You asked me what I think the French and Dutch vote against the EU constitution means for the future. My answer would be: not much. It may demonstrate a residual of sanity and thus open the very small possibility that Europe will not again experience the full politico-military catastrophe (independent of consideration of possible/probable climate shift dynamics). May because no one knows what the spread of conscious reasons for the rejection actually was, let alone what the more powerful subliminal forcing functions were. As I say, the opportunity presented is surely very small. The EU cannot save Europe, and recoil to the old allegiances and the old models likewise cannot save Europe. Those who could save Europe are based in Brussels, but they are not and will not be so recognized. What saving Europe means, beyond catastrophe avoidance, is, of course, a very big issue in and of itself.
Time magazine's treatment, Brussels Burnout (June 13, 2005) ends with a passage and quotation summarizing the Time assessment:
For Pierre Haas, 85, a French financier, who fought with the Americans all the way to Prague in 1945, the current vacuum conjures up troubling memories. The old divisions could be back again, he says. We'll have Germany looking to the East, Britain looking to America, and France looking at its navel.
This is exactly what Derek predicted in MOON during his discussions with Col. Toussaint (of Rumanian-French extraction), for what were surely totally different reasons than those of Mr. Haas. The statements made in MOON were reconstructions of conversations that actually transpired in Saigon during 1968. Quoting Derek from Volume 2 of The Moon of Hoa Binh (Bangkok: Autopoy, 1994):
People will not tolerate indefinitely these attempts to coercively undermine their social patterns and cultural values. American strategists who formulate these policies will, in the long run, achieve the opposite of their intent. It may not be that THE WRETCHED OF THE EARTH will rise up like Frantz Fanon imagines, but, clearly, a disaster is in the making. Short-term benefits are bought at the expense of long-term catastrophe. Collectivities under duress always have the tendency to over correct with a hysterical backlash. (p. 460)
Well, I guess if I want genUUU-wine understandin' of the origins of the 'good war', I'll have to turn to the real experts for the answer: some senior lecturer at Sandhurst, prob'ly, not no Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. It's because Hitler was a failure at life and couldn't draw so good dat we's suffered fifty, sixty million deaths. He got hisself a complex and blamed the Jews; it was his war, his personal problems inflicted on the world. It was all his doing and had there been no Hitler, had he passed his school exams, had he not had no psychological difficulties, there'd of been no war-ar What scares the livin' shit out of me is not that this kind of garbage is espoused in expert testimonial. Propaganda writin' is propaganda writin'! BUT THESE PEOPLE WRITING IT, ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT! That is terrifying. That means the unsought real causes will see to it that it all happens again -- in some form. (p. 443)
Europe will experience an unprecedented conflagration if the post-World War II balance of power is dismantled in absence of a coherent post-Newtonian paradigm to replace it. You can bet your last piaster on that. It's not just a matter of reconciling conflicting political and economic ideologies, sir; the current international system is Newtonian through and through: the laws governing force, motion, and inertia cannot be disregarded in this systemic context without dire consequences. The only way to avoid these is to create a new concept and embody it in a new framework. International order is not possible in a system based on Newtonian assumptions. Even if one ideology were to completely triumph over the other, conflict would still be the prevailing circumstance. A conflict of forces is the fundamental assumption of Newton's laws of motion; the nation-state system is based on this assumption. When -- since Newton -- has the European balance of power been dismantled and war has not ensued? And the global Newtonian institutional infrastructure, having lost its metaphysical foundation, is presently so fragile that if it begins to seriously unravel anywhere, the self-destruction will be unstoppable and the whole global framework eventually will tumble (p. 437)
Agglomerating Newtonian nation-states to a superstate is not to create a new post-Newtonian concept and embody it in a new framework. Such creation and embodiment would involve, for instance, arriving at and implementing the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units -- not creating a singly-logically-valued hypercurrency, the euro. It was one thing in the late 18th century to coagulate states to a superstate, as transpired in North America: this was only a hundred years after the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm congealed, and still, seventy years later, a brutal civil war had to be fought to establish coherency of the superstate. It is quite another matter to agglutinate a Newtonian superstate a hundred years after the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm died of senility. And in immediate aftermath of voluntary discorporation of the weakest Newtonian superstate: the USSR! Lenin in Materialism and Empirocriticism may have critiqued Newton and discussed Mach, but the tacit assumptions informing his political and economic thought never transcended those of Newton. The same could reasonably be said of postmodernist deconstructionism and post-structuralism in its critique of logocentrism: the way the critique was mounted was designed to save what appeared savable. Leibniz, of course, is still beyond any lighter shade of pale, organum or no organum. But no matter how much the physicists assure us that Newton only underwent refinements at good offices of Einstein and Planck, the truth is, NEWTON WAS WRONG, just as Einstein and Planck were wrong (Einstein more wrong than Planck). Mass violence of the last two centuries is largely a result of politics and economics not keeping up with one wrong replacing another wrong. The fact that Einstein's E = mc2 can build an atomic bomb doesn't mean Einstein was right; it means he was wrong. In Nature's hands what we regard atomic energy is a clean appropriate technology.
Public opinion is largely irrelevant; it means virtually nothing. Habermas hyperbole. Continued psychological identification with Cartesian-Newtonian precepts. The bump-bump-bump theory of history. Newtonian nudging approach. The egoic (as opposed to Hartmann's ego psychology: automatization and deautomatization) regarded the only mechanism of adaptation. Super egos of the era haven't even penetrated the structural theory, yet, fittingly, they regard it passé. But action geared to public appeal is no action at all; it is conspiracy with the prevailing gradient: that type of entrisme which is always turned by the dominant current of the stream, the prevailing current being toward mass suicide. The large patterns come from subliminal deep structure, not conscious surface structure. At the present juncture, a life focus upon influencing historical trivia is surely nothing but a trivial pursuit. After a lifetime of such trivial pursuits, people give up and conclude it is impossible to carry out any fundamental improvement. Surprise!
Like what deep structure or hidden process or subliminal gradient or tacit assumption or symbolic interaction or intertextuality? A very good example comes from Mark Sedgwick's Against the Modern World: Traditionalism and the Secret Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century (Oxford U. Press, 2004). Quoting a quote employed at the very end of Sedgwick's concluding remarks (p. 271):
In the words of Antoine Faivre, Traditionalism de-historicizes and de-spatializes its ontological predicates [Well wash my mouth out with soap! exclaims Derek Dillon in MOON.] Its propensity to search everywhere for similarities [instead of assuming inherent conflict between Newton's countervailing forces] in the hope of finally finding a hypothetical Unity is evidently prejudicial to historico-critical research, that is to say empirical research, which is more interested in revealing the genesis, the course, the changes, and the migrations of phenomena that it studies.
This is a great quotation -- without interpretation explaining much about incipient failure of the EU -- that could be from the late-17th century if it were not from the early-21st, which is hard to resist excoriating upon, as the bracketed remarks indicate. Faivre is obviously a member of the left-oriented Cartesian-Newtonian academic elite of contemporary Europe, as is patently revealed by the degree to which his statement exhibits characteristics of the linear-time-bound mind. He can always call on Prigogine to demonstrate how up to date he is in sporting comprehensions linear-time-bound. This great physicist, Prigogine, has devoted his life to insuring that the European mind remains thus bound. Some Europeans, however, Claude Debussy for instance, as most forcefully promulgated in the last ballet score he composed, but prefigured long before that in his mosaic harmonies, had thoroughly left linear-time -- irreversible or not -- behind well before onset of the 20th century, which, speaking in terms of a resting reference frame realizable in Special Relativity only by consensual processes like collective occasions of experience disallowed by the governing paradigm, was over a hundred years ago. Can't do without our rulers! Temporal no less than spatial and politico-economic. How would anybody know what to do? How could we possibly make any sense out of our existence absent historico-critical research? Faivre obviously hasn't heard of the haptification of space and the concretion of time carried out in the pre-WWI Analytical Cubism realized in Paris, let alone what the intra-WWI and immediate post-WWI non-Aristotelian/Baconian logics do to categories like space, time, history and ontological predicates thereof. We are living in a world, beginning very visibly in the early-1970s, post-Einsteinian and post-Planckian. These days, popular science appears on the airport paperback rack with titles like The End of Time: The Next Revolution in Physics. Popular accounts, you know, get written quite awhile after the leading edge establishes itself. Identifying empiricism with the properties of linear-time, as does Faivre, cannot, therefore, be very empirical; the premise he offers as fact must be derived from a perspective not based upon historico-critical analysis of well, contemporary Europe.
Most everybody realizes that the throwback is not to pre-WWII; it is to pre-WWI which prefigured pre-WWII. It was the pre-WWI generation that was the last generation to pro-actively struggle with the issues which will synchronistically inform political events of the early 21st century. I'm not, yet again, going to make my argument on origins of the world wars in translation of The Great Books of the East into European languages; I'll briefly mention a particularly clear example of what has happened time after linear-time to many, many people. Oriana Fallaci is exceedingly instructive in this regard. Her intimation of the future is not so different from that of Pierre Haas, as given above. Ms. Fallaci was recently interviewed by the Wall Street Journal concerning the suit brought against her in Italy for being a religious bigot. The fact she gave an interview to the Wall Street Journal at all is a major comment in itself. Used to be, she regarded herself in the tradition of the Italian anarchists, hardly a group likely to welcome appearance in a journal devoted to monopoly capitalism. She used to recommend books of these anarchists to would-be correspondents. This was even after appearance of A Man and Letter to a Child Unborn which revealed the psychological platform for transit away from her largely pre-WWI intellectual antecedents. A Man was a brilliant account of, in all its rarified archetypal dynamics, what I like to call the man-woman level of the transference. But the book was largely free of interpretation; it was a straight description of what transpired. Unprocessed experience in the raw, not cooked. Fair enough. Such experience takes time to cook. But one could see in the relentlessness of the hyper-realism, the lack of grace notes at the end of breath phrases, that there would be no cooking this rash of experience. And if the transference remains uncooked on the man-woman level, it generates no transcendent function with which to move on to the next loop of the spiral: the subject-object level of the transference. The experiencer gets cooked, not the experience. Europe as a whole has done and is doing what Oriana Fallaci has done and is doing. That's what exemplars are for: the miner's canary. It's not the EU that is unborn, but the authentic post-Newtonian child as transcendent function.
Yes, most certainly, that is a potentially effective counterinsurgency/counter-terrorism policy: entice the insurgent-terrorist into the open, and, more effectively yet, into becoming a government. In Vietnam, the insurgent was enticed into the open during the Popular Front period of the mid-1930s, and most every one of those who took the bait were eliminated by the French during the early-'40s. Nam Ky Insurrection, and all that. Insurrection after coming out of cover? Even Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, who hadn't been suckered by Popular Front euphoria, got swept up in the aftermath. All that was left to her before execution was writing poetry in blood upon the cell wall -- which she wrote so powerfully it became an enormous contribution to recruitment, propaganda, and morale maintenance. The Sandinistas chose to become a government in one country, and in so doing abandoned control over the space and time variables, their greatest strategic asset. When later attacked, they refused stepwise return to the pre-government and from the pre-government to the united front: in thus declining to make the requisite organizational phase transitions, they doomed themselves and their ostensible program for Central America. If an insurgent can be drawn into even the proto-government before the counterinsurgent has irrevocably committed to total disengagement, then many of the responsibilities of governance, and associated expectations of the populace, fall upon him, responsibilities and expectations he cannot possibly fulfill given the resource base available to him. The strategy the insurgent has brought to bear upon the counterinsurgent will thus have been turned against him. Any counterinsurgent strategic initiative capable of entrapping the insurgent into prematurely making such moves is an effective policy. Conversely, to the degree the counterinsurgent becomes ensnared in aping insurgent tactics -- Phoenix elimination program and the like -- to the same degree has he become an inevitable loser. Judgments about timing of all such transitional processes must be made solely on the basis of multi-spectrum capability analysis, not mere comparative force-structures analysis. Strategy and tactics interface organizational dynamics on utterly incommensurate levels -- but the two are often confused, sometimes fatally so.
Though the concrete problems are quite distinct, there being different spectrums of opportunities and threats for the contenders, still the principles involved in the dynamic are essentially the same. To me -- who made fairly regular visits to National Police Headquarters and intelligence sections of Police Field Force units, thus with considerable awareness of the terror/counter-terror dynamic in Saigon during 1968, a time when multiple acts of terrorism were virtually a daily occurrence and yet life continued more or less per usual -- it is a matter of immediate fixation to find, according to the articles I've read, that 21 minutes lapsed between the second and third bombings in the recent attack on the London underground train system. And that system was still operating and carrying passengers! 8:56 to 9:17. Add another 5 minutes from first indication the system had come under assault. After Madrid, this is an extraordinary fact -- if it is a fact. The authorities had no procedures in place for immediate shut down? Maybe, following Madrid, engineers and other experts analyzed each mega-urban region rapid transit system and reached the conclusion, at least in the case of London, that it is better to leave the system alone once an attack begins. Maximize the odds that detonations subsequent to the first will transpire away from stations. Possibly there are reasonable explanations; possibly not. If not, then it is impossible yet again -- on the basis of information commonly available to the public -- to completely rule out purely wag-the-dog theories. And that fact, itself -- if it is a fact -- would indicate poor management of counterinsurgent psychological operations.
Sorry, but to me Harper's doesn't even contain interesting polemics. For polemics to be interesting, they have to have significant ideational content. This is not something Harper's, The Atlantic, and The New Yorker have ever believed in. Indeed, it is wholly opposed to the myths of their own origins. It's not what is said; it's how it's said. Sometimes there are bits and pieces of useful information contained in these magazines, so they are worth looking through, but beyond that The New York Review of Books is better, but not by much. No useful ideas! And that is part of the function of these publications: to insure that the ideational lacuna remains the overwhelming case, so as to divert into harmless cognitive rigmarole an intellectual class that might otherwise contemplate actually trying to do something -- small as the risk of that might be. A good example is the article by George Bigelow Let There Be Markets: The evangelical roots of economics (Harper's, May 2005). I certainly have no problem whatsoever with the general thrust of this article, but so what? Aside from a few dates, titles, and names, there is nothing in the article I never heard before. Who missed hearing of the Protestant ethic and its role in insuring economic success? And who does not know that the evangelical is a strain of the Protestant? So it is hardly a revelation that the inequities of market capitalism and the neoclassical take on the market are not independent of evangelical Protestantism. Aside from castigating the evangelicals for long ago injecting an ahistorical, spiritualistic, unhumanistic, and inhumane dimension into pseudoscientific economic neoclassicism, and railing at the neoclassicists for being neoclassicists and for being neoclassicists who embraced the evangelicals, the central thesis of the article can be summarized by quoting two sentences, one early on, the other at conclusion: What is entirely missing from the economic view of modern life is an understanding of the social world (p. 34) and economics must begin to recognize the social -- what the dissonant economist Edward Fullbrook calls 'intersubjectivity' -- and, in the process, give up its pretense to scientific completeness (p. 38). Harper's, on the one hand, publishes totally disorienting revolutionary ideas like this, and, on the other, cultivates the resurgence of interest in 17th and 18th century thought. But does this really require two-handed cognition? Intersubjectivity is still very neoclassical, still quintessentially Newtonian, still distinctly atomistic, still indubitably individualistic, still sufficiently anti-animistic as to be acceptable to an evangelical missionary on a convert headhunt. Inter connects two discrete entities; it is not indicative of the quantal non-simple identity transparency of an Indic Bose, where there never was and never will be discretes to modify and/or connect by an inter. Even the condensation of a secular-rabbinical Einstein struggling against quantum realities is disallowed by this inter, though it does go some very small distance toward the entanglement and quantum teleportation of the elementary particle physicist so wed to his as yet unaltered Newtonian states of consciousness he has to digitalize the quantum phase in order to process it as a q-bit. Deification of binary mind technologically embodied via projective identification.
Were Bigelow and Harper's into disorienting revolutionary ideas, they might have profitably investigated the animistic identity transparency, participation mystique, contagion, common to the Irish potato famine and the Cambodian holocaust. Quoting Biglow (pp. 36-7):
Trevelyan [characterized by Bigelow as a fervent evangelical] viewed the potato-dependent economy as a result of Irish backwardness and self-indulgence. This crisis seemed to offer the opportunity for the Irish to atone. With [Lord] Russell's backing, [the Whig] Trevelyan stopped the supply of food [from the Tory initiated and administered anti-starvation program]. He argued that the fear of starvation would ultimately be useful in modernizing Irish agriculture: it would force the poor off the land that could no longer support them. The cheap labor they would provide in towns and cities would stimulate manufacturing, and the now depopulated countryside could be used for profitable cattle farming. He wrote that his plan would stimulate the industry of the people and augment the productive powers of the soil.
There was no manufacturing boom. Roughly a million people died; another million emigrated.
In Bigelow's interpretation of the history of the period, this occurrence discredited political economy as being economics in service to politics, as well as the evangelical doctrines associated with it. Soon thereafter, physics (in its deterioration into statistics before further deterioration into probabilities) came to the rescue, transforming political economy into pseudoscientific economics. But, actually, this historical incident, if we may be so crass about a million unnatural deaths, had nothing to do with political leverage upon economic policy, and everything to do with economics as technological instrument of holocaust and weapon of mass warfare. Trevelyan's evangelical economic doctrine was Samuel P. Huntington's forced-draft urbanization as combat arm wielded 100-years-and-more later against Southeast Asian peasant animists and their consciousness state of participation mystique, contagion, non-simple identity transparency -- as well as their animistic, ancestor, spirit-worship tie to the soil, which compromises the productive powers of dirt. Communism was merely social epiphenomenon of the psycho-spiritual collectivism of dread animists, those pagan, heathen, mother-goddess, nature idolaters (contrary to modern views of the so-called primordial patriciate [real primordial was before the rise of role stratification], low culture in Asia has remained matri-system oriented to the present day, even low-culture animistic Asian Islam, as the fertility-cult iconography displayed in caves all along the Straits of Malacca lavishly demonstrates, caves not on 5-star world monoculture trekking routes reviewed in Time magazine or within purview of the omnipresent clandestine counter-terror operator-graduate of the Hatchet Forces). A collecting of discrete entities to being a non-animistic interpretation of animism and having nothing to do with actual animism which doesn't experience any discrete entities to be collected into sets, classes, order-types, et cetera, which collecting (and involved role stratification, exploitation, and so on and so on) requires an inviolate 1T2 logic, whereas, amongst animists, logical-value has always been vincible and thus has never been reduced to so low an order of value as 1T2. Exploitation is endemic to 1T2 logic, you know. There is nothing Harvard Puritans or latter-day evangelicals (assimilating polygamous Mormon just a decisively as they reject the polyandrous) hate more than animism. Nothing! Missionary headhunters have followed that blood trail all over the planet along with their Kit Carson Scouts. And in 1845-50, one-hundred years before I was born into the Evangelical Grace Reform Church in the lineage of Bible-believing Pennsylvania ministers, the Irish still sported a hellish complement of animism, as, indeed, they do to this very day. Don't believe it? Ask Deirdre of the Sorrows. Throwbacks to pre-Roman days! Carrot-topped Neanderthals! The carrot-topped Khmer Rouge forced-draft de-urbanization, leading to holocaust, was collective hysteria in unconscious compensatory abreaction to the French and American assault on their quantal non-simple identity by means of forced-draft urbanization -- that Franco-American political, economic, social, sexual, and military offensive against m-logically-valued identity transparency culminating in the free-fire zones and carpet bombing used by America to entice the peasants into unserviced squatter settlements, some urban, some suburban, and even some exurban gated communities. It was the exurban gated community that the Khmer Rouge eventually came to specialize in on basis of compensatory mirroring. Mirror modes! Nowadays, the economic free-fire zones have been globalized, and so too are the holocausts in process of becoming non-local genocides. It is not surprising, therefore, that the exurban gated community is itself undergoing test runs on five continents -- as neo-EuroAsianism once again swings on the geographical pivot and neo-AmerAsianism once again cultivates geographical determinism, natural right, and growth. Were Harper's, which apparently does not believe in transcendentalism, somehow able to transcend its identification with state-of-the-art 17th and 18th century ideation, it might be capable of sponsoring insight into origins of the involved collective regression in service to the supraordinate superego and thus assist in coming up with ideas as to how to interdict those origins. Rather than just upbraiding against the expressed patterns of the collective regression: sufficient suppression of inherent m-logically-valued processing splits off roof-brain chatter of the brain-damaged such that the inner voices are heard out-there the work of demons (split-off angels are a different if related matter), their schizophrenogenic word-salad received naively as my-fear introjected, a fear requiring a virile Mighty-Mouse of B-thumping Fosterite exhortation, the restored sword of born-again tattooed unisex B-believers, pierced of their erogenous zones, giving a little in the way of male headship through confrontational wish-fulfilling prayer petitioning violent intercession by right-to-death Christians organizing their own God-intended mass euthanasia, praying in some radio/TV ministry euthanasia mass for the terrorist attack that will bring on a President to make the Bush appear a militant left-radical biblicism, Christian cell-phoned cellular organizational immanence to oppose Islamic cell-phoned cellular whatever it is, makes no sense, hardly mere franchise terrorism, hardly mere multi-level hate marketing, more like Underground Railroad commo-liaison agent fractionation, pao chia system ethnocentrism, tonari gume voluntarism, neighborhood association collective vigilante action used to fight the Great Khah's gang before evolving into the criminal tongs, because Father Knows Best, Because I said so, because He issues His Proclamations revivalizing an Army of Salvation for a Christian Nation, as next-year-in-HomeLand Christian Zionists await Second Big-O with the Cabalistic Pentecostals and the Sufi Baptists, castigating old-hat Billy Goat evangelicals, ADAMbrating Good News Baby tithes, not taxes, Big-B lifestyle with dominion over crimes of moral people Christianizing, proselytizing cultural conservatism and privatized Eucharistic cannibalism raptured in the sky with diamonds ADAMized on a nuke cross, the Chaos prefiguring Second Big O, you see, not exactly being deterministic disorder, indeed, not even the fractal band-pass filter of before-you-were-born Calvinistic predetermination to Salvation of the Chosen few, Kairos, it must be admitted, violating every type of connecting principle identified in the City of Man, even if it conforms to the Hindoo principle of Involution informing the built environment of St. Augustine's City of God, for Rollers, Shakers, Quakers, and Millers, those into Method, Unity, the Universal, and Congregation know this well, know, therefore, not to intervene into Divinely ordained Chaos, that chaos nature's catastrophes will affirm at the appointed instant of Descent and Revelation, as it is not the book of life alone, readers of Revelations know, that is used to judge the dead! just as when inner-work jihad gets sufficiently suppressed it is collectively projected as the Al Mahdi's army just as when Jerusalem, that high Cabalistic-Hasidic-pietistic state of consciousness, gets sufficiently suppressed it becomes conflated with and displaced to conurbation ah, those personifying Fertile-Crescent projective-identification-type Abrahamic religions that the modern secular humanists have suppressed and over-suppressed on the fakir's nail-bed of a nature falsified under age-old Fertile-Crescent 1T2 logic by brains stripped of their sexually-and-genetically-transmitted capacity for m-logically-valued processing: intersubjectivity to the rescue, indeed! Why now? Why the whole human species contemplating -- each in his own way: do your own thing, baby! -- and decisively moving toward voluntary collective self-euthanasia (after two earlier failed attempts)? The third time is the charm! Try, try, and try again! Proclamatory exhortative invocation (Yes! Halleluiah! Yes! Let God hear a yes. Let the Lord hear a yes! Yes! Let Me hear a yes!): in this case, definitely a proclitic dependent on the stress that follows. America today: secular humanism opposed to the religio-scientific super-trans-human; Christic materialism opposed to evangelical preMillenarianism; the secular rabbinate opposed to Judaic orthodoxy and, God forbid! Cabalism; the Founding Fathers opposed to Our Father. Harper's takes the Founding Fathers, while Patrick Henry College in Purcellville takes Our Father: both, thus, tacitly lend support to Julius Evola's take on the roots of law, state, and empire in the primordial nature of the patriciate, a take in extreme emotional back-reaction against implications of the quantum of action, implications which began to clarify during the period of Evola's youth. Schrödinger wrote his time-independent wave equation while practicing Tantric sexual yoga in a form explicated by Sir John Woodroffe at the very time Evola had a run-in with Woodroffe over role of the feminine, and hysterically recoiled. Not, therefore, the least surprising that Evola played a psychopathic role in the pre-WWII run up to codification of the fascist state and that his works are currently being translated into English for the first time, the time, that is, during the present run up. None of this contemporary swing-swang cognitive swag in any significant fashion transcends 17th and 18th century ratiocination. Why so many recent biographies and academic studies of the Founding Fathers? Not for the reasons given by sophomoric scholars and cited by Gordon Wood in his review article Founders and Keepers (The New York Review of Books, July 14, 2005), scholarly answers on a par with those I received at MACV Headquarters when I asked why the VC kept their geographical boundaries in a constant state of change. The new 18th century rationalists opposed to the new 17th century (with 18th and 19th century re-Awakenings and revivalist boogaloos) religious zealots: the thorn in the craw of both is the existential threat presented by the m-valued logics (also arriving on the scene during the critical period of Evola's youth) which most members of each class of antagonists have never heard of. Actual motivators are rarely conscious and are thus most always projected (the very notion of psychological projection being rejected by both rationalists and evangelicals as irrational or satanic). Manageable mass murder is the only solution permitted by the shared assumptions of 17th century zealotry and 18th century rationalism challenged by m-valued logics and post-quantum-relativity; the only real question is as to who the murder manager shall be (for speculation as to who that might be, see Tony Judt, The New World Order, The New York Review of Books, July 14, 2005). And if the murder cannot be managed, then we choose the unmanaged mass murder that is collective suicide. For we simply will not contemplate changing our mode of thought, our logic, which is us. Indeed, we have never, do not, and never will entertain the notion of the existence of a logic which is not us. I think, therefore I am. Why, why, why? Why this willfulness of the human lemming? Because animistic paganism was rediscovered in Planck's quantum of action (not a surprising initiative by the demon in the semen of one of those German Erdgeist who just simply could not accommodate himself to the niceties of La Belle Epoque) and because at this very moment delocalizing quantum-based information, communication, and computing technologies are transmitting the demonic satanic verses of quantal identity transparency into a noosphere structuralization of a New World Order under the rubric of globalization, an epochal transition thus far occurring with manageable levels of violence, the continued manageability of which is coming increasingly into question because of the schizophenogenic double-bind involved: God-fearing evangelical political economy cannot be implemented absent incarnation of the pagan spirit worship rekindled by the quantum mechanics now infecting the techno-base and moving to fulminating pandemic proportions. The 17th and 18th century metaphysical assumptions underlying constitutional democracy and market capitalism are thrice dead: killed by 19th century higher mathematics, 20th century physics, and the 21st century techno-base. Therefore, dig a mental foxhole, bring on a superdump of black propaganda, intone names of Founding Fathers, Our Father, whatever Fathers, any Fathers that can be dragged into an exorcistic orgy of preparation for the Quack the duck! Peep the chick! Render the rendition! Alice was wont to say: curiouser and curiouser. Have the Great Communicators been right? All of this is just a little matter of family values, economics, politics, judicious application of force, and inspired leadership by the born-again chosen few? Or maybe it's just a matter of humanistic/secular-rabbinical intersubjectivity. Well, I'll put my liability-financed fiat dollar on
So much of prevailing academic-journalistic drivel-ministry is simply the confession of a disillusioned post-adolescent naiveté replaced by an overcompensating nihilistic senilism: as the current situation evolves, realism and nihilism will become increasingly indistinguishable.
One does not get out of over-abstraction by means of further abstraction; nor does one transcend over-empathy by means of deeper empathy.
I'm not much into distinguishing fiction from fact, but I will state that the last scene in MOON was the first written, the events inspiring it having transpired as close as I could get to residence on Mt. Desert Island. The scene written second, involving the girl on the Mekong, was put to paper soon thereafter, 1972, I think, at Tarbot Vale, Cape Breton Island. In those days, there was intended-communitas thereabouts; whereas, nowadays, everything is just simply distended.
Plato's shadows on the wall of a cave is a mild metaphor; the actual fact is that the object world of consensuated everyday perception is an effect of hallucinatory dementia (folie en masse) in a species suffering intractable brain damage resulting from prescriptive enculturation. What form the prescription takes is unimportant: all forms of prescription undermine integrity of autogenic brain discharge activity, thus disabling (glutamaturgic neuronal etching being one disabling device) the brain's quantum-biochemical/field-effect capacity for m-logically-valued processing. In such a disabled state, the brain is severely damaged.
The particular I hypostatized to the unfounded reified attribution myself does not identify itself with the imputes of signifiers like Divine, Godhead, Grand Architect, and the like, for it construes no validity, utility, truth, or value in personification, let alone anthropomorphic personification, and thus has stepped out of or out-stepped the involved psychological transference, wherein the notion Godhead is circular antecedent-predicate of the notion selfhood. To claim absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct selfhood is to claim personal Godhead: the two are one, turning to butter chasing tiger tails on the unit circle of the complex plane. Pure consciousness, 1T2 ontologically and logically speaking, precedes demergence of 3-fold operator-time (frequently personified as Trinity: which tells us something about the regressed psychological state producing Little Boy), i.e., universal consciousness in its self-canceling active aspects, self-canceling being a critical phenomenon wherein, by virtue of non-simple identity transparency, no denumerable group, by definition, could be a manifestation thereof: critical, cooperative and collective phenomena, being non-denumerable, they simply do not transpire in collectible discrete aggregations, human or otherwise. Decoherence is epiphenomenal of cognition, i.e., quantum measurement. The collective unconscious -- in its unsullied passive aspect (i.e., pure universal consciousness) -- is unconscious to every denumerable collective. The relations referred to here are evermore thoroughly insupportable, as deepens speaking µTm ontologically and logically. And, as usual, Kant had it wrong: there are no categories of understanding; understanding is not categorical (knowledge is categorical). Just as no-mind is not absence of mind, but presence of the multivalue the binary mind tiger-tails to cognitive butter.
No way. I am not a Traditionalist. Maybe a Primordialist, if the primordial referred to is at least 10,000 years old, L.T.R., Linear-Time Reference, as currently reckoned (orders of non-linear-time reference require use of numbered Gödel numbers, not merely the reals, as times in those times are linear-time irresolvable, for, as Swedenborg said, as noted in MOON, times there are qualities of state: mantric poetry as time machine). There are paleontological, archeological, prehistoric, and historic echoes of this primordial, but those echoes have not been conveyed by the Traditionalists and they are hardly elaborate enough to be regarded sufficiently concrete as to constitute a Perennialism. If Evola's take is anathema, Guénon's is repugnant, and Schuon's beneath consideration. Even to suggest that Sir John Woodroffe's thought is to be placed in the same puddle with Theosophy (whatever affiliations there might have been) is to make a clear display of incomprehension: the Earth in Earth Mother, as Evola would have it, is earth, dirt, the planet Earth, agricultural fertility, abounding nature, whereas, in actuality, this Earth of the Mother is the ground, the ground state, base state of Tzog-chen, base state-space, corpus of basis elements in bundles of pencils of skew-parallels, and so on and so on. The Copernican Earth is a 2-sphere distinguishable from energy-momentum of enveloping solar wind only under scaled linear-time-step and scaled Euclidian 3-space grid-length. Without these imposed classical limits, it is flat in times there, a particular stack of bridged complex planes (just as animistic Shinto has always had it). What gives you the right to hold in the same image unscaled elementary particles of solar wind and scaled elementary particles constituting Earth? For those who doubt that primitive Shintoists and other animists could have arrived at such sophisticated views, but who yet entertain an interest in actual functioning of the collective unconscious, I recommend investigation of the Viet Nam war era phrase cultivated by some Special Forces troops: dx a gook. This meant kill a gook. Look into the history of the dx notation relative to calculus on complex n-dimensional manifolds and its relation to Killing vectors, how such manifolds are constructed, and so on. There were a lot of fairly well educated people in Special Forces at that time, particularly amongst the medics. In my medic class, for instance, there were Masters degrees in biology, philosophy, and mathematics, a classical guitarist good enough to aspire to study under Segovia, a pianist who had studied at Julliard. Popular notions about the SF generation responsible for creation of Delta Force are off on Cloud Nine. As Pupul Jayakar (The Earthen Drum) has so assiduously demonstrated, the principle embodied by Earth Mother is abstraction, not empathy. But this abstraction is not entered (something experienced in immediacy) without empathizing commonplace abstraction. Earthen drum, bronze drum (e.g., the moon of Hoa Binh), fractal drum: the same drum. This so jars (^^^^^) deeply marred modern brains, it cannot be registered, fundamentally affecting permissible notions of self-organization. Quoting Mark Sedgwick's Against the Modern World (Oxford U. Press, 2004, p. 124):
Guénon's position was clear: not only must esoteric practice take place in an orthodox exoteric framework, but the two must coincide.
This identification of the exoteric with the orthodox and the reduction of the esoteric thereto was the spiritual focus that occupied 98% of these people's linear-time:
Quoting Sedgwick again (p. 124; italics added for emphasis):
There is no evidence of any attempt by Schuon to take over the Grande Triade [La Grande Tirade would have been a more apropos designator], but some challenge to Guénon's authority by Schuon might have been expected. There is a general pattern of such challenges: Guénon had himself rejected the authority of the older Encausse, as Encasusse when young had once rejected the authority of Blavatsky. Schuon's rejection of Guénon's authority at this point was even more likely due to the interruption of communications during the war, as a result of which Schuon's followers became more independent of Guénon, just as Vâlsan's followers had become more independent of Schuon.
Ah, the fortunes of Victoria! The notion of initiatory transmission is meaningful only under linear-time reference; in times there it, by framework conditions alone, simply has no possibility to exist. Yes, spiritual obedience -- if not snapping and deprogramming. Being a military brat, I grew up around people who believed in the responsibility of command, a Masonic notion, as I knew from De Molay. Indeed, the absolute nature of the responsibility of command was a legal fiction so driven into the head that lives were destroyed thereby -- destroyed not only when the commander is made the fall guy for system failure. This legal fiction, which rules out distributed intelligence, if permitting a modicum of distributed control, is an effect of Aristotle's lineally-elaborated syllogistic and the notion of identity qua identity built into Aristotelian 1T2 logic. Systems based upon employment of such logic must, of inherent necessity, be systems of governance. Contrary to the behaviors described in the above given quotation, VC units cut off from their chain of command continued for long periods to respond to a changing combat environment as if they had remained in communication, when this was clearly not the case, which was a matter of considerable interest to some U.S. intelligence analysts in Vietnam, while totally mystifying to the mainstream U.S. military, but not to some members of Special Forces experienced of animistic identity transparency. Any accomplished Underground Railroad agent understands this. No one, apparently, can strip away the thousands of years of military accretions. Strangely, soon after leaving Vietnam in 1968, I found myself living in a swaybacked gingerbread cottage, the remaining original structure of which had been slave quarters, and from the early-1840s a stop of the Underground Railway located behind the building which later became known as Wedderburn Station on the Alexandria to Leesburg railway line. Commo-liaison agents led runaways north from this cottage in the general direction taken by old Route 15 through west-central Maryland, central Pennsylvania, and upstate New York into Canada. The Vienna Historical Society had some information on this, but very little. Even aside from the psychological metaphors synchronistically involved, this was to me interesting history. It is not simply that current dilemmas cannot be solved by prevailing forms of organization, or even prevailing conceptions of chaotic self-organization, the very notion of governance qua governance, governance of whatever form, is inadequate. Some people, however, do have creative ideas. Quoting Left Out in Turkey by Christopher de Bellaigue (The New York Review of Books, July 14, 2005, p. 45):
For many Kurds that [going beyond the current situation] probably means exploring [Abdullah] Ocalan's recent announcement from prison that he was setting up a democratic federation that would bind together the Kurds of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria, but without splitting them from their host countries. How he would manage that, he did not say.
WWI and pre-WWI origins of the difficulties involved with the notion of topologically simply-connected and absolutely-orientable boundary lines and the monies defined thereupon (legal tender within such boundaries) dictated by employment of single-valued functions and 1T2 logic aside, this is about as close to a useful contemporary idea as appears in print these days. Dismissed out of hand, of course. It is worth noting that the constantly changing geographic boundaries employed by the Viet Cong, and their highly correlated ever-changing administrative variables, which I intensively studied during 1968, could not be understood with single-valued variables under 1T2 logic. I intuited as much in 1968 and have studied implications of that intuition ever since, even though such studies were proscribed by every academic environment I approached. The very elaborate involved processes of complexity were at the time pejoratively discounted as mere parallelism by sociologists unfamiliar with fiber-bundle arithmetics. Check out the literature on even the GVN bureaucracy, say Roy Jumper! It was not Giap/Sun-Tzu who beat West-more-land/LBJ at Tet-'68; it was Planck-Einstein who slew Newton-Descartes. And I would, therefore, propose that the even more non-localized self-organization exhibited by Al Qaeda and Associates, more decentralized and independent of fixed geographies, that is, than was the apparat of the Southern Viet Cong factionalists, is even less explicable in single-valued and binary-logic terms than was operational algorithms of the Viet Cong political infrastructure (which the so-called experts, who never studied in depth the captured documents, to this day mistakenly characterize as having been rigidly hierarchical). I'll debate conscious versus unconscious motivations and forcing functions with anyone, but it is beyond doubt that quantum attributes of the quantum-based technologies involved in driving globalization predispose to the pattern of self-organization Al Qaeda and Associates have come to embody. This fact is overwhelmingly prefigurative as regards shape change in new world order, which the third world shooting space-based war will be fought over. When surface mind, codified as orthodox exoteric institutional base, becomes highly uncorrelated with altered assumptions underlying evolving worldview construct, subsurface mind, as esoteric collective unconscious, spontaneously constellates prefigurative salients. The nascent forms implied by such salients in due course inescapably will be imposed by forcing functions dictated by factors of conservation carried by systemic invariants. Insolent refusal by surface mind simply insures greater upheaval, more mass murder. Certainly Ocalan's idea could not be man-aged via regressed and fragmented jigsaw-puzzle geographies, Copernican epicycles explicitly proliferating without bound in the Balkans, the trans-Caucasus, the Occupied Territories, and implicit, perhaps even incipient, in many other regions -- Argentina's local currencies, for instance, until quenched under IMF pressure (this IMF quenching simultaneously constellating unconscious drivers of regressed expressions currently sweeping Latin America's extralegal sectors and fomenting coalitions with Al Qaeda and Associates; quench currencies in the exurbs of Buenos Aires and facilitate a shooting war across the simply-connected, absolutely-orientable Tex-Mex border: there is a lot of non-locality about in the world these days). Ideas associated with fractal boundaries, fractal entrapment, virtual spaces, monetary e-currencies defined on Koch curves, and the like -- involving m-valued logics and post-quantum-relativity conceptions -- would certainly have to be involved if Ocalan's physically impossible idea were to be realized. Ocalan surely used the term democratic federation not because he is committed to 17th and 18th century Western modes of thought, but because he is trying to communicate in prevailing surface-mind argot of the dominant culture so as to make his idea at least a little acceptable. For whatever it is worth, that adaptive linguistic effort got him a mention in The New York Review of Books.
I am fully aware that disquisitions like that offered on Ocalan's democratic federation would read like schizophrenic word salad to most readers, were most readers to read it. Small risk of that! This is one reason why I have long embraced what could be regarded a variant of the Traditionalist notion of inversion (or more accurately, perhaps, that the Traditionalist notion is a reduced version of the much more encompassing idea I embrace): the actual case is always 180-degrees opposite to that held by the modern and post-modernist Cartesian-Newtonian temperament (post-quantum-relativity physicists live in the world they describe no more than Einstein lived in the world he described, and this is a major contributory factor to growth in incidence of holocaust). It also distinguishes between over-abstraction and empathized-abstraction.
More word salad.
Lovage for the lady in the lake, carrot-topped roughage of aromatic potherb.
Always an out-and-outer am I, falling into a clump of Our-Lady's-bedstraw
Sitting between minds shredded, no reactionary mossback like the mordant middle
Fixing the dye of misoneism into a mishanter.
Me, on a venery, yes, a pursuit of yellow flowers topping hemalite pigment
Maculate blotch, no; Venetian red, madder perhaps:
No carminative, no sedative, no valeriana.
Dye, dye, dye: chromodynamics of the musicogenic instant
Ideas in convoluted forms, encrusted, branched: madreporian.
Musculpt!Like tornadoes, holocausts are not driven by local heat, no mere Potocari Sweat; they are cascade phenomena encapsulated in linear-time envelope as angular momentum runs out of flat Newtonian space (and accompanying flat mind) sufficient to broken-field running. This is not simply a simile, given that m-logically-valued identity transparency is, neurologically speaking, largely to be found in field-effect processing. A night sea journey's global forcing pinched and entwisted into an urchin's tight grotto. Feeding hydrogens to the moon: this cascade frenzy -- in alternative Neanderthal parlance. The largest part of any worldview construct is unconscious, in realms of the tacit, the given, the assumptive. Cascade to holocaust begins with falsifications of an explicit in order to protect a tacit by chain of implications brought under question by a discovery. What is seen in cascade is only inevitable play out of the initializing falsifications. Those persons responsible for creating the pathological worldview circumstances within which inevitabilities become inevitable are never proximal to the events actualized; therefore, never the perpetrators. Whether or not there are apparent individual perpetrator decisions, actions carried out with industrial efficiency , and so on and so on is irrelevant. Even individual psychosis can manifest enormous complexity and exhibit great intelligence. How, therefore, expect mass psychosis to be less complex, less intelligent -- or that individuals caught in mass psychosis should be incapable of considered decision and industrial efficiencies? Just as those responsible are never the perpetrators, the perpetrators are never those responsible. Legal fictions to the contrary are not so much retributions as statutes sustaining the pathological worldview, its institutionalization and power structures, initializing cascade to holocaust. 180-degree inversion. Today, the great mass of humanity, everywhere on the planet, is on highest alert in protective mode, bound and determined to preserve pathological cosmologies. And when people get into difficulties, when their lifestyles are threatened, they always return to the institutions they have so stalwartly criticized. Of course, if they have a trust fund, this sort of thing never becomes an issue: free radical.
But crisis is gathering. Tendrils in contrary motion tentatively poke through the soil, only to be trampled. Even The Economist is at this late date making initial cognitive transitions prerequisite to recognition and insight. In discussing the horrors of mini-holocaust at Srebrenica, black propaganda is momentarily pushed aside with the question (A chronicle of deaths foretold, 9 July 2005, p. 20):
Is it too conspiratorial to suggest a link between the usefulness of Srebrenica's fate, and the fact that it was allowed, over five days, to unfold?
With a commensurate level of recognition and insight the same question has been asked about numerous terrorist attacks that have occurred over the past decade -- not by The Economist, however. Clearly, we are only mid-stage in cascade to non-local holocaust initialized by the prevailing pathological cosmology in process of globalizing its dictates. And still all the king's men and the donors and all the volunteers, whatever they have chosen to volunteer for, whatever they fund, willfully thrust themselves into protective mode defending the culpable agencies, be those agencies cognitive or institutional.
What do you mean you don't see any concrete examples of the sort of conceptual things I am talking about? They plaster and pester the planet. Leaf through any issue of any news magazine. Say, the same issue of The Economist, 9 July 2005. There is there, for instance, an article (The language of bombs, p. 40) on terrorism in Dagestan -- a country located between Chechnya and the Caspian Sea -- corruption, and what is called the Russian jigsaw. Yet another Hell in a Very Small Place: comma-shaped Dagestan is less than 200 km by 100 km at its longest and widest, yet, while most people are Muslim and Russian the lingua franca, dozens of languages are spoken by 34 ethnic groups. Sounds a lot like certain areas of mainland Southeast Asia or of Southeast Asian islandia. According to The Economist quoting a local, foreign jihadists are recruiting locals 'to destabilize Dagestan and then the rest of the north Caucasus'. This Caucasian local could have adapted his statement from quotation of a local to the Malay-Thai border: foreign jihadists are recruiting locals 'to establish an out-country base area for the destabilization of Malaysia and its transformation into a Sharia-governed state'. The quotation could also have been adapted from any good immunology text, thus casting doubt on objectivity of the contents of that text. Looked at tactically, from the bottom up, there apparently is little evidence of foreign jihadists along the Malay-Thai border; looked at strategically, from the top down, it is simply impossible that this should not be the case. Why? Because of the Russian jigsaw. Borders! Boundaries! There are few places on the planet more historically ripe than the Malay-Thai border. Every ripe border area on five continents will SPONTANEOUSLY self-catalyze in due course. In order to self-organize, global insurgency -- against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system and its supranational agglomerations -- must focus the bulk of its efforts on 1T2-logical borders: osmosis. Insurgency is not undertaken by people -- that notion is purely egoic arrogation; people are taken over by insurgency -- reification or no reification. Insurgency is collective, cooperative, and critical quantum behavior: no matter of mere Newtonian sums. Processes use people; people do not use processes: regardless of how much this is disputed by those who mistake themselves as being absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, as having, that is, topologically orientable boundaries. Self-organization by active transport of resources across boundaries -- human resources, including expertise carried by the jihadist cadre, being a primary and early sample of the sorts of matériel eventually to be cross-border transported. This is the self-organizational engine, the difference engine, not only of subversion, but of that which will replace subversion. You think not?
But let's back up. I frequently write in long paragraphs and long convoluted sentences because people have come to think in single-sentence paragraphs of several-word sentences. Not only do they not have conscious access to interior Musculpt, they cannot sustain a thought long enough to overcome the attention deficit disorder induced by the glutamaturic neuronal etching they have sustained by good offices of state and corporation. Talking with the da da people -- which is not to say the Dadaists! This means they are thoroughly buffered, that they don't and can't connect one area of their experience with another, long-range phase correlation between functional elements of their brains having been electrochemically quenched, like in the electron-transport-deficient bruised pulp of an over-ripe banana: they just purport to themselves that they are so capable and so do. What do you think chronic stress does, if not bruise the brain? Chronic stress -- not just oxidative stress -- is recorded as altered frequency-response windows of many classes of functional elements: hormone modulations express acute stress. Relative to the brain: neuronal over-compartmentalization. It takes tapas, will effort, to re-initiate electron transport: one-and-a-half-sentence paragraphs, two-sentence paragraphs, four-sentence paragraphs. Use it or lose it. In spite of the fact that the jihadist organizes into cells and exhibits various classes of cross-border osmotic behaviors under control of an active-transport system, single-sentence-paragraph people see no authentic connection between this sociology and what has transpired over the last several decades in theoretical biology. Seeing no such connection, naturally enough they miss import of that connection which is unseen. Brain state, theory, and sociology mutually reflective: for the semiologie of postmodernism, to state the technical term employed, self-organization by noise (in reflection of the prevailing contents of omnipresent roof-brain chatter). That bombs could have a language, as the title to the article in The Economist suggests, was intensely denied in America (history's most-bombing society) by the early-1970s, denied by those writing autopsies on people's war, by aspiring neocons, and by the like. And no SoftBomb advocates were these! Derek, at the time, huffed and puffed about this in his journals, sampled in MOON two decades later (Vol. 2, p. 348):
Having been back from Viet Nam a few years, back from studying (in the concrete instance, not just through speculative philosophy) the information handling apparatus for a self-organization of mass political action, I now read of the distinction between sign and index. (Roger Poole, Towards Deep Subjectivity.) The sign is the essence of peaceful protest: physical body as communicator in ethical space. Reform is the message. The index, however, is the mark of the terrorist: body has evaporated along with the attempt to signify. There is no message, only the desire to destroy.
This distinction between sign and index, I do not comprehend. As if there were a gulf between the two! As if the two were not arrayed along an arousal-activation continuum. Unless you have lived in the villages of Viet Nam (or some similar place), you have not comprehended the potential of terrorist action for delivering a message.
After all these years, The Economist has finally come around to Derek's point of view -- partly, that is. Derek not only believed in the existence of karma, but that karma should exist; he, therefore, was more into non-doing than doing, particularly if the proposed action was the wrong action, or if the action to be undertaken was simply for the sake of becoming an actor. Derek saw inevitability of terrorist metastasizing reflected in what was then transpiring in theoretical biology and anti-quantum biochemistry. Theory of autopoiesis (self-production) of the life process was cut off at the cell level; theory of self-organization (greater complexity than self-production) was cut off at the molecular level: consequences of the involved falsifications, Derek understood, would be fought out via projective identification in realms of the socius -- indeed, already were being thus fought out in the Viet Nam war. Principles derived from the new science of both cut-offs were at that very moment being applied to what was designated human systems management. Habermas hyperbole, clearly, had no chance of settling the outstanding issues; war was the method of choice. If you scoff, you need to look into development of the theory of autopoiesis -- and therein at the lack of development of a relevant theory of boundary types. Boundary-without-boundary certainly was not contained by the missing theory! When I started to think into this back in 1977, reprint requests were legion: even the LAPD, Quantico, and a particular corporate merc (the class of which, for those in the know, did exist, even then, well before helping to spawn a multi-billion-dollar/year business service sector) asked for a copy, not to mention an anti-nuclear activist group in India. Stochastic (self-organization by noise) computer models of autopoietic processes were up and running by 1977 -- and not only in Illinois and Santiago.
Gilbert Ling of the Damadian Foundation, in his unpublished detailed technical account of the history of thought about the nature of what is variously called the cell membrane, cell wall, plasmahaute, phase boundary, and so on, entitled Life at the Cell and Below-Cell Levels: The Hidden History of a Fundamental Revolution in Biology, opens a sliding-glass door on this, no mere picture window. Cell wall, no cell wall; colloidal chemistry, no colloidal chemistry. Continued publication of Zeitschrifts fur Kolloid Chemie and Kolloid Beihefts throughout WWII, while the Journal of Colloidal Chemistry dies on the vine in 1940. After the war, the Leningrad School keeps the colloid alive by continuing to cultivate the quantum notion of a bound water diffusion barrier in lieu of a Newtonian phospholipid cell wall with discrete supertanker channel-protein import-export system, until the colloid again dies on the vine as decision to jettison Eastern Europe plies collective unconscious of a Soviet elite soon to embrace crash capitalism, instant privatization, oligarchs, and mafias (all pioneered by the West). In the 21st century, alkalize or die? Rot and rust? The new science of colloidal biology? Criminalizing vitamins, herbals, and homeopathics under the WTO and UN charters as covert counter-terror policy, no mere profit enhancement for the pharmas which obviously don't need any more profit enhancement. What could we possibly do with more profit? they shrug. Invest it in IPOs of biotechnology firms! they not so suddenly realize. In the late-1950s, two scientists with a combined three Nobel prizes in chemistry -- Linus Pauling and Albert Szent-Györgyi -- began recommending large doses of vitamin C (with nearly-free therapeutic triatomic oxygen very close to the surface of this prescription). These scientists, specialized in redox, oxidative phosphorylation, bioluminescence, quenching of the quantum, biochemistry of muscle contraction, and so on, neither of whom bought into the Central Dogma of the biotechnology firm or employed the black propaganda terms anti-oxidant and free radical, the latter with its explicit political connotations, made their recommendation, not on the basis of molecular biology, but relative to the electron-transport chain of quantum biochemistry, a matter of the Law of Reciprocal Maintenance of donor-acceptor relations, which all fundamentalist neocon, globalization, free-marketeers absolutely despise (even if they don't know what it is). Not to get into details, all of this, this Leningrad School stuff, is about the Russian jigsaw mentioned by The Economist on 9 July 2005: 1T2-logical borders! topologically-orientable boundaries! Marx was more Newtonian than the English Deists and the Leningrad School of Cellular Biology! It may be -- no kidding! -- because of the Leningrad School, and its Vladimir Vernadsky (the man who coined the term biosphere back in the 1920s) predecessors, that the Soviet elite was forced to its fateful jettison-Eastern-Europe decision. When the buffering membrane is mere phase transition between structured and unstructured water, the border is QED, quantum electro-dynamical, which means m-valued and fractal, which further means, absent obfuscation, m-logically-valued. If the only reason you are into free-markets and self-organization is for the black propaganda value, like, say, are the neocons, then, obviously, you are very intent on maintaining validity of cell walls and utility of supertankers relative to import and export of nutrients and toxic wastes.
Thinking backwards and forwards at the same time (one way of indicating more abstract and less abstract), it is apparent, if not transparent, that logical and topological properties of borders, incarnate to a given class of systems, are determinants (if not matrices) of associated organizational behaviors, be that given class chemical, biological, sociological, monetary (which suggests that these last-stated categories might not be apropos to the field of systematics). In speaking of Dagestan, The Economist quotes its local source as stating that the entire north Caucasus is largely run by 'clan-corporate associations' as ostensible counterfoil to franchise terrorism. These clannish entities, I would suppose, are to be distinguished from caste-corporate associations and club-corporate associations: Clan, Caste, and Club (title of an excellent book by a man named Hsu -- all the publishing data I recall -- famous in the early-1960s). Human systems management -- clan, caste, and club corporate -- is required in high-decision-need systems, which is to say systems with low levels of self-organizational competency due to employment of 1T2-logical boundaries and definition of information exchange units thereupon. Not only exchange units, but all bureaucratic and business variables defined thereupon, directly or indirectly! What do you think scaling, filtering, truncating, cutting off, compacting is, if not definition of boundary values and initial conditions? My god, without those, how would we solve difference equations, and without difference equations, there could be no differences, and without differences, how would anybody, let alone everybody, possibly know what to do? BitTorrent -- which is about nothing if not about how everybody knows what to do -- may not be m-logically-valued, but its compaction algorithm is derivative of these very issues. What is needed is a BitTorrent that doesn't take up all the bandwidth downloading War of the Worlds (too much to hope for?): discussed in another article in the same issue of The Economist (Face value: Movies to go, p. 53). In the same issue of The Economist there is an article entitled Eminent Domain (p. 52) about America pre-emptively retaining control over internet ICANN: all about who can -- which I can and which I cannot -- have the right to define boundary values in virtual space. Moral economies have always come out of the barrel of one or another kind of gun, even the electron gun in a CRT. In the same issue of The Economist there is an article entitled Europe's Lost Leaders (p. 42) wherein it is argued that The last thing the European Union needs is more visionary leadership and No more dreams, please. Attempts to realize Cartesian-Newtonian federation 100 years after death of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm are failing, so, please, no more new 300-year-old ideas. We'll call up the man who received a Nobel prize for explicating optimum currency areas (optimality is found only at the nation-state and supranational levels, of course: be the geographical area involved that of Dagestan or China or old Europe plus new Europe, however that new is to be defined, just so long as it is a nation-state or supranational, and just so long as any virtual space that might become involved is reduced to a physical geography definable by topologically orientable boundary lines) for an opinion as to why people in the EU increasingly are not viewing the euro as optimum, indeed, viewing it as an inflationary scam benefiting you know who! Defining yet one more single-logically-valued currency on the 1T2-logical boundaries of a high-decision-need system! Politics, you know, is inherently a decision science. Ha-ha-ha. Whereas, systems with high levels of self-organizational competency -- those which incorporate externalities into their processing domain by defining such externalities on Koch-curve-type borders -- have little decision-need, as they possess boundaries which decide for themselves: smart borders, fractal borders exhibiting fractal entrapment capabilities, adaptive band-pass boundaries smart as ANNs (artificial neural networks). Frequency-specific firewalls in virtual monetary space, say, deciding about multiple bank credit expansion, M1, and other monetarist profligacies. In the same issue of The Economist there is an article entitled Still for sale (p. 40) about Turkish corruption which does not mention the fact that once animistic identity transparency is removed under Western coercion what is left is transaction rent. Identity transparency is not identical to only the other guy's transactions being transparent. M-logically-valued identity transparency is presence of borderless borders, boundary-without-boundary, whether personal, transpersonal, sociological, economic, or monetary; insist upon its removal and replacement with Weberian universal rules and what was once contractless, lawyerless relationships of trust and the ritualized gift economy automatically and inevitably becomes cronyism, clan-corporatism, caste-corporatism, club-corporatism, keiretsu, the kick-back, sleaze, payola, endemic Asian and slicked-back Levantine short-change-artist pre-owned-car-salesman corruption, and on and on and on: our world, that world we deposit in trust for use by Our Children's Children's Children.
Thanks for the latest cues. Great juxtaposition in Newsweek's special double issue (25 July to 1 August, 2005): feature on the London skill-set bombing and the mega-article on 10-star superrich opulence. Not as if these two are directly unrelated, eh? And I always enjoy perusing Chalmers Johnson, though rarely agree with the substance of his interpretations; same with Chomsky. Lots of interesting information, as both CJ and NC have enormous resources for research.
I like learning, for instance, in CJ's The Sorrows of Empire (Henry Holt, 2004) that the kill ratio for the war in the PI against Aguinaldo's forces was approximately 1-to-50 (p. 43). Not bad for a low-tech war in the jungle. This transpired largely under the watch of D. MacArthur's dad, Arthur (the teenaged boy being there at the time to watch his dad work, while the boy's mother over-watched the child). CJ doesn't mention that the word gook was coined under these three watches and became prevalent usage when he served in the American military during the Korean War era. But I also find it revealing how CJ traces the origins of American militarism all the way back to sinking of the Maine in 1898 (p. 39): In the United States, the first [emphasis added] militarist tendencies appeared at the end of the nineteenth century. And how he credits E. Root with a signal contribution to creation of the form of the modern American military machine: formation, on the German model, of a general staff in 1903 (p. 45). I haven't done scholarly research on this, or anything else for that matter, but years ago I did read mega-biographies of Hearst and MacArthur which provide in-depth portraits of the period, origins of yellow journalism, and all the rest. Why would CJ fixate on this period and play down, indeed, largely ignore, all that came before? He doesn't mention, for instance, that the cruises Old Ironsides made in the Pacific were not pacifically motivated goodwill tours; otherwise, the dreadnaught would not have cannonaded the Port of Da Nang in 1848 killing somewhere between 200 and 300 people in retaliation, and as a matter of spite, for a Vietnamese refusal to trade. My research resources have been skimpy, but when I was actively searching the Cornell library system I found no evidence of a single French action in Indochina prior to 1848 killing this number of non-combatants (or illegal combatants, for that matter). Or that this action, almost identical to what Magellan's fleet did to the Port of Calicut on the Malabar coast of India several centuries earlier, prefigured presentation of the list of demands of the first Structural Impediments Initiative to the Japanese when the dreadnaught Susquehanna sailed into Edo Bay in 1853. In the 1945 World War Two Japanese surrender ceremonies the actual flag flown by the Susquehanna was laid across the signing table: As I said the first damned time, either trade with us or we'll drop the atomic bomb on your heads. Physical projection of American manifest destiny into the Pacific toward far eastern shores began in the early 1800s and was explicitly imagined by the 1790s, as described in detail by Henry Nash Smith in his book Virgin Land (Harvard U. Press, 1950) and, as noted in MOON's annotated bibliography, in greater detail in Allan Cole's Ph.D. dissertation (The Dynamics of American Expansion Toward Japan, 1791-1860, U. of Chicago, June, 1940), which, as I remember, is not referenced by Smith writing somewhat less than ten years later. It is also curious that CJ does not mention that the modern American military staffing system began decisive emergence in the 1840s and 1850s in run up to the Civil War. Hagiographies aside, creation of a general staff was an innovation approximately equivalent to creation of a joint general staff with the advent of coalition warfare. One real signal contribution to militaristic American culture took place well before the Carpetbagger era, which was well before the Maine was sunk: application of the military staffing model to corporate management, yielding the Robber Barons and subsequently their philanthropic foundation-endowment as combat arm in the war to impose global monoculture. This is well documented, as noted in MOON, in another little-known Ph.D. dissertation: Charles F. O'Connell, Jr., The United States Army and the Origins of Modern Management, 1818-1860 (Ohio State U., 1982). I think there must be a rhyme and reason to CJ's going all the way back to 1898, and no farther back. This is so the 17th and 18th century metaphysical foundations of the new republic do not come under challenge. The system works! Only when it is corrupted by bad people, those with moral turpitude, do things go errant. Aroint thee, archon! Begone, ye arrant knaves! That way, we don't have to look below the surface at psychological matters and other Shakespearean complexities, nor do we have to push our institutional imaginations beyond Cartesian-Newtonian conceptions. It's all because them other guys, not our kind of folk, got into office: nothing really fundamental involved. Thank God! We don't have to change well, at least I don't have to change. No part of my fault.
As a veteran of Psychological Operations Group, Special Warfare Center -- where I taught propaganda techniques and produced analytic intelligence on the Middle East prior to and during the Six Day War -- and Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV Headquarters, Saigon, upon leaving the military, I took every opportunity to connect with onetime members of OSS-MO (morale operations) and OSS-R&A (research and analysis). These agencies seemed to me the closest parallels to the units I had been involved with -- and I wanted to put my experience in some sort of perspective. I also spent a lot of time during the months of January and February each year, when I was not hired out as a gardener, at the Library of Congress photocopying relevant documentation to be read the other ten months of the year, which was a habit I began to develop while a student at AU's School of International Service. One thing this corpus of experience, discussion, and reading-into demonstrated to me is that those who actually believe the histories produced by their black propaganda mills are doomed to make extremely poor strategic assessments. But that doesn't mean civilian generals overcoming post-Vietnam syndrome ain't smart! Look at their well chosen hit list: Grenada, Kosovo, El Salvador, Haiti, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Somalia, Panama, Iraq. One military colossus after another. Gives you confidence, don't it?
Quoting Norimitsu Onishi and Howard W. French (Ill Will Rising Between China and Japan, N.Y. Times, August 3, 2005):
the leaders of China have been making sure that their view of the war, simply called the Anti-Japanese War there, gets across. China is spending $50 million to renovate a memorial hall for the victims of the Rape of Nanjing in 1937, when Japanese soldiers killed 100,000 to 300,000 civilians, at a time when details of it are disappearing from Japanese school textbooks. Chinese state television is broadcasting hundreds of programs on China's resistance against Imperial Japan
To Japanese conservatives, becoming a normal nation amounts to a revision of the American-imposed peace Constitution that they feel castrated -- a term they use deliberately and frequently -- their country…
Both governments are encouraging nationalism for their own political purposes: China to shore up loyalty as Marxist ideology fades, Japan to overcome long-held taboos against expanding its military.
Quoting Thomas Lifson (China's Weakness, The American Thinker, 2 August 2005):
Out of desperation, China’s rulers are pushing a self-defeating and dangerous policy of resentful nationalism, directed mostly at Japan and the United States, as a unifying force. But when the inevitable result is to diminish China’s trade and investment flows, the flow of economic benefits currently providing at least some justification for the regime’s continued control will diminish. And the regime risks being driven to extreme positions, eventually isolating itself. Gone would be the benefits to themselves of integration into the world economy.
Quoting Max Boot -- a nom de plume on a par with Kraut-hammer and as apropos as the nom de guerre West-more-land (China's Stealth War on the U.S., L.A. Times, 20 July 2005):
In 1998, an official People's Liberation Army publishing house brought out a treatise called Unrestricted Warfare, written by two senior army colonels, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui. This book, which is available in English translation, is well known to the U.S. national security establishment but remains practically unheard of among the general public.
Unrestricted Warfare recognizes that it is practically impossible to challenge the U.S. on its own terms. No one else can afford to build mega-expensive weapons systems like the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, which will cost more than $200 billion to develop. The way to extricate oneself from this predicament, the authors write, is to develop a different approach.
Their different approaches include financial warfare (subverting banking systems and stock markets), drug warfare (attacking the fabric of society by flooding it with illicit drugs), psychological and media warfare (manipulating perceptions to break down enemy will), international law warfare (blocking enemy actions using multinational organizations), resource warfare (seizing control of vital natural resources), even ecological warfare (creating man-made earthquakes or other natural disasters).
Quoting Daniel Sneider (Japan was a villain then; now it's China, San Jose Mercury News, 26 July 2005):
Today Japan is experiencing a modest comeback, but it is unlikely to ever again challenge U.S. dominance. Instead, China has taken its place in the American psyche.
As with Japan, the dangers of economic competition from China are real. There is equal need to forcefully open markets, protect the rights of U.S. business and workers, and enforce global rules such as the protection of intellectual property.
But China is no more Superman than Japan. It must assimilate a half billion people living in rural poverty, reform a bankrupt state-run banking system and innovate technology rather than steal it. Its real estate market is a bubble of its own. And eventually China will be immersed in a turbulent transformation from Communist Party rule to democracy.
Quoting Richard B. Frank (Why Truman Dropped the Bomb, Weekly Standard, 8 August 2005):
it is clear that all three of the critics' central premises are wrong. The Japanese did not see their situation as catastrophically hopeless. They were not seeking to surrender, but pursuing a negotiated end to the war that preserved the old order in Japan, not just a figurehead emperor. Finally, thanks to radio intelligence, American leaders, far from knowing that peace was at hand, understood -- as one analytical piece in the Magic Far East Summary stated in July 1945, after a review of both the military and diplomatic intercepts -- that until the Japanese leaders realize that an invasion can not be repelled, there is little likelihood that they will accept any peace terms satisfactory to the Allies. This cannot be improved upon as a succinct and accurate summary of the military and diplomatic realities of the summer of 1945.
Quoting Norimitsu Onishi writing about Harutoshi Fukui, author of Japan's recent bestselling novel, entitled Twelve Y.O., which refers to MacArthur's characterization of the Japanese as a nation of twelve-year-olds (For a Hungry Audience, a Japanese Tom Clancy, N.Y. Times, 9 July 2005):
Like many Japanese, he believes that postwar Japan's unequal alliance with the United States infantilized its culture. Japan accepted dependence on the United States as long as it was allowed to become rich.
We were 12-year-olds just as Americans said, he said. But over the last five years, we think we've become at least 14-year-olds. There is a clear difference between 12 years old and 14 years old, when self-consciousness sprouts and the person reaches adolescence.
In recent years, faced with a nuclear North Korea and a rising China, an increasingly nationalistic Japan has begun confronting its neighbors directly. Japan, he said, is enduring the difficulties of adolescence.
I think it's something close to hysteria, he said.
The effects of propaganda rarely penetrate beyond surface subliminal mind; deep down, the subliminal subsidence retains its grip. Deprogramming a subsurface subliminal tendency to snapping takes a lot more than mere words, threat, imposed exterior socio-politico-economic and cultural forms: flashing lights and heterohypnosis at least, and, if the goal is a reverse collective Manchurian Candidate by the forced indoctrination techniques so assiduously studied in the Philadelphia Project during early 1950s (no kidding! check it out! Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, Factors Used to Increase the Susceptibility of Individuals to Forceful Indoctrination: Observations and Experiments, December 1956), one would probably throw up one's hands and turn to psychotropic drugs and implanted electrodes when their availability could be assured -- and one would certainly pray for imposed EM pulse-code fields (inputting to quantum wave properties of intraneuronal DNA) conveyed by TV, anti-submarine warfare commo, phased-array radar, CRT, cell phone and other palm-sized devices one holds close to ones neurons. One way to find out how much of a grip the subliminal has is to talk with a Japanese neuropsychiatrist treating those regarded as schizophrenics with autogenic neutralization techniques of that ol' Weimar Republic therapy, Autogenic Training, and learn that the brain-discharge-driven abreactions -- of modern urban Japanese with no direct experience of esoteric (possession cult) animistic Shinto ritual and its peculiar notions of space and time -- are filled with esoteric Shinto reference, that, indeed, this sort of reference dominates content of the abreactions. Normative personologic questions aside, ambulatory schizophrenia? Prepsychotic? Prodromal? Borderline? Pseudoneurotic? Magical thinking, odd beliefs, eccentricities of ideation, social anxiety and suspiciousness. Delusions of persecution. Full-blown paranoid ideation. Migraine hallucinations? Castration anxiety and penis envy. The flip-overs of passive-aggressive personality disorder, certainly. Persistent inordinate compliance followed by explosive demonstrations of uncontrollable anger, the rage of Monkey-brain Sushi, even. Attribution of threatening meanings at benign remark, the bearing of grudges, and the combative response to disappointments characteristic of paranoid personality disorder. The hypersensitivity to judgment and lack of social empathy (amaeru) characteristic of adolescent narcissistic personality disorder. Self-defeating personality disorder, certainly. Latent broad-ranging authoritarianism revealed in choice of reading material and recreation (manga, computer games, and the themed love hotels of soapland and the willow world) where fantasies of satisfaction through intimidation, pain infliction, coercion, imposition of humiliation are displayed. Sadistic personality disorder, certainly. Seclusive personality? Shut-in personality? Hmmm the days before 1853. DSM-III-R: schizotypal personality disorder, certainly. The psychiatrist in question had become so mystified by the thematic perseverations -- whatever sequence of questions might appear during autogenic verbalizations, esoteric Shinto reference, the correct answer to the question posed before abreaction, always dominated subsequent answers to unrelated questions which spontaneously arose during abreaction -- he turned to study of the Jungian archetypes for explanation. The autogenic state simply does not exhibit the electrophysiologic signature of the autohypnotic state, nor that signature characteristic of activation of a posthypnotic suggestion. Having once been a ghost-writer of papers for a clinical neurologist, my suggestion was that this perseveration pattern is built into The Japanese Brain and its (right-wing, anti-free-radical) Psychology of inDependence. He did not reject that suggestion out of hand, but it was apparent this notion ran counter to content of the Introduction to Neurology class he had taken in medical school. I elaborated by suggesting that the archetypes were too surface, that these perseverations related to the way the archetypes-in-themselves as metamathematical relation-structures and logical schemata codify n-dimensional Sacred Space, the Shinto ma. It seemed to me that The Japanese Brain had come to dominate market share of the quanta in wave properties of intraneuronal DNA circulating as shinki in its cosmological neighborhood. Just the sort of conclusion a U.S. military brat -- who had had his Meadean coming of age in rural Japan at the end of the American Occupation -- would come to! Especially after assimilating Steps to an Ecology of Mind. November Steps upon the dan mosaic, shall we say? It was another military brat who had spent preadolescence and adolescence in 1950's Japan who brought to my attention that the abstract space, ma, not only frames Shinto ritual and informs central assumptions of traditional Japanese aesthetic theory, but that it is fundamental to the myth of origins and scripting of the emperor symbolism. Indeed, a Ph.D. dissertation was eventually written on this topic.
Though oil is still primarily a commodity, not yet become exclusively a strategically restricted military resource, all the major players have for some time been acting under the assumption that there will be all-out war in due course -- or the high likelihood that there will be. Puddles of neurosis, pools of psychosis. North Korea is to China's oil policy as Israel has been to that of the U.S. in the period post-Mossadegh: a paddle to stir the soup. The Chinese and the Japanese have long-practiced subliminal mutual understanding; just because they are using each other at present to sweat out effects of bad spirits doesn't mean they will be foes right up to global cusp. Japan knows that, as its alliances are presently configured, once the shooting starts, and after it is no longer being used for target practice, it has only lend-lease, break-the-blockade, unrestricted submarine warfare, convoy oil to live on. Teleportation of tankers is not yet on their ship building research agenda. Japan's reliable access to substantial oil could be relatively assured, at least in the short term, however, from farther east under a different alliance configuration. But that's just one factor. A Greater China, treaty bound to a Germano-Russian Bloc, needs a well armed and aggressive Japan as an ally, not a namby-pamby twelve-Y.O. Japan. The cock gets stoked by having rice wine blown in its face. Who it fights once stoked is often an open question until the odds are announced and the incense stick is lit. Derek Dillon, that untreated doppelgänger hot off analyzing precipitants to the Six Day War, has long been arguing that psychological and cultural factors strongly suggest that, when global cusp comes, an Ameriko-Anglic Bloc will stand off against a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a Greater China (incorporating Japan, unified Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam: Mahayana Buddhist Bloc), and that, given the technological nature of the likely conflict, the U.S. will not be thus brought down; greatest risk of that is (probably simultaneous) displacement of the prevailing foremost international reserve currency and internal conflict coupled to the karma associated with historical actions in Latin America: an American army under great duress will mutiny in the field and attempt to walk home. First stated over breakfast Western omelets in the ground floor snack bar, MACV-HQ, Spring, 1968 -- eliciting much laughter at the tongue-in-cheek. The fury, the rage, and the mortification, post-Tet, being so elaborate one could literally see the future striding the hallways as yet one more Dolchstosslegende mirage: stab-in-the-back myth. Instigating an Afghan war was the only possible response, the only way to get some back from the Bear. Iran-Contra was not without precedent; it's just that blowback from Iran-Contra has yet to materialize in force. One thing at a time.
Being an advocate of non-military humanitarian conventions in the period before military humanitarian intervention even becomes an issue, I say war is criminal; there are no non-criminal acts of war. War crimes of the crime which is war are not committed by individuals. Regressed collective states of consciousness commit war crimes, whether using individuals physically isolated or groups of individuals physically proximal. Those who doubt this simply hugely inflate attributions to their ego functions. War crimes tribunals, including the ICC, by bringing individuals to trial as if they were separably culpable, do not prevent the regressed collective states of consciousness responsible for the crimes which are war: they promote those states by sustaining falsehoods as to the origins and course of the crime which is war. It is no more possible that laws could prevent the collective hysteria that is war, and which runs throughout duration of the war, than that retrospective punishment could deter future commission of acts where questions of life or death have long since ceased to be authentic abiding issues of concern: only afterwards do such concerns return to actual participants in combat. All the more so when combatants premeditate suicide in bringing about the kill (on the basis of higher-dimensional and transdimensional tacit assumptions about Existence and Being)! Lemkin's Hypothesis: public pressure brought to bear upon the leaders, urging them to straighten up and fly right, coupled to the threat of punishment will lead to a change in human behavior (moral suasion coupled to the ruler). The United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (resolved, December 1948; for action, January 1951) was the Kellogg-Briand Pact, not of WWII, but of Cambodia, Iraq, Bosnia, Rwanda, Srebrenica, Kosovo, Sudan Prescriptive laws do not change contents of the collective unconscious! Blue Laws and Prohibition simply never work. War is generic. There is no such thing as logical war, rational war, moral war, the right war, the good war, truthfulness in war, justified war, defensive war. No less than reluctant imperialist is an oxymoron, is there no such thing as a Reluctant Belligerent. The collective psychosis which is war embraces all contenders -- not just in pathologic expression, but also in etiology; particular concrete events are largely irrelevant: once the attractors are constellated, the unconscious WILL find a way, teleological demand-pull and causal cost-push, be the event surge blocked in this or that direction by rocks in the stream. One way or another. Attributing capacity for significant choice, where there is next to none, is an aspect of the collective psychosis. Inflation of the ego function to divine status. Exchanging one symptomology of the disease for another is not therapeutic; for real treatment, it is necessary to get at the fundamental etiologic factors. If you wish to retain warfare as a legitimate activity, then sustain belief in a distinction between non-criminal and criminal killing as acts of war. If you wish to end war by ending the repression productive of the regression of collective states of consciousness yielding mass warfare, then: Think nonlocally! Act multiply connected!
Were I a contemporary black propaganda writer writing for insertion into a major news magazine, Guantanamo would have been in the list associated with the Convention on Prevention and Punishment. Exaggeration, overstatement, misstatement have become a principle of the practice to the same degree as collective attention deficit disorder has become more and more elaborate. The downside of obvious falsification, even bald-faced lying, is offset by its attention gathering capability. The message behind the falsification -- falsification being simply a hook -- comes through subliminally in muted fashion, which is better than not coming through at all. Even slapping a dimwit in the face sometimes does not remove the stupor. University departments of perceptual psychology, Madison Avenue, the Department of War Information, and OSS-MO worked that out long ago. Whether carrying through deception operations for strategic influence in information warfare (what used to be simply psywar or psyops and in the British case information research -- be they external or internal affairs) as part of forward deterrence or running Dadaistic anti-war street theater happenings as spoiling operations on the internet, in the national literary mags, or in academic books for the left press, theory of practice and the principles of realization are pretty much invariant. Issue of the atomic bombings of Japan, for instance -- relative to softening up the public sensibility vis-à-vis forward deployment of and bunker busting by tactical nukes. Not enough minding his P's and Q's, Richard B. Frank's book does not actually, by any stretch of even the Chaplinesque imagination, effectively establish the contrapositive, all not-P is not-Q -- contrariwise, contralaterally, contrapuntally, contradistinctively -- to Gar Alperovitz's proposition, all Q is P, that decision to drop Little Boy (no phallic contravener to a nation of twelve-year-olds) was primarily, but not exclusively, related to intimidation of the Soviets. Kill one bird with two stones, and simultaneously intimidate the hell out of the other bird. Protection of Magic code breaking may explain sinking of the Indianapolis (which forward deployed Little Boy prior to its assembly), but it does not explain why the American public had to be mislead for decades after the war was over, unless this need for misleading had something to do with intimidation of the Soviets and why SAC was formed roughly seven months (March 21, 1946) after V-J Day, long before the Soviets had the bomb, formed with the mission to conduct long-range offensive operations to any part of the world. Not to mention screwing our allies from Day One. Nor does the existence of Magic explain why virtually every X-2 counterintelligence document was destroyed by the end of 1945. A lot harder these days to find people who had access to those documents than to find onetime OSS-MO and OSS-R&A types, let me tell you. Alperovitz's account was put together as a Ph.D. dissertation and remains the most convincing treatment (The Decision the Use the Atomic Bomb, Vintage, 1995, which was one year after the publication of MOON wherein were incorporated similar arguments made by Derek during the 1960s, arguments he could not support with documentation, but which sprang from the gut upon mulling over conversations he had overhead from childhood, in the base gym, and caddying at the O Club). Though it may have taken a decade and more before mere academics began questioning holy writ; that was not the case with bomber pilots. I was taken to the bombing sites in the early 1950s as a kid -- to learn some sort of lesson. What lesson wasn't exactly clear. You think, after that, I did not ask a lot of questions? My judo lessons were organized by a bomber pilot. I later played basketball with SAC and U-2 pilots at the base gym. Even at the height of the McCarthy era, there was no consensus that Japan had to have been invaded, that the bomb had to have been used. Eisenhower's reaction to use of the bomb, recorded in his personal journal immediately after he received the news, corroborates content of entries Truman made to his personal journal. Eisenhower at the time observed that use of the bomb sets the terms of postwar U.S.-Soviet relations. He was depressed for months. Whether or not all American presidents would have made the same decision Truman made is not the question. Collective obsession insured the bomb, once made, would be used. Mass war is mass psychosis! The question is: What was the ratio of considerations involved in the decision and to what degree was that decision a determinant of the postwar fate of Eastern Europe? Eisenhower opposed use of the bomb on Japan from the moment he found out about it. Even Curtis LeMay, at the time, if not later, was not a convinced supporter of the necessity for its use. My contention, since student days at AU's SIS in 1963, has been that use of the bomb settled the postwar fate of Eastern Europe: Red Army garrisoning to militate against the possibility (amplified by the bomb having already been used) of a first strike, and economic rape to help an economy destroyed by the war finance the drive toward MAD in competition with the world's only economy unscathed by the war. This is an important contemporary issue -- right now, 21st century -- relative to assessment of the various available future-history scenarios, because it is deeply involved in unconscious vectoring certainly of the Japanese people, likely of the Russians, and maybe to some extent of Eastern Europeans as well. This, unfortunately, is not something that will be settled by debate or recourse to documentation; it will be settled by future events. And you won't find out about the unconscious vectoring by asking, say, Japanese persons. So intense and so repressed are the involved feelings, their true nature cannot even be expressed one Japanese person to another. Surface mind pretty much accepts the American interpretation of history of the last 300 years; subliminal subsidence doesn't reject that interpretation, it simply never at all entertains it. The Batesonesque (DSM-III-R: schizotypal) double-bind involved has been pumping up the involved (suppressed and hence regressed) affect-charge for over half a century. I know this because I can probe it. Living as a child in a small rural hamlet of one of the most conservative areas of postwar Japan, I directly experienced aspects of traditional Japanese life most Japanese under the age of 50 never experienced. Particularly those aspects psychological! Personal space, then; personal space, now. Alterations to minimum permissible distance. Changed patterns in the female voice-throw range. Details, details, details -- some details they have to ask their grandmothers whether true or not. If such an American person, as the sole gaijin, sitting in a small very drunk group of Japanese starts answering questions about those childhood experiences and then begins emotively to express opinions seemingly straight out of Sun and Steel this can initiate a cathartic occasion the dynamics of which are truly extraordinary.
Actually, you know, it was not the Japanese who came up with the idea that the Occupation induced castration anxiety, or immediacy of the sense of having been psychologically castrated or otherwise caponized; this was prefigured before the actual fact. The Functionalist anthropologists had intent of achieving this well in hand at OSS-MO long before August of 1945. They also, of course, had plausible denial in a folder at the back of the file cabinet. As an eight Y.O. preadolescent military brat in 1953 watching day-in/day-out American behaviors toward Japanese, the analogy that came to my mind was how my cocker spaniel had been house broken by rubbing his nose in the pee on the floor. That was the only place in my personal experience up until that time I could find a handle on understanding. I stayed on in rural Japan until early-onset adolescence as a kind of cousin once removed of MacArthur's Children. Of course, I was conversant with all the rumors about Ashiya Annie, Sasebo Sadie, Yokohama Yuki, Tachikawa Terri Whereas, I imagined it a mere joke that first draft of the surrender terms transmitted by MacArthur to the Japanese specified how many comfort women (in the document designated by the AKA maids) due each American officer by rank; this article of the proposed agreement being dropped when the Japanese went ballistic, or rather, in the circumstance, atomic -- thus demonstrating that the surrender terms were not really unconditional. Years later, however, completely by accident and much to my surprise, I discovered that this had not been a mere joke, that such an article actually had been contained in first draft of the surrender terms: this was described by a staff participant, William Craig, in his book The Fall of Japan (Dial, 1967). Read Craig's book if you doubt this. I had little trouble taking his account at face value, having heard jokes about it as a kid, and jokes about many other such matters as well.
The indicator of collective unconscious reversal to watch for is when the Japanese en masse begin to stop eating MSG. Ha-ha-ha! Hold on there. Don't be so knee-jerkish. If you thumb through copies of Playboy (Japanese language version), for 1991, memory serving, you will find an interview with a long-time American resident of Japan (not me) who produced a book, for obvious reasons never published, entitled The Caponization of the Japanese. It argued that prewar sexual equipment was measurably larger than such equipment postwar and that the main culprit was the estrogen content of fertilizer used by China to grow the soy beans imported by Japan. Be aware that a capon is a chemically castrated cock. Big Boy modified by Little Boy (psychodynamically) displaced under projective identification to the Chinese: this is actually the Japanese myth-of-origins explanation for the source of cosmic disorder (entropy), because it is the Little Boy elf-oppressor who displaces the (quantal) empty-center strange-attractor singularity signified by Emperorhood, the engine of decision-free spontaneous social order, and thus ushers in the devaluation of value associated with the warthog businessman, Ebisu. The collective unconscious is all the time arranging such meaningful coincidences, such Jung-Pauli synchronicities, the means by which history demerges over an m-logically-valued n-dimensional ma under three-fold operator-time. Those who scoffed at John C. Lilly's tongue-in-cheek ECCO (Earth Coincidence Control Office), rather than chuckled knowingly, obviously did not understand the linear and non-linear orders of what Stephen Hawking calls imaginary time and which are designated in the Japanese myth of origins as Ameno-mi-naka-nushi, Kami-musuhi-no-kami, and Takami-musuhi-no-kami. When I first heard of this caponization thesis, I thought it was a throwback to the perpetual-adolescents notion cultivated by the Occupation Functionalists, and I thus more or less derided it. By the early-'90s, the thesis was well over a decade old and the lost manuscript had had something of an illustrious history: there had been only two copies, one stolen out of a hotel room in Bombay, and the other lost when lent to Gregory Bateson for evaluation and comment (after Bateson died, the manuscript could not be found: perhaps he had lent it out). Some years following the Playboy interview, the huge mimetic estrogen scandal broke. Of the hundred-plus synthetic mimetic estrogens dumped into the environment and leaching into the food chain and bleeding from plastic containers and can liners directly into preserved foods since the 1920s, there is MSG with its mimetic estrogenic effects. Doubt this? Pay Medline to do a dump of the National Library of Medicine's computer memory for abstracts of the last 15 years of MSG research. You will be surprised. Of course, I had to revise my opinion in recognition that this caponization manuscript had anticipated by nearly 15 years the discoveries made about biological effects of mimetic estrogen exposure. But some segments of Japanese society have clearly long since kicked the MSG habit: the soccer team of Kansai University, for instance. Strolling by on the hill above the field one day in the late afternoon, I was thoroughly impressed. Running laps in perfect tight formation, belting out marshal song in flat-four beat with the projectile percussives of jujitsu on every forth step, right fists clinched and unclenched in counterpoint to the stomped left foot, with an aggressive collective self-assurance exceeding that I had experienced while running in formation on Smoke Bomb Hill each very early morning.
It's not that I disagree with Chalmers Johnson; I just don't see real substantive differences between his perspective and that of the neocons. On the one hand, they are two sides of the same 17th and 18th century Cartesian-Newtonian coin -- the neocons on the religious side, CJ on the secular side. On the other hand, to me, with my quantum view of reality, they are the same side of different coins -- the seeing of which implies employment of at least a 3-valued logic. CJ doesn't see that his early work on communism, revolution, social change, and Autopsy on People's War contributed to formation of the mindset which the neocons represent and express in actions. The Sorrows of Empire is a research report and a grievance chant, not a think piece. Though CJ is opposed to interventionism and the blowback it engenders, militarism, and imperialism, his only suggestion as to what to do about it is (p. 312, the last paragraph of the last page of text):
There is one development that could conceivably stop this process of overreaching: the people could retake control of Congress, reform it along with the corrupted elections laws that have made it into a forum for special interests, turn it into a genuine assembly of democratic representatives, and cut off the supply of money to the Pentagon and the secret intelligence agencies.
This is just more of the same ol' same ol' longing for the 17th and 18th century past. And why is there no new idea on offer? Beyond the fact that producing research reports precludes the writing of think pieces, CJ simply hasn't got much of an explanation for why what is happening is happening. He says (p. 187): Imperialism is the single-greatest cause of war, and war is the midwife of new imperialist acquisitions. Imperialism causes war; war causes imperialism. I cannot find any other basic explanatory statement in the book. Don't get me wrong; I love reading research reports that pull in information from all over the place; they save me a great deal of time. It's wonderful people create institutes and sit athwart university resources in order to fulfill such purposes. Leaving aside altogether here worldview-construct, metaphysical, and psychological discussion as to the cause of war, as does CJ, how would a retaken Congress deal with the march of scientific discovery producing the quantum-based technologies driving phase transition to global monoculture? How would it actually, not merely in fantasy, deal with the processes set in motion by passing of the oil peak, that oil peak which is not mentioned by CJ? The list goes on and on. Chemical society; EM society; GMO society; AIDS society How would the restored sword of a retaken Congress deal with climate change dynamics, particularly if these are irreversible, and especially particularly if these dynamics are not solely greenhouse gas driven, as is very likely the case? How can we entertain that 17th and 18th century forms of organization are capable of managing the complexity of impacts upon nature, society, and culture made by applications of post-Newtonian principles? Same ol' same ol' is not likely to do the trick.
CJ does, however, touch on an area that could yield some of the types of innovation required. In lamenting the passing of globalization -- which CJ regards a less inflammatory, camouflaged, Clintonian form of imperialism, less inflammatory than is the militaristic Bush variety -- he provides a portrait of the post-WWII Bretton-Woods monetary system (p. 264):
In addition to GATT, the IMF, and the World Bank, the postwar economic reformers created a truly innovative system of fixed exchange rates among the currencies of all the capitalist nations, so that, for example, from 1949 until 1971 one U.S. dollar could be exchanged for exactly 360 Japanese yen.
This is a considerable advance over most contemporary non-technical discussions of Bretton-Woods, in that CJ actually mentions the gold-exchange mechanism as an integral part of Bretton-Woods, whereas most popular discussions simply ignore presence and then absence of that mechanism. One of the concrete causes of imperial overreach CJ identifies is the overloans of the sovereign-loan scam driving the Third World debt crisis. He sees this as having largely been initiated by collapse of the gold-exchange mechanism (p. 265-7): The end of fixed exchange rates encouraged risky investments and speculation. And, also by his account, it led to transformations of the roles of the IMF and World Bank, such that they became instruments of imperial overreach -- and a similar transformation of GATT into the WTO. Of course, when the Japanese, in continuing the restructuring process begun in 1853, privatize the postal savings system on the American model, they too, as well as their pensions, will be decisively thrust into the risky, speculative domain, and, in due course, this may contribute considerably to the back reaction, the snapping, the flip over made ever so likely by collective psychological factors alone. But CJ, in the popular account provided, in a significant way, doesn't get origins of Bretton-Woods quite right (p. 265):
John Maynard Keynes, the English economic theorist and historian, first formulated the ideas behind these institutions, and at the end of World War II the leading Allies thrashed out compromises to bring them to life. The United States did not accept all of Keynes's proposals, and its objections prevailed largely because of its immense wealth and power, but both the United States and Britain were agreed on a world economic order maintained by enlightened governments. The market was not king.
First of all, Keynes died when he did largely by stress and by reaction to the fact that his essential ideas were not embodied into Bretton-Woods, nor were those of White, the U.S. representative. Keynes died; White was more or less nailed to the wall by the men Richard Nixon worked for soon thereafter. No international clearing union and no bancor/unitas reserve currency. These absences insured that the system adopted would eventually collapse, as it did on LBJ's guns and butter, the final nail into the coffin being put there by Richard Nixon. Instead of bancor/unitas, Bretton-Woods enshrined the U.S. dollar as the foremost international reserve currency. The dollar is a vehicle currency, one among many, a currency, that is, used for trading in markets. Bancor/unitas would not have been a vehicle currency; it would not have been used in markets for exchange purposes. It would have been solely the only (not merely the foremost) international reserve currency employed by state banks (the central banks of nation-states) and an international clearing union. The fact that the foremost reserve currency was a vehicle currency is largely responsible for what transpired following the inevitable collapse of the gold-exchange mechanism of the Bretton-Woods monetary system, a collapse made inevitable by the fact that a vehicle currency was permitted to be the reserve currency. The gold-exchange mechanism was a constraint on U.S. liability financing, to use the technical black propaganda term for simply printing dollars at will for international circulation. Once the gold window was closed by Nixon, the only remaining constraint on free printing (or electronic creation) of dollars was challenge by events to dollar confidence. To cover its international obligations, once the gold-exchange mechanism was gone, the U.S. could simply print or electronically create unbacked fiat dollars with which to pay its bills -- and this could and can go on so long as event challenges to dollar confidence could and can be managed by all the means available to the U.S. Government, including its military forces. Global inflation since 1945 and cumulative liabilities financed by U.S. government printing and electronic creation of fiat dollars since 1971, when the gold window was closed, are probable defaults against implied store of value in the dollar as international reserve currency, were the international monetary system to be fundamentally altered: the truly enormous overhang this probable default represents would have to be refinanced in any orderly transition between systems. This overhang precludes U.S. agreement to any substantive change and gives considerable pause to any central bank official of any nation-state which has held U.S. dollars in reserve over the period since 1945. Much of what CJ describes as The Sorrows of Empire were the all-but-inevitable results of the monetary system he describes as a truly innovative system of fixed exchange rates, a system, the agreement to which, literally killed Keynes. The fact is that the comparative advantages of comparative advantage are not equally distributed and cannot be so distributed absent m-logically-valued monetary units (which bancor/unitas would have had to have evolved into were the system Keynes and White fruitlessly imagined to have remained functional any distance into the technological transition gathering electrons -- not steam -- from the immediate postwar period). There is no going back to top-down implementation of a singly-logically-valued bancor/unitas, because in the intervening period quantum-based technologies have transformed the communications and computing environments within which economic transactions occur. And that transformation will be accelerating markedly with the advent of quantum computing. Something else is needed. That something else is a nested set of m-logically-valued monetary units brought up from below until arrayed over an international clearing union under a multi-valued reference space, ma.
Statements such as that are never idle; there is always a nest of specifics in mind, but going into them in the context would be too much: a tangent on a tangent on a tangent. Just as in calculus on n-dimensional manifolds, one sometimes chooses compaction, however actually illegitimate. But let's almost go into this one a bit here. The statement in question I made was: Post-quantum-relativity physicists live in the world they describe no more than Einstein lived in the world he described, and this is a major contributory factor to growth in incidence of holocaust. The non-simple identity of quantum theory, in the full-blown case, which is actually post-quantum-relativistic, what I call identity transparency, is not only to be found in the black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy or in the wormhole connecting the centers of all galaxies or in the mini-wormholes involved in the origin of charge or in the plasma cosmologies implied, it is also involved in the elementary particle processes which, when time-lapsed, are what is called molecular processes, and in the molecular processes which, when time-lapsed, are called cellular processes which, when time-lapsed, are called tissues, a specific case thereof being the corpus of neuron cells of human brain. The time-lapsing involved here is not merely of linear-time, but is also of higher orders (i.e., non-linear) involving imaginary numbers and numbers more complex than imaginary numbers. These higher temporal orders are not resolvable to consciousness by brains with readout capabilities restricted to the 1T2 order of logical-value, so such brains cast these temporal orders in aspersions: atemporal, ineffable, mystical, and so on. These aspersions, however, do not rid brain tissues of the temporal orders not being readout to conscious awareness; nor do they rid the cells, molecules, elementary particles which, when collectively time-lapsed in nested reverse cascade, are called the bodies of organisms. Denial -- by socio-cultural proscription and the electro-chemical consequences of such proscription -- of conscious awareness of orders of processes constitutive of the existence of the bodies of organisms sets in motion a host of pathologies within and between those organisms, pathologies organic, sociological, cultural. Of critical importance here are the collective, cooperative, and critical non-linear temporal processes transpiring in plasma core of superconductant intraneuronal DNA and their anti-homeostatic modification. One of the pathological outcomes of such denial, of such modification, in my view, is regressed collective behaviors like holocaust; another, pandemic terrorism.
In general, one can be sure that people's reaction to such a statement as this is to regard it as absurd, pure bunk. And to the degree this is the case, it is a measure of the severity of what is to come in the evolving global crisis. As an illustration, consider the following statement made by Max Rodenbeck in reviewing five contemporary books on terrorism (The Truth About Jihad, The New York Review of Books, August 11, 2005, p. 54):
America's war on terror becomes, in such a view, a sort of autoimmune response, where cherished ideals such as civil liberties and free movement of capital must be sacrificed for the sake of killing the jihad cancer. Perhaps, says Devji, America could even be termed a suicide state, its martyrdom mirroring the many martyrdoms of the jihad.
That, surely, is too far a flight of academic fancy. America's war on terror is not going so well. But then neither is the jihad.
What Rodenbeck apparently doesn't understand is that molecular immunology is not the heuristic model for such statements; the model is quantum psychoneuroimmunology. Physical theory of collective, cooperative, and critical behaviors is a branch of quantum mechanics, not of molecular biology. For verification of this, check out the dedicatory volume produced for the pioneering physicist of quantum biochemistry Herbert Fröhlich (Cooperative Phenomena, edited by H. Haken and M. Wagner, Springer-Verlag, 1973). Moreover, Rodenbeck is wrong about global insurgency not going so well. Anyone who wishes to cite the rout in Afghanistan as evidence thereof, does not see that this was an elaborate example in application of traditional Hijra (tactical withdrawal) or the degree to which infrastructure organizational phase transitions are a special case of far-from-equilibrium phase transitions, all of which involve elaborate processes over boundary values. Earlier, I quoted from Derek's journals, as excerpted in MOON, a 1971 entry (34 years ago) devoted to Roger Poole's distinction between the protester's sign and the terrorist index. Further into that same journal entry, Derek had to following to say (MOON, Vol. 2, pp. 348-9):
Industrialized urban civilization has not yet experienced anything remotely resembling the full potential of organized terrorism coupled to organized subversion The very concept of the target has yet to be explored in depth The powers-that-be believe that the state possesses the means to control the terrorist potential. The worst that can happen, they believe, is that the terrorists will force us to adopt the measures of a totalitarian state. This is the height of non-comprehension Once the forcing functions are catalyzed, self-organization exhibits an extraordinary immunity to suppression. It is the state that is subject to hypersensitivity reactions and autoimmune responses (all the more so if it is a totalitarian state): when the village you have to destroy in order to save it is your own, then the paradox involved becomes unsupportable. If you want to get a feel for the thing, think of social autoimmunity in the same breath as you contemplate the terrorist's targeting problem. This is the essence of organized action-potential. Moreover, it is well to remember that it does not take an isolated camp identifiable by satellite-borne remote sensing technology to train an effective dagger team. Nor does it require firearms or C-4 which actually are liabilities predisposing to counterproductive actions. It takes a basement; it takes intelligent planning; it takes endless dry runs; it takes audacity, information, and most of all knowledge of the operational procedures, information technologies, and vulnerabilities of the state and the exploitable emotional and ego instabilities of its controllers. People who have a psychopathic need always to be in control are very predictable and very destructive when they experience themselves losing control. Viet Nam was a veritable wonderland of education on that subject!
Derek had, four years before writing this journal entry, been involuntarily volunteered for token-American membership in a dagger team operating in the Mekong delta, an assignment something like that which Richard Armitage apparently later volunteered for. This involuntary volunteering, of thankfully short duration, transpired in much the same manner that friends of Derek were assigned to the Mike Forces in I-Corps or as embedded advisors to Roadrunners in the Central Highlands. And toward the end of the entry, he observes (p. 351-2):
Current locations of terrorist crisis are localized inflammations in a systemic disease. Forceful suppression simply drives the illness ever deeper into the marrow This effort is momentarily successful, perhaps, but forces metastasizing. New groups, new sites of inflammation arise, evermore resistant to the prophylaxis of massed force. A day of reckoning will come.
The global situation has evolved quite a bit in the past 34 years, even in the period since this journal entry was published in MOON in 1994.
I do not believe that the end has ever justified the means; the end achieved comes in the form of the means employed. And I do not believe that the means employed are consciously chosen; these are expressions of invariant properties of embedding domains. Self-attribution of the capacity for actual choice is simply an arrogation arising from proscriptions imposed on conscious awareness. The embedding domains spoken of here are not chain-of-command hierarchies; they are more and more general properties of processes transpiring in the population corpus engaged in employment of the means embraced. In order to get this into concrete cases, let me quote from Mark Sedgwick writing on the effects of Julius Evola's book Riding the Tiger upon the organizational transformation of Italian terrorist groups (Against the Modern World, Oxford U. Press, 2004, pp. 183-4):
Despite the impossibility of successful rectifying action, Evola observed, some individuals are still disposed to fight even on lost positions. To them Evola recommended apoliteia (separation from the polity), which he defined as irrevocable interior distance from this society and its 'values'; and the refusal to be tied to it by any moral or spiritual links whatsoever.
Just as Evola shifted (or was thought to have shifted) the emphasis from the objectives of action to the interior state that gives rise to action, so Freda shifted the emphasis from the objective [as in strategic goals, interests, and objectives] -- which implied some central planning and organization -- to the individual. Freda was one of the earliest and most important proponents of the archipelago solution, the new organizational pattern of Italian extreme right terrorism that emerged in the 1970s This meant the replacement of earlier, relatively large and hierarchical structures by small and fluid groupings, usually forming for a particular operation and then dissolving, and normally acting independently of each other and any central command. [It can be noted here that there was a class of extreme left Japanese radical groups during the early-to-mid-'70s organizationally patterned on this extreme right Italian model: Furonto, Purogakudo, and Kyogakudo; see MOON, Vol. 1, pp. 62-3.]
The archipelago solution presents certain obvious operational advantages. As an extension of the Leninist cell system, it is the ultimate guard against police infiltration: no more than a single operation can ever be compromised. It is, however, more than a defense, since abandonment of any control over operational groups makes sense only as a corollary to the abandonment of overall strategy. The archipelago solution, then, is the companion of apoliteia, at least as Freda understood apoliteia. The two together make up spontaneismo armato (armed spontaneity), Freda's most destructive discovery, later popularized in his journal, Quex. [There is a footnote attached here which states: There are echoes of Freda in both the organizational method and the apparent objectives of the terrorists who carried out the attacks on America on September 11, 2001.] In practice, spontaneismo armato differs little from random mayhem.
I will dispute the notion that abandonment of operational control is tantamount to abandonment of overall strategy and that, in practice, what is designated by the term spantaneismo armato can be but random mayhem. It is my suggestion that Sedgwick, by lack of familiarity with the quantum theory of collective, cooperative, and critical phenomena in systems exhibiting coherent behavior, has greatly underestimated the nature and potential of apoliteia, the archipelago solution, and spantaneismo armato. Applications of these principles failed in Italy during the 1970s for many reasons, not the least of which was inability to spatially delocalize, which was precisely the objective and the achievement during application of Hijra in conjunction with synoptic self-organizational phase transition facilitated by the evoked-response American invasion of Afghanistan.
Tacitly assumed by Sedgwick is the idea that there is no system possible where the center is everywhere. Which means identity transparency (IT) -- the characteristic state of the pagan (P), the tribal (T), the animistic (A) -- cannot be the prevailing notion of identity. (Italian extremists of the 1970s were likely not sufficiently PTA to manifest IT.) Identity must be 1T2 logical: no A is not-A and the case is either A or not-A. Which means that information must flow through isotropic space over linear-time from A to not-A if coordination is to be obtained. No spooky action at a distance between non-communicating animistic tribal actors in a state of IT. (IT being fruition of what the word love designates, this proscription denies validity of sociologist and onetime intelligence analyst Marc Sageman's thesis that the deterritorialized, kinship entitled, overlapping network clusters-into-virtual-villages of terrorist infrastructures like Al Qaeda could generate violence derivative of in-group love: the only possible explanation is out-group hate. See Rodenbeck's review article, pp. 52-3.) EPR paradox ruled out as a factor in self-organization generally and spontaneous social order in particular -- particularly as any spontaneous social order insurgent is generally against prevailing social orders, all of which are non-spontaneous and coercively imposed, if only by countervailing forces divided against themselves . Which means that strategy -- given that A and not-A cannot be in coordination while non-communicating -- must be prescriptively delineated according to the rules of Aristotle's syllogistic, such that the involved logical march replicates itself over linear-time as coherent behavior of the corpus of all A and all not-A under command and control of the single center located in space, the property isotropic permitting no other Hegelian centered centers. God permitting, of course. Then again, under certain circumstances of self-organized criticality, God might just permit the center to be everywhere. In such cases, those persons wed to Aristotle's 1T2 syllogistic (remember 2nk fitness landscapes -- deterritorialized or no: a spin-off of Santa Fe Institute has been applying this notion, in consultancy, to U.S. military concepts of organization and operation) must view the complexity of the involved deterministic disorder as being a probabilistic property of the behavior of large numbers, which, in the case of a small number of insurgents, cannot be the case. QED, not in this case Quantum Electrodynamics, but quod erat demonstrandum. No self-organizing insurgency against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian nation-state system and its supranational agglomerations is possible. Therefore, no strategic threat to the global balance of power; rather, a containable tactical initiative. And let us not entertain the notion that, in a non-Newtonian universe of discourse-by-fire on the field of the combat, capability may have little to do with power balance or force structure and a great deal to do with extra-combat free-energy disorientations like curvature, warps, parallelisms, and even the diagonalizations of sociological skew-parallels (which Weberian sociologists of the '60s, being unfamiliar with fiber bundle arithmetics, disparaged as mere parallelism). Let us, rather, remember well that, as Bruce Durbin says in advertising his book Art of Prayer (p. 59, the same issue of N.Y. Review as Rodenbeck's article), Prayer is an indispensable weapon in spiritual warfare. Extremely pedantic and not really very smart, which seems to be a near-universal disability of all those with motivation sufficient to mastery of the art of popular discursive and/or polemical writing.
Before getting back to Evola's rather scholarly -- indubitably pedantic and not really very smart -- Revolt Against the Modern World, it is interesting to note that Rodenbeck, in his review of books generated under the academic mode of production by Olivier Roy, Gilles Kepel, and Faisal Devji (published, respectively, by the university presses of Columbia, Harvard, and Cornell), observes (pp. 52-54) the authorities believe that deterritorialization, franchising- and consultancy-type organizational formats, use of modern technology such as cell phones, the internet, and wide-body jets, suicide attacks as advertising-by-fire, and an evocation of individual responsibility to jihad, rather than collective responsibility for the same, indicate that radical Islamism is not a resurrection of the traditional but actually a process of modernist secularization (use of cell phones and the internet by extremists legitimates these technologies for use by the Islamic masses) which carries the seeds of its own destruction, for the extremism will be abandoned by all but a very small number of the hardcore few when superiority of normative democratic modernism becomes apparent to the Islamic masses thus secularized by fanatic religious fundamentalists. This is a little like arguing that the fried men, Thomas and Milton, as well as von Hayek, of course, are, in their extreme neoliberalism, actually Marxists, as does John Gray (The World is Round, The New York Review of Books, August 11, 2005, p. 13), when, actual actually, what Marx, Thomas and Milton Friedman, and F. von Hayek have in common is their extreme psychological identification with Cartesian-Newtonian modes of comprehension -- the truncation in orders or logical-value processed by brain tissue being explicit in such modes and indicative of inordinate glutamaturgic frying of the brain. But there is another way, a way with a higher-order topological twist involved, to look at all this, the way I have been advocating with gathering electrons and detail since the early-'60s when I began delving into quantum-relativity and Gödel by interactions with Ernst Nagel, Abdul Aziz Said, Elspeth Rostow, Gerald Hurd, George Harris during the same period I was spending a great deal of time at SORO (Special Operations Research Office). Not to go into details, about which I have already written too much, IT of PTA underwent nascent post-Cartesian-Newtonian resurrection (not of the traditional, but of the primordial, of the archaic: Islamo-fascists, whether they know it or not, in their practice of interior distance harp back to times before the traditional) beginning in the 1820s with discovery of m-valued transcendental functions and the debunking of Euclid's claim in the parallel postulate that there can be only one parallel to a given line through a given point (this nascent resurrection being clearly registered through back-reaction in intellectual society during the 1840s and '50s in writing of The Communist Manifesto and the Tristan chords), again in the 1870s in the definition of a denumerable transfinite set (with its Impressionism synchronicities in painting and art music), at turn of the century in the Axiom of Choice, again in the 1920s with discovery of m-valued logics and articulation of Schrödinger's wave-function, in the post-WWII period with birth of holography which technologically embodies Cantor's definition of the 1870s (the whole contained by the part), and presently with the discoveries that even molecules can be in more than one place at a given time, that light travels faster than light, sometimes getting there before it leaves, and with the specters of imminent quantum computing via superposition of phase-digits, superconductant levitation (non-biological and biological), phased-array electron temperature enhancements to hot aurora accompanied by coherency in superposed gyro-resonances mirroring severe-local-storm generated high-energy particle beam, and so on and so on. In each of these cases, IT of PTA was suppressed (partially consciously, partially subliminally: people rioted at the Rite of Spring) through falsification because of the psychological, sexual, social, political, and economic implications. The clash of civilizations and of subcultures within civilizations explicitly implied was successfully swept under the rug during periods between fulminations in slave trades, major wars, and holocausts, etiology of which in each case related directly to the chronic suppression and its effects on unconscious event gradients orchestrating collective behaviors. Collective, cooperative, and critical quantum behaviors unmolested yield coherent processes of self-organization; collective behaviors suppressed, and hence regressed, yield slavery, mass warfare, and holocaust. As the suppression became -- clawing at the back of discovery -- more and more elaborate, the intensifying repression yielded cycles of regression-in-service-to-the-SUPERego manifesting as mass projective identification physically embodied in the evolving techno-base: functions inherent by virtue of quantum properties of organism, suppressed and hence regressed, found infantile expression in technologies of warfare. IT, for instance, having been constellated in the collective unconscious by a nascent resurrection that was intensively suppressed over two centuries, eventually, by psychological transference, became the telepresence of network-centric warfare (which trickled down to the masses as innovation in information technology moved from military affairs to civil applications, making possible cell-phoned smart crowds, for instance). In such a psychiatric context as this, rather than radical Islamism being a modernist secularization of the traditional, radical Islamism is a regressed evoked-response to the regression -- regressions playing upon regression -- which is secular modernist (and the postmodernism trying to save that portion of Cartesian-Newtonian modernism which appears to some, mostly ex-Marxists, as salvageable) over-abstraction so as to establish interior distance from a natural nature manifesting natural laws that are utterly anathema, puerile scientism, and a techno-base embodying a pathological cosmology. That being the case -- just as collapse of communism was not the triumph of capitalism, but the initial step in incendiary disintegration of institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm -- radical Islamism (as well as other regressive fundamentalisms) is just an early stage in a process that will become far more generalized as back-reaction against the suppression of IT of PTA bleeds into other sectors of the global recruitment base (tapped by the human collective unconscious). The involved transformation -- in significant measure driven by ever-greater failure of a techno-base derivative of collective psychopathology -- cannot proceed in mature, conscious articulation, of course, because two centuries of suppression generate cycles of regression orchestrating collective behaviors. Moreover, there is no publicly viewable evidence even of feeble attempts at conscious integration -- and technologies of regression, including modification of self-identity via genomic manipulation, have become sufficiently elaborate they are themselves beginning to shape boundary values of human consciousness and even threaten organic immunological integrity.
In contrast to self-organization by noise, by chaos, by probability, by the statistics of large numbers, there is the quantal self-organization by IT of PTA, IT being the quantum potential responsible for autopoiesis. The criticism/self-criticism session -- yielding deautomatization of automated neuropsychological structures under Heisenberg effects of self-observation -- of the Leninist cellular format had its origins in perfectionist utopian socialism, which had its origins in Christian monastic practice (prayer, for instance), which had its origins in PTA rites of passage. The purpose of these sessions is to overcome the claim to be absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct, to overcome, that is, Existentialist separatism through direct Existentialist action -- interior in spiritual space and exterior on social space. Firmly establishing interior distance from the claim to separatism, this establishing being amongst the population corpus of a movement -- a violation of Aristotelian logic and a sundering of A/not-A distinctions -- is the most fundamental prerequisite to self-organization of coherent behavior of that movement. Thus, those who, according the Sedgwick, understood Evola as shifting the emphasis from the objectives of action to the interior state that gives rise to action could not have directly experienced loss of the claim at issue, and therefore mistakenly maintained a distinction between objective and subjective precluding IT of PTA, thus insuring failure of the organizational phase transition undertaken in Italy during the 1970s. Personally, as an absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct psychological entity, that is, I make no claim to have directly experienced enough combat to have, for the first time, witnessed under fire the signal factor -- entry into higher-order temporal awareness while in corporal movement -- of the initiation sought by Traditionalists like Evola. I did, however, have this non-ordinary temporal experience before coming under fire, and, having grown up around people with extensive combat experience, I thus knew the right questions to ask. Quoting Col. Toussaint speaking in MOON (Vol. 2, pp. 510-11):
With the small expert group, however, something strange emerges. The commander is in control, here, no more than in normal combat. In this high combat, let's call it, some kind of force takes over to govern the actions of the group. Everyone knows what everyone else knows about the action going down, it seems. It's almost as if each person sees the action, not only through his own eyes, but also through the eyes of everyone else in the group: you are aware of things you couldn't possibly see with your own eyes, but which someone else is in a position to see. It's very strange: somehow, for the duration of the combat, you are not just one person. This happens most intensively, not in a planned action like mounting an ambush, but when the group engages in combat unexpectedly. Everything is instantaneous reaction, but stretched out like in a slow dream. A dream that's all flying bullets, exploding bodies, the taste of blood, the smell of shit and cordite, screams of terror, the concussion of explosives, the gurgle of death. No one decides: it decides. There is spontaneous coordination. You already know what will happen before it happens. Chance, seemingly, is no longer part of the action. But no person controls events! Everything gets done, but it's like no decisions were made: everything just happens properly, and afterwards everyone wonders how it could have been so. It was like that with a half-team I worked with during the early days in Laos: PEO and White Star. I've never been able to understand it. It haunts me. Coming back into normal life is like going into solitary confinement: you have to learn to live at a distance from people. Separation, again, becomes the only reality. You find yourself returning to high combat time after time trying to recapture that, uh, extraordinary state of being
Apoliteia, the archipelago solution, and spantaneismo armato were all integral elements of Toussaint's experience as a consummate special service operative -- and, according to his testimony, though mayhem there obviously was, it was not random, and surely not academic. The intelligence analyst should regard the prevailing emphasis within radical Islamism upon individual responsibility to jihad as the initial gesture toward identity incorporation leading to IT of PTA, and the suicide bomber's effect on the synoptic identity state within the movement as a major catalyst to solidification of the identity incorporation prerequisite to IT. But all of this, in due course, given its several-centuries-long contextualization in cycles of regression, will jump beyond a mere clash between Fertile-Crescent-Religion civilizations into something much more elemental. The Iceman Cometh.
In reading the piece by Paul Levy entitled Diagnosis: Psychic Epidemic (The Baltimore Chronicle, 19 June 2005), I find my reaction is substantially the same as that to his paper The Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis earlier commented upon (see: StratAss8). His plain-language presentation, within the prevailing planetary context, of the Jungian heuristic model is of great value, but he provides precious little insight into details of etiology and pathogenesis of the present fulmination, and his prescribed therapeutics seem to me naive and misleading. I disagree, for instance, with the following statements made in the Chronicle article (the all-caps portions are my emphasis):
REALIZING OUR COMPLICITY in the prevailing madness INSTANTANEOUSLY SNAPS US OUT Of the collective trance
To quote Jung, Nobody is immune to a nationwide evil unless he is unshakably convinced of the danger of his own character being tainted by the same evil. [Emphasis added] RECOGNIZING our potential, at any moment, to fall asleep and unwittingly become an agent of darkness IS TO BECOME PSYCHICALLY IMMUNIZED from falling prey to this malevolent bug.
RECOGNIZING OUR SHADOW as it is reflected through Bush is the very act that INOCULATES US from the negative effects of the collective psychosis. To quote Jung, If we could see our shadow, we would be immune to any moral and mental infection. [Emphasis added]
This deeper, unified field which is in-forming and giving shape to events in our world is the very thing that these events are reflecting back to us to recognize. TO RECOGNIZE THIS IS TO INSTANTANEOUSLY STEP OUT OF unwittingly being an instrument for feeding, supporting and creating destruction, and to become an agent of compassion who can be of genuine benefit to others.
The way to change our world is through the individual, ONE person AT A TIME.
I am disagreeing here, not only with Levy, but also with Jung.
It is interesting to note that Levy does not tell the reader of the Chronicle article that most, if not all, of the Jung quotations come from Jung's book Modern Man in Search of a Soul. Why the choice not to inform was made, I do not know, but it seems to me a bit strange. I have not read this book for over 40 years, so cannot be absolutely certain of the origin of the quotes, but if the quotations were chosen from many locations in Jung's collected works, as is plausible by virtue of Jung's thematic repetitions, nonetheless, they could all have come from Search. I read this book by Jung several times in 1963, as it was assigned to me by Abdul Aziz Said in a course on the structure and functions of the international system of nation-states. Reading it over and over contributed considerably to my decision to leave college and volunteer for Special Forces. This is recounted in initial entries to Derek's Journals excerpted in MOON, entries actually written in the early-'60s, as well as in his polemics with the German woman, Ilse. I wanted to understand this disease -- which I saw evidence of everywhere about me, and within myself -- in depth, and felt I had to get very close to its dynamics if I were actually to do so.
I find it impossible to believe that Levy (or Jung) was ever in immediate physical proximity to a lynch mob, for the field he refers to, unified or not, acts with such force as to be physically palpable, even overwhelming, to anyone acting in conscious opposition to it; like trying to move a bar of iron against flux of a magnet, you are aware of the flux only in opposing it's gradient. But escaping influence of the flux requires application of a greater force than the flux possesses, so as to remove the bar from physical proximity of the magnet. Nor does it seem likely that Levy or Jung ever underwent psychological induction to an elite military unit, wherein the field gradient of the lynch mob is spread out over the training cycle and only forms vortices proximal to contact with the adversary. There is no instantaneous stepping out of black holes in the social structure of attention, and mere recognition is no greater force conferring inoculation and immunity. How will-effort by an individual consciousness has greater psychic force than collective unconscious archetypal gradients constellated in mass energies of a population corpus is nowhere explicated in Jung's collected works. At least I was unable by intensive search during the early-'70s to discover it.
Jung, both by omission and inclusion, contributed libidinous energy to the miasmatic preconditions of the Nazi fulmination of the collective psychosis he provided a heuristic model of. The foremost factors which remained unconsidered were the psychic implications of Cantorian transfinites and non-traditional logics; the primary factor mistakenly embraced, and a direct consequence of the omissions, was the derogatory treatment of animistic identity transparency as participation inconsciente or participation mystique. Indeed, these omissions and this inclusion provide a veritable map of the etiology of the collective mass-psychology illness-biopathy in question. Jung, like most of us, was too much influenced by his context and the events of his youth. The Burgholzli psychiatric hospital was set up in Zurich in 1870, just as Cantorian mathematics was coming to fruition, with its account of part-whole identity transparency, a transparency contained in the very definition of a denumerable transfinite set, and demonstrated in Cantor's famous diagonal proof (one source of the early 20th century Western aesthetic phobia for the slant-eyed diagonal and the avant-garde's embrace thereof: painterly Cubism, Cubist calligrams in poetry, et cetera: the walls have to meet the floor at a 90-degree angle; otherwise, it is extremism, like, for instance, in the post-WWII Japan Style, as exemplified in the Kyoto International Conference Hall, an aesthetic throwback to stateless primitive Shinto). Kraeplelin's book on dementia praecox appeared in 1896. The collection of symptoms currently associated with schizophrenia were thus first characterized a disease. Dementia praecox was renamed schizophrenia by Bleuler in 1911. Later, Lévy-Bruhl introduced the concept of participation mystique, which was embraced by Jung. The involved falsifications paralleled in time and meaning those promulgated in higher mathematics and physics. This corpus of dissimulation was the diathesis, the etiology, and the pathogenesis of the Nazi fulmination. Prognosis for current diagnosis and treatment of the prevailing fulmination is not good, given the degree to which the diatheses remain suppressed, and hence regressed in projective identification. No greater force has appeared on the scene.
There have, however, been intimations of such an appearance. In 1975, for instance, Ignacio Matte Blanco published a book entitled The Unconscious as Infinite Sets (London: Duckworth) with a number of extremely insightful chapters: Some Logico-Mathematical Concepts; Infinite Sets and Levels of (Unconscious) Depth; Emotions as Infinite Sets; Brief Notions About Geometrical Space; The Paradox of Part-Whole. The Unfolding Function; and Pre-Orgasmic Experiences. Matte Blanco is a psychiatrist with origins in Santiago, Chile, a regional city of the Andes cordillera; and resident in the region is an ancient tongue of Andean culture, Aymara, a language recently demonstrated to be based in non-traditional 3-valued logic. It is not incidental that current political actions undertaken by animistic Aymaran tribal peoples are considered examples of extremism, of the oh-so diabolical political diagonal. The chapter entitled Some Logico-Mathematical Concepts discusses violations of the traditional Aristotelian principles of non-contradiction and distributed middle. Matte Blanco notes how transfinite set theory engages in similar violations of traditional logic. Later in the book, it is clinically documented that such violations are constantly engaged in by unconscious processes. He offers reflections on the implications of this for the field of geometry. He analyzes how it is that the whole can be contained by the part and how this principle organizes unconscious processes. And he presents considerable clinical evidence that sexual orgasm quenches pre-orgasmic emergence of these violations into conscious awareness. At the time of publication, British Book News had the following to say about Matte Blanco's book:
He offers an account of the logic of the unconscious, satisfying the characteristics claimed by Freud to be true of the unconscious such as an absence of time and contradiction (i.e., negation). This logic is arrived at by appropriate adjustments of standard logic, the chief being the treatment of asymmetrical relations as if they were symmetrical, so abolishing at a stroke all forms of serial order, such as space and time. This universal application of symmetry is, according to the author, constantly found in schizophrenic and unconscious thinking. It also entails the equivalence of part and whole, which is characteristic of infinite sets (and hence the title). This is not an alternative logic but (as the author correctly states) a dissolution of logic [both the author and the reviewer were unfamiliar with the history non-Anglo-American and non-French contributions to logic in the period after 1910]; in particular, the principle of contradiction [this is properly stated as the principle of non-contradiction, even if logicians themselves engage in this misstatement] is rejected. It is, however, partly dependent on logic and, if Matte Blanco is right, it represents the actual processes of the unconscious, which though inconsistent cannot be merely chaotic if any of Freud's description applies. The logic of emotional thinking is also explained as involving infinite sets.
Neurologist, Karl Pribram, originator of the neural hologram hypothesis -- the hologram being a technological embodiment of the principle of the equivalence of part and whole, an equivalence contained in the very definition and demonstration of a denumerable transfinite set -- made the following statement in reviewing the book for Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases:
A large volume probing the deeper aspects of psychology Its charts of terra incognita are as good as any we have as yet available.
Both of these review excerpts were taken from the book cover. Derek read this book in 1975 side by side with G. Spencer Brown's Laws of Form and Emil Post's 1921 paper on m-valued logics. Contents of each of these publications played large in forming his reflections on the quantum properties of extensive processes of autogenic brain discharges, which he feels are elaborately involved in accomplishing what Levy (and apparently also Jung) regard as resulting instantaneously from mere recognition.
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