The built environment, the strip-mined environment, the monocropped environment, the social nexus, the technological regime on offer upon this planet in the era after the Second World War has had so little to recommend it -- couldn't find a way back to the Rainy Mountain or the village of my youth -- I personally have devoted virtually no attention to the exterior aspects of my life. Made my living, such as it has been, with my left little toe, so to speak. Sorry. No interest. You'll have to go elsewhere, to others. People respond differently to the imposed Hollywood cartoon, the vapidity, the alienation, the anomie, the separatism -- genetics aside in averaging over the mass, generally depending upon particulars of the coercive impress they have been subject to. Read Camus' The Stranger; then read The Plague. After that, find a dictionary of GI slang and look up the term double veteran. A term does not enter general usage amongst a corpus of speakers without what? This fellow Green on trial for rape and murder in Iraq (or was it murder and rape?), there is not a statement attributed to him in the press which I've seen I did not hear over and over at Special Forces Training Group during 1966, and I submit that you will find equivalents to all those statements in Camus' The Stranger. Now study Farhad Khosrokhavar's Suicide Bombers, Allah's New Martyrs. Caveats aside, you will find the same existential psychopathology described, and in largely the same terms. This sameness of the other is hugely prefigurative for prevailing global civilization as a whole: deconstruction to systemic dyscrasia. Induced behavioral profiles. Jewish-Christian, Islam; first world, third world: what is the difference? No actual substantive difference, other than the index of coercive impress The Stranger has been subject to. No difference in kind, a continuum of phasic activation riding a tonic baseline. Brain states. Psychoneuroimmunology. Pandemic onset of The Plague of suiciding (not merely suicidal) Strangers is a post-Vietnam-war phenomenon, synchronous with pandemic onset of immune competency disorders -- the war in Sri Lanka being the primary initial incubator (the worst incidence of this level of dyscrasia transpiring at sites of British inducement by this or that mandate; tribal holocausts have another differential diagnosis). It was no mere co-incidence I was in Colombo to witness the non-local effects of the Reagan bombing raid on Libya. I have studied this particular collective psychological arc since first engagement in 1963 at SORO, Special Operations Research Office. The Sting brought to bear upon the Soviets in Afghanistan was a contemplator prefiguring the incubator. What's the highest intensity of rage you have experienced? Analyze this! The variety of wound sustained and the circumstances in which the wounding transpired -- Mekong delta, 1967 -- induced a state of rage throwing me into a 105-degree fever, hugely inflated White Blood Cell count, and into and out of delirium lasting over one week while packed in ice at the Third Field Hospital receiving daily mortar attacks: after many tests exploring the differential diagnosis, finally diagnosed FOUO, fever of undetermined origin. Check out my medical records! Unlike Kerry, I don't care who reads what is between the covers of my military jacket. In brief moments of cogency and after the fact, I knew this fever, this blood-crazy, this jim-jamming was the somatic blowback of rage and nothing but rage. RAGE!!!!!!!! Trying to understand how a mere psychological state could induce a major immune system response (large inflation of WBC count and near-instantaneous return to normal with change of psychological state) and a whole-body temperature shift characteristic of massive systemic infection set me on the path of speculation leading to the superconductant DNA paper and further speculations concerning the psychoneuroimmunological import of such a molecule placed inside the neuron and perineural tissues. Even today, the consensus medical model does not actually explain such psychosomatic phenomena as I experienced: that model explains away such phenomena. And it does not even begin to address the organic effects of chronic suppressed rage induced in a population corpus decade after decade, generation after generation. Not only depression of killer-T-cell titers! Not only moribund or hyperactive immune responses! Not only holes in antiviral immunity amongst those population subsets with critical inherited DNA frequency anomalies: diatheses! Not only changes in neurotransmitter titers! Not only changes in the endogenous ketamine-glutamate balance of the brain! Please, therefore, specify which level of verisimilitude you wish to discourse over; otherwise, there will be nothing but confusion. Even if we speak under assumption of the validity of consensus accounts of the origins of World War Two, as well as academic and popular histories of the postwar era, there is still a very good case to be made that we are, and have been, in midst of the worst-case scenario. I recommend reading each of Albert Szent-Györgyi's books, as few chemists have done -- let alone other categories of human beings -- if you wish stimulation toward envisioning alternative positive future histories. Of all the conceivable paths the human species could have moved down with quantum and relativity physics, which path could have been worse than the one actually taken? Atomic and nuclear weapons, dirty reactors, phased-array radar, space-based planetary microwave-oven orbital heaters, hot auroras by pandemic electron-temperature enhancement, genomic hacking issuing out of applications of electron microscopy and crystallography, massively invasive probing of the quantum properties of an enormous and growing number of human brains: it doesn't get much worse than that. And these are all consensus-science-based imputations. If you believe, for instance, in significant biological effects of low-levels of electromagnetic pollution, then the imputations would, of course, be much worse as one considers the effects on viruses, bacteria, plants, animal species other than human -- and the ecosystemic consequences of all that. Already approximately 250,000 species extinctions in the postwar era, some experts say. This is only what has already happened as a result of placing quantum-relativity-based technologies in hands controlled by Cartesian-Newtonian minds manipulating Cartesian-Newtonian institutions. But perhaps your imagination is more capable than mine; perhaps you can imagine a worse scenario. When I think multiple scenarios, I do not think only future-history storylines; I also think multiple past histories. Consensuation of the past is a matter of competing coercions. So, assuming a linear memetime over coerced history, any projection of multiple future histories has to relate to the projection of multiple past histories -- as coerced consensus history has lavishly proven itself an inadequate predictor. One of the worst aspects of this worst scenario -- that aspect inducing amongst the intelligent the strongest vector of pessimism -- is that this scenario is a low-grade development with occasional minimal spikes, nothing adequate to sufficiently disrupt the social structure of attention such that an actual change of direction could transpire before the governing strategic variables close down branching. All the features of the perfect storm remain hidden until crest of the cusp surface is reached.
Well, if as you say George Bush has recently read Camus' The Stranger, that can only be good. Hopefully, he will carry through with the reading program suggested. As regards your objection concerning the thesis that the worst-case scenario is a low-grade development with occasional minimal spikes, I would hasten to remind of the principle of habituation and that ever increasing dosage is required to obtain the same effect, the same spike.
What do you mean what do I mean by technological regime? Hah! That seems pretty straightforward, given that technology is something created by humans (predominantly). Of course the bogeyman is there in the background: alternative futures. And behind alternative futures is the Great Smoky Dragon -- simultaneous alternative futures -- guarding the gate to the ultimate horror: m-valued fundamental physical constants under transfinite-valued µTm logics understood not relative to truth-value but to identity transparency. This is the rock John A. Wheeler foundered upon -- a foundering transmitted to generations of students. And how did he so abysmally founder on this spiritual -- i.e., reincarnational -- issue? By identification with the notion of professional propriety, an inalienable self-defense mechanism of the scientist's persona. It's the best and the brightest, y'know, most responsible for the situation we're in on this planet -- with a little help from popularizer nitwits like Carl Sagan. This situation is not something that has happened to us; it is something we have done -- even if, as is certainly the case, anthropogenic components are modulations imposed upon natural cycles. You have to realize that the scientific method prescriptively mandates a given worldview construct, and only that construct. Prescriptions are proscriptions. And not only that -- not only, not only, not only: just try to remember that! -- but the method was formulated as a back-reaction and a throwback: recoil from medieval ideal norms and mental tunneling back into 1T2-logical Greek rationalism. There are as many types of technological regimes as there are order-types of µTm logics. Even before the cell phone, human beings had near-zero capacity to deal with roof-brain chatter, the absolutely fundamental prerequisite to any genuine inner work, any real spiritual accomplishment. The cell phone has killed whatever spiritual potential the human species once had. Quite frankly, it is a psychological necessity today for anyone trying to accomplish anything real to live in a culture where they do not speak the local language. The issues involved go back, tropologically speaking, to conflict between polytheism and monotheism. The cell phone is not only a monoculturizing device, it is decisively monotheistic in intent: consonant with notions of a bi-cameral mind -- a veritable embodiment of 1T2-logical identifications in projection. Roof-brain chatter is how the mind stays in the brain, how OBEs become paranormal rather than normative. What do you think residue of animistic identity transparency is? It's a flittering of critical-state superconductant-phase transitions in p-electron gas core of nuclear-intraneuronal and mitochondrial-perineural DNA molecules going into long-range phase correlation (i.e., entanglement) across portions of the neocortex cellular supergrid. Such flitterings still transpired in Midori Gaoka, kita-Kyushu, 1953-6, and even several decades later amongst, particularly, Shan transvestites. How do I know? Because anyone occasionally experiencing such flitterings can taste them from others: satin-flow essence which I breathe: superconductant plasma in the ambient surround -- but you gotta have the proper resonator. Forget the Japanese. Forget Hamamatsu and its plastic optical fibers. There are reasons why the Japanese take a Toys-R-Us approach to high-tech R&D. Batmobile by POF! Feed that roof-brain chatter! Boombox up an idiot's basso ostinato! Animistic identity transparency, so much a part of traditional Japanese life, is a horribly fraught emotional issue deeply suppressed. They grasp at any help they can find to keep it at a distance: only in the mental wards is it allowed to display itself. Even the New Religions had to be taken down a notch over this issue. There is no way such flitterings could survive cell-phoned roof-brain chatter and cell-phoned microwave pollution. Just forget it. Got the help we needed! What are we promised instead? Pick up Scientific American. You have to read this magazine as the comic book that it is: American manga. I've been psychoanalyzing American manga since the Seventies. We are promised supercables with a core of liquid hydrogen at 20-degrees above absolute zero, moving through an insulated superconductant pipe, spanning the continents in a supergrid delivering electric power and ultracold hydrogen to every single-family detached home on the planet (A Power Grid for the Hydrogen Economy, by Paul M. Grant, et al., July 2006). The very fact that they are looking at near absolute zero superconductivity for purposes like this is in principle a cartoon -- even if actually accomplished. Why? Because these types of technological visions are psychopathology, coming as they do after all the horrors already experienced in the period since Abel's Impossibility Theorem. Visions of a planetary ultracold supergrid correspond in everyway to regressed roof-brain chatter over the neocortex cellular supergrid. Collective projective identification embodied in technological regime by infantile regression. In order to pick up on collective pathology like that you have to know a little bit about a lot of things, not a lot about a little thing. A serious look at physiological temperature superconductivity requires employment of m-valued fundamental physical constants under transfinite-valued µTm logics understood not relative to truth-value but to identity transparency: the bogeyman, the Great Smoky Dragon, and the ultimate horror all rolled into one! These people will find that the most efficient route to an ultracold supergrid lies through nuclear winter.
By medieval ideal norms I mean, most generally, the residue of m-valued identity transparency killed by Renaissance art, music, and literature -- killed as science, the Westphalian nation-state, and 1T2-logical finance were codified. Concrete artifaction of a collective projection -- its formalization, personification, and realism/hyper-realism representation -- is the quickest way to kill it, i.e., drive it more deeply into the marrow of the collective unconscious: and thus was mass warfare (elaborated to total war, genocide, holocaust, and the bomb) manufactured. Pseudo-aestheticism: establishing control over materials, methods, space and time out-there as simulation of control over the uncontrolled in-here, one variety of mutilation behavior. Can you distinguish between simulacra and mutilation? I can't. This residue of m-valuedness at the root of the medieval commons is most easily described as a matter of degree, as on a sliding scale, as the shades of gray between black and white, as the fuzz, as the foam. Say that, and people will nod understanding. This description and nod, however, is actually a flight from understanding -- and the description is provided simply to maintain sociability after multiple failed attempts to talk about the actual case: non-selfsameness to the mth case (not degree). If you wish some insight into this, I can recommend Armando Maggi's In the Company of Demons: Unnatural Beings, Love, and Identity in the Italian Renaissance (U. of Chicago Press, 2006). In the burning of witches was the rubbing out of m-valued-identity residuals. Caveats aside, Caliban and the Witch (Autonomedia, 2004) by Silvia Federici is highly recommended. And it is to be noted that one of the leading present-day scholars of m-valued logics is an Italian female: Arianna Betti. Were metaculture to be brought up over m-logically-valued monetary units, this would best be accomplished -- for deep-structural reasons -- by collaborations between traditional Italian and Japanese meta-orientations to design. metaReferential tropes for incorporation of artifacts as assimilation of externalities. metaObjectives of everyday life by objects of everyday life! A collective meditation. Look at the properties of the very notion of a commons! Money is one form and function of a commons. After the function of maternity (µTm birthing from within by Platonic decompositional involutes: the Gothic cathedral) was burned at the stake under the direction of High Mesomorph with his sterile money, informal means to incorporate externalities into exchange processes were immolated like votive paper: free money is no money at all, nothing between corveé-barter and sterile 1T2 money as commutator, such commutator and only such commutator necessitating charity. The metal of High Mesomorph transmuted! The Deformed Transformed. O Great Philanthropist. And then there is Simmel, ah Simmel: he never thought in currency beyond 1T2 money. My plowman, your plowman, or his plowman? Ever been a plowman? Totally monotonic mind of the manor. What miracle play? Lollards, dullards, Waldenses: bitches tending ditches. Fill'em in boys! Whose theory of the gift? The gift exchanged is not the gift exchanged. Hau! Hau! Hau! Blood bonds may have been premonetary, but the currency conception involved in this judgment is 1T2 only. While in quantum exchange processes, the unit of exchange is µTm logical (not a matter of mere probability amplitudes: why do you think this interpretation against Tantric Schrödinger was so quickly and uncritically embraced?). Ask Madame Curie about correlation lengths that go to infinity. Read The book of Splendor! Trance dance Anima Mundi. The signs are everywhere, just everywhere. Newsweek, even: Sumner just wanted to show how big his d--k is (Risky Business by Sean Smith and Johnnie L. Roberts, 4 September 2006, p. 54). Describing the conflict over sterile 1T2 money, mostly, between Viacom's Sumner Redstone and Tom Cruise. At least fly-boy and last-samurai TG-TC has yet to become so stoned as to threaten UBL with his bare hands and has not publicly uttered the romper-stomper come and get me challenge. Holden Caufield was no hero of my high school days: I was reading Camus, Gide, The Day of the Locust, while older girl friends -- seniors to my sophomore -- were struggling me over James J's Ulysses, which I couldn't understand. Military brats we were, shivering in the interior of Alaska. Nothing else to do visiting Delta Junction in 1960. Greeley! Greeley! Greeley! HAARP! HAARP! HAARP! Does a billionaire have a correlation length that goes to infinity at the critical Curie temperature? I think Madame Curie, who learned so much from all of her transference problems, would laugh and laugh -- knowingly. The involved displacement is not necessarily an indication of inability to perform the physical act; it indicates a neurological impairment inculcating the inability to consummate the act psychologically, i.e., actually enter m-valued identity states. Sterile money is, of course, the ultimate fetish, and the purpose of the fetish -- any fetish -- is to displace attention cathexis into orgasmic quenching (not to quench orgasm, but to quench psychological transit by recourse to orgasm). The easiest place to get some understanding of this is pre-internet Japanese porn: after the internet, no insight to be gained from analysis: global mono-cultural leveling; no cultural specificity. Residuals of the m-valued played large in Japan and played late: the trance dance theater there was not only over the big rice field, but also over the little rice field. Ritual plowing at behest of the Emperor. Japanese log-woman. The trick was in rapid trance induction, not physical prologation: ha-ha-ha! But that is pretty much past history, and likely no future history for a human species undergoing artifaction, bodily as well as mentally.
Yep, this is the same Stanley Hoffman I remember Elspeth introducing me to at the 1965 Sheraton-Park First National Teach-In against that war: first sentence, black propaganda (Who created the risks of nuclear war, anyway? an anti-propagandist might ask); first page, a footnoted touting of his forty-year-old analysis as being still valid. Moreover, on that basis of validity, he clearly feels justified in giving no evidence of having had new thoughts over the period (The Foreign Policy the U.S. Needs, The New York Review of Books, 10 August 2006): still trapped in 17th and 18th century pips-and-squeak cognitive space. The state's responsibility to provide (p. 60); the international laws of war (p. 60); redistributive role for government (p. 60); global institutions (p. 60): big page for new ideas, page 60. Then we have a return to the rule of law (p. 62) and the UN is in great need of more funds, more military forces, and more efficient and authoritative governance (p. 64): this, after something like 300 years of memetime under the Westphalian institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm progressing us to the present global crisis. Are international laws of war needed to prevent war or to insure its continuance as a foreign policy option of Westphalian nation-states and their agglomerations? US, USSR, UN: where is the substantive difference-in-kind? Law of linear historical development toward what we all know as freedom: more and more hierarchy, more and more authority, force, laws, rules, more global institutions -- all this when the village council has yet to work well. Except on threat of incarceration and/or death (only in painful extremes is 2T2 logic admissible). The logical song, peh! No possibility there might be a lacuna somewhere, least of all on the brain. Hoffman quotes Henry Kissinger (footnote, p. 64) on the role of rules (1T2-logical rules, of course), but obviously would disparage early F. von Hayek on the role of rules (not to mention late von Hayek disparaging the role of 1T2-logical rules with the µTm-logical time-shapes of total capital stock: quantum autopoiesis, a post-18th-century notion that is actually post-consensus quantum mechanics). Necessary to fill in lacunae for those who are predisposed to overlook that which is important. An economist who learned a little avant-garde physics. Imagine that! Isn't it a violation of the rules? Something Milton Friedman wouldn't understand? Oh, he understands von Hayek, to be sure; but when von Hayek is fleshed-out to m-valued logics and presented without the attention-getter of von Hayek's name, then he doesn't understand. Didn't study no physics, y'see. Let alone Polish logic. The thing most interesting about Hoffman's collegial faith in Kissinger -- a professorial type with high connections in government -- is that the whole drift of U.S. policy criticized by Hoffman with such a flood of new ideas is the policy drift Kissinger explicitly formulated by mid-1975 (who fomented MENPol -- MidEast Neocon Policy -- on the Cambodian template, anyhow?), and which has been implicit as end-stage at least since FDR at Yalta, and probably, and very appropriately, since Teheran. And to this day, Kissinger still periodically puts in an op/ed word or two (and, being an insider, probably a lot more than that) of plausibly-deniable support for the policy. It has been understood for decades and decades that greater and greater infusions of violence would be required to keep Anglo-American oil policy on track, and that end-stage would necessarily be chaotic, if not worse. An inescapable, if unfortunate, circumstance, y'see. One had to be neigh unto oblivious to miss the carrot and stick, the fanning of tribal fratricidal inflammations. I understood that studying international relations under Abdul Aziz Said before I met Hoffman, and understood it even better by 1967 as an intelligence analyst at JFK Special Warfare Center pulling together OB maps for briefings in run-up to the Six Day war. The neocons simply took over the Kissinger policy (first expressed purely as intimidation of the Saudis) as their very own and adapted it to the evolved circumstance when they got into a position to do the adapting. Hoffman is still as confused as ever. Pity the poor student over the past forty years. Harvard, you know: the best and the brightest. Wonder what effect that has had on U.S. foreign policy needs?
Look, in MOON there is no sexually-oriented material presented in an apsychological context; that's what's so disturbing. The BIGGEST criticism of the book was and continues to be of the sexual content. But no one has criticized the juxtaposition of the psychological with the sexual. Tell me what that reveals about the reader! Tell me what it means in this age of garishly graphic bald sexuality pointedly vacant of psychological dimensions. Madonna wearing underwear over outerwear whilst balefully bemoaning existential status accorded the material girl. Ha! This juxtaposition was intentional, and it is direct deconstruction of Love's Body and Eros and Civilization. What's love got to do with that! One more state of projective identification. SRA/MACV-J2 thumbing its nose at OSS-R&A. Freud, Jung, Brown, and Marcuse -- the latter two ex-OSS -- each, in their own ways, clung to the notion of sublimation as the responsible agent for rise of civilization. Their political philosophies are totally suborned to this notion -- and that is why they have nothing, really, to offer relative to the present global crisis humanity has created. MOON contests in a thousand ways this notion of collective benison received through sublimation and parodies several dozen iconic literary works by inversion, by retrograde inversion, by spoonerism, by absurd, amateur, boring, embarrassing repetition of tropes and figurations, and on and on. Deserving of derision -- this notion of literary excellence! Induce a state of identification on part of the reader, why don't you, dear author? Shouldn't that task have been transferred to the film director? Ha! again. Whole passages -- Appropriation Art! a contemporary post-movement movement challenging psychologically absurd commercially patentable egoic notions of creativity -- appear word for word in opposites, like Tang-style poetry, like a mandarinate candidate's exercises in capping. Without some considerable effort, I probably couldn't identify half those passages myself, all these years later. Moreover, many of the subversive literary devices employed are explained in detail in text -- without, however, pointing out that these same devices are actually used, or alluded to, but never identified as such, in prose and poetry, and prose poetry, of the novel. Not just allusions to Malraux, though those are the easiest to identify. Malraux, because of his personal historical relation to the concrete subject matter of the novel, as well as the nouveau roman aspects derivative of his Cubist literary diagonals. Scary, those diagonals -- to rectilinear minds. This is a book involving Vietnamese literary history, the history of a literature continuously under censorship wherein myriad devices of clandestine communication were employed. One of the authors of MOON is an academic specialist in this literature and also in folklore; persons were arrested and spent years in jail, were tortured, in fact, for employing these literary devices. One could hardly expect a book on this subject not to employ the devices described. But this hidden aspect is only the surface of the hidden: even the clandestine poem nested inside the poem nested inside the poem as the central clue to meaning of the storyline is only the overt expression of several layers of higher mathematics (mathematics, in part, involving what is presently called wavelets) -- and this extraordinary poem expressing these layers of higher mathematics was written by a person just then returned to the world from a sojourn in prison for having penned so-called seditious poetry. All the world is a cipher, one a them famed folk said. Ha! A theory of self-organization in Nature is on offer in MOON -- and since there is identity transparency between character and author, between character and character, between character and nature, between literary form and natural process, the involution of this involuted novel, no mere pale fire for the soul -- that aspect describing its own genesis -- is a perspective on cosmogony. And since the cosmogony depicted is Platonic, Cabalistic, Gematric, Vedic -- not Aristotelian -- the literary form had to be anti-form, the form of an antinovel which constantly analyzes its own form. The most disturbing thing, of course, about MOON, is that many of the literary devices employed do not speak to literature, but to the sciences and their histories -- and to a lesser degree to that of fine art and art music. Though as a high school sophomore I didn't understand James J's Ulysses, by graduation I had taken the cue and had come to understand that the whole of English language literary stylistics had been DEBUNKED. Details of this were shadowy, but this fuzziness of mind on my part -- which persisted for a long time -- was to considerable degree, not just degree zero, rectified by exposure to John Porter Houston's most brilliant Joyce and Prose (Bucknell U. Press, 1989). I had similar experiences in plastic art, art music, and later in science -- every discipline on their systemic meta-levels modeling the prevailing, largely unconscious, worldview construct. And if they cease to provide this essential psychological service -- generally out of fear and nothing but fear -- then there is As we have been experiencing; as we are yet to fully experience.
I wish people would get their generations straight. My generation -- whatever its many failings, and there are many -- did not originate the racist aspersion Gook. That term was coined during the Spanish-American war period with the U.S. colonization of the PI. Blame Arthur McArthur! The term was employed in GI argot throughout the Pacific Theater during WWII -- undoubtedly aided and abetted by Arthur's son, Douglas -- and was especially prominent usage during the Korean war era, surely reaching all the way up to HQ-USAK, wherever at any given point by the fortunes of war that might have been, and probably as far as The Halls of McArthur in Tokyo. At the beginnings of post-WWII American personnel involvement in the Viet Nam war -- the very early 1950s -- the preferred racial slur was Tonk: short for Tonkinese. These terms were familiar to me as a preadolescent military brat with experience of Asia. And please, please don't attribute dioxin to my generation. This was synthesized relative to fertilizer and plant growth-factor hormone research during the WWII era. It was so effective at stimulating plant cell growth it killed the plant. First use as a defoliant was undertaken during island hopping operations conducted under Douglas McArthur's command. If I remember right -- and I am not altogether certain I do so remember -- Gordon Walker's personal wartime journals written trekking along with McArthur (Walker was Asia Bureau Chief for the Christian Science Monitor before, throughout, and immediately after the war) made mention of this defoliation. Probably only a Viet Nam era reader of these unpublished journals would have registered import of this mention. And please, just please again, don't credit the Sixties generation with LSD. This also issued out of WWII: my father's generation, not mine. Credit ketamine to my generation, as the Special Forces Medic serving in Viet Nam (not me) very well understood. The butterfly circumcision! Any SF Medic of that generation will guffaw at this insider's ketamine-bond joke. The relationship between origins of LSD (early 1940s) and ketamine (early 1960s: just before I entered SF Medic training) makes John C. Lilly, M.D., almost an intergenerational figure -- tri-generational, actually. At Special Forces Training Group, we did not use ketamine to practice on each other the giving of the various sorts of injections (that practice involved sterile water); such usage was deferred to the last phase of training: Dog Lab -- just as every veterinarian knows well. No, I did not receive ketamine sans valium in Viet Nam surgery for my wounds: I requested a saddle block so I could observe the surgeon at his work -- and this was agreed. When you are young and hard, and hard-headed! I had spent a lot of time assisting in the OR by that time -- various types of major surgery, even. In well-trained professional manner, rage was suspended for duration of my personal surgery. During WWII, John Lilly did research at Wright Airfield on the medical aspects of unpressurized high-altitude flight -- Jonathan Livingston Seagull stuff -- to include the bends and collapsed lungs my father became so well experienced of, while piloting B-17s, and well before overseeing autopilot and flight simulator research at AFLC-AFSC, Wright-Patterson AFB. Five years later, the very early-'50s, Lilly was hard on the Philadelphia Project researching forced indoctrination -- a particularly elaborate obsession (and phobia) of the Korean-war generation. Sensory isolation in forced indoctrination -- metaprogramming the human biocomputer -- induced another kind of high-altitude flight, generally on autopilot, sans the requisite instrument certificate and no practice in a flight simulator. When exactly LSD was first introduced into sensory isolation is, to my knowledge, lost in illegible annuls of medical research. Even the proudest progenitors can't keep -- or is it get -- the facts straight. As I remember it from several discussions with Roland Fisher -- one being lunch with members of the Faculty of Psychiatry at Georgetown University Medical School -- Fisher was a Swiss biochemist working during WWII at Sandoz when Albert Hofmann synthesized LSD and inadvertently discovered its psychoactive properties. During the very early-1950s, Fisher came to Maryland's Spring Grove State Hospital which later was renamed, conflated with, fused to, seconded to, sent subsections to, or cohabitated with the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center: so many different stories, I never figured them out. ((Close parallel to the oral histories I sought and received concerning OSS-MO [Office of Strategic Services, Morale Operations]; Johns Hopkins' ORO [Operations Research Office]; George Washington's HumRRO [Human Resources Research Office], and American University's SORO [Special Operations Research Office]: spanning the period WWII through the mid-1960s, these services, existing one after the next, produced every sort of historical study, data, and analysis any occupying power would ever need, all of it, apparently, untapped by the U.S. Army of Iraq.)) This was Korean war times when Lilly was still in Philadelphia -- the period before Lilly, Grof, and the rest had arrived. Fisher, after Spring Grove and Johns Hopkins, was for some period associated with Georgetown University Medical School. So, it was less than a decade after Hofmann's discovery that systematic LSD research was being conducted in the U.S. When Lilly first took it and then entered an isolation tank environment, I never got a straight answer to. When I asked him what he thought of Roland Fisher, he said he didn't know who I was talking about. Maybe Fisher had been on the scene and left before Lilly arrived. Ketamine started a decade later. Lilly's Tank Logs were very systematic, experimentive, explorational, phenomenological, and detailed: much the well-trained scientist at work. At the very beginning of the period in question I was in Alaska learning about how the leader of the pack is a human imputation upon wolves. I didn't learn this by reading Farley Mowat; I learned it from the much more knowledgeable wolf specialist for the Territory of Alaska Fish and Game Department, researcher Paul Kennel, who spent 20 winters, 1941 to 1961, alone -- except for the wolves -- on the Yukon approximately 60 miles south of Circle near Woodchopper where he had a homesite by mineral rights. He was a family friend during the early-'60s. This insight into wolf packs later influenced my take, upon a first reading of Lilly's dolphin materials, with respect to the question of the leader of the pod vis-à-vis the question of identity transparency and superposition of wavelets in melon-brained sonic-visioning Musculpt. Years later, I met Albert Hofmann, Laura Huxley, and Timothy Leary in social circumstances precluding serious knowledge gathering. So, according to my lights, the three generations got merged -- inadmissibly and unfoundedly -- each with their own themes and thematic evasions. This is unfortunate for us today, in the circumstances we face, driven as they are by human psychopathology.
Outside events are inside events turned inside-out by collective projective identification: holotropic idealism. Because this chronotopological operation has to be impossible, Abel's possibility demonstration was named the Impossibility Theorem. But this is the least that can be said about it, for inside events are outside events turned outside-in by individualistic introjective dissociation: atomistic realism. Because this spatiotopological operation has to be possible, Gödel's impossibility theorem wasn't designated a possibility demonstration. By conventions of traditional Tang-style Chinese poetry and rotational 1T2 logic: if the dog goes out, the cat must come in (as pejoratively pilloried by Vietnamese poets of the early 1930s). Self-reference by Serial retrograde inversion: the twisted form of Gödel's proof (understood so well in ancient China, there emerged a tradition in poetry based upon it, which, by synchronicity, and as discussed in MOON, the Vietnamese New Poetry Movement under the influence of French Symbolism rebelled against during the 1930s just as Gödel's theorems were promulgated: Vietnamese intellectuals of the period were in total collective unconscious readout of the state of deteriorating European mind; read MOON). This is the theme evaded by means of thematic evasion, a type of neutralization antagonizing forms of resistance (first identified by analysis of German clinical data during the Weimar period) inevitably associated with degenerative disease onset and fulmination (collectively, no less than individually). These are not airy-fairy ideas, but technical notions drawn from neuropsychiatry, with emphasis on the neuro (e.g., a centrencephalic safety-discharge mechanism hypothetically localized to Jasper's and Penfield's CIS, centrencephalic integrative system). By algebraic means, Abel showed that existence of mathematics transcendental to algebra is necessary to the existence of algebra. By logical means, Gödel showed that existence of logics transcendental to logic is necessary to the existence of logic. By the time Gödel did what he did, it was already all too clear, at least to Schrödinger, that quantum biochemistry is organic chemistry, and, that being the case, the existence of temporally and spatially non-local brain transcendental to the brain contained by the brain is necessary to existence of the brain.
This is a therapeutic strategy! I keep talking about abstractions as if they were somehow politically relevant because there are no political solutions to political problems. Actual solutions are transcendent functions, functions subsuming articulation spaces of problems. The terrorist network is a type of self-medication, a regressed form of self-therapy -- but one can equally well say the same of the internet with its regressed simulation of identity transparency through a technologically implemented simulacra designated telepresence; that which is tele-present is -- by perfect analogue to projective identification in transference -- merely the simulacra. Suppressive symptomatic Rx only drives the disease deeper into the marrow -- myelodysplasic induction -- from which it emerges with greater virulence in a new form at a different locus: sufficiently intelligent counterinsurgency/counter-terrorism can suppress inflammatory outbreaks at a given location; but each such localized success makes the global systemic disease all the more incurable, no matter how much the people may Celebrex. Side effects, too; not just collateral damage. The respective human response repertoire, regardless of what is being responded to, is rather restricted, y'know. Alas and alack, the disease will run its course. I am not talking about prevention (too late) or cure (already intractable) but about minimizing incidence, reducing intensity of fulminations, and circumscribing mortality rates. Solving the local problem exacerbates the global problem. There is no additive solution; no oil slick, however moved about, will do more than temporarily smother the beast. Intelligent global approaches to etiology of the systemic disease have nothing -- just nothing -- in common with symptomatic organ-specific care (be the organ political, economic, social, religious, military, scientific, technological, cultural). Whole system degenerative disease!
Okay then, let's try something concrete. Madonna wearing underwear over outerwear -- the theater no longer Chizuko Ueno's Theater Beneath the Skirt Ali-yah! Ali-yah! next year in -- dancing marshal moves, while singing Material Girl as Third Wave intercessional Hail Mary. What is that? No Clintonic third force. Other than as a prefiguration, one could view it as stripped down, regressed, Catholic Cabbala. Qabalistic Stone of the Wise. Collegium ad Spiritum Sactum. Frater Achad's The Anatomy of the Body of God without the spiritual content: corporate Tinker Bell instead of macrocosmic Snow Flake. Achad absents the super-Idic moral spin -- driving out threat of the Dervish by compensatory abreaction -- the Rabbinate has used to subvert the Jewish Kabbalah's Malkuth kingdom into a material girl's Cube, i.e., box no longer Vesica Piscis (so as to insure it has no relations with kab-Allah bin al-jabr). Catholic Cabala, spurned by the Church, therefore relatively pure, sticks to the spiritual content -- cosmology, ontology, epistemology -- and leaves ethics, prescriptive law, moral imperatives, and rule regulation, i.e., material implication, to rabbinical religion of whatever Rabbinate, i.e. the religion in the spiritual being the population control measure in the practice, one more haganah of the ego-sphere and its role stratifications projected to cosmology as organization of the institution. Institutionalize the practice! Prefiguring what, this Madonna's underwear dancing the marshal material Maryamiyya? Why, war in the Middle East, of course! MOON's Derek enunciated the principle involved several years before outbreak of the Persian Gulf war, casting all the appropriate aspersions. Right up there as a prefiguration with the I Shall Return Dress styled on McArthur's uniform and advertised at the back of the New Yorker three years before open hostilities under the rubric Return to the Forceful Forties! and the brilliant billboard ad picturing a close-up of an M1A1 depleted-uranium-armored tank with the slogan Without You, We Couldn't Push Our Products. One such corporate product pushed, of course, being Madonna. In corporate history of the production of Madonna, you think she wrote her own psychological content? You do realize, don't you, that media-directed philanthropy and media-directed terrorism are just two sides of the same psychological coin? Indeed, media-directed philanthropy prefigured media-directed terrorism. Since Sachs-Soros crash capitalism created a collapse in the former USSR, easier targets are sought in southeast Africa: globalization desperately seeking succor in community goodwill with displays of celebrity concern. George Soros' expertise is money; yet, he acts in political theater, rather than upon the meta-properties of money. Madonna's expertise is song and dance; yet, she acts in development theater, rather than upon the Kabbalah of dance and song. Michael and Janet -- the Jacksons on becoming the Jetsons -- stripped Ki Take (Electric Bamboo) of her kinesthetics, who had stripped the Gurdjieff movements of their spiritual content: surface shape of style, outerwear only. Leni's Weimar pattern-films transposed to choreographic map over Nuremburg dance floor: MN in Cabaleze (Martha Nazified). Percussive become click-track. Interpretive dance become inductive dance. Angular pictures of motion become staccato projections of time-step changes, rather than a Brubeck's time changes (backward-walking forward, a retrograde mimic of the projective identification involved; and, given all the plastic surgery, one could make a case for retrograde inversion of sibling rivalry). A spiritual state of consciousness named Jerusalem become Jerusaburg. The Kether crown, of course, is not of the material world; it's all in abstractions. Abstractions like correspondence and correlation -- halfway houses to authentic identity transparency. Correspondence between codifications. If there is no correspondence between worldview construct and institutionalization, the collective unconscious finds regressed ways to simulate suppressed correspondence so as to symbiotically relieve the psychic distress of the involuted libido incumbent upon the schizophenogenic double-bind syzygy thus produced. Corporate agents of regressed simulacra will be found -- and their presence automatically calls forth the other side of the psychological coin. Traditional Chinese medicine was a system of correspondences; Euler's definition of mathematical function was correspondence. If, ten years after a logician has thoroughly transcended logic (Lukasiewiczian challenge to logical determinism) logic qua logic is derided in the arts, what insensate effusion! One more Dad-a back-reaction against Ma-ma! Measure of sacred space. All transference stuff. Dickin' around at Cab Volt in Zur Ich! Ich! Ich! Wearing underwear over outerwear regressively simulates Outside events are inside events turned inside-out by collective projective identification and, conversely, wearing outerwear under underwear regressively simulates Inside events are outside events turned outside-in by individualistic introjective dissociation. Why do you think hagiographies to Einstein have become such cultural hagfish? Because, whenever there is a flaw at the core, the only way it can be concealed is by constant cloying PR: it is satisfiable that conflated to it is valid that. Not only is there no correspondence between worldview and institution, the worldview has been dissimulated: the closure conditions require uniform substitution of strict equivalents adjunct to strict detachment. Not possibly not, but were a material girl to have intercourse with kab-Allah bin al-jabr she would go down mouthing Abel functions and receive her comeuppance over numbered Gödel numbers cast across Cabalistic choreutics of the dance floor: EcherFormDance, no mere regression, this! But the dance pod (a family of commuting closure operators for which each closed element is open) would have to train in a biofeedback-equipped Lilly tank (a subspace dense-in-itself), focus on (isomorphic embeddable) interspecies commo (polyadic algebras: kab-Allah bin al-jabr) so as to learn authentic identity transparency, and dancewear biofeedback laser light in holotropic SmartDress (wearing auric innerwear as luminous outerwear: Musculpted, of course). Out of this practice would emerge a third side (not wave, not force) to the psychological coin funding the present global crisis, a self-cancelling side devoted to inner counter-work eventually to be worn over outer karmic work. By Vir-Fut Q-Pro in all possible worlds at all future times in all models after all terminating executions. Why? Because no order class of µTm Lukasiewiczian logic, except 1T2, is, by rule of necessitation, a Gödel normal logic. Lukasiewicz counter-worked the rule of necessitation! Complete cognition of this can be fully entered only synaesthetically by naked pairwise Lal-Ded Dance over Himalayan heights.
Quite frankly, I simply don't believe that Colin Gray -- arguably the smartest living Clausewitzian today (quoted from Clausewitz in Wonderland, an article with a good list of recent references by Tony Corn, an instructor at the U.S. Foreign Service Institute, Policy Review, September 2006) ever actually read Clausewitz's On War -- or did Tony Corn, for that matter. Corn's quotations from Gray, and his comments thereupon, clearly indicate neither of them have seriously studied Clausewitz's observations on time as a factor of forces (these linked observations on active time in insurgency warfare were initially sketched out at Strategic Research and Analysis, MACV-J2, during the spring of 1968). I indubitably could not be mistaken for over-valuing Clausewitz, but then I also couldn't be mistaken for suffering whipstall in transit to quantum-relativistic and post-quantum-relativistic approaches (to psychology, sociology, economics, military science, political science, and so on and so on). The simple truth is: no matter how a dead paradigm (Lockean-Anglo-Saxon-Westphalian institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian world-construct) is deployed, it remains a dead paradigm, and if the population corpus (e.g., as projected to the national interest) is identified with the dead paradigm, in due course the population corpus will suffer the same fate as the paradigm. It can be noted that while the cockfight scene in MOON takes on point-by-point Gertz's analysis of Balinese cockfighting by analogy to the Viet Nam war, and just as the geisha scene is written in the form of a Noh play beginning in the greenroom, disputatious dialogue in MOON between Derek Dillon and Col. Toussaint, to include discussions of Algeria, point-by-point deconstructs Col. Harry Summers' On Strategy which is actually Clausewitzian only in so far as Clausewitz can be used to subliminally codify the stab-in-the-back myth that walked the corridors of MACV-HQ beginning several days after Tet-'68, and was so well expressed in print at the time by Douglas Pike of the Department of State's black propaganda agency. Nowhere in the writings of Mao, assiduously studied at SRA/MACV-J2 (at risk of loss of security clearance, I might add), is there anything offered beyond a theosophical account of three-stage national-liberation warfare, where, it should be mentioned, a coup de theatre delivered as a conventional coup de grace is not 100-percent obligatory, only the most probable worst scenario (the Viet Nam war, itself, being a case in point: the war's outcome was decided immediately before the Tet-'68 offensive when the countrywide reorganization of the non-combatant underground political infrastructure network (VCI) was successfully accomplished in preparation for that offensive with 500,000 U.S. ground combat troops in country [coup de theatre]; all following events, including the 1968 and subsequent offensives, were simply playing out the cards to make the bid, a forgone conclusion [coup de grace]); Truong Chinh's interpretation of Mao, from which Giap borrowed extensively in writing People's War, People's Army, is more detailed, but remains largely on the level of bullet-point rubrics. These were all writings written for public consumption, within and without the party: most of which were pulled together from materials explicitly composed as, in the Vietnamese, phe binh, or party chapter struggling, which on another scale level corresponds to kiem thao, party cell struggling: the purpose of which is not actually policy formulation, strategic contingencies projection, ideological thrashing-out, and so on, but achievement of identity incorporation preliminary to the identity transparency driving processes of spontaneous self-organization. Study of policy documents is not study of policy formulation: such documents do not contain the actual strategic thinking or policy formulations of the policy principals (no less true of AQ&A, one must suppose, than of Chinese communists, Algerian ecclesiogenic insurgents, Hizballah, the People's Anti-Japanese Army of Malaya whatever). The extensive analysis (entitled Third Stage of Insurgency Warfare: A Dynamical Analysis of ) of the year-long, countrywide omni-transforming self-organizational phase transition -- a critical-state phase transition where within the [psycho-animistic] correlation length goes to infinity -- of the Viet Cong's underground political network (VCI), written at SRA/MACV-J2 during the late-spring and early-summer of 1968 from an enormous number of captured enemy documents and other intelligence information, suppressed in 1968 but published in 1994 at the beginning of Volume 2 of MOON, shows in detail the actual meaning of Mao's theosophical terms and Truong Chinh's rubrics. A signal feature being adaptive self-organization by resource exchange across boundaries: theory of complex adaptive systems still, first decade of the 21st century, trying to find its way into the mainstream, e.g., see Flock and Flow: Predicting and Managing Change in a Dynamic Marketplace by Grant McCracken, Indiana U. Press, 2006) and the website devoted to m-logically-valued monetary units. The documents required for this level of understanding are not policy documents; they are the nuts-and-bolts logistical and administrative documents. So and so is instructed to do this or that here or there now or then with these or those. In Viet Nam, such documents -- with all the critical variables given in alphanumeric code -- by 1968 were available in their millions of pages, not the thousands of pages of internal memoranda of AQ&A noted over and over and over as having been captured with fall of the Taliban and AQ&A in Afghanistan. Most of the Vietnamese captured enemy documents of particular interest had to do with behaviors of non-combatants who would never become combatants. Without analysis of this sort of minutia, minutia, minutia there is no getting beyond theosophy and bullet-point rubrics relative to understanding three-stage irregular warfare. Doug Pike maintained such analysis could not be done during the Viet Nam war era because of the decoding problem. This opinion was very far from actually being correct. MOON provides technical discussion of many of the involved issues.
While I certainly have nothing against Corn's notion that anthropology is of the utmost importance in counterinsurgency warfare -- be such warfare culture bound, nation-state bound, or global -- the anthropologist of real import here is no academic researcher, FSI instructor, think-tanker, military service post-graduate school teacher, or hallowed policymaker; he is the HALOed-in Delta Force operator no one ever heard of or ever will hear of who checks in once a year for the obligatory debriefing. Knowledge that anthropology is important goes back at least to the origin of Peasant Studies in Dr. Pelzer's assistance to Maj. Landsdale in the PI of the very early 1950s. If you don't believe this, ask Peter Gillingham -- or Dr. Pelzer's daughter. But such peasant studies were mainly for Morale Operations directed against the American public -- and most of the warfare-related anthro today has a similar purpose. As witness the following observation made by Corn in his article: The first major flaw of U.S. military culture is of course 'technologism' -- this uniquely American contribution to the phenomenon known to anthropologists as 'animism.' Whoa! Sterling appreciation of salient fact! As anyone (not Oliver Stone) who has ever actually known a master sniper will immediately recognize. After reading this statement -- potentially profound, as an important hidden truth is boldly stated -- I was looking forward to explication of some truly new insight into the processes of projective identification underlying animistic participation mystique, psychic contagion, invasion, possession, generative empathy and how these are involved in collectively mandating a given technological regime subliminally expressing a given logical-value order-type, say internetworking -- something along those lines; but, alas, there is only a harping on the self-referential character of what Corn deems Strategism: so-called strategy for strategy's sake. This harping is like a Freudian slip in that self-referential propositions are the basis of the m-valued Lukasiewiczian logics without which an insightful characterization of animistic-tribal identity transparency cannot be given. Propositions, I might add, which have played an enormous role in modern European history, Corn's academic specialty, their very presence having been largely responsible for genesis of two world wars. But Corn, tacitly stuck in the politically-correct 1T2 order-type, simply denigrates the very principle, self-reference, needed for serious anthropological insight -- such denigration being an essential feature of contemporary Morale Operations conducted against the American public. So, yet another harping, its own example of projective identification. The internetworking regime established by collective projective identification, itself, is, of course, in turn projected onto the enemy thus brought into being, along with franchising, flat management, and the like. Depotentiation of threat by incorporation of (psychological) artifacts, i.e., in this case, non-simple identity: introjecting the projection of the projected projection. Double exponentiation, even 8-tuples, involved here. Study C. G. Jung's The Psychology of the Transference: great book.
Another recent article (The Next War of the World by Harvard professor and Hoover Institute fellow Niall Ferguson, Foreign Affairs, September/October 2006) illustrates how generalized is the prevailing academic myopia. In certain respects this is a useful article, in that Ferguson argues that none of the standard explanations of origins of the world wars actually hold water. Moreover, he gives some of the highest war-related death totals for the 20th century I've seen, and notes that kill rates of past ages, if not magnitudes, matched those of the 20th century. He even mentions -- which is a rarity -- what happened in China during the 8th century, mentions it under the designation An Lushan Rebellion. This must be the prevailing politically-correct term. Dennis Bloodworth in 1966 (The Chinese Looking Glass) called it the Tibetan invasion of China, and the death rate sustained by the Chinese during the period of the Tibetan invasion, according to Bloodworth, far surpassed any death rate noted by Ferguson. It is also interesting to note, and to note that there may be a subtle synchronicity involved, that the Tibetan Bon Tzog-chen Authenticity document translated and discoursed upon by Anne Carolyn Klein and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche (Unbounded Wholeness, Oxford U. Press, 2006) is thought to have been written during this period of Tibetan-Chinese chaos and war. But what is most psychologically revealing about Ferguson's article is how he debunks the standard notions as to the causes of world war -- which rely on external antecedent-consequent, cause-effect, forcing-function notions of historical drivers -- and then turns right around and employs derivatives of the notions he has just debunked to explain the timing and location of the extreme violence of the twentieth century: i.e., ethnic disintegration, economic volatility, and empires in decline. This is so old paradigm and so postwar historiography, so anti-psychological, so much a cue ball and eight ball theory of history, one just has to be in a state of wonder at how opaque the human mind is when it comes to principles as elementary as projective identification. As if the Cambodian holocaust would have transpired without French and American actions in Southeast Asia; as if the travails already sustained by and projected for the Middle East are somehow independent of Anglo-Saxon and American actions in that region. And as if both sets of actions had nothing to do with projective identification fear-ridden over animistic states of identity transparency. Cartesian-Newtonian science is the responsible agency. Population growth went exponential over the past 400 years, as did environmental impacts and extractive excesses. Success at removing animistic modes of cognition, largely by genocide, holocaust, and forced assimilation, has imposed, virtually exclusively, 1T2-logical comprehension only. And the binary mind, over the period of concern, has generated a Kierkegaardian either/or: either the prevailing civilization or the biosphere.
What set me to reading Corn's article was the first sentence where he quotes substance of a perspective I hadn't heard clearly enunciated for a long, long time: Amateurs talk about strategy, professionals talk about logistics. I grew up with this. My father's second USAF career, after bomber pilot and Airlift pilot and North Atlantic storm (foundering ships) air-sea-rescue pilot, was as a logistics troubleshooter: supply-and-materiel problems no one else could solve, he was called in. That's why I went to 23 different schools before finishing high school: one trouble shoot after the next. Dien Bien Phu, for instance. (Where did the aircraft and supplies Civil Air Transport pilots flew from Hanoi to DBP come from? Another sort of Lansdale in the days before L. rented his house next to Turtle Monument Circle). Who was the primary logistics professional, early on, re: the Phan Rang/Cam Ranh Bay Project? The horse holder, the real expert. When he arrived there was nothing but miles of Conex containers spread along a beach guarded by Marines; when he departed, Phan Rang was handling more air cargo than O'Hare International and Cam Ranh more seaborne freight than the Port of Hong Kong. Check out the personnel file if you don't believe this. I can hardly remember a family dinner utterly free of logistics, just as some other households I frequented rarely had a meal without Clausewitz being a guest. An ex-pilot ROTC instructor daily lecturing on military history married to a specialist in the treatment of childhood schizophrenia: I remember six weeks of dinners like that during the summer of 1963. So, tell me, is UBL an amateur or a professional? Has he been focused on strategy or logistics? We can hardly doubt that he knows some local anthro. Either/or. That old 1T2 order-type again. Clearly, UBL had a childhood and family history, and personal history during the Afghan war against the Soviets, that was decisively focused upon logistics. But do you have the impression that he -- certainly a professional logistician -- is committed to the master plan? Even urban and regional planners by the late-'60s were having their doubts about the comprehensive planning used to develop master plans that never actually get implemented because of factors like market forcing which the planner has no control over (it can be noted here that m-logically-valued monetary units, by incorporating externalities, would change this picture in significant ways). Talk, then, was about disjointed incrementalism and multiple-scenarios planning and tactical improvisation. It hardly seems credible that, two decades later, UBL would have formulated a master plan as some analysts and journalists claim (The Master Plan: For the New Theorists of Jihad, Al Qaeda is Just the Beginning by Lawrence Wright, The New Yorker, September 2006). Actually, the new theorists are the old theorists UBL essayed by action against. Of course, the claim here is that those with greater insight than UBL have formulated a master plan. This notion is an abysmal Newtonianism. All the forms of planning mentioned above have their utility -- even to a logistician-professional only secondarily interested in amateurish strategic planning -- and one can be sure that UBL is familiar with each of them and their proper places. Wright does, however, make an astute statement about UBL's objectives: His goal, for at least five years, had been to goad America into invading Afghanistan Wright then proceeds to argue that achievement of this goal was a disaster, in that the Taliban and AQ&A were destroyed by the American invasion. In making this argument, Wright relies on those radical Islamists who are wed to local territorial terrorist struggle and oppose collaborative joint actions within a non-local context, particularly against extra-regional great powers. Multiples of jihadism in one country as opposed to a Jihadi Internationale. Though this factionalist debate amongst ecclesiogenic insurgents is carried out in the unique terminology of Islamism, those familiar with the history of, say, Japanese student radicalism, circa 1948-75, will see that all the same basic issues raised today were already raised numerous times before, if in various guises. Wright judges UBL's goad a disaster not by UBL's criteria of judgment, but by the criteria of those Islamists who want to create Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian nation-states under Sharia. Wright communicates a certain sympathy for this view because it coalesces somewhat with the Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian nation-state not under Sharia: at least there is something in common. What is missing is an appreciation of UBL's insight into theory and practice of complex adaptive systems as codified in the long, long history of tribal animism (which shares a fundamental principle with the quantum theory of collective and cooperative behaviors in material systems: non-simple identity transparency between component processes and between each such process and the whole corpus of such processes). UBL doesn't have to study output of the West's academic mode of production, anymore than did the VCI, in order to gain insight into the logistics of self-organizing processes.
I think that if you survey the history of insurgency warfare, even medieval warfare, it will become evident that the primary objective of irregular warfare against cities is not to take cities but to take greater control over the countryside by forcing urban garrisoning at higher and higher troop to population ratios. OSS-R&A, ORO, HumRRO, and SORO each studied relevant historical data, like Nazi occupation troop to civil population ratios in the various occupied countries. The Nazi ratios were substantially lower than those of counterinsurgents to population in many insurgency wars. There were many factors involved in this. As the Japanese discovered in north China, digging ditches and building fences generally doesn't help much to suppress the non-combatant underground infrastructure that insurgent combatants rely upon. How effective the non-combatant underground is is primarily a matter of trade craft and numbers.
When damaged brains become the norm, the undamaged becomes the damaged and efforts to impose damage on the undamaged become institutionalized. Indeed, institutionalization of the psychologically-projected damaged world-construct produced by damaged brains becomes a damaging collective obsession: the damaged will not tolerate the undamaged. Brains restricted to brain-contained-by-the brain! -- not also the non-local wave-effect quantal brain, corpus of collective and cooperative critical-state quantum properties of the set of molecules and elementary particles constituting the contained-brain. Suppression of normative conscious access to the collective and cooperative aspects of brain function (i.e., eradication of animism) yields collective violence as the only possible physiological response. Quantum properties of the brain will not suffer suppression without exacting their due in mass hysteria. It's just in the physical nature of things. Collective properties, unmolested, spontaneously induce self-organization; those same properties suppressed, and hence regressed, drive infantile mass violence.
It seems to me that David Cole did not look closely enough at jurisprudential history when setting about the task of elaborating upon Why the Court Said No (The New York Review of Books, 10 August 2006). The critical case was not Hamdan v. Rumsfeld but Westy v. CBS. The judge's decision to say no in the earlier latter case, to wit, mandating that strategy issues were irrelevant to the legal issues involved in the case and thus not to be discussed in his courtroom, insured unbridled continuation of the impacts of the stab-in-the-back myth upon the American psyche, thus guaranteeing a U.S.-invasion-of-Afghanistan-type hysterical response to any 9/11-type event -- an initial response certifying surety of ultimate failure, no less than the Nazi playing out of the consequences of the German post-WWI stab-in-the-back myth insured ultimate failure of the Nazi enterprise. Sam Adams actually gave his life in an attempt to get the facts to the American people, and the judge deemed the relevant facts irrelevant, thus spoiling the last significant attempt to prevent what has become the present circumstance. Obviously, the judge in Westy v. CBS did not have a knowledge base adequate to make sound judgments in the larger American interest, even if his narrowly focused legal knowledge and credentials were beyond taint. Cole says (p. 41):
the Supreme Court's decision in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld [is] Crucial because the Court's decision, while on the surface narrowly focused on whether the military tribunals President Bush created to try foreign suspects for war crimes were consistent with US law, marked, at a deeper level, a dramatic refutation of the administration's entire approach to the war on terror.
Over and above the issue of determining what qualifications Justices of the Supreme Court, or any other court for that matter, possess qualifying them to hold court on warfare strategies, one just simply must observe how utterly irrelevant the whole criminal justice debate is to the signal strategic concerns, which both of these cases clearly illustrate. The combatant-terrorist tip of the iceberg upon which the ship of state founders does not determine outcome of the war; outcomes are at the discretion of the vast bulk of the iceberg hidden beneath the surface. What the American military mind and what the American popular mind refused -- due to existence of very deep ontological challenges, and, one must speculate, presence of just as deep ontological guilt -- to acknowledge throughout the Viet Nam war, this refusal reaching one cusp with Westy v. CBS, but still plying the waves and winds today, is that most of the activities responsible for success in insurgency warfare are non-viewable and conducted by non-combatants in conformance with the dictates of civil law -- if, front organizations are well constructed; if, there is expert implementation of fractionalization and information availability only on a need to know basis; and if, the evolutionary arc of institution slaying and institution building into the pre-government, the de facto government, and the de jure government stages of autopoiesis are knowledgeably carried out. Fronts changed rapidly enough cannot be identified and outlawed on a timely basis; where no formal membership exists, membership cannot be proved; where groups do not actually meet beyond cellular fractionations and possibly not even in that fragmented sand-grain fashion, proving conspiracy involves revealing intelligence sources and methods which must remain concealed or the counterinsurgent effort abandoned, if proof could even then be established in a significant number of cases (staggeringly large by comparison to the number of armed combatants). Criminal syndicates are tiny institutions and child's play compared to an expertly run authentic insurgency -- particularly one sophisticated enough to have created circumstances facilitating synoptic phase transition to non-local global formats and spontaneous social orderings. The ontological challenge and guilt responsible for the American refusal relates directly to How Judges Should Judge (by Jeremy Waldron reviewing Ronald Dworkin's Justice in Robes, 10 August 2006, The New York Review of Books) -- if we are to judge by Waldron's first sentence (p. 54): Everyone believes in the rule of law. This is a hugely presumptive unfounded statement. Derek Dillon, for instance, in MOON, argues that law is criminal -- criminal, because 1T2-logical prescriptive law precludes operation of quantum principles of self-organization and complex adaptation in the human corpus; thus, such law exists only as a self-fulfilling prophecy with lemmas like nation-states and wars between nation-states, and nowadays war against the very idea of the nation-state system qua system and its supraordinate agglomerations. The fact that the basic notions underlying the quantum theory of collective and cooperative critical-state self-organizing phenomena in complex adaptive material systems (e.g., p-electron gases and other sorts of plasmas) have their functional equivalents in collective and cooperative identity-transparent animistic human systems is the deep ontological challenge demonstrating Cartesian-Newtonian precepts dead and putrefying for over a hundred years. The ontological guilt is due to the several holocausts perpetrated under the overwhelming collective impulse to kill pagan animism wherever it may be found. A counter example illustrating how quantum principles could facilitate self-organization in the human corpus involves m-logically-valued monetary units, and their low-tech tribal precursors (e.g., signification of identity transparency via the exchange of soul cloths carrying elaborate metareferences mimicking the values of m-valued logics). Cole's notion that Bush administration abandonment of the rule of law has alienated EU support for GWOT is erroneous when viewed in this larger context of a civilization somehow still persisting under institutionalization of a long-dead paradigm. Americans have recoiled from the ontological challenge in one fashion and the Europeans in another. Creation, at this late date, of supraordinate agglomerations of nation-states over the back of a dead paradigm is simply to add a Ptolemaic epicycle -- even if over the Cartesian-Newtonian. The EU is concerned about law far less then it is with the attempt to convince itself that its epicycle will persist in spite of the paradigm it is based upon being dead for over a hundred years. When wobbles of the last epicycle become irremediable, we will see whose collective hysteria is the more hysterical.
That sort of criticism, which I won't repeat, deserves only a prediction in response. In retrospect, as global insurgency against the very idea of the nation-state system jumps the boundary restricting the recruitment base largely to Muslims -- an insurgency increasingly motivated by trans-Islamic drivers (not to get into historiography): demonstrations of the failed paradigm in the atmosphere, the biosphere, the resource base, the incidence of disease and species extinction, economic disparities and systemic failures, forced migration into squatter settlements, and so on -- the decision in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld will come to be seen as roughly equivalent in its consequences to the decision to take down the Ngo brothers in Viet Nam. Ngo Dinh Nhu, President Ngo Dinh Diem's brother, attempted to institute a countrywide program based on the Chinese pao chia neighborhood surveillance, mutual security, and vigilante system initially used by the Han against the Mongols and out of which the tongs eventually emerged. This initiative by Nhu was a major factor precipitating the decision taken by the Kennedy administration. Nhu's program -- with an Eastern hagiographic, socio-spiritual, traditionalist justification named Personalism to distinguish it from Western impersonal, uniform, prescriptive law -- was considered by the Kennedy administration too oppressive, too much at variance with democratic principles and the rule of law rightly understood. Of course, the sponsored or indorsed or permitted or deniable coup was at variance itself -- but that was beside the point, they believed, there being a war. As the war rolled on, the American response to the changing conditions of terrorist action and insurgent combat, transiting to larger units and greater intensity, was evolution of more and more lethal and indiscriminate CT team programs culminating in the Phoenix Program, which, in its oppressiveness and lethality, dwarfed anything remotely associated with Nhu's program. As circumstances of the present global conflict evolve, it is very likely that by deniable drift, not abrupt shift, less and less prisoners will be taken, and less and less attempts at discrimination will be made. No matter how resolutely entrenchment in the old paradigm is established, re-established, confirmed, reconfirmed, initiatives from that redoubt will solve nothing and only exacerbate the conflict.
Well, not only can you be certain there will be fewer prisoners taken, there will also be an increase in deaths due to friendly fire, whether identified as such or not. Rules from La-La Land don't find actual application in the field; what they do is split the army against itself, set up cross-currents, create an unwillingness to disseminate intelligence up the line, and so on. Institutions and their prescriptions rooted in dead paradigms have absolutely no legitimacy, whatever the lip service paid, however assiduously they are buttressed -- regardless of the phobic's psychopathic dread and the neurotic's compulsions cultivated in echolalia by those identified with the dead paradigm. Attempts to impose La-La Land on the field will eventually break down any surviving distinction between the field and not-the-field. How do you think insurgency wars -- local or global -- get started? How do you think skilled practitioners of such insurgencies are created? I'm not going to write into details of this; I've so done many times already. Soon after returning from Vietnam, several Sundays during 1969, if memory serves, I went to the Library of Congress and studied the Geneva Conventions and related materials. If you want to be staggered, if you want your breath taken away, I recommend you do the same. These Conventions have nothing to say about modern warfare; indeed, they hardly speak about warfare as it existed in the time of Clausewitz. The definitions on offer, the conventions of logic applied are violated on a moment-to-moment basis in every contemporary violent conflict. A or not-A, that is the question. Or is it? A (preparations for war) or not-A (war itself). Insurgency war is won by forcing a change in the boundary values! Not only breaking down the logical properties of the sorts of borders where inside can be absolutely distinguished from outside: 1T2-logical borders, not band-pass fractal borders. Autopoiesis of the insurgency by resource exchange across borders, like metabolism of a biological cell. Now that's logistics, the purview of the professional. Insurgency war cannot be won in any other way. To the degree that preparations for war (civilian stuff) successfully are made into war itself (military stuff), to the same degree is the insurgent winning the war. WWII in China, against the Soviet partisans, against A (non-combatant) or not-A (combatant). Forget the insurgent side: everyone knows that identity transparency (A is not-A) is a defining characteristic of the successful insurgent which violates the rules of Aristotelian-Baconian logic at the foundations of statute law, constitutional law, international law, conventions, codes. Modern warfare is a living fallacy that kills people. Was I a combatant or a non-combatant in Viet Nam -- or both alternatively, or both simultaneously? How many hats can one person wear at the same time? Using NGOs as cover. Nah! No one would do such a lowdown thing as that. In the Delta, on certain classes of night missions, no one, absolutely no one, wore a uniform. Officer or enlisted? Under what circumstances are we speaking? Certain types of intelligence activities were always conducted on civilian clothes status -- including high-level interrogations. What about sheep-dipped SF? While sheep-dipped, the salary was not paid by Department of the Army. Actually, before they ended team integrity and mission specific assignment, no SF troop was paid by Department of the Army. Does that make the sheep-dipped a non-combatant? No, you say. What about when he is on civilian clothes status? Remember that his papers are pulled. He has no membership, by paper trace, in the U.S. Army. Never been there; can't dance. He might actually be running a proprietary company, flying first class, his check going into a numbered account. OSS Operation Tommy. Combatant or non-combatant? No uniform; most of the time, no weapon -- or one very dead OSSer. Shot-down pilot. My father lost and presumed dead for three months (wife notified), picked up by the Resistance, stripped of all identification, in civilian clothes, moved through the underground across occupied France: French priest gets him across the Channel. With the Resistance, combatant or non-combatant? Puts on another leather jacket, hops into another B-17. These are just a few examples. On every side of contemporary conflicts there are myriad violations of the notions of identity, boundary values, initial conditions, the nature of time and space assumed by the Geneva Conventions. Even the definitions of conflict imposed by the Conventions are not adhered to by modern conflicts. The conflicts themselves, not only their participants! There are no solutions available within the dead paradigm. The fact that Justices of the Supreme Court are attempting to find solutions there, not only reflects on their cognitive status, but bodes ill as regards survival rates through this global cusp catastrophe soon to be hard upon us. It's a pretty small box, y'know, that dead paradigm. One would think it wouldn't be all that hard to think out of it. But, alas
Why NODIS? That's the question I find myself asking, having witnessed similar events in the past. No dissemination, laterally or vertically. Suppression of Able Danger and Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer in many ways corresponds to events in the Intel shops at MACV-HQ, HQ-USAK, and FECOM under Big Mac. DOD-IG playing the role of MACV-J2/DIP. Yep! da dipiddy DIP do dah day, eh? The whys of the earlier cases are pretty well understood as regards their surface features -- the deep psychological issues remaining unconscious to all but a few. Why the initial NODIS? ain't exactly clear. Why suppress after the fact? in the Able Danger case is clear: the range of possible conspiracy theories on 9/11 spanning waiting with baited breath for some big terrorist action, oh Lord, just any such action will do to it was the U.S. what done it, just like described in them circulating conspiracy documentaries. Gotta be somewhere between alpha and omega. As regards the deep psychological issues remaining unconscious to all but a few, the very idea of ABEL Danger provides a considerable clue. An impossibility, I tell you. You are advocating an Impossibility Theorem: al-jabr just ain't capable of such a topological operation, uh, function, as you prognosticate with your proposition. When you got all the little lies lined up in a row, pawn to protecting pawn, in defense of all the big lies lying hidden in the grass, ain't no way to suspect MedCAPs and A-Teams simultaneously undertaking offensive military action in sixty countries won't become lightning rods in an electrical storm. The Phoenix Program planetarized in reaction to terrorist gnats, Derek Dillon wrote into his journals in 1972, not being capable of imagining hysteria sufficient for placement of sixty lightning rods; though he did predict not a single viable nation-state when cusp events come. But they know, them experts; they know they can suppress insurgencies, nip them in the bud: Fearless men who jump and die, the fearless men of the According to The Maximum Boot, half a hundred Green Berets accomplished in El Salvador what 170,000 troops can't do in Iraq. Does El Salvador equal Iraq or does Iraq equal El Salvador? Well, then, why don't they just pull out all the troops and HALO in a dozen half-teams? That'll turn the Iraqi situation around! But don't forget, it's dem lyin' REMFs you be dependin' on, y'know! Why da NODIS?
Henry Kissinger needs to sit in on National Security Policy 101, which he once taught at Harvard. The existing Westphalian Lockean-Anglo-Saxon institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm has been illegitimate ever since Planck posted his paper on the quantum of action in 1900. Why else was there so much violence during the 20th century? Is it in the national security interests of the U.S. to tie its fate to the illegitimacy of a hundred-year-dead world construct? Is doing so a lesson in realpolitik from the world's premier practitioner, or is it the lesson of a hack from Harvard responsible for causing at least one holocaust already?
Pope Benedict XVI's Logos, I would point out, is a 1T2 logic which encompasses only one order-type of logical-value-to-a-given-proposition out of an infinity of an infinity thereof. How many angels can sit on the head of a µTm-logical PIN? If the great task of the university is cultivation of Logos, as the Pope maintains, then perhaps the Pope should inform himself of the one-hundred-year-old Polish logic that was so deeply involved in the impetus to WWII and is presently so deeply involved in the impetus toward holocaust of the Whole Earth.
I, for one, think that in all likelihood Günter Grass, Peeling the Onion in peal after peal, is not censoring from his memory pool. And I equally strongly suspect that those who think so don't know so much about operations of the collective unconscious upon the onion called the brain contained by the brain. The hero of The Tin Drum stood in for human brain, was a metaphor for human brain, a model of the developmental stage human brain had reached in those days of Günter's youth, a lofty stage -- roof-brain chatter being what it has subsequently become -- presently receding into the mists shrouding no-longer attainable heights (and you thought WWII was bad! they'll be saying, when the next one starts off where the last left off). Of those Americans in Viet Nam who stood the bad guy on the beach and put a bullet in the back of his head, how many of them felt then or feel now that they were engaged in acts unwarranted by the circumstances in which they were carried out? Not many. How many American torturers in Viet Nam felt they were not doing what was required to save American lives? Not many. Perhaps you think Americans didn't do such things in Viet Nam. Perhaps you doubt highly-trained American troopers, just back from commanding crowd-control measures during the Detroit riots, killed defenseless sick dogs with baseball bats. If so, you have to opt out for being under-informed, in denial, dys-memoried by self-righteous back-pats and lack of depth in the reaches of collective psychological experience. Keep the river on your right! Or is it the left? The capper on the beach knows he wouldn't have otherwise survived his circumstances -- necessitating the SOP of running false missions to identify infiltrators and scare off those not identified before they take you out by friendly fire in the first firefight: prove before the suspect caps you out, by whose laws by which Geneva Convention, an infiltrator is an infiltrator? -- prior to 30-day LRRPs ha-ha-ha! into hyperInjunCuntry to mount harassing attacks against elements of the 2nd NVA Division, the capper being one of the two non-rice-burners in the bunch of forty-to-sixty Nung mercenaries and VC hoi chanh attacking the division in their well-controlled AO so as to get them exposed and call in air upon them. The Gen Con can have all the survivors it can find! Great mission, great tactics, don't you think? Alright! soldier. I know what to do with smartasses like you. You are assigned to… Report to… at the I-Corps… in Dong Tam… The Hatchet Forces and sat cong Roadrunners Peh! finger flying off the nose. Many of those disparaging such SOP behaviors voted for their Hawk and disparage over the morning newspaper -- drinking coffee and agonizing about what model of new car to buy. The LRRP they will be taking off upon is called a family vacation. Herein is to be seen the real clash of cultures determining events upon our planet today. You think Waffen SS 101 for new recruits involved training hours on dog beating, torture, and capping? Well, I don't think so. The SSer learned about that by OJT in the field -- just like in armies before and armies since. Moreover, the crowd being controlled in SS 101 was surely residue of the collective mind impinging on the new recruit's conscious faculty so as to insure compliance. How much does the collective mind let in -- of that which is suspected, but not actually known or concretely imaginable -- to the awareness of a trainee entertaining high expectations of the likelihood of being killed in due course? Such expectations, in themselves, establish and enforce archetypal gradients a person not in such expectations is not subject to. Never been there in; never been there subject to? Then I recommend you just keep on drinking your coffee and agonizing about what model of new car to buy. And if you drink deeply enough and agonize long enough, surely you will see no connection between your drinking and your agonizing and the origins of world wars and holocausts.
The point of all this is that the overwhelming strategic determinant vis-à-vis GWOT is the fact that the successful counterinsurgent confines the war to the smallest possible space and the shortest possible time: any improvements in technique, technology, trade craft -- whatever the trade -- simply advance the cause of achieving confinement. The slush involved in this proposition mainly reflects variations in resource availability (not only a matter of logistics). As spatial extent expands and time dilates, required resource commitments on part of the counterinsurgent grow exponentially (not proportionately, and not arithmetically). If the counterinsurgent's resource base is infinite, then there is no problem dealing with this Malthusian strategic proposition; if it is less than infinite, the slush factor contracts accordingly. Clearly, if WOT becomes GWOT, the spatial variable has become asymptotic and will pull the temporal variable toward its own asymptote: far from an optimistic sign (hiding many autopoietic far-from-equilibrium phase transitions on part of the insurgent). The counterinsurgent calling WOT GWOT for the propaganda value is one thing; actually making WOT into GWOT by patterns of deployment is quite another. Though listening to the stab-in-the-back low-grade hysteria echoing the heinous halls of MACV-HQ in the spring of 1968 it took no surpassing talent to predict -- and write into a personal journal -- the arising (by spontaneous generation under the collective psychological processes of projective identification) of circumstances wherein the Phoenix Program would become planetarized, it was simply beyond my pea-brain to anticipate MedCAPs and A-Teams simultaneously undertaking offensive military action in sixty countries: so total an abandonment to the enemy of control over the strategic spatial variable was simply beyond my imagination. Hold up a blue square and Great Leaders see a green circle? Yeah, I'd seen that too many times not to make it a foundational assumption. But this? Inconceivable! I did, however, by the late-'70s learn that the case never becomes worse than you think; as the saying goes, it becomes worse than you can think. In arguing and writing the strategic assessment (printed at the beginning of Volume 2 of MOON) at SRA/MACV-J2 in late spring and early summer of 1968, I knew that any spatial expansion of the boundaries of the war would lead to a catastrophe, but I simply was incapable of imagining anything like what became the realities of the Cambodian holocaust. This inability to imagine was because of the compartmentalization of my brain: specializations and disciplines, never the twain shall meet. For one thing, I was not focused on Out-Country POLOB -- though it was located just across the hall. But the cognitive problem was more than that. Huge dimensions of difference between the Lao, the Viet, and the Bodes -- most of which I had only penetrated the very surface of, if at all. I couldn't see the nested and Venn-diagramed and superposed contextualizations of the instrumental strategic variables well enough to envision a Cambodian holocaust. Just simply couldn't -- no matter the surety of catastrophe if the spatial extent were expanded (at that time the proposed expansion was a blocking action across Laos, not a wild foray into Cambodia to eradicate the inherently unbombable and nonlocal always-in-motion fractionalized-to-cells COSVN, which people persist even unto this day imagining at some fixed location like was the MACV Headquaters building: COSVN in many very real senses was a low-tech precursor of the internet). Moreover, my brain was drained by Alice-in-Wonderland intelligence levies from on high by people far less equipped than even was I. Today, the dynamics of GWOT is not independent of nested and Venn-diagramed and superposed contextualizations that predispose to expansion of the insurgent recruitment base across a wide range of grievance-specific global population subsets, grievances utterly transcending anything specific to Islam. Failure to confine to the smallest space and the shortest time opens the conflict to the free-energy pool these grievance chants represent. There will be many, many autopoietic far-from-equilibrium phase transitions on part of the insurgent unanticipatable even by the insurgent.
What desperately needs to be understood today is that each and every predicted end-of-the-world has been correct: the world ended in 1836; the world ended in 1871; the world ended in 1953. The Tristan chords expressed the agony of one such end of the world. The World -- as far as the collective unconscious is concerned -- is the world construct over the nested collection of Umwelts, the cosmic egg that is, and on each of these occasions, and many more, this egg cracked: each such crack is an end of the world. One important contemporary question is: has the cosmic goose egg been cooked; and if so, when did that transpire? Hard-boiled or soft-boiled, how many cracks can it sustain before it splits apart? And once that transpires, how successful will All the King's Men be at paste-up -- or will that contract, too, fall to Halliburton? Personally, I think there are no real solutions to global problems within the prevailing scientific paradigm; indeed, there have been only play-outs of the inevitable debilitative consequences since 1826 when Abel's Impossibility Theorem slammed the prevailing paradigm with its transcendental spoon. The Second Law of Thermodynamics from early in the 1850s -- Tristan chords times -- was one shoring-up device, a flying buttress placed on Newton's System of the World. But the cracks nonetheless kept developing. Maxwell required a demon to explain the PERFECT -- a Platonic property unacceptable to contemporary and present-day Aristotelians -- efficiency in transduction between electric and magnetic fields in vacuo: every electric household appliance in cosmic freefall violates the Second Law. Those who believe this wrong will not find long-term solutions to the global energy crunch. Maxwell's demon is 3-fold operator-time. Operator-time replacing the Hamiltonian in Schrödinger's atemporal (i.e., algebraically transcending -- in the Abelian Impossibility sense -- a linear-time reference frame) wave equation just simply makes the notion of entropy, which is essential to the Second Law, indefinable (except relative to the culturally-transmitted disease, memetime). When the m-valued wave-function in such an equation is understood, not with S-matrices of probability amplitudes and the like, but with extensions of aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz propositional logics read over m-valued universal physical constants This is indubitably altogether another cosmic egg. Photo-voltaic downloading of solar energy is not the divine descent the human species requires of the Sun Goddess. That descent is seen in severe storm genesis, particularly tornado genesis, and it has to do with complex angular momentum cascade, not UV impingement. The principles involved being the matters of importance for technological development. Understood through the above-noted Schrödingerian lens, there would be no doubting the proposition that nature has long since solved all the technical problems. What appears unsolvable are the errant human factors placing psychological, social, political, and economic leverage on, for instance, interpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function.
That's too limited a notion. It is not only that something like an analogue to so-called cold fusion (the likely presence of which was discussed -- without employment of the term before the term was coined -- at Cornell years before desktop cold fusion was so embarrassingly mispresented to the public) transpires in the acoustic black hole analogue which is a plasma-ensheathed tornado bottle generating laser pulses of Hawking radiation as well as acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes, and superconductant transductions between the two, but that the involved processes are scalable: they occur self-similarly on multiple scale levels in multiple media. This is because the principles informing the processes are so fundamental: three-fold operator-time, temporal curl, spacetime double-helix, electro-dynamic double-helix, and so on. If one (subliminally, perhaps) wants to reserve this -- whatever the involved scale level -- for less than savory uses, the first thing to do is promote the notion that flapping butterfly wings in principle remove all possibility of accurate forecasting (such forecasting being assumed to require a detailing of the spatial field). But if accurate forecasting requires only specification of a blackbody Planckian fundamental oscillator, and the prediction is understood as formulatable only in Lukasiewiczian m-logically-valued propositions, well then In this case, the fundamental oscillator is really fundamental: an oscillation of an oscillation of temporal curl (understood as time logically and topologically operating upon Hilbert space under m-valued Lukasiewiczian logics, such oscillations -- one must now suspect -- being mapped by rooted-trees of Karpenko functionals Gödel-numbered and renumbered and renumbered over the primes). This is not obscure fantasizing; surprisingly, even Harper's Magazine has something of interest to say about it: in parentheses, of course. Quoting from It's Not Easy Being Green: Are weed-killers turning frogs into hermaphrodites? by William Souder, August 2006, p. 66):
[Tyrone] Hayes [UC-Berkeley endocrinologist] has also been trying to figure out why some male frogs in his experiments fail to exhibit elevated levels of aromatase or gonadal abnormalities after being exposed to atrazine. (The reason, he thinks, may have something to do with natural differences in the rates at which the frogs develop.)
Horray! Yes, the rates. Yes, the natural differences in those rates. I read this article on frogs for having long since been intensely interested in gonadal abnormalities, having acquired my own during 1967 in the Mekong delta from multiple fragments, not atrazine. But the rage the circumstances of the wounding elicited, led to such extraordinary immune system responses, a well-trained and inquisitive SF Medic could not leave them uncontemplated. One outcome of the resultant contemplation was publication of a co-authored mathematical paper on superconductivity within the p-electron gas core about which the sugar-phosphate backbones of DNA helix-coil during genetic replication of nucleotide sequences. The canonical equation of the involved model describes an oscillation of an oscillation of the frequency of free-electron parcel temperature oscillations of the gas as being responsible for the superconductant state and as setting the variable rates and rates of rates of twisting during helix-coil transition. These rates have natural frequencies related to the minimum times for spontaneous quantum localization for given histological types of DNA -- muscle cell DNA, collagen DNA, et cetera. The rate of twisting and the time rate of change of twisting, being regarded as intracellular time-givers related to replication rates -- i.e., intimately coupled to the rates at which the frogs develop -- the subtending Planck-Bohm minimum time would be a unique identity signature correlated with the electromagnetic frequency response window of the molecule. This is described in the equations constituting the model. The notion informing genesis of the paper was that electromagnetic (to include endogenous fields by, say, autogenic brain discharges during a state of rage) or chemical induction of change in the natural frequencies and their rate setting functions would, in turn, induce pathology, eventually involving morphological changes. And there was much contemplation of what the relation might be between electromagnetic and chemical signatures of induced changes in natural Planck-Bohm minimum times for spontaneous localization, and how these might change over what appears geological time scales (questions of memetime aside) and according to what variables. There was also much speculation as to inheritability of induced frequency anomalies and their miasm-diathesis properties and consequences. And how all of this, being inherently matters of quantum relative-state, necessarily has to do with collective behaviors.
Well before the mathematical model was brought together, I began trying to look at implications of the informing notion relative to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), epidemics of which are correlated with sunspot cycles and fulminations of which are correlated with UV exposure. Riding an intuition about etiology of SLE being related to environmental triggering of inherited anomaly of Planck-Bohm minimum time involved in collagen DNA replication (actually, how I understood that notion early on), the pathogenic march from autoantibodies to anti-DNA antibodies to the morphological changes yielding formation of the diagnostic LE cell suggested to me -- with my experience of rage-induced immune system changes -- that autogenic brain discharges might have value as adjunctive therapy in treatment of the autoimmune disease, SLE, i.e., that these endogenous electrochemical discharges might tend to renormalize the inherited anomaly and/or its autoimmunological consequences. During 1970 or '71, maybe, I whipped off to Wolfgang Luthe a brief letter of inquiry to this effect, to which there was an immediate reply asking me how I could possibly have arrived at that conclusion, as studies conducted at Tokyo University yet to be published had recently demonstrated it to be the case. The subsequent, initially rather difficult correspondence, eventually led to an invitation to present the ideas to a psychosomatic medicine congress held in Kyoto in 1977.
While at the congress, August of 1977 mind you, a fellow named David Kubiak pigeonholed me, saying he had read the abstract to the paper I was to deliver. In course of the question and answer discussion, I was informed of a book manuscript he was working on tentatively entitled The Caponization of the Japanese which argued that estrogens in soy beans and in the fertilizers China uses in their cultivation (China then being the primary source of soy beans consumed in Japan) had emasculated the Japanese male. This was the first time I had heard anything about what a decade or so later became know as the effects of mimetic estrogens (several hundred in number), so I more or less attributed the thesis to a residual of the postwar Functionalist anthropologist's propagandistic imputation of adolescent personality structure to the adult Japanese male. Having spent my pre-adolescence in immediate post-Korean-war rural Kyushu, I was predisposed to make this mistake. Later, however, there were serious discussions with Kubiak of how my ideas about how quantum properties associated with a superconductant core of DNA might have something to do with the proposed chemical caponization of the Japanese. I said I felt that if there was any connection it had to have to do with the rate-limiting action upon the active-transport (of electrons) mechanism of the cell membrane likely exercised by the coherent waves generated by superconductant mitochondrial DNA. Unfortunately, there were only two copies of this manuscript, one of which was stolen out of a hotel room in Bombay, and the other lost when lent to Gregory Bateson (it was in his possession when he died and not subsequently found).
Come on! Though at AU-SIS, I did not major in International Mass Communications, I was able to pick up a lot from my classmates who did (not Douglas Pike; he was there before my time, before SIS, even). While later assigned to Psychological Operations Group, JFK Special Warfare Center, I taught black propaganda production using materials from the Office of War Information and OSS-MO as teaching aids. I also, at the time, spent a fair effort in the Special Warfare Center Library researching the up-through-secret classified history of psyops vs. special ops. I do, thereby, know a bit about INFO-OPS. Look at MOON, at this website, at the m-valuedlets website. Do they contain message mongering or narrative development or something more? Mere COIN-OPs phone messaging? Something more is the answer. And not mere thematic development, nother. Something between narrative development and exteriorized MUSCULPT (which does not yet exist). MOON -- by insight into three-fold operator-time -- is against Newtonian development, no less than was post-Cartesian Debussy. Tony Corn in Clausewitz in Wonderland (Policy Review, September 2006) says the professional is not only into logistics as opposed to strategy but also into meta-narrative rather than merely the message: psyops by leaflet, digital or otherwise, is out. META-narrative, not mere narrative, got that? And what is a meta-narrative, according to Tony Corn? It is a concerted long-term info-ops program targeted upon collective memories. Collective conscious memories of the target population, not contents of the collective unconscious. Cycloptic psycho-ops is disparaged as being too complicated to teach, like Clausewitz -- which is simply a revalidation of anti-psychological, anti-substantialist (e.g., anti-Thucydides) post-WWII historiography. Why thus substantiate the validation of Collingwood, Popper, et al.? Because the mission is: Defend the Dead Paradigm! (which can only be done by disparaging substantialism and the psychological: no part of the Lockean-Anglo-Saxon Westphalian institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm). And how does one target conscious collective memories? By rewriting history according to prescribed white and black propaganda lines and disseminating the involved narratives appropriately. As if we didn't already know this. Just ask the Foreign Office's Information Research Department (IRD), the BBC, Voice of America, and the CIA's Congress of Cultural Freedom (CCF) -- or look into the history of how International Christian University was established in Japan, or how opening American universities to foreign students creates agents of influence leading to incidents like, say, Tiananmen Square. EDU-OPS, indeed! The publishing efforts of the IRD and the CCF certainly were involved with rewriting collective memories. The meta in meta-propaganda is the deniable cover term for prescribed. If legitimacy of the nation-state has been called into question by history and a substantialist historiography, even if Henry Kissinger and Stanley Hoffman do not realize this fact -- didn't study no physics, let alone no Polish logic -- what is the solution? Redefine the term nation-state: the nation-state is not-the-nation-state, an inspired application of black negative-databasing cryptography and the involved 1T2-logical pun over the self-referential propositions generating order-types of µTm Lukasiewiczian logics necessary for implementation of the m-logically-valued monetary units required to rebuff monetary dimensions of global insurgency, which The Economist had no interest in during 1998 when repeatedly queried from Saigon (see, for instance: The non-denial of the non-self in The Economist, 2 September 2006, p. 68 -- and one can be sure that the page number was carefully considered: 68 is deniable). Again, a postmodernism pioneered in Viet Nam: the easiest way to reduce infiltration from NVN is to redefine the term infiltration; the easiest way to reduce enemy strength is to redefine the components constituting the term strength. Tony Corn also talks about what he and others call lawfare: the use of legal initiatives as a combat arm (after the fashion that the big NGOs, the IMF, the World Bank, and the like are econfare economic initiatives as a combat arm). He treats the Nazi-lawyer oxymoron Carl Schmitt as the Father of Lawfare (law is a continuation of politics by other means). Whereas, in MOON, Derek not only argues that economics is a continuation of warfare by other means, but also that 1T2-logical law is criminal because it proscribes self-organization by quantum µTm-logical relative-state. Actually, the law as capital movement has been America's answer to AQ&A's front organizations' appropriation of Carl Schmitt. What anarchocapitalist lawyers and judges don't realize, however, is that the political spectrum is not only a closed loop (i.e., Schmittened quasi-anarchosyndicalist AQ&A is directly connected to anarchocapitalist law as capital; one jurisprudential metaconception, however, being Sharia; the other, not) but a Möbius strip: the strange twist involved is the actual meaning of META in meta-narrative and intimately involved in distinguishing between order-types of the self-referential µTm Lukasiewiczian logics required to technically explicate the meaning of the animistic identity transparency not in denial of the non-denial of the non-self.
Belsonesque MUSCULPT in fractals because the realistic and hyper-realism narrative, realpolitik or no, particularly as it comes out of film, particularly Hollywood film, particularly special-effects Hollywood film, particularly military-service-funded special-effects Hollywood film -- nowadays boomboxed hypnotically-entrancing multimedia and computer games -- reinforces lacuna-on-the-brain transmitted as a social disease with etiology in the glutamaturgic neuronal etching inculcated by the prescriptive-proscriptive enculturation suppressing the endogenous ketamine titers which control over-action of glutamate. The psychological state of identification (with the protagonist, the heroine, the bad guy -- whatever stereotypic whatnot entrapped in a stereotypic storyline) is the electrochemical precondition to neuronal etching within the critical ontogenic phases for etching. Realism cultivates identification, be it novelistic or filmmatic: that's why yogic, particularly Tantric, disciplines carry the cognition further and further away from realistic imagery and deeper and deeper into MUSCULPT. Not a big surprise Oliver Stone and Dan Melnick couldn't understand MUSCULPT! Bling! Bling! Bling! Black propagandistic historical rewrites only make lacuna-on-the-brain more extensive. Just as bird song has a critical window for learning, and cannot be learned outside that window, so cognitive functions more elaborate than operational intelligence have a critical window for learning and, if glutamaturgic neuronal etching fuzzes over the opportunity in the window, those higher functions cannot be learned. Holographic MUSCULPT, particularly in a biofeedback-equipped Lilly tank, likely would facilitate the autogenic brain discharge phenomena required to treat lacuna-on-the-brain and counter with inner counter-work cultural obstacles in the critical window to learning cognitive functions more elaborate than operational intelligence. Current global problems are not so much rooted in conscious collective memories as in archetypal contents of the collective unconscious. Going well beyond the meta-narrative is required to deal with the present global crisis. Defend the Dead Paradigm! is a mission in the larger interests of no one -- particularly the biosphere: Embryos, Galaxies and OTHER Sentient Beings (to respectfully edit editor-publisher Richard Grossinger). You think martyrdom operations has nothing to do with the non-denial of the non-self? Only those in denial could so believe. That Old Ironsides cannonaded the Port of Danang in 1848 because the Vietnamese refused to trade, and the Stonewall Jackson played a role during the 1870s in origins of the Sino-Japanese war does not mean that the compensatory abreaction which was Pearl Harbor relative to the Black Ships of 1853 was due primarily to conscious collective memories. There were all sorts of archetypal kakureta kata dimensions involved. When critical-cusp events in the current global crisis come, such archetypal gradients-attractors will play large as factors predisposing Japanese and German moves relative to Sino-Russian challenges to the Anglo-American alliance. Perspectives on Japanese amae and German Einfuhlung long since pushed into the subliminal are part of the unconscious mental set. Think about it. The best Japanese analogy to the Islamic suicide bombers is not to be found in the WWII kamikaze (even comparing martyrdom video to poem of the divine wind), but in the not in denial of the non-denial of the non-self self-sacrificing ronin, ninja, short-haired ex-samurai of the 1870s peasant revolts: to cross again is not to cross; to cross cross-again is to cross: Laws of Form. Commitments in the two cases to the traditional were similarly motivated; the types of schools they created were similar: the situation of the cultural contexts were in many ways similar. (Maybe I thought of this comparison because in 1955 as a 10-year-old military brat member of the Far East Council of the Boy Scouts I hitched a ride on a submarine from Sasebo to Yokohama to attend an international jamboree and climb Mt. Fuji while carrying in my pack a small Hakata doll of a famous Satsuma Rebellion leader given to me as a talisman by someone in the rural Kyushu village in which I was then living, and fifteen years later when I studied Japanese gardening and ikebana my housemate spoke Kogoshima dialect.) What isn't similar is that the dead paradigm is now almost a century and a half deader than it was during the 1870s when Cantor was laying the diagonalized self-referential foundations in set theory for what became Lukasiewicz logics and the form of Gödel's proof: both of which demonstrate authenticity of traditional animistic identity transparency materialized as quantum relative-state. Whole lotta (unconscious) twistin' goin' on! As a parenthetical remark, I would note that all of this has a great deal to do with frogs, atrazine, and Tyrone Hayes' thoughts on rates of growth: all contemporary frogs are hermaphrodites is equivalent to all non-hermaphrodites are non-contemporary frogs. Right or wrong? Or is it non-frog contemporaries? Ask the Frogs! The notion of negative-databasing cryptography according to The Economist was based upon analogy to models of human immune system function (themselves based, I might add, on the likely-mistaken assumption that identity signification in immunity is non-quantum simple-identity and digital in character). Its name is the name of everything it ain't, i.e., quantum relative-state. Lenin's principle of black propaganda is a special case: call the thing by the name of its opposite. That negative identity is likely involved in immunological signification and that its nature is µTm-logical quantum relative-state wave-effects likely will be demonstrated via studies of the homeopathic ozone effect (theory of which incorporates the notion of negative quantal identity in the succussed frequency domain: negative well-ordering is potentization). Everything, absolutely everything, is related to everything else -- particularly as regards contents of the collective unconscious. As an aside, I would reveal that as ideas for the mathematical model of superconductant DNA -- involving the immune-signifying coherent waves the molecule generates during helix-coil transition: Twist and Shout! -- were coming together at Cornell, a street in downtown Ithaca was closed off to make Ithaca Mall: 1976, I think. The artist, Gary Wojcik, for whom I worked as an assistant at the time, was commissioned to create the design of a roadblock to be constructed at the Mall's entrance. He designed a stonework sculpture that wrote Ithaca in negative space. The town council rejected the design because no one could understand what it was about. Such is operational intelligence -- and autoimmune response (to the implied, i.e., subliminal, threat of non-ordinary logic). It's not what people think they think that's important; its what they think they don't think that matters.
I'm sorry, but ever since my involvement with the Cornell meteorology department during the mid-1970s, I've had grave difficulty entertaining the notion that climate change is somehow synonymous with greenhouse warming. Perhaps I've been suffering a delusion, but my understanding has been of a phase transition characterized by highly non-linear oscillations of a wide range of variables, most of which are not direct measurables but secondary or tertiary abstractions like potential temperature and equivalent potential temperature. And then, likely more important for far-from-equilibrium climate-shift phase transitions, there is the notion of hypertemperature, resonance over the spin components of three-fold operator-time read as temporal curl in cascade of complex angular momentum. But that was a very long time ago and maybe I just can't remember so good and that is the reason why I find it so hard to read, say, The Economist, on climate change and its solutions.
Hey, this is a pretty good article by Ahmed Rashid on Why the Militants are Beating Technology Five Years After Sept. 11 (Losing the War on Terror, Washington Post, 11 September 2006). Except I sincerely doubt that the Taliban have learned anything fundamental over the period. As regards fundamentals, they and AQ&A knew before 9/11/2001 what they now know and bring to the battlefield in southern Afghanistan. Anyone who spent time on the ground in Viet Nam, who watched up close napalm and WP slam into squatter settlements VC had taken refuge in just simply cannot take at face value reports that 500 and maybe as many as 1000 Taliban were killed by NATO air strikes upon the housing area they were holed up in. Any body found there, and maybe twice the bodies found there, will be counted as combatants. Were one to look back at the earliest postings in 2001 and 2002 to these Strategic Assessment reflections, it would be discovered that it was said that it appeared that the Taliban and AQ&A performed brilliantly at shifting from the government format, to the pre-government, to their ecclesiastic fronts, to their cellular formats in making the synoptic phase transition for which they needed facilitation of the U.S. invasion, and that it would take a minimum of three years -- probably more, for a transnational process is involved -- of logistics and other organizational work (judging solely by the Vietnamese case: 1965 U.S. troop buildup to Tet-'68) to begin bringing serious pressure to bear upon the occupiers. Meanwhile, just the minimal pressure would be maintained so as to insure that the occupying troops were not pulled out; the conflict facilitated by the invasion of Afghanistan having successfully become globalized, the holding of troops in Afghanistan therefore has strategic value to the global insurgent. The global insurgent does not want to triumph locally anywhere -- to prematurely win is to lose -- until the last stage of the global effort, for to do so is to take pressure off their opposition and to allow that opposition to concentrate its forces. The whole idea is to get the COIN-OPs going over as broad a spatial scale as possible -- MedCAPs and A-Teams in sixty countries, how delicious! -- requiring of the counterinsurgent exponential growth in resource commitments merely to maintain the status quo in protecting LOCs, public safety, public services, the educational system, infrastructure, and so on. To this very moment the U.S. continues to fall for every trick in the shill's repertory. There will be no effort to win anywhere before the final stage of activities -- if and when that stage arrives (global insurgency having jumped boundaries of radical Islam likely will merge -- in considerable measure as an Islamic Crescent free-fire zone -- into the nascent conflict between the Anglo-American Bloc and a Greater China Mahayana Buddhist Bloc aligned to a Germano-Russian Bloc). One may also note at this time (October 2006) that the FBI is finally catching up with MOON's Derek writing into his journals in 1972, thereabouts: there have been many press reports in the past few months of law enforcement concern over coalitions between terrorist organizations and criminal mafias, drug cartels, immigrating third-world gangs, human and weapons smugglers, and just simply the informal extralegal sector of Third World mega-urban-region economies; terrorist recruiting, training, and planning in prisons; terrorist infiltration of counterinsurgent military forces and intelligence services; and spontaneously generated domestic terrorists seeking links to international terrorism. You don't get what you see; you get what you don't see. All of this was directly implied from before serious beginnings (U.S. special service corps creation of the Afghan mujahideen guerrilla infrastructure to sting and entrap the Soviets: Get some back from the Bear! for Vietnamming us) of a globalizing radical Islamic terrorist underground apparat -- implied by a Carlos, even, and his cohort of sympathizers -- because it is necessary to the arc of self-organization any, just any, insurgency movement must follow if it is to be successful. Directly implied just as Autopsy on People's War was being written and sneered at by MOON's Derek just as the Afghan guerrilla infrastructure was being created. Even if the insurgents-terrorists don't know in the beginning that they want these processes -- and such a Cloud of Unknowing is not too likely in such circles anytime over the last several decades -- they will in due course discover how much they do so want. Logistics, it's all in logistics; just as: How could one possibly do without borders to subvert? No borders to subvert? Well, then, we'll just have to create some of our own, won't we. How else can we fractionate and fractalize? And without that, there is no self-organization possible!
The minimum response has to be: anything this sick is unlikely to be healthy. The very fact that Hawking has done a one-eighty on black hole computers is of enormous importance to the understanding of climate phase-shift dynamics. If, as now even Scientific American acknowledges there appears to be, there are acoustic black hole analogues in hydrothermodynamic processes, then the hydrothermodynamic processes of the Earth's atmosphere are directly implicated -- as cascade theory of tornado genesis was arguing throughout the 1970s through the fist fights and the so on -- and, therefore, acoustically-modified gravity-wave Hawking radiation from tornadoes (and other atmospheric events) must be considered by the models, not noise, but information. Ever since WWII, consensus atmospheric models, and particularly those used by the official weather services, have been systematically truncated (rescaled, renormalized, filtered) under the notion that acoustically-modified gravity-wave modes are noise (therefore to be excluded), not information. No waves in the Earth's atmosphere, I tell you, travel at the speed of sound! Ha-ha-ha! Until recently, Hawking followed the consensus meteorologists in designating Hawking radiation mere thermodynamic noise -- and he did so when meteorologists during the 1970s sent him evidence to the contrary! Models so truncated are sick models, not healthy models. Factoring Hawking radiation of computable information into atmospheric models as cascade theory -- a theory of the cascade of complex angular momentum -- did, not only means that the Earth's atmosphere is not a Newtonian domain but also that one just has to have the impression that a healthy model would see the condition of the prevailing atmosphere as being a lot sicker than would a sick model see: the sensitive dependence of a quantum-relativistic model is orders of magnitude more sensitive than is a Newtonian model. Just think of the difference between computing with billiard balls and computing with quantum knots. And when you realize that the involved knots are not 1T2-logical knots in simple Hilbert space, but µTm-logical knots in Tzog-chen's alaya Samantabhadra, i.e., multi-sheeted Sakharovian Hilbert space under extensions of aleph-null valued Lukasiewicz propositional logic Whoa!
The reason why I continually jump from one unconnected area to the next unconnected area -- like dreamtime archetypal signification (the multivocality of the µTm-valued sign!) in thematic orchestration of discharges from the collective unconscious to individual awareness by the Centrencephalic Safety-Discharge System thought to be located in Penfield's CIS, centrencephalic integrating system -- is not because I've been HTMLed, superlinked, SEOed, and Googled, but because that is the way I have studied it over the past 40-plus years (one more dissociated prisoner in a schizotropic dilemma playing game theory in double-binds with clippings and strings and connected Lego blocks pasted all over the walls: Merzhaus literally, just ask the neighbors!); and the reason why I studied it that way is because self-organization is self-organization is as self-organization does -- wherever, everwhen it does. The blinders over global insurgency are the blinders on GeneScriber DNA hackers are the blinders clouding climate shift dynamics: same ol', same ol'. You want a good idea of how we are doing in genetic medicine, study how we are doing in global counterinsurgency: when the one each to each of the nucleotide pairs quadripolar harmonic waves (canonical equation describes a harmonic oscillator) of non-local electrons of the superconductant gas core of DNA get artificially localized by high-harmonic laser-pulse-generation illumination when genetically-engineered DynaGene killer-T immune cells get into the blood banks and PopGene assembled bacterial proteins into the seed banks when synthetic BioBricks become NanoWarriers of the Tibetan Plateau And you, yes YOU! have been chosen GENOME FOR A DAY! Who the insurgent and who the counterinsurgent? That's what I'd like to know.
I have found very few positive signs, and those few are nascent: the forcing of Hawking's black-hole-computers turnaround; the developing theory of acoustic-black-hole analogues; the fact that M Theory is beginning to treat fundamental physical constants as fields (which may eventually lead to their treatment as m-valued under m-valued logics); Beavers' extensions of Lukasiewicz logics into transfinite sets of logical-value order-types; Karpenko's mappings of Lukasiewicz logics to functionals over the primes; Barbour's thoughts on The End of Time in physics (which may lead to the numbering of configuration space with numbered Gödel numbers operated upon by the Regge calculus); the advent of quantum computing (which, as the field develops, may force a reinterpretation of Schrödinger's wave-function altogether off of probability amplitudes and onto Lukasiewicz logics understood relative to non-simple identity rather than truth-value); gathering insight into the base state of Tzog-chen and its relationship to contemporary physics, number theory, and logic (e.g., facilitated by Guenther, Klein, Wangyal, et al.). These rather arcane developments represent a nascent shift of the worldview construct in the right direction. Otherwise, I see nothing but accelerating movement -- in virtually every area of human activity -- 180-degrees away from what is required to deal with etiology of the present global conundrum. Oops! I almost forgot. And-- we are going to win the wars, of course, because now we have a million rounds-per-minute SuperGun! (Nick Squires, China Tried to Poach Supergun Inventor, London Telegraph, 4 October 2006).
It doesn't take any effort for me to turn my nose away in response to current commentary on the climate-shift dynamic. How about this statement from The Economist? The system could right itself or spin out of human control (9 September 2006, The Heat is On, p. 9). The very notion -- here tacitly assumed and thoughtlessly expressed -- that the system of the Earth's atmosphere has ever been under human control is so ripe the nose just automatically recoils, for this notion reveals the rotten core of foundationless beliefs and empty self-attributions informing the world construct responsible for the climate shift which The Economist arrogates the authority to lecture us upon (as opposed to reporting). Of course, they and the other news magazines weekly lecture in the most disgustingly pompous fashion -- lecture particularly the non-First-World world -- on every conceivable subject without coming forth with evidence of originality, so anything else on climate issues could hardly be expected. In the early-'50s, John von Neumann wrote a long essay on what he regarded the very good prospects for weather modification (I read it in the early-'70s and don't currently have the reference) that waxed about the benison and necessities of human control in a fashion the quoted statement from The Economist is an echo of. Even if the present climate shift is exclusively anthropogenic in origin, the atmosphere is not conceivably under human control. Though it is certainly affected by human actions The attitude, and it was little more than an attitude, which John von Neumann expressed concerning weather modification and human control (consonant with the psychology of 1950's behavior mod), not only reflected his psychological profile, but resonated in every way with his contributions to the dysinterpretation of quantum mechanics, the involved maintenance of a classical limit, and the dyssimulation of quantum and lattice logics so as to effectively bar application of Lukasiewicz logics -- dysing which is most easily seen in study of Hugh Everett's paper on quantum relative-state ('Relative State' Formulation of Quantum Mechanics, Reviews of Modern Physics, 29:3, pp. 554-62, 1957) and the way in which this concept developed by Everett was subverted by the von Neumann interpretation. The most straightforward, unencumbered, non-metaphysical take on Everett's relative-state is identity-transparency by Extensions of Aleph-null-valued Lukasiewicz Propositional Logic (G. Beavers, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 34, No. 2, pp. 251-62, 1993) into open awareness of Unbounded Wholeness (Anne Carolyn Klein and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Oxford U. Press, 2006). But, given what von Neumann surely knew of Schrödinger's metaphysical interests and the implications of the atemporal Schrödinger wave equation, it was precisely to shut down lines of development like that suggested by Everett, Beavers, Klein-Wangyal that the signal paper on quantum logic was written by Birkhoff and von Neumann (The Logic of Quantum Mechanics, Annals of Mathematics, 37, 1936): under unbounded wholeness of extended aleph-null-valued relative-state, there is no control possible, let alone human control. In providing accounts of his designing of the original rotor for the Bell helicopter, Arthur Young named time rate of change of acceleration (which does have something to do with hurricanes and tornadoes!) control. This terminology reflected the fact that Young was an engineer, thus temperamentally in tune with von Neumann, and did not quite arrive at the notion of temporal curl (or its expression as Everett's relative-state and F. A. von Hayek's time-shapes of total capital stock). This contextualizes The Economist making the judgment (The Heat is On, p. 9) that Ideally, politicians would choose the more efficient carbon tax, and failing that, a cap-and-trade system, such as Europe's Emissions-Trading Scheme: no thought of applying to the carbon problem von Hayek's notion via implementation of m-logically-valued monetary units (which, as progressively fleshed out, would more and more generate a self-organizing economic dynamic with increasing degrees of self-organizational competency in the form of the self-organizing atmospheric dynamic). As Swedenborg once said, Insofar as one is in the form of Heaven, one is in Heaven.
I've never had much success at viewing Henry Kissinger as a balance-of-power realist. If not the cowboy he fantasized himself to be in the Oriana Fallaci interview, he has always been a self-aggrandizing opportunist -- and no objectivist, but a methodist. A brilliant methodist, one must countenance. Awareness of this view of Kissinger began to grow in discussions at MACV-HQ during 1968: one of my immediate superiors at Strategic Research and Analysis, SRA/MACV-J2, was a lawyer trained at Harvard Law School (corporate structure and bankruptcy law: great preparation for comparative studies of the underground VC terrorist infrastructure and COMUSMACV's strategic thought) who had taken Kissinger's National Security course. Listening to discussions of the course (with another POLOBer [Political Order of Battle analyst] recipient of a Masters in PPE from the London School of Economics) and thinking about Kissinger's Ph.D. dissertation on Metternich (the exemplar of applications to the Concert of Europe of the Dummkopf Principle: unanimity required for action) I began to have real doubts about the realpolitik and balance-of-power attributions to the professor -- though I had no doubts he was committed to Cartesian-Newtonianisms, if judging only by the cognitive style brought to the writing of The Necessity for Choice, which I had read at AU-SIS. Required reading, naturally. There was never any possibility to get beyond mere suppositions, however, until Kissinger's classified memos began to be published in places like FRUS, Foreign Policy of the United States. But given Kissinger's surpassing talents at methods, one must have detailed knowledge of the area the given memo addresses in order to see how diminished the objectivist-realist component of Kissinger's methods were. Methods, you know, can be pulled over the head like a stocking cap and applied over and over to every situation, changing details here and there -- sort of like writing dissertation excerpts over and over in different words as paper after paper throughout a career. Charlie Chaplin on the assembly line working away at the academic mode of production. Reading memo excerpts from the period immediately prior to the Cambodian incursion is enough to convince anyone with knowledge of details like those acquired at SRA/MACV-J2 that Kissinger was no objectivist-realist: point-counterpoint of the memo analyses were more mere memes than actual contingencies projections relative to the consequences of the counterinsurgent, of his own volition, expanding the geographical extent of an insurgency war (the territory the counterinsurgent takes under his wing by initiating actions thereupon). Ostensibly, the incursion was to shut down COSVN (Central Office for South Viet Nam, the communist headquarters for the South) but this was a ludicrous objective, as the Kissinger-Nixon (and the earlier undocumented) Cambodia bombing campaign had already lavishly illustrated. It sure would be interesting to read Kissinger's memos on how B-52 carpet bombing was just the ticket to destroy COSVN. As early as 1967, target analysts working at CICV-Targets (Combined Intelligence Center, Viet Nam), which is not to mention on-the-spot people like Bo Gritz and his SOG Team (a close-friend KIA member of which MOON is dedicated to) and his Bodes, knew COSVN was inherently unbombable -- unbombable because it was so atomized, so dead-dropped, so foot-runner internetworked, and so frenetically in continuous Brownian Motion it exhibited all the essential properties of quantum non-locality. Even millions and millions of CBUs could, at best, only have moved it farther and farther toward Thailand (which turned out to be COSVN's response to the incursion: retreat over the pre-existent lattice-logic network of LBNs, Letter Box Numbers stacked upon dead-drops [mdo in Tibetan Buddhist lingo of The Book of the Dead: point of intersection, junction, crossing with spiritual, conceptual, and geographic meanings simultaneously explicit over Buddhological space). Kissinger's OR (Objective Reduction, to use Roger Penrose's term) having no basis in the Regge lattice-calculus, let alone the Lukasiewicz logics of animistic identity-transparency, never realistically penetrated the Newtonianisms sufficiently to produce the requisite quantum measurement of the COSVN experimental setup, and thus recoiled from the observer-state/object-system interaction into the Cartesian discourses on method his memos contain. Cambodian holocaust was the result. Cut-headed dope-in-a-Duma from Calcutta's Dum-Dum Arsenal -- which, if my old SF-buddy weapons specialists are not mistaken, was a Newtonian institution when the notion of surgically cutting the slug appeared as a creative breakthrough idea in some ginned-up English brain-contained-by-the-brain. No wonder memos of the Big Boys are so highly classified! I can't remember if Harper's Magazine published Kissinger's article on The Necessity for Invasion of Saudi Arabia -- an exemplary piece of balance-of-power realpolitik -- before Sam Adams' article on the enemy-strength estimates controversy or not. Must have been Kissinger got first priority. Glad to hear that thirty years later he is advising the President on what to do about Iran.
Though certainly most people would still be aghast at the thought, and highly pejorative in response, it is not at all improbable that prevailing conditions in contemporary Iraq (October 2006) pictorially prefigure planetary conditions, conditions next door to every door, as incendiary collapse of the institutionalization of the Cartesian-Newtonian paradigm goes into cusp-event stage -- which, of course, has yet to happen, lip of the cusp still to be reached. And synoptic conditions accompanying that stage could actually be considerably worst than those of contemporary Iraq, given the near-universal compulsive acceptance of Protect the dead paradigm! policies and their regressed versions as the various sorts of fundamentalist clinging behaviors. Holocaust of the Whole Earth, as MOON's Derek said. How did he reach such conclusions forty years ago? Certainly not by biblical prophesy or parthenogenesis or the reading of some secular promptbook. Can't take away the breastwork security blanket, the Umwelt parapet: pawky Peanuts understands that much! There will be a tantrum; can't entertain doubts about that. Prefigurative exemplary psychodynamics of American unconscious collective behaviors on all sides of the piggery during and in after-the-fact response to the Viet Nam war so thoroughly thematically-analogically modeled hysteria in face of quantum-relativistic weirdness, insight into these behaviors was a royal road into, not only identification of critical issues of dissimulation of the increasingly suppressed struggling-to-emerge new worldview construct, but also prognostication of the general character of future memetime events. The paltry picture presented revealed an Ariadne's Thread (Ariadne = unconscious Anima) to follow in choosing EAS, essential areas for study, and EEI, essential elements of information, for qualitative traffic analysis in bulk. Such studies and analyses could not be undertaken in any formal academic program, though various sorts of informal voluntary arrangements permitted a very, very rough simulation of such studies and analyses. Gotta take what little you can get! And jus' keep on movin'. Googling emerged out of the MACV IDHS (intelligence data handling system); P2P internet telepresence analogically models the cellular palsy-walsy animistic identity-transparency that was spread over the VCI (Viet Cong Infrastructure's terrorist network); GWOT is a global-scale recreation of the Phoenix Program to eliminate non-localizability of the animistic insurgent in pangenesis over Injun Cuntry. Pangenesis is a scientific heresy! The non-simple identity explicit in quantum mechanics is, perhaps, its feature most threatening to the Umwelt security blanket. Anything that cannot be found, fixed, and finished by COIN-OPs (an adult version of: find'em, feel'em, fuck'em, forget'em), anything found to be inherently unbombable, subliminally evokes the paludal fear of non-simple quantal identity (which the damned physicists keep findin' new ways to verify!) -- and by processes of projective identification elicits an irresistible collective compulsion to eliminate it. Human engagement with the processes of biogenesis and immune system function and structure, therefore, are good places to look for evidence of the psychological processes of projective identification. Protect the dead paradigm's notion of identity and its arising over linear-time! -- if need be with RFID tags. Be that arising by evolutionary natural selection or by intelligent design -- or, better yet, by both. Evolution by natural selection of The Scientist who becomes The Intelligent Designer of open wetware modules for a synthetic biology fully capable of totally eliminating the non-simple identity peeking its ugly head over the event-horizon of quantum biochemistry and quantum computing. It is not incidental to GWOT that The Gates Foundation funds synthesis of artificial metabolic pathways while MicroSoft Corporation funds research into how to use µTm-logical quantum mechanics to create faster 1T2-logical quantum computers. As open wetware becomes patented wetware, as Venter viruses become biohacker plug-ins, as DNA hacking becomes itself hacked by unpatented hackers of patented hackers -- we can all rest assured that quantal non-simple immunological identity will not be verified in processes associated with superconductant p-electron gas core of DNA as biosynthesis becomes one primary approach to solution of the climate change crisis. And I am certainly not saying that I think the climate-shift dynamic is worse than the environmentalists claim. I am saying that I do not think all the fundamentals of atmospheric physics have been mastered, anymore than I think the fundamentals of genetics have been mastered. I do not know what the climate-shift status is -- for, in my belief, the atmosphere is not a Newtonian domain, and no climate modeling has been conducted under the proposition that the atmosphere is not a Newtonian domain. I am equally not convinced that, as of now, there have been no serious problems created by biotechnology. A lot of serious biological problems have come upon the planet in the years since Asilomar (when I was daily going into Bradfield overlooking the Ag Quad at Cornell) and the certainty that these are unrelated to biotechnology is based upon the unfounded assumptions made by biotechnologists that quantum biochemistry -- with its fields, its non-localities, its non-simple identities, its inherent uncontainability: all being as unpatentable as therapeutic ozone -- has no significant biological effects and plays no role in genetic processes. So I personally view mega-foundation funding strategies relative to the corpus of serious problems as thematic-analogic reflections of the compulsive collective behaviors informing Protect the dead paradigm! GWOT and all the other mass clinging in projective identification today.
Anybody who believes that the human species is capable of actually making this transit with seven billion people on the planet has been goosed by the gander. Look around you and assess what the average human brain-contained-by-the-brain devotes the bulk of its conscious bandwidth to -- whatever baud-rate it happens to be running on at a given moment. That's why, a long time ago, the collective unconscious got into the act and decided otherwise -- by the early-1870s, probably. It was during that period when setup for the world wars seriously began in both Europe and Asia: Franco-Prussian war and the Japanese response to Western incursions. We, today, are merely running out the same storyline with all the same themes governing the character interactions and the event matrix. Same ol', same ol'. Nothing, absolutely nothing, in the realm of essential thematics has found resolution over nearly a century and a half of deep-seated conflict. The basic issues of the paradigm shift were well articulated by the 1870s, and the mass back-reactions had already set in: e.g., middle-class hysteria in Europe and Eastern Seaboard America over Impressionism in painting and art music (with its pointillistic attacks on well-definition and linear-time development in sympathy and synchronicity with Cantorian mathematics of point sets) and the Japanese peasant-Samurai rebellions against forced Cartesian-Newtonian-Westphalian Westernization which prefigured recoil into the state-Shinto regression (Shinto Westernized) of stateless Shinto animism dominating the post-Taisho era -- until snuffed out in national seppuku. And painterly Japanese taste has even now just barely made it past Post-Impressionism! Here at the beginning of the 21st century, show me a human being who has actually cognitively fully made entry upon the 20th century. If you want a good measure of the pedantry (not the pederasty) of postwar historiography (what happened is why what happened happened) just read Donald Keene's Emperor of Japan: Meiji and His World, 1852-1912 (Columbia U. Press, 2002) which provides from the official court chronicle a 700-page moment by moment, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year recounting of what happened as why what happened happened. Because of the psychically discombobulating paradigm shift, historiography just had to become anti-psychological, character and event fixated, concrete, anti-substantialist, and counter-theoretical. Otherwise So, given a Keene sense of history, it is not surprising one can find absolutely no attempt to psych-out the operative autopoietic operators governing the paradigmatic phase shift, or to theoretically model them so as to discover critical levers on the prevailing global circumstance: all the most sophisticated initiatives are insubstantial, character-and-event-fixated shotgun prophylaxis with broad-spectrum socio-politico-economic antibiotics, MedCAPs planetarized by the best and the brightest, the richest of the richest. And just as the politically-motivated MedCAPs indiscriminate dispersal of medical antibiotics contributed to the resistance of bacteria, so the media-directed socio-politico-economic version has called into being its own form of resistance. Projective identification in collective unconscious behaviors is a very elaborate and effective device! Basically, all the giving and the volunteering simply shores up the dead paradigm and its institutions by doing on a token scale what the failed institutions -- by their own self-justification -- should themselves be doing: public health, education, clean water, poverty alleviation, and so on (see Time Magazine on the wealth effect: Bryan Walsh, Learning the Art of Giving, 11 September 2006). The giving and the volunteering, thus, are nothing but spoiling operations which displace collective attention away from efforts to determine what is actually required to make the phase shift. Those caught in the trials and tribulations of the wealth effect could be creating efforts to do what the failed institutions could not by definition possibly do. Could, but
To me -- an autopoiarchist and stanch believer in the experimentally-supported quantum principles of spontaneous social order by unmolested m-logically-valued, Lukasiewiczian, empathic-animistic, non-simple identity-transparent, Bose-Einstein-condensation entanglement -- the very idea of moral authority is not only anathema, but an oxymoron of molestation. Look at Oliver Stone's career, for instance. Where is there evidence of an actual intellectual commitment, even a consistency, to be found? Anyone requiring moral authority, superegoic or otherwise, simply has had no significant experience of generative Einfuhlung. Morality is a matter of direct and immediate percepts, of cleansed doors of perception -- not exercise of authority, by whatever means, to include literature. The whole debate over, say, Günter Grass' SS involvement is a huge hoot: at issue is the effort to save moral war as a policy option of nation-state representatives of the dead paradigm, that paradigm which suppressed Einfuhlung. How many were killed in -- one case of myriad -- the T'ai P'ing Rebellion? Why, twenty million or so, wasn't it? And whose imposed humiliations led to this disturbance? Why, why, Whatshisname! And what ideology informed the T'ai P'ing rebels? Uh, uh, primitive Christianity. And who brought Christianity to China? And who is it today most intensely insisting on the authority and prerogatives of the nation-state? We hear lots of angst about six million Europeans, but few expressions of existential guilt about twenty million Yellow Peril. So, just Do it! Do it! Go right on ahead and talk to me about moral authority. But you'd better do it fast, for you haven't got much time left. The collective hysterias are on the march. And just like in Russia of 1919, anyone associated with the old order, with old money, new money, any profession but the oldest and, these days, given how intensely the young have been targeted for suppression by the old, everywhere on the planet, if you are over 35 THAT, that's collective hysteria unchained (which, when it comes, may be put into overdrive by the INSTINCT for species survival in face of transit way beyond carrying capacity, old-paradigm-induced climate shift, and science-created radiation hazards and tactical nukes and pandemic this and bio-that ). This is not incitement; this is descriptive phenomenology directed against the actual factors of incitement to collective hysteria. Speaking of which, thanks for the copy of the Ian Buruma article on the Grass controversy (War and Remembrance, The New Yorker, 18 September 2006). Not half bad, but the half that is bad, is bad -- an incitement relative to the actual factors catalyzing collective hysteria. Collective and cooperative quantum behaviors built into brain function, unmolested, are responsible for spontaneous social order; suppression and/or molestation of conscious access to those physiological functions leads to collective hysteria and mass violence. It is one thing to argue that individuality exists in fact -- an eminently questionable fact -- while it is quite another to argue that, once collective hysteria sets in, individuality exists at all. Those intensely opposed to BushWhacking are just as responsible for BushWhacking as the BushWackers: it takes two to transference, and 1T2 logic to suppress µTm Lukasiewiczian Einfuhlung. The very idea that a discrete individuality, personified under the name Hitler, existed in fact after, say, 1930, is a continuing suppression of the Bose-Einstein-condensation entanglement, which -- when it was suppressed during the Weimar period by the probability amplitude dissimulation of the time-independent Schrödinger wave-function governing quantum properties of nuclear-intraneuronal and mitochondrial intraperineural DNA -- was responsible for the collective hysteria named Nazification. Those who intensely opposed -- their opposition being one form of suppression -- were just as essential to the collective transference occasion as were those in support -- their support being one form of suppression. The Plasmahaut of the vortex has an inside and an outside -- that is in the by-definition nature of 1T2-logical suppressions -- and the Plasmahaut cannot form without activation of both sides of the cognitive boundary. Perpetuating the myth of persistence of individuality under the conditions of collective hysteria is a continuation of the responsible suppression; once the collective phase shift has transpired, those in opposition are no more discrete individualities in face of unconscious entanglement than are those in support. The only way to not be a party to the process is to step out the door -- in the R. D. Liangian sense. And how many have sufficiently cleansed their doors of perception to be able to actually step out that door?
One can only observe that if you define all violations of the cognitive prerequisites to a tragedy of the commons as symptoms of psychosis, then you have every right to receive in return a tragedy of the commons.
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