poetry. Cantor dust is iterative cleavage, topological transformations, of the form-of-anything-that-is no less than of the Form-of-All-That-Is. The start, whatever the start, is with the case, whatever the case. The start is never with absence of the case, because not-the-case is still the case: the non-orientability of self-reference.
In deep states of concentration on anything, a conversation even, my Hugo-who-is-not-Hugo sees-hears a sounded-form. This sounded-form, in its form, captures all that is the case of the anything concentrated upon. If the case is a conversation, all possible arguments implied in the domain of discourse are captured in the form of the sounded-form given to Hugo-who-is-not-Hugo. This form carries that ontic significance as affect-charge. As a given possible argument unfolds from its enfolded implicity, the form of the sounded-form undergoes topological transformation. The topological transformation is the notation of the argument. What Hugo-who-is-not-Hugo knows from his witness of these topological transformations is that the form of the set of all sets of these transformations, including itself, which never is, is knowable in its form. But he also knows that such knowing is not knowable absent Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation.
Put Hugo-who-is-not-Hugo in an isolation-flotation tank, wire him via biofeedback modalities to a holographic display system where the biofeedback display parameters are represented in three-dimensional sounded-color-field display. Display these parameters for Hugo-who-is-not-Hugo's sensory registration. Now, let Hugo-who-is-not-Hugo compare the exteriorized-biofeedback Musculpt with his spontaneously-generated inner Musculpt and note these comparisons with a virtual-reality glove computer interface such that all such comparisons are fed back into memory storage of the computer. The record of this self-referential feedback is how Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation grows as a natural language. Why is this so? Programming and display of the topological transformations of the sounded-forms of exteriorized-biofeedback Musculpt will require employment of the full spectrum of contemporary written mathematical notational devices. The virtual-reality-glove-noted comparisons with inner Musculpt fed back into computer memory will automatically be correlated with the programming elements employed. Since the programming elements employed are expressions of contemporary written notational devices, correlations will be established in acts of readout to computer memory store. As this memory store is processed with neural network programs, learning algorithms will emerge as conventions of the Musculpt language, which, in turn, can be played back for viewing through the holographic display system. Thus will Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation grow as a natural language.
The post-Bretton-Woods monetary system I am talking about is all in natural names, just as was the ecologically-adapted empathic gift economy of AAD (Ancient Animistic Days). Quoting myself:
I believe the domestic sacrifices inevitably accompanying internationalization of comparative advantage can be overcome through a quantum-economic superposition of Keynesian national capitalism upon a global free trade monetary regime (through use of nested m-logically-valued exchange units).
How could this possibly be realized? By natural names! This quoted statement, of course, is made in the old vernacular, so as to participate in prevailing discourse by acknowledgement of its employed terms of reference. But, in truth, the quantum superposition would transform the nation-state into a culture-nation, electronically fractalize geopolitical boundaries, and institute currencies of natural name relative to terrestrial biomes at each level (beginning with the watershed) of administrative function in the resultant autopoionomy. Musculpt as processor-(internet)poster would be the language of natural names (denotations and connotations numbered with numbered Gödel numbers, i.e., m-logically-valued mantric propositional econometric poetry). Using such a language in user-friendly interface, people again would begin to live in cognitive relative-state to (in identity-transparency with) the natural surround. The-language is not-the-language! Curve the sound! in order to reach the unstruck no-sound hidden inside the sound. Look to the intervals, not the notes. Sounds of no-sound are in the fractal nest of empty intervals. Takemitsu's Munari by Munari. Each person his own monk chanting over every bride price, harmonizing the natural distributivity of primordial sounds -- for each and every extraction, each and every clear strip-cut by her bachelors, even, has a price the bride must bear-bare on the Large Glass constituting the m-logically-valued processing domain demodulating prevailing global relative-state. Monetary system, not as structural schema, but as functional schema. You want an economy that does not destroy its context? Then it has to take on the FORM of the FUNCTIONAL INVARIANTS of that context, that transparent Large Glass. Authentic collective identity transparency did not then, and cannot ever, have anything to do with group behaviors, dumb or smart crowd dynamics, mob mobilizations for mass murder or helping kindness: identity-transparent relative-state is members of the population corpus being spoken as resonance of expressed natural names, names constellating the context of the Large Glass. Group, crowd, mob is suppression of this natural integration with prescriptive enculturation and its associated electrochemical neuronal-etching consequences. There is plasticity, and then there is plasticity! Just as there is collective neuronal bursting, and then there is collective neuronal bursting. Individualism is no more a savior than collectivization, as we have all by now over-learned. Nor is solution to be found in individualized collectivization or in collectivized individuation. Identity is m-logically-valued, not merely binary. In the present non-system monetary system, the gradation prevailing between vehicle currencies, vehicle currency as foremost international reserve currency, and inter-central-bank facilities like Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) is a step-function where height of the riser is simply out of all proportion to the prerequisites of any possible functional integration, economically as well as regards what are currently classified externalities. Think of it in terms of what in Autogenic Training are called organ-specific formulas. An organic system without organs is an oxymoron; it is like trying to have Demogorgon without involutes (Gods employed as the requisite functional invariants). The natural name of an organ is its histocompatibility-marking response-window-tag component (frequency, waveform, intensity, envelope, entry, exit, grace-note facility, et cetera) carried by the DNA molecules (and temporarily distributed to proteins) of its constituent cells. DNA is the chanting monk harmonizing the natural distributivity of primordial archetypal sounds (of pi-electron parcel harmonic oscillators, for instance) establishing immunological identity and setting the context-dependent minima (temporally and spatially) of the requisite functional invariants. The empirically-derived organ-specific formulas of Autogenic Training were an attempt, independent of Vaidika Sabda, to activate natural names of organs for therapeutic benefit. Thoughts on DNA superconductivity evolved in full awareness of this piece of medical history. It should also be noted that my primary income source during the period the superconductant DNA paper was written was employment as assistant to metal sculptor Gary Wojcik building custom-designed spiral staircases. The m-logical-values stacked on the currency base would undergo Fourier transform for processing on the Large Glass under Musculpt.
I have unrelentingly followed this for over forty years out of ill will or because I am crazy or benignly stupid? Perhaps. But, in defense, it can be observed that, as von Hayek well knew, comparative advantage resolves to variations in total capital stocks between economic partitions established by initial and boundary conditions imposed via externalities. Internalize externalities to the market, by whatever means, and initial and boundary conditions evaporate. Econometricians, under such a circumstance, would have to find their way to mathematics beyond calculus and its derivatives; they would have to handle the infinite set of curves, not a finite set thereof, or, god help us, only one. Hayek capsulated this understanding with the notion of the time-shapes of total capital stock. Physicist Frank Tipler, in The Physics of Immortality (Anchor, 1997), recognized this capsulation as the econometric equivalent to Hugh Everett's Relative State Formulation of Quantum Mechanics. Absence of initial and boundary conditions means there are no externalities; hence, it is meaningful to speak of a wave-function for the whole universe, for All and Everything. Time-shape in the resultant wave equation must be represented by a topological operator, indeed, a chronotopological operator -- and what that operator does to the space-shape of the supermanifolds under its purview. So, if the domestic sacrifices inevitably accompanying internationalization of comparative advantage are to be overcome through a quantum-economic superposition of Keynesian national capitalism upon a global free trade monetary regime (through use of nested m-logically-valued exchange units), some basic insight into a type of unity that demands diversity for its very existence must be attained. I, therefore, rename relative-state as identity transparency and seek a language by which this may be represented. I call this language Musculpt, a language based on sets of infinite sets of curves. The bodies of literature I find most forthcoming in terms of the full complement of involved notions are those Vaidik and Tantrik (i.e., those studied by Schrödinger and used for quotes by John A. Wheeler to spice up his humongous text on gravitation). For instance, quoting Woodroffe (Garland of Letters, Madras: Ganesh, 1969, p. 96):
[in] Vyasa's commentary on the Patanjala-Darsana (3,17), it is said: Tatra vagvarnesvarthavatiti. According to this, each letter is intrinsically Sarvaghidhana-sakti-prachita, that is, possessing the power (Sakti) to denote and connote all object[s] (Artha[s]). For, as the Visvasara-Tantra says: What is not here is nowhere (Yannehasti na tat kvacit). A letter (Varna) is the whole cosmos in miniature. One Varna differs from another in the relative latency of the universe of Artha involved in it, the universe being the same in both. They come to denote special Arthas [cardinality] by virtue of the order (Krama) [ordinality] of their collocation (Kramanuro-vhinorthasamketenavaccbinnah). Their particular meanings or Samketa are thus due not to intrinsic difference but to order (Krama) in grouping. In the relative secondary natural name, functioning is specifically represented.
This is the relative-state formulation, pure and simple! This is an account of identity transparency. All spoken languages are derivative of inner Musculpt, which is compilation of different strata of natural names (one relatively concrete secondary strata being that of the infrasound signatures of geographic topographies and severe storms; another being the differing natural frequencies of histologically-specific DNA molecules), which are decomposed from superposed typal sounds (coherent modes) produced by zero-point motion of Heisenberg uncertainty (a mere shadow of the m-logically-valued skew-perpendicularity of lines of force and equipotential surfaces bridging m-logically-valued n-dimensional supermanifolds). Onomatopoeic origins of spoken languages (from root homonyms, like ma, Japanese for sacred space) suborn all this. Speaking to histologically-specific DNA with it natural name, its icaros, its shamanic melody, ayahasquero was able to learn some ethnobotany, the botany of his ethnicity (Jeremy Narby, The Cosmic Serpent, Tarcher, 1998). The tribal language was the (infrasound) language of the local topography, which was synonymous with ethnicity. I am the context within which I live! I am the tiger. I am the mountain the tiger roams. Not this; not that. What is not here is nowhere. Non-place communities are all in-here, by virtue of correspondence in natural names! Gift exchange, in lieu of war, was signification of identity transparency between ethnicities, between languages as topographies -- topographies partitioned according to Krama of natural names (according to, that is, principles governing transfinite sets, which exhibit properties of aperspectival m-valued logics on supermanifolds: the time-shapes of total capital stock). What commentators upon Vaidik and Tantrik literature call the absolute plane the unconditioned plane is the most-dense m-logically-valued sheet of the multi-sheeted supermanifold across which Ayurvedic relative-state prevails. Esoteric Arthas ([quantum]objects) are said to be Devatas (functions [i.e., the requisite functional invariants]). This, absolutely, is quantum mechanics. But not only as regards wave-functions, as regards the measurement problem: object as function is the very definition of automatization: a structure is an automatized function. Hence, it is not unreasonable to regard autogenic brain discharge as spontaneous localization in quantum measurement.
I can only reply that I have no real interest in the conflict between Stan Tenen and Dan Winter. Whatever the legal merits of Tenen's priority claims, the degree to which he makes such claims is a measure of his identification with legalistic Rabbinical perspectives drawing into question quality of the Cabalistic insights he lays priority claims to. From perspective of the Cabala, there is no such thing as an individual discovering or creating anything; way down at the bottom of the involuted Tree of Life, the individual, if enough emptied, may receive this or that gift -- and the fact of having been gifted is all he or she can rightfully claim. Notion of ownership conflates the Rabbinical with the Cabalistic. Which is exactly what Noam Chomsky has done for forty years. Ignorance of the contents of the CDEC document corpus aside, and what that corpus clearly demonstrates as to whether it was Viet Cong efforts on the ground or anti-war street theater in America which was instrumental in ending the Vietnam war, Chomsky's public rants of moral upbraiding have -- no matter what validity they might possess -- quite obviously, achieved absolutely nothing, things worldly going definitively in the direct opposite direction from that implied by the rants; but, had he put his considerable cognitive faculties to work applying his linguistic theory insights to political theory fundamentals, maybe he could have had some significant effect on world affairs. He did not so apply himself, however, and this is not surprising, given that his linguistic theories are a conflation of the Rabbinical with the Cabalistic. Chomsky's notion of a universal grammar was surely swiped from the Old Testament, not the Mantra-Sastra. It is a conflation in that generative grammars proceed by recursive generation the way the tablets received by the Rabbinate generate the legal corpus, whereas Hebrew, as the universal language underlying all possible spoken languages, which is basis of the Cabala, proceeds by decompositional involutes, which emphatically cannot be construed recursive generation. All numbers are infinite, as we learn from Cabalistic studies. There is no constructability, no demonstrable path from zero to infinity via recursive generation. Chomsky's Cabala sits down with the Rabbinate on the wrong side of the Axiom of Choice, that of the recursively extended pendent electron donor to superconductant DNA (not the Dedekind cut made by intercalated electron donors), repository of certain levels of the universal language. Let there be and There is are the Axiom-of-Choice foundations of Cabalistic decompositional involutes. In 1976, as ideas for the superconductant DNA model were jelling, I asked Chomsky face-to-face what he thought was the relationship between Jung's archetypes of the collective unconscious and his generative elements of a universal grammar encoded into DNA (as Chomsky claimed to believe). He said he felt there was likely some sort of relationship, maybe even a considerable relationship, but that he was incapable of reading Jung (surely no self-censoring, but a disparagement of Jung) and therefore could not discover what that relationship might be. I then asked him what he thought about the notion that a universal form language underlies what he calls a universal grammar. He scoffed that there was no such thing as a universal form language. The last observation I took to be an anti-Sanskrit comment -- given that I was at the time studying John Woodroffe's The Garland of Letters. Carl Sagan, I might mention, was present during this on-stage exchange and totally sympathetic with Chomsky's Rabbinical prejudices -- great scientist that Sagan was. The nixing of the notion of a universal form language was, of course, a slap to the faces of Pauli and Jung, for they believed there is a major formal correspondence between Einstein's General Theory of Relativity and Jung's concepts of the structure and dynamics of the collective unconscious (the psyche in Jungian parlance), one class of sub-structures of that structure being the archetypes which, Chomsky felt, may in someway be related to what he imagines to be elements of a universal grammar. Those elements of a universal grammar cannot, therefore, be spacetime curvature configurations or the topological shapes Stan Tenen has received as a gift -- universal form language being disallowed by consensus of the Rabbinically-inclined great Cabalists among us: Sagan had already stanched the cascade theory of severe storm genesis (productive of the mathematical-computer model of double-helical feeder bands used to model the quantum wave properties of superconductant DNA which Chomsky, by implication, had just stanched), while simultaneously venting on Velikovsky about his characterization of the nature of a severe perpetual storm on Jupiter (and what that characterization implied about the Jews' flight from Egypt, a very unCabalistic action on their part).
This mere eddy was transpiring at what was soon to become one of the nation's supercomputer centers, while the real experts were developing a whole new venture capital domain on basis of The Central Dogma -- those in back-reaction against this false dogma overcompensating and recoiling into consensus interpretations of quantum mechanics or dissimulative chaos-complexity (chaoplexity) models of proteomics -- both of which, conveniently, treat m-logically-valued processes as if they were singly-logically-valued (life being a linear-time bound outcome of a primordial electric cool-aid acid test conducted by strange attractors). All of this being further conflation of the Rabbinical with the Cabalistic -- and reductive conflation at that! The idea that the letters and/or phonemes of Hebrew are universals underlying all spoken languages is a reductive misinterpretation of Cabalistic thought (if one adopts the interpretation provided by, for instance, Achad, The Anatomy of the Body of God, which I first studied sometime in the early-'70s), just as the idea that the letters and/or phonemes of Sanskrit are universals underlying all spoken languages is a reductive misinterpretation of the Mantra-Sastra (if one adopts the interpretation provided by, for instance, John Woodroffe). The Tao that can be spoken is not the Tao! The word that can be spoken is not the word! No speakable language (as remember there is both speakable and unspeakable even in quantum mechanics, at least according to certain authorities) is composed of natural names or even approximate natural names, only of concatenated derivative involutes of approximate natural names: both Hebrew and Sanskrit letters and phonemes are such derivative involutes. Bushman sound and Hottentot click-language are the closest approach to universal language in human tongue, except, perhaps, for that of those Selkies who communicated with dolphins -- dolphin-speak and whale-song being the closest spoken approach to universal language, planet Earth. Photo-acoustic sonic-visioning! no mere holographic Volapuk-Esperanto: sheer invention from the arbitrary. Woodroffe writing before WWI (p. 98):
the garland or rosary of letters (Varnamala) may be evolved out of the same kind of elementary sound by differential aggregation. It may be that the basic elementary sound is the uninterrupted Anahata Dhvani finitised into various points (Sabdabindu) or atoms (Sabdaparamanu) of sound.
The points and atoms of points mentioned, on one level of reference, are nodes of interacting standing waves and lattices of such nodes (the phonons of BCS theory) -- as viewed from below. As viewed from above, they are related to strain tensors and stacked distance functionals under Sakharov's metric elasticity in a multi-sheet universe of collapse/anti-collapse discontinuities on Novikov point-dust. And, as viewed from further (not farther) above, they are numbered Gödel numbers of m-logically-valued propositions and their Regge lattices. Woodroffe continues (pp. 98-9):
a Bija Mantra can be represented by a diagram (Yantra) which in that case becomes the graph of the Bija in question [in the Hebraic context, this is a Tenen topology; more generally, the shape of the equipotential surface correlated to the infra-hyper/sound signature, wherein complex-number calculus is transcended by imposing no initial or boundary conditions and handling transfinite sets of curves as Musculpted p-branes and the like, each with their apropos Sanskrit rubric] an electron is an unit charge of electricity, which after all may be only an element of ether [quantum vacuum] in stress. This element of ether [quantum vacuum] in stress is Parasabda Paramanu as heard by the relative ear it is Sabda Paramanu hence Sabdas (aggregates of Sabda paramanus) and Arthas (aggregates of electrons) are connected All the ordinary letters [of Sanskrit] are complex harmonic motions simple harmonic motion is Sabda-paramanu.
And the canonical equation of the superconductant DNA model describes a pi-electron parcel of the free-electron gas core of the molecule as a harmonic oscillator. Given that the involutory distance spanned is from transfinite classes of the m-logically-valued case, all the way down to the absolute bottom at Boolean algebras, it seems certain that there were many more so-called universal languages than just Hebrew and Sanskrit. The only true universal language is that of the wholly unspeakable and un-form-able natural names themselves (i.e., the numbered Gödel numbers ontologically before they begin to un-number into propositional involutes) statically underlying dynamic polymorph Musculpt, the universal form language of approximate natural names, in their second-sound aspect as archetypal Sabda, suborning the letters and phonemes of the universal languages from which other speakable languages emerged by recursive generation and root-homonymic onomatopoetic process, based first on higher finite orders of m-valued logics, later moving down to languages based upon 3-valued logics (e.g., Aymara), and, most recently, as conscious awareness of the brain's m-logically-valued processing was completely lost (when capacity of intranuclear neuronal DNA for superconductant transitions was quenched as glutamate flood diluted endogenous ketamine titers beyond the critical threshold) onto languages based upon 2-valued logics (e.g., English). The superconductant DNA model treats the topological correlates of the acoustic wave signatures as dynamically evolving by virtue of the constraints imposed by relativistic limiting velocities, limiting accelerations, and limiting time rates of change in acceleration. Recently, the paper describing this model, has been finding its way into the lists of references in some Russian-language papers on membrane dynamics, protein folding, and so on. Following is a quotation from a review by Baerbel, in the German magazine Kontext, of some Russian perspectives which clearly suggest the influence of Vedic thought:
The Russian linguists found that the genetic code -- especially in the apparent useless 90% -- follows the same rules as all our human languages. To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules just like our languages. Therefore, human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.
The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of DNA. In brief the bottom line was: Living chromosomes function just like a holographic computer using endogenous DNA laser radiation. This means that they managed, for example, to modulate certain frequency patterns (sound) onto a laser-like ray which influenced DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since the basic structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and of language (as explained earlier) is of the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary. One can simply use words and sentences of the human language! This, too, was experimentally proven! Living DNA substance (in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies (sound) are being used. This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies. It is entirely normal and natural for our DNA to react to language.
Whatever the merits of the details of these Russian perspectives, it is clear that they are in sympathy with the Vedic take on origins of languages. As an endnote, I can relate the story of submission (circa early 1980s) of one of my papers on autogenic brain discharges, relying on the superconductant DNA model, to a journal of hypnotherapy which had, a decade earlier, published major articles on Autogenic Training. When the paper was returned rejected, a copy of the senior reviewer's comments was included. His substantive comments were uninformed, so I pass them over, but at the end he posed a question left unanswered: Why was this paper submitted to a journal devoted to hypnosis? The above-given quotation speaks to this question. More hidden -- as one wants to do as much as possible while attracting the least attention permitted -- the submission was provoked by Margaret Brenman (coauthor, with Merton Gill, of Hypnosis and Related States, International Universities Press, 1959 [by memory]) with whom I had had some correspondence and an afternoon of very intense conversation. This woman psychotherapist's insights in these areas were unparalleled and impact of this book on my personal inner development and ability to process what I was then directly experiencing cannot be overstated. I have encountered nothing comparable subsequently.
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