µTm Scenarios, T14(M)
Finally, a highly-trained and well-experienced interdisciplinary quantum-physicist/chemist -- a woman, no less -- has made it into the upper echelons of global policy determination. And wouldn't it just have been in Germany! It is no small thing that Angela Merkel is one-quarter Polish, a physicist who did her Ph.D. dissertation in quantum chemistry, worked as student and researcher in the physical sciences for almost twenty years, is a fluent Russian speaker, the language in which the most significant work on Polish Lukasiewicz logics is currently published -- and that, even though the EU is experiencing a CRASH-flow problem, she has introduced no new post-Cartesian-Newtonian (considering that a hole in an orbital is an electron-currency exchange quantum-chemistry debt: Schrödinger) notions as informing applications of the social sciences during the period she has been engaged with politics and economics. This reflects most severely, I believe, on the current conditions of physics and chemistry as disciplines. And these prevailing conditions prefigure what is very likely not to come in the realms of social science applications -- and to come in the realm of geopolitics. While it may be, as Heraclitus imagined, that things find purpose in changing, people change changing to clinging.
The whole whole which is one's hologramic ONE (as distinct from one's egoic Maya-type one) is an expression of realization that the layered dusti of Cantor cardinalities -- including the hypothesized C -- logocentrically cut from hyletic-psychetic Tzog-chen AllBase are nesting-foam collections of no{thing] given shape by truth-valued 1T2-order-type pregeometry logic alone; under shapeage by identity-transparent µTm-valued-logic order-types, the involved superposed sets of zeros constituting the zone of emptiness are the Cantor cardinalities constituting the zone of fullness, such that Nirvana is where zeros = infinities. The set of zeros 1T2-logically specified in the Riemann Hypothesis on prime number distribution is not only an expression of the order of logical-value employed to shape that specification, but also fashioned only with respect to the imaginary domain -- whereas, the superposed sheets/sets of zeros 1T2-logically specifiable with respect to hypernumber domains are also self-reflexively/automorphically shadow-fold-supershaped into an autopoietic Dedekind sword under µTm-logically-valued order-types without respect to the notion of truth-value. Loping off the head of the nail that sticks up is a renormalization procedure construable only under 1T2-valued logic -- tai-chi rotational, if not also syllogistic. Despite the wonderful work done in this area by Alexander Karpenko at Moscow State University, no possible-world logic permits whole wholes -- operative in nature's everywhen/allwhere -- adequate signification absent Musculpt as mathematical notation.
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's latest strategic economic assessment (see: A modest proposal for a eurozone break-up, The Telegraph, 17 July 2011) adds weight to my decades-old intellectual-history/cultural-predisposition speculation concerning probable formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc (extension of AEP's Teutonic Union) aligned to a Greater China incorporating Japan. Quoting the article's summarizing headliner:
The eurozone can in theory still be saved, if two sets of conditions are fulfilled; if the leaders of Germany, Austria, Finland, and the Netherlands accept fiscal union and a common pooling of debt, and can persuade their parliaments and courts to ratify such a revolution.
AEP suggests that the EMU could also be saved by the ECB adopting the FED's QEing behaviors: this assessment adds weight to the contention that collapse cusps are most likely on those steps of the Devil's Staircase whereupon ECB default and IMF SDR default become imminent. I have prognosticated a France in an extreme state of ambivalency, unable to choose between the AmericoAnglo Bloc and the Germano-Russian Bloc -- because of its continued overvaluation-of/identification-with 1T2-Cartesianism coupled to de-Gaulle-ist bristling over supersession of its Mission Civilisatrice. AEP's assessment is suggestive of this, in that he places France at the head of a Latin Union, while having viewed its own separation from Germany as a catastrophe. Also adding some weight is Ariel Cohen's arms-production/dealing article, The New Power Alliance: Russia, Germany and France, The National Interest, 21 July 2011, and, though less so, Steven Erlanger's, entitled, A Continent, Sinking, Foreign Policy, 20 July 2011. Cohen draws a parallel to past Germano-Russian cooperation. Quoting Cohen:
This brings back memories of the post-Rapallo 1920s and early 1930s secret cooperation between the USSR's Red Army and the Weimar Germany's Reichswehr, which allowed the latter to develop and test weapons in Russia, forbidden under the Treaty of Versailles.
Erlanger's analysis evokes my ambivalence hypothesis regarding France. Quoting his article:
France, which is simultaneously a northern and a Mediterranean country, is no longer the vital swing between blocs, and it feels more and more a second-rate power compared with booming Germany. Under the impulsive Sarkozy, France has tried to retain influence by making noise and throwing out ideas, both valuable and wacky, seeking again to employ the traditional French strategic geometry of playing off the United States and Russia -- or inside Europe, Germany and the southern rim, for which it imagines itself a kind of spokesman and goodwill ambassador.
Whereas, one can observe, speaking of the civilized world generally, not only of the EU, that checked-and-balanced countervailing forces these days are effectuated by war crimes committed in pseudopeace and quasiwar in service -- not to governments -- but to governance of vested interests within business communities-of-practice. TCM side-by-side with STAR Movies and HBO offers the onetime PsyOpser -- no Son of SAM (surface-to-air missile) believing himself, like the Boxers, immune to bullets -- an opportunity to compare current psychoprep with that of WWII: not a confidence builder.
Machine-gunned with a GeneGun, dey was/will-be, yep, gene-gunned for V-GURTs (varietal-genetic use restriction technology) Terminator (see: "V-GURTs [Terminator Technology]", Ricarda A. Steinbrecher, EcoNexus, January 2006). Cornell-developed biolistic GeneGun DNA bullet (see: Shooting Into the Future, John O'Brien, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology): the geneticist's analogue to the cyanide-coated dum-dum? Is this a component in an act of war (see: GMO Deregulation: An Act of War, Barbara H. Peterson, Global Research, 23 July 2011)? For a mainstream treatment, see: U.S.D.A. Ruling on Bluegrass Stirs Cries of Lax Regulation, Andrew Pollack, The New York Times, 6 July 2011. And if bluegrass fairways radiating anomalous coherent waves (see our mathematical model of how DNA likely/probably/possibly generates nucleotide-pair-marked coherent waves, linked below) don't get golfers' attention, or that of Cornell's Ph.D.s in turf management hired by the PGA -- as they won't -- please consider the wealth of chimeras being stockpiled around that planet which is the planet in process of becoming an extension of planet Hollywood's Planet of the Apes (see: 150 human animal hybrids grown in UK labs: Embryos have been produced secretively for the past three years, Daniel Martin and Simon Caldwell, The Daily Mail, 23 July 2011). And what is the best way to protect secrecy of chimeras? Why, SelectaDNA forensic coding, of course (see: SelectaDNA Advanced Forensic Marking and Frequently Asked Questions). Who believes that they know not what they do? Reach your own conclusion about these matters, in part by consulting with Arpad Pusztai (see: Submission of Dr Arpad Pusztai, Rowett Research Institute, as well as Dr. Pusztai's Homepage). Quoting Dr. Pusztai's Submission:
The results [of Pusztai's research] also suggest that a major part of these differences was not caused by the expression of the GNA gene in the transgenic potato lines but that these could have been due to the presence of one or more of the other gene(s) in the vector used in the gene transfer or to the possibility of disturbances in the functioning of potatoes' own genes caused by the random incorporation of the vector in the potato genome (positioning effect).
A follow-up gut histology study, the results of which will be separately discussed in Dr Stanley W. B. Ewen's submission, indicated that the difference in the rats' responses to diets containing GM or untransformed potatoes could have primarily been the result of an unexpected and for the time being unknown mitogenic, growth-stimulating effect of the GM potatoes on most compartments of the rat gastrointestinal tract (GIT), including the pancreas.
Lose dere funding, dey do, yep, always lose dere funding. unknown mitogenic, growth-stimulating effect: could this increased mitosis by any chance relate to a GM-induced anomalous shift in the minimum time for spontaneous localization associated with DNA's free-electron gas core at the Curie temperature of the helix-coil transition undergone by the engineered molecule? GM-induced shift in the free-electron parcel temperature-oscillation rate (bottom line on biological clocks)? A new kind of noxious fertilizer, destined to become, at high dosage, a nano/dioxin-analogue? Decide for yourself by consulting the explications provided in the Illustrated Terminology Glossary accompaniment to our paper A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, XV, 1979, pp. 333-341 -- a paper and glossary written, incidentally, at Cornell.
Trouble is, in my experience -- and well back into the West's Middle Ages, I suspect -- people always think psychologically engaged can only mean one-to-one onto and into: no m-values about it. An unassuagable vox populi went into riot over the animistic-quantum relative-state identity-transparency implicated in Stravinsky's consciously-elaborated, nature-introjecting Rite of Spring : collective self-destruction is always popular. After WWI, Stravinsky, élan vital suppressed, obliged -- with music [more] people can understand. Machine-gunning art-music/V-GURTs Terminator's prestidigitator role at deep-structure origins of the world wars, a role played large by truncating/renormalizing the social functions of composition to, predominantly, those of popular culture -- which do not include analogically-tropologically modeling principles of worldview construct. Even a John Cage could turn -- in conforming to the consensus non-Lukasiewiczian interpretation of Schrödinger -- against this aspect of the composer's responsibility as designer of the music system employed. Foremost among counter-domestic-terror initiatives has been a fostering of the current mass mores of affectless, bald/purified-identity, coruscated body-mod/mut, corybantic infrasex mechanics -- coked, comic-booked, X-stacied, animed, vitamin-Ked, grouped, clubbed, lap-danced, discoed, stupefyingly surround-sounded, luridly light-showed, prosthetically-hyperrealismed, wet-thrust joy-sticked, internetted, P2Ped, MoSoSoed, smart-mobbed, soon to be 3D-TVed and VRed and ANNed and genetically RFIDed and risky RISC implanted and electroepidermally adhensioned (see: An Electronic Second Skin, Zhenqiang Ma, Science, 333:6044, pp. 830-1, 12 August 2011, which is a real breakthrough in respect to biofeedback in the Lilly Tank) and surrogated to cloud-computed matrix of noospheric psycho-technic projective-identifications/grotesqueries. Subrogated conversion-disorder displacement -- by BioShock steampunk modding -- of eidetic-intentional overclocking of the normotic baud-rate of consciousness. Such regressed collective effort, such resource dissipation! And all merely to keep Lukasiewicz logics at bay. Oh, how much this is likely to amplify in wake of Oslo and Utoya Island.
Here is a little climate-change (not merely greenhouse warming) rumint from a thoroughly non-professional higher-enculturation drop-out: though dynamical meteorology has long since, in details, incorporated principles of nonlinear Newtonian dynamics into its forecast modeling efforts, details of catastrophe, chaos, and complexity theory mathematics have remained for meteorologists mainly mindset tools informing attitudinal orientation to the metaphysics of predictability, such that, whereas climatologists-not-dynamicists tacitly embrace the nonlinear Newtonian dynamics of weather forecast models, when it comes to the tweaking of climate-change models, they (and especially their critics), nonetheless, seek linear signals of time evolution as macro-markers, e.g., direct measureables like magnitude of simple-temperature, analyzable to changing amounts of greenhouse-gas-entrapped heat capacity and content. As if snapping won't be involved! Tomahawkintheback, yep, tomahawkintheback out thar in m-valued Injun Cuntry. Were it me -- believing as I do that there is no classical limit and that Earth's atmosphere is not a Newtonian domain, linear or nonlinear -- I'd be looking for natural-cycle oscillatory signatures of far-from-equilibrium phase-shift approach-behaviors across the full spectrum of involved historically-normative-valued variables, i.e., changes in signal-composites (e.g., multivalued acoustically-modified gravity-wave mode signatures of theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces) not exhibiting time evolution quasi-mappable over linear graphs (i.e., not a simple time dependent model). I doubt, for one (for others, see: Misdiagnosis , RealClimate, 29 July 2011), that the [single-valued] net feedback parameter includes the combined influence of all climate feedbacks, as well as the Planck effect (see: On the Misdiagnosis of Surface Temperature Feedbacks From Variations in Earth's Radiant Energy Balance, Roy W. Spencer and William D. Braswell, Remote Sensing, 3, 2011, pp. 1603-16). This doubt is doubt of the word all, doubt because discounted is complex angular momentum cascade forcing, and coherent modulatory-feedback processes transpiring within, and between, the LSTDs/CDs (limited-spacetime-domains/coherence-domains) of cascade theoretics (and how modulatory feedback may be affected by anthropogenic butterfly-effect forcings, to include induced changes of greenhouse-gas ratios). Zen enso or ENSO modoki (i.e., m-valued 'same, yet different')? might well be the 1T2-logical question.
Constant ergotropic effort -- tense the small extra-ocular and pharyngeal muscles: the residual tension patterns, near zero action-potential, involved in maintenance of consensuated associative meanings -- is required to sustain egoic in-the-body awareness; OBE is trophotropic non-doing all residual tension. So, it is no mere coincidence that the tense of muscle tension and the tense of linear-memetime-bound verb tense are homonyms -- or that threshold of collective identification with muscles and memetime came with rise of very early Hellenistic enculturation, crystallizing as 1T2-valued Aristotelian logic glutamatergically anchored to molecular-cellular brainSWARMS: no longer polis in pastels. Deautomatization couched in dissociated and extrojected soul-eaten Asura's Wrath : CyberConnect encounters of The Fourth Kind -- over cognitive dome, nomothetics gnome-dwarfed in mockumentality to nomogram of nomen-nudum/nomen-dubium -- abducting by surjective subrogation THE quantum brain's suppressed/displaced-to-1T2 -- thus converted, personified, and ETed -- µTm-faculties (by projective-identification: extraterrestrial) folie à deux writ large over population of the polis speaking in tongues the convulsing archetypal gradients field-effect processed and Nite-Owl/Watchmen Rorschach-able to nomogramic/fuzzy-set-valued identities-maps, hence viewable in projection, semi-recordable, and, perhaps, constellated by HAARPing cascade-localizations. Owl, that hurts!
Thank you very much for referring me to this paper (see: Multivalued Dynamic Systems with Weights, P. I. Troshin, Russian Mathematics, 53:7, 2009, pp. 28-42). I would definitely like to study this paper, but, unfortunately, only the Abstract and Introduction are posted. Theories of m-valued transformations greatly interest me, particularly so if weights are involved (in view of my notion of weighting m-valued LETS currencies relative to indicators; also, a given corpus of greenhouse-gas ratios could be considered such a weight in that it is a factor in determination of frequency-response characteristics of LSTDs/CDs). However, I would be much more interested if the transformations considered were not of probability space (rather, metric space or topological surfaces/manifolds) and were unframed, such that they are not representable by unions of 1-valued transformations (as I believe that, semantically speaking, orders of logical-value arrayed-over/operating-upon m-valued variables/varieties/transforms are one-to-many and many-to-many incommensurate onto and into, thus requiring Musculpt as mathematical notation or fu [no mere life catches up with form butoh-fu dark-dance of Forbidden Colors] to adequately represent them: studies undertaken by meteorologist, Douglas A. Paine, of infrasound signatures of theta-e-surface topologies contributed greatly to evolution of this notion). Living inside 1T2-logically-valued in-or-out borders of hypnosis-inducing Svengalis, as we all do, recognition that the worst is always accomplished by the best is hard to come by -- even for the brightest: e.g., Einstein maintained we have muddled goals but perfected means, perfected means, mind you, when only man, not nature, uses fission/fusion as unintegrated 1-valued transformations. Stench of wolves denied their inputs rutting in desperation stink of non-disposable dirty energy. I would further note that, to be authentically relevant to quantum systems -- given reality of non-simple identity and nonlocality -- unfixed-point or illusive-point theorems would be required: at the least, {µTm-connected}-n-polyhedral (mustn't forget polytopes) fuzzy-set-valued maps generative thereof. Not to mention theorems arrived at by actual thinking in, not about, µTm-valued logics -- that is, applications of µTm-logics by thought deployment of µTm-logics, not µTm-logics applications by 1T2-logic-thought deployment. Also, my interest is primarily in ergodicity-breaking macroscopic systems (this breaking, I believe, is intimately involved with imaginary and hypercomplex temporal curl as transformative topological operator) capable of shedding light upon what George Soros calls market reflexivity. I observe that there is a certain likely parallel, or plausible relevance, of this Troshin paper to the perspectives elaborated by Sheila C. Dow and Dipak Dhosh (see: Fuzzy logic and Keynes's speculative demand for money, Journal of Economic Methodology, 16:1, 2009, also first-page-only posted), where unquantifiable risk uncertainty, expectations, and multiple opinions are at play (as regards some thoughts on how money demand may involve temporal curl as topological operator, please see: the first entry to Tranche 19 on this website). But, again, I am less interested in describing behaviors in markets as currently existing, than in arriving at new notions of framework determining conditions (e.g., scale-relativistic nesting foams of Lukasiewiczian monetary units) of possible future markets, markets capable of meeting the myriad challenges of the current global crisis.
See this wonderful posting of color images of failed 1T2-logical fiat-paper currencies: A Thousand Pictures Is Worth One Word: Worthless, ZeroHedge, 27 July 2011. See also a collection of quotations relative to fiat money: Famous Quotes about Fiat Money, Martin Zeis, Global Research, 28 July 2011.
The original idea for the form of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, was never realized, largely from lack of financial wherewithal -- and, frankly, exhaustion. We wanted the form of the novel to mirror the form of the ideas it contained; hence, origin of the notion of novelistic form was in the form-in-process of cascade/reverse-cascade at tornadogenesis, frequency funnels at DNA radiation exchange upon helix-coil transition, and localization/fusion at autogenic brain discharge as quantum measurement. The text was to be in a single volume and unbroken, except by art/graphic inclusions (analogue to the surface/manifold geometries constellating by surjection at initialization of intra/inter-systemic cascades qua Husserlian doxic constitution); the text was to be printed beginning-to-middle and end-to-middle, blank page at the middle indicative of a zero-point empty-center (in the event, this reluctantly became two volumes); the text was to be nested by different font sizes arrayed on each page (analogue to scale-relativistic nesting foams), with the top half of each page printed upside-down, with a blank strip in the middle of each page (necessitating of the reader, so to speak, cognitive walks -- Japanese: michiyuki -- around the text, such that the only way to GROK in supraclarity the novel's Husserlian horizon would be to engage in such circumambulation of its commingling Husserlian profiles); the narrative was to be arrayed in somewhat circular/spiral fashion, the same basic themes passed over again and again with differing content, converging upon Musculpt as the blank-page middle is approached from both beginning and end (non-orientability was altogether left out of the formal picture, as we never arrived at a notion of how to include it); brief italicized poetic passages were to be distributed according to a rhythmic pagination algorithm (analogue to Riemann Hypothesis on prime-number distribution as expressing in cascade theory of sheaf -- analogue of page/tablet -- distribution) and these poems were to be constitutive of thematic intersections (zeroed, memetime-independent, power-point, frozen-moment, Joycean epiphanies); there were to be a few illustrative color-blocked-text tracks for reading according to disambiguation of the interfused marches of thematic content (analogue to the thematic orchestration engaged in by the CIS's centrencephalic safety-discharge mechanism at autogenic abreaction). When we originally arrived at this notion of form -- controlling the manner in which the writing was undertaken -- we had no awareness of hypertext linking. Only later did we come to such awareness and the realization that the thematic-color-blocking idea was a low-tech analogue thereto. At that point, the idea of a hypertext-linked glossary/index (easier version of text-embedded hyper-linking) emerged relative to an e-version of the novel. This idea was later extended to the notion that the multiple-scenarios (i.e., strategic planning) computer-gaming of an m-logically-valued LETS currency domain (say, that of a town like Cesky Krumlov, CR) could involve nested levels of access gained by the gamer according to sophistication of the play attained -- this nesting of access according to competency being a glass-bead-game efficiency enhancer (still, anybody can play) with respect to the electronic-commons human-chess involved in consensuating the tagging of indicators to the logical-value stack upon the base-state of a commodity-referenced Lukasiewiczian LETS currency. I should note here that the logical-value stack allows for sensitive-dependence-type, fractal-entrapped, band-pass, fine-grained commodity-referencing.
But does Menzie Chinn actually believe implications of his own historical analogy (see: The Bonds of August, Econbrowser, 26 July 2011): i.e., that another total great war is likely becoming explicit in the prevailing global circumstance, the U.S. debt-ceiling crisis being but one aspect? I don't think so. It's, for him, just a heuristic analogy. And why is that? Because he has obviously bought into Barbara Tuchman's surface-structure-only account of the origins of WWI. Indeed, one could easily regard Chinn's article as a discreditare of any actual such analogy. We may see here evidence of a distinction without a difference -- a 1T2-logical difference, which is not necessarily not also a µTm-logical difference. Mainstream commentators are increasingly, these days, making observations something like fringies made decades ago, but the distinction with a 1T2-logical difference is that the fringies were making forecasts on the basis of fundamentals, whereas the mainstreams are now able to make similar prognostications because expressions of those fundamentals have recently become manifest as overt events.
If memory (back to the mid-1970s when I studied it) serves (and I don't trust my fading memory much these days), Gravitation (Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler, W. H. Freeman, 1973) does not provide an adequate account of exactly what the path was leading John A. Wheeler to the notion of pregeometry, precisely why he imagined pregeometry as calculus of propositions, and why the 1T2-valued order-type alone, of all the order-types of Lukasiewicz logics there are (and were then known to be), was settled upon as being pregeometric. I don't know what the actual answers are here, but I've imagined answers ever since the mid-1970s. Highlights of my personal path are well remembered. Contemplating, some years before the paper was written up, implications of the coherent waves (our model describes as being) generated by free-electron-gas core of DNA in response to ambient non-ionizing radiation impingement at helix-coil transition, I found myself looking at the controversy over replication versus metabolism as primary in abiogenesis. According to our model, complete absence of all radiation impingement precludes helix-coil transition, giving morphic precedence to properties of the impinging quantum field. Moving between Cornell's Physical Sciences Library and the Main Library, I became aware of a metaphysical-scientific stance reliant upon what I would presently term colloidal complex coacervation phase-separation at abiogenesis as hylozoic hylomorphism (whereas, both Popper and Collingwood disparaged Greek substantialism in historiography by way of covertly dissembling import of quantum mechanics). Is coacervation phase-separation also dependent upon properties of the impinging quantum field? This question immediately arose. Perusing the stacks in the Main Library, I ran across a thick and dense metaphysics/philology tome devoted to the ancient Greek notion, hyle (memory serving, written at Cambridge or Oxford, pre-WWII: over the years, I lost the reference and have never again run across this book). Trying to study this opus, filled with ancient Greek, the question for me became: what was the relation -- if any -- between origins of the Greek notions, hyle and axiom? Hylic physical causality, rules of inference, primitive connectives, axiom, vice versa, no such march actually involved? Did the notion non-logical axiom come before or after the notion logical axiom? A couple of days a week, I spent afternoons of Cornell days in the Math Library. Trying to find something on the last-mentioned question, I ran across Emil Post's 1921 paper on µTm-valued logics, my first awareness of m-valued logics (which, I later learned, actually are Lukasiewicz logics). So, when some short period later, I encountered, during study of Gravitation, Wheeler's idea of pregeometry as calculus of propositions, I immediately asked: why the 1T2-valued order-type alone? And asking that question led to asking: what precisely was the path Wheeler followed in arriving at this notion? My answer was: surely, Wheeler arrived at pregeometry by pursuing implications of Einstein's equivalence principle, wherein gravitation/acceleration resolve(s) to spacetime curvature, curvature being a geometric property (symmetry being another). If the gravitational field resolves to a geometric property, why not also all other physical fields? Hence, pursuit of GUTS by geometrodynamic topological approach. And GUTS must, by extension of the Einstein precedent, resolve to some pre-topological pregeometric common factor of the collection of geometric properties to which all other physical fields resolve. The subsiding pregeometric common factor is the propositional calculus and its logical connectives or operators. Did Wheeler (tacitly?) choose the 1T2-valued order-type alone? I must so conclude, because I see no evidence of an n-ary operator of k-valued logic informing his physics, to include his GUTS-oriented physics. Why this (tacit?) choice? I think this may have (tacitly?) had to do with how the NOR operator alone can generate all logical connectives, to include the primitive connective, implication, and how this property of propositional calculus may relate to the time-reversal implied by some physics equations in face of observed time-reversal asymmetry, i.e., NOR/time-reversal-symmetry vis-à-vis implication/time-reversal-asymmetry. For me, this is partially explanatory of the glutamatergic neuronal pruning-etching origins of memetime as a Kantian category -- facing imminent Great [ketamine] Flood, of course. ATE (as in eating an apple) = 1T2 -- as the postmodernist fem-critics of male-female-dualistic logocentrism maintain? Land of Nor? Corruption of words (NOR to Nod) upon oral transmission (e.g., eating meaning)? Where did Newton get his 1T2-logical Apple -- uh, his Adam's Apple? As we all know, Adam probably ate a fig; not Eve, an apple. Who is Able; who, Cain't? Cain is glutamate, an excitotoxin which kills neurons. If time awareness is sensorially derivative of the registration of spatial changes, or synonymous therewith, than that which awareness denotes as time is actually the operator -- or corpus thereof -- responsible for spatial changes. Call this operator/corpus by the name operator-time, and distinguish it from memetime-awareness-itself. From Special Relativity, Einstien knew that as the absolute limiting velocity is approached (over a given nesting foam of inertial frames), the passing of time slows down and length in the direction of motion of the nesting foam gets shorter, until, at the limit, both passing (in time) and length (in the given direction) poof out, cease. Change in space, changes space (i.e., given properties thereof). With General Relativity, Einstein extended this understanding to accelerative changes in/of (by then, Minkowski) spacetime and discovered the equivalence principle with respect to space[real-numbered]time curvature. Einstein's consideration of absolute limiting acceleration -- a natural extension of the geometry-properties-modifying principles of Special Relativity -- can be subsumed under the rubric Einstein-Rosen bridge or blackhole. Considering all possible directions of motion of all possible accelerative frames, a given wormhole could open upon an infinite number of alternative universes. Leaving aside the question of why stop at absolute limiting acceleration and not go on to a consideration of the geometrodynamics of absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration and on from there to a consideration of absolute limiting time rate of the time rate of change of acceleration and so on, ask what of the poofed-out spatial direction (zero length) at the absolute limiting velocity? Is not this lost direction some fraction of the three dimensions of ponderable space? And, if we are dealing with Minkowski spacetime, is not the loss involved, that of some fraction of the four dimensions of ponderable spacetime? For the corpus of all the reference frames associated with all the elementary particles traveling at speed of light in vacuo there are in this universe, that's the loss of a lot of fractions of four dimensions. Are absolute limits beyond absolute limiting acceleration somehow involved in nature's rectification of this loss -- if it is, indeed, rectified (whereby, for instance, say, internal and external spatial dimensions of an autopoietic process are -- in ultimates -- non-orientable)? Here, again, a reason for pregeometry -- a pre-spatial-dimension pregeometry. Is an n-ary operator of k-valued logic pregeometry somehow involved in nature's rectification? Perhaps involving m-valued universal physical constants under m-valued logics? I think so. But I do not subscribe to the various prevailing interpretations of such an operator, interpretations I believe governed by prior psychological and metaphysical and politico-economic commitments deeply involved in the origins of world war and avoidance of an actually-functional monetary system.
What kind of systems thinking do gold bugs engage in? The 1971 autogenic shift to fiat money was necessitated by failure of gold to establish control over legislation and administrative fiat, and to function as an adequate governor of the Newtonian maximization principle interfaced with m-bank credit expansion (whatever the fractal allowed to the money multiplier by fractional-reserve banking) of broad money (whatever definition chosen), this shift, in turn, inflating local risks such that resultant internal system state (smallest subset of state variables, however construed, characterizing total system state at any time, t) necessitated, if gravitating upon equilibria was to be maintained, risk transfer and concentration up the Devil's Staircase, thus, in turn, requiring into existence C-DBM-Os (collateralized debt-bond-mortgage obligations) and similar derivative vehicles. In such synoptic circumstances, was not QEing inevitable -- QE1 bailing out the U.S. m-banking system, QE2 bailing out the EU m-banking system? TARP funded by T-bill/note/bond debt bought up with QEing, wherein the FED buys from the public the debt Treasury issues, as well as other types of bonds, asset-backed securities, et cetera. When purchases are made by the FOMC, the FED credits the accounts that commercial banks have with the FED: this crediting is the act of creation. The EFSF can issue bonds guaranteed by the ECB and can provide loans, recapitalize banks, buy sovereign debt, whilst EFSM funds are raised by the European Commission using EU budget as collateral, as well as from monies provided by the IMF. Apparently, the ECB, itself, has not, as yet, engaged in overt QEing. The BIS, World Bank, and the IMF are other loci of credit expansion -- creation of IMF SDRs, being a sort-of QEing. Thus, anyhows, is my voyeuristic-amateur's understanding. We not only have no algorithm of issuing/withdrawing-expanding/contracting because of the fractally-modulated quotient of indeterminacy associated with m-bank credit expansion, but also due to the fact that we can't define such an algorithm because we haven't created an economic system within which such an algorithm's factors would be actual measurables (see, for instance, On the General Relativity of Fiscal Language, Jerry Green and Laurence J. Kotlikoff, National Bureau of Economic Research, June 2006) -- which is to say, quantum-economically speaking, would be true operators like, for instance, the operator-time necessarily associated with F. A. von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock. No fractal e-nesting foams, no µTm-logically-valued accounting of m-valued transformations by m-bank expansions/contractions -- among many other missing factors. Gold is not total capital stock or in any way a measure thereof: simply a governor of non-isotropic distribution and econometrically arbitrary total quantity. Commodity reserve-currency-domain reference, in order to function as an adequate governor, must be tied to total capital stock. The only way, I know of, that could possibly be implemented is with fine-grained tagging of commodities to m-logically-valued LETS vehicle-currency nesting foams (continuously computer-gamed on e-commons), the quantum-composite of which is the reserve currency domain. Well, this could never actually be implemented, only more and more closely approached, each increment of that approach constellating a regime of greater autopoietic competency than the last (this partial statement of the case leaves aside the issue of corpus of commodities vis-à-vis total capital stock and the issue of time-shapes). What does the governor of any engine, economic included, do? It establishes a bound-from-above. What about the bound-from-below, and modulations between the two? This was the question both Pauli and Prigogine raised, relative to the total energy operator, with regards to Pauli operator time -- leading erroneously to its rejection, rejection for being incompatible with the standard non-Lukasiewiczian interpretation of quantum mechanics. The bands required are not those established for currencies, but by currencies -- just like those accomplished by quantum localizations in fractal drums (e.g., temperature-oscillating DNA pi-electron parcels and, in cascade theory of tornadogenesis, air parcels) -- setting upper and lower bounds on dynamical variables, thus, in the monetary case, establishing optimum [vehicle] currency areas (re: the LSTDs/CDs of cascade theory) of the monetary-system e-nesting foams employed. Vehicle currencies as herein proposed would be localizations in the quantum-composite reserve currency domain. A heuristic aside, appropriate here, involves the SEC's attempt to create LULD (limit-up, limit-down) controls over Extraordinary Market Volatility: solving the problems associated with fiat currencies by resort to administrative-regulatory fiat, rather than recreating the framework determining conditions facilitating market-mediated self-organization. The SEC would substitute a market-wide 5% price collar/band for 10% single-stock circuit breakers. Arbitrarily -- i.e., by fiat -- establishing an ad hoc minimum time, a 15-second minimum time chosen out of the blue, without derivation from any sort of fundamental wave-theoretic systemic operator. Quoting SEC Proposes Limit-Up/Limit-Down Volatility Controls, Futures Magazine, 5 April 2011:
The proposed Limit Up-Limit Down mechanism would prevent trades in listed equity securities from occurring outside of a specified price band, which would be set at a percentage level above and below the average price of the security over the immediately preceding five-minute period. For stocks currently subject to the circuit breaker pilot, the percentage would be 5 percent, and for those not subject to the pilot, the percentage would be 10 percent.
The percentage bands would be doubled during the opening and closing periods, and broader price bands would apply to stocks priced below $1.00. To accommodate more fundamental price moves, there would be a five-minute trading pause -- similar to the pause triggered by the current circuit breakers -- if trading is unable to occur within the price band for more than 15 seconds.
If approved, all trading centers, including exchanges, ATSs, and broker-dealers executing internally, would have to establish policies and procedures reasonably designed to prevent trades from occurring outside the applicable price bands, to honor any trading pause, and to otherwise comply with the procedures set forth in the plan.
Establishment of vehicle currency laminations (something not done at creation of the EMU) would be akin to how, in medieval Japanese architecture, the anthropometric-scaled ken unit-length was employed to obviate the need for architects, and the notion of which, not only informed Bauhaus thought and inspired Le Corbusier's Modulor, but also was adopted/adapted by Frank Lloyd Wright in his attempt to establish a rational basis for dimensioning of modern building materials. As regards quantum economies, however, the unit length (and unit memetime-step) would not be anthropometric, but multiples of a (m-valued) universal physical constant, the Planck minimum distance (and Planck minimum memetime), mapped over nesting foams of fractal e-boundaries (I believe this would ultimately, well into implementation, involve the Riemann Hypothesis on prime number distribution and the Gödel-numbering of Gödel numbers), thus making the currencies defined thereupon authentic quantum-operators/Lukasiewicz-logic-operators (not only the fuzzy logic of Keynes' speculative demand for money) in an m-valued dynamic system with weights made user friendly with Musculpt.
The only non-violent way out (see Helmut Lubbers, The Future of the WTO after Peak-Oil, ecoglobe, 24 May 2011, writing on sustained global growth economy as human-species suicide, collective comet-catching, mass passing of the Jonestown cool-AIDS acid test, and so forth): greatly heightened efficiency and natural attrition. The way which is not being taken -- and won't be (while sons may not be able to get at their sinful greatgrandfathers, sins of the father ). I don't believe nature runs on memetime, only the GEQQed brain -- glutamate-etched and quantum-quenched. The temporal tiger in nature's tank: long-range phase-correlation. Time-shapes of total capital stock and of the total energy operator, neither actually bound from below the zero-point. Nonlinear complex/hypercomplex operator-time as authentic topological operator/[Mu-s}culptor has to do with perfect efficiency: e.g., Heisenberged-virtuality-assisted superconductivity. Whereas, according to this framework of ideas, Heisenberg Unbestimmtheit (indeterminacy/uncertainty, later Gödeled as undecideability) is surface-structure -- of skew-perpendicularity summing (µTm-logically speaking) to internal-external-dimension (degree of freedom) non-orientability over absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration unto the absolute limiting time rates of time rates of time rates of unto the m-valued Planck time-distance absolute limits, if not ad infinitum -- entanglement-antibunching particle-wave complementarity (Bohring duality) is a function of the µTm-order of logical-value neurologically anchored to the quantum-measurement apparatus by glutamate pruning. This does not remove indeterminacy or complementarity, but it does suggest a different take on scale-relativistic autopoiesis. Physical theory patois issuing from the pathetic fallacy: the consensus physicist is more wrong than his etched brain will ever let him know. Pity the poor physicist. Please! This is no deviantART Nihonbaka, not an akachochin of the mind -- limned in light and borne on shadows. Identity-transparency and uniformity are tantamount to opposites: the former being µTm-valued multifaceted; the latter, a single-valued distillation. Sociality in ninjo, coercive imposition in giri. Einfuhlung-amae <<>> ittai-onebody: originally µTm, now only 1T2? Spontaneous fusion, spontaneous localization; coherence, decoherence: misnomers inculcated by the atomism imposed through 1T2-only ratiocination. Egoic selfsameness does not antecede or consequent identity-transparency: oil and water. When it comes to the near-concentric turns of the incense spiral which is the transference, understanding -- though necessary -- is insufficient. Transference subverts correlation: ask any Ph.D.-candidate/preceptor relation. High-temperature superconductivity is alwhere, in the center which is everywhen: because of scale-relativistic m-valued universal physical constants (nested gradients of the non-line being the given constant) processed by nature under µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics, there is some absolute zero at every degree Kelvin. µTm-ed long-range phase-correlation sees to the imaginary and hypercomplex time-shapes of that. Importance of this concept is not for engineering physical technologies like the MAG-LEVed shinkansen, but to create by analogical modeling much more efficient human systems, like markets and monetary regimes, which interface human actions with natural processes. Only under the expectation of growth in capital does the market, as presently framework-conditioned, mediate self-organization. Growthless self-organization -- and the higher efficiencies prerequisite/accompanying -- is no when (or where) of the memetime required to define entropy; it is in the µTmed superpositioning of the imaginary/hypercomplex time-shapes of total capital stock -- just as F. A. von Hayek apparently intuited. Quoting Dmitry Orlov: But what if you can't get there from here? What if post-collapse society doesn't resemble this society in any way, shape or form? (see: No shirt, no shoes, no problem. Interview: Dmitry Orlov, Lindsay Curren, Transition Voice, 16 August 2011). The current corpus of problems is not resolvable, no tonic to resolve to; the only positive possibility, as unlikely as it is, is transcendence of the responsible spurious fundamentals resolutely clung to.
High school physics coupled to first semester calculus: c[h]artographically speaking, the slope of a line, depicting velocity, changes with an acceleration input, and changes -- TWISTS -- yet more complexly with a time-rate-of-change-in-acceleration input. Adiabatic, diabatic; non-accelerative, accelerative; non-divergent, divergent. Temperature-oscillating, double-helical, air-parcel-trajectories feeder bands at tornadogenesis; organization of macro-structure about temperature-oscillating, pi-electron-parcel gas core of DNA habituated to helix-coil transition. TWIST AND SHOUT. Shout at divergence. Shout at tornadogenesis being in the form of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes; shout at DNA helix-coil transition being in the form of coherent waves correlated to nucleotide-pair sequences. Publication of the discovery of DNA double helix: April of 1953; the Prize, 1962. Quoting Wiki :
In the sixth episode of the second season of Quantum Leap TV series entitled Good Morning, Peoria (September 9, 1959), Dr. Sam Beckett (Scott Bakula) and Al Calavicci (Dean Stockwell) have a Kiss with History, meeting Chubby Checker (played by himself) in a radio station (Sam leaps into a radio DJ called Chick Howell), where they sing and dance The Twist.
Chubby Checker: Twistin' USA (1961). Quoting San Fran Fed Defends QE2 By Comparing It To Gold Scramble Prevention Contraption 'Operation Twist', Zero Hedge, 25 April 2011, quoting the San Francisco FED:
The Federal Reserve's current large-scale asset purchase program, dubbed QE2, has a precedent in a 1961 initiative by the Kennedy Administration and the Federal Reserve known as Operation Twist. The Kennedy Administration's proposed solution to this dilemma [diabatic gold outflows to take advantage of interest-rate arbitrage coupled to a stalled economy] was to try to lower longer-term interest rates while keeping short-term interest rates unchanged -- an initiative now known as Operation Twist in homage to the dance craze then sweeping the nation We identified major Operation Twist announcements by searching through the ProQuest Historical Newspapers database for articles in The Wall Street Journal in 1961 and 1962 that mentioned the Federal Reserve or the Treasury. A quick scan of the few hundred articles unearthed this way found several dozen related to Operation Twist. Among these, we identified six 1961 announcements that represented major new Operation Twist developments
The divergent shout in the economic case -- to the TILTED single-malt/old-Irish which was Operation Twist -- being the spewed out monetization of debt. In order to fund the New Frontier, JFK took the first step in climb up The Devil's Staircase, a climb the global economy has not found a way to exit, a precipitous fall from the last landing, as the Curie critical-state temperature is reached, being the most likely outcome. See, for a similar discussion with respect to a prospective QE3: Morgan Stanley Does The (Operation) Twist, Extols The Virtues of QE3, Zero Hedge, 5 August 2011. Another example of how popular culture -- as conversion-disorder displacement by projective-identification at collective transference -- archetypally reflects distortions in the institutional-analogical embodiment of Weltanschauung. How, in this case, distortion? These regressive monetization interventions are time-rate-of-change-of-acceleration (beyond a mere relation to inflation) analogues to the temporal curl induced by operator-time -- i.e., POMO (extrasystemic Permanent Open Market Operations) -- as intrinsic modulator of internal state variables. Comparative studies of tornadogenesis and DNA helix-coil transition revealed that accelerations map intrasystemic phase-correlations, whilst time-rates-of-change-of-acceleration map intersystemic phase-correlations (this is succinctly stated in the canonical equation to our model of the quantum-wave properties of DNA). These principles should be written into the framework determining conditions of market-mediation of autopoietic economic processes, not used as iatrogenic-extrinsic interventions written onto those processes.
The last landing of the Devil's Staircase? Well, I'd say that is the multilaterals (IMF, World Bank, Regional Development Banks, BIS, whatsoever other sources of transnational/transEU credit/debt) collectively POMOing up (after creation of a new partially-gold-referenced international vehicle-reserve currency-basket?) monetization on a par with total global derivatives outstanding, a quintillion or so. But we are already so far up the staircase that stepping off now (e.g., ECB refusing to make unsterilized bond purchases, that is, refusing to QE, whereas fiscal union = transfer union = more thorough command economics = increased socio-cultural monocropping), or, later, from that last landing, will likely, in due course, yield similar precipitous falls -- which is not to say that in such falls there cannot be one or more hangings-up upon branches growing out of the cliff-face the staircase climbs, until those branches break off. The sand pile is another analogy (see for nonlinear-[Newtonian]dynamics qua complexity theory type thoughts concerning the recent 500-point market drop: Stop Looking for Reason at the Edge of Chaos, Peter Guest, CNBC, 5 August 2011; though I would modify the title to 1T2-Reason and talk more of scale-relativity than scale-invariance while relying upon Mnk, rather than SFIed 2nk, landscapes within which cliff-faces and sand-piles spontaneously localize by glutamatergic SR rather than Penrose OR -- unless glutamatergic can be regarded O). Let it be noted that the Mnk Lukasiewiczian articulation landspace is no covert attempt to introduce an obscurantist policy of expansionary fiscal contraction, which, like decentering French deconstructionism, scorns the distributed middle whilst invalidating the 1T2-logic Law of Non-Contradiction, so as to feed a vicious circle -- forgetting all the while that the Hegelian center is that hologramic center which is everywhen and alwhere quantum potential. And what can be seen from the precipice? Prospective total global n-dimensional collapse, in the fashion so many now, so late into and onto, profess to envision as a likelihood? Nope -- at least not according to my lights. Mayhaps economically probable, but not actually to be -- all things considered. That's how my WAG-odds pan out, anyhows: feckly a ferlie, most likely. Unlike the Thirteenth Arrondissement, with its fixed 1T2-boundaries, gadabout-to-fellow-gadders Geopolitik is Realpolitik which is low-intensity Machtpolitik gravitating upon its high-intensity elder-brother attractor. As regards cusp-approach prefiguration, look, for instance, for indicators of enemy intentions -- such as a major phase-shift signifier, the autogenic shift to exclusive fixation upon kill-space/free-fire-zone articulations as sole CT-MO: sure sign the battle -- not the war -- in opposition to the gathering autoimmune reactivity to the very idea of 1T2-logical-identity encapsulated as ego-sphere and projected as the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state in a system thereof -- this indicator indicating the opposition to the opposition (not the revolution within the revolution) has lost, and only endgame remains. Seen from the precipice: space-based (focused into and from Earth's upper atmosphere) total PW1 (Planetary War One), the only way to call off the global economy, with, yet again, winner take all in regards to formulation of new framework determining conditions (this is similar in some respects to: Faber: Brace for a Global 'Reboot' and a War, Peter Guest, CNBC, 5 August 2011, but not at all similar to what Krugman and Broder may, according to Gonzalo Lira's interpretation, have more or less intentionally and subtly, and plausibly deniably, advocated: the very idea that Washington insiders need people in Princeton or at the Post to explain to them the utilities of war is ludicrous). [[Flash forward to 15 August 2011 and it is beyond all possible doubt that Krugman clearly is strongly, yet still semi-deniably, advocating initiatory space-based PW1, which cannot possibly not involve nuclear exchanges, as the prudent course for America to follow in confronting its current economic problems: see the video interview, Paul Krugman: Fake Alien Invasion Would End Economic Slump, Huff Post Media; after witnessing firsthand the psychological states displayed by frustrated walk-ins to CICV-Targets, I have been well aware that there are absolutely no limiting constraints upon the human capacity for justifying violence of whatsoever magnitude.]] Incumbent upon the USD being made THE international vehicle-reserve currency at postWAR advent of Bretton Woods was the well-understood responsibility of the U.S. to insure adequate global liquidity whatever the prevailing circumstance of the planetary economy (fulfillment of this responsibility without horrendous debt formation would have required of the U.S., as it did of Britain before it, significant domestic and international-policy sacrifices [the central 1T2-logical whole-part double-bind bi-polar-introjected dilemma -- global-economy and U.S.-domestic-economy needs/interests are inherently divergent -- which Keynes harped over and over upon in advocacy of a non-vehicle-reserve bancor and an International Clearing Union, his better, but still inadequate, non-Lukasiewiczian "solutions" to that order-of-logical-value-imposed dilemma] -- which, in the ensuing event-series, the U.S. did not, as promised, accept). When BW1 started to fail with JFK's 1961 New Frontier QEing, and ultimately failed in 1971, the USD continued, by monetary-system cultural lag and U.S. military dominance, as the foremost international vehicle-reserve currency, with the same incumbent responsibility continuing to accrue to the U.S. The FED's monetization of debt has traveled that well-worn tradition -- the Maiden's Lane always being shovel-ready -- of providing the requisite global liquidity, a tradition necessitated primarily by conflation of vehicle currency with reserve currency, a conflation going back to before the British Empire. As regards the sort of thing I've been discussing on this website (written to document that there has, indeed, been a viable path: the path not taken), it is clear that economists don't go where physicists have feared to tread. Where they will go, well black psyche humor of The A-Team trivializing death and destruction to carry inuring the public to a higher level as psychoprep for PW1 proceeds forthwith. That being the case, B-movie The King of Fighters provides us exemplary insight as to how application of the newer of New Physics is being imagined as informing how computer-gaming of the e-commons is to transpire: no Musculpt as mathematical notation, rather computer-gamed tournament warfare within higher string-dimensions of the same time-capsule -- Harley-hog Caucasian clans against the rice-burner clans (muddled eeenuf as not to violate PCness). And -- having created a brane of substantially-failed states from China's backdoor to backdoor of the EU, a brane which may well be extending itself into heart of the EMU -- if we didn't get that message, here it is again: There is only one thing worse than a dragon [current], Americans: the whole film metaphor of the Reign of Fire, uh, uh, Pacific ring of fire, done solely to insert that bit of anti-China subliminal programming into the collective unconscious. They Were Expendable, The Expendables, whether they knew it or not -- and for what if not to facilitate death of a planet, given that cascade/reverse-cascade physics isn't bifurcated by Earth's upper atmosphere, space-based PW1 or no -- as if something in the nature of humans ever changes (i.e., every Hollywood PoS emulated by the DEVGRUs and Deltas and SASs and ). The 1T2-bound mind -- cf: logical properties of a Kissinger memo, a Friedman op/ed, not so much their contents: one could easily trophotropically expectorate, puke, that is -- can't process absent personification, to wit: the Devil's Staircase.
Compensatory abreaction: downgrade standing in for default? Big headline on Bloomberg : Stocks Tumble Most Since 2008 as Treasuries, Gold Surge on S&P Rating Cut, Stephen Kirkland and Rita Nazareth, 9 August 2011. I find this claim hysterical (the S&P $2-trillion error being a disagreement with the USG over how to calculate psychoprojection), for if it were true, that would illustrate how little survival hope the human species has, and if it were false, that would illustrate how LETHAL is mainstream journalism today. The true-or-false of 1T2-valued logic is relevant here because the stock market has been created as bi-directional (one could easily entertain bi-polar): up-or-down (the infinite number of other µTm-valued phase-directions being altogether neglected in monetary system fundamentals). The U.S. has been in massive and ever-growing default since the day Nixon unilaterally closed the Bretton Woods gold window, default on the total cumulative value of global inflation since the end of WWII (had JFK not begun QEing in 1961, likelihood of a shift to the fiat monetary regime would have remained low and the need for an explosion of derivatives would likely have remained low), this default being the primary reason why the U.S. absolutely will not voluntarily buy into substantive change in the prevailing global monetary regime, particularly so if such a change involved inescapable gold reference, for that would altogether prevent the U.S. from paying down interest and principle on debt, and making good on its default -- some scheme for such a making good being a prerequisite for substantive global monetary system change not prefaced by another total global war -- with an increasingly worthless currency, made increasingly worthless by QEing to a scale on a par with total global derivatives on a par with total cumulative value of global inflation since the end of WWII, this QEing being, regardless, necessary to establish readiness for the PW1 very likely to come. Greenspan's most recent pronouncement (see: No Chance of Default, US can print money: Greenspan, Patrick Allen, CNBC, 7 August 2011) cuts across all these issues: continued cover-up/dissimulation of the default which has long been there, reinforcing conviction that QEed devaluation has been the long-term policy since JFK and will continue to be so, and, quoting the Greenspan article in contradiction of the Bloomberg article's title, Greenspan said the current sense of crisis that has unnerved investors is about the euro zone, not the US. That being reality of the present case, a big stock sell-off and gold-Treasuries surge due to a mere S&P downgrade would be height of the hilarious, and marker of how thoroughly alienated from reality the monied class is: not a strong indicator of the survival skills cuspover will require when cuspover comes. Indeed, financial security at cuspover will likely be a strong counterindication of survival probability, as the financially secure are sure to become targets of opportunity garnering obsessive collective fixation: prefigurations are everywhere to be seen, e.g., London riots: conflagration and carnage in the capital and beyond, Matthew Taylor, et al., The Guardian, 9 August 2011, or, with regard to the Smart/FlashMobbing of Philadelphia, Nutter Sets 9 PM Weekend Curfew for Minors in Center City, University City, Mike Dunn, CBS Philly, 8 August 2011 (technologies originally created to facilitate battlefield management, and which were transferred to the civilian sphere in order to make enormous profits, now are being used to extend the 18th-century-rationalist principle of countervailing forces: µTm-logically-valued quantum-based technologies employed by 1T2-logically-valued Cartesian-Newtonian institutions [flash forward to see that Niall Ferguson -- having taken too much of maths/physics on authority -- gives no evidence of awareness of this deep-structure conflict: World on Wi-Fire: Feel the Chaos? Technology is feeding mind-boggling volatility everywhere, Newsweek as posted to The Daily Beast, 3 October 2011] always come back ta bite ya in da butt). The White Russians could flee to Europe and Shanghai; during the fire next time, the last helicopters off roof of the world will have no place to land. And if the Bloomberg headline is not true -- e.g., stocks are plunging, gold-Treasuries surging because another major threshold-passover has transpired, i.e., no longer doubtable that EMU qua ECB must QE (forming a fiscal union or not), or fold whilst losing its ante and all the raises it has made -- one can be sure that the good-intentioned necessary-lying, executed with full awareness of the commentator/newscaster and daily spewed forth by the major news outlets, is LETHAL: a single day of such lying, by helping to insure persistence of clinging behaviors and to prevent acts of authentic creation, will, in due course, be responsible for more deaths than the combined terrorist acts of the past century. Were I again 22-years old (when I was given the Saigon-Cholon-Bienhoa desk at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2), I wouldn't be worried about financial security or, indeed, giving overly much attention to survivalist strategy and tactics, I'd be worried about the high probability that the ten-percent who survive all dimensions of the coming planetary and space-based cuspover will overwhelmingly be in their mid-to-late teens (this worry being amplified by Hollywood Kick-Ass targeting Pentagon psychoprep upon pre-teens). If, as mentioned above, the case of the White Russians is instructive, so, likely, is the 1793 Reign of Terror, where pertinent precursors of the Law of Suspects include the compounding of debt formation by the Seven Years' War of the 1750s. Be aware that even Federalists were rounded up under mandate of the Law of Suspects and guillotined at instruction of the tribunals. Flash forward to late-September/early-October of 2011 and the calls for Nazification/nationalization by protesters from Chiang Mai to Wall Street. And Roseanne Barr takes the mantle of Jacobin women: "'Bring back the guillotine and behead those who will not give up wealth': Roseanne Barr's solution to the banking crisis", Daily Mail, 3 October 2011. The levée en masse conscription, which ended Kabinettskriege and initiated mass warfare soon enough to become total war soon enough again to become space-based planetary war, came only a few weeks before the Reign of Terror began (Legends of the Fall: beginning September of 1793). But, of course, there is always analogue of The Thermidorian Reaction to look forward to, already prefigured by the many men on horseback rising to the occasion.
In defense of the apparent extremity of these statements, I note the drift toward extremity of very mainstream assessments. See, for instance, AEP quoting ECB President, Jean-Claude Trichet (Bail-outs chip away at France and Germany too, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, 9 August 2011):
It is the worst crisis since the Second World War, and it might have been the worst since the First World War if those in charge had not taken very robust decisions, he told Europe-1.
A similar assessment is implied by the following expert-witness statement (see: Liquidity Options Running Out For European Banks -- 'Liquidity Crisis Scene Set', Zero Hedge, 12 August 2011). Quoting the article stating its conclusion:
The financial wreckage at many of these banks is along the lines of World War Two, added the global markets chief.
It can further be noted that the so-regarded ecofringe is also drifting to greater extremity (see: Three paths to near-term human extinction, Guy McPherson, Nature Bats Last, 20 August 2011). This article (which is not well linked to material supporting the proffered positions on issues) by a University of Arizona professor emeritus neglects the role played by renormalization to maintain the classical limit in downgrading severity of climate-change assessments and does not mention likely consequences of a genetic engineering altogether discounting imports of the quantum-wave properties of DNA (which physicists agree must exist, if the molecule is made of atoms and subatomic particles). To paraphrase and invert Keynes: In the short run, we all may be dead. Over which bow will the first nuke be fired? Flash forward to 8 September 2011: Prince Charles warns of 'sixth extinction event', Louise Gray, The Telegraph. I, of course, while willing to think-write on whatever level, fundamentally agree with Prince Charles, except, clearly he does not believe extinction would be a well-deserved fate, or that some approximation to that fate is virtually assured. Moreover -- Think Fast, Mr. Moto -- as interesting as is the apparently well-documented thesis that dropping of the A-bombs did NOT lead to the Japanese decision to accept unconditional surrender (see: Why did Japan surrender?, Gareth Cook, Boston Globe, 7 August 2011), this finding only revises assessment of the warfare utility of atomic/nuclear bombing, NOT assessment of the nuclear-winter hypothesis, global biospheric effects, likelihood of nuclear power plants being bombed during a total PW1, and whether or not and to what degree Truman's decision to drop the bombs was primarily motivated by the desire to intimidate the Soviets. I'm sorry to offend, but, in substance, I'm not saying anything I didn't say over Western omelets in the first floor snack bar of MACV-HQ during the first six months of 1968. The MACV IDHS (intelligence data handling system) housed at CDEC (Combined Document Exploitation Center) was the beginning of what Google does today -- a case in the use of quantum-based technologies within a Cartesian-Newtonian institutional framework. Moreover, the various forms of Phoenix CT, going back to the 1940s -- the 1840s, if one considers Old Ironsides killing 300 in Da Nang for refusal to trade -- killed pretty much whomever it pleased. One can be certain that the main difference between what happened during the Serbian conflict and what is transpiring as a result of multilateral Global Phoenix is that acts of the latter are highly dispersed. What never gets into the news is what has the most profound effects. What transpires as a result of quantum-based technologies being used within a Cartesian-Newtonian institutional framework is self-feeding circularity: reflexivity, to include market reflexivity, as measured on a volatility index. Dynamic variables of volatility are the indicators of intentions, intentions of the collective unconscious set up by archetypal event gradients -- and reflected, by good offices of projective processes, in thematic contents of popular culture. Obviously, popular culture is not inherently a repository of psychological regression; that it is so, is due to omnipresence of prescriptive black propaganda (to assess two measures of the present magnitude of this problem, compare the level of violence displayed in WWII-era psychoprep with that of today, and the level of psychopathology in WWII-era pornography with that of today). Obviously, collective unconscious event gradients need not mirror the process of insurgency onset; that they do so, is due to the omnipresence of violent suppression, whereby explicate protest is step by step driven into more and more clandestine implicate forms. Why, most fundamentally, under such circumstances, have archetypal event gradients become so pathological? What, again most fundamentally, is being suppressed, and hence regressed, such that it expresses as volatilized reflexivity of concrete events? The inherently 1T2-valued Cartesian-Newtonian determining conditions of the prevailing institutional framework suppress the inherently µTm-valued properties of the quantum-based technologies being massively deployed (subtext: gold as economic governor is quintessentially 1T2; look at the PIIGS to see what a Newtonian world drowning in quantum-based technologies would look like on a gold standard). This plays itself out in analogues. Why Injun Cuntry? Because of the non-simple identity and apparent nonlocality of the always disappearing insurgent. Why the hysterical fixation on overbombing the Central Office for South Viet Nam, i.e., COSVN (the yield of which, ultimately, was the Cambodian holocaust), as if it were a place (when it was actually an incessant activity in the cloud chamber lying beneath hundreds and hundreds of square miles of triple canopy)? Because COSVN's essential nonlocality (i.e., non-bombability) analogically, if subliminally, evoked the principle of quantum nonlocality -- which is a lethal existential threat to functional integration of Cartesian-Newtonian institutions (and the psychological states of identification committed to them). Why the massive police suppression of GREEN tea stands of little girls and boys (see: Massachusetts State Police Shutdown Twelve-Year-Old's Green Tea Stand, Forbes, 25 August 2011)? Compensatory abreaction. Mass action by those suffering collective deuteranopia? Level of absurdity is a measure of the magnitude of regression which determines the degree of violence which will be involved in the final compensation ultimately concretized by collective unconscious event gradients. Such discussion could go on and on, as there are myriad examples of the principle involved. And that principle will insure that New Physics tech brought to the post-peak-oil energy crisis -- to include brought to GREEN renewable energy sources -- will functionally disintegrate the Cartesian-Newtonian institutional base. And as this occurs, just as with the bombing of COSVN, hysterical fixations will multiply and massively magnify. Cling to 1T2 while using dissembled µTm-tech and there is no escaping an ever increasing bi-polar volatility-response (currently in London, no less than in markets) from the prevailing framework determining conditions. That's why, essentials of that fundamental principle having been assimilated -- assimilated from a military-brat childhood, and experience at both tactical and strategic levels in Viet Nam, not the least at CICV-Targets (the branch of the Combined Intelligence Center, Vietnam, which sited B-52 strikes, among much else) -- I began, during the late-1970s (having, during late-spring of 1968 while assigned to Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-HQ, in discourse associated with a suppressed strategic analysis of the Tet offensive, predicted a disaster if the geographical extent of the war was expanded), to forecast a Cambodian holocaust of the WholeEarth, a forecast which seems very much more realistic today than it did thirty years ago. Given the magnitude of global economically forced-draft urbanization which has transpired over the intervening period, the potential magnitude of headlong, gadarene, forced-draft de-urbanization at global cuspover has become enormous. And all the immersion surveillance, purple rain, PLAN tech, Intellistreets, ShotSpotter, wall-looking-through radar, and other suppressive measures being deployed have not the ghost of a chance to control the collective hysteria which will ensue when -- with a very small if attached -- such a cuspover transpires. After so many years of discussing this in so many contexts, I still see no indication more than a miniscule actually get it -- and, clearly, the whole thing will transpire with virtually no one understanding what actually is happening. Once N. H. Abel's theorem of the 1820s on the quintic was designated an Impossibility Theorem, rather than an existence proof for transalgebra, the holocaust I speak of was welded into the event-gradient matrix of the human collective unconscious. Give me personified selfsame egoic identity, or give me death!
I don't have anything like the resources required to actually monitor accelerations and time rates of change of acceleration of the sorts of processes I try to understand, but I can do a very rough sort of traffic analysis: keep book on how much time I spend trying to keep on top of reported news. Assuming that reported news as available on the internet maintains a rough constancy in coverage, if there is an abrupt increase in the booked time I must spend, that likely indicates some sort of acceleration has transpired, and if magnitude of the abrupt increase is large enough, it is reasonable to hypothesize that a change in time rate of change of acceleration has occurred. There is, of course, many flaws in this -- but it is better than nothing.
Here (see: The second side of the financial storm, Todd Harrison, MarketWatch, 10 August 2011) is an example of state-of-the-art economic understanding of µTm-valued reflexive systems (bundled derivatives being a psychologically regressed expression of fiberbundle arithmetics and fiberbundles being a 1T2-logic take on the actual Lukasiewiczian µTm-character of Clifford skew-parallels, themselves being psychologically regressed in the parallel or shadow banking system). Quoting the article:
Therein lies the fatal flaw of our current conundrum. We've been pushing risk further out on the time continuum for such a long time that it's become an accepted -- dare I say normalized -- pattern that interconnects the world through a tangled web of derivatives.
Note the role played by identification with real-numbered, linear-reference memetime.
Renormalization is a term designating a group of mathematical techniques used to get rid of divergence, ultimately, appearance of infinity at calculation. Rescaling the primitive equation set employed is one such technique, a technique used in consensus atmospheric science to remove from direct mathematical view the appearance, at divergence, of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes. The scales of motion of these modes are filtered out, such modes having been designated noise rather than information (signal) -- in orthoepic actuality: µTm-treated-as-noise and 1T2-treated-as-signal, an unwarranted avulsion. While it is not surprising that acoustic waves should be considered noise, in cascade computer modeling of tornadogenesis (circa early-1970s) divergence (infinite value of a calculation) initializes subroutines carrying the process being modeled through a 90-degree twist into imaginary and hypercomplex number spaces, this twist, at complex angular momentum exchange, being understood as a spatial effect of operator-time (i.e., temporal curl [[a concept originated during the late-'60s by Douglas A. Paine while taking a radiation course, focused upon upper-atmospheric dynamics, as a Masters candidate at Pennsylvania State University]], changer of representation space being essence of relativistically-active time: think Penrose twistor as quantization of temporal curl). The cascade of atmospheric cascade theory is of a series of such imaginary twists -- not of twists in ponderable 3-space over real-numbered memetime. In a manner of speaking, scale-relativity, in this context, means that the twist goes from the infinity state of a given scale-level to the zero state of the next (i.e., infinity for one is nonorientably zero for another: sets of infinities = zeros, -/+ infinity indicating cascade direction, therefore, being very important, not to mention the Riemann Hypothesis concerning a witch's imaginary broomstick actually a hyperimaginary yellow brick road, concerning staff of Moses actually a snake capable of eating its own tail) -- passing through imaginary and hypercomplex nondifferentiable domains in making the transit between two laminations of the fractal nesting-foam ma (i.e., Japanese for the animistic-Shinto notion of multi-sheeted sacred space). This especially would be the case if scale invariance were at work, meaning that forcing of the divergence would be independent of the magnitude of the forcing function (which has vast implications for the notion anthropogenic). Extrasystemic (e.g., anthropogenic: not a good idea, given µTm-valued superintegration) modifications of internal state variables can disturb this natural process in many ways. What is the immediate cause of the natural divergence and associated twist? A critical-state of energy-momentum imbalance at complex angular momentum exchange. Processes associated with the twist generate acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes which communicate m-valued information (quantum potential) between coherence domains established by fundamental oscillators. Renormalization conceals what has just been described. No consensus view is this account, and no claim to such status is herein made. Given their foamy, Popperian, nesting propensities-proclivities propinquity, to these days prorogue The [skew-parallel] Zero Game ({0//0} >>> {//}) is to engage The Book of Fate by go//ogling The Book of Lies. Gaaah! Screw-parallel, Sunset strip-bar, spit-shined, scale-relative blackholes without hair: nuh-uh, heh-heh-heh. Skinhead-ego inflated to self-sacred swagger: as if his glaive was bequeathed by the patriarchs of [Glam}organshire! Jawboning Abel with the rebuke: Impossibility Theorem. That Coptic Gospel. Renormalization is used in many fields, and is very effective at maintaining the classical limit. Colonialism, federation (what worked in 1789 for the onetime American colonies very likely will not work well anywhere today -- given the massive infusion of quantum-based technologies), monetary union (e.g., a EurAsEc, see: Putin sets sights on Eurasian economic union, Neil Buckley, Financial Times, 16 August 2011 -- a structure that could plausibly feed into a conceivable Germano-Russian Bloc), repeal of Glass-Steagall, globalization: all could be understood as renormalizations concealing the m-valued aspects of an underlying quantum economy not marked to market by monetary system fundamentals (one such being: chosen order-of-logical-value of exchange units employed). Consider as illustrative the following quotations. Quoting Must Read: UBS's Andy Lees On Why The US Economy Is, All Else Equal, Doomed, Zero Hedge, 9 August 2011:
When the US started suffering from its peak oil in 1970, rather than innovation it turned to globalisation to tax the broader global resource balance sheet, just as Britain and Europe had done 100 years earlier through colonialism, and recently accelerated that with the WTO. Globalisation has always been about accessing resources.
And quoting Guess what? It IS 2008, or at least late 2007!, Zero Hedge, 10 August 2011:
Any of SocGen, Intesa, Dexia, BAC are big enough to provide the market with a Lehman moment. Notice the geographical diversification? The contagion was never really at the sovereigns, it is at the banks. I have argued over and over that each sovereign problem was relatively independent; whereas, the banks are all inter-connected.
Both of these alluding to rescaling in order to maintain the classical limit? There are many types of possible extrasystemic modifications which can be imposed, one such being suppression of 1T2-valued information flow or, more complexly, denying market mechanisms access to µTm-valued information by defining such information out of existence. To Lsap (large scale asset purchasing) an explicate 1T2-logical economy in no way is to Lvalue-enfold its suppressed implicate µTm-logical substrate. Consider the following quasi-hidden-variable statement from a discussion of Taleb's account of black swans. Quoting Guest Post: Welcome To The Age Of Instability, Zero Hedge, 11 August 2011:
When volatility and risk (in political terms, dissent) are suppressed by central authorities, the variations that inform an open market (variation is information) are lost.
Clearly, this describes one sort of deleterious extrasystemic modification of the internal system state.
Just as ZIRP4EVA is Islamic economics, so real quantum computing (quantum computing based upon 1T2-spin, whatever the increased power spectrum, is not actually authentic quantum computing) is Japanese politics. In his own mind, Lukasiewicz generated a rigorous treatment of µTm-valued logics beginning with challenge of the notion logical necessity or logical precedence (this was done a few years before Debussy musicologically challenged the notion temporal precedence [formal properties of the scored accompaniment for the ballet Jeux, 1912], having earlier challenged developmental necessity [harmonic S-matrix mosaics, analogue of harmonic oscillators of superconductant pi-electron gas core of DNA], and about the same time Einstein's Special Relativity challenged the assumptive framework of the European mind). Logical necessity/precedence ceases (as does the temporal precedence of Special Relativity) at the absolute limiting value, whereupon the mu and the m of µTm take onto themselves one or another Cantorian infinity. At that critical logic-state, propositional calculi constitute a non-decision science rendering logic-gates impermissible. [[Undoubtedly due to the cognitive residue of my childhood exposure in Midori Gaoka, kita-Kyushu, to animistic Shintoist identity-transparency mind states, and my scrimmaging basketball with U-2 pilots Alaska SAC-base high-school back-reaction against syllogistic symbolic logic, in a 1963 frosh paper for AU's SIS Prof. Abdul Aziz Said, entitled The Predicament of Existentialism, I explicitly challenged, without any awareness of Lukasiewicz, ultimate utility of the notion logical precedence.]] Given that all lesser orders of logical-value decompose from the µTm order, all symbols writing degree-zero in the Empire of Signs semantically gravitate upon µTm as a non-doing empty center: to the degree decisions are made, to the same degree is the system of the world subverted. This being the case because the empty trope (cup) is the only absolute fullness, where zero = infinity, fini = kampai: for egoic 1T2-mind, meaning saturation/overload by pilot fixation syndrome [[a state I experienced in a flight simulator during 1962 at AFLC/AFSC, Wright-Patterson AFB, scientists doing this VR-development research being periodic Sunday dinner guests at our Fairborn home: this, at the time I was taking honors PSSC physics, which taught quantum mechanics at the high school level, and honors economics, wherein I tried to ponder over the topological transforms implied by multiple bank credit expansion]]; hence, ketaminergic Satori described as tantamount to flextime-dilated no-mind. Eyes fixed on the back of the mind localized in space directly above the postcentral gyrus being stimulated by split-cathexsis. Immersed in concussion crescendos of silence: infrasound to the binary-mind. Isn't it so very, very informative, Mr. Moto, how coerced categories of the glutamate-etched 1T2-awareness sought in the victim by the torturer -- e.g., encaged sensory deprivation, pain-induced dissociation from the body, forced-draft timelessness -- when voluntarily cultivated by long-concentrated practice are integral features of the Samadhi states presaging Nirvana? Not simply Doan Phu Tu's The Color of Time (Mau Thoi Gian, poem, 1941), but Musculpt-chromodynamics of the various kinds of chronotopological transform. Elsewhen IS alwhere, to put it succinctly -- and alwhere is open-source, identity-transparent shareware. A quantum-economy corollary need not be zero interest and no fractional-reserve banking, so as to enfranchise no-growth autopoiesis: the opposition, implicit in the above-given notions, to these two Cartesian-Newtonian mechanisms is in how zero-point interest at e-borrowing and fractal-reserve well-potential are NOT used to facilitate the virtuality essential to super{efficient}-states of economic matter.
Galactopoiesis in this case is not about the Land of Milk (and Honey); rather, a hagride, what. No haet, no whit, no mere bit of restraint to this bitless hackamore. Very provocative are UC-SanDiego astrophysicist Tom Murphy's reflections upon 2.9% energy-use growth since 1650 (see: Galactic-Scale Energy, UCSD Physics, 12 July 2011) and upon 2.9% world economic growth since 1900, 5% since 1950 (see: Can Economic Growth Last?, UCSD Physics, 14 July 2011). His conclusion: neither are sustainable, regardless of the technologies employed. What is the significance of beginning with 1650? What happened during the 17th century? Two things may be noted: the Cartesian-Newtonian Revolution then transpired, and the first legal corporation in America was formed -- the Harvard Corporation. These followed upon two matters of note which transpired during the previous century: codification of mathematically-designated space and time, and, later, creation of the first thermometer. This was the growth platform responsible for lift-off, lift-off into Earth orbit, but very likely not -- by Murphy's argument -- galactic orbit: EcoTrasher, to be sure; CosmoCrusher, not likely. According to this astrophysicist, hot-nuclear fusion is not sufficient to sustained growth in energy use and associated economic growth; what, apparently, would be required for that -- and here I am speaking -- is leak-proof plasma-bottle backpacks containing cold-nuclear-fusion reactors or tornadoes-in-suitcases made of leak-proof plasma-bottles -- which may well be of what nature actually avails, hypertemperature heat pump, not heat engine, via the µTm-logically-valued self-reentries executed by imaginary and hyperimaginary operator-time. But then (this then being indicative of memetimelessness), the involved higher-order self-sustainment would be inherently net-growth-free and related to zero-point, non-thermodynamic, chronotopological notions of entropy. Isn't absence of the achievement of leak-proofness one of the major reasons why contained hot-nuclear-fusion has yet to be attained by mankind? Is the leak-proofness of hypertwisted, self-referential, self-reentrant, nonorientable systems the leak-proofness of thermodynamically-closed systems? I think not. Independent of energy considerations, net aggregate economic development is inherently unsustainable by virtue of: (1) the profit motive being dependent upon memetimefullness, and market self-organizational competency -- given the prevailing framework determining conditions, e.g., 1T2-logical exchange units, money, that is -- being dependent upon sustainability of the profit motive; and (2) absent market self-organizational competency, the certain failure of command economics -- regardless of the power spectrum achieved by 1T2-logical, finite-iteration, Turing machines, so-called quantum or no -- in face of the nesting foam of interfused, self-reflexive, infinite regresses which comprehensive central planning runs up against. What nature knows: superefficient states of matter are required, not for sustained growth, but for growthless autopoiesis, more a condition of holo{hetero}stasis than of homeostasis -- demurrals in dishabille because James Bond, remember, had only a double-zero operational mandate, whereas, given the zero-set under a hypercomplex zeta function and 3-fold operator-time, velleity of temporal operators is the vaward of the transform: hyparxis. Though I obviously do not agree with the conclusion, an interesting summary of recent reflections on growthless organization is provided by Ted Trainer (see: The radical implications of a zero growth economy, Real-World Economics Review, No. 57, 2011). The evolved crisis, planet Earth, is not due to supposed limitations of nature, but to human-factors dyscrasia. While 2n has been the index of the West since Alexander invaded India, one simply must wonder whether 20 nullifying 1T2 signified an inversion of the yield curve instrumental in the m-worlds of Mayan naked-'I' astronomy/mythology with respect to 2012 and the manifold changes soon to be evoked by rise of µTm-valued M Theory -- given the Trickster aspect of kakureta kata (i.e., collective-unconscious archetypal processes, which I first learned of in not-easily-acquiesced-to knee-down childhood-sittings, legs-gone-numb-sittings next to my cross-legged mother in Midori-Gaoka-ikebana lessons [Ikenobo Senno's School, focused exclusively upon the kakureta level: season of sound, black wind, hidden FaceBook, dark house: archetypal tropes, all], as transcending the martial kata which I was witnessing each morning in Ashiya-Japanese-MP shinai practice and being taught at my judo-training sessions, a Mother-RIGHT-lesson [not far off from the final returning-to-village-mother-archetype theme of The Last Samurai] greatly contended by my military-brat ambient programming, and which SHE-who-will-be-obeyed always drove home with all the which the MilitaryMother always has over her eldest son -- the k-kata factor being indicative of the k-correlations exponent of Mnk articulation landspace). A woman like my mother could never have lived in Midori Gaoka (translatable as verdant hills, and corresponding to her Pennsylvania-market-town Greencastle rearing) all those many, many days -- husband and children daily elsewhere: work, school -- without absorbing much from the ambient agricultural-cultural surround, being as she was, and knowledgeable from childhood as she was, concerning certain elements of that LifeFrame. Throughout my later-life-with-HER, residue of this Midori-Gaoka absorption was communicated to my me in myriad SUBTLE ways which I will not deign itemize. HER very, very premature death while I was in midst of the Viet Nam war was truly devastating, not to say incomprehensible. At the loss, abreacting still, more than forty years later.
Tonal languages, it seems to me, have greater capacity than those non-tonal to reflect semantic import of m-valued logics, and the bottle-nosed dolphin's click language -- reflecting, as it must, the melon brain's sonic-visioning Musculpt capabilities -- likely has far greater such capacity still. Emil Post, at the end of his 1921 paper on m-valued logics, inserted something of a disclaimer: the 1T2-order-type, he said, is fundamental because it conforms most fully to completely true or completely false. Surely, his notation choice of T (for truth or table or tree or all three or tines, even), rather than, say, I (for non-simple identity), reflects content of his disclaimer -- as does interpretation of µTm as indicating the transfinite set of reals in the interval 0,1 where 0 and 1, logically speaking, denote the distributed-middle propositional bipolar poles T,F. Whereas, µIm would reflect an interpretation in terms of the fiberbundle arithmetics and Grassmann algebras of Clifford skew-parallels and the octonionic hypernumber domains required to represent them -- the involved non-simple-identity order-types likely relating to Karpenko-functor classes of chronotopological invariants over operator-time-induced transforms of Cantorian-fractal spacetime. M-valued universal physical constants (to which, in my opinion, M Theory teleologically gravitates by strange attractor), thus, would be Musculpt processed by nature relative to such non-simple-identity order-types. Were this the case, the notion of value -- or intrinsic worth -- employed by nature would be rooted in chronotopological invariants at autopoiesis. My thesis is: the notion of value -- or intrinsic worth -- enfolded in the framework determining conditions of implicate reserve-currency domain should reflect the notion of value employed by nature (i.e., consider in this light F. A. von Hayek's qua Hugh Everett's time-shapes of total capital stock), even as market processing by commodity-referenced vehicle-currency nesting foams reflects subjective notions of economic value. Otherwise, how is the human species to employ the superefficient uses of the resource base prerequisite to growthless autopoiesis? Consider that Albert Szent-Györgyi's quantum theory of the etiology of cancer derived from his attempt to explain how growthless autopoiesis is obtained phylogenetically and ontogenetically. The short-haired/skinheaded prosaism here the propositus, i.e., the existing international monetary system, reads like an American bestseller: one implausibility linked to the next in a melting-pot/tossed-salad co-mongrelization which, in sum, is the psychological projection of a possible-world pathology peopled in prostheses of prosopopoeia obliqua : no medium of superintegrated synergistic tropological appellations. L-horizons, of course, embrace no form of Abschattungen falsificationism, for the I/i under L (indicating: Lukasiewicz) knows that exclusive psychopathic reliance upon bipolar logic is glutamatergically etched (to find an interesting essay relevant here, one of the clearest expositions to be found, see: Life After Newton: An Ecological Metaphysic, Robert E. Ulanowicz, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, no date given, but, by bibliography, sometime after 1999), that µIm Abelian-Bellian cyclotomic demergent causality (i.e., a technical treatment of formal and final cause as cyclical concatenation by cascade/reverse-cascade/aperspectival-retrograde-inversion-reentry, which Abel's impossibility theorem on the quintic is an existence proof of ) IS 1T2-chance as chaotically-efficient cause, that, by virtue of I differentiated from T, organism IS ecosystemic superintegration over hologramic, nonlinear, universal wave-function of swarm of the swarms coherent in I and spread out holomorphically over its time-shapes of total capital stock (decoherent only under 1T2ed glutamatergic etching qua quantum quenching, which is either SR or Penrose OR, depending upon whether neuronal etching/pruning of equiponderant connections is to be construed subjective or objective, insofar as 1T2-logic alone is relied upon in making this judgment) -- Popperian propensities (not least because Popper intentionality altogether ignored Lukasiewicz/Post in service to his neuropsychological-social-politicoeconomic agenda subsequently serviced by George Soros) being merely yet one more encapsulated I/i attempt to effect stochastic/causal closure (i.e., maintain the classical limit) by fiat transformation of the initial (i.e., that there is an initial to which the initial of initial conditions refers) conditions postulate into a self-evident axiom and the boundary conditions postulate into an axiom whereby the orientably open is arbitrarily defined as topologically indistinguishable from the self-reentrant nonorientable (e.g., by ignoring how phytochrome of periphyton links directly to retrograde-inversion reentry via quantum-wave properties of nucleic acids, thus facilitating superintegration: a subject of much discussion with onetime University of Maryland radiation biologist, Suzi Daniels, a specialist in phytochrome, during the late-1970s as our model of radiation exchange by free-electron gas core of DNA grew more elaborate) by means of renormalizing the notion of entropy to the 1T2-logical algebraic variety alone.
I said a very long memetime ago what I think on that. I'd like them to survive in their own corners of the planet, but, unfortunately, they will be able to win by proclamare each of their well chosen battles -- except for the last, which they will lose because of how well they have chosen (i.e., the choice to step onto the exponential-going-to-parabolic resource-commitments curve incumbent upon ceding the space and time variables to their opposition by, for instance, a declaration of GWOT on top of already long having been the planetary policeman: entitlements funds embezzled to pay what has again become War Department appropriations, scale-invariant butterfly-effect of Tet-'68 magnifying JFK New Frontier QEing twist and shout unto initiation of fiat-currency regime, fiat-money enhancement of risk leading to risk/debt transfer-concentration up the Devil's Staircase by an explosion of derivatives and their bundlings, effects of this on the EMU, so on and so on: see, for instance, Spending, not entitlements, created huge deficit, The Washington Examiner, Byron York, 22 August 2011). In Viet Nam, the GVN precipitously collapsed in 1975 because of two long processes: (1) American subversion of the GVN's organizational integrity by ad hoc committeeing it to death, and (2) success of the VC's military proselytizing efforts. At crunch time, these two came together to yield the precipitous. The various wars of today are actually the well chosen oil/resource battles, with their semi-subterranean aspect: determination as to in what vehicle currency are oil/resources to be/remain denominated (Libya being a good example: take the oil, take the gold, cover the effort with the shadow of a democracy building, a building being demolished at home -- the surprising and revealing part being how long that effort is taking; or The Empire Strikes Back first-confidence-trick Gulf War where Saddam was privily conned into believing he had permission to take back what British occupation had long since expropriated from Babylon and which was then being acute-angled by the Kuwaiti compradors). The ad hoc committees of today are those set up by the global superrich's financial kleptocracy banksters. The military proselytizing of today, some of it gang-infiltrated, is only just beginning to publicly show its ugly face (e.g., manifestos as to which types of orders will and will not be obeyed: prompting further privatizations of warfare, thus taking it further out of the hands of faltering nation-states). In all likelihood, the last battle (a Lucasian space-based opera) will be won by Nature. Identification of the collective ego (i.e., nation-state) with Superman -- from the bullet-proof Boxers to Nietzsche's Nazis (Beyond Good and Evil, his nibs being Nibelung: Ez [Empathyzero] moral dwarfs) to Hollywood heros-hoes -- has never been an indicator of ultimate success, because that identification signifies what Simon Baron-Cohen calls the [1T2-logical] mind blindness of the [neuron-pruned] extreme male brain which -- unlike Asperger's [trending to µTm-logical] syndrome -- expresses as negative [-/+ denoting extroversion versus introversion] zero empathy with systemizing [according to binary-logic accommodation alone] tendencies (see Baron-Cohen's The Science of Evil: On Empathy and the Origins of Cruelty, Basic Books, 2011; and also Mind Reading: Psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen on Empathy and the Science of Evil, Maia Szalavitz, Time, 30 May 2011). Let it be known that µIm-logical mindsight is characteristic of generative empathy (check a good, and old, medical dictionary: a technical neuropsychology term denoting relative-state identity-transparency, a mind state the nation-state-indentured psychiatric establishment has deemed pathological). And then there are the bleed-throughs of Pricean µIm-quantum-brain kindness (see: What Price Kindness?, Oren Harman, The Scientist, 31 August 2011). In these respects, consider that three-fold, imaginary/hypercomplex operator-time was -- in ancient Greek hylomorphic mythological terms -- represented as Thor's Hammer (much later as Hamlet's Mill ), a 3D spherical-coordinate-axes-of-rotation spinning/twirling/twisting (occasionally seen represented in medieval alchemical etchings relative to ley-line intersections, and the tornadoes/lances penetrating them) symbol, with pre-Buddha origins, generative of the gods'/goddesses' Greater-Maze gematria polytope, a symbol (Thor's Hammer, that is) subsequently flattened, as comprehension was lost, to the static 2D swastika (intermediate stages of this flattening likely having been yantric transliteration of the Buddha's Bodhi µTmree sutras on relative-state dependent origination and neoPlatonic, gematric, compass/straight-edge, Pythagorean treatment of Jesus' Sermon on [about] the Mnkount [i.e., the ultimate articulation, not fitness, landscape] concerning generative-empathic identity-transparency). Must have been tough on your mother, not having any children. Manmind in glutamateric fear-and-loathing custodial detention -- mental rendition psychologically projected as panopticon prison of dysjunctions, either/or in plural -- ever since the last major climate shift, i.e., the last great Ice Age, by collective dissociative-amnesia, introjecting, to empathy-quenching excitotoxic endogenous-glutamate-etched ego spheres, non-doing cosmic empty-center zero-points, converting-somatizing these autopoietic attractors, by regressed identification/projection, into personified action-based will-to-power centers, thus enculturating anthropogenic off-setting of the synergies of form-in-process, and quenching their superintegrated functional requisites to self-organized criticality.
Consider the proposition that non-fuzzy µTm-valued, let alone µIm-valued, ideas cannot -- by application of Kripke possible-world modal logic -- be assimilated by glutamate-etched/pruned, 1T2-valued brains. So, how could my I/i expect the ideas discussed on this website to make headway? Moreover, back to childhood, through high school, college, the Army, and beyond, all the departures of my personal experience have positively reinforced the involved expectation set: when forced to comply, I always made a departure as quietly as possible. How else continue with what, from early on, were my pursuits, pursuits which brought to me, at least, meaning and -- in my judgment -- understanding? As a preadolescent kid in Japan, I quickly learned to keep my mouth shut about my subjective experiences of Plexiglas walls, time-warp vision-tunnels, and identity-transparency -- given that they did not conform to American-military-brat standards. My Alaska high-school special-course-work back-reaction against syllogistic symbolic logic elicited threats of lifelong failure and prompted heavy demands to demonstrate restitution to the fold. My Fairborn high-school ruminations upon topological transforms over m-bank credit expansion were met with bemused incredulity. My AU-SIS challenging of the notion logical precedence was rewarded with a bad grade given by the grad-student preceptor. My pointing out that supersession of the Newtonian underpinnings of constitutional democracy and market capitalism, by imports of quantum-relativity theory, is enormously important was met with befuddlement. I was told that reading Unamuno would only exacerbate my thinking disability. I was taken aside and told to read Plato, not for what he thought, but for how he thought. And the Army? Well, actually, the Goat Lab I received instruction at while in Special Forces Training Group was located in a back lot at Brook Army Medical Center, Ft. Sam Houston, not in the abandoned, WWII-era, wooden hospital used by SFTG at Ft. Bragg. But, really, starring at goats was the very least of it. Heh-heh-heh! Explication -- at SRA/MACV-J2 -- of the role of boundary changes tagged to bureaucratic variables as indicators of enemy intentions woven into multiple-contingencies strategic planning was never assimilated by the command. Then there is the truth, suppressed in part by the giving of medals to individuals, of high combat (see, for recounted SF discussions of same, our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh): quoting OBEed Marlantes, I was we, no longer me (see: Karl Marlantes, The Truth About Being a Hero, Wall Street Journal, 20 August 2011). THE quintessential psychiatrist having no µIm-logical -- nature's scale-relative Tzog-chen-AllBase logic insuring absence of framework-determining-condition/platform disjunctions qua incompatibilities: cyclotomic nesting foam grammatically integrable whilst semantically order-incommensurate, that GUTS complementarity -- cognitive capacity, I was we, no longer me (i.e., the generative empathy which does, you know, have something to do with love) proscribed by enculturation from existence in pedestrian day-to-day society as being an ego-dystonic dissociative-identity-disorder syndrome (What's love got ta do with it?: lived out in projection as strip-club psychologically unengaged, mechanical, public, group sex: under 21 and want to save the world? then rediscover how to do this non-mechanically and psychologically engaged: no one over 21 could conceivably help you in this rediscovery endeavor: today, roller-skating Gene Kelly would be arrested under the charge of public endangerment: focus upon progestational progenitress GG's mastery of the Programmers, and her total-life, self-micro-clearfix-hack, two-column layout: has there ever-since/sense been such a women? and if not, why so?), we-as-me-and-only-me has ta have a war so's ta EXperience µIm in regressed infantile violent form (one of the latest innovations being mass rape as military tactic and agitprop, no longer merely part of after-victory spoils as in the ancient world and places like Nanking). P2Ped small unit cohesion: myth developed by desk-jockey Doctrine types and Hollywood scriptwriters of dialogue for Delta operators cuing in Airborne neophytes. The APA's DSM: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Note that Kraepelin dementia praecox (1887) slash Bleuler schizophrenia (1911) was defined into existence at birth of quantum mechanics (and prefigured total global mass warfare: WWI and WWII), and also that that diagnostics was thus subsequently subsumed by statistics, the foundational science of renormalization technics: 1T2-rigor (mortis) of probability theory as filter on µIm-valued logics. How does that reflect on etiology of standard interpretations, be they in physics and/or psychiatry? Not to mention the command position on, say, enemy strength. Etched-quenched organic-brain-disease sickness unto wave-of-tissue-destruction death: a pandemic of normotic brain impairment. Yes, I once was the ghostwriter for a too-busy Arlington clinical neurologist: great for the learning curve. At George Mason, I was, essentially, thrown out of Calculus I for asking too many fundamental questions detracting from assigned lessons. Music Comp instructors were mystified by my inability to understand aleatory John Cage, a lack of understanding resident in my rejection of his uncritical embrace of the probability-amplitude interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function. Then, I witnessed at Cornell the failure to communicate cascade theory of tornadogenesis and the quantum-wave properties of DNA: the affect-charge elicited in students when idea drift moved even slightly away from consensuated notions. Also, there were fifteen years of my bemusement at the incomprehension doted upon quantum notions applied to basic formulations in neuropsychiatry of Autogenic Training. Later, I witnessed multiple emotive rejections of multiple-scenarios strategic planning methodologies. That's a lot of direct ontic engagement with failure to assimilate. Of course, giving due credit to probability amplitudes, I've probably been wrong all along.
Aha, nihilism of youth's burned idealism, eh, this notion that suppression-regression pays with infantile violence, the greater the regression-at-suppression the larger the payment exacted. Surly pop psychoanalysis, surely. Consider, however, that neuronal etching and attendant quantum-brain quenching have been around as long as there has been enculturation-socialization, periodic amplifications in payment fulminations eminently viewable in the hystorical record, but only as the disease was being identified/defined did systematic treatment begin -- confinement with amusements provided, confinement to bed with physical restraints, forced bathing, morphine, forced sleeping, induced fevers, induced cramps, insulin, ECT, lobotomy, reserpine, chlorpromazine, psychosocial support, family therapy, full spectrum of antipsychotics/dopamine-receptor-blockers, prospective gene therapy -- and only with such treatments did the recurrent fulminations progressively reach truly pandemic proportions: mass warfare, total war, global war, prospective space-based planetary war. THE quantum brain (µImly singular: heh-heh-heh) quenched (i.e., intraneuronal-DNA superconductant to semiconductant to insulator free-electron gas-core phase transitions) is not contained by the molecular-cellular brains (1T2ly plural) localizing it by quantum measurements (doxic registrations categorically memed) executed under prescriptively enculturated-socialized (i.e., coerced) neuronal etchings-prunings. And what was the occasion prompting identification/definition of the disease? A raising of Platonism in higher mathematics, of chromaticism in art music, of pointillism in painting, and so on, threatening a razing of the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung. Abel's Impossibility Theorem of the 1820s initiated the raising become a razing, and histrionics of 19th-century Romanticism explicitly registered mass tacit registration by body dysmorphic disorder qua dissociative disorder not otherwise specified (to wit: dildo-treated hysteria, conversion type + dissociative type, amongst those most empathy-enabled, i.e., most ketaminergic: Rx concocted, one can be sure, by male psychiatrists suffering lateral mental cleavage yielding inner, by projective-identification, conflated to in her) at the progression in raising/razing. The mathematician having the appropriate Biblical name may be regarded an example of Jung-Pauli synchronicity. Primary etiological factor of precipitous fulmination amplification was Rx with NAFR (neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance), thus iatrogenically inflaming the long-present, subclinical becoming low-grade, organic brain disease (before poo-pooing, consider: Nearly 40 percent of Europeans suffer mental illness, Kate Kelland, Reuters, 4 September 2011). Antagonizing neutralization of what? Resistance to what? As regards the former question: Noah's Ark carrying all the forms of automatization (psychic driving) glutamatergically induced, in face of endogenous ketamine-flood deautomatization (depatterning); in respect to the latter question, the quenchable µIm-valued logical processing engaged in by THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular brains.
That is such an old issue it would be easy to get uppity, or get up pity. Peer review, circa 1978, of our model of superconductant pi-electron gas core of DNA at helix-coil transition, raised only two reservations to publication: (1) the notion of temperature was employed at the submolecular level, a level where temperature has no definition; and (2) no experimental tests were described. In answer, we restated the the formulation involving the first reservation as an experimentally testable hypothesis, and relative to the second, we described two experimental tests directly deducible from the mathematical model. The paper was then accepted for publication. The first reservation was actually somewhat spurious, as, by then, electron temperature enhancements had been carried out for nearly a decade in Earth's upper atmosphere by phased-array radar -- and it was well understood, at least at Cornell, that such enhancements could modify values of variables descriptive of the dynamics of double-helical air-parcel feeder-bands instrumental at, say, tornadogenesis. Our understanding of the definition of temperature at the submolecular level was not verbally stated in the DNA paper, as it had been in rejected-for-publication papers written relative to cascade theory of tornadogenesis: magnitude of the spin-component, i.e., temporal curl, i.e., quantized as Penrose twistor, of explicitly-stated imaginary/hypercomplex operator-time (the term then employed being active time), or, much less accurately, Kozyrev time-density (exposure to Kozyrev's notion helping to firm up Paine's concept, temporal curl, arrived at several years before publication of Kozyrev's famous 1967 paper). Jasper Johns' 0 Through 9 :: the point is: zero-point energy of scaled magnitude is everywhere, everywhere a renormalization is made, which can be anywhere -- depending upon the nesting-foam partitioning-algorithm employed at quantum measurement, which is to say, depending upon the order of logical-value to which the measurement apparatus subscribes: every scale-relative subsystem-system-supersystem composite, being transfinitely partitionable under m-valued universal physical constants, is simultaneously closed, orientably open, and nonorientably self-reentrant, i.e., subject to autotelic Cantorian-fractal identity-transparency (ultraMnk adularia, orthoclastic over nondifferentiable [1T2-indefineable, unbounded jump-kink] imaginary-hypercomplex/ranging domains, so to speak) :: there is some absolute zero at every degree Kelvin. As [meme]Time Goes By :: as Casa{blanca] is to: (Sa{ha}RA){MA]//[Ma}(ha{RA}SA).
Thank you very much for the referral to this wonderful lecture given by Terrance McKenna, which I greatly enjoyed (listen: Address To The Jung Society, YouTube, Clairemont, 1991). I was unaware of the language aspect of his work. Mckenna's image, offered here, of infinitely complex Fabergé eggs precisely captures what I have many times described as the fundamental semantic-gestalt constituents, or autopoys, of µTm-logically-valued Musculpt (which he designated else-chatter in this lecture, if I heard his words correctly). His access to Musculpt or else-chatter having been primarily (exclusively?) via hallucinogens, DMT specifically (though he did cite non-DMTed examples, such as the dream-origin of the benzene ring description), McKenna unduly, I believe, went with, or overvalued, personification of these eggs. Considering the whole lecture, I would say that the major difference my thought has from that of McKenna is the absence of his crediting m-valued logics of the quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular brains, with derivative secondary differences being (1) his reliance on memetime evolution (rather than cyclotomic decomposition under imaginary/hypercomplex operator-time), (2) his viewing hallucinogens as facilitators, rather than blockers of the blockers facilitated by prescriptive enculturation-socialization, and (3) in his account of hallucinogens as breakers of boundaries, his exclusive tacit reliance upon the notion of boundaries as being only that sort with 1T2-logical properties. In his lecture entitled The Transformations of Language, YouTube, McKenna makes explicit the transformational topology of meaning associated with the Fabergé eggs, but unfortunately conflates egg-transforms with generative syntax, rather than semantic demergence µIm to µTm to 1T2. He also in this lecture made clear that there is no point of onset (onset being a notion relative to the ego-complex) where MusAudio is lost to VisualSculpt, but did not make a point of noting that the former is not lost with synaesthetic phase-shift, and that it -- MusAudio -- is essential to constitution of the semantic gestalts -- or that other sensory modalities are also not lost and do not become nonessential. These did not make a point and is essential to are important because his video evocation (see: Terrance McKenna -- DMT and Visible Language, YouTube) of else-chatter does not, for me, evoke, because there are no authentic cross-modal Mnk correlations in evidence, those phase-correlations being the actual carriers of semantic-gestalts, not merely the visual topological transforms. It is worthwhile to contemplate here the role of personification of the eggs. Consider the para{doxa]-type idea that personification is a powerful catalyst to the synaesthetic phase transition moving in the direction from ego-complex toward the transpersonal. This paradoxa, as stated, is a retrograde having a hidden inversion embedded: personification is one way to engage in psychological distancing, in this case a distancing from 1T2-logical roof-brain-chatter in movement toward else-chatter. Voluntary dissociation. Gurdjieff had a nice way of stating it: How can you separate from inner talking if you say 'I' to it? -- or words to that effect. Gurdjieff implies: One has to personify it, say that to it, say this that is not my me doing, but a somewhat coming in on my me, or, equivalently (under the third-order nonorientability operator), something my I-ness-identification enters, a hyperspace, say. Aurobindo described his first experience of Nirvana as being precipitated by the ontic experience of the inner voice as being a somewhat/otherness coming in on his him, thereby, he was able to engage in an inner movement such that the incoming voice simply missed hitting his him. For his sadhaks, Aurobindo reinforced this use of personification in his Letters on Yoga with discussions of asuras. This was in no way ingenuous, as recurrent endogenous glutamate-flood-induced neural-network wipeouts qua mass murder of neurons (projected into collective social behaviors: serial killings, terrorist acts, mass warfare) and associated quantum-brain quenching (removing from the human cognitive repertoire relative-state identity-transparency qua generative empathy), beginning in the womb and resulting from prescriptive enculturation-socialization, IS the unleashing of asuras, IS coercive imposition from without upon variables of the internal system state. Aurobindo also recommended concentration in self-observation by preference to meditation, because the shift between states catalyzed by meditation transpires much faster than that facilitated by self-observation. Why such advocacy? Because there is much to be learned from dynamics of the phase transition, and too fast a phase transition precludes such learning. While personification initially facilitates, it can later become an obstacle. This principle is likely of considerable importance as regards, particularly, any group effort (e.g., an attempt by humans to learn sonic-visioning Dolphin, rather than to teach dolphins aural Human) to re-demerge to human uses (e.g., Fabergé eggs-type mathematical notation) Musculpt else-chatter as THE natural language. Hey there, yous-guys, career scientists, ya'owl really baalieve, ya do, that any person, say a McKenna, from childhood through the life long, who totally commits to any knowledge-oriented path, and pursues it cleanly-unto-death, could possibly be altogether wrong? The psyche works like thata?
How could I, an Earth-laboring Digger, have reached noematic surety as to passing, referential, linear time being mere memetime? Certainly not by theory alone. By repeated time-warp (i.e., increased baud-rate of consciousness) hexis-reception of -- and experiential verification of the accuracy of -- the psycho-ideograph (see: Derek's Journals and Studies for Liana in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh) of this or that person = quantum-composite superposition of hidden-affect-revealing, nanoexpressive, facial aspects-facets-phases received as a Cubiform (i.e., Analytical-Cubism-like) image-flash, action-stop distortion: not the self-Vorstellung persona of a person, but his/her psychic horizon, chief-feature essence, each ephemeral nanoexpression bleedout-leakage being an heraldic (segno, token, sigil, emblem, cipher, signet, ensign), a psychological Abschattungen crystallizing habitus in the doxic social field. Density of such receptions was greatest during my late-20s/early-30s when my cognitive faculties were most elaborated and most concentrated; few hexis-receptions these days (note that hexis, as here used, is not disambiguation of the 1T2-logically-valued variety; rather, of the skew-parallels of a person's persona). By way of monishment, then there's roughy gone off to routy and on into amok: mimicking that with which they identify, monikers in moniliform, not round robin. Mordantly compulsive RFID-digitalization of 1T2-identity, identity theft, tracking upon techo-transforms of molecular memory-in-service-to-1T2-identity: subject-(physical)object level of collective transference/conversion-displacement over the universal covering surface under µIm-logically-valued quantum-brain processing. At Cornell, during the mid-'70s, heresiarch D. A. Paine (with help from the Neurobiological Behavior Laboratory) barograph-recorded infrasound signatures (twist-and-shout heraldics) of atmospheric turbulence, then manipulated their time-step celerities, thus disambiguating in the sense here employed. Whilst a hemistitch not missed in memetime may save nine (speaking 1T2-decasyllabically), the same cannot be said of the hemistich (half-integral spin) hendecasyllabically (1,1,1,1,1 ) stitched into Penrose-twistor quantization of Paine-temporal-curl at tornadogenesis.
Despite Knightian uncertainty by internal necessity of 1T2-type systems, the economists have convinced themselves that uncertainty practically equivalent to risk has von Neumann-Morgenstern real-valued additive expected utility (relevant here are the reflections outlined in The quantification of uncertainty is the removal of meaning section of Nicolas Bouleau's interesting Mathematics and real-world knowledge paper, Real-World Economics Review, No. 57, 2011), and, for similar reasons, the physicists, particularly those unduly influenced by the von Neumann quantum formalism, have convinced themselves that they have quantified uncertainty to inequalities -- otherwise, they could not turn blind eyes (this turning being motivated by a wealth of psychological and other soft reasons) to the µTm supratending 1T2-uncertainty and the super-efficient states of matter facilitated thereby (think: uncertainty-permitted virtual exchange and its role, for instance, in BCS theory of superconductivity, a theory incapable of fully explaining higher-temperature superconductivity). At the time (1947) von Neumann, with Morgenstern, produced the Utility Theorem, he was a strong advocate of the utility of weather modification, his reputation giving enormous impetus to that atmospheric-science mindset discounting imaginary/hypercomplex-valued superintegration sufficiently as to renormalize m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes out of numerical models (1948) such that weather modification could be easily justified, the latest such modification being contemplated by use of airborne lasers (see: Laser Beams May Be Next Rainmakers, Charles Q. Choi, LiveScience, 30 August 2011). Interesting that Knight wrote his dissertation on uncertainty incommensurate with risk at Cornell the same year (1921) Emil Post (at Columbia, later associated with Cornell) wrote his paper on µTm-valued logics -- and that Milton Friedman studied under Knight at U. of Chicago, later in life (while responding to me) giving evidence of never having heard of m-valued logics. I learned of Knightian uncertainty only after being told by Shlomo Angel in Bangkok that he had done a UC-Berkeley dissertation in Urban and Regional Planning (this department having been spawned by postwar U. of Chicago planning) on traffic-flow modeling which employed mathematics of General Relativity physics. This passing conversational comment made by Angel caught my interest because, upon hearing it, the thought immediately popped into my head that a toll may in some way function like the metric of metric geometry -- and, if so, this would be interesting relative to monetary flows, topological transforms at multiple bank credit expansion (which I had struggled to visualize in high school honors economics), and evaluation of effects a Tobin-type tax (institutionalize supranational professionalyingism-corruption with Tobin-tax transaction-rent-seeking, ad-hocing being the only way to keep a dysfunctional system functioning so as to preserve in institutional formaldehyde a dead Weltanschauung) likely would have upon monetary subsystem-system-supersystem composites, such as those I was imagining as nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS (think: µTm-valued toll vis-à-vis metric as applied to J. G. Bennett's identity-in-diversity skew-parallel Cubiform objects qua McKenna eggs: for further elucidation of this notion, which played a role in Bennett's approach to unified field theory, see the appendix to Volume 1 of Bennett's The Dramatic Universe : upon skimming this appendix at Samuel Weiser's in NYC during 1963, I bought a copy of the first volume, because I instantly intuited that skew-parallelism had something to do with the states of animistic-Shinto identity-transparency I had experienced in Midori Gaoka as a kid, circa 1953-6, the same timeframe Bennett's first volume was being written). Behold my amazement at later (after Solly Angel's passing remark) learning of Knight, and that he had devoted himself to modeling traffic flows and congestion patterns (whilst, obviously, none of this had the least passing effect upon Bangkok motorbikes and cars).
While the Binary Agreement Model is interesting (see: 10% Tipping Points: A Critical Appraisal of Recent Proof , Clint Fuhs, INTEGRAL+LIFE, 24 August 2011), insofar as it illustrates where people's heads glutamatergically are at, I/i , obviously, given my Lukasiewiczian orientation, can put little stock in it. Given high likelihood that far less than ten-percent of human individual and collective cognition transpires on the conscious egoic level, conscious dispersion of integral ideas is not necessary and certainly not sufficient to catalyze the sort of changes envisioned; moreover, understanding on some level, while necessary, is, again, not sufficient: i.e., no Taylor-series-like expansion in idea dispersal could be adequate. An example of why this (and even as regards doxa, i.e., learned unconscious beliefs) is so is provided by the transference (which short-circuits integrality and awareness thereof ): no amount of understanding (both in principles and in concrete personal manifestations of those principles) is sufficient to significantly overcome the transference. For that, a panoply of authentic work is required, work which in fact, not mere fantasy, actually significantly minimizes the relative imbalances as to conscious availability of the psychological functions (in Jungian terms: intuition-sensation, thinking-feeling doubled to octonionic 8-tuples over introversion/extroversion), those imbalances -- not lack of understanding alone -- being drivers of transference. This principle applies at the societal level by virtue of institutionalizations in large measure being tropological concretizations of transference dynamics (to wit, by physical-theory analogue: tied up in octonionic knots by a string theory [of reals] lacking m-valued universal physical constants under µTm-valued logics).
{C.G. + G.G.} = infantile transference dynamics sold by L.B.M. as quintessence of romantic love; whereas C.G. actually a hagborne cockerel, and when she grabbed for his a wonder she could find them, endogenous glutamate being a caponizing mimetic estrogen; in the human cohort, the smaller they are, the bigger, by glutamatergic neuronal etching, the compensating excitotoxic male ego, C.G.'s big E becoming Exemplary for the most destructive generation of all memetime -- most destructive so far, that is. Examples, examples: they are all over the place, going back especially to waning of the Middle Ages and rise of the troubadours' significantly-never-present Lady, later Shakespeare's [son}neted DarkLady (the unconscious Anima-figure, personified-out of hyperintegrated quantum-brain superposition, all ways and always being an identification-repository of her son's projections of the consciously-unavailable functional capabilities (µImly and µTmly) which functional imbalances have imposed, and which endogenous glutamateric neuronal etching at enculturation-socialization has anchored to the 1T2-logically-valued molecular-cellular brain). These figures (PrinceCharming Animus-figure for the female) signifying decoherent-localizations/quantum-quenching -- µIm to µTm to 1T2 -- are elements of the compensatory abreaction-in-service-to the mass hysteria occasioning imposition of involuntary separation of church and state (regressed conversion/displacement of buffering the quantum-brain from its molecular-cellular brains), a bifurcation behavior furthering the earlier bifurcation which separated-out church from authentic inner spiritual experience (bifurcation being an essential to the 1T2-logic percolation theory of climbs up the Devil's Staircase). Romantic love, a memetime-enabled conversion/displacement of projective-identification from Anima/Animus-figures to transference-figured, decoherent 1T2-object, a localizable object in an ever-more-crowded room: not exactly Denis de Rougemont's account (perpetuating, as his does, the 1T2-logical love-dualism of eros/agape on a Cartesian foundation of think->>>am being-dualism) as provided in his book Love in the Western World, and not exactly an account that would have been embraced by the CIA's Congress for Cultural Freedom, the executive committee of which de Rougemont was for awhile president of (compare the EU-centric account of de Rougement [see, for example, that of Fondazione Europea Dragan] with an account otherwise contextualized [by you know who's Modern History Project]). Note, in the Kulturkampf-perspective document, the reverence accorded Classical culture -- AKA, affect-charged insistence upon maintaining the classical limit (one of the most prevalent forms of collective suicide widely embraced today). For those few who actually understand the conundrum, not-A ontologically-existentially is cyclotomically and transalgebraically not- not-not-Abel, as the chronotopological NOR operator evaporates into warm-golden Cantor dust of Aurobindo's Supermind. And how does all-sides and omnipresent psycho-myopia/mental-mucilage play out today in black psychoprep for PW1? Want a good example? Here's one, another form of the Binary Agreement Model: for just that split second he was she and she was he, the two sharing an instant of transparency that was an instant of identity, (Robert Ludlum, The Ambler Warning, St. Martins, p. 481, 2005). Is this the Buddhist one mind-moment qua one-mind moment of quantum relative-state identity-transparency dependent-origination to which I frequently refer? Absolutely not. Consider the black propaganda value of how Ludlum continued this assassin's-epiphany statement from the last ellipsis I intercalated (and note the subliminal parody of Lukasiewiczian self-reference involved in other-killing abreactively compensating 1T2-self-killing, the two acts being nonorientably one act): a connection no longer of love but of loathing . Be the connection specified that of love and/or loathing, there is no physical, mental, or spiritual mechanism/process/state by which it could exist: 1T2-entity/ego/peer never authentically P2P-identity-transparent with another 1T2-entity/ego/peer, only selves-deluding shamly so, more's the shame. Not a possible-world logic. Understand, do ya, that physicists became [cyber}netics-oriented (one sort of [son}neting: Poesy et Physics availing itself of Arakawa-Gins Mechanism of Meaning at collective/regression-transference) so as to convert-displace an order-of-logical-value problem to an n-body information exchange problem -- which they, moreover, over-simplified to ensembles of 2-body EPR-[para}doxa -- jus' so's dey could sUStain da ILLusion of da classical limit? Quantum relative-state, identity-transparency, dependent-origination, one-mind moment is in the orders-of-infinities of logical-value types (be aware of how deleterious intentionality of Bertrand Russell's Logical Atomism systematically dissembled these types) -- µIm, µTm -- from which 1T2-entity/ego/peer decoheres by means of the Bolero-Maya of memetime-boundedness, and there is no P2P-mediated route by which time-independent-Schrödinger coherence can be obtained (check out any Sunset Strip strip-bar where, in the transparent Large Glass, The Bride [is] Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Even -- stripped of her quantum potential). Black propaganda as to the notion there can be P2Ped small unit cohesion is, however, a very effective route to the raptures PW1 will make available. And, please note, approach to foamy ridge of the breaking cusp (see: Victor P. Starr, The Hydrodynamical Analogy to E = mc2, Tellus, 9:1, 1959, for an especially interesting account [no renormalization of divergence; no conversion-displacement of zero = infinity] of the physics of that roiling wormhole mesh enfold) continues to unfold: see, for instance, IDF general: likelihood of regional war growing, Yoav Zitun, Ynet, 5 September 2011. Quoting the General, the IDF Homefront Command Chief: This raises the likelihood of an all-out, total war, with the possibility of weapons of mass destruction being used. Note the General's placement of likelihood and possibility. How often, by people in such positions, are publicly stated assessments made which are worse than the actual assessments -- and how often is the opposite the case -- even if done for the intimidation value? In Europe, major-stakeholder rhetoric is making slow approach to recalcitrancy: see 20 Quotes From European Leaders That Prove That They Know That The Financial System In Europe Is Doomed, The Economic Collapse, no date given. Then there is xrm45126, UBS's investment perspective entitled, Euro break-up -- the consequences, 6 September 2011, wherein the following observation is made:
it is virtually impossible to consider a break-up scenario without some serious social consequences. With this degree of social dislocation, the historical parallels are unappealing. Past instances of monetary union break-ups have tended to produce one of two results. Either there was a more authoritarian government response to contain or repress the social disorder (a scenario that tended to require a change from democratic to authoritarian or military government), or alternatively, the social disorder worked with existing fault lines in society to divide the country, spilling over into civil war.
These two results may be bases of probable short-term scenarios (not mentioned, it should be noted, and not even mentioned by Zero Hedge [see: Here Is How Switzerland Caught Up To The Rest Of The World In Devaluing Paper Currencies Against Gold, 6 September 2011], is a likely element of these scenarios: failed-fiat-currency FailedStates will not tolerate privately held gold, confiscation at cross-border movement will emerge, and so on, as the historical parallels are unappealing, e.g., Roosevelt, the Nazis, et cetera [flash forward and Zero Hedge pretty much rectifies this undersight, concerning probable existence of a gold confiscation strategy related to a shift to PARTIALLY-gold-referenced unsterilized SDR-as-reserve-currency issuance, on 3 October 2011: Is The CME's 150% Hike In Gold Collateral Just A Ploy To Increase Amount Of Legally Confiscatable Gold?]; I've long said it is likely that oil will cease to be a tradable commodity, followed by other military-critical commodities: time for profiting off these may be rapidly passing), especially given that, even before breakup, already, as Reuters reports, Nearly 40 percent of Europeans suffer mental illness, 4 September 2011, and earlier reported only 2.4 percent of the world's population being bipolar as of 7 March 2011: see: Bipolar disorder vastly undertreated: study (40% is not surprising when derivatives, ETFs, and all the other HFTed members of the elementary-particle financial zoo are psychological projections of endemic mental illness qua organic brain disease of a species placed in a psychic accelerator [for one dimension, see, for VDO illustration: The Daily Pulse of Global Innovation, Innovation Daily, posted 4 January 2010] where annihilations reign, and collective-unconscious decision for self-annihilation rapture has long-since been taken by a species for 10,000 years neuronally etched into prison school and suddenly faced with a quantum-relativistic Nature having enrolled it in Summerhill free school), but, as regards longer-term scenarios, formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc and et cetera and et cetera is high up there on the list of likelihoods. Concerning climb up the last steps of the Devil's Staircase, in all probability, heh-heh-heh, as accelerations increasingly shift to time rates of change of acceleration (more generalized QEing, for instance: note that I exhibit little interest in the inflation/deflation debate, accelerations/decelerations having been superseded) the last attempted institutional shifts will be more and more ad hoc, using agencies, parliaments, courts to enforce braking of laws rather than their making (QEed wealth-transfer; eventually, gold confiscation, militarization of commodities, MPCing of 1T2-fiat currencies ), such that none of these last institutional shifts will take sufficient root as to achieve their promises. Really, what can actually be done in a 1T2-logically-valued institutionalization being overwhelmed by a flood of µTm-logically-valued quantum-based technologies (dressed in Cartesian-Newtonian clothes by falsifications in higher maths and theoretical physics) when that institutionalization has long foolishly employed that very flood to overcome its condition of overwhelmedness, a strategy mirrored in the choice to use more debt to overcome a debt crisis, a crisis arisen by creating a greater number of psychologically-regressed µTm-bundlings of bundles of delocalized local risk to overcome the crisis of systemic risk-concentration up the Devil's Staircase which psychologically-regressed µTm-bundling created over the risk enhancement induced by shift to 1T2-logical-fiat currency regime? In this self-created, conversion-disorder-projected circumstance, the 1T2-brain/mind has many options, none of which conceivably could work sustainably, the memetime horizon of fantasized sustainability of any chosen option becoming shorter and shorter day by day, leading inevitably to: forfeit Park Place; do not pass Go; proceed directly to collective hysteria. Po Bronson's 1995 (another obvious example of the power of the pen) Bombardiers (same jocular humor as 25 years earlier at CICV-Targets concerning target-analyst bomb-tonnage quotas and at SRA/MACV-J2 concerning fabrication of supports for enemy-strength-estimate figures) is a good metaphor, given that the one will follow upon the nother. after the FX wars come the trade wars, and after the trade wars come the shooting wars: Yen Flash Crashes Again, Zero Hedge, 9 September 2011. More involved than that, but, nonetheless When Black Heart orgasm-snuff/scene-seen voyeurism actualizes -- to cockatrice body-knowing of its 1T2-P2Ps manic-compulsive transfixed upon conversion-displacement of the 0 = infinity state -- the eating-signifiers-of-the-vanquished-constellated self-fulfilling prophesy, and thence ensues the psycho-enfolded WholeEarth holo (flashing forward: what has until recently been localized holocausts already may be globalizing by effects of the various types of uranium weapons, no less than by Fukushima and predecessors: see, for instance, US Uranium to Blame for Deformed Babies in Fallujah?, Christopher Busby, Global Research, 26 October 2011) then comes Gore, The Vidal American Tritone: Williwaw Creation of a Kalki MESSiah. I have no interest in popular fiction, the movies, hit-parade music -- other than as it would be exercised at POG, Psychological Operations Group.
Whilst the IthinkIcanIthinkIcan economic train continues its step-function climb up the Devil's Staircase notionally located somewhere in the Mnk Alps, the runaway political flyer has long since left the last terminal and is virtually taking flight as it barrels slope-down toward the final terminal, the name of which the engineers and conductors cannot yet see. FantasyIsland, NeverNeverLand, WonderLand, Oz? Most likely Oz, as the engineers and conductors clearly and indubitably are snuzzzzzzzzzzzzzing as they heedlessly and headlessly imprint upon Riemann's hypothesized set of zzzzzzzzzzer00000000s under a 1T2-logical imaginary zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeta function. A 1T-EMU having failed, quantum physicist/chemist Angela Merkel apparently again -- boing-boing -- wants a T2-EMU: what are the 1T2-probability amplitudes either/or of these? Such a quantum jump! That bipolar, folks, today is what passes for a social science application of the New Physics. But what kind of economic car runs on either/or of only two speeds? Mirroring her chosen logic, and likely the available baud rates, Merkel's abrupt phase-shift on this issue (see: Berlin Lays Groundwork for a Two-Speed Europe, Der Spiegel, 5 September 2011) is perhaps best contextualized by MISH (see: Europe Out of time; Differences Impossible to Untangle; Merkel's Mind is Fried; Eurozone Breakup Inevitable; 'Let the Euro Die', MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 8 September 2011). Look at the list of issue-discombobulations MISH has identified as motivating the Assembly of Notables, the Commentariat, the Publicans. Hello! Are any of these actual real issues? Derivatives of reals? Are they P&P (part-and-parcel) of the imaginary zeta function hanging over EuroMind like the BladeRunner of 1793? Euler's 1T2-logical real zeta function was published in 1776; Riemann's 1T2-logical imaginary-complex zeta function, 1859; Michael Hoffmann's 1T2-logical real+imaginary m-zeta-value treatment of Euler and Riemann, 2008; (?)'s µTm-logical hypercomplex m-zeta-value zeta function, (?)-years post-EMU-collapse and post-launching of µTmable Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation: see, for edification, How Euler Did It, Ed Sandifer, Mathematical Association of America, January 2008. Aware as I am of how sorely La Belle Epoque discounted/under-valued Bellian treatment of Abelian cyclotomicity, and the massive negative global consequences thereof, how then could I put much faith in CL-type sentences (the Kill-the-19th-century-dead! simple sentences which Gertrude Stein taught Hemmingway and, by extension, Lee Child)? Remember that primary French purpose in the EMU (launch, January of 1999) was not economic, but politico-military: encapsulate reunified (August of 1990) Germany (economic rationalization was just that, and may be found in Freud's Psychopathology of Everyday Life : rationalization as defense mechanism). Remember that a major Soviet purpose for Red Army occupation of Eastern Europe was to prevent reunification of Germany (the U.S. having altogether destroyed -- while providing no authentically effective post-Newtonian replacement -- functionality of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system by preventing Newtonian vectorial/summation-of-forces politics: balance-of-power buffer zones precluded by fire-atomic/bombing enforced-insistence on unconditional surrenders by Germany and Japan). Remember that Germany, Russia, China, and Japan never-unto-this-day voluntarily embraced Cartesian-Newtonian nation-statehood: they did so only under the sword and against fundaments of their Weltanschauungs. Did/do those worldview constructs have anything in common distinguishing them from 1T2-logically-valued Cartesianism-Newtonianism? Why, uh, uh -- OMG! -- animism, animistic relative-state identity-transparency, the acoustically-modified mode Schrödinger identified as time-independent coherence of nature. No matter how many Cartesian-Newtonian overcoats the nation-state persona puts on, still that supratending coherence is there µTm-thematically orchestrating collective unconscious event gradients and actualized abreactions. In general outlines, this snack bar of notions was an essential of my ground-floor argument proffered over Western omelets, Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, circa Spring of 1968: since then, actualized abreactions have only filled in details.
For a SocGen argument that ECB unsterilized authentic QEing would be the final kick of the can, see ECBCTRL+P: The Next Steps In European Implosion, Zero Hedge, 9 September 2011). While this may be the final kick, surely it's not the last conceivable step up the Devil's Staircase. Time rate of change of acceleration. Climb up over the last few steps of the Devil's Staircase to the final landing, upon which all helicopters crash, likely will proceed at an ever increasing pace. And, it appears, this last race is about to begin (see: The IMF Proudly Presents 'Threat To The International Monetary System' Part Three, Zero Hedge, 9 September 2011). In midst of this fast run, very likely to be is enormous pressure for a shift to SDRs (with gold in partial reference, justifying its confiscation from private hands as a requisite to functionality of the heralded new monetary system: no standard, otherwise, coordinated interventions to maintain a standard being beyond the ken, the present techno regime being so different from that of the 19th century; and BW1 failed because market-tradable gold was left on the scene, ultimately disrupting monetary-gold referencing capability: or something along those lines, so the story will go) as reserve currency, because a shift to unsterilized SDR issuance will be the only way to carry through the truly massive -- think total global complement of derivative contracts -- trans-sovereign monetization of sovereign debt-going-to-default which no longer can effectively be QEed at the sovereign level. This is not to forecast that they will manage to stay on the Staircase to the very end, only that this trajectory is the 1T2-logic of the circumstance (MISH may have it right: both/and, as argued in 'Euro Death Wish' and Global Finger-Pointing: U.S. Senior Official Blames Eurozone for '75% of the Dark Things Happening in the World', Global Economic Trend Analysis, 10 September 2011). Discussion by John C. Lilly, M.D., of the origins of suicidal self-metaprograms (in his book, Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer ) is germane, not only to the Eurozone, but to whole of present-day planetary civilization. And any attempt by HaLand and Deutschlandinafunk at an orderly-departure-program/clearnet-untying-of-Gulliver reversal of the Lilliputian EMU (particularly if and-the-EU) promises to be about as manageable as was implementation of the top-down decision by the Soviets to jettison occupied Eastern Europe -- possibly much less so, given the encouraged post-1999 mobilities of labors, their succussion and potentizing in places like District 13. I hold in abeyance my personal WAGs as to sequencing of what comes after -- for decorum and propriety, if nothing else. Once decision for EU/EMU was taken, it was too late; nowadays, this or that decision: Whatever! For an excellent current assessment as to the whys of this Whatever!, if not why I arrived at that conclusion a decade before implementation of the EMU, see: Jefferies Describes The Endgame: Europe Is Finished, Zero Hedge, 14 September 2011. At time of implementation of the electronic version of the euro, I said: if Europe destabilizes (not because of German actions, but due to other factors, which is not only possible, but in some respects, likely) then Germany will act in her interests, and if under considerable external stress, those actions will probably quite strongly accord with German cultural predispositions (this self-quotation comes from my article Echo of the Mockingbird, Why Postwar Historiography is Anti-Historiographic). The Jefferies report is very, very important. Note its identification of the concentration factor (different from the inadequate kicking the can metaphor) and how that (Devil's Staircase) factor prefigures what is to come. Consider, beside the Jefferies take/scenario, also the possibility of a supra-EU intervention to postpone onset of PW1 via unsterilized SDR-as-reserve issuance. Yes, I am aware that most who are aware of the notion of m-logically-valued LETS regard them as Lillputian hallucinations; whereas, under a Lukasiewiczian-Everettian interpretation of Schrödinger, 1T2-logical fiat-currency unions, undertaken whilst the global economy massively imports quantum-based technologies, actually are
The principle involved is really quite simple: entice the counterinsurgent into expanding the spacetime frame of an insurgency and slope of the linear increase in resource commitments required of the counterinsurgent to maintain the status quo bends into an exponential curve, if spatial extent is expanded to the whole planet and the time variable is allowed to become as long as it takes, then exponential goes step-wise parabolic (consider, for instance, $20 billion a year for aircon, see: The Wars America Doesn't Talk About, Susan Glasser, Foreign Policy, 12 September 2011). Mr. Warner would have us believe that UBL did not understand this most elementary aspect of insurgency warfare (see: 9/11: How Osama bin Laden caused our banking meltdown and financial crisis, Jeremy Warner, The Telegraph, 8 September 2011). Quoting Mr. Warner's conclusion: Yes indeed. Bin Laden cannot have dreamt of the trouble he'd cause. Of course, it is impossible to imagine that UBL could have forecast details of the crisis as it has actually evolved, but was that necessary to formulation of his basic strategy? That having been said, as should be obvious from contents of this website and of the Strategic Assessment pages of The Moon of Hoa Binh website, I believe that the economic component was an important part of UBL's strategy, but that the actions of AQ&A (and economic consequences of the elicited U.S. response) have only been a significant late trigger-factor in evolution of the present global economic crisis (and I have argued that the elicited Soviet war in Afghanistan was only a late trigger-factor in collapse of the USSR). The really quite simple principle involved was well-illustrated, and there for all to see, in how the Tet-'68 offensive was David's stone in the assault upon Goliath, initiated by JFK's New Frontier twist and shout, which brought down BW1 (a place my father once flew out of on air/sea rescue missions). How-why fall into such traps? Because generals, colonels, and privates don't believe -- as Clausewitz taught -- that war is political economy by other means; nor do most politicians, banksters, academics. They think and act as if victory is to be found in surrender of the not-'I', not in achievement of objectives, goals, interests of the second and third kinds, i.e., political and economic. And how could it be otherwise amongst neuronally-etched/quantum-quenched peoples for whom all not-war has become as-if-war (thus tacitly subverting the distributed middle of their brain-impaired, yet still sacred, 1T2-logic, obsessive-compulsive attachment to which is near to being the bottom-line origin of warfare)? For them, political economy -- and so very much more -- is war by other means: by figurative language use, medicine is war; bond jamming is war; genetics is war; immunology is war; love is war between the sexes; and so on and so on and so on. Beating the man with his own cane is one thing; getting the man to beat himself with his own cane, quite another -- especially in regards to fundamentals. Gotta get into his collective unconscious.
Horray! Here is identification of (besides the concentration factor noted in the Jefferies report linked immediately above) another central feature of climbs up the Devil's Staircase: as local risk (greatly enhanced by the shift to a planetary fiat monetary system) is transferred to, and swept up as, debt concentrated (e.g., bundling bundles of bundles) to higher and higher scale levels via the few global money-center suck-ups (their very existence being epiphenomenal of conflating vehicle and reserve currencies), local multiplier effects of real economies are financialized (i.e., delocalized as virtual-particle-creation QEings, which are not only monetizations but also artificially low interest rates) and thus vaporized (see: The Great American Economic Lie, Lance Roberts, StreetTalkLive, 14 September 2011). But I do not think that the shift to fiat was merely a politico-militarily-forced bad decision (it also had real economic causes, e.g., the massive 20th-century infusion of quantum-based technologies), and I do not think that the subsequent massive employment of psychologically-regressed financial instruments, e.g., bundling bundles of bundles by parody-like economic analogy to fiber-bundle arithmetics, was merely pathology of sicko banksters-and-their-shadows (it was also an inadequate attempt to deal with the infused quantum-based technologies, an attempt necessarily inadequate because higher mathematics and physics had been systematically falsified specifically to maintain a classical limit and thus to prevent adequate analogical modeling to the middle scale levels where social science dwells). If a way out of the resultant MESSiah is to be found, F. A. von Hayek's (perhaps primarily intuitive) late-shift away from traditional Austrian School economics must be understood. The von Hayek time-shapes of total capital stock is a turning against exclusivity of marginal utility as choice-logic-factor in action-directive composite (market state-function signifier collapsed from m-valued to single-valued price) presented to micro-actors as dictated by framework determining conditions of markets. Time-shapes of total capital stock -- a mature, not a psychologically regressed, economic analogue of Hugh Everett's relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics -- is a proposed reintroduction of total utility to framework determining conditions of market economies. An exclusive fixation upon marginal utility (think: 1870s, as the higher mathematical preconditions for New Physics were being laid) made economics pre-set to embrace runs up the Devil's Staircase in response to infusions of quantum-based technologies. 1T2-logic need not be the only Vernunft, and, indeed, is not the only such reason -- because deep-structure-gradients of market reflexivities are governed by µTm-logical archetypal inputs to collective human decision making (currently tacit, because not indexed to monetary units in which prices are stated). Absent total-utility price indexing of the time-shapes of total capital stock -- e.g., via m-logically-valued fine-grained tagging of LETS nesting foams stacked upon the marginal-utility 1T2-logical collapsed base-state price -- there can be no adequate approach to the meeting of global resource depletions: von Hayek knew this, if only intuitively. Nor can the µTm-logical properties of wave-effect economic cycles (to include market reflexivities) be indexed such that market action-directives could present adequate information about those properties to mico-actors (thus minimizing the collective impulse to climb the Devil's Staircase in response to infusions of quantum-based technologies, technologies required if the human species is to adequately meet its current challenges).
Hey! The corpus of derivatives is not a time bomb; it is an untimed bomb lodged deeply in foundations of global political economy, a nuclear device long ago dropped from a stealth intercontinental strategic bomber, with a delay fuse on random walk over a random number generator (see, for the time bomb view: Five Banks Account For 96% Of The $250 Trillion In Outstanding US Derivative Exposure; Is Morgan Stanley Sitting On An FX Derivative Time Bomb?, Zero Hedge, 24 September 2011). Even if bilateral netting doesn't work because issuing banks fail (and can no longer be bailed out by failing sovereigns and trans-sovereigns) when the random-walking fuse hits THE critical-state random number, the exploding bomb will still be untimed because there will be no memetime between the memetime bankruptcy courts are hit with the failed-netting cases and the memetime the global political economy responds to the nuclear detonation: the prevailing framework of the global economy itself (not merely its risk/debt quotient) being the untimed bomb, it will self-reflexively respond before bankruptcy courts are hit, let alone able to conduct their processing: reflexivity-Klein-bottle Möbius strips memetime (which is a 1T2-logical take upon 3-fold quantal operator-time: don't forget m-valued absolute limiting time rates of change of acceleration). The involved corpus of the corpi of derivative classes is a failed attempt to mark to market-framework-determining-conditions the total-utility von-Hayek/Everett time-shapes of total capital stock stealth-tagged to 1T2-logical currencies issued by failing sovereigns supratending failing banks (and their shadows) CONTINUING to increasingly write into a 1T2-logical bilateral netting which will have no memetime to net-out because the stealth-tagging is of µTm-logically-valued (think: Schrödinger time-independent) tags to 1T2-logical currencies, a tagging scheme not of a possible-world logic. Quoting the linked Zero Hedge posting with regard to continuing and increasing:
And that's your definition of Too Big To Fail right there: the biggest banks are not only getting bigger, but their risk exposure is now at a new all time high and up $5.3 trillion from Q1 as they have to risk ever more in the derivatives market to generate that incremental penny of return [exponential going stepwise parabolic under m-valued Special Relativity].
The Devil's Staircase is spiral staircases within spiral staircases rippling walls of the macroeconomic Klein bottle (just as m-valued acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes ripple walls of a tornado; just as coherent waves communicate nucleotide sequences to cellular plasmahaut walls): reflexivity is reflexivities within reflexivities: µTm-valued, not 1T2-valued (even so, with the currencies currently used being 1T2-logically-valued). Not only are the leadership-elite clowns not conceiving a possible-world solution, neither/nor are their blogger critics/rooters qua routers. Quoting The Automatic Earth (September 24 2011: Get Rid of the Clowns):
Short version [of the clowns' solution]: by issuing trillions more in debt, governments and central banks -- apparently -- hope they can turn around financial markets, and have them recover to heights that would turn today's losses into tomorrow's profits (or at least more bearable losses).
Again quoting the same The Automatic Earth posting:
What governments need to do at this stage, and it's years overdue, is to ringfence their citizens, in order for them not to lose even more money than they already have. And then to combine that with a massive restructuring, with many defaults and bankruptcies, of the banking system (but without losing citizens' deposits) and the non-banking system that carry too much debt on their books.
This, too, is no real solution because it could only, even with maximal success, return the prevailing global system to the status quo ante, that return being a reestablishment of the state of being reflexively poised yet again for climbs up the Devil's Staircase of spiral staircases within spiral staircases (and, moreover, leaving the larger planetary crisis yet again unaddressed in any authentic fashion). In the movies/bestsellers, it's always the bad guys in the political economy, not the fundamental principles analogically determining framework determining conditions of the political economy, which are at fault. Nowadays, the bad guys are sovereigns and banks. But governance officials and CEOs, sovereigns and banks, are surface-structure-only bad guys; deep-structure bad guys, according to arguments made on this website, are the dissimulating-dissembling mathematicians and physicists who stealth-dropped the untimed bomb during the 19th-and-20th centuries, a bomb which prevented the analogical modeling required to formulate political-economy framework determining conditions adequate to massive infusion of quantum-based technologies and the many other predisposing factors of the current planetary crisis. The deep-structure bad guy is, however, not the mathematician in the mathematician, not the physicist in the physicist, but the clinging behavior of the average person in each (which prevents internalization to moment-to-moment awareness and ADLs [activities of daily life] of what the mathematician in the mathematician, the physicist in the physicist, has discovered about the nature of Nature). After half-a-dozen womb-to-puberty glutamatergic neural-network wipeouts, and associated Q-quenchings, what is the final socialization-enculturation product? The adulterated adult. How will it end, the binary-mind decoherent in The Truman Show civilization, in the universe of The Cube? Quoting Michel Houellebecq (The Elementary Particles, Knopf, 2000, p. 130) quoting Auguste Comte:
When it is necessary to modify or renew fundamental doctrine, the generations sacrificed to the era during which the transformation takes place remain essentially alienated from that transformation, and often become directly hostile to it.
Now quoting Michel Houellebecq himself, from the Prologue, p. 4:
Once a metaphysical mutation has arisen, it tends to move inexorably toward its logical conclusion. Heedlessly, it sweeps away economic and political systems, ethical considerations and social structures. No human agency can halt its progress -- nothing except another metaphysical mutation.
Synchronistic (i.e., long-range phase-correlation between Husserlian doxa, those selfsame entities [this usage being a case in the Swedenborgian doctrine of uses use of reification by Gurdieffian inner separation trending to Aurobindo's voluntary quote/unquote dissociation, a dissociation only from the 1T2-logic perspective within the Gebserian m-valued aperspectival] which should be assigned a single vector state, not The Elementary Particles, which never actually possess 1T2-logical self-identity, only as if so by memetime-doublespeaking doxa decoherent by molecular-cellular brain discharges [over etched and Q-quenched neural networks] as so-called quantum measurements) ebb and flow in intensity of archetypal clinging behavior is driven by incidence of metaphysical mutation through acts of discovery, e.g., demonstration (see, for one comment upon this comic OPERA: Scientists Question Faster Than Light Neutrinos, John Trimmer, Wired, 23 September 2011) of the existence of faster-than-light neutrinos (which existence will CONTINUE to be dysterpreted, not embraced for its actual indication: universal physical constants are m-valued under the µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics employed by THE quantum brain not contained by ITS molecular-cellular brains, thus altogether making the classical limit nugatory). Telerate ain't necessarily tolerate, no matter how quotidian daily Quotron output! Will the binary-mind end before extinction of the human species, or with extinction of that species? Hopefully, at punctuated equilibrium, species genome systemically mutates, such that fetal resistance -- to reduced O2 aspiration, heightened tox}in titers, foodstuffs with genes glitched by GMOing or intented/unintended irradiation, mimetic this-that-and-the-other -- arrives by rapid snap-over. One thing about long-term detox, it complicates life in prevailing uncivilization: can't eat most of the food manufactured; can't wear most of the clothes fabricated; can't drink most of the drink dystilled. Successful retox (cf: Dan Reid) becomes a cyclic priority. Old sensations of near quietus quite quickly coagulate, then slowly dissipate: Islington never stops being Becomingham.
However much a disheveled bonhomie, relative-state identity-transparency is not only not about instances of 2-body EPR information exchange problem summing over ensembles, but also not a matter of 1T2-logical selfsame entities spontaneously fusing to identity appropriately marked by assignment of a single vector state. However anthropomorphically appealing by sexual simile, there is no one-on-one, one-to-one, one-onto/into-one fusion-identity of 1T2-logically-selfsamenesses. Therefore, the state vector signifying relative-state identity-transparency cannot be a single-valued quantum-composite; quite the contrary: that state vector is µIm-logically-valued, µ and m range and domain sweeping Cantorian alephs through at least C. God's-'I' speaking, each part cannot be distinguished from the whole whole, anytime and anywhere; part-distinguishing awareness is achieved by socialization-enculturation, i.e., separation of molecular-cellular brains from their quantum brain, which is establishment of an arbitrary, even if Penrose OR, buffer. The probability amplitude function is fiction. The main thing about moving on a Möbius strip or in a Klein bottle is that 1T2-one can't tell where the strange twist is or when it comes, even afterwards: by nonorientable reflexivity, aspects of temporal and spatial reference recede, become available only to God's-'I' view, µIm-logically-valued, µ and m range and domain sweeping Cantorian alephs through at least C. Contagion is a collective gesture signaling movement toward m-valued transparency of identity, movement away from the single-valued notion of existence. 1T2 can't come along. No ifs, ands, or buts. What aspect of 1T2-Cyberia is benign? It takes an inordinate faith in naiveté to believe MoSoSo is being co-opted (see, for instance, not to mention WH and FED initiatives: Internet firms co-opted for surveillance: experts, Georgina Prodhan, Reuters, 30 September 2011) when it was created as an element of population control strategy for a commo/surveillance vehicle of military origin and still technologically lead by fulfillment of military needs. The experts imagined something else could have transpired? They didn't factor couldn't possibly into their m-scenarios strategic assessment? And suprasovereigns -- hoping to levy bankrupt sovereigns so as to bail them out -- too will find it necessary to twist-and-shout via unsterilized SDR issuance (see, for instance: IMF may need billions in extra funding, says Lagarde, Robert Winnett, The Telegraph, 25 September 2011). Given how compelling is the autoexcitotoxic strange attractor which monetization of debt is, one can hardly expect voluntary resort to autolytic debridement of necrotic tissue: that will set in of its own accord. What Everettian state vector will accurately characterize global internal system state post-EMU? For interesting reflections from Bret Stephens, to include mention that military considerations were primary in formation of the EU, see What Comes After 'Europe'?, The Wall Street Journal, 19 September 2011. But I regard the Feldstein-Kornblum/CFR position that, post-ColdWar, war would not come to Europe with or without the euro (see: Without the euro, would Europe have turned to war?, John Kornblum, The Washington Post, 24 September 2011) as representing the height of superficial analysis, simplemindedness, and as being a typical product of post-WWII historiography. The only thing that could have prevented another general war in Europe was creation of a post-Cartesian-Newtonian METACULTURAL order -- something never contemplated, let alone attempted (even insiders, it appears, are now coming around to this appreciation of trending events, if still exhibiting little insight as regards the deep structure of predisposing factors: see, Step Aside BBC 'Trader': Head of UniCredit Securities Predicts Imminent End Of The Eurozone And A Global Financial Apocalypse, Zero Hedge, 28 September 2011). But, given the compelling nature of the reverse-cascade forcing functions which percolation theory portrays, say, as regards genesis of forest fires, I see no high likelihood they should be off-tracked from their stepwise climb up the Devil's Staircase. Getting off is much harder than staying on. Obsession with finding a deux ex machina becomes overwhelming. With the third-order temporal-operation (i.e., at absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration and associated twist-and-shout), subsystem-system-supersystem composite is on Möbius strip, in Klein bottle, in higher and higher polytope depending upon the order of logical-value employed to construe context. For an in-principle-related example of scientific opera buffa read the expert witness testimonial as to fundaments of tornadogenesis provided in Top Climate Scientist On The Monster Tornadoes: 'It Is Irresponsible Not To Mention Climate Change', Brad Johnson, Think Progress, 29 April 2011. What, these days, qualifies as mature subject matter! Pretense to not being a deuteranope. Reader discretion recommended. This consensus statement summarizing tornadogenesis is no less hilarious today than its equivalent was during the mid-1970s at maturity of the Paine-Kaplan cascade model of tornadogenesis (see The Discovery of a Superconductant Exchange of Hydrothermodynamic Properties Associated with a Limited Domain of the Atmosphere, Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger, 1978), already having been run on USAF and NASA mainframes -- and no less riotous than the notion that anthropogenic climate shift is exclusively due to greenhouse warming. Not as if any of this is really new. Pre-Incan Aymara 1T3-exculpations -- in their war against time (see: William Sullivan's The Secret of the Incas: Myth, Astronomy, and the War Against Time, Crown, 1996) -- as translated by Catholic priests during the period of Spanish conquest contain utterances easily understood as references to operator-time. Yet, global upper-upper class qua AngloEuroAmericoNipponese middle/upper-middle class eat, pray, love: Tequila on the rocks, please -- with a twist. Why not step up to Step Up 3 -- identity-transparency related, not warfare related, thematics, however -- as previewed 30 years ago (see, as here written up during the mid-1990s: SmartDress Proposal and Movements Proposal and Tank Proposal): diversely-identical, skew-parallel, tropologically metacultural, holographic smart-dancewear-laser-inputting to the µTm-logically-valued Musculpt-as-mathematical-notation, really-quantum-computed, user-friendly interface to LETS nesting foams over the Tzog-chen AllBase reserve currency domain? My answer to the pervasive literary critique is two-fold: pull of the edge is so powerful, no memetime for small stuff; the finished art object has never interested me, art being the experience not the product. Parenthetically, scientifically no less than artistically, finished work is mostly a lie, minimally a concealment. O, StoneMind, lacking ears, why not run Garbo backwards? Expanded Cinema lies there still, dead on the Electronic Superhighway, road-kill despite a Moon Landing from dissertation on Schoenberg, just like, according to Moor{than}man, Television Has Yet to Leave the Breast. Speaking of synchronistic phenomena! A trance-reading of the collective need qua Gurdieffian voluntary suffering in service to MotherEarth? Personally, my film-wise other-I-am, yet contemplating Opera Sextronique and looking back to Days of Future Passed, imprints upon a prospective retrograde Garbo -- Garbo in fast forward being SHE-who-crossed-over from non-verbal to verbal communication, carrying into the latter from the former her gestural repertoire, thus, like in Wheelerian it from bit life bits of cheo, played by bad women, abstracting the latter to a corpus of wiseacreing ur-alternative doxic-mime tropes, thereby inverting the retrograde, such that she not only prefigured theater-theoretic Musculpt Noh-Kabuki, but did so whilst well-managing her managers, and then, embodying her own deuteragonist by epiphany as the Laingian Bird of Paradise, simply walked out the door when her audience lacked psychological wherewithal to follow. Pyrrha and Deucalion of the near future might do well to take this aesthetics-of-total-life-performance-as-art-object -- Dada doubly exponentiated -- to heart. Whereas, in Beverly Hills, even, most of the stone is stucco cosmetically made up to look like stone: likely by metaphor to California girls in general, Hollywood starlets in specific. The more brain-impaired, the more automatically runs the mouth, and the more addicted to ambient noise. All over Southeast Asia, whenever it rains, boom-boxes are ramped up to aurally wall-off from nature. Occasionally, at odd moments of distraction, crystallized by, say, sudden focus upon a recognized phrase proffered in ambient sidewalk conversation of market women -- their exchange of poetic rebukes being one form of peoples' theater -- this I-am has mild flashbacks. No rebel without a cause who died young for no good reason, one thing thoroughly learned on night missions in the Delta, which has never altogether left me, and which was once-upon-a-memetime very strong: fear is identification in immediate awareness with the features of Umwelt, i.e., devolution of cathexes upon selfhood claims -- nothing else is ponderable in immediacy -- whereas, to the degree concentration in projection of awareness into/upon animistic participation mystique with the physical surround -- intimations of sixth sense -- is achieved, to the same degree is fear/anxiety/anomie dissipated. It's not simply a digital 1T2-bit, but an analog of continuous de-habituation/voluntary-dissociation via training, discipline, will application (Aurobindo's tapas, consciousness-force), repetition, rhythm entrainment, commitment, moral clarity, psychological emptying (Gurdjieffian aspects of The Nun's Story). To the degree my-other-I-am Sakharovian-m-sheet Leaves of Grass annihilate spurious-egoic 'I'-claims, fear that the other other will do so recedes. This is directly perceived, not merely conceptual -- and involves time-warp/spatial-contraction. To restate this as, Pay attention to the environment, not yourself, or you will be killed, is to miss the point.
As discussed during the mid-1970s (and referred to in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, pp. 580-2) between Paine & Pensinger brainstorming at Cornell pi-electron gas-core dynamics of DNA relative to Alice's autokeyed subatomic/operator-time aspects of rotating-coordinate-system reference-frame-mutation coherently-radiating-codon strings: not digital nor analog, nother and/or both: semantically unspeakable as discreteness of phonemes/morphemes is, in reverse cascade, progressively lost to C, 1T2 --> µTm --> µIm, µ and m climbing through aleph-hierarchy expansion, µTm-thought tropologically presenting in terms of intensities of hues/tones (gradations), ins-and-outs (nestings), overs-and-unders (hierarchies), shape-shifts (connectivities), whereas I --> T cascade being largely a matter of the nonorientable becoming orientable. Spoken languages can carry meanings, but they cannot speak the meaning of meaning -- meaning exponentiated-µTm --> µIm transcends speakability: completely unrelated to pseudo random number generator. Because of semantic incommensurability between logical-value order-types, even with Gödel-numbering of Gödel-numbered Karpenko functors, µTm-valued ciphers are unbreakable in the order of logical-value from which the plaintext is enciphered (Gödel incompleteness being a mere 1T2-intimation of the case): this is a principle lavishly employed by the quantum brain in managing (achievement of information compartmentalization and functional specificity) the 1T2-neural codes of its molecular-cellular brains, particularly as Musculpted with VSS (visual-secret sharing). Though keys are public, the public, by embracing glutamatergic brain impairment, spurns these keys (econometrically speaking, µTm-valued prices: the knapsack problem being renormalized to 1T2-valued by rescaling to positive integers, m-dimensional in this context denoting arbitrarily imposed constraints and not degrees of freedom, pseudo-polynomial time by no means denoting operator-time). What the public imprints upon (by neural etching and Q-quenching) are self-decimating generators of retrograde zero-knowledge proto-calls (no VSS schemata contemplated, being thus very much contrary to the spirit of Musculpt as mathematical notation): to wit, Brussels to release financial tax plan despite US objections, Agence France-Presse, 27 September 2011, as astutely reviewed by MISH (see: Europe Plans To Tax Stock And Bond Transactions .1%, Derivatives .01%, Despite US Objections; Expect More Crashes Should It Pass, Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 27 September 2011). Moniliasis of the mind! Transaction-rent-seeking evocation of the self-shrinking of clock-controlled stream-cipher generators. Synoptic Tobin taxes (in lieu of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams) are an assault upon the functions of velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of money, absolute limiting values of which can usefully be considered tantamount to self-decimating stream-key generators. Heh-heh-heh! Where are relativistic-quantum numerical forecast models of the spectrum of econometric impacts of the various forms of Tobin tax transaction rent seeking (see the above-given mention of Shlomo Angel's relativity-theoretic traffic-flow modeling and the metric-geometry-like function of tolls)? 1T2-agent-based game-theoretical (sans the µTm-properties of market reflexivities) modeling of economic effects of different types of Tobin taxes are ill-equipped to assess full range of impacts likely to be induced within Cartesian-Newtonian economies sustaining massive infusions of quantum-based technologies. For explication of a pro-Tobin model, see: Effects of Tobin Taxes in Minority Game Markets, Ginestra Bianconi, et al., Financial Econometrics Research Center, 6 March 2006; for a contrary model, see: The Economic Consequences of a Tobin Tax -- An Experimental Analysis, Michael Hanke, et al., University of Innsbruck, 8 February 2010. When I was a Rodeo-Drive-90210 medical transcriptionist (not to mention a patient at the VA), I always knew ahead what outcome of the physical exam would be by noting which lawyer commissioned the examination: same in the field of economics, it appears. Spontaneous localization of transaction rent seeking (ritual gift-exchange of hau, i.e., relative-state identity-transparency) was -- before being subverted by Westernization -- the foremost means of decentralization in traditional, not to mention Stone Age, Asian political economies (presently deemed corrupt and criminal and parallelistic by uniformizing Weberian/action-based/power-theory-informed, 1T2-consistent, well-lawyered rule-of-law institutional sociologies). And, via Tobin, induced (certainly not spontaneous) fusion of transaction rent seeking over English corpuscularian and Continental rationalist constructs is misconstrued as not necessarily involving regression (both Freudian and stat-tool meanings herein meant) of goose-stepping/bootstrapping/Chew{ing] µIm-monadology (i.e., coherent Cantorian-hologramic part is absolutely-in-so-far-as-indistinguishable from the whole whole; Hegelian center is that center which is allwhere/everywhen, and, hence, inherently, by virtue of Schrödinger memetime-independent superposition at Bellian-Abelian cyclotomicity, non-decenter-able even under 1T2-logic alone, to wit, current consensus understanding of the hologram and of Cantorian transfinites).
You certainly may object to this whole approach on the basis of the 1925 Pauli exclusion principle, but it must be acknowledged that this principle was a prerequisite/facilitator to the 1926 Born probability-amplitude interpretation of the meaning of Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function. That being agreed, I would additionally point out that Pauli's principle (which cannot be excluded from Pauli's rejection of his own notion, i.e., operator time) assumes the diktat of 1T2-logical consistency, and is, thus, logically blind to the higher orders of logical-value involved in a Lukasiewiczian understanding of relative-state identity-transparency (i.e., under which quantum numbers cannot be construed selfsame). Contrary to Leibniz, discernible/indiscernible is a function of the order of logical-value employed. If Penrose twistor is, as we maintain, quantization of temporal curl, then, by the nested nesting-foams involved in 3-fold operator-time and m-valued universal physical constants, and also under Lukasiewiczian Schrödinger, fractality of spin (think: Kozyrev crossed into Sakharov) is indiscernible under 1T2-valued logic alone (1T2 dictating half-integral/integral only), yet would be discernible at quantum measurement as 1T2 --> µTm --> µIm, µ and m Bellian-Abelian-cyclotomically climbing through aleph-hierarchy expansion. Griffith's [1T2-logically] Consistent Histories are a finite subset of all the µTm-valued histories there are over/on/in MVRS (the m-logically-valued reference space, or Fock space of Hilbert spaces under Lukasiewicz logics and numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers via application of Karpenko functors). VirFut Q-Pro is a future-histories Griff-variant, µTm-valued, rather than 1T2-consistent -- future in future histories having, as herein used, a meaning no less ambiguous than has histories in future histories, or has past in [present] Days of Future Past. Our paper, Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement, circa 1980, can be viewed as an expansion upon Henry Margenau's reflections on consciousness, which, memory serving, I first learned of in 1975 at Cornell while reading Wigner's book Symmetries and Reflections (Indiana U. Press, 1967). Michel Houellebecq's novel The Elementary Particles, p. 185, offers an apt brief summation of this aspect of Margenau's thought, which I quote and modify here:
According to Margenau's theory, human consciousness could be reduced to a field of probabilities in a Fock space, defined as a direct sum of Hilbert spaces. Such a space could be created by elementary electrical activity at the microscopic, synaptic level. Normal behavior could therefore be seen as the elasticity of the field [think further: Sakharov metric elasticity of space] and free will as a rupture within it [be aware that free will versus determinism is a 1T2-bound problem]; but in what topology? There was nothing in the natural topography of [1T2-logical] Hilbert spaces that might give rise to free will. Michel [protagonist of the novel] was not entirely convinced that the problem could even be posed except in the most metaphorical sense [the logic employed being arbitrarily limited to that 1T2-valued alone].
Our paper could be understood as addressing imports of Michel's lack of conviction, under the rubric recurrent in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, as formulated for 1T2-mind, i.e., Consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators on space; consciousness in its passive aspect is the space acted upon.
This is an astonishing synchronicity, coming to light at the present stage in global climb up the Devil's Staircase (indicating subliminal collective awareness as to the deep-structure causes of WWII, where actual culpability with respect thereto truly falls, and as to the real origins of the present global crisis), particularly given Bernanke's observation that, Einstein was a monetarist, so I’ve always been skeptical of his Special Theory. It is now painfully obvious that he should have raised 'c' to the power of infinity, not 2 (that decades-old old saw, setting 'c' to infinity, not the power of infinity, along with setting Planck's constant to 0, which have been the great hopes for resurrecting the Newtonian world construct, as well as putting Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function and Lukasiewicz logics forever to rest): Startling Unpublished Keynes Equations Discovered (Friday Afternoon Humor), Zero Hedge, 30 September 2011. Maxwell was the first to use the word curl (del cross, or spatial curl) for circulation density of a fluid (think: gradient of velocity, turbulence, and vorticity). A good online introduction is provided by C. W. F. Everitt, Maxwell biographer (his book, memory serving, coming out during the mid-'70s while I was at Cornell, and prominently located on Doug Paine's desk): James Clerk Maxwell, encyclopedia.com, 2008. When specialist in tornadogenesis, Douglas A. Paine, arrived at his notion of temporal curl, and, by extension, the atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations, he thoroughly understood that this -- experimentally verified, as he believed -- formulation shed considerable light upon the smoothness problem associated with the Navier-Stokes equations: there are singularities (when attempting to confer with J. A. Wheeler on this subject, during one of Wheeler's visits to Cornell, Paine was politely dismissed). Indeed, as I understand it, the NSF Report, in which he stated these findings, became sufficient cause for him to, in effect, be declared persona non grata with the NSF. Strangely enough, for those who know something of Maxwell, I was at the time living at The Wedderburn. A couple of years after this Wheeler rebuff to Paine, I personally took up the effort to communicate certain aspects -- notably the role of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes -- of the cascade theory of tornadogenesis to Wheeler, Hawking, and Penrose -- also to no effect. This was well before the field of acoustic analogues to black hole computers came on the scene. Having arrived at the notion of temporal curl (which I later extended relative to F. A. von Hayek's time-shapes of total capital stock), Paine decided to go to the UK to look at Maxwell's unpublished writings in order to see what he could discover about how, precisely, Maxwell handled the hydrodynamic analogy upon which the electromagnetic wave equations were formulated -- visiting The Royal Society, Cambridge and Aberdeen and Edinburg and Glasgow Universities, and so forth. Reading in (I don't know details), Paine concluded -- insofar as I understand -- that temporal curl as wave-trace-velocity sorter was what Maxwell sought in justifying (by analogue to hydrodynamics) the perfect efficiency of the twist between electric and magnetic fields, as described in Maxwell's equations for the EM field (Maxwell had to conceive a hydrothermodynamic sorting demon, otherwise he could not have justified the perfect-efficiency aspect of the EM wave equations developed by analogy to hydrodynamics, an issue of importance to radiation-induced phase shifts of superconductant pi-electron gas core of DNA at the physiologic temperatures helix-coil transition occurs). Paine then reversed Maxwell's analogy, reflecting its symmetries back upon themselves, as applied to atmospheric dynamics, so as to gain greater insight as to properties of the atmospheric analogue to Maxwell's equations he had already derived -- insight which incorporated the m-valued Schrödingerian character of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes responsible for the singularities associated with the Navier-Stokes equations, and realized, for one, by Bellian-Abelian cyclotomicity over complex angular momentum cascade at tornadogenesis (complex here being another way to speak of temporal curl: see the above-linked paper on superconductant exchange of hydrothermodynamic properties). Those who expect a smooth ride by setting 'c' to infinity are likely to be disappointed, Keynes or no Keynes. Implications of the m-valued aspect are, however, so anathema, particularly as regards the social sciences, one can hardly expect a change of course.
Seriously (the Sunday comics). Sohohoho! Chairman His Story has consigned the Paine-Kaplan nested-grid numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis to one wall of a 20th-century Flatland apartment complex, such that my references to it are like unlinked attributed quotations. Ditto the derivative, i.e., superconductant model of free-electron gas core of DNA (even I cannot read the paper online because of a 1T2-cyberwall; moreover, a publisher-editor pulling together a collection of papers on DNA dropped his plan to reprint the article when the holder of the copyright asked an exorbitant fee for reprint permission and access to the digital version). Ditto the work done on boundary changes as m-valued indicator of enemy intentions, i.e., studies made (circa 1968) at SRA/MACV-J2, such that necessitated has been Centurion-analogue to AFPAC, with its personified-Anima subversive and Heroic survivor of The-Law-of-Sevens magnificent irregular special service operators triumphing over all manifestations of the eternal-feminine slayer of ManSoul, so as to return home (behind Hadrian's Wall, that boundary just having changed) to the security of prescriptive enculturation, only to find that the fight was for nothing, then fleeing back into Injun Cuntry and the comforting arms of scarred and banished WitchMother Nature, herb-dispensing mistress of animistic relative-state identity-transparency. Viewing more deeply, read Heroic Quintus as Abel Quintic, the Picts' Vortix as Vortex, King of Picts Gorlacon as m-logically-valued snake-haired Gorgon, the Ninth Legion as the ninth parallax of Mars (in kojint Karatani Lacanese). Roman general Virilus, slain by the Anima figure, needs no further introduction. What is achieved by alerting other intel sections, scientists in different disciplines, by involvements with venture capitalists in five countries, by informing CEOs and political elites and media stars, by going public? Nothing whatsoever. The adversaries here are regressed collective unconscious archetypal event gradients with millennia of momentum behind all travelling upon them. As regards the coming global cuspover, those gradients are far, far more powerful than politico-economic-military, population-explosion, energy-crisis, climate-shift, epidemiologic, and other such forcing functions, because those gradients almost wholly determine human collective responses to these lesser historiographic forces. Factor that into the expectation set? Eeeeemollient smile, what. Or is it eeeeemunctory? The 1T2-logically-valued Cartesian-Newtonian institutions discorporating under impacts of µTm-logically-valued techno-infusions -- though they largely be housed in buildings -- are made of people, people with beliefs, largely eeeeerroneous, people personified as personalized by misunderstanding of the archetypally impersonal in their most intimate experiences mistaken as unique and defining of a 1T2-selfhood, people with individual and collective agendas, largely eeeeegregious. And they've never understood the actual real deep-structure in origins of the World Wars (to be groked in history of 19th-century higher mathematics and early-20th-century logic and physics): that's a major reason why they are virtually certain to bring about a PW1 by doing nothing capable of altering the metric of regressed collective unconscious archetypal event gradients. As was pointedly pointed out in Robert Taber's The War of the Flea (a copy of which I picked up at the Special Forces bookstore, 3rd SFG, Smoke Bomb Hill, during early-1966 while in Training Group), the counterinsurgent reserves the right to win by destroying absolutely everything (this observation is relevant today, given how successful the 9/11 sting was at eliciting counterinsurgent responses facilitating synoptic insurgent-organizational phase-transition -- and penetration of the Islamist barrier-potential constraining parametric expansion of the recruitment base -- by exacerbating failures of the global monetary-system equation, an assessment of 9/11 which would hold even if the official position on facts of 9/11 were completely counterfactual). The present global insurgency against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state and its supramorphs is automorphing and automorphing into a ZeroGame some{what//what}not never initially imagined, autopoietic by resource/information-exchange across phase-boundaries electronic and otherwise, pushing toward goals and pulled by attractors constellated by internal-system-state variables never contemplated by the insurgency's initiators. When the insurgent is part of the µIm-selfhood, and the counterinsurgent another such part collective projection of autoimmune reactivity to the very idea of the quantum brain of human species may well be a decisive aspect of the deep-structure origins of the PW1 to come (those doubting a Will-to-self-annihilation in cloud-chamber complementarity to a Will-to-power may find instructive the reader comments to Report: Assad threatens to attack Tel Aviv in case of NATO strike, Yedioth Internet, 4 October 2011). Continuous thruput of naive true-believer newblood makes the collective entity irreformible: that is the raison d'etre for insistence upon not relinquishing the stream-of-consciousness notion of passing 1T2-linear-memetime referencing -- be that R-frame of the swarm-of-swarms individual, the rule-regulating corporation person, the nation-state collective ego conversion-disorder displacement, the species-in-aggregate as set of all sets containing itself. Species-qua-species most deserves despise, and trophotropic projectile-expectoration (likely to be carried out in conversion-disordered collective transference by processes of projective-identification: see for circumstantial evidence supporting this thesis, American Planning for a Hundred Holocausts, Daniel Ellsberg, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 11 September 2009).
See this? They are thinking on only one step of the Devil's Staircase at a time, at a time, at a time -- not simultaneously over the whole Staircase, let alone over the Staircase as spiral staircases inside spiral staircases running up a cliff face subject to avalanche (see: Everything You Wanted To Know About EFSF [But Should Be Afraid To Ask], Zero Hedge, 2 October 2011). So they don't actually conceive the final final outcome. Once it is entertained that present-day mathematics and science are seriously compromised, then the global monetary-system/financial crisis becomes a small thing, indeed, compared to likely actual magnitudes of other things seen and unseen transpiring on this planet.
People still jus' don't baalieve what's goin' ta happen actually will happen. They don't, do they? Hysteron proteron? Loss of inosculation by bonding-fatigue, by psychological anaphrodisia? I would have had to have, which I could have, had I Substitution of egoic pronoun for anegoic pro-verb? Rabbinical mem for Buddhological mu = meme? Through m-pinholes, da guvvies got da global eeeeeconomie sucking yoke from Igino's eggs, eh. They do, don't they? Defaulting credits leveraged 30-fold and collateralized largely by possible and actualizing coups d'état, color revolutions, this-and-that sprung spring, sky-eyed drones, privatized warfare, militarized entertainment, capitalized law, monkeyhammered bond-jamming as Jimmy-the-Greek expropriation-qua-governance, intangible assets like the good-will hunting of banksters with their ZIed-and-beltwayed nested-networks of guvment contacts, their stacks of sheets of offshore transaction ledgers, the asset values of transaction-rent seeking by defaulting sovereigns bailing out defaulting banks being nationalized through monetizing the good will fiat currencies stand upon, as crutched by risk aversion via bundled bundles of derivative derivatives, CMO --> CDO --> CDS --> CD n, no µTm about it. The degree to which infantile psychologisms control adult behavior even Hollywood-Freudian thriller-writers cannot adequately conjure. Just look at (say, in terms specified by the M-Treaty, Ma[m]astrict criteria, {Ma}astricht, ma being the onomatopoeic root homonym from which all natural languages devolved) what they decided to fix in context of what they earlier had decided to let be changeable! No precedent in natural systems sought for these decisions because their inflated pronouns' will-to-dominate nature WILL prevail. Heh-heh-heh! Why regulatory arbitrage by CDOs? Because of projective exteriorization of regulatory arbitrage by stress-induced autoexcitotoxic action of GMEs (glutamatergic mimetic estrogens) upon neural networks. Each involves debt obligations collateralized in its own currency (even as each cross-indexes by transference to currency of the other). Why were books of Chinese medicine so much devoted to climate changes, weather events, geomantic variables? Who was the Masteress of Rain if not the SunGoddess, A{ma}terasu-omikami -- which (no personification cosmogonically indicated) demerged from the Platonic cave of sacred-Implicate µIm-Fock space, i.e., the ma of Taka{ma}gahara planes (i.e., the boundary-without-boundary Sakharov-Novikov sheets of Cantor-kami dusti) of High Heaven? According to 1996 -- Stars and Relativity -- modifications of Novikov, 1969. Under Lukasiewiczian pregeometry of metric elasticity, no mere simple matter of those with boundary or those without boundary: my main point to Wheeler, circa 1977. What was the ancient Chinese medicine system of correspondences if not a model of what Euler came to define as essence of mathematical function? Boundary-without-boundary plasmahaut rather than 1T2 cell wall (these days, not only Humpty-Dumpty, but also China's Great Wall, is falling down). As regards µIm-implicate and excitotoxic 1T2-explicate Musculpt PRESCRIPTS of an event, any event, the most important quantum-measurement 3-body problem is: coherent wave output of intra-nuclear neuronal/perineural DNA cross (cross here, in a Brownian calculus of µIm-fractal indications, signifying temporal curl del-crossing spatial curl by 3-fold operator-time quantized as Penrose Twistor cyclotomically interfaced by Musculpt to demerged 1T2-object system at measurement) coherent wave output of intra-mitochondrial neuronal/perineural DNA cross electron-transport qua data-processing facility of cellular-plasmahaut phase-boundary (pervasive cell searches being one TAKE on this 3-body problem, incident to internal-security prep for PW1: the great risk here being that over-production of ZI-autoantibodies prompts a back-reaction upon the metric of force-structures deployed in foreign tissue, such that immune-system function collapses, killer-T-cells dropping their weapons in foreign domains of self/not-self warfare; a derivative risk, already materializing, is cross-phase-boundary S&S stuff, and approximations thereto, going polycentric, such that no self-marked rep can leave his LSTD without fearing for life, diplomatic immunity having become suborned to anti-DNA antibodies, and, by collective-behavior nano-analogue, currencies having been targeted for collapse by back-reaction to over-zealous immune reactivity). Higher, Schrödinger memetime-independent, m-level enciphered, operator-timed, demergent ASPECTS of the genetic language being µIm-implicate, we find Musculpt as mathematical notation is absolutely-in-so-far-as-prerequisite (as DNA cyclotomically-ago created-discovered-revealed).
Ever notice how bury the hatchet invariably still is popularly understood only in the most optimistic effete fashion? No onetime member of the Hatchet Forces (and AFPAC upgrades on that force-structure, or into that goodnite Dagger Teams sans night-vision goggles) could miss this case of inefficacity at use of prevailing usage (see, for context and good guffaws, the The Wall Street Journal review of Lewis Sorley's Westmoreland: The General Who Lost Vietnam: The War Over the Vietnam War, Max Boot, 4 October 2011, a real hoot these days by virtue of the hard fact -- pretty darned well understood at SRA/MACV-J2, circa March of 1968, SRA being the after-action AKA of POLOB, the unit most directly involved in the cooking-of-the-books enemy-strength-estimates controversy leading to the Westmoreland versus CBS trial -- that the military action of Tet-'68 won the war by David-slaying the Bretton-Woods Goliath, thus setting in motion the train of events leading to the present global economic crisis). By way of a brief recap on that, I recount several meetings with remarkable persons during the 1980s. Nha Trang and I spent six months at Douglas Pike's Oakland archives reading into secondary literature. Over lunches, Pike frequently reiterated his assessment of Tet-'68, written and widely publicized soon after the offensive, thus becoming holy writ. I tried once mentioning traffic analysis on changes of bureaucratic variables, which, in response, he maintained was, given the coding problem, impossible without a supercomputer. I subsequently just laughed my way through these lunches, the typical reaction of an AU-SISer to an AU journalism major: in Pike's whole-career engagement with the Viet Cong, he accessed only a fraction of the captured enemy documents SRA processed in any given 3-months period (not to mention that a class of these were sensitively selected from the vast throughput by SRA maintaining near-daily contact with the right translators at CDEC). Disbelieving in this form of traffic analysis, Pike knew little of the synoptic, country-wide organizational phase transition completed over the year preceding the Tet offensive, so didn't understand that successful completion of that transition was, itself, by Clausewitzian principles, the military victory, the subsequent actual offensive being of consequence primarily insofar as it affected sentiment in control of actions taken to redeem dollars for gold. At a private, small-gathering, dinner party in Kyoto where Stanley Karnow was the guest of honor, I listened to him talk about the Viet Nam war and almost had a few words to say about self-organizational dynamics of the VCI, when he forcefully opined, in response to an observation made by a dinner guest other than me, that everything there was to know about the war was already known. So I kept my mouth shut: like Oriana Fallaci, who -- with many trips to the National Police Headquarters compound, some accompanying Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan -- never found the correct office to enter, Mr. Karnow never learned anything of note about the VCI. One evening, following an excellent Khmer meal at a private restaurant, on a long after-dinner walk through the Tenderloin with Gloria Emerson, I observed that what we were then seeing was early stages in incendiary collapse of the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung. She heartily guggled guffaws, deeming this statement utter guff. I laughed with her, but afterwards stuck to saying only what she expected to hear. And, nowadays, planetary delectation having largely slipped into abeyance -- pandemic orgy-crave for long-range phase-correlation, i.e., Gwyneth's Contagion, transferred to economic/epidemiologic spheres -- the drift to extremity in mainstream assessments continues, evoking even greater déjà vu relative to the mid-to-late 1930s (coming off m-valued, early-Weimar, poly{M}orphous-perverse, Berlin burlesquer). This coming-off {M} unto Nazification being a re-imposition of the classical-limit obturator: like Socialist Realism, locking form within a chase by cognitive quoin. Several crackerjack examples follow, the mainstream media's cure-all role relative to such particularly insightful pieces, however, remaining that of an agent effecting curettage, i.e., a socially immiscible emulsoid, qua [my}th]'e{ological] herky-jerk, [sire}eening, if not s{eye}reeening, teleprompted prescriptive enculturation upon subjects of the Fourth Estate's imamate. Wherefrom art thou, O correlation; correlation, O therefore, what for? As regards imminence of compensatory contagion at suppression (by, say, creativity-false-flagging -- actually resident in collective unconscious -- 1T2-egoic, largely-post-Renaissance Cartesian-Newtonian patent law, or by Coasean-Posnerian 1T2-rational-choice law-and-economics neoclassicism, à la e.g., Richard A. Posner's 1973 Economic Analysis of Law, contextualized here: note that boundedly-rational logically accommodates rule-abiding behavior and associated regulatory strategies, glutamatergic neuronal etching slash quantum quenching to 1T2-ratiocination-only meeting the criterion designated boundedly, potentially a species-unto-extinction Opt-Out UNICap M-3 neuroCOGS adjustment to THE quantum brain's LIFOed balance sheet) of the long-range phase-correlation properties of quantum-based-techno infusions to global economy, consider: Where Will The Next Contagion Come From?, Nathan Wolfe, The Wall Street Journal, 8 October 2011. See, for discussion of what could have been, and what likely will be decided-in-retrospect should have been, a case of Khmer-Rouge-like forced-draft de-urbanization on a massive scale, Tokyo being involved (the archetypally-dictated compensatory abreaction being strange group chant, ritual of Occupy Atlanta, Occupy Wall Street and other such emulous occupations): Japanese Government Insiders Reveal Fukushima Secrets (Global Research TV, 6 October 2011) and for 29 September 2011 commentary on radiation density as far from Fukushima as Kyoto, as well as what might be the beginnings of population out migration from Japan to escape radiation, listen here. As regards financial crisis specifically, in 1930s analogue, see: An entire system of global trade is at risk, Telegraph View, The Telegraph, 7 October 2011. The telegraphed view doesn't, please note, ask what happens after confidence has been restored by recapitalization -- recapitalization [re}dressing, let alone nullifying, none of the 1T2-explicate/µTm-implicate pushes/pulls of the prevailing decapitalization (the fact that the spelling-checker underlines in red decapitalization is significant). Moving on, by order of extremity-in-assessment, we find neoDarwinian punctuation employed in the universe of discourse: Economic Punctuated Equilibrium, Brian Rogers of Factor Securities, LLC, Zero Hedge, 7 October 2011. Yet again, however useful the analogy -- to 1T2-logically-Rorschached, Consistent-Histories, memetime-evolutionary theory -- the solutions offered in the conceptual solute proffered, do not dissolve the 1T2-explicate/µTm-implicate pushes/pulls of the far-from-equilibrium phase-transition state of the state space descriptive of the prevailing global economy. And now for the Greek Fire (the Vetnumb vet, and the nude girl famously screaming-streaming down the road, will recognize this as the early 1.0 version of infamous WP) provocatively analyzed by Artemis Capital Management, LLC: The Great Vega Short -- volatility, tail risk, and sleeping elephants, their 4 January 2011 Letter To Investors, as briefly extrapolated for Zero Hedge, 'Your Alpha Is Burning' -- Fighting Greek Fire with Fire: Volatility, Correlation, and Truth, 7 October 2011. This is certainly one of the best pieces on the present puzzle, but I would hasten to point out that, though the forest fire analogy is employed, the best account of forest fires, the percolation theory nk-fitness-landscape complexity model, is not explicitly referenced, nor is the Mnk better-than-the-best account broached (see: the forest fires, leaded-glass windows, ideal forms, and attractors section of M-Valuation in a Generalized Currency Basket: Transcending Fitness-Landscapes in Quantum Economies by Replacing the Wave-Function with Operator-Time, circa 1998). This lack of troping/broaching, again, insures that any solutions that might accrue from the Artemis analysis will not resolve the 1T2-explicate/µTm-implicate pushes/pulls of the present crisis. Please note -- as Artemis does not -- that the charts provided with respect to Treasury-yields drawups and differentials between realized volatilities date their histories from the year JFK initiated operation twist. JFK's actual -- as distinct from the current urban myth -- problem with the FED, as explicated by Jens O. Parsson in his book Dying of Money (Wellspring, 1974), and the reason for JFK's threats, was that, early on, the FED wished to put fat-style precursor, Chubby Checker, on a fat-tax diet so he could fit into a single economy-fare seat -- thus removing from the New Frontier menu well-marbled filets butchered from longhorns FED anabolic steroids made palatable with MSG. In defense of the FED, we note that it never contemplated imposing on Chubby 7-day high-colonics fasts. By hook, by crook, by reverse-representation (inverse of the Peter Principle's managing upward, a form of management generally undertaken by communities of practice), by calling out whatever they have to call out, they will make it to the very top. Once the landing -- heh-heh-heh! -- at top of the Devil's Staircase has been fully explored, where is there to go from there? Answer provided above. I am speaking of war (as have been others, for example: Poland warns of war 'in 10 years' as EU leaders scramble to contain panic, Leigh Phillips, EUobserver, 14 September 2011; mentioned, even, by implication, is the notion of a prospective Germano-Russian Bloc, Polish FM in Wikileaks: Germany is Russia's Trojan Horse, Andrew Rettman, EUobserver, 16 September 2011). I don't imagine The System can get from The Staircase DIRECTLY to m-logically-valued LETS, subsystem-system-suprasystem, nesting-foam quantum-composite. If there are other plausible answers, I'd certainly love to learn of them.
While Alpha-returns returned to the micro-actor may be an unqualified-good coefficient of a single-valued constant within a 1T2-efficient-market model, as regards functional requisites of µTm-levels of systemic autopoietic competency, many qualifications surely are necessary -- Beta being beneficent, Alpha approximating anthropogenic. Such systemic-need qualifications placed upon Alpha clearly involve factors of the Vega measure of option 1T2-price changes as a function of implied prospective volatility (Vega-in-service-to-Alpha being in some ways analogous to Theta-e -- equivalent potential temperature -- vis-à-vis Earth's atmospheric dynamics). Systemically speaking, volatility is an unqualified-bad measure (i.e., contagion, participation inconsciente, participation mystique: correlation understood as undermining equilibration-by-summation of countervailing self-interested forces conceived as the engine of market self-organization by magic hand sorting demon) only under a neoclassical understanding of markets -- just as 1T2-turbulence, especially at tornadogenesis, is pathological only for an atmospheric science wed to the classical limit (and thus, for instance, denying µTm-functionality to tornado-generated acoustically-modified -- that is, highly correlated -- gravity-wave modes, the acoustic analogues to black hole computers of Earth's atmosphere (and carriers of µTm-valued, imaginary, wave-effect signatures of solar-wind-inputted complex angular momentum, these being communicating signatures-qua-prices which may be anthropogenically modified at considerable cost to systemic functionality). Absolute limiting value of V, volatility, is a governor of intrasystemic flows. VOV (volatility of volatility) being a second-order derivative (speaking here in Calculus, not in Financeese), i.e., an acceleration, is where the systemic-need qualifications upon Alpha begin, [VOV]2, i.e., a time rate of change of acceleration, also being of great importance -- absolute limiting values of these latter two, non-linear, critical-state variables (governing parametrics of intersystemic flows and properties of market reflexivities) being instrumental as regards µTm-levels of autopoietic competency (see our paper of 1977, Toward a General Theory of Process, for an explication of the general-systems basis of such notions). An extremely pertinent specificity-type observation, relative to these general principles, is (quoting, David Rosenberg: The Action Is Always At The Margin And The Margin Is Not Pretty, Zero Hedge, 13 October 2011):
As he [Rosenberg] says this is about change, not levels -- a jab directly at the Federal Reserve, whose core underlying premise is that stock is all that matters, whereas flow (or change) is irrelevant. This is arguably one of the biggest errors that Fed chairman after Fed chairman perpetuates, and further explains why the Fed will always have to be engaged in some (ever greater) form of monetary intervention in order to simply keep asset prices constant as the stock theory is disproven time and time again.I would note that F. A. von Hayek's notion of the time-shapes of total capital stock is highly relevant here, time-shape having something to do with dynamics which has something to do with flow. I would further note that absolute limiting values of governing dynamical variables are at the margin and only at the margin, where such variables become what they have always already cyclotomically been: m-valued universal physical constants over fractal nesting-foams (see, for example, discussion of the step-function for the multiple values of c, absolute limiting velocity, as given in our above-linked paper). Yet, if rates, and rates of rates, and rates of rates of rates of flows are supremely important, so are levels -- as implied by general principles involved in another specific case recently broached on Zero Hedge (The 'Book-Cooking' Index Soars To All Time Highs, 13 October 2011): the Benford's Law distribution step-function, which Jialan Wang has used to expose forensic-accounting collective behaviors by identifying deviations from that stepped distribution, is not only a number-base-related function -- choice of base, in terms of general systems, being largely arbitrary -- but a function, in principle, related to the step-function characteristic of the distribution of the m-values of any particular m-valued universal physical constant (log-log, N/logN, or whatever: think fractal, power law, gradient, point compression), which places it in the universe of discourse associated with the Riemann Hypothesis on real/complex (and, according to us, hypercomplex) zeta function of prime number distribution, distribution, that is, of the very same numbers involved in Gödel-numbering of Gödel-numbers over µTm-valued logics of m-valued LETS currencies nesting-foams (those Gödeled Gödel-numbers representing logical propositions which would be deeply involved with the autopoietic algorithms-of-issuing of the myriad LETS currencies, were such currencies ever to be implemented). The corpus of operator-time transforms of relative-state identity-transparency is the actual engine of market-mediated autopoiesis-qua-self-organization. Look at what replaced Newton's Laws of Motion in Schrödinger's wave equation. For this reason, I look to late-von-Hayek, not early-von-Hayek. Early-vH focused on the role of rules; late-vH, on time-shapes of total capital stock. Need for laws is inversely related to self-organizational competency: law and capital, capital and law; whichever direction, the tighter the correlation, heh-heh-heh, the lower the level of self-organizational competency. Why? Because conservations (i.e., laws thereof) are nested inside conservations by VIRTUE of the m-valued (including universal physical constants, like c) being processed under the µTm-valued. As a heuristic, consider the corpus of (currently)-implicate, visual-secret, µTm-market mechanisms as analogous to a price-temperament sorter: in the case of ecto-meso-endo/morphic psychophysiologic Temperaments, we have a 3T3-logic with 7-level weighting (personally, I'm a 7-5-5, or, considering my Iliad-interlude, a 7-6-5), yielding string-theoretic degrees of freedom; in the case of Jungian psychological Types, we have a 4T4-logic with 2-level (introversion/extroversion) weighting, yielding octonionic degrees of freedom. Embed Types within Temperaments (3x3 octonion matrix, with 7 color-triangle weights -- rotations over which imputing operator-time: 9-9-9 economic tax plans, I would note, do not fit into this matrix) and multivalent, autopoietic, Clifford-Hopf operators become Karpenko functors numbered with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (trope-factors of which defined appropriate to the orders of logical-value employed at autogenic brain discharge as quantum measurement, and under which verifiable/falsifiable is utterly moot, there being no logic-of-final-recourse, last and first being indefinable/unrepresentable). Temporal curl-in-itself, no mere quirk in memetime; temporal curl as a scientific notion, no mere quodlibet or qui vive. As regards 1T2-ap/perception-prehension, something of a quale; as expression of 3-fold operator-time, qualia -- after a fashion, µTm-valued. After bold-zero Cayley 8-tuples. What is it, really, the Penrose twistor quantizes? Posting here an authentic quaere? The bi-module representation is a cultural lag of Cayley 1T2-logic Utilitarian Pragmatism. Double-quaternions, doubly-hypertwisted as unit bold-infinity-signed, quadrivial, hyparxis within cosmic Klein-bottle nesting foam: 2 real + 6 imaginary (2-by-2 of these imaginaries being stepwise hypercomplex). Yet, µTm-valued -- not to mention µIm-valued -- temporal operations indubitably are not bi-modular, not the least because quaternions are decomposition products of logical-value cyclotomicity. For further discussion of this, relative to Musculpt and the Riemann Hypothesis and Karpenko functors, see the center section of T8(M) on this website. This is what we looked to in the late-'70s -- Bridgered vis-à-vis Charles Musès, much of the mainstream scientific/maths commentary on his work being Saganesque Inquisition and well below contempt, IMHO -- as the research environment for cascade theory of tornadogenesis and DNA superconductivity was terminally stymied (costs of which, again IMHO, currently seen everywhere about us: actual solutions will not be found on the levels where they are being sought). Wake Me When It's Over, Mr. Roberts.
I've been asked, and so I will report: I have been a life-long unschooler, even when attending school, who never finished anything, particularly what I was supposed to finish according to their prescriptive expectations -- and, thereby, have had nearly seven decades of very diverse exposure. While at school I was able to find ways to use their resources to follow my own intrinsic agenda in my own-chosen order, whilst keeping them receded in the autopilot part of my corpus of cathexes, yesing and yesing them as I did my own thing. My lifework was well-launched by 1961-2: being somewhat of a quietist, and having devised my own quadrivium (self-initiated, independent-study courses, under good-offices of Dr. Moore, Eielson, H.S., Eielson, AFB, Alaska). And, being an astute military brat who early-on discovered convivial tools of environmental management, I even found PFC-Wintergreen-type ways to accomplish something similar while an EM in the military. Summerhill anywhere and everywhere all the time whatever the circumstances was the operative paradigm, to include digging trees piecework: Summerhill in my backpack. There are myriad foci to be found once material gain no longer is the be-all that ends all: strike-yields Dedekind-cutting infra-Gaussian mid-center, with conversion ratios dependent upon Beta derivatives hung up upon Riemann's set of zeros, thus denying Alpha to its cohort of addicted alpha-male adherents, at least according to Po Says (Bombardiers, p. 278). Unschooling is an inner-state thing, not a matter of hitting the interstates on your Harley. It's been a gas, hair tied in a quipu, and I've never thought of doing it any other way, never looked back, have yet to be turned into a pillar of salt -- though I don't rule out that possibility in memetime future.
Well, uh, uh, just look at expectation sets cultivated by those with higher enculturation, but who yet are not really awfully smart, not only the current claque of quaestors and Universe Masters, also the clattering class of mere academics, e.g., the Timothy Garton Ash writing Those gloating at the eurozone's plight should be careful what they wish for, The Guardian, 12 October 2011. Look, moreover, for specific illustration, at the level upon which TGA's ratiocination is conducted, as indicated by nature of factors-responsible identified (this condition of cognition is not improved upon by, for instance, Ovidiu Nahoi's article War in Europe? Not so Impossible, Eurozine, 13 October 2011, which casts implied notions as to causality -- heh-heh-heh! -- of warfare on a similarly simplistic level). As regards the EU project: certificats d'hébergement, form-infilling, Cartesian-Napoleonic bureaucracy in no way expresses as third-order Platonic-form informing, yet, clearly, is 1T2-cozy, uh, uh, Merkozy, with Professor-Doctor Nicolas Bourbaki's University-of-Nancago m-volume approach to the crisis in 19th-century higher mathematics. OMG! This testament from TGA is on a par with expectations relative to anthropogenic climate-shift dynamics codified by your average atmospheric scientist still believing in the classical limit. Ain't Misbehavin'. Misbelievin'! Who, these days, is in his/her right mind? And among those few who are, how very few vest belief in postwar historiography and, more fundamentally, the scientific 1T2-state-specific (all the various senses of state) method! Of those thus remaindered, how many exercise concern with Man's Fate held in cosmic corrective detention for having psycho-identified his corporate selfhood with that method, and with that histological tissue of GreatMen-in-memetime?
Thank you very much for bringing this article to my attention: In Pockets of Booming Brazil, a Mint Idea Gains Currency: Towns Issue Their Own Money, Which Brings Local Discounts; Rodent on the Bills, Paulo Prada, The Wall Street Journal, 20 September 2011. Perhaps, post-cuspover, in pockets, unschooled sense will prevail, and such instances will become exemplary of the good horse sense upon which autopoietic processes can hitch their wagons.
People, at the margin, are at least -- at last, concrete events now piling up and Americans learning from direct experience about hows of run-up during the early-'30s -- beginning to appraise economic and politico-military and social transpirations in terms apropos of far-from-equilibrium phase transitions -- though their takes, thus far, are far from inspired, and the mappings employed not very deep or detailed, collections of indicators identified having little in the way of a theoretical basis and arrived at largely by filtering historical excursions through a priori doxa selected by personal preference-functions (exercise of preference-functions at command economics being implicitly critiqued by the criticism offered under employment of personal preference-functions disparaging the Lockean politics of exercising personal-preference francise). Critiques of neoclassical economics -- monetarist and Keynesian -- all too often running in recourse to Lorenz attractors and Mandelbrot & Julia set theory (see: Steve Keen On Keynes And The Failings Of The Neoclassical School, Zero Hedge, 15 October 2011); critiques of political absolutism sighting the cognitive riot gun upon relativism, fuzzy logic, and re-minding that logic is limited (see: Breaking Points: Recognizing The Signs Of Painful Cultural Shift, Brandon Smith, Alt-Market, 15 October 2011). Two reasons why Cultural Shift is painful, when it need not be nearly so: (1) concrete cultures elaborate under collective-1T2-egoic projective arrogation supposing the nature of nature being analogically modeled is selfsame, and, thus, has only one correct accounting, that provided by the given culture's codification; and (2) complete absence of a tropological metaculture as a cyclotomic concretion of time under an MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space) by which shifts overdetermine-hyperarticulate-superintegrate (whether there is conscious awareness of this or not, and as to varying degrees of subliminality, individual and collective, personal and transpersonal). Try to ascertain exactly what distinguishes Le Carré's superior shifts between interior monologue and exterior third-person author description from the relatively-inferior shifts employed by most other authors. This exactly, IMHO, is of very considerable heuristic value to anyone aspiring to real comprehension of observer-state/object-system interFUSE at quantum measurement. Rhythm-entrainment by form-in-process repetition, pre-and-post shift, is the wave-effect processing responsible for the superb elegance of the Le Carré phase transition. Collective occasions of experience in denial, even in collective hysteria at Cultural Shift (institutionalization of holocaust hysteria facilitating initiation of bushfire wars enhancing onset of PW1). Hence, no attempt is made to identify key autopoietic operators, to determine their properties, to map out their likely marches over phase boundaries likely to be breached, over the equilibrium surfaces likely to be penetrated unto singularity, at Cultural Shift, and, thus, no attempt thence to identify temporal and spatial localizations about which autopoietic processes are most likely to congeal in the post-cuspover period (there having been no realistic possibility to avoid a PW1, given nature of the attractors, and all the push-type forcing functions involved), such that their loci might be prepped in the period pretrib (thus minimizing the quantity of rapture involved). Excursions in this direction still have no authentic synoptic/systemic analytic orientation; they are offered, rather more, on a survivalist selling point (e.g., Alt-Market's Safe Haven States Project: scan the above-given link).
Calling the toppling of a government a revolution is one way to prevent revolution, just as calling overt covert is one way to keep covert covert: Psyops 101. Look, the Viet Nam war was visited upon my generation by the generation which fought WWII, just as that war was visited upon them by the generation which fought WWI. Which generation is step-wise (I don't expect much leaping of steps) fomenting PW1 -- the Vietnam-war generation, when something like three-fourths of the Americans who participated in that war are by now dead? Of which generation were the best and the brightest (its own little elite kindergarten) of which David Halberstam wrote? Not of the generation upon which the Viet Nam war was visited, of an earlier generation. I came of age very-late-'50s/very-early-'60s: the best and brightest of that age group psychologically or/and physically departed and never returned -- leaving leadership to well, we all know whom. As an American for-instance of this global departing: of the 80 students accepted into The American University School of International Service in 1963, virtually all of them intended to take the Foreign Service examination preliminary to becoming career diplomats. Two years later, perhaps 20 had retained that intent. Three years after that, less than half a dozen, so I have been told, had actually taken the exam. They had walked -- psychologically or/and physically. The vacuum left behind (for those at, say, Georgetown University, to fill), from this and many other such instances, is no cause of PW1. Why? Because that coming war could not have been prevented by that age group's best and brightest having stayed in place. PW1's causes span the full finite sequence of generations visiting war upon their progeny back to the last great Ice Age. The had walked of my age group began, for one instance, an American instance, the process which, today -- in the American case, as decried by, say, paleoconservative Pat Buchanan -- leaves so small a percentage, of participants in American higher enculturation, white Christians. Having seen fundamentals of The Thing (the from-another-world -- the Lukasiewicz world -- horror show of my childhood, Hawks' 1951 film) for what they (Them being another such, a big-bug-by-irradiation film, of my youth -- seen soon after my visit to the Hiroshima bombing site, 1954) were, are, and will be, more and more of each subsequent age group has walked (Who Goes There?) -- leaving the playing field to relatively-uninformed, neophyte, new recruits, of domestic and foreign origins (at least two generations of direct high-level exposure are required to see). Those boots-made-for-walking have been, and will continue to be, the right boots; whereas, the right stuff has clearly been wrong-headed -- given conditions on, and of, this planet. R. D. Laingian just simply step out the door is the only real path of non-doing and no doing is capable of actually rectifying the case, only of making it worse. The very little of substance that could have been, and yet could be, done is solely relative to post-cuspover. What lies beneath, Sir, yes sir! Can do, sir! -- Baconian-Cartesian-Newtonian 1T2-Utilitarian Pragmatism; [Posit}ivism; falsification of the import of Schrödinger's wave-function so to save 1T2-logic-type soft-science systems; the derivative war-borne 1T2-finite-iteration (no one left behind) Turing-machine regressed extrojection, by battlefield management and its MoSoSoed domestic incarnations, of those aspects of THE quantum brain falsified by falsification of Schrödinger's wave-function; and so very much more, infrapeople, for instance -- has been instrumental with regard to the case prevailing and accelerating toward cuspover. Just like in [after}math of identity-transparent transfinite sets (i.e., Franco-Prussian war), just like in [after}math of the Axiom of Choice (i.e., WWI), just like in [after}math of Lukasiewicz logics and Schrödinger's wave-function (i.e., WWII), the decision makers with regard to The European Project (Holy Roman Empire, the Concert of Europe, and so on and soon) are again, today, in mass hysteria, their decisions driven/pulled by psychological transference dynamics rooted in terror over the suppressed faculties of THE quantum brain not contained by its molecular-cellular brains personified-stigmatized/projectively-identified-with variously as this-and-that (The Thing, Them) bogeyman to be Inquisitioned, Excommunicated, S&Sed (snatch-'n-snuff stuff). These decision makers have no personal say/sway over their personal decisions, no matter however so much they believe they do, their cognitive faculties being in transference for never having consciously internalized to ADLs (activities of daily life) the operative fundaments. Actions taken by action-based sociologies can prevent this? Yeah, right! Entertainable, perhaps, but not plausible, that persons in such positions could have done what is required to understand what is happening to this planet. Who, not BENT upon secret-sharer will-to-extinction of the corpus, would want Keynesian, Monetarist, or Austrian-School facilitation of unending-growth simply to ORGANIZE allocations? Extinction seems rather a disproportionate price to pay for this capability: massive evidence suggesting that this is the price to be paid, and no definitive evidence to the contrary. Not only are all the same factors responsible for the two world wars still there beneath the surface unresolved, and more empowered than ever before, but, in addition, many other megadeath-dealing conjunctions are rising unchecked to criticality: population overgrowth, resource depletion, climate shift, planetary ecocide the list is long. War and Anti-War : is there a difference? Or, more to the point of collective projective-identification: does this redundancy insure continued efficacy/exclusivity of draw a [1T2-logical] distinction? Does the sequence of colored Springs 1T2-cancel the sequence of colorless Falls? Indeed, can there anywhere be actual Springs of Cartesian-Newtonian-Lockean constitutional democracy when all springs at the source have long since dried up? Can exercises in redundancy restore absolutism of 1T2-choice in face[book] of the relativism of nature's m-valued (cf: the WWI-prefiguring Le Fantome de l'Opéra superluminal neutrino Angel of Musculpt) absolutes/universals processed under µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics? Is acting-out of this drama over fundamental principles of logic by group-dynamics/role-playing projective-identification planetarized as global war and anti-war a species-survival strategy or (1T2-speaking) a species-self-extinction strategy in face[book] of the horror, the horror rigorous existence of Lukasiewicz logics surely must be regarded as by glutamatergically-etched 1T2-mind? Are national face-[re}cognition programs over full-face transplants by MoSoSo surveillance redundant in face[book] of, quoting War and Anti-War, surreptitious acquisition of DNA fingerprints by hunter-killer-drone-connecting intelsats programmed for action by 1T2-pair-reading quant-profilers? High frequency what was that you said? Is this an operative strange-attractor qua conversion-disorder displacement of the first-order quantal operator-time DNA helix-coil transition exemplifies? The mass of mass behaviors in collective regression prevalent today is well beyond anything heretofore experienced by this species. New high-tech forms of Nacht und Nebel lie behind the Fog Behind the Fog (see: Smoke Clears, Fog Lifts, Revealing More Smoke and Fog , MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 17 October 2011). There are no redeeming features to the prevailing framework determining conditions, which have written the play's catastasis as if it were a categorical imperative. Forty years ago, I began to refuse to speak of prevention, began to decline invitations to devote attention to fantasy strategies. Nothing has happened over the intervening period to in any way mitigate confidence in the fundaments-conscious-awareness upon which that personal life-decision was taken. Not nihilist-defeatist; rather, a realist assessment and strategy (a plan as AKA Simon Black would have it: see, How's This For Social Unrest?, Zero Hedge, 19 October 2011, though both the Weimar and Cambodian cases surely were more complex than given in this account, still, the Guest Post gets one thinking of a Cambodian holocaust of the WholeEarth which, lo, I have spoken of throughout these last forty years, including several years residence in a onetime Khmer Rouge stronghold, Oh Toui Village, Andong Khmer Commune, Kompong Bay District): making-conscious as regards deep-structure of involved factors and elaborating with respect to foundations of what is to come after cuspover is to influence routes of entry-exit to-from singular states (discontinuities in equilibrium surfaces) defining the coming cusp catastrophe -- and, likely, is the only actual way to save lives, to authentically counter centripetal pull of the collective self-extinction attractor, which, at present, clearly has an enormous influence on pedestrian catholic-corporate human behavior, for the super-orchestration of double-binds across every aspect of global civilization and every level of cognition is far too comprehensive to have been the work of any agency other than regressed archetypal event-gradients of the collective unconscious of Modern Man in Search of a Soul not to be found in memetime (Biblical prophecy as to the End of Time forecasting the end of human identification with memetime).
The interest rate is not a rate; it is a carrier function, and this carrier function is the single-valued-at-a-given-memetime index of the 1T2-currency-in-itself -- insofar as such currency is debt. Mish almost hits it square on the head with the following statement concerning Michael Pettis on yuan valuation (see: Protectionism Cannot Bring Prosperity, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 18 October 2011):
Interest rates are not the only factor in relative currency movements, but interest rates, and more importantly, rates of change in interest rates are two of the most important factors.
Here, Mish refers to first-order operator-time: effecting rate of change of a carrier function, which actually has to do with what Pettis enunciates concern: intrasystemic flows. Second- and third-order operator-time have to do with intersystemic flows and nonorientable self-reentrant reflexivities. Third-order dynamics have been, and currently are, lived out in projective-identification because altogether ignored, and hence collectively unconscious. Indeed, the FED, apparently, focuses on stock loads and carrier functions, largely ignoring even first-order dynamics. Supraself-referential and thus self-reentrant (i.e., the whole whole identity-transparent with any of its diagonalizable part-nesting-foams, this condition being allowed by universal physical constants being m-valued, as the Angel of Musculpt has recently chanteused with its superluminal song) third-order dynamics do NOT express as regulatory iatrogenic interventions + market-reflexive mob-mind hysterical overcompensations; UNINDEXED (hence collectively unconscious, i.e., absent market-marked action directives, that is, µTm-valued prices, which are m-valued-at-a-given-memetime indices qua carrier functions making EXPLICIT long-range phase-correlations) third-order dynamics so express. The derived canonical equation to our model, circa 1979, of the superconductant properties of free-electron gas core of DNA at helix-coil transition, rigorously codifies these notions (in the intraneuronal-DNA case, musicogenically, as the involved harmonic oscillator is progenitor of inner Musculpt as universal semiosis). I was not punning when, above, I asked if the new repression-tech is conversion-disorder displacement, by projective-identification at collective transference, of how DNA helix-coil transition exemplifies first-order operator-time. Nor was I making an idle comment when observing that conservation laws are nested inside conservation laws (by Russellian type-theoretic classes, e.g., by Bellian-Abelian cyclotomicity, third-order[type], second-order[type], first-order[type]), only, in the Lukasiewiczian case, there is no Russell's Paradox, because logic-itself is not limited to the 1T2-valued order-type alone, and loops are highly valued, not banned, by virtue of these loops being expressions (for 1T2-mind) of relative-state identity-transparency, the actual engine of autopoiesis and self-organization (note that animistic languages, once-upon-a-memetime without singular pronouns, better captured this aspect of nature; further, ask what came before the patro-familio-nymics which pronouns substituted for: µTm-Musculpt-nymics which were serialized via archaic Homeric additive naming convention -- His Majesty, Son of Rudolf, Brother of John, Cousin of Andrew, Husband of Ruth the felicitous Queen, daughter of fair-ankled -- as memetime coagulated in 1T2ed-brains, subsequently to be translated by ModernMind as Light of the Moon, and the like). But, Smiley, to incant the unsayable, this Circus, this economy, have you, is a rogue animal, is outside their comprehension, is, to them, nothing if not itself a black swan, and not because it is something between capitalism and communism, both of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm, rather, because there has been a century's ever-gathering unspeakable infusion of quantum-based technology, with no in-principles -- principles of monetary theory, fundamental principles of economics -- accommodation of this overwhelming fact. And why no such accommodation? Because, pointedly, even if largely subliminally, quantum mechanics were interpreted, as if ipso facto, by the Wise Men, to flannel-merchant Copenhagen codex, in just such a manner as to prevent social-science accommodation from being made. Verboten. Right? Proscription in complementarity with prescription. Otherwise, the Tao (µIm-Ching operator-time) in physics of Buddhological µTm-TzogChen AllBase-space would have overcome Hilbert's (and Bourbaki's) LifeLine efforts to save institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian-Leibnizian Weltanschauung by glutamate-etched slave labor of concentrated, forced-draft-urbanized, decoherent 1T2-monads. Dealing with dead, action-based, power-theoretic agents was the dog's duty of the day. Truly an Oddbins task, requiring a Grossfahndung. On pain of excommunication, very meat and drink of uneconomic counter-intelligence, what. O, if not for the wassailer's conversion-disorder displacement, wherefore wonky wont of thee and thine? Population reduction under natural wastage rate, mayhaps? Rather than by PW1 and and and Russell was all over, and rigidly set against, the late-19th-century drift leading to Lukasiewicz, and, by extension, application of Lukasiewicz to interpretation of Schrödinger: not unrelated to the actual culpability for deep-structure in origins of the world wars (and all sorts of details involving Poland, Enigma, choices made in Ultra-creation of Turing machines, et cetera). And very much related to all this is Bank of America seeking to obtain one-step-removed FDIC insurance for its writer-of-counterparty-derivatives status (see: BofA Said To Split Regulators Over Moving Merrill Derivatives To Bank Unit, Bob Ivry and Hugh Son and Christine Harper, Bloomberg, 19 October 2011). This attempted human-chess finesse, were it to become a precedent widely followed (Zero Hedge suggests -- Bank Of America Forces Depositors To Backstop Its $53 Trillion Derivative Book To Prevent A Few Clients From Departing The Bank, 18 October 2011 -- this widely has already transpired; but, hey, BofA is demanding FDIC pseudo-provide first loss insurance on only $53-trillion of the arguably $quadrillion in derivatives out there), is the ultimate move relative to the Devil's Staircase. Why? Because, while risk is conserved across scale levels, it is not conserved across order-types, a general-systems framework determining condition which bundled bundles of derivatives unsuccessfully attempted to subvert by virtue of their being a psychologically-regressed extrojection of order-type-crossing (crossing used here in G. Spencer Brown's Laws of Form sense, which mystified -- the dog's foot! -- Russell when Brown asked Russell for his evaluation, much as Milton Friedman was mystified when asked to evaluate the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units) fiber-bundle arithmetics (see, for further thoughts, the Conservation of Risk a Necessary Bridging Concept section of our paper M-Valuation in a Generalized Currency Basket: Transcending Fitness-Landscapes in Quantum Economies by Replacing the Wave-Function with Operator-Time, circa 1998, and also our paper Constructing a Chaotic Market Place: Can Global Integration, Driven by Quantum-Based Technologies, Sustain Itself in a Newtonian Macroeconomy?, circa 1995).
A significant prefiguration, not at all unexpected, given the rising hysteria: crime-control justified (see: Law Bans Cash for Second Hand Transactions, Doug MacDiarmid, 10 KLFY News, 18 October 2011). Discussions of hypothetical implementation of m-logically-valued LETS have broached the topic of hard cash, and the feeling is that removing cash as base-state of a µTm-valued currency would remove the wiggle factor, which any system needs in order to function well.
MACV-HQ, like any large bureaucracy, had its loci of maximal raw data flows, the only points where within the institution authentic understanding was possible, if still unlikely. These points occasionally shifted, depending upon a number of variables, like, say, data origins -- so, constant vigilance was required (like keeping book on coordinates of document finds relevant to EEI, that is Essential Elements of Information, pertaining to the currently identified internal-system-state variables of strategic import). While understanding was not well-tolerated inside MACV-HQ, on the issue I wish here to raise, out-country Vietnamese-communist LBNs (coded Letter-Box Numbers, of the clandestine, often dead-dropped, hand-carried parcel post), the spiffy Major R., running the Out-Country POLOB shop at SRA/MACV-J2, was, by far, the most knowledgeable American person, because his shop was then one of the critical loci. What does this piece of ancient intelligence minutia have to do with anything conceivably relevant today? Consider Bertil Lintner providing historical background on current political changes in Myanmar (quoting from: China behind Myanmar's course shift, Asia Times, 19 October 2011):
On New Year's Day 1968, the first armed CPB [Communist Party of Burma] units entered northeastern Myanmar from China's southwestern Yunnan province.
Lintner, unaware of what Major R. was aware of in 1967-8, characterizes this CPB action solely in terms of Chinese-Burmese relations. Whereas, its timing surely was intimately related -- indeed, was an out-and-out indicator of enemy intentions -- to upcoming offensive activity in Viet Nam. Vietnamese LBNs were thick as hens' pecks across northern Thailand and well into north Burma at this time -- and this long-worked-up-to, finally-fulfilled, branch of the governing internal-system state-function was a very well considered portion of the threat cloud presented U.S. forces in SVN: hand us the synoptic spatial variable by extending geographic expanse of the war, the threat went (as contained in high-level strategic assessments found in captured enemy documents), and that extension will be a disaster (financial and otherwise) for you (by greatly accelerating movement along the exponential growth curve of resource commitments required simply to maintain the status quo, the resources required of the counterinsurgent being many orders of magnitude greater than that required of the insurgent at any given space-time conjuncture of relevant variables). As all good supply-and-materiel trouble-shooters (e.g., my father, once a superstar in this domain) should know, outcomes are highly correlated to metabolic pathway behaviors (not presence or absence of face[book] cards, however emotionally satisfying the absenting of such may be), particularly as self-organization transpires largely by dynamics of resource exchange across phase boundaries (for something of an account of those dynamics, see the discourses provided above concerning tornadogenesis, DNA radiation-exchange processes, operator-time and logical-value order-types as they appertain to money in motion). Well-understood in 1968 at SRA/MACV-J2 and its Out-Country POLOB shop (if not elsewhere in MACV-HQ), this general principle was a lesson obviously not learned by the Wise Men in 1968 (think: gold demanded for dollars and collapse of Bretton Woods One) or by 2001, and is not yet well-appreciated so late into the game -- notionally entitled: GLOBAL COLLAPSE in Institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung -- as is 2011.
Utility of falsifiability is not verifiable not only because, there being no logical-value order-type of last recourse, validity of verifiability cannot be validated, but also because 1T2-choice for Utilitarian Pragmatism is to make wedding with short-termism and associated illusion that falsifiability is, in ontic immediacy, directly verifiable and, thus, need not be validated. For how long in memetime does the scientific method have pragmatic utility? To what number-type does the sequence of short-terms converge in approaching its limit, the long-term? And what order of Dedekind cut is made at that limit? The number-type Dedekind-cut at that limit -- indeed, at any limit -- is a non-self-identical Gödel-numbered Gödel number: in the limit of any order-type-definable sequence is the nesting/nested logical-value order-type. This applies, as a special case, to absolute limiting values of dynamical variables, e.g., Special Relativity's speed of light. Nesting/nested trophics, denoted +/- (think: c equals plus or minus the square root of E over m), is a renormalization, under the 1T2-order-type, of the C-set of phase-angle, polytope, Klein-bottle nesting-foams Dedekind-cut at any µTm-relative absolute limiting value. [Plan}et Earth (one -ette of the Clockmaker's Divine Plan) is rapidly approaching the limit in pragmatic utility of the 1T2-state-dedicated scientific method. This (cognitive whatnot just explicated) is Platonistic only to the degree Positivistic Gödel proved himself a Platonist in falsifying arithmetic's claim to being a perfect chair with enfolded security blanket of natural numbers for its cushion: this proof -- under Lukasiewicz-denying/dissimulating 1T2-validity of the verifiability of falsifiability -- required 1T2-definition of the Gödel number, progenitor of Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers and their Bellian-Abelian cyclotomicity as operator-time decomposition/recomposition of the { µIm <--> µTm <--> 1T2 } TzogChen AllBase (i.e., for Gödel, Leibniz's lost manuscript), the most perfect of Lukasiewiczian-Schrödingerian memetime-independent Platonic forms (for one approach to a treatment of which, see: here).
Arnie Gundersen's argument for distributed power-generation and smart grids is simultaneously one of the better arguments for implementation of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams, for, in order to facilitate enhanced efficiency, the system of economic organization needs to be in the form of the techno-regime employed, no small thing were current United Nations planetary population forecasts (see: Population of world 'could grow to 15bn by 2100', Paul Harris, The Guardian, 22 October 2011) to be realized. God-fearing right-to-lifers neglect the fact that God, in His Mother Nature guise, spontaneously aborts (by µTm-autoimmune reactivity to intrauterine glutamate-etched 1T2-identity) many times more pregnancies (most of which go unsuspected) than He/She allows to term. And why this neglect? Because God Himself is no right-to-lifer? Decades of the anti-family-planning, anti-birth-control, anti-abortion movements, with their facilitation of poverty, hunger, sickness -- in collective unconscious compensatory abreaction to historical appearance of µTm-valued identity, which genetic engineers, ultimately with 1T2-clones, hysterically attempt to rid reality of -- have only advanced in memetime the instant of human-species snapping when motherhood is made a crime against humanity. My bet has been that an authentic cure for organic cancer -- which, planetarily speaking, may not be desirable -- cannot be discovered so long as econometric cancer is pervasive in the fact that no-perpetual-growth organization remains opaque to glutmatergically-etched binary-mind. Pathogenesis of econometric cancer, Planet Earth, began when global human population was under point-five billion. That is probably the optimum-balance point on the eco-atmo-magneto/nature interface curve. Natural attrition, organic downsizing to at least where population total was immediately before the WWII-induced population explosion is strongly indicated as Rx (involving a retrograde-inversion of life-extension obsessions as projective-identification with compensatory abreaction to collective suppression of µTm-valued identity -- that suppression being the main subliminal undertaking collectively motivating onset of WWII, and the only such actually accomplished thereby).
Ah, but perfectly-parallel 2-{M}irrors (see, for instance, Two Mirrors Face Each Other, Fromaage, entry #5, Physics Forums, 17 February 2009) is the very least of it! being no Into-the-Mirror Mirrors 2, howsoever the Bush Theatre fearfall at apprehension of idioretinal-paraselene Eigengrau (Skinnerian or no, Fucked at Old Red Theatre by Penelope or not), for temporal density of Rice Pereira's layered transparent (cf: her 1969 book entitled, The Transcendental Formal Logic of the Infinite) is a function of the baud-rate of consciousness (think: pilot-fixation syndrome) + the J. G. Bennett pencil of skew-parallels order{M} of logical-value employed: human species is in the loser's corner, not at farsung parasang, because it does not know what its adversary -- what it has made into its adversary -- Mother Nature, knows. No mere parataxis, this history. Paedomorphic humankind is the Jonathan-Borofsky/Mario-Lanza PinataWorld [hammering]man-who-can't-SING due to the transference dynamics which paeans endlessly are sung to. The so-called history of it -- whatever the given it may be -- is of small interest only, for orthotropous history-as-we-know-it is memetimed, 1T2-Rorschached fact-selection/pattern-imposition (one fact-selector being the given techno-regime utilized) where over lineally-independent events/factors may actually be multiply-connected (e.g., Amaterasu and Chinese medicine) by µTm-attributes of collective occasions of experience largely unconscious to binary-mind: his-story O,pere citato is emotionally-satisfying objective correlative creatively written into WorldNovel, op cit CasoBlanko's Round up the usual suspects! Don't believe it? Study the paraShah.
Well, scratch my back, Honey Lamb! Bogie got it right in Casablanca, got a little of that good ol' identity-transparency: Three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. So, when the guy managering the world's biggest hedge fund misses all but the iceberg's tip in making his strategic assessment (see: Risk on the rise as political leaders give in to mob rule, Ray Dalio, The Financial Times, 24 October 2011), one simply must sit up and take note of the night-sea-journey waters of the collective unconscious unlikely to be bridged. Checks-and-balances qua countervailing-forces qua Locke's in-so-many-words adoption of Newton's vector sums as justification for the franchise has/have had no metaphysical basis in Nature for a hundred years (Planck's quantum of action) and, [act}U{all}y, almost two-hundred (Abel's existence proof for transalgebras denigrated as an Impossibility Theorem). Aspects of the collective psychodynamics associated with this no basis condition -- a cultural cold spot so cold as to be a trope of a supervoid in brain-matter so gigantic as to be one of the largest structures of the collective ego of mankind, and an indicator of skew-parallel µTm-identities pseudo-separated by personality hyperinflation -- have already demerged the generative grammars of two world wars, and several lesser. One can hardly think that it would be necessary to produce another personification of the involved collective transference dynamics -- a Hitler analogue -- in order to catalyze far-from-equilibrium phase-shift to PW1, yet Dalio raises that bogeyman (see, for commentary: Ray Dalio On Whether The Current 'Hopeless, Mob-Rule Deleveraging' Can Lead To Ascent Of Another 'Hitler', Zero Hedge, 24 October 2011). Surely, there must be dozens of scenarios (a dozen or so of which could be isolated within the above-given text) by which phase-shift to PW1 could transpire without a transference-figure personification collectively employed as facilitator -- and many of them may be orders of magnitude worse than was the fire last time, arguably the junior-varsity encounter. Play it again, Sam, for old-times' sake. TTT'sTcharm! The automatisms involved are on that hokey level, along with classic-MGM moral precepts, whilst 1T2-automata have unjustifiably been deified as responsible for autopoiesis, a quintessential expression of glutamate-etched binary-mind and a replay of Adam Smith's invisible hand drawn from The Theory of Moral Sentiments. But thank Voltaire, that assiduous student of The Analects, for European Confucianism. Ming Confucian laissez-faire was actually Taoist, whereas present-day Confucian SOEed economie is in fact a Manchu resurrection. Depth of iceberg mass beneath the water unbridgeable, not merely the berg's well-aired tip, is why attempts to counter the current truly are hopeless. Lifesaving must focus present efforts on post-cuspover: been vocalizing that principle of strategic defensive since the late-'60s.
Get the actual story. FDR-Morgenthau (and those behind them?) instruct White-Mikesell to fabricate numbers (value of monetary gold, relative currency values, IMF quotas, et cetera) on basis of provided vague politico-military criteria, not those economic, to later be imposed at Bretton Woods (see economist Raymond Mikesell's first-hand autobiographical account, Foreign Adventures of an Economist, and his essay The Bretton Woods Debates: A Memoir). That is accomplished. Truong Chinh's The August Revolution (1946) and The Resistance Will Win (1947) describe in detail why financial/economic factors will be of great importance to French failure. Marshall Plan (1948-'52) monies allow diversion of French resources to their postwar Indochina war (i.e., the U.S. indirectly funds this stage of that conflict). Truong Chinh's chronomancy comes to pass and the U.S. steps directly up to the Indochina plate, bat in hand. JFK's New Frontier globalizes this generalization of the Containment Policy to the Third World -- and JFK initiates Operation Twist QEing qua monetization of debt as the preferred MoF (method of funding). The Vietnamese reconfigure and reapply the principles explicated by Truong Chinh (how this was done is minutely detailed in the SRA Newsletters, MACV-J2, probably still on file at the US Army Center for Military History, and discussed in some detail in Volume 2 of our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh) -- to include incorporation of the paramount importance of financial/economic factors. The U.S. loses its Viet Nam war, essentially, to a run on gold which brings down Bretton Woods One. In a snit, the U.S. decides to get some back from the Bear in Afghanistan by employment of Islamic surrogates -- who, not only understand the principles essayed in Truong Chinh's books, but also learn by close contact to expertly read details of the American temperament and its vulnerabilities. Lessons learned in fighting the U.S.S.R. are turned upon the U.S. in a sting operation, 9/11 (with or without U.S. complicity -- whatever the case may be, no matter), setting in motion the bringing down of Bretton Woods Two. Interesting to watch the film, The Green Zone, with Vietnamese dubbing -- as the almost forgotten old-mold phrasings reappear. ((Drawn to my attention on 30 October is similarity of these thoughts to content of Bruce Fein's piece of 25 October: Ruinous Victories, Huffington Post.)) This is largely how and why the modern currency system emerged such that aggregate debt can never paid down (listen to, for instance: Michael Maloney: 'We Pay Tax For The Privilege To Have Currency'), living within means is systemically not a possible-world logic (to include already being, minimally, 2bn in population over Earth's bare carrying capacity, much more over ecologically/atmospherically-balanced carrying capacity: the catholic quantitative easing of world population has more than doubled in the period since JFK began Operation Twist), and why financial QEing is presently being planetarized (see, for instance: Citi On Whether Europe Can Ruin The World; Or How To Use An Insolvent Continent As An Excuse For Global Printing, Zero Hedge, 25 October 2011: note, at the end of the piece, how economic thinking is still locked into the 1680s and Newton's Principia Mathematica). An actually useful current application of Newton: velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration analysis by smaller and smaller period-increments of world population growth table would surely be revealing as attempts were made to detail more and more finely the forcing functions involved in triggering spurts.
Another stimulating post to Gonzalo Lira (see above for his thoughts on Paul Krugman): Waiting for Lehman, 25 October 2011. Long ago, nearly a decade before Secretariat, back when I carried one of my charges to weekly riding lessons at The Madeira School, I stopped Waiting for Godot (as suggested by specific statements made in The Moon of Hoa Binh). Whatever it takes, hammering man, Whatever! to keep imports of Abel, Cantor, and Lukasiewicz from being generalized into the social sciences, whatever it takes to keep the classical limit in place (compensated in transference by mechanical conversion-disorder bond-jamming conventions of the compensatory abreaction which is strip-club-orgy projective-identification). Yep, stopped waiting for Godot and started waiting for not Lehman, and not another Lehman for PW1. Even Merkel now publicly raises the issue of war in Europe (see: Merkel wants 'permanent' supervision of Greece, warns of war, Valentina Pop, EUobserver, 26 October 2011). But she has it wrong concerning the EMU as contributory factor at origins of PW1: it will have been implementation of the EMU, not its failure; but that will be no better understood than are origins of WWI and WWII. Interest, for me, in details of current events is, and largely has been, restricted to how those details relate to general principles: when, not what, is being manipulated -- what being PW1. They have no capability to change what: passages made on pre-established rota. As an example of current when-manipulation, we have the following summation: This [details! details!] makes sense as the sovereign risks are transferred to the supra-national EFSF entity and concentration risks are increased (for context of this very apt reference to the unnamed Devil's Staircase staggering under impress of bonding weight, surrounded by a foggy sea spread so robust as to float supertankers easing under facilities porting urbane tower complexes serviced by pipe-dreams and their derivatives, see: Risk Transfer Begins As EFSF Spreads Widen And Sovereigns/Banks Improve, Zero Hedge, 27 October 2011). Artificial plant in liquid sugar: just like at the OFF (Osaka Flower Festival), employed for maintaining the falsified-biographic legend, the cover story, which modern anti-psychological historiography, memetiming archeology, and 1T2-actor-based social science have Rorschached for the Cartesian-Newtonian atomic nation-state and its multi-poly trans-supra-ordinal agglomerated/energy-banded little-solar-system orbits-branes-blocs. The Mad Men -- introspection, for them, a one-time source recruited in youth, promptly rejected, left to the probability mists hanging about Lethe's memory molecules -- cultivating missmelt presumptions of sanity, there is no public registration, despite pervasive surveillance, as to cognizance of the Abelian-transcendental logic-gradients compelling the next Flucht nach vorn (an escape forward, a threat-induced flight forward by assault) over scale level, segmentation step, percolation threshold established by Sierpinski point, triangle, sieve, gasket, carpet (the Pascal Triangle and the sieve having been known and used in the Western visual arts since the early Middle Ages, and in tribal arts of Asia overtly since at least the Bronze Age, tropologically since advent of Mount Meru-Sumeru-Sineru, this being the central leitmotiv of our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh: quarks, Karpenko functors, and Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers surely hiding there within; for demonstrations suggestive in this regard, see: Percolation in random-Sierpinski carpets: A real space renormalization group, Michel Perreau and Joaquina Peiro and Serge Berthier, Phys. Rev. E, 54:5, 1996). Note that Lukasiewicz and Sierpinski were Polish contemporaries, yet little has been done to dote upon the parallelisms in their work accomplishments (mathematician of Polish origin, Benoit Mandelbrot, came along later to promulgate fractal geometry). My main difference with Lira on this general topic is that I think deep-structure origins of regional/global/planetary mass-absolute-total warfare (as distinct from the classical kind: classical limit-blinders prevail in postwar historiography, which has never been updated to reflect currently viable paradigms) are fundamentally not geopolitical or economic; that, in this realm of human behaviors, visual-secret unforeseen calamities are the norm, not exceptions; that rational concerns play no significant actually-impulsive roles (only those-such as rationalizations); that the teleological attractors governing collective behaviors are not generally classifiable as of the good variety, with the strongest one, these days and back to Abel's 1820s (Cantor's demonstration that transcendental numbers are uncountable coming in the same period Clausewitz's final epitaph -- published in English, 1873, forty-two years posthumously -- on classical warfare was popularized and in the writing of which he had anticipated, not only Abel, but, by over three-quarters of a century, quantal operator-time in his struggle with time by a dynamic analogy as a factor of forces, a struggle never commented upon by Clausewitz scholar-warriors: both of these, from Cantor & Clausewitz, logically derivative of Abel's Impossibility Theorem), being related to self-extinction (as the adamantly insisted upon only-real-1T2-alternative to psychophysiologic integration of µTm-valued relative-state identity-transparency, the converted-displaced rough equivalent to 1T2-egoic-self extinction, invert of: Give me 1T2-selfsameness, or give me death!). As illustration of how collective unconscious compensatory abreaction works, we note that high tide of laissez-faire capitalism and advent of communism both transpired AFTER the metaphysical foundations of Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung informing them both (consider Marx's and Engel's employment of the term economic law of motion in Das Kapital, 1867, the year of Cantor's dissertation, De aequationibus secundi gradus indeterminatus: note Cantor's prefigurative use of the quantal indeterminate by comparison to Marx's by-then-passé Newtonianism) had been slain by findings in higher mathematics. Archetypal event gradients do not hold memetime and 1T2-antecedent-consequent relations in high regard, hence the need for Musculpted "VirFut Q-Pro ".
Quoting a most interesting Zero Hedge post (see: Here Come The Eurozone Summit Headfake Headlines, 26 October 2011):
In other news, there will be absolutely nothing actionable following today's ground-breaking summit. There will also be nothing at all after the Cannes statement. Or any time after. Why? Simple -- there is nothing that Europe can propose in a universe in which 2+2=4 that resolves its problems.
What is indicated, but psychologically uneatable to binary-mind, when the immediately-above-given is the circumstance? Change the universe of economic discourse employed such that 1T2-selfsame numbers no longer [under}lie base-state of vehicle currencies, and vehicle currencies and their baskets no longer define reserve currency domain. Use, instead, µTm-valued, Lukasiewiczian LETS vehicle-currencies, and non-selfsame Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers over Karpenko functors as definers of reserve currency domain. How else could massive infusion of quantum-based technology be authentically assimilated by global economie? Good-ol'-days people yearning for the past -- heh-heh-heh! -- imagine classical simplicities to be solutions to the supercomplexities brought into economic aspects of life by these technologies. Most inadvertent readers of this website, which are most readers, I well know regard m-logically-valued LETS as functional equivalents to those CBU bombLETS my BDA friends stumbled over, which, according to the USG, were to self-cancel -- but never did so. As an aid to thought, ask: what does numerical uncountability imply as regards fundamental nature of identity qua identity (i.e., the 1T2-self evident truth-value-axiom of number theory most needing to be challenged)? Knuckle-dragging scalp-taker or O&I half-breed, what; any such challenger, a member of the Hatchet Forces.
Imagination's poverty once more revisiting the last war: Europe at war 2018, Dominic Sandbrook, The Daily Mail, 29 October. Inability to better foresee the next one is strongly correlated to the failure to penetrate actual origins of the last. And now that We had to destroy the village in order save it has become We had to destroy the continent (see: Treaty of Debt, Abgeordneten-check, 26 September 2011, and recommended by MISH) Moreover, mortgaging a continent in a foreign currency (see: Financial Suicide: Head of EFSF says Bailout Fund Could One Day Issue Bonds in Yuan, MISH, Global Economic Trend Analysis, 30 October 2011) is to regionalize a functional equivalent to the Versailles reparations and to prefigure similar consequences. And if the glutamate-etched human brain really does prevent realistic assessment (see: Your brain won't allow you to believe the apocalypse could actually happen, Annalee Newitz, io9, 14 October 2011), then my decades-long belief in a ten-percent human survival rate is likely over-optimistic, because there will be no looking at -- let alone acting with respect to -- post-cuspover until the cusp is over.
Here is an indication of the possibility of actually taking a tentative step onto the landing of the Devil's Staircase: unsanitized QEing on the multilateral level with SDRs (see: G20 Mulls boosting global liquidity through IMF, Lesley Wroughton, Reuters, 3 November 2011). Further thoughts on the matter are offered by Zero Hedge: Because Central Banks Just Aren't Enough: G-20 Will Ask IMF To Print Reserve Currency, 3 November 2011). Though SDRs do not presently constitute a vehicle currency, they can be used to acquire QEed vehicle currencies -- which, systemically speaking, is tantamount to QEing on the multilateral level (see, for an account of varying policymakers opinions on this issue: 'Run For Your Lives': Euro Zone Considers Solution of Last Resort, Der Spiegel, 7 November 2011). Quite obviously, knowledge of percolation theory has been no part of the informing paradigm. When, some elaborations along, further issuance of unsanitized SDRs cannot solve global liquidity problems, then it will be necessary to call off (i.e., PW1) the planetary economy until better arrangements can be made (by the victor of PW1). One of many scenarios: Estate by admin fiat; tripartite ruling council (GFUS); GF can't get along; change of g in G; G leaves; GR-bloc forms; US leaves it to F; F is ambivalent; and so on and so on.
In this world of hyperstress, megapollution, and autogenic discharge neutralization-antagonizing forms of resistance"-induced chronic fatigue syndrome, I don't choose the array of food supplements (e.g., vitamins) I take, and their dosages, solely for their molecular biology actions, but also for their quantum biology actions (facilitating intermolecular electron-transport processes) and their cell-level actions (e.g., the function which exogenously introduced probiotics performs relative to controlling natural endogenous colon candida: candida, like slime mold, having many finance/venture-capital analogues). In the context of an analogy to such management, it would appear that the ECB's recent attempt to verbally (verbal facility at being a Speaker qua Great Communicator, I always take as a counter-indicator -- until otherwise demonstrated) coerce Italy (see: ECB Issues Ultimatum To Italy, Threatens To Halt Bond Purchases, Zero Hedge, 5 November 2011) into a high-colonics-fast clean-up (AKA austerity/structural-adjustment) of its financial candida/slime-mold -- superinfection with which being etiological with regard to econometric CFS, chronic fatigue syndrome -- is like the hugger-mugger who slits his own throat to spite the victim for having no money left to steal. Of all the actually existing, if only implicit to econometrics, nesting-foam swarm-scale-levels at play in the EMU aspect of the prevailing global financial crisis, current banking system framework determining conditions insure that monetary system management action is instrumental with respect to only one scale, an action type, general-systems-theoretically speaking, with no chance whatsoever of being useful, let alone adequate. Ask oneself which century of human cognition these managers reside in. Actually, the present global financial crisis, fundamentally, has almost nothing to do with economics: secondarily, it's due to devaluation of values; primarily, it's due to organic-glutamatergic brain impairment having become normative. Just as, in run up to WWII, Polak jokes were conversion-disorder displacement of subliminal public sentiment with disrespect to Lukasiewicz logics (secondarily, and yet further inaccurately, exponentially displaced as anti-Semitism -- just as so many thought Gödel was Jewish, a proposition itself a kind of Zorn's lemma, and an Axiom of Choice insofar as these many were concerned), so, today, much collective action is informed by conversion-disorder displacement with disrespect to those same logics as they relate to, say, Indic thought in general, Tibetan Buddhism in particular: e.g., If approached by an Indian with a cobra over his shoulder, kill the Indian first (English translation of a Thai saying popular today: the cobra, like the snake-haired Gorgon, subliminally signifying the Lukasiewicz logics of the base state of Tzog-chen or, more accurately, the Sakharov-Novikov multi-sheeted AllBase m-logically-valued referencing Hilbert space). With increasing effectiveness over the millennia since the last Ice-Aged climate shift, prescriptive enculturation-socialization-specialization-driven glutamatergic neuronal etching qua neural-network wipeouts plus associated quantum quenching have progressively reduced the orders-of-logical-value available to conscious human awareness, and, thus, anchored to the molecular-cellular brain in-the-body-identification states regarded as normative (when, relative to the actual biological endowment, including the quantum brain not contained by the molecular-cellular brain, these states are fully normotic relative to biologically-given OBE-normality). Virtually all uses (in the Swedenborgian sense) to which quantum-based technologies are presently being put are determined by conversion-disorder displacement-constellated regressed-archetypal event gradients -- one example being OmniTouch technology skinputting bioacoustic user interfaces (see: Death to Keyboards and Monitors: the OmniTouch, Bill Weir and C. Michael Kim, ABC News, 3 November 2011) which convert-displace how acoustically-modified nucleotide-pair-sequence coherent-wave output from free-electron gas core of DNA skinputs genomic data to cellular plasmahaut phase boundary (still regarded by consensus molecular-cellular biology as a wall). During spring of 1969, I was very marginally involved in a technological forecasting project undertaken at the University of Washington program in urban and regional planning (undertaken by a close friend of mine from SRA/MACV-J2, using what was learned there with respect to animistic-quantum properties of general systems as a springboard for further in-depth explorations) relative to probable applications of holography. Virtually none of those projected applications (some of which were related to Musculpt [where notation of theory, any theory, is the theory itself, a vast improvement, in application to monetary theory and financial instruments, over chains of notational derivatives bundling bundles of bundles], others to interior décor [e.g., by holo-analogue to the traditional Japanese house with its tropological metareferencing of the Buddhist Maya, physical presence of non-supporting interior walls no longer required], others to EscherForm Dance, others to SmartDress holo-analog of the Vietnamese ao dai Lemure [French translation of wall, the Vietnamese name of the artist who created during the 1930s the modern version of this skinputted dress] tunic, and so on) have yet been realized, conversion-displacement having determined world-line within the applications envelope. For a current example, consider how programmers (attempting to predict protein folding/unfolding -- without access to the the notion of how topological operations of temporal curl accomplish folding/unfolding: a subject U-of-Maryland/Smithsonian radiation biologist Suzi Daniels schooled me in during the period in which implications of our superconductant DNA free-electron gas-core model were being brainstormed, circa late-1970s) have turned a future-histories task into a computer game (see: New Algorithms Harness Gamers' Protein-Unfolding Power, John Timmer of Ars Technica, Wired Science, 8 November 2011). Similar computer-gaming needs to be done if m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams are to be implemented with a user-friendly interface. Grieving relict we are, aren't we; teetotal toeragged mimsy, mebee, playing put-and-take with a 1T2-teetotum, having long since rejected the µTm-teetotum and consequently become reliant upon the Walls of Cyberia and Five Eyes Echelon E-surveillance for system survival. In such context structural adjustment means joybubbles vaccinating nanoRFIDtrackers as trainspotting shotspotter molesnitches geeking, voice sniffing/phreaking, and matrix-brane-cloud hacking for security of fatherland, uh, uh motherland, uh, uh homeland. What the bloody 'ell is this, sweet Willie Wong, We'll All Sing Matilda into a bull dyke security freak? Given the framework determining conditions of the systematics employed, where's the alternative?
The clearest piece I've yet run across to recommend to those not seeing what I mean when arguing that financial derivatives are a psychologically-regressed (i.e., mediated by projective-identification at collective transference) version of fiber-bundle arithmetics, absent employment of Clifford parallels and Lukasiewicz logics, indeed, are a pathological conversion-disorder displacement of these (organized largely by unconscious of hard scientists displaced to soft high finances of WallWorld), is entitled The Collapse of Our Corrupt, Predatory, Pathological Financial System Is Necessary and Positive, Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 5 November 2011 (only two? hmmm). Why emergence of the collective obsession with risk free, as Smith describes? Because of the pyramiding unfocused ontological anxiety generated by existential threat to the Umwelt (affect-charge at this cognitive threat being indistinguishable from that which comes with threat of physical death: a psychophysiologic fact I learned considerable about during the Viet Nam war) associated with knowing-but-denying that the belief system, the values, the institutionalization embraced has no fundamental basis (NK + CTL killer-T-cell titers down, down, and down: logically T for truth being immunologically T for thymus), the Weltanschauung having been irrevocably sundered by mathematical-scientific discovery, even though dissembled-dissimulated. The pyramiding of anxiety was extrojected by conversion-disorder displacement to a financialization pyramid scheme. Smith refers the reader to the book by Benoit Mandelbrot and Richard L. Hudson, published 2004, entitled The (Mis)behavior of Markets, best reviewed in 2005 by Nassim Nicholas Taleb under the title Mandelbrot Makes Sense. Mandelbrot's critique is based primarily upon properties of fractals, whereas I suggest that hidden aspects also involve the arithmetics of generators of skew-parallels and Lukasiewicz logics understood in terms of operator-timed Everettian/vonHayekian relative-state identity-transparency, not truth-value. And since I am not at all enamored of probability and statistics -- their having been used to deleteriously prolong the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung through many fulminations of what has generally been experienced as toxic shock: in autoimmune reactivity especially to m-valued Lukasiewicz logics and Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function -- much of what is explicitly stated here regarding market misbehaviors I construe as symptomology of yet another fulmination of probability-wave dyscrasia. Quoting Taleb:
Let us see how power laws, with
their scalability, i.e., the asymptotic
settling of a series to a constant limit
in the relationship between likelihood
of events, can be seen as an
application of fractal geometry.These asymptotes can also be seen as applications of Clifford parallels, Lukasiewicz logics, and the topological operations of temporal curl at relative absolute limiting values of dynamical variables. Let it be observed that inclusion of Clifford and Lukasiewicz along with fractals, as hidden variables of market reflexivities, significantly modifies the Mandelbrot take on fractality of markets, and the chaos/complexity imports of the 1T2-consequents of that fractality Mandelbrot has described. Notice that, in his review, Taleb, for lack of access -- as recently available as, to suggest a few cases, advent of the I-Ching, pre-8th-century Bon, interior Musculpt of the pre-Inca Andean priesthood -- to actual imports of µTm-valued logics and properties of 3-fold quantal operator-time, completely misrepresents the character of Platonic demergence. Unlike Smith, I, however, do not hope for collapse (given the megadeath all-but-inevitably involved in that), but, rather, have long envisioned an orderly transition to nesting-foams of m-logically-valued LETS defined over fractal e-boundaries (indeed, fractal dimensions, no less than integral dimensions, have been explicated under 1T2-valued-logic alone and with employment of finite-iteration Turing machines [real quantum-computing processors -- not faster binary-sequential computers by linear-time-dependent pseudo-Schrödinger superposition -- process with memetime-independent Schrödinger-superposed, hologrammed, Cantorian-set, light-sound Musculpt integrets], and, though self-affine is suggestive of Cantorian aspects of identity-transparency, which is much more than a matter of similarity, even of sameness, there are other aspects, aspects prompting to Lukasiewiczian LETS being defined upon fractal boundaries-without-boundary: for additional info on michiyuki upon Riemann-surfaced, multi-sheeted multifractals, see Multifractality of self-affine fractals, Albert Laszlo-Barabasi and Tamas Vicsek, Physical Review A, 44:4, 15 August 1991). Though, as has often been forthrightly stated, such hope for an orderly transition, dependent as it is upon an actual theory of transition, has almost equally long been on the wane, or rather a hoping against hope-having-faded long since. All technical questions I redirect to the person on the planet, circa 1978, most equipped to address them: Prof. Douglas A. Paine.
Is the below-quoted statement a Freudian slip? If so, it's a brilliant one. I can't find further explication as to the subject of my interest, so I must assume a slip. Quoting Zero Hedge (Fall Of The House Of Money: Artemis Capital On How Central Banking Took Over Capital Markets, 4 November 2011):
Anyone wondering why the only fulcrum variable for the future of risk will be FX exchange rates, and why any and all wars in the future will be in binary currency format, we urge a careful reading of
Get that: binary 'currency' format Wow -- whatever meaning is consciously attached to that term. The simple fact of its being stated is a fundamental breakthrough in monetary theory, i.e., recognition, if only subliminally, that currently employed currencies are 1T2-valued implies recognition, if only subliminally, that currencies could be µTm-valued. And to tie this into origins of mass/total/absolute warfare. Wow. Especially to me a WOW! because I lost faith in human consciousness decades ago and have since primarily sought interfaces with the collective unconscious, leaving conscious commo to those focused thereupon. Learned the hard day's night way, didn't we, that avoidance of war involves more than I-mag-son. The last thing needed is another hero, soft or hard, Ironman or no. Getting beyond binary 'currency' format of e-money by applying Lukasiewicz to comprehension of OBE-nonlocality by a people Imagsoning they are only one NSF grant away from understanding the whole ensemble, the set of all sets including itself, as e-very-one? Don't seem too likely. For this e-very-one reason alone, no possible-world-logic restructuring of prevailing international systems (monetary, banking, and so on) can conceivably be adequate to the economic straits we are in -- let alone the larger planetary crisis, with its n-variables going to criticality. Framework structures and functions are secondary; what needs fundamental overhaul are framework determining conditions, to use the term favored by J. G. Bennett. Ontic engagement in immediacy with the conditions determining frameworks involves the endogenous ketamine-flood transport provided by zazen (see neurologist James H. Austin's book Zen and the Brain, 1998), walking meditation, et cetera, such that the [cf: Rice Pereira: 'transcendental formal'] Logic of the Nonconceptual is directly accessed by conscious awareness and, monetarily speaking, becomes the µTm-AllBase of the reserve currency domain (see, for an excellent introduction, Unbounded Wholeness: Dzogchen, Bon, and the Logic of the Nonconceptual, Anne Carolyn Klein and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Oxford U. Press, 2006).
The primary reason I found the James Turk interview of asset manager Eric Sprott (listen and watch: Eric Sprott talks to James Turk in Munich, GoldMoney, 4 November 2011) fascinating is that it is clear they both actually believe what they are saying (no mere talking their book). I was convinced they truly believe the final reckoning will be purely a financial-monetary-economic event, and this is why they argue that physically holding precious metals is the way to insulate oneself from that reckoning. They actually do not see (not merely are unwilling to publicly discuss) a PW1 as preempting, occasioning, or rapidly following upon a meltdown -- even though they have no idea how a new system could be created, or what it would be like, and explicitly note that they cannot (or is it will not?) think about this how and what. Despite historical precedents, they do not entertain a scenario (one among many) with gold and silver being prevented from border crossings, later confiscated, in run up to or during a PW1. They do not see travel visas internal to nation-states, along with internal checkpoints, being invoked in part to curtail movement of and facilitate confiscation of precious metals and other commodities critical to war efforts. They do not entertain a scenario (one among many) where much of the financial phenomenologies they castigate have been less causes of a PW1 than jockeying for position relative to an expected PW1 rooted, on one level, in Bretton Woods One no less than was WWII rooted in the Treaty of Versailles. It is not fear itself that we have most to fear, but a generalized unwillingness (or neurological inability of the glutamatergically-etched molecular-cellular brain) to realistically assess (might as well succumb to cryptococcosis). How thus imagine a new what? And possessing no imagination as to a new what, how arrive at a notion as to the how of the what? Absent these, how imagine we are not a dead species walking (a farther step up the Devil's Staircase from dead corporations walking and dead nations walking and dead multilaterals walking)? Conversion-displacement -- of the identity-qua-identity discombobulation brought on by Abel-Cantor, quantum mechanics, m-valued logics, m-valued universal physical constants -- has not been sufficiently elaborate in its genome-trashing guise as to assuage the unfocused collective ontological anxiety/guilt, so similar undertakings on the cellular level have become psychologically necessary, e.g., creation of an in vivo 1T2-Turing-machine operating system (see: Easily 'Re-programmable cells' could be a key in creation of new life forms, Emma Thorne, U. of Nottingham, 7 November 2011) to facilitate eco-disaster clean-ups, say, such that changes in the human behaviors responsible for eco-disasters need not be undertaken. As conversion-displacement fatigue sets in relative to the spectrum of available guises, expectation threshold for onset of PW1 goes exponential. Hey, you star struck dead beat, crack down and kick back, make a clean break. Off their boxes and not well bright to begin with, they are, aren't they, thosewhat's complainin' of Cheathim Hills, Manscheston'er, UK. Well, Higher Crumbsall! already three-hankies gobsmacked into homestretch of the tarted-up homu durama we are, aren't we -- designer Blue Genes being what they are relative to identity-qua-identity (of what uses, men? certainly by no means necessary). What's Love in the Western World gotta do withit? Quite a lot, actually -- man-woman-level of transference (not to mention: woman-woman) having been globalized as romance-love by uniformizing technologies. As population pressure becomes stronger, body heat will have to be factored into the anthropogenic climate-shift equation. Heh-heh-heh! The narcissistic glutamatergically-etched, ISO 2000+, affect-regulated, normotic 1T2-selves (7-going-to-15 billion), strongly indorsed by the neuropsychiatric establishment (cf: Allan Schore's Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self, 1994), are responsible for the close approach (one kind of asterism) to species extinction presently peeking over the event horizon: solicitors of cracked cosmic turtle eggs secreted in sands at Strangeways, the A-males are imposing on e-very-one price of pricks' pique (Hammering Man with p-insensitive necessarily prefers the A-way). Ah, yes, how well I remember the glazed-over glares of Cornell grad-student beer parties at mere mention of quantum biochemistry to Ph.D.-wannabees funded by BigChemi and BigPharma and BigGeno, The Replacement uh, uh, the current nonlocal replacements for the local plods uh, gods of yore.
Huuah, huuah! This is truly a great post by MISH: We Must Crush Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Nouriel Roubini, Martin Wolf, the Army of Krugmanites into Submission; Reflections on 'Dangerous and Insane', Global Economic Trend Analysis, 11 November 2011. But I do have reservations. Non-specific reservations -- reservations which apply to most posts viewable across the BlogSphere. This post is only about economics. What about war? Germany simply stepping out the door, is prerequisite to formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a Greater China incorporating the Mahayana Buddhist Bloc (under existential stress, Japan will flipover, not for economic reasons -- the it-from-bit at issue is converted/displaced, by compensatory abreaction against US-imposed suppression of animistic Shinto relative-state identity-transparency, to theater beneath the skirt and SM and so on -- but because of intergenerational RAGE so intense they can't even speak of it amongst themselves: being one sort of child of McArthur, I've seen this, in psychological situ, each decade since the 1950s) -- as I've argued from the late-'60s. Deep-structure predisposing factors, overlooked, will be of enormous import. What about the other n-dimensions of the prevailing global crisis? What about simultaneous assessment of All That Is currently prevailing? Not only the mainstream media arbitrarily partitions. If the prevailing transition is omni-transforming, as clearly it is, then realistic assessments must be omni in character. ((And As [meme]Time Goes By, comes later the same day in Casablanca: Greece Turns to Iran for Oil as Credit Shuts Down Elsewhere; EU Considers Oil Sanctions on Iran, MISH, 11 November 2011, and Slovenian Bond Yield Breaks 7%, First Time Since Euro Entry in 2007; Might Slovenia Exit Euro First?, MISH, same day; and to where will Slovenia turn for natural gas, and to where will Japan, when its situation cusps, turn for oil, and to where will Whoit/Whatit turn for this-and-that onetime commodity, gold, for example, no longer commercially tradable for being now a substance deemed component of war-critical materiel?)) I've never thought of indicators as being primarily economic. My first encounters (discounting the tropes learned sitting next to my mother in ikebana lessons, Ashiya, kita-Kyushu, circa 1953-6) with indicators came during 1963: in the Spring, with economic indicators taught in a high school honors economics class; in the Fall, with politico-military indicators being studied at SORO (the AU-associated Special Operations Research Office which I became involved with as an AU-SIS student). Encounters of the third kind came at JFK Special Warfare Center and School, Ft. Bragg, while trying to track OB and book sitmaps on the Arab-Israeli conflict in run up to the 1967 Six Day war. Indicators having been recognized as being multidimensional, I had no difficulty later envisioning as multifactorial (later yet, logically multivalent) the autopoietic operators governing entrance/exit trajectories at critical-state far-from-equilibrium cuspovers. In early 1968, for instance, I was arguing, at SRA/MACV-J2, the heuristic value of comparative studies that could be made between the animistic factors of self-organization operative in the Viet Cong (political) Infrastructure and the (Islamic) ecclesiogenic factors of self-organization informing insurgent infrastructure during the war in Algeria (one of the SORO publications containing studies on historical insurgencies, held by the SRA library, being catalytic to discussions of this subject). My idea was scoffed at. Of course, the presently used vocabulary was not then employed, but substance of the ideas was there in other words. With my experience at USAJFKSWCS, I was thinking of future conflict in the Middle East, not in Afghanistan. The multifactorial basis of autopoietic operators is not well imagined, even yet. For instance, human identification/obsession with competitive sports, even with self-competitive sports, in and of itself, in all likelihood precludes an orderly shift to m-logically-valued monetary units -- by virtue of how this identification/obsession veils the actual factors of magic-hand/finger-of-God/sorting-demon involved in market-mediated autopoiesis. To me, market competition and centrally-planned command economics fall into the same order-type: the former, by subscribing to fratricidal i-mag-son; the latter, to patriarchal e-very-one. In each case, the notion of identity-qua-identity tacitly employed is derivative of exclusive reliance upon 1T2-valued logic (lineally-accommodative and/or rotational). My other-I-am does not rule out this order-type, for it has long devoted itself to a general theory of uses (as distinct from only practice) based solely upon i, e, and pi -- merely as a heuristic, of course. I was early (aged 14-turning-15, June of 1960, soon after F. G. Powers was shot down flying a Dragon Lady) initiated into these forms of uses by a onetime member of the Harlem Magicians (not the Globetrotters) in the gym of a SAC and U-2 base (Eielson: no AllBase, surely, but i, e, and son were explicit, as assisted that winter by long walks in Cantor-dust-like ice fog; quite an effort being required to understand the role of pi relative to one). The ex-Magician was assigned to the Special Services crew which managed the base gym where SAC and U-2 pilots -- among many others -- scrimmaged. He was the best basketball player I have ever personally known. One day, watching me practice my jumper, he approached with a long piece of adhesive tape, which he wrapped around my fore and index fingers, saying this would improve my accuracy. I was skeptical, but soon found he was right. Indeed, the difference was amazing: hot hand. By the end of the week, however, I was back to where I had been in the era before tape. He again approached, removed the old tape, and this time wrapped my small and ring fingers. Again, accuracy increased, then, in a few days, fell off and back to the status quo ante. When I pointed this out to him, he said that if I thought about it, I'd get the principle involved. I did think about it, and I did get it: the tape was only a way of manipulating my attention, a crib the utility of which waned as habituation set in. Indeed, this was when I learned the word habituation at the base library. Absence of tape was, therefore, also a crib subject to habituation. This last realization, about absence, was the stunner which transformed my whole attitude toward competitive sports, and very much more, for it came in midst of my struggles to learn how to manage the derealizing-tunnel effect and time-slow-down associated with my Plexiglas-wall experiences -- which had come on soon after being precipitously dumped into Pittsburg from animistic-Shinto Midori Gaoka, kita-Kyushu. Such derealizations were then becoming frequent in midst of basketball games, and this principle of attention manipulation provided the clue for me to develop methods to self-initiate them and control them for uses I then naively deemed my own. Practice was no longer engaged in for purposes of competitive performance, even with regard to self-competition, for this introspective work, involving sports activities as it then did, had come to have much larger objectives. The practices I thus discovered became the foundation of what later were to become the algorithms of the form of walking meditation (and digging-trees meditation) I was long to engage in, practices which helped elaborate my childhood take on what I came to recognize as relative-state identity-transparency, the march in onset of which I came to understand as a petit mal aura prefiguring access to interior Musculpt -- IT and AA (intertextuality & appropriation art) being [pro}found objects in existential denial of 1T2-identity. Personally -- heh-heh-heh! -- I'm pleased I won't be around hereabouts long enuf to contend with the Repo Men, let alone The [long since] Walking Dead. With such self-metaprogramming in the human biocomputer, There is no way out, despite Hollywooded VRs. And all for what, suppression of mere non-self-identical numbers?
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