µTm Scenarios, T17(M)
Answering your query: so far as I know, no, there is nowhere else where you can read about this interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function, this interpretation of Lukasiewicz logics, or the notion of local-to-global nesting foams of m-logically-valued LETS vehicle currencies mapped upon fractal e-boundaries. Virtually nothing written elsewhere on these general topics is relevant to that of which I speak. Why? Because I altogether abandon the idea that the concept of truth-value has application -- except as fuzzy dissimulation -- to logical-value order-types supraordinal to that 1T2-valued, substitute this understanding of logics for probability amplitudes in comprehending the quantum wave-function as a statement about orders of non-simple relative-state identity-transparency, and apply that µTm-formalization to the notion of value signified by a given currency unit. Moreover, in reaching this conception, the notion of time being a reference frame is necessarily abandoned and replaced by time as an active topological operator (i.e., effecting changes in topological properties of representation spaces, primarily fractal, including ponderable space aspect of Minkowski spacetime). The World -- whatever that may be -- is nothing like what we prescriptively-enculturated and highly-glutamate-etched ego-spheres experience, experimentally demonstrate, and 1T2-logically construe it to be. Conception does not need to be transmitted, communicated. Introceptualism: there is inception and then there is inception. That having been said, still, the best paper I've run across on theoretical basis of LETS and other types of community-complementary currencies (one category of local currencies, which word I use here in the sense of scale specific, i.e., implemented on a given scale level of the nesting foam) is that by Jorim Schraven, entitled The Economics of Community Currencies: a Theoretical Perspective, Complementary Currency, 2001, with its excellent bibliography. For discussion of changing municipal and mega-urban-region economic borders (boundaries on econoecologic e-maps delineating economic limited spacetime domains, aka causal sets -- as distinct from merely geopolitical maps) suggestive of the need for employment of fractal e-boundaries of the sort easily implementable by, say, a SoftBank, in conjunction with geospatial imaging and satellite frequency domain global positioning system, see, for instance, Making Cities Smarter Than Their Bankers, Bruce Cahan, Reality Sandwich, 23 May 2012. Achievement of much that is envisioned with the smart city model would be greatly facilitated by implementation of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams. But it must be noted that what I am talking about is very different from the comprehensively planned and centrally controlled PlanIT corporate-partner city (see, for brief accounts: iPhone City: The smart metropolis of the future will have an app for everything, Gavin Allen, The Daily Mail, 5 October 2011; and fast-forwarding to Rio+20 Now in Session The Holy Hell of City-living UN Plans Around the World, A. M. Freyed, Infowars, 15 June 2012; and fast-forwarding further to Looming Health Crisis: Wireless Technology and the Toxification of America, James F. Tracy, Global Research, 8 July 2012, for one take on the poorly engineered -- i.e., not designed to stay out of biologically active frequency-response windows, particularly those of the various DNA histological types with their exquisitely sensitive, by virtue of superconductant pi-electron-gas core, thermally-oscillating pi-electron parcels, and resultant coherent wave generation, these waves being an important component of intra/intercellular communication: see our 1979 paper, A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. XV, pp. 333-41 -- smart-grid/smart-meter technology of UOS, urban operating system). Parenthetically to those of us not suffering paraphasia, let it be observed that schizophrenic mentation (or is it [wo}mentation? as the politically incorrect would scurrilously have it, heh-heh-heh!) and word salad are, according to the psychiatric establishment, characterized by the mistaken assumption -- in contrast to the contrary decomposability-deconstructability/recomposability-reconstructability assumption underlying the scientific method, at least how that method is understood according to Popper and Soros -- that everything is inextricably connected to everything else, i.e., in Everettian relative-state. My theoretical mentation is clearly schizophrenogenic, if not altogether dadburned dissociated in 1T2-paradoxical degree to which everything is superintegrated and overdetermined as predicated in my µTm-modes of comprehension and resultant wordworld salad qua wordcloud. Gypo mindgymp at play in mindgym of the world, what! For instance, I believe fractal e-boundaries could be implemented without impinging upon biologically active frequency-response windows, because such windows are razor-edge thin due to the superconductive attribute of free-electron gas core of DNA at helix-coil transition (and that this case/principle may well apply to the class of all XNAs, intermediated by DNA, or no, see, Synthetic Genetic Evolution, Ruth Williams, The Scientist, 19 April 2012; and flash forward to 27 July 2012 to read of some effects in synthetic genetic evolution of another kind in George Dvorsky's article entitled, Mutated pests are quickly adapting to biotech crops in unpredicted and disturbing ways, io9, We Come From THE FUTURE). Econoecologic fractal e-boundaries Maps of Ma are among those things which have been effectively precluded by proscription of the evolution of quantum biology in service to development of a molecular-genetic-technology industry and evolving needs of the defense establishment (flash forward to 11 July 2011 for information on recent commercialization of the ability to read molecular fingerprints at a distance, which may be somewhat revealing as to the meaning of a statement attributed to a Pentagon general by the Tofflers in their 1993 book, War and Anti-War, i.e., surreptitious acquisition of DNA fingerprints: New Homeland Security Laser Scanner Reads People at the Molecular Level, CBS/DC, with link to In-Q-Tel; and look no further for understanding as to why Congress, in 1995, blocked the EPA from investigating biological effects of EM fields, not to mention quantum-wave properties of DNA, thus allowing schools to house cell towers, as described by Susan Luzzaro in her article entitled, Field of Cell Phone Tower Beams, San Diego Reader, 18 May 2011). I think that the schooling of cell towers is yet one more of the many prevailing assaults on the child in American life, mediated by the collective unconscious processes of mass psychosis described in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, and at multiple locations on this website. As regards molecular-level scanners, one can observe that publicly known technology seems to be at least a quarter century behind actual state of the art. To further conflate my global cognitive atlas to paraphasia mix by acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes buckling theta-e surface p-branes renormalized by p-adic maths, let me observe that crowdsourcing is merely a MoSoSoed smartmobbing update of the largely face-to-face Community of Practice (see, Etienne Wenger, whom I met at Sundance in 1997, and immediately understood that the nexus of contacts that formed up by good offices of POLOB-CICV qua Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, was a case in point fulfilling all the defining characteristics: see Wenger's book entitled Communities of Practice, Cambridge U. Press, 1998) underlying very notion of a community currency (monetary, cognitive, and otherwise). Back during the late-'70s and early-'80s, no matter what library I went to, these two publications written by F. A. von Hayek were lost in circulation: Choice in Currency, Institute of Economic Affairs, 1976, and Denationalization of Money, ibid., 1976. Now made available for reading online by Ludwig von Mises Institute. Note that vonHayek did not consider gold a solution (a sentiment not shared by Hans Stennholz: flash forward and read an introduction to his book Money and Freedom provided by Bionic Mosquito under the title Free Money, 9 July 2012). This is the vonHayek prior to elaborations upon the vonHayek of the time-shapes of total capital stock formulation, which quantum physicist Frank J. Tipler (The Physics of Immortality, Anchor, 1997) recognized as tantamount to Everett's Relative-State Formulation, which, during the late-'70s, Douglas A. Paine and William L. Pensinger quasi-understood (see our 1980 paper entitled, Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement) as being a non-simple identity-transparency expression of the temporal curl actively induced by Pauli operator-time, even if Pauli did not understand it in that fashion.
George Soros' critique of neo-classical economics is intuitively very perceptive and not altogether disparaged by me. He not only implicitly recognizes the uncertainty-minimizing role of money but goes on to explicitly identify economic-financial uncertainty as a special case of Heisenberg uncertainty by promulgating a fundamental-unknowability hypothesis based upon an interpretation of self-referential market reflexivity rooted in propositions like the liar's paradox. It is with this hypothesis and interpretation that I part cognitive company with Soros. Consider the following excerpt from Karl Brunner and Allan H. Meltzer (The Uses of Money: Money in the Theory of an Exchange Economy, The American Economic Review, 61:5, December 1971, pp. 784-805). Quoting page 787:
The use of money reduces uncertainty and expands trade in a number of ways. One way is by providing a unit of account, or standard in which prices are expressed. If there are N commodities in a barter economy and the unit of account is randomly selected, anyone wishing to organize or participate regularly in a market must know (or be able to obtain) each of the N(N-1)/2 independent, exchange ratios in the barter exchange matrix. Social choice of a unit of account reduces the matrix to an Nx1 vector of exchange ratios expressed in the unit of account. The cost of acquiring, processing and storing information falls. The gain from the use of a unit of account is analogous to the gain that comes from introducing a common unit of measure such as height, weight or temperature.
Soros tacitly rejects this mathematics of vector-of-exchange ratios in that he argues market-mediated exchange by monies always has a residual of inherently non-resolvable uncertainty greater than Nx1 because the logical properties of monetary exchange processes entail self-reference, uncertainty particularly of expectations in respect to value. I agree with this, but note that Soros simply blankets over inherently non-resolvable uncertainty with an unknowability hypothesis rooted in self-limitation to 1T2-valued logic alone, when that non-resolvable can be much more thoroughly evaluated in respect to µTm-valued Lukasiewcz logics understood independent of the notion truth-value (given that self-referential propositions are the basis of Lukasiewicz logics). Such an evaluation would entail treating the market, not as an exchange matrix, but as an Mnk articulation landscape -- yes, well, I did design and construct Japanese gardens for 15 years -- upon which are mapped, not vector-of-exchange ratios, but Musculpted surfaces and polytopes of m-valued relative-states marked by µTm-valued currencies, instances of exchange being Karpenko functors Gödel numbered (i.e., as logical propositions) with Gödel-numbered Gödel numbers (this exponentiation being necessary to capture logical-value order-types). Going from a 1T2-logical matrix to a µTm-logical landscape allows for exchange of externalities -- not only of values internal to traditional Newton, Smith, Locke and Associates exchange processes: locally-chosen indicators tagged to the m-valued e-stack phase-angle quantum-composite superposed upon base-state (think: analogous to fundamental frequency and overtone series) of the currency mapped over fractal e-boundary. Remember: it takes an octonionic 8 to get the 6 of ponderable 3-space under 3-fold operator-time, with doubling required for the counter-cases (not the time-reversals) of both. And logical processing is supraordinal thereto. No MoSoSoed twittering hyper-twisted/pasted hashtag-heaven memory wheel, marked [///}###|###!###|###{///] of Brownian tokens-crosses, is being proposed here -- that is, unless Twitter were to become µTm-transactor for SoftBanked Lukasiewiczian LETS, ATMed by user-friendly Musculpt interface according to Laws of Form. Mnk articulation landscape qua Musculpt manifold = reserve domain mapping of vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock Spaceship Earth: the smart way to accommodate to limits to growth, whatever, exactly, they may be. Moreover, once Schrödinger wave-function is understood relative to Lukasiewiczian logics independent of truth-value, and in a context of m-valued universal physical constants, classical limit falls away and Heisenberg uncertainty is seen as secondary to viewing µTmly-enfolded implicate skew-parallelism/perpendicularity through a 1T2-logically-valued cognitive visor which restricts order-types of identity-transparency to the absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct variety alone. Highly recommended in this context is Hubert Benoit's Let Go! Theory & Practice of Detachment According to Zen, Samuel Weiser's Oriental, Esoteric & Arcane Broadway Bookstore, 1977: a picture window opened upon Ryoan-ji landscape of ketaminergic Satori.
Sustaining Sigmund Freud's sublimation theory, as to foundation of civilization, against assaults by its discontents, two onetime OSS R&A/MO assignees, Herbert Marcuse and Norman O. Brown, whatever mutual critiques conducted, in postbellum Eros and Civilization (1955) and Love's Body (1966), implicitly-to-explicitly discoursed on the Cain-Abel fratricidal component to father-son projective-identification as basis of the separation of powers, their microscopic transference and bundling via the maximum principle of Newtonian vector sums, i.e., their locking via Lockean franchise, and their macroscopic integration via a fettering of the fratricidal impulse with federation, a surrogate incestuous form of group-sexual congress handled by psychological conversion and displacement (essential features of sublimation-unto-civilization by non-random constitutional -- healthy walking as distinct from dangerous walking -- uh, constitutus constituere: to set up a statue, uh, uh, a statute). Enter automatization and deautomatization, the neuropsychologic analogue to nonequilibrium thermodynamic phase-transition. Strangely to me, a postbellum, i.e., born Flag Day 1945, intellectual-history roustabout, these two books in drive-theoretic [id}ic Freudian Marxism were written during the same period that the structural theory issuing out of [ego}ic Freudian -- well, some would say fascism, because of the gentile antebellum, admittedly quasi-antibellum, Germanic (Austrian) origins, i.e., Heinz Hartmann's Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation (1937), which does have major implications for the theory of institutional adaptation (I read this book before being an assignee of POLOB-SRA/MACV-J2, the summer after high school graduation, 1963, under tutelage of my mother's lifelong friend, a lady clinical psychologist specialized in the Rx of childhood schizophrenia) -- came to theoretic fruition, but little clinical application (because, in my judgment, implications of deautomatization were anathema to the mainstream due to the fact they lead directly to the psychology of meditation and on from there to Eastern mysticism in general). The best clinically-oriented ego-psychology book, so far as I know: Hypnosis and Related States by Merton M. Gill and Margaret Brennan (1959). Was James Madison an advocate of the structural theory? Quoting Madison from Number 10, The Federalist: Liberty is to faction what air is to fire, an ailment without which it instantly expires. An ailment -- but one necessary. Fratricidal factionalism is to be encouraged, but defanged and channeled by supraordinate bundling, microscopically by franchise, macroscopically by federation. And when all else fails, all too frequently the case, by war against The Other. War, thereby, being made the ground state of constitutionally-mandated federation. Thus is patricide sublimated to fratricide sublimated to what? The oral stage? The anal stage? The genital stage? Psychoanalytically speaking, genital fixation has been the preferred regression in service to the [collective] ego -- superegoic religiosity having been separated from the nation-state. Enter SEAL satori, aka Special Forces porn: failed expressions of sublimation over the increment, fratricide? Full-blown autogenic abreactions, ensembles of brain discharges associated with onset of deautomatization, often involve many ketaminergic expressions, just as does Zen Satori and, apparently, SEAL satori. How can that be? What is little understood, and rarely acknowledged, is that the more spiritual phenomenologies, i.e., ketaminergic expressions, the more conflicted the state-function status quo ante. Magnitude/multitude of Siddhis in transit signifies how bad things were, how little counter-factional relative-state identity-transparency at being-in-the-world. Congress, sexual and otherwise -- insofar as any otherwise can be asexual -- is a decoherent simulacra to quantum-composite non-simple identity: pagan animism's defining property. Like soviet-collegium -- defining property: all members have equal power -- is subverted by party, which is subverted by cellular networking. Like League of Nations and United Nations subverted by a Security Council or equivalent. La petit mort re-enacting Le Morte d'Arthur and grail quest, essence of memetime-bound Love in the Western World, as Denis de Rougemont well knew. Blackout at omega point in black hole -- conversion-displacement of Chardin's omega point in evolution of noosphere. Quote the James Lee Burke character Dave Robicheaux's interior monologue (Swan Peak, Phoenix paperback, p. 155):
I knew a Navy SEAL who cut the throat of a sleeping Vietcong political operative and painted the dead man's face yellow so his wife would find him that way in the morning. He told me it was his fervent wish that his own wife could wake by her lover in a similar fashion My point is that when people use the term random or serial in referring to a type of homicide, they are leaving out the element that is central to pathological behavior. The motivation is not financial. It's not even about power. The attack on the victim is almost always characterized by a level of ferocity that is out of proportion to any apparent cause. Its origins reside in the id and are sexual and perverse in nature. The perpetrator's appetites are insatiable, and his desire to do more injury increases as he releases his self-loathing and fury on his victim.
Though I agree with this insofar as it goes, I believe it is much deeper than ex-OSS qua Hollywood Freudianism has allowed. Before the anal stage, even before full conscious registration of the glutamate-etched 1T2-logical pleasure/pain self/other principle, there is, begun-prepartum, deprivation of ketaminergic µTm-logical aperspectival identity-transparency at normative being-in-the-womb/world-picture -- this deprivation having been mistakenly conflated psychoanalytically in object-relations theory with birth-traumatic separation of nascent 1T2-self from the mother, and enculturated separation of Lebenswelt from The Mother. Moreover, given that generative empathy -- direct experience of another person's experience: in many respects, fullness of love as distinct from identification -- has been neuropsychiatrically defined as symptom of psychosis, the schizophrenogenic mother is foregone merely from the involved double-bind imposed. Whereas, there is, in fact, and in pagan animism, no inherent contradiction involved -- insofar as that word denotes a notion useful supraordinate to 1T2-object relations; indeed, not so far. In counter argument to Freud's ontogenesis-repeats-phylogenesis sublimation theory of the rise of civilization, we find Franco-Prussian war veteran Octave Mirbeau. Quoting our collage anti-novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh (1994), from the annotated bibliography, Vol. 2, pp. 741-2:
Mirbeau, Octave. The Torture Garden. San Francisco: RE/SEARCH Publications, 1989. (Reprint of the 1931 translation of the 1899 edition. Black satire of the fundamental assumptions of Western civilization by an anarchist, an art and literary critic who vigorously supported the avant-garde during a period when such support still had the chance of preventing the catastrophe the 20th century has been for the species and the planet. Quoting: Really -- I honestly believe that murder is the greatest human preoccupation, and that all our acts stem from it murder is the very bed-rock of our social institutions, and consequently the most imperious necessity of civilized life. If it no longer existed, there would be no governments of any kind, by virtue of the admirable fact that crime in general and murder in particular are not only their excuse, but their only reason for being The joy of killing has become greater and, besides, has become popularized in proportion to the spread of social refinement Murder is born of love, and love attains its greatest intensity in murder. There is the same physiological exultation, there are the same gestures of strangling and biting -- and often the same words occur during identical spasms. Unquote. And if we wish to see how segment after segment of humanity has been severed from animistic integration with nature, selectively de-ruralized, emotionally spayed, sexually caponized, and how these people have submitted to this spiritual and physical murder only under the greatest of duress, all we have to do is look at what America did to Cambodia and the lengths to which those people went in the fruitless attempt to avoid their fate, and the collective psychosis that finally befell them. From the very beginning until the present day, America has demonstrated no preoccupation more consistent than that with murder: from the red heathen to the black slave ships to the yellow peril hordes to the Islamic imbeciles. Murder is the very bed-rock of our social institutions )
Speaking µTmly: murder is suicide; suicide, murder. The mutilative taking of body parts is metapsychologically akin to collecting tribal art: both assemble (eat) signifiers of the vanquished displaced-claim to absolute distinction in identity qua identity. This is no mere symbolist acting out, but has to do with states of consciousness, perceptual and proprioceptive modalities, order-types of relative-state identity-transparency normatively unavailable by collectively imposed transference via projective-identification anchored to the brain with glutamatergic neuronal pruning. How, therefore, could real solution to the EMU's problems be found in federation? Had there been no prescriptively enculturated pruning, breaking of the egg, there would be no need for all the king's men to put the pieces pruned back together by conversion-disorder displacement.
One thing Cornell atmospheric physicist Douglas A. Paine well understood by the early-1970s, from his studies of tornadogenesis, is that intra-systemic (rates = velocities) and inter-systemic (rates of rates = accelerations) feedbacks pale altogether by comparison to time-rates-of-change-of-acceleration-marked strange reentries via imaginary- and hypercomplex-temporal-curl induced twists (the modeling of which is heart of the cascade, multiscale, nested-grid, numerical forecast model) -- meaning that the extensions described here (see: Computation and the Human Predicament: The Limits to Growth and the limits to computer modeling, Brian Hayes, American Scientist, 100:3, May-June 2012) of Jay Forrester's principles of system dynamics, of which we at the memetime had a fair awareness, were of little interest. Marking-tokening-crossing occurs at divergences over 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-order dynamics, such that exponentials, double-exponentials, and triple-exponentials do not spell physics degree-zero, but shifts away from single-valued to multivalued, passive time to active time, 1T2-logical to µTm-logical, and so on.
I keep finding the existing ratios variously quoted. It's worth seeing their differing expressions. Check these out from onetime Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts, in Financial Collapse At Hand: When is 'Sooner or Later'?, Global Research, 5 June 2012. Quoting the article:
According to the Comptroller of the Currency report, as of December 31, 2011, JPMorganChase held $70.2 trillion in derivatives and only $136 billion in risk-based capital. In other words, the bank’s derivative bets are 516 times larger than the capital that covers the bets.
It is difficult to imagine a more reckless and unstable position for a bank to place itself in, but Goldman Sachs takes the cake. That bank's $44 trillion in derivative bets is covered by only $19 billion in risk-based capital, resulting in bets 2,295 times larger than the capital that covers them
US banks' derivative bets of $230 trillion, concentrated in five banks, are 15.3 times larger than the US GDP.
Hard to see this Melvillean product of The Confidence Man for what it is: Facing the new New Frontier, The Metaeconomics of Apostate-Hating and Empire-Building. High-mesomorph mentality low-balling an American literary ideal: painterly lyricism in depiction of murderous violence. Otherself: kill, kill, kill that Moppy Dick! His Foundling Fathers' behavior was -- but I blush at the thought of the means employed to drive the Islamic Imbeciles into the Stony Mountains.
Even were those enforcing bad law far, far worse criminals than those flaunting it -- think of the Gestapo, for instance -- consider, not just the evolving (see, for two of the many recent expositions which have exploded upon the scene: POLICE STATE USA: The Paranoid Style of American Governance, James F. Tracy, Global Research, 3 June 2012; and Defiance: A Lost Virtue?, Brandon Smith, Alt-Market, 6 June 2012) socioeconomic, politicojuristic, military-industrial-academic techno-potentiality for taking Hitlerian-Stalinic-Maoist-KhmerRougean totalitarianism to the nth-degree, but, if the human species survives the coming cuspover on the flight path it has apparently decided upon, that humans -- in the sense we have known them -- will have altogether ceased to exist. Droning automorphic nanoswarm robotic combatants -- learning by their XNA-generated (see: Synthetic Genetic Evolution, Ruth Williams, The Scientist, 19 April 2012) quantum-wave-effect ANNs pouring over their XNA-constituted RAMs and bulk memory stores to target RFID-chip implants and/or coherently radiating DNA fingerprints behaviorally scanned for intent-projection by smart MeshNetCams (see: San Francisco To Get Pre-Crime Surveillance Cameras, Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars, 6 June 2012) -- will not exercise great tolerance for test-tubed, DNA-based, human clones manufactured of disease-and-crime-clear genomes (see: Unborn babies could be tested for 3,500 genetic faults, Stephen Adams, The Telegraph, 6 June 2012), bionic men, organ-transplanted and prosthetically-enhanced IronMen
In terms not of non-renewable and non-renewed theoretically-renewable resources, but of vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock, very likely, it seems to me, is simulated growth by monetization with declining resource utilization more dissipative of negentropy budget than is real growth by increased resource employments (as such employments could conceivably, in some classes of time-shapes, [1] not only overcome misallocations, but garner greater thermodynamic efficiencies at uses of non-renewables, and [2] focus growth into renewing non-renewed theoretically-renewable resources, and [3] stop the Weltanschauung 1T2-world-knot -- see: Loosening the World Knot, David Bennett, Mountain Institute, no date given, but after 2001 by bibliography -- clinging behaviors which prevent µTm-creative thought breakthroughs). Summer of 1971, I had in-depth experience of children clingers as a pro bono mentor to failed students dumped from the S.E. Washington, D.C., school system who were subjected to a Skinnerian experiment in application of operant conditioning by employment of money for merit. Sadly, the badest of the weapons-carrying badasses, who were the smartest of the smart, and no clingers, rejected the whole thing from the getgo, whilst the not-too-smart physically-literal clingers sat still, excelled, and rapidly jumped their reading skills. Prescott Lecky's theory of self-consistency at work and at play in fields far removed from the Lord's, I suspect. The longer the prevailing economic-financial-monetary/systematics global der Sitzkrieg prevails, the greater the dissipation sustained. Calls for more growth-simulacra are cognitive Sitzkrieg in humanity's assault upon viability of Earth's bio-atmo-magnetosphere. Less is more hasn't been seriously taught in design class since shibumi went out of style -- and is a notion economists never got their heads around. Expectations that a systemic turning to gold (see, for instance: Brodsky On 'Gold Monetization And The Big Reset', Zero Hedge, 8 June 2012) will transform nominal into real growth are, IMO, no better founded than the continued demands for growth simulation when, actually, in the larger picture, functional no-growth economies need to be created. Wiki provides a good account of gold standard, with excellent bibliography and further reading recommendations. See also gold timeline. One cannot forget the intimate historical connection between the gold standard and imperialism, colonialism, and westward expansion (e.g., acquisition of Guam, the PI, annexation of Hawaii: West-more-land). The most glaring standout historical fact as to precious metal standards establishing a store of value is their ease of abrogation, suspension, resetting, voiding -- and particularly so in relation to war. The best way to avoid The Big Reset is to enable an authentically multiscale dynamical system undergoing continuous Little Resets over all scale levels, micro to macro, and monetary domains (Planck's elementary regions) fractally entrapped -- which is the osmotic-hologramic way nature runs things. No monotonic reserve for myriad commodity-currency metabolic pathways, but a representative quantum-composite referencing frequency domain with (IMHO -- the third derivative of affinity properties taken into account, Planck having limited his consideration to the second derivative -- an m-valued) unit of account: Max Planck's the quantum of action. This is the right part of a monetary system to establish energy-currency reference: product of energy and time, but not memetime, rather, vonHayek time-shapes (of total capital stock, planet Earth). Not an energy standard relative to concrete energy commodities (see, for instance, Banking on Energy , Chris Cook, Seeking Alpha, 5 April 2009), but in the universal common to all capital stocks, the quantum of action. Remember, in thinking about gold, that Phrygian Midas, Son of Gordian Knot tier, died of hunger whilst praying for a return on his golden touch. Well, this Newtonian (ah, yes, 1717, a very good year) Big Reset idea for a Shakespearean unloosing of the Gordian garter -- let the privately-owned FED print enough money to buy all the gold reputedly held by the USG at ten times the current price -- certainly will bring returns to those touched by Midas! Some internal system state assuredly will be restored -- but will it be the synoptic relative-state required? Indeed, not only are authentic systemic returns doubtful, personal returns may not be forthcoming at cuspover (see, for reflections thereupon, more in attitude than analysis, from Cognitive Dissonance [anomalously making display of symbols for quantum state-function]: The Golden Endgame , Zero Hedge, 21 December 2011). Quoting CD:
The bottom line is that we must try to own the same assets that will be owned and transferred [at monetary system reset] by the financial elite and their henchmen and puppets.
Cognitive dissonance? Indubitably. Quoting CD from several sentences later:
just as the elite see the coming chaos as the perfect time to rape, rob, and steal, I see it as ushering in a generational opportunity to build family and community ties as never before.
Yeah, right. Circling the wagons on the personal, family, clan, club, local community, tribe levels will only insure more thorough decimation as non-financial concomitants of planetary meltdown cascade from macroscales to mesoscales and slam into the microscales. This circle, a mittimus. Only in Hollywood do the Indians ride round and round the circle making perfect targets of themselves. SFTG was enough to know that: didn't require -- Yowie, Yowie, what a Ghillie! -- subtendence to those few remaining cadres who had attended USASS (US-ASS, U-SASS, USA-SSsss), Camp Perry, and who hung out at the R&G Club: my Browning Hi-Power had its trigger worked, its sighting perfected on-table, and its hand-load specified by onesuch, National Match competitor, hypergood long before VR firing ranges instituted by my-generation responsible for Delta creation. This observation is no engagement in Younger-Wyman/ex-Reagan moral suasion, but a cognitive redirect to general systems properties and strategy considerations issuing there from. Monetize all global debt to whatever fixed-ad-infinitum price of gold is required to presently and thoroughly delever (i.e., by immediate contingency, set the speed of light eternally at infinity); mandate all derivative positions as null and void, and juris-edict such instruments, henceforth, felonious (i.e., set Planck's constant to zero); that'll do it, heh-heh-heh (i.e., reinstate the classical limit in economics: 1717, a very good year). And thus resolve all the problems created by ever-increasing infusions of quantum-based technologies? Not IMHO. Keynes' greatest mistake in elaborating his theories of money, banking, monetary and fiscal policies, and the system architecture associated therewith: he did not adequately see-foresee and take into systemic account the gathering impacts of quantum-based technologies and system responses thereto (this lack of seeing-foreseeing being largely due, IMO, to Bornian falsification of Schrödinger wave-function), e.g., psychologically-regressed financial-instrument innovation, à la derivatives, bundling, and so on. I am µTmly-altogether off the political-economy Mobius-strip spectrum, that spectrum linking Trotskyite anarcho-syndicalism with libertarian anarcho-capitalism, and well into Elsewhere, hence advocate no Austrian School return to the 1T2-Old Verities. For instance, were we to have framework determining conditions actually accommodative of these new physics technologies, some manner of high frequency trading (HFTing) -- currently a practice without an adequate context -- likely would be essential to mitigation-mollification-alleviation of the negative aspects of the market reflexivities engendered by time rates of change of acceleration of µTm-valued monies. In other words, HFTing in quantum economies, would be required to transform Sorosian 1T2-reflexivity into Everettian µTm-relative-state -- by fine-grained exquisitely operator-timing of spatially-long-range phase-correlations at resource utilization over time-shapes of total capital stock -- and, in so doing, functionally integrate quantum-based non-simple identity, telepresence, teletouch, and so on, such that Amaterasu's convertibility of the elements becomes benignly more available by tapping into the musubi µTm-time-shapes of E's most famous, temporal-curled three times over, thus invoking Zokasanshin on Taka-ma-no-hara MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space, ma = sacred hyperspace): Ame-no-mi-naka-nushi, Kami-musubi-no-kami, and Takami-musubi-no-kami. Much more information on this old-new nexion -- thanks be given to my supercolossalcrosscultural folklorist wife, the one who still has, like her 90+-year-old mother, staggeringly-detailed recall as to terminology and trope -- is available in our novel The Moon of Hoa Binh.
By lack of interest, having had no accumulated vestments to invest, I am utterly uninvested and, therefore, my interests are so very, very, very subordinated that, once I saw the Devil's Staircase being resolutely climbed, I entertained little interest in details, as the likelihood of jumping off the Staircase before the last landing is small, if not vanishing. The little interest I have maintained has to do with nascent emergence of formations likely prefiguring constellations to conduct affairs in the post-jump period. By analogy to those from U. of Nancago following Professor Bourbaki's m-volume attempt to shore-up inviolability of 1T2-logic in application to the various domains of mathematics brought into being by 1T2-challenges to 1T2-axioms 1T2-successfully made, and thus perpetuate the illusion of saving the Cartesian perspect, formation of an EU Nannycrat Supranation (see, for instance: Details of the Secret 'Nannyplan' Emerge , Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 10 June 2012) -- with Germany likely demurring in the end -- may well prefigure the Allied Constellation of Europe vis-à-vis PW1.
Those being funded by an engineering industry, the profits of which are based on the molecular biology of the gene, have not been happy with findings suggestive of significant roles attributable to submolecular biology of the gene. Since semen does have something to do with DNA, this unhappiness extends to semen -- so it is easy to understand why falling sperm counts might need to be expertly debunked (consider the issue: Declining Worldwide Sperm Counts: Disproving a Myth, Harry Fisch, M.D., Urologic Clinics of North America, 35, 2008, pp. 137-46), particularly if, supraordinate to tight underpants, low-level EMF pollution were involved (as this might be supporting evidence for, say, superconductance of free-electron gas core of DNA in radiation exchange at helix-coil transition, and various significant biological roles thereto attributable). Fisch focuses mostly on the thesis -- assertion, really -- that uptake of low-levels of mimetic estrogens (some 200 of them, to include MSG, active ingredients in herbicides and pesticides and their residues in, say, tobacco and weed, anabolic steroidal hormones, bleed-outs from plastic containers ) in food and water could not, cumulatively -- over years or decades, beginning prepartum -- have significant, i.e., clinical, biological effects -- stating that most of the positive-correlation-outcome studies indicate a highly local phenomenon with an unknown cause. Intense chronic stress, an etiological factor (which may shift free-electron-parcel temperature-oscillation rates and frequency response windows of DNA), it can be observed, is a localized phenomenon. I note that the studies cited by Fisch were all conducted in first world locations, where pockets of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation densities, post WWII, are disproportionately high (including incidence of scanning technology use, not to discount fMRI, microcomputing tomography, and so on). The import of Fisch's critique of methodology is that the pivotal studies did not spatially renormalize and temporally detrend in a fashion sufficient to demonstrate dispassionate analysis. For my part, ever since, early-1968, learning something of the background to the Vietnam war's enemy-strength estimates controversy, I have placed little faith in measurements, and less in numbers, and since, mid-1970s, learning something of renormalization and detrending as means to filter dynamical primitive equation sets, I have placed vanishing faith in statistical methods. Which means I cannot have faith in the methodologies employed by the UN's world-population projectionists, nor can I accept unvarnished the popular notion that falloff in first world fertility rates is exclusively-primarily due to increased prosperity and higher levels of education (a thesis that helps keep submolecular biology at bay). For interesting reflections on the UN's 2050 world population projection, see: The problems with the number, Kurt Dahl, Population Elephant, March 2009. Dahl thinks the more likely figure is 12 billion, not 9 billion -- and possibly as much as 24 billion by 2100. Under assumption of an absence of mass-die-off/mass-kill-off during this period. It would, however, be beneficial to realize that overpopulation, like overeating, is a collective psychosomatic disease symptom, not an etiological factor. What disease? Brain impairment by glutamatergic neuronal etching. It is by no means generally understood that circumstances can arise where over Can do! deployment of force is best done by non-doing. Flash forward to 21 June 2012 and see: Obesity Could Lead To Depletion Of Earth's Resources, CBS Atlanta, and The People Have Gotten Dumber, Weekly Standard, an article by Daniel Halper.
Yes, I had trouble with that myself: the relativity of absolute limits; m-valued universal physical constants; discretes nested of, not in, the continuous; no concatenation of 1T2s can semantically constellate µTm; the whole, in violation of 1T2-logic, is contained in each of its parts such that an infinite number of parts can be taken away and still the whole is contained in each of the parts remaining; and so on. Cain't see 'er; don't cotton to 'er; won't hold to 'er. That thar: it jus' ain't aboot ta compoote! Start off by thinking of it this way: abstract out of the speed of light being the absolute limiting velocity to the notion of absolute limiting velocity qua absolute limiting velocity stripped of the concrete referent, light. That velocity where memetime stands still and ponderable space winks out is that phase speed accomplishing the most efficient translation (given that that which must be translated has been altogether suppressed by the act of translation). Speed of light happens to be absolute limiting velocity for omniverse, 1T2-ponderability of which stands still and winks out at that limit (appearance of superluminal velocities involves, according to this thesis, conflation with absolute limiting acceleration and absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration and their associated topological/logical transforms, each more complex than memetime standstill and space winkout). In laminated modular spaces under 3-fold operator-time, each module qua limited spacetime domain, such as Earth's atmosphere, has its own scaled absolute limiting velocity, its most efficient phase speed, where, relative to the domain in question, memetime stands still and ponderable space winks out. Indeed, there is a transfinite collection of such absolute limiting velocities, each of different numerical value, all relative to one another in the Cantorian-fractal nesting foam time-shaped as relative-states of the whole hologramically contained in each of its parts. Same for absolute limiting accelerations and absolute limiting time rates of change of acceleration. The universal physical constant known as the absolute limiting velocity, is, therefore, m-valued. The same for Planck's quantum of action, limiting distance, limiting time, and so on. That's the basic idea. But, of course, modularity, for instance, has to do with qualifiers like, hydrodynamic, hydrothermodynamic, electrodynamic, hydromagnetodynamic
Okay. Here's an idea about that. If Keynes failed to see and foresee the impact of quantum-based technologies because Schrödinger's wave-function was falsely interpreted to probability amplitudes (which permits retention of selfsameness as a fundamental attribute of Greco-Roman-given identity, and, under the time-dependent equation, the one chosen for greatest interest, permits retention of a Husserliana-given passive, passing, reference-frame time), then how is it that, while Schrödinger never really accepted the probability explanation, he, no less than Gödel, for instance, never came to focus upon Lukasiewiczian logics as Leibnitz's missing 'manuscript'? Troilism in play: that's my answer. Schrödinger was ensconced in a snow-bound mountain cabin practicing Tantric sexual yoga in ménage à trois at the very moment he wrote his famous quantum wave equation. The fact that Schrödinger did not subsequently turn to µTm-valued logics, relative to understanding the non-simple-identity import of the quantum wave-function and associated superposition, clearly indicates that his engagement in ménage à trois was conversion-disorder displacement at projective-identification in transference, displacement of 3-valued logic, the logic-of-entry upon Lukasiewiczian logical domains.
See, even the terminology is analogously, but rather directly, nonetheless, suggestive of what is, unbeknownst to the players, mathematically-[physics}ally at play over the collective subliminal mind. Quoting from Jamie Dimon's Complete Senate Testimony, Zero Hedge, 12 June 2012:
It does seem however that our initial perspective on this being a systemic risk hedge (i.e., a 'delta-hedged' senior tranche position as opposed to some easily managed and understood pairs trade) that rapidly grew out of control due to risk control inadequacies, is absolutely correct -- though we suspect that is as close to the real truth anyone will ever get.
In considering the thesis that financial derivatives are psychologically regressed, conversion-disorder-displaced topologically-trivial (no quotient spaces because local cross-sections are not admitted, which is to say, by implication, µTmly articulated subspaces thermodynamically disallowed by presence of 1T2-currencies only) projections, mathematical no less than psychological, of the fiber-bundle (number-pairs-products) arithmetics underlying Clifford-Bennett skew-parallels/perpendiculars and associated Grassmann algebras, be aware that the hedge described in this above-given Zero-Hedge statement likely refers to del going to its limit, control being lost as no recourse was, by framework determining conditions, permitted to del-dot and del-double-dot -- del-double-dot being what Arthur M. Young, in patenting his design of the rotor for the Bell helicopter (popularly explained with coauthor Charles Musès in Consciousness and Reality, Outerbridge, 1972, and in his own book The Geometry of Meaning, Delacorte, 1976), called control, the factor without which the helicopter could not be kept in flight. Missing del-double-dot and missing µTm-valuation (which psychologically regressed derivatives have never even come close to authentically approximating) guarantee acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes -- Musculpt to my ear, irrelevant noise to binary mind -- will prevail! And why the Bernanke helicopter will not indefinitely be kept in flight is definitely explicated (without going into the regressed math-physics analogues, or why the underlying mathematics and physics themselves, before backdoor importation to high finance, were falsified, dissimulated, dissembled) in these three articles on fragility of the interest-rate-swap underwriting of the U.S. national debt, and associated shenanigans: U.S. Treasury Bond Teetering Tower of Babel, Fed Stuck at 0% Forever, Jim Willie, The Market Oracle, 24 May 2012; and The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on Mankind, Rob Kirby, GoldSeek, 15 June 2012; and, flashing forward, Wall Street's Protection Racket of Covert Derivatives: JPMorgan Derivatives Prop Up U.S. Debt, Ellen Brown, Global Research, 20 June 2012. One can easily entertain the notion, as I have for decades, that real understanding of the reasons why no actual efforts are made to authentically resolve the economic and financial and monetary system conundrums is to be found in the worlds of physics and mathematics. While gravity of prevailing global political economy drives impetus toward a PW1, it is falsified mathematics and physics which, once again, insures that there will be a PW1.
Not at all mysterious, how I came to the idea of m-logically-valued monetary units -- once the essential occasions are lifted out of the background noise and the spiral path of circumambulation is arbitrarily straightened out. 1953-6, Ashiya, kita-Kyushu, Japan, living in the hamlet of Midori Gaoka, I had experiential-ontic exposure, mediated by an old grandmother, to identity-transparent states of consciousness associated with Shinto animism. My sense of whole-part relations was also deeply affected at this time by sitting in on my mother's Ikebana lessons. After returning to the U.S., and throughout my early-unto-late-teens, I had recurrent fulminations of dissociative Plexiglas-wall experiences which provided considerable inducement to tackle the what am I? issue. 1961-2, as a high school junior, I took independent study courses from Dr. Moore, Eielson AFB, H.S., Alaska, in symbolic logic, topology, and foundations of mathematics -- wherein I instinctively recoiled from the identity predications carried by traditional logic. Spring of 1963, Fairborn H.S., Ohio, while simultaneously taking honors economics and PSSC physics, where an introduction to quantum mechanics was taught at the high school level, and in struggling to visualize the topological transforms involved in multiple bank credit expansion, I asked myself: if classical economics is based on Newton's laws of motion as analogically applied to monetary exchange processes, what would a quantum economics be based upon? My answer was: an analogue to the Schrödinger wave-function descriptive of electron exchange processes. Attempts to express this idea were ridiculed -- especially when I tried to describe what I thought the main difference is between a Newtonian billiard ball and an unbound electron, i.e., the kind of identity each has. Summer of 1963, Lexington, Kentucky, on extended visit with family friends, I read Heinz Hartmann's Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation (David Rapaport's 1958 translation, International Universities Press) and learned of automatization and deautomatization. Early-fall of 1963, I was taken to Samuel Weiser's Antiquarian Bookstore in NYC by a fellow AU-SIS student, where I ran across a copy of J. G. Bennett's The Dramatic Universe (Hodder & Stoughton, 1956, memory serving) and read the Appendix to Volume One addressing the notion of identity in diversity with pencils of skew-parallels and non-self-identical skew-cubes. I immediately knew, even given that detailed comprehension was absent, that these ideas were important to understanding the essential difference between a Newtonian billiard ball and a quantal electron. Mid-fall of 1963, I read The Meeting of East and West (Macmillan, 1946) by F. S. C. Northrop and was introduced to the idea of an undifferentiated aesthetic continuum. Late-fall of 1963, I wrote the AU-SIS frosh paper for Dean Griffiths on the subject of logic, time, and indeterminacy in Existentialism and Platonism, wherein I challenged utility of the notion precedence relations -- logical, ontological, and temporal (I did not learn until much later that Lukasiewicz had done this on a complex technical basis more than 40 years earlier, and Debussy, with his ballet score Jeux, at about the same moment of memetime). 1967-8, in Viet Nam, study of information distribution and exchange in the underground Viet Cong political infrastructure -- particularly as seen in how bureaucratic variables were implicitly mapped upon changing boundaries, and what this mapping did to command and control and information flow channels-pathways -- again forced me to question the notion of whole-part relations tacitly carried by traditional Western logic. 1968 and the next five years, various experience of, and theoretic engagement with, the psychology of the transference yielded enhanced insight as to the properties of identity qua identity. 1975, while conducting background research for Cornell professor Douglas A. Paine, related to the study of tornadogenesis, in the mathematics library I ran across Emil Post's 1921 paper on m-valued logics and immediately recognized its importance to the issues I had been struggling with in various forms since preadolescence in Japan. Not long after that, I had, in so many words, the notion of m-logically-valued monetary units.
Once we -- coercive 'we' -- have a submolecular biology, we have a submolecular brain, and, since a submolecular brain cannot be localized, particularly as regards the subatomic level, the specter of group mind immediately raises its ugly head, this heinous Gorgon involving aggregates, collections, classes, sets and subsets, probably causal sets (implying existence of a Gebserian ever present term in the equations of General Relativity, see: Is the 'cosmological constant' a nonlocal quantum residue of discreteness of the causal set type?, The Perimeter Institute's Rafael D. Sorkin writing on the perimeterless, ArXiv via AIP conference proceedings, 9 October 2007, which I understand as an idolon of operator-time modifying the very notions of dimensionality and curvature at temporal curl vis-à-vis, say, fractality in image of ideal or archetype via maze of nested Platonic regular polyhedrons made of Fermi surfaces and Brillouin holes, and their cosmological correlates, see our annotation to Quantum Phenomena in Small Semiconductor Structures and Devices, K. F. Berggren, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, XXXIII:3, March 1988, given in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 2, p. 751), even The Unconscious as Infinite Sets (Ignacio Matte-Blanco, Duckworth, 1975; Rudy Rucker's notion of mindscape is useful here, as explicated in his Infinity and the Mind, Princeton U. Press, 1995), groups -- requiring group theories and set theories -- which can be dissociated to OMG, that must be why, once experiment necessitated onset of the statistical-mechanics modifications of Newtonian mechanics, and full acknowledgement of the presence of whole ensembles, if and only if experimentally fractured, all the king's men can't put back together again, they, TPTB, just had to, simply had to define dissociation as a clinical disease, otherwise there would be legitimate collective occasions of experience of sundry type and quality, and consequent inability to de jure assign criminal culpability to individuals, for how could one -- an individual, if one such could be found -- identify exactly where the impersonal fragments into the personal, and if the personal cannot find authentic jurisprudence, how could, well, say, tax laws be legitimized? While Don't Tread on Me has never seemed to me an adequate ideational framework from which to argue against efficacy of taxes, that doesn't mean such adequacy is inherently impossible -- for taxes are poor substitutes for missing system fundamentals, fundamentals which insure levels of self-organizational competency capable of seeing that what money signifies gets where it is supposed to go in the first place, and, thus, were the missing present, there would be no requirement for secondary and tertiary and quaternary mechanisms to get the signified from wrong places already sent to, to right places likely yet to be identified. Just think of the magnitude of the unnecessary costs imposed by these derivative mechanisms! Legislation, enforcement, collection, retribution for non-compliance. Or when one of the derivative mechanisms is rescaled, e.g., supraordinate echelons removing legal right of a community to a local tax base and retention of local multiplier effects (such that already-subverted SOEs become further suborned to mafias in course of land-grabbing in lieu of tax-skimming and interest-rate-spread arbitraging: see/hear/read for a fascinating account: VDO entitled, Is China Becoming a Mafia State?, John Garnaut, Subrealism, 12 June 2012; and The Chinese Kleptocracy is Like Nothing in Human History, John Hempton, Business Insider, 10 June 2012). But tax-kind issues are probably not more benign than are tax-place issues: for an interesting polemic against transaction-type taxes, see: Why the Tobin Tax is a Bad Idea, Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 30 January 2012. Not to mention tax collection as redistribution from collective poor to individual rich by QEed bailouts of bad debts accumulated on poorly-articulated speculations upon poorly-chosen mechanisms employed to Devil's-staircase-transfer local multipliers and individual risks from micro to moneycenter, moneycenter to sovereign and suprasovereign. And what could the missing system fundamentals be? They have to do with framework determining conditions, one of the foremost of which is: logical-value order-type of monies employed and defined by artificial-neural-network processed mappings upon boundaries made of artificial fractals, i.e., how adequately the monetary signifier and associated price signify time-shapes of that which is signified in the process of being allocated. Parenthetically, back in the 1970s, in working with the notion limited spacetime domains vis-à-vis cascade theory of tornadogenesis, we did not arrive at the term 'causal' sets for these domains/modular-laminates, because we were already outside memetime, into imaginary and hypercomplex operator-time and the various involved temporal curls, which are not Cartesian-Newtonian/Aristotelian-Baconian-Boolean causal by virtue of truth-valueless µTm-logical articulations as to connecting principle -- which is to reject Sorkin's notion as to HOW Logic is to the quantum as geometry is to gravity (though I be in full agreement with this title), as well as the idea that truth-valued Indic Tetralemma is adequate. Never could see higher value in changing much so as to insure nothing ego-psychology sacrosanct to Umwelt maintenance gets changed: memetime, causality, inference, logical necessity, proximal cause, probable cause
And speaking of maintaining the Umwelt, does Niall Ferguson's the idea of history go back any further than 1914? See, for instance, his with Nouriel Roubini, a two-part article entitled The Perils of History, or The Germans Have Learned Nothing From History, part one entitled This Time, Europe Really Is on the Brink, and part 2 entitled No Alternative to Debt Mutualization, Der Spiegel, 12 June 2012, where debt mutualization is ignominiously portrayed as capable of preventing onset of PW1 (see, for follow on: A Global Perfect Storm, Nouriel Roubini, Project Syndicate, 15 June 2012). Ask this question because Ferguson-historiography clearly doesn't extend back to 1870, and most assuredly not back to 1826 when Abel's existence proof for trans-al-jabr -- took it tacitly to heart, did Hegel, before the fact, itself a feat -- was dissimulated by the whole of European civilization as an 'Impossibility' Theorem, consequences of this dissembling, in run up to onset of WWII, reaching one cusp in Gödel's borrowing (unacknowledged at write up) of method from Pythagorean gematria and Cabalistic numerology, i.e., the very idea behind the Gödel number, in demonstrating non-demonstrability of 1T2-consistency and 1T2-completeness and 1T2-decideability, those demonstrations collectively constituting, in their own right, one kind of existence proof for Lukasiewiczian µTm-valued logics, an existence proof regarded civilization-wide as yet another impossibility theorem.
Anyone who has long practiced differential relaxation, self-observation, and inner separation from various functional modalities and classes of qualia at proprioception and perception and locomotion knows that roof-brain chatter is one of the many major obstacles to fruition of the practice -- and that, in the final analysis, this permanently yields not to the individual, but to the collectivity: hence, the Buddhological renunciation of the final state of Buddhahood, until all have attained it. Relative-state identity-transparency prevails even at roof-brain chatter and its banishment to the Outer Darkness of the collective unconscious. No obloquy, and no mere obnubilating obiter dictum. Obvert, and note to what it is Buddhological obeisance is thus paid: cosmological framework determining conditions, the correct object of submission and sacrifice. Sri Aurobindo's detailed descriptive phenomenology of his first experience of Nirvana -- provided in his Letters on Yoga -- recounts how it was only when he was able to sufficiently separate from inner talking that localization of the inner voice migrated from inside the head to a coming in from afar (personification of this yields the preconditions for possession, exorcism, and so on), and only then did roof-brain chatter suddenly altogether wink-out, which, along with accompanying spiritual phenomenologies, signaled onset of the state of Nirvana. This abreactive experience of an ensemble of autogenic brain discharges is reflected in the Gurdjieffian principle that one cannot separate from something if one says 'I' to it. If Aurbindo's account is an accurate portrait, it forces a considerable modification of Julian Jaynes' thesis, as explicated in The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (Houghton Mifflin, 1976), for identification with roof-brain-chattered auditory hallucinations associated with cognitive bicamerality -- by Aurobindo's testament and G. I. Gurdjieff's principle -- would be characteristic of 1T2-logical mind glutamate etched under dictates of prescriptive enculturation, not of the inner-Musculpting µTm-collective mind-corpus consciousness from which 1T2-selfsame egospheric encapsulated mind was reductively decomposed and progressively projected into every aspect of human Lebenswelt. The process of hunting-gathering, for instance, was modified by introduction of a preference function, the outcome-targeting signified by the act of stealing as expression of 1T2-self-interest -- which was a breakdown qua violation of what, according to Marcel Mauss' general theory of the gift, the Trobriand Islanders called hau: the µTm-relative-state identity-transparency signified by the gift (such as a soul cloth depicting cosmic superintegration and reciprocal maintenance) at ritual gift exchange. Self-interested 1T2-stealing was probably deeply involved in prompting advent of another fundamental modification of the economic process: barter, embodying a more concretely expansive, i.e., class, of preference-functions/outcome-targetings. Follow this devolutory decomposition process all the way through introduction of money, credit, agricultural derivatives, banking, central banks, transcentral banks, financial derivatives, and so on. Is there any reason at all to [econo}my [econ}omy [e}conomy [eco}nomy, if not to, in some manner, exercise preference functions? Is preference function in and of itself violation of complex form in natural process? Or is it that 1T2-preference is a violation of µTm-preference (i.e., the quantum potential responsible for autopoiesis qua self-organization) at relative-state identity-transparency (Bose-Einstein condensation as a Gebserian ever-present origin)? And if the latter, is the maximum principle, i.e., integral sums as source/justification of franchise, the Kantian Summum Bonum of outcome targeting? Command-economics central-mandate valve-twisting certainly is not this Summum Bonum -- as we are currently learning, or, rather, have the opportunity to learn, yet again (see, for instance, Zero Hedge recapping SocGen's Dylan Grice on The Tyranny of Targets, in On The Keynesian Lunacy Of Targeting Outcomes, 15 June 2012). Just as I think superstring theory and loop-quantum-gravity theory are both correct, and, hence, both wrong, so do I think the Keynesian Clowns and the Austrian Funspoilers are both correct, and, hence, both wrong. Where, how, and when are preference functions to be introduced? It's the involved sub-cosmological framework determining conditions, stupid! Not the involved sub-cosmological framework itself.
The notion of logical precedence logically precedes the notion of logical necessity which logically precedes the notion of logical-value order-type which logically precedes the notion of ontological precedence which logically precedes the notions of temporal precedence and spatial separation (given that the logically-earlier notions are required to define the notions of discrete instants and selfsame points). To the individual and/or collective mind working in 1T2-valued logic only, all of these are to substantial degree tacitly given, not actually worked with -- and I would argue that this statement applies to most working physicists, many working mathematicians, and even Lukasiewiczian logicians explicating m-valued logics by use of 1T2-valued logic alone. Especially is it applicable to working planners. Purpose, preference, forecasting. Anticipatory decision tree. The above-stated precedences are most tacit in God's-eye-view, site-plan/architectural-projection, brown-end conditioned, comprehensive planning, the most pristine planning application of Newtonian absolute space and time. And even if disjointed incrementalism and tactical improvisation at operational application of contingency planning dominates, still, the above stated are tacitly given -- or given in the Husserliana sense of a given time, and thus regarded tantamount to Kantian categories of our understanding, i.e., logical axioms ontologically postulated as existential invariants. Abel, Cantor, Lukasiewicz, and Everett greatly disturbed all that. Nonetheless, even in face of spontaneous order at Curie critical temperature-state when -- this when is the important factor here -- correlation length snaps to infinity, multiple scenarios strategic planning still employs 1T2-logic to deploy projected outcomes on a Cartesian/space-time diagram. For an example, see Europe's Dilemma: 'Probability Vs Impact', Zero Hedge, 16 June 2012: this is the type of thinking which led to the series of dilemmas-catastrophes Europe has experienced since at least 1870. Even with advent of m-scenarios planning of m-alternative futures there continues to be no employment of m-valued logics, logics explicitly on the scene for a century. And this applies no less to the formal rationality of planning methodologies than to the Realrationalitat of those methodologies in operational application (see, for an interesting essay on that subject: The Dark Side of Planning: Rationality and 'Realrationalitat', Bent Flyvbjerg, no date given. Effective Truth verita effettuale (not practiced in MACV) and Real History wirkliche Historie (what, at SRA/MACV-J2, we called the nuts and bolts of bureaucratic minutia recorded in captured documents), I would note, are dependent upon the truth-values of real numbers -- real effectives being, in effect, Left Behind upon entry to 3-valued logic, not to mention in going µTm as nature has long since. Form follows function is too 1T2 for me, a believer in multi-utilities. 1T2-structure follows 1T2-function is better (as structure is, indubitably is, function automatized, and it is much easier for n-structures to fulfill a given function than vice versa, thus precluding one-to-one co-determination), but form, Musculpt symformphonie included, transcends function-structure duality in being altogether µTmed by tropological metareferences. What if, symbolic interactionism heuristically suspended, µTmly speaking there were no when of Curie critical state -- as is suggested by Everett not subjected to the von Neumann formalism and involved 1T2-decoherent collapse orchestrated by the residuals of glutamatergic neuronal etching? Then, instead of mapping m-outcomes onto Cartesian-Newtonian quadrants, as given in the Zero Hedge example, the outcomes would be mapped into defcones{µ}Tdefplanes{m} superposed, as diagrammatically suggested in Discussion of Aspects of 'Historical Connection' in Branching Space-Time, Nic Fillion, University of Western Ontario, no date given -- except that the historical connection would have strictly nothing to do with memetime histories-presence-futures or world lines, but with vonHayek time-shapes Musculpted in VirFut Q-Pro, for all the various precedences mentioned above would be µTmly superseded in Though changed, I arise the same: Eadem mutata resurgo. Note the conclusion to Fillion's discussion: What has been postulated so far does not validate generalized historical connection. If there is time travel, it doesn't take place in time. Note that the mu-Mu/m-M of which I speak is not exactly the same as the M-property referred to by Fillion or the M of superstring theory's M theory. Further note that, in VirFut Q-Pro terms, the speed of light acts as a constraint, not on causality per se, but on 1T2-causality only. Fillion clearly understands this, if vaguely. For he says: Point events [in branching space-time] are more like 5-tuples (x,y,z,ct,S), where S is some propositional content describing some states of the system. Actually, in VirFut Q-Pro terms, point events are more like 6-tuples (x,y,z,ct,R,S) where {ct,R,S} -- i.e., giving due respect to m-valued absolute limiting velocities, absolute limiting accelerations, and absolute limiting time rates of change of accelerations, which by fractal-nesting-foam properties, constitute all possible velocities, accelerations, and time rates of change of accelerations -- is collectively-cooperatively, µTm-propositional content hologramically describing the Cantorian non-simple part-whole identity-transparent Everettian relative-states of the fractalized nonselfsame supersystem-system-subsystem composite (Fillion, in his brilliant exposition, somewhat gets this µTmish property with his labels=[x,t], transparency= whatever value, a value which would most fully be stated with some Gödel-numbered Gödel number), which devolves, in vonHayek terms, to chronotopological time-shapes of total capital stock, and which I further suggest must be labeled to the m-value stack superposed upon each LETS e-currency base-state -- notions without which the human species will not make it through the coming planetary (solar system?) cuspover. Whilst Fillion talks, to use his signifier, in an order-theoretic way, VirFut Q-Pro talks in a logical-value order-type-theoretic way. As regards operator-time in Paine-Kaplan theory of tornadogenesis (yes, this was run on USAF and NASA supercomputers during the 1970s; and Sakharov's 1968 multi-sheet model of the universe presupposed much of this), DNA helix-coil transition, double-helical cometary feeder bands, DNA nebulas, spiral-banded galaxies, and so on, be aware that spin-up is cascade and spin-down is reverse cascade, neither of which occur under t, only under {ct,R,S}. Quoting Fillion: incompatible point-events have a common lower bounding point-event . Incompatible point-events transpire on sheets obtained by logical-ontological-temporal involutory decomposition of the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference sheet, i.e., the most-dense sheet, or the AllBase, the base-state of Tzog-chen) where the common lower bounding point-event always is being-there all ways, thus validating Eadem mutata resurgo.
And what if it became known that there were actual 1968 Laos-located secret negotiations behind the false-covering secret negotiations sabotaged by Nixon (see, for an account of repercussions: The Dark Continuum of Watergate, Robert Parry, Consortium News, 12 June 2012) and leaked to the press?
Fascinating. Something I have no memory of knowing, if I ever knew it: the Anglophile Hamiltonian New England federator-industrialists, with the exception of Hamilton himself, actually tried to make New England secede from the Union, secede mind you, in the decade prior to the war of 1812, and during that war (see: The Most Important War You Probably Know Nothing About, James Traub, Foreign Policy, 15 June 2012). The Lowells, the Cabots, the Parsons, the Pickerings, the Danas I knew of the Burr-Hamilton duel, but none of the real details as to its actual background. I knew of Burr's involvement in the attempt to use Louisiana as a base to create an independent nation in the West, but not of the New England secessionists. With all the courses on, and readings into, American history I've had, even writing a long paper on the Hamilton-Jefferson debates on the national-debt/national-bank for Elspeth Rostow's AU-SIS 12-credit-hour American Civilization seminar, and never to have encountered the term Essex Junto (if I ran across this, likely it was in LaRouche-oriented literature): fascinating how so much of the U.S. past in sensitive areas is rarely taught. In order to preserve small things, great things are sacrificed. So, slavery was only a secondary issue as regards viability of the federated states (and how little I learned about Lincoln's actual attitude toward slaves: see, Letter to Horace Greeley, 9 July 1864; and Abraham Lincoln: Forced into Glory, Bionic Mosquito, 19 June 2012). The President lies! is something I first learned of while playing basketball with U2-pilot friends of Gary Powers at Eielson AFB, Alaska. But who can map out all such lies? Wilson, FDR, LBJ, and on and on. In my Hamilton-Jefferson paper, I argued that Jeffersonianism was dead upon delivery, stillborn, because there was then no sufficiently elaborated Weltanschauung to support it (being thoroughly Cartesian-Newtonian, Jefferson -- particularly given his Westward Ho! Drive the heathens into the Stony Mountains, and his various uses of slaves -- was only by degree, not kind, differentiable from Hamilton, a fact that did not come across clearly in Daniel Boorstin's The Lost World of Thomas Jefferson, Beacon, 1948): that Weltanschauung would have to wait for the advent of quantum-relativity perspectives. So I then believed. While at AU-SIS, I didn't understand the degree to which those, particularly quantum, perspectives were dissimulated, or why -- the writing of that paper was part of the process of my gaining that understanding. Not surprising that Voltaire's European Confucianism should have persistently prevailed over a puerile European Taoism; though this has not been natural, it certainly has been 1T2-consistent -- however great the negative consequences have been for Nature, and the quality of American life as distinct from the quantity of things therein.
The Germans to whom I handed a copy of Echo of the Mockingbird turned up their noses at my use of the idea of cultural predispositions, if not the very idea of cultural predispositions itself. Nowadays, approaching two decades later, when the French-German divide is once again becoming clearly visible (see, for a good summary with links: Greek Election Sideshow; Socialists Win Absolute Majority in France , Mike Shedlock, MISH's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 18 June 2012), there is little hope of believably denying that cultural predispositions are major contributing factors to long-wave historical deployments. When, during the late-1960s and on the basis of cultural predispositions, I began predicting formation of a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a Greater China incorporating Japan (i.e., equivalent to a Mahayana Buddhist Bloc), I did not think that Germans would want to enter such a bloc or that the Japanese would wish to become part of Greater China. I thought that internal necessity and force of external circumstance would coalesce -- over a period of decades, involving dozens and dozens of events -- and come to insure such choices were made in one fashion or another. Law of Counter-Parsimony: absolutely nothing is simple, because superintegration and overdetermination vastly understates the complexity resident in µTm-valued relative-state identity-transparency -- demonstration of which is no mere case of authentication by contagion-association-possession, i.e., a regressed expression of empathy, Einfuhlung, amae. Nor did I think internal necessity derivative of STRATFOR founder and CEO George Friedman's take on grand strategy (quoting The Next 100 Years, Anchor, 2010 edition, p. 39): A country's grand strategy is so deeply embedded in that nation's DNA Silly use of the DNA metaphor: done because it gives a glaze of rationality, when grand strategy actually issues out of irrational-arational collective unconscious archetypal gradients. Griedman, uh, uh, G. Friedman needs this rational glaze if he is to justify his thesis on geopolitical forecasting (quoting 100 years, p. 10:
Geopolitics is not simply a pretentious way of saying international relations. It is a method for thinking about the world and forecasting what will happen down the road. Economists talk about an invisible hand, in which the self-interested, short-term activities of people lead to what Adam Smith called the wealth of nations. Geopolitics applies the concept of the invisible hand to the behavior of nations and other international actors. The pursuit of short-term self-interest by nations and by their leaders leads, if not to the wealth of nations, then at least to predictable behavior and, therefore, the ability to forecast the shape of the future international system.
A geopolitical invisible hand -- requiring extension of Adam Smith analogous to generalization of the Containment Policy into the Third World -- is simply a silly concept, and not only because it extends a 250-year-old idea about self-organizing processes, an idea long since scientifically superseded with advent of quantum mechanics. Enlightened self-interest is a nice way of saying irrational exuberance which is a nice way of saying unbridled greed -- which, while possibly 1T2-rational, is certainly not intelligent, short or long, individual or collective. Money-in-motion pulls resources after itself in its feeder-band wake-vortices, just as electrons in motion establish event-fields; it is the involved gradients, not self-interest as invisible hand, which are responsible for the market-mediated self-organizational competency seen in capitalist systems -- a low level of competency compared to natural systems. The reason the capitalist level of competency is so low is the logical-value order-type of information carried by money-in-motion -- juxtaposing, as we should, to that carried by electrons and other elementary particles in quantum-composite relative-state. Prerequisites to higher levels of competency have not been met within the framework determining conditions established by capitalists. The extension of invisible hand to geopolitical forecasting is, therefore, hardly justified. How, then, was it accomplished? As Friedman explains in his Author's Note to 100 Years, the future history: the goal is to identify the major tendencies -- geopolitical, technological, demographic, cultural, military -- in their broadest sense He neglects intellectual history, art history, music history, history of science, history of mathematics, indeed, psychology. As illustrated by content of the text, culture is used by Friedman only in a most restricted sense. Because of these multiple neglects, wild misassessments are made (quoting Friedman, p. 31): The American Age began in December 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed Ha! This collapse was no less than the second step -- the first being the Tet-'68 catalyzed breaking of the weakest link: the Bretton Woods gold-exchange mechansim -- in disintegration of the global institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung. There has never been and won't be imposition of an enlightened global American amerce, only one gold-exchanged and later fiated, because America never produced a Weltanschauung -- only institutionalized and technologically wrapped one such transplanted, one metaphysically dead less than half a century after birth of the U.S.A., one to which America ever more intensely and dysfunctionally clings. No skyquake! Caught in the cognitive vacuum wake left by a dead paradigm burning probability-mist propellant in its stuttering expander-cycle engine. QEing: faith-based confidence placed solely in a hypothesized pulse-detonation-wave economic engine (PDE not subject to autoignition). Were it not for the likely effects upon econometric magnetosphere, we'd surely have Congressed and Treaesuried and FEDiterated antimatter-catalyzed nuclear-pulse propulsion of the Wall Street Ponzi. Thus returning to the global financial crisis and its euro special case, we see that Friedman makes a specific technical error due to his corpus of neglects. Again quoting 100 Years, the Preface to the Anchor Book Edition, p. xviii:
the financial crisis was not an event that changed the cycle in the United States there is a fifty-year cycle in American life This [the 2008-2009 financial crisis] was simply a cycle within a cycle.
Friedman herein illustrates that he tacitly carries the idea that space is homogenous and isotropic (no limited spacetime domains, no Sakharov multi-sheet laminated modular spacetime, no causal sets -- and no vonHayek time-shaped Kozyrev temporal-densities: one false Cartesian-Newtonian premise of globalization and global climate shift modeling under mistaken assumption of a classical limit) such that cycle after cycle, indeed cycle within cycle, can transpire in scalar fashion, without cascade/reverse-cascade Devil's-staircase dynamics. This is not the case, whatever the view from the interventionist command-and-control helicopter Bernanke begged-borrowed-stole from West-more-land. For instance, solution to each of the preceding crises Friedman itemizes -- USG guarantee in the muni crisis of the 1970s, Brady bonding of the third-world debt crisis, resolution trusting of the S&L crisis, and QEing of the 2008-9 crisis -- contributed to prefiguration, catalyzation, and amplification of the succeeding crisis, including the present eurozone crisis. Spiral nest, pyramiding -- not simply cycles. But what else could be expected, when a hundred years on from explication of the quantum of action, T(EU)PTB created, not only a single currency, but a single-valued single currency? Leibnitz monad does not equal Prussian monism: not only the Germans have not yet learned this. No believer in European Confucianism has so learned. Whilst Prussian mandarins were imposing war indemnities upon France, the avant-garde Germanic intellect was leading the way into the new world adamantly opposed by the European middle classes aligned to the European mandarins -- ultimately, the German middle-class supporters of Hitler. A new world stopped dead in its tracks by suppression of awareness of the interface between Polish Lukasiewicz logics and German quantum of action. What happens when this interface finally becomes understood amongst Poles, Germans, Russians, Japanese, Chinese and other culturally predisposed cultivators of fuzzy logics -- and history of the 20th century is [re}viewed through lens of that understanding? Nature will not allow this understanding not eventually to prevail -- because of the inevitable negative consequences incumbent upon cultivation of the above-mentioned false assumption in the fields of, say, atmospheric science and genetics, not only economics, finance, and monetary theory.
I don't mean to be feisty, impolite, whatever. But Look here! does seem appropriate and justified when I protest being mistakenly represented when protesting to the effect that microwaving space-based solar, as spin-off of Star Wars, almost most assuredly would further facilitate anthropogenic climate shift. By the memetime I quit college, the correct commitment appeared to be My planet right or wrong!; a decade later, studying Sun-Earth interactions, My solar system right or wrong! If this i/I-am is to be 1T2-identified, with what is that state of identification to be established? Just as I never believed CFCs the major factor in ozone depletion, so I never believed greenhoused global warming the major factor in anthropogenic climate shift. Moreover, if Hayter AID as Imperialism, then Treasury Grant Program as Malfeasance (see, for instance: $9 Billion in 'Stimulus' for Solar, Wind Products Made 910 Final Jobs -- $9.8 Million Per Job, Michael W. Chapman and Fred Lucas, CNS News, 20 June 2012) by comparison to likely outcomes of LETS e-nesting foams incorporating fine-grained µTm-tagging of externality-related indicators.
Biometric PreCheck (see: 'Checkpoint of the future' takes shape at Texas airport, Bart Jansen, USA Today, 19 June 2012) for all travelers is, in my judgment, not only an early stage in implementation of hi-tech internal travel visa, but prefigurative of the bioharvesting in our engineered genetic prepartum precheck future. Biometric PreCheck and postpartum disallowance of chalked sidewalks (see: Denver neighborhood bans children from drawing chalk art on sidewalk, Fox News, 22 June 2012: white propaganda is reserved to the state) in lieu (i.e., conversion-disorder displacement: symptom of collective psychosis) of LETS e-nesting foams incorporating fine-grained µTm-tagging of externality-related indicators. Which collective psychosis? That induced by death of the institutionalization of the long-dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung. London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down all fall down. Mushi mushi ano ne, ano ne, ano ne a so desu ka. Children's games, by collective unconscious mediation, mimic-trope adult behaviors, historical events/acts like the Black Plague or the Hiroshima-Nagasaki bombings. Shorting America and then asking the wrong question is not the only adult behavior that will get federal authorities stomping on your tail; thinking scientifically outside the box will accomplish same. Creative thought is tantamount to Nullification! Note that the limitations of 1T2-logic plagued the new nation from the getgo, have required subterfuge after subterfuge, and a civil war, to suppress -- and nothing has been resolved, as the EU is, centuries later, repeating pattern on the back of a planetarized financial crisis fostered by a global monetary system inculcated by The United States. To include: old-fat-slob Goldman-Sachs/BP demands for forced-draft population relocation and homogenization -- shades of Huntington's Viet Nam war population policy; shades of the consequences of Cambodian incursion -- on the U.S.-ANZ model, which included slave transport and off-shore debtor's prisons (see: EU should undermine national homogeneity says UN migration chief, BBC News, Brian Wheeler, 21 June 2012: it's not that everyone all over the planet has wanted to move to America; rather, that a certain kind of person from all over the planet has wanted to move to America). Not particularly parenthetically, during 1976 riding in a car near Ithaca, N.Y., I and the driver heard on a local radio station a brief account of research into post-WWII Allied-run forced population relocations and concentration camp deaths in the hundreds of thousands. We both looked at each other semi-stunned and sought confirmation we each had heard the same thing. Neither of us ever encountered anything about this again. Most of those to whom I mentioned it acted as if I were off in the head. To read now of the half a million Allied administered transport and concentration camp and post-release starvation deaths, flash forward to In the Wake of World War II: The European Atrocity You Never Heard About, Global Research, 29 June 2012, by Colgate University professor R. M. Douglas writing an introduction to his new book entitled Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans After the Second World War (Yale University Press, 26 June 2012). Expertise and access is brought to a similar theme by John Loftus (see/hear the VDO named after the title of his book: America's Nazi Secret, Infowars, 8 July 2012), a theme long cultivated by Lyndon LaRouche, et al. In Hamilton's and Jefferson's day, a national bank was required to deal with the national debt because 1T2-logically-valued currency was the only currency-type contemplated. Nothing has changed. Indeed, not by Christian influence in the two-thousand years since Christ over-turned the moneychangers' tables. The situation is same-same in Europe today. The most profound observation made by Michael Burry -- who shorted America and asked the wrong question -- of The Big Short fame, in his UCLA econ-department commencement address was: Ignorance is willful. In his case, willfully audited and willfully FBIed. It can further be observed that glutamatergically-etched stupidity is aggressively murderous. Were I to draw connectivity charts and post them and clippings on the walls of my apartment, stringing them together, drawing big arrows, creating a personal schwittering merzbau, I surely would suffer the same sort of therapeutic intervention as did John Nash.
Like a dope, disagree with the 3Ds? Nope. But they -- diffusion, decentralization, and devolution (see: The Solution to Concentrated Power: the three Ds, Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 22 June 2012) -- should be implemented beginning with institution of appropriate changes of the logical properties of money itself. Why? Financial derivatives -- as a subliminal collective response to ever increasing infusion of quantum-based technologies -- brought a loop-quantum-gravity and multiple-universes mindset (but not the reality thereof: for the bundling of bundles of bundles, and the rehypothecation of the rehypothecated hypothecation, did not transpire in an economy replicating the framework determining conditions prerequisite to use of actual fiber-bundle arithmetics, Clifford-parallel accounting, Everttian relative-state) into the Wall Street World as justification of greatly expanded debt accumulation and leverage extension via Green-spanning low interest rates, ensuing carry trades, and so on, such that pyramiding TNX offerings-purchases underpinned a spiraling national debt (seen necessary to maintenance of the fiat dollar system) sustained by ZIRF-forcing of TNX purchases, which, as Jim Willie, in U.S. Treasury Bond Teetering Tower of Babel, Fed Stuck at 0% Forever, has so well by visual simile pointed out, became a self-fulfilling quantum-gravity loop upon which a debt tower sits tremulously, the mega-trillions in interest-rate swaps being a low-height-on-the-tower buttress support insuring ZIRF cannot be removed without destroying the largest banks and collapsing the TNX market supporting the national-debt tower. All because of collective consensuation of Max Born's misinterpretation (For god's sake, people, probability -- not Polish logics: Witch Bull of the 20th century!) of Schrödinger's wave-function, such that, when quantum-based technology infusions reached criticality, psychologically regressed financial derivatives were created rather than implementation of µTm-valued LETS. Polish logics again disallowed in prefigurative response to what was to become a massive reparations overhang (i.e., the corpus of financial derivatives functioning today for the global economy, as reparations once functioned for the Weimar Republic: Lukasiewicz had the basic µTm-idea well before onset of WWI, whereas his paper rigorously codifying Polish logics was published in 1921, just prior to initialization of the hyperinflation timeline). And the response is similar: institution of command economics, sociopolitical repression, preparations for war in the large, QEing, eventual declaration of monetary and price controls, mandatory acceptance of debased 1T2-currency as the last step on the Devil's (helix-coil) Staircase running up and around the Leaning Tower of Debt is transited, and, as falling into the abyss begins, a calling off of the global economy by means of war in the round. And many of those without a macroclimate survival suit actually believe, despite (because?) INSPIRE registration of plasma wave emissions from anthropogenic hot auroras and broadband pukes from enhanced lightning-storm sheets, that water pulsers, ice rifles, and glass guns insure that PW1 will be benign by comparison to WWII. Ha! Be aware, for instance, of lightning used as a projectile which laser-induced plasma channel directs (see: Army Developing Laser That Shoots Lightning, CBS/DC, 28 June 2012; also see, Electrolaser, Wiki, quoting, As a weapon, to make a thunderhead deliver a precise lightning strike onto a target ) -- if not of tornado-generated high-energy-pulse weapons. What weapons have the publicly acknowledged Star Wars weapons been cover for? And how anthropogenic have they been? As with illicit drugs, there is the question, Which agency is responsible? and then there is the question, Which agency is responsible for the war on? Flash forward and consider: Napolitano on weird weather and climate change: 'There's a pattern here', Zack Coleman, The Hill, E2 Wire (a good source of environmental-legislation-related information), 5 July 2012. Moreover, I don't imagine a shift to µTm-valued LETS nesting foams, and never have, as transpiring in the pre-cuspover period. Though, during one shortish interval, a long stretch of memetime ago, I was naive enough to believe preparations could be made. Now, even that seems highly unlikely. Have a look-listen at/to George Soros proposing (see-hear the VDO interview entitled Soros Calls on EU to Start Joint Debt Fund, Bloomberg, 25 June 2012) temporary EU treasury bonds as the Via Appia of euro-crisis solution: note that intervieweress Francine Lacqua calls for a strong leader -- where have we heard that before? -- and mentions Alexander Hamilton in that context: all very appropriate, as Soros is promoting an 18th-century confederation/federation solution to 21st-century problems deeply involved with inordinate systemic uptake of quantum-based technologies ever more distorted by imposed binding in the Cartesian-Newtonian-Turing straightjacket and associated censorship-plus-propaganda rising to some postmodern form of anesthetized non-dominant (ha!) maintenance ECT, just as occurred at onset of WWII: of Mussolini-origins, but a Bad Aibling Meggendorfer moral insanity, masspsychosis REINVENTED. Just as TPTB will not get off the Devil's Staircase in risk-debt/multiplier-effect transfer and concentration from micro to macro until they've transited the very last step, and fallen off, sudden ketaminergic illumination Satori concerning the classical limit koan will not transpire until full weight of the consequences of glutamatergic malcognizance have become utterly apparent to all.
Now that James Lovelock is returning to the fold, the mainstream media are toning down their account of what he earlier forecasted (like the journalistic kneejerk to Tet-'68: right general assessment; wrong reasons). Lovelock did not predict that billions would die due to global warming (see: Green drivel exposed: The godfather of global warming lowers the boom on climate change hysteria, Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun, 23 June 2012); his prediction was much worse than that. He predicted a few human breeding pairs left at the poles. Now he says that in the past several years it has become apparent that the climate models are flawed and global warming is not as bad as was thought twenty years ago. Ask him what, precisely, is wrong with the climate models, and he will have lots of ums and ahs, shared thoughts about a tweak here and a tweak there, but little real enlightenment to offer -- certainly no Satori concerning the classical limit koan. For Lovelock -- even though he professionally established himself by innovating electron-capture instrumentation -- Earth's atmosphere remains a classical domain, because the principles of quantum mechanics and relativity theory, by diktat of the classical limit, do not apply to the middle scale levels where atmospheric dynamics transpire. But what if the accumulating evidence (e.g., with regard to the speed of light) that universal physical constants are m-valued is consensuated? What if Sakharov's multi-sheet model is substantially correct? What if there are, indeed, modular limited spacetime domains and laminations in Earth's atmosphere, be they causal sets or related to Pauli operator-time and time-shapes, especially were they involved with acoustic analogues to black hole computers, just as the theoretical basis of the Paine-Kaplan multiscale, nested grid, cascade, numerical forecast model of tornadogenesis maintains? What if principles of both quantum mechanics and relativity theory apply to the macroscopic atmosphere? What would that imply about existing climate-change models? What would that imply about centrality, or lack thereof, of greenhouse-gased global warming to climate-shift dynamics? What would that imply about superintegration of magnetospheric dynamics, atmospheric dynamics, crustal dynamics, core dynamics? What would that imply about the potential reach of anthropogenic butterfly wing-flaps made in any one of those dynamical regimes? If there is, in fact, no classical limit, would that make the prevailing human predicament better or worse? Does anyone on this planet know the answers to these questions? In making forecasts as to human species survivability over the next century or so, not only are these important questions to answer, but there is also to consider: the consequences of genetic engineering, if the quantum properties of DNA play important biological roles; the growing war against the very idea of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system qua system; the derivative-driven potential for a nano-swarming space-based PW1 as the only way to call off the global economy, and questions as to how the technologies employed therein would butterfly wing-flap interact with the dynamical regimes noted above; the growing likelihood of pandemics due to all the biomeddling and antibiotics overuse; the depletionary consequences of exponential growth in resource consumption; and
All fascinating, utterly fascinating, and the complexity, the sheer complexity, is arresting. Nonetheless, it reduces down to the underwhelming more or less at here and there molecular-biology hypothesis as to how everything works: in this case, more or less at here and there with respect to transmitters, enzymes, metabolites -- and the sophisticated tagging/scanning methodologies-technologies employed at measurement. Quoting John McManamy's excellent summary (see: Inside the Neuron, McMan's Depression and Bipolar Web, article last updated 17 January 2012):
Stress elevates cortisol, which in turn ups the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, which increases calcium influx into the neuron and activates certain calcium-dependent death enzymes. Cortisol may also reduce the neuron's capacity to take energy-sustaining glucose into the cell so it doesn't have the strength to deal with a subsequent crisis. Another casualty may be the glia, the other brain cell, once thought of as mere mind-glue but now recognized as an active partner of the neuron. One of its functions is thought to be clearing glutamate from the synapse.
Basically, the cells can't handle the load. One of the casualties inside the neuron is brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that helps mediate neuron survival, inhibit cell death, and modulate synaptic neurotransmitter activity.
McManamy's posting provides some historical background on development of these ideas -- whereas the following news item is written as if the discovery were made yesterday: "Dementia Caused by Stressful Lifestyle", Jo Willey, the U.K.'s Express, 26 June 2012. One person doing creative research in this area is Irina Boksha of the Mental Health Research Center of RAMS. Especially do I wish there were a complete copy of the following paper written by her available to me on the internet: "Coupling between neuronal and glial cells via glutamate metabolism in brain of healthy persons and patients with mental disorders", available here in review form only, Biochemistry (Moscow), 69:7, July 2004, pp. 705-19. Apparently, the glia regulate metabolic (as distinct from transmissive) glutamate uptake to neurons, as well as clearing [transmissive] glutamate from the synapse. Let it be noted that Robert O. Becker long ago proposed that the perineural cell system (Swann cells peripherally, glia cells centrally) constitute an analog data system complementary to the digital data system as the corpus of neurons. During the mid-to-late-1970s while at Cornell, I had several interactions with Becker in Syracuse concerning possible implications of the Paine-Pensinger model of DNA free-electron gas core dynamics, specifically as regards intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA, both intranuclear and intramitochondrial. These interactions had influence upon development of the ideas expressed in our 1980 paper entitled Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement. I've long thought that the blocking of conscious access to µTm-logically-valued processing has something to do with disturbance of glial cell function, more specifically with modification of free-electron gas core dynamics of glial cell DNA. We understood the ultimate base state of chronic stress to be any factor which disturbs normative values of quantum wave properties of DNA. Quoting entry number 18 from our illustrated terminology glossary written during that period:
Coherent waves consist of an ensemble of wave fronts whose speed of propagation is called the wave trace velocity. In a given transition from the normative to the critical state, a number of different wave trace velocities may initiate energy absorption at a number of different phase boundaries. We are hypothesizing that the DNA molecule, by means of these wave dynamics, exercises some control over the cell membrane's active transport system and, in so doing, orchestrates the functional integration of cellular processes. Any disturbing factor that disrupts the temporal parameters governing the generation or propagation of the waves, functions as stress in the system and modifies the information exchange with the molecule's environment. Coherent waves emitted by the molecule that would incorrectly specify the phase boundaries and consequent energy transport would (1) not catalyze the molecule's own cyclical transition, and (2) would not promote functional integration of cellular processes. Another way to evaluate the disturbed vs. non-disturbed conditions of the molecule is by making a comparison between the pi-electron parcel's frequency of oscillation and the impinging radiative frequencies (see: Figures 5a and 5b). A healthy situation is when the oscillating parcel responds to a proper set of the incoming radiative frequencies. An unhealthy situation involves a frequency shift of the oscillating parcel, which (1) causes it to respond to an incorrect set of incoming radiative frequencies, and (2) causes it to be unresponsive to the proper set of frequencies.
According to our theory, the coherent waves spoken of here, generated by DNA at helix-coil transition, and propagated there from, carry with them all the information encoded by nucleotide-pair sequences, plus higher-order temporally-encoded information (likely µTm-logically-valued). The ambient radiation spoken of as impinging upon DNA would include that endogenous, not only that coming from outside the body. Wouldn't it just be something to interface our model of DNA free-electron gas core superconductivity and coherent wave generation with Irina Boksha's research on neuronal-glial coupling with the research being done at Moscow State University on Karpenko functors of Lukasiewicz logics over prime numbers with Gödel numbering of Gödel numbers on Tymoczko chord-moduli space of Musculpt manifold generalized to orbifold and mapped over cortical networks with the Regge calculus as giving µTm-logical lattices of vonHayek-Stockhausen time-shapes, the act of orbifolding being accomplished by 3-fold operator-time and most viewable in 3-space (three of space and three of temporal curl constituting a Calabi-Yau manifold) over twisted sectors as winding-states encipherment (e.g., at DNA helix-coil transition and tornadogenesis).
Zero interest rate policy; zero interest rate forever; negative interest rate policy: ZIRP became ZIRF, which is becoming Silvio Gesell's NIRP (see: Draghi May Enter Twilight Zone Where Fed Fears to Tread, Jana Randow, Bloomberg, 27 June 2012). Not only as regards Venetian merchants: the maughaming Of Human Bondage at somerset to the shylock whose equal pound of flesh is only rarely taken by the mark. With rehypothecation/on-selling of bundled bundles of CDOs/securitization, tangible assets became, with financial innovation -- so says Silenta Midelfart -- 1T2-tangled assets, and who, then, can say with assurance that the same asset is not being simultaneously lent to multiple parties? In rejecting Clifford-parallel accounting (under µTm-logically-valued processing) of Bose-Einstein condensation at creation of mortgage bundling, an attempt was made to retain the Cartesian-Newtonian notions of simple-identity and wholly-ownable qua simple-ownability of 1T2-logically-valued property (i.e., either private or not-private, no undistributed middle tolerated) in a era of e-money, the telepresence of which disallows non-quantum simple-identity. Binary-minded people, certainly no one Rei{mund] (Mi)nk, what! believe confederation unto federation is the only possible structural solution (see: Presenting Europe's 'Over-Indebtedness' Roadmap To Catastrophe, Zero Hedge, 27 June 2012) to the eurozone conundrum. Can't put this only down to Thus Sprach Hida Askawf, for when the banking system problem became the sovereign risk problem, all the systemic-colitis problems associated with insistence-upon/anal-retention-of simple-identity in a quantum domain migrated to the scale level of central banks of nation-states and the logical properties-of-relation within that Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian/Congress-of-Vienna collection embedded within the enteric-nervous-system causal set at issue. No psychobabble, eh! The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the central bank of central banks, in some ways supernumerary to IMF and World Bank and regional development banks, which switched to SDRs in 2003 (see: SDR to replace gold franc at the BIS, Bank for International Settlements, 10 March 2003) has been, it appears, QEing unsterilized SDRs for central bank deployments since 2009 (see: Monetary Gold, SDR's and the BIS, Keri, The Bankster Report, 21 October 2009: if blogspot is not blocked; the primary original document cited by Keri being Measuring Financial Innovation and its Impact, Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics, the BIS's IFC Bulletin, No. 31, 2009; this last is a very long document, an important quotation there from being available in Foretelling the Future: Bank for International Settlements on Big Banks, James Hall, Infowars, 27 June 2012) -- though this seems to be denied by the BIS (see: BIS skeptical on reserves role for SDR, Central Banking, 28 June 2010: if this site will let you on it). I knew that the IMF has materialized SDR rabbits (the 1969, before closing of the gold window, creation of SDRs having been the foremost global monetary system response to the negative impact of the Tet-'68 offensive upon sustainability of the gold-exchangeability of the international reserve dollar and integrity of the Bretton Woods monetary system in general: stone that David cast) at many times the value of the original DRs-quotas distribution (this without-economic-basis original distribution itself having been pulled out of a hat by fobbing FDR, Morgenthau, White: read Raymond F. Mikesell's eye-witness account, given in his book Foreign Adventures of an Economist, U. of Oregon, 2000, and note that this book is not mentioned in the Wiki biography, and also try to search DRs as distinct from SDRs), but I had not heard until recently that the BIS had begun same -- which means that, if it has, we've had at least a big toe on the last step of the Devil's Staircase for several years now. Wide-eyed gawper, what. Hold your jaw! Sighing, thinking of Inkognito Gata, a little geisha dive down an S&M corridor of backstreet Gion. No hunter-dog baying allowed. One target only per contestant. In the TARGET2 system, the relationship between Bundesbank and the PIIGS' central banks (see: Why Germany's TARGET2-Based Eurozone Preservation Mechanism Is Merely A Ticking Inflationary Timebomb, Zero Hedge, 30 June 2012) is rather like that of a father who has set up over-draft protection on the deposit accounts of his spend-thrift children to the extent of his personal net worth, which is guaranteed by his father's (the German government's) credit rating and ability to raise money by taxation/inflation, which itself is guaranteed, not by the ECB, but, to a small extent, by the IMF's and BIS's abilities to create unsterilized 1T2-logically-valued SDR accounting units, those abilities being dependent upon maintenance of the integrity of the Cartesian-Newtonian nation-state system and supraordinate agglomerations thereof, in face of ever intensifying assaults by quantum-based technologies and their environmental impacts.
Why does Brandon Smith not ask where the subconscious permission (see: Americans Are Being Prepared For Full-Spectrum Tyranny", Alt-Market, 28 June 2012) comes from? Quoting the article:
Without the permission of the people, subconscious or otherwise, no tyranny can survive.
The obvious follow-on question is never asked. Is Brandon Smith's reason for not asking, the same reason that George Soros interpreted the origin of what he calls market reflexivity to an unknowability inherent in the nature of things and most clearly exhibited by the epistemological import of self-referential propositions? For instance, The Liar's Paradox: This sentence is false (ambiguity irreducible insofar as the underlying non-concretely-signified proposition is transliterated into concrete reference by employment of 1T2-only-grammared speakable languages). I think so, because throughout at least the 19th and 20th centuries fear, dread, and loathing of animistic-pagan Cabalistic non-simple identity drove myriad subconscious permission-type utopian-socialist/state-communism/mass-psychology-of-fascism collective expressions by constellating collective unconscious archetypal behavior/event gradients across myriad fields of human endeavor: the ambiguous 1T2-paradoxical self-referential nature of compensatory abreaction at work: Season of the Witch in modern times, at the very least 1966 and 2011 most explicitly. Were Smith to ask the where-from question, he would be faced with consequences of Lecky's theory of self-consistency (see: Prescott Lecky: pioneer in consistency theory and cognitive therapy, M. J. Stevens, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 48:6, November 1992, pp. 807-11: I studied Lecky under Prof. George Harris, Human Behavior Seminar, AU-SIS, 1964): commitment-to/identification-with the simple-identity essential to individualistic libertarianism, the master motive qua chief feature to which Smith subscribes, would be seen as partially responsible for the fear, dread, and loathing lying behind the subliminal permission at issue, thus undermining self-consistency of Smith. Hence, Smith resists asking, indeed, does not ask, the where-from question. Prescott Lecky's take on the role of resistance is deeply resonant with Autogenic Training's clinical catalogue of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance (for an anthroposophical take, see Adult Cognitive Languages, Anthroposophy Tomorrow, undated; and for the cataloguing itself, see Wolfgang Luthe, Autogenic Therapy, Vol. 6, Grune & Stratton, 1973, pp. 4-32) and characterization of their antihomeostatic pathofunctional potency. Be strongly advised as to the benefits of cultivating awareness that there are µTm-order-types of consistency potentially applicable to the very notion self-concept, including a [no-self}-concept CTC-order-type. Moreover, Smith would have to ask: To what degree has the Germanic Strain been historically victimized since the Napoleonic era, and to what degree does that victimization-stigmatization separate out those responsible from those who have been proximal perpetrators? Soros uses the Heisenberg uncertainty principle as partial justification for his inherent-unknowability-hypothesis interpretation as to the meaning of self-reference at logical accommodation. Present-day interpretations of Heisenberg uncertainty leapfrog the original observer effect understanding (presupposing 1T2-simple-identity of the observer), and assert that measurement uncertainty is inherent to all wave-like systems on whatsoever scale level (thus making a classical limit harder to sustain), primarily due to the properties of Fourier transforms and conjugate variables (see: Uncertainty Principle, Wiki). But look at the history of this: 1925, Schrödinger, whilst practicing 1T3-valued Tantric sexual yoga, writes the time-independent quantum wave equation with an m-valued wave-function; 1926, the Born probability-amplitude interpretation of the m-valued wave-function is consensuated, undoubtedly ballyhooed by some Elvis singing probability-amplitude Chautauqua mists; 1927, mind your xi's-cross-pi's are greater than or equal to the single-valued Navjot constant, i.e., the Heisenberg uncertainty inequalities are born. So, the uncertainty-unknowability hypothesis is dependent upon acceptance of the probability-amplitude interpretation which presupposes self-reference at logical accommodation bespeaks fallacy at least, if not transformational-conjugate uncertainty and dadburned inherent The Cloude of Unknowyng{ability], such that the 1T2-fallacy-free, rigorous 1921 elaboration (independently accomplished on both sides of the Atlantic by Lukasiewicz and Post, both of their breakaway papers published the same year, one in Polish, the other in English) of m-valued Lukasiewicz logics (founded upon order-types of self-referential propositions) could have been discounted in regards to interpretation of Schrödinger's 1925 m-valued wave-function. The m-valued property, as regards the wave-function no less than as regards a given logical proposition (the wave-function itself being a logical proposition), signifies the non-simple identity characteristic of quantal entities, thus deeemandin' that Tantric Schrödinger write m-valuedness into his time-independent equation. This time independence is no small matter, for look at how Heisenberg's original understanding of uncertainty as observer effect at quantum-scales-only has been superseded by present-day all-scales perspectives, particularly by understanding of the Fourier transform as being in a function of time as a function of frequency and yielding complex-numbered time domains and complex-numbered frequency domains (see: Fourier Transform, Wiki) -- meaning that, as applied to Schrödinger's wave equation, that equation is transformed from homogenous and isotropic time-independence to laminated-modular time-dependence (laminated time, I recall, being of the essence in regards to animistic-Shinto Weltanschauung: O, those Midori Gaoka days!). And this transformation is essential to the Fourier-transform escape from the original quantum-scales-only observer-effect understanding of Heisenberg uncertainty (which escape is necessary to a quasi-return to the well, actually, a wrapping of quantum state space in the psychological succor of Cartesian-Newtonian security blanket: residuals of dead paradigm still influencing GUTs: Higgs boson confirmed; the "God particle" which is the discrete dah discrete dah discrete aspect of the continuous force of gravity uh, that is, spacetime curvature uh, decomposed to its non-Cantorian set-theoretic particulates why, OMG, the God particle is just like any other particle-artifact of the employment of 1T2-valued logic alone to voyeurize that witch-bitch of a slit experiment). Since there is no solution to the prevailing global crisis possible within the prevailing governance paradigm institutionalizing the dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung, full-spectrum tyranny is justified. What makes PW1 inevitable is not the global financial/institutional/resources crisis, but all the confounded dissimulation going back to Abel's 1826 existence proof for transalgebra stigmatized as an Impossibility Theorem. If, as John A. Wheeler said, Gödel's Theorem is too important to be left to the mathematicians, then acoustic analogues to black hole computers are too important to be left to the physicists. Consensus understanding of the Fourier transform, and its implications for Heisenberg uncertainty, assumes real-numbered reference-frame linear-time as an objective Husserlian given of opposite sign to 3-space -- not Hawking imaginary time, and certainly not the 3-fold complex and hypercomplex operator-time employed in the Paine-Kaplan account of tornadogenesis (early-1970s) and the Paine-Pensinger account of superconductant free-electron gas core of DNA at helix-coil transition (late-1970s: in the terms of today, I suppose one could validly say that the pi-electron parcel temperature oscillations of our DNA model are a species akin to wakefield oscillations in laser-induced plasma channels, where, in both the DNA and LIPC cases, the characteristic spectral signatures are related to the cold plasma frequency due to the wakefield oscillations, hence, self-focus warm-golden dust Kusama-polka-dot points within self-induced plasma -- self-focusing and self-induction being special cases of self-reference -- undergoing a filamentation process, e.g., in core about which DNA helices helix-coil, or, for that matter, in core about which acoustically-modified-gravity-wave-undulating vaginal wall of tornado spins: and not forgetting time-energy uncertainty, is wakefield net-positive-space-charge region within Novikov-Sakharov µTm-dusti multi-sheet model of plasma sheath composed of real passive wake vortices or complex energy-momentum feeder bands drawing upon skew-perpendicularity between equipotential [e.g., theta-e equivalent potential temperature] surfaces and lines-of-force?). As regards GUTs experimentation, and so very much more, the consciously rationalized reason for any act by an individual is never the real reason, the personal-unconscious subliminal impetus closer to the actuality, the wholly subliminal collective-unconscious archetypal event gradient being the necessary and sufficient condition for the collective behavior within which individual acts transpire. To the degree an individual is psychologically identified with socially-conferred role attributions, i.e., to the degree he/she is a leader, to the same degree is there no actual conscious-individual and personal-unconscious components to his/her acts. Counterarguments to this assertion are given as if 1T2-simple-identity were a Husserlian given -- which is patently not the case (this J. G. Bennett null-vector, pencil of skew-parallels not-case being directly experienced, for example, by compensatory abreaction [related to compensatory reaction in parrying existential denials and threats to Umwelt and metaphysical assaults upon the false existential-claim to selfsameness -- threats to any existing concrete self-concept being less fundamental than threats to Kantian-categorical contents of the very notion self-concept -- but not same: see, for an account of very interesting research into effects of general cognitive load [equally applicable to media-manipulated collective attention cathexes and resultant mass analogue to pilot-fixation syndrome], specificity of cognitive responses, nonspecific affect-charge in reactivity, Two Paths of Defense: Specific Versus Compensatory Reactions to Self-threat, Donna Eisenstadt, et al., Self and Identity, 5, pp. 35-50, 2006, with extremely useful extensive bibliography] in, say, ketaminergic SEAL satori at high combat). Is it even possible to conceive that salient effects of the most-used general anesthetic of the Viet Nam war were altogether unknown to the SF medics introduced to this anesthetic in Dog Lab at Special Forces Training Group?
Really, in this increasingly quantum-technology-dominated day and age -- by contrast to the 1860s, even; the 1770s-'80s-'90s, surely -- how much sense does it make to use a single-valued-function space to represent driving forces, correspondences, contending relations, and outcomes at m-scenarios forecasting/strategic-planning? What about, say, an m-valued-function space under 1T2-valued logic -- given that µTm-valued logical processing is just simply over the top for the human mind in its present glutamatergically-brain-impaired state? DOD-Hollywood Transformers recognized as compensatory abreaction to this impaired state, story-boarded and VRed by conversion-disorder displacement at break-dancing projective-identification by collective-transference rapping of roof-brain chatter. Yes, I understand that the 1T2-psychologically-identified neurological establishment maintains that neuron prunings and neural network wipeouts by glutamate etching are largely responsible for neuronal plasticity at learning during the socialization/prescriptive-enculturation largely responsible for setting the Piagetan stages of cognitive development as ontogenically preceding phylogeny of the synoptic stages of economic development. I just happen to believe that such prescriptive learning altogether shuts down conscious registration of the µTm-valued processing prerequisite to human survival of the cumulative long-term planetary nugatory consequences which already have accumulated due to 1T2-plasticity at human learning. Here is another pristine example of corporate+bankster employment of single-valued functions, under 1T2-logic processing only, quadrant mapping across Cartesian-Newtonian absolute-space-time grid, Stanford Research Institute International plus Royal Dutch Shell m-scenarios forecasting/strategic-planning methodology adapted from U.S. military Plans and Operations contingencies-projection techniques as evolved over the post-Civil-War era: The Four Paths Forward For The Euro Area, presenting a Goldman Sachs assessment, Zero Hedge, 1 July 2012. And in explicating the preferred of quadripotential scenario set, entitled The Cultural Revolution, characterized by the advent of think continental -- not think hologramically multiscale, spatiotemporal fractal nesting foams: it's as if cognitive capacity for even the last 150 years of prescriptive 1T2-plasticity at learning has no residuals -- the name Alexander Hamilton is raised. OMG! It was one thing to advocate federation at the end of the 18th century, and is quite another to do so at memetime present. Even were full-federation of the EU to be accomplished in timely fashion, and, as projected, the bulk of Europe's problems thereby be solved, what impact would the involved further removal of locally-specific information from functional articulation within the global subsystem-system-supersystem composite have upon the planetary crisis in great measure catalyzed by ever increasing uptake of quantum-based technologies within institutionalization of long-dead Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung -- and associated snuffing of validity-utility of that institutionalization? Would not cognitive dissonance and plethora of schizophrenogenic double-binds be all the more collectively magnified, further precluding adequate responses to the gathering planetarization of superintegrated, overdetermined, m-variant, polymorphic, multivalent megacrisis?
Consider the obvious fact that bipolarity is built into 1T2-valued logic by Law of Distributed Middle and by the defined-in property insuring that, of the two values available (right side of T), only one can be the truth-value of a given proposition (left side of T) -- the other, the falsity-value (i.e., Law of Non-Contradiction). Boing-boing: follow the ball bouncing opposite-to-opposite, i.e., the dualism of two polar boundaries, [T, F], and never landing elsewhere, {between, beyond}, as long as the energy-delivering power chord remains connected -- which is to say, µTm-logical-value order-types not only exist discretely-unto-continuously arrayed along the real number line between 0,1; also, beyond those poles and beyond the real numbers altogether. If, as Rafael D. Sorkin says, logic is to the quantum as geometry is to gravity, then we must realize that virtually all of human cognition transpires in memetime-bound bi-polar [patho}logic (see how this bi-modality plays out with regards to The God Particle, say, as explicated by John A. Gowen in The Higgs Boson vs the Spacetime Metric, Vixra, December 2011: note that gravity is treated as creating time, not vice versa, as with operator-time, when, somewhat µTmly speaking, time-shape is space-shape given by time): locality vs nonlocality, specificity vs integration, propagation vs presence -- for several related instances; whereas, in nature as distinct from 1T2-logic-accommodation only, propagation is functional-specificity-related redundancy carrying relatively localizable information of logical-value order-types already here/there by the inherent identity-transparent µTm-ly-valued all-ways/always presence essential to functional integration. Yet, this characterization, in being somewhat speakable, remains unduly wed to the 1T2-valued order-type alone. Which is not even to mention the individual- and collective-psychosis inducing-amplifying effects of 1T2-logicaly-valued-only internet/smartphone overuse, which, brain cancer and gray matter atrophy aside, at critical ages, almost certainly magnifies impacts of glutamate etching upon neural networks of human brain (see, for a survey of recent research: Is the Web Driving Us Mad?, Tony Dokoupil, The Daily Beast, 8 July 2012; and for information on endogenous glutamate-ketamine excitotoxin-antidote interactions plus clinically administered introduction of exogenous ketamine, Special K for Depression Renews Hope in Hallucinogens, Jason Gale, et al., Bloomberg, 8 July 2012). Trust Allen Ginsberg's judgment as to which were the best minds of his generation? Human cognitions µTm-logically-identity-transparent, defined by the Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as dissociative identity disorder (which some regard as being induced by depression-fighting exogenously introduced Special K, elevated levels of the endogenous version being well documented as associated with the practice of Zazen: Why, why, there ain't no cognitive dissonance hereabouts, what!). How much MSG, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, biologically-active-frequency-window emf is consumed by computer overusers engaged in dangerous sitting, dangerous walking, dangerous standing, dangerous lying, dangerous driving? The names iPhone and iPad are tropes for what? Most every computer game one can find is thematically one way or another in compensatory abreaction to the existential threat µTm-valued logics pose to 1T2-valued identity (which puts them in the same class with Wehrmacht awards of the Third Reich). Same can be said of MoSoSo, such as Facebook. iDisorder book title. iCRAZY magazine cover. The more quantum-based technologies uploaded to the global economy, the greater the normative addiction/obsession to/with doomed attempts to dissipate this threat to simple-identity. Instead of exteriorizing µTm-valued internal Musculpt as mathematical notation and friendly interface for gaming m-logically-valued LETS, head-mounted smartphone exteriorizes the Povlovian psychopharmacology of 1T2-roof-brain chatter as commercial version of the woodpecker (well known to emf sensitives as the VLF basso ostinato of the Pacific Northwest, attributed to the Soviet Evil Empire). So it is, as regards either-on-or-off logic-gate processing [own, not-own], according to the rational treatment of, say, markets in process of efficiently clearing in order to dampen cyclic fluctuations and obtain homeostatic equilibrium. Impositions-interventions by externalities force hopping behavior, as efficient markets rationally jump between one equilibrium state and another. But what about Realrationalitat of markets employing 1T2-logically-valued exchange units? Soros argues that real -- as opposed to the heuristically rational-efficient -- markets are never actually cleared (even with computerized FIFO, and other high-tech, just-in-time inventory management tools), that there is never achieved an equilibrium state, because the logical ball boing-boinging over-shoots due to human error, error resulting from the tendency to drive beyond bipolar phase boundaries wherever they are found. Why exists, according to Soros, this tendency to over-compensate? Because cognitive observer-effect self-reflexivities (consider here Fourier transforms of economic cycles and conjugate variables within econometric behavior equations), related to expectation sets built into market sorting mechanisms, undermine the pristine clarities of purely rational 1T2-valued logic by introduction of self-referential propositions insuring human error due to an inherent unknowability in the very nature of things which the property of self-reference logically codifies (consider that this self-reference is deeply involved with what Donna Eisenstadt, et al., linked above, call the non-specific compensatory reactions to self-threat modulating, along with cognitive load, the ability to rationally accept specific feedbacks). But are drive-activated affect-charge-orchestrated escapements from the 1T2-logically-valued order-type actually required to account for the determining tendency to over-shoot? Underlying Fourier-transform and conjugate-variables considerations regarding uncertainty/unknowability, there is the issue of integral sums and the role of Newton-Leibnitz limits there with regards to (not to mention Einsteinian absolute limiting values and the topological transformations occurring there at). Locke, in Second Treatise, and Smith, in Wealth of Nations, both directly reference Newton's laws of motion, i.e., vector sums, in metaphysically justifying, by recourse to laws of nature, the franchise at legislative decision and the magic hand at market-mediated gravitation upon a price. But employment of the maximum principle of integral calculus in arriving at decision/price involves not only finite-process mechanisms, but a going to the limit of an infinite sequence: over-shooting the finite outcome, by the principles of the chosen analogical model in governance/market design, is a tendency logically built into both such (decision/price-determination) summings/marches/occasions. There is no real need to look at self-reference to explain the tendency to over-shoot in 1T2-logically-valued markets (employing 1T2-logically-valued monies and financial surrogates) -- though self-referential propositions obviously are involved in market reflexivities. How actually so involved? How much over-shooting are we talking about? The limit thereof -- or some lesser value? The degree to which self-referential reflexivities are not process{able] by the price mechanism (involved with order-types of logical-value available in price index employed, which is dependent upon the logical-value order-types of monies deemed legal tender) is a measure of the degree of over-shooting manifest in the system. Systemic load, as Eisenstadt, et al., illustrate -- as regards the global economy, greatly magnified by quantum-based technology infusions -- is a major factor modulating degree of manifest over-shoot. How cognitive load is handled depends upon many factors, one of which is the baud-rates of consciousness available to the various categories of involved actors: slower the baud-rate, the greater the tendency to pilot fixation syndrome. And that is where Einsteinian absolute limiting values, and associated topological transforms, are involved. Mr. Odd B. Heebe says that the baud-rate of consciousness genetically presupposed to the sunflower of a fly's eye be due to the species having survived swatters long enough to get two per one -- so notes Nesbo in Headhunters.
The 1T2-Law of Non-Contradiction is violated by Aufhebung-sublation at Hegelian dialectic cuspover, just as in Taoist tai chi enantiodromia -- though both employ rotational 1T2-logics, Hegel predicates historiographic spiral-form (thus requiring m-valued imaginary-transcendental variables); Taoism, unconstricting closed-cycle sequences (thus requiring, beyond those real, merely single-valued imaginary variables). Holistic integration is conceived to result -- by Lao-tzu, no less than by Hegel. The antonymic is found in onset of alienation, decoherence, cascade, devolution, decomposition, reduction; in animistic-Shinto, the Torii-logic-gate kire cut -- separating sacred from profane -- as Trope (the Bose-Einstein-condensation, fiber-bundle, operator-time-twisted microtubules rope displayed over entrance to Shinto shrine signifying the spontaneous fusion of Aufhebung-sublation) for collapse of the wave-function. Though, contrary to Penrose-Hameroff, and in Gebserian aperspectival-µTm -- not perspectival-1T2 -- I think self-collapse involves, not the wave-function, but involutory decomposition of Gödel-numbered of Gödel-numbered Gödel-numbers supersymmetry space under twistor as quantization of temporal curl, the following is, nonetheless, highly edifying: Finding Spirit in the Fabric of Space and Time, an interview with Stuart Hameroff by Tom Huston and Joel Pitney, EnlightenNext Magazine, 46, Spring-Summer 2010. Is Einsteinian flextime relative, absolute, relatively absolute, absolutely relative? I say: there is, by virtue of m-valued universal physical constants under µTm-valued logics, relative-state amongst absolute limits -- thus making objectivity of Penrose OR-self-collapse dependent upon the logical-value order-type subjectively employed by the Self self-collapsing. Entering graduate school, Stephen Hawking fixated upon the event horizon and was terrified by the psychological implications of what he saw when trying to peek over it: the end of 1T2-identity as a foundational whatnot, physics degree zero, and so on. So he set about finding a way to depotentiate the monster: the way found was Hawking radiation, which could conceivably dissipate a black hole and cause it to evaporate. Naked singularity: participatory observer frozen for all memetime from a mere glance at Medusa's m-logically-valued hair (non-classical parameters deemed non-observables more complex than mass, charge, and angular momentum). Cost of ego-sphere inflation upon identification with demigod/half-object Perseus. Clash of the Titans illustrating Greek confusion on these matters: 1T2-paradoxically, help from Io, uh, I-zero, is needed to cut off the head of Medusa -- not help from Iambe. Heh-heh-heh! By contrast and at about the same time, Douglas A. Paine, as a graduate student studying tornadogenesis, came to view atmospheric analogues to the black hole as information processors communicating by means of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes (analogue to what, in the cosmological case, later became known as Hawking radiation: actually, a precursor thereto in the guise of infrasound analogue to gamma-ray burster released along the axis of rotation, as pictorially illustrated here). In developing his model, Paine formulated the notions of three-fold imaginary/hypercomplex operator-time and m-valued universal physical constants processed under µTm-valued logics. Early in his years of graduate research, Paine participated in a study of shock-wave dynamics associated with Pacific atmospheric nuclear-detonation tests, how to distinguish anthropogenic shock waves from those naturally occurring. If Paine was right about acoustic analogues to black hole computers in Earth's atmosphere, what would that imply concerning effects of all the nuclear tests, conducted above and below ground -- well over two-thousand of them, see the Nuclear Detonation Timeline -- upon, say, jet stream, ozone metabolism, magnetic structure of various geomorphologies, magnetic core and magnetospheric dynamics and secondary effects of those upon climate, storms, plate tectonics, volcanism? Be all that as it may, try thinking in weaving metaphor, somewhat as string theorists do. Triple ikat -- meanings troped-woven-devolved in three twisted-state degrees of spatial freedom -- Musculpted by the triple-naved (reference to the Vedas and the Kojiki, not the NAV program) Goddess of three-fold operator-time, Who demands that octonions be placed upon Her multi-tiered Cosmic Plate ontologically-before She leaves Her cave, the µTm-logically-valued base-state of Tzog-chen. Sonoluminescent-bubble-cavitations caving-naving in acoustically-modified (i.e., coherent harmonic oscillations: hence, in Everett relative-state, and not subject to Penrose OR, objective reduction) skew-perpendicular/parallel energy fields, such as those associated with acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes at tornadogenesis, very likely accompanied by cold fusion and Earth-to-Sun high-energy pulse-code-burst briefs-back-Aufhebung. Read those briefs? Then precisely forecast, on Her µTm-AllBase, tornado touch-down, correctly position the ionomagnetospheric mirror Something discussed a long time ago -- even a decade before discovery of cold fusion -- by those into cascade theory of tornadogenesis. Tornado has no fusion torch (cf: Benard Eastlund, circa 1968) because its plasma bottle does not leak? For whatever the reasons, back-channel commo Earth-to-Sun as having butterfly-effects upon solar dynamics (see, for instance, by contrast to Can Hawking make us safe from black holes?: Are we safe from the sun? , Eddie Wrenn, The London Daily Mail, 9 July 2012) is soundly -- heh-heh-heh! -- discounted, just as center-of-galaxy complex-angular-momentum modulation of solar dynamics goes unattended. Desktop cold fusion in a beaker is rather like counter-cultural Sixties-error scale-interactionless local-scale-only spontaneous self-creation autopoiesis, wouldn't you say? This is no rejection of cold fusion in principle, were Paine's elaborations upon Victor P. Starr's The hydrodynamic analogy to E=mc2, Tellus, 9, 1959, pp. 135-8, taken into account, such that E, m, and c are understood dotted and double-dotted under second- and third-order temporal curls. The work of Purdue's Yeong E. Kim is of interest here, though by no means incorporating Paine's/Starr's hydrodynamics (see, especially: Hydrodynamic modes in a trapped strongly interacting Fermi gas of atoms, Yeong E. Kim and Alexander L. Zubarev, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 38, 2005, pp. L243-49; and Theory of Bose-Einstein condensation mechanism for deuteron-induced nuclear reactions in micro/nano-scale metal grains and particles, Yeong E. Kim, Naturwissenschaften, 96, 2009, pp. 803-11). The issue of trapping at a given scale level as regards this model of cold fusion is similar to that in contention between the Hawking-take and the Paine-take as regards black holes. Contained in a beaker by scale-level trapping or operational amplifier in a µTm-valued processor? Consider the Gödel numbering of Gödel numbers and how, thus, the most-dense sheet µTmly contains all the 1T2-valued information on decomposed sheets (is condensation the right word for this, or just an artifact of the retention of passive, passing, reference-frame linear-time?); the Regge calculus vis curvature configuration denoted by pregeometric logical lattice; the manifold properties of the hologram's wave-interaction information storage capacity. OOou-eee! beyond borderlines with CNN, into higgling hillbilly music hollered in the hollows, along the breadlines, the rail-lines, at the campfires of the Great Depression qua dusti energy bowl Higgs analyzed. I have no desire whatsoever to diss the youngest generation, Jaswinder Blackwell-Pal (see: Why Marxism is on the rise again, Stuart Jeffries, The Guardian, 4 July 2012), ever our only real hope, if hope be a real way to go, real creative thought occurring predominantly between ages 15 and 25, but, given Marx's debt to Hegel, is not a plumbing of the depths of Hegel's body of thought the very minimum cover charge one must pay for entry upon co-determination of the Fado (think: 1820s, and the Impossibility imputation existential denial delivered to Abel-soon-to-die: magnitude of punishment of the agent of the good-deed-not-unpunished directly proportional to magnitude of creativity invoked) being imposed, at the very minimum, upon biosphere, planet Earth?
The gei of not-Geisha, not The Gei of Geisha (Kelly M. Foreman, Ashgate, 2008). In studying ikebana (flower arranging) and karesansui (dry landscape gardening), I was taught gei, not as being the generic, art, but as an essentially indefinable aesthetic term like wabi, sabi, shibui, iki, yugen Show without tell: no attempt was ever made to explain meaning of the word gei -- and only later did I learn that it is generally translated simply as art. The gei I was taught was to be found in neti neti: neither this, nor that; rather, thisthat. A qualia-class recognizable, if not speakable (as are certain aspects of quantum mechanics). How recognized? Habitus at jimi (quietude) by an elevation of honne (pure feeling) in hara (the belly) reflected as mono no aware (referred pain) unto kokoro (the heart) -- registered as an electric shock: this ketaminergic, neurohumoral, self-canceling myocardial stunning (see: Neurohumoral Features of Myocardial Stunning Due to Sudden Emotional Stress, Ilan S. Wittstein, et al., The New England Journal of Medicine, 352, 2005) being idiopathic trigger to some lost memory of the aesthetic amnesiac. One can learn kata (discovery algorithms, no mere vonHayek rule-sets) only by recognition of that which is already known all ways always, i.e., by Platonic anamnesis upon most-dense sheet (AllBase) of the Plains of High Heaven, that is, Ma (multi-sheeted sacred space, articulated of temporal curl and suffused of pointillistic Kusama-polkadot, Novikov-kami µTm-dusti [strata of singular points, each stratum composed of those of the same type] -- according to archaic animistic-Shinto and modern Japanese aesthetics [for an excellent discussion, see: MA, Space-Time in Japan, exhibition catalog, Cooper-Hewitt Museum, 1979], fractality qua fractal-drum qua fractal-boundary properties of which are geosocially simulated [see: Dimensions of Sacred Space in Japanese Popular Culture, Randall L. Nadeau, Intercultural Studies, 6:2, 1996] by dosojin, the boundary gods). Unfortunately, these dimensions of sacred space, so far as I know, have yet to be analogically codified into an m-logically-valued LETS monetary system by SoftBank or any other strategically positioned institution/corporation -- and present-day Japanese economic difficulties are reflected in that absence, so I believe.
Retain the very notion of the Gödel number, whilst allowing the specifics of number-tagging Gödel employed for his particular purposes to pass on by. Bye-bye birdy. Imagine classes of other Gödel-number-tagging schemata for other particular purposes. When I speak of the Gödel-numbering of Gödel numbers, I do not refer to 1T2-valued symbol strings or sequences of such symbol strings (see, for excellent explication: Gödel's Proof, Peter Suber, Earlham College, undated coursework), but to the Gödel numbering of modular symplectics and stacky fans (extension of orbifolds and group theories of orbifolding actions [the topological actions accomplished by 3-fold operator-time responsible for finite groups of automorphisms over orbifolds and orbispaces?]: see, for instance, The symplectic Deligne-Mumford stack associated to a stacky polytope, Hironori Sakai elaborating animistic-Shinto for the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, ArXiv : 1009.3547v4, 26 February 2012: not necessary to follow all or even most to gain by repeated rovings of this paper), the, that is, µTm-valued and Gödel-numbered Karpenko functor-maps over Gödel numbers of 1T2-valued symbols, symbol strings, and sequences of symbol strings strung over the primes at hypercomplexification of Euler-Riemann real-complex zeta function. Following this short list of links may have edification value: Invariance of Markets, Chris Hammond, Daily Speculations, 30 May 2008 (do not miss David Whitesel's comment); and Essential Dimension, Wiki; and Some Consequences of the Karpenko-Merkujev Theorem, Aurel Meyer and Zinovy Reichstein, Documenta Mathematica, Extra Volume Suslin, 2010, pp. 445-57 (ditto for rovings of this paper); and Motivic Decomposition of Cellular Deligne-Mumford Stacks, Utsav Choudhury and Jonathan Skowera, Institut fur Mathematik, Universitat Zurich, February 2012 (ditto for rovings of this paper). To my way of thinking, there are calculi of indications herein to be found upon which µTm-unity by 1T2-diversity (a rendition of J. G. Bennett's diversely identical) can be obtained in convivial design criteria for framework determining conditions of anthropic autopoietic processes, to include monetary system dynamics. Parenthetically, as regards the issue of roving notation-heavy technical papers, I personally made a strategic decision long ago in studying harmony vis music composition: I stopped, because I did not want my ear programmed in that fashion. Same-same with regard to writeable-readable mathematics notion, which cannot authentically represent µTm-logically-valued modes of comprehension (this implies, for instance, that I believe µTm-logical-valuedness of basepoints is not authentically explored). Such representation, in my judgment, requires hologramic exteriorization of internal Musculpt as mathematical notation. The best development-through-use tool for this exteriorization, I believe, keeping in mind that the double removes the manifold boundary to identity-transparency, is biofeedback in the isolation-flotation tank used by a human pod of dancers learning melon-brain sonic-visioning and exploring relative-state identity-transparency, given dances troping, for instance, gluing maps unique to composition of the pod (breakdancing may be viewed as a psychologically regressed form of the dance aspect, carried out by conversion-displacement, rather than conscious engagement with the fundamentals at issue).
As may have been noticed from my writing style, the judgment of the notion is, for me, first and last immediate, i.e., assertoric, whereas deconstruction, [de}dis}un}lineation, of the notion is apodeictic over µTm-Musculpt manifold. Why? While first-order monadic truth-functional propositional and predicate logics have been demonstrated decidable, consistent, semantically and syntactically complete, they are-such-in-themselves only: map the 1T2-order-type of logical-value into any application space and, early on, apodeiciticity begins to breakdown, e.g., uncountability of the natural counting numbers, incompleteness and non-demonstrability of the consistency of any possible axiom set for proving truth-valued statements about the relations (i.e., arithmetic) between natural numbers, indefinability of arithmetical truth within the system of relations between natural numbers. This is no part of Husserliana and highly non-Aristotelian, for it means, to me at least, that transformation rules and formation rules, the logical strata most apodeictic, are less reliably verifiable than are notions in the sphere of Pure Logic, the manifold stratum of all possible forms f(M) of theories, the stratum from which the transformation and formation strata devolve/decompose. Since recognition of the forms, f(M), is immediate, and registered by myocardial stunning, I hold that the realms of Pure Logic are the realms of Pure Feeling (feeling having to do with aesthetic judgment over the Pure Land, and being all the more pure the more unsullied by the concrete contents known as emotive affect-charge and drive-activation, hence less and less myocardial stunning the more habitus is established in the Pure Land). Under, especially, the influence of business mogul and maths professor-doctor Kronecker (who also created many problems for Cantor), as well as Weierstrass and Konigsberger, Husserl turned against his own graduate-student psychological (a pejorative term) orientation to number theory, and this turning, to my mind, is why Husserl never actually practiced reductive phenomenology, only 1T2-thought about what such practice might entail. This absence of actual practice is most clearly revealed in his prefacing of reflections upon internal time consciousness by assumption of a given time -- something he could never have done had he actually practiced reductive phenomenology (inevitably involving time dilation, spatial contraction, and the like, drawing into question given-ness of an objective linear-time and ponderable space). And how did psychological become a 19th-century pejorative? During 1858 (this date, despite all the precursors; see, for rich edification: The Möbius Strip, Clifford A. Pickover, Thunder's Mouth, 2006), August Ferdinand Möbius and Johann Benedict Listing, two German mathematicians, described the Möbius strip. During 1882, Felix Klein, another German mathematician, described the Klein bottle. These are examples of f(M) which do not easily lend themselves to understanding by utilities of Kant's categories of our understanding (for useful commentary, see: Klein Bottles and Kant). Comprehension of Möbius strip and Klein bottle requires not only that one cognitively remove oneself from the dimension of the form described, but also that one imagine oneself as traversing the given form so as to discover aspects of its properties. The cognitive traverse necessarily involves employment of the notion of time-passing. Imagine that the Möbius strip and the Klein bottle are definite forms, i.e., that they, for instance, have selfsameness, are, in fact, the same as themselves. What then does the very existence of the Möbius strip and the Klein bottle imply as regards the nature of identity qua identity as a metaphysical property? What is self in the most general sense? Can it be nonorientable, one-sided, non-viewable except in a given time-like dimension higher than that space-like of the itself of itself; can it be of more than one topological genus? What of the selves involving higher-order Klein-bottle-type reentries? How many times over can such selves be non-selfsame by means of self-referential reentries? Isn't non-selfsameness by self-reference a violation of the transformation and formation rules of 1T2-logics once-upon-a-time thought to be definable, necessary, consistent, complete as THE rational, not merely such-in-themselves-only. Isn't non-selfsameness by self-reference simply absurd? Yielding alienation and anomie? The foundation of dissociation requiring, at the end of the 19th-century, definition as dementia praecox, soon to be renamed schizophrenia, now renamed dissociative identity disorder? Is time given, or does it give? Consider that, during the late-19th century, self-observation was debunked as being mere retroflexion (involving a self-traverse in order to ascertain its, the self's, properties -- deemed not possible): the self cannot be itself and not-itself simultaneously, for that would be a violation of the 1T2-transformation rule named the Law of Non-Contradiction, without which the truth-value of a true self cannot be established. One-sidedness of the self of a surface/manifold/orbifold somehow violates the Law of Non-Contradiction, the selfhood of that self being, truthfully, two-sided: [T,F]. The self that cognizes in immediacy that the my of my body imputes a self not-the-self of the body apperceived proprioceptively, by self-observation self-similarly cognizes that the self of my self is not-the-self of that self (see, for deep explication: Let Go! Theory and Practice of Detachment According to Zen, Hubert Benoit, Weiser, 1973), and so on and so on into higher and higher order-types of self-similar Klein-bottle-type reentries, in the limit nullifying the truth of truth-valuedness at selfhood. Is time given by the necessity to traverse in order to apodeictically establish properties of a self on f(M), or, 1T2ly speaking, does time as an operator of Pure Logic express, over Musculpt manifold, the µTm-order-types by which non-simple quantal selfhoods at n-dimensional Klein-bottle-type reentries may be given to Pure Feeling? Comprehension of operator-time is essential to penetration of the Leib-Seele problem.
There is a thematic resonance here. Along with the Wiki Libor piece and the New York Times graphic survey of 10 July 2012 entitled Behind the Libor Scandal, the best thing I've seen on the British Bankers' Association fraudulent rate system comes from The Automatic Earth as Libor was a criminal conspiracy from the start, Raul Ilargi Meijer, 10 July 2012. Quoting Meijer:
Libor was set up the way it was, BECAUSE the idea was to make it prone to manipulation the 1986 beginnings of Libor fall seamlessly in line with the -- true -- advent of the derivatives markets, where Libor manipulation is the most lucrative for the banking industry
One, of course, has also to wonder about Euribor, TIBOR, SIBOR, the various linked spread indexes, and so on. Hardly a unique sentiment regarding the abuses of self-reporting absent presence of the fair witness: see, for instance, 'A cesspit': Libor scandal may be going on elsewhere, James Kirkup and Angela Monaghan, The Telegraph, 9 July 2012. The resonance I speak of is not exactly between 1986 and 1968, but close: the bbalibor rates are set in a fashion directly corresponding to how the Viet Nam war's MACV HES (hamlet evaluation survey) worked, that survey which became deeply involved in the enemy-strength-estimates scandal aired at court via Gen. Westmoreland vs. CBS' 60 Minutes. The HES was part of a program to manipulate hamlets and villages harboring animistic relative-state identity transparency that could not be found, fixed and finished. BBALIBOR is part of a program to manipulate markets harboring derivatives of quantum relative-state identity transparency-generated risk which cannot be adequately assessed, marked to self-reflexive markets, and dissipated within the constraints of a 1T2-logically-valued monetary system employing quantum-based technologies. This observation is in no way meant to exonerate the banks or those reporting within the HES, only to say that 1T2-logically-valued framework determining conditions faced with µTm-quantum properties-technologies-actors-instruments dictate such behaviors must inevitably be pandemic (to include institutionalization of transaction rent -- bribes, kick-backs, so on -- seeking, e.g., licensing fees, financial transactions tax, Tobin tax, Robin Hood tax, fines on dangerous walking and mere sitting, et cetera). Since the court, quaestiones perpetuae, got its name and power, decemviri legibus scribundis, from royal-priest court culture presided over by patrician pontifices (see: The Roman Legal System) and the dictates delivered there, expectations as to a fundamental resolution of this problem cannot be very high. I don't worry about the people, be they good or bad, in the institutions, people easily replaced; I don't worry hardly at all about the institutions, less easily replaced, yet still replaceable; I don't worry much about the ideas by which the institutions have been justified, ideas long since replaced, even though tacitly clung to; I worry about the states of consciousness sustaining the dead ideas informing the mortally wounded institutions within which virtually brain-dead people with highly glutamate-pruned brains see to it that so many are sure to undergo premature demise. One could ask when the last helicopter is due for lift-off from roof of the World of Trade -- were its two main office buildings still in place. QEing and all the rest, like in counter-global-insurgency, the more tactical successes rung up on the register, the more thorough the strategic defeat waiting in the wings -- not least because The 1%, as the term is currently used, is something of a misnomer betraying First World bias; The 1/100th of 1% being more like the global case, as I would not be surprised to learn that any household with a net worth of over USD250,000 (for numbers, see: Measuring the Top 1% by Wealth, Not Income, Robert Gebeloff and Shaila Dewan, The New York Times, 17 January 2012) is a member of The 1% globally. Whoopse! More recent figures -- median net worth of U.S. families fell from $126,400 in 2007 to $77,300 in 2010 (see: Americans saw wealth plummet 40 percent from 2007 to 2010, Federal Reserve says, Ylan Q. Mui, The Washington Post, 12 June 2012) -- make it necessary to substantially revise downward that USD250,000 WAG.
I've always preferred to live in societies where I don't speak the local language. The principle involved was implicitly understood, 1967-8, by those intelligence analysts at CICV-POLOB, CDEC, and SRA-MACVJ2 who chose not to use the IDHS (intelligence data handling system) as an aid to their work, and who, thus, tacitly opposed digitalization of information space and the library system. Pay money to a cable company to be further propagandized, further subjected to advertizing? Essaying a related theme, here (Subconscious War, Subrealism, posted Friday, 13 July 2012; also thematically relevant is the prologue to David Baldacci's The Sixth Man, Grand Central, 2011) we have a high-impact VDO offering an interesting contrast between Huxley's take in Brave New World and Orwell's take in 1984 on the type of totalitarianism we are to have. The perspective taken in the VDO leans strongly towards the Huxley variety. I will not itemize the distinctions drawn, as they come across strongly in audio-visual, and verbal recap would ruin it for the listener-viewer. My assessment is that we are likely to have both types simultaneously. Uh, given, that is, the psychostate of your average fubsy paladin, fugleman, bureaucrat, underling, patdowner-frottage, sycophant, yea-sayer in, as he/she is, compensatory abreaction to inferiority complex. Examples of compensatory abreaction? Po weyet tash White Supremacists amerge from da hallars when Caucasian suuupremacy goes into abeyance; radical Islamism effloresces in direct correspondence to female access to information and education and proactive volition. I would further note that cognitive overload qua pilot fixation syndrome is not only a function of information density/throughput, but also baud-rate of consciousness (increases of which requiring cascade/reverse-cascade qua blowup/blowdown compactification of arrangement complement, a ketaminergic procedure [see: Compactifications Defined by Arrangements I: The Ball Quotient Case, Eduard Looijenga, Universiteit Utrecht, 12 November 2001, exclusion of Abelian algebraic varieties, Gödel numbering of boundaries and cusps, i.e., automorphic line bundles and points, and µTm-valued-logic employments being unfortunate: not necessary to follow all or even most to gain by repeated rovings of this paper], and imparted twist to Einstein's flextime, one sort of memetime, with the involved polydiagonalization, and so on), and the possession -- or lack thereof, by the ego-sphere's granting of continuance and the competency remand of a coddling fusspot via lacuna-on-the-brain and insistence upon 1T2-Rules of Procedure unto 1T2-Rules of Order unto Polite Forms of the Cosmic Invariants qua kata <<>> kisoku no kata <<>> kakureta kata -- of relevant µTm-pattern recognition insight and µTm-categories of understanding capable of generating such insight. Fourteen-year-old Mozart, for instance, somehow having skirted his last glutamateric neural network wipeout, thus retaining his eidetic auditory imagination, his eidetic imagery capacity, his eidetic memory -- tramendious! multi-tasker, split-scanner -- was reputed to have listened to only a portion of Allegri's Miserere mei, Deus and to subsequently have written it out complete, from memory (the debunking, in lieu of excommunication, version of this is that he heard it complete, twice: note the resemblance between Deus and deux, and how the two relate to 1T2-valued logic despite the multi-sheeted polychordal harmonies of this portion of the Tenebrae light-sculpture-musical mass unto apocynthion of the Outer Darkness where STMs, like kamikaze Switchblade drones, abide: flash forward and see, Army Wants Tiny Suicidal Drone to Kill From 6 Miles Away, Spencer Ackerman, Wired, 10 September 2012). Bipolar Beethoven -- alcoholic, syphilitic, lead poisoned, sufferer of Whipple's disease and hepatitis, and sarcoidosis unto deafness -- was similarly debunked when we were told to ignore the claims made in his letters that he composed by simply notating the flowing colored forms he intellectually apprehended (suggesting that creative genius in the act doesn't actually memorize/remember anything or engage in any sort of analysis?), a cognitive level of musical engagement few ever attain according to his judgment (see: Beethoven, His Spiritual Development, J. W. N. Sullivan, an acquaintance of Aldous Huxley, Knopf, 1927: I found a copy during 1971 through a search service, later gifted, amongst boxes and boxes, to Wilson College library, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania). Musculpt, version 1.0? Sullivan's recognition of the importance of Beethoven's inner Musculpt was clearly facilitated by Sullivan's knowledge of topology and Einstein's general theory of relativity. And if Mozart had access to the required software, would not his handling of Miserere be a demonstration that he was also in possession of a copy of VirFut Q-Pro, version 1.0? Once he had had sufficient pattern recognition stored in Musculpted flowing colored forms, would he not have been able to accurately unfold/read -- by employment of his topological orbifold-insight/eidetic-imagination as regards chord-moduli space, particularly of the dominant seventh -- the portions of Allegri's setting of Psalm 51 he had not heard? Who preceding Mozart's times (1756-1791), and those of Beethoven (1770-1827), had something of a handle on this, prefigured it?
it is evident that the correspondence of natural things with spiritual things, or the world with heaven, is through uses and that uses conjoin. And the forms in which uses are clothed are correspondences and means of conjunction just to the extent that they are forms of uses.
Quoting here from the year 1758, Heaven and Hell, Number 112, by Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), who professed to being a translator of angelic speech, which he characterized in terms uncannily similar to those of Beethoven.
The logical correspondent to Newtonian absolute space and time is restriction of The Rational, of logic, to the 1T2-valued order-type alone. This observation deeply impacts the notion that logic is to the quantum as geometry is to gravity. In the case of gravity, Einstein superseded the idea of force as the Cartesian-Newtonian idée force by finding that spacetime curvature is more fundamental -- AND, in so doing, transcended Euclidian geometry no less than absoluteness of space and time. Where, along with other wise men including John A. Wheeler, Einstein feared to tread, even with eyes wide shut, was into the realms of pregeometry as µTm-valued calculi of propositions sans the assumption that truth-value is the foundational notion -- and this includes his discussions with Gödel, for Gödel never moved beyond truth-value (a moving beyond which he psychologically projected to the phantasm of a missing manuscript of Leibnitz, and simultaneously introjected/converted as bulimia, for he could not eat what he had long since subliminally rejected). Nor, clearly, did Emil Post -- for whom T marked Truth, not identity-Transparency. And apparently even Lukasiewicz was not particularly explicit about this; otherwise, interpretation of logical-value order-types to the real numbers in the interval [0,1] could not have become the snap-to consensus understanding. The fact that this exemplary interval is construed [0,1] and not {0,1} is itself an identity misnomer, for, though Cantorian cardinalities can be read in [0,1], they are interpreted to undistributed middle as a gray-scale fuzziness between the poles on/off, up/down, top/bottom, and so on, rather than to 1T2-contradictory/superseding, {0,1}, hologramic part-whole relative-state identity-transparency nesting-foam AND fuzzy undistributed-middle. Otherwise stated, fuzzy logic, for instance, among others, rejects the Law of Distributed Middle while retaining the Law of Non-Contradiction. Moreover, limiting the number-theoretic interpretation (merely one of how many possible?) of logic to the reals is not adequately justified. Undoubtedly, under µTm-valued order-types construed without truth-value as foundational notion, there are myriad number types yet unimagined (and myriad associated identity-states yet to be experienced by human species). Fear of this has explicitly dominated human affairs since the early-19th century, and implicitly as far back as can be traced the idea that the appearance of an infinite regress indicates the presence of a logical fallacy (Shankaracharya, for instance: about the same memetime certain fundamentals of Tibetan thought, related to logical-value order-type, were lost, spurring the Tibetan invasion of China). Furthermore, does not choosing to regard the notion of number as a foundational concept, in and of itself, place undue restrictions upon the very idea of logic, which, until Lukasiewicz, was largely considered synonymous with cognitive/cosmic Necessity?
In taking to task Steve Keen's call for a global debt jubilee in context of fractional-reserve lending, Mike Shedlock makes a very interesting statement with regards to legitimacy in right-to-use, not unrelated to issues involved in Swedenborg's Doctrine of Uses (see: Notes From Steve Keen on 'Lending Reserves' and 'Debt Jubilees'; Mish Proposed Starting Point For Real Solution to Debt Crisis, Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis, 13 July 2012). Quoting Shedlock:
Logically, two people cannot have the right to use the same money at the same time, whether they agree to such a scheme or not!
The notion of legitimacy employed here is justified by recourse to logic understood as the 1T2-order-type alone. The same sort of logic mitigates against multiple prices for the same item to different customers depending upon their personal attributes, thus reducing the utility of barter in an economy using money. By further extension, this same sort of logic makes multi-valued prices unlikely, and altogether precludes m-logically-valued prices. This, in my judgment, is not a good thing, because it undermines ability of the system to successfully mediate internal system state at high self-reflexivity, correlation, synergy, integration, and simultaneously magnifies dysfunctionality of the multiple-bank fractional-reserve credit-expansion system. In going to cloud computing, system designers have unfortunately clung to 1T2-valued logical processing. This means, even as cloud computing becomes evermore telepresent, a shift from properties of networks to properties of manifolds as analogical models for financial-banking-system architectures is unlikely to transpire. Architecture -- e.g., type of dimensionality employed (integral, fractal), network, manifold, orbifold, orientable vs. non-orientable; valuation of involved variables -- single-valued, multi-valued, level of multi-valuedness; order-type in logical-value employed: each of these are involved in determining the degree of fractionality/leverage a fractional-reserve lending system could conceivably sustain under a variety of automorphic threats. Clinging to the 1T2-logically-valued network model gives rise to, not only a single-scale system in the general systems theory sense, but to scalar qua non-scalability, or scale-free behaviors in the Taleb sense (see: Scalable vs. Non-Scalable, Ben Casnocha, 3 March 2009), as observed by Zero Hedge. Quoting Zero Hedge (see: Visualizing TBTF: The Hub And Spoke Representation Of Modern 'Scale Free' Banking, Zero Hedge, 14 July 2012) quoting David Korowitz's Trade-Off, linked below:
While this type [hubbed-network financial-banking system] of scale-free structure can reduce local risk, it can also help to displace and concentrate large-scale systemic risk. A random failure in a scale-free network is likely to affect a node of low connectivity, with small implications. However, the failure of a hub node has a disproportionate impact, especially if those hub nodes have high connectivity to each other.
One could easily regard the Regge calculus (which provides network equivalents to curvature configurations) as the convivial tool of choice for development of a theory of transition between the prevailing financial-banking system and one adequate to the challenges imposed upon the monetary framework by ever increasing infusions of quantum-based technologies. Not so parenthetically, Korowitz's discussion (pp. 47-8) of the role of price inflation in a debt-deflationary environment, and how keystone-hub inelasticity in face of energy-input contraction would limit the effects of a debt jubilee, are extremely well stated and on point with regards to Keen's call for jubilee.
In retrospect, it appears that Leonard Lewin's The Report from Iron Mountain: On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace (Dial, 1967), while a consummate literary hoax, was well-deserved parody -- for virtually everything Lewin forecast in ridicule has by now come to pass. Moreover, contents of The Iron Mountain Report are highly relevant to the current debate over the proper role of gold in the international monetary system, for, clearly, classical-gold and gold-exchange standards mix with war about as well as oil and water: such standards have always been broken by the human compulsion for war. Want gold? Forget war. Though war, and even the prospect of war, be not the only barrier to a functional monetary system rooted in gold, it certainly is one of the major obstacles -- be the war a resource war, a more-focused petrowar, war against insurgents in Viet Nam, unwanted good weather in the enemy's logistical AO, undergrowth and overgrowth of the forest used for concealment, the Evil Empire, illicit drugs, world poverty, global hunger, Third World debt, global terrorism, bad weather, drought, climate change, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanism, solar mass ejections, big asteroids, global financial crisis, planetary pollution, animists, infidels, pagans, neoliberals, greenies, survivalists, collectivists, monolithic world government, serial killers, mass murderers, well-respected public figures, identity-disordered schizos, THEM, IT, ghosts, antibiotic resistant microbes, zombies, mutants, werewolves, ET's of whatsoever kind, and on and on further and further into the fallacy of self-exclusion. Heh-heh-heh! Is there any fallacy identified (see: Dictionary of Logical Fallacies by Hogeye Bill) not peculiar to the 1T2-valued order-type alone?
Received the following from Lauri Love (nsh): While researching chronostasis and the associated literature (fished out and uploaded here: in Dropbox concerning auditory chronostasis and cross-saccadic perceptual continuity), I became interested in the relationship between the topology of the manifold of visual space attended to (at some point in memetime) and the associated effects on the accessibility of experiential chrono-topologies more general than shifting-now-along-linear-timeline. I came across this article: on topology of experience which looks to have some interesting contents. More received, canonical, and thus perhaps dissimulated, but regardless of possible import is this paper on the affect of attentional focus of the metric of the visual space outwith the attentional locus: on distortion at focused visual attention. The hypothesis roughly stated is that the cultivation of modes of visual, or indeed auditory, attention that transcend the simple point and locus-region (enculturated) regimen, allows access to being in a region of time with non-trivial topology. Moreover, one might speculate as regards changes to the connectivity and orientability of these chronotopologies being resultant or at least correlated with mastery of such attentional modalities. The implications of multiply-connected or non-orientable chronotopologies on ordering relations and simple-identity segue into domain of translogics.
My reply: This is fascinating. I've yet to do more than skim. Immediately thought of the eyeball oscillations (saccades over internal-object flow) at near-zero action-potential on the electromyograph while practicing Edmund Jacobson's progressive relaxation. These oscillations are the greatest obstacle to getting rid of the residual tension patterns of the tiny extra-ocular muscles (and laryngeal muscles) which carry mental associations, according to Jacobson's studies. See the Wiki bio. His book Biology of Emotions, Charles C. Thomas, 1967, provides the best overview. He taught to his research subjects an elaborate form of autosensory observation (more thorough, uh, tightly focused, than the Gurdjieffian self-observation techniques I've become aware of) and fair witness reporting used in association with his relaxation training. So, autosensory observation eyes wide shut (shut-eyed proprioceptive self-observation) near to and at zero action-potential where saccades cease and contentless awareness of some duration becomes available. The refinement on progressive relaxation is differential relaxation -- Jacobson, personally, was a master of this -- to zero action-potential in some prescribed muscle group, e.g., the laryngeal muscles (during, say, walking meditation, or some other repetitive physical behavior, such as digging trees). Your idea about topologically higher-order saccadic continuity beyond that mediated by linear-time-sequential saccades is a major breakaway, not least with respect to the practice of, say, walking meditation with employment of differential relaxation. In a sense, I, during one memetime period, started to move in this direction, but never arrived at your breakthrough. At figure drawing, I started visualizing foreshortening through an imagined square-wire-mesh, just as Renaissance artists once used in the concrete while developing theory and practice of linear perspective. Then, it just naturally occurred that, while engaged in walking meditation, I found myself viewing the ambient surround through an imagined screen grid. As concentration in self-observation of this procedure evolved over a period of months, the imagined perspective lines converging on a vanishing point suddenly jumped-twisted-pasted to their topological complement in the viewing point at issue: my me. Conflation of vanishing point with viewing point (emotional impact came before conceptual recognition) constituted an epiphany. Even though this sort of inner work absorbed the greater portion of my available lifelong elan vital, I never managed to carry this insight on into what you have just suggested. And since this is largely work of the young Hmmm, I'm pretty much riding a cognitive bus pass these days, not much going headways.
Quoting from Trade-Off: Financial System Supply-Chain Cross-Contagion: a study in global systemic collapse, David Korowicz, Metis Risk Consulting and The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, 30 June 2012:
[Because of just-in-time logistics,] It has been estimated that the modern industrial city has about three days of food for its inhabitants in situ
More interdependence between nodes means that the failure of one node can cause cascading failure across many nodes. De-localization means that there are many more places and events that can transmit failure, and major structural stresses can build at a global scale.
Flash forward to 31 July 2012 for commentary on this paper: The Joy of National Default, ClubOrlov, presumably written by Dmitry Orlov. Cascade and de-localization approaching limits as seen by the shortening of relaxation time. But even without this shortening, simply by ever increasing infusion of quantum-based technology, there is closer and closer approach to normative stress-energy-momentum cascade and nonlocality, where there are no nodes and there are no places and events -- only Everettian relative-state as internal system state. As Newtonian physics broke-backed, Maxwell's demon replaced Smith's invisible hand; as revised Newtonian physics failed, Lukasiewiczian µTm should have replaced Maxwell's demon, but didn't: probability amplitude stepped into the breach created by Clinger-mind breech-birthing yet again. Nowadays, the required invisible hand is the quantum potential of the Everett-vonHayek relative-state identity-transparencies in habitus over the [µTm-valued] time-shapes of total capital stock. Domain of stability qua local stability over time refers to a class of the time-shapes of total capital stock. Phases connotes states in relative-state, such states, economically speaking, being time-shapes of total capital stock. Organism, not mechanism: by exchange over fractal phase boundaries intersubmolecular, intermolecular, intracellular, intercellular functional integration largely a matter of time sensitive interdependencies, to include between the higher-order-time patterns carried by the quantum-wave properties of DNA, patterns refreshed at helix-coiling radiation exchange with the environment. Specificity of growth and self-repair processes locally mediated; their integration autopoietic on basis of Cantorian-hologramic part-is-whole information distribution/nonsimple-identity qua µTm-valued Everettian relative-state. Not the sort of information we are accustomed to? Consider the following from Gerard 't Hooft, Spinoza Institute, Utrecht, Quantum Gravity without Space-Time Singularities or Horizons, ArXiv, 18 September 2009, which argues that the scales for rulers and clocks are observer-dependent, i.e., the scales for the laminated-modular limited-spacetime-domain nesting-foams over which trophic webs are mapped -- Planck's limiting distance being the physical correspondent to the psychological minimum permissible distance in personal space and the sociologic social radius unit length for spontaneous social order. Quoting:
We suspect that, eventually, scales enter into our world in the following way. Information is now strictly limited to move along the light cones, since only light like geodesics are well-defined, not the time like or space like ones. It is generally believed that the amount of information moving around in Nature is limited to exactly one bit in each surface element of size 4 ln 2 Planck lengths squared. Turning this observation around, one might assume that, whatever the equations are, they define information to flow around. The density of this information flow may well define the Planck length locally [i.e., the given single value of the m-valued Planck length], and with that all scales in Nature [as comprehended from the bias given by local framework determining conditions]. Obviously, this leaves us with the problem of defining what exactly information is, and how it links with the equations of motion. The notion of information might not be observer-independent, as the scale factor w isn’t. Quantum mechanics will probably require that all these bits of information form distinct elements of a basis for [AllBase, the µTm-base-state of Tzog-chen]
This, even without singularities, even without naked singularities unhidden by the skirting horizon demanded by a cosmic censor, indeed, a chronological cosmic censor. All the more so with singularities, with and without hair -- or their, say, acoustic analogues -- involving nonorientable temporal reentries, having twisted through imaginary and hypercomplex domains at each instance of cascade (like in the cascade model of tornadogenesis, for instance), thus belying linear-time-bound thermodynamics as the only thermodynamics and associated econometric, system-architecture, homeostatic-heterostatic, equilibrium-nonequilibrium reads thereupon. J. A. Wheeler extended from imitation of binary Aristotle unto Cantorian Lukasiewicz: the it from bit from it , i signifying the imparting of a 90-degree twist to t denoting memetime. Not time emergent from gravity, gravity demergent by temporal operations upon the MVRS AllBase (m-logically-valued reference space, i.e., Hilbert space under pregeometry as µTm-valued Lukasiewiczian calculi of propositions understood without reference to the notion truth-value). Actual context of the Christmas-Tree Effect. Big Bang is the cosmology under 1T2-order-type alone; each order-type, say, for example, 3T5, implies its own cosmology by imposing its peculiar data selection (not least by establishing the technological regime employed) and analysis. Korowicz describes what is, as regards Lebenswelt and Weltanschauung; I am intimating what should have been there in respect to. Again quoting Korowicz, What can be observed is that a new phase [emphasis in original] in global growth began to take off in the early 1800s. This early-1800s period of memetime is when fundamental change of the framework determining conditions should have begun, but didn't, because the whole civilization back-reacted upon the metric (quoting Hooft, as linked above, again: light particles in one frame transform to extremely energetic ones in the boosted frame. Their energies may become so large that the ensuing back reaction upon the metric [emphasis added] may no longer be ignored) of the topological transform set in motion: Niels Henrik Abel's 1826 existence proof for transalgebras was deemed an Impossibility Theorem -- evolution to incendiary meltdown has followed on-trend from there. A Newtonian system-dynamic assimilating quantum properties, without changing its framework determining conditions appropriately, necessarily adapts in non-adaptive fashion: collections of micro-actors constellate nodes, collections of nodes constellate hubs, collections of hubs constellate keystone-hubs, collections of keystone-hubs constellate scale-invariant scale-free networks, i.e., Ricci scalar-curvature-tensor = 0 over 2nk fitness landscape (rather than R = nonzero over Mnk articulation landscape) somewhat 1T2-paradoxically, as each emergence is a delocalizer, forming the backbone of the Devil's Staircase for risk transfer and concentration. Korowicz says, in all probability, it's too late. I found myself submitting (a big, difficult submission for a young man) to that conclusion during the late-1970s -- too late for any sort of prevention: no eirenicon, the slow Newtonian-nudging (by, for instance, Marine Corps creates law enforcement battalions, Julie Watson, AP, 22 July 2012: given all my visits to National POlice HQ and the CIO, this bein' a police-field-force subject I be knowin' 'bout from 19 and 68!) egression of PW1 from myriad brushfire wars, for, clearly, PW1 has been chosen for high preference-function in lieu of other varieties of systemic collapse. Cartoon mentality, comic-book mind. Tabloid, m-variant yellow journalists (including, for me, Roxanna Brown, Sean Flynn, so on) -- not to mention the blogsphere -- collectively possess more journalistic integrity than the mainstream media servicing The 1%. No matter how sophisticated, no matter how much, the technology of suppression, in the end, technology will not overcome (for suggestive prefiguration, see: Some Humarock Residents Discuss Seceding From Scituate in Bonfire Dispute, Bree Sison, WBZ-TV and CBS-Boston, 22 July 2012). So testifies sixty years of exposure (beginning, immediate post-occupation Japan, circa 1953); fifty years of unrelenting contemplation (beginning, Special Operations Research Office, circa 1963). Korowicz's analysis well illustrates why PW1 began at the periphery and will culminate as greatest violence at the center, washing over The 1%, likely leaving them, and their progeny, unrepresented amongst survivors (those generationally closest to once-viable subsistence economies -- say, for instance, in the tiny riverside Cambodian mangrove hamlet in which we lived for three years, where there was historical memory as to how to survive a holocaust, and three years was the minimum investment in the trust-building prerequisite to access -- having greatest survivability potential). Those wise in assessment will not have forgotten that in immediate-post-revolutionary Russia and during the Cultural Revolution in China -- perhaps more so than during the French revolution -- the battle was carried more to the families of the adversary and his paladins' families, than to the adversary himself and his paladins (this is a fairly universal feature: while there may not be much in the way of institutional memory, as history lavishly demonstrates, collective memory for who were the transgressors never dims). Strange how war is left out of the purview of most papers on collapse. Two examples: Korowicz in so many words states warfare-related collapse will not be considered; Charles Hugh Smith, in discussing unlikelihood of near-term dollar collapse, neglects to mention that marshal displays of setting the global agenda are a component in valuation of the dollar as foremost international reserve currency (see: Why the U.S. Dollar Is Not Going to Zero Anytime Soon, Of Two Minds, 23 July 2012). While resource wars may not make any sense in an ever more highly-integrated, scale-free global system, lack of sense is no constraint upon collective unconscious event gradients, mass hysteria, compensatory abreactions, DoD-Hollywood NIH-funded Columbine-Aurora mass-murder-inducing VR-collaborative (see, for a minor instance: 'Minority Report' software hits the real world, AFP, 23 July 2012) societal-psychosis Sucker Punch. Pilot fixation syndrome whilst searchin' for more wet thrust; spoonin' spondulicks, ridin' a slick ta see da shrink; whippin' his Johnson on a fence all da way ta da wig mechanic. The hacker of every message on the planet charges others with the felony of hacking messages. Heh-heh-heh! As density of tropological metareferences (what I call multiutilities) in society decreases, the non-coerced trust radius contracts commensurately: contracts and associated threat -- to say the least -- are increasingly necessary as the index of relative-state deteriorates. But that does not mean there is nothing to be done -- as Korowicz understands, insofar as he allows that lock-in is over framework, not framework determining conditions. Unlike Cagney, what starred in all them don't-be-a-gangster movies, don't tear up your ticket. Whatever the preferential attachment, gotta detox the retox, rebop the bebop, buster. M'man, A Simple Plan suborned of path dependence ain't good enuf; need to start The Naming of the Dead. As Korowicz makes abundantly clear (in a quantum-tech-infusing civilization governed by Newton's maximum principle, LIEbig's Law of the Minimum can be DEVAstating [weakest-link failure initiates cascade dynamics -- like in tornadogenesis, with synoptic stress-energy-momentum imbalance], especially when application of Lenin-Munzenberg maximum-minimum principle is the dominant policy knee-jerk: which is not even to mention the terrorist's targeting problem), the prevailing superintegration qua overdetermination/lock-in demands introduction of novelty be circumscribed and from below (not the least because prior consensus is inherently impossible, impossible before new uses conjoin, using words of Swedenborg), with, minimally, permission from above -- otherwise, myriad cross-contagions would occur as attempts to alter framework determining conditions were undertaken. Authentic adaptive mutations must be systemic mutations -- but their introduction needs be properly staged (by bioanalogy, carried in the higher-order-time wave-properties of the genetic algorithm) and strategically gamed over participatory e-commons. One really interesting issue Korowicz does not explore, which should be explored, is the relationship between contagion and µTm-valued identity: the words/terms contagion, participation inconsciente, participation mystique, possession, generative empathy, superintegration, overdetermination, over-correlation, quantal non-simple identity, self-organized criticality, self-reflexivity, logistical 'recursion failure' by existence of supply-chain loops (1T2-valued processors freeze up; a problem insoluble absent µTm-valued logics being built into framework determining conditions), self-reentered nonorientability are often used interchangeably, or as being deeply related. What is the foremost difference between the psychological state of identification and the state of being in empathic interlock -- other than that the former is negative; the latter, positive? Finding answer to this question may be critical to human-species survival of the coming cuspover.
As should be lavishly apparent, I do not believe chronostasis is an illusion; rather, isotropic (not the least because various mass centers are variously located in space) homogenously-passing constant-density memetime, the multi-sensory-modality illusion. I also believe that cross-modal correlations unto synaesthesia, µTm-logically processed, suppresses this illusion (and the illusion of unmodular, unlaminated ponderable space). Moreover, in a participatory universe, with m-valued universal physical constants processed by µTm-valued logics, where, thus, all measurement is quantum measurement, and all perception and proprioception is measurement, no 1T2-absolute distinction between illusion/not-illusion is permitted by framework determining conditions (a notion I first assimilated during 1963 from J. G. Bennett, as explored in his magnum opus, The Dramatic Universe, Hodder & Stoughton, 1956 onward through 4 volumes, where this term is used and deeply explicated). In support of this orientation on my part, are outcomes of the experiments conducted by optics physicist Rudolf Karl Luneburg in developing his non-Euclidian account of visual space, as given in The Metric of Binocular Visual Space, Journal of the Optics Society of America, 40:10, October 1950, and The Luneburg Theory of Binocular Visual Space, Albert A. Blank, ibid., 43:9, September 1953, experiments wherein it was found that visual space is subject to the Lorentz contraction of Einstein's special relativity (see Blank for discussion of this), and that the degree of contraction is correlated with velocity of eye movement (at saccades). This experimental finding, of spatial contraction and associated time dilation read in visual space, has direct bearing upon theories of chronostasis and cross-saccadic perceptual continuity. How exactly TPTB might manipulate all this with optogenetic (GMOed light-sensitive genes introduced into neurons of brain; fiberoptic cable attached to brain through hole in skull: a way to restore corrupted neural signals, such as those corrupted by µTm-logically-valued coherent-quantum-wave properties generated by intraneuronal and intraperineural DNA pi-electron gas core) remote interventions into brain function (see, regarding Big Pharma moving into bioelectromagnetics via BrainGate 2.0 and so on: Into the Cortex, Clive Cookson, The Financial Times, 31 July 2012) -- à la the neuronal equivalent to smart skin (see: 'Smart skin' biomedical breakthrough, Clive Cookson, ibid., 12 August 2011), something that could be used to get biofeedback into the isolation/flotation tank used by a human pod attempting to learn Dolphin sonic-visioning Musculpt, as aid to the process of developing Musculpt as mathematical notation -- is not easily yet imagined. And then there is smart SniperWear gone civilian, and I am not referring here to anthropogenic hot Aurora (see: glasses that add Instagram effects to real life, Rob Waugh, The Daily Mail, 25 July 2012). I'm holding off on this purchase until they have the EyePhone built in. Moreover, it should be noted that all of this, except computerized glasses, applies not only to perception of external objects, but also to proprioception and acoustic-visioning of internal objects (try, for instance, to visualize an inner object on the left whilst saccading eyes right). The single, multimodal clock for duration estimation (quoting Iona Hodinott-Hill, et al., Auditory Chronostasis , linked above) would, by our superconductant model of DNA free-electron gas core, be the pi-electron-parcel-temperature oscillation rate setting supraordinate biological clocks, this oscillation rate being dependent upon radiation exchange with the environment (modular, laminated, non-isotropic, the scale factor being observer dependent as argued by Gerard 't Hooft, linked above). What happens to the very idea of distance, and, hence, the very idea of the time of spacetime, when the distance function is read on a Koch curve? It's not even necessary to acknowledge that Luneburg's psychometric distance function applies at quantum measurement to ponderable space, not only to visual space. As regards cathexic shifts in attention between filled and unfilled auditory intervals -- à la Hodinott-Hill's investigations of auditory chronostasis -- I can offer the following observations: for John Cage and Victor Zuckerkandl and Karlheinz Stockhausen, harmony is not found in notes, meter in beats; rather, the unfilled interval between notes, the unfilled interval between beats. Hear empty space between -- not note, not beat! But if one attends to the emptiness of auditory space, no less than the emptiness of visual space, one learns that there are sounds of no-sound inside sounds of no-sound, just as there are vanishing-point superpositionings upon viewer-points and upon such superpositionings upon such superpositionings -- and that all these, auditory and visual and identity-transparent, are derivative of the infinite regress in the selfhood at concentration in self-observation unto Gurdjieffian self-remembering that the my of my body is not the my of myself is not the my of the my of the myself of my body, and so on, as we know from Hubert Benoit. Infinite regress in fractality over Koch-curve-measured distance -- fractal-image photism flash upon fractal-image photism flash upon -- infinite regress in depth of auditory space, in non-Euclidian metrical non-linearity of visual space, in evermore distance-shortening, evermore memetime-dilating m-logically-valued I-ness properties of identity-configuration-space qua feeling-space qua qualia-space, and so on, is not a question of fallacy/no-fallacy, illusion/no-illusion; it altogether transcends 1T2-logical prescriptions and proscriptions, all the while expressing as three-fold temporal curl processed µTmly.
I am finding quite a few websites which deliver the real skinny to be intermittently blocked/SNAFUed, heh-heh-heh, and, therefore, I must periodically link via GoogleCache. I would contextualize this Gary Null documentary (see: War on Health: The FDA's Cult of Tyranny, Global Research, 24 July 2012) -- and link it to continued use of 1T2-logically-valued monetary units and deep-structure in origins of world wars -- in the following fashion. Whoopse! Back now, next day, to the original link: "War on Health". What, most fundamentally, do Big Pharma, Big Agri, Big Chemi, Big Biotech, and Big Medici want? They want what Big Media, Big Sci, and Big Gov want: retention, detention, rendition of the classical limit, which, first and foremost, requires suppression of submolecular biology, and, secondarily, proscription upon application of quantum mechanics and relativity physics to Earth's macroscopic atmosphere, the most omnipresent exemplar of the middle scale levels from which quantum-relativity has been disbarred. The classical limit is sacrosanct because it is necessary to maintain illusory omnipotence of the ego sphere. Experimental support for theoretical perspectives subjecting the ego sphere to existential denials are collective-transference processed by fulminations in autoimmune dyscrasia, conversion-disorder displaced at mass projective-identification -- for example: displacements like obsessional DragNet compulsion (see: NSA Whistleblowers: Government spying on every American, Jason Reed, Reuters, 25 July 2012, where Drake, a former NSA Senior Official, asks and to what else what they could [sic] use that data for [?] and the answer is, We had to destroy the self in order to save it). Lesser vested interests, e.g., those stigmatized in the Null documentary, are derivative of the overarching self-interest vested in maintenance of the classical limit. Were this backdrop understood, such understanding would set up, for many people, overt rat-in-a-maze quaking ambivalence, whereas, without that understanding, there is only subliminal self-confliction/dissonance as to allegiances. The nowadays characteristic Russian temperamental type surely is not so much due to high-mesomorph + high-endomorph + low-ectomorph, but primarily resident in the fact that Russians had, during the 19th century, the best of 12th-century pre-MagnaCarta (1215) European cognition, during the 20th century, a strong dose of 19th-century European hard utopianism, during the 21st century, so it so far appears, the best of 18th-century European thought. This Ironclad observation concurs with C. G. Jung's idea -- and generalizes it to cultures of societies -- that there are no great men ahead of their times, only the vast bulk of humanity cognitively attached to some past age. If 17th- and 18th-century Cartesian-Newtonian Lockean-AngloSaxon notions of good governance, and the institutions they gave rise to, could not prevent emergence of Big Bodies during the 19th- and 20th-centuries, how could applications of those very same notions during the 21st century displace such Big Bodies, or, -- in the event such bodies were, by some mysterious means, displaced, say, during unrelenting uptake of quantum-based technologies -- insure there would be no Replacement Big Bodies, e.g., naturopathic conglomerates, green-machine multinationals, Big Herbs monopolies, and so on? Even as regards a relatively small problem like the EMU crisis -- small relative to the big planetary dilemmas at root of the drive toward global cuspover -- they, TPTB, cannot think beyond the 18th-century, find no precedents more recent than Alexander Hamilton (see: Europe is sleepwalking toward imminent disaster, warn top economists, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, 24 July 2012). Swell and just dandy. Here is an exemplary voicing of the call for res judicata: The European Nation State is Here to Stay, Ulrich Speck, Carnegie Europe, 27 July 2012. Your local residuary street stall fluttering his gills, embracing recidivism. Preorder directed sets in behavior with upper bound, written in big O notation, a direct limit on topological nets over collections of neurons. Guffaws of gallows humor found here. Either-or/both-and: (1) the increasingly glutamatergic human species does not possess the cognitive capacity to survive what is coming down upon it by its own design; (2) collective unconscious decision for species self-annihilation was taken sometime during the mid-19th century. Dr. D. C. Jarvis, of Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor's Guide to Good Health (1958) fame, displaced people like my grandmother -- oak casts of apple cider vinegar in the granite-walled basement, along with case upon case of buckwheat honey; enema, fasting, and under a blanket with a steaming pot of herbs to breathe, the first response to any indication of sickness; my job, as a seven-year-old (circa 1952) was to take the clamp-down lock-topped wooden bucket to the little A&P grocery on The Square and sit for the twenty minutes it took that bucket to be filled with black-strap molasses -- and paved the way for Albert Szent-Györgyi's and Linus Pauling's facilitation of the commercialization of holistic healthcare delivery. Don't deal with the mega-issue of the classical limit, then subordinate efforts against the Big Bodies can have only minimal utility. What if, for instance, the time-sensitive interdependencies maintaining climate-weather domain of stability -- by lack of awareness as to the exquisiteness of the temporal-curl sensitivities involved -- are disturbed by iatrogenic-anthropogenic interventions leaving the anthropogenic in anthropogenic climate change only minimally greenhouse-gassed and maximally electron-temperature enhanced (an issue well registered in the literature from the late-'60s, a bit before my memetime non-officially, as pro bono research assistant, studying tornadogenesis at Cornell: even as regards so tiny a factor as satellite wake-vortices)? At Cornell, this, quoting the article, non-Maxwellian phenomenon was not found irrelevant to the issue of double-helical cometary feeder bands, no mere passive wake-vortices, and biophysics of free-electron gas core of DNA at helix-coil transition, let alone processes involved in tornadogenesis.
Me memory's gone a wee bit funny, innit? And Truman's Children begat MacArthur's Children (Why, we were probably peeing in the same rice fields! said one of them to me decades later in a booming hoydenish voice over sushi in Vancouver, a nurse, once a kita-Kyushu farm girl) who begat unto their children's children became Eisenhower's Atoms For Peace: this just in from a biofuels company CEO, John C. K. Daly: Fukushima -- Local Children Unwitting (and Unwilling) Radioactive Guinea Pigs, OILPRICE, 24 July 2012. 35% with thyroid cysts; 60% with diabetes. And not to forget the genome-minders' butterfly: by the F2 generation, post-Fukushima, as great a proportion as well over 50% had heritable germ-line genetic damage, including from ingestion of contaminated leaves -- almost 30% as far away as Kobe (see: The biological impacts of the Fukushima nuclear accident on the pale grass blue butterfly, Atsuki Hiyama, et al., open online Scientific Reports of the journal Nature, 9 August 2012: contains an extensive list of technical references). So, what if the differential prognosis factored in clinical implications of the quantum-wave properties of DNA and radiation exchange processes at helix-coil transition? Would the probability amplitudes of the various bets as to forced relocation of Tokyo residents to malinvested empty cities in China suddenly become convergent upon decoherent state-function collapse? Heh-heh-heh! If we are already dystopic, as I assert we have been at least throughout my lifetime, does (molecular-only, mind you) genomic evidence (see: Blogging the Human Genome: The chromosomal evidence that mankind nearly went extinct, Sam Kean, Slate, 19 July 2012: one genetic assessment suggests that worldwide human population dropped as low as 40 adults in the not so distant past, as human species longevity has gone) strongly support the central theme of Olaf Stapledon's Last and First Men (1930), i.e., that mankind has virtually destroyed itself time and time again, and James Lovelock's forecast that climate-shift cuspover portends a few human breeding pairs localized to the polar regions? Beyond anthropogenic climate commitment, how much extinction debt, of how many types, has the human species of specialists by now accumulated? Has any of this been reversed by global patterns of amenity migration? And what does the biosphere have to say about all that? For one assay, see: Approaching a state shift in Earth's biosphere, Anthony D. Barnosky, et al., Nature, 486, 7 June 2012, pp. 52-8. A short synopsis is provided in: Study predicts imminent irreversible planetary collapse, Arne Mooers and Carol Thorbes, Simon Fraser University, 6 June 2012, where it is observed that, In a nutshell, humans have not done anything really important to stave off the worst because the [µTm-logically-valued] social structures for doing something just aren't there I immediately took cognizance of the human population, planet Earth, forecast for year 2100 -- if fertility remains at 2005-2010 levels -- of 27,000,000,000, a figure I have no memory of having earlier encountered. Moonshadows upon miles and miles of midnight. As regards slimemolding, Slither-Sucking, dog-vomiting, polyphyletic huwomanity Spore: over ain't only over the top; Is that all? ain't only all, but also all gone. The Future Is Wild. All I'm saying. Excellent papers in my judgment, despite the fact I do not subscribe to the reprehensible scientific idea that, using Barnosky's words, the goal is to steer the biosphere -- not in any way, shape, or form; rather, to consciously integrate the condition of superintegration thereto, which, relative to memetime, is, will be, and always has been the case. Generally -- I would say -- the best way to achieve something is by understanding what's being done well enough to know what to nondo. This attitude typecasts me in terms of generic military brat psychology: I've always been more my mother's son than my father's daughter. Spit of me mum, what! That Barnosky, et al., having conducted the analysis which the paper describes, consensuated this quintessentially Newtonian goal for incorporation into concluding remarks, to me, strongly supports the speculative thesis that the human collective unconscious has long since decided upon suicide of its species. During the late-1970s, Cornell meteorologist, Douglas A. Paine, reached the same general planetary state-shift conclusion, as explicated in the Barnosky paper, on basis of similar theoretic considerations regarding critical-state far-from-equilibrium phase transitions, essential aspects of the Paine-Kaplan cascade theory numerical forecast model (run on NASA mainframes with historical data sets during the 1970s) of severe local storm genesis, a theory and numerical model of, using Barnosky's words, threshold-induced state shifts where global forcings cause local changes, diagnosed on the basis of fold-bifurcations in, for instance, theta-e equivalent potential temperature surfaces, a heretical thesis in a meteorology governed by the classical limit -- IMHO, Paine was one of the greatest scientists of the period, completely unrecognized as such. As regards the possibility of developing a general theory of process, incorporating indicators-foretells of, to use the Wolfgang Luthe term, autogenic shift, see Paine and Pensinger, 1977 (a paper submitted to the journal Nature at that time), and Early-warning signals for critical transitions, Marten Scheffer, et al., Nature, 461, 3 September 2009, pp. 53-9. Barnosky notes that current research on forecasting onset of fold-bifurcations focuses upon dynamics of dynamical factors, such as accelerations/decelerations -- which I note are the very factors Paine-Kaplan modeled in great detail, and which were subsequently generalized into, say, manifold dynamics of radiation-exchange processes by free-electron gas core of DNA at helix-coil transition (see our mathematical model: A Dynamical Theory Describing Superconductant DNA, Paine and Pensinger, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 15, 1979, pp. 333-41). It is interesting to observe that, in Barnosky's various lists of the areas in which warning signs of fold-bifurcations are found useful, atmospheric processes go unmentioned, with the exceptions of gross climatic change and alterations in atmospheric chemical composition. Quite frankly, there can be little doubt that to be in identity-transparent internal system relative-state function is not equivalent to possession of a stable of 1T2-computerized avatars: Wii Life, what! it is -- or is it? But then, too, it is increasingly difficult to make a case to the effect that survival of humans -- plaintext or GMO -- is in the common interest. Good will wishing, as distinct from hunting, generally involves there being something found to warrant it. Leaving aside the downsides to Aristotelian-taxonomical 1T2-mindbindblind and the treating of passive memetime chronological metric as if objective reference frame vis-à-vis the veiling of dimensions of relative-state µTm-superintegration beyond 1T2-network synergies and feedbacks between simple 1T2-identities, also not noted by Barnosky in regards to global forcing is the anthropogenic transformation of Earth's electromagnetic environment over the last century, to include RF induction of hot auroras and other electron temperature enhancements, and how these likely alter values of variables involved in solar-terrestrial interactions mediated by solar-wind-conveyed complex angular momentum messaging and cascade thereof through various terrestrial LSTDs (limited spacetime domains: no mere function rooms in housing schemes) and associated repertoires localized under 3-fold operator-time. Externally imposed embargos of resource exchange across phase boundaries -- as distinct from internal-system-state-dictated fractal entrapment -- being tacit declarations of war against third countries denied access to metabolites. Then there is the global forcing (exemplified by Regenesis 2012?) which genetic engineering would impose -- over and above dispersal of GMOs -- were current consensus molecular biologists wrong in their belief that the quantum-wave properties of DNA fulfill no significant biological roles. For those who missed the weather engineering aspect of the Viet Nam war, I recommend [Livings}ton's weighty expert VDO testimonial (see: Ben Livingston: The Father of Weaponized Weather, Infowars, 19 February 2011) -- weather or not, heh-heh-heh, his claims as to the effectiveness of cloud seeding are accurate. 1966 was almost half a century ago, so one would be not unwarranted if one were to imagine that intentional anthropogenic manipulation of Earth's atmosphere has gone quite some distance since then. Check out, for instance, in the IPB chart (Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield, and note that, by neuropsychiatrically accurate Freudian slip, a Japanese glutamatergic name has been substituted by SecDef directive for Psyops: MISO), the entry for Space Support Element for solar weather as given in the article entitled Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A 'Vision' of the Future, retired Army Colonel Kevin Benson and Princeton educated Civil War expert Jennifer Weber, Small Wars Journal, 25 July 2012: a future-history-type article concerning deployment of U.S. military forces to put down domestic insurrection. I note that the SCRAG of today is phonetically and semantically related to the SCAG of Saigon days, and that things haven't changed much since my BRAGG days when usins there'boots just itched ta git inta it an' get some in DEEtroit and da likes. Is weather alteration/altercation and anthropogenically-enhanced greenhouse warming really at the heart of anthropogenic climate shift? Or is this heart in manipulation of the acoustic analogues to the black hole computer-aspects of atmospheric processes? THE réchauffé: come aborning is a wish-fulfilling fantasy-dream rehash of WP dough-rolling a dusty highway, napalm roiling a Johnsonville-Reaganroachcoach-Bushbarrio-ObaMALlila, an Armageddon endtime of psychological self-obliteration conversion-disorder displaced to supernova of the Lebenswelt. When addicted to that which eats away at one's brain, what can be expected if not conversion-displacement? Bacon without brain pruning is a thing found only in remembrance of memetimes past. As a postscript on this, let it be noted that one of the reasons Doug Paine and I immediately resonated upon first meeting in 1974 following his presentation of a paper, entitled The Universal Nature of Discharge Phenomena, was my account of details as to how changes of underground Viet Cong infrastructure (VCI) political-bureaucratic variables mapped upon changing geographical boundaries functioned as indicators of intentions, and, more generally, of upcoming breakaway transitions in the environment of the combat -- an account which fit very nicely with the forecasting-premises of the Paine-Kaplan cascade model of severe storm genesis. Later, of course, feedback, into my MACV-J2 Strategic Research and Analysis memory store, from my gathering understanding of the physics of the Paine-Kaplan model of tornadogenesis, greatly enhanced, deepened, and generalized my comprehension of the abstract character of insurgent-terrorist infrastructural dynamics. Beginning in 1968, soon after I returned to the ZI from Saigon, I made multiple attempts to get prior agreement from various universities to allow some relevant triple major, or at least Masters' work, on comparative dynamics of VCI phase transitions, quantum principles of autopoiesis, and theoretical biology of self-organization by resource exchange across phase boundaries. I got nowhere with this -- most of those with whom I talked basically thought I was crazy, some wacked-out vet who hallucinated that the war was being fought about quantum physics -- and finally gave up, deciding Don't mean nothin', I'll just do it my own damn self for my own personal edification. During this period, I went into AU's Student Aid Office to check on possibility of an NDEA student loan. And there HE was: a fat, arrogant, straight-LEG, non-combat-arms, retired colonel officiating the loan applications. Grilled me, he did, what, upon why I had not immediately returned to college upon deros from Viet Nam and separation, this unjustifiable delay seeming to him justification for denying the loan application. Well, I was not about to answer any personal questions put by a LEG, let alone explain that after what I'd experienced in Viet Nam I had had an abiding need to do something creative with my hands for awhile. And this came on the back of the VA not crediting the shattered testicle from the wounds I had received by field-grade-officer gross incompetence (for which the officer received a medal) or the chronic back problems accrued from a parachuting injury sustained while jumping a jet (C-141 Starlifter). So, I very politely left the NDEA office and never returned: probably that LEG colonel did me a great service (given evolution of student debt slavery in America). Soon after that, I met Doug Paine. Contemplating phenomenologies associated with the testicle wound, the surgery, and post-surgical course of recovery at the hospital in Japan played a major role in genesis of the basic idea behind our quantum-DNA model -- so it was altogether fitting that the VA should have denied benefits for that aspect of my sustained wounds, and has continued to do so ever since. By nowadays, almost 45 years after Tet-'68 played a major role in bringing down the Bretton Woods monetary system, not having done enough to prevent the worst is probably the least of it, given the gathering planetarization of the mounting class rage which -- like during many past localized hysterias: say, for instances, the sacking of Rome, French and Russian revolutions -- eventually is very likely to take out everyone with even the remotest connection to success, not to mention prominence, within the old order. Being a strong believer in the poverty of 1T2-valued laws, decentered no less than centered, as applied to the global north as well as the global south, definition of legal tenders upon whole-integer boundaries must, by extension, appear to me dysfunctional as regards whatever small possibility there is the human species could somehow adequately meet the full spectrum of challenges associated with the current planetary conjuncture. Climbs up percolation theory's The Devil's Staircase in, say, risk transfer and concentration by central bank debt creation and propagation, create hysteresis effects leading to build up of extinction debt. Check it out! A fundament of synergistic ecologies -- considering that, for instance, as mentioned above, embargo of resource exchange across phase boundary is easily deemed tacit declaration of war against third countries denied access to resource in question. Not to mention climate commitment of the clingers, as mapped over environment of the combat: think of Dolchstosslegende stalking halls of MACV-HQ in aftermath of Tet-'68 as inalterably prefiguring the collective-behavioral kneejerk which was strategic response to 9/11. The Omen: full legal context for lying and stealing by a class insistent upon empty hope, uninformed -- its [pre}scribe literati expressing themselves in streamlined, fast-paced one- and two-word paragraphs servicing the numskull set identified with the Glitz and its glitterati, that set hyperdomesticated yet regarding itself composed of Wild Things. Yep, uncluttered prose, taut snappy prose, indeed, rapid-fire prose: what an aesthetic of first-sound bites! Bloody hell, still a pessimist, then? No believer in second sound, third sound? And the nation-states' militaries, which the elites think they control by going to all-professional, by going to mercs, drones, and bots, likely will be the foremost perpetrators, these cases of going to being staggering strategic blunders based upon the not-too-smart eagerly eating their own propaganda as to what motivates mercs and what constitutes collective behavior -- be it of humans, drones, bots cars: be interesting to see to what degree they solve the n-body problem without m-valued logics (see: U.S. testing 'talking' cars to avoid crashes, congestion, Deepa Seetharaman, Reuters, 21 August 2012). Or without the field equations of Einstein's General Relativity theory: find and read Shlomo Angel's 1972, City and Regional Planning, UC-Berkeley Ph.D. dissertation on traffic flows, reflected in: Urban Velocity Fields, (with Geoffrey Hyman), Environment and Planning, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1970; and Urban Spatial Interaction, (with Geoffrey Hyman), Environment and Planning, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1972; and the book, Urban Fields: A geometry of movement for regional science, Shlomo Angel and Geoffrey M. Hyman, Pion, 1976. Uh, 1T2-collective -- heh-heh-heh! -- behaviors of pros, mercs, drones, bots, and cars elite-controlled with 1T2-written software. Hah! Why does the diagnostic pathogenic cell form? Why do autoantibodies become anti-DNA antibodies? Which order-types in logical-value are catalytic of such phase transitions? Are these transitions initialized on the molecular or submolecular levels? Since the elites control MoSoSo, they control -- so they think -- smart-mobbing of spring-this and color-that. Maybe today -- but not by memetime of cuspover, whereupon many critical-state, correlation-length snap-to-infinity, fold-bifurcation behaviors will have been facilitated by uptake of quantum-based technologies initializing full-blown quantum responses altogether unlocalizable and about as controllable with 1T2-MoSoSo as is the collective unconscious with bi-logic.
Way, way back when, well beyond memetimes of Greek somatoform Olympiad collective over-somatization disorder qua Briquet's syndrome qua factitious Munchausen syndrome by mass psychological identification with sculpted musculature and thus making the normotic habituated to in-the-body experience as understood by Georg Groddeck, the German Lao Tzu, in The Book of the It, 1923, my dear, back beyond the utopian socialism of primitive Christianity, even beyond the female weaving guilds of tribal preBrahmanic India which originated Tantra as warp of cosmic meaning threading All That Is in relative-state, back to before the last big ice age, prior to rise of the shamanic specialist, a prior when anyone could be a shaman-for-a-day, could take a trance reading on the collective need: ever since then, whenever then was, there has been one subset of the population corpus maintaining that the only way to stop representatives from voting their portfolios is to insure they have no portfolios (flash forward to 6 September 2012 and see: Peter Schiff asks Democrats if they want to ban corporate profits, One News Page, politics news section). By contrast, The Way most thoroughly suppressed has all ways and always maintained that politics, like the politics of experience for the bird of [para}dice, need not be a decision science, that it can be autopoietic and automorphic and autogenic, hence expression of a decision-free self-organizing system, free of representatives in direct correspondence to the order-type of its self-organizational competency. And, folks, here we have thaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Bionic Mosquito taking on MISH (Mike Shedlock of Global Economic Trend Analysis), wrestling the mat over multiple bank credit expansion, also known as fractional reserve lending (see: Fractional Reserve Banking: Much Ado About the Wrong Thing, 19 July 2012). I significantly agree with the points made by the Mosquito, and think the following his best observation:
Mish has a right to his property, but he has no right to the value of his property.
A statement far more profound than mosquitoes, bionic, if not also biological, realize. Not unrelated to the Obamanomics principle that the ex{tort}ionary businessman, the only sort available, did not build his business -- even though the architects of Obamanomics don't well understand this either. What order-type in value (ordinal + cardinal) is the value Mish has no right to? Under what orders of logical-value is such value strung? The M of superstring theory's M Theory? Indubitably not -- unless that M is understood relative to the Mnk of a Lukasiewiczian complexity theory. The value of the Gödel-numbered Gödel number of a quantum lattice string of the Regge bone of the Regge lattice of a given M of superstring theory's M Theory? Mayhaps -- given Lukasiewiczian LETS e-money in motion. Ron Paul is quoted as saying that low reserve requirements give rise to the business cycle. This is utter bunk. There is no linear-time-bound system absent some form in process findable within any 1T2-logic-only universe of discourse, physical and otherwise -- and, thus, cycle-free. Rhymester reeling off rhyme royal: ababbcc. Rescissory systems -- those rescinding Lukasiewiczian m-valuedness and vonHayekian time-shapes -- necessarily are recessionary, on a cyclical basis. Fugal expositions in contrapuntal form: [rice}rrrrrcar, and other biofueled vehicles. What is a cycle-free system? Dead. Self-organization by resource exchange across phase boundaries: the involved cycles express the autopoietic operators (collectively, i.e., in superposition, the quantum potential) responsible for efficient allocation. Business of the LifeWorld is not possible without cycles -- and banking conventions are capable only of influencing cycles which exist logically, ontologically, and existentially prior to banking. Again with the foremost questions addressed here. What order-type in value (ordinal + cardinal) is the value Mish has no right to? Under what orders of logical-value is such value strung? Let me now amend the former to: exclusive right to. Answer to the former: the value of any variable which is not single-valued. Answer to the latter: those higher than 1T2 and largely resident in that collective unconscious which is The Unconscious as Infinite Sets, within which archetypal event gradients, order Mnk, automorphically map -- map here used as a verb -- by function-as-correspondence (Euler's definition of mathematical function; the Tao Te Ching's notion of The Way and foundational principle of Chinese medicine and geomancy, see Manfred Porkert's The Theoretical Foundations of Chinese Medicine: Systems of Correspondence [mostly having to do with weather and climate], MIT press, 1974, and James Legge's 1891 translation of Taoism's 6th-century-BC great book coming approximately 150 years after Euler's f(x) notation, a book which stated what was, by then, the time of its writing, not its translation, a relentlessly suppressed age-old codification of Nature). The speakable Tao that can be notated without Musculpt is not the Tao. God created the whole of mathematics, except the natural numbers, which are works of man. Throughout the current great age, substance of the human spirit has resolutely opposed this understanding of Nature -- a substance with a history every bit as egregious as that of gold (possibly to include gold fakirs: see, Fake Gold Bars! What's Next?, Dan Eden, View Zone, 4 December 2009), and just as likely to be responsible for demise of the human species. The collective unconscious, consciously expressed, is The Commons. Orders of logical-value higher than 1T2 are the commons domain, for they have to do with order-types of relative-state identity-transparency, the vonHayekian "time-shapes of total capital stock" -- archetypal gradients over which are accessed by any-of-all in the building of a business, to whatsoever degree that business becomes a drag-upon/facilitator-of the quantum potential for autopoiesis (to include self-organization). I agree, almost, that: Monopoly -- not fractional reserve -- is the problem. [Mono}poly. Poly wanta Mono?: that is the Pollyannaish problem with glutamatergic mind always aparroting. Fractional reserve needs to bank upon fractal boundaries over fractal drums understood as m-logically-valued LETS currencies -- the corpus of which would take the central out of central banking.
Vincible ignorance is an overly optimistic Aldous Huxley term which Douglas Pike liked to use in reprobating American comprehension of the organization of the Viet Cong political infrastructure -- on the order of that of the dragonfly bug drone initializing MIB, men in black suits, black PJs. American hucksterism: In God We Trust. Yeah, right. Trust the glutamate-etched brains of best and the brightest of the braintrusters? Is a Zeitgeist Movement qua Venus Project needed anywhere within the purview of our Mother Star? I don't think so, not if the Movement-Project has for its goal that which is described by Michio Kaku in this VDO entitled, The Zeitgeist Movement -- The Transition, YouTube, 16 August 2010. Kaku says that the human species, if it is to survive, needs to transit to a Type 1 civilization, which he defines as follows:
They control earthquakes, the weather, volcanoes Anything planetary, they control.
This is a very good capsulation of John von Neumann's orientation to the ambient surround, especially as he expressed it in regards to prospects for manipulating Earth's atmosphere. Carl Sagan -- featured on this VDO -- at Cornell during the 1970s implacably opposed any quantum-relativity perspectives on atmospheric processes, thus implicitly denied that atmospheric processes are superintegrated with those directly involved with earthquakes and volcanoes, not to mention overdetermined by expressions of processes internal to our Mother Star conveyed to Earth's upper atmosphere in the form of complex-angular-momentum inputs to acoustic analogues to black hole computers. Inputs which may be anthropogenically modified-manipulated? In how many ways? The, to quote Zeitgeist founder, Peter Joseph, manipulate our environment for our betterment Zeitgeist-Venus agenda (see the VDO entitled, Summary of the Zeitgeist Movement, YouTube, 14 November 2010) targeting human civilization as transiting to Type 1 has long since been a foremost objective of mainstream science, corporate and military technology R&D, dream-working Hollywood spin artists making nauseating displays of the extravagant psychosis leading the mentally-challenged human species along the path of destiny yet to manifest by good offices of suppress agents personal and collective. No specialized PAC is needed to promote this agenda. IMHO, further attempts to achieve the stated objective will bring about the very thing such attempts hope to prevent -- for CONTROL is not the way to synergistically interface with a superintegrated autopoietic process. Does achievement of such CONTROL have anything actually to do with authentic transition to a resource-based economy? Nope. Comprehensive, bird's-eye-view planning -- which always has been, and always will be, 1T2-only -- based upon top-down conducted surveys and centralized resource data basing is not a form of use employed by living systems, other than those human and identified with Aristotelian-Baconian-Cartesian-Newtonian Weltanschauung. There is no executive brain, except by hubris of neuroscientists. Life is found in self-organization by resource exchange across phase boundaries. Getting rid of boundaries does not facilitate life. Human-systems boundaries explicitly e-fractal and marked µTmly make possible a Lukasiewiczian-LETS monetary system capable of facilitating self-organized employments of the vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock planet Earth. No attempt to control processes in exquisitely time-sensitive interdependence (as the memetime-bound perspective would have it, have, uh, timescaping) will achieve an authentic resource-based economy.
Come on, all ye graduates of Goat Lab, where is the recognition that the perineural analog data system has a much faster baud rate than the neuronal digital data system -- that, that is, there are m-order-types in respect to baud rates of consciousness? Where the explication that diffuse, surround-sounded, empathic feeling-tone-based thought is orders of baud-rate magnitude greater -- and, hence, far less subject to pilot fixation syndrome, be the pilot piloting a plane or a body, insofar as concentration upon the diffuse, i.e., F. S. C. Northrop's indeterminate aesthetic continuum, can be accorded the signifier pilot-waving quantum potential, origin of what I began during the Sixties to designate as spontaneous directedness -- than thought focused into verbal and symbolic modalities? Consider Hegel's concept of action, uh, quantum action, really. Consider the spontaneous orientation of a quantum lattice string. Consider how the spontaneous orientation of quantum lattice strings in Earth's atmosphere -- essential to fair witness commo between planet and mother star -- is being disturbed by phased-array emf induction and particulate seeding of barium, aluminum, thorium (the micro/nano-scale metal grains and particles of Yeong E. Kim, linked above), polymers, biopolymers. What better way than by electron-temperature enhancement (implying a submolecular definition of temperature which came forcefully onto the scene during the mid-1960s and immediately moved right along into applications nowadays permitting unrestricted Ph.D. dissertations such as Electron Temperature Enhancement Effects on Plasma Irregularities Associated with Charged Dust in the Earth's Mesosphere, Chen Chen, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 26 November 2007) to shift the Regge lattices of the quantum-gravity curvature configuration of the near-abroad of this cosmological neighborhood? And note how this is confused into Order and Might, for the spontaneous is not self-originating, but no-self directed: why Nibbana is ecstatic, so I imagine. Only for neuroscientists is it, quoting Scientific American, the case that there is a radically new view: there are different ways of paying attention. See: Decoding the Body Watcher, Emma Seppala, 3 April 2012. For how long has this new view been deeply explored by practitioners of self-observation qua mindfulness? For sure no less than 5000 years. Anatomical and physiological knowledge of the insula, et al., was not required for this radically new insight, à la Norman A. S. Farb, et al., (see: Attentional Modulation of Primary Interoceptive and Exteroceptive Cortices, Cerebral Cortex, abstract placed online 19 January 2012). Parenthetically, for authoritative results of traffic analysis (something I've inexpertly engaged in for years by ballpoint and cocktail napkin) upon media coverage of neuromantic research findings, see: New paper slams UK media for routinely misrepresenting neuroscience research to further ideological agendas, Neurobonkers commenting on the paper printed in the journal Neuron, 26 April 2012. Farb extols a lateral frontoparietal 'executive' network (emphasis on executive in original) in visual exteroceptive attentional modulation, which Seppala assures us can be sidestepped by directly tapping into bodily awareness that is free of social judgment and self-evaluation. If the implication of this sidestepability is that the executive function is a faux glutamate-etched self-attribution created by social judgments imposed at prescriptive enculturation, I thoroughly agree. But I cannot agree that there is bodily awareness free of self-evaluation, for, as any actual long-term practitioner of self-observation, autosensory observation, walking-digging-dancing-QiGonging mindfulness mediation knows, there is an infinite regress ever more apparent the deeper the concentration in bodily awareness becomes: the my of my body implies a self distinct from that body; the my of myself implies a self distinct from that self; and so on ad infinitum, à la ketaminergic Zazen and Hubert Benoit, so says the Body Watcher. Ultimately, a self-cancelation of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct 1T2-selfhood existential claims. And so experiences the Body Watcher by direct ontic proprioception in visual space, auditory space, feeling space and, if we attribute veracity to medical doctor and dolphin communicator John C. Lilly's tank logs, in gravity-free flotation tank whilst out of the body under ketamine. What takes a little more effort to understand is that each iteration of inner separation upon body watching is a step farther into animistic-quantum relative-state identity-transparency and invokes a more elaborate Lukasiewiczian logical-value order-type as regards object relations -- inner no less than outer. Consider that situationally-aware modal 1T2-proprioception, especially if an expertly breakdanced kinesthesia, is a mere adumbration of cross-modal/synaesthetic µTm-relative-state [re}cognition/metanoia. However, in lieu of such change of mind, and compensating for the lack thereof, we receive the Body Watcher extrojection: a Domain Awareness System (see: NYPD to launch surveillance software system, Myfox New York, 29 July 2012) likely supported by some TrapWire qua Tartan guanxi/Kagame social-network/mianzi-face analysis designed to facilitate onset of full-blown insurgency (conversion-displacement of the inverse complement: introjection) accompanied by systematic civil and military proselytizing, formation of a multi-stacked/cellular national front, and all the rest of the suppression-driven regressed conversion-displacement of m-logically-valued LETS fine-grain tagged to externalities like bureaucratic variables mapped upon fractal e-boundaries establishing the domain structures (à la physicist David Bohm) qua limited spacetime domains (à la meteorologist Douglas A. Paine) qua causal sets (à la physicist Rafael Sorkin) so instrumental to autopoiesis. S.W.A.T.: USIS-style nazification-assimilation assistance + recruitment advert. This sort of black psyche will carry the day? The New York Story: Yes, you am, aren't you? Why, sugar, just Put me in your pocket. And flash forward to 8 September 2012's F[new]BI [nXtGov] begins installation of $1 billion face recognition system across America, RT News. Ruty-Tooty: She'll draw a tidy blank. Moreover, she wouldn't be anything without those shoulder pads. MoSoSo flooding of the internet with photoshopped synthetic facial images will become a growth industry. Reconnaissance in force: opposers of Fearless Fagan, signifying THE menace of the McCarthy Era (see Tracked in America), fixated on photopaux of the lyan. He's going to stop, aren't you, boy? It will be too late in a minute I'm doing the only thing I can do Believe me, if there was any other way The Alien and Sedition Act updated to the McCarran Act updated to the USA PATRIOT Act updated to the Homeland Security Act updated to the Zombie Act updated to the Cybersecurity EO (flash forward and see: White House draft cyber order , Jason Miller, Federal News Radio, 7 September 2012) updated to the Broadway Melody of 1929, uh 1936, uh 1938, uh 1940, uh 1974; COINTELPRO of 1956, uh Marvin the Martian M&Ming murder and mayhem, with its introjection of the projected muTm-valued logics exorcised by the collective unconscious and regressed to shades of gray by collective consciousness: yanks at your heart, don't it (flash forward and see: California MMA fighter Jarrod Wyatt, accused of ripping out friend's heart , AP/NYDailyNews, 8 September 2012). Each global-crisis problem is human-factors driven, so, for instance, any new monetary system capable of assisting rectification must be -- whatever else it is -- psychotherapeutic. Don't believe that bad guys do monstrous things because they think there will be positive outcomes -- at least for them. This assessment mistakenly assumes that bad guys actually have the capacity to decide, and that they decide on basis of 1T2-rational processes -- when, in fact, they are so identified with regressed collective-archetypal gradients that only the self-attribution of decision processes is available to them. Planetarization of warfare against the very idea of the Westphalian-Cartesian-Newtonian/Congress-of-Vienna nation-state system qua system is still in its infancy, but the policies and programs/pogroms of the many nation-states necessary to its maturation are being rapidly put into place. For instance, aerosol management capabilities have long been integrable to Battlefield Management Systems, as noted in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh. Quoting Vol. 2, p. 738:
MESO, Inc. Final Report. Small Business Innovative Research Contract DAAD07-88-C-0059. Phase I: A Three Dimensional Mesoscale Atmospheric Simulation System for Use in Various Mobile Battlefield Environments. (Unclassified never classified). Submitted to White Sands Missile Range: Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory, 24 February 1989. (Quoting from the Executive Summary: A portable, autonomous numerical weather prediction system which runs on a minicomputer has been developed for use as a tactical decision aid under battlefield conditions. In addition to forecasting the development of locally forced atmospheric disturbances, it is capable of predicting the transport of natural and combat-generated obscurants like dust, blast smoke, and toxic clouds produced through chemical warfare. Weather simulations are generated using a regional version of the sophisticated Mesoscale Atmospheric Simulation System (MASS), a fully three-dimensional primitive equation model ported from a Cray 2 supercomputer and optimized to achieve maximum performance on a computer workstation of the 1990s. It can produce a 12-hour forecast for a 240 km region in less than three hours, thereby giving the command staff at least 9 hours of forecast utility.
This was the sort of thing that may have yielded nervous breakdowns amongst interested knowledgeable parties. Sundogging baked-Alaska outbreak -- of RADlab directed-high-energy phased-array electron-temperature-enhanced space-based droning [enriched}nuke{depleted] tectonic-Vulcan climate-engineering space-shielded sunscreened particulate-dispersing robonanocyberbiochemoweather-PW1 between nation-states bound together only by kill chains and mutual interventions into Sun <<<>>> Earth complex angular momentum cascade/reverse-cascade dynamics -- likely will mark onset of puberty with regard to this insidious other war. These collective behaviors, I say, emanate from mass back-reaction to discoveries made over the past 200 years in higher mathematics, the field of logic, and physics which support the premises of pagan animism and associated states of consciousness: deep structure -- uh, deepweb or deepnet: i.e., regressed projection of the suppressed collective unconscious material buffered from µTm-deep packet inspection by 1T2-conscious agency -- in origins of the world wars. For one, somewhat different, take on this, flash forward and listen to Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges, as interviewed by Alex Jones: Chris Hedges Warns of Authoritarian Takeover, Infowars, 8 September 2012. Already a decade of full-on propaganda films, like in run up to, and during, WWII. Get them -- Spy Kids -- as young as possible: a soft form of human trafficking. What black psyche will they produce and false flag when they encounter a real adversary? And will the subliminally programmed substitute memories be delivered by ULF/ELF basso ostinato, microchip brain implant, genomic platinum-palladium metallointercalation slewing Phallus, uh, uh, Pallas? Cassandraesque recherché chronomancy, this insolence? Not at all likely. The age group sure to be most represented amongst survivors at cuspover will be that spanning the years 10 to 17: a future-history likelihood deeply resented by many. Sidewalk hopscotch, the chalking of [flag}stones and parking lots (see: Mother [in Richmond, VA] fined $2,500 and given community service for allowing four-year-old daughter to draw on rocks using CHALK, Nina Golgowski, The Daily Mail, 2 August 2012; and Doylestown Teens Ticketed [criminal mischief] For Chalk Drawings In Parking Lot, CBSPhilly, 10 August 2012), lemonade stands, yard sales, selling organic truck-farm produce, permaculture, dangerous walking, dangerous sitting, dangerous smiling (see: Olympics spectator with Parkinson's wants 'exoneration' after arrest: Mark Worsford, 54, says he was handcuffed by Surry police officers 'for not smiling' while watching men's cycling road race, Lizzy Davies, The London Guardian, 8 August 2012: as my DI used to say, And you WILL have fun!), dangerous IBE (public, particularly at get-to-gathers, in-the-body-experience: see, regarding police SmartShirts used in USA and UK and now HK: Hong Kong police body scanners spark fears, AFP, Beh Lih Yi, f(x) hours ago 2012), dangerous talking and dressing and farting (see: In Mississippi, Dress Code Violations and Back-Talk Send Students Straight to Jail, Yahoo News, 11 August 2012), dangerous feeding of poor children, dangerous pumpkin carving parties, not to mention paranoid-Nazi proclamations ordinances, mandates, restricts, codes, regulations, rules, laws, directives, and covenants on use of skateboards, roller-skates, bicycles, for sale signs, ice-cream cones on buses, height and placement of hedges, temperature of water in tubs, MSGed-megacorp-wine-protecting proscriptions upon tastings of good clean wines, and on and on and so on and so very much more being now potentially subject to the intentionalities of police brutality, if not Marine Corps law enforcement battalions (all such classes of suppression being indicators, and qualitative measures, of the abysmally poor quality of mind in certain circles, those of the elite and their various and myriad classes of hollow-point palladins, and of the incipient collective hysteria which has governed, and will continue to govern, society-wide reactions to any event conceivably construable as constituting an existential denial to all those without significant inner resources: mass behavior psychopathologically equivalent to the guy sitting in the subway beating his head against the wall and pounding his pud in public), reflect upon what, prefigure what, exactly? What's surprising is that there are so few mass kill events. The presuppositions and methods I bring to prognosticating The Next 100 Years -- and comprehending the last several hundred -- could not be more different from those employed by STRATFOR's George Friedman.
Memetimes (1933, Bologna, 1801, Preventivo, Worms ) of Concordats -- concordato, concordante, concordata, concordia, concentrado, concordar, concordancia -- long since passing, however well purveyed by The Hucksters; Age of (induced-tributary) Concurrences -- pure et parfait, déloyale, monopolistique, co-occurrences actus reus et mens rea -- hard upon us. In discovery/experimental-verification driven-abeyance: Law of Agency in action-based sociologies governed by principles of social power theory, theories of 1T2-exchange introjected to Law&Capital Movement, Nash rationally-equilibrated 1T2-game theory, and so on. Though the physics and metaphysics bases -- justification by recourse to natural law -- have fallen away, The Clingers remain in command: politics as expression of countervailing forces between separated powers and economics as position trading are continuations of war by other means. Never won the war on alcohol; can't win the war on drugs. And what winner of what war did not become that over which it supposedly triumphed? See, for a particularly potent example, that of oil pricing via derivatives: Oil Market: Rectifying The Broken Paper Pricing Model, EconMatters, 23 August 2011; and Forget Libor-gate, Oil Market Manipulation Is Far Worse, ibid., 20 July 2012. Quoting the latter:
I guarantee you if it was a requirement for any Fund Participant to take delivery of any Futures contract held more than 3 days that there would be a significant re-pricing in the Oil market, as well as adding price stability as true market conditions would dictate price.
While this likely would be a good focused fixerupper, implementation of m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams over fractal e-boundaries would conjointly address the derivatives context at large. All 1T2-laws of land are scourges of µTm-nature (by contrast to the Mounties', You can change it; can't break it assessment of such laws: The Wild North, 1952, starring Stewart Granger aligned to µTm-nature: to one who came of age in Alaska, this film is the perfect representation of the issues involved here). Not in abeyance: assentiment quantique, quantum concurrence, quantum composite, relative-state identity-transparency. What the wooorld needs nooow is decline and fall of the very idea of Great Powers Under the Sun. Collective unconscious/unconscience decision for this, I believe, began to register as the rise of chromaticism prefiguring the Franco-Prussian war and marking onset of decoherence of the whole anthropogenic post-Renaissance enterprise, presaging a random walk -- synchronistically driven by mass conversion-disorder displacements -- toward human species suicide/kill-off, a walk becoming a logical march, i.e., obsessive clinging to 1T2-logic only, ever more jack-booted and goose-stepping as recourse to (preWWII: electroshock therapy) anti-psychosis and anti-depression drugs becomes increasingly widespread. Those still in doubt about validity-utility of the Jung-Pauli principle of synchronicity and the collective-unconscious raison d'etre of [Bat}men, and how all leadership is to one degree and another founded upon transference and introjection, may wish to undertake a comparative reading of the following two articles, special attention being paid to the list of suicide/kill-off events given in the latter: Just Open Up Your Eyes And Look -- 65 Signs That The Economic Collapse Is Already Happening, The Economic Collapse, 1 August 2012, extremely well documented with myriad links; and The Colorado Batman Shooter. De-Mystifying Mass Murder in America. Taboo Question: What were the brain-altering psych drugs that the Batman shooter might have been taking or withdrawing from?, Gary G. Kohls, M. D., Global Research, 31 July 2012, for some of Kohls' technical articles see here.
In view of JD's dissing of Mitt (see: Romney Hasn't Done His Homework, Jared Diamond, The New York Times, 1 August 2012), let me clarify my own perspective. I am not at all against learned behaviors constellating concrete cultures; I am against prescriptive enculturation/acculturation of learned behaviors needing unlearning if adaptation to changing circumstances is to effectively transpire. How is a population corpus to determine, at any given conjuncture, which learned behaviors require unlearning, uh, deschooling? Since this obviously involves collective epistemology, collective occasions of experience -- as reflected in constellated archetypal event gradients, traditionally read by trance-readers/speakers -- are necessarily involved. To my understanding, a trope, which signifies an adaptive archetypal gradient, is made a mere meme by prescriptive enculturation. Trope with respect to form, meme with respect to shape (for supporting evidence of this, see Wilhelm Worringer's Abstraktion und Einfuhlung, 1907, and Formprobleme der Gotik, 1911, the former greatly influencing Carl G. Jung and the latter "prefacing" Wassily Kandinsky's Uber das Geistige in der Kunst, 1911). How, then, could a trope maintain its integrity in facebook of prescription? By metareferencing, not a structural requisite to some particular concrete culture, but a functional prerequisite to metaculture, the corpus of invariants to culture-codification per se, in the general case (structure being derivative because structure is, indubitably is, function automatized: see, for instance, the best account of Heinz Hartmann's Ich-Psychologie und Anpassungsproblem, presented 1937 and published 1939, found in Hypnosis and Related States, Merton M. Gill and Margaret Brenman, 1959). I had to confront these issues as a non-Japanese studying Japanese gardening and flower arranging. The Empire of Signs was, I repeat was, the quintessential case in human tropologies of given concrete cultures: no other traditional culture, to my knowledge, even began to approach the level of sophistication the Japanese brought to this task. Whilst tradition may be reconfirmed in retention of the given shapes of style, and concrete-culture change achieved through grammars of shape-shifting, authentically adaptive preservation of culture requires alchemical extraction of form-in-process, an extraction which cannot be accomplished absent transit to universals of the semantic domain unifying all possible concrete cultures. Here, I would like to acknowledge a debt to Keith Taylor (The Birth of Viet Nam, UC Press, 1983) for telling me I just had to read Hayden White's Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism (Johns Hopkins U. Press, 1978). Leaps tall buildings in a single bound? This is artist, composer, mathematician, physicist as cultural super-performer? I think not. More like a regression thereof -- or a compensatory abreaction to the absence thereof. Superheroic icon of the missing-in-action. What's missing? Higher faculties (m-logically-valued) glutamaturgically pruned away and quantum quenched, hence automatically in transference and placed into projective-identification (infantile regressed form) by technological means: see, for instance, U.S. Army: Soldiers will be able to run at Olympic speed and won't need food or sleep with gene technology, Damien Gayle, London Daily Mail, 12 August 2012. And is not porn one sort of missile defense agency (see: Executive branch porn problem, Lori [Hand}rahan of AU/SIS, The Washington Times, 10 August 2012) by regression in service to the ego, à la Ernst Kris? Heh-heh-heh! Though it is hard to believe the contemporary ego, indubitably 1T2, needs further servicing. But what if Superman were troped rather than memed? Consider A Unified Theory of Superman's Powers, Ben Tippett, Qwantz, 30 September 2009. As a person with consistently high grades who voluntarily dropped out of Special Forces medics training in the last week of Dog Lab, circa 1967, I had to confront the issues involved. Quoting Tippett's Abstract, then his Conclusion:
It is our opinion that all of Superman's recognized powers can be unified if His power is the ability to manipulate, from atomic to kilometer length scales, the inertia of His own and any matter with which He is in contact.
We conjecture that all of Superman's powers come from His ability to alter the inertial mass of objects in His immediate vicinity or with which He is in personal contact; although the mechanism is unknown.
Our conjecture of a single unified power could be tested in a few simple ways. We could, for instance, determine whether Superman could accelerate if He were surrounded by a nearly perfect vacuum. Alternatively, we could determine whether He has the ability to emit x-rays, and whether He can actively change His transparency to x-rays.
As regards the unknown mechanism, let me suggest that a troped biosuperconductive-levitating Superman (with nuclear intraneuronal DNA, and mitochondrial intraperineural DNA, superconductant pi-electron gas core UNquenched by the glutamatergic effects of prescriptive enculturation and/or acculturation), rather than one merely memed, or one iconic, would alter inertial mass under three orders of temporal curl by grasping (cognitively, more importantly than physically) the topological handle by means of operator-time: pure universal consciousness in its active aspect is the set of all topological operators on the MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space); pure universal consciousness in its passive aspect is the space acted upon. Under three-fold operator-time there are massenergy (even in the absolute limit, units of E are gm cm2 s-2), connective massenergy (even in the absolute limit, units of m' are gm s2) and configurational massenergy (even in the absolute limit, units of m'' are gm s4). See, for details and arguments: Table IV, and associated text, in our paper entitled Toward a General Theory of Process, circa May 1977. Salvador Dali obviously understood quantum mechanics as clocks within clocks within clocks, and as imputing chronotopologies. While Superman-as-icon of the missing-in-action acts in velocities and accelerations upon massenergy and Super(wo)man-the-meme acts upon connective massenergy at the absolute limiting acceleration, Super(wo)man-the-trope acts upon configurational massenergy at the absolute limiting time rate of change of acceleration where the notion of entropy is altogether indefinable (by decomposability of the MVRS to hyperstacked Cantorian-fractal nesting foams, this latter at is allwhere and everytime: even were Planck time and Planck distance single-valued and thus establishments of least-lowest bound-from-below, still, by participatory measurement on Koch curve, the nestings of nesting-foams would be Cantorian-fractal). Call this: neovitalist demergent volution. A lucid dream is relatively rare; a lucid dream that is vivid, rarer still; a lucid vivid dream inside a lucid vivid dream inside all but most rare, even to, one must suppose, the Bonpo practitioner of WILD dream yoga. Not dream inside dream inside dream à la Inception, the film; but nested Cantorian Alephs of logical-value order-types à la cosmic inception upon base-state of Tzog-chen. Got lucid? No? Forget facebook. Attend to the interface. Fix the unit of space. Number the numbering. Make a gate to hold the moon. Superman-as-icon has unified power to alter inertial mass only by regressed trickle-down from Super(wo)man-the-meme's modification of connective massenergy by trickle-down from Super(wo)man-the-trope's modification of configurational massenergy. But how does Super(wo)man-the-trope access pure universal consciousness and its vehicles -- its twistors as quantizations of temporal curl, its chronotopological spinors, its one-wheeled cars, as the Vedas were wont to say? Greater speculation is hereupon demanded, given that we are speaking of general principles of the most general case, inherently matters involving collective states of consciousness of collective behaviors, individually registered -- and there is so little in the way of sustained practice of Oriental Positivism on our part. Consider: The perception of time can be illusory , as quoted from the beginning of the first sentence of Auditory Chronostasis: Hanging on the Telephone, Iona Hodinott-Hill, et al., Current Biology, 12, pp. 1779-81, 15 October 2002. The illusion does not seem to depend on the shift of spatial attention that accompanies the saccade, quoting the initial section of Illusory perceptions of space and time preserve cross-saccadic perceptual continuity, Klelan Yarrow, et al., Nature, 414, pp. 302-5, 15 November 2001. These results suggest an overrepresentation of space around the attentional locus that can affect perception up to 8-degrees away, and question the existence of an objective spatial representation, quoting the Abstract to Focused visual attention distorts distance perception away from the attentional locus, Claire Wardak, et. al., Neuropsychologia, 49:3, pp. 535-45, February 2011. I have several difficulties with the illusory-illusion-distortion interpretation of the experimental findings reported in these papers: (1) Luneburg's account of binocular visual space as a non-Euclidian metrical space fundamentally involves what he designated a psychometric distance function, the values of which vary with prescriptively learned and other subjective factors not identical individual to individual and for the same individual at different times; (2) if, as I believe, there is no classical limit, and a non-Euclidian visual space is one of many factors indicative of that possibility, then the measurements taken during these experiments were accomplished in quantum measurement occasions where the observer state-function is a quantum composite of the state-functions of all the observers reading the instrumentation used to metrically map the object-system experimentally employed; and (3), by both (1) and (2) above, visual space itself, not merely the perceptual representation of it, cannot be considered an objective and constant homogenous plenum, but rather a quantum-composite itself subject to timelike modifications by the quantal actions of the entities constellating the space (by conscious ontic perception, unconscious eidetic apperception, and likely by the pregeometry logical operations involved in establishing values of superposed psychometric distance functions). The single-level cipher, taken in triplets/trigrams, as base-state of genetic information is three helix-coiling dynamical order-types removed from the octonionic/hexagramic classes of quantum-wave properties of DNA chronotopologically encoding the semantic and purportive aspects of the genetic Musculpt language (suggesting, for instance, that topological configurations assumed in chromosomal soup -- between periods of dividing -- are not random and express chronotopological effects of the higher levels of encoding affected by endogenous temporal curl responding to radiation-induced environmental forcing qua fit-assessment/scanning -- not physical fitness in the neoDarwinian sense). Despite decipherment of the retinal 1T2-code -- a great accomplishment (see: Blind Mice Given Sight After Device Cracks Retinal Code, Jeanna Smialek, Bloomberg, 14 August 2012) -- one still must wonder about the superposed ever-present aperspectival Analytical Cubism retinal µTm-code (properties of consciousness state-function of mice and men, blind and otherwise, are quite other matters). Very likely analogous considerations are relevant to other sensory modalities, including that auditory -- as well as being deeply involved in the dynamics of cross-modal correlations of sensory dimensions and their synaesthetic fusion (or, more appropriately, from the µTm-valued aperspectival take, the manifold dynamics of decoherent decomposition of the higher-temporal internal-system relative-state of universal sensorium). In a participatory universe, there is no absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct distinction drawable between space and representation space -- be the space visual, auditory, feeling, tactile, whatever. The inner-Musculpt-software split-screen scanner (see Gene Youngblood's Expanded Cinema, Dutton, 1970, for an account of this in the hardware case) necessarily involved in the experimental subject's performance of the task assigned by Claire Wardak, et. al., in the Neuropsychologia experiment paper linked above, is a device essential to the practice of walking meditation -- at least as I did it during the 1970s. Such forms of use carry inner separation into the voluntary dissociation without which authentic employments of µTm-valued logics, on principle, are impossible: access to collective states of consciousness does not require physical-proximal presence of a population corpus or a social-structure of mass-attention cathexis/katekhein (suggesting, for instance, that rock concerts are compensatory abreactions militating against assimilation of m-valued logical processing). In Basic Training and AIT, not to mention SF training groups, sniper schools, et cetera, there is teaching of defocused ambient awareness (but not the fuzzy logics needed to best process such awareness), at night-vision an attending to peripheral vision as means of establishing locus of target (with analogous process to localize a sound), a stepped-in process of bisection similar to that of Claire Wardak's experiment as means of target acquisition by sniper, and so on. Anyone, who, in teens or twenties, got third-, fourth-, or fifth-wind at very long-distance group run knows that rhythm entrainment upon an external clock (e.g., regular pounding of boots) helps to autohypnotically (see for edification: Hypnosis and Related States, cited above) induce the memetime-dilation/spatial-contraction essential to emergence of the third-, fourth-, or fifth-(Whitmanian)OT[her}Iambe, one of which knows it could run OT (working [over}memetime) until heart attack. All the more so for practitioners of sacred dance! And human pods learning Dolphin, the Musculpt language of sonic-visioning. Walking meditation for Vipassana, so far as I understand, is to dissect attachment. There is a rhythm element to walking, which, upon concentration in self-observation/inner-separation, becomes an external clock, as Other-Iambe(s) present (uh, [preeeee}sent, and, yes, this could be regarded as the gifting of a [pres}ent) with onset and elaboration of voluntary dissociation. Attachment, as understood when so practiced, is not to the bare object-for-itself (external or internal by 1T2-logic only), but to the object-for-me, i.e., the object as I project self-attributes upon it and identity with those projections, thus developing a compulsive relation thereto. Attachment is an object-capture of a subject (in certain circumstances, frequently mistaken for love): the object captures self-cathexis such that self-remembering is impossible on an ongoing basis (not-so-cosmic cosmic censorship). Walking to visualize-feel-hear return of the cathexes caught in object-capture: by active imagination any number of specific practices are potentially available. Burned far more bridges (e.g., Google is so screwed, I stopped using it some memetime ago) than ever crossed -- and the psychological benison accrued was enormous. As roof-brain chattering inner voice recedes, moves beyond the skull screaming to yet be heard, hear-imagine Takemitsu's Asterism astral sounds and/or Munari sounds of no-sound return to localization at postcentral gyrus. Visualize linear-perspective lines of the given outer-object ensemble in the circumlocutionary ambient visual space as converging upon a vanishing point in rhythmic motion entrained to the clock of the walk at walking meditation. The possibilities are endless. What Lauri Love (nsh) speaks of above -- quoting:
the cultivation of modes of visual, or indeed auditory, attention that transcend the simple point and locus-region (enculturated) regimen, allows access to being in a region of time with non-trivial topology. Moreover, one might speculate as regards changes to the connectivity and orientability of these chronotopologies being resultant or at least correlated with mastery of such attentional modalities. The implications of multiply-connected or non-orientable chronotopologies on ordering relations and simple-identity segue into domain of translogics.
-- is well beyond these baby steps I attempt to describe. John Cage explored the stripping of judgment (enculturated) from heard sound, such that ambient noise can value-free be heard as music. Similarly, there is exploration of the stripping of judgment (enculturated) from seen space-articulations. This is one baby-step aspect of walking meditation, as I practiced it, which may more directly relate to Love's above-stated hypothesis. Repetitive, long-practiced splitting of visual attention -- e.g., by concentration in attempts to pull-in the cathexes lost to object-capture, or by Cantor-dust-cutting away by steps into peripheries from a locus of visual attention at cultivation of diffuse cathexis (candle gazing without the candle) -- at walking meditation yields an apperceptive sensitivity to surround-sounded [archi}texture of the superposed spaces (e.g., visual, auditory, feeling) through which one walks. Cleartext spread across the pitch? Not bloody likely! Even of the top whack. Or runs: running in a combat environment, by the highly practiced-trained, involves sensitivities to the diffuse indeterminate aesthetic continuum conducive to induction-onset of OBEs -- out-of-the-body experiences. Simply stepping out a door of, say, an HQ -- in beginning a run for the bunker amidst a rocket barrage (imagine my reaction when later reading R. D. Liang's just simply step out the door statement about letting go, as presented in his book The Divided Self, Penguin, 1960) -- can lift the top off the head sufficiently so to initiate a momentary OBE and autoscopy viewing-point dislocation where the body of the claimed-self is seen from above. The access, of which Lauri Love speaks, I believe, is hyperscary, and therefore mostly rejected if inadvertently happened upon, because interoceptive proprioception of the properties of attributed-selfhood automatically change simultaneously as to changes to the connectivity and orientability of chronotopologies consciously accessed by modulations (voluntary and involuntary -- or so understood) of attention within the various sensory modalities: the deautomatization, inevitably involved with reinvestment of attention, induces inner change in consort with that outer, as experienced by 1T2-mind, a mind inevitably failing to meet demands of the Anpassungsproblem by circumscriptions promulgated with glutamatergic 1T2-prescription (making humans softwared by neuronal pruning and associated quantum quenching to behave 1T2ly, not hardwired for rationality as investment managers would have it: see, Rational decisions in closed systems, Alexander Gloy, Lighthouse Investment Management, 5 August 2012). The inner-as-to-outer deautomatization is greatly threatening and enormously feared -- because of the loss of CONTROL (by egoic 1T2-function) directly experienced. Recoil is instantaneous -- unless practiced away.
I had grave difficulties, circa 1958, sitting still for seventh-grade Civics class -- and, memory serving, I was not the only one. Talk of separation of powers on principle of countervailing forces somehow always got a rise out of me. And not because I was not told that Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Thomas Paine, and Henry Adams did not participate in the Philadelphia Convention, for, not having done my homework, I only now actually register this historical fact (see: What Democracy?, James E. Miller, Ludwig von Mises Institute of Canada, 4 August 2012). See Wiki to learn that Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and Patrick Henry also did not attend, Patrick refusing whilst saying with armingly guarded vuncularity that he smelt a rat in Philadelphia, tending toward the monarchy. Nor was it because of classroom discussion of the egregious distribution of quasi-human types more or less self-invited (state appointment: prior to representing their state which did the appointing, they, according to the inexplicitly unstated self-referential proposition involved, represented the state appointing them to appoint themselves as their state's representatives) as participants in the Constitutional Convention (see: Liberty vs. the Constitution, Albert Jay Nock, Ludwig von Mises Institute, 21 April 2010: this article excerpts Nock's book Jefferson, Harcourt, Brace, and Company, 1926). Ah yes, following Nock, the sack of 1%-human ruck which is an albatross about Nature's neck, membership thereof always disparaging demos of [demon}cracy whilst choosing to move men only by application of the 1T2-pain/pleasure push-pull principle (Demob the démodé, thus demodulating the Demogorgon undermining mundane authority!): post-Renaissance causal impressed-force or the medieval teleological-attractor which is the enticement of self-interest (lower-self as ego sphere, unavailable higher-self personified as godhead), one sacred cow amongst this Deistic lot. Unalterably locked on to same ol' same ol' by anal-stage retention of the classical limit, Birth of a Nation and Death of a Nation likely pivot upon the same single-valued variable: war-born(e) debt serving vested interests of the TBTF. Becoming very concrete, circa 1964, with a college paper on the Hamilton-Jefferson debates over the national debt (taking to heart and arguing from position of my distaff-familial-side background of yeoman, tenant, share-cropper farmers and Baum-gardener nurserymen, and father's-side ancestral pen-singing scribes and Evangelical Grace Reformed plaudit-seeking pulpit-speaking ministers), I've been increasingly against confederacy, not because I am a federalist, but in view of the fact that confederation is too strong a 1T2-centralization to support self-organizing processes with high levels of autopoietic competency -- such levels being driven by the Bohmian quantum potential resident in the hologramic information distribution over the Cantorian-fractal e-nesting foams (here is someone -- Henrik Flute -- looking at phase boundaries smaller scale than those, and across those, of the nation-state: see, The European Unemployment Map, FluteThoughts, 7 August 2012) characteristic of Everettian µTm-valued relative-state identity-transparency between the constantly changing domain structures detailed as to the vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock which they represent without recourse to the Greco-Renaissance 1T2-principle of proportion. That's the sort of representative governance that makes sense to me, a Datenbank member of the self-evident quantum Lebenswelt of the 21st century.
If the solution is the problem (see: The Solution is the Problem, parts 1 and 2, Eric Sprott and Etienne Bordeleau, Sprott Asset Management LP, June 2009 and August 2012) then the problem is the solution: that's what happens when the 1T2-Law of Non-Contradiction is habitually violated without moving on to µTm-valued Lukasiewicz logics understood without semantic recourse being taken to truth-value such that there is no cognitive context adequate to comprehension of the relativity of absolute limiting values -- that lack of context leading to Moral Relativism and Patriotism as Weapons of the State, James E. Miller, Ludwig von Mises Institute of Canada, 9 August 2012.
All my life, whenever there has been a reasonably convenient alternative to the big corporate chain retailer for a given product purchase, I've always chosen to spend more in giving my business to the small operator, particularly if one ma&pa. When the family nursery as a category of enterprise was run out of business by instalandscaping, chemiturf, and nursery stock conglomerates treating plants like cans of MSG soup, I sought another way to make a living. When the food environment passed my personal had-it-up-to-here threshold, I moved to where I could live predominately on the locally grown. As local markets grew and matured, became increasingly sophisticated, offered more complex products in more diversified distribution channels, I looked for somewhere else to live. Those thinking beyond the next Thirty Years' War might well benefit from considerations suggesting that deleveraging via growth, default, austerity, inflation, suppression-repression and consequent regression at command of centrists may not be the only options. NSA-Homeland, uh, uh, The Adjustment Bureau: The Chairman has a plan; we only see part of it. It's very likely that the most creative human achievements never registered, never became part of the historical record. Moreover, throughout history there have always been those who made no contribution to the human enterprise because they did not much like what that enterprise had become. Peace of Westphalia (ending the first Thirty Years' War) by the treaties of Munster and Osnabruck, 1648, initiated the Westphalian sovereignty of the modern nation-state, with the involved notions of territorial integrity and inviolable immunity from covenants mandating external-agent (including corsairs, mercenaries, private military and security companies, so on) roles in domestic institutions, arrangements, affairs. This peace from thirty years of war came thirty years before Robert Hooke first identified a cell wall whilst looking through a microscope at cork tree tissue cells, 1678, and almost twenty years before he discovered the biological cell in 1665. At onset of WWII, suppress colloid chemistry to later yield projected regressed nanotechnologies. Planting cellulose wall upon a hydrophilic/phobic phospholipid bilayer membrane with various embedded proteins, cholesterol, cytoskeletal attachments, through which resource exchanges may be pumped via transport protein-channel pipes, may work for some cell types, but, even absent a colloidal chemistry (best account, memory serving from when I was reading into the work of Gilbert Ling on association-induction hypothesis as to structured intracellular water: Jirgensons M. E. Straumanis, A Short History of Colloid Chemistry, Pergamon, 1954) of plasmahaut interfaces, a general model of chemical phase boundaries cannot ignore the fact that territorial integrity of cellular nation-states by 1T2-Cartesian (Descartes-Fermat coordinates, circa 1637) and Newton's absolute, true and mathematical spatial boundaries (Western history of which going back to Greek antiquity) prefigured discovery of cell and cell wall. This prefiguration is paradigmatically significant relative to Gerard 't Hooft's notion that the scale factor is observer dependent: all measurement is quantum measurement because the appearance of even a quantum scale is due to observer-dependent memetime-lapsed exteroception, interoception, proprioception, perception, apperception of subquantum MVRS (m-logically-valued reference space: µTm-scalar, length-scales and memetime-steps having Curie-critically snapped into the spontaneous fusion signified by non-simple identity) renormalized under glutamatergically-etched and quantum-quenched bi-logic processing of inputs to conscious awareness (of the ponderable outcome of the chosen partitioning algorithm mandating existence of a classical limit and derivative classical domains with associated memetime-steps and grid-lengths) gleaned from instrumentation biologically-technologically provided. An elementary particle is a memetime-lapsed snapshot of an ensemble of quarks posted to Lebenswelt cloud chamber (given sufficient beamtime and bandwidth) by chronotopological good offices of temporal curl; an atom is a memetime-lapsed ; a molecule is a memetime-lapsed ; a Which has existential precedence logically, ontologically, temporally under first- and second-order temporal curls (no precedence available under third-order non-orientable reentries: Gödel's self-referential proof finally and forever quenched the scientific method as classically understood) over the MVRS, the m-logically-valued reference space qua base-state of Tzog-chen? The 1T2-observer dependence of the properties of chosen (amongst the transalgebraic Cantorian-fractal varieties available) nesting-foam operative partitioning (unconsciously instrumented by temporal curl at behest of 3-fold operator-time) is all the more formative in view of developments like: First direct observations of biological particles in high-altitude ice clouds, Kerri Pratt, Nature Geoscience, 17 May 2009; and Intracellular Trafficking of Silicon Particles and Logic-Embedded Vectors, Silvia Ferrati, et al., Nanoscale, 2:8, 4 August 2010, pp. 1512-20; and Biogenic Potassium Salt Particles as Seeds for Secondary Organic Aerosol in the Amazon, Christopher Pöhlker, et al., Science, 337:6098, 31 August 2012, pp. 1075-8; and Multiscale Modeling of Particle Interactions: Applications in Biology and Nanotechnology, Michael King and David Gee, Wiley, 2010. The techno-shift to cloud-and-swarm micro and nano, whilst retaining the individualistic macro-centrist orientation of Cartesian-Newtonian institutional base, is far more discombobulating than merely a matter of mass cognitive dissonance. Mutuality of subsystem operational incompatibilities, 1T2-incommensurabilities within subsystem-system-supersystem superimpositions (unacknowledged to be relative-state quantum-composite superpositions) mount and mount -- leaving no resolutions, no solutions within the purview of general 1T2-systems theoretic perspectives and the corpus of econometric sandcastle 1T2-behavior equations. There being no resolutions, solutions possible, the only recourse is to fruitlessly seek Control, Control, Control under shift to the pretense of a scale-free (i.e., uniscale) 1T2-scalar framework. The unmentionable alternative, for those thinking beyond the next Thirty Years' War, is the refashioning of framework determining conditions such that the analogical model authentically becomes relative-state quantum-composite superposition. One step in that direction would involve EMU implementation of m-logically-valued LETS currency nesting foams. Whether or not Nigel Farage would be interested in this, I have no idea; but, clearly, he is the superior man in the European Parliament, in just the sense intended by H. L. Mencken. No bathtub hoax, this! Quoting Mencken as quoted by Zero Hedge (see: 'Sense And Nonsense' -- Assorted Deep Thoughts, 13 August 2012):
All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man: its one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos.
These words by The Sage of Baltimore -- hardly from a Max Eastman of The New Masses -- were extracted from a somewhat lengthy quotation most appropriate to The Smart Set and The American Mercury.
No longer into Transcendental Meditation, checking their TMed protocalls on EgoPhone, the transpersonal having fallen into a satnav MoSoSo back-channel sideway too P2P to be a peak experience, spy kids these days don't understand that the collective unconscious is an astounding surveillance device: it doesn't even have to look in order to see, or, more accurately, it sees best when not looking. Vietnam-war-era intelligence analysts, e.g., David Marr, frequently made the observation that VC units altogether cut off from C&C nonetheless acted as if they were receiving it: that's animistic identity-transparency, folks! Personally, my I has no more against employments of scientific methods than of spiritual methods; what it can't cotton to, cotton up to, cotton on to is privatization of science once organized as institutionalized state religion: rise of, and global forcing by, genetic engineering, under the mistaken assumption that quantum-wave properties of DNA free-electron gas core play no significant biological (indeed, epistemological) roles, exemplifies the human hazard and peril, indeed, those of the whole biosphere, involved in this engineers' [psycho}sociological back-reaction upon the metric of Thomas Kuhn's paradigmatic thought and evoked conflict. The mounting crescendo of existential denials -- transiting to authentic existential threats -- to ego-spheric integrity, in the form of experimental demonstrations, such as those associated with the Aspect experiments and the finding that even molecules can be at more than one ponderablespaceplace at a given memetime, indeed, the experimental discovery that time-in-itself, when stopped at the absolute limiting velocity, may be m-valued by virtue of lightspeed being m-valued, with the pellucid implication that Nature, unlike 1T2-nurture, processes Lukasiewiczian µTmly, clearly and indubitably was impulsive as regards the attempt to take back (introject) egoic-self attributions long since projected in regression (omniscience, omnipotence, telepresence, et cetera) upon godhead, kinghood, emperorship by establishment of biotech mastery over 1T2-identity sickcare and post-centenarian life-extension on a planet unsupportive of 27,000,000,000 [hu-hu-hu}mans by 2100 M.T.C., MemeTimeChronologic. One less-than-adequately studied aspect of French colonialism, and the Indochina wars themselves, was the various forms of literati-evolved methods for getting around censorship -- to include the unnecessity to use commo of precise meanings by means of encryption/decryption -- methods in themselves likely of little current importance, but of great import as regards the mistaken idea that employments of quantum-based technologies can suppress dissent and formation of sociomilitary expressions of that dissent. What is most difficult to understand is the lack of understanding that the quantum-based technologies -- so much counterinsurgent faith is being put into -- themselves are the most plenipotentiary of insurgents against what The Clingers cling to. Understanding of this lack-of-understanding phenomenon dawns with recognition that torturous coercive interrogation (see: subtitle to Alfred W. McCoy's recent book, Torture and Impunity, U. of Wisconsin, 2012, as well as his capsulation article entitled, Impunity at Home, Rendition Abroad: How Both Parties Made Illegality the American Way of Life, Global Research, 14 August 2012) is a form of self-cutting (i.e., the voodooing immunologic self-marking deep-structure, which the taking of tats/piercings bodymod surface-structure emulates, as means of threat exorcism by the vampiric psychological eating of potency signifiers/blood/ears/peni of exemplars of the purportedly vanquished: µTmed paganism-animism tribal witchery, bitch) elicited by the introjected projections of the scientifically-verified existential threats to egoic-integrity mentioned above: a thesis related to torture and (auto)immunity qua bodymod anti-DNA-antibody, as distinct from Torture and Impunity, amongst torturers and their ever increasingly agonistic contextualizing cohort (a thesis itself metapsychologically related to soft-immolation by racial self-slur, e.g., beautification by red-dying of hair and other Caucasianizing bodymods). Notably missing from McCoy's capsulation is the KoreanWar-era Philadelphia project on forced indoctrination, early funding-history vis sensory-deprivation and flotation-isolation research at various psychiatric institutes and institutes of mental health engaged in research on psychotropic drugs, the various utilities (including open-brain) of current injection (Chinese and otherwise), implantable brain electrodes, interspecies commo between humans and those being taught Human and occasionally flown around by Southern Air Transport to research facilities built with the assistance of Seabees and SEALs.
Ack! Gold Diggers of 2013. To get some feeling for just how ramified a sudden global shift to gold would be in a world populated with myriad derivatives, even independent of price cycles, consider Martin Sibileau's exposition entitled, The US Money Markets and the Price of Gold, A View from the Trenches, 19 August 2012. Differing from the Republican Party (see: Republicans Eye Return to Gold Standard, Robin Harding and Anna Fifield, CNBC, 24 August 2012: is some RNC Commission at all likely to be capable of plumbing the depths of what would transpire upon a U.S. shift to gold in the present global conjuncture?), one of my reasons for opposing reversion to a universal classical gold standard is the synchronicity (early 1820s) involved in Britannia's -- midwife to the uniformizing industrial revolution -- implementation of such standard just before N. H. Abel introduced, with his Impossibility Theorem, the multiformity of trans(al-jabr)s as improvement upon Gauss' uniformity of complex hypergeometric functions, continuous and tri-singular (1813). The compulsion to impose uniformity upon multifarious nature reached one cuspover by 1815 when the Great Powers met at the Congress of Vienna to fix geographic boundaries of nations become states (later imposed worldwide: see, for example, Siam Mapped: A History of the Geo-Body of a Nation, Thongchai Winichakul, U. of Hawaii, 1994). Monetary standardization rapidly followed upon the putting over of that fix (1821: see an excellent graphic account of gold-standard history in A History of Exchange-Rate Regimes, Gold Money, 22 August 2012), but Abel put paid to validity of the metaphysical justifications of that standard only five years later (1826). And the classical gold standard itself only lasted until one year before the field equations of General Relativity appeared on the scene (presented 1915; published 1916: consideration must be given to the idea that one structural back-reaction against Einstein's relativity physics was advent of the Federal Reserve System, December of 1913) to further undermine validity-utility of the Pragmatism tacit to the fixed 1T2-in-or-out-type boundaries upon which legal tenders were defined. Somewhat more specifically, one may consider that President Clinton's fascination with Non-Zero was largely with the idea that general systems and particular funds need not be bounded from below, e.g., the Social Security Fund, which was significantly depleted to the benefit of military spending (see, for instance: The Surplus Hoax, Hans F. Sennholz, Ludwig von Mises Institute, 3 November 2000). A related, more recent case is ObamaCare as care for the BigPharma-insurance corporations, and their law-firm reps, which care for Obama-Romney. The White Shirts are coming! The White Shirts are coming! Thank God they aren't Brown Shirts. Once again framing a fixed prescriptive planetary monetary system set against The Way of nature may briefly dampen the accelerating economic aspect of the global crisis by arresting the volatility neoKeynesians say a return to the gold standard would exacerbate, but such a system will not long endure in face of all the other dimensions of crisis rising to cuspover (dimensions a recourse to gold could only amplify, not help resolve). Somewhat parenthetically, I agree with Charles Hugh Smith (see: The Stock Market is an 'Attractive Nuisance' and Should Be Closed, Of Two Minds, 22 August 2012) that the stock market qua stock market in presently prevailing circumstances is an attractive nuisance -- great piece of analogical dark pool recognition on his part -- deserving to be torted, though I would not advocate closure, except insofar as however temporary the requirement of such for bottom-up implementation of variously-backed (why monocrop all monies to gold alone? as advocated by the Gold Standard Institute: see In A Paper System All Assets Are Backed By The Treasury Bond, Keith Weiner, Zero Hedge, 17 August 2012) m-logically-valued LETS e-nesting foams, when the implementation process reaches the scale-levels existing stock markets by legal prescription metabolically track within. Not to start into a natter, but widespread engagement in the thematic evasion type of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance binds, regresses, and potentiates-potentizes those collective unconscious contents constellating The Shadow archetype reflected in many human systems, including the autonomous complex known as the shadow banking system. For the latest on the dark pools of Fukushima, see the VDO: Can Fukushima's Spent Fuel Pools Catch Fire?, Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Associates, Global Research, 21 August 2012. Potentially relevant to dark pool research is the recent finding that spontaneous radioactive decay rates appear to vary under environmental influence, though there be no mechanism known to explain the observed correlations (see: From the Annals of the Impossible , Henning Dekant, Wave Watching, 1 September 2012). As regards a possible mechanism, and of the possibility that variations could be amplified, it may be interesting to consider that one implication which D. A. Paine and I saw to our 1979 temporal curl model of DNA radiation exchange/interlock between emitter and receiver was the likelihood that there is a spin component of operator-time (µTm-quantum-gravity effector of 1T2-ponderable-space curvature) aspect to the Periodic Table of Elements which has gone unrecognized due to lack of credence being accorded to chronotopology (see here, for amplification). It can also be noted that much discussion transpired at the Velikovsky and the Recent History of the Solar System conference, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 1974, as to which fundamental assumptions underlie this and that dating technique, discussion I found fascinating, and understood as casting significant doubt upon dating schemes referenced to memetime.
Attempts to create or impose order have everywhere and at all meantimes/memetimes failed. There is no order-in-itself in nature: as A. N. Whitehead knew, reality is in process, form-in-process (e.g., Theodor Schwenk's Sensitive Chaos: The Creation of Flowing Forms in Water and Air, Rudolf Steiner Press, 1965, which is not simple-order or simple-chaos or 2nk SFI-complexity: a book closely read and reread soon after it appeared by tornadogenesis specialist Douglas A. Paine). This general assertion becomes focused argument in the hands of Gene L. Porter (The Nature of Form in Process, A Principia Forma, Philosophical Library, 1969) and John Acheson Faris (Plato's Theory of Forms and Cantor's Theory of Sets, Queens University, 1968). The term international order is an oxymoron (see, for one illustrative history: The plan for a New World Order stumbles on geopolitical realities, Imad Fawzi Shueibi, President of the Data and Strategic Studies Center, Damascus, Syria, Voltaire Net, 17 August 2012): once the scale-level nest is apertured upon the national mono-scale, even order is precluded -- not to mention form-in-process. If order is primarily structure (i.e., Gaussian articulation) and space-shape, then form-in-process is primarily function (i.e., Eulerian correspondence) and time-shape. Given architecture being frozen music (see, for a sequel to Iannis Xenakis' Formalized Music, Indiana U., 1971: Elisabeth Martin's Architecture as a Translation of Music, Princeton, 1994), then Louis Sullivan's qua FLW's form ever follows function: because structure is, indubitably is, function automatized, à la Heinz Hartmann. That's one big reason why F. A. von Hayek's rewrite of Hugh Everett, III's relative-state as the time-shapes of total capital stock is so important to creation of a new global monetary process. Musculpt, as mathematical notation, being the required user-friendly interface, and The Next Development in Man (L. L. Whyte, New American Library, 1948), à la The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms (Ernst Cassirer, 1923-9, English translation, 1953-7) -- a development yet to transpire. Digressing, I agree with Marc Faber that the mission creep in command economics assumed within the polycentrism of ever more centralizing central and transcentral banking combines amounts to a zaibatsu(ed) advance of the whole litany of subsistence and administration -- to use Clausewitz's phrase, as discussed in my paper, VirFut Q-Pro, Public Policy Implications of Quantum Computing, circa 1998 -- in preparations for onset of PW1 (listen to the last few minutes of Faber's enlightening discussion of the inhomogeneities and extrasystemic effects of central bank money printing qua bubble blowing: the VDO entitled Marc Faber's Forecasts for the Global Economy, Zero Hedge, 22 August 2012). And as regards the split-off Anima, still hain't found Shanghai Lil' in The World of Suzi Wong. The Obama pivot to Asia and arc pelagic from Sea of Japan through Strait of Malacca to Strait of Hormuz may be considered the prevailing strategic defensive, whilst initiatives in the Middle East and Central Asia be the prevailing strategic offensive -- both pre-PW1. With onset, however, there will be -- virtually certain -- shift in both.
Uh, Chance would be a fine thing? what -- I'd have thought, lifting a mug in a style bar, estimating the nicktime incumbent upon the sentence careered. Readiness Potential for Prepared Piano: that's how I've Cagily processed research on movement-related cortical potentials. Quoting a parenthetical link to the Everett-twice-differentiated Quantum Theory Under Non-Linear Reinterpretation for Biological Systems section of our paper entitled, Some Preliminary Considerations toward Development of a Mathematical Model of the Autogenic Brain Discharge as Spontaneous Localization in Quantum Measurement (circa September of 1980), under the rubric higher order time differentiation with regard to the initiating or linear-time dependent signal:
Double-exponentials may be single-valued decidable only when sufficiently smoothed with a little incremental Newtonian nudging, which may mean we've entered a region awash in Gibbs oscillations. Will we ever find a way to escape false numerical dispersion? The magnitude of the diffusion operator is being affected by high frequency ripples. We're going to be systematically truncated! Can a positive-definite advection scheme -- in flux form -- coupled to split-explicit time integration possibly save us from the inevitable discontinuities associated with strong initialization shock? Differential equation sets and wave functions with unsmooth initial conditions and data may present intractable problems, precluding unique solution, i.e., single-valued outcomes are not prescribed. Ill-posed problems may be Turing-uncomputable: the proposition that prediction requires detailing of the spatial field recursively (rather than description of an elemental oscillator), such that an infinite sequence of computational operations is identified with an infinite series of absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct selfsame instants of linear-time (in violation of principles devolving from the continuum hypothesis), is ill-posed, thus precluding computability, particularly with binary processors.
Sound a little like a musique concrète piece -- in the Schaefferian Cinq études de bruits (Five Studies of Noises) modality -- fashioned in tape storage of cerebral potentials, their dodecaphonic Total Control by retrograde inversion (involving a supposedly objective linear-time run backwards), and retroflexive statistical analysis (the foremost criticism leveled against the conviction that self-observation actually exists) which produced first finding of the Beretschafspotential (i.e., aka readiness potential)? I've always thought there had to be a strange attractor qua synchronicity involved in the 1964 discovery of Beretschafspotential by relative-state to Edmund Jacobson's swan song summary of his some forty years of experimental EEG/EMG research, The Biology of Emotions (Charles C. Thomas, 1967), which provides an elaborate account as to why he believed, neuromuscularly speaking, that the center is [hologramically] everywhere, not in a CNS, which is to say that there is no such thing as an objectively real, not merely in reel reality, readiness potential in the unprepared/uninvaded-by-exogenous-stimulation brain/CNS and its statistically unmanipulated output. The strange attractor for Beretschafspotential, so far as I can see, is not so much the conscious free will of an executive brain subsequently challenged by Benjamin Libet on basis of early readability of unconscious readiness potential, but rather the classical limit placed upon this universe (if not all universes and a multiverse). The classical limit must not be violated! Otherwise, simple-identity is lost, lost I say. Not to mention bi-logic! O, woe is my me, uh, myTme. I saw you in an orange grove, [U}1T2 Identity, you, U denoting the universal wave-function of Hugh Everett, III, under a Lukasiewiczian Zeh-Albert-Loewer manyTminds interpretation, circa 1970. You, uh, uh, bi-logical identity by virtue of having lost time -- lost memetime, that is (being bi, being an explicit rejection of the 1T2-Law of Distributed Middle, also being a loss of memetime). Halyruid digs deep into dissociative identity disorder to root out muTm relative-state identity-transparency pagan-animistic violations of the True Cross, t, for memetime, and its quaternionic-quadipolar-quadratic strategic partitioning of the future-history-scenarios spectrum. When our Autogenic Brain Discharge paper, linked above, was submitted for publication to a journal which had once published many papers on Autogenic Training, the reviewer thought the paper should be published somewhere, not in the journal of submission, except for the paper's beginning, which he felt was a disaster -- this was the portion of the paper which discussed inappropriateness of the classical limit and went on to propose two orders of non-linearity in treatment of Hugh Everett's relative-state. We chose not to speak explicitly in this paper of temporal curl, operator-time, time-shapes, and related temporal notions (though they were directly imputed) Lukasiewiczian µTm-supraordinate to memetime (in-so-many-words+symbols inclusion of such supraordinates, we knew from prior experience, would kill all possibility of publication). And speaking of the early readability of readiness potential, consider the Johnny Mnemonic hackers'-joy at read upon P300 delayed-response voltage positive-deflection (see, for applications in surveillance society: On the Feasibility of Side-Channel Attacks with Brain-Computer Interfaces, Ivan Martinovic, et al., of universities in Oxford, Berkeley, and Geneva, 21st Usenix Security Symposium, 8-10 August 2012; and Researchers demonstrate first backdoor 'hack' into the human brain, Nick Gilbert, Gizmag, 22 August 2012; and Scientists Successfully 'Hack' Brain To Obtain Private Data, Peter V. Milo, CBS/Seattle, 25 August 2012). For uses beyond P300, see: Think hard to fly: Chinese scientists unveil mind-controlled drone, RT News, 2 September 2012; and for police detection at a distance of those having an infection or having consumed alcohol, see here. Interesting to note (in the terms of hu{wo}manity's accumulating extinction debt) that the chosen path of techno-innovation -- e.g., in applications of Cray XT5/XK6, K Computer, Tianhe-1A, Cascade and on to exa-zetta-yotta floppers -- is not, by spontaneous orientation of a quantum lattice string, trajectoried upon hologramic smartwear (dress, dance), biofeedback in the flotation-isolation tank, demergence-thru-use of Musculpt as mathematical notation facilitated by human pods learning sonic-visioning Dolphin-speak, articulation of Musculpt as user-friendly interface to m-logically-valued LETS nesting foams, and so on, one important such so on being the modeling of effects of anthropogenic interventions within the cascade dynamics of solar-terrestrial exchanges of packets of complex angular momentum.
How American movies portray Americans, even THE American with de oppresso liber tat: accurately? Anything relatively well performed in Hollywood is rarely single-valued, i.e., done only once, heh-heh-heh. The films Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (pre-code, 1931; post-code, 1941), particularly the second take, exemplify a golden jubilee in the ways of the flesh so well mastered in the roles assigned Ingrid Bergman and Lana Turner: utterly reductionistic black psyche vis-à-vis µTm's threat to 1T2. The four horsemen, uh, uh, Companions -- Bogart, Robinson, Cagney, and Gable -- could hardly have been surpassed as [temper}mental types character acting deep-structure etiology and pathogenesis of WWII. Same old story. Round up the usual suspects! -- as a case of dissociative identity disorder. Ingrid Bergman was especially cast into such reeling socially-conferred role-attributional contexts, e.g., Ilsa is-a-Lund (note that one heroine of our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, is Ilse): as memetime goes bye-bye, lovers yoked in syzygy of mutual transference cultivate cognitive Casablanca (cf: signifying the blank slate of Lockean-AngloSaxon Cagney's foil, Blondell, being the quintessential embodiment). There is no quantum relative-state imputable to Here's looking at you, kid -- and that's one reason why the statement became iconic -- and the film took on a life of its own, became mystical, fulfilled a collective need: the very reason for the war (and the Greatest Generation's follow-on embrace of the pink cuddle of suburbia). Moreover: Someday you'll understand that (by implication: You stupid dame!). During the three years we lived on the WestLA-Brentwood-SantaMonica interface, me working a block off Rodeo Drive, she mentoring thesis and dissertation writing at UCLA -- our main purpose for being there was to see if there might be some interest in exteriorizing inner µTm-Musculpt, a project universally deemed no project -- we met a number of superlatives, none of whom inspired inspiration. Heh-heh-heh. Three years of two lives was a considerable commitment to such a speculative venture dictated by the 1T2-logic of the case: leave no Stone unturned. It was during this period (1999-2001) that we began posting to the m-logically-valued LETS website (Musculpt being the interface required for implementation of such monies), where utilitarian pragmatism is the philosophy embraced with respect to the price mechanism responsible for market-mediated autopoiesis and self-organization (for an edifying discussion of this mechanism, see: A Critique of the Methodology of Mises and Rothbard, John Aziz, Azizonomics, 28 August 2012; for one less so, see Keith Weiner talking his book and book review, and allowing no radical distinction between gold investment and gold standard: Free Market for Goods, Services, and Money, Posterous, 5 September 2012: does the type of free market employing single-valued prices and currencies processed with 1T2-valued-logic-only actually accomplish all this, and is such a free market really free?). When I speak of m-logically-valued LETS e-nesting foams, I do not propose a bazillion or [undeci}llion values (tantamount to exabytes or yottabytes thereof, a petaflopping Sweet Tea improvement upon the rather poorly flopping Naked Fanny Buffdale of Nakhon Phanom days: see, The NSA Is Building the Country's Biggest Spy Center , James Bamford, Wired, 15 March 2012: question posed by a onetime targets analyst: if U.S. satellite commo is significantly localized to Roaring Creek and Salt Creek, whilst data storage is significantly localized to half a dozen places including the Utah Data Center, what does that tell Americans about the vulnerability of their system, the same as the Chinese are told by existence of Three Gorges Dam?) to a given price -- though that be theoretically possible (nor am I putting forth symbolic pseudo-mathematical methods of formalizing a system of economic analysis, in Rothbard's words quoted by Aziz). Grabbing all information possible -- transactional and otherwise -- and data-mining it with monotonic watch filtration: that was the Viet Nam war's IDHS (intelligence data handling system) paradigm: and just look at how well it worked strategically: to lose the war, win every battle! A Multiprogram facility, howsoever massively parallel, is still logically single-valued. I propose to allow utilitarian-pragmatic considerations -- m-scenarios computer gamed on the e-commons in participatory fashion -- to determine, for any given nesting domain, the index of value to be employed for any given transactional price posted therein: some changeable small natural number, one may be certain. Population pressures apparently govern price cycles (as distinct from business cycles) -- à la, as data-richly argued in The Great Wave: Price Revolutions and the Rhythm of History, David Hackett Fischer, Oxford U., 1999 -- within monetary systems dictating single-valued prices processed under 1T2-valued logic only. In the world we hu-hu-hu{wo}mans have created, money in motion is the selector-[all}ocator par excellence: money elects all who decide all. For instance: the German Constitutional Court is now seated of -- not jurists -- economists fully capable of setting monetary and fiscal policy, with all its complexities and ramifications (for one take, see: German Constitutional Court tightens the noose yet further, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, 12 September 2012). Political economy as the decision science which money-motivation makes: the worst members of the species percolate to the top of whatsoever clogged organizational toilet bowl there is involved in any given process -- so long as single-valued currencies are 1T2-processed. Desiccated conscience of those suffering substitute historical memory, perhaps even selective collective-amnesia and/or selective-collective amnesia. An important aspect of misassessment of the severity of the current planetary conjuncture is found in thinking that the obstructions are politico-economic and socio-religio-cultural, as reflected in power-military struggles, when, actually, they are deeper, far more recalcitrant, primarily neuropsychiatric, and most clearly reflected in habitual psychological states, scientific and intellectual history. One can thus have considerable confidence the worst possible path will continue to be followed: global sitzkrieg with regard to all fundamentals until cuspover in incendiary disintegration. Love/death and money/murder. My argument has long been that the transference dynamics of Love in the Western World (Denis de Rougemont, 1939) have glutamatergically prescribed the terms of Money in the Western World since before the first great price revolution during The Waning of the Middle Ages (Johan Huizinga, 1919). The Eight-fold Way (quaterionic function types under introversion cross extroversion) explicated in C. G. Jung's Psychology of the Transference alchemically illustrates the µTm-animistic octonionic relative-state between 1T2-Anima/Animus under 3-fold operator-time bootstrapped into archetypal event gradients (monadologies) metrically elaborated over M-Theoretic Musculpting collective unconscious [man}i\||fold, i.e., mankind's identity, skew-parallel enfolded (see, for edification: Number and Time: Reflections Leading Towards a Unification of Depth Psychology and Physics, Marie-Louise von Franz, Northwestern U., 1974: she came right up to the edge of hypothesizing topologically active operator-time, but for some reason held back). Quoting Darkness, Take My Hand by Dennis Lehane, HarperCollins, 1996, p. 3: -- none of it is connected. But sometimes it feels like it is, as if somewhere there's a thread to all these events, all these random, arbitrary violences Look at Aziz's three subscriptions, as given in his Critique article, linked above: (1) value is subjective; (2) price is the market feedback mechanism; and (3) thought of market actors is not linear-rational. I agree with these -- insofar as they go. The level of self-organizational competency in prevailing economies is low, according to my thesis, not only because of the absence of really free free markets, but also because the index of value permitted a given price is restricted to that accorded single-valued variables, and the complexity, to include that extra-systemic and found in externalities, the market -- free or not -- tries to facilitate the self-organization of, simply cannot adequately be handled by feedbacks of single-valued information units (i.e., prices). And this is particularly so in economies engaged in massive uptake of quantum-based technologies embodying -- by contrast to Blondell -- non-simple identity. Moreover, these single-valued feedbacks are processed in the market by employment of 1T2-logical processors only (not by µTm-temporal/topological operators, those Oxen of the Sun): another circumstance dictating a low level of self-organizational competency (just look at fuzzy-logic refrigerators, for comparison purposes). Higher indexical orders of value for a given price and higher orders of logical-value for processing such prices remain trapped in the freezer compartment of the collective unconscious and, where their residuals bleed through behaviorally, generally are deemed nonlinear irrational reflexivities (this is the way of the transference, as it deflects all quantum-like challenges to the false existential claim to being absolutely-in-so-far-as-distinct). As Vandana Shiva of Navdanya says it: The focus on 'yield' of individual commodities creates what I call a 'monoculture of the mind' (see: Our Hunger Games, Global Research, 29 August 2012). Freeing up markets using single-valued prices processed in bi-logic will not necessarily lead to high levels of self-organizational competency. Whereas, autopoiesis and self-organization, under µTm, are not only on-or-off, not only functions of internality-or-externality and self-or-notself. Change in the very notion of money is not simply a matter of metanoia, even of reformatting the neural hard-drive. A [per}son's m-valued non-simple identity is quantum composite of swarm-of-swarms across all involved scale levels: this is not incidental to immune system dysregulation and incidence of autism, any more than it is incidental to monetary-system/market dysfunction (see: An Immune Disorder at the Root of Autism, Moises Velasquez-Manoff, The New York Times, 25 August 2012). Not only is this a matter of symbiosis between swarm and subswarm of the superorganism, but also -- quoting our 1981 paper, Autogenic Discharge: Quantum Biological Considerations -- because Anything encountered objectively or subjectively affects the organism somatically as well as psychologically to the degree it threatens homeostasis of perceived self. As Valasquez-Manoff renders Dr. William Parker (you may notice an immunological block placed upon access to this physician's professional credits at Duke University Medical School, and I note that Global Research is following suit, thus alienating my attention to their postings) as saying: the immune system we consider normal is actually an evolutionary aberration. We take this further, I am sure, than does Dr. Parker. Quoting our 1981 paper again:
The ultimate physiologic role of the immune system is to differentiate native (self) from foreign (non-self) or modified native (altered-self) macromolecules and to eliminate the non-self and altered-self factors. The body’s antibody (bone marrow-derived B cells) and cellular mediated (thymus-derived T cells) activities provide specificity and memory to the immune system. This specificity is lacking in the stress reaction, the adrenergic response of which is beneficial in preventing overaction. Hence, the clinical use of adrenalin in anaphylaxis, and other immediate hypersensitivity reactions and glucocorticosteriods in less immediate reactions and in immunologically mediated diseases. The perception of and consequent reaction to stressful situations resulting in hives and occasionally even angioedema in susceptible individuals is related to the non-specificity of the stress reaction in which even memory images and events are handled as real stimuli
Clearly, both the mechanisms mediating the non-specific stress reaction and the specific immunologic defense mechanisms must somehow scan the self/non-self psychological barriers with a continuous rhythm. We therefore hypothesize that the intracellular Zietgeber and the signifier for immunological isolation are correlated mechanisms and equivalent to unique temporal characteristics governing the cell’s nuclear and/or mitochondrial DNA Within this context stress becomes any factor that disturbs the fundamental temporal characteristics of the cellular DNA. Once the temporal characteristics are altered the cell, cell group, or organ becomes immunologically alien and autoantibodies are formed. Stress release would require the re-establishment of the correct temporal parameters to the cellular DNA. The effects of short-term stress would be mediated by neurohumoral processes, while the long-term effects of the neurohumoral changes induced by prolonged stress would be recorded, initially, in a modified quantum frequency structure of the cellular DNA and, ultimately, with autoantibodies (culminating with anti-DNA antibodies) as degenerative disease attempts to rid the organism of a frequency regime alien to its homeostatic requirements.
The mechanics of this are detailed in our DNA paper and terminology glossary, both linked above. The bottom line on immune signification, as we understand it, is the frequency response window of the DNA histological type, which is a quantum composite of m-frequencies beat down through a frequency funnel. A given transverse slice through this cone -- down through which the ambient is, indubitably is, the proximate by Bose-Einstein condensation which, actually, needs no condensing because it [al}ready always is all ways -- is [i}dent||if{i}cation of Umwelt with a single level, domain, string, value to exclusion of all others of universal wave-function in relative-state. And, more's the pity, human beings have always been all too willing to kill and die for maintenance of their I-ness identifications/slices artificially established as artifactoids: gobstoppers, they are, what, come to that. The decomposed frequencies of the funnel cone correspond to the value stack upon the base state of an m-logically-valued LETS e-currency's base-state. While the emerging ability to reconstruct a face from a drop of blood (see: DNA science that may make photofits a thing of the past, Jeremy Laurance, The Independent, 14 September 2012) may seem to some to undermine confidence in Sheldrakean morphic resonance (1981) and the Gurwitschian morphogenetic field (1910) of embryology and evo-devo, the coherent waves generated by DNA's free electron gas core, which, according to our model, carry all the information encoded by the nucleotide-pair sequences, explicates a mechanism by which the cells of a cardiac field, a limb field, et cetera, establish and maintain their fields (such fields, likely, being no less algebraic fields than physical fields) as well as provides insight into just how the memory function of morphic resonance (related to the memory function of the immune system) operates: superconductivity of DNA's free electron gas core involves, according to our model (1979), topologically active higher-order operator-time and associated temporal curl, conveyor not only of remembered morphic resonance but also of recognized environmental fit, which, from a memetime-bound 1T2-logical perspective, is construed as memory of the future (higher-spatial/chronotopological Musculpt congruency understood by lower-logical mind as linear-temporal extension: a fundamental principle of nonlinear perspective, where polytope transforms under higher-valued logics are perceived qua understood, under the 1T2-order of logical value, as movement in memetime, this being a kind of grid-trace haptification of interfaces over the referencing hyperspace). Suppress the value stack signifying relative-state within markets or organisms and autoimmune dysregulation is one outcome: Broadway, uh, Park Avenue, uh, Wall Street, uh, Hollywood Boulevard Mel-low-dee!
Though the content of this article is of no real interest, appearance of its title is (see: Germany and China: The New Special Relationship, Stephan Richter, The Globalist, 30 August 2012). Also of interest is: China, Germany plan to settle more trade in yuan, euros, Andreas Rinke and Madeline Chambers, CNBC/Reuters, 30 August 2012. Both are suggestive relative to the question of supporting evidence concerning my decades-old psychocultural-predisposition thesis that a Greater China incorporating Japan will align with a Germano-Russian Bloc as global cuspover is attained by extinction-indebted strange-attractor. Fast-forwarding to 8 September 2012 and asking, Were Germany to leave the eurozone, where would her natural alliances lie? one simply has to muse over George Soros' contention that Germany should back growth or leave the euro, Reuters. Looking backwards and fast-forwarding yet again, one can see that virtually nothing has been out of pattern over the past half century vis-à-vis my psychocultural-predisposition thesis: Leaving Tokyo in the Dark, Paul J. Saunders, The National Interest, 7 August 2012; Russia's Pivot to Asia?, Ariel Cohen, The National Interest, 11 September 2012; Hitler Who? (Anti-German Hostility in Europe), Gregory Dufour, The European, 22 September 2012.
Point of history? Quoting Washington's Blog, Sleeping With the Devil , 5 September 2012, with respect to Brzezinski speaking with Le Nouvel Observateur during 1998:
Question: The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs [From the Shadows], that American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet intervention. In this period you were the national security adviser to President Carter. You therefore played a role in this affair. Is that correct? Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise. Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.
Question, uh, my question: How long before the 3 July 1979 directive for delivery of secret aid did cultivation of contacts and organizational facilitation of guerrilla infrastructure genesis begin? Or, more accurately stated, how many months after the Tet-'68 offensive in South Viet Nam? In suppressing POLOB, a tacit-assumption base for policy formulation was created within which strategic-decision errors were multiplied hand over foot right up until today (and the recent killing of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya).
Excelsior of the nitwit network: economic G-spot. Actually, an international reserve currency -- vehicle or no -- is the world's worst economic idea: what is required is a non-vehicle unit of account, i.e., the m-valued quantum of autopoietic action, which is THE quantum composite of the relative-state of all its component units-as-measures of the vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock read over the changing universal wave-function (of Everett not reduced to vonNeumann, and processed under Lukasiewiczian logics not reduced to truth-values and their shades of gray). John Aziz makes post relevant here when he says that (see: The Shape of 40 Years of Inflation, Azizonomics, 1 September 2012):
This [variance in spending preferences] -- among other reasons -- is why I find the notion of single uniform rate of inflation -- as central banks attempt to influence via their price stability mandates -- problematic This biflationary (or polyflationary?) reality is totally ignored by a single CPI figure.
The m-color waveform charts displayed by Aziz are suggestive of the Lukasiewiczian-Everettian-vonHayekian m-valued perspective -- though being still scaled to the national level only, there is gross spatial filtering, and being still focused upon first-order change (marker of internal system state), there is temporal filtering of accelerations (marker of intersystemic state) and time rates of change of accelerations (marker of nonorientable self-reentrant reflexive state). Not only CPI: virtually all economic indicators. Relevant to a non-temporally-filtered matrix is Martin Sibileau's observation that (see: Human action under ultra-low interest rates, A View from the Trenches, 2 September 2012):
In summary, Keynes thought that the liquidity preference of the public determined the rate of interest, and that the rate of interest was determined by the liquidity preference of the public (i.e., the aggregate demand for money to satisfy the speculative-motive). Keynes oversaw that the rate of interest is nothing else but an inter-temporal rate of exchange, between present and future consumption.
Changing preference functions here, as Sibileau points out, affect growth of the informal economy and the inflationary propensity (in the Karl Popper sense) -- optimally measured not only by CPI (for edifying charts of eight centuries of global inflation, see here: if Canada were to occupy the U.S. Eastern Seaboard, Mexico the U.S. Southwest, and Americans engaged in passive resistance, the USG printing money to pay the resultant unemployed, that might initiate a path to U.S. hyperinflation). What Sibileau doesn't point out is that Keynes, by logic reaction, having confined himself to 1T2-valued logic, had (like George Soros) no cognitive tools by which to evaluate the self-referential properties of the subsystem-system-supersystem composite ostensibly under study. Inside gen, uh, yae mean from introspection? Huh, the naming of the dead? Cannae that lot, hen. A wheen of insight? Wheedling a leettle? Patterns that don't exist, except as roarshocked, uh, Rorschached. Shouldn't truth always make sense to memetime-bound ayeTnae-mindbind? Inter-temporal rates, rates of rates, and rates of rates of rates are decomposition operators -- temporal operators, topologically active operator-time -- inducing temporal curl within the relative-state platform which is the vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock (which fundaments of the monetary system as a whole should analogically model). Arbitrary attempts to remove, filter, renormalize hazard from Being-in-itself as a metaphysical category, be the attempts economic or otherwise, inevitably fail: inherent, non-disposable hazard needs to be analogically integrated to systemic form-in-process fundaments employed. Gold reference, indeed, any commodity reference, imposes, by its monotonicity, a renormalization. In the case of m-logically-valued LETS, the backing, likely, would best be referenced only to base-state of the given currency. What does the changing price of commodity-gold have to do with a gold standard whereupon the price of monetary-gold is arbitrarily set and has no interface with the market in gold? Or even -- if to a lesser extent -- with market-interfaced non-standard monetary-gold confined to a very narrow price band defended by some designated driver or basket thereof? Easy, lad. What does a fixed price for, or defended price band of, gold -- the peggee of the peggering international reserve currency or basket thereof -- have to do with maintenance (as distinct from establishment) of global price homeostasis, when there remains gold in the ground to dig and/or collusive moveability of price band when circumstances require? See, for irrelevant ideological dog-mouth-soi discourse, eNONciated by John Herkurse, a rain of neon upon Shibuya's soft shores: Why the Gold Standard Is the World's Worst Economic Idea, in 2 Charts, Matthew O'Brien, The Atlantic, 26 August 2012; and Paul Krugman's Mis-Characterization of the Gold Standard, James E. Miller, Ludwig von Mises Institute of Canada, 30 August 2012; and Charting Fun with Krugman, Robert P. Murphy, Ludwig von Mises Institute, 23 May 2012; and 2.98 Cheers for Bob Murphy, Joseph Salerno, The Circle Bastiat, 23 May 2012). Personal preference-functions papal-bulled from bully-pulpits apander: thrown, thrawn, thruwn. I'm not against popular culture; I'm against mind-numbing stupidity [pal}avered as popular culture. If anything more thoroughly destroys functional integrity of biosphere-atmosphere-magnetosphere and builds human-species extermination debt than mass pursuit of the behavioral stipulations codified in normotic middleclass values (and emulation thereof by the lower classes, and by the upper classes with monoculture of the mind), I have not heard of it -- so, hardly could I be moved by Miller's observation that Keynes was contemptuous of the middle class, a class the amenity platform for which was hammered together by the economic renaissance of the late 19th century (essentially John D. Rockefeller's period at Standard Oil, a period aka the Age of the Robber Barons). And speaking of oil these days of the great arctic ice melt, one inevitably thinks of exploratory drilling and associated spills. George Monbiot of the U.K. Guardian says, Our governments do nothing. Having abandoned any pretense of responding to the environmental crisis during the Earth summit in June, now they stare stupidly as the ice on which we stand dissolves, and then asks, Stupidity, greed, passivity? (see: Along with the Arctic ice, the rich world's smugness will melt, 27 August 2012). For most of my adult life, I've been saying that collective unconscious decision for human-species extinction has long since been taken, certainly by the memetime J. D. founded Standard Oil. This entry/website posting, uh, little ditty, is no palinode on that, paralinguistically speaking, of course. One and two of the many major problems with a gold standard, and defended gold-price band, is (1) universality of implementation at the global scale of (2) a monotonic referent -- rather than application, along with myriad other standards, i.e., non-monotonic in being multiple, in this and that LETS domain on one and/or another scale level of the e-nesting foam: when the global monotonic standard fails, as it always has, as it always will -- whilst some war were on: Vietnamese, during 1966-7 planning of the 1968 Tet offensive, clearly saw the economic duress they were imposing, which was a signal element of their overall strategy, and which makes Did The Great Financial Crisis Start With The End Of The Gold Standard?, Zero Hedge, 4 September 2012, an asinine post, coming 46 years late, as it has -- that failure event is omnitransforming, not largely restricted to the local nesting domain cell-of-application (allowing functional specialization, and histological types thereof facilitative to autopoionomy: not necessarily associated with enhancement of competitive advantage, as distinct from comparative advantage as distinct from relative-state: paragon the three as to their paragenesis!). Soon after returning from Saigon in 1968, arguing the war with my father, who also had recently returned from Viet Nam and retired after a year at the Pentagon, I made the off-hand comment that I wouldn't have had to have gone to Viet Nam if the officers I as a kid had caddied for on many O-club golf courses had discussed Clausewitz and general systems theory between swings, rather than careerist crap and their adolescent sexual fixations. This was an argument stopper and, given the affect-charge it elicited, right on target. Got gold standard? Then, hard to have war. Want war, then boot out gold standard. But be aware that gold standard never prevented war. Want gold standard? Then, quench mankind's appetite for war. Highly recommended vis-à-vis history of G-spot and particularly in regards to war cross gold (note how the rumor -- the 1914 gold crisis hit the U.S. before WWI broke out in Europe on 28 July, closing the N.Y. Stock Exchange beginning on the 31st, not reopening until December when gold outflows reversed largely due to the QEing initiated on 3 August -- of war affects international gold flows: wouldn't it be nice to see data on their velocities, accelerations, and time rates of change of accelerations in matrices depicting correspondence to Clausewitz's the whole litany of subsistence and administration, an early prefiguration of vonHayek time-shapes of total capital stock, something a onetime Political Order of Battle analyst, and son of an ex-bomber-pilot Supply&Materiel/Logistics troubleshooter, might be interested in?): The International Gold Standard and U.S. Monetary Policy from World War I to the New Deal, Leland Crabbe, Federal Reserve Bulletin, June 1989. As regards how level the global economic playing field would be under a new gold standard/band, of whatever sort -- domestic gold coin standard, domestic gold bullion standard, fractionally-backed paper notes, international gold standard, international gold-exchange standard, fixed exchange rates at inter-currency gold parity benchmarks fungible to gold export points, so on -- consider the gold production chart given in: First Platinum, Now Gold , Zero Hedge, 2 September 2012. Keynesian, NeoKeynesian, Austrian, Monetarist, so what? -- even, what's the difference? -- and, the more's the merrier, mTm, under radically decentralized m-logically-valued LETS e-nesting foams charting, heh-heh-heh (I got a very strong supportive push in regards to this mode of thought whilst traveling D.C.-no-Washington on behalf of AIESEC [don't find much written on involvement of the postwar Marshall Plan in development of this organization] by good offices of a letter of introduction written by HHH, circa 1963-4, and in being serially browbeaten face-to-face by Senator Karl Mundt, a member of the Board of Directors of AIESEC-US, as Fred Hornbacher of The Whorton School and Booz, Allen, and Hamilton, Inc., whom I should credit as being an early facilitator as to development of my ideas about the nature of money, was well aware of at that memetime), the time-shapes of total capital stock. Two against nature? The warfare the planetary monetary system should be designed to facilitate is the war against humanity's war on nature.
It appears to me from studying Crabbe's account, linked immediately above, of gold flows, interest rate adjustments, and fiduciary issues, i.e., sterilized QEing, to protect gold holdings -- a story I'd never before seen detailed -- that commitment to a standard, any standard, is simultaneously a commitment to the previously chosen spatial partitioning algorithm upon which legal tenders are defined -- in the post-Westphalian, particularly post-Congress-of-Vienna case, to an algorithm filtering all but the nation-state scale level -- and to some time-step asymptote relative to velocity, acceleration, time rate of change of acceleration of monies in frequency-response windows of business cycles compatible with maintenance of financial-economic homeostasis. It seems UNlikely that, once such commitments are made, maintenance of homeostasis, in face of extrasystemic shocks such as onset of war, even the rumor thereof (see, for instance: China Imports More Gold In 2012 Than All ECB Holdings, Zero Hedge, 8 September 2012), could be either (1) self-organized by a single-valued price mechanism market-processed under 1T2-valued logic only, or (2) orchestrated by command-economic interventions -- this inability to maintain being a direct consequent of the functional integration within and between economies, particularly those globalizing and engaged in massive uptake of quantum-based technologies. All the more the case under a fiat regime, for the time-step asymptote is constantly at challenge requiring coordinated serial interventions by central banks, interventions sure to become more and more incompatible as order of integration mounts and magnitude of extrasystemic shocks grows. This is an atmospheric cascade theory take -- without going into details like Mnk articulation landscapes, folding of equipotential surfaces, the Devil's Staircase of percolation theory, and so on. Since the general inability-to-maintain, in face of growing integration and extrasystemic shocks, assessment applies to both backed and fiat systems, the critical variables are three: (1) chosen spatial-partitioning algorithm and time-step; (2) order-type chosen of the systemic variables employed, i.e., single-valued and/or order-type of multivalued; (3) order of logical-value employed by market processors. Consider, for instance, that a change in the time-step -- baud-rate -- of the observer of turbulence can yield resolution of enfolded laminar flows filtered by scaling renormalization (e.g., focusing the primitive equation set upon some particular length scale): with historical data sets, this can be achieved by alteration in the speed of the film through the projector. All three of these immediately-above-numbered are functions of how money is defined.
My 9/11/2012 posting: tell me again, what exactly does collateral transformation and concentration of risk (see: $684 Trillion Derivatives Market Faces New Collateral Concentration Risks,, Zero Hedge, 11 September 2012) accomplish when a given price can have only a single value and the market processes exchanges of single-valued monies with 1T2-valued logic only? Don't understand the question? Well, neither did The New Yorker in 1998. Maybe I can help. See, for instance, our article entitled, M-Valuation in a Generalized Currency Basket: Transcending Fitness-Landscapes in Quantum Economies by Replacing the Wave-Function with Operator-time: when submission failed, I took the liberty of warning the editor that continued resistance to assimilation of notions such as that of vonHayek discussed in the article would result in Wall Street becoming a big pile of broken bricks (this was meant metaphorically, of course). Why have the FED's Keynesian economists become addicted to magical Cargo Cult incantations (see, for a wonderful post: The Federal Reserve's Cargo Cult Magic: Housing Will Lift the Economy [Again], Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds, 11 September 2012)? Because 1T2-logically-processed, single-valued currencies are defined over in-or-out boundaries, not on Koch curves over fractal drums. Quoting our article, M-Valuation in a Generalized :
Multivalued exchange units (MEUs) fully implemented within the global economy on borders that are Koch curves, would completely obliterate the distinction between a domestic economy and the international monetary system, while yet maintaining lateral partitions and vertical scale-levels. This is the beauty of q-bitic information systems constructed with m-valued logics: tiling patterns and hierarchies have a virtual presence in midst of deeply holographic ordering (complete transparency between part and whole). In such a system, the inherent conflict between domestic Keynesian fiscal policy injunctions and international monetary needs would simply disappear. Presently, of course, things are going in the opposite direction with the to-be-expected consequences. The fewer the economic partitions (laterally, and subsystem-system-supersystem) there are in the global monetary framework, and thus the smaller the number of entities seeking to promote high employment and real income, the greater the threat to international monetary stability via enhanced conflict between domestic economic requirements and international monetary needs. This conflict promotes collusive intervention, thus undermining market self-organizational competency.
As the article argues: this problem cannot be overcome absent assimilation of vonHayek's notion of the time-shapes of total capital stock.
With websites like the FDR Scandal Page -- which somehow missed the fact that FDR's grandfather made much of his money off the China Clipper opium trade -- it's hard to separate the carcinogenic GMOed corn kernel from the grounded up cob&stock and properly evaluate the following famous statement made by FDR to his son: Don't think for a moment, Elliott, that Americans would be dying in the Pacific tonight, if it hadn't been for the shortsighted greed of the French and the British and the Dutch. The President forgot to mention greed of the Americans, for Old Ironsides was on no social call when it cannonaded the Port of Danang in 1848 killing approximately 300 because the Vietnamese refused to trade, anymore than Perry's Susquehanna had benign intentions upon entering Edo Bay in 1853 to bring force to bear in effecting America's Structural Impediments Initiative. My personal history with this goes back to 1953 wandering FLW's Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, reacting to what I saw transpire there. So, it is not easy to give credit for insight to Charles Hugh Smith's posting, China, Japan and the Senkaku Islands: The Roots of Conflict Go Back To 1274, Of Two Minds, 25 September 2012. As an alternative take, I offer the following excerpt drawn from a long discussion between an American and a Japanese and a German recorded in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, Vol. 1, pp. 864-5:
So, according to this idea, said Tadao, we must ask, if the collective psychological and social unity of a people, say the Japanese, is forcefully fragmented, what is the effect of this on that people's psyche?
That's right. This fragmentation was exactly what Admiral Perry's little visit accomplished -- over the subsequent fifty years.
Hmmmm. That was something he definitely would have to think about.
I certainly don't have a complete answer to the effects of this, but I am sure I can see part of it I used to read a little Rilke. He exhorts us to affirm death no less than life. Getting your ass shot at -- if ya learn ta be reflective 'bout it -- gives you some insight into the meaning of this. Now, anyone who has practiced non-attachment (inner separation and phenomenological reduction, in the attempt to achieve the bare-object in perceptual experience) knows that this awareness is possible of attainment only by slaying the all-consuming will-to-experience: the psychological sense of 'being' must be balanced with the sense of 'non-being' on a moment to moment basis. This is absolutely required in order to free oneself from compulsive identification with inner and outer objects. Rilke counsels us, with profound insight, in this regard. But--
Oh, I see it! Ilse cut in, excited as a gray-naped jackdaw suddenly understanding the contention between her relatives: the rook, the raven, and the carrion crow. During the Weimar period it was all projected into the physical world and lived out there as a fascination with 'transfiguring death', 'creative suicide', and so on.
Exteriorization of intrapsychic contents due to repression, Derek agreed.
Aufbruch and Gemeinshaft: revolution and community. Wandervogelmystik: the mysticism of the Weimar youth groups. The obsessive search for wholeness and unification. It was all exteriorized compensation for enforced fragmentation. Instead of dealing with it as an intrapsychic process, it was lived out regressively in the collective-life-as-state. State as organism. The 'internal necessity' of the part was transferred to the whole as Schicksal: the entelechy of the state. It was all a vast projection of repressed and unresolved psychological material!
And, said Tadao reflectively, the Japanese wartime search for purity and spiritual rebirth through collective self-immolation was pink, the union of red and white.
An attempt governed by the unconscious and using projective exteriorization, said Derek, completing the thought, to reestablish the psychic wholeness of life which animistic Shinto had once mediated and which had been thoroughly sundered initially by institutional Buddhism and Confucianism, and apparently irreparably at the hands of the West.
Hmmmm, Ilse and Tadao mumbled in unison like pipe organs with the same key stuck.
Actual spiritual rebirth, of course, could only have occurred through a conscious intrapsychic integration which returned participation mystique untrammeled to its rightful role of mediating spontaneous social, political, and economic order.
But, Tadao pointed out, the capitalist, imperialist, and Stalinist array of material and martial forces prevented such an integration from taking place.
And there we have part of our explanation for projective exteriorization, agreed Derek.
What is the other part, asked Ilse, pleaching fingers pensively.
The fact that institutional Buddhism and Confucianism were seen as no parts of the process of destroying the wholeness of life. This insured the dominance of unconscious processes and made certain that any return to Shinto would be subverted by power, hierarchy, and patrimony -- all Chinese imports.
There is another aspect to this which I think is very important historically, said Derek, if I may opine on the subject.
1900, Max Planck publishes his paper on the 'quantum of action'; 1905, Albert Einstein publishes his paper on 'Special Relativity'.
Both of these men were Germanic. Their papers represented a devastating attack on Newton's physics and, by immediate extension, the associated metaphysical assumptions
The discussion goes on from there.
Notice that IARPA's The Metaphor Program may be attempting to assimilate trivalent logic (see the proposal tendered to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, entitled Reframing the Dynamics of Engaging With Otherness: Triadic correspondence between Topology, Kama Sutra and I Ching, Anthony Judge and the US Army Research Laboratory, Laetus in Praesens [Joy in the Present], 13 June 2011) but remains loathe to grant Lukasiewicz his due µTms. No Musculpt as mathematical notation and user-friendly universal metalanguage interface is likely to issue from this effort -- no matter what else may devolve there from (see, for context: Toward a Concept Inventory, Committee on Conceptual and Terminological Analysis, September 1971). The third value, vis-à-vis 1T3-valued logic, that is, the Holy Ghost value, metareferentially signifies the whole corpus of m-logical values supraordinate to 1T2, because the non-probabilistic, non-Barbourian mists -- of Platonia, Plato's Tibetophile afterlife Schrödinger's cat composite state-function: see Book Ten of Plato's Republic -- book the dead, beginning with the tritone, with encounters of the third kind, with submersive baptism in (H2+O1=3, numerologically speaking) waters of the collective unconscious. Be aware that there is no Marx Brothers' SanityClause, nor are the requisite skills on the list of qualifications deemed necessary for being a polytician: hide-not-slide/latency-arbitrage -- on the psychosomatic level. Think locally, act globally! Motto of Clintonian, non-zero, monoscale-planetarization adepts, and essence of tainted pork-barrel polyticks. Derivatives in a 1T2-valued financial system are excitotoxins (see/listen-to the podcast: Janet Tavakoli: Understanding Derivatives and Their Risks, interview conducted by Adam Taggart, PeakProsperity, 15 September 2012) which -- with onset of a period of deleveraging -- can act like glutamate flood in the brain, a Noah's flood that kills neurons and prunes neural networks, and likely is also involved in the quenching of µTm-valued quantum processing at prescriptive enculturation/socialization. Moreover, I think it is a full-blown Jung-Pauli synchronicity, and an example of mass projective-identification at collective transference, that fat-style MSG flood of manufactured food stuffs co-occurred with explosive flooding of markets with derivative financial GMOs that may undermine utility of agricultural futures (and, it appears, may be carcinogenic -- the molecular-level engineers having discounted the quantum-wave properties of DNA, and associated radiation-exchange processes, by mistakenly regarding those periodicities as having no biological significance: this self-serving neglect of submolecular biology being increasingly recognized by more and more scientists as a crime, not only against humanity, but, more grievously, against the whole biosphere: appropriate, condign, deserved retaliatory verbal retort, riposte, sally, heh-heh-heh!). Glutamate is a mimetic estrogen (not only an excitotoxic neurotransmitter), whilst a derivative is a mimetic financial instrument, in that it tropes/metareferences some preexistent instrument, even a series of such instruments in a chain. Each additional derivative in the chain modifies the identity of the preceding instruments in the chain, which thus become skew to themselves (possibly developing fat-tail risk, Hotel d'Angleterre, one might say). This modification of identities, this emergent skewness, is not financially codified with fiber-bundle arithmetics, such that the identity chain is adequately booked in a manner permitting µTm-logically-valued processing. The pool of financial identity constellated by elaboration of the chain remains dark, opaque to conscious awareness of market actors. Decentralization is necessary for human species survival of the present global conjuncture going to cuspover, but decentralization of what sort -- and how is it to be accomplished? Advocates of further centralization say that the would-be decentralizers have no ideas as to how to accomplish their objective. This is not at all the case: the requisite ideas have been on the scene for a century. One principle many people do not understand is that functional integration that does not sacrifice functional specificity cannot transpire absent µTm-valued identity-transparency -- achievement of which is facilitated by tropological metareferencing. Janet Tavakoli clearly understands this general principle as applied to the proper function of derivatives in a globalizing economy sustaining massive uptake of quantum-based technologies. What is most missing is skew-parallel accounting and Lukasiewiczian processing, which can only be attained by implementation of m-logically-valued LETS mapped over fractal e-boundaries. The prevailing global financial crisis would not exist absent presence of the financial derivatives and involved massive counterparty risk-quotient motivating the QEing responsible for inflation of global food prices contributing to the accelerating sociopolitical upheaval, derivatives which would not have been created had there not been a century and a half of force-feeding upon quantum-based high-tech on the back of two centuries vamping uniformizing Cartesian-Newtonian technologies. Why were financial derivatives created without use of fiber-bundle arithmetics? I've been speaking to this question since the late-1970s, addressing it weirdly and, hence, authentically: zero hedge about matters parked up, lashed to the till (see my paper: Echo of the Mockingbird, basic ideas for which emerged at SRA/MACV-J2, circa 1968, with adumbrations back to AU/SIS, circa 1963-5). Corruption : productivity :: 1/institutional-base : worldview. As the Weltanschauung diverges more and more from the assumptive framework upon which the institutional base is founded, automatically, no matter how much Chomskyan moral upbraiding is elicited, the corruption-to-productivity ratio converges. For one account as to how this may work, see: Neoliberalism, Degrowth and the Fate of Health Systems, Dan Bednarz and Allana Beavis, Health After Oil, 14 September 2012.
A House Is Not a Home: who sang that? Right-to-regress in service to the ego: consider those addicted to iDiversion booted into touch on one-hundred channels of merde, mental miasma only morons or students of moronity would watch, cognitive background pap fitting in for lacuna-on-the-brain and delivered at Morning Glory's bad-robot pace. A murder of strikes lifting off the brolly of flame-tree canopy shading the crossover. He wants political action; she, social; yet others, economic, financial, environmental, psychological, spiritual, and with respect to energy crisis, water shortage, resource depletion, inadequate and/or poor quality food, pathological worldviews, so on. Yet, action on one of these, even simultaneous actions on all of them, is/are sure to be inadequate. What is required is a mapping of the interface of all with each, each with all, each with each, all in all, a superposed mapping that is of µTm-relative-state identity-transparency, permitting a detailing of the strategic autopoietic operators governing the coming planetarized far-from-equilibrium phase transition: temporal operators, operators upon the vonHayekian time-shapes of total capital stock, spaceship Earth. Quite the opposite of Ring-around-the-rosy: ashes, ashes; all fall down due to global warming (see, for the latest on arctic ice melt: Global Extinction within one Human Lifetime as a Result of a Spreading Atmospheric Arctic Methane Heat wave and Surface Firestorm, Malcolm Light, Arctic News, 9 February 2012: contains an excellent technical bibliography). Decentralization via µTm-valued e-nesting foams of fractal drums: the neoKeynesian and monetarist cross-scale 1T2-logical dilemmas associated with synoptic and bilateral imbalances (e.g., U.S. domestic QEing effectively devalues the dollar, inflates the Chinese economy, undermines Chinese fiscal policy, and so on: conflict between domestic and international needs) are resolvable in no other fashion (going authentically monoscale would create vastly more problems than would be solved) -- as the quantum mechanics of self-organization clearly indicates. Achievement of collective human phylogenetic growth plateau (degrowth) mirroring individual ontogenetic growth plateau is dependent upon creation of an institutional base founded upon ontic apprehension of operator-time. Was not heat-engine physics superseded in the quantum of action (circa 1900) and altogether transcended in Everettian relative-state (circa 1957)? -- yet both were slain in kowtowing to TINA (probability amplitudes). The very idea that truth has ultimate value -- value beyond formalistic conventions of 1T2-logic -- is a delusion glutamatergically anchored to molecular-cellular brains which do not contain THE quantum brain. TINA (there is no alternative) means: thou [s}halt not violate the laws of distributed middle and non-contradiction (and if that injunction implies falsification of quantum mechanics, as essentially a matter of probability amplitudes, then so be it). And, please, assimilate the psycho-socio-politico-economic consequences of this fundamental dissimulation: no concatenation of firewalls and e-surveillance can adequately protect an inordinately-centralized monoscaled (concertinaed down) system subject to pandemic and omnipresent control fraud. In order to redress this collective condition, let it be known that it is much harder to perceive than to conceive. What do m-logically-valued faces look like? Cabalistically speaking, chronotopologically, even, the shapes of numbers are more important, in this context, than ordinality/cardinality of numbers-in-themselves: like the difference between archetypes as residuals of collective experience and archetypes-in-themselves as Plato-Whitehead relation-structures -- actually, specific chronotopologies dictated by the dynamical rigors of three-fold operator-time. Ever-present idolons-imagos heaving with temporal concretion and spatial haptification. Bang on the junction. Aperspectival psychoideographs. The faces of African fractals. Alfred Jarry. Picasso. Braque. The faces of Analytical Cubism. Superposition, not superimposition; superphasition, not superimphasition. Directly given to ontic ponderation. The m-logically-valued face: not a stack of many single-valued faces thermodynamically barred from communication, destined to loss of time by The Manual's dictates on identity dyscrasia. Many-i/I's interpretation of Everettian relative-state: superposition of the transfinite collection of ever-present Husserlian horizons to any localizable object. German optics physicist Rudolf K. Luneburg's psychometric distance functions -- varying from person to person, memetime to memetime (see: A new method for determining the personal constants of the Luneburg theory of binocular visual space, Genichi Hagino and Ichiro Yoshioka, 1976) with factors learned -- over LifeWorld's visual space: you and I, identity echoes, do not live in exactly the same [meme]time, exactly the same [ponderable]space. Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction (not to be confused with the meteorologist Edward Norton Lorenz's strange attractor and butterfly effect) and time dilation experimentally demonstrated (see Princeton U. Press, 1947, for Luneburg's book Mathematical Analysis of Binocular Vision; and UC-Berkeley publication, 1964, of Brown U. notes, 1944, entitled Mathematical Theory of Optics [where the section entitled Multiple Solutions of Maxwell's Equations is highly recommended], and for the expected -- given how important this work is for interpretation of Everett relative-state, i.e., whether or not Everett should be subjected to the vonNeumann formalism -- debunking of Luneburg's and Albert A. Blank's 1953 Journal of the Optical Society of America papers, see: Luneburg's theory of Visual Geodesics in Binocular Space Perception, Thorne Shipley and Gordon L. Walker, Archives of Ophthalmology, 57:2, 1957, pp. 311-12, inclusion of the word perception in the title is a debunking, in my judgment, in similar fashion as Emil Post debunked his own 1921 paper on µTm-valued logics) as being operative over binocular visual space (which is non-Euclidian, not just perceived to be so). Quantum non-simple identity is not merely multiple single-valued identities; rather, superposed orders of logical-value, order-types which glutamate-etched molecular-cellular brains concertina down and 1T2-memetime as to ponderable-space decoherents (this process currently being so facebooked and hysteria ridden with full-face transplants and face-recognition-software obsession that it has been placed in mass projective-identification as epidemiologic fulmination of autoimmune disorders, as bots, drones, GMOs, clones, et cetera).
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