This is a failure of experience, not a failure of understanding. It is also a moral failure, in that moral behavior is rooted in quality of percepts, not will. If quality of percepts is high, no superego is required to discipline the id -- to use Freudian terminology and Judeo-Christian reference. Sublimation is not required because there is no inherent conflict to be resolved. Experiencing m-logically-valued identity transparency involves direct perceptual and proprioceptive assimilation which, if actually accomplished, spontaneously leads to certain patterns of behavior in the same way that one reaches for the glass sitting on the tabletop at point A rather than point B because one perceives the glass to be at point A, not point B. You cannot regard, for instance, a tree as a commodity if you perceive the tree as yourself -- not as an aspect of yourself, not as sharing some qualities with the qualities of yourself, not as if yourself, not in empathic resonance with yourself: yourself. You do not directly perceive the tree as yourself, obviously, if your experience of space and time is the presently consensuated experience of space and time. Spatial collapse and temporal dilation (to put black-box terms on the involved percepts) are directly given to experience in perceived isomorphism of object and subject, tree and self. This identity transparency is the essence of animism which, when culturally deteriorated via personification, becomes spirit worship. A phenomenological description of the contents of awareness in full-blown identity transparency sounds to the person identified with presently consensuated percepts and propriocepts as intellectual gibberish, as abstraction, not description of concrete percepts and propriocepts. Or such description is regarded schizophrenic word salad. Presently consensuated percepts and propriocepts are a further deterioration, via greater personification, than is spirit worship. What is currently regarded abstraction preceded realism in evolution of human experience (see Pupul Jayakar's treatment of prehistoric tribal art of India in The Earthen Drum, Delhi, National Museum, 1980) -- if one is to speak of this for heuristic purposes in the mistaken frame of passing linear-time. This is what Wilhelm Worringer re-discovered in Form in Gothic and Abstraction and Empathy. This is why Kandinsky, in re-invoking the non-objective in art, wrote On the Spiritual in Art. A certain class of such percepts is what Analytical Cubism recorded an evocation of by inspiration from African sculpture, the word analytical being applied as part of the term by a non-experiencer as art-critic-speak. When presently consensuated cognition, for whatever reason, happens upon experience of identity transparency, that experience is not generally processable; the consensuated mind crashes. What Wilhelm Reich regarded a non-fully-potent orgasm is one instance of such a crash. Instances of such crashes are omnipresent in present-day society, and virtually omnipotent in determining content of current social experience. Almost everything read in contemporary highbrow magazines on avant-garde art, music, literature, dance, theater of the early 20th century. Joan Acocella's The New Yorker (December 8, 2003) cover-art review article on Carol Shloss' recent book Lucia Joyce: To Dance in the Wake, for instance. Just such a crash. Joyce tried, he made a valiant effort, but he never could quite make it back into the Gaelic animistic states of consciousness he was tracking upon. No matter how thoroughly in Ulysses he recapitulated (so as to depotentiate) the history of Western literary stylistics (the best book on this is John Porter Houston's Joyce and Prose, Bucknell U. Press, 1989) and no matter how great a driftnet Finnegans Wake pulled after itself, he could not free his conscious mind from the strictures imposed upon it by the literary traditions he found himself bound by. No one writes art fiction primarily with the conscious mind, that least involved mind. This is especially so of works exhibiting major formal innovation. Joyce, surely, throughout his life continuously tried to understand what it was he had just done and just done and just done. In due course, Lucia came to personify that which Joyce could not integrate into consciousness. Lucia's dance was a call from Joyce's anima, a call he was never able fully to respond to: she became his beckoning anima, lived its world, embodied it figurations. No wonder she would have nothing to do with Jungian psychology! Had Joyce found the psychological wherewithal to actually enter the Gaelic animistic states of consciousness he sought, Lucia would have left the asylums she found herself placed in.
So, when you question the m-logically-valued treatment given in Tranche 7 to D. H. Lawrence and raise the issue of Michel Foucault's other and same, you touch upon very central issues lurking behind overt determinations of contemporary violent collective behaviors. The passage you specifically questioned in the discussion of Lawrence was:
The other is the field of the play of his claim, once made: no such claim, no such field. But if THE READER relinquishes too many dimensions of his claim, he regards himself as having entered absolute nihil, complete absence of the claim to separate self-existence. So THE READER wants to toy with it, toy with orgiastic shedding of the personality. Such toying is an attempt to sit in hysterical ambivalence in face of imparted pleasure, pleasure tacitly understood as assumed control by the other over THE READER's claim to separate self-existence. THE READER insists on being pleasured according to his preferred habituated Bolero, that Bolero rhythm he has determined will insure he will not overstep the line drawn in the sand of his psyche. For woe unto him who actually enters identity transparency: absolute nihil. Uncrude, patient symbolism is one mechanism of this toying, toying as reinforced by collective determinations.
By way of justifying this analysis I would like to quote from one of Rainer Maria Rilke's animistic thing-poems, his Duino Elegies (The Second Elegy, trans. by C. F. MacIntyre, U. of California Press, 1961, pp. 13-19, likely written in 1912, the same year Kandinsky wrote On the Spiritual in Art and about the time Schoenberg decisively broke with atonality):
spaces of existence, shields of rapture, tumults
of stormy ecstasy, and suddenly, singly,
mirrors which scoop again their outpoured beauty
back into their own faces.
Does the cosmic space in which we dissolve taste of us?
Look: the trees are;
You, lovers, self-sufficient, I ask you
about us. You hold each other. Have you proof?
But you who increase yourselves in each other's rapture
until, overcome, he begs of you: no more. --
You, under each other's hands growing more abundant
because the other completely takes over
So you promise yourself almost eternity
from the embrace. And yet
When you give yourselveseach to the other's mouth and join -- drink for
drink -- oh,how strangely the drinker evades his part of the act.
Were you not astonished by the caution
Theseknew herewith: We are come thus far. Thus much
self-controlled ones
is ours:to touch each other so. The gods press on us
more strongly, but that's the concern of the gods.
Far better spoken by Rilke; but then, too, there is the logic in it -- understanding of which, secondary to experience though it is, has its benefits still. You cannot regard, for instance, her or him, the other, as a commodity if you perceive her or him, the other, as yourself -- not as an aspect of yourself, not as sharing some qualities with the qualities of yourself, not as if yourself, not in empathic resonance with yourself: yourself. Money and the sexual aspects of love are not so intimately connected in human experience without reason, without logic, without people being identified with a given order, the lowest order, of logical-value: 1T2 order. Other as commodity, as commodity fetish. One raises to people the issue of m-logically-valued monetary units and receives enormous emotional back-reactions because of psychological displacement, not because of the money or economic issues per se explicitly involved in the proposal. The very notion of m-logically-valued exchange is tacitly, subliminally, received as disparagement of the psychological content of their sexual experience, as denigration of their sexual performance. The m-logically-valued cuts the commodity fetish away from love's body, and, subliminally, it is recognized as mutilating the consensuated body of perceptual and proprioceptive experience. Behind eros and civilization is m-logically-valued identity transparency, which, as Rilke so profoundly recognized, has been avoided in the modern era like the plague and regarded no human concern, the concern only of gods.
Is Foucault's other and same, as you suggest, an evocation of authentic identity transparency? I see no real evidence of this in his The Order of Things or The History of Sexuality. Nor do I see it in Lacan's subject and other. Other AND same as opposed to other OR same would appear to address issues of logic, would appear to have been extracted from some truth table where violation of the Law of Non-Contradiction is permitted, that law being no-A is not-A. Subject and other is mere wordplay on the Cartesian subject and object dualism of single-valued binary logic, not a violation thereof -- and the and in Foucault's statement is likely most accurately treated in this same sense. Had Lacan said, subject IS other, had Foucault said, other IS same, that would have been a different matter. Much closer to identity transparency is Trinh T. Minh-ha's statement (given in Woman, Native, Other, (Indiana U. Press, 1989): I/i can be I or i, you and me both involved 'I' is itself infinite layers. [Emphasis in original.] This last is a strong invocation of identity transparency, which, in my judgment, comes more from her animistic Vietnamese ethnic origins than her postmodernist-deconstructionist French education. But Minh-ha doesn't go anywhere with this! And well she shouldn't have in context of discourse derivative of Marx, as identity transparency is total Hegelian centering, which deconstructionist structure décentrée sets about decentering by means of epistémè: absolute distinction between signifier and signified. The same withdrawal from the transparency issue, if not the opaque object, applies to Chizuko Ueno's flirtation with analysis of the commoditizing of the fetish object in her considerations of the Japanese theater beneath the skirt. Yayoi Kusama, however, twenty years earlier did not mess about the bush; she made transparent panties for Fluxus happenings, while Yoko Ono bedded in.
It was no mere happenstance that Newton became the Master of the Mint -- and Foucault did not truly try to displace him from that position, any more than he truly tried to displace Descartes' I am. Postmodernist deconstructionism did, however, try to displace Descartes' I think. Why this is so, I think, is a long story beginning with Abel's discovery in the 1820s of the m-valued variable. Newton's mint coined the monetary object as embodiment of the atomistic material substrate using the same generic single-valued variable Newton had earlier employed in his laws of motion, which Smith borrowed to elaborate upon market modulation of supply and demand and Locke borrowed to justify majority rule. These objective relata corresponded to the subjective I am relata invoked, therefore, by Descartes' I think which identifies the relations between relata which economists who believe only in microeconomics do not really believe exist, thus proving themselves in some sense non-Cartesian. Twenty-six year-old Abel ably upended this whole Cartesian-Newtonian world construct, although it took awhile for this to become apparent to all but the very few most informed. This becoming apparent transpired in waves: Cantorian mathematics, and the Franco-Prussian War as hysterical back-reaction; Axiom of Choice, and WWI as mass regurgitation; Schrödinger's m-valued wave-function, and WWII as collective projectile vomiting; q-bitic quantum computing, and WWIII as species-wide autoimmune fulmination. As import of Abel's discovery made its way more and more explicitly into the realms of everyday life, from higher pure mathematics, to physics, to technological applications, greater and more elaborated forms of dissimulation were required to dissemble the way m-valued identity, and, most thoroughly, the way m-logically-valued identity mutilates not only Descartes' subjective I am but also Newton's objective atomistic material relata, the things (but surely not the animated things of Rilke's poems) related by Descartes' I think. This is why postmodernist deconstructionism had to attack I think: Abel's discovery had made it all the way into the technologies of everyday life. Appearing to attack Descartes and Newton, while actually shoring them up, was the most elaborate form of dissimulation available, the best way to dissemble animistic Hegelian identity transparency. So, all the Marxist-derived postmodernist-deconstructionist defense of woman, trying to retrieve her from object status, from commodity status, is really quite ingenuous -- as the only thing that actually can accomplish this feat is m-logically-valued monetary units, which violate every basic tenet of postmodernist deconstructionism.
A Swiss economist once told me there were attempts during the Weimar period by several German principalities to implement something like m-logically-valued monetary units. These attempts failed, I am reasonably certain, not only because of the obvious lack of requisite information processing capability, but also because Lucia's dance failed to draw James Joyce fully out of the cave of Western literary tradition. Given my account of the deep-structural origins of the Franco-Prussian war, WWI, and WWII, it can be seen that the intent of this statement is literal, not allegorical, and certainly not pejorative. If the implied connection between literary form and conventions of economic system appear implausible, then I would argue that this implausibility was a factor involved in onset of WWII, a factor rooted in lack of insight into how a worldview construct integrates ALL aspects of culture. Comparative Arts was a course only grudgingly offered even so late into the century as the 1970s, let alone Comparative Hard-Soft Science, Comparative Science-Art-Religion-Mathematics. Don't talk to me about physics; I don't know nothing about that. Don't talk to me about 20th century art music; I don't know nothing about that. Don't talk to me about the theory of modern painting; I don't know nothing about that. Don't talk to me about pure mathematics; I don't know nothing about that. This not wanting to know nothing about that is the mark of a careerist: only in so far as it furthers the career; even subject matter germane to the involved profession is of no real intrinsic interest, only in so far as it furthers the career. This, to my understanding, is a form of mass murder. What Joyce wrote or didn't write is of little significance; the important issue, concerning a person positioned as he was relative to prevailing gradients of the collective unconscious, is what states of consciousness he experienced or didn't experience. The same can be said for Kandinsky's painting, Schoenberg's composition, and Schrödinger's physics, to note three further critical examples. Joyce succeeded no better than did T. S. Eliot, who was utterly culpable relative to deep causes of WWII. The failure of Lucia's dance to sufficiently entice her father contrasts unfavorably with the success of Ame-no-Uzume's dance in drawing Amaterasu out of her cave, thus liberating, according to the Japanese myth of origins, processes responsible for decision-free spontaneous social order (see, for instance, Kawai Hayao, The Hidden Gods of Japanese Mythology, Eranos Yearbook 1985, Vol. 54, 1986). The failure of Lucia's dance is a hugely cautionary tale for anyone attempting to formulate strategy regarding implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units during this infancy of the 21st century, a time where Anima-Lucia has become the corpus of quantum-based technology and Animus-Joyce is recalcitrant global monoculture: the dance of the Wu Li masters clearly is having no effect on the patient, who is non-responsive to treatment. And this clinical situation is not going to change. The transference, with its involved projective identification, is a largely intractable illness, particularly in collective manifestations.
As far as I can see, whatever the resources brought to the task, there is no straight path to implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units. Look at all the spoiling factors involved in the strategic equation over and beyond the failure of Lucia's dance. I am going to make another ludicrous statement. I do this not because I am incapable of conventional modes of thought and lines of discourse or explication, but because conventional assessment needs to be turned on its head if reality of the circumstance is to be grasped. Contrary to all appearances, George Bush and Osama bin Laden are on the same side. It is not simply that both have chosen to employ violent means; in the violence transpiring, they are on the same side, that side which is psychologically identified with the cognitive space of Fertile Crescent religiosity: Judeo-Christian-Islamism, the greatest killing machine ever wrought on planet Earth. (Right-wing neo-con commentators, of course, were they to read this, which they won't, would momentarily register the subtleties in this statement, then immediately reduce it to the familiar left-wing contention that there is no difference between Bush and bin Laden or Hitler. Thus, would they block from awareness the remainder of the argument.) No matter how much the two men wish to kill each other, in the war we have entered upon, which has only just begun and has yet to reveal its true face, these two are co-conspirators -- and long after they are gone, long after the cohorts they represent are gone, what replaces them and their cohorts will still be on the same side. Both believe that modern means can be used to stop the clock and set it back. Just like the Inca in ages past, they have decided to wage a war against linear passing time. One of the present adversaries has more modern means at his disposal than the other, hence the tactics differ; nonetheless, the strategies are the same -- with some interesting caveats. There are great similarities here to both the Vietnam war and WWII, similarities with profound implications for strategy relative to implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units (the notion of which involves an attempt to use modern means to move forward with the clock).
In the present global war, the means employed are the actual adversaries of the apparent adversaries. Like the Vietcong, al Qaeda uses mixed means, both modern and ancient: cell phones, internet, hijacked aircraft, PCs, AKs, SAMs, trucks or automobiles or human beings loaded with dynamite or C-4 or Simtex on the one hand; nested, cellular, networked, decentralized, animistic, tribal forms of self-organization, on the other. The Vietcong had a similar mix and beat the Americans primarily as a result of the exceptionalism of their traditional, rural, tied-to-the-land forms of animistic self-organization. They (neglecting here to discuss all the factionalist details) then turned against this very means of their victory because it was anathema to their primary objective, which was to impose a top-down, hierarchical, Confucian order on their people: stop the clock and set it back (but not too far back; back to the time of Chinese occupation, which they had never cognitively escaped, not to the earlier animistic matri-system order exemplary of their actual heritage). Persisting in low-brow rural peasant culture over millennia, the nested, cellular, networked, decentralized, animistic, tribal forms of self-organization, which the Vietcong employed to defeat the far-force-structurally superior American military technology, though ancient of origin, had more in common with the post-Newtonian relativistic-quantum physics of critical and cooperative phenomena than any institutional format ever produced by the West. Hence, all the means employed by the Vietcong to stop the clock and set it back were, in fact, modern means, whatever the misleading appearance. And what eventually replaces al Qaeda eventually will discover the same thing: eventually, which is what is really anathema: war against linear passing time. They will have to turn against the organizational means they have employed if they are to set the clock back, as is their intention.
Though the Americans believe they were fighting communism in Vietnam, what they were actually fighting was Injun Cuntry, nature in the raw and anything that signified nature in the raw: animism and its incessant anti-Judeo-Christian echoes. "Fertile-Crescent" Rome plows, foliage-clearing daisy-cutter super-bombs, agent orange, forced substitution of one variety of hybrid rice for the myriad naturally occurring and planted in Vietnam, saturation bombing of the U-Minh Forest and the Plain of Reeds, free-fire zones to terminate communal fertility-rite wet-rice cultivation, insistence upon fixed boundaries where they had never been prior to French conquest: anything and everything that could be done to rein nature in, put her in a chastity belt like the squared-off fields of Virgin-ia and Indian-a, and destroy Taoist ties to the land with their infernal dragon currents which are anathema to forced-draft urbanization, the raison d' être of economic development. This is the Cartesian-Newtonian program raised to one level of collective hysteria by discovery of contrary principles and an avalanche of experimental demonstrations of those contrary principles: in projective identification, of course. CBUs (cluster bomb units) to demonstrate that the unfindable, unfixable, and unfinishable opponent actually was not exhibiting animistic quantum non-locality, that failure of the 3-Fs was all a fluke. Einstein and Planck beat Newton in Vietnam. So, coming out of that war lost by late-1964, all efforts were quite literally and just-on-time redoubled to demonstrate that Newton, no matter what the appearances, in truth, is, has always been, and will always be, superior to Einstein and Planck. When this demonstration is made with sufficient clarity for all to see, then every remaining doubt about validity of the metaphysical premises of the Cartesian-Newtonian institutional base will have -- finally -- been removed. And anyone who continues to doubt this will herself be removed. Mars is to a postmodern globalized world caught in the imbroglio occasioning terminal demise of its institutional paradigm what Australia was to 18th century rationalism when the first shudders of non-confirmation reverberated through the British imperium. If, in the 1780s, Australia seemed like it were the moon, present calls for a Mars mission anticipate a similar role: penal colonization when the present world prison system is no longer adequate. And all the cattle, those pierced and tattooed bald flash pieces (see Robert Hughes, The Fatal Shore, Collins Harvill, 1986, p. 258) -- especially thems what done become mad cows -- will be flogged by bushmasters, just like they were way back when. The synchronisties of names like West-more-land and Bush are just how the collectiove unconscious works in projective identification. If you don't believe development is a pimp's strategy, look at the role sex-based tourism development has played in the economics of carrying emerging nations to AIDS-ridden tiger status. Though the 3-Fs may not work, the 4-Fs have yet to founder: find'em, feel'em, fuck'em, forget'em. Nature in the raw is each against each, the geographical unconscious as Robert Hughes titled one of his chapters, that queer mort the Cartesian-Newtonian leviathan was created to tame. Lockean-Anglo-Saxon world construct under fire (it was in the early 1820s when Abel discovered the m-valued variables what done killed Newton dead) raised today to the mth power: the System used in Australian convict-era transportation and imprisonment updated with RFIDs, cell-phone location awareness, and all the voyeuristic and telepresence technologies of the omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent digital battlefield applied to population control, globally. But this technology embodies the relativistic-quantum nature of nature in the raw! Technologies based in quantum non-simple identity and quantum non-locality used to enforce Newtonian simple identity and Newtonian locality! Think this is going to work, do you? On any more than a short-term basis? The principles embodied in the technology will not eventually have their way with the user? The will of man, the will of God-man will so impress itself on nature as to make the quantum of action act as if it were a Newtonian atom? This will WILL force nature to be born again? This will WILL stop linear passing time and set the clock back? Gunna cook nature just like Levi-Strauss cooked his famous potato, if not his jeans! Won't get done in like them Incas were! The means employed are the actual adversary, not the apparent adversary who is on one's own side in that he too is opposed to the social, political, economic, cultural, and religious implications of the post-mechanical technological means employed, means created by application of relativistic-quantum principles governing oh-so-threatening nature in the raw, nature not subdued by mechanical technologies under control of The Leviathan. Quote Hobbes: For what is the heart but a spring? The only real disagreement between the two present apparent adversaries is as to what kind of The Leviathan to impose.
This is not so different from the situation in run-up to WWII, when all the adversaries were on the same side. No elite of any of the nation-states which eventually set about destroying one another were advocates of the isms -- Cantorism, pointillism, Impressionism, anarchism, Cubism, chromaticism, Surrealism, Dadaism, nudism, Expressionism, Futurism, Fauvism, Rayonism -- except for the Russian, who embraced only Marxism which opposed all the other isms. Those elites (and the lower and middle classes that emulated them) were all on the same side -- against the cultural implications of the new mathematics and physics -- until war broke out, and then, like a pack of spooked dingos, though they took to killing each other almost in each-against-each fashion, in their heart of hearts, springs as these hearts may have been, they remained on the same side.
The profile presented here is part of the spoiling environment within which any strategy for implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units must be formulated. The comprador class within every nation-state, as well as those members posted to the multinationals and the multilaterals, will oppose all attempts to implement monetary systematics inspired by analogy to a non-falsified quantum physics -- because their class profligacy and personal rapacity will be modulated by any such system. Cosmological metareference is the foundational model for m-logically-valued indices stacked on a currency base. The fine and performing arts, industrial design, fashion, the full plastic spectrum of enforming activities, long ago abandoned cosmological metareference. Indeed, this went into terminal hysterics with onset of WWI: they all came out of that war moving into their neo-classical periods, having jettisoned the prewar attempts to grapple with the large issues confronting their disciplines: mindless eclecticism and endless superficial do-your-own-thing rehashing became the preferred avoidance mechanisms. When the post-movement condition fell upon the civilization all residue of the impulse to confront the system-level failure in a given art form mirroring collapse of the prevailing world construct had disappeared. System fundamental was completely severed from worldview component. Leading lights of the day convinced themselves that there never had been any connection. All artistic form was intra-artistic: there had never been, wasn't, and would not be referential reach. Just as political economy was self-contained, had nothing to do with physics or the sonata cycle. The only reference there was was self-reference, but a self-reference without systemic components or true logical properties (which could only be m-valued). Even Escher only made heuristic formalistic comments on self-reference, and never attempted to engage art-system qua art-system: his comments on self-reference were personally self-referential, not logically so and no authentic attempt to provide a set of non-objective conventions to replace the lost post-Renaissance naturalistic ones -- as Kandinsky, for instance, had so intensely, and unsuccessfully, struggled to do in the prewar period before producing what was probably the first non-objective painting. (M-logically-valued self-referential monetary units are an affront to Escher -- and would today be received as such across the board in artistic circles.) One could, therefore, compose, paint, write, dance, sculpt, design in any system, or no system, or any anti-system, one wished -- as there was no perceived or admitted role for fine-art system. The Cartesian-Newtonian mathematical and physical-theory construct being dead, and the post-Newtonian perspective being, from the mid-19th century, first thoroughly dissimulated, then systematically falsified and consequently in fragmentary condition, artistic circles, being unable to penetrate the higher dissembling, adjusted to the circumstance by concluding, with great relief, that system-level considerations were, after all, not really so important, probably nothing more than chains imposed by the Academy. Such systems of conventions, when they had existed in the past, were simply whatever the assertion, it could be of no present consequence, because, finally, we have avant-garded ourselves out of all those prior constraints and can now get down to the real business of the arts: make money. So, anyone wanting to remake the fundamental systematics of money cannot look to the arts for assistance: such efforts will be opposed across the board. In all the subsequent decades, no one seriously took up the real problems where they were left by Kandinsky, Schoenberg, Duchamp, and the like. Any initiative made in any one of the relevant disciplines will have to be taken de novo, not by tagging onto something already in the works. Reintroduce metareference into fashion design, so as to reinforce or cognitively prepare for referential monetary units? This cannot be done with fashion designers, who are very jealous of their acquired rights to personal fantasy expression. Initiative would have to come through the art press, not the trade press. But the art press deconstructed metareference decades ago in its embrace of post-movement perspectives. Besides, metareference is not very artifactual and it is harder for the galleries to sell a non-artifact than an artifact, so by knee-jerk alone Such are the multiple-binds, no mere double-binds, confronting those who might try to move in such a viscous murein-filled morass. Music, plastic art, dance, industrial design -- no matter: the spoiling environment has reached an extreme state.
The situation prevailing in higher mathematics, the natural and social sciences is not dissimilar to that existing in the fine, performing, and industrial arts -- thus imposing onerous constraints on any effort relative to m-logically-valued monetary units: seeding existing institutional activities can only be counter-productive. Just as no truly intelligent person becomes an officer in a bad war (Derek turned down the offer of a battlefield commission), so no truly intelligent person takes a leadership position in a corrupt institution. Corrupt institutions are no more reformable than are bad wars. Are there good wars? Are there non-corrupt institutions? A set exists independent of its elements, just as a role exists independent of being filled: relative to its context. Rejection of the Axiom of Choice was rejection of externalities, as free-market economics requires. Cantorian mathematics was falsified as it appeared on the scene, and it is no big surprise to find that Cantor's academic doctoral preceptor was simultaneously a very successful business mogul. Non-Cantorian set theory was (subliminally) mandated by extra-mathematical factors, i.e., externalities. By virtue of quantum relative-state, mappings across a set are mappings of that set's context, just as the multiple functions of a role-not-filled are mappings across its decomposed subsets (which, by virtue of their contexts, exist independent of their elements). Platonistic or not, this is sheer objective pragmatic realism. M-valued-logics were falsified as they appeared on the scene: thus was fuzzy logic borne into the free-market's New World Order. Schrödinger's wave-function was falsified soon after it appeared on the scene, by virtue of which we can thank the gods for WWII. And it was left to Derek Dillon in MOON to apply the new concepts unfettered to a concrete sociological circumstance: how spontaneous social order in the Viet Cong Political Infrastructure (VCI) beat the American military machine (Vol. 1, p. 598):
The interaction of behavior and norms generates roles.
A given role actively imparts structure to the sociopolitical corpus within which it appears.
This activity of a role may be represented as the structuring of a set.
The structuring of a set may be represented by decomposition into subsets.
A given function of a role may be represented as a mapping across the decomposed subsets.
This mapping may be represented graphically as a point-set topology on a sheet of a Riemann surface (covering surface).
Other functions of the role may be graphed on other sheets of the Riemann surface.
The graphs on the total stack of sheets, when projectively recomposed, provide a composite multivalued representation of the functions of the role.
The composites of many roles may be graphed upon multiple sheets of stacked Riemann surfaces (universal covering surface) and their second-order composite projected, thus providing a map of the multiply-connected functions of roles in a complex ecosystem.
Weberian sociologists of the period, employing one of their black-box terms, referred to this pejoratively as parallelism: Viet Cong cadres wore many hats simultaneously, both insider and outsider hats (as do all operatives in any clandestine terrorist network); their infrastructure was double-stacked vertically, multiply-connected horizontally, and self-reentrant by virtue of high-echelon cadres being seconded to the low-echelon hot-zone of contention, thus yielding a non-orientable sociotopology; there were multiple, redundant chains of command; reverse-representation existed simultaneously with representation; spatial partitions (boundaries) were in a constant state of fluctuation (Bénard-cell non-equilibrium thermodynamic -- as if heated from below -- vacuum fluctuations modifying initial and boundary conditions such that the VCI's extra-combat free-energy drove organizational adaptation via modulation of resource flows across boundaries-in-flux through phase transitions ever farther from equilibrium, the degrees of which being understood as representing stages of peoples war, war of competitive forced assimilation); job descriptions (roles), and all other bureaucratic micro-variables, each of which was multi-functional, changed in correlation with the configuration of fluctuating boundaries (the administrative border contains all the bureaucratic information of the social space it encloses: fractal boundary and fractal entrapment in functional gerrymandering); and so on and so on. (Didn't read about this in any contemporary or subsequent academic publication, eh? Not the gods, but the enemy strength estimates debacle can be thanked for that.) Such is the nature and sophistication of animistic identity transparency. And such is the general variational scheme that m-logically-valued monetary units would tag to as indicators: thus carrying the free-market to higher levels of self-organizational competency by integrating externalities into market processes via higher-logically-valued money moving through markets. A good argument can be made that the southern Vietcong clandestine economy, with its liberal dosage of transaction rent and leveraged expropriation of the piastre and MPC (Military Payment Currency) stacked on a monetary-base of barter, actually produced a primitive version of this, which the northern cadres destroyed by the end of the war (while retaining alone the transaction rent component). And you think the Phoenix Elimination Pogrom applied globally is going to be more successful at eradicating this than it was when applied locally? Except in-the-limit, victory is declarable at any juncture! Selective observation can demonstrate anything, particularly when one gets right the re-definitions of terms of reference. This is one consequence of applying analytic calculus to relative force-structure determinations, rather than engaging in authentic capability analysis (capability has been redefined by military strategists so as to make it indistinguishable from applied force). Riemann created the Riemann surface to map the m-valued functions Abel's m-valued variables give rise to. When Riemann did this in the 1850s, those persons identified with the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm, already reeling from Abel's discovery of the 1820s, went into the histrionic ululation Wagner recorded with his Tristan chords: Caliban reborn. If n-dimensional Hilbert space is to be treated under m-valued-logics, this will be done on a Riemann surface or some generalization thereof. Functional integration and specificity in cellular sociologies and biological cells will not be well-understood until Hilbert space is thus treated -- nor will they be understood within a context of nested m-logically-valued monetary units.
Every currently existing human institution, West and East, North and South, is totally committed to preventing this from happening: THERE WILL BE NO INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF THE NEW PARADIGM! as long as we have any say in the matter, so the reigning elites (and the middle and lower classes who emulate them) do insist. Regardless of what one thinks a "new paradigm" might look like, what will be the outcome of this global near-consensus? The outlines of this outcome are already clear, and have been clear for over 30 years, as recorded in Derek's journals (given in MOON). Pellucid! And this transparent circumstance has tremendous import relative to strategy formulation, were any strategy to be formulated, which is not an issue for those persons involved in the global near-consensus.
Yes, I realize that what I write is perceived by the average educated reader as a kind of white noise, a conceptual fog, something the reader cannot penetrate or make real sense of. This is the case because my chosen writing style discombobulates the categories the reader is accustomed to, parodies those categories and associated styles of writing, and moves by circular epicycles rather than by syllogistic march (accommodation of schemata). I write this way on purpose. Why? The notion that there is value in logical argument or argument from evidence is based upon placing value on logic and evidence. The placement of value on 1T2 logic was based on the mistaken notion that 1T2 logic is all the logic there is. The placement of value on evidence was based on the mistaken notion of absolute matter-mind dualism which the discovery that 1T2 logic is not all the logic there is terminally undermined. This logical terminus re-validated knowledge through identity, which has its own appropriate associated modes of discourse. What I write is not intrinsically nonsensical; it is like, for instance, the content of a Jasper Johns painting, say the one entitled One to Ten. Look at that painting. You do not see any numbers, only a near-random splash of colors. But if you struggle with it long enough, and, from exhaustion, eventually defocus (abandon recourse to your habituated visual categories), suddenly, almost miraculously, as an instantaneous jerk, a visual-cognitive shift takes place and the numbers one to ten flash before visual awareness. I write so as to entice the reader into an analogous such jerk-type shift. To what purpose? So the reader can come to see what is pellucid in the present global circumstance, pellucid if only the habituated categories of comprehension were to undergo an autogenic shift. Since all currently existing institutions -- being structurally and functionally expressions of Cartesian-Newtonian principles or, particularly in the case of religious institutions, social analogues of hierarchical models of the universe -- are dead-set against phase transition to analogical institutionalization of relativistic-quantum perspectives on spontaneous order in collective and cooperative behavior as it exists in material systems (e.g., superconductivity), and since phase transition WILL take place in the institutional-base regardless of human preference because the root relativistic-quantum principles are now determining the changing character of the techno-base, the inevitable outcome will be that the existing institutions will play no role whatsoever in institutionalizing relativistic-quantum principles. This new institutionalization (in no wise recognizable as institutionalization by utilization of current categories) will emerge from below through extra-institutional and extra-legal processes, because spontaneous order in collective and cooperative behavior of material systems is not in Cartesian-Newtonian form and not rigidly top-down hierarchical, and because the existing institutional-base, by global near-consensus, has refused to accommodate itself to the principles determining the changing character of the techno-base. No other path is available to the processes involved.
As I have endeavored to illustrate, this is not a recent phenomenon. In its present configuration, the long-wave train of determination goes back decisively to events transpiring in higher mathematics during the 1820s. The prevailing resolute institutional refusal to accommodate is the inertial consequence of long-standing postures of mass behavior resulting from habituated employment of categories of comprehension only a jerk-type autogenic shift could significantly alter. All the institutional resources of the planet have been marshaled to prevent such a shift from transpiring. Even when individuals manage, by milking existing systems, to accumulate enormous resources, they, inevitably and understandably, use those resources to reinforce the prevailing institutional-base or the prevailing pattern of habituation in employment of categories of comprehension. All the usual suspects can go unmentioned here, as their cases are completely conventional and only to be expected. The near-exceptions, which do not become actual exceptions, are more instructive. The Soros Foundation dispenses thousands of grants across a huge swath of causes in a kind of broad-spectrum antibiotic shotgun therapeutics, the ostensible purpose of which is to sustain and expand open societies. In context of the above-described global circumstance, there is no possibility that this granting approach can in the least achieve the stated goal of the grant giving. Processes in no way touched by such granting will determine all strategic outcomes. If the actual intent were to provide symptomatic care as the disease process becomes terminal, then this type of granting would be well chosen. And, indeed, the Soros Foundation has given a great deal of money to the cause of euthanasia. Robert Redford's foundational activity relative to the medium of film seems more strategic, but it, too, in its own way, is an open-bore shotgun approach: simple support of any and all independent filmmaking does not reflect a detailed assessment of the prevailing pattern of habituation in employment of categories of comprehension, as reflected in cinematography, and a focused attempt to tweak critical variables so as to move the habituation into the forms of autogenic shift required to facilitate synoptic phase transition. Clearly, no such considerations ever entered the Redford granting-strategy formulation process, if there was such a process. Nor will such matters ever in the future be considered. One has only to look at personality profiles to be assured of that. Not a project, as Oliver Stone likes to say.
When people look at the homepage of this website, they apparently ask themselves, What does all this have to do with LETS or monetary theory or economics? This is craziness, they think, and click off the page, looking no further. Site statistics demonstrate something along these lines. What this collective behavior indicates is that they don't understand that the application of quantum theory, interpreted through m-valued logics, to economics in general and monetary theory in particular, means that the notion of externalities simply evaporates. There has to be the capacity to process that, that, and that. People say to me: The word 'externality' has a technical meaning in economics. As if I did not know about this fact. They say to me: You write as if everything were related to everything else. As if this were a valid criticism. Such comments indicate complete lack of insight into the import -- relative to collective behavior -- of quantum mechanics and m-valued logics, and a failure to comprehend meaning of the term relative-state. Relative-state means everything is related to everything else. That's what identity transparency is all about: orders of relative-state-ness are degrees of identity transparency mandated-explicated by orders of logical-value and numbered by numbered Gödel numbers stacked on resonance configurations plotted as Regge lattices. There has to be the capacity to process and, and, and and. Sorry, that irrelevant externality-type terminology just slipped in there: these identity-transparent resonances being the source of the effects of what Smith regarded God's magic hand and Hayek regarded properties emergent during systemic evolution as time shape. We -- the collective royal we not the collective coercive we -- treat time shape with the elaborate microphysics of operator-time, time as active operator changing connectivity and orientability of the involved sociotopological manifold or econotopological manifold or so-and-so topological manifold, changing, that is, its chronotopology, its time shape, to again employ Hayek's term. This is mappable, for instance, in market economics via velocity, acceleration, and time rate of change of acceleration of monetary throughput. Baby universes, other universes of the multiuniverse, are just this same old universe in differing time shapes (just as are one's other incarnations: scary! Out, out, damn spot, sport, spurt!). Monetary units with higher-logically-valued logical properties can accomplish all this in ways not imagined by Smith or Hayek, and not yet seen in the realms of market-mediated self-organization (logically logical so as to minimize the certainty of the probability of mistaken interpretation of the statement). Of course, quantum physicists not into interpreting Schrödinger's wave-function in terms of m-valued logics, which includes all current working quantum physicists, will hmmmm-and-haaaaw and say that really, you know, this concept of relative-state is far more subtle than that, that it is a notion germane only to a particular interpretation that is not really very plausible, you know, and on and on. After three-quarters of a century of politically-motivated lying and psychoneurotic rationalization from the physicists, all one can say is: Ho-hum. Relative-state removes externalities no less than does m-valued logics and the properties of Cantorian sets (all of which apply to m-valued logics, in spite of post-Cantor non-Cantorian set theory). Implementation of the implications of m-logically-valued quantum relative-state relative to re-definition of the basic properties of money cannot begin with redefinition of the basic properties of money; such implementation has to begin with judiciously selected factors heretofore regarded externalities to market mechanisms which will cease to be externalities to market mechanisms once the basic properties of money are appropriately redefined to incorporate m-logically-valued quantum relative-state. If the heretofore-externalities are not properly prepared prior to attempted incorporation, the incorporation attempted will fail to be implemented. The prerequisites to a higher level of self-organizational competency of market mechanisms will not have been met. Yes, yes, I know that the term prerequisites is passé, that functionalism was only a stage in the history of anthropological theory, and that back-reaction against the relativism-in-functionalism mandated by analogy to Einstein's relativity theory had debunked the term long before the law and capital movement appeared on the scene to carry debunkment as a class of collective behaviors into the realms of mass hysteria. That's my very argument as to the origins of the world wars, including the Third World War. So, nonetheless And there must be an appropriate medium of incorporation. And so on and so on. THEREFORE, there is no straight path to implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units. None of these issues will be settled by rational discourse, unfortunately. How very, very unfortunately has yet to reach collective awareness, though it slaps faces of the benumbed with growing insistency and has long been known to the collective unconscious and those conscious to the collective unconscious. Given that -- there being no such path available -- the existing institutions will play no role whatsoever in the institutionalization of relativistic-quantum principles, why would one adopt the institutionally-favored communicative style of explication? One wouldn't, would one.
See, the thing about terrorism is that it is totally ineffective unless linked to insurgency, and even then only effective to the degree used to facilitate self-organizational phase transitions. There are myriad variables involved and the more the terrorist/insurgent understands articulation of these variables the more can he manipulate the counterterrorist/counterinsurgent into doing his bidding -- and he must so manipulate because only the nation-state possesses the resources required to facilitate the self-organizational phase transitions terrorists/insurgents must make if they are to be successful. States are manipulable in such fashion only when they are in deep trouble, and the nation-state system as a whole could be thus manipulated only if it were in deep trouble: failed nation-state system, not merely failed state. A satellite (by use of acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes) is unable to create a thunderstorm, but it could thus manipulate a thunderstorm once the disturbance was in existence. Similarly, terrorists/insurgents don't create a failed state or a failed nation-state system; they are incapable of either such creation; what they can do is manipulate the failure once it is a fact (a fact, generally for a wide range and depth of reasons). Terrorism is an autoimmune symptom of systemic pathogenesis and failure, not its etiology. A declaration of GWOT is a public announcement of systemic disease having reached a level of morbidity likely to become fatal. Fatality of the nation-state system has been a foregone conclusion since discovery of non-Euclidian geometries and trans-algebras during the 1820s. A system whose underlying metaphysical presuppositions have been demonstrated false cannot maintain functional integrity or even long persist. Indeed, the longer it persists without functional integrity, the greater the destruction it will leave in its wake. Fatality of the nation-state system became an absolute certainty with the papers of Planck and Einstein, and experimental support of the principles explicated therein. The resistances to systemic adaptation have been strong. All attempted phase transitions have been blocked. Mass warfare and total warfare have ensured. Still, all attempts at phase transition are blocked. When this circumstance cusps, it will not be symptoms (e.g., terrorism and insurgency) which perpetrate the megakill. Truth be told, there was no window of opportunity: the right things were done at the right times and elicited no responses. So many winds it appears there could not be more: second wind, third wind, forth wind nth wind -- and the long-distance runner doggedly places one foot before the next, plods up yet one more hill whilst trying to anticipate the stricken moment so as to sprint into the fatal heart attack.
There is apparently no end to the public displays of self-deception people are willing to make: the notion of a new incarnation of Bretton Woods being bandied about, for instance (see: The Asian Dollar Mystery by David Ignatius, Washington Post, 6 January 2004). This idea is pure self-deception, not mere black propaganda: because China and Japan are buying and holding large volumes of dollars, so as to sustain the value of the dollar against their own currencies, thereby maintaining or increasing the volume of their exports to the U.S., spontaneous regeneration of Bretton Woods has transpired. Therefore, don't worry, be happy. Amazing. Foreign sovereigns holding dollars is equivalent to Bretton Woods! One virtually never reads a word about what was the actual uniquely defining property of the Bretton Woods monetary system, i.e., the gold-exchange mechanism (as opposed to the classic gold standard) sundered by Nixon as a consequence of the way the Vietnam war was financed (inflationary FED policies and the oil shock came in the wake of this manner of financing), thereby removing all constraints (except in-the-limit) on the U.S. ability to freely print dollars for international circulation to cover its foreign liabilities (as long as the dollar remains the foremost international reserve currency). Even (or maybe especially so, given the involved publication) Robert J. Samuelson does not mention liability financing (printing of fiat dollars for international circulation) when discussing this problem (see: A Global Glut of Greenbacks, Newsweek, December 29, 2003 to January 5, 2004). Instead, he chooses to hide the liability-financing aspects of paying for the war against Iraq behind discussion of the economic irrelevancy of the capture of Saddam. Financing the domestic budget deficit with foreign borrowing (foreigners buying T-bonds) is conflated with the printing of fiat currency to deflect consequences of balance of trade deficits and cover military expenditures abroad: conflated, because these are not the same and do not amount to the same. The Bush administration does not share the I.M.F.'s worry about the combined U.S. deficit, that deficit in its various not-the-same forms (see: I.M.F. Report Says U.S. Deficits Threaten World Economy by Elizabeth Becker and Edmund Andrews, N.Y. Times, 7 January 2004), one very big reason being absence of a Bretton Woods gold-exchange-mechanism constraint on the printing of U.S. dollars for international circulation. This role of the dollar began to emerge under Wilsonian Imperial Democracy and became an integral aspect of military Keynesianism (see: How the War Machine is Driving the U.S. Economy: military Keynsianism might get Bush re-elected, but it is starting to worry economists, by Andrew Gumbel, Independent, 6 January 2004) enshrined at Bretton Woods by formalization of the unique privileged role accorded the dollar, constrained only by the now-long-defunct gold-exchange mechanism incorporated into the Bretton Woods system. The free market was the economics of the Great Depression; Keynesianism was the economics of global war. Is it possible to have both of these simultaneously, one superimposed upon the other? The fact that China and Japan hold enormous amounts of U.S. T-bonds and dollars is regarded as no great threat for reasons similar to those entertained by the Confederacy in the period running up to the American Civil War. Quoting a recent article in The Economist (A Great Yarn, December 20, 2004, p. 55):
By 1861 the United States was producing two-thirds of all the raw cotton exported around the world. The great majority of it was destined for Lancashire which (in turn) produced two-thirds of all the cotton fabric that was traded The southern states assumed that this trade and mutual dependence meant they could rely on Britain's support in any civil war with the north.
Which turned out not to be the case. Were it (economic considerations prevailing over all else) to turn out not to be the case again at about the same time Russia decided to denominate oil transactions in euros, more than mere civil war would transpire as an expression of military Keynesianism being superimposed upon the free-market currency regime mid-wifed by Milton Friedman.
You have certainly gotten that right. I do believe the object is animated, and that this belief can receive considerable substantiation by recourse to direct empathic experience. Knowledge through identity is what the psychiatrists call generative empathy. This, according to their lights, is a pathological state: directly experiencing the experience of the other or the animated object. Their lights I regard as photisms epiphenomenal of habituation to 1T2 logic. From my lights, however, the animated object is already a deteriorated form of animism. This is the sort of psychological insight that must be developed if, for instance, m-valued logics are to be intelligently applied to monetary theory. One must know for what purpose one wishes to make such an application. M-valued logics have to do with orders of self-reference or self-reflexivity: animistic identity transparency. Hugh Everett's universal quantum wave-function, properly understood as the multiuniversal time-shapes of this one-and-only universe, is an infinitely-infinite-valued self-referential logical cosmic proposition: by virtue of relative-state, the solipsistic whatnot is all-that-is which is anything-that-is: non-simple identity in non-local quantum relative-state: m-logically-valued identity transparency (discombobulating 1T2-logic-habituated categories of comprehension). That's why the anthropic principle and the terrestrial principle and the lunar principle and the Martian principle and the solar principle and the Milky Way principle each and all are valid. There is only one real-'I': all-that-is-anything-that-is: pure Haiku. Call that 'I/i' whatever you will. But once you make such a call, you initiate deterioration in the forms by which animistic contents may appear to conscious awareness, deterioration by personification. Animistic identity transparency becomes tutelary deity or animating spirit entity by means of personification through act of calling. This act of calling was the origin of the administrative nightmare which has been the last 10,000 years of the history of human governance. The m-logical-values to be self-reflexively stacked on a monetary base are to signify functional prerequisites and interface them efficaciously with processes of market-mediated self-organization. Such signification is one kind of call, a call that should be well considered as to its purpose before being made.
How many people have you known well with whom you have not had a single significant conversation? Whenever any given conversation veers off toward probable significance, it is terminated. Not to terminate it would be to reveal a lack of cynicism reflecting absence of life-style sophistication or the degree to which one has always been exclusively self-interested and career oriented. So I do realize that to most educated readers this last paragraph is a form of cognitive white noise -- word-wise, style-wise, wordy-wise. It takes me a long time sometimes to figure out how to most effectively violate THE READER'S expectations and habituated preferences. Sometimes this and that simply cannot be helped. Which is a good thing! White noise initiates deautomatization of habituated cognitive structures: read any good treatise on the psychology of meditation. Those who have trouble reading MOON have no insight into the psychology of meditation, let alone metapsychology of spontaneous brain discharge, both of which informed literary stylistics of that novel. When was the last time you used a text as a superconducting mirror to facilitate observer-state relative to your cognitive functions? Draw, call, choose, let there be: these are imperatives that are signifiers of mathematical operations. One is invited by the essaying mathematician to become as if the operator being explicated (which is not essentially different from John Lennon inviting one to Imagine). One is being invited on a night sea journey, a magical mystery tour. A writer of art fiction, for instance, cannot very well simply say: Deautomatize! as if it were Open Sesame. Homeric speech is a form of call somewhat like the mathematician's there exists. Fair Lucia, daughter of James, granddaughter of In the limit, all calls having been made, Lucia is an m-valued cosmic proposition. Lucia's dance, a call. As Genesis tells us, the cosmically solipsistic 'I/i' has always engaged in such Pythagorean behaviors. Time-itself is such an operator: operator-time -- except that, non-proverbially, operator-time operates preverbally (but not prelinguistically, if Musculpt be regarded form language). All such operators are involutive; they initiate formation of mathematical involutes; while call (an element of the class of all such operators) is not only involutive, but also concretizing and personifying. Think of the implications of this.
By proselytizing on behalf of m-logically-valued monetary units, my I advocates abstract idolatry and asocial ritual. Before the Golden Calf there was Cabalistic gematric yantra; before the concrete call, Dervish mantra. This is identity-transparent animism (ontologically) before personification to tutelary deity and spirit entity: the real perennial philosophy. The post-Renaissance notion that abstraction followed upon empathy is based upon an inversion of Nature's case: this particular time-shape of form-in-process is learned behavior under politicized economic leverage. Do not underestimate what is happening here, here in the multiuniverse. It is only within your identification that death of body-as-learned-behavior appears absolute, not that of my-other-I-am. How many near-death experiences has your ego-focus I-ness been engaged with? This will not be spelled out, as the fate of those identifications only feeds the moon, so to speak. However one might conceive that moon, be it MOON OF HOA BINH or else. There are dues to be paid, sacrifices to be made. What is it your you has worthy of sacrifice? Not a whole hell of a lot. Your suffering, maybe? Food for the moon. Yes, this is allusory! Not illusory. Cosmological metareference deals in functional schemata, not those structural: a way of comprehending alien to the post-Renaissance West and the East still emulating 17th and 18th century Western modes of cognition. How many functions can a given structure fulfill? M-functions? Once the functional prerequisite is called, it becomes identified with a social role: personification. Social roles do not remain empty for long; persons fill them; persons who compulsively identify their themselves with the socially conferred attributes of the them their they can identify. Non-identification requires such terminology! The single pronoun is signifier of a state of identification (which is not empathy). Governance emerges on the back of role stratification. The rise of patriarchy emerges on the back of governance. Such is the nature of the call; by such means does a mathematical involute (if you can get with the program). Imagine! if you will if you can what abstract idolatry and asocial ritual are (ontologically) before concrete idols and social rituals involute to roles fulfilled by psychological identification with their socially conferred attributes. Imagine. Tell me: was John Lennon's approach to this problem better than that chosen by Derek Dillon? given the on-the-ground realities of the prevailing human circumstance. Pure animism: abstract idolatry plus asocial ritual: Musculpt as yantra correlated with mantra. Rise of patriarchy: cosmological metareference via functional prerequisites embodied in concrete social roles with actual persons filling those roles and becoming psychologically identified with their socially conferred attributes. Thus does the call involute; thus does governance enslave for 10,000 years. M-logically-valued monetary units are a return to abstract idolatry and asocial ritual: no rule of prescriptive law; no governance by those psychologically identified; no single-valued property as theft of the multi-value at the root of all cosmic propositions.
You think Hitler's compulsion for purified identity, which gave rise to holocaust of the Jews, had nothing to do with phobias about the identity transparency invoked in 1925 by Schrödinger's wave-function? Einstein, even, had a phobia about the non-simple identity resident in the quantum wave-function, as his debates with Bohr about non-locality so well revealed. Before the war between rabid dogs broke out, Hitler and Einstein were on the same side -- given shared phobias. The dogs of war got spooked by the specter of animistic identity transparency: the abstract idolatry and asocial ritual in all the avant-garde isms driving toward Musculpt. And so it is today, one more loop within the same historical spiral. The basic principles informing an emergent techno-base will have their way with the users in one fashion or another: as forms of healthy integration or in patterns of projective identification driven by the pathological regression resulting from the suppression associated with prevailing forms of governance. Which one of these paths do you think we have entered upon within the present loop of the historical spiral? Integration or pathology?
But it is not just microeconomics versus macroeconomics, individual versus collective, freedom versus order. These dichotomies, all such dichotomies, are epiphenomenal to 1T2 logic. The dilemmas produced by these dualisms evaporate along with "externalities" to just the degree one finds ways to implement m-orders of logical-value in the systematics employed. A good statement of the consequences of how projective identification by political-economists of the rule framework established by 1T2 logic has in turn established the initial and boundary conditions of capitalist thought is given in a recent Ph.D. dissertation produced at City College of London (Collective and Individual Rationality: Some Episodes in the History of Economic Thought by Andrew Martin Paul Denis, 2001). Quoting from the introduction to the chapter on the prisoners' dilemma:
the micro-macro dichotomy: the failure of rationality at the micro level, the level of the individual agent, to guarantee rationality at the macro level, the level of the whole society. The prisoners' dilemma illustrates circumstances in which rational individuals, attempting to do the best they can for themselves, do worse than if they had tried to do the best they could for all the agents taken together. Arrovian impossibility shows that there is no rule which can always aggregate individual ordinal preferences into social preferences without producing some perverse result, such as that the social ordering is just a restatement of the ordering of a particular individual, or that the society is indifferent between every alternative presented to it. Both results have been regarded as shocking and as deeply damaging to liberal notions of economic and political processes.
These problems are problems produced by psychological identification with 1T2 logic and the projection of that logic into structures and functions of systematics employed. TREAT an economy as if existing on one SCALE LEVEL and there will appear to be no levels between the individual economic actor and the national macroeconomy, the scale level to which legal tender has been restricted by laws grounded in philosophies of law expressing psychological identification with 1T2 logic. Circularities within circularities governing the behaviors of people phobic about circularities: I hate what I love, a form of autoimmune disease. Keep removing national currencies so as to create transnational currencies like the euro, or keep dollarizing the planet, and even the national scale level is progressively removed in the globalizing economy globalizing via quantum-based technologies rooted in multi-scaled m-logically-valued processes: more socioeconomic autoimmunity. The more the global economy is collapsed to a single scale level, the greater the micro-macro dichotomy becomes and the greater the problematics associated with it become. The technical game theory details of the prisoners' dilemma and Arrow's impossibility theorem are mere psychoneurotic babble, mental automatisms of those caught in the hall of mirrors constructed by the prevailing pattern of projective identification. The reason why people so intensely fear the mental state Hollywood and its psychiatric constituency attribute to John Nash is because that mental state is the social norm, the normative state of the species: normatic illness: Damn your hallucinations, full speed ahead with mine. Getting out of that transference matrix! Now that would be a real accomplishment worthy of a Noble Prise, if not a Nobel Prize. Nature everywhere has long since solved these problems: natural form-in-process is always a multi-scale dynamic; there are no single-scale or even binary-scale systems in nature. All such systems are multi-scaled and m-logically-valued, but the phobias of Hitler and Einstein have total control over the human psyche and the price paid will be commensurate with the intensity of those all-consuming phobias. The evolving technologies themselves will guarantee that. And I for one concur: this species should get exactly what it deserves, for it knows (at some level of its mental automatisms) precisely what it does.
I appreciate your criticism and I commiserate with you when you say that you get very little out of my writings, but I must point out that it is not my purpose to reduce the quality of my cognition or my awareness so as to conform to the standards of popular discourse -- as I do not see any way in which my doing what is required to become a successful writer would in reality serve the human interest, let alone the larger interest. The notion of reduction of the wave-packet is an essential feature of the falsification of quantum mechanics, which is in large measure responsible for the current crisis on this planet; replicating this falsification in my own psychological experience cannot in any fashion make a positive contribution. Far better to attempt to entice to a state of identity transparency, successfully or not. Somehow I have managed to survive a long while while cultivating such an attitude. Were that to cease tomorrow, it would be a matter of no great import: I accomplished far more than I ever set out to accomplish over a decade ago. The complaints you express are familiar and I have received them with some frequency over the past 30 years. Coming from a culture of complaint, I find criticism always useful: it leads to new insight, reveals something about the person making the critical observation, becomes part of a pattern suggestive of hidden dimensions of collective behaviors. I rarely constrain my reactions to criticism, but try always to be in an observer-state relative to the spontaneous response. My I notices that its /i never at first agrees, but rarely fails to benefit in some way in due course. How could one expect more? as the bulk of interpersonal interactions are between one person's complex of automatized functions and that of another. Most critical suggestions regarding the writing of MOON, for instance, were not taken; but few such suggestions did not result in some positive improvement to the text, even though rarely the suggested improvement. For better or worse, had I not actively sought and assimilated critical suggestions, the book would have been far more stylistically strange than it turned out to be -- hence even less accessible, but more artistically coherent (had there been enough money for the one last writing through required: but so it goes). Having intensively practiced this inner separation for many years, I have become very good at it, and my relation to m-logically-valued cognition is rooted in the voluntary dissociation involved in being in an (observer-state) relative to an (observer-state) relative to an (observer-state) relative to the spontaneous response (understood to be conditioned reflex). The involved infinite regress is in the nature of the case and not a fallacy (which claim, in itself, is a flagrant violation of the norms of both Western and Eastern thought). Though Western histories of mathematics maintain that ancient India had no notion of zero or infinity, Sankara explicitly held forth with the opinion that the appearance of an infinite regress falsified an argument. My I started this practice in self-observation where it is most easily learned: repetitive physical motions and differential relaxation. The monk sweeping paths and raking gravel or pulling two of the seven pine needles from tuffs all across the tree being trained. The stylized hand motions of the sushi chef. In my case, pick-and-shovel work for 15 years and a self-originated form of walking meditation (greatly improved by hours and hours spent one summer closely observing the behaviors of five free-roving domestic cats who were part of my household). The cultural tie-downs must be stripped away at one stage or another, why not the beginning? From bodily motions to the emotions to mental functions. Actual ritual cleansing. In the midst of everyday life: concealed. People in such practice often slow down fast and even simulate stopping. They practice, you know, and are absorbed with the dharma. But my I says, to the degree that anyone else can notice anything out of the ordinary, one is to that degree not truly voluntarily dissociated (this is a useful reminding factor, a real phylactery on the inner level; whereas a string of material beads to finger is an unreal phylactery on the exterior for-display level) -- and the slower the onset of voluntary dissociation one can achieve, the more firmly it takes. Either way, your you will not be believed -- which, too, is a matter of no great import, and even a form of Grace. On the few occasions my I actually tried to explain to people -- people who asked -- what that I was doing (hence, given that they asked, therefore that they noticed something out of the ordinary, my I was not truly dissociated), they physically recoiled as if slapped. Why they recoiled was obvious (my I wasn't there in the way they were) and my I stopped trying to explain once that I had witnessed this behavior of theirs a few times. So, my I must protest that that I does not make ill-considered prognostications or, without reason, damning statements. Though my I certainly does, and very intentionally so, conflate science and other areas of life.
How I arrive at ill-considered prognostications and without reason damning statements is by identifying factors of prefiguration. In the realms of military intelligence, I learned of these as indicators of enemy intentions. Both of these apply to regressed pathological circumstances. In healthy integrative circumstances, I call these autopoietic operators: the key factors driving self-production and self-organization. At the instigation of Roland Fisher, I once corresponded with Heinz von Foerster about these matters related to the theory of self-organization. In the end, I decided that I did not want to try to develop a written notation with which to explore these notions, just as I had earlier stopped studying harmony because I decided I did not want to so prejudice my ear as actually to learn to read diatonic music, just as I had stopped studying painting because I decided I did not want to that thoroughly assimilate painterly modes of cognition. I knew each of these three would quench my inner cross-modal synaesthetic Musculpt, because all three are reductive modal transliterations of that inner Musculpt (which, judging from my case, for most post-nine-year-olds has become subliminal, and can only be retrieved by efforts agonizingly intense and prolonged). What I wanted was an eidetic ontogenetic resurrection of the sounded-form language that phylogenetically preceded the appearance of the natural languages initiating the neurological (neural coding) need for reductive transliterations. This sounded-form language, I knew, was m-logically-valued. J. G. Bennett tried to notate this as the identity in diversity of skew-parallel figures. I wanted an exteriorization of the seen-sound and the heard-shape which notate themselves: nothing between my me and their them (i.e., their form). Such a Musculpt medium would emerge through autopoietic operators as a conscious projection, whereas factors of prefiguration are always behind (unconscious) projective identification: the difference between no-war and war (speaking to the binary mind).
This is a hard concept to get, this take on projective identification, a take not Freudian, not Jungian, both and more. Object psychology uses the word object for those objects not material objects. When I say the subject-object level of the transference, I am not talking about the objects of object psychology; I am talking about the material object. For example, the neural and cognitive mechanisms behind what Gurdjieff called the moving parts of centers, what Pavlov and B. F. Skinner referred to as conditioned responses, what the structural theory of psychoanalysis regarded automatized functions can be simplistically described as tape loops that keep playing over and over in consciousness as roof-brain chatter or when the requisite provocative stimulus is provided. This is an integral aspect of normative functioning, which, when over-subscribed, can become an indication of normatic illness. Being a INDICATOR of illness related to the normative, this over-abundance of tape loops cannot be merely individual or merely collective, but a pathological state of the two-as-one. Now, anyone who has spent time in Asia knows about the pickup trucks driving all around town with banks of boom-box speakers playing tape loops of synthesized music with highly repetitive click tracks as their dominant characteristic. This is an example of projective identification on the subject-object level of the transference. A subjective state (over-abundance of conditioned-response, automatized, moving-center tape loops) shared by individuals of a population corpus, about which they are unconscious, is projected into the material world as a physical manifestation (trucks driving all over town playing at extremely high decibels stultifying tape-loop commercial advertisements or, particularly apropos, advertisements for political candidates). This particular form of projective identification is peculiar to Asia because of precedents: the beautiful-folk-poetry-singing itinerant hawker, the rhythmic-wooden-block percussionist pounding out an enchanting tune announcing the service he provides. The West, too, has its particular forms of projective identification. But let's skip a few orders of complexity. Approximately three years prior to outbreak of the first Persian Gulf War (I hate to capitalize the names of wars, but that is apparently proper English), factors of prefiguration appeared sufficient to then assert that America was psyching itself up for another period of bloodletting. Anyone I made such a prognostication to thought I was just some jaded hallucinating Vietnam vet. In the back of The New Yorker appeared an ad for the 'I Shall Return' dress modeled on MacArthur's uniform and sloganized with Return to the Forceful Forties!. Here is one case of prefiguration based on another order of projective identification, the material object being the dress. Also about this time holocaust imagery decisively entered high fashion. No-hair women, top and bottom; rag dresses, black-eye-and-bruise style makeup; and so on. Now let's skip a few more orders of complexity. The January 2004 issue of Scientific American has back-to-back articles on the Milky Way being cannibalistic, schizophrenia, RFIDs, loop quantum gravity, and the mother goddess Neolithic culture of old Europe. What a perfect display of pandemic projective identification!
With everything happening here on planet Earth in early 2004 in the realms of epidemiology; jumping viruses leaping from animals to humans; myriad degenerative autoimmune diseases notching up their pathogenicity and incidence; increasing ineffectiveness of antibiotics, vaccines, and immune complement; pandemic deterioration of immune competency; changed planetary ozone regime letting in a broader band of UV; accelerating incidence of plant and animal species extinctions; deterioration of fisheries and coral reefs due to over-fishing and its gillnetted collateral damage, chemical dumping, phosphate fertilizer runoff, acidification, inordinate over-damming of rivers, and similar factors; probable substantial human-induced climate change and altered ocean temperature regimes; growing ecological imbalances and desertification; growing water shortages and increasing unavailability of potable water; probable human-induced increases of volcanism, severe storms, and earthquakes; growing ethnic strife; accelerating conflict over remaining fossil fuel stores; major population shifts due to the globalized economy's forced-deruralization; transit toward a one-scale-level global economy with fewer and fewer distinct monetary units carrying local economic knowledge through exchange processes in markets; economic organization having become so poor it cannot sustain itself absent the unending growth characteristic of a diseased state; rapidly increasing wealth disparities; planetary urbanization pattern tracking on only primate cities without actual potable water and adequate sewerage treatment; ever expanding mega-urban-region squatter settlements and unserviced slums; falling species-wide sperm counts; more and more holocausts; continuing unchecked population growth of the human species, in spite of lowered sperm counts; increasing incidence of genetic disease; greater and greater percentage of the global landscape being brought to a strip-mined condition by clearcutting, monocropping, over-irrigation, flood and wind erosion, and so on; nutritional value of food crops decreasing; uncontrolled growth of impervious surface; increasingly unconscionable dumping of hazardous materials and non-biodegradable wastes; hundreds of genomes being hacked per day; electromagnetic field of the earth undergoing massive human-induced change; increasing levels of endemic ionizing radiation over large portions of the planet due to atmospheric and underground testing, accidental releases, intentional releases, poor storage of nuclear waste, depleted uranium weapons use, et cetera; proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; shift from transnational terrorism to global insurgency; initiation of a multilateral planetary Phoenix elimination pogrom; increasing reappearance of inhuman slavery, sexual and otherwise; more and more inanimal treatment of domesticated farm animals by agroindustrial meat manufacturing combines; greater and greater inplant treatment of cultivars by agroindustrial nursery combines; ever increasing ppm of mimetic estrogens in consumables and the environment; onset of menses during infancy; pandemic hyperactivity and attention deficit in children; exponentially increasing MSG and sugar consumption; integration of PET, MRI, X-ray, and CT scan so as to replace judiciously employed cellular-level electro-convulsive therapy with indiscriminate use of molecular- and atomic-level electro-convulsive diagnosis (a prefiguration, just as German creation of electro-shock therapy prefigured Nazification of Germany); ambient noise requirements people demand to subdue their inane roof-brain chatter increasing without bound; ever increasing disintegration of human knowledge; appearance of human zoos, dumbing-down, emotional flattening, cultural leveling; increasing deployment of the technologies of a global police state and a one-corporation global company town; a planet transiting to microwave-oven status; deniable militarization of processes related to weather, climate, and aurora; militarization of oceanic depths resulting in increasing acoustic assassination of aquatic mammals; accelerating militarization of space; plans for penal colonization of other planets and still there is no real sense of crisis. Grandma's old cedar chest is still believed to contain all the answers. Everyone still comes to the conference table or the e-mail exchange with their pet solution from the past, their refusal to actually analyze the prevailing synoptic condition, or their Nothing can be done; I know, I tried post-careerist cynicism derivative of inability to think outside the box or act out from under the security blanket provided by the prevailing institutions. Those who somehow no longer believe in all the ancient photos, corsets, and crochet work drawn out of the old cedar chest seek their personal escape valve wherever or however it may be found. As Derek Dillon said in MOON, people in significant numbers will not acknowledge the reality until the bullets containing their names are already in the air, and even then most will choose to die rather than alter their automatisms. Why? Because of the enormous mass hypnotic power of projective identification in its collective manifestations.
A recent ad for a 64-bit processor promotes its product by speaking of My adrenaline fix of Double the dose of Uninterrupted ear-splitting, streaming audio of razor sharp video and promises to blow minds. This ad was cast to aspiring young scientists. What sits between an ad like this and the corporate advertising billboard posted in Los Angeles several months before outbreak of Iraqi Freedom -- where a depleted-uranium-clad tank was pictured under the slogan Without employees like you, we couldn't push our products -- are the unconsciously mediated processes of selective observation involved in choosing particular technological regimes over others possible. Given that (1) there are m-orders of logical-value, and (2) myriad concepts of number possible under each such order of logical-value, and further that (3) cross-modal correlations of sensory dimensions can be concatenated in x-fashions under those m-orders of logical-value, it is clear that for any given array of experimental data (a) x-possible accounts of its import exist, and (b) myriad possible technological applications also exist. The unconsciously mediated processes of selective observation (which separate data from noise) are collective manifestations of projective identification whereby physical material-object technologies are produced which analogically embody contents of the group unconscious mind. Change contents of the group unconscious mind (i.e., the configuration of constellated complexes and archetypes) and impossible technologies suddenly become possible: that's what modal logics are all about! Possible-world logics. Is a tornado a pathological phenomenon, like the atmospheric scientists like to say -- or is it a geomantic acupuncture needle and therefore geo-therapeutic? Is cannibalism an objective property of the Milky Way discovered by value-free science, like the January 2004 issue of Scientific American indicates -- or is it a psychological projection of politically-leveraged very-value-unfree and neurotic-compulsive science?
What do you mean, sudden disintegration of morals and manners? That's like tearing into revisionism when there was no vision to begin with. As inspired as attacking the prevailing ambient noise requirement, that level of environmental clatter required to suppress-habituate conscious awareness of the subliminal volume of inner-talking roof-brain chatter generated by glutamatergic enculturation. M&Ms of this age can only be indicted -- but perhaps that is so of every age, for enculturation itself, per se, is cosmic indictment, social prison, cognitive solitary, neurochemological severance, a cleavage from the quantum-substrate allbase. Yes, better M&Ms by making better prisons out of the schools. That'll do it! That'll rid ourselves of the sins of the fathers by rectifying the quantal frequency-response-window anomalies beat upon the higher-temporal properties of the genome's free-electron gas core. Free electrons, I bet, will just love that Summerhill approach -- particularly at nuclear winter over climate shift by greenhouse warming and so very much more.
Derek Dillon wouldn't exactly call this website an example of crap art, but most people probably would. MOON itself, a decade ago, was referred to not only as the first hypertext novel, but also as a total mind dump, which, were the latter characterization accurate, would place it in the category of crap art. The whole thing was, of course, a huge dilemma for Derek, a dilemma which, to his mind as intimately described in MOON, became deeply involved with collapse of the Soviet Union. He was receiving on a relatively untainted channel, while the government scientists were receiving on highly regressive channels (however much more superficially sophisticated their mathematics). You see, the very fact of receiving on an untainted channel meant that the archetypal configuration was fully or near-fully constellated in the collective unconscious -- otherwise, there could not be such a registration. But if full or near-full constellation had been achieved, then many minds were receiving, not only one: that's what constellation means. The many-minds interpretation is not a mere hypothesis (and not necessarily distinct from the many-worlds hypothesis): in that respect you could call this website an open-source mobspot. Clarity of channels, however, is not the same, one compared to another. Clarity depends upon how empty the cup of the receiver has become. The government scientists had not done the inner work required to get empty; their political commitments, their metaphysics, their assumptions about the nature of identity, self-imposed perceptual and proprioceptive limitations insured they received only a regressed, infantile, latently violent version of the transmissions. Derek's registration enhanced the quality of constellation in the collective unconscious, thus facilitating all registrations, including the regressive registrations of the government scientists and the processes of projective identification by which enormously destructive technologies were analogically modeled on those regressive registrations. But Derek's reception on a relatively untainted channel was required if the involved processes of projective identification were ultimately to be effectively interdicted. Therein lay the dilemma -- and the considerable physiological risk. Derek, in getting to this point, had already had a fully-conscious gran mal seizure -- something neurologists think not possible. What to do? Continue receiving, obviously, but on a more modest bandwidth; while trying to discover a means to disengage the complex matrix (re: Jung's association experiments) vectoring regression of the government scientists' registrations from the energetic processes driving the prevailing configuration of archetypal constellation. The two mechanisms had to be separated, but any attempt to accomplish this involved considerable risk, maybe even inordinate risk, not only physiologically, but also within both psychological and social space. Interpersonal street theater would have to be expanded by leaps and bounds.
When this effort began, the government rapidly became confused. It wasn't the negative reactions of the many scientists contacted that were problematic. They reacted as they could be expected to react when exposed to untainted material related to their regressed formulations driving the prevailing patterns of projective identification. Even Carl Sagan's impulse to create a science court and a debunking society, and to interdict teaching of related ideas at Cornell, was predictable. There's more than one way to get run out of town on a rail. But Derek Dillon's communications were shocking in another fashion: their contents, strange as they were, could be seen to be anticipating work of the government scientists in numerous areas. How could these communications contain such ideas -- as fragmented and undeveloped as they are? Is this a security breach? Derek anticipated such problems and, upon return to the U.S. from Japan in 1977, attempted to discuss these likely problems with John C. Lilly, neuroscientist, flotation-isolation tank creator, dolphin and LSD researcher, new age guru, and a scientist who had had an abundance of such problems. This attempt was unsuccessful and Derek's relationship with Lilly did not develop until much later. Immediately after publishing the first autogenic discharge paper Derek presented at the congress in Kyoto, Roland Fisher, a well-known biochemist very early involved in LSD research who had particular interests in variations in the baud rate of consciousness, non-ordinary notions of time, and polymorphism of sensory dimensions (and whose paper on the continuum of brain activation-arousal, the autogenic state, and Sadhipadhana Derek presented for him in Kyoto, as he was trapped in Honolulu due to the brouhaha over Soviet misuse of psychiatry), asked Derek for a thorough treatment of the quantum theoretical background to the ideas on brain discharge phenomena he was working with. This involved writing about relative-state activation of the brain and autogenic brain discharge as spontaneous localization in quantum measurement -- neurologically-mediated localization and fusion being critical-state transits between 1T2 logic and m-valued logics. This, of course, implied interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function not in terms of probability amplitudes, but relative to m-valued logics. After physicist Hugh Everett's father died, and the obituary appeared in the Washington Post, Derek learned that he lived only several miles from Everett in the Northern Virginia suburbs (for a period, virtually across the nearby main road). Everett, back in the late-50s, had originated the relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics (see the recent biographical article by Eugene Shikhovtsev) Derek was, in modified form, writing into his requested autogenic discharge paper. An early version of the paper Derek wrote for Fisher (Wolfgang Luthe, the leading practitioner of Autogenic Therapy, also requested this paper) was sent to Everett along with some amplifying comments on the likely role of Gödel numbers, Riemann surfaces, and spontaneous localization as decomposition of m-logically-valued supersymmetry space (not collapse of the wave-function). Everett's reaction was solicited. There was no response to this communication. Derek was not surprised by this, as he had anticipated that Everett would be ill-equipped to assimilate the psychological implications of the paper. Derek did not press the issue by dropping in on Everett at his home. Months passed and Derek readied himself to depart for India. Before this departure, however, Everett showed up for walks in the nursery where Derek dug trees on a daily basis. This nursery was located very near Everett's house. Once the discovery was made that they had run into each other, there were several discussions between them. Derek never pursued the matter of whether this was truly accident or, if not, how Everett knew where to find him at work. Was this a Nash-hallucination? Derek could reach out and touch Everett. Your hallucination is my hard object. The discussions were not focused on issues related to content of Derek's paper, but related to evolution of Everett's thought in the 50s and the pressures he had come under. One military brat to another, both having grown up around service-funded science. It was clear that Everett could not relate to the concepts in Derek's paper, and Derek did not press it. He left for India and stumbled into a quantum chemistry conference at India Institute of Technology where he met some people there doing massively interdisciplinary atmospheric science studies of medical problems in the human body, overseen by an applied mathematician who had received his Ph.D. at, where else, Cornell University. Derek was received very well. Nash-hallucination?
Upon returning home after many misadventures, Derek was informed that the government had demonstrated an overt interest in his background while he was away. Nash-hallucination? Certainly it discovered that it already knew a great deal about Derek's background, and that he had had no access to classified information since 1968. Which must have mystified the government even more, given that it doesn't hold Jungian psychology in very high esteem. Downloading from the collective unconscious without a digital subscriber line, without a line-of-sight burst-transmission receiver, without a satellite link, before Wi-Fi, before Wi-Max, even Derek recognized, is mysterious. Everett died very soon after Derek returned from India. People seem always to be abruptly dying around these ideas. Nash-hallucination? When Derek went to Colombo some years later, upon return he was again informed of the government's overt interest in his background. This was understandable, given Derek's background and the fact that his virtual sponsor while in Sri Lanka was a high-level government security official. Derek was there to write a novel, but the college he was associated with refused to allow him to use their address for shipment of his research materials. Nash-hallucination? These hallucinations began to add up and eventually summed to several near-death experiences belonging to a lifelong list of near-death experiences. Nash-hallucination? But such is the risk of those who would separate the complex matrix from processes of archetypal constellation: my hard object is your hallucination is his simulacra is her virtuality: mobspot in a life devoted to Fluxus crap art.
It occurred to Derek Dillon that seeds of the collapse of the Soviet Union were contained in the pre-WWI avant-garde impulse that led to its formation. Proletcult killed all the inspiring isms except Marxism. Yet Vladimir Vernadsky coined the term biosphere in the same year probability amplitudes falsified Schrödinger's wave-function and kept the candle lit by applying relativistic-quantum perspectives to the geosciences. This was a potent cognitive virus which was enormously important in forming the path leading to collapse-from-above of the Soviet Union. Derek Dillon doesn't believe the consensus account, the Western account, the neocon account, the media account. Disintegration of the Soviet Union was the beginning of incendiary collapse of the whole Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm, not the triumph of one institutional expression of that paradigm over another. It's really not an issue of interpretation of this incendiary collapse whether or not the Bass brothers of President Bush's home state of Texas turned their backs on Biosphere II before Biosphere I or Biosphere I before Biosphere II.
Now, to the January 2004 Scientific American articles. Given Merlin's discoveries, Derek Dillon feels that projective identification need not be further essayed. What's so magical about excitons-sprung-from-a-well entangled with electrons in a magnetic field, energy harmonics stacked on top of energy harmonics numbered with numbered Gödel numbers stacked on a point, such numbered points arrayed into Regge lattices as m-logically-valued propositions (thus tied into superstrings and p-branes as prime number distributions on Riemann's surface hypothesis as Karpenko essays)? Superconductant DNA harmonic oscillator as pulse-code receiver and transmitter has been doing it for how long? This is the untainted download: superconductant DNA quantum-wave immune signifier as m-logically-valued identity tag and processor. This is the regressed registration and its projective identification to destructive technological artifact: single-valued RFID tag/processor transmitter-receiver to counter the psychological terror induced by the m-logically-valued identity transparency once experienced as a norm in tribal cultures (currently projected to the Islamic imbeciles). In 1971, Atmospheric Comets and the Nature of Light sent the NSF to the moon (and Carl Sagan through the roof). Yet, the passive double-helical wake vortices of the 1957 Mrkos comet were therein described (mathematically) as the plasma feeder bands required to maintain the cometary nucleus (an engine to drive a comet or a Starship or a hurricane or a tornado or a spiral-banded galaxy): the untainted download. The regressed registration and its projective identification: Milky Way galaxy as a cannibal. Perceiving fragments as a whole is difficult for schizophrenics. This is because of a disturbance in glutamate signaling: the regressed registration, with new drugs as technological artifacts. The untainted download: in the theory of loop quantum gravity how classical reality arises out of quantum spacetime (which is still being worked out) does not interest the schizophrenic who is regaining the lost neurological capacity for (the enculturated out of him with glutamate accomplished neural network wipeouts and induced superconductant to semiconductant to non-conductant transitions) m-logically-valued nuclear neuronal superconductant DNA quantum processing involved in direct awareness of quantum states of volume. The last time Europeans had real capacity for such modes of cognition was probably amongst animistic tribal Women and Men at Catalhoyuk. The untainted download seed origins of loop quantum gravity are to be seen in the appendix to the paper for Fisher and Luthe mailed to Everett describing the autogenic brain discharge as spontaneous localization in quantum measurement (i.e., how classical reality appears to arise out of quantum spacetime at mobspots). To crap art or not to crap art, that is the question.
I found Stephen Tyler's Vile Bodies -- A Mental Machination pretty interesting up through the lens-and-mirror discussion in the section titled Through the Looking Glass -- particularly the discussion of how there is no-body in the corporation and how disorganization is dis-organ-ization. This is very supportive of the notion that body is learned behavior as discussed in Roof-Brain Chatter on the MOON website. Following is a great statement he makes: Only an inner restructuring of consciousness can reflect and produce the outer restructuring of society, for it is by means of the reflexivity of self-understanding that conceives its own organization as the organization of the body and as the organization of society. Except that the modifying clause is incomplete, as is typical of post-modernist style (and surely a meaningful Freudian slip). He states that a grammar of reflexivity, that voices of self-reference are required if the dystopia of market-as-transcendental-subjectivity, if market will have become nature are to be avoided. This avoidance is what the m-logically-valued monetary units I have been trying to elaborate are all about, as m-valued logics are logics of self-reference and reflexivity: just the apotropaic required. But Tyler gives no evidence of understanding that self-reference and reflexivity are binary-logical paradoxes (This statement is false: the liar paradox) not simply synecdoche, not merely transcendence or befuddlement of binary opposition, indeed, that there are m-orders of such paradoxes (paradoxes, that is, as viewed only through the binary order of logical-value) involved in the self-reference and reflexivity of self-production and self-organ-ization -- or that identity as a general property of being/existence/becoming can be m-logically-valued. Where he starts into the discussion about time and identity, the resonance I felt with the perspectives he argues is rapidly quenched. The notion of identity he assumes implicitly rules out the m-logically-valued. When the discussion reaches mathematics and virtual reality, I am thoroughly averse -- as I believe objective reality is virtual because enculturated and sociobiologically inherited, while mathematics is the immanent, the concrete, the given. As with all deconstructionists, he presents himself as attacking something he covertly supports, and I don't get the feeling he understands the origins of the thing he attacks to support. I like the word amphiboly; however, the living machine as techno-fascism is the object of mass projective identification driven by suppression (and hence regression) of the m-logically-valued identity he disdains and thereby helps to sustain. Or so it seems to me, an advocate of a new synesthetic non-verbal sounded-form synectics (a system of problem solving based on creative thinking employing free use of analogy and mathematical metaphor) called Musculpt.
You could say that; I've been saying it in one way or another for 30 years: matter exists only at mobspots (nodes of spin network; Boscovitch's and Whyte's point-centers-of-action; intersections of Regge lattices; crossover point in quark symmetry pattern; interstices of wormhole mesh on The Moon of Hoa Binh; complex matrix of archetype-in-itself as mathematical relation-structure; Yayoi Kusama's polka dots; warm golden dust of supermind; Borel set; Shinto kami dust; base state of Tzog-Chen; hylê in hyparxis; Holy Tetraktys; nail-hole Pascal pubic triangle of pre-Vedic earth mother -- Derek's dream imagery in Cholon's An Dong Market; triangular nets on Tibetan and Bhutanese sacred cloths and tribal ritual cloths all across Southeast Asia -- and carved into the temple wall adjacent to Ba Chieu Market in the Saigon suburbs: ships of the dead on their night sea journeys, evocations of values traded as identity exchange in ritual gifting markets). When fully-constellated or near-fully constellated in the collective unconscious, such notions do not appear only in one mind: the Zeitgeist gets mobbed. These nodes are mobspots, but the regressed prevailing pattern of projective identification of group mind prevents that from fully registering in contemporary conscious awareness. Compare Lee Smolin's "Atoms of Space and Time", Scientific American, January 2004, (or the technical posted version) loop quantum gravity treatment of quantum states of area and volume with the treatment provided in the Brownian wave statement (circa late-70s). What people really need to do is read Eric Temple Bell's (onetime President of the American Mathematical Society) brilliant essays on the history of discrete versus continuous from the beginnings of recorded Western thought into the modern era: The Search for Truth (Reynal and Hitchcock, 1934) and The Magic of Numbers (McGraw-Hill, 1946). I got copies through an out-of-print search service in 1969 and can't imagine how anyone can truly understand modern thought without having read these books. If history is any guide, the physicists will be arguing about import of their experiments concerning foamy textured gaps in space and of time versus continuity for a long time-gap to come (see: Presto! Space-Time Blurriness Vanishes, Discover, January 2004, p. 48) -- unless A mobspot, in the many-minds/worlds interpretation, is a discrete place where numbers pile up in a logical-value stack. Matter exists only at mobspots, but it does not always exist at every mobspot (Dirac's crossover time at Maharloka; X-mas-tree effect on wormhole mesh). Operator-time logically stacks and unstacks the numbered Gödel numbers piled on a point responsible for the appearance of matter at mobspot. One could regard the actions of operator-time as Crap Art of the Old Ones, wherein operator-time's temporal curl may be quantized as Penrose's twistor. Complementarity of particle and wave is complementarity of discrete and continuous, with the clear implication that there is complementarity of granularity and continuity of spacetime itself -- just as Cantor, after providing a diagonal proof of the existence of denumerable transfinite sets, proceeded to advance his continuum hypothesis on the back of discrete Cantor dust. Set your experiment on spacetime up one way, you get discrete; set your experiment on spacetime up another, you get continuous. Why? That's the whole crux of the why of why how classical reality arises from quantum spacetime is still being worked out (Smolin, p. 65). Answering why requires counterspace; counterhypernumbers; twistor as quantized operator-time (not mere imaginary time); m-valued logics; Brownian operators; identity transparency underlying truth value of m-logically-valued propositional calculi; laminated spacetime; numbered Gödel numbers; fiber bundle arithmetics; skew-parallel geometries; Regge calculus; consciousness in its active aspect, the set of all topological operators on the m-logically-valued reference space and consciousness in its passive aspect, the reference space acted upon, the self-referential effects of this loop appearing as superconductant DNA-mediated autogenic brain discharges -- otherwise the measurement problem continues to plague loop quantum gravity; Musculpt as mathematical notation; and so on and so on. And m-logically-valued monetary units as conscious projection, not unconscious projective identification as a very long list of horrors the last page of the same January 2004 issue of Scientific American notes in a cartoon under the rubric of fuzzy logic, which itself displays the mental set responsible for the projective identification responsible for the long list of horrors. Loops within loops within loops: quantum foam. There is no way to change any of this stuff without changing all of it simultaneously. Electing a new president may be necessary, but it surely won't be sufficient.
You raise many issues. The most straightforward way I can approach producing a response is to present some personal history related to those issues. The first letter I wrote to John A. Wheeler was from Cornell in 1975. He responded to this letter with encouragement and the suggestion that I get into contact with Roger Penrose concerning spin networks and twistor theory. In this first letter, I did not tell Wheeler I was involved with people building computer models of twisters (tornado genesis). The letter described what I then called active time with a nested triangular grid system that decomposes into scale levels arrayed on a multi-sheeted surface. I did not mention the term Riemann surface in this first letter. I did use the term multivalued reference space for the most-dense sheet from which the other sheets decomposed. The letter presented the concept in the purely naive way in which the image of the concept first appeared to awareness: I wanted Wheeler to have the most uncorrupted-by-interpretation account of what came from the collective unconscious. A decade later, I saw this image on the tympanum of an ancient bronze drum on display in the national art museum in Jakarta. Schizophrenics, you know, see significances everywhere. The points and lines were to be numbered with Gödel numbers and active time was understood as the topological operator which changed configuration of the grid system. I presented this as an idea that came while contemplating what Wheeler called pregeometry as the calculus of propositions. I did not elaborate on the clear implication that active time was to be considered a logical operator no less than a topological operator. In this letter, which was quite short, and included a diagram of the decomposing grids, I did not go into what I understood as the import of using Gödel numbers to number the points and lines. I talked of points dropping out of view as a representation of decomposition and spoke of lattices of points that remained in view. Equilateral triangular modular grid system as the reference space upon which the dynamics were mapped as numbered point-set lattices. There were six levels of things simultaneously in my awareness when this model first appeared in consciousness as changing polymorphic colored Musculpt sounded-forms: I did not attempt to describe any of these levels of consideration in this first letter. After receiving Wheeler's reply, I wrote to Roger Penrose. There was no response. I wrote several more times without receiving responses. I will continue this personal history at a later point.
I am going to give this to you in a kind of schizophrenic loose-association cognitive jumble, if not word salad, not because I am incapable of discoursing A to B to C, but because the subject matter cannot be otherwise actually understood: A to B to C provides only sham pretension to understanding. Suffice it to say that what we are talking about is m-logically-valued, not 1T2-logically-valued. If that is a problem, fine. Ring off. There is no understanding this 1T2-logically; in that fashion, there is only falsification. So I refuse to engage with such sure-to-fail attempts. In a linearly syllogistic spoken-written natural language circularity and free-association are the only means to approximate to the m-logically-valued. Written mathematical notation has similar limitations and will be superceded by holographic exteriorization of inner Musculpt before there is any actual non-sham employment of m-valued logics. I'm interested in not-doing, not doing. So please excuse me if I intentionally avoid formulations applicable to weapons systems and industrial development and technologies of control, manipulation, modification, regulation, enhancement, optimization We are already -- and have long since been -- doing far too much. So, onto the word salad. When I first wrote Wheeler, I had already studied the Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler quarto book Gravitation; I had already read the DeWitt and Graham book on Hugh Everett, The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics; I had studied the papers on Luneburg's findings about visual space being non-Euclidian, metrical, and having a Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction associated with it; I was in the midst of an intense correspondence with Wolfgang Luthe on quantum perspectives of autogenic brain discharges; I had studied Szentagothai's publications on the stacked multi-sheet hexagonal cellular architectonics of the cerebral cortex; I had read start to finish C. G. Jung's many-volume black-bound Collected Works; I had read start to finish Sri Aurobindo's many-volume raw-silk-bound Collected Works; I was actively studying Sir John Woodroffe's publications on the Agama Sastra and similar documents which explicate a world construct very similar to that of spin network theory; I had studied the Cabalistic Tree of Life maze-lattice decompositions and had had some exposure to gematria; I had read Emil Post's 1921 paper on m-valued logics; I had read the 1936 Birkhoff and von Neumann paper on quantum-logic lattices; at George Mason University, I had studied dodecaphonic music composition matrices under the tutelage of a very accomplished instructor/performer and had had colored-hearing experiences while painting Toru Takemitsu's music under the tutelage of a painting instructor, comparative arts scholar, and old masters restorer at the National Gallery; I had studied Zen aesthetics for several years under an old man who had received his training in late-Meiji and learned the geomantic non-equilateral-triangular random-walk method of Zen garden design; I had had a fully-conscious gran mal seizure; I had read Wilder Penfield's major works and papers on epilepsy and the centrencephalic system and had spent innumerable hours at the National Library of Medicine and Georgetown University Medical Center Library pursuing understanding of the seizure I sustained while intensively practicing concentrated self-observation in various forms over a six-year period; I had become convinced that DNA is a superconductor at physiological temperatures and that abnormalities in its radiation exchange processes are involved in idiopathic epilepsy (neuronal DNA) and in triggering onset of autoimmune diseases like SLE (collagen DNA); I had spent months studying the technical literature on SLE; I was actively studying the cascade theory of tornado genesis, wherein acoustically-modified gravity wave modes play the predominant role in bridging scales of wave motion computer modeled with a nested grid system; I was aware that there are deep physics parallels between the double-helical motions of air parcels moving into the tornadic environment and the quantum processes associated with the DNA molecule's double-helices -- and that there were parallels on other scale levels, e.g., that of spiral-banded hurricanes, that of comets with wake vortices, and that of spiral-banded galaxies; I was aware that there had been mathematical speculation concerning a spacetime double-helix; I had read the paper by A. Sakharov on a multi-sheet model of the universe based on the metric elasticity of space and Novikov dust. All of this was working simultaneously in my head, and understood as omni-inter-related if not over-determined, when I wrote the first letter to Wheeler. My sense was: you don't really understand any of this unless you understand it all. The only effective approach is continuous circumambulation under the dictates of Kandinsky's internal necessity -- not by an extrinsically-motivated prescriptive march laid down according to the programmed curriculum needs of university administrators, the requirements of leveraged higher enculturation, inculcation of corporation-think, and fulfillment of state-compliance needs. Anyone who does not suffer paranoid delusions today, in this environment, is insane.
My first precursor engagement with the model I described in the first letter to Wheeler came as a senior in high school in Ohio while taking honors economics at the same time as honors PSSC physics. The year before, 1961-62, in Alaska, I had taken symbolic logic, topology, and foundations of mathematics as special after-school courses from a retired university professor working at Eielson AFB High School: Dr. Moore. With Moore's mathematics in my head, I would stagger out into the ice fog to watch the U-2s take off vertically for over-flights or whistle their glide back in from Turkey. The images of the model came in Ohio as I contemplated multiple bank credit expansion and tried to reach a topological comprehension of what was transpiring in the involved markets. Working here between Newtonian and post-Newtonian conceptions of the market: PSSC physics attempted to teach quantum theory in high school. I couldn't really understand multiple bank credit expansion. Then something clicked and I suddenly understood it. Some weeks subsequent to the click I tried to grasp it topologically and came to know that nobody actually understood it because the whole system was flawed in a way no one seemed willing to admit. Only years later did I begin again to think about the issues involved. At that point, in the late-70s, the nascent notion of m-logically-valued monetary units emerged into increased clarity.
Having visited the museums in Saigon during 1968 and having seen tribal costume, I had had some exposure to Southeast Asian triangle motifs. This was far from insignificant. Quoting Lee Smolin in his January 2004 Scientific American piece (p. 62):
So how can we test the theory? An important test is whether one can derive classical general relativity as an approximation to loop quantum gravity. In other words, if the spin networks are like the threads woven into a piece of cloth, this is analogous to asking whether we can compute the right elastic properties for a sheet of the material by averaging over thousands of threads.
Years after 1968, in Vientiane, Laos, I had an afternoon's discussion with textile scholar Carol Cassidy, a discussion of cosmological metareference in Lao handicraft fabrics and the problems confronted by those with a modern design sense in working with those issuing from traditions steeped in metareferential aesthetics. The two perspectives are worlds as apart as are those of classical and quantum physics. My brief note on the meta-loom is something of a record of that afternoon's discussion.
During my first semester at AU's SIS in 1963, my biggest project was to write a long paper for the Dean, as did all incoming freshmen at that time. Mine was entitled The Predicament of Existentialism wherein the notion that existence precedes essence was systematically analyzed. I attacked validity of the notion of precedence relations, be they ontological, logical, or temporal. I cited in support of this attack Cantorian transfinite sets, Heisenberg indeterminacy, and Gödel incompleteness. I concluded that the way out of the predicament defined on humanity by Existentialism passed not so much through Plato's essence precedes existence, as through the East, through what F. S. C. Northrop in his 1945 book East Meets West called the indeterminate aesthetic continuum. I knew from direct personal psychological experience gained while living in rural Japan as a child that experience of this continuum involved embracing a notion of identity which is not the Western notion of identity. The next semester my biggest project was self-initiated. I searched out women's magazines back to 1900 from used bookstores and made a floor-to-ceiling paste-up collage-mural along one hallway wall depicting the changing public image of the identity of woman from decade to decade into the 1960s. I spent the whole semester on it, constantly pasting over and over as new psychological insight developed and the right pictures were found. I went through stacks and stacks of magazines. This appears to have been a John Nash type project, but it was not, because not metaphorical in the way the project depicted in the Nash film, if there was such a project in Nash's real life, surely was metaphorical for the math he was mulling over. I did that type of metaphorical thing once moving furniture around for a week during a schizophrenic break. I eventually solved the problem and put the furniture back where it belonged. That particular problem wasn't as intractable as the one Nash attacked. Retrospectively, the 1964 woman collage-mural was an exploration of my anima -- and less directly of empathic identity transparency. At that point I had only read Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul, so hadn't really explicitly encountered the notion of the anima. Why is this important to issues involved with quantum gravity? Quoting Decoding Schizophrenia by Daniel Javitt and Joseph Coyle (Scientific American, January 2004, p. 45): Objects often have hidden meanings to people with schizophrenia, who may hoard news items, pictures or other things that would seem useless to others. If loop quantum gravity tells us anything about the world of immediate experience, which, according to Lee Smolin is still being worked out, this is that objects always have hidden meanings. These hidden meanings are the souls of the object, those spirit entities which animistic people who experience empathic identity transparency directly experience as resident in the object. What else was Cubism all about -- or Picasso's women? If the person produces an object, she is regarded sane (unless that person's object has to do with quantum gravity and she is named Yayoi Kusama): trying to make a living like any sane person. If the person produces no object and is focused exclusively on understanding, decoding hidden meanings, he is regarded crazy: no sane person cares more about understanding than livelihood. In discussing Everett mobspot-nodes (many-worlds/minds) in relation to quantum gravity, I will describe why a clear grasp of these hidden meanings is required if experimental verification of loop quantum gravity is ever actually to be obtained. But the clip art is not merely visual; it has an auditory dimension, too. Javitt and Coyle say (p. 42): overactivity of the speech area (called Wernicke's area) can create auditory hallucinations -- the illusion that internally generated thoughts are real voices coming from the outside. I am going to reverse this and maintain that so long as one sustains the illusion of internally generated thought, one can never hope to understand quantum gravity. Staring for hours and hours at the collage-mural, I had a wealth of auditory hallucinations as my anima spoke to me, demanded of me, insisted that she was that she-who-must-be-believed. Command hallucination par excellence! And I believed her more and more successfully. And the more successfully I believed her, the more I understood that a yantra (discrete spin network) cannot exist without its correlated mantra (continuous waveform): quantum complementarity. Spacetime is just as discrete as it is continuous, just as continuous as it is discrete -- yantra-mantra correlation having to do, in part, with the difference between binary product code RFIDs and q-bit quantum IDs. But in believing her, I didn't personify. Personification, you see, is born of coercion, suppression, submitting to coercion and suppression -- because one wants to succeed, wants to play the game, wants recognition: silly stuff having nothing to do with understanding. Personification is the price you pay. Attributing to oneself the ability to generate one's own thoughts is the quintessential example of personification. One wants personal credit for the creativity, when the real source of all creativity is the collective unconscious. Take the credit; pay the price.
In Sri Aurobindo's Letters On Yoga he describes his first experience of Nirvana. This was accomplished only after he was able to actually see his thoughts coming in on him. Once he was able to get this sight, he was able to avoid incoming thoughts and thereby stop the roof-brain chatter which prevents onset of Nirvana. Obviously, Wernicke's area is involved in this. Only by giving up the arrogation of attributing to oneself the generation of what one regards one's own thoughts, Aurobindo explained to his correspondent, could one stop thought and enter the state of Nirvana. He told the correspondent to do whatever was necessary to see his thoughts coming in on him and thereby get his first experience of Nirvana. After that, the correspondent was again to write Aurobindo, as the Integral Yoga begins only after the first experience of Nirvana. I had a fully conscious gran mal seizure after well-establishing the ability to see my thoughts coming in on me. This is very scary stuff for the average person, as it conjures up, not only schizophrenia, but states of possession, the need for exorcisms, and so on. Regardless, give credit where credit is due and receive just reward: Nirvana induction. But what is this kind of sight, this seeing of thoughts coming in upon one? Thoughts never come in upon one. They might come in upon two, or three, or m-other-I-am's -- but never in upon one. As long as one takes oneself to be one, one's thoughts are experienced as self-generated. In order to overcome this liability, one must inner-separate by means of concentration in self-observation. In observing oneself, that self splits; in observing the split selves, those selves split -- just as Everett's relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics describes (before he got to the part where he began employing von Neumann's formalism). SPLITS, a word John Wheeler had a lot of trouble with.
Okay, here we go. I've already written much about optical physicist Luneburg's relativistic non-Euclidian metrical theory and experiments concerning the nature of binocular visual space, and how he maintained that there is no localization in visual space except via learned psychological factors associated with what he called psychometric distance functions. Luneburg said: there is no absolute localization even in binocular vision (Luneburg, Rudolf K. The Metric of Binocular Visual Space, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 40:10, October 1950, published posthumously, mysterious circumstances surrounding death: schizophrenics like me always suffer from paranoid delusions, you know). He produced and experimentally demonstrated this account at Columbia University approximately a decade before Everett's paper was published. No localization in visual space contrasts sharply with the central pivotal transitional statement in Everett's paper wherein he goes from his account of the purely continuous deterministic universal wave-function to the von Neumann formalism used to explain why the split-off many-worlds can never be aware of one another. That transitional statement was: physical objects always appear to us to have definite positions (Everett, Hugh, III. Relative State Formulation of Quantum Mechanics, Reviews of Modern Physics, 29:3, July 1957). If Luneburg was right, Everett was wrong and the second half of Everett's paper, the half employing the von Neumann formalism to explain why there can be no awareness of splitting, is without foundation. Except that Everett's original contribution is the first half of his paper, and all the rest was what he came to accept only after his ideas had been worked over by others. Only the first half of Everett's paper correct? This was Wheeler's nightmare, the nightmare he contemplated only on one Tuesday a month.
Just as there are orders of infinity, there are orders in absence of infinity. To which order of zero does one refer? Which sort of zero-point energy is that, anyway? What is its unit of measure? Exponentiated in memetime or differentiated in orders of temporal curl? The arising by projective-identification in transference of the personified notion of singly-logically-valued godhead (in lieu of the set of omnis, the set of nullities) is the ultimate in extrojected personality inflation, ego-sphere big-bang, Umwelt expansion. Dante's Inferno: disidentificative-projection in counter-transference, not introjective-identification. Withdrawal from the subject(physical)-object level of the transference: movement from singlevalued logic to m-valued logics. Space and its hypers :: counterspace and its infras. The memetime-independent Plato equation = all learning is remembering (anamnesis). The ponderablespace-independent Zen equation = any one-thing is all-everything (haiku). The end at the beginning. Overthere is righthere! A novel that can in no way be novel. Present-tense verbs that are also nouns: the multivalue bleeding through glutamate flood. If one (which/who is not type of zero) cannot distinguish between introjective-projection and extrojective-identification, then, for such one, empathy is identification and generative empathy is legally designated dissociative psychopathology. The very notion of a Big Bang is a marker of constriction of consciousness. How-where boggles: how for where; where for how. Ketaminergic superposition glutamatergically decomposed to sequenced presentation (nascent bi-value) upon onset of amnesia experienced as anamnesis: personless placetimeness; third-person present; third-person past; first-person present; first-person past; third-person future; first-person future. Under glutamatergic decomposition: no end at the beginning; no beginning at the end. Fragmentation of sound at psychotropics-induction (intraneuronal-intermolecular free-electron gas dynamics): semantics precedes syntax. Nouns that are present-tense verbs; devolving to words with multiple meanings, single meaning by context; devolving to syntactical structures. Gematria: figuring speech was not accomplished by figures of speech. Dreamtime has no more to do with dreaming than do songlines with singing. Loss of long-term memory versus short-term memory: memory loss by a person without awareness of higher-order time-and-place (personless placetimeness) is not comparable to that of a person with such awareness. Demerging to a coma reconstructed as emerging from a coma. Flashbacks deconstructed to memetime; memories reconstructed as generative recursion. Consider Googling the total facial replacement of a sketch artist drawing a facebook image of the face of a channeled personality incarnating in Photoshop. One scene takes place in third-person plural for which first-person singular is dead. Ma(mother) = an active space (Ma in Japanese): noun that is present-tense verb as autopoietic morpheme. Corpus of art literature-poetry as projective role modeling of ideal types: ideal-into-identity as against literature-poetry. Sham mediumship. Literature as woman: projection of the male anima as the body of literature-poetry. Poiesis is not poetry: present-tense verb not a noun. Nor is the Latin poesis the Greek poiesis. The Grass Dancer at instant of spirit possession: Iho, Iho, Iho! The root pruner at instant of trance-seizure orgasm: Ahe, Ahe, Ahyo! SM binding is like a nurseryman's balling of a root-pruned tree: earth-Ma subdued. The blanket in which the La-ko-ta medium is bound is equivalent to the rice-straw matting used to cover the root ball when bound by a nurseryman. La-ko-ta stuff sage under the rope binding; Japanese gardeners insert shi-so gone to seed. Shi-so, aka rattlesnake plant, is used to overwhelm the taste of raw fish smeared with salty red-plum paste: oral-stage rattle of spirits. "Bowl" beating rather than shaking of gourds. Ma (sacred space) demarcated by rope tied with votive papers (regressed in projective identification as SM-bondage themes); vision pit circumscribed by rope tied with tobacco leaves. Ina = Ma. Oka = Ma. Oba = hyperMa. Hey-O'ka = clown (who works in opposites, just like T'ang-style poetry). Ohan = yes (in La-ko-ta). Ohan na = please (in Kagoshima dialect of Japanese). Wa = balance. Ne-ma-wa-shi = root pruning (a type of spiritual cleansing). Wa-kan Tan-ka = Great Spirit. Wa-na-gi Ta-can-ku = Spirit Road. Sun-ka Wa-kan Wa-na-gi = Ghost Horse. Si-ca = mi-ka = bad spirit. When smooth stones become rough! Before earliest-stage return via nouns-that-are-verbs, colored Musculpt of abreactive discharge devolving to ideographs of verbs-that-are-nouns, then death poems in circular mandalas scribed of those ideographs. Hau = yes. Hau = the identity-transparency signified in ritual gift exchange of spirit-cloths.
Mankind in amnesia of m-logically-valued animistic relative-state.
That wouldn't be nice.
Oh, it wouldn't, would it?Channeled personality as the Third Voice always in the middle. Factors of the keyword present-tense verb which is a noun are the names of the historical literature-poetry figures she channels: her body. Sham mediumship. What real spirit medium channels historical figures? Tilting at windmills? Actual channelers channel dead family members, angry villagers Factors of the keyword: the Western name for the principle consonants; the Eastern name for the tones; the gender-free name for the vowels. She is investigating her own murder and must decode her diary. An non-novel novel could be written about each of these notions -- but the memetime consumed would cut off the flow. Her memory in-the-limit, sitting in the Shangri-la Hotel lobby counting the numbers backwards. Uncounting or decounting? Can't remember. Stamping on memory as a memory-recovery technique. Delirium. Broken. Beaten. Must just walk on by. Rhythm-entrainment and memory-recovery. Dreams of tower-falls, near falls, mountains, chasms, probability mists over Platonia: waking to know only where she is not. Smell a memory. Redintegration is no mere reintegration -- not whenwhere the end at the beginning; overthere, righthere.
The thriller-mystery manufacturing industry, being, as it is, a black propaganda machine promoting human-species autoextinction talkin' freedom cant, yessiree they do, freedom is just another word for slavery, slavery of the third kind, or the second, or the forth. Wage slaves. Rent slaves. Mortgage slaves. Debt slaves. Conspicuous consumption slaves. Designer label slaves. Recreation slaves. Eating disorder slaves. Laxative slaves. Prescription drug slaves. Power junky slaves. Slaves to technology, hospitals, insurance, lawyers, cell phones, office politics, rap music, boom boxes, low-riders. Yep. Gaining full membership in something so fundamentally flawed, now that's an intelligent life aspiration, don't y'think? But it's as good as it gets, right, that good life?
Synchronicity: same day service. Committing extinction? The subliminal compensatory regressive modeling on dissembled physics is unrelenting: one way to unify depth psychology and physics, by surrogate: the City of London in process of becoming The Forbidden City. Dancin' the Ridley on the backs of By contrast, the Foucarida School of SemIDiotics, in Bourbaki-esque reactivity, advocates a subclass of the great-man theory of history, to wit, Tweet! Tweet! Tuwit! that the eye-deed driver of history as force is the infantile ID-iot of the great man, there being no gradients of the collective unconscious because there is no collective unconscious because there are no collectives or collective occasions of experience, only collections, because there is no Axiom of Choice by which collectives of collections could be collected. Heh-heh-heh. Stinging the King of A-rap in 19 and 75, Year of the Last Fiddlin' Copter Off the Roof; stinging the USSR inta Afghan; stinging Sa-damn onta I-ran; stinging the USSR inta instant, Hamburger Helper, crash capitalism and Eastern Europe onta the mortgage-thy-neighbor path; stinging Sa-damn inta the Ku-klux-uh Wait! -- thus pushing AQ&A's button by occupying The Peninsula at The Gulf, as magnitude of the infusions of violence required to keep post-WWII Anglo-American oil policy online continued to spiral upward loop by loop by And thus is a Germano-Russian Bloc aligned to a Greater China incorporating Japan (those whose cultural histories have major suppressed components most congenial to m-valued logics) kept at bay and in compensatory relation to the subliminal FEAR being abreacted in conversion-disorder displacement. By extension, an unstated subtext of Animal Farm: though in the external world, humans domesticated animals, those animals -- by the introjections occasioning reverse transference -- domesticated in the internal world the human psyche, for, just as animists fused with calls of the wild, so agriculturing humans imprinted upon cocks, hens, goats, sheep, pigs, geese, cows, that imprinting being reflected in self-attributive idioms like hightailing it, goosenecking, sheepish, so on; one doesn't even require illustrative recourse to, say, goose-stepping, a rather late development. Few people would agree with that, I suppose, but then the popular Hollywood portrait of the good, the bad, and the ugly, the best, the brightest, and the beautiful I find myself almost never in concurrence with.
Read Henry Kissinger's internal memos and assessments, as published by the State Department, for instance. The nearest comparison that jumps to my mind are the op/ed pieces of Milton Friedman. Forget the particular contents, and the literary style, in both cases; look only at the logical properties of the thought processes on display. Be an intelligence analyst. These processes are so obsessively fixated upon the accommodation schemata of binary logic, any creative logician has to be mortified into embarrassment by their presence. Parody is the proper word as regards the cognitive styles. How does one explain the arising of such parodies and the powers they obtained over fashioning of our world? Gerontomorphosis? Civilizational senescence? Perhaps. The themes discussed here on this website and in our novel, The Moon of Hoa Binh, regarding the whys of the suppression of m-valued logics are one attempt to answer that question. That history is [so little] biography, and even less how the historian has assembled his reliving of the biographies he has studied through documentation, is revealed by how important it is to strip away particularities of documents left behind by Kissinger and Friedman. Hyletic Greek Substantialism in historiography -- (think m-valued universal physical constants under m-valued logics as pregeometry and the anthropic principle) whatever a Karl Popper or an R. G. Collingwood may have thought -- has to do with properties and processes of the collective unconscious, which are resident in no particularities, especially those single-valued.
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