Catherine Belton's recent (October 10, 2003) article in The Moscow Times, Putin: Why Not Price Oil in Euros? is of the utmost importance to understanding much of what is happening in the world today, and relates very strongly to the themes essayed in earlier entries made to this website. I recommend it highly. Quoting the article:
Dollar-based global oil trade now gives the United States carte blanche to print dollars without sparking inflation -- to fund huge expenses on wars, military build-ups, and consumer spending, as well as cut taxes and run up huge trade deficits. Almost two-thirds of the world's currency reserves are kept in dollars, since oil importers pay in dollars and oil exporters keep their reserves in the currency they are paid in. This effectively provides the U.S. economy with an interest-free loan, as these dollars can be invested back into the U.S. economy with zero currency risk. If a Russian move to the euro were to prompt other oil producers to do the same, it could be a catastrophe for the United States
Ever since Nixon separated the dollar from gold, thus ending the Bretton-Woods gold-exchange monetary system and initiating freely-floating currencies, the U.S. has been the only country in the world -- by virtue of the dollar, as a legacy of Bretton-Woods, being the foremost international reserve currency -- which can, without restraint, print its currency to cover its foreign debts. With the recycling of petrodollars, this unique capacity was greatly enhanced and the dollar value of U.S. liabilities created in this way began to increase without bound. The U.S. has exploited this circumstance enormously in the years since the early-70s, but the chickens are coming home to roust: this is America's current greatest strategic vulnerability and is a direct result of Nixon's decision to end Bretton-Woods as a result of the economic consequences of how the Vietnam war was financed. Vietnam threw a stone that hit Goliath directly in the temple most dear to him. He has now begun to stagger. The dollar is an unbacked fiat currency, and dollar confidence relies inordinately on America's ability to demonstrate that it is in control of the global agenda. Periodic successful marshal displays are required to make this demonstration. If a third world war comes about, it will be intimately involved with these issues, with the global consequences of scuttling Bretton-Woods while coming up with no replacement, and blocking all initiatives in that direction, so as to allow America to exploit the opportunity presented. It is my personal opinion that the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units is the only idea on the scene capable of generating a framework adequate to prevailing global circumstances which eventually could replace the Bretton-Woods monetary system.
It is wonderful that you come to Stephen Wolfram's defense; anyone who got a Ph.D. at the age of 20 certainly needs help. Imagine -- à la Schore -- the affects on the brain of all that higher enculturation undergone so early! And imagine how the resultant poverty of psychological experience vectors ones choice of direction in explorations of the natural world. Not that this is so greatly different from the average brilliant physicist. When they finally do acquire some depth of psychological experience -- if they ever do -- generally they have a nervous breakdown, a massive mid-life crisis, acquire a degenerative disease, commit suicide, succumb to alcoholism whatever. Wolfram chose to regard complexity as being equal to randomness; early on in his book, A New Kind of Science, he uses the words as largely interchangeable. Along with other chaos and complexity theorists -- if more single-mindedly -- he seeks randomness as the holy grail wherever he can find it, randomness as the base state from which, through iterative processes, order is generated as an emergent property. This is not a choice someone with depth of psychological experience would make. When his discovery algorithms were found inept at identifying randomness, he took recourse to very quick analysis with his eyes to do a mindless search of a large number of possible cases (p. 111). But was this search for randomness truly mindless (leaving alone the implied assumption that nature is mindless)? Not by a long shot. When scanning his printouts, he identified what he takes to be complexity/randomness with a mind (interpreting what his eyes saw) habituated to 1T2 logic. Complexity does not equal randomness. Randomness, like order, like complexity, like entropy, like negentropy, like meaning, like nonsense is order-of-logical-value dependent. Chaos and complexity theorists treat m-logically-valued nature as if it were 1T2-logically-valued, and in so doing make a public display of their lack of psychological experience. There is no such thing as perfect secrecy in nature, by virtue of m-logically-valued identity transparency. Without perfect secrecy, there can be no randomness in nature. Schrödinger had psychological depth and breadth by virtue of intense and prolonged studies and practice of Tantra. Those around him had no commensurate depth or breadth. That is why his m-valued wave-function was consensually dissimulated to probability amplitudes. But the collective psyche had anticipated this move, and in preparation for it, began to raise the royal random to divine status during the 19th century.
The effect of the movement which we call inorganic is toward the abolition of diversities, while that which we call life is toward the maintenance of diversities.
James Johnstone
The Philosophy of Biology
Cambridge University Press, 1914
Page 314.Johnstone's statement was published at the onset of World War I, one of the great levelers of diversity in, for instance, the Middle East. Nixon, apparently, once told Rumsfeld to forget Latin America and Africa, nothing can be done about the Middle East, that the only players to be concerned with are China, Japan, Russia, and Europe. This is the man who terminated the Bretton-Woods monetary agreement, defaulting on the dollar value of global inflation in the whole of the post-WWII period, thus setting up the conditions within which globalization is presently transpiring, globalization being another member of the class of all great levelers. Why is the human species so inordinately committed to the abolition of diversities and hence to the promotion of the movement which we call inorganic? The Chinese, the Japanese, the Russian, and the German (not so much the European as a whole) psyches have unfinished business -- and the business America has made for itself is to see that those psyches never reach closure on that which is unfinished. What is currently happening with the Islamic psyche is a pale shadow of what is yet to come.
The C, the J, the R, and the G were beaten onto the Cartesian-Newtonian path to modern nation-statehood, and though the stick brought them into line, deep down, they have never fully accommodated themselves to either the towpath or the stick used upon them. By now, this is largely unconscious; therefore, all the more potent. CJRG once were the largest, most elaborated, animistic corporate entities in human experience. The Cartesian-Newtonian stick flogged them near unto death. Those who read my stuff often ask, What is animism if not spirit worship? Animism is identity transparency, spirit worship being but one expression thereof. Identity transparency is a state of consciousness and a manner of being in experience, a manner affecting all perceptual and proprioceptive modalities. This state and manner can be formed into a multiplicity of expressions, a diversity thereof. What the stick flogged was sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell -- flogged them near unto death, near unto the inorganic abolition of diversities, near unto abject poverty in depth and breadth of psychological experience. Though there is little conscious intergenerational memory, the unconscious never forgets, never; according to its dictates and from its depths, it directs corporate behaviors from below the thresholds of conscious awareness of members of the corpus, particularly those of leaders identified with role attributions. Some animistic peoples, when subjected to the stick, simply collapse under the incessant rain of blows, lapse into collective psychosis, and commit mass suicide: the genocides in Cambodia and Rwanda, for instance. Some masochistically conspire with the wielder of the stick. Others hold together and seek ways to turn the tables.
But C and J and R and G are not absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct corporate psyches; by virtue of identity transparency and the principles governing behavior of infinite sets operative in the unconscious, they are expressions of the human psyche, which never forgets, never. It was during the 19th century when the Cartesian-Newtonian stick was brought down upon the backs of CJRG most decisively. But the flailing stick began to shatter upon the very backs being beaten: translation of the Great Books of the East by the likes of Max Meuller into European languages was brought to completion by the 1850s. The influence of these books on the Cartesian-Newtonian mind killed the 19th century dead. In order to get some back from the stick wielder, CJRG became obsessed with assimilating the methods and means of he who propelled the stick, so as to beat the man with his own cane. Being so obsessed, CJRG never fully assimilated the import of what transpired in the 19th century. To this day, they have not consciously realized the degree to which the stick is broken, or the roles they played in breaking that stick. But the psyche never forgets, never. CJRG takes its marching orders from that which never forgets.
America has devoted itself ever more obsessively to maintenance of the illusion that the stick is not broken. If this behavior is sustained, as it appears it will be, all paths forward will remain blocked. The stick, no matter what, cannot be repaired, and the towpath long since terminated at a cliff face. Obsession with illusions has obscured awareness of the presence of other paths. This absence of awareness, a paucity of sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell, will insure, not the restoration of the stick, but the formation of a new stick, one wielded in concert by CJRG: a Greater China aligned to a Germano-Russian bloc.
Reading the recent Newsweek article (Oct. 6, 2003) on Vernon Smith's (Nobel prize in Economics, 2002) experimental economics -- the first time I have heard this term -- and Hewlett-Packard's heavy investment in it at their Decision Technology Lab with the software program SimBusiness, it is impossible not to entertain the notion that the paper entitled VirFut Q-Pro, is a seed idea for how to extend Smith's notion into quantum approaches and apply it to strategic planning in general and public policy formulation in particular. This is also very much in line with the CD-ROM project idea developed, relative to Lijiang and Luang Prabang, back in 1994. The idea of a computer-gamed multiple-scenarios electronic commons for arriving at the weights to initially be placed on the monetary base of an m-logically-valued local exchange unit, and for their quasi-real-time modulation, is also right in line with experimental economics.
I can tell you that D. H. Lawrence and Freida von Richthofen never had a fight with each other at any point in their lives: they fought with collective determinations through the AGENCY of each other. The two modes of action differ very greatly. Tim Parks' interpretation (The Fighter, New York Review of Books, September 25, 2003) is all on the surface. No one writes books like Lawrence wrote while living in the ordinary state of consciousness. If Lawrence and Richthofen kept a third person around as an additional agency in their fight against collective determinations, this was because they understood that the man-woman LEVEL of the transference (which has layer upon layer of collective unconscious predisposition incorporated into it) is short-circuited by adding a third term to the social proposition. The transference is epiphenomenal of, and absolutely inescapable within, minds subjected to only 1T2 logic. Mutual dominance relations arise directly there from. Monogamous dyadic (i.e., 1T2) relationships are a social model of Aristotelian-Baconian logic, just as the separate walled-off Western bedroom is an architectural model thereof (as opposed to, for instance, the identity transparent structure of the traditional Japanese house: interior, and even exterior, walls can be moved at will). Why else is there such great psychological dread, indeed, fear, of m-valued logics? Why else were m-valued logics not used to interpret Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function? Transference is endemic and inevitable when living within such collectively imposed models. These models are a high security prison. Lawrence's books clearly indicate he understood this to considerable depth. I have not read a biography of Lawrence, and I did not know until reading Parks' review, the degree to which Women in Love was written under Richthofen's influence and her insistence that Lawrence study contemporary psychoanalytic texts, but I did not need to read biographies to comprehend the profundity with which Lawrence understood the man-woman level of the transference. I read Lawrence in high school -- Lady Chatterley's Lover, Sons and Lovers, Women in Love, The Plumed Serpent -- at the insistence of a girl, a high school military brat reading and understanding James J's Ulysses as a sophomore. This girl, in part, inspired the character of Sette in MOON, and this is one reason why MOON does not focus on the concrete level of man-woman relationships, why it focuses instead on the meta-level: there was no reason to attempt to do again what Lawrence had already done so well. The high school girl's insight was way ahead of mine at the time. I was a total neophyte and could be of no real interest to her, but I learned enough to, over many years, follow the trail she pointed at. She too was a provocateur in relationships, but relationship regarded as experimental laboratory, because there is no way -- given the imposed wall of 1T2 logic and its analogical models -- those in the laboratory can even see one another, let alone one-to-one, one-on-one, one-into-one interact. What, in the ordinary state of consciousness, is regarded relationship is, in actuality, no more than a hall of concave and convex mirrors reflecting inflation, conflation, displacement, conversion, projective identification, exchange of existential denials, and so on. One can simply walk out the door as the famous British psychiatrist, R. D. Laing, once put it, but to do so is to deceive oneself concerning the logical properties of the case, is to conflate collective to individual determinations in construction of the Looking Glass world. Are individuals fighting? Do individuals create their halls of mirrors? Only if one views the circumstance through a 1T2 logic lens. This is a case of circular causality, of non-orientability between cause and effect. Chicken and egg: neither came first, because origins are not in passing linear-time. So long as the lovers remain time-bound, they continue caught in the sticky spider web of mutual dominance relations. There is no out the door when caught in a Klein bottle or a Necker Cube (even for the crazy person set upon escaping the Cabalistic net falling like a guillotine). Lawrence's writing was an extension of his mode of interpersonal action vis-à-vis collective determinations, a form of spiritual work, a form of karma yoga. Parks says (p. 77):
This is the purpose of that rhythmic, seductive, irritatingly repetitive style. It leads us to what can best be described as a catharsis of exhaustion. The process of reading Lawrence, as he sees it, is the real living of the battle, the creation of truth. After a few hundred pages, writer, hero, and reader alike are all quite overwhelmed and weary. Lawrence was not alone in developing this aesthetic. Christina Stead, Samuel Beckett, and Thomas Bernhard would all in their different ways practice something like it. But it was Lawrence who got there first.
But what battle is it that is to be really lived through this aesthetic? One-on-one domestic conflict between Lawrence and Richthofen? Of course not. Exhaustion comes only to those not also practicing karma yoga. To the prepared reader, the reader him/herself in such practice, comes facilitation: one objective of the aesthetic. MOON too sets out to induct -- or is it counter-induct? -- yet many readers experience only exhaustion. Is this the fault of the writer or of the reader? Induct into what? Counter-induct what? Experience? Nein. A state of consciousness: identity transparency. Parks quotes (p. 73) the critic F. R. Leavis as saying that Lawrence mounts an assault on the reader by plastering contrived symbolism over the tale with impatient crudeness. What is the function of symbolism in inducing transference? If one contemplates that question, one sees that the crudeness of Lawrence's symbolism was not born of impatience, but of insight. He was ridiculing not only the inductive role played by symbolism, but by the Symbolists. He was depotentiating symbolism as inductive mechanism. In thus lavishing ridicule, he was pointing out this role to THE READER. Who is THE READER upon whom the assault was mounted? Is THE READER an individual? Hardly. THE READER is a class, not an element of a class. In Lawrence's books we are in circular causation, in non-orientability between cause and effect, skating between 1T2 logic and the m-logically-valued (which rigorously came on the scene, formally, that is, in 1921). Parks notes (p. 74) Lawrence's attack on standard syntax and lexical values. How else skate, art fiction-wise, between 1T>2 logic and the m-logically-valued? MOON too assaults THE READER and ridicules many things, figurative language use being one among them. Figurative usage draws the reader away from substance into style, which is a psychological prerequisite to transference induction -- no less than is symbolism. To produce figurative language, the writer must adopt a mindset, a particular generative focus, a manipulation of attention that inculcates certain forms of pattern recognition and removes others. What is facilitated in the writer by this particular generative focus? If one objective of the aesthetic is counter-induction, oh but more, transmission of insight into mechanisms of induction so as to facilitate self-initiated counter-induction, then assault on THE READER -- taken as a group entity, a class, the class signifier of collective determinants -- is a concomitant of art fiction, and a practice in liberation for the writer from the separate-self of the writer. If THE READER is a class, who is THE WRITER? Given the readerly properties of THE WRITER, his/her Krisdeva intertexuality, as well as his/her embeddedness in the collective unconscious, indubitably the writer too is a class, not an element of a class. Indeed, even a non-orientable class: readerly writer; writerly reader. Parks reminds us (p. 76) that the characters in Lawrence's books were engaged in the act of shedding their personalities in sex. In sexual practices of Tantric yoga, the practitioners, through concentration in active imagination, visualize the yoginini and the yogin as classes of all such entities and their echoing eidolons back through every level in the collective unconscious within the purview of the practitioners. And so it is with writing as a form of karma yoga. It is far from incidental that Schrödinger was practicing Tantric sexual yoga amongst a party of three at the time he wrote his famous quantum wave equation. Parks notes (p. 77) Lawrence was accused of clumsy repetition which Lawrence defended as the pulsing, frictional to-and-fro of every natural crisis in emotion, apt sexual metaphor. Parks regards this something of an afterthought on part of Lawrence. But can there ever be afterthoughts on part of THE WRITER? What is conscious and what is unconscious for THE WRITER as classes of all such entities and their echoing eidolons back through every level in the collective unconscious within the purview of the practitioners? In Lawrence's books we are in circular causation, in non-orientability between cause and effect, skating between 1T2 logic and the m-logically-valued (which rigorously came on the scene, formally, that is, in 1921). Parks notes (p. 73) that the lecturing tone he assumed, were, to many, completely unacceptable. But who is the he referred to, Lawrence or THE WRITER, as classes of and so on? The Lecteur is inversion of collective determinant, is counter-determinant: for remember, in Lawrence's books we are in circular causation and so on. Lawrence, among other things, portrayed psychodynamics of the fear of m-logically-valued identity transparency. He displayed for THE READER the reader's clinging behaviors, why it is that THE READER clasps to his breast social models of 1T2 logic, how he abhors loss of control over his claim to separate self-existence in face of the threat of control over his claim made by the other through imparted pleasure. Given that THE READER claims separate self-existence absolutely, absolute distinction from the other, that is, THE READER can only explore the dimensions of that self-existence by relinquishing dimensions of his claim to the control of the other. Mutual dominance relations of time-bound minds. The other is the field of the play of his claim, once made: no such claim, no such field. But if THE READER relinquishes too many dimensions of his claim, he regards himself as having entered absolute nihil, complete absence of the claim to separate self-existence. So THE READER wants to toy with it, toy with orgiastic shedding of the personality. Such toying is an attempt to sit in hysterical ambivalence in face of imparted pleasure, pleasure tacitly understood as assumed control by the other over THE READER's claim to separate self-existence. THE READER insists on being pleasured according to his preferred habituated Bolero, that Bolero rhythm he has determined will insure he will not overstep the line drawn in the sand of his psyche. For woe unto him who actually enters identity transparency: absolute nihil. Uncrude, patient symbolism is one mechanism of this toying, toying as reinforced by collective determinations. But even in Lawrence's day people could not read, so his elaborately constructed inductions/counter-inductions foundered unto exhaustion upon THE READER. And, today, the condition of THE READER has become so abysmal that only new dimensions of money could possibly entice him into engagement with the m-logically-valued -- or so THE WRITER must hope.
I do not dispute facticity of Stephen Wolfram's very interesting discoveries as described in A New Kind of Science, or the accuracy of his valuable compendium of reflections on the historical issues he essays; I contest his interpretations. For instance, even when discussing algorithmic randomness (random sequences generated by algorithms), he uses phrases like tend to look to us more complicated and more random (p. 1067). What is this look to us if not an analog of the quantum measurement problem? In his Index under the heading Random Models, Wolfram refers the reader to the heading Probabilistic Models -- which immediately, by association, draws the reader's attention to consensus views on quantum measurement. I advocate the notion that randomness is order-of-logical-value-dependent, i.e., how look to us is looked by the looker, and that, if one postulates, for instance, that the prime number sequence is random, then A. S. Karpenko's discoveries about the connections between prime numbers and m-valued logics establishes the existence of many (i.e., some class of infinitude) types of randomness (some of which may be Russellian) -- not just one type. I put random and randomness in quotes because once functions can be mapped on what has been considered a random sequence, it can no longer be regarded random. Karpenko, via V. K. Finn, mapped classes of functions corresponding to m-valued-logics on primes, thereby identifying tree structures rooted on primes. Beyond the obvious implications for encryption and cryptanalysis, what this means is that, in so far as we know, functions constructed according to the rules of 1T2 logic do not resolve the randomness of the prime number sequence, but functions constructed according to m-valued logics may so resolve: the sieve of Eratosthenes is not the only sieve sifting the primes. Hence, randomness, taken as being of only one type, has been a black box term concealing the fundamental reality: m-logical-valuedness. Cellular automata theory, chaos theory, complexity theory treat m-logically-valued processes as if they were 1T2-logically valued, and the notion of randomness these theories employ is central to their dissimulative treatments, treatments that regard the m-valued quantum wave-function in terms of probability amplitudes, not m-valued logics. Another and related example has to do with data compression. If Wolfram's take on randomness were correct, high temperature superconductivity would not be possible. Both information theory and thermodynamics, as noted by Wolfram, indicate that randomness and data compressability are largely incompatible. In the superconductant DNA model, for instance, superconductivity is dependent on the ambient radiation data stream being compressed in the frequency cone through which the incoming environmental signal is beat down to the natural frequency of the molecule. If the information content of the ambient radiation were random, none of this could transpire. Just as in computerized data compression, where code words play off between compression and error correction, code words, what Schrödinger called the genetic code script, and their updates (think transposons), facilitate superconductivity in DNA by enhancing the efficiency of processes taking place in the frequency cone servicing the molecule (this occurs through the coherent quadripolar waves radiated from the molecule which encode, via the four poles, the information content of the four nucleotide-pair codons). There is little doubt in my mind that the in-coming data stream impinging on the DNA molecule is 1T2-logically-random, but, if the DNA molecule is, indeed, superconductant, then that data stream must also be m-logically-valued, which tells us a great deal about Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function. Tornado genesis is another example. Superconductant transport of hydrothermodynamic properties (acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes) cannot transpire through processes with information content that is only 1T2-logically-random, but it could transpire if the involved information were also m-logically-valued. If this information has its origins in thermal processes occurring at Gibbs' coarse-grained microscale, then it will be 1T2-logically-random; but if there is a macroscale-to-microscale energy-momentum cascade (involving complex angular momentum exchange), then there is the possibility that the locally-generated information is organized by multiscaled dynamics that are m-logically-valued in character (and if there is a microscale-to-macroscale reverse cascade, i.e., release of volleys of vertically-propagating acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes that punch holes in the tropopause boundary, then processes analogous to those described above, relative to the DNA molecule's frequency cone, transpire in association with severe local storms). In this case, even if the butterfly flaps its wings 1T2-logically-randomly, errors would not multiply exponentially, because the output of the generative algorithm functioning at the microscale is coherently modulated by a decompositional signal emanating from the m-logically-valued frequency domain. The error-correcting "super state" thus maintained would be a perfectly efficient transducer between electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields, and the transduction would occur at whatever temperature the modulating signal induces the requisite data compression and code-script processes (i.e., frequency and wave-trace velocity labeled quantal wave packets -- in this case on the scale level of air parcels). Both these examples -- DNA and severe local storms -- quite simply put, would be instances of quantum computing nature has long since mastered, and which, even in their simplest data-handling analogues, have yet to be realized in the lab. Tacit assumption of the monotonic notion of randomness has preemptively, and unwarrantedly, ruled all this out.
Neither Wolfram nor Vernon Smith do computer modeling; they do computer experiments. As I understand the difference between these two, the computer model tries to simulate the whole process being studied; while the computer experiment is based on the selection of some small feature of the process that stands out as an anomaly, and the creation of a computer analogue of it, which, when run, reveals behavior of the anomaly which cannot otherwise be predicted. Barbara McClintock based her whole approach to research on the selection of anomalies she intuitively judged to be critical to the behavior of the whole process being studied.
One common feature between the superconductant DNA model and the quantum aspects of the atmospheric cascade model is the production of Musculpt (interactive coherent waves, i.e., holograms, re: DNA; acoustically-modified gravity-wave signatures of constant entropy surfaces, re: severe storms). I have received a very strong Eureka! that doing the right Musculpt computer experiments could experimentally demonstrate validity of both the superconductant DNA and quantum cascade models. You have already identified what is likely the central anomaly: data compression under circumstances which, according to consensus models based on the random information input assumption (neo-Darwinian random mutations re: DNA; local thermal forcing, re: tornadoes), should prevent data compression. This is an opportunity for a computer experiment. That is the Eureka! And you have already pointed out that there is a computer analogue of this anomaly: the data compression required in transferring information from one computer to another -- except that the randomness factor is missing in the computer-to-computer analogue. Two thoughts on this: (1) a better analogue than computer-to-computer transfer may be transliteration between sound and graphics (i.e., reversible transliteration music-to-sculpture-sculpture-to-music, in the 3D case); the compression involving Stockhausen tonal space and Fourier-transform mediated spontaneous localization to the pixel grid, i.e., collapse of the wave-function as decomposition of the reference space; (2) Wolfram's algorithmic randomness -- his simple generative programs -- could become the computer analogue of the 1T>2-random information generator (random mutation, thermal forcing), while decomposing nested-grids and decomposing Grundgestalts (the basic shape of the tone-row in 12-tone composition matrix compositional techniques) could become the computer analogue of the m-logically-valued cascade organizing the 1T>2-randomly generated information.
Extend for a minute into the future the current march of discovery relative to the fluid genome -- all the genetic transpositions, inversions, transposons, et cetera, which are very like 12-tone composition techniques -- and Richard Goldschmidt's contention that genes do not exist, that they are simply an imposed abstraction, that there are only whole chromosomes and macromutations, can be seen in a new light. (From reading the biography of McClintock, I've learned that Goldschmidt was Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin in 1936 when McClintock had a short fellowship there. Oscar Vogt, the progenitor of Autogenic Therapy was there for years at the same time as Goldschmidt. I've also learned that McClintock's father was a homeopath! The Goldschmidt take, as our initial AT paper and the two homeopathy papers indicate, resonates strongly with homeopathy.) What, on the molecular level, appears to be instabilities -- transpositions, inversions, et cetera -- on the quantum level may be facilitators of data compression (as code words and their dynamic updating, re: error correction, have been relative to compression) during transmission and transliteration between time-ordering (i.e., music) and space-ordering (i.e., sculpture) which occurs in the frequency cone beating down the extra- and intracellular environmental signal to the natural frequency of the governing quantum oscillator: that which regulates regulator genes and how they regulate that which is regulated. Data compression and transliteration, in this case, transpires during transmission, not before. This may have major implications for the process of homeopathic potentization of remedies and how to do a DigiBio-type digitalization of such remedies. The strategic link between genetic mechanism and development (embryo-genesis) may be reversible transliteration between temporal and spatial ordering, the computer analogue of which is (morphogenetic) Musculpt. This is another take on our old idea of a periodic table of histological types based solely on quantum frequency response windows, waveforms, and intensities.
The experimental setup would involve: (1) re-creation of 12-tone compositional matrices relative, not to the 12-tone harmonic scale, but to quadripolar waves (used by both the atmosphere and DNA); the tone-rows would be formed on a base-4 number system, and the empirically-derived transpositional matrix rules would be expressed therein; the actual heard sounds would be Fourier transforms; music would not be composed of only four notes, but across the full atonal audio spectrum; (2) mapping these tone-rows, via cellular automata to constant entropy surface topologies using the rules cascade modeling identified to correlate Theta-e surfaces with acoustically-modified gravity-wave signatures. As a first approximation, Wolfram's commercially available software called Mathematica has taken nested 2D cellular automata to 3D projections by sheet-stacking techniques (which we would invert to cascade modulation of 1T>2-randomness by sheet unstacking). Later, using Karpenko's functional maps between m-valued logics and the random prime number sequence (which Mathematica at large numbers generates with many different approximation algorithms), via Gödel-numbering of computer registers for pixel display, this could become a vastly more accurate analogue of the natural processes, as the tone (nucleotide pair) sequences would be modulated under m-orders of logical-value, thus transcending single-level genetic encipherment, a requirement, I believe, for any real-world embryology. The modulation would be what is required to accomplish data compression in an environment where data compression is apparently disallowed. That is one Musculpt computer experiment in general outline description: the basic idea. Build the computer analogue of the natural process anomaly accurately, run the experiment, and if the output violates the expectation from conventional assumptions, a demonstration has been made. Enough such demonstrations and validity of the models would become compelling. Modulatory rules would evolve into conventions of Musculpt composition, and would thus have an empirical basis.
The software for composing music with waveforms is now very sophisticated: it is done visually on the computer monitor: grab a piece of the wave with the mouse and move it to another location. The tools for working with a laminated Musculpt manifold appear now to be on the scene, and readily available. John Cage produced aleatory (chance) music by creating a compositional algorithm the performers followed to generate the piece (thermal forcing, random mutations). Schoenberg produced highly composed pieces by meticulously working out transpositions of a basic 12-tone row according to a set of matrix rules he created (derived by analogy to Cabalistic tree-of-life involution). It appears nature does both simultaneously, and does so both in temporal-ordering and in spatial-ordering, all of which can readily be analogically experimented with via Musculpt. Each experiment would be a piece of Musculpt symorphony.
Why is superconductivity of DNA needed? What do I mean by that which regulates the regulator? Okay, let's look at that. When operons were discovered back in the early 1960s, it was demonstrated that the regulator gene codes for a repressor substance, a protein, which can attach to an operator gene so as to block transcription, and that if a substrate attaches to the repressor protein, the substrate can block the action of the repressor protein. That's all well and good. Here we appear to have a regulatory mechanism, a regulator designated the operon. This was generalized under the rubric of transposable elements. Reading Science News regularly, one could more or less keep up with the evolution of this generalization. Genetic flip-flop switches, for instance, were discovered, where a sequence can invert, thus turning a gene on and off. Here is another regulator. And McClintock's suppressor-mutator system was found in cells other than those of corn. In this case, as distinct from that of the operon, the regulator is at a removed location from the gene it controls, i.e., suppresses or enhances. Here we have explanations for how biological function and organization emerge from changes in biological structure: that is McClintock's orientation to the question of how biological development transpires, be the development ontogenetic or phylogenetic. But did McClintock's analysis of her data demonstrate a correlation or a cause-effect relation? I believe her data analysis demonstrated a high correlation, not a cause-effect relation -- a major achievement, nonetheless. The subsequent discoveries in molecular genetics appear to demonstrate a cause-effect relation. But is this actually the case? Take the flip-flop switch, for instance. What makes the reversal -- the inversion of coding sequence -- a non-random event in a system of elements in randomly-driven thermal motion? The inversion of coding sequence requires motion of the elements of the sequence. The motion of these elements, according to basic chemistry, is governed by the laws of thermodynamics. These laws describe heat motion, which is random motion. By what means does the insertion take place non-randomly? More generally, how does function and organization emerge if the driver is random heat motion? In the case of the operon, the repressor protein has to move from its locus of synthesis to the bonding site on the operator gene. We are still in a systemic construct characterized by thermally-driven bumper cars, random motion of molecular elements bouncing off one another. How does the repressor protein get from point-A to point-B except by thermal motion? The same question applies to the remote regulation transpiring in the suppressor-mutator system. In the case of movement of the operon's repressor protein, a role for multiple copies can be imagined: were the number of copies of the repressor protein to increase, the probability that one of the copies would move from point-A to point-B would increase. In this case we would have a probable organism, not an actual organism. To get from probable organisms to actual organisms, something else is required. Add a molecular addressing system to this and it appears that the odds of some repressor protein copy reaching the right destination are higher. But if addressing is involved, how does that relate to the random nature of the bumper car's motion? An addressing system implies conscious agency -- comprehension of the total system of addresses, of a map -- and some means of steering the car. Absent conscious agency, an address can only tell you where you are once you get there, and then only by some mechanism involved with the address, docking site conformation, for instance. One way out of the conscious agency imputation is to change the notion of the properties of the medium through which the motion transpires: structure the intracellular water. But even in a liquid crystal environment, an environment such as Mae-Wan Ho describes, there is motion, even if viscous motion, from point-A to point-B, and there still has to be some non-random means by which this motion is accomplished if there is to be regulation -- unless one accepts the chaos and complexity theory notion that form emerges out of randomness by virtue of attractors and the like. Inside the cell, there are enormous numbers of bumper cars moving all over the place to their appointed locations in exquisite timing relationship. To imagine all this as governed by myriad non-equilibrium-thermodynamic chemical attractors, or the like, superimposed one upon another within the same space, modifying one another, as they certainly would, yet each maintaining integrity, as they must if their given function is to be fulfilled, is to ask too much of the concept. The notion of chaotic attractors, simple and beautiful as it is relative to processes with a small number of functions -- functions like moving a given element from point-A to point-B -- cannot possibly be the means of non-random regulatory action in processes with very large numbers of functions (not merely elements) such as those studied in embryology (with a hierarchy of emergent properties at least all the way from the electron to the whole organism) -- unless there is a wave-function governing superposition of non-equilibrium thermodynamically-motivated chemical attractors. But, by now, we are well outside the realms of molecular biology.
When we began work in the mid-70s on the superconductant DNA model, we worked in the tradition of Bohr, Schrödinger, and Delbrück, who believed that new laws of physics would emerge out of explication of fundamentals in genetics. Though we did not attend Phage Group seminars at Cold Spring Harbor, and though we did not debunk Sheldon's theory of physical and temperamental types, which we rather liked, we did attend seminars at Cornell's Neurobiological Behavior Laboratories and audit classes on biological clocks taught by Bill Keeton. In re-conceptualizing Schrödinger's linear wave equation for biological systems, we added two orders of nonlinearity related to temporal ordering and treated the multiple values of the wave-function as representing real systemic factors, not probable states. These real systemic factors were regarded as interactive relative-states of the system. This was different from Hugh Everett's notion in three respects: (1) Everett imagined a wave-function for the whole universe, we only for a biological organism; (2) Everett retained linearity of the wave equation; (3) Everett concluded that the m-valued branches of the wave-function could not interact due to thermodynamic constraints. We envisioned the two orders of nonlinearity as removing the thermodynamic constraints on far-from-equilibrium interactivity. We understood this as being a consequence of the nature of the two orders of nonlinearity. These orders relate to what is designated as operator-time. I cannot recapitulate the whole theory here -- which is described in detail in various papers posted in the Ithaca Papers on the MOON website and in the published 1979 superconductant DNA paper itself -- but can offer some comments on features of the theory relevant to what is being discussed here. Rather than conscious agency, in the direct and immediate sense, as the means of directing the bumper car from point-A to point-B, we imagined a wave-guide, specifically a wave-trace velocity, operating in the frequency domain of the organism, the frequency domain described by the nonlinear wave equation. The regulator of the regulator, the operator that operates the operon, is, according to this notion, operator-time. And the agency of operator-time within the cell, the intracellular Zeitgeber, is the temperature oscillation rate of the p-electron parcel in the p-electron gas enveloping the p-stacks of the DNA molecule. Temperature here was redefined at the quantum level (and this was an issue discussed during peer review of the 1979 paper before it was accepted for publication). As the temperature oscillation rate undergoes nonlinear changes, trains of coherent waves are generated by the DNA molecule which radiate through the cellular environment affecting the cellular frequency domain established by the myriad bioelectrical interactions occurring within the organism. By resonance coupling, the wave-trace velocities of these radiating coherent waves guide the bumper cars from various points-A to various points-B according to the genetic information encoded in the quadripolar waves, as the four nucleotide pairs are in one-to-one correspondence with the four poles of these waves. The map associated with the addressing system is in the superposed frequencies of the frequency domain through which the encoded quadripolar waves propagate. More fundamentally, one can speculate that operator-time, as a topological operator on space, decomposes dimensionality of space in the neighborhood of the DNA molecule as it undergoes helix-coil transition, decomposes it into a fractal map which is the spacetime correlate of the frequency domain. This would be the means by which the non-equilibrium-thermodynamic (remember: the intracellular Zeitgeber is a temperature oscillation) chemical attractors form and are superimposed one upon another within the same space, modifying one another, as they certainly would, yet each maintaining integrity, as they must if their given function is to be fulfilled. Such intracellular processes could not exist if DNA were not superconductant.
Thank you very much for making me aware of the Prognos Electronic Diagnostic Unit, produced by MEDPREVENT GmbH & Co., which I understand is based in part on Fritz-Albert Popp's work in detecting biophoton emissions. I have attended a seminar and asked questions. This computerized diagnostic tool, as you know, is based in part on principles of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. A point contact probe is used to measure K-Ohm values of skin resistance at the initial and final points of the meridians on the hands and feet, twenty-four points in all: the information generated is called Computerized Meridian Data. After the initial set of measurements, the patient puts on earphones and listens to an audio frequency while the same measurements are made again. The Ohmmeter readings are different from what they were initially. This is repeated over and over with different audio frequencies, the Ohmmeter readings taken from each point varying as the audio frequencies are changed. The audio frequencies are apparently related to different systems of the body, meridian classes, organs, different disease categories, different energy states, and the like. I asked how these audio frequencies were arrived at and was told that biophoton emissions from various drugs and medicinal products which act on the given system, category, organ, disease are measured using Popp's detector and that these emissions are translated into an audio frequency. The audio frequency affects the CNS, particularly the thalamus and temporal lobe, such that the skin resistance at the measured acupuncture points is changed. The diagnostic compilation is based upon analysis of the K-Ohm values and their statistical correlation with a central data bank presently involving some 12-million measurements. All of this is very interesting and certainly one way in which alternative medicine ought to evolve. Nonetheless, I learned nothing about the Popp frequencies to which I referred in Tranche IV. And my guess is that one does not gain access to such frequency data even if one buys the Prognos diagnostic system: those frequencies remain proprietary information. Such is my guess, not having bought the system. I have to stand by what I said in Tranche IV, while I continue to seek more information. Regarding this diagnostic system, for instance, I would like to know how the detected biophoton spectra are translated into audio frequencies in the range of human hearing. What is the translation algorithm carrying light into sound? Just a Fourier transform? And what is the physical meaning of this translation relative to bodily functions, in terms either of Western science or traditional Chinese medicine? And why is translation into the range of human hearing required? Is this only for demonstration and/or promotional value? Why not an infrasonic or ultrasonic translation and sound bath? Why not a biophoton bath at the frequency originally detected by Popp's machine? The audio frequency range of human hearing is, of course, non-invasive. One would think, however, that if there is widespread frequency, waveform, intensity specificity amongst the elements of organic systems, translations between modalities and frequencies would involve significant alteration of the properties of the input signal. So the diagnostic meaning of this translation procedure is not clear to me.
Yes, the piece by Howard M. Wachtel in the October, 2003 issue of Le Monde Diplomatique (Not Yet the Almighty Euro) is one of the best things I've read on the subject of competition by the euro to the dollar's international reserve currency status. He identifies many of the variables at play and analyzes what would have to transpire in the euro zone before the euro could become a viable alternative reserve currency. He also discusses the dollar's vulnerabilities and gives some very interesting figures I had not seen before. I did not know, for instance, that (quoting p. 12) Around 45% of all US imports are intra-trade within US companies that produce outside the US and sell inside it. I knew there was a lot of that going on; I did not know it was anything like 45 percent. This enormous figure means that the traditional notion of border as a line drawn in the sand absolutely distinguishing inside from outside, no longer accurately describes prevailing realities in the international economy, such that current account calculations, for instance, are flawed. The U.S. current account deficit is somehow different, in a way not currently analyzable by economists, from what it is thought to be. Imports and exports cannot be distinguished without there being borders. The traditional post-Renaissance Western notion of border, where inside can be absolutely distinguished from outside, is derivative of the Law of Non-Contradiction (no-A is not-A) as given in Aristotelian-Baconan 1T>2 logic: without this law there can be no absolute distinction between inside (A) and outside (not-A). Here, in the case of the multi-national corporation, we have an example of multi-valued identity -- the corporation is neither merely inside or merely outside -- rigorous analysis of which requires applications of multi-valued logics, applications economists have so far resolutely rejected. From the point of view of 1T>2 logic, the $500-billion-per-year U.S. current account deficit can be regarded in some measure an index of economic autoimmune reactivity, given that the multinational exhibits m-logically-valued identity and immune system function is consensually conceived to be based on 1T>2-logically-valued identity and processes of biological warfare required to sustain absolute distinction between inside and outside, self and non-self vectors.
Wachtel's article also comes closer than does any other piece I have seen to expressing in print one of Derek's central themes. This is not so strange, perhaps, given that Derek attended the School of International Service, American University, Washington, D.C., and Wachtel teaches economics there. In discussing dollar vulnerabilities, he says (p. 12):
there has been some modest portfolio repositioning, including some crude oil sales made in euros instead of dollars. This could be a target for EU strategic moves. If it can convince oil-exporting countries to accept euros rather than dollars, there will be a new theatre in the transatlantic conflict. Watch Russia
He doesn't go so far as Derek, of course, in two respects. One, he neglects to mention what he surely understands (this is a verboten topic on American campuses), that the globally-unique U.S. ability to freely print external dollars (fiat currency injected into international circulation, not domestic circulation: the code term for this used in technical monetary literature is liability financing) to cover its current account deficit -- an ability inherited from the now long defunct Bretton-Woods gold-exchange mechanism, the prevailing international reserve currency status of the dollar, and the role and responsibility for insuring adequate international liquidity incumbent upon being the nation having its currency be the preferred reserve currency -- strongly modifies the equation stating the capital inflow needs of the U.S. required to close its current account deficit. The unique ability to freely print -- unconstrained, ever since Nixon shut the gold window, even by so small a restriction as a gold-exchange mechanism -- is a privilege the U.S. has abused for over 30 years, along with being a global head-hunting scavenger (robbing lesser-developed countries of their best human resources) and a sinkhole for planetary savings (denying local utilities to the high savings rates in developing countries by sucking these savings into international dollar flows and U.S. securities, thus using those locally-generated savings to finance pursuit of U.S. strategic objectives which involve the mounting of an offensive against local cultural integrities). This unique privilege also profoundly alters the competitive ratio between the euro and the dollar relative to becoming or remaining the preferred international reserve currency. All this means that the dollar's greatest vulnerability is alternative denomination of crude oil transactions. And this fact tells us a great deal about recent U.S. strategic behaviors. Two, he does not state, and he perhaps does not realize, that the U.S. will never, under whatever circumstances, move back into relative parity with the rest of the world. There will be no top-down fundamental reform of the international monetary system so long as America has any say in the matter. Substantial threat to the paramount economic status of the U.S. is regarded by virtually everyone in the U.S. as a national security threat. It has for thirty years been Derek's theme that the U.S. will go to war, and will use whatever of its military capabilities seem to be required, including nuclear weapons, to maintain its paramount status. This judgment was arrived at on basis of intimate exposure early in life to the U.S. military officer corps at home and abroad and to the Washington powerbroker elite. Who happens to be in the White House can only modify details of how this is carried out. The U.S. will choose to cease to exist before it chooses to step abaft, regardless of who sits in public office. If Russia joins the EU by adopting a petro-euro, this will set in motion U.S. behaviors that ultimately will split the EU, leading to formation of a Germano-Russian bloc: this is Derek's 30-year-old theme in current update. Something like this is a near inevitability, not because of international terrorism, not because of intransigent U.S. will to global hegemony, not because of increasingly divergent views between Europe and America, not because of a resurgent Russian intent to climb back to superpower status, not because of the Chinese will to redress the abuses it was subjected to in the 19th century, not because of a crisis in global capitalism -- because the technologies of globalization are quantum-based technologies. Quantum-based technologies, being in their essential character m-logically-valued, are forcing social, political, and economic changes globally that embody m-logically-valued identity, identity like the emergent identity of the multinational corporation, where inside can no longer be absolutely distinguished from outside. Such states of identity are terrifying to the Cartesian-Newtonian mind, TERRIFYING; they are regarded as undermining sacred ego autonomy, as schizophrenic, as hallucination inducing (One could become another John Nash!), as counter to everything America holds most dear, everything she takes to be essential to her identity and very existence. The only way these simple-identity-discombobulating threats can be kept at bay, kept out of mind, is by sustaining the paramount status of America, the last dike holding back the waters of the collective unconscious. Collective psychological processes of projective identification are behind the involved contradictory behaviors: America has played the primary role in producing these quantum-based technologies and their socioeconomic embodiments, such as the multinationals. America has created objective phenomena that analogically embody features of America's suppressed cognitive faculties, faculties confined to the unconscious where they exist in a regressed state: that is exactly what projective identification does. This psychic process is automatic: it occurs every time, without failure, no matter what the conscious intent. C. G. Jung explicated these processes brilliantly in his pre-WWII analysis of the Nazification of Germany: Modern Man in Search of a Soul. Abdul Said, AU's superlative School of International Service Sufi theoretician of the international system of nation-states, made his greatest gift to Derek in 1963 when he insisted that Derek set aside everything else and closely study Jung's book simultaneously with A. J. P. Taylor's The Causes of the Second World War and Plato's Republic (attending to Plato's mode of thought, not the concrete content of his discourse). Validity of projective identification has fallen into academic disrepute precisely because it is presently so prevalent a collective behavior. M-logically-valued identity is so very TERRIFYING (being suppressed, hence regressed and unavailable to consciousness) to the Cartesian-Newtonian mind -- which is the conscious mind of America, the mind embodied in its constitution, its institutions, its political-economy, its Judeo-Christian values, its sense of its place in the universe, its very reason for being -- that almost any condition of war or pestilence is preferable to the direct conscious experience thereof. So, more than a small dose of collective-unconscious-driven inevitability is involved in the present evolution of global events. No appeal to conscious faculties, to ethics, to rational considerations dissipates projective identification. None. The only effective action is change of the framework conditions giving rise to the impetus for projective identification. One such change would be implementation from the bottom-up of m-logically-valued monetary units.
There is another interesting article in the October issue of Le Monde Diplomatique, Ignacio Ramonet's Set the Media Free. He provides an insightful analysis of the power of the global media conglomerates, their abandonment of a Forth Estate role, their negative political and cultural impacts. He then proposes the creation of what he calls a Fifth Estate (quoting p. 7): we propose the creation of Media Watch Global The strength of the organization will be moral: it will judge media honestly on the basis of ethics it is urgent to analyze how the people of the world might demand a more ethical approach from major media, to require a commitment to truth and respect for codes of conduct What is the potential of this proposal, really? The actual potential is creation of a spoiling operation on behalf of the media conglomerates. Such a Fifth Estate can not possibly have a fundamental transformative effect on operations of the global media; it can only provide that media with a cover of plausible denial. Were such a Fifth Estate created, the conglomerates would interact with it in such a manner as to claim responsiveness to the will of the people -- without changing their actual behaviors. Ramonet believes in the prevailing Cartesian-Newtonian framework conditions just as strongly as do those who run the global media conglomerates. He thus proposes a lobbying effort, a quintessentially Cartesian-Newtonian effort well within the prevailing framework conditions. This sort of thing diverts public attention from efforts to authentically replace those conditions, efforts such as bottom-up implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units. This proposal dissipates the possibility of effective action to remove the impetus for projective identification by reinforcing the prerequisites thereof.
Again am I stepping off into bizarre associations and unserviceable thoughts. I do so in an attempt to resurrect some states I once entered, and to see if I can somehow push the envelope of insight. I will connect here two unconnectable areas, which, actually, have long been connected in my cognition. The book on Gnostic contents of the Nag Hammadi Codices which I read in the mid-70s and couldn’t remember the title of is mentioned in the New York Review of Books article by Birger Pearson, The Other Christians (October 23, 2003). That title was simply The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels (Abigdon Press, 1973). Strangely enough, reading that book is what caused me to focus in 1986 on one particular bronze drum of the many ancient bronze drums on display in Museum Pusat Jakarta, that drum the tympanum of which is depicted in THE MOON OF HOA BINH. Strolling through the display area, idly scanning the drums, there jumped off one of the tympanums the image of human stick figures converging on a central solar emblem. I was taken aback and began studying closely this tympanum, noting the unusually complex nature of the abstract geometrical patterns displayed upon it. In MOON, it is these geometrical patterns that became symbolic of the central theoretical themes of the book, not the stick figures. But that is maybe a bit ingenuous.
In the mid-70s, I had been exposed at the Hamilton, Ontario Velikovsky symposium to the group of scholars and pseudo-scientists who believe in a planetary (not isolated patchwork) high Neolithic culture, and I was reading more and more deeply into blackhole physics, thinking of science fiction time storms, spacetime gates, and the like. Learning about acoustically-modified gravity wave modes in tornado genesis was in no way incongruous in this cognitive setting. I was also very much aware of the structural parallels between General Relativity and C. G. Jung's conception of the collective psyche, wherein his association experiments gave rise to a notion of collective psychic gradients quite similar to that of spacetime curvature configurations. I even asked Velikovsky at that symposium if he had any personal knowledge of a correspondence between Einstein and Jung on this specific topic. He said no. Soon thereafter, I became familiar with certain aspects of the mathematics of temporal curl and clarification started to come as to what exactly implications of adding two orders of nonlinearity to the Schrödinger wave equation would mean: the achievement, under the action of topological operators, of non-orientability in the reference space. This, of course, cannot really be comprehended under 1T>2 logic, but by then I was also reading into Post's m-valued logics. At that time, I was walking around in an environment filled with cognitive synchronisities, and by one such event, inadvertently, in the Cornell library stacks, I ran across a three-inch thick folio volume on the Greek concept of hylê, on pan-hylism, which I devoured (unfortunately, I cannot remember the title of this book by, I think, an Oxford don). I recognized hylê as being a concept J. G. Bennett had worked with, but the don's book was highly complex metaphysical discourse with many Greek words in the text; I came away from it without clear ideas, but the recognition that pan-psychism and pan-hylism were not to be considered as in any real way opposites. If the m-logically-valued reference space, under nonlinear orders of topological operators, is non-orientable, then, it seemed to me at that time, mind and matter, too, in some sense, must be non-orientable -- like the two sides of a Moebius strip or the inner and outer surfaces of a Klein bottle. Far enough out is in; far enough in is out, as I then stated it in my journals. Soon after arriving at this formulation, I ran across Pagels' book, The Gnostic Gospels.
This book greatly reinforced the notion germinating in my mind that all the world's great religions had their origins in the planetary high Neolithic culture, and that, as salients from this culture evolved toward institutionalization, exemplary individuals were fixed upon by the institutionalizers as the founding fathers of this or that great religion: fixation on founding fathers being a strategy of institutionalization developed from the notion of tutelary guardian spirits. But some details from the translations of the Gnostic texts were what really stuck in my mind. A lot of these statements are unabashedly animistic, in the sense of exemplifying m-logically-valued identity transparency. Pan-hylism/pan-psychism is also invoked by repeated use of the term pleroma, which is like all-ness, fullness, and which I regard an evocation of the m-logically-valued reference space. According to these Gnostic texts, the Word of God comes from the pleroma (as acoustically-modified gravity waves?). And other passages display deep knowledge of very modern complex notions in psychology. But what riveted my attention, in context of the above-described mental set, were a few passages describing traveling to other worlds through the sun, as I remember them stating. This was treated almost as if such traveling were somehow a Gnostic discipline being taught. Out-of-the-body experiences, OBEs? My proposition in reverse order: Far enough in is out; far enough out is in. Who is to say that catching a comet is to be achieved on the material side of the pan-hylism/pan-psychism Moebius strip? Maybe the Inca actually won their war against time in confrontation with the Spaniards. The human stick figures converging on the solar emblem that, in 1986, jumped off the tympanum of the bronze drum in Jakarta instantaneously brought this proposition regarding in and out to mind. I was acutely aware that the drum and the Nag Hammadi Codices were virtually contemporaneous artifacts -- if created halfway around the globe from each other.
As an example of Nag Hammadi passages that display knowledge of modern psychology, consider the following, quoted (p. 12) in Pearson's review of Pagels' recent book Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas:
Jesus said: If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.
This is a beautiful summary account of projective identification. Bringing forth into conscious awareness unconscious contents depotentiates the regressed collective psychic gradients Jung studied with his association experiments (experiments giving rise to a conception similar to spacetime curvature configuration in General Relativity, i.e., the relativistic notion of gravity). Leaving unconscious, thus not bringing forth, regressed contents of the collective unconscious will destroy you by yoking your behaviors to processes of projective identification.
Here is where we enter the second area, the unconnectable area. Projective identification is a subject virtually impossible to discuss these days, particularly as it applies to collective psychology. People simply short-circuit. But consider the following illustrative example. RFID tags. Radio-frequency identification. This technology is an artifact of projective identification -- so glaring an artifact that it signifies profound collective mental derangement. As m-logically-valued quantum mechanics is more and more experimentally verified (the Aspect experiments, and so on) and more and more embodied in the quantum-based technologies of globalization (internet telepresence, quantum computing, and the like) collective hysteria concerning the implied undermining of simple-identity, identity based upon 1T>2 logic, exponentially grows. Because Gnostic m-logically-valued animistic identity transparency is not brought forth, remains unconscious, collective psychic gradients express, through processes of projective identification, the will to demonstrate unassailability of non-heretical simple-identity: every object and every subject is to be tagged with a signifier of 1T>2-logical identity. In this manner, the gathering doubts about the validity of the prevailing philosophy, religion, beliefs, values can be assuaged. But, when every object and every subject and all the usual suspects of daily life are RFID tagged, this will not only place severe limitations on privacy and personal freedom, every habitat will be absolutely saturated with RF radiation, radiation in the biologically-active low-intensity region. And, I may be wrong, but I imagine that, with billions and billions of objects and subjects and suspects so tagged, the 96-bit electronic product code of so many tagged objects and subjects and suspects will require transmission on more than one RF frequency. These many frequencies almost certainly will hit more than one of the myriad frequency response windows of the DNA molecules operating in various cell types within the bodies of plants, animals, and humans, not to mention the DNA and RNA of viruses and micro-organisms. The kind of frequencies the Prognos Electronic Diagnostic Unit attempts to monitor? Indubitably. Then, in the plethora (not pleroma) of tagged simple-identities, it will not be by the product liability lawsuits alone that what you do not bring forth will destroy you.
No. It is not that I think your perspective on these matters is uninformed, naive, or unrealistic. I think it is an expression of the collective induction funnel -- which is all but impossible to escape unless one has focused a great deal of attention upon it. During the late Weimar period, the Brown Shirts formed the inside of the Nazification induction funnel and the Gustav Stresemanns formed the outside of that very same funnel, which is actually a collective psychological Klein bottle, where "inside" and "outside" are non-orientable. The induction funnel is formed by projective identification on the level of group mind: all unconscious or to one degree or another subliminal. Those in opposition are as much a part of the problem as those exemplifying the pathogenesis. This is discussed at length in the second Autogenic Therapy scene in MOON, discussed in relation to the Japanese Jungian psychiatrist who studied under Jung and lived in Germany in the early 1930s: his reflections upon attending a speech given by Hitler. It is also discussed in relation to the Japanese intelligence officer whose father became a Swedenborgian reader under the influence of D. T. Suzuki, the Zen Buddhist scholar who attended the First International Swedenborg Congress in 1911. Another such discussion in MOON is provided in the eye-witness account Derek gives of the breaking up of the House UnAmerican Activities Committee meeting by the American Nazi Party in 1963. There are multiple such induction funnels operating on a large scale today, that in the Middle East being an exemplary case. But who understands this? One has to have consciously moved through such a funnel, and emerged, via Jung's transcendent function, onto a higher level of cognition, if one is to have some capacity to resist its inductive force. Who even understands they don't understand it? Herman Wouk in War and Remembrance clearly states that he understands that he doesn't understand it. He does this by agonizing over the causes of WWII, and explicitly admitting that we simply have no real insight into these causes. I have seen this so clearly enunciated nowhere else: not in Peter Gay's Weimar Culture, not in Henry Pachter's Weimar Etudes, not in Amos Elon's recent review (The New York Review of Books, October 23, 2003) of Jonathan Wright's Gustav Stresemann: Weimar's Greatest Statesman.
In terms of your optimism in face of present circumstances, where is the constituency for efficacious action relative to the fundamentals? At the low end of the resource base there continues to be no serviceable consensus regarding those fundamentals. Efficacious cooperative behaviors, therefore, still cannot find a way to emerge: the prerequisites have not been fulfilled. There exists not even a will to engage with processes of consensus building relative to fundamentals, only to building and maintaining the walls of the induction funnel or finding some cozy cubbyhole to hide in. At the high end all the potential actors -- people with huge amounts of money like Gates, Soros, Madonna, the Hollywood crowd -- are products of the existing institutionalization, and everything they do is in service to that institutionalization. Look at how they choose to dispense their tax free gifts. Look at the projects they initiate, Oliver Stone, for instance. Fundamentals are never engaged. Even those without great financial resources, but who are cognitively and otherwise extremely well placed to undertake efficacious action, like Oriana Fallaci once was, seem always somehow to short-circuit -- often on the very issues deeply involved with projective identification. And in the middle realm, there is little more than a vast hoard of consumer automata. Where is the constituency? The majority view, the consensus account, the verdict of history could never have been right, otherwise the human species wouldn't be as screwed as it is.
Take the AIDS issue, for instance. Gates gave 250 million dollars to global AIDS programs; Soros more than 50 million; the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, much more. This money, by strategic considerations, in my judgment, has not only been wasted, it has been counterproductive. Why? Why would I say such a thing? Let me make the argument by beginning with an outlandish statement, which I will then explain. AIDS will not truly be overcome until m-logically-valued monetary units are implemented. Crazy, eh. Crazy statement. The two things have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Is this really true? HIV is pathogenic with regard to the individual organism, but opportunistic with regard to epidemiology, with regard, that is, to the host population corpus. What could that possibly mean? It means that removing the pathogen does not remove the epidemic. It means that HIV got through anti-viral immunity to establish an epidemiologic foothold in the species by virtue of the action of other factors: factors related to frequency-response-window immune signifiers carried by DNA and RNA, what might very accurately be called the RFIDs these molecules carry and radiate. Except that these are m-logically-valued quantum IDs, not 96-bit binary-signature product codes. That's why there are full-blown cases of AIDS without presence of HIV, just as there are full-blown cases of mononucleosis without presence of Epstein-Barr virus. These AIDS programs largely involve themselves with teaching the germ theory of disease, that is with teaching the binary notion of self/non-self identity to peoples emerging from millennia under animistic experience of identity transparency, which formally is m-logically-valued. What does this learning of the germ theory do to their immune competency? It further undermines it, of course. The pathogenic vector in the individual case, may be interdicted, but the epidemiologic etiology, the identity dyscracia, is enhanced. So long as those other factors, those frequency-response-window factors, including inherited frequency anomalies, remain potent, removing HIV will only morph AIDS into another chimerical expression. AIDS is a dyscrasia, a disease of the blood and other body fluids. But being an immune competency disease, it is also an identity dyscrasia, given that the responsibility of the immune system is to distinguish between self and non-self, and to remove or sequester the non-self factors. But definition of self/non-self is subject to the order of value of the logic prevalent in the system. This is not simply an organic given, as reduction of killer T-cell titers in post-traumatic stress disorder clearly indicates -- stress like forced cultural assimilation, widespread use of prophylactic broad-spectrum antibiotics as Civic Action Patrol (CAPs) administered political propaganda, nutritional deficits, recreational drug use, and on and on -- all of which directly impact level of immune competency. These are those other factors by which HIV got through anti-viral immunity. As the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm and its institutionalization dies its slow death, one way in which that which will replace it has been manifest is through emergence of increasing expressions of androgyny -- and the enormous social struggle that has ensued. Androgyny is an internal manifestation of m-logically-valued identity transparency. Social interdiction of a widespread transition in self-identity is epidemiologically facilitative: one of those other factors subverting anti-viral immunity. What is the intelligent strategic role of private philanthropy -- to fund what governments fund, or to fund what governments couldn't possibly fund? Governments have no difficulty funding interdiction of blood dyscrasia, but they couldn't possibly fund interdiction of identity dyscrasia. People wouldn't permit it, not given the action of presently operative induction funnels. So, when these private donors jump to the government funding criteria guideline, they misallocate their resources and even engage in counterproductive actions.
Where is the constituency for efficacious engagement with fundamentals? There is none, and there will not be one. How many people on this planet actually live in the psychological space of post-Newtonian perspectives? Just try to find one. Now that is a real challenge! History is finding the only path available to it: extralegality will be the means by which the new paradigm formalizes itself socially, politically, economically. But this formalization will be a regressed, violent, infantile expression of the new paradigm, not a mature, healthy, consciously elaborated one. No one I know actually lives in that post-Newtonian m-logically-valued psychological space. How could it be consciously elaborated? And this formalization will move from the periphery to the center, from the others to the core of us, those Anglo-American societies clinging most tenaciously to the Cartesian-Newtonian institutionalization. It will be at this center of us where the apotheosis of regressed, infantile violence occurs. Projective identification. Immune competency disorder in social, political, and economic format. How many located in the various centers of THE center are likely to survive? The survivors will be those who have always survived, the peasant hoi polloi. Currently Al Qaeda and the Anglo-American cohort form the inside and the outside of the global induction funnel. Al Qaeda's network of networks subverts the national boundaries of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system by ignoring them. The one-to-two billion rural to urban economically-driven migrants, migrants into burgeoning squatter settlements, over the next two decades will illegally cross borders in great numbers. Al Qaeda and its progeny will ride on the backs of these wet-backs, logistically and financially, moving materiel, money, and personnel illegally across borders. Eventually, the international terrorists will morph into global insurgents as the ethno-cultural-religious barrier of Islamic fundamentalism is jumped. The Anglo-American cohort also increasingly ignores integrity of sovereign borders. The sovereign border is a binary construct, a self/non-self immune signifier which is being undermined by both sides of the global induction funnel. Economic globalization also ignores borders. Extralegality is the wave of the future, and waves of mass hysteria will ride upon the underlying tidal bore, as the borderless world becomes a world warlordized. That is how the new paradigm will be institutionalized as an immune competency disorder.
On a certain level of consideration, I absolutely do not believe in experimental science, because, on this level, precedence relations do not exist absolutely -- temporal precedence, logical precedence, ontological precedence. Experiment always requires employment of pre-diction; but there is only one absolute pre-diction: Let there be light! And there is light. This is not mysticism, not merely Cabalistic Taoism. Mysticism is a Western word, a Greek word, for the Westerner's inability to understand an experience he has never experienced. The word mysticism has no actual relation to the experience it has come to denote to the person who has never had the experience. Practitioners of experimental science never leave their own backyards, their bodies as learned behavior -- which is not to say that, on a certain level of consideration, there is no practical value to experimental science, as destructive as it has a tendency to be. John Horgan at least made one profound statement in his book The End of Science (Addison-Wesley, 1996, p. 93): sometimes the clearest science writing is the most dishonest. I could completely agree with this statement if the word sometimes were removed. If you add a third propositional value to the logic you employ, there is no possibility of absolutely distinguishing one instant of linear-time from any other such instant: there suddenly exists a certain transparency between instants of linear-time. This is because, without the laws of distributed middle and non-contradiction, there is no possibility of defining any given instant as itself and only itself. As more and more orders of logical-value are added to the propositional calculus employed, the transparency of Rice Pereira's the layered transparent becomes more and more clarified: there is no absolute temporal precedence relation. But, as this propositional proposition is more and more considered, it becomes apparent that the more-and-more as opposed to the less-and-less is not absolutely distinguishable. By which order of logical-value is this distinction absolutely to be made? Except under 1T>2 logic, there is no absolute ordinality or cardinality, this reflexivity-type absence being a deep structural property of Cantor's continuum hypothesis Paul Cohen never adequately explored, but which is even resident in the diagonal proof of the very definition of a denumerable transfinite set. (Derek Dillon participated in discussion of issues related to this as early as 1964 at the National Zoo northwest Washington dining room table of Ernest Nagel -- author of Gödel's Proof -- and his Jungian analyst wife, issues related to archetypes as Gödel numbers.) There is no absolute logical precedence relation. This is what Russell meant to mean, in On Logical Atomism, when he argued that as the order of logical-value increases there is less and less semantic content -- meaning -- to the involved proposition. This is a property of Pereira's Transcendental Formal Logic of the Infinite -- viewed from a CERTAIN perspective, and a linear certain perspective (an issue involved in the pilot fixation syndrome studied at Los Alamos and elsewhere). The logic employed is employed by an employer. As the order of propositional value varies, the defining properties of the employer of the logic employed varies: the very idea of identity the employer can employ varies. The CERTAIN perspective Russell employed is not born out by mystical experience: order of value of the logic habitually employed determines the very idea of identity the employer can employ: there is no absolute ontological precedence relation. This circumstance will be concretely manifest under employment of m-logically-valued monetary units, and that is the foremost reason why they should be employed: there is no other way people will come to understand quantum nonlocality and spontaneous onset of order at critical states, Per Bak's self-organized criticality at, for instance, Marie Curie's temperature of, for instance, the DNA molecule. Russell thought a 1T>2-logically constituted identity can employ propositions in other orders of logical-value, without that employment changing the identity of the employer. That's why he saw ever decreasing meaning in propositions of ever increasing logical-value. Here was his greatest error in judgment, an error in judgment made because he never left his backyard, his body as learned behavior. A truly transparent international monetary system, with fractally-entrapped but unregulated currencies, cannot come into existence except through embodying Rice Pereira's the layered transparent by employment of The Transcendental Formal Logic of the Infinite in application to holographic Musculpt (music-sculpture). Just as the fishes in the tank act as if the glass partition were still there after it has been removed, so will the framework conditions of the layered transparent insure viscous monetary flows in the absence of regulation. If you cannot believe that the broken cup laying on the floor can jump to the tabletop and reconstitute itself, I suggest you consider how it is that David Bohm's ink drop reconstitutes itself in the rotating cylinder of glycerin. The layered transparent is the implicate order, and each additional order of logical-value employed rotates the more-and-more versus the less-and-less AXIS through a logical arc under the operator responsible for there being no absolute temporal precedence: operator-time, temporal curl. There will be discovered a monetary correlate of the operator responsible for this logical rotation -- and this operator will determine how currency baskets are related to one another. As to whether or not the yin and yang commas of the tai-chi wheel, in their original conception, were actually binary signifiers, or, in pre-Tang China -- given the ins-and-outs of Tang-style poetry -- the rotation symbolically represented m-valued-logics, I cannot say. So far as I know, not enough study of the mathematics of the I-Ching has been conducted.
In a sense, John Horgan is right about science coming to an end through having worked itself out of a job -- experimental science as we have known it, that is. Pre-diction, an integral aspect of experimentation, has absolute meaning if and only if the 1T>2-order of transcendental logic is absolutely predicated. Presence of that particular order of the layered transparent, being infinitely infinitely derivative, MEANS that Let there be light! is the only such ontic occasion of absolute predication: such is the LOGICAL NATURE of the big bang. But when, under the 1T>2 order, the end of linear-time has come upon science as the next revolution in physics, as Julian Barbour pretty well understands, the role accorded to experimental verification changes, as pre-diction (the mathematician's there exists) has only derivative predicative utility: it is tied to given orders of the layered transparent under The Transcendental Formal Logic of the Infinite. This does not make experiment irrelevant, however. Because of the holographic part-whole transparency of the layered transparent, its synecdoche, so to speak, where the part contains all the information of the whole -- à la Cantor's diagonal proof -- experiment, in principle, can confirm, either by verification or Popperian falsifiability, the relative (relative to the involved order of logical-value, that is) ontological status appropriately accorded to any configuration identified as participating in the layered transparent. Under Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, properly understood with m-valued logics, by virtue of relative-state, nothing exists -- even the existence of nothing -- that does not show itself in every aspect of all-that-is not (Law of Undistributed Middle, Law of Contradiction). By virtue of this logical-fact, experiment retains a role in Musculpt as metascienceart or Kuntswissenshaft.
Through delegation, Stuart Kauffman, a would-be foremost practitioner of Musculpt, made a gave error he likely is unaware of. Derek Dillon, after having written in Chiang Mai Constructing a Chaotic Marketplace: Can Global Integration, Driven by Quantum-Based Technologies, Sustain itself in a Newtonian Macroeconomy?, sent a copy of it to a well-known economist, who will remain unnamed, who took the paper seriously enough to recommend that Derek contact the people at Santa Fe Institute. This was one reason why Derek, who always follows informed advise, spent over two years in Santa Fe getting a feeling for the cognitive atmosphere of the Institute. He attended Institute lectures, making boisterous critical remarks and quietly suggesting improved approaches in the hallways over coffee, all the while studying Kauffman's The Origins of Order: Self-Organization and Selection in Evolution. Critical remarks were not well received and suggestions for improved approaches scoffingly dismissed. Despite the presence of Nobel laureates, it was Derek's conclusion that the place was suffused with the emotional reactivity of those suffering an inferiority complex. This may have been due to the fact that SFI is indentured to Los Alamos and its agenda. Then again, Kauffman was caught in the classic transference relationship with his Ph.D. preceptor, and that could well have had something to do with creating this atmosphere of emotional reactivity. Toward the end of his period in Santa Fe, Derek applied for a low-level job at Kauffman's startup spin-off company, Bios Group. Along with the CV detailing Derek's engagement with studies of self-organizing systems, beginning at MACV-J2 in 1968, was included a copy of the 1979 superconductant DNA paper. The job interview was conducted by a NYC business executive type and a physicist from Los Alamos. The discussion lasted well over an hour and was free-wheeling, broaching upon military organization (one of their large initial contracts was with one of the U.S. military services), counter-terror policy, insurgent infrastructures, DNA, tornado genesis, and so on. They were skeptical, since Derek had no Ph.D. degree, indeed, no degree whatsoever, that he had any actual understanding of the mathematics of the superconductant DNA model. The physicist asked why Derek thought work on biological superconductivity, pursued in the 70s, had dropped out of the picture. Derek suggested that this would have been the case if the field had been classified around 1980. The physicist smiled and did not reply, while Derek hoped such classification had not been the case -- given the enormous epidemiologic consequences there would have been had such a thing transpired, given that the recombinant DNA industry would, under such circumstances, have grown up in the interim under what would have been a false assumption sustained by the act of classification, i.e., that quantum biochemistry plays no role in genetics or developmental biology. Derek made it easy for them, asking for less than one-quarter the expected salary for a Ph.D. The business executive type concluded the interview with the statement that he could not reach a judgment as to whether Derek would make a contribution or simply be a disruption. Bios Group was not being created to do science, he said, but to make a great deal of money. He handed Derek a copy of Kauffman's At Home in the Universe and asked Derek to provide him with a reaction. The business executive type was right about the disruption factor. Having gone through Special Forces Training Group, and given the understanding he had acquired at MACV-J2 and in the subsequent independent and collaborative studies conducted over the following 25 years, there was no one likely to become associated with Bios Group who could have brought more to their military service contract -- but Derek would not have made his understanding available for operational applications, only at a policy-formulation level, where such understanding would have strongly beat against decisions like declaring global war on international terrorism such that planetary phase transition from international terrorism to global insurgency is facilitated. A week later, by way of reaction to Kauffman's popularization book, Derek handed a copy of MOON to the business executive type and soon thereafter left Santa Fe. Later, in Saigon, he wrote M-Valuation in a Generalized Currency Basket: Transcending Fitness Landscapes in Quantum Economies by Replacing the Wave-Function with Operator-Time and VirFut Q-Pro: Public Policy Implications of Quantum Computing. These papers are not sufficiently mathematicized to catch the interest of people at SFI, but then the mathematicization of the involved notions should not be notationally mathematicized; these notions should be Musculpted -- as only relative pre-diction is predicated by such notions. Kauffman needed the layered transparent, superconductant perspectives on DNA function, m-valued logic, and Musculpt to turn his fitness landscape through a logical arc, if he was to overcome the criticism of his work, the criticism that it is not experimental in nature. For quite a few reasons, he lost out on gaining the requisite information access.
Obviously, one can go off in a thousand directions on the back of a discussion like this. But, trying to stick to essentials, I would observe that Francis Crick's notion of consciousness is sophomoric in the extreme: he is describing what his ego focus takes to be his consciousness, not consciousness qua consciousness. He defines consciousness-without-an-object out of existence when the vast majority of all the human beings who have lived on this planet rooted their habitus in consciousness-without-an-object. Whole cultures have developed based on this habitus. It is only in the last half millennium that virtually all human beings have lost voluntary capacity for consciousness-without-an-object. Under the emergence of role stratification, consciousness-without-an-object was reduced to animistic identity-transparency, but even then the voluntary capacity for consciousness-without-an-object remained partially intact. Under the emergence of patriarchy from role stratification, animistic identity-transparency was reduced -- amongst the elites, through the vehicle of exoteric institutionalized religion -- to consciousness-only-of-the-internal-and-external-object. Yet, even then, consciousness of the vast majority remained rooted in animistic identity-transparency, while a smaller proportion of the human corpus retained some voluntary capacity for consciousness-without-an-object. Under the emergence of science from patriarchy -- through cleansing Europe and the Levant of the Manichean sects -- consciousness-only-of-the-internal-and-external-object was reduced, for the scientist, to consciousness-only-of-the-external-object-and-its-introjected-cognitive-artifacts. Yet, even then, consciousness of the vast majority remained rooted in consciousness-only-of-the-internal-and-external-object, while a smaller proportion of the human corpus retained voluntary capacity for animistic identity-transparency, and an even smaller proportion retained some small measure of voluntary capacity for consciousness-without-an-object. Jean Gebser, in The Ever-Present-Origin, thoroughly documents a good portion of this, though his interpretation is not developed from the perspective of direct experience of consciousness-without-an-object.
Don't believe in consciousness-without-an-object, eh. It's not as mysterious as you might think. Edmund Jacobson (see, for instance, his swan-song book, Biology of Emotions, or his hundreds of publications in the technical journals, particularly those printed during the 1930s) demonstrated it in his lab -- the Jacobson Labs, University of Chicago -- over and over for neigh unto 40 years. Relax down to zero action-potential on the electromyograph, including the extraocular and laryngeal muscles, and you will experience it. I guarantee that! Try it; you'll like it. The bottom-line on eye movement reprogramming for post-traumatic stress -- as any good SF medic should know. Contemporary neuroscientists have a tendency to underrate the neuromusculature, ya know. There are no closed circuits in the intact brain! The brain not subjected to evoked-potentials studies. Control of behavior resides in the integrated totality, not in any CEO. Flat management at its best. Of course, even with Jacobson's Progressive Relaxation technique, getting down to zero action-potential is no easy task. Likely, years of practice in autosensory observation will be required. You have to become a fair witness! Not exactly something people are adept at these days. Looking for a quicker way? Try Progressive Relaxation in the isolation-flotation tank. It's a lot easier than sitting in a chair or lying on a flat surface. Still, it will take a great deal of practice. Easier yet, I've been told, is vitamin K in the tank. If you've read John C. Lilly's voluminous tank logs carefully -- supposedly now held by Stanford University Library -- as I did while surveying his personal scientific archive under contract to Pioneer Corporation, you will see that immediately after the injection of ketamine (absent the massive doses of valium given with it in the hospitals: it's one of our most-used general anesthetics, you know) there is a period of consciousness-without-an-object before onset of identity-transparency, before onset of consciousness-only-of-the-internal-and-external-object, before onset of consciousness-only-of-the-external-object-and-its-introjected-cognitive-artifacts. Ever since the time of Albert Szent-Gyögyi's Introduction to a Sub-Molecular Biology, it has been known that psychedelic drugs and anesthetics alter electron-transport processes in neural and perineural tissues. All informed anesthesiologists know this, including Stuart Hameroff, who has informed Roger Penrose that this also is the case with electron-transport chains in microtubules. But I bet, given the perspective Penrose takes to consciousness in Shadows of the Mind, that he has not been the radical empiricist Lilly was, that he has never received an injection of ketamine without valium, let alone taken it in an isolation-flotation tank, let alone systematically investigated dosages and many other variables over a period of years, as did Lilly. Even with vitamin K, it takes practice to recognize consciousness-without-an-object when you meet up with it. And it helps to know what you are looking for, as Lilly did -- having personally sparked the re-publication of Franklin Merrell-Wolff's Pathways Through to Space, which led to publication of Consciousness-Without-An-Object. Even if what Penrose regards as consciousness were shut down by quenching electron-transport processes in microtubules, as the vitamin K experience could be seen to indicate, still there is consciousness-without-an-object, the very same consciousness-without-an-object demonstrated in Edmund Jacobson's laboratories without use of ketamine. With or without. Take your choice. But consciousness is not shut down by the anesthetic (at least not by ketamine), as Penrose supposes; it's shut down by the hypnotic drug (valium) given along with the anesthetic. This fact is shown in enormous detail by the content of Lilly's "tank logs". Many types of consciousness transpire at different stages of a ketamine trip, when not suppressed by valium or some other hypnotic drug. There is absolutely no form of consciousness under a near-lethal dose of the hypnotic drug rohypnol, for instance. I know this very well as I was Micky-Finned such a near-lethal dose (unconscious for over three days and force-fed rat poison while unconscious: just one more near-death experience among many in a very eventful life: in this case, saved by projectile vomiting) immediately after surveying John Lilly's personal scientific archive. Had Penrose been such an empiricist as was Lilly, when my multiple correspondences reached him over a period of more than twenty years, he would have immediately recognized utility of m-valued logics for interpretation of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, he would have instantly grasped the meaning of twistor as quantization of temporal curl, and numerous other essential notions thrown his way -- all of which he ignored. At least, early on, John A. Wheeler condescended to respond, if only in his corncob-pipe fashion. Frankly, the Western scientific notion of consciousness has been abjectly infantile and resolutely metaphysical, even mere sophistry, by comparison to the radical empiricism brought to the writing of, for instance, the Agama Sastra discussed in Tranche VI of the presently compiled corpus of e-mails.
Paul Feyerabend, in Against Method, did not take Thomas Kuhn's ideas far enough to develop a realistic portrait. Throughout the whole reductionistic cascade described above, consciousness-without-an-object has been like the unadorned female genital of the Japanese squatter peeing on the paddy dike. When MacArthur, with law backed by guns, put a wall down the middle of every public bath in Japan, for the first time in her existence the Japanese woman found herself required to wear panties. What was thus hidden by force became sanctified. Not only did there emerge a theater beneath the skirt, there was an explosion of pornography, the thematic content of which was all that had been publicly available before MacArthur's appearance on the scene. Moreover, not only did school girls have to bend over for regular panty checks, they, all too appropriately, found that they could sell their soiled panties for extraordinary prices. Consciousness-without-an-object has had a similar history of sanctification through concealment, where, by our day, a covering of it has been sold for extraordinary prices by every manner of Eastern guru. If you want to understand realities of the scientific method, get on the internet and study thematics of the pornography displayed there.
All paradigmatic shifts and associated displacements in modes of consciousness experienced by the human species -- including those of science -- have, in one manner or another, been brought about by application of force. Grievance chants, shaming, ostracism, banishment -- all consensually acknowledged as integral aspects of paradigm conflicts -- are under-girded by implied threat of the application of overt force, be that application incarceration in a Pennsylvania prison for having written The Cancer Biopathy or subjection to neuroleptic-drug-induced convulsions, as was the case with John Nash. In most contemporary cases involving individual behaviors, overt application of force is not required, only the implied threat thereof. In collective manifestations, however, applications of overt lethal force have always been involved. Anyone who thinks that resolution of outstanding issues in the prevailing scientific paradigm crisis will be arrived at by recourse to rational debate or experimental demonstration -- outstanding issues directly and immediately related to the question of continued utility or non-utility of the scientifically-sanctified Westphalian nation-state system and its supraordinate agglomerations -- would do well to avail himself of the headlines in daily newspapers. Whatever contemporary neuroscientists believe about applicability or non-applicability of a falsified quantum mechanics to modeling consciousness-with-or-without-objects, applications of overt force will be involved in the process by which resolution of outstanding issues is obtained.
If you don't like the term falsified quantum mechanics, I suggest you closely study the history of the cascade theory of tornado genesis. Were you to undertake such a study, not only would you discover something of the origins of computer viruses, but you would learn that in the early-70s tornado outbreaks were repeatedly predicted 12 hours in advance on a one-kilometer grid by a model then being run on NASA's largest mainframes using historical sets of then-available data. This model was never put online with real-time data -- which would have required a great deal of money -- because it was based upon application of scaled non-standard Special Relativity theory and scaled non-standard quantum mechanics to what is regarded a classical domain, application in violation of the principle of the classical limit -- the involved scaling being an expression of fractal nesting. Grievance chants, shaming, ostracism, banishment were all liberally applied to the practitioners of this pre-dictive model. Rational debate and experimental demonstration carried no weight in the paradigmatic processes involved -- as is only to be expected. Overt or lethal force was not applied because the practitioners had read Sun Tzu: they did not try to hold ground and withdrew to fight another day at their own chosen time and place. That day has not yet arrived, but it is approaching. Sometimes, simply doing nothing hurts your opponent more than anything you could possibly do. You can lead a blind horse to water, but you can't prevent it from dying of thirst.
Yes, your observation is well taken. I wish I had the time to establish many links between these compiled e-mails, which would involve creating links between locations inside of documents, but, unfortunately, I don't. In this case, as you have drawn my attention to the relevance, I will copy the passage below. Before doing so, I would mention that while consciousness-without-an-object is related to the properties of ma, the two are not the same. I would also point out that Yayoi Kusama was of that generation of Japanese women forced by MacArthur to wear panties: MacArthur's Generation. Her decision in NYC in the late-60s to design and make transparent clothing, including panties, certainly is no mere coincidence relative to MacArthur's dictum. This dictum undoubtedly had something to do with the fact that she allowed herself to concur with her American psychiatrist when he diagnosed her ready access to animistic identity-transparency and consciousness-without-an-object as being an indication of acute schizophrenia -- and why she has since spent so many years committed to an insane asylum. This is a particularly egregious instance of the application of overt force -- even if she concurred and self-committed. And THIS, while she clearly -- looking at the corpus of her art produced over many decades -- is THE person on the planet currently in possession of our most elaborate unassisted access to these very high states of consciousness. No physicist understands quantum-gravity as well as does she. Anyone familiar with her art will have no trouble seeing that her knowledge of mini-wormholes is far more intimate than that of Stephen Hawking. Yayoi's personal life history summarizes the very essence of the history of collective Japanese-American relations! The passage from Peerless Reviewings and Lesser Diatribes, given on the MOON website, you refer to is:
Deeply related to all this is the ineptitude with which Newsweek produces its dark-gray propaganda and agitprop output. Having taught methods of white and black propaganda at Psychological Operations Group, JFK Special Warfare Center, using OSS Morale Operations and Office of War Information teaching aids, I certainly understand effectiveness of factually-based propaganda created by selective inclusion. The closer the output is to incorporation of outright falsehoods, however, the darker the shade of gray. Writing a piece (Serenity Rocks, Newsweek, 10/14/02) on the concept of space in the Ryoanji Temple Zen garden, Hideko Takayama, Tokyo Correspondent, uses a quotation that gives a particularly pregnant false translation of the Japanese word ma: analyzing the structure of ma, empty space, which plays a big part in Japanese culture The space signified by the word ma is anything but empty! As any informed Shinto priestess will tell you, it is filled with kami dust. Ma is normally translated sacred space not empty space (see, for instance, Ma, Space-Time in Japan, Exhibition Catalog, N.Y.: Cooper-Hewitt Museum, 1979); moreover, this space is laminated, a multi-sheet model of the cosmos, where each 2-D sheet is connected to the others by time-like properties. Ma is very much like the configuration space conception proposed by Barbour in THE END OF TIME: The Next Revolution in Physics (N.Y.: Oxford U. Press, 2000) or Sakharov’s multi-sheet model of the universe based on strain-tensors and electrically-charged Novikov dust. It is the 2-D sheet property of ma that forms the basis of the whole framework of aesthetics in Japan, as the traditional Japanese house illustrates in so many ways. It is the dust on the 2-D sheets that informs the whole artistic production -- from her earliest teenage works to those of the present day -- of Yayoi Kusama, the artist who has perceptually entered the realms of quantum-gravity more thoroughly than any other since Rice Pereira. In this false translation by Newsweek of a very important word, a word that may have been the very first word verbally articulated by any member of the human species (for an account of ma as the onomatopoeic root homonym from which all other words in every language derive, see Mother’s tongue and slang: Why and how thought, language, and culture began, Journal of Unconventional History, Fall of 1990 and Winter and Spring of 1991, by MacArthur Foundation grantee Huynh Sanh Thong), we see very well illustrated America’s conception of global monoculture: every unAmerican conception, no matter how at variance with the contemporary American worldview construct, is to be assimilated to the American view by whatever false interpretation is required.
I wonder what John Lilly would have thought about the larger meaning -- relative to metaprogramming the human biocomputer -- of Russia using a gaseous form of ketamine to take down Chechen hostage takers and hostages? If you doubt this, check out the literature on co-use of ketamine and fentanyl and which one tastes like the bitter almonds reported by the hostages. Also look up what the lethal dose of ketamine is usually regarded as. Would the suicidal metaprograms Lilly had so much to say about have been involved in his reflections? I think there can be little doubt -- as we are seeing the global consequences of John Lilly being scientifically crucified for exploring the origins of spatial dimensions in sensory isolation (as stated above). There is a parallel, on the collective unconscious level, between the Cambodian holocaust and the Moscow theater gassing. In Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge policy of forced de-urbanization was in collective unconscious compensatory relation (employing a concept of Jungian analysis) to the American policy of forced-draft de-ruralization, the verbal frame for that phase of American attack on peasant animism (please see: Who Caused the Cambodian Holocaust, Anyway?). The collective unconscious always engages in thematic play -- as content of clinically recorded abreactions in Autogenic Therapy so lavishly illustrate -- a play which Jung and Pauli used the term synchronisity to designate (and which Barbour reframes somewhat reductively as records). Legitimizing a new era of chemical warfare by use of ketamine, which John Lilly used to systematically explore the origins of ma, is an extraordinary illustration of projective identification operating on the level of collective mind. There is no way the human species will deal sanely with the issue of identity transparency. Everywhere, on a daily basis, one can see illustrations of this. Every little lie, such as the Newsweek false translation of ma, sums to massive metaprogramming of the human biocomputer for collective suicide. As Derek forecast in MOON: in due course, there will be a Cambodian holocaust of the Whole Earth.
At this point, I would note that the Moscow hostages who survived did not come out of their anesthetized state proclaiming that they had experienced consciousness-without-an-object -- at least this was not stated in the news reports I read. I imagine this was due to the suppressive action of fentanyl.
Infra-red target-painting is another example of conversion-disorder, regressed, exorcising psychological projection exteriorizing a techno-toy predisposing to strategic blunder (U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, say). Exteriorizing what? Intra-neuronal-DNA generated coherent-wave painting of cellular phase boundaries with wave-trace velocities sorted by Maxwell's Damien. What, by contrast, would be a health-enhancing, integrative, conscious psychological-analogical embodiment of this DNA function? Benoit's Zen inner counterwork, another kind of targeting, a targeting that should appeal to any onetime target analyst intrigued by the metamathematical implications of stereoscopic photo-interpretations and multi-spectral nephanalyses stacked in acetate overlay: the transcendental formal logic of the infinite onto and into the layered transparent of Rice Pereira.
Okay, though I have written extensively on this subject, I will state my position succinctly in one sentence. Matter and mind are both properties of consciousness; matter and mind are nonorientable after the fashion of space and counterspace. In MOON is offered another succinct formulation. Consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators on space; consciousness in its passive aspect is the space acted upon. The space referred to here is the m-logically-valued reference space. The corpus of topological operators referred to here constitutes operator-time. The m-logically-valued reference space is decomposed by operator-time into space and counterspace. Space and counterspace are recomposed into the m-logically-valued reference space by counter-temporal operations. Both pre-diction and post-diction are essential attributes of this schema; hence, utility of experiment is evident. Utility of knowledge through identity is also evident. This abstract schema exists in a Cantorian fractal nest such that its properties can be verified anywhere anywhen.
All these issues you raise -- each of which is rooted in one or another binary opposition -- e.g., certainty-uncertainty, order-disorder, and so on -- are of real interest only under a 1T>2 propositional logic. The sole currently spoken language I have heard of that is not based upon such logic is Aymara, which has apparently been demonstrated to be based on a 1T>3 logic. Since I do not speak Aymara, anything I might say on such issues must be regarded as mere white propaganda for Musculpt, as an attempt to interest people in creating Musculpt. Information theory has only limited application to Musculpt, which is m-logically-valued, because Shannon defined information in terms of entropy, which is a concept based on binary opposition -- entropy-negentropy -- and, therefore, is of real interest only under a 1T>2 propositional logic, a calculus in one of an infinitely infinite infinitude of orders of logical-value. Verifiability, hence, comes in infinitely infinite sets of classes. One would like to explore this with Musculpt, as there may be, for instance, particularly interesting sets of classes -- maybe even classes of classes like Russellian types -- of verifiability that become apparent through employment of 1T>2 notions like entropy or invariance, or notions yet to be defined in other orders of logical-value. One cannot, I feel, so easily dismiss Per Bak's self-organized criticality. Granted, his simulated sand pile cascades -- avalanches -- are mostly in the realm of concrete metaphor, but that in no way denigrates the value of the idea. The less metaphorical sand pile is Pascal's binomial triangle of quark symmetry patterns forming Gödel-numbered Regge lattices of spacetime curvature configurations through which the sand grains of p-brane quanta are sifted into their Gaussian distribution pile under temporal operations quantized as Penrose's twistors -- all such sifting taking place at the Curie temperature when correlation lengths go to infinity as an expression of m-logically-valued identity transparency. It is operator-time, of course, that generates chaotic attractors, all of which are strange to one logical-value or another. Don't you think it strange that a decade after Stephen Hawking received in the mail an account of operator-time based on hypercomplex numbers, to which his chief graduate student assistant responded with scathing dismissal, he brought forth A Brief History of Time based on the notion of imaginary time, a horribly reduced version of time as topological operator? Is the Current Situation in Physics Stranger Than We Think?: that was the title of the 1976 missive. You can lead a blind horse to water, but you can't prevent it from dying of thirst. This less metaphorical sand pile is the central theme of MOON, discussed throughout the novel and depicted on the tympanum of the bronze drum named The Moon of Hoa Binh, the Moon of Peace with the Sun Goddess displayed at its center surrounded by Plato's map of the lost world of Atlantis (as described in Robert S. Brumbaugh's scholarly account: Plato's Mathematical Imagination, Indiana University Press, 1954). Human stick figures are seen converging on the central solar image. This less metaphorical sand pile generates pre-dictions and is experimentally testable. Indeed, it has long since received considerable experimental support by means of The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere and A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, both of which, over the intervening decades, have increasingly been substantiated by findings of researchers unaware of the existence of these two papers. For more on the "less metaphorical sand pile" see the end of Strategic Assessment, Part 3, on the MOON website.
As long as I can remember I've always felt it's a far more splendored thing to fail in the attempt to do something inspired than to be wildly successful at small mundane matters. So, yes, I've more of less always assumed this effort would be unsuccessful. But then there is construable uncertainty to keep you moving along -- and the benisons of the inner work involved are their own best deserts. The truth is that success or failure at this has little or nothing to do with me. Out of my hands. Moreover, by what criteria is success to be determined? Most of what drives the large patterns is wholly non-viewable to consensus modes of cognition.
But why would you wish to take your stick-figure body (a mere matter of learned behavior) along? Don't you park your car when you go into the supermarket? To me, that is a real pseudoproblem, not the so-called pseudoproblem of what can only be called the antihistoriographic historiography (Popperian and Collingwoodian anti-substantialism) prevailing post-WWII to conceal the horrorific consequences of prewar antiphilosophical philosophy (Machian logical positivism and its soft varieties). The Mach Principle, it must be recognized, contrary to pithy Wheelerian persiflage, is no tunneling wave-guide! There is nothing in mathematics that is not a matter of direct SENSORY perception under some order of logical-value (these logical orders corresponding to states of consciousness and orders of subject-object identity transparency); and there is nothing in psychosis that is not a matter of direct SENSORY perception of some mathematical entity incomprehensible to the perceiver, the state of chronic incomprehension altering biochemistry, or altered biochemistry giving rise to direct perception of incomprehensible mathematical entities personified (invasion, possession, asuras, devils, and evoked-response ritual-exorcism variations on repetition compulsion, and so on and on). Relative non-orientability is immediately present at orders of logical-value exceeding the binary, and increases without bound as ever greater identity transparency becomes in the continuous transfinite case A is absolutely not-A. This relative non-orientability encompasses A as in-here and not-A as out-there. Not only out-there relative-state entanglement! Of course, this is treating m-valued logics from an I-ness perspective placed in the binary; whereas there is also treating binary logic from an I-ness perspective placed in the m-logically valued; whereas there is also treating m-valued logics from an I-ness perspective placed in the m-logically valued (whereas m takes on any finite or transfinite value, which can be regarded non-self-identical; whereas negative values and the very notion of negatives are/is especially interesting). In the Gnostic Gospels it is said that Christ said: Get behind thyself! This supersolid-transparency in the very properties of identity as a metaphysical category transpires most elaborately as A becomes absolutely not-A. What is regarded in-here, before getting behind oneself, say, mathematical concepts, is, after getting behind oneself, experienced in direct SENSORY perception as out-there. When Christ resurrected -- for the heuristic value, no longer parking his car -- He supersolidly walked through wall of the crypt. Only when getting sufficiently behind the self-behind (the cases of which actually exist in actual infinite regress, which is a logical fallacy only under the 2-valued order of m-valued logics) does the m-logically-valued logical walk make clear the involved non-orientability (all supersolid walls are fractal boundaries: a Cantor dust of holes within holes within holes within nothing more substantial than that). That "substantiality is inversely proportional to ponderability" is idealistically proclaimed to be the case by devotees of Sankaracarya is sufficient to distinguish between Machian positivistic idealism and the empiricism of positivistic Vedic idealists. The logical positivists regarded any SENSORY perception processed at orders of logical-value exceeding the binary as mere chimera (this was most expertly explicated by Russell in On Logical Atomism), and put what others equally mistakenly called mathematical intuition into this chimerical category. The modernist and postmodernist mentality simply has no suspicion whatsoever as to the degree to which what it sees as a tree differs from what the authentic animist sees receiving the same sensory data: the word "intersection" is only barely applicable (in that the overdetermined animistic "bare percept" imputes by its very existence to the overenculturated modernist and postmodernist Quine's "cosmic exile" status). It is not only because of variations in the "psychometric distance function" of Luneburg binocular visual space that people do not see the same object receiving the same sense data -- and that this has varied enormously over historical time and across cultures and between subcultures within cultures. Not to mention taste polymorphism, cross-modal translations of sensory dimensions, and so on. Metamathematics is directly available to SENSORY perception as inner Musculpt, which is only-completely-inner only under the binary order of logical-value. I will see it when I believe it! Sensory-transcendent and sensory-subtendent are epiphenomenal of the order of logical-value prevailing in the relatively non-orientable logical space employed, as the principle of relative-state entanglement dictates that, at the mth order, all-everything is always available at any here-there/now-then -- the order of prevailing logical-value being dependent upon degree of amnesis versus anamnesis, which in turn is largely a function of the baud-rate of consciousness decomposing the logical space to the state space (via the interlocutor, configuration space) of the involved corpus.
Anyone today not somehow deemable as psychopathic has got something fundamentally wrong with herhim, given how pathological is the socius. Doubt that? I used to ghost-write technical papers for a neurologist, clinical histories often involving psychiatric issues. Very busy man. Responded to an ad in the newspaper. So, once knew something of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Long time ago, must admit. Nonetheless, I submit that if one studies The Manual on, say, psychopathic schizophrenia, one will find no symptoms mentioned, dissociative and otherwise, not exhibited by various classes of corporate persons, particularly the present-day nation-state, especially by our great states. A good case in some cases could even be made for national dissociative multiple personality disorder arising from the inordinate cognitive dissonance (religious, sexual, Weltanschauung-wise, institutional dyscrasia-wise) occasioned by dissimulation of Schrödinger's wave-function and Lukasiewiczian m-valued logics, the associated suppression, regression, and splitting-off. No recognition of higher law, moral restraint. Abrupt changes in behavior, impulsive. Protect, and eliminate iff necessary a projection-euphemism for self-protect and self-excuse. Nation-state as collective ego in projective-identification dissociated from all sense of a superego. Mass id-superego barriers been long gone! Callous of collateral damage. Irresponsible thereof; in persistent denial thereof. Utterly ignores needs of its contextualizing surround. Heh! They should've started canning air some time ago when it was still of salable quality. Look what passes for water in bottles! Persistently dysfunctional, but denies that is the case. Perseveration. Echolalia. Paraphasia Deviants from pathology, normotically viewed as normative, must be deemable as psychopathic; otherwise, the pathologically normative could not be viewed non-deviant. On every level one can find, in all aspects, the current civilization is moving decisively into autoimmune reactivity. If this civilization lasts to end of the century, none of its fundamental principles will have survived. Indeed, physical survival may depend on lack of survival in principles -- given that the prevailing global crisis was created by this civilization, not by its discontents.
Never owned a TV set. So much excess, every car I've had was in one way or another given to me. My attitude has been: ----'em! I don't give a ----. I do what I do largely by way of giving carte blanche to internal necessity, which makes available inner states I otherwise would never even suspect exist. Without making any effort, I've been across a broad spectrum of what external experience has to offer; seeing early on that would be so, my focus has been elsewhere.
The assumption of inherent and non-disposable conflict (banging billiard balls, countervailing forces, zero-sum games, and et cetera) so underlies every aspect of American life there is no escaping its consequences. With a few exceptions, my personal lifelong response has been always to seek the highest low-level menial position consistent with the lowest of the high-level conflict imposed by conditions of American life. This, I have found, facilitates the quality of my inner experience in a fashion otherwise not attainable in such a conflict-laden sphere.
Threats of whatsoever sort to the post-WWII preferential cheap access to all and every planetary resource, wherever located, have been defined as U.S. national security violations, virtual casus belli in multiples -- making the postwar American Way of Life, The Good Life, synonymous with existential integrity of the nation-state itself: lifestyle maintenance as preoccupation of State, War, Navy Coordinating Committee and progeny. My Way as the only way. Return to the Forceful Forties! just another move on The Grand Chessboard. Thus does a species succumb, a planet die.
By droll obverse, the conclusion is stated before the argument is made, and then the argument is made and the facts marshaled, but the argument made and the facts marshaled are unrelated to the conclusion stated in preface, and complex enough to veil that subterfuge: this is a well-honed technique of black propaganda mastered by Willi Muenzenberg and Vladimir Lenin, employed by OSS-MO and OWI, and taught at Psyops Group, JFK Special Warfare Center. It is also a preferred means for disseminating conspiracy theories, including the theory that conspiracy theories are inherently and necessarily mistaken simply because they are conspiracy theories.
Couldn't get the Chevy to the levy because the levy was breached and the tank was dry. Not today? then tomorrow. If the last five-hundred years of science and its institutionalization had been right, human global civilization crossed into planet Earth would not be in its present fix. Not only was Newton wrong, Planck and Einstein were wrong -- and not just in need of improvement. Such is my belief. And the fix, therefore, in principle, can't be fixed independent of fixing the institutionalization (politicoeconomic, psychosociosexual systems) and its underlying scientific metaphysic fix daily taken by venous cut-down. I don't advocate the process, but I strongly believe that no amount of talk, 1T>2-logic, experiment, negotiation, voting, referenda, electronic commonweal will put in the fix; on a wheal of scrabbling and squabbling over every last scrap, the gun will be The Resolver, with nature having the final say. There is no sufficient quorum of agreement for joint actions, divergence over the issues grows as the situation worsens, and this divergence will continue to grow, reaching exponentiality in due course because the issues are non-negotiable Weltanschauung principles held in contention by peoples who unquestioningly believe nature is selfsame and that, therefore, there can be only one correct description of it: ours, not yours. Sufficient reason, after one has gone the light-year distance, to walk away from the left-behind. An exponential growth in divergence is guaranteed by the fact that given Umwelts and given Lebenswelts are derivative of given Weltanschauungs, and that, therefore, any challenge to the principles thereof is experienced by given population corpora not only as existential denial but as biologically-life-threatening event warranting kill-response -- and that this psychosociology is inherent to 1T>2-logic employments (the only employments currently employed by the human species: I-ther agen us, ur fur us!). USE, more technically speaking: that notion despoiled in meta-logic by its big names during the 20th century. Problems in use by overpopulations. Anthropogenic components to climate-shift dynamics are not only epiphenomenal to science and its institutionalization as politicoeconomic and psychosociosexual systems, and their various poor copies and deteriorations, but very directly derivative of overpopulation. Overpopulation: another warranting of kill-response. Won't be said in public (at least for some memetime yet): Have t' git rid o' them somehows! And don't have the memetime to outwait natural attrition due to trickle-down of capitalization benisons to poverty eradication in the mega-urbanization which is, indistinguishably, economic development. The climate-shift dynamics we see at snap-over today are not due to yesterday or the day before, but to conditions prevailing decades ago; cuspovers soon to come will be dues paid for entropy deposits made over the past few decades when population increase went arithmetic, and for the disruptions of solar-terrestrial communications imposed increasingly during the post-WWII era. Ask the birds and the bees, the frogs and the fireflies. Cap n' trade, and the like, are the tortoise running not only to make the hare stand still, but to make the Ra-Bit do a Michael Jackson back-walk. When 1T>2-logic sticks to you, that's the only logical-walk appropriate to the circumstance, failed as it inevitably will be.
Regard your life a theorem, a work of art, a military operation, a cipher to be decoded. One of my closest friends in Special Forces Training Group was Ray à Cyphers, a name I took to heart.
People are astoundingly stupid. The extent to which disbelief must be suspended rivals that required of readers mesmerized by a NYTimes bestselling thriller where every tip-over and denouement is breaking-point stretched so as to conform to the Hollywood black self-propaganda formula. Without awareness of glutamatergic neuronal etching, this generalized brain impairment would be beyond comprehension. Origin of a single-logically-valued self -- what, in quantum physics, is called simple identity -- in excitotoxic socialization of cognition: prescriptive enculturation conducted under the malevolent tacit assumption that nature is selfsame, a clear case of malum in se. Early-onset dementia in general, and Alzheimer's in particular, begin in the womb with the first glutamatergically-induced neural network wipeout. The effects of this and the subsequent wipeouts anchoring prescriptive enculturation to the brain, Gurdjieff called a kundabuffer because it quenches superconductivity associated with free-electron gas core of intraneuronal nuclear and intraperineural mitochondrial DNA, which is essential to maintenance of conscious access to Lukasiewiczian m-logically-valued information processing by the quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain. Cut the molecular-cellular brain off from its quantum substrate and is there any wondering over the fact of uncontrollable runaway roof-brain chatter? The Masters of Genetic Disease -- by projective-identification and associated introjection, a reincarnation of The Master Race -- have now found the good husband gene. In due course, these nascent Green Shirts will find each and everything genes so that, even before conception, they will know whom will become violators of Earth's Green Belts, whom to execute, whom to imprison, whom to treat, whom to ignore, whom to promote. Except that well, I am optimistic; I think a ten-percent survival rate at cuspover can reasonably be expected, don't you?
I do not actually regard myself a writer, even though I do quite a bit of writing. I've never been successful at naming what I do -- nor successful at much else, for that matter. People demand a monotonic what-are-you? answer, without which their index of existential anxiety would climb the walls because the glutamatergic need for all-surrounding simple-identity would not be met -- magnitude of ambient noise requirement being a multivalued function of glutamate titers, existential anxiety, suspicions of presence of non-simple identities, absence of available existential games, unselfobserved residual tension patterns A successful contemporary writer to my cognizance is someone like Iain Pears, author of An Instance of Fingerpost. Quoting the paperback edition (Berkley Books, 1998, p. 109):
And try to work out why it happens.
He waved his hand airily. Pfaf. No. We try to work out how it happens. Not why.
There is a difference?
Of course. A dangerous difference. The gap between how and why troubles me greatly, as it should you. It is a difference that will bring the world down on our heads This is historical fiction very contemporary, indeed.
One is to expect those habituated to wealth simply to give up their trifles, toys, titillations, tantalizing tantivies? And who demands extensions of their powers -- the powerful or those with no power? This is why compliance is the main subject at education and MSG an omnipresent ingredient of prol food. Post one's finger in the air if this is an instance of disagreement. The inordinate profits which disposables and built-in obsolescence support are major components of global resource stress, as are the omnipotent monopolies local in memetime and/or ponderable space. Short-lived, low-quality products, by arbitrary politico-economic fractionations, can impose such momentary mediate monopolies one after another. The patent laws insure low-quality imitations, and niche monopolies for these inferior products, even though the better idea has long been implemented, and there is no Newtonian limit upon the number of better ideas available in the nature of things. But those habituated to wealth and power, being cognitively arrested by trifles, always choose inferior means over the effort required to produce another better idea. Resource stress is not only -- and may not be even primarily -- an overpopulation problem.
There are many reasons I write in this fashion. The conscious minds of only a very few people I have met in my life do I have the slightest regard for -- including my own, most memetimes, insofar as I can remember what I have come to know. As regards important things, I trust conscious minds and their possessors not at all. One of the reasons I write the way I do is by attempt to take responsibility for the ideas I find myself with. Those conscious minds most likely to abuse such ideas are most identified with 1T2-valued logic. So I write in a fashion the binary mind will not tolerate and hence will not read. This, of course, quenches the interest of most conscious minds; but, then, of what possible actual value could such interest be? Thematically speaking, the present planetary conundrum is the superposition upon long waves thousands of years in length of shorter and shorter waves as short as those going back only to the 1920s. It is the beat frequencies of these superpositions which organize constellated contents of consciousness, with only the rarest of exceptions. How many cognize between the beats? Not many -- because enormous informed effort is required for that! And such is one sufficient reason to write in the fashion I do. Conscious minds cannot create; they can only receive. Therefore, trust the origin of the creative input to orchestrate utilization of the input received.
Yes, I know, it's provocative, it's bizarre, it's extreme, it's complex, it's threatening, it stretches the imagination, makes undue demands, dislodges the anchors upon contemporary notions of selfhood. And just to set the record straight and give credit where credit is due, the only person I personally have encountered who has run with the full gamut without falter, making transformative contributions all along the way, has been my wife Nha Trang -- a literature and folklore scholar with profound insight into the fundamental issues.
speakING sub rosa
This is
Undiscovered country
Terra incognito
Night without VDO in Catch Man U.VCI still not
A-wall, missing
Animistic m-valued, U C
Organizational dynamics
Viet Nam War compendia
TO & E
Big reason, little story
Afghanistan sting
Afghanistan invasion
Iraq War
One trigger ofshush!
speakING sub rosa
This is
Big Story, little reason.
Thank you. Peter Niesewand's thriller, Fall-Back (Granada, 1981), is, indeed, another example of the inherent neuropsychological quantum capacity for animistic identity-transparency being projected as regressive technology in service to warfare. Ever since the Weimar Youth Movement began exploration of this theme at projective-identification in collective transference, it has been a revealing leitmotif of the present era. Such persistent themes are revelatory in regards to constellated collective unconscious event gradients prefiguring, initializing, and informing actualization of historical events -- at least according to my theory of history, if not that of C. G. Jung and others of similar orientation.
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